w- n "liV '". If,! ki, , , (.---- "V I I'M -,,AV f., I'll. nl I" m 4 '" '' i tMWtun . . . V9 T V. . . IJ, IV PAL . . . . T,J A M . . . . 1,13 I' M. . . . . I' M. .il f"1" maim i r i u ? . ', ru l.lae I" - . ,- r.. !.,.. nul atoll II lltofll . I ..r.Turi" shall make no law res.- Anttci .liblli-limMil oi reunion or it""""! f i r,. i-r.l"" thercofi Oil AIIKIIXi. ' .5 in riii:i:tM oi' i"i:i.i n. on It 1 "' 1 ... . . . .. ......... ..lilC U" i Vaulv to assemble and lo pelitlon tin Uov. IVfniiur rmlr.il f griovauooi.-1'o..iii.. .,,, 9Scti.h T.-Tbut Hit iriaUr. ..... .hull te fr to .Tory t-.rion kIiO umlct-1 ,,0 ixn.m..c l,e rrorc-dirp f Iha lrKll.-; W.'jr;;"- w -oriny brHUi U uf Kov(n,u.nl ; nJ no In" 'nK ' P M. ."all evr b8 lim.U f. re.lruin th.. riKli! tluTiuf. Th3 in'U 1-Uiiniiuiiii.inivu "I iuwH" 4 f .. liivu'iuiliU riirtiiM nl num : ml uvurv ........ ...I Ar I ...ii.. . (.inn mil . -- ,iiirD limy ficuly vpuuk , writo ami print un iny lubji'd! blng niiioniiiblt) fur tlio bii of tluit ',),rtv. In lirontiMition fur tliu iiiilliculi:iu of fiftn inrmtigutiux tha ofTiclul conduct uf ufti- ctrli or men m iuimv t ii;ii jt m a,'tr publUh.d proii!r fur jiublio Informu n, tlm truth thereof may bo (riven lu tvidonee : Mi in all iR.liutmciiH for libl, thn Jury nlmll urn a right to dotormine in. iuw inn r,Jtr th dirofiiun of the ooiu t, at ir otborcasei. .(JnifiMiioii o J'tnvvhnnia. rpH) NEV1' I milu by ec. 2b. XI. ONE llOKSi: FI.KIUHS for HEi:i, WEAVER 4 Co. WANTKD. The J'rinters Wftnt WuOD .nJCUAl., to keep them from lrfniiiK, WHEAT. CORN. KYK, KUCKWI1KAT, OATS, and MKAT, os nn nntidote Tor .tarvution. mid a litlltj CHANGE mixed, i . - i -i 1 1 i...- with tlimn, to onaoie u io uuy huiuci i our claldiei -STOiin. Patton will pleo aeoupt our tbanai fSttnfj of th Report of th MllitarT Cominii ,ioa to Europo by M.ijor Mordlea. AwrCL ?l.lxiHTKH. Tba grunU anl I'luualt vbnt daily aaluu our la", indicate a terrible lutebcry among the p-rcine tribe. Wo learn from a f.icnd that the amount of porlt killod in our "little borough" the proseat aoanon atuountu to batween eighteen and twenty ton. J'air chance f;r ' bucknhnat caVca and hc grary." Tub I'nutRCRofND !tAtLnoiD. The loeomo ni upon tbij road, which run tnrough a portion f our county are .omewbat remarkable In their capacity. They can haul a half d nn -niggcri, nl'cri, i llaok ai the 'ace of spadoi,' and 'greasy at round of Dork." without any difficulty when the ; r . . . I iiiniriui ub ii i""i."'a , . ....... . , . .! 1- . -. u.,on, frnin llittir niKtlri1. Ullt I hire not motive power auflicient to haul one jovi al, good natured Locofoco v.ben be wiwhci to vieit CliarSoM. Our Abolition fri.ndi ihould be rea- d. t all times, to aeoomm odnte all claiaea of liaiiengen. 1'hie "licket Bfc'ent" ihould proviae l)itur Hock, or the ouiptmy may dit.iiargo kiai. TO TIIUI'LHUC. "When a man thlnknth be itandoth, let him ttklheed lent ho full," il a sontiinent uamrinoi furcihlj lllualrated than in our own caie. L ist explained to our rvaderi tho groundi uiion which Thk Caccamax wai admitted tc the maili and ejpreised our confident beliif that nt fiirihe'r trouble need be anticipated. Thii week, howoier, our buiineai Uae beoa aaiu suddenly and unexpectedly arretted by an order from the Poll Office Department prohibiting Tua Cao'Cah UX from circulating in the inaili. With our pa- l,i'r in ttpe, aria lue UC mining, tv uviumiu., ed tl.il tiaio to proceed to Washington nnd gait. ' It personal investigation the rom-ina. if pofniblc, for so itrango a procet-ding. We have tho p;r.-iti-lication to tnte that there ia no ohar.-e that wo bare riolntcd tho terms of our letter to tho P iat master in Now York, ur that wo bare uot aclcd in entire pood faith in tho matter. And more, there i do chargo that we have oppoij.l the war that wo bavo advocated ..'Cion tr laid oun.'lvei Tv tie to nnj chnrge of disloyalty, tinleia it be Uis loval to oppoke negro freedom. Our only, our lo'le cnufe of offending, o far ni we can learn U, that we have advocated 'i0 tubordinatioH of tht f.ro fe (e lllc n"r'nR' order of A in erican lociely, nnd contended that the relation of tlio racei. a it has come down tu in from the fuunden of our government, ii rvjht. Ihiibiing limply a question of political opinion, we had no lurpicion that in advocacy could fall under the fcaeirf the Adiuiniitralion, It if aimply the idea ox bans nf tfudoetiine that thiiii a"white uian'i ffovemment," a proclaimed by Seuitor DougKi. kief Juitice Taney, and many of the most prom inent northern Democrats. Ike itrik ng down Tn Dai camas, therefore, Lai a deeper mgnifi corce than any previous act of interference with the press. It i Niuiply a rcfuial to allow ui to de feud tho d.oision of tho Supremo Court of the laud. This. too. after we oad relied upon tbe per miiiion of the Department that The Caueanan ihould be lent through the mail, aud expon L'd a large rum of money, which ii now all loot, in tho attempt to get it started. Fnally, rather than have our buiineai broken tip, our "establishment idle, our hands thrown out of employment juHat the beginning of winter, we propofcdto publish a paper meroly containing tho newa nf thedny, and exlraoti from other Jour nal! 