Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 18, 1861, Image 1

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    f tilt nf T f HPW
?()LrXXXlI.-WIIOL NO1685
' "the" stocking.
By the fire.ide cosily seated,
Willi siectncli8 riding her note,
The lively old Inc.; is knitting
A wonderful pair ef hose.
6ho pities the shivering soldier
Vila is nut in the 1'olting storm,
And busily plies ber needle
'i'o kcip biin hourly and warm.
llercyc itro res.ilin the embers,
But her benrt in rff to tho war,
Fur sli known what rims brave follows
Aro gallantly fighting fur.
llrr 6Dgera a well a ber fancy
Are cheering thotn on their way,
' Who under the good old banner,
Are laving their country to-day.
fc'bo pondors how in lier childhood
liar grandmother usod to tell
The story of barefoot eoldien
Who fought 60 long and well :
And the men of the Involution
Are nearer to her lann us,
Atd that, perhaps, is the reason
Why she is toiling thud.
th cannot shoulder a musket,
XorriJe with Ibe Cavalry crow,
Cut nevertheless abo is ready
To work for tbo boys who do.
And yot in official dispatches
That couia from tbo urtny or fleet,
Hrr feats may hive ncvoranotico
Though ever to mighty the feet!
go j ritlioc, prond ornernf umsclo,
Or purei-proud owner of stocks,
Don't sneer at the labors of women,
Or smile at bor bundle of nock,
llor heart may be turgor and braver
Thnn bin who is tailed of all ;
Ibe work of ber hands as important
As cush that buys powder and ball.
And thus wlile her quiet performance
Is being recorded in rhyme,
The tools in ber tremulous fingers
Are running a race with Tiuio.
Strange thut four needles can form
A perfect triangular bound ,
And equnlly stsange that their antics
Itesult in perfecting ''the round."
And now while beginning "to narrow,"
She thiuki of the Maryland mud.
And wonders if ever the stocking
Will nude to the ankle in blood.
And now sbo is "shaping the hcol,'1
And now she is ready "to bind,"
And le pes, if the soldier is wounded,
It never will be from behind.
And now she is "raising the instep,"
Now "imiTowiiig oil at the toe,"
And prays tliut this end of ths worsted
fltiiv ever ho turned to the fun.
She "ga'.herj'' the last of tho stitches,
As il a new laurel wus won,
And placing the ball in the basket
Announces tbe stocking as "Uouu.''
Ye men xv'io ero lighting our bnttles,
Away from the comforts of life,
Who thoughtfully inu.-u by your camp-fire.''
On sweetheart, or sister, orwil'o,
Jiim think of their elders a little,
And " ray f it the graudmotbers, too,
Who, patiently silting in cornors.
Are knitting the stocking for you.
pROii.uii i.ii v of Marrvinu. A table ins
Mrted in a paper in the Assurance Maj;:i
fine, exhibits results of rather a startling
clmracier. In the first two juinq lenn ul
:i(iJ, '20-25 and 'J5-.'i0, the pn bal.ility
oil widower marrying in a year is nearly
three timps as eat us that of a bachelor.
At 30 il is nearly I'o ir times as great ; and
ilincreaes, until at 00 the chance of a
widower marrying in a year is eleven
limes m great as tint of a bachelor. It is
little curious to remark lioin this table
tow cniilii ir.ed either class becomes in iti
cunditinn of life how liiil likely, nftera
U years, u a bachelor likely to break
through his habits nnd a solitary condi
tion ;ninl, on tho other oand, how readily
in proportion does a husband contract a
Wnnd miniate who hnsbecn nremature
ij deprived of his first wife. AftertheagO
i"g in in a most rapid
,, m, i.i . .- .
tin. Tne probability nt od W not more
iJii half that at ;10. nod nearly the same
(-mponion exists between each fiuinipien-
tial period afterwards, Our bachelor
'wrujs may learn a very melancholy lo
ton from the above startling facts.
Power or Mckic A Minister wa once
tM.-, I il! . . . II .1 ,1 .
l,,IDi iy')iii.!iuj hi 8 com mm uipuiv
ti el . W hen he entered It the wind concemninK it n ,he part of the Adiuinistrntiun,
"leil, and loose vmip-bo iriN and win- nj W9 foretell prmnit a.'tion by tho IVeseUnt.
S clattered. Tho pulpit stood high a j The loyal men of Kentucky, iliuse who Imvo
Nellie first floor; there was no stove, ' the inu-rust ol the t'liion al lunrt, slmulil uso ev
ktft) peisonsin the church and those erjr effurt to prevent nny such fntnl nctinn on the
fclMiinil.;,. Inmils.n.lWt to ken,.1!'"' of th Government the Ciuncrunian
"n from I reezin tr. He asked himself:
p j ..," 1 . . 1 e spenK 11 Illlinil . uio m.-iicuio i". R."..
fJ 1 preach ? Uf what tiso can It he T emancipation or arming Iho blacks will l..e ov-
tlie-e two or three singers in the gall- I eryslnvo Stt to the I'ni.m It woulJ tnke a
"I ilif! H13 w-()i ds if I read a hymn f I ; puudig ruiy of 20U.OUO men to retain Kcn
"ft'lilileil to limke a trial, and I read, j tacky in the Onion, mel then tho soldiers would
"Jeilis. Inva nr ..... .....I-" Tl. n.mi tn..i. . I be couiliollud to a id i n cxleriuinntinff the bluck
l;nd the sonii.lof ix-imrln femsle '
- I v I V 111 C' IUI I IIV V'"Iimvii ,
Je has followed mo with an indesciiba
'l pleas inn sensation ever since, and
pfwuly will while 1 livff. The voico, in
"'lion, articulation, and expression.
