fit tffoLU .V,.-illii.m. 7 ( U M i II I P. M 18(11. . , . ',, Am M. I (Vlnft. -. I H I'll'V I't'lllf! I , . i.i. iii Irm-MiitrMo,! Hint in ,p in.ln in ( Iho loyiil I;!i,'i Ii.h furnifiii',1 iii tn ii It "'nl dti l ronf.rt t t llm i i I'l l", ni Mr. .S-ctvU ry rnmiTon liut in hi-, rcp.irl In Viwn'M. It liiis Levi: H.ciMinirt.-il that .It'll'. I'avii A. Co., Imye proouit'J a ro.y ofMr. Ciiino ron' lifpoit im .iil,lii-li'',l in lln) New Voik Ttihmr, niu' Im liatl it ptiLlinliffl for poniTiil rirculatioii llirotigh the Koulh. prn Htiitos, rsiii't'iully in lint loyiil st'olions of North C'uroliniu, T,'imcfa Kentucky and Missouri, in ortlor to oonvinci (lie Union-loving portion cf the citizens in thofO States, thai the ol j"Ct of thfl Wur is the einiinoifiitioii of ihe lav', ivliich thty know must remit in innurreo lion. '1 lie circulation of this document among the seceded StutcH will have niitrc eU'ect in chiinging the minds of tho peo- f4 thi'e, than all the report and troc Unaticns issued by the Confederate hu-( nil luocf.,s ()n the of Gen. l'opo, who thorities.andis tein circulated for th'u jsucc,.0ded in cutting off several rebel sup purpose. Another bit cf '"aid and com-jj.jy Xtint urd a lare numlier of recruits fort" for SceebMondom, i. found in Iho jond ve,,0rt, making tho number as high fact ll at Congress has refused to re-adopt .gJ ,wo tl,ol,Jnndvi'.h but, little blood heCrittendfn resolution passed by thatlBlllKi Hop us were enterln'med that Cien. body in July Inst. So damaging is the Xj would attack ben. 1'npe, in which tillect of this refusal that the present leg. cilsfi ;t wa4 thought thecoiiledemte would i-iatureof Marylnud, elected under the ' ue completely whipped out ia Missouri, -auspice? of the present Nstional Aduiin-'i A light occurred xome days sineo iHtration, bidj fair to iecomens dihloyal ' Mm C0(asville, in Kentucky, in which the its immediate predecessor, which was dis- 'eoniYsJerates were leported to have been jieraed by military authority tho House ' del'f ntotl. We have not Keen the details. Laving already ndoptod reolutionn in fu- vor cf tho Crittenden refcolutions w ith b uiSIei:wug voice. Jlut, if more were needed to give "aid rind comfort'' lo llie ciuieo of disunion, it i.s abundantly furnihhetfm the JVcctama- ' tion of Gen. riielji, nl .Ship Ifland,mouth completely routing the enetry and dri of tho Mississippi, to tho people of the ving them from the field of action with outh west, in which lie does not only severe Ijss. The fallowing is Gen. Me uy that "all the Slave Stales admitted in- oflioial announcement of tho affair: ... .1.. t': .. . : ., . e .1 U.,v..ui,(Mw,,.s,wmo 01 ,,10 4 .nncl it ill int, U'pia nilmiltml I r. ot.!..!:., of that instrument," but that ''all the sjivania lines ana j-.a-ion s uauei y oi wouUoburietl within iu bosom, and our original States that failed to abolish .lave ' t"1s,:'hn,, hn nlfLVl flfS ' along wuh litem. j-y violated their honor ;' together with u column or two of similar fanaticism. . A Recantation. Wt find the following l-tter published in tho Pine ami '.i'.-a. a Miner devoted t,i Coloniiation, ntid of which Mr. Kedoath ' . pimcipai eouor. in uius niiUung a ;len breast of it, the reaJerwill not fail ir, oUerve tln.t ,iil ii,n r,,itr ....w i.;,.i, H.o Iemccials charged on tho Abolitionists f Kansas are fully acknowledged. We'ded, but isstiil in the field. 1 hao col Jisk no stronger vindication of tho cured ' lected the dead and wounded, and urn lies of he poliov of the D.;mocralic nariv 'J0Ut to move buck lo camp. in lli!il.mimi.,M..i..,.'., "A TRrtrARATORr Wokd. Having be come sinccrolv ennvii.-e.l tlmt .i-,,. r,., r the political den'trinea that Ihcvo ndvoca'. - d in my writing are d.ingeroim nnd ab- Jtorrerst to the higher insight ; the iw,,r. 7',r7Vfiw th, ' iin,.rrroii ; which I have ured repeat- ?dly an.l w ith terribly mistaken zeal-l vish to announcn here that I shall retire froinnny participation tbe Hiticnl forUihfrfl''i 'Im'rn!l1, XCrr,'"'S tor llie purpose of retracing pat errors, until such time ns I feel that I have nt. tained a clearer and more humane and Christian view of the duties of the freo- mtn to tli enslaved. "I shall COtl fit! 9 mvself exeltMivelv lo 1iedttirgof the outside p.ges of this ,,10rning. The latter gels here tho even l?aper. J he name oftlm acting editor'. , .? , ... ... ... , will be duly announced. The articles ,,n of the (lu " 13 ',,,nted' an'J ,1,e U' signed with nn ns!ernk () were mine- imor - l'our8 thereafter. Why is this ? t these 1 will retract nianv ; mv a-sociates - . . . itins lauell.