I.,. I , si ii ii lt tfltw&fo grpilitait. PROCEEDINGS OP CONGRESS. la tbe iSfnufe Monday, December 9th, Messrs. Sumner, Collamer and Vice Pres, ident Hamlin severally presented petitions in f or of the emancipation of the slaves, tilt w t i .' " v' '!' -1S.S i.l, .u Shiiiuoia OiviW ramni 1. inn Hint. Iia : Vii '5'-if . ; "i 'c-."J imcvru.v ui'ikvw mill ll ill" if win ih 1 -i . ' . ' J ' ' - -V- .' I ' I B .. .1 IT.. I . I. f I.. ' ...... ,.t.,.t , b 1.111 1 z!1 ' .'li ...-vJ' T t iV I I... i .1.. u i i . i... .:.i.. ' .nici. cil lilt u l n cum vuui i ,iiuiu uihtihc Capt. Ogden'i Company, CnrCiKTi.s, loo.. 9lb 1801. e M! Editor oj th Cleareld Republican : 1 hope you will do mo the favor to pub- at II Hgerflowu, under the superintendence of Cuptein O. A.tTagg. The object of this is understood to le to eupply tLe troops at and around Williamsport, as well as to prevent (lie operations of spec ulators in fornge in that vicinity. Cap- inves, ........ r . .,.,un (..,.. . r .. ..." Mr. Ilnle Called up I.U revolution to ubol- " : " ' Z "i V v vr.,. aouie interest to your rea-dora. Il is also citnie here from Winchester, lie was a "my request that you bund ll.U to your l"e " i .... ..oiiir. iinilKr I li 1 in ti of t hi'ir in luliurv mil- ' ,U';.i-.tJ -;ZZ? thai the Federal soldiers now in Virginia .. . - t f pij j i t. - , were trespassers and rioters. Thebulance ' ' of tlio day was spent in the, discussion of Wednesday Mormnff TfC 14 1881. variou. resolutions to inquire into the ": '' cause of our defeat in the various battles Tub Prohibit. TIjo Secretary of the t hut have taken place. In the lloxuie, a l usury informs the people of the Uni- riWulion wus adopted authorizing tbt :od States that I heir iml. i le-ln k, in lhM, president to adopt kyateinatio measures y ill amount to nine hundred n.iltions of dot. f,. (,e exchange ot prisoners in the pres 'art! Rather steep, this. But he says ae !ent rebellion. Mr. Lovejoy offered a res oim pay it all in thirty years I To enable jolulion instructing the SecretHiy of War us to cio to ol course the feecretary calcu- t0 revoke so much ot the ord-r of General .ates the war to end by that time wi hour country re-uni'ed and as prosperous us ii r,ix:een rr.onths ago. Put if ho hat committed n great a bl'in !er in '.Lis ettinmte as he did in that of July his:, our indebtedness by le3, j,,. !ead cf being nine htm lied millions nill l e nearer eig! teen hundred millions. H told Congress, in July, that lie named inly ?'ilr,5t0.531 o"run the maeijine" to the first of July next (1862 ) The tiumu not yet ha!f up and he informs Congress thai it n;:i take 5211,000,000 iiKire to car ry him through. The only reason he 5 Hiis fcr this seventy per cent, of a mi take is, that the President and Cnbim-i thought they would not need over 3X, 000 soldiers to put down the rebellion, when, at the same time, they asked Congress to give them 500,000. I!' a schooNbo.v would exhibit h'imelia contradictory be fore his teacher as Mr. Chaso has done be foro the American people he would be or dered on the "dunce stool." In July, the Secretary informed the ; ul!;o that the revenue from the nut rt Pxhli:nr tanrl, and from the Public Lands, 'vouid be ?!"i0,000,000. He now says it will lot amount to more than one half that olini ! He wants Congress to raise the du ty on sugar from fj to 3 rents prr pound, iea from 13 to 20, and eoft'cc from 4 to 5. Uf!i,The most jiotent quo.-lioii ikav le i'ore thfl American peojilo ii, whether they vill choose to live henceforth, as they have :ived for tho last eighty years, with a leu briof interruptions, at pence with all na 'ions, happy and pro-peious beyond com imrison at home, or calmly submit to an Abolition Revolution in uur political, civil :ind religious rights, eipial (o that, of the Red Republican Revolnii-in of Krar.ee? The Revolution just now attempting to be inaugurated by Sumner, Lovejoy ,, Co., may not prove as direful in its inee; ti.i,, but if allowed to proceed and become per fected under the direction of these fana '.'i's, it iil prove fr more disastrous and horrible to us as a nation than the blo,i flench Revolution did to tin people r,l FrntKe. This i liiss of men seen to have an idol atrous love for tho negro; so much so ;!'c.t (Key are now attempting to obliterate That : the laws of Nature have indelhbly :n. hinted n the Cauciiian mid the Ne tio laces dihtmctioi: of color and con eequer.tjy two depurate and distinct races of men. Ic teeuii that Sumner if- Co. are Jctei ndned to put tho two races on an equal footing, so far as civil rights ure concerned rot by rawing the negro vp to a levi.l with the white man, but by drag ir. tl.e wiiite man anwn to a level with the regro. In seeking to better the con dition ol the African, they are willing to hazard the destruction of tho most pros 1 i-nus nation on the face cf tho globe. r';.'