'?d to ms portect. I xv ti xvarmed tn
'''nd out, anil fir tho timo wai lost in
Tfe. I had heard of
Ilia indivi Inal I
Je;n 1 1 l . 1 .i- :
?'oice before: but hearini? it in this 1
'7 situation mad it loublv L'rateful.
' d .1
'r,l;,l I 1. .;.. r. ..r
i,i 1 pruncu xvilii uiore sui isiaciion.
.XjrrnB as. 1 . . o. n t
'"Desota, recently, llov. Mr. Fisk da
;c"l"that John lirown was a tacond
Christ." Soma men assembled to
"liJer certain political matters concern-
the domestic interests of Minnesota,
Sin view of Ibo abve, adopted the
lowing .
Vft. The Ilev. Mr. Fisk.of St. Taul.
tieolared from the pulpit "that John
.n was a second Jesus Christ," there
mW. That Mi- Villi- t.a
'wind Bidaam'aass; ptovided, hox
''nothing heroin contained is intend"
wlandr the original as by intima-
i that Mr. Fiik ii a lineal defendant.
J'y E?enl"R Jo,,rn'l,
KEMUCKY!-Its Principal Editors
and the Secretary Ot War.
Our worst fears are now confirmed. We
have received unmistakable evidence from
tho noble St.itn nf 1,,, l i) ... .1 , i;
, i,in .l . yx ,,",1""
position on tlie part Of subordinates to
interfere with ami embarrass the con-
sistcnland conservative policy of TlCsi-
dent Lincoln in producing bad results
Nay, ii) some instances, the insane bi-ot-
ten, .elfish and hypocritical diet of onto.-
,:! ,.:,, f, it ..ii
leal npmiPi of the Un,on are attributed
to the connivance of the ruitrioiio l'resi.
This la eminently wicked anil attroci
ously unjust. T.j be sure, tho continu
nnce of n ( niletiuin in tlio Cabinet, alter
there is a public exprauie of his strange
desire and ulaiost sucopssful a item pt to
dictate a mo: sure which would alienate
the loyal of the Border Stales seems to
MVQ Rome onlnc tnilm rliiiii.. 1.1.1- mif t
Ifien.h in the State .nasi 11..,. I 1
itlint in i ovl. .,,. :. : ,
. . .. u , ... UiVll III TAII II. J, I. ,.1 r.lll-l
frr llta nwna t 111 I C
,.,,u..r,u,. I.-.U..V..I a
, viuniiei minister, man lor mo i resilient
: to makesuch removal
J We would however siigejl to the Ui"
ion men of the Border, .Slates, to e.veiciso
little patience. Ail cannot be dime in
, ' . . . .. .. .
.... ........ sun uinj cii.miu nwi, n..ifcuu iimi
It took some time to move in the direct-
ion ol tlie Union that they at hrst (le
clined furnishing their respective Quota
; of troopa, and then thev will appreciate
the silua'.ion of Pnnident b nciln, und
bo disposed the mo: e rirmly to aland by
: thut true patriot, when they find thc.t he
J is about to reu'ize tint "a man's worst foes
uro those of his own household "
l.e'. our friends, we say then, be patient.
We doubt not, in a little while, that Pres
ident Loncoln will hnvo for his cjnstilu
tional n.lvisers only men who can uppre-
; heml that the Union is .not dis-iolved, mid
that tho President will not violate the
constitution because rebels and traitor'
have done so. But we proceed to u'ive
the proofs ofeditoriul senium nt in Ken-
i In addition to what we have already
given from the Lonisville Jouriil, we find
the following in the issue of iX'oember
G th .
"We this morning publish the official report
of Secretary Cameron. As respects tbo uue;tiou
of slavery, tho report confirm our wort nppre-
1 liensiors. Aad tbo most grixvuii ? fact of all is
that the report on this hond can be rcguisit d o.i
ly is un txpan.ion of want tbe Preside nt says in
tbo samo relation ."
I Wo emphatioally d-'cl iro that the Lmi'
isville Ji.urual is wroiii vvitli reli irnce to
I the Piesident. Mr. Lincoln oujiht to he
sustained by every true patriot, Wo may
well susnecl the head of tho heal t ol any
mni) who tries to make the load of the
Chief Kxecutive heavier than it i. The
ello.-t should be to ft'si.t in relieving him
of all "dead weights) ," whelhpr C(usi-t-ing
of demagogues oi political heresies
, We defy any miiH of reputation and sutli
cient intelligence to say that the President
has not throughout, ac e I as the Presi
dent of tho whole country.
