Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 04, 1861, Image 2

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I 44
r I
CM'ARTlEl.r), PA
WefiTi!y Mcminc Te. 4
Tho oueKtion a. to what are tho ot.jectt
of the present would cem, Is Hill
uo open one. William B. Tl.onia., Mn- scicntifio atudentof the question of race.,
oojn'a Oallector of the Turt of riiiladtl- d he aliawa what negroes are and a hut
phia, nddrcavrd the Central Republican white men are. iniuch a way that the Ab
Club of that city one evening last week in will And it difficult to an.wer hi
a peech in ti Inch he declared "that, net argument. The Cucbian ii published
"only have tuo two cardinal ideas of the at the low price ofO.we I)oll4 vn ti,
"Republican party been aJvpttJ by nine-
" tenth of those ulio one year ago constituted tU
" p erties it opposition to w, but these new wi-!
vtrii art prrpjrel to oJi jv much fuithtr
"than th ftiipublifais proposed tegs,
Ilo'.lien d dices the two "cardinal idea"
as foll s. "First, asd immovable deler
"roinuti'jn to resist the further extension
'of slavery to the unietth-d territories of
' tho nation ; nnd seeend, to hurl from the
"high place of the Government thoso
" who had proved thtmxelvai to bo, by
" long year of subserviency to the slave
' pow er, its willing and sycophantic tools,
" and therefore unlit to rule a nation of
" freemen."
lis then asks if there is any man to 1
faund "within the Iwdera of the free
" Stiitcs who is not ready to isk iviav
" thino to prevent the further extension
"offclavery?" Nay," added he "thecry
''is now almost universal, ' Dowh witu
" nu ,ii:cfiiBD issrii TioN.'"
For Wm. J. Thomas, aa an individual,
to use tuch language, and express such
sentiments, sLould surprise no one. lie
tuirnys vas an open and avowed Aboli
tionistand nothing clw. Hut now he is
the chosen representative of the Na'.i nal
Admir istiaiu n at the commercial capitol
of the grei. (Jommonweitlth of Pennsyl
vania, and as such ho must be held as ex
pressing ill. sentiments and leