Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 11, 1861, Image 4

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    tt ', .' ' - t . )
I I I , . I, I, ht. it. 1'ul ..' .' "" , l. ')
, V'm M tnl 1 I"" ' a' !y "' I
It Munilt I " " 1 ' I I'm t iifli J fie i'l
x t,t,,i ) u I ii It In nut' liial V, "li'ti b"v
if llif ti 'it i"t! I'i I I ' ' ". I
'Inn fr'tim I ' ttiiiit i'Iv, I riMt"! I Ml
Ihitilt w " "' "ill hi I I tl I ml nut,
ill" i f'"t , Inr iittr i l l"inl i"tt, ''tint
ItlMlift lunlV ni I- iftthl mi l ilno In him
itfl to cu-ai lvr, a yt nli'liil .1 .
With llif rptiirnmlit of Urn ."""11, inino
thfl riri'H'ivo tlii'v til n'Miintiit!i in hit
HtCK'l A (liMIPtil-ill llii'f ('C lb ntinv. It
ii a loitutmlf ci i in nil nri iirliliit
in ruinoil or rmmtty wn there, n fu at
i kimiv, any ditlrrr hop of Pittiinn a to
til 0 proper person lo be. ilcctcil. Tl
retiring Chief repeatedly ex.ricd his
jiilg;nii,nt in favor of (leu MK'Mlaii for!
tho position, mhI in thin the tuition'
decreed t pivc a utinnimotM cimi'iirroncp. 1
Tho designation f Uen. Mcl'h'llatid in
therefore in a considerable degree the no-1
I . .!--. . .. ti . r .1.1
Irctiun of the country m well n of ihn
,or. to hero that ll.oro uill bo pivrn him
ihftponfijpncoondconlial mip'doi I thn.-.
x ffii i l n nun iii'iii'H iiiitm ii iirnri i-na
by lair implication, promised, nnd w ith -
out which hocanr.o'. wiih o full cllioioncy
Rorvo tho country. It hns been ini l
one bnd ccncral is better than two food
ones, nnu tho rnyir.g in true, it Inken t
menn no more than that our nrmv ii bel
ter diiected by a single, mind, though in
ferior, thnn by two superior ones at" vuri
ance und cross purpopes with emrh other.
Ana the same i t-uo in nil joint obseva
(ions ivherein thoso ongngcd ciin luive mr.e
but a common end in viow and can d.ll'er
only as to the choice of means.
Jn a storm nt sea, no one on board run
wish the ship to sink, and yet, not unfre
uently, all go down together, beeame
ton many will direct and no singlo mind
-iIl be allowed to control.
It continues to develope that the insur
rection is lurjfcly, if not exclusively, a war
upon the first principles of popular gov
ernment the rights of tho people. Con"
elusive evidence of this is found in the
most grave and maturely considered pub
lic documents as well a) in the gunoral
tone of the insurgents.
In these documents we find the nek
tiowledgement of the existing rightof suf
frage, and tho denial of the people of all
right to participate in tho selection of
public ollicers, except the Legislature,
boldly advocated, with labored arguments
to prove that large control of the .people
in Uevernruont is tue source of all polm
cal trouble.
Monarchy itself in sometimes hinted at
as a possible refuge from the power of the
eoplo. In my present position I could
fcarcely be justified were I to omit raising
a warning voice against this approach of
eturning despotism.
It is not needed nor fitting here that a
general argument should be made here in
favor of liberal institutions. But there is
one point with its connections not so
hackneyed as most others, to which I ask
h brief attention. Tt is the effort to place
capital on an equal fooling wh, if not
above, labor, in the structure of the Gov
ernment. Having proceeded so far, it is naturally
concluded that nil laborers are either hir
d laborers or what we call slaves. And
further, it is assumed that whoever is
onco a hired laborer is fixed in that con-
tition for life. Now there is no such re
lation between capital and labor, as as
sumed, nor is there any such thii.g us u
free man being fixed for life in the condi
tion of a hired laborer.
It is assumed that labor i available on
ly in connoction with capital; that nobody
labors unless somebody elsc owning cani
ta!, somehow by tl.o use of it, induces him
to labor. I his assumed, it is Rext consul
ored whether it U best that capital should
liire laborers, and thus induce them to
work by their own consent, or buy them
and drive theia to it without their con
son t.
Both these assumptions are false, nnd
all inferences from them are groundless.
Labor is prior to and Independent of cap
ital. Capital is only the fruit of labor.aod
could never have existed if labor had not
first existed. Labor is the superior ol
capital, and deserves much the higher
consideration. Capital has its lights, which
8re as worthy of prelection as any other
rights. Nor is it denied that there is and
probably always will be a rotation tetween
labor and capital, producing mutual ben
efits. The error is in assuming, (hat the
whole labor of the community exists with
in that relation.
A few men own capital, and that few
avoid labor themselves, and with their
capilal hire or buy another few to labor
for tnem- A large majority belong to
neither class neither work for others nor
have others working for them.
In most of the Southern States a major
ity of the whole people, of all colors, are
neither slaves nor man tuts, while in the
Northern a targe majority are neither hir
ed nor hirers.
Men with their families, wives, sons and
daughters work for themselves on their
farms, in their houses and in their shops,
taking the whole product to themselves,
and asking no favors of capital on the
one hand, nor of hired slaves or laborers
on the other. It is not forgotten that a
considerable number of persons mingle I
their own labor with their capital that
is, they labor with their own hand, and
nlo buy or hire others to labor for them !