.' 0 ry Ftccted f This depend", for the present, upon President Lincoln. All eyes are turned towr.rda him. We are tut alto fet.er w i'.hout hope, D?Dax Hice. thegteat Ameiican sl-.iw-rcan, and one of the very best follows Rnnve ground, has taken unto hhn.H'if a Wife. Ht'id settled on his farm on the lake shore in Erie countv, Ta. As Lrie comity is now pai l of tho XVlIIih Congrexsional l istrict, why not send I). in to Congress ? neighbor of the Juurnrf. M. OdJ'EN. Capluin. MATTHEW CH'iDHN, Capt. C. 11. N'Ol.K, 1st Lieutenant. JXO. T'A V Lull, '2nd do. Peter A. Young Andrew Peters Win. K. AiiikiibI lieiuy Ligliiuer Martin V. Pi-iirce tleiny Uigai.i Lullier Ji. Sauisuu Mallliew C. I'a'.O ieorge W.llgdcn fuiiii Tlnjinp-oii gfca Laiy.'a.Macidi i NEW GOOD'S ! f yi nni.'VM i i n v u luMiir ran its? I . . . i t J. P. Krstter Las jutt rewivI ...... . i aortma at of fall and Wintvr ""i DRY GOODS. j' DaUioei, lasliictm, Rcj i,Mri,0, Alt,,! ,;Pynl, Colurgc, OiiicLamn, I)uelPl CLIm ilk I, Wunlii.s, ( loihi, C'awinierM, TRrrda K Halleck, commanding Military Depart ment of tho Went, as forbids fugitive sluves entering the lines of our army. Mr. Cox, Ohio, moved to lay the resolution on the t ible. Not agretd to. Yeas C3 nsy 9S. Mr- Lansing ottered a substitute which Mr. Lovejoy accepted, characteriz ing the order as inhuman and cruel, and i-i.i). lasting the President to direct Gener al Halleck to recall the same. Further consideration postponed, Mr. lilair, of Missouri c'.Vered a resolution providing for ihe pay ot all oflicera and soldio s in uctu ! sol vice under Fremont. Mr. ConkJin, of New Y'ork, introduced a bill providing tor the punUhtnent of iriny supply speeu la'ors, Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts, re marking thai without legislation on the subject ihe Treasury would bo bankrupt. In the Senate, on Ihe 10th, Mr. Sumner presented the petition of a Mr. Tread iviy, .ouing forth that he had sometimo ago made complaint, under oath, before the Supreme Court, against J elf. Divis and illiers, charging them with treason, that tie afierwaiils made similar complaint be fore a magistrate, of which no notice was taken. Referred to the Ccintnittee on the Judiciary. Mr. Foot, of Vermont, oll'ered u re-oiution lo expd Waldo P. Johr.ston, Senator from Missouri. Laid over. The re.-t of the day was spent in the delivery of eulogies on the late Senator Hinghnm, ol Michigan. In the Jlouse, the resolution from the Senate lu appoint a joint com mittee to inipiirs into the conduct of the present war, was con -uired in. Mr. Poll-ih-ton. rr Ohic i Idri ssod the U use at liil!j on the subject of the suspension of the writ of h.tlcii ocy.u., aliening that Con gress alone h.-id po.vi r t'. ord .-r its suspeH' -ion. In the .S n.t'..; on the 11th, Mr Chandler of Michigan, otl'rtd a ves.ihnion to ap :oint a joint conrnittee witli power to re tire from the army such officers as they may deem improper or inennpetent to com naml. Laid over. Tho b.ilance of the day warf spe'H in the delivery o! eulo gies on the death of Ihe late Senator Hi ker, killed at Pall's Rlull'. In tho lloiut. Mr. Itinghiim, ol'Otiio, introiluced aUllto cohli.cate llie slaves and properly of reb els. Referred. Mr. Lovejoy called up his resolution in reference to the order of General Halleck, which gave rise to a lengthy debate, in which Messr. Lovejoy, Illinois, Stevens, Pa., I'luir. Mo., Fouke ville. and Ki ll gg, cf III., und Juleiu, of li.d.. participated, when Mr. Vallundigham, of Ohio, moved to ley it on the table. Adopted yeas 78 uayg 04. This is the first rebuke administered lo tho ladical abolitionists. In the Stnale, on the 12th, Mr. Trum. bull of Illinois, offered the following reso lutinn, which, being objected lo, vas laid over. Ili-wlved, That the Secretary of State be directed n inform 'lie