That he is thrown i ito Vl-positions by
bad Hlvisi we believo ; but, we also be
lieve that he will very noon rid himself of
them, This country needs no bitter pr'i oi
his onservnlisin than the unstinted abuse
to which he is subjected by the Abolition
isW and their lunai in orjrans, and tho faint
praise he receives irom the Black pub
lican sheets.
The Louisville Democrat Is just der i
ded ns the Louisville Journal. We gie
this wxtract :
"It is reported and believed all nvor the coun
try, thut he (Ciimerun) bad countenanced und sp
nroved the nnninir of the neirrocs, and tho Black
Itepublican nnd Dcmiicriilic pajiers
have been
Wo have
discussing it for the lust two weeks
exrroffsd as stronclv as we could, our utter con
deiuinition of tho fcbeine. It bus not even the
excuse of aiding in quashing tbe rebellion
it is. in fact, more bo.-tile to the Union, tl
thnn a
milti..n of Jeff. Davis's in arm. and equipped
from top to too. It is savage and butcherlj, and
,llt, ft,',avagery, tho instinctive outbreak of
If .Mr. Cuineron enn relievo himself of the sus
picion, well and good; but he ouu'ht nut to hold
the position in the tiovernment which he does
when lie is lusprcird "fit. It i-hnnges tlio wliolo
aspect ot tuo contost-lrum n rvii.-i 01 mo p-
L, ... ...... . ,inii
... - . . I!..1.. .1..
If they are ein.ncip.itcl, there
is but out)
.ii.a ii.i..fp I.. i.A .ion., with tiuun ! thov .mist ho
wiped out utterly obliterated. It mint be a
merciless, ravage extermination of the whole
tribe. There will be no nuesli in or humanity, or
justice, or merejr. It will be muurj's lirstlaw-
self defense.
The two races, as has been amply shown by
11,0 whole History 01 1110 worm, irom uie u.iys ii
the Kgyptiuo to our own times, cannot exut 111
' i. 1.1....1. ,. 1.
run iii inn fiiiiiiirv. uu iiiw i.ifiv.n inv.v i" in
smvery. 1 1 Is no question or iiumry,
discussion. It is a direct lsw uf (iod, final nnd
conclusive. Tho President, himself a Kontnik
ian, know and appreciates the condition of uf
fairs. and will act for the best, and it ouirlit to bo
the duty of the btsto legislature 10 am nun ny
lb. condemnation 01 tue ..uioron p-m y.
1 the same WW ngr
highest terms ol the folloxx.nt fiom tl.o
Louisville Journal:
"The Journa , a so, is entirely correct in its
statement of the opinion, of Hi. Union men of
this Slate. We do net know of ten men whose
opinions do not coincide with the views of the
Journal, and a strongly condemn tho snvace
proposition of Camera. Tbe Union mea of this
bum) will live and die by it."
We will at this timeaubniitbutoneoth-
ll III Vl... ,UI. ..M -s.-.r.-
...... in O...I mm mrn nui.l.a
may ee the danger to which they are ex-
liottedbythc uiachination of ainbitiou.
The fullowi"S f'om the Lexington Ob-
server and Reporter .-
I "While, therefore, we are freo to say that, so
; far as the action of the President is concerned, in
r.-,fL'rcn('e.l,"ib'veiy ns connected xviih our Na-
a"""1 d fti,'"',ife'' ,"' hnvo ""l'" nothing M con-
demn, we yet fei I that he will not hnvo
hi. whole dutjr if he permits a member of his
Cabinet to utter sentiment, that are not only im-
proper in Ibe nsdves, but in direct i-ontr.ivcnt; on
'f the policy which Congrefs has defined and he
Li"selfhas adopted. We nro aware, that Mr.
V,'"""u",' Soer,""l' "f w'r though ho bo, cannot
ITln'.T 7 "f i"vnt ' -
B""1 i and wo aro ns well nssured, as we are that
be is a crafly, th .t his whole
obieet in .mm.,.,.,.,. n. i. i..
this subject, Is U propitiaw Iho favor of U fuua
lice at the North who believe 'hat this war should
be prosecuted to tho utter d ' nolition uf slavory
in Iho laud; but in a crisis like the present, when
the heart uf this great na'.ion is djeply moved in
reference to this present condition and future
prospects of our National affiles, and wtien the
conccrvativo men id' the bind aro bending all
their nno:gies to tiie restor.i ion of the uuihori'y
of tho Constitution which makes ns one people.