'that vrre allowed to circulate in tho mail and without ny opinions of our own on tt. Our subscriber, wo thought, might accept thieasa temporary expedient, but astounding tu relate wn thin irna ri'uC(( It would be ut-olei-s fur us lo try to find language to rxpren to our readers me outer, omuiug ui- ppoinlment wo ft-el over this lart unparnileled i. Th lriMof iiinnev, which we could ill alfurd, il bad enough, but the lense of injustice, of wrong, of cruelly, which must bo folt U bo aprrociated, Is almoil unendurnble. Cnrread.'ia may inquire, however, ''What will -nn A.i urn ? 1).! vou intend td irive UB ?" Wo -Vi-l t Tl.. ..Miiniiil. flml K. urn CiltlfUnd in'wfli, w i i J 1 r n''i " - I.,,, fnr in ihn vital clement of our very national exiitrnce. It ii the doctrine of multitudei of Democtati in the North, and with unbouudod confidence in the grand truth that thii ia u yo- erameiit "f ichiti men, and none otlicrs. we suau never forsake it, as long as here are people enough left who will support it. The Caucasian will bo continued for the present, at all events, and can tie oiAered thmuxli newi agents. There is no ob jection to our continuance of tbe paper, but only that our culisenliem shad not have the privilege of receiving Ihcir pnperi by mail. We feel sanguine tht this subject rill not be allowed to rest here. The matter, wo hovo reason to believe, will aeon be brought Ufore Congress, 1 and we trust that ne i exclusion ol llie taucniau otl)(.r ir til)) tounly.and of lup.'rior em from tbe maila wi.l bo only temporary. At all i broijpr3.. ,,Da the? nioet rlr-ira'blc an I useful article events, we ask our subscribers to have patience, thh coM b( pn..ont.d ta the tender sex. "aiib? lurround ut. VAN KSIIE, nORTOXrf- CO., Editon and Proprietors' of Tbi Caccasiah. J. II. Van Evrik, R. (1. IIortom, J. R. Cnasa, 'ow York, December 7ib, 1S61. XkaTTho lojiM iture or Kentucky uimn- t iinously iiMfse'fl a resolution punta-ining the ' IviiHsseii a resolf.lliinpusitttinina the t.o cv of t ia Tipsiuleiit. ana "vcnucsanaine ' . . . ... .- . ix. i .. I- ,z c i. V,. " lh-nxdcAlto drne with Secreting Cameron. . ; . BkOnr CVner desire us to aay that, bewill address his patrons at an em-ly' Jtouron New Year' niorninji. tin. ..!(. n i ' Ii H, I -fc is I i'-I Pi II .(lit .... 1 (,. lis 1 1, (I'l" t -I'm I' M4 ati"t " s ei I t A IV 1 1 1 h in t I lit Mill I.ti. I miii I, .1 a I W I .1 I' I il. 1 1. t. In A - (!') T A I pi. I, (i;fi) i In. I'.iler lit Cm III lllrk.be it i in . I.i.o l t,,.o I, no l-'i r,.'.u i.oo, r., : . in ii Kin un. J 1.2.1 1 40 I 1 .Si I Illlllnr l ft. Kennls V M. rn I- '. I lex seed ! Hid. per lb II... . 1.1 M. Huns fl I" Hy V I ; Uti n. 'Ontl I'll. . ork lcr l,e'. ' "'7 r"u V un . u. x """l l"'r Di. L ATJiST OPENIiNi; At S.M 1TJ VS ! MKN'.S MA I.M) SMAVVI.S! CUILDKliNS' KI.KUANT CHKN1LLK tus! .sui'KKii akik;li.: J.A- 1)1 KS I! EI) C Ut INS f, INKS 1 1 A V I ..S! SUn:iH AKTICIK LA 1)1 Y.S' l.OSC, i;:anki:t shawls! surKitu A II T I CLK LA D1KS I'.KOCHK SHAWLS! SUPEKIUK liLAClv GOODS ! ciiilds' icrnuon zei iiyr hookh ! 'l'llib day wo will open alnn a now lul nl' Ladie' 4' bikI S' UALMOKAL LOOTS. with a Inrire lot of N IJ 15 1 AS, at ourtiDiinlly L(jy 1' iilCK ili.-C.0. II. W. .s. t Uo AN Arri'.AI, frQm tho vnluntions of l'n leatBd Land will bebulduttho Ciniiiiiia moucri' (J llice on Tl.umjny, the 2nd duy of Jan., ISO 2, at which lime all peruana inlcrusli'd imiat flttoud, in i.ii nppi'Hl can be lukcn after Unit date, liy nrdor of tho Vnard of C'nuiiiiiraiuiiera. Cleailiold, Dec 2i.-t W. 8. Uri T.r, C'l'k. 1)U0r0!j ALS. Tim Cmmiy Cununii'siiineia will ri'coivo propiifuli for furnishing Cal atd wood fir I he ensuing your, for ill a Jail and Court 11. one, until the first day of January, 1.SU2. I'rporali toitirte the price per huahcl for COAL, and por cord for WOOD. lij order of the Loard, W. S. ERADLKY Clearfield, December 2ilh, It . Clerk " in wt m i.' op I'l.'vr .,., LIt . . . ' t,f ,,.. ,:.