Senate whether, .'n the loyal Slates of the Union, any person or persons have been ai rested and impris oned, ami are now held in confinement, iiy orders from him or his department, and, il ro, under what law such arrests have icon inacli" and such pet-sunn imprisoned. A Tier a long fh'b.ttp M t. Fool's resolu tion t' e.Npi'l Senator Johnston, of Mo., Win. A. Nelson Levi Diauoker Richard J. Couklin John H. Miller Daniel (.iraliutn James It. Davison Cornelius Wilson Simon Hamlin F. II. Jordan William Taylor Win. .N. Og'len John H. Carr Jaine tioui ley P. A. Kylor J. W. Owens Rjbetl Arclir llo 'J. liuck 1'hom.ts 11. Irwin llt-niy C. Owens Daniel Ci. Stnlth George ltaiightiiau David Puck Harry II. Ilite .lames ('. Reams Charles Hall Daniel K. Weld S domon Cupler Lllis Kyler ichard J. Shaffnerf;Ios( pli Hull'ord Andrew C. Sp mogle James A. Mead Geoige I. Kyler Henry C Heise Chin les Sm der Adam Miller Peter Curlev c Jamos 0 Graham Robert Crrahaiii -Tin. Lozitr James Maguire Jonas L. Pownell Miles Miller John Lozii-r John H. Shimni'd Richard il. Shaw John Kennedy Gollieb Wuldenmier Samuel Snoddy George Markretl Michael Slicing John Krise John Messiiner John W. Ames Joseph Riifi'i Jolin Solomons Edward Welsh John Grady Michael Keep Michael Culp John RidJie I suae Kobiin Joseph Scooly Isaac- Lines -J icob lielnett I hjnh Lshnnfeller N icholas Simpson John H. Liebold Jackson Potter Joseph Kreitzer G. M. Johnson Sidney Farley .lacjb S. Miller itary code, he tied, Mid eainttl refuge with in the Union lines. The infra tnaiicn he brings is not of much iinpoitanoe. General Jackson 'a force cousin el of one nrieade of four n-L'inieiils. ofaiout "U0; men each, i-nd wan located five mihs east of Vinchesler' His men were principally residents of tho country, were plentifully supplied and clothed, and were generally con ten I eH. Ashby.s company of filuck Horse Cuyal ry were in the neighborhood of Martit.s burg, and Pendleton's balterry was under stood to be on its way ftoiu Path to Win chester. There were many L'nion men in and a round Winchester, hut they were afraid to 'openly avow their sentiments. Strength of the Army. The Sot-rotary of War furnishes the fulluning Mati'innt, which thuwa tho strength ofthsnruiy : VoLl'STKKIli. 3 MO. William liooze Win. Clouaer sauiuol Railey Mcivin Ludlow amuul flare Newton Uniley Valentine Culp lohn Dush ,S'el-.on liliss John S. Jury John Fontenoy iialsor Ilan-er 1) F. Slanbarger lacob Wain rig lit ijSarnuel Crois THE WAB NEWS ! SrAtan. Cttlifuraln,- I Cnnneolicul, t.-ld Ioltiwiirr, 776 Illireiis, 4.UII Indians, 4,0Mr) Iowa, U6S Kentucky, Mains, 1M MaryluieJ, Masaarhiitetls, 3, 4 3 Michigan, Til Minntifotji, Missuilli, (l,36ti Sen llaliihir, 779 .Saw Jersey, !!,vo New York, 10,1 S:t Ohio, 10,2:1(1 Pennsylvaaia, l!,l'.' RhoJo IslauJ, ).2Hi Vermont, "SO Virpiuia, 77U Wisconsin, Til- Ksnn, Cohirado, Ni'lirsska, Nevada, New .Mexico, Uistriet of Columbia, 2,S2:J Total, 77,171 Kstimute I strength of the regular arm;, including new cii lislineuts under act of Cmigreis of July 29, ISOI. Total, run tiik WA.il 12,4 '.10 2,000 dU.UOO 47,:iS2 l'J.HUO li.ODl) 1 4,2:i'J 7.0J0 20,740 2s,iM) 4.161) 22,:iu U.CUO 9.312 10U.200 bl.'JOi 91,7(10 i,S!)S H. dCO ll.liX 5,001) I, 000 I.iOO 1,0 00 1,000 1,000 , A Oil. 4. lifts 14.li.iC 2,77 S4,U1I (I2.0IS 20,7 6S 16,000 15,007 7,000 30,1115 2u,!fl 4,lfi0 SI, ISO i,27y l'2,4t 1 1 o,:m til.ui 1 1 :i . e .-) j The World'i Farorlt. For it years the Rtjtnilnrft Maffafin pMiiDnnMil ltv lha Praa of .1.. n.ii.j u.... . i. . i . , . '. L . t . i. I the World, and Ujo Chaabost. Th Literatm la tf that kiul thateaa be read aloud lu the fauiilv nrcie, aad the alarf f, in uninciiiB uumters, 't lU'jicnWa fjr tat ilk I, oluaiii.a, I lotha, t ai,iiiieri, Tttssrl. a ii...... I 11. -.1 Ti.;ll; i; ."""t- uuun. ,iuuiv. iikiiuc., tttiiwE, vracn, Cloak, 7Ae Ittt Lmiy H'rTWrt ir America cjuuflutei tjhawU. " no its lajes, aid wo h soint that write for; I T f Tf J T rt to other Maifa.mo, I 1 1 I i U . Tha il is all original, and would cost 25 I ... r..i. rr. r..(. lin.