t"e 1 resident .Mould not sutler a member of his household to so lar tran.-jross the bouuls
l,"l",vV in .uil.ila IHO ea-ln Ul lue l.- II I oil
r.y ti,e c.vprc.fion of fanatic il opinions lor dem
ngogicul or other purposes, and that too, when
I such sentiments are in direct aiitaoiii.-in to the
! dei land views nud puip iso of l!io lonslilutcd
I authorities of the nntiou. The profopt and lear-
. . ' T ,u""r uvor. i1" "
exercised over rreiuont, would be an act of jus-
leg Rhuli would bo hailed il !i delight by every
conservative man in the nation, who looks to the
govorniiient, ami the complete rc.-toralioa of its
unity und power, us the icol unehor of our
Now, ono thing we may sefely assert,
und that is, that even if the .Secretin y of
War was the best man in the world, the
limo has come when he has lost t'ie confi
dence of u very important element ol the
Union party, and he. cannot, at this crisis,
better serve his country than by getti.iu
of its Cabinet Councils us soon as possible,
A voluntary would bo ta"
most graceful act ot lush e, and serine for
him the thanks, if not: lie !i ieiid-inp of
tho whole country. Shall we be litvoied
with his valedictory ? If net, we feel coidi
d.'iit that tho President, Hi her-'tofoi e,
will be ciU,d to the great trust reposed in
him by the American peoplo
Il'D'lMENT roil A Nt.WM'APE:t ArcOfVT,
"Among the recent decisions at the gen
et al term of the .Supreme Court ofthu AN
biiny, (N. V.,) disi:;ct, wasono in favor of
Mr. J. Settsbury against 1. ad ,'.n d 1 . Wait,
for seven years' siib-rrii lion to the Cits
kill .V.-O--,- (i.i. fl.-.u ,nnl. Tlie decision
w is in fax or ul tbo pubii-he., and the
ju Igment und costs, we tindei-lau I.
iiiuoiint to beliveun t.xo and llirei; Jiun-,
did iloll.irs."
c. ,.i .... .....i. c... '.;. t!., 1... ! ......i ,.l
v.w ... i iniiii.ii n iiiiij. ..- ii.. i rin-.MM--.
along evon X ea.s en joy ir g t ls fi uits uf the
labor of nnoi ber. and now lie has in p;iy
that bill, xviih (V in t costs mi pern Id 'd. 1 f
publishers would make a ! - xx inure such
exhiblliulis, newspaper Mxiudlcrs xvould
find i a desperate game to play. V.'e hope
it xx ill prove a xv ti tling lo ilelinipients. ,
We laf e the above, xvilhtlie comments,
from a eontempoi a' y. It. or the la'v on
which the decision is based, should bo
published once a year by all ncix -papers,
It is Ktirprisinii that so few subscriber' ful
ly understand I heir respon-ibdity to pub
lishers of neixspape'-s. Tl.e law which
governed in t'i is decision u a law of i'on-jire..-,
and therel'oro applicable in every I
Slate in the 1'nion. j
Many sub-ci ib n s sppm to regard th" bill
for a nexvspaper the last to be setlled. and
especially tho last the law xx ill endorse
lesponsible men even, under trilling
whim", refuse to take their papers Irom
theolliee, regardless of Iho payment of
art ears, and when a half do'.en or more,
years have been added to 1 he arrears at
the lime of stoppage, think it liar I to pay;
the increased bill with intere-l md costs
of collect ion Weave happy to say that
we have few such cases comielling
pr vserutirn. We hnvo never failed in any
suit of establishing a leg .l nnd ju't caiim.
Ai'ir Virk 0,'.vVfr,
H.xNN xn Moiie's Vir.xv or I sort xtiti dk.
At a diner parly nt Hath, Key. Mr. .'ay,
by whom thi anecdote was coniumnica-t-"d.
was laiueiiling the irgrat Uu lo which
Hannah More had i eeent ly metivith fi.mi
n .,orsr) xvlinin ho had recommended I
h i,fl0f.,.re . ., 1,,,-. he received
ler dinner, drmving her
lllb U I.UI ll.-l ll
the room, she said :
'You knoxv we must never sveak o
such thinjsas these before people, for they
nreahvays t o n.ickward to do uind, am
'hey are sure to dwell on sin-h laets to
justify their illiberaliiy." S!ie finally ad
ded, ' It is well for in sometime to meet
xvith such instances nf ingratitude, to
slioxv ns our moties ; for if they have been
right, wo shall not repent xvliat we
havo dot o, though xvo lament tlif deprav
ity of a followi-creature. In these instan
cos n I so, as 1 n a glass, we may see nine
emblems of ourselve, ; for what, after all,
the ingratitude of any 0110 toxviirds us,
co,npared with our ingratitude toivards
Infiite Benefactor ?"
Ohioin ok Qr.xniKi.s, The sxveetesl, the
most clinging nll'ection, is often shaken
ov the sliL'litest brent Ii 01 un Kindness, as
too delieate fines and tendrils of the vine
are agitated by the faintest uir that blows
in summer. An unkind word Irom one
beloved often draws blood from many a
heart which xvnuld defy the battleux ol
)atrp( op t10 l,..nest eil
e of vindictive
. , , , , () f ,
face familiaVnnd dear, awakens grief ,d
houith men of a rougher form mav make
"",' r .
their way through them without feel, no
much, extremely iiicoui.node persons o 11
moro refined turn in their journey thro'
if0i Bnd make tho traveling irksome and
BflUThe death-smilo is the prindest
ll,n,.it.a irnrlil II lll.lU(S I lie (llirk I
v. s - - - - --
past an arch or triumph into a radiant lu-
ture. I
not HEX
Majnitude of tho War.