- .,.,,it,. .i ni ih,. IHUUwu oi lue ii iu I unvriuu jiiam , im niniii ir i. . . i v.. ii..- i- a cxcelUut new retidencc, with barn and other miff. nil. Pa", tmintluir with lutllll ton niTrl of It ' . " . .. on ttie river tiolintu, unu;r gooa purl anu ran fence also enmit I'l acrei cteardd of upland. 1 be location is favorable and terms cusy if not old by March loth, 'C2, it may bo leased. Ciouitleld, Do)'. 2j.'Cl-3t, WM. L. MOORK. STH V. Cumo to tbe premises of the iub scriber in l'ike tp., on or abont the 21th day ot Nov ISM, a iorr.il .Mare, with a small while star on the forehead, supposed to bo ubout II years old and about sixteen hands high. Ttif ow i.er is rc'iuctt'.'d to cune foiwurd, prove prouer tj, pay chiirgeaan i take her away, or she will be dirposod of aceurdini; to law. l'ike lp. Deo., 2i.Jt.pd. J. 15. C. ARRISOJf . I) M I N fsTRATOIt'S X( )TI V li.-LcTteTs of Adiiiiuitralion hivi'ig been grutited this Jay to tbe undoi? igned un the estate of '.A. Me-ClAl-y'Ki:Y, lale of Clearfield Co, deceased, all ptriotis indebted to said ostate are refiueitud to niube immediate pa; incnl, and those having claims agoiimt tLe laaie will present t'tcui duly authenticated for settlement ISAA'J C. McCLOSKEV, KaitbaiiJ .p, Ceo. 2i, OL Adui'r. "V"0TlClfT0 LUMBERMEN'. A lot of tr,uuri timber, with d.lleront marks, too numerous In mention, wastaltentip by tho subscriber at SALT LICK lND.!S'l. during tbe last Hood. Tho owners ef nuii timber rro reqitesled to come forwarl and remove tin samo within lifteuu days from this ni'tiee, othern'so it will bo disposed of according to law. ISAAC C. McCLOSKEY Bait Lick, December inn, lMit, rICEXSE X0T1CU- Tho following mamed A herioni have Bled in the 0 Tico of the Clerk of tho Quarter Sesioni of CI -arlield county, their potilioua for liaunsi attbeJANbAUl sesions next, agrsea'jly to tho Act of Assembly of March 2th, leili, entitled "an Act to regulate tb) olo of Intoxicating Liiiitors" 4c. TAVERN LICENSES. Jamei Rloom, Illooii tp. I'eter Bloom, Jordan tp. T. F. Boalich, Decatur tp. Geo. N.Colhuin, C'learflold bor. Wesley Nevling, (iulich tp. Geo. Knarr. jr. Brady tp. Isaac Ricketti Becciriatp. JIERCAXIILE LICENSE P. T. Hagarty, Joi. C. Bonner, Murrell i Bigler, Clcarfiuld, Dec. 25, ISCl.to Covington tp. Morris w. Clearfield bor. J. L. CUTTLE, Clerk of Q. T to iciini:Hs PRO I 1.1.5 A Lit n ILL Lt; received by the School Directors ol I sun lownsbip, until haturday the 4th day of January 1862, fur building a 8CII0OL HOUSE at or near liniley s ir.ss itoans nmracinrs i. una Ml materials. Plan and specifications may be seen at W. ?. Porter's, up to that time. Doe.ll lSCl-tf. W. S. PORTER, Feo- BALMORAL BOOTS ! ..... . ,riii.. . ri..,r. tfui-iiiii'riii4,i.(iMiicii.'. hi,..v. ..... m.. misses neat y soieu ttuiauiK iiu'nn mo 'eij t ..i.i ii : n-. ti.. . very latest of tho lato fashions. Desnre vnu ask for Balmoral Boots. II Dee. 4, 1S61. W. SMITH 4 CO. j ll the subscriber in Knrthaui tp. .about th 11 th December, a Dark IRON GRAY MARE-blind. abofit 16 bands high and supposed lo be about S years old. The owner is desired to come forward, prove property, if c, otherwise she will bo dispon ed of acoording tn law. II'M. II. MICHAELS. I Knrthaui tp., Deo. IS, '61. HOllDAY PRESENTS! An t.r-rm.n wlaTllnrr tn irvn A. holiilllT rtTL-JtOIlt should go to Smith k Cos. and ,.rebaso a set of leir faneT fey!, and cutis, wntcti ar lower CT. TO $1.25 PIE SEr. Don t fntl to call and tee them. We will also open a superior lot of Brocho Rbawls. this week, whloh will be lold at the low- fit Cash ptices. Deo. l, 1861. EXCClfTOn'S NOITCUN'otice l hero, bj given that Letters Tstmenlarv. on th. estate ofSAMLKL W. fc.MtTH, lato of Oulich "wn.niP, aeeeasea, nave been granted lo the UBUirstiriieil. A I imiann. ln.lAK.-.l . . r .'. 'V r """ "''" - "1C r" rrMulra " mane immed ato payment, ani those having dalma against th. same will pn lent them duly authenticated for settla menu JESSK G0SS. Ex'r DFB0RA SMITH, Er' j Tee. 4. ll 9t.fi. ion i a m t a n 1 1 1. i V H ' J Ami llnl-.K, I' I Mjrb r l' ii M. n I Kid ii 1. 1 II ml' I mn'l A J. Mm 1 I I n 1 ' 1 r lurl i l. l Jnlm W nir AIU.it A lm. ,i, n. !! i. II In mm AI l" I K. iM.Hh.R t Mi. turn HI 1 In li U'' l I ril li4 K (n. j il.n ll. J nM ,h II. I'luUi'lii fl 1 lOM H"n flfi! n. ii. t .i h Idlllf Si nlli 'd Jnhii M.'l'hrriln A. ( IniW A Im'r ' I'lillm I rt-l-.r 4 ' Jnhii I'nli bin 1 limiin t il i t , 3 i h A 1. i 1 1. 