- n . K " "7 : , ' j "-- veU, Shawls, i nn-r Mum, Drawert, K,Jt,i. ' butinejl ot it is f(..ynKli led. and ceunot be oh. Fjne , lncn B Cu, ,,'"' Uuied eiceut lu "Oi dev." n... r.... tfi. . rvir u l,a- yur.Vl ;o,flr.WAIUff..rUt. rival M Bha ' ' Kit In thia liavo ceased, aud we uow (Uud alone in j ,, tins ueparunt-ni, giving, as we u, nmiij more , av V W kM '-u M and infinitely better engravings riiuu are nub- Coffee, Teas, Molursrs, Si guru, Palt. rrrii.. lished in anj other work. I Floor, Hac-i.n, Hyrup, ('aodies. Itine Spirei, Utnlry'i Immcntt devblt-ilittt FuthiuH-PUiUr of Cutie, Pulvrritvd 8u!ar, IJlack Tea, Starch' t'uiitaining ftom live to seven full-length Colo.'-1 Hilda, Fperin Caudles, Kaleratus, Crtickem, Win,' ed Fushious jh eueh platu. Other Magaiinesgiy Fisb. ' ' 0nfo'"oAe..rffyn..V.si'.iiin "P or Am,r 11 (IV (lit UT C S? Q II I CU .? ICU f4 it-d. (Jodey'i is toe only work iu Ihe world that I Naila. 8piker, Forka, Spndes. Shovetf, HtnU give these iiumensa flutes, and Ibry are turh as j ,aw, I'lanee, Axes, Augers. Smoothing Iron,' l. I, ut-a ovi.iliwl lli.i w.in.li.r Mf tiobUnlirn tinil lha t M. ' r V..i.Ai X 11. ,- ' '- ' " ' - - r - i .v . . , w .vine, Huuurr ItniVel IMiblic. The publication of ihi-ae toil 1 10,000 i Bcimors, Pen Knives, fiteelards, Tea F.n.' ....... i r... i. :.... .1.., ., .r ii,u .il.l iil. kihI I t ii:.t.A. ' ""'iu mui. luoutuil v. m v. m-j v , , t ur'TUt, 1 ir UVU ia; nothing but our Woiiderlully laige tirculatloo enables us to give theui. Oihcr liingnlines can not iiflord it. We never spare laoiiry when lha public cim be benefitted. These fashions may be relied on. Drr.se may beuiado after them, and the wearer will not be subjected tu ridicule, as would be thocs.'ii if see visited the large cities d.-t-aicd after the rlyle ol the plain given in' pi'ine of our ko. culled luhion nisgaiiuoi. Our iVwJ JC yriit-l'iiyt, of which we give two or three time as mnny as any other laiigatine, are often misiitlien for steel. They are so fai suj erior lu any other. Imila ions. Hen uro uf them. Tlemember that the Lady's llook if tho origiuul publiealoia and the cheapest. Il you take lljdcy, you want no other magazine. Kvi-rything that i useful or oiuiviiieiitul iu a house run bo found in (lodey. jViiid'iiy .mimi. No other iniigazina girei thum. and wo have given enough to fill sevoral largo volumes. Out- lUielpu are i'ueh as can be found nowhere else. Cooking iu all ita variety Confectionary the Nursery the Toilet the Laundry or the Kitchen, hccciiit upon all subjects are to be Nubias, Hoods. (Hovel, Hosiery, Collars. Huop Skirts, balmural Skirt. Dunnola, Ribbons. Fl( crs, Flumes, lion net Frames, Ituches, Lace uraiu, muuiug, cepur, iniu, rringe, x htn iningi, Ac. 010,637 20.331 600,1)71 7 ii in tho pnges of the Lsdy's Honk. Wo oriirinal- X 7.0 ! '? "'Oted thia dopsrtinent, and have peculiar fa 12 779 eilities fur making it most perfect, Thia do I4 94j ' parlmcnt alone is worth tbe price of the Hook. i' 000 i Am m' Woik 7'cite. -T liia department coin- 1 000 pri'es engravings and descriptions of every arli- 2 M)0 a lady wears. 1,000 ; Mwttl Vuitnytt. No ether inagatiti bat this 1,01)0 depsrl nt. 3,I3i TERMS: CASI l.X ADVAME. ' One copy use year, S3. Two copies oil year, 711. 512 t - Three copies one year, $d. Four copies ono ;)ea", $7. Five ropii oneyear.andan extra copy to ; the person getting up the club, $10, tight cop j ies one year and nad an extra copy to Ihe per son sending tho 'club, $15. Eleven copies one (jeur, mid an extra copy to the person sending . . the club, f 20. The oslt ningiiriuc that can be introduced into '.he above clubs in place of the ... Ladv's Hook is Arthur's flome Magazine r'.l'tClALCLUilUMl WITH UTJIEIl MAO- 'Ilie several arms oi tno sorvieo ore csuinaioa 4J,1nltiH,.j'a Lady'a ltooknnd Arthiir'a Home as follows: ' Miigiiino both one year for f'i JO liodey'a La. volvstr s. nanrLli t, Infantry, 557,204 Cavalrv, 51,1154 Artillery, 20,:iS0 Hiflesd ehurpihootr's, S,395 Kngincer, 11,176 4,741 107 Total, 6IO,B.",7 20.S.H Aim. avs nooK ami ntrper s .iiagazine, ootn one v,r. 5CS,:ts:i for $i 50. (iodey, Harper, nn. Arthur will all 59,.'!VS thriio be sent one year for 6 00. Treasury 2 1. lis H Notes an 1 Notes ef all solvent bunks taken at 8, .V.i.', pir, He careful and pay the postage on your 1U7 lier. Address L. A.iiODKV. 6oU,7l nov o t'hcstmit St., l'liila., Fa. fjiuisi'ii'c, Deo. 1 1.