Although ns yet we have had no deois
ive action, when compared with some of
the bloo 1 buttles of tlio past, yet in mag
nitude of preparation, the pres-mi civil
war in America has nwccly n parallel in
history. Some of our "engagements" and
' slur nishsu.," too, have not beoit so very
insignificant, and when compared xvilii
many conlla is in our mvn two xvars xviih
Engluiid, will take tank fur t.b.ivo
theiu. Tlav Albany Ktmni Journal has
made il.u following inlere.'ting compila
' '" Ironuc.istory, citing a !'e incidents
from theu- of 1SI2 lo show whit, poity
alFnirn, rAtivrly. were some of the mint
brilliant victories achieved by our arms :
J.aiif. Intel.
l'liii first "'bitlle" of any inipnrfincn
Win that of KroxvnsloMii, near )etroit,
fought August 0th, lfd'2. 1 In r force was
only til II), that of tho llnthh and Indians
combined, 7)0. Our lovs was IS killed
md tio wounded; that of the enemy 10 )
"lien. Hull's "army," wliien
fully siiiTeiiilerod at Detroit six days later,
on.y numbered -MM men; while I hat of
tlie enemy consisted ol only 700 KnglUli
and liotl Indians. Xo wonder (Jen. liiotk,
who coinm.inded the hitter, ivrole to Sir
(leni'ge : "When i de'uil my good
loi tune, yuur Mxuollency xvili bo surjii is
el." At the battle of (J, two cols
uiiins of ;;U0 men cacli, del about, all Ibe
lighting on our ,ide. (i. n. Vail Kensel
luer, in iiis report, savs; ' )oe-tliird part
Ol tlie luei! ii he. nil" ii
lave Mive.l all.
A' il XX.lSj mine loci- .-il ,
Ih'd ilao t ne w.i ids," lea
ivu lo I lie r lue.
xx o i!e "many
: their bietli..
At tile -ifg
' Ihrexv 20.1.1 i",
t a ma:i. hir
' xvoiioih-d.
of V.
'd ii h
lo.-s it.-
ie, tin! Kn :!i-h
,11 it, il, Inn ling
only 1 killcil
and 1
I I'e' Gen. Smi Ii abandoned his
ll'.ivoiile ptojec' of invading (jail. ill Weil,
! bec.iu-e,'i lie had been preparing
Hie greater put of summer, ami had cm
j ergciically di uuimcd up volunteers he
lial succeiled in coll 'cting only l')0 I. ami
he did not think tlio expedition xvnuld bo
successful unless h h id .',lll in ire.
Al tlie battle of York our '.orcn was
I7'l: tb u n the enemy TO'iKnglish and
PIO Indian-. 1'iir lo-s was o'Hiiii kilieit
and wounded ; that of tne enemy III ) kill
ed. '') .vouiide I, -J'i prisoners. This was
oil" oi l he mo-t In i.ii-nil of our x idol u:,
-m " "
lls "'.
! Al L,'
enemy s
no' to ') !;i ire I with tin'
oiiciit or tb. ii o: t'.JI's Hi i .1". eabs
irdi I in; u a.n :--v .i..e.. I l..o
; iiutl" of Sick,
lor,-,, u, is li'iiil
fl i
I bo
li s, ."ill.)
.vas I 'ill;
loss in kdied ami wo, in
I 1 1. A nong the tiop'ne
troops xveie the I'.: iti-h s'.n
I ii; en by our
and. ml an I in. ice,
fl .:.'!.
i ui. i .rix s victory on I. alio was
esteemed a "leg thing" pi its d iv ; yet hi i
ixhoh' fleet co'isi -tod of olgunsand
two swivels ; that of the enemy 0 4 (jons
and '2 swivel'! (,ir hi'.s in killed and
ivounded was 11';! that u!' the enemy has
never bee.i il.-lt n 1 1 v known.
At the bailie of (.'liinnewa our los-s xxa-i
o-,"S ; that of t he eii-'inv ." U. At the buttle
cfKcrt. la ieour loss ivas S I ; that of the
j Al iho battle of I'altimoro the enemy's
forces uil'iibered f'l oin 7''l' t- MIUO; ouri
I was probably less than half '.hat ninnler.
U ir loss was about 1 T ? ; licit of the enemy
some 74'tl in killed, wounded and missing.
Kv 'ii tlie bitlli; of New I I. leans looks
iiisigmficuut to exes that have wilncst.i a
rc'od, UK-wim-i' on the Po;mn ic, M,00,)
strotig, ,'uid a review of 70,(1.1.1 troops.
I'lie lliitisli f.nce, including siilors an 1
; marines, ixas about, ll.O.MI; thai of lien.
Jacksiiri, I'.'iiMI on the left b.r.k of tlio riv
er, ami about SO I di-tributed In povilioi'S
! liaid by. Our loss wis seven killed six
I wounded; that of the er.e.ny 7t;' killed
I and 1 11 III wounded.