1 1 I liilir, i'l !. t Ii. 1 !.!. Mm tin II. .. ViibrT. "mill. A lm nl II. II, ta AnyiU'lii hi liiii.ll vi Ji.ln) Tin trp'on. l J nil n K illimt. i I'ml. II. Mlllir. .1 it hi .Mi.ll.n W.IVimll fi nf J.Ul vi J M.Chnn'if J. Slrhr. linr((i li Hi. n w Kmni-I" lVftrci', Mullii'W A. K'iri'i.y ti Win. Anln A.J. Kitcli, J . llotnl.in,rt nl v Almi. !.. 8u. Th'inmi I.nwm.in v Win. l,i. ' Tt , II. Hot. Bill. m i Miffj W. Tlnm on. Jo. Cuni'liurr v CIihk. Iluyrk il J. Mulhulliiiid. Im lliiiliniu A S. Hood vi 1.. W. Wchl. .hn-iib il (I. A. Hinder v Clnytmi A H.AIln,l nl. Jucub All. A. liuidcr n du do du Oiin. Miwuii v A. Hull, Uniiibnrscr.i't nl 0. W. oi.n' Adm'r v .1. A V. Hl.'oin. Win. Ii. .SilmlUr vs Win. I.ewl. H. in, iMll, J. !,. Cl'TTLH, rmtli'y. 0 FOR JANUARY 1 TERM, l-"i2, BrniH'iird. Tliomns Rose, Dnnu l Urahaui. Ilrudy. Henry Yoiis, John Cntlile, Elijah 8uil luy, llonry Uoodlander. Hiirnside. Elliott King. CleiutU'ld. J'. W. Hnydor. Dr. Jeff. Liu, J. II. llilliu'n. Chest. .Samuel Sir. w. Curweusville, J no. Mc.Vuul. Covington. .Samuel Bradford.' Do'atiir. Daniel Kephart, John Batighuiun. l'crguson. Jacob Uibson. (i i r n nl. Alex. Murray. Uiilicu. R. I'. Ilriihiiiu, lino. H garly. Kurlbnna. Win. While. Knox. I'rico A. Bowles, George Eihnrd, Jlorris. Juo. E, llockcnborry James l'oltor. TRAVIS JERORS. Ileccaria. Ainnsn J. inltli, John Liu. Bell. Miebaiil Suinlerlin. Boffrs. Frank D. Campbell. John Beish. Iiiuill'iird. David Holt. Jos. Wintii'i v. Brady. W.I. l'ortcr, Dr. ii o. Wilson, J. M. Anuagast, D ivid MuKiuney, S. R. l.obaugh, Elias Long. Fred. Ilollepeter. Btirnsiilu. U.-lt Garner, John Miles, John Riddle, John Sunderltn. Clearfield, Edwin Cooper. Curwiiisvillo. Henry itallsbaugb.Dutiiel Cham bois. Covington. F. F. Coulriet, Jibn Ruter. Decatur. John Shaw, David io.s Ferguson, Joaiijii Henry, A . J. Jamison. Uiranl. Jaa. McClellan, Abram Kyler, J. B. Bronwell. (Iulich, Wis.. Ncvlipg, Taiiuitl Fulkerson. Urahaiu. Daniel Willirlm. HiiHtoii, Josiah Wiishhiirii. J. S, Apkiir. Jordan. Enoch Wise. Robt. Hunter. Lawrence. Taylor ll-m les, John Mooro. Lumber City Anthony Miles. Mun is. IJ. 11. bilk a. New Wnkbinirton. Jacob A. Broth, j. n liters. l'enn. M lea S. f poncer, James Clark. Like. Johnson Jlol-lcn, J. R. Ca'.dwell. Deo. 13, lsCl. C0TOT PItOCAMATION. I7'lli;i:EAS. Hon. SAMI'EL LINN', l's. I'resi.leiit Judge of the Court ol Common I'luiis of tho twenty tilth Judieiul District, com posed of the couitiii'S f Cli'iirlielil, Centre and Clinton nnd t lie Hon. JAS. BI.UC'Al and lloi. J. D. 1 HOMl'oHN', Assoc ate Judges of Cicurlield cotintv ; have issued Ihoir precept li me direct ed, for th" holding of a Court of Common l'leas, Orphan's Court. Court of Quarter Sessions. Com t nf liver and Terminer, and Court uf General Jail Delivorv, at ClearOelJ, in and for tbe county of Cleat lield, on tho .) ; ir... 1 ')..; ... r ..i ... ' ,;...; " IL .I7IIMII.1' IlillMUl'KI Vl'.lllllll'llCJI.lll XOTICR l-l, therefore., hcroby given, lo the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, snd Constable.", in and for said cout.ty of Clearfield, to appear in their proper persons, Willi their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, l.xiimi nations anil oincr liemein brimces, to do these things which to their officers, and in their behalf, pertain to bo done. GIVEN' under my hand ut ClenrtKld, this 11th day of Dko., in tho year of our Lord, one thous and eight hnodrud and sixty-one. Y. G. MILLER, Sheriu". 1) MilSTKK'S XOTItl'- Notice, is hero , by given that tho following accounts have bio. n examined and passed by inc. and remuin filed of record In this office for tho inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all others in any other way interested, and will be presented to tho next Orpban's Court of Clearfield county, to be held at tie Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, commencing on tbe 2d Monday of Jan y lo2, for confirmation and allowance: The nccountof John McKee end Joseph JlcKee Executors of tho Inst will and Tcs'atnfnt of Thomas McKee of Durusido Township Cicar field county deceased. The accouut of George Frhardond Lewis Erhard Administrators of all aud singular, the goods .nd chattels, riehts and credit, which wrro of Chrisiinn Erhard lato of the Township of Knox, in the County of Clenrfleld deceased. JAMES W RIG LEY, Dec. 11, 1SC1 Rcguler. nnu it' II I.M, I 'i' I l KHM . I h I' It.'.'.r-y I . ill III 'I rxiitt'iou's oiitr..-.Noiicoishcre.;i'-Jl ' J'" llj by given that Letters Teslanit ntn'y, or the nr , . . . r, r 1..... ..f tin. ,IA. ...un tj 1 estate ol JALUii uo,-.-, im ot ...... .