- -Oonerals Risseiu, Negb-y and Johnson's Federal brigades crursed last Tuesday to the southern bank ol (ireen river near Munfordsville. The following items of Soulhein newt have been received : The Kentucky Provisional Itehel) Gov ei ii men t has passed an act taxing Ihoso brokers per week who charge n dis eoun' on Tennessee and elhor Southern money. Gen. Zollieofler, with a large force, is at Bit.kville- I The Richmond Examiner of the ,"Wlh says mooiers are ueing nirej t.n- tlie con- , . """ .. 7 M meeting f ClearOold County Agricul si ruction Ol a railroad H orn Uonti ctillo lo ui in orucr in iiihku i-iu uung j;iiuuii irul Mociety will be held at the Court House tn Manassas. This Soul hei n papers say tho Fodtir fore.es cannot get more than oue third of the Sea Island col ton raised in the South, the valued which is only ii 40,000. A OKcax lovcder- will $ 1 000 1- l? T' recollett that Congress, in July last, pass Den. 4, ISOI. II. W, SMITH" A CO ed an act to raise 520,01 to, til 10 by direct ttii i Xfi'L'i'ivp . - noiiiinni uniiii iiiiiiii uni, : n taxes assessed on real estate and incomes ; lo mui in ..,..-. ,i. (j., uu- mriu nocieiy will ne hehl at the Court House tn ;wilh th'ir constituents they directed the Cleartield on Tuesday, the 1 tlh day of January .1 !.. . , ... , ,. next, nt o'clock 1'. M. ' jhwtretsry of Ihe 1 renmry to nppoi !.on ( It i,dcsfub!o that a full attendar.ee be had,.. f j.l-.iiOO of thu amount to Vmtli Caro- tno election of officers for the ens'iing year will lina ami the other acceded Slules thus l'ho Norfolk v iiwk says General reducing the amount to be paid by the- then bo held. dec-4lh-'6I-ti' ELMS IRVT.V, Fresidoiit. Scott will noon be in the South after the manner of the Mason and Sliddull cap ture, loyal States to less tl,ftn fW.000.OUO: hui Q Al ta'T-J ? 21 llie ftecretary Has mane llie wonuenui tiling wnii a certain promissory note for J 10. gi. RlM. Deo. 5, via New .,leai,,-The 'di-overy that the Seceder. will not pay ; - dateVj?? Nov. "I 6I , I rZZZ no l lhnatch says tho Hold la lately at Old Point j their quota, and fo informs Congress in his fr ti,e mmo nlj w(u D(,t PHY t u ,ooibell. Comfort bus gone up the Potomac, Into renort. and savs tho whole amount ! e1 by ISAAC MAYf. loublles to attack Fvanspo-t or Centre , I t ,ie j,, by ie ,oyil, Sutc9 Where jK"X '''' i"thZl .v.,,,.,,,,,,,, 1WS V unriv ol r., n fml ' is 1 110 man wit 11 even iiai 1 t lie sense claim-, eratea visited Tybee Island on Wednesday 'ed for Mr. Chase, who did not knot that and burnt li e light house there. The ' 1 iM would be the case! ThU ii claimed to be a People a Government. 1 hen why ,BlM, of ihile hM Federals nhelluj the Island bu none of ihe Cor. federates were hurl. F10111 sixteen to eighteen veseh. appa rently oldwiialeia wem in t he rod-V e.tcr. lav. ' Xashullr. Dec. 4 Tho KU-etoval Col lege of Tennessee voted for Davis and fur President anil BALMORAL BOOTS ! Just opened, a superior article of Indies and misses heavy soled w nlliing Hoots. The .very latest of tli e late fashion. Hesure vsu ask fur do the peopin permit their servants to , I!iilmorl Hoots. JI. W. 8.MITII A. CO. deceive them with false promises and fhlse j "llll.!.!: hopes? W hy not show tho pooplo, open- I XI-'.C'i;!OH S .MHTCI-X Notice is here by and candidly the full maiitude of the ! V.b !.?"! !n' 'f.!1'" J'!?""" 0,1 ''. estate of SA .MILL W. SMITH, late of tlulich Vice-Presi. 1 l,url"8l,s uiey "'usl ,J'ar' 'Vllllul pine.ll- township, deceased, have bean granted to the """i i.-ii;ovu. mi persons mucnien 10 said es tate are required tn make immediate payment, .Steven dent. 'cing this disgraceful system of indirection General Kdwi rd L. Spat row and J. T. und sugar-coaling. Seiiims, have been choen Senators to iho I - -- - Contederato Congress, lioia tho State of! WslUlt will ho lecollected that the 'fi. hoiiisiana. I nancial feat" accomplifhed by Secretary ' Chae, iu negotiating J")0.O00,0O0 of Uni- ana those lulling cImiius unin-t the siuno will pnscnt them duly authi'iittcated f ir settle ment. J KSSK liUSS. Kx'r DEIiOUA Dec. 4. lsni (5t.pd. .SMITH, Er'i v rni i 1 s;f 11 -1) t V co - v -r. a led States Treasury Notes "at par" nt C T U'KMI-.XTof the ULKAKF1KLI) COI N. Several Skirinisnei Rpportel .. , , , . , O ty hank, for tho month ending ie. ,, ,, 11 i- 1 New lork, in October I-,tsi, was heriihled 3i ir.i - OttovUle. Mo., ltee. 1 1. Union nisn who . ....... l' liave arrived from Lal'ayelte coiinty.report forth a -the greatest financial achieve- I asstrs that seven huu:red reb d reel uits left ment ever won by any