k l.. .. . I llOl I' II' !... .. :.l. . .I I mi . ' k Mil tniillm-l I II ill t CHI lifiti'l 1 M.r?ln(l It. p.,v K. . i. il.-t. o M tM iiinri ....it t.-!MM' vn tin mi M tnvtv, my ktil'frt l vliih VM nil" t ilfnr ii f ''Net, fin ilrnf i'l n, 1 " . I tic jicli'P cl Ho inf fill wIhIMom Hut 'or all Urn riL'a 1'ia P"l limn Uk ntr- Ij:iiomiiiI will i"l iliict f J u. juiioilif r." IH Intril'M lnnl wealth ia-antm vd' ''' l"HdH"l rnji'.Mni Ht t tin- i-.-Mi mi.v i liit n ,,,, " ""''y ''H'I "lii"" ') fiin-Ve f imwor, I'i'V iriM'il, it in fit 1n'nl lotr, Itcriimi lir anlulfl dim hI do llio iiikpiici' f tiol'lp nmditioii. It iikkIhIh to rt tnaslrt v nliku over llio I'ltypicftl ntnl tdo Pjiiritiuil. Wnx.lf '' do iiottd'd with Hoverc milli'iy, tiikoniro never to almw tluit yon are Mung, unless you cImiohp to jirovokc more. Tdo way tonvoiil In1 in made n butt, is not to Hot tip for an iineliw. fJoon IIahits. Tlioronrc fourgooil dalils jinnettinlit-, n ecu racy, stoadi nesn nntl dispatch. Witdcut tdo first of tlicno time in wasted ; without the Kccoud, mistakes tho most hurtful to our credit and that of others may be committed ; without the third, noth ing can bo well done ; and without the fourth opportunities of great advan tage are lost, which is impossible to recall. Which way hoks the Tkkk Lkan ? ''If tdo tree fall toward the south or toward tho north, in tho place where tho trco fallcth, there it shall fee." (Keel. 11 : 3.) There is a solemn meaning couched under this metaphor, i'lio tree will not only lie as it falls, it will also fall as it leans. And the great question which everyone ought to bring home to his own bosom, with out a moment's delay is this. What is tho inclination of my soul 1 Does it, with all its affections, lean towards (Jod, or from him ? J. J. (iurney. Profit of Prayer. After prayer is not the heart lighter and tho soul happier f Prayer renders affliction less sorrowful, and joy more pure. It mingles with the one an unspeakable sweetness, and adds to the other a celestial perfume. Sometimes there passes over tho fields a wind which parches tho plants, and then their with ered stems will drop toward the earth; but watered by the -dew, they regain their freshness, and lift up their lan guishing heads. So they arc always burning winds, which pass over the soul, and wither it. Praj-cr is the dew which refreshes it again. An Honest Life. The poor pit tance of seventy years is not worth being a villian for. What matter is it if your neighbor lies in a splendid tomb ? Sleep j ou with innocence. Look behind you through the track of time ! A vast desert lies open in ret- rospect : weaned with years and sor- row, they sink from tho walks of man. I Compromise ; Bigler's proportion to sub You must leave them whore they fall ;mit the Crittenden Compromise to a vote and you arc to go u little further and of the people, and Adam's Comnromije. you wm nnci eternal rest. naiever i you may have to encounter between the cradle and the grave, every mo ment is big with events, which come not in succession, but bursting forcibly from a revolving and unknown cause. fly over this orb with diversified influ- encc. j The Saviovr axo ins Friends. i Our Lord, in tho days of His flesh, en countered various classes of enemfes, but none of these ever included a wo-' man. On the contrary, tho gentler sex always apnaer to have been His! followers or friends. Not only were; they, as had often been said, the last with the wifo of an editor who published at His cross and the first at His scpul- 8 paper there, but who left with the rest Chre, but throughout they ministered 0f the Seeesh. The lady told the officers to his wants. A woman anointed ( tliat everything about the house was Se- H.m for llis burial ; a heuthen woman from ia ,om cat ftnd .f t, interceded lor His life with her hus-;. , , ... , ,1,1 , , , t,., , . , ., , ,, 1 boardea with her, lliere must bo no abo band, Pilate ; when bewailed and la- ,. . ... .. . , mentod Him as Ho went to Calvery ; l1' Ulk-,. 