In,, thta ' nln a mlvn.1 an. I . . i .)!.:.. I
iuib to vi, ij iiiiavu nuu iiubk ilinblll, l-
class. No principle stated i disturbed by
the existence of this mixed class.
Again, as has already been said, there is
not. ot necessity, nnv such tiling ft frAA
hired laborer being fixed to that condition 1
oi me. Many independent men, everyi
where in these States, a few years back in
thnir lives, were hired laborers.
The President, a pennil est beginner in
tho world, labors fur wages awhile, saves a
surjilus with which to buy tools or land
for himself, then labors on his own account
another while.and nt length hires another
new beginner to help him.
This is the just and generous nnd pros
r.erous system which opens the wav to all.
givei hope to all and consequently energy j
ana progress nu improvement oi me
condition of ft. I
No men living are more worthy to be cokJ, and w placed in heMip. by
usted than those who toil up from Pov.',.i,n, ..r fr.i..... V" . . T.. '
erty-none less inclined to take or touct ls,,
Aim lit wlii(.i thov have not innes tv sum
aught which they have not honestly earn-,
ed. Let tbem beware of surrendering a!
political iowei which they already pes-
seas, and which, if surrendered, will sure-
lw Ka iiuArl t.n rlnsA the doors nf nilvnnna.
ment against such as they, and to fix new
disabilities ar.d burdens upon them till all
ot liberty shall be lost. '
From the first taking of our National teiTA young lady down in "Dixie"
Census lo the last are seventy years, and wro' to her lover requesting him to
wo find our population at the end of the bring her "Linkcn's skelp." Angelic
poriod eighty timos as great as it was at 'creature!
!i t'p
1 1 '
lln I
Ii i t i i It ' t .
f lit I'M r' n I I'M W I "it I'i" p'
llUl lit" 1 1 In l' 'i I I I' tin III I III (i
III" III n liiln I tl I lie M i'i nil' I II f t II ii
hat I f "Ini i III rt (f il i ll luiif, mi l ii'vi
lull, il III tuly liiiiiiitnM r., l( imiiIm f.i
Ihn Inline.
I ln'i e imp nV l u ll' n ' ii i t i ; tti I Iin it ho,
if i In' I ' n ion I'i' 'ii'iiii l, mil livp lo ti p
il rplititi'i I n Iniliilif 'I ii'i l fifty nnlli"ti".
'I ' I if t r . u' ' o loilny la ti"l iilt'y I Imr
for to-dm . it In Ii r a tnt 1'it'iie nlio.--N
ith n rrliiitu p (.n 'i..t i'lnu e nil the
innto linn mid eat noil, let u pr.irei'.l in
thoprt'Hl tn-k nhii'h iwiilt lm 'levoh ed
upon n. AUUAIIAM I.I NO M.N.
WvliiiifMon, lcp. .1. MM.
Artemns Wnrd in the Army.
Am I previously iiiformoil you, I tun
. i i
tho IW.Mwinsvil .Miinpany.
I ''7. iradooiilly but iiiiiji'sticnllv Idiii
jdnimor'H nct'ivtury to my jiivmmiI )
hition. Mut 1 i m ltd tho ranks wasu t
full by no menus, ami Icumnu'iici'd to
rckront. Having imtiei'd ni'iirul de
Hire on tlio part of ymuitf men who
are into tho crisis to wear eiivlits, 1
crui in oc 1 to liavo my coiniiany ex-
dooKvel v ot olIissiTs evi.'Pyliodv to
rank as nriailci r (iincral. Tho fol
liM'in was niuoii the varis questions
which I put to iv I; roots.
Jioyoii know ii masked battery
from a hunk of gingerbread '?
l)o you know a cpvlet from a piece
ofcha'Uc '!
If I trust you with a real gun, how
many men of your own company do
you upec you can manage to kill dur
ing the war :
llcv you ever heard of (lancral
Price of Missouri, nnd can you avoid
similar accidents in the case of a bat
tle ?
Iev you even had of the meascls,
und if so how many ?
How ure you now '!
Show me your tung, !cc, Jkc, Sum
of tho questions was sarcasstical.
We are progressing pretty well with
our drill, At all our commanding
oflissera there ani't no jealously ;
und as we air all exceodin (smart, it,
ain't worth while to try outstrip each
other. The idee of a company com
posed excloosively of commanders-in-chief
origgenerated, I epose, hkurcely
need say, in thes Brancs. Consider
ed as a idee, I flatter myself it is put
ty hefty. We've got all the tackticks
at our t ting's ends, but what we pur
tickly exsel in isrestin liuiskitH. We
can rest muskits with anybody.
Our corpse will do its "dooty. We
go to the aid of t'olumby we fight
for the Stars !
We'll be choped into sassige meat
before we'll exhibit our coght tales to
the foe.
We'll fight till there's nothing left
of us but our little toes, und even they
shall defiantly wiggle.
"Ever of thee." A. WAIM).
PJii NTixci mT7ciriiA LO(i VI).
It is not alone printers and compos
itors who will enjoy the following.
It is a capita! and a very forcible ill
ustration of a printing otlico dialogue.