man." Pentifvlvnn'ii Htale flock" l.exinetoti vesterdav 11101 nine to join (ien ti mii.n.. bvliii lni rnnoi-i liit'imiireim Lh; ... wasrefened totheJudu'iiiry commitlee. iWa army ' , vipt()n. w ol jte 60 fnl j Hue from other Hank. - lu Ihe Ilnise, peoonui explanations A band ot Mexicans, sixteen 111 number ,, , " , . , , , . Lank ftotea ol other Hanka BONiNKTS, SHAWLS, 1" U I NTS, D 1'CAI.S, KAREGK, I OPI.IN, C LOTUS. TWEEDS, MUSLIN, L IN ENS, CAIIPET, BLINDS, P ROOMS, S YTHES, S 1-1 XES, NOTIONS, Hll.liOXS, 11 ATS, CAPS, W 1 N E, . HALT, OILS, PAINT LEAD. DRUGS ROOTS, SHOES, COATS, PANTS VESTS NAILS. FLOWEUS, sua 3 JLtii'ii ii xrji am Oil cloth, Duckets, Brooms, Umbrellas, ),. ets. School Hooks, Wall Paper, Ratling Hopa, Conch Vuruish, Macs, Curled Hair, Coach Trim. ininga, Velvet, Flush, Cotton, Tope, Coal-Oil. f ........ j n-.l u .. 1 1 : 1 ai.. . l onircru vii, cpo, iu VII, JIM3, nu, All of which will h sold 00 tho rcont reasons, ble termi for Caah, or approved country pro. decs. Clearfiald, Nov. 27, lef.f. ClTKIKI N1 TI.Mi:s IN I'll I LA III-: I, -J 1'1'IA! rrmemiiiui r. j-ettemrut among ih wossrs 1 : . r.Min.Aij rum ItAUK betwefa the Philadnlphia P-liee and the notorious For ger una counterfeiter, Ja ties Huchauan Cross Cross Hecaplured ! It seems lo be the gener al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross had wort pair of rrank Short's trench. calf Hoots, tbsth would not be talen yet. However, Sbortv it not much put out at missing his custom ; bus would announce to all lirtekinrfljc, Viittytai, Ltnniln and Htll sun, and women luid chiidreu in Clearfield, and Siunemahnnini; in particular that he is prepared to furnish tbem with llvuts. Mi 00s and uu'.tcri of anv style or pattern, stitch ed, aewed or pegged, (and as he ii a short fel low) on short notice. All kiudi uf country nrnducn taken in si change, and cash not n fused. Ilepairiiie done in the neatest wanner and rnurres uiodcrnte, st the Short Shoo Shop on Second Street, opposite Heed, Weaver t Co'sstnre. FIIA h SHORT. H. H, Findings for aals Sept. 26, 1 SGO- WATCH & JEWELRY . S3 Q CrsiCa, rilllE undersigned respectfully 1 Intiirius Ins customers and tlm public generally, thai be hnr just received troin Hie i-.ast, nnito en. edathis cstiiblishment iu (SUA HAM'S ltd II ClearQeld, Pa., a liue assortment of Clocks Watc-iics, and .IEi.Br of dilluront H,iiiilitie. from a single picco to a full sell, which he sill sell at lue ino.'t rousonablo prices for earn, or 10 oxchange lor old cold and suver. CLOCKS of every variety on baud, at the unit reasouuble prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches aud Jcwelrv carefully repaired and II Wnnid J. A continumice or patronage is solicited, Sept. IP, I860. II. F. NAl'ULE. VULCANITE BASE FOR AirU&oa a W a (fcHa 8 A called to this article for ZUtT-r, A isespicisll fc&Wl'St&rs substitute fo ..'?a3v!rJ Artificial Teetk. .(BaMja&jaJT j:L.3 Manv persons wh V.l.-flJLHjlA -i4 have tried u!l kind i1 hv triml nil kindsl of Melallio llaseaj FUliFF.Il this. Ai thoso cases where ii ii applicable It will tindoubtodly become a nib stitute for Uold, Silver or Platina. f Its chief advantage aro chcapne, Iiehtncsi and perfect adaptability lolho mouth, it having a soft and fleshy foel to tho parts with which il comes in contact. f ttlftiraa! A. SI. HILLS ll prepared to put up teetn uqj 2 . ' Z. , lha Vulcanito Uase with Ooodyear'a PuttutUunijjf ''iwhich ia the only reliable preparation andhicli: VL.o I can only be had' through thoif regular rgenciesi i.-"l u were made by Mecsrs. lilair, Lovejoy und ! ,'l'"1 lUv Onitederate n' niy, were cap ' -1 - 1 l ...t. 1 r 1.... after .ill ; at lcast we think ihe people ill 'checks. lraft, ic. .1.145 no i As there aro very many kiads of spiirioug tstnc wny not .eiul IMii to ..on,ress - s, .,,. ,,, -7 ; Ul.od ,u.a,. IJlk,bm OM Mird,iv even- not so consider it. The foa. wus nceom- Over draft Ue .a all over a Union ,npo.ssessingt''. "-su'1 "f - , ' vyM ,ua: The Secretary stalled from T,.t Plato .h.,, . aupvr:.r nnural abiii.iea, and an exeWle.il m .he curse o which ,t us re- a .on and son in-lnw of Cnl. Magoffin Wa.,ic,0n will, $:,(),( KiO.000 of United I Lois aud Kxpcnw! - education, and having iravelled the whole vealed that Con. Halleck, by letter to Mr, have also been Liken. They were the Treasure no en and returned wilbt v. Hid over-and Laving had micli to do '''' explained .hat l.is order was not leaders of the foray on our teams near $?ft')0 , - . . . . - ,. , . . ., , (.ieoreitewn on Saturdav. S-l.i.OOU.iHJtl ol etv 01 k Hank notes. Ill 1 i.iaii.mrs. .1 : . i.t..u . t.,fr. ftt niiulitv". 