11,0 ofl,c7, vrlhn' acc' to a woman Ho first appeared when ,ed the coitions, and were getting along He rose again. All this was most fit-, ne'y- ting, 6inoo of a woman Ho was born,' Modern Definitions. Oversight To and to woman His Gospel was not on-Jlcavo your old umbrella in a news room ly a means of salvation, but a soursc 'an(i carry away a cew one. ofdomesti.; and social elevation fori Unrortunate Man-One born with a tho present life." 1 1 -' .conscience. Model Sentinel. An anecdote is Progrets of Time A pedlar going thro' related of ono of tho citizen soldiers tho land with wooder. cbeks. in the expedition of the Macpherson ' Kigid Justice A juror on a murder Blues against tho insurgents in 1794, case fast asleep. which is worthy of being recorded, as Independence Owing fifty thousand it may be of servico to some of the ' dollars which you never intend to pay. wealthy soldiers in our own ranks. Honesty-Almost obsolete ; a term for The person refered to was a German merl uscd in tliecaseof a man wli0 w by birth, of the name of Koch, and f , j 1 was well knot n in his day, as a largo ,... . . . ... outdoor underwriter. lie died so.no CrK,lt w,s0 provision Vy which conj twenty years sinco in Paris, wdiilwr 8lttjIcs ftni1 herifls get a liv.ng. he had gone for the benefit of tho cli-' Lve -An ingredient used in romance mate, leaving a fortuno of oue million Mul poetry. dollars- Mr. Koch, then a young man-1 Religion-Damning your neighbor for was a privato in the Macpherson Blues, not thinking exactly as you do. It fell to hislot one night to bestation.; A WoODEN MoT..Ea..-Ve have heard edsentHiel over a baggage wiigon. o wooden nutn) 1 his sont tho seiitnul musing. After , , . , l 1 ii pi 1 cun-nints,wooden oats and wooden clocks remaining on post half an hour, ho f . . . iuuutnuou, was heard calling lustily: "Corporal but wlmt inrus,on ' ll'e Yankee ever ofderGuartz!CorporalofdcrGuartz:",linctured a JoLn Bul1 to invent a wooden The Corporal came, and inquired what mother! The following, by a correspon.. was wauting. Koch wished to be re-'dent of the Ma:k Lane Express, describes licved for a few miuutes, having some- the new Invention : thing to say to Macpherson. Ho wa "A fine sow.having twelve sucking pigs, gratified and in a few minutes stood belonging to a pork merchant in Monk- in the presence of tho general. "Well,1 wermouUi, was taken ill, and died suj- Mr. Koch what is your plcasuro ?'Wtl(jnl The proprietor, who is an ince- ncu uat-piiviBi: :n. juni- , x nious chnracteri set lo WQrk ftnd folmed wish to know what may bo der valne; h mode, offtgow . wood bei ho,., of dat wagon over which Iamsenti- ' . , . ,, , ' . nel ?" "flow should I know, Koch ?'' ow ! centre, the abdomen being -"Well, something approximative-! furnished with twelve .eats.cleverly form not to be particular." "A. thousand ! ed of raw b,de- 1 he in,enor of ,he mod- dollars, perhaps." "Very well, Gcn-j! ' kept filled with milk, and the whole eral Macpherson, I write a scheck for of the ycung pig suck from the teats of der money, and den I will go tQ bets."! this singular looking wooden so, and all (bed.) 'are thriving well. j tiirt mill '.imp. 1 1 i .... A I I.. a r I ? In . Intel OIHi'Hil I'll ""I ' ili II l"IU a UWl I i" t mm fling u4 "I lid Hrportnt." aTCol Mulligan, tdo doro of l.fitijr top, lot not very difjli opinion of Home OunHa. lie tliir.kr llirnt, like tdo Wide Awnkes, "inriitciMt in police and inritihtt in nr." kWfc.A morn! dohnting society mil Went in engaged in a dit-ctouioii on tde follow ing uetion : "If a duitband doscrti dis wife, wdii'd is (do most abandoned tdo man or the woman V 4r"U, Cliniley," raid a little fallow to anollier, "we're oing to have o cupola on out house!" "I'ooli, Unit's nothing," rejoin sd tde older, "pa' going to get a mortgage on our'ii." B9u country girl, coming from tho field wus told by tier cousin that she look ed fies.Ii as a duiny kimied wild deiv. Well, it wasn' any feller by t hat 'name that kissed me. I told dim t hut every one in town would find it out." t3r"'Here's your fine extras!" bawled a little white daired fellow, tde otlier dny, as lie run down Main strtet with dis dand full of slips that lie dad for sale. "Here's your fine extras great battle at Molasses Junction, lSull's Gun is taken, ind the I'ublicun troops have returned to liar flax." fcif-Many papers give tde dying words of great men, but none of theui