-u- ship, deceased, kavc keen granted to the nnd-ir-sli-ncd. All persons indebted to said estnto aro , ! reauired to make immediate payment, nnd those . . . .... i. - :ll i ..,.:. ii,, nrr.ii.st the suno will iresmt i ,., ,,i. .ii..niiitnlRd for settlement. I 1 11 EN RY' GOSS, , ABRAM ft OSS, j Dec. ll.'CI.Ct -T'tH. A .MEETING OF THE STOCK- j XN holders of the l'lilllpshurg and Motcrlord ltailroad Couiponv will bo held at the office of tho r.iarv ; ilm l'.nr.itii.li f i f Clearfield, on the !i,j M,,n,i,r nl J.n.nirt 18fi2. for the mimosa i f e'ecttng one i rosincjii aau iou xum-tun m .... i,. ;j . 1 ..--I... III-.-. . -- . . ..., Bono C'l inn viiiinni iviii. ,. inTivTT PM. .' 4 life i. u. ... ... .... . , v c... .. . L. J. CRANS, Secrclary. : Doc. 11,61. ' : PUICES REDUCED! i (lOAIiH'tl.U.l M. CONLEY announce! , J that he has reduced tho price of his supcri- ( or COAL to mil the times, und will henceforth I furni.h itat THREE AND A HALF ennts per, bushel at tbe Bunk, and FIVE AND A HALT; cents delivered. Will be delivered by .Mr. 1ps. 1 Lenvy. JL CJNLEY. j Clearfield, DfC. 11, 1861. I 4 rWIMSTKATOR S XOTI CI- Lotlcri vf Adiniuistratlon having been this dny fJitrd J tht "'""'IB" estate ol iivui.ua .i".".' -i ""."' town ship, ClonrfloM county, deceased, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to moke im mediate payment, nnd these having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for ... lliXX'c:ili'i clticiiicni. .'lain it..t caii,i ,,i nov-20-Ct. WM. L. f HAW, Aa r EXCCLTOlt'S XO riCi;. Notice Is here, by given thaf Letters Tcalinncntary, on the estuto of CATHARINE CL'RLEY late ofC-.viug-ton township, dee'd, have been granted lo the un dersigned. All persons Indebted tu said estate are required tu uinke immediete pay inent, ad thus having claims ngninit the same willpresent ,., aulv autbontiooted for settlement. " ,,,,t r-.. , T-T ivsi.- umn Deo. 4. 1S61. 6t, Executor. ( ouiity meters. HW. SMITIT A 00t, ant M tibanf g-tols far VIOOO worth. Vf. 4. Ml I I I ll) . Il( I ,1 1 I ii M, r. ,ii if i ... n I . ! M I' ' ' "'I fl i I ( , 'Hi ' ' lll' 'I " ' 1 II I r " 1 Ii I .I Ir ii ! nl II . " , In II. ' "I b "I i f l-Mf..l I. i n M li I I i i 1 " i ' I .IiIiMSiJ SlUl S l (1iif', I. I M H.a full-mint n.-srtit,.. It ..... , ,i, I A n limn li' I nl l,iii, mmidi., in i ',, ,.i t tp , ( ( Issifl l-l i" iimj I'- i.'.x It ni.ls f.. ((l.it.'.if M a .l,ll ItlS lliS ('Hill I .1,1 I ,,.,s l i. nut Mm, I o, h. " wi t ..ti., i, ir. i i a f I c-'tnif, 111' fie t""'h I 'f sn I istsn i.ii t, j ., , . n !.. en.tirr, llieurr en-l !"M j t, ,, , , ,t rnin t. ii. smith .1.1 nti -I srten i . 1 1, (m ini .. a lilts pine cftii r, llu ,i ,.! ift-l ,i fsl,, t,, M tl.iln '' e 'ner, ll enej b '. 'i 1 p. i, he. i ' poit, lli"n. a i it-l 'ilJ p-i 'lieii lo a '.it. Ihi't-ee S'lUlll !J t'tehis In a p, iniiier, llittui Wel lit per-he lo a i holiiiit and k.n h -wr tif-r. tlu nee north t'l perihes tc a ,t,t, tin - went lilf pereh- is. I. a p-t. aenmer, ih.n.'ii north M and two-. tenth n ri It's to a I'liri-T, tln tii n nest 10 perches, Inenre souin n negroes west 'J7 and twj lenih psrehes lo n post eornvr, thence north J and de crees eiM and seven tent"- uerehes to a post, tl.enei' south S et 2. il ) pcrctio to a while) pine, a Corner, thence imrib at pen kea lu plnn ami place ol brgimilng, eiitiiiiining I IOO nerea, lining purls of tracts Nos IMH, I1'.i mid le'.ltl, having 'IO ncri s cleared, ami nil nld Sim Mill, llou.e and Bain llii'ieoti trcotcl. S"l..-d an 1 taken in exe cution ami to bo sold ail the properly of Alphonsu I.pcutite, defeased. ! Also, rerlniu lot of grouud siluato iu the town of l.tithersliurg, Clfarlield county, begimiing al the soutn-wesi corner '.t lot o! Jl. t. tarlilo s ci- I n tu, on tho Erie turnpike, thence il degrtes west iilutig salil lumpiliu 111;; reet to lands of U. 11. lino ilaiider, thencn north Jfi degree! east 12". perches ti a post, theuee south 71 degrees eat 121) perches to a post on lot ol Ciirlile's estuto, tlieneo 10 degrees east along said eaiale I 'JS leot to the plaoe of beginning Willi largn two story l'rauio llotisu creeled Ihereun. Soiled nnd taken execu tiod mid to be sold us tho propel ty of Bolitnii 1'. ritcMiin nud, Itoxana .Stelibinn, now inti ruiarried with A . .M ii rr.-i v . Also, a certain tract of land siluale in Morrii township, Clearliold county, bouiidod as follows: i. ,., ,i, ...,., t,u I,,.,,!. ,.r MiLhnul li.iniiis south sst cast C,2 and six-seventh perches lo post and stones, thonco by lands of Edward (init. ct. ul., soitlli 14 west 112 perches to post, thence hv tract ill niiinii of Win. D. Kerwiii 1 . . , - ., , . ,, . . north Sri west (12 and six seventli perches to a po.