1 mm Q" U,UB 1,1 upu 1 u 1 ru UI u I'- -I" 1 271 41 ?J9 il r. ....!. 1 1.. Ail r... . . .i.,.;n. nC nrnrnr4 i'l 41 ....... .L I....' ...... ... , ... nil (vilh t'oth men and beasts we think he j confined to ulaves, but to all persons. Mr. Tint si'oill inn niii-lv w hich left bnr ilit in n "loir" trnntuclinn wp ivr.ulil liko 1 Capital Slock paid in is the very man for -ich a district it a tl.H.JPuir reported a bill lo raise a volunteer, nijOUl ,,, ,aV!l H(;o j,, S11i, ,0 111VC surpris- ,0 knw what "discount" means- or else ! u'n ciro"u,io" T.i nu iu 1 . .art . I ....(' i ..I 1 1, fiii in K pii t uric v fnr I in mo lain ft iii I lift I oil n i l.iI i'linin i n Sn 1 1 twi rnmitv riit u ... .... . . 1 i-v - i nij' i iiiiii. ru itiM'iinwiu tnr -v j -a ... .-a ..... j u ... j u ( - Mr. Lovejoy d:d not want lo raise ,nS ,arfc,e "'"'"Oer 01 wagons, ami laKing ndil cat disti ioi." iiiid eive us n few dis-IState. loqtn him. tn ....:. .. " playaof lr, splendid eloquence, and all troops that would nol fij-l.t anywheie. Mr.l" j't ls nilI)(;red that neneral Price is a Hurrah fori ick illc, of Kentucky, and Mr. Mnynard ruuoinn northward. of Tennessee, both nupporled the bill-- Vija, ,l.i., Dec. 11. Il is reported which was postponed Mr, Elliot, of h'gnt took place near Lalayetie , ,, . , , ,. . county, between a body of rebels, under Massachusetts, oflered a tesohilion nstoi., . , ... ,l j . . , I the notorious Joe Shelbv, nnd a detach the purposes of the war, hich gave riseimpnl of i-vdeial envahy. They were Personal Liberty Law enacted by the LcJ l"u """" """"'-''"" ' !'- "' ngn mg agnui morning ouv no par- '..1.......:.... I... i . t T- I f in, i l.ii-d ni' inl'Aii uiire.aiioii ueovren vouwav, oi ivunear,, ... creaunn csu I uptrij Dan Hiccl Not So. We notice that several cf our rotempOTariea announce with an air of triumph that Vermont has repealed the tho miblic would like lo bo informed what ' Individuals, - i,n.u. r ii,p ,i,i s;, iu in tuino Win o..,n : r.xchnngo of these "par" Abolition journals throw ome liizht upon tho subject? Can they not inform us whether it was a victory in favor of the Secretory And his friends, or in favor of the Government? $'.'S,Si0 on 2I,S.': 00 lri,40S il.l 3,Vs7 12 0,270 V2 1, . ;! I oitainted with the moral responsibility of thsr 1 1 " "till v'rii.i.rj. j Persons desirine teeth will do well to call au examine specimens both in nrd out of the mouibi llr. Hills will ulwavs be in his oQico on Frii days and Saturdays, unless uotice lo the contrarf a,pear in the pubhe papers on ttio previoua week. nov-IOth ISCl-tf. A. M. HILLS J73.MI V7I 173.541 91 C AUTION. All persona aro hereby caul lioned agninst buying or solliug the follow .AS. II. 0 RA HAM, Cashier. Clenrfiild, Pa., Ucc. 31, ISM. . n . r - - - c- ,i B ing property now In the possession of SA.Ml LU .1. BIIAUFOKD, of Covington lp., via : u J KOnitKL HOUSE. ONE UHOWN M AUK, ONI COW,TIIKEE HL'IFKRS and FOUR UOUS, ai the anme belongs to me, nov-20ih.-3t-pd. CATHKRINH I1RADF0RI. ni-lntiire of t hat Siate, in contempt of ihe CVnrUiHitii'ti und the fugitive Slave Law. Veimont lias done nosuc'i thing, The lnrt are. Ihe hit Legishiiure nuthor-. izo.l the tiovernorto npioim jive (mmis-io'.ievt- to investigate the subject. TheGov eninr n-'.-'"t,,d ;!vi-ef tho best lepnl men of the Stale, wi,.- give .srp.iiate ntiiten Opine ns to tl eK's'ion lii-it has ju:-t ad journed, Jiianimously agreeing in the u 1 1 coiiei.tutior ality of ihe aforesaid lnw. and '-'nuke, of Illinois, of that character! v-nrwifw nivr-o' in ii.-i, ,v . ...... I rno.u uii.i. imi-srw.-, ii . i.-?i ; 1:1 that, among "honorable" uentlemnn, "re. , ., ,, , t ,, , likely to pass. , mires to I tt ed elsewhere " hedmel; Md Dec. l.-Therc are no T i u ,,yloj ..tl)e 8oJiL,r. uUiwiii.iuM,iun.i,rn, 'advices ol any luither hoMihnes at Dam ,, ., , ! . ,. r Loth Hoiism tl.e-n alj..urne,l until So. 5. Alter retrieving their guns under rol,,H'r' I hey boast of making from one M .