Foreman of the office Jones, what
are you nt ncv :
Compositor I m setting 'A House
on tire. Most done.
Foreman what is Smith about '(
Compositor lie's engaged on a
Horrid Murder.
Foreman Tom what are you ins-
TBinunxo f
Tom Prizes in the Gift Lottery.
Foreman Stop that und lake hold
of this llunaway Horse. Slocuni, what
in creation have you been about this
half hour ?
Slocuin Justifying the Compro
mise -Measures, which mnv sub set
roreman lou chap on the stool.
there, what are you on now '!
than on the stool On tho Table
that -ou gave mo.
roreman Lav it on the table for
the present ; no room for it.
Compositor How about these Mun
icipal Candidates !"
t t i .... ...i
roreman Kim cm in. What did,
you say, Slocum ?
Slocuni Shall I lkad these men of,
Boston ? j
. Foreman -No; they are solid, of
course I
Compositor l)o you want a full'
face head to Jenny hind's Family. ?
Foreman No, put 'em in "small'
cap." John, have you got up that
"Capital Joke V
John No, sir ; I'm out of sorts.
Foreman Well, throw in this "Mil-
11011 01 - aiilornni tiold, and when
'ou Kcl tlirouglj with it, I'll give you
some inoro. ilson have vou finish. 1
ed The Coalition ? I
Wilson Yes, sir. the Coalition is1
all up.
Kditor What do you want now ?
Pr. devil More copy, sir.
Editor lluvo you completed that
Eloquent Thanksgiving Discourse t
Pr. Devil Yes, sir j and I have just
got up "A warm Winter."
i Bi-A pretty girl was lately comnlain.
, ing to a (Quaker friend that she had a bad
uI7, neve'r ti To erne
.u.. i- I ,u tul"o
near thy lips,
te5"Is anybody waiting on you V said
a polite dry goods clerk to a girl from the
ronnt.rv. N'.a ie " aat.l b 1. i.l.l!
"that's my feller outside. Ho'would noC
come In."
tU I
t nr "in n !!i,irN,'
1 M W tl lytli H.
h li"' ", '' "i 1 1, 1 1 1 n !,i . 1 1 M
) ft, I " n h I'lilli , ,,ri .
I 'IM l' f ' 'Ii i' t, j,r, t M
11 ,
I 1 f I I'i "I 111! I IIKIl ( I
. nl ti . II. it, ml' :
j I ttin'Minn. ....
f'h 'ir.o. (IIHi',) Ml T, 1 1 l'
' 1 on ',lir-, ( 1"IIm O I i n 6(1 I I'I
! Ihrrf iint,( 12 liiivt.) I Ml " J H
j flu.nll, H . U i'i"
jnn p,iiiir, i I I lit Ml 1 1 no ? I'll
T mi no mi-, : I I i 4 I'll ft ihi Id I'D
' riirpf miinr'', ; i t i no im IJ nn
Finit 'iiri', t ! i 4 (I OH III n 14 I1"
I lliilf rnliiinn, I t I t a (id 12 ltd l1 00
j One column, I t I I 14 (III Jo on Si CO '
Orir Ihroe upt'kt ml Ip Hum ,t0, mn th p 24
fenln "T iio:c lor ( 'h InncrtUn. !
' Cs tu not.c' not uncling Riinri r In
I irlil f ir 12 a yir.
I A Jvi.rtiiinMili net ir.fkJ witV niimlicr of
B?(i:tiun dxtirvil, will fct csntinu! until furbia
I ,n'' dmrgoj acror.l'.r.R tn n,,0 t,rm
All extensive stock of .Jobl.iii" materia
enables tlni rublisliiT ol Ihc "y,VinWi t J the ri;ll:-j that ho is nrepa
red ti dD .inds of
1'llSTKItS, f'AK?jt:.lli, I'ltOCSAHMKS,
Hl..NK, r?l EOOIS, Ctltl'tM.AItS,
I.Ai.Ei.s, f;.!.L Tuitrs, IIamuiii.i.s,
ar.J eveiy itmdcf j'riniing
in a rountrvi ob o5ice.
usually done
Ail orders wiil be executed with neat
n oss and dcKpn'ch.
11. II. (iOODLAXDEH .t- CO.
Time of Holding' Court.
Second Mowlny of January,
'1'liir.l Moiiiluy of Miiri'h,
Third .Momlny of Juns,
Koiirth Mon lny o Sciitcmlipr,
In eiicli ycur, and continue two weeks if
County OMrer.
I'ren't Jud)?o,llon. iSnmiifl Linn. IJi'llufonto.
A't udges, Hon Win L Moore, Clcurfii'Id.
Hon Iicnj lionKftll, butliemliurg
ShenfT, Fred'k 0. .Miller Clearfield
I'rotlimotiiry.Johu I Cuttle, "
Ucr. 4 Hec. Jiinii'S Wiiglny, "
I'iatrirt Att'y Hubert J. Wallace, "
Tronmirer, H. II. Ooodlnndor,
C'. Surveyor, H. U, Wriitlit,
tilcn Hope
Cotmnins'u"ra,Wm. M'Cnickvo,
Win. Merrell,
K. C. Tboiiiimon,
I.uiuher City
II. C, li'iwmun,
Inane W. Urahau.Clearlield
J. 11. Slrnw,
Ooorgo HiclmriU, "
1. 1st of Post Offices.