Iti tale to say (hat iiotwiihslanding
the torpor ol 11 large share of our army,
nnd tho taunts that we have thus far been
"planng al war," a ). renter number ol
lives have been lost within the last live
months than durim' the "War of 1SI J."
fieJTThe 'Ir'ili'int. says : "A dispa'cii
from Wadiingtoi: intimates 1 the Kev.
Ii liiors of the luJrjyett'lcn! are about to be
sent to I'o; I Lalayeue, the paiagraph
which wo (L.qiress ditto) copied Irom that
paper and commented upon two days ago
lieing coiisidiMt d as treasonable. Wu trust
.-that pi exious goiel character may be per-
I 1 . . 1 1 : r ......
milte't to te ur 'ei
i in iiHtita!ioii of so se-
vei e a pi'iiiilly.
The lu ,,K (i.A 11 is, weekly
sou," nd if l.'itholic Wei
Ml of "uea
xiy Kdilors,
such ns iVtMiis'.i-is was, aie to be. sent to
Kill Li Fayette, tint Cui.gregationa'iism
of tlio JitJrpeiiilriu should not save il. The
"pi evii us good char.icler" xvil! not bear a McMa.-lers previous pah iol is'u
and ptihhc eharaclt r me bead and shoul
ders above ihal nf the ii.Aiivei nl, w hile
his private characler wiu n- goinl. Mean
while Mr is-wiird keeps the ltiJr;---iiknt is
an iillicial I.a I' .1 1 l i -In-r, Mnl tu i- indoi.
ses 1 he "treason " ul l In- s,..d p,i rr ngulnsl
the (joveilinn nl. A. J. ..( ...i.
Cisy-The wedding ul I'an bice, tiie l'u
ion stump speaker and showman, took
place at his Ii rin, near Guard, t'eun.. on i
lilt oil) ilistt . , Ml-s I'.iai lotte lleheeca Mc !
Cuiinell, ol Guard, being tbe bride. Ilu
residence Ii. is l"cently been lebuilt, atnl i
liiteil up in a style o peculiar but most
sdimrable taste. A xvild and romantic
iraot of hind, sulliciently ample, on one)
scciion of t he farm, has been enclosed as j
a park, in which are a number of elk, leer, .
buffalo, ect. In the) centre a fyh pond is!
dug, I
fc-yMr. Chnrles F. Urown, tho famous!
"Artemus Ward," is about Itventy-tlve I
years ot age. He is n native ofOxlordl
COIITITV, Mlillll", tin1! .1
ilanirt, Bin! a distmil relative ot
, , ' , l II. I . I, l.. . ,.f
non. nan, i.... ilouiii., ice i i....e..i
the United fjtatet.
From the Albany Argus nnd Atlas. j
I Ths Emancipation Question in Congress. '
Without waiting to receive) the Message
i of the Protid'?nt or the reports of the .Sec-
renorts o ft he S.....
relaries, without knoAinii what nolicv had
itilready been adopted by the (Joverni'uent,
,ai,d was now in operation, the UudicuU of
the two llousosol Oongrcs, on the first
duy of tho session, precipitated before
both Chambers tbe ouustinn nf Kinm,
lion. The process wus as logical as tho at-
j tempt it-sell was reasonable ! " vVhen a-," i
jtho resolutions generully run, "Congress'
has no power to emuncipttte tdaves, resol-
xeu uiaiour uenernu hiiuii recruit tliom
1 imo ihw arrar nnd vleclare lliuii. rr I" '
.The nan srritder is as npjiarent as it would
be in fact if the proclamation for the n
, gio allies wore sounded. They would not
follow t ) the call.
I We arc wearied with the peninacity of
folly with which tho factious letders of a
: minority attempt lo force the delusive and
j fatal policy upon the cou.itry. We shall
inn aiguo me (pieslion ot nglit, lor they
Iiceil not right; nor ol expediency, for
they an- ineaiiablc of umlerstandiii'' it.
I Hut if Congress distrusts the poxver of
'tho 000,1.100 wnite soluiers in urins. in de. I
fence of the Const itutirn, nnd ol the vast
!iny of the Federal tJovernment, and
inns! needs tecruit from tho black popu
I lalion, why not commence at the North ?
If blacks are needed for soldiers, why not
marshal the free blacks to the rescue, in
stead of attempting this tardy and circuit
ous method of rallying slaves to our stan
dard. There aro :!)!. 1. 1 freo blocks 111
lo" loyal .States, and an army ol 'J'i.OOO
mi-ht nisily 1 1,. Mipi hod from their num
bers. I'o get the .same taice of able bod
ied men Irani tbo tl ive population, xxo
xxould to lake within our lines, and
support till the close of tho war, eight
times the number, counting women, chil
dren, tl.e and iuc.iiiable. Tbe
burden of such a population would be iniM
niensely greater than that of any similar
number of the most expensive troops we
""tin '.'1' t'V'"' '""St X,raVa--,,U fcirUhen tho most insignificant per-
1 ' xx'-'i ' .' '. ;n :. 1 . . . -"on tells us we fl.10 wrong, wo ought to
,r 1 1' 11.V 1 " !"" !' PT' """I1 li"lon. Let us believe it possible we may
of .00,000 slaves during ibe war e- xx h Q 0)0 g' 11JSM Wl, !jr .