--) i -i v j cover of the night, the eneinv withdrew to three hundred dollars a day, by selling H. W. SMITH .t CO. li:it(IIAMK, and dcalrra In Dry Ooods, Crorerirs, Iliirdwute, Qneenswsre, and wtn X,.7ViU,.n i.,irruliif-...I a l,!!! Within usually keyl by the trade. Hloro on ! A IW MTlt ATRi XOTICF Letter WA.Senator Alison introiIiK e.l a "11 jSKC0.M, s,rect, below Judge Leonarda, opro-! A of Ad.nlnistrallon having been this daf into llie eiinie on ir.ursuuy last to anoi isli Sutlerships in the army, which seems site the Prerbyteriun Church, Clearfield Fa. Dec. 4, I St, I. trrantrH to ! amler.ii'nuil on the estate t'E P.OUKRT C. 8HW. lute of UOSIIEN towns J ship, Clearfield eounty, deeeased, all persons md debtad te aaid estate are repisted to make iuid Dinetor ii goal and silver coin now in ilia enuniry is computed at h'.itween two hu id'ed sewiity-fivn. and three hundred millions . batlerv was cummanded bv Oantain Fan. atl'l ' ' ' UltflUU. to h pafrt distnnce. nh'tsent fi i'etv lutrmkH ctnlo f.lnu nt "0 mul ronU Anion (hat Img to the Mat.Mii -nt of the compliineals to our troops. ..rier which COhl g oents . ..tt)lit0 osk clieeK0.. al '" United Suites Mint, the they disappeared. I he Lnion aoldierwho .. n n ,; ,ft ,. , was shot iwice has since died. The rohel " " " ",0," " " " " pound ; cigar at d ami 5 cents that cost i and 1 rent each. This is the way they A Quartermaster's office is to he opened m. v... :.i . .ii .u:. .1.. i..:-i . I . .1 1 ... Tl .: : ..: .1 ll.... I . i - . -e ""l""""""u"'t U" ,uu 'o..,-, m...i..b ... ....vi.,,, uu...-r ... aupe .,n ,.- ju ttlnonthi BU whoso families, in many adjourned without removing this Main establishm-m of the mint, am inula to uenonCtijii. G. A. rlagg. Iheohjeotor ' .,:..i,i ..... from the statute books. JO.Oou uo), ..-nved from mine, of the iW'Jers,ood to be to .upply .he ".Blanee,, are heie.gl.bors. I,, . , o . ii . . . troops al and around W illiamspoi l, as well . ,,..i ,,,, ,. inia, WXTho "eood news" w77nnonced L"' U'' ' "" " "" th,t the aa lo "prevent the operation, of apeculalm. ! troa . hi been re-elected rvalue tool mws we announced 0I.eilse of g ,ld from Colorado i. large, and compliment, to our troop., after which 'Mayor of Boston, by over 1000 majonty. week (ik! not iitippeu to tie t.-u. iU rapidly increaaing, and recommends the they disappeared. The union soldier who over Toby the Abolition riumner candi cars am not yet running to i-andy Ridjw. cstiiblishment of a Mint al Denver Oily, was shot twice has .inee died. The rebel dale. When they make their first trip we will Nearly all the silver is now received from battery was commanded by Capt. Pendlei. ' : . annoucco lha fact. Till then, we will aay l;'e niinei in Nevada and ArUonia, and ton. I Wa-Tho weather continue warm and ro more about it. ir yioldinj large return., I A quartermaster's offieo is to bo opened pleasant beyond precedent for December. .1. P. Kit ATZKH. MKKCII A NT, and dealer in Hoard, ..4'"A!?"h!!.V" SInKle.; Gran, and rrodi.ee. FRONT Street, : J MARY ANN SHAW, .jv b?. i mi J " ' P'-' nor-W-ei WM. L. EH AW, ') Ad r rpiMltUR TAKI'N UP. A lot of timber consisting of round and square timber, with, diuerent marks, Voo nuineious to mentiao wa TIKDDN J. MtfM.OlIGII, Allornev at Law. AlRna n M..I.I kl..,il Uf. ..... U,.... L. i. - .i CVI UllTtlnCO TlVllIYft ......v.... .-.nine, .iidui, n,j..ii. iu.)i , D lf (SUglll NB .1 DJll'l 111 I'll Q O w ... - - , Cleardnld, Ph. Will attend promptly tn Ca lite jha owner or owners of said property, will cal( etioni Sale of Lands, Ao. nor Tl t apd wove property, pay rharge. and lake tbe ,way wHPin Bllocn days of thia notice, oiun- CYRF.NH S HOWE. Jl'RTICE OK THE l'EACK. For D.oaxva Townshln. will promptly attend t all buiinesi enlrpitad t T4 hia oara. P. 0. Address, Phlliiisbarg Pa. 1 1 Aug. 21st 1861 Im itinv will ba ftnatl with aennr dlnr to l Goahen tp. oav-20 3U JOHN SELFRHMB X -.'I1TUK'S NO 11(1 Notice Is bora. h e-iren thai Letter Testamentary, on tlu aitateof CATHARINE t'VRLEY late of Coving' ton township, doo'd, have been granted lo the ut 11T AVTI'.ll All. KIVfiR fiV nnaiV daniirned. All norsons indebted to laiil asiuu V will ke taken in payment of DEBTS DUE are required 10 make immedleta payment, a ME--for which lb bighee) market prlet will haHhose having olainii against tha same will preeeal given. itbam elulf authapticated for settlement. I 8 JAd. p. 0RAHAM. JOHN CURLEY. eiearflcld, Deo. 11, 1161. ' ttt. 4. I81. tt, Eieewfnr,