A'limr of '. 0. .VimiM of P.
(lien Hope,
II. W. Calivol
Mrv r.'.izr.
T. A. M'tihoe
J. '.Csn-r.;!.1
Lewis S.mith
Y. I!. Miller
EJ. YiTitUxi
It. II. Moore.
C- f. Sloppy,
John liebi riiug
Jus- Illooiu
T. M, Cumiuings
Jas Me Murray
M. . Frank.
1'. A. (J.iulin.
Cleartield IlriJfs,
JeH'orJoii Lin,
New Wnnliingtos j
Curwenfvillo, i urwemville,
I'liiliin burt;,
j Fcrgtieou,
Helen Post Office,
I.ecounto's Mill?,
Duld liilln,
no tli n Millf.
alt Lick,
New Millport,
Lumber City.f
(Irainpian Hills,
Edm. WillianiH
Elk county, Pu
C. Mignot
William Curr
A. II. Shnw
T. II. Force.
J. A. H earty
C. J. Pusey.
David Tyler
II. Woodward
Eliza Chun
(i. Heckadorn
D. E. Mokel
J. W. Thomps'n
Jns, Thompson
J. McClelland
H. V. Spencer, I
A. C. Moore,
Siimuel Way
Michael Wise.
W. K. Johnson :
T IUn.l..r...n I
i This Post Oflice will do for Chest township
t Will answer lor F'crgiison tounship.
w gift
$35 00
JAYS tho entire cost (or TUITION in the
most popular nnd successful C0.MM ERClAL ,
CII00L in the country. Upwards of Twki.vk
Ili'M'tiRKi) young men, from twkxtv-ekiht difler-
cui oiitii-i, uiiva oeuu euueaieu lor ou.iiiiess uero
.. .1.1 : n 1. .. ,i . . c i i
nuiiiu um 'n iiui-u viiin, pintle ill ni.ll ll t ail
been employed as DOOK-KEEPEKS at salaries
$2000 00
iinmeutntcly rpon grailuuting, who knew nothing
of nci'ounta wh.n ihi.v nnlercl the C1.U1.1ra.
ting, who knew nothing
tered the College.
y u i'iiuicivi b iuiib u.ii iubr.
Students enter ut any titiio, and review when
they please, without extra charge.
Fur Catalogues, Specimens of Peninnniliip. and
View of the COlLeUK, enclose live letter damps
May ti, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa.
H . M. .M CUI.l.OK.II,
Ucinty ai H?mn
Office ill C.raliam s llrlrk nullillii';.
July 3d, 18C.1 tf.
I.!- llll!cl..'..nn. 1. .. IC..-1-
Spring & Summer Goods
I am just receiving and opening a carefully
selected stock of Spring nnd Summer goods
ol almost every description,
.i a ik t 'n'S k rk. v v .....
WalMtfiUtii W i JJLdl 1 w
A beautiful assortment of prints aud Dress
goods, of the newest and latent styles. Also a
great variety ol nsettil notions.
Bennett, Siiawls,
Hatt and Caps,
Boots and Shoet, a large quantity,
Hardware, Qieeusware,
Drugs and Medicines,
Oil and Paints,
Carpel A Oil Cloths.
Fish, Sacon and Flour,
Mackerel In H and h barrels,
of the best quality, all of which will be sold at
tne lowest cash or rcadv pay prices.
My old friends and the public generally, are,
vr,-vt. ,ii. j uiTiien iw can.
rrtri?r7ni?v'p0r'i.'ilA ,nd l,Pr0T,d
Clearfield, Jane 26 1881.
mi, re
1? J?,KRJ f: WALLACeTatijmet'It 17.7
JLV Clearfield, Pa., Offios in Shaw's Row, op.
osite flit Journal oBee.
4to. 1, Itbi. tf.
Mill I Ml MMtOVI I)
I1 ft f. :r
sk u .vr; MAC II INK.
PltlCKN FliOM ?40 to $70.
KruvliiK of whir h in horn ri'ri'm.ti"l, hul now
lit'ooiim it reciijniitpti favorite wlivrorcr it
hni boon ititnului'c J, in'l if, heyohd question,
th kMl'1"11 " hHinluin-i.t, low-prirrd
hrwiiid Macliin nuw lioloro Ilia liublii-.
No. 1 A nmull uud vrr) nuat Mm-hint fur
Fnniily uo.
j No. 2. A Inrgo Mncliino fur quilling buury
work nnd for I'lunlatiun Ufo.
Thin .Mm liiue in iniu h Bilmirml for its jiniplioi-
ty. nnu fur itn rrlmUiIity nnJ diiruliility it in un
'iin,l,"ie'" child twelve years can run it with
I case ; and yet it will rew from the toaisett cloth
to the finest Kwi.. There in no trouble of re
winding the thread, an it in taken from thetpoolt.
11 lion no belt to give trouble, and will run
!mi.'k wnriln as woll un forwurdt. ar.d still tewt
eqiiHlly perfect, and without danger of breaking
neudlen. Itruni by frietion, und by oloiing the
box over it, it it thrown out of gear. In fact,
we have no hesitation in recommending it ai the
best luu.ily ocwmg .Mucuiuo lu use.