-t, and thence by other lands of Daniel Lhtle north IJ east 112 perches to post nndp'nco of be - ginning, mid containing s i acres, ui' re or less, I with about !i or li acres cleared thereon. Seized ' and 'aken in xceittinn and lu be sold us tho prop. ci ty of Daniel I. itllc. i Also, a certain tract of land situata in Kartbaui township, Clearfield eoLtily, boiiiided by lands of Win. 11. .Michaels. Kdw.ird McGurvey and llie .Siisiiichanna river, cmi. lining IM ai res, more or less with nbout i acres cleared aiut asniaii t-aoin II ....I ,1 ... u.l fnLini in v. 11UUIM1 riiTiuu iiiiiuuii, i cuvi ...... eeiitii.n and to be sold as the property oi Join A.j V, ykoff. . ' Also, a crrtain tract f land siluute in Morris: township, Clearlield coiimv.c.itiluiniug rfOiures,' bounded by lands of Win. Merrull, Robert El-lcr anil Itlanclinr.J. witu no acres cioaro-i inuruoo, ivilhaLog Il-iusn and Log Ham erected, thereon.' Seized and taken in execution and to bo soUl i.s the properly of Thonius Kylai, Georgo II. Diilon aud .fas. M. Leonard. ALSO, by sundry writs of Ltraira 'uei'-n, is sued out ol the same Court, and to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale at the samo lime and place, the following described Real Eitit.) vii: A certain tract ol land situate parity in ilecca ria and partly in Chesl townships, Clearlield cu.. j beginning at a beech tree, which is also a oornorj of land surveyed to John Cook und John .Miller, thence by tract in riuuio of John .Miller uor h Ll j ii i ii t m degrees east 2-.il pr.'hes -to a poet, tlieneo uoriii 42 de-rces wt i'.UU perches to aH"t, thence by ! (JAIiBOXIC WITHOUT THUIXJUJU J hn Itichar.l-m's land south 4S degrees west2J0 i t-rri'f TcntVIl ' , T uerehes toa uusl. thcace south 12 ea-t to place of I OL- tt I IX US Qt LIIA ulO AL. beginning, containing 1U1 u- rcs and alloivacee, surveyed un warrant datu-l 17U2 granted to Wil I Mul" look, an-l Ut ing same pruunses (jliiiicv. iJulin s-tiii'inf iv i eel dateu am juiv, i-h to- fellicr ti lth ttie iippiirtoiiani.es. I in execution und to be sold as Seized and taken tht properly of 'Jl,lin ilugart, deceased. ,. , n iso, an i oat i ' si.ui ,..-m.-- . . - ford township, Cleat field county, biunJcd by i John G rabnin and I rancis Gruliain, and lanos oi ... . . . e Angus G.ll. and the lot or piece ol iirnu or c,.. aa appurtenant lo said building. Seized and taken in execution and to bo fold as the property . t f .. i f i Ol IUCOO J.I1Y1IM. 1'. G. MILT EB, Clearfiald, P.v. Dec. 13, lvll. ' BRILLIANT OPENING or Fall Fashions J.'I? OTIS IScw Cafsh Store H. W. SMITH I The attention Of tllC ladies is, i . p II r ra.i(l .Q iie f0oV- rCifCClIUU C.IIICU UJ mc- jpfT notice, lliat WC IllVO jllSt TC' O ' rrti.p.l mul fincncd. the vcrv la I 1 J tna f. nil tttncl C: vliinimliln fitvlcs zVubias, Wool Hoods. Wool Scarfs, y.opbyrs, Wool Shawls large and small, rieavy double All Wool Shawls, Choni Shawls, Cloth Cloaks, Al great varieties of 7Ui.l,ri .i.l.tiVr". v .' i . ' article of ft luui'ii"! Gauntlet Kid Glofue " Lialo " ' Ruck " Cash mere " ' Berlin Wool " Gauntlet of Zephyr Wool, Children! Cashmere Gloves " Lisle " and a good assorttuiiit of Ladies, Children, and Infants Hosiery. Elegant walked Setts " " C-dlars. " ' Skirts. All Wool Delaines, Flannels, and most varia- tes ,,f Jrcu goods, ' " Wall paper and window shading.! We have just received front Howell Si Pro., of, Chestnut Street, two choice styles of I 1 A 1 TI -V I 1 A L rAi , ALSO WINDOW .SHADING, PLAIN AND FIGURED. Hour of bnslnf s from 7 A. M., H S P. M. 5nr. IJ, im. a. )lt, Will, IM II. lit HP - Mourn ir.i.s, I Hi N 1 I I t' I t; I M it. Nl M! ', Mi 'I 1 1 1' I If i-i:Al.h I l.l.i MS. i i;i M'ii-in.) .i!i: .M " I I If, f .r 1 N V di. An I tin" ti I ipi-i iH tint In in fi 'I it diMiImi I II I' tin nil. Il I M. Il'lti' liniefn'ial to .i umii e irm A U TI I 1 1 ' I A I 1 I '. I ; I 1 1 oin li.i.ly lUilruvin ( irv tnlnt nf llic umiuIIi. abinrblnj nml rinnivitiK i'l In purillci. Innuiiic a .su i:::r hi la i ii 1 1 all 1.0 iiialni r.D i f It. .y VOl.Nti I.AHV tni'Vit iii VTM. tire i i. ..iiii .i. i .. :.i. ! A I'AD HJ.M.AIII, should delnv app'yintr this r tncJy, fir ills a certain cure, and is a). proved arid recommended by overy physician under whoie noiico it hi been brought A LAD l:u;atii Is uui.Ui.iho lor nhiib Ibcru i uo excuao while UK. YM. II. III'KO'S mouth WAsn, 'can Im procured, .Many personi carry with thesn a b id IrcutL Kay to the annoyance and often to tho did gust of those with whom they como in contact, njtlmut being conscious uf the fact. To relieve 1 ,.,,. ,. , ,, r ,. , . youeseir iro n al fears re '..rdin this, ' " 1 1 . USE Ir. WM. IIURD'S MOUTH WA.II. i , ""."'