-.i. Irtpudiutc m;, wur dxtrinet ut.erya-.jKeer. Jaucs Redpatii. Mr. Uedpalh was tha regular Knnsai ?ot repotic! nt of the New York Tnhme, during the unfortunate troubles of lSjT s' He isnlso llm author of !,., life nf John P. ,! ;r,.:. . ,; ; .....u.i I Be-;.- uiereissomc nope mese migui,L eaiauatics may yet do some good, thoucl, they wiM have to bo ve-y aclive if the my can undo th.t wrongs Ihey hav com.nit. teJ Bgainst their country. ," . - Loritnoutions to Volunteers All pernn4 wishing to make crntribu. tion" lo lhe members oflha "Washington f'nrlotu " r,.v in . i.;..i. tend to add to their comfort or . . relievo their wants-aro informed that a regular t-n estab- Depot for such arlicles has Lee lished at the residetico of John Mol'her- r i -i ,, , .on Esq., where specialcare will be taken rtJicui, and from whence tliey will bo forwarded at regular intervals the first consignment to be mide on tho lint of January next. I'ersons wishing to send r.rl;ole to their friends in other companies in front of asbingtoi. can do so through U.e same channel. Tim ir!l;'i?!ft thV re,Tnf,ve Writing, by j Postmaster at HarrMiurg ? Wo hop, tm initial i nnd by tho marks f. J, nnd',, , ., ,, r , , are alone responsible for their ihouphts ! 1,ut ,1,ere "ulsl bo a C!lUH0 for " lfcThe imports at New York for W,0 called cW.SWj, P.anks, GidiEniis a, il The imports at Nevv oi , Tor lMifnch hUant ,'cu, ' Xr'm" amounted to s.lij,t'di,i tm, for the; lU,r ow had we Democratic ''Union same period of 1SC1 they amounted to Savers" belter go over to these "Union ciw.iW euoiut . , ucrease o. over unu uunui cu millions ui uouurs. jiji is nothing more than a whole business of Iho country for the last nine months, and which i still gelling wone. OfcourR the revenues must lufTer a corre 'ponding declin. ,t,..,;,i,,.t. i .m. ., ,! 'II ' ' " ' ' " I ' ( ' ' ,,Mt,...t1wv',t,.,,iu 1 ii,'' t r null iM'i iiMi'ii i t ,,., U ,. ( ti iiihfc. I) 1 , il I i 'lif I'.i 1 1 p It N "l! Ii A ili'l I'iIH 'i Uimi. , i I ,i,ini' "( nil ' 111,' hI limit' Irl li)rl'. I nl, r II I I ! ,. I , I I II Mr. S-rtfl M.ll U,,' I'.niMi Mini. 1' ( W i.l,iniii,Mi, ilii Hlli'iit.lN hiiiiH ii '"" t nl i,i , . . . , I. .( .. u.a. ilnl ipv.m.ii mi. 'iiii'ii im. mi"" .-, I. ii 1,1,, ,' I,, I, Mi ll III, III Oil III'' ' U ll UK 'I" ClhlllllH.' I'I M'l.V ' "", I'1"1"' ii ,..i!,iii,.ii on I In, liiitl '.' """ - , ,ii ,iii'-i"iii'' iti'ivm'iiiiihj n -' i ii"" , , .,, i,.,,, . mhuIK ' !,.,,) i,i t n-niilt iii win', i tun kloiy lm it ' M im'II Mild Midfll Will l.e ,le 1 1 vei eil ..r .l li 1 up. it n-thiiv IfM win fiUHiy 1 1. c in ii mi , dtiiiaiid.: Mild lha itt-xt. thni im iiu-U do-; iiuiiHl will i.n inntie, iimiuiiu u.'iii it "t(1, hn i4ed Hint our liuvcrm vnl ctinnot I I u ill . lant ivilhout in any d.-ivo ,'om,riiiiiiinji lnti- Minor. I .n alcHiiier Allien Mileil ., ir.,i '..,t .,iL mi li ul. iv hul VMth 1 1 - , 1 " " - . ,. i'. 1... -1. ,,.iru a,. I (Joveiiiment, and hUjIiOiu our ttoverif 111. n'lifi. 11.111. .111. , , ..,1 ....... v....,....n,li, .I., I,,, ...ii... r, ............. til menl to our Minibter in LoilJon. A lint ish vv ulo suiloJ Irom New 01 k .villi , dispatcho" from the lirilili Miimlur at Wubhinlou la AJuinsil Mime, in uoiii - will lliod '.hn Northern Si.Him wit!iite. uuindol tho llrilish tluet in Uermuda , M , iv us Ul.orei into one correspondent represeiilintf HimI tin. ; tue n'PCesity of coiiiiietilioti with l.l.n ks, dispatch reipiir-s the Admiral lo repair to: linc, cot.(.ut.ily to a redunion of ivues. llohton Hal Lor Will. hi. entire fleet o 4.) jTlji, lo , ,.(I,U, my appear .(nil.-l) vessels mid demand the uneonailiimal niir-1 5,,,, ()Ul '(i, ,K,t no to ni. I eonlend that, render of Mason and Slide.ll. l.f course , ,. 1 ...,,,ry W1W ,.ilji.i,.,l in the South, the ill is mere L-o.sii From Missouri wo have accounts of ig i)n y, iJiiy u brisk engagement took , .... -ii i 1 ..... n .It place it i.-rainvn.e, , m.h,c - ; tachnient ol Uen. .UcCair 1'ivision, nnuii t,reo iegimei,ts of rebel infantry and one , f i,... ;,. !, ilm IVnimvlvaniaiis , ,.,1 .:."i' ;,..! ,l lMvar v I mm, ,,,, o,a'., j I . . ... . DR.UN.vatK, DC. U.-Genera U.Us l.ri,,,,!.. .villi tlir. I'trl 1l.miiiiiiI. ol 1 c II II -1 0f artillery, near this placeat twelve M. to. day. j j arrived during the action, and sent for 'General lieynokb, who was left at Dilli- cull liun. The eiumy was d'jleaied, and llv1 '"-'loio Gen. Reynolds in rived. Wo have found forty killed of the tnc- mi' nnil ten on tin, fie.d. Oill loss is two killed and three wounded. W have taken Iaocuissujis, wilh the hurness e. the lu tscs having been kiilid. The regiment of rifles behaved finely. ' t !..,it f! .1 tv" ...... ..I. tui'V tltf.litR' ivnnii i GEO. A. MtC Atl.i Iirig. (ien. Commaiidiiig. mi llaaj" titi.-ivn fiin I iin nrl worn 1 1 in The ''Pm - k - taiU" commanded by Col. Kane.to1 which the Ilij'tu:n Hungers are attached. ! Other reports oitler us to tho amount of loss on each side-sonio making the loss ; , , , ," ol,r sl,le 10 k,lle'1 onJ lj " 0,ln',i:u ,ul .us hifdi a '2,'i0 killed and wounded on the ' ,,art of the enemy. And one report states that two of the IJangers were wot.nded- .,, , , ; Mr. Glenn, nnd a Mr. Burnett. WuT is IT? The Ilarrisburg Patriot if' r-v 1 .i. it....-:, i i'.i i ..... , c m.wi hum mo uni i imjui Acnyiujin nt u h.ith r.nLlislied about the .mine bourevpi'v ' Is it because Iho editor of tho Tdciranh is ------ j !e not. Wnot.r.sjtLE .SEt.i'-CoMJtiiSATioN.-The N. j Y. Trilurt makes tho singular confession I that its whole course for the last ten ' ''flS l'l'rn ft "pet nicious blund-r," an ! ioL,,"ll.lorf-',h.of ti,ro ' , '1,vn,-'l it- i ? . . cry ,ng ,iown tnt re- ?"lf SO' "e WUUV T ,ueu &:uV'V I if theO.nmpotent being had an oca c.i us mi. ,ng .o jreuK loose irom u.e I i-nn n, nu ns energies pa ,ie. i.y MJ n iB" 1 " as toe mni uuon oi siaverv. Jui now it regards slavery until il ia n I .r.l i w Ii uil n. ', I r.T... 'itive and terrible siieiigih,"utid savs ; '. "Tho history of this war, on tho part of both government, nnd people, is little more than .1 record of iho r.iscoveiy of j mistakes and the rectification of blunder, "l-'ody is to blame. The press which 1 supposed t uat the lett'iiion was n more - i con I in nut ion nf I in. .-vutm i-,f 1 .i, 1 K in n I... - - j. .. m. -. .j ... wliirh the South liud j lories, and the . talesmen who fancied it ',uKl lf n.u-'lb--d by patiently waiting , t h Ifl . ttvti. ,.,i,., il 11 ' . lvty'. "x': or ,,.incty ''"V8- Wl',e ,(l'""y : honest, uut have been proved 0'iua v mis , lnlu.D. AfXl0r)r llie most pernicious blun. ders which have embarrassed our warlike '.operations, Ins been the blunder ofun- iider of un- i i ernes. Asj et rated the , (lorrtmg Hu strength of tho a matter of course, w e have nvet tienglh of the loyal Slates.' !. ..... . ... 1 ?y v. co" KD,.While the p, ists calamities to which their section- ibiimiiv iHiitntr iiirt t;mi i,iis",ti u i,.i , .iuiMii ouiii unmi. ana ior w ii;: 1 alism -ould lead, and forwhi.:h wa were , .e . si inioa n en .or still "t"" wi.i...uiiuu unu , . . 1 . lair index of thel1'"0 ""s untJer our olt oanner. ivx - lair mtiex oi me. , iHaiyc. tgi-Asliclit fall of snow l,a. put music into thu sleisli bll, and to the r.avijjafion. hi-t ..,.,,'.,..... si .t l li ii I ir m v '! I ' t ' ' . I r. , 1 1 imi, h.n.tu ,.. ii,t 1,1., , 'i.mimn s ,.'H,nt, ill ,i 'j I i, ni t'i, in In, i Hi . i I . ' 'f Ii , ft millliiH i,l ,,U m,ii,i'll , , Mil kl,li, ,im ill l fill" Im , it 'Hill islltl.'l, i In in! i,,t lutt ui, n) with (lie ln!rM ati m i,l Alvtlilrimvil. V'lir ll,,'l,i Hi .Mliln'lil . . . i . . . . . ,,.. ,.... i I.,.,,,,.!.! .,,,1 i'Mlnili, il In' lin'V r,ii!ri llit- rnllh M lilt I, lil.milv li, .in. p. won 1,1 In n, 1,1. I, i'iiI ' I ' 1 hi .Urtin.' ill l i vt'iy iriiiiit U : 1 h Kur llm HrM,ilirr. Mfrm. I'JUofi : tnctoiO'l you will liml . ,1 ( , ,, , .. )((,,' . , ,,,,,,., .. . ' . . . .. - I , ,, W,;niiiS i.f iu nlilors, yt-t I II uM , , , , , kj , ,. , . , ., . . W()u,,j ,lU(M.,t l(, k,.lMM tie exi.olon , , .,... I ..I. ;, r,-i,,,,, in. ,..i,,,,, , ,nil. . i. 11 . 1... i' 1 r".i 1. 1 Iliy OWII. I It!' i l" nr. ii.fu ui" :rf,'u,iiu 01 nu: mm inn', m, . 1 - . ........... ...(,. Mi',, ii. ui ti. . ..-...:,...- nrl 'it r 1, 11, im.. v. 1..11.. .i.i.k . , 11 w i.ji 111 r "..... ; l )1, . i.ennit me lo in ika a lew criii- ,.,,i ,, ,,,, r ........ ; nn'ui. .r(.-Keli ;,, .