The fvlloieiny Prtmiums AwarJtd the above
Machine :
At the I'uir of the
the Firnt I'reiuiuiu.
r'runk'in Instituto, 18jS
At the I'etinaylviini.i State Fair, at Philudeb
phi a, September 21, 18."Q, the First 1'reinium a
At the Pennsylvania Elnto Fuir.hold at Wyo
ming, 18110 a Silver Jledul.
For the bent Double Thread Machine, at Lan
caster County Fair, held October, ISS'J a Silver
At the Muryland State Fair, held al the Mary
laud Innti'ute, Baltimore, Aid., October, 1.H59,
under strong competition, a Silver Medal was
awarded to this Machine.
At the New ('untie u'ounty Fnir, held at VS'il
mington, Delaware, October, 18i9 a Diploma.
The abuvo .Machines are manufactured by
VI llniliifftoii, Dol.
No. 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pn.
No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del.
mntl3-ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
?.H-l'srMns wishing to (ce the above Machine
in operation, can do to by cul!ing at the resi
dence of D. V. Moore, in Clciirfiold borough.
Wsike ii i! Wake up!
BLACKSMITH! XC. TUE subscriber res
pectfully informs hit friends and the public
jrencrally. that he il new well .iblislied in his1,
NEWSUOl'on Pine street, opposite the Town I
Hall, in tlie borough of Clearaoid, and upon hi uuun.
and where he is prepared to do all
J r w chntrr worn in uii line in tue' very best stylo, and on
Sinuuel Way j the shortcut notice. His old custon-ern are res
Centro county pectfully nl.ed not to fonjet him, nnd any num-
ber of ucw ones ure respectfully invited to give
him a trial
EIKIE TOOLS. His reputation as a Maker
and Repairer of Edge tool should of itsclfsecure
liiio a liberal patronage.
April 21,
o 1. 1: n - c ii o
(ici iiiantown,
IfcCALLUM & Cu.,
Importers, end Wholesale Dealen in
it ! r. ti Mis, ii it v ti c; i; t m
oil chorus, MArrtxus, (.,
Viirehoue. Jv'o. oO'J Chestnut street,
(Opposito State House,)
npr3"81-fy PutLADRLrniA.
IL. u t h ffl v s lb n v & Bi d ft a I ,
WILLIAM h'EED, Prnpri.tor.
july 10, ISOi. ly.
TirsTICi: of the pence
f Luthersburg. Clearfield Co. Pa.,j business makes him feel confident that bis chairs
will attend promptly to all businctt entrusted Ure made in a tubstantial and workmanlike man
to re.3 tin March 23, 18(10. y. pd. , ... . , .... i
. ' 11 nor, and will stand the test of trial. Persons
' "llfliolehale and Retail Merchants.
extensive dcolera in tin.ber, snwed luiud
. , , ,
h".' "f ,"t HfvJ'S 1" ""
grain, which will be sold chcup for cash.
Oct. 11,1859.
r l''I?lVI, I 1TV Hf VFI'l
I 1 i'-VJi Li LU 1 IlV-'llLi
f ll V VCi VI,'
I 1 Li
Col. A. P. OWEX.S, rRoriiir.Toit,
Respectfully announces to the travelling public
thst he has now taken charge of this large and
rlinrge ol tins lurge
well known house, and will conduct it in such a
manner as i
ill render excellent comfort and for,:
all who may favor him with a
tnd faithfully to all legal entrus ed to
bit coie, tho several Courts of Clearfield and
S'ljoinitg counties.
Offirt t
:o one formerly occupied by Q. R,
Oct. 2Cth, 1859 ly
1 be
hi: ci.ioiti'ii:i.i) academy win
opened for the reception of pupils .males
nnd females) on Monday Sept. 2d, 1S6I. j
Tf mis per fessloti of L'.Ievcn Weeks: !
Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary
Atilhiuetic and tioograpliy, $2 50
Higher Arithmetic, English (irutnaiar, ,
Uoogrnphy and History, 3 00'
Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy, '
ana Hook heeiiinir
Lntin and Greek I
To stiidnts desirous of ncnuirinfa thnrnnrrh
, English Education, and who wish to iinl'fy !
.themselves for Teachers, this Institution offers'
desirable advantages. I
j No pupil received for lest than half i setsinn, j
jtnd Do deduction cade except for protracted
I Tuition to be paid at the close of the term. j
! C. II. SAXDFORD, Prinripal, 1
; Clearfield, Aug. 7, lSf.l ly. j
27Lx)ur7baco, tobacco,'
-?For sale very cheap for Cash, by
In baaemr-ntof Merrell & Bigler's Store,
Clearfield, Fa. feb-27.
K? A JVJJ ti for Btors Ooods by
Dec. i, 1(61. n. vr. SMITH I CO.
1 I M Mill II
i IK
"'Mfn MA il A 7 INK
I 1 11 R I.PMm gi MM.r,
(I "Ma )
1111? M'IMH Hull ft VUlr
(I 'M I
.1-1 MK f:nntM MHtl-tt M-VII.W
(I t t nun h '
I-1IIR :HTMIMrn ntvitw,
(l.lS'tnl )
(l-M.ArKWOilD Hr tilXM HOIIMAflAtlRE
(Inrt )
r ; n r a .