daily rations as the "con.r.ibiin. s" ol ror-l,,,,,, t.lU. illto tllf, tl.uo ,iueiu whioh
re,s Monroe v.o.v are I ho elements of in tvcvi,in correction like a
thil calculation are to bo found in the ex- t.j u
pei imcnt. and il is in the pox- er of the :
(iovernnietit to give, (lie results also. Wei B-Hvpocrisy U folly. 1 1 in much ca
V"i,tu e lis iy that tin re never w.n a lo ly sief. tater and leaMin:..r. lo be tho thin J
of men, outside of the establi.hed alms 1 w hich a mail aims lo appear, than to keep
hoii-os, 1,0 unproductive and xvnste.ful and
u-d"-s. ns tue lull i'er at P01 tre-s NT.jii-
roe. and tlieii lar.'e dependent fnndie-i.
Weilo not believe the people are rich
enough tosuppoit such a body of pens. on
ers ; or that the suffering citizens of the
North xvill palientiy abide the idea that
while (iovernmenl leaves them to their
bitter fate of hunger nud cold, it is mani
festing paternal indulgence and biMloxving
its liberal bounties upon tho vagrant, pop
ulation of the .South, whom il has invited
i ito idleness. And then, xx hen ihet.ogro
class has sucked his millions from tl.o
Treasury, the master elas is to have its
tuin ! Hmv many millions xvill this take,
and who hut the Northern laborer xvill
have to pay lliein ?
I Will the Not them soldier slan I, side by
side, in the rarks xvith the black frrtod
men? Try il! Let Iho exnnriiner.t bo
made with the soldiers recruited from the
black population of the North, before we
rush into the experiment of a general low
o, troops ai , ,e .-,.,.11,. 1 tie .Mii inei n A,,r.lh!n k,.lclllM lH t10 ri.,t .vav
negro. 11 Irecdo.n is an iidvan!a,o, ,s the ol' cotlvelwi ng wil God :'A..d Abrahiin
belter man of he two and is certainly ,,,,, o) ,lja allli (iod talked will, him!'
hi 1 1 e r ed uca led , d i ci p 1 1 11 ei I ami scll-relt Wln-n we plead with him our laces thould
an hat would be lb., fate ol a brigade ; ,,R , nA we ,)lH ,
ol bb.eKs,ollic,red l,y their oxvn cl.s or o hj nr com ain . 1I(,r wiU
even by H, and marcbirg to battle? ,,. V any more boasting. Wa shall
hat would be theirdiseinlinctneir tone uWo ull,st1"vcs ulul CXilU tur Sjpre.iVJ
their courage, ami 10 what extent xxould 1 ;)yr
Ihev elevate or depress the xvai like seiiti-:
nient, nnd cvyini ( cdci.s of the army? Sw"A hidii;g plncn implies secresy. He
Wo ask these rpiestions, but xve seek 110 "'ho can say unto God, 'Thou art my hid
answer, h'very man can answer them, mg place,' may go abroad about bis all'ai.
The country has nlicady unsiveied them, mid may pass through a thousand dn
Not a State" has sent a single black man to ' g", and yet ai the samo t.ixo, havo su ih
the delcnce of ibecountry. The Govern' a hiding place, in the favor nnd proteo
meiit has asked Co.' none, mi l will accept t ion of God, that, when h-s seems to be
none. I( is a mere trick ol words, a delii- exposed on every side, still he is seourod
sion and falsehood, to talk about recruit- "md hidden from every evil.
ing our armies from such u source. He- '
iluccd to its real meaning, the action of
Congress comes to this an invitation lo
the slaves to desert their masters, xvith the
promise ihnt the Government ill support
and free them if they do. Behind this
invitation is the hidden incitement to ser
vile insurrection ; but the fanatics of ('on-gre-'K
have not yet resolved that supernal
folly and crime into ixor ls. They hope
that the ipiick ear of the neuro xvill c.iteli
the though! ere il is expressed in xvo:d,
and I has he ill hasten to t lie lines of our
tinny and seek I. is piomised reward with
the blood of his tna-ter nnd tnistre-s and
their children dripping from his knife;
and I 'lose xvho have not toned up their
minds to tins expectation, hope id least
that the fear nf Mich impending hom r
nny di ive the South into Kuhmissiu-s.
It is but a neiv delusj m. another se
i lene- 111 '1111 line ol fallneies, xx hich,
11 ii'iei 1 al mg I he enel and I lie power of
our adversaries, lias led us from one oner
to aii.l tier, in a h ng c.n eel' of disappoitns
iilents and cilamdiei.
tJiMi... rinbe II. r.roxvn. the nullmr
of Ihe hx tun coiiitm-nci.ig "I love to steal
nwliile away." 'lied on ihe l;hh officio
ber, et lb nty, 111., nged "S. She has h it
an en luring memorial in ihe single hymn.
fn'A printer, whoso talents were but
indillereiit, till lied physician. Ilewas as
ked iho reason of it. He said "in pi in
ling all the faults are exposed lo Ihe eve,
but in physic they are buried with the
patient. Jiid oi.e jets oil' more easily."