...". i i" uiuuui is oi greui iiuporia:ici io i no neucrni neuuu, tt nn.li li oKen atiecti il.aiin uot unfr:iUnt1y seriously impaired, through want of proper attention to this sul.juct. USL DR. Wm. HLMtlvs MOUTH WASH. Prepared at Dr. Hard's Dontal odico, No. 77 fourth Street, Iiroiklvn. E- D rnce 67 Cents Per Bottle. A liberal discount made to denier. ADDRESS MlI.NCIl'AL OFFICE. TI'IBUXE j BUILDINGS, N.l, SI'RUCE ST. NEW YORK ovs-w oy i.ae;., .u.cK l lo., t utu Avenue Hotel; J. it-I. CudJi' g'on, 71 j Broadttuy; D. S. Barucs, 2J2 Bro. iUay, a ml by all Druggists. WliXIAM 13. IIUHD'S TO O TH P O WD Ell, This powder possessei tho and is fr:e from all acids or alkallci thct can In t!. leaFt injuro the teeth. Its anion being entirely mechnnicul polish ing without wearing the cauuol. Dr. Wm. J hirers Tooth Powder is recommended by all Eminent Dentists. Pro- pcred at Dr. Hurd's Den tail offie v t r.,,it. LrooIll. p;, T. ' Price -5 Cciltj Per BOX. I A liberal discount made to dealers. I Addl' res.. I'rmcipal Otliw. I rihnnn Huiltlinjrs, 2s'o.l .Spruce St. X. Ycrk. Sol i also by Caswell, Meek X Co. Sth Av, into Hotel ; J. .1 I. Cnddi.gto-i, 72.1 Broadway ; D. S. Darnes, 2H2 Broadway, nnd by all Druggists. )U. WILLIAM B. HURDS i TOOTHACHE DROPS Full THE CURE T O O T II A C OF U E. i produced by exposed nervos. Particularly adapted to ul lease, tf M. nren mulcted witn j T O O T II A C II K . i Parents Cin relie- o theii.f elves of ibat dia. ties.-ing wcuriuess ranted by ! LOS Si O F S L K K V , and their ibildren from great suC'erin : keeping a bottlo of Dr. IlUJtD'iSTOOTllACIIK DliOI'S ' about the house. Prepared nt Dr. Ilurd'a Di li, tu OIEto, No. 77 Eouilh Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price, only 12 Cents per Uotilc. i A liberal discouut luad.' ! ) dealers. ,' Address Princip:il Ollicc, Ti-ib., Duild- ini,', Xn. 1, Spruco Si. In'v York Sold alsoby Caswell, Mack if-Co., ttb Avenue . Hotel; J. i I. Coillingwn, 715 Broiay , D.S, ; Barnes, 202 Broadway, and by all Druggists. N I ; ror. t 11 e cm; op rv l) 11 li A l.j G I A . or Ttothiicho produced byeoldi;. jL OCA L N K U 1! A L G I J l ii iotinediiitcly cured by their application. i They act like a charm or,d ate per't ctly barm less ill their nature ; do not produce a blistir, an 1 i,i,..,,..v ,i . r. ,.,l.i ", ', 11 'no bus ptircr,!iso-l one of them, us tao best ule:is'. leave no unpleasant lesults. 1 Dr. m.. Ilurd s Ncuralnit Plasters I never fail t i give satisfacliou to nil who test their virtue. Prtparod at Dr, Hord'i Dental 1 Office, Fourth Street, Bro-iklyn E. D. , Prico, only 15 Cents each. A liberal discount made to dealers. ly-v ... . . . AUUrC'sjS I rint'inai UII1CP-, JriO., iSllllU- -v- . e , in:3, ad. 1. Si)rucc ht. N.ior -r. ' ' l Sold also by Caawoll, Mack A Co., ttb Avenne Uotelj J. & I. Coddingtotj, 71 j Rroadwoy ; D, 8 Barnci, 102 BrMdway, and brail DrogRisi. roT-IS-'Ul-Iv. i iim i i i i .. I ' I I ! , i : ' I "I nil I .'I . M ' A ' 1 1 ' . ; w I I mi I s I I'll I s I I I. ti i.r i n. -t I '.' Il' I I I M III. 1 1 ' . I I I'l. 1 1 ,' I H' I. ,,. I,, It I ' ii,; 1 1 n i iu.r i rn tu ii unv ir : llu l l ill ; it I !'ii; ef, Mo 'Im'! :i our presn l ' 1 1 C.r. 1 1 '. -1 I . Ir , .t t 1 : 1 ii: .1 1 neigliu'ir- fu l tl'i'i t'.e I'.i i ! .1 N .1 '. i.i r- Iiliiv !' i" " li.:,- i 1 r : I bur;;, and i n. . - n !. b.i- . ing nrittcr. o.i I. .;r :i .; i.!l ' io ' ' the day, nl I 777J.ii7'.i I'ihr .-, I rrmit cv. ry where op I i .1 imh j goes tn prel", p.iiili".il, I : i .-. c ! ' vir t t Ii s of i i'l in::' i.'. !io i'lper .Hill ', J-1,1. m :'1 J kinl local in tt , un,;, iii'i-ii . i., i!.':'i'-; ICHKAl'KST NL.'A I'A I I'.'.J IMM'.LI 1 Ch IV 'lltl I' I'l' l I I I !l- l.U I .. I ' I I. ' I . I 1. . Thre Is sc.ir -Vt n v'lia r t. vt n In t'.o 1 tt ot in tt I I'll n club r -innot lo m'-i-i i t'.e exertion bo inmli-. ui. I s.utlv ll,rio.:i' !' 'HS in which onoo'' inuri mn v ''t':c In- n bj lo'.tnd w ho nie in larnr of ii:e r.irsoi of n,U!i I democr-i:.'' do.-iriw u'io iv . p:a. Ml i "t i.lih'U 11 b tvilli'.i;: to iniiivi' t Ii o i ll ui lo . i! ,' i c'i ', I) F, M( )('f!A TS OI'T.'I '. IN'i'Kli.IO1! ! Eel ua henr fid hi vol 11" tn r ti-'t the iipproa-Iiintf sei sii'ti.t el' ( State Legislature, a re Im I ' icrsst, and every tun n slum'.,! l.a v r.i r. ji s'. DAILY 1'ATRLJT AN'D ill I UNIIV. jingle ci py fur ..n i Veer, do. do. uVi: ini: th-j . ': ; ,'i,i; : - - - I t'.le C3 Legislature ..-..