Vr sny nnt of in lour K
1'ir an) Inn of Hi- four llrticm,
for ny tlir of lln fmir Il-rirwi,
Vor all four of Iti Itotiewi,
K'r Him knuoil'i Mn((iilii,
l or 1llm kooi anil one Htiipw,
Kor lllni kwonrl mil two Ittvitnr,
For llliirk wood and Ihrct rttvlpwt,
Kor Illtokwoud tnd Iht four Itrvirwi
rtr annum
10 00
I N. II. Tim prict lo ()r-t Hrittin for Uit Brt
rcilo.iirnli hIiot ntuicd it $31 t'r annum.
H.-publirbcd bT
iuH3 m il Ould Slrcot, New York,
During the past year we bavt introduced to
I ho notice of the medical profession of this coun
try the Pun Crytalitcii Chloride of Propylamine,
as a
and having received from many tources, both
from physiciaui of the highest ttnuding nud
from patients, the
Most nattering Tcktlmouialsoflta real value
n the treatment of this painful and obsti
nate disease, we are induced to present it to flie
public in a form HEADY F )K IMMEDIATE
L'SE, which we hope will commend itself to those
who are nutTcring with thia afflicting complaint,
and to the medical praotitioner who may feel
disponed to ten die powera of this valuable rem
edy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the f.rm above
npoken of, has recently been extensively experi
mented with in the
and witn MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear
from the published account! in the medical Jour.
.2It is carefully put up ready for immedi
ate ure, with full directions, and can be obtained
from nil the drugg'mti at 7i cente per bottle, and
nt wholernlo of BULLOCK A CRENSHAW,
Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists,
June20'6ltf. Philadelphia.
npiinf UTIMf
Treated at A. II. Slut'vs M.U, one mile East
o' CUarjicU borough,
Respectfully informs the citiiens of Clearfield
and adjoining comities, that he it ut all times
prepared to manufacture, at tho thorten notice,
Hair, Hunk, and Straw Mattresset of nit
kinds and sizes, one of whch is a Folding Mat
tress, suitable for CABINS OX RAFTS, which
can be folded in small compass, and emptied tnd
refilled at pleasure ; and very cheap. He also
trims Carriages, mikes repair to all kinds of
Carriage Trimming and Upholstery, and makes
Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick
ness or length.
i'iUCountry Produce, Corn Ilaskt, or Cash
taken in Exchange for work.
JcJfir All orders left with any of the MerehRt.
Clearfield borough will bt promptly attended
to. j,c2r,
Tho undersigned hai now on hand, at hit Fur
niture Room on Market it., Clearfield, Pa., a
short distance west of Liti't Foundry, a larga
itoak of
manufactured out of the bsst materialr, fininhcd
n a very superior munner, and which he will sell
.CM t UK C A.Sff, Hit long experience in the
wishing to purchase chairs should cail at once
and get them while they can be had at the lowest
nOWAIIII A'SorlATION, PlItl.Al.RLrillA, A Urn
enilenl Jitttitutitm cl.i.i'aAc(f bv unrrial En-
rtuirmtnt, fir the irlirfnfiht Sick oil. lUntrtntrd,
affl",'rd " I '"'nil fkrouie )ira., ani
'V'"'" ur ",c ture "J 'n.
'"Enl1 lL ad.icb given gratis, by the Acting
ali'Asle Kr.poHTs on Spertratorrhnea, and
other di.-c.isci of the Sexual Oigans, and oa the
.vcw HKMRt'iRs employed in the Dispencnry, sent
ceauu inner envelopes, iree ot charge. Two
Dr. J. Skii.lkn HornnTos, Howard Association,
N. g. SiatU it rtil.Jrli.hit. 2my ly
A. wAtXACR. 4, c. nsNtr
anliinn aub CoIIcdioir 0fl5
" I'twns HKciiivnn,
VollcHtions made and proceed promptly remitted
Exchange on Ihe Cities constantly
on hand.
toffies onPwnd SL nearly opposite lb.
Justice of the peace
L.utnorsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will 1
attend promptly to all business entrusted ts bis j
April 4, 18fil. 1
Jas. r. i.AnmmR.
T 1 llltliirn a ,v . . . -v, ... t, Attorneys at Law'
J Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col
iAiou, uann Agencies, e., e., In Clearfield
Centre nd Elk eouhties. July 30. y
PW. HAYS, JirWio of ths Psace, will atten
. pro-nptly to ootlectlons and other matter
eft in hischarg. Address Kersey, Elk e Pt
Oct. 3d lHou. ly.
Blacksmith, Wsgont, Buggies, Ao., Ae., Ironed
on short notice, sad the very best style, st his
U stand ia )e boreurh f Cnrwensvllle. 1
p ! '. It
lil. At K
A V i'ln
" J iimui,,, lh. . -
v M II'. IM, lhl '
Utile, on,. i. .. . ' "' tr
U..i. n . .. TV'"-!
iIU.mi. A eld e.tllM 1,-r, ,h, ,
irih ti II. i i... , ' ,D! ta"lf, f
tMrluiKiii (lirmmltM anil ll.o n.f,.,.!... '"t'tiiA
iluHni K.nrrl itrttion, mflVrii,, .l?"1"'l,r'
While In llila rnmliiidii, L, thl'oW
take Ayw'. I'ltl., kill smi l.,. dlrei llr '''"""HX
n.turl .il.m uf tl.o ej.t,.m, ami wH, u T tlx.