are so touching and beautiful as tdo last words of tde old schoolmaster : "It is growing dark scdool may be dis missed." Down to the gates of an unseen world ho carried the love and regard of the cdil- deu whom lie dad trained. It was his last kind dismissal in this world of tchool- ing. BS.Tdink about yourself, andvtdat you like, wdat respect people ought to pay to you, what people think of you, and then to you nothing will be pure. You will spoil everything you touch, you will make sin and misery for yourself, out of every tding which God sends you, you will be ns wretched as you cdoose on earth, or in heaven either. Factsior the Feoi-LE. The Republi cans in Congresi voted down or refused to accept the Crittenden Compromise; the oonierMate compromise; Mr. Douglas Let no man forget th jse facts ! tiQ.An old sort of a genius, bavin stepped into a mill was looking with ap parent astonishment at the movements of ,he machine when the miller, thinking to 1uiz him, asked if he had heard the news. "Xot'a I know on, what is it " Why, replied thy miller, they Bay the devil is dead." "By jinn," says Jonathan, 'is he? Who tends mill thou ?" JiiuySomi of the ofiieers of the First Virginia at Ilomney, Va., aie boarding illl '1(111 HI .MN." 1 I t Nil . fcllliM l..,l, 1 1 '1 U !.. s, ' ' il ,,. i.. t-i! I, II iint i'Mn iii ir, . , 1 ' I nil Hi- I U' tha "' h M tfc )nt, Uiihi i t M titit, M"IIt.h.M f lh.(ll In Y, t, ilill" h. ri'lt-oli'lt l' I t tllM!l.., I 4n, dn. Ih iflrn,Hlla,) I I t It It, Xmn ..mr, Jlli.i.) lit II I l"l , 1hti tfitsr'! (41 linri.) I M a- 6 mKtilti. H ,n . II mo! 0 P.ro, t 1 1 llln no 17 t( Tiiiiin, 1 i 1 1 1 I an no 1 0 ro t jThrro insrot, t 1 I t I on H (i 11 Hlj tnnt timrra, I I I I 00 It 00 M CO , ' !llf a milium, I I I I 00 tint I On enlnmn, l I I I 14 to In OA IS I Oror thrpt mrtV sml thsn lhr mtslht 16 (Din r i'i:r for iih Imxrlliin. Btf'.aMi t:ot not ttoifillng tllnrl art la rld for 11 i trtr. AJv)rtliimnunftiBrlilwltMliBnmlrrnfl pltlCKiS FROM f40 to f"0. atrlnndolreil, will V rcMlnuli until forbid Th UOl'DOIK KKWINlJ MA lit INK, nn en ml ehnrgeil ocord!r.g to Ihcie Urint. lqrlnK,f ohlcli In horn rriricMrcl, tun now - - , hfroma a rco(jnlti'd fnvuriU wlisrevor It 1 JOR PRIMTIMf k 'I'on lnlrodui'd, ami U. heyolid qnrntiiin, wwu l l HIV Uhe .Ml. wOI the huniUoiiifnt, lnwpricfd All extensive slock of .lobbing materia Sewlnn Msrliln now lioforo the jiulilio. I enadles the I'lidliyher of the "Jfrpuliltrnn' No. 1 A uniill nd vcrj nest Msrliin for to aiinource to the vullia that ho i preja ! Family uo. j red tD d3 ftllxinds of No. J. A Inrgt Miirliin Tor qiiltlnj k(Ty I Piiti-d p.v.jtTii ..,, work and for Plantation ue. llLANi!, laPiaBOOH, 1 1 IRCUI.4RS, , t)., nnj fr lt, rciuhiiiy B,J durability It is un- I.AI.11.S, Ball TtCI its, II aniuiii.i.s, ,,llr),BP1. a child twelve yuan ran run it with and eveiy rfind of pi inting usually done cnso ; and ypt it will f w fmm the coaraeat cloih ! in a eountryj ob ofiice. !to the HiimI KwiK. There Is nu troiibla of re- I Ail outers will be execute! mill noat- ness and despatch. O. D. GOODLANDER TO. COUNTY DIHKCTORY. Time of Holding Court. Reoond Monday of January, Third Mondnjr of March, Third Moniluy of June, Fourth Mon lny ol September, In each year, and continue two weeks if ne censary. County 4ntrers. Prea't Judge, Hon. Sninuel Linn. IUUclenro. Aa'te luAgtr, lion J.D.Thninpaon.rurncnavtlle. lion. Jiunca lllooiu, I'orcsl. Sher.ff, Fred'k G. Miller Clearfield Prothonotary.John L. Cuttle., " Hog. 4 Ucc. James WiiKlcy, " Dintrint Att'y Robert J. Wallace, " Troaaurcr, G. ft. Goodlundcr, " C. Surveyor, II, II. Wright, Glen Hope Cummiss'n'ri, Wm. Mcrrell, Clenrfield S. C, Thoinpaon, Morrixdale . Jacob Kunti Luthrhurir Auditora, ). C. Bowman, Philipslmrg J. I!. Shaw, Clearfield C. S. M'orrell, N. Wuabington J. W. Potter, Leeonte.i Milli Jesae Brumal, Curwenaville. Mat of loat Ollires. Coroner, Co. Supt. Toienthip, Xtunri tif '. O. Xtlmf of P, M Btictna, till, Glen Hope, G. W. Calwei Rower, Cheat, Cuah, Oatend, Clearfield Driip, Woodland, Luthcrsburg, Troutville, JefTcraon Lini, i'lui ZZ7. T. A. M Gkee J. W. Csir.pUl1 Lewis r iiiith P. II. Miller 1. WiUUuii K, II. Moore. C- f. Sloppy, John Hebcriing