----- 10.' WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UKl Hv, 'h!Uhcl even) Tharnhi;,. Single copy one your, in a-lvnnco . - - en copies to oue iniuresa .--....' SuliMriptions niiiy couiiucncc i.l tsy f 2 I'l .0 til l'oi oi'm 'i io lufi'M'ii.c. Al:.'" :i'il'.-r.l . i -a dub it' lifiy tubsctibers to ; ! v'c.!-':, cntilled lo ii copy lor bis sctti-vs. 'I' ' so lo'V that tve cannot oiler ;n :'x; liniii lliati this. Additions may be mid.-"- n ill r ii nts n . y i . ' 1 fur ci'.a t i .-. ir.. .n ' 10 " llul' ol subscribers by remiii'ii.,' 0 ; i'ki.uou u unuio. u is ii'.v ii'.1 ha liuines id thus-' cniistiuiti'ir a (lib, i"l wo cannot undertake t' address end; paper U ci .'i "ubscribers separately. Sporiuinu ipies V (111 Wceklf will bo sniit Hull ttb .! r-. ii. 0. BARRETT A CO., Harris' n ', Pa. V V 4 Price with Ilcmmcr at:d . S35 00. Fciior, THI3 MACHINE HA3 A TOIKT 0i" St l'.laLKlX X l-i:CvLlxxL l ITS OWN. Stitchinj, Helming', aud Feiiiuc; a Single lurcal. Ii form ft flat, eviu, uni lnttij tcsLt, tvhi-'i ia WARRANTED not to rip in wear, m et. if ihj sen .ii is cut fit lroii.nil inti i va!, aid also nnd r all circuiiistauces "to .su.ivive ti.u' t. ..3-Ti a. '' A Pa..:nlod devico ot grout utility to liari .'rs, prevents tbo possibility of tho maul., io btrig run in the wr .ng direction, or the bu'.incq wlie ! 1 weaving a lady's dress. Anuthtr feature wbl.b dcseive particular ut ten lion is TThi; WtLrox Patlnt N'ecli.c cannot tn ir.r w r.oMi. Twa thousand jtitchrs, dr two ytrds of worV, can be done in one lniouto without dropping j stitch. I These machines, so flmplo and accurato iu j their construction, supersede the ttso ot tho ahtt' - tie ; nad with one llneitu puniuce all tiio prc'.i- I I .-.1 re-ults of tiifl two throuJ tiiaobines ; and in-' re, I'l l- I'ue.'-J I'.'.l ttith'iiit l,aU:ig,aud hem tbo f:uet niuMiii without pin-kiuin;.'. j Although at ubout ball" tho price of the other i first clur.s machines, they will icCuiujiliah doub le tu.' sen in j4 1:1 - given t'.n;! "if is vmphnlioiliy the m"J, lnw-prlccd Pam . lly Siveing .Machine that the public bavo long boet iv.iiliog for." Bu.-tt'ii Tr.ui.-ei ipt. by i "It is in. le d a woj del -ful pr .dui li'm, nnd for I family use cti"?cia'lv, no other w ill bear any cumpnr.son wnu it. V I lulauelpliiA z.7eiuii JotiMiHl. "A lucc'ianig:.! tvujjr." SUs'iif.j Aincrl can, "Among the best end niort fcrtlceablc Sowing: Machines. J.i;-lit utid elugiintly linished, sr:'i so simple in iu cull1 iruct.'jii tiiat it secui.-i i l inos: iinpossil-'ic for it to get L. Lit of repair." Pilt.-'.urg I'iiioi.icli'. "lias coinbiiie l i:b its own peculiar merits alltiio re. illy valuable improvement.! ol tho '..ih er priced iiiiKiiiiit ,." i'cMisiwmi. u. "'ibis uKiehii.e. in the upiu" :i ol t!.'! r .atnil tee, liiN ii ro nei.rly the reqiurcnn s of a r i r fect family nai hiiio than liny on cxiiibition." . Fr.iiikiiu iH.tiluto Exhibition P.cpTt c" lii;. " 1'akiu into i uii.-iti-'ralion siinui; .'v, cl.o.ip- Jicst, durability, arid doing ull v.ol, the e'-t'iiiut- irnriTt' te.-wore un:iaini.itily in invor of luo Wilcox A WIILIAM H. IIXRP'S f'ibbs us a single tlwi.ad inaeli'mo." Peui-silva, nia State Agricj'.lcru! Society 'a Rip-.Tt. "tt o must, In j.i.ti"c, cNpr-:". our cjiniucti'e in the merits of llie V'.'iioox A Gibbs Sewing .a chine. M e udiisider that a gu-at deeider ituia bus been fujipliej Ly it, :u proving, beyond d-iubl, that two threads are n-., "S v as s-itj-p' ed, neoos.-nry to a good intni r. cut." Christum Advocate and Journal, June 21. I t C J. "V."c have one oi tbc.-e mucbiiies in Ui"', nod think nmro hiliiy of il tlinn of any f t'.io Ltiia. ber we hate Iriod." Lielunond Whig. 1 lie undersigtu J, llitsicnnry to ton'-t nu!n d pie, has exiiiiiiji d more than twenty uiiler six bint's of Sewing SJaeblvies, nr. J nll-r fomc'.ent. w..l- M 111. tl:i-..- J. .111.1.. I. . I . tod to tho wants of his family, ami Bl tho t ;.i liiibbi ti re iuire repair. OLIVE.''. CM.' NT. Rort.-n, July :i, 1 sr.fj. Tho undersigned, d .rit.g eij;liteen mortis J. had in almost constant nee, in his fiin.i y VI ii cox A Giols Sewing Mnci.inc, upon wh.'-.'.i bl.. been made llie clothes of his lntg'J femilr, fr t muslin It pilot cloth including the cloih'rg re qui .-cl for bin Fvfral boys ; and in no case rnvi the seam! failed, nllboiiL'h in hnrii service. 3 If uiachineniwtniiseinl.il family Luicqnirei n repnir. and is in nil respocts, 1 . c-il tppoinlrt'. eCici.ut and durable. I JACOB CII1CKERING, Pttton. , , r. , . V i nrSend for a Ciicu;ur.4?7, JXME IVIl.toX, Manufiirlurcr. Nn. Krotdtvaj', New Vol , Opposlie St. KlcbaUs V.oU. 0.wb.r 23, 161. If-