-our hist tm'ner. You u,,w,r t.urful tltttl llm aliolainn ofihiviuy j I ne.'roe.s ihcic would not only Slav there, , but those 111 the Ireo States wouhl ungrate ; excuse, lor llie arm wn practically use South toseek home-;. The eases you men- j less until altered, and to ellee.t that delay lion tu tho contrary pre not the etlect oi l was inevitable, hikI the purchase was abolition, hut the terrible eti'eeU of civil made without any examination ai to the war. ( practibility of improvement by alteration. There tire no more negroes in lite Smith j The Committee found a large number now than are needed to carry on lV iigii- jof lliese arms at Cairo, and. not withstand culture of that vast region. This you wid ing the iitgetit nceeseity of arms at that Hi tninlv admit. 'I'hen. if si u erv w as abol- noiiit, whol I Pi'inieiits, even mi the eve i:bcd those negroes ihut aicnow held as tdaves would bo retained as hiied laborers ; tho same interest that would induce 'i man to buy a. negro, would induce him to hire ....... j - - i one. 1 lie muises ivli'CU compel negroes 11 rush by thousand to tin) Noriherii State jbl3 economy 011 the part of the Govern are these: they me lleeing tioin klavery to inent oil the one hand, and a spirt ol freedom. Establish fruedom inl'ie South ruthli-.s iipeeula'.ion 011 the other, have and this negro stampede will ciase, because uuei '. 1 1 1 ue iivvii 1 11 1: iu 1111x1 u, 1 1 .im . 1 ... :;! 1 1. : 1. ... Just lev- . ;.,;,,, ils ...... s0 will mi'M'.t'.ion cea when its cause is remtived. As to the colonization of the ! nt-irroes. 1 am pretty confident of its leas- ibiiity. You, however, think that il our I ... 1 ... I ., w hole naval force was employed we could only remove tho increase. I'ossibly you j may be verv neur correct ; but even if that i . :.' ., .-hould be the ultimatum ol oil'-ell, iris. ,ve I would be L'ainiuj: upon ihem raiudlv. for ' ! if their increaso iivio removed lor the : it iiicir lucreiiso ti i'io removea lor me ...., .1 lir tv .,. vears the whole e,MO 1 . . , .. -, .. . raco that now Ireuds the soil of America and our pOnter'ny would find the land cleared of all kind of rubbish. Again, you appear seriously opposed to the abolition ol slavery us a menus of crip n!ini the cause ol loeession. Now. il, rs. editors, I hope vou me more of pltiloso-! 4 ..1 pliers than lo attempt to remove the evil ; of liiminion w ithout teinnvin? its cause. ' t We should accustom ourselves to deal with ' u IMim;. and not with names. Slavery it the u- J . . . . . cans'? Ol thu war, ami 1 am 111 lavor ot re-1 moving it. ' Let us take the bull by the j I horns" meet the ,piesiion s'ptrely, and drive the : cause ol civil war Irom the land ;i and Inly cents esch, who nnnieilialeiy then pence will of its own accord rMurn. I ;old the entire l"t to Gen Fremont prob W'e ihovld notattrmpi to MfuiiW, pc-ift ty'i th'A al,!y laboi ins under some inisnpuelieii itrv basis thai hMjirovru s.-lf vnMc to iitvi)'!- ' sion as to the nature of the pu: cli:ie of the l,..-i 't'lto b'tinl of i.olii'V wliieli vmi ',.in j to nptrovo reminds me'of n fable I once! I ...... ,1 n d, cl.rf .b ' I t.v : j -hi ntiftn . ' ... tl Io-er.I inn as toliowH : 4A bi'inji whom the orientals culled Omn!pote:.t ' nominal price. The sale was made by or Omniscient, ic, created Vwn mortals cud ' tier of the Seerelary of war, on recommen. pieced them ir. a'l abode of pure delight ; ' dation of tho Ordinance furc. No gov-I I.. un .....lit V null r 1 1 4. Iiin. 1 'itrnnnti,, lit.., 1.4. A.lul.trl .o,. .nultiii. ' induced them to violate the laws of their j itself with such improvidence in the man author for wbich violation they are pun agement of its ".Hairs. One agent of the isbed, and I heir dec 'iver permitted to go' government sells these arms nt throe dol unchasl'ued, although ho was the real! lars and fifty cents each in the midst of a cause of the transgression, hut us thesto- pressing demand for arms, and a few weeks rv proceeds, llm posterity ot thos mortals afterwards, nnd without any increase in wero permitted lo multiply for aucs, and r. .!...:..-. :-.'.'.. I.. iivui iiitii iwiiuri c.j'ci i.tiiiiu 111 ..-iioi uu icii.-.i, in,- itftoiu 10 me govei 11 mcii 1 ' came more and more sinful, insomuch that, j through another agent, far twenty two I their kind and benevolent mulmr was ( lollars each, lite government losing in so cam pel led to annihilate the wholo race, .small a transaction, if permitted lo be only retaining enough to perpetuate the 'consummated, over ninty thousand ('ol specics. Hut this slupciidous measure, un!l'iis, or. inasmuch ns all the i'all carbines, :..! 