Jna- iilooin !ogK. II rail ford, lirody, nioam, Ecrayiilc, Forest, New Waahingtos .T. M, Cummingi Rurnside, Jna McMurray Clearfield, Clenrfield, Covington, Frenchville, Knrthniii, Curwensi'ille, curwenaville, M. A. Frank. P. A. Gaulin. J F W iSchntrr Samuel M'uy Centre county F.dm. Willimns Dccntcr, Philips burj, rerguaoo, (iirard, iMarron, lietun Pout Office, Elk county, Po Lecounle s .Mil If, C. Mignot Iluld llilla, William Carr lloehen, Shawsville, A. II. Shaw Grabnm, Grahainton, T. II. Forcee. Gulich, mitha Mills. J. A.JIetarty " Madeira, C. J. Puaey. Iluoton, Tyler, Dafid Tyler " Penritiold, II. Woodward Jordun, Anaon ille, Kliia Chaae Kartbaua, alt Lick, G. liockodorn Knox, New Millport, I). K. Mukol Lawrence, Rrcckenridge, J, W. Thoinps'n Morris, Kylertown, Jna. Thompson " Morrisdale, J. McLlellnnd l'enn, Lumber Cit.v.f IL W. Spencer, ' Grampian Hills, A. C. Moore, Pike, Curwenaville, Samuel Way " Rloomiagville, Michael Wise, I'nion. Keck ton. Vf. F. Johnson Woodward, Jeffries, T. Henderson This Poat OSice will do for Chest towntdiip f Will answer lor Jcrguson townaliip. $35 00 TUITION in the mist populnrand successful COMMERCIAL SCHOOL in the country. Upwards of Iwelve Hi'snnr.n youne men, from twuntt kioiit differ ent States, nave been educated lor business here within the past three years, some of whom hav been employed aa BOOK-KEEPERS at salaries of $2000 00 immediately upon graduating, who know nothing of accounts when they entered the College, rfMiuieter a tone half price. Students enter at any time, and review when they please, without extra charge. For Catalogues, Specimens of Penmanship, nnd View of tho COLLEGE, enclose five letter stamps to JENKINS SMITH, May 15, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. V. M. M CULLOI GII, fclncu am. t C'Lr.iRtiKi.n, Pa. Ofiice In Graham'. Ilrirk Ilullding. July 3d. lSfil tf. NEW- GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring Sl Summer Goods AT TIJECIIEArCASII STORK. lam just receiving and opening a carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer goods ot almost every description, A beautiful assortment uf Print and Dress roods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a great varietv of useful notions. DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots nnd Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qt.censware, Drue and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fish, lacon and Flour, Mackerel In J J and t barrels, of th beat quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest oosh or ready pay price. My old friends and the public, generally, are respectfully invited te call. jMTN. II. All kind of f7AiA'and approved COt XTUY riiOVVCE taken in exchange ot Goods. Clearflold, Jane 28 1861. WM, F, IRWIN. 11 OBERr J. WALLACE. Amir ir Law I Clearfield, Pa., OtEo in as aw Row, op-1 oait th Journal efllc. e. 1, 1IJJ.-K. i eVMtw Sat asias H t ! A tMtl Si M I' It O V 1 1) SKWltXC MACHINE. winning uie inrenn, an u is ihki-h irom moaponn. It has no ! 1 ts to give truublu, and will run bni'kwnrila n well uh forwiirda. ar.u still aews eiiiiilly prrfect, and without danRorof breaking needles. It runs by friction, and by closing the box over it, it la thrown out of gear. In fact, we have noheaitatioa In recommending it as the best fun ily Sewing Machine in use. The fUiritj Premium Awarded the afiove Machine : At the Fair of tho Frnnk'in Institute, 1859, the First Premium. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, at Philadel phia, September 21, 1849, the Firat Premium a Diplomn. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, held at Wyo ming, I8li0 a Silver Medal. For the beat Double Thread Machine, at Lan caster '"ounty Fuir, held October, ISM a Silver M'edul. At the Maryland State Fair, held nl the Mary land Insli'ule, llaltiinoro, Md., October. 