fwlhig of Oral Hi ai,ln. M I, trnn m ,, 'mt
this trivial nnJ common complaint, Is tlw iii'?r"" '
of ih,u,.p atr.l ami .l,.nRni,i .h.miw. r, """T
parmtive erf, eirp,-U tliniu. Cn.l l,v J1' .
tloiit ami ilnraotyuinutt of tbo UMuil (unrll" """'w
a-My tly are, ami unny of tlWM
by the atone mean. None whu know un ""M
I'llls. will nenlrel to employ litem Ua tuZ?,? '1""
tb.rllwrdertllycun.. "tteriag ttoo
Hlalrmentt from InJInn pl.y(,nt
princiind cities, auj from other oll known iZn. IW
tout. fuene p,t-
Vow fhrmnling Mtnhaut if a. Louit, HI i Vjt
Ia. Awr: Yur are tlu, ,,. o( ..i
irreot in awlk-lne. They l.nvu onnl uir Hill. L k "
of ulrenmt torm upon her Immls ami lW limt hJa?. lr!
Inc.iml.l. for ym... llor D,,,Ur , 'J I"""
oualy nlllietuil with l.lotcbea nn.l pinipletnn hor If,? ."
in her hair. After our child was cured, alT.l., ,""
jour I'll!., aud they have cured hor. w
Aa a Family Phytic.
Vow Vr. F. II. ClirtiCT-.ji'.r, Ktw 0,h,mi. Plllt are the prince of purges. Their n
qii illll.. turiuMs any cathartic wo ii,,,, ""'
mm. ion y coi im aim in tlilr nctL,,,
iKiwela, whli'h
mnkes them iuvuluoWo to m lu th.. d i?
treatniiMit of diseute.
Headache, SlckHcrlcl.e,Foi.l Stomach
Vr. Edward Uoud. Uallimnr,
DtAalmo. Arm: Icnnnft totwer you i,i comnl.ui.
I have carl with your I'llls letter than to "Kt
siw w,Ui a ;.iv.i(,m mniHine. I place it
ileiii-e on an eflccluu! ratlmrlix i .1...1. . .. . lTp"1'
ilio., anil believing; as I uo that .vr Pill, jotd
best we havo, tor course valiiolheiuhlKhly.
, Pimarao, Pa., Mnv 1 H55
ti,. wnr.1 P". V'j "'r: T. M? ror"t'".v rureil'irf
of yonr I'lll. It to arise from a foul slm,,,?
which they clennae ut once. '
Yourt with great iwjiect, F.n. V. I'RKIlht:,
f7fr nf Slramtr rjjil'u.
Bilious Disorders Liver Comiilaliit,.
Horn. Dr. Tlumtnrt Hrll, f Xrm )",rt Cy.
Not only art your Pilla tn tln.r pnr.
poaii na nn aporirnt, Hit I flnil their lienelicul r (l..ri,nlflu
the l.itiT very marked inrtwil. I'loy have in let iKK.
lice rowl more elTrctual for the cure or bilm'11
ImhU than uair one rmneily 1 cuu loviitimi. 1
rejoice Unit wo have nt leiiKlh a .iii;nlWu l,iti, '
thy tho couQileuce of the piuftaaiou aud thv .j-t,..
Hi tabtmim or Tiia ISTtr.ins )
Va.hiiit.'l.ii, P. C, 7tli V.h , U.,,!,
Sta 1 1 Muvt uwil your I'llla in my general .n, hw,',.
pracliceuvcr eiuce you umde llii-ui, and cami..t hHlun, to
my they tro the best cathartic we ein.)oy. A ln-ir trcn.
luting a. tiou on the liier Is iiui.k un.l r,7,!
iu.-ully thoy are an i, for a.-i ,,u.ul
rf that organ. Indeed,! Imve fonml Cn.t.r
tiii Uttealt to ohltliiulu that II Ui4 not reielilv v4ri, ,
them. !ratirully joura, A1.0.NZH HAI.I," M. i,
J'iyiiCMii oj Ihe .Vo iin
Dyeeiitery, Dlarrliorn, Itrlax, AVovin,.
V.wt b: J. (j. (Jicm, nf I'lttcinj.i.
Your I'illn have luiil a l"Hg trlirt in my j.rn.-li.-e, nj
holt thi-111 in eateem na ooe of the licit aj.inii.nta 1 limu
ever found, 'i'ltnir ultertitive eltrtl npnii the Ilicr nii.i.
Ihi ui an txci'lleut leniedy, when gi'eli in miii.II d kr.t r
'jtiimtt iltjttutcrti and duarhiru. 'lln-ir enui -,-.,,,11,, .
makes 11. fin very are. ,:nllo aud cutivcnlmt jf Uw
of woiutii aud children.
Uytpepala, Impurity of (he Blood,
Vnm Si're. ,. I". linnet, lutr if Adnut (Vm.ic',. II,j, ,
lln. An.r.: I hare used your J'ilU uith i.tin-1 lin.v
aueceaa in my family and ni.n.ri" tlioa.. I am ,,,,., imi
ill .li"ln-.. To n gulalii the or-.ina of au.l
purify the blool. Ho y aru thr vny hot reui.-.l) I tin. a
rer known, nuU 1 cau connd..ialy rev.rion.-iid '.,
Hi) lrk"iid. Yourt, J. t.illMtj.