1 : :. . : I 1 1... .1.. .,i.t ... I mei 1 1 1 tu lino m, e, (i 11 ns 11 . w 11 1 mm.' ficient to clean 10 the race ; lor the desccn- Eastman, and of course embraecd too pev cienls of those saved became, by contact en hundred and ninety bought of Mr. l with theever present genii, as wicked and Jex. Cummings, ns (he agent ol the Wat sinful as fotmerly, until their creator, as a j Department, for Cf't-en dollars each, the last sad riecossily, was at last compelled to! avso as to these would stand thus : They descend from his exalted abode and give ' are condemned and sold by tho govern himself a sacrifice for llie transgressions cf nient at a merely nominal price ; af"er hi creatiirefl. Strange and inconsistent as w ards, in Apiil la.-t. nn agent of the War this fable ij, yet it is believed by thousands Department purchased Ihem for the gov of people ir. the ha-t to the present days Hllt ,c ,nn,.ftUllii;ll c wWl ,0 llwv ,lom uiiilulPtl the evil genii, us bein- tlia ratil cause of tho 1 1 aitsui e.shi,.n . the whole race 0f mortals would have been saved tho de moralizing ii.lluenee of his presence, with all its consequent misery, anil their author would have enjoyed the cottsciimciout , haptiness of having produced beings wor thy of his great name. So, Messrs. editors let tis not lmiuic this short-ightei ox er etnititiit and excellent citizen of Phila aniple but aniiihihite the cause of disun-' delphia. Horn K. Kneass. Esq., died this .. . . .. ., !... ' I....... " rllil .... ion, that our posterity may enjoy the bios-1 mrrning, auer a painiui inness, at u.s res-1 sinps of peace and p r'oipetity forever. lideneein West 1'hila.lelphia. His death! These are a few thoughts of one of Hie ' is truly a public loss. Few men have en hard fisted yeomanry of Clearfield, which, 'joyed in a larger rlegreo the confidence; if' you jnPt in . .mr paper nr yoJu wiU ol)i WM .. - . r. . - - and criticise CAKK. Liberty Hill. Dec. li, iSol. IFV'Oceabional," in his loiter of tl 17th init. evidently from the pen of J. sy Fo,.rieyvt. ,. c!eai.y r,)1.e(in,(j0,vll the; . . determmation of the Administrate, to ; iiccene to toe uemanns 01 r.ngi.iwi ri "u iu I the delivering up of Messrs. Mason and I, .. .' ... , ... iiniii n nr in ftr iii irnr iviiii c r. "Let uscru.h out reh. llio. first." sav Mr. k- . S' " ,U" "Ur 'V""'""" r,OU" Bn'1 cduC,lt("1 ar,u of five lundrl ! tl'ind berce loose upon Great hrit - ! air.." We object lo this. ou, qvarra, with Ergland, there must bo no back- , ..,,, ...,, . ,i ., ,,r..i, ini?OUt. "liettprlntllii. lrti. 1 1. nn1' Inrthe . tl , itimoueins. Our nrniv unnl.l ninke shott , jr-. . . i, ' -'" -- . "v.. "i jiii.ii.ii niueiica. iv linn uino P'P- "lxw" ' be disposed to return tlr mproved d?' '."' , lf "0t UnC'9 "l'ams dominions will bo large enough withont her. . , ; , . : ,l., ,, ,. S ' " 7 v:v: ::: , ,l( ,, j, ,,,, ,, i, ,,, j t i mi ,, !),' Min i (T' l"H" "( III' I tlll'M! (:,l ii P nl "ii I" "'I I i "Hi' I' I i -i, i, "' pi' I,,.. I l,i' .inn U I ill, ' ! I 'lMnK ,.,,.1,r I A mii"!,, i o i'I Milll,,' l,'l t'MIM I'', lil'llll'H'i i j, III, ,1-NIMl I'I .., i"l 1 lilt', llll 111 ' I I ui l.,i i"l in Mil it i I Lit' t'l'lllllllll l ' . .1.1 I ... ill ins hu ml I .I.ll llOlll I lll Altt.1l Nil i.i,U,i i ; . 1 i ; . . I fi vl -e, .rut t,) lint murll V in t iew ol llm t xirti- uidinaiv deiiiiinil liiritrin. llm itiln, in I ( llm 0'iiiditiotl in which it win J iiiThMi'il, w ill eM tttinlv novel I o used bv our mi iiiv, ui d w hen nl'tt'i. d, .i iniM.ed, il inlori- hi." 1 V . ' 1 . . : .ii.. o.i'.y to ll'e hi iiis 'Miic.i m. ii. ..,i), - , inulutinj.', t,'Htlifr Willi tliv hlintml uni- , vrl.s..i ! ttl io- orKtldum to iilKMed mi iii, i, w ill iilmn-t criHin'iy t xcludo ll em from j tlte liriny, I 111 nmnuill -uiiineu nir mr il. TI11 nnuntnt rhiimed for lite I -,.? , I',... il,. -..i.,.,' .1 .iiiiinit in", ih niuini iiiiiinn. .11.. i.ixii ill T ..... ...". . ". , the opinion Hint tho itrin will never be ol . !nnv Hi'i viee In the l'ovci iilnenl, and will I'never he used except in some ouaeof un- L turseen and extviiordiniiry emergency. The .urcliai.e or Iho nrm wiih nn Bet ol ,,,,,,0 ofour Mt-ralleil IkhIii.'ii uniRHme.. j m:iitit'st iinprovidenee, and lhe loss rx Our IIW K gravity; of which i S,v I etisulile heeuuse the nrm had been disttp- or thrre litnpn ttt. triBiiy hi ny otbir 8,'l,,, j proved o) evm at a prioo than that r. oltin mi.uikiin L.r ite.l. Iboy by General Fre.noni by the. f l'e'' p5'"aor-ewar. of theut. remember tbnt j cured ordinance o.licer at New ,i k. I ,heLjy., ij0ui( t oriyiuul ,ublicatoin ami The iinnvidiale necessity for I'lins rii!i,ci,M,i. If vou tnko Uodcy, tou want no scarcely be considered m furnishing an ' i of thu battle ol 1'iplmont, were almost des titute of arm. These arms wero loft iu the boxes in which they were shipped from the arsenal at St. J.ouis. Improvidence mid disrega! ' reasons made this ccn'ract, and it is a rpjostion of public ,ii .tice how lar it shall tie carried into etiect. Tho eommitlee deem it their duty to piesen'. the fads for iho io:iHider ation of tho House, without any special recommendation. Another Iransartion in the purchase of firms, to which the attention of the coin- miltec has been rlirec'ed, is the purchase! r .. I . ,T 11" . 1. I... :.... of five thousand of Hall' carbines by Gen Fremont. Ihrouifh Simon Stevens, ot 1 enn- svlvatra. Tin transaction is, in some riv-necN of llie Rime oharacter with th ro.t,ect , chase of tho Austrian musket,, but :( . , 11. :.. :i ... . . : iiruli mord remnrkablo in illustrating the improvidence of gentlemen prominently COtinecteil Wltu tno puunc twrvice, ine corrupt yaleni of brokerage by which the Tresury has been pli'inlered, and the pritstitwtion of public confidence lo pur, pones of individual aggrandizement, in Hie month of .luno last. Arthur M. . ... . . . - i .. F.a.iman.of Manchester. N. I!., purchased . ... ..-.I. ...1.. .. at the 1 irdnanro rureau nvo -.nousatui iuui Ii nndi ed 1 1 iH' cm bines, at thlTS dollars fill v cents each, and after a slight uVtcra- tion of llm aims, at a cost ol Trom U'venty- . . .1 It .... 1 .......... II.. hvs cents to one aouar atin ihuvmi, cents on each arm, sold fiv thousand of ! them to Siiium Stevens lor twe.vo dollars ; 01 m. These armies sim bi hive been sold i,r i v il and ivi I lini 1 1 i n v i I i n nn V mill I . . - - " f lu-ti'.n : Ami tor, uv hu 1 that demand, tho same arms, slightly al I. 1 1.1 . . .1.. : ownci. 1 .v ii"- s,". t-i 11 on 11 1. ui t nwi.i iu , ! eminent at fifteen dollars each, and in .111110 they are sold I.y Eastman by tuc War Department for three dollars and fif ty cents each, and in August they are purchased by General Fremont for tho government at twentv-two dollars each. Death of Horn H. Kneass. With thi most profound eorrow we are again railed on to place on the sad record tho announcement of the death of anoth. nnd wnrm regard ol their fellow men, and with Mr. "Ivneass this was eminently mcr ited, for h:s life was one of singular purity and uprL'litnesj. As a citizen he was I puhlic spirited, and a zealous co-worker in every laudablo undertaking, while in !; professiot, he was distinguished for his fidelity lo every trust, nnd his frank man -I , ;nRC;0liol , M,rec.iation of j every duty In every relation of lifo he was generous, confiding and truthful, nnd j !m... .!.., him i.! I will f...,ll w ...... ... v.....,v. , ..... , ' in.',i do,,.tl! th" !',ss.of and . -"ll' enticing friend, nnd a man posses ' ed of every ennobling quality of head and j henrt. 'AiV J.Aa Journal, l. 12. l Mr. Kneast was well and favorably known to a number of the citiiens ofour town. Ho had devoted a great portion of i- .- i l- : , i . i. lima nnrl hi, Minrcii., In , - - - e- .r...0 i. -:i I .. i .. I .1.- -!..- !. - , ounii up, nnu eiienu iub principles oi n , , m ,i . , , . . 'O iowh,p; " . "era, times i L("01ilh hihe8t r-ltioM known to the Order. Tho above xtrtdc)s but ' justice lo the d d , , . , n 1 1 UWU,nl 11 " 1 i I I i , ",,, !i V ii Y, i . ' ' ;;;w:;;;v;;,;.V,.V.",, " , mli mO s, ,;:;:::;::v:;:,,:; ,:fe:r ..V p.,, v ""' ' ' ' I ., l.nU ll'i'r. In Amfl, rhtil.ui fin In ( , "l !,' m M.l I . i.ilirr Miiii., Iht MnHT Iill l.lKll,ll, t, I "llt, C"1 51 nun, (il. ,iii. nl II, l,.k In Hit , I iil m-t nl II i r".iltliii ,1, '! Hutu,! I i b- , t,., I t,c. III "U, ,lf). Pur .VfW ii,..". !'- All r(Ti Ml lo tl,l n , h.o r,.n,r. . Il r Imw finiiu kiimik in i li,l,,l h,li II Hill iliinilm.lil. iilii. ll -irpilmi-m. IMItR. HW- "I" iiHinli ly l.lli-r ii)(rinlin llian n I ""-, l ,k,,t rhvn I'Utn f,m (Irs lo it, in full l.'iiitlli Clu.-- ) ', Fu.liUiK en oh plat. OihorSLigailiiMgi only tu. , r,r of nn, f.i,n. ,n Cun,,,, "" .V -ll,'i In otilTwoik tu thii wurhl lmt - , - , h m,h Uv( textl3li m'nuil.r f ,,bli.Lri ni,J tbt Tll lll,ii1.ii.,ii of Hick cit Mo.OwO lh,n fH,,0n-i.liiUi of th M iiyle, u,l nnlln nil,i,,.. hut mir wnn4,'rfitlly We t-iruoltttiou I.- -,. n tn iri, e llitm. Uiber inni;,i.iiu'i oun -. -- .,., i, .,,.1 nr,l 1. W o nrvrr mitin tn'.ni'.v wni'ii l ... . 1 fin, . I ruiV".c l"" , ,'"; ",," . ,vb,..i.t.,l,'i.ll.riU.m,t..l llicpr iii.iiiwiib ,; "".i. ., 1......1.; 1 1.. ul.,. hi ! , . . .,,., if 9Pa ,1.11,1 i;,e liirjro cities ' jfl(4K.j Bfur tho ftyle t the .IbU'i given lu nllir mnrimillf. KvervtbitiB that ii usofulor orniiniontal in a Wimisoan bo found in Uodey. Vnwi'ii.7 ,oii. No olhr tnnsoxino (itrei thoin, n mi we bavo given en.mgb to fill tevoral lni-L-a vu lumps. Ottr lieetij)lii are lucli at euu be foud nnnhero else. Conkiiis in ll its vuriely Confectionary tho Nuri.ry llio Toilei the I.nundry or the lvitol,i.n. Iti-rcintn iinon all luhincts are to be in the pa(t' of the hady'it Hook. We original ly Hurled tliH il.i)artinuiit, and Iihvo pcculiur fa- rilitiea fur niukinir it most perleri, i ins i.e- iturtmrnl alone i.s worth tin price of tho Hook. n. j. Lnilitt' ll'oil 7'oic-. 'Ibia department com- .,! ,l...r,i,t,nti4 ol ever, aril - i . i. rt U.l.l',tt,i-Noothcr mi-Tiutne ban this deiinrttnent. TEHMS: CASH IX ADVANCE. Oi.e conv cue rear. J3. Two cot. in one year. 5j. lluee co.n;aoneyear,fi.. "" a-.S7. Fiva eonm onevear.aiwan mi-.ui w. the pcrjou fCcttiK "P clllh' lu' 'V co1'" leiuneyearaiidunrianesiruro,,, .... r'-'-Jthe ioa .ending tho .' i", '-. ' ,. ,,v year, linn an eiir. . h the club, $20. The onlt maKn.iue that tan be . i ....-. ... . U n ...r.i.n introduced into '.be above . club, in place of !' Lndv'i Hook is Arlbrr I llnine MnRiiiiiic. rilr.i. I i . i i' y ...... ,'ii. .....v. iiixi;.. liodev'e Ludv'i llookanil Arthur't Home ...... ... . I !'! 1 ,1 I I V,l IV ' f TP 'If M 1 ,1 . Mitain both ne year for $t! 50 Oodcy'i La- Tt,,0k and ll.irp. r s Muzurine, holh one y,r, f.T !l S". li'iil.'y, Harp.'r, an,: Arthur win tut throe be a-nt one year for $1 00.. Treasury Xotoa aad Kotos ef nil aolvent b.iuka taken ut par, Ho 'carefnl and pay '.he piiatnge on your letter. Address I.. A.GOriEY. nov-6 "I."! Chestnut St., I'hil'a., I'a. F U UN1TUUK Ii() O.MS. BENNER & BARRETT Heepectfully annouace to the publio thnt they hao coinpltted aud are new ocrupjiag the'.rncw furniture ware-rooms, (rontlag on the Markot Lot and nenrly crppoiite the Conrt Hants. Cabinet makian will be carried on in the up per story of tbe am bulldin In all lie DIFFERENT B F. a N 0 H E 8. All klnde of fnrnitnre will be kepi conitantly on handi and sold ebeap for cash or excliango I baa m T.m,sJ,Af lek mi tm Lll4fi "r c..u...? r-....., ... . CHAIRS. rAHLOJt, HOC KING, ASP A KM CH A I US, srmxG SKATS, CAIX BOTTOMS, ic, rAnLoit sorA, crxrjik; CAIiI, DIXXG, EXTEXSIOX ( HnE.lKFA.ST T A li L i.S1. s o7a s. OF ALL KINDS, VARIETIES AH) PATTERNS. BUREAUS, SlDE-BOAUDt, IIOOKCAfiF.B WARDROBES, i.0. BEDSTEADS JENXY LI XI), MIOU-rOST COTTAGE, FPFXCII POSTS, if. Hair, Hair top, Cotton tcp, and Corn Husk, ef tbo best material. LOOKING-GLASSES of all sorts and sires, ,, , ...i,P . Also, Tea-poys, What nots, Wash standi, Work-stands, Hul-facks, in, COFFINS. Mad to order on short notice, hears furnlftxd. Poplar. Cherry, and Llnwood Lntnber, taken In for work. Clearfield, October 23, 1801. ly. CYREXIl'S HOWE. JUSTICE OF THE TtACE. For DrrijltR Township, will promptly attend to all entru.ted to Disease, r. u. auuresi, rnuipsoiarg r. .... o , Aug. Zlst lei r .1. I KRATZER, J-CIl NT a, deaUr U Boards ana ,b.tb. MHRCIIANT, and dealer In Boards and Addemy ( I '., I'r.M IV,u,V (,. ,.( . ..i., Fh.l. I .,1 H ,,, i I li,i lit., n Hiii'f, : jt- l' Ii i 1 1 . i .' .!" , nl.. II it !. '! :r !:.. Hi.,. W l!i Ii, Him,-. i ( J J -1-, II... !!... 1 l'titr, lin-,.i,, f vn,.,, rMr,,ri, hl, s. u . u.,.i. k..,.., i ..n... uj..'...' . '. "".. jH,, ' ' l w',it, Ilardicurctf' Quttnsitarr, Null. Spile-, TotVt, Kc.d.i.. Sliaidi, gfT,i. ' Siiwi, I'lrnim, Ati, Au,rii, Km uui I. in 1, M,'it CtiliMi, Kiiive , A VntVt, lliii,,ff t Hrtsmrf, l'n Ktiivri, Klctlrarjr. IV. t"."' Turem.Uhli,r. ' b,u, Ntiliim, lliniiti., lilum, lloslnry, L'oiUr,ou0 Skirt.", llnliiiural tikirli, U.inueti.. Uitliun. im. ' , i'lumo", lluniicl Kruiiaf, Huclm, Lucti """ HfVjr. n,up, TriB. - . :l I.:... 1.... . . v . . ' "..". '"'"K3 ic. liOW'KTS. RIBBONS, SHAWLS r U I NTS. DUCAI.S, HARKGK, i ori.iN, C 1.0 I I IS, TWEEDS, MUSI.IN, I. IN ENS. C AUI'ET, 1JL1ND-, Ii ROOMS, S YTIIES, S ' I KKS, NOTIONS, II ATS, CA l'S, W INK, SALT, 0 I I.S, T'AINT LKAD. Lr.L'US 11'MJTS, COAT.S, van rs VI-.STS NAILS, FIX)VEUS, t.lil -cloth, llurlifts (i.i ..i. .1. i .. i, i i- t. t eta. School Hook", Wall Paper, ltafling Hopt, ! Coach Viu uiah, Mwta, Curlud Hair, Coach Trim! , taings, Velvet, l'lusb, Cottou, Tape, Coal-Oil It: l i.:i ill-., f- ' ,1"1 biu'ccd-Oil, Shorui-Oil, UIna, 4o. . A" of which willbeiold on the noit re.g0. LU, turmi for Cash, or approved couutry prg. U'.ce, CLiaifielJ, Nor. 27, U6t. ; oiTUIKI.XU TlJIItJi IX I'll I I.AIir.l i .,.., r , . , , O 111 A!