1850, under strong competition, a Silver Modul was awarded to (hia MHi-liinc. At tho New Castle County Fuir, held at Wil mington, Delaware, October, 1869 a Diploma. The above Machines are manufactured by til A It LI W. IIOMI.AM), Wilmington, lol. SAL K S ROOMS. No. 720 ArcL Street, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. S. U. ISA K Kit, innrl.1 iy 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. J!y,rr8vn wishing to ice tho above Machine in operation, can do ao by railing at the resi dence of D. V. Moore, in Clenrfield borough. Wsikc up! Willie up! I.ACKMMITIII(i. THE suhacriber res IS pectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he is new well e hlished in his NEW SHOP on Pine street, opoaile the Town Hull, in the borough of Clenrfield, and upon bi own hook, and where he ia prepared to do all work in hia line in the very uest at)' Is, and oi tho shortest notice. His old custorers aro res pectfully ashed not to forget him, and any num ber of new ones aro respectfully invited to give him a trial. EDGE TOOLS. Ilia reputation at a Maker and Rcpnirer of Edge tools should of itselfsecure him a liberal pntronago. GEORGE C. PASSM0RE. April 21, lSGI.tf. . I I, E S - S C II O MILLS. Oermnntown, Pa. cCALLUM & Cu. M MAXtTArTiRras, Importers, and Wholesiile Dealers in C A it I i: t I v s . i it u : u i: t OIL (LOTltS, MATTIXriS, rfc.. Warehouse, fto. .)0'.l Cliettnut Street, (Opposite State House,) npr.VBl-ty PiiiMnr.i.iniA, LVTIIERSBI'RG, CI.KAItFIK.I.l) COUNTY, PA. Wn.LIA5l KBKD, Proprietor. july 10, ISCL ly. DANIEL GOODLANDER, JUSTICK of the peace Liitberehurt;, Clearfield Co, Fa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to re.to tiq March 2S, I860. y. pd. MOORE & ETZWiLER, flTholcitale and Itetail Merchants. Also IT extensive dealers in timber, snwd lumd ber and shingles. Also, dealers in fiour an- graia, which will be sold cheap for cash. Oct. 14,1859. 1 n'KONH CITY HOTEL. Col. A. P. OWENS, rROl-RIETOIt, Respectfully announces to the travelling public thrt he has now taken chnrg of this large and well known bouse, aud will conduct it in such a manner aa will render excellent comfort and for, satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. nov7-ly WALTER BARRETT ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to bis care, in th several Court of Clearfield and adjoinicg counties. Office tie one formerly occupied by . R. barrett. Oct. 2f th, 1859 ly m"K CLKAnyini.D ACADKMY will X be opened for the reception of pupils (males and females) on Monday Sept 2d, 1861. Term per Session of I'.Icven Week: Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Geography, $2 it, i . .i .. . ... I turner Ariinmic. fcngnsn iirammir, Geography and History, 3 Algebra, tteometry, Natural Philosepby, and Hook Keeping, 4 Latin and Greek Lancuaccs, 6 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify themselves for Teachers, thia Institution offers desirnVIe advantage. No pupil received for lee than half a session, and no deduction cade except for protracted sickness Tuition to be paid at the close of the term. C. B. 8AXDFORD, Printipnt, CleanJeld, Aug. 7, 18C1. ly. J7LOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, LIQUOPiS OF ALL KINDS, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, A, GROCERIES, 8ra5For sale very cheap for Cash, by O. B. MERRELL. In basement of Mortal! k Bigler's Store, Clearfield, Ta. feb-27. T l V. HAYS. Ju.iloe of Hie Peace, will atten A . promptly to eolloetion and other matter, (ft in hiicharr. Addreti KfrseT. Elk re.: Pa OcLSdlofoTTy, i F ir T 4,1 mimii I' 1 t K S 0 it h a M ii tut .op.i' m inn M.t, (i "ii tmit l 1IIH rt'IM'1 Hull tlf.Vllfi, I l1"t 1 111 IHnnl H MH11MI HMHW, (I l a i inr.li I t 1IIK W l:i1MtN1in likVlitw, (l.iif-ni) - M M KWimii'RI MMH mill t Afl AtlNR I tT"')l I r k rt v ,t . For an one nf ihi four llrtlmn, ret annum t l OH I on t to l oo I 00 i 00 r oo rnr any io of the r..nr Ilflrw, 1 Vat any thru ir the four Review, I For all Tour of the llorlewi, 1 For HUi'kwnnil'a Maftailnp, I For lUai kwiind and un Keview, For Ularkwond and Iwo Iteview. For lllnrkwnod and three ltetiraa, , For Illankwnod and the four Ilerlrwu. t 00 10 00 1 N. II.-The price in (Ircal llrltain for the five rprioiical above named U 111 per annum. I ll.-pulilirhed I.T ! LEONARD SCOTT A Co., mar 1.1 m 61 Hold Slrcet, New York, ELIXIR PROPYLAMir, During the peat year we have introduced to ho notice of th medical profession of this conn try the 'lire Cryrtaltttd Chioridtn Propylamint, as a REMEDY FOR HIir.UMATHM; and having received from many sources, both from pbysicinna of (lie higlieat standing and (rom patients, th Mont flattering Teatluionialeorita real value n the treatment of thia painful and obsti nate disease, we are induced to preeent it to the public in a form READY F)R IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will command itself to those whe are luffering with this afflicting complaint, nd In IIia ...n,i:n.l . .1 .. ' , - ' disposed to tost the powers of thia valuable rem tlT - ELIXIR PROPVLAMIXE, in the furm abov spoken of, hns recently been extensively exptri tnented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, nnd witn MARKED Sl'COESS (as will appear from tl e published accounts in th medical Jour, nnls.) Zfrh i.i carefully put up ready for iminedi- nto use, with full directions, and can be obtained from nil the druggist at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholoiale of BULLOCK CRENSHAW, Druggistr and Vjinufacturing ChemisU, Jutieie'CIlf. Philadelphia. JOHN ODELL, UPHOLSTER AND CARRIAGE TRIM MER, r . j , a jw r.i !;, . , JjOeaUit at A. II. Mair I M,IU, fine mile East of Clear liehl borouah ' . , i . . Respectfully informs the ciliicna of C ear-field and adjoining conntics, that he is at all time,' prepared to inanufactur. at the shortest notice. Iluir llo.b . n.l c,. . ,! kind. n,l . V-u i i- i V" kinda and a .es, one of which is a loldmg MaU tress, suitable for CADI.VS ON RAFTS, whicL can De lolitea in small compass, and emptied and refilled at pleasure; and very cheap. He als9 trnna Intringef, makee repairs to all kinds of Carriage Trirjtning and Upholstery, and makes Cords for Mason's Traoine Lines, of anv thick. ucsa or length. I i.Counlry Produce, Corn Hu?jP, or Cash ' taken in E (change for work. I T-O-AII trdors left with any of the Me rebels Clearfield bnrmiffh will be nmmnil. .n.nJ..l ! to. dc26 pHAIUS !! CHAIRS ! ! ! v NOW IS THE-TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! Tho uxdersigned bat now on hand, at his Fur niture Rooms on Market st., Clearfield, Pa., a short distnnce west of Liti's Foundry, a largo took of CHAWS OF ALL KIXDS, manufactured out of the bjst mnterialr, finished n a very superior manner, and which he will tell LOW FOR CASH, Hit long experience in the business makes him feel confident that hia ebnirt are mndo in a aubstiintiul and workmanlike man ner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should cail at once nnd get them while they can be had at the lowest rates. JiHX TROCTMAX. M.tr.27-USl-tf. kew nEMr.Dirg for SPEU M A TOR R II (EE A. Howard A'Sociatiok, Pnii.Ann.rniA, A Itr.n. trnttut Inititutinn rtlnhlithed Iv tnrrial Eh- ttnirmfHt, for the rrlirf nf the Sick and Dittrfed, njflictrd with Violent and Chronic Vlfnte; and e)eriitHi for the Cure tf Diteneel vf th .Sexual Orqtine. Mr.mr.ti, Advice given gratia, by the Acting I Dorjreon. Va i.i able Rrronn on Sperratarrhcta. and other diseases of the Sexual Oigane, and on th kw RruKiurs employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Iwo or three Stamps for postage acceptable. Address Dn. J. Skills-. IIornnTO, Howard Association, Xo. 2. S. Xinth at., Philadelphia. 2my ly. JAWF.a T. LEONARD. WM, A, WAI.LACK. t. A. rMSST A. e. riKsiT anlmman CoIIftfion Office or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A K I L I), CLEARFIELD COUNT!', PA. JBILLS 01. EXCHtHGE, ROTE i.V paifTS PISC0t'5TE I) POSITS HFXK1VEI, Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted Exchange on Ihe Cities constantly ou hand. "Office on Seocod St., nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. LEVER FLEGAL, Justice of the peace Luthcraburr, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to hie care. April 4, isci. (AS. ! V n. LAnntMER. I. TEST Alt KIMIOR A TEST, Attorhiys at Law Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col Uiotis, Lahd Agenoie, 4e., Ac, in Clearfield Centre nd blk couhtiew. July SU.y SEED. WEAVER A CO. MERCHANTS, and extenslre dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, GRAIN,and country pro duce. 6tor on REC0XD Streot, Clearfiied Pa. Peo. 4, 1861. J. D. THOMPSON, Tklackamlth.'Wae'ona.Ttue.l.. a. a. i....a 3 on ihart nctie. aad ta?rTbet.tvi. atki 11 Maod ia H IreroMh ef 0nrarrtD. pc .2, i sn. I M Vi t 'I Sv.J5' I . "!"' o( ,i :Tr2 I . I'" t I'm, " ; z ?' li' "1 "'--i u',1 ' V 1tr ' I l li"'''M In kiiifc V' ; '"t. p'iiy iim .i.Jri .on ni,. , ,,,N. fci . , slrm Is a naluial dm, il,,. rrt tipnn llixm.lfM anil II, mrm!,M,,",". wln nm ifTamlun. tnlkn.. While la Ikla cudniAn, omiraawJ hi ih. "'! i, w'a Pill., an. M ho Ifirsrtl, M,3 nitlur! atloa of I ha arslrm, nl with It ihTi "" f.lln of Imilil, ap,ui. W h,t la t,, aai ,", '""I"" Ibis trl.lid knit common eaiiiihunl, ) dw , w ' f lh Ih MatMl and 1nii.tu dl.li.ii,,... - 0 r iirKUr tflwt trjwU ll,ra. Cmi.d l,T .Imiu, , Mnw Wwa aad driipm.nta or th. iiaturnt laactill 2rw klr. thr M raMlv, and nisoy of !., IU. bj the tame mani. None wb" know tlM . I'lll., will nwlecl to .ibUqv Homo , 2 th dlaordera ih-j cum. bgoi Slt.mnu from lmdln( phjrslrUna In .j .rlnrlal ctiW, aad froia etbw well known Dubli. il' aona. rw sw. Piim FWrtnfi'ny Mtrthant ftl Jfi Da. Alt : Tour Hlle art lite Iitragnn nf all ll,.i i rmt In medicine. They hare nurvd my little duthu or ulcnrona eoree upon her hamla end f-l thu ha oruVj incurable for years. Her mother has Iwn n ounly afnleted with blotches and phnpluson her .kin ia lir hnir. Aflnr our child wna cured, .lit il, ,H L your nils, aud Ibey bave cured ber. ASA MORQnUKJK.. A a Family Phyalc. o Dr. I. IK. fMrtwriglit, AVie Orltatu, Tour Mile are the prince of pnrg. Their imW )nalllh4 aurpaaa any calbarllc wo peoae. Tiny ,' : mild, but very eertalu and effect mil In their action on Uie hovels, which mnkee them invaluuhle to ua In II,,, .un. Uealaient of disease. s Headache, SicrVlcadaclie, Pout Stomach. i'rum Dr. JSdwuri Itnyi, Ikiltimore. Dun Bao. A iaa : 1 can not anewor vou what eomrlahiU I hare cured with your I'llll better than to say oil IW trtr trtnt evil a imrgajivt mtdieint. I plnre grenl druu. deur on an effectual cathartic In my daily coiumi disraee, and Uln-vliii aa I do that your Pilli aOord ui Ilia beat we hay, I of course value Ilium )iiRWy Pmanran, IV, Slav 1, ISM - ' ! J. C. Avaa. 8lr: I ham been repntiliy fund of I Uie worst I'mtach any body ran liave by clop or two of your Pills. It ateine to arise from a foul itviiiscl, ! "Web they cloatn. at once. ' , wiiu sra rrnpeci, eh. . rRKIIL CTcl n Sttumtr viaii Illllois Dleorder Mver Complalnta. Fivm lr. Thnilort thtt, eJWie Twrk C.ly. I Not only are your Pills admirably ailnploi! tr, thHr pnr. pose an arx-rlont, hut I flud their Iwnollrial rff.icUiii rm Ihe I.lvcr very inaiked Indwil. They l,,ivi' in my prac tice proved lit, to eltrctual fur the cure of ii"il, ! ploi'nra than any one remi'dy 1 tan niiiitiim. 1 .nnn. Ij rrjuire that e bane at leuclli a pnrpilivr mliirh i ,,r. thy the couOdeiice ol the prufeesiun ami Hit ik, .lc. DrrAaTXiNT or tiir Iminon ) I V'ashinKUn, I. C, 'ill tVh , s,,, fin 1 1 bave uscd your fills in my ucnu.il ,H liii.jnui ' pnu lica vter since you uiade thiiu, anil cautiot Ii-kIuk u any they aro the beat ealharttu we employ. Their ri'iin I luting action ( n Uie liyer la quirk and dn idtd, roi.He 1 uii'Utly they are an admirable remedy fur d i'iuiji'iiieiite if Hint vrgan. Iinlml, I have aiMum fuund a new uf liliutu dittaH to obstinate that It tiid not ruiulily i,.ti t0 1 tuviu. rateraally yvtira, ALUNZO IIAIJ.. M. i j i Itiyticiau aj Ou HuriM Hii)u,l. 1 Dyaeatery, Diarrhoea, Relax, M'orm, iVom Dr. J. O. Oretn, nf CViioii. Your Pilla have had a long trliri in my prarllre, and I bold (lifin in eateeui aa one uf tho best nwi iriiii 1 have ever louiiu. i neir aiiurniivi viiin-i iip,n uie urer luakns Hu m aa excellent remedy, when aiten In small d,c fr I Mieua dtunltry and diarrlxra. 'Hnir snHi-caiing I nmkea them very acreptabl aud eouvcuknt Kt llic use of wouicu aad eliildreu. . - D.,pep,'" Imp"r"r, " BI1- ! rTom '""r "J "'",. Pa. AV: I bave used ynur Tills Willi extra .idiniiry aucr. in my family and anuing those lam rolMt.ivi.it i ,ii,trea. To regulate the orpins of dig,iii, aud purify the bluod, th.y are the very best remedy 1 luxe R""wl,i ana 1 can couuueniiy recominen, iii.oi m' fti"u'- yur'' J-V. IHMta. Wtaaiw. Wyoroln To., N. V.. Ort. 24. IMS. I Tin Ala: 1 am ueltiK your Cntbarllc 1'llln In my ni'. I lire. aa, Aud tlivtu an e&cfllt-nt piojriitive tu cIciiiin? Ihe i systeui aud purify the utinfitiut Jar toW. I JOfI' U. MEAt'llAM, M.I. , Coat 1 1 pat Ion, Co 1 1 veneaa. Bit purees Inn, Illieuiiin tlain, 4out, Aeuralgla, Drop" a), i-araile, fits, tc. I'rrm Pr. J. I'. Vaughn, ilmtrn l, Cmmla. Too much cannot I sni,l of your Pills (,r IKp nire ef ctlimu'Si. Ifoeliersof our fraternity lime luinil iL.in as rftVadnua aa 1 have, thoy sliouM join nie in prnrlAim IiiE it for the benefit of the !iiultitutus who sulfur fioni llmt enmplaliit, which, although had enough in il.