Wimiw, Wyon.ii.x Co.. X. Y.. 0, t. il, - .:,,
Pub Sir : 1 am uoing your Cathartic I 'ill-, in mi
tl.-a". and fiii.l them an l ic.llfiit 1'iui .H'.' t . il.aiur il.t
ay ,-t. -in and fmiy the oimfuim ..' 1V ( '.....
C'niittlpatlon, Cot t Irene it, Snpprraalmi,
Kliriiiiint tain, -ont, .Neiiralclu, Oi on
ly, I'utval) .!, Fit., ttc.
'iiui I'l .J. I'. YamiUn, Ihidrni. Ctutula
Too much euunot be a.lid of our I'llla for II..' r.lrrof
n-timu$t. If ntliern of our fia'teniilv have f.uu.l tlinn
a rRiciiciuiit nt I have, ihey should Join mr in I'liK'l.iiiii
imr it for the hrnrfll of tho multltii t. a who aiiffcr fi-. ni
ihal romulniiit, wliii-li, nllhoiish bad enough in i
Ihe .rugenilor of ollitra Unit uii. w,.im. 1 l li v.' r -
nrrii'.i in originate In Ihe liver, hut y.nir I'illl aflat tint
organ and cure the diaeaae.
Fmm Nrt. K. Hiinrt, ll.jtMaH and MJvfr, fl,i u.
I Dud one or two large dowt ofyran- I'ilN. tnk' n at tl.a
proper time, are ejcelh nt ,r'm,,tiv,i or the 1 jiwnl nia
ri'.u when w holly or partially aupp, , I, an I al. 'nr
elfecluul tn clenvsr the Hmmuh nnd rr ii-niul. Tiny
are so nun u the lst phviie Imve thai 1 recoaimeud
uo other to uiy patients
Pivm Ihc Her. Dr. lUwlct,iflh' it. "..a,V f)i). Chwrh.
Fi'i.Atsi lloi ar, "avannali.Ra.. .Ian. . 1VA.
H 'Vonrn hit I I thouhl uniiiatelul for the relief
your skill baa brought me if I did not reiurt my raw lo
yon. A cold nettled In mv liuilia and tiroiiKht en excru
ciating ntttrnlrjic jmiut, which endd In chronic i irinaa
hiin. Notwittinlapdlog I hud tho Iw-t of .hyl 'iaiia. Il.a
diamae grew worae nnd woran. until hv the a-ivire of your
eterllent agent in flail nir, llr Maikrntie, 1 tried y. ur
Pilla. 'their were alow, but fuio. Hy araeltiring
In the use of lln-ni, 1 am now entirely well.
KHATe OiiAXBra, Mnton linage, T.a.. 5 Pse. IW..
Da. Ater : 1 have lm entindy curd, by your I'ilW.ef
Khrum.itic Gout a painful diaenn Ibat had affiirli il m
for yearn. VINCKNT SI.1DK1.I
- Mot of Dm Pilla in market enntain M. rmry,
hi.h.nllhoiiKh a valuable remedy In nkilful lianila is
nangnroua In a public pill, fr..m the dreavlliil tonar
tueneet that fre.iiently follow Its ini-antlo,,, ae.
ioiitaln no mercury or mineral mbstaure hntever.
Prioe, 25 cents per Box, or 6 Boxes for $1.
Prepared by Br. J. C. ATER & CO., Lowell, Him
jerSold by C. D. Watson, Clcnrfiell. E, A
Irwin, Curweusville; F.Arnold, Luthersburg,
Montgomery A Co., New Sniem ; J. C. Brenner,
Morrisdale, C. It. Foster, Philiptbure : and Elia
Chase, Annonville ; and by dealers everywhere.
Thnnklul for past favors and solie'iticns of fu
ture patronage. I would respectfully ennounct
man nave on Hand again, and will constantly
keep at the Pottery in thia borough, on the cor
ner a short distance eel of the Methodist Church,
a large stock of Crockery, such at Cream crocki,
milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casing
f-c. rfc. ; and also an extensive assortment of
different sizes and patterns of brackets and
rosettes for cornice on houses, and other moul
dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be rotde It
older on thort notice. Also fire brick mtds
and kept for sale.
t-ff-A liberal reduction on prices mads k
wholctalo denlers. F. LE1TZINGER.
Clearfield, may 23, 1S61. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
t.a UZVX!Z IfrASEST 25Jt
JOHN GVLICII, of the borough of Clearfleltt,
Pa., will be prepured st all times to attend to
to any business in the above line on short
notice, sod in a workmanlike manner. Hiip'tct
business it at the old shop on the north udeor
Market ttrect, 8d door east of Third it., fy
opposite the old Jew store j where he wilt "p.
1 constantly on band largo assortment oi ira-
rl Cabinet
;..n . ....
"are or every description, which be will dispose
of on as reasonable termt aa the tame article!
can be had elsewhere in the county.
His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con
sists in part of Dressing and Common bureaus,
Sofai, Sewing and Washing Stands, Desks tni
Book Csses, French and Field Post Bedsteads,
Diniop. Breakfast, Centre. Card and Pier Ta
bles. Ac Cotfint manufactured and delivered tt
any place desired.
February 8, 18S9. no. 4, rol. It.
f KlUOKS for Medicinal purposes Brandy
IJ Port sod Sherry Wine, Nectar Whitkeyma
HcL'snd Gin at