- I .lif,! ! .' EXCITIN'J 1 00T HACK hftaa Pliiludolbhiu pMlife and the noluri,,u. V Rer atd counterfeiter. Jit ici r.uchiitian C.-iiii ' ! I Cross Recaptured'.!!! It ncenn to be tht renet- nl ovlnl.... in I ' I .. .. , f. ..I , I .,,( Ifl',,... I, ...I .. j ,ir of Frank Short'. French-cnlf Uou,tbnth I WOul.l not bo U' n Vet. However. SW, Ii ' '. n.t much put out at iiiifsihk Iih rust' ni ; but would annoutiro to nil Irtrkini-,t,je, Vovtjlat, Linr,ln (in, littl men, and wntueii and cliiidreu ill Clearfield, nnd Siniioinalioi.iii j in articular, that he is prepared to furninb them with Dooti, tsboc." nnd (Juili;ra of any style or pattern, iti'.cli. ed, icwod or pcjci;eb (and as be ii a iliort fel low) on short notice. All kinds uf country produce taken in es chanse, and not n fused. Repairing done in the nealcst uiannor aud c!.nr;i'H m,.'lirn le, at Ibe Short Shoe fbop on Second, oppoMte Heed, Wouver A, IV store. FRANK SHOUT. K. B, Fiudiuga for sale Kept. 2C, I860' " WATCli'&'jEWELSy. fl'llE undcrciRnc i rerpocifully I infoi'ina hi. cuelomer, and lit, pulilio Reuorally, that lie ha, jut reeuieed from the Kiifi, and 0 en. cdathis estiibliihinent in OltAUAM'S JiQW Cltarfield, Pit., a fine assortment uf Clocki, Wati'IIKs, andJnwuinY of different qualilici, from a finle pieco to 11 full sett, which ho will soil at the most reasonable prices for cah, or ia exchange for old gold nnd siher. CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the mat reasonable prices. ALL hinds ef Clocks, Watches and Jcneiiy, carefully repaired und W'arraulid. A continuiince of patronage Is soliriled, Sept. 19, I860. H. F. NAl'OLE. v u lc a n7 t iFiTas); 4 TTIiSTlOV J'uM '-'i ise(ptcinlly tfWM fim, ,llud 10 Mt nW H-'rl AriiOcUl Teeth. jyvi v vsTi.- iiinnv iL-rr!iiiii nun have tried all kimla of Mctallio lla?t rUEl'KK this. Ad s'' those cases where it is applicable it will undoubtedly become a tub stitute for Gold, Silvcror Platini. Its chief advantages are cheapness, Nilnf.! and perfect adaptability to tho mouth, it having a soft nnd fleshy feel to the parts with which il comes in conflict. A. M. HILLS is nrenared to nut un teeth on l tbe Vulcnnito Base with Uoodyenr's Patent fium, I which is the only reliuble preparation andwhicli can only be had through their regular agenciH. Dr. Hills will always bo in bis office nn Fri days nnd Saturdays, unless notice to the contrary appears ia tbo publie papers on tho previcui week. oov-20th lSf.l-tf. A. M. HILLS. II. W. SMITH & CO. 31 Kit CHANTS, and dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qncensiisre, and eventbin u.ually kevt by tho trade. Store on l JsrrnXI) ritreet. hMuw Juilira Leonard's. ort0- ., .1,. P..l.vl...;n rhnroh Clnnrflvlll V.. ri.w .,iv v. ..... , .. . - Dec. 4, ISOl. DR. J. W. POTTER. rhyslrlan and Surfrciiii, has permanent!.' located at Lecantes Mills, liirnrd townihip, fen his professional servioei to the luriourding I community. May ,6, ! TIIOM J. M'Cl'M.(II (;ll, ! Attorney at Law. I Office on Market street, opposite Mossop'i 8 tort Clearfiold, P. Will ottond promptly Ui Col!" I ctiona Sale of Lands, lo. novll AGIilCUIl UUAL MEETING, j 21 A moetinirof the Clearfield County Asricul- j Viral Socioty will be held ut llie Court llou'i n ! Clearfiold on Tuesday, tho Htb day of Jsnu7 ; next, at 0 o'clock P. M. i It is desirable thnt a full e n"." aaj lb election of officers for the ensuing yr I then bo held. ELLIS IRV'IX. !doo-4th.'filto. lre!dnt. linli'iJ. 1 HO Ptllll.ll I "-. --- .... I I XJ Promisnrv Note dated 3d December, li; , call in j for $55 i signed dsrob Mniirer, .In". T" ncT . n-,.. .:l.,.. lr... nr mill paynliloto ther,lertr Jor.n vuru-.v. r ! tons ar eniitloned against negotiating said ! and a sititablo reword will be given to any per"": , returning lb same lo me. J0H il"1'" Covington tp., lieo. is, ti I Aff a ntV.d.-all kinds op f.RJ V will Ue taken In payment of DEBTS Di H ME for wbich the highest market pricei w given. JAS. B. GRAIUM. Clearfield, Dec. 11, 1861. fi woRTlToF O 1 UmJ are ofr.rrH f. HTOHE ooor I for CoutT Ordsri 1 W. SKTTH W Deo. 4