-lf, it the progenitor of ollii rs that are worse. I li, ll ri" c (irravsi to originate In tho liver, iHt )',,ur Tills aflvct th.it organ aud care Ihe disease. From Mil. E. fliirtrf, Phytidan and Mitlvift, Mml. I ftnd one or Iwo Iair doses of your Pills, token at His proper lime, are excnlli nt iroiunlives of Ihe rnfiixif irm lion when wholly or pari hilly aupprewd, and alwi mj .iricliiel to el'nnte the UnmaOi and cj'ji'I wormi. They are an nitti h the hel physic we have that 1 recouimend no other to my patients. Fion tie Rte. Dr. llawkrt, nf the Mtthnditt Epit. Clturth. Pi'lAsKI linear. Farannah. d.. .tan. ft, lHoO. IIoKoaen Siai I eheiild he liiiuiateful for the rli,f your skill has brought me If 1 did not report my rae to you. A cold settled in mv limhsnnd brought on excru ciating nrnro'iyic puiut, wiilcll endrd in Wimin'r rhettwa. ttim. Notwilhetandlng I had the ltet of phvsichins. the disease gn-w worse and worse, until hv the aiivire of your excellent agent in llultiinere, lr. Mai kentie, I tried your Pills. Their cflects were alow, I, ill sure. Hy persevering ia the use of lli, ru, I am now entirely well. Fekatc Cxumira, Palon Ilnuce, I., t Iec. l'S5. T)R. Atkb : I have been entirely curM, by your Dili. rr Rheumatic (hut a painful diseane that hnd afllkti'd n,e for years. MNCKNT SI.IPKLI- eTMoet of tbe Tilla in market eontnln Mercury, which, although a valuahle remedy in skilful Inn,!, ia dangerous in a publie pill, from Ihe dreadful conse euences that frequently follow Its Inranlious mp. These Mn lain no mercury or mineral substance w hatever. Prise, 25 cent per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Sr. J. C. AYES lo CO., Lowell, Uaia t-Soldby C. D. Watson, Clears el I. E. A Irwin, Curwenaville: F.Arnold, Luthcrsburg, Montgomery A Co., New Snlem ; J. C. Brenner, Morrisdale, C. R. Foster, Philipsburg; and Elba Chase, Ansonville ; and by dealers everywhere. CLEARFIELD STOSE WARE MTTEBy. Thankful for past favora and anlicilious of fu ture patronage. I would respectfully announce that I have on hand again, nnd will constantly keep at the Tottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distnnce east of the Methodist Church, a large stock of Crockery, such ns Cream crocks, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing de.de; and also an extensive assortment of different sites and patterns of brackets and rosettei for cornice on houses, and other moul ding. Any mouldings not on hand will be made to older on short notice. Also fire brick mad and kept for sale. f"A liberal reduotion on prices me.de t wholesale dealers. F. LEITZINOER. Clearfield, may 23, 1861. ly. Cabinet, Chair Makinir, JOHN GULICH, of the borough of Clearfielo, Pa., will be prepared at all tiinea to attend to, to any business in the above line on saorl notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His place of business it at tbe eld shop on the north sideof Market Itroet, Sd door east of Third st, nearly opposite the old Jew store j where he will ketp, constantly on hand a large assortment of Va- bogony and, Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet War of every description, which he will dispos of on aa reasonable terma a the same articles can be bad elsewhere in the ouunty. Ilia a lock of Cabinet t are now on hand, sist in part of dressing and Common Bureaus, Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Iesks mJ Book Cases, French and Field Pott Bedstead, Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta blet. Ac. Cellini manufactured and deliverad at any place desired. February , la. (no. 4, vol. it.J W KAL'OHS for Medicinal purposes Brandy A Port and Sberry Wine, Neclar Whiskey i nd 3&tt a-at HARTSWICK.'g