BfiJuThe boy who undertook to ride a
lionc-ra li-h is now practicing on a sad
uch 11 source. in-
dle of pond mutton.
r3uThe pond deeds thut most son" pre-
fer that their fathers should leave behind
them, are rest estate doed.
$1 25 per Annum, if paiu iu ndvpncc
Jltlitjious Jllbfrlbiin.
i . . . . nrr
a. .v'ri.- c - :.. ,i..i....
W i "e nny in every man is oeciuiiii
''vc' of ll't enU of that man.
I Bf.Ood denies n Christian nothing, bur,
xvitfi A dosian to cive him totnctl.ini: bet
j , , ,
' Sulndulgn not a ploomy contemiit oi
nl,yll'ing which is in iiell' good, only let
11 k,t'l' its l'lil-p.
BiuSomething must bo lelt as a test of
tho loyally of.lhe heart in Pamtlifo, tho
tree; in Israel, a Canaaime ; m us Ictnp.
tt;on. ,
BsL.ruck your cares in sninll n
notne as you can, co that you can curry
them yourself, nnd not let them annoy
Ixif I f a good man cannot prevent evil,
! he u .11 hang heavy on its wings, end rein.-1
1 ils prom ess.
8!?To expect disease wherever it goes,
and to lay himself out in the npplioniou
of remedies is that habit of mind which, ia
best suited lo a Christian while ho passes
through the world, if he would bo mjat
effectually useful.
Bt-DuNevor as there a man of moro
dee)) piety, who lias nut been brought into
extremities who has not been put into
the fire who has not been taught to eay,
' I'liough he slay nio, ytt will 1 trust in
Bffi-A person who objects to fell a friend
of his fau 111, because ho hui faults of h'.s
own, acts as u surgeon xv'no should refuse
to dress another pu; jon'i xx'o tods bs'oan .3
he had u dangerous one himelt.
B5u.Pejudii?e is often the result of such
strong associations, that a acts invoiun
t.tiily in spite of conviction and resoluuon
The first step toward ils eradication is the
pprsevelirn! habit of preset: ting il 10 the
mind in its true colors.
uo the iijipearanco of boing w ualiie is not,
W liro u Christian is truiv such he acts
from a nature a no v nature and all tlm
actings .of that nature havo theea-e and
plea-antnc:s of nature in them.
RffiuUeliudotis joy, is a holy a delicate
deposit. It is a pledge of something b' '
ter, and must not bethought lightly of;
for let it lie ixilhdraiin only tor a littlo,
and, notw il nstanding the experience xvu
may have had of il, we shall find no riving
creature cm restoie it to us, and we can
; only xvith David cry, 'Keitoro unto me, ()
I I. i (I, the infinite-joy of thy great salva
I tion.
Kul extend I ho circle of real religion
everyxvhere. Many men fear (Sod, and
love God, ami have a desire to serve him,
whoso views nf religion! truth are very
imperfect, and in souni points pu. haps ut
lerly false. But I doubt, not that many
such persons have 11 slate of heart necop-
tabie before God.
.. ... , . .... ..
Kri.' ii'Diviu in grace manncsis usen uy
Us simplicity that is, a greater natural
lies of chaiacter. There will be more
usefulness, nnd less noise ; more tender
ness of co-.-.seienee. and less scrupulosity ;
there xvill be more peace, more humility ;
when the lull corn is in the ear. il binds
d ow 11 because il is lull.
Si"-To eilect Any purpose, in MiHy the
mil; I iii'.ijl be If nny oth
er subject plays on the fancy, than that
w hich mi oh l to be exclusively before it,
the mind is divided; and both are neu
trali. 'd. so ns to lose their eilect. Just as
when I learnt txvo systems ot short hand.
I xv as familiar 'villi Gurnev's m"t!.od, and
wrote it xviih case; but, when I took it
into tin head to learn Hymn's. I hey des
troyed each other and I could write neither-.
BTA-Thcrc roe no greater objects of p;ty
in the world, than men who arc admired
by allai'ouii'l for their nice discernment
nnd lir.e laste in evervthine of a xvoii 'Iv
mil ure. but have no taste for tl.e riefevs
th .1 endure for ever no love for G. i r
l..s wild no love fur ( lir st or their siuis
In such a stale, however a Imbr 1 or res.
peeled, they c;mnol sec1 tho l.ingd nil ot
i-ayWhen the nuilii'u ! s foilon-ed our
I.oi d on a pai lieul ir occasion, although
he wished lor retirement, and had gone
purposely to soch it, yt be give up ids
ilc-L'n mid t.t'eiidi' l to them. Mark the
eondescen-ion find tenderness of jei
eonducl, in opposition to a sour.m nasti.
limruse temper. We ai" lo fond ol oui
ox ii will. We xx ant to bo doing what we
fancy mihlv tilings; but the ereal pom
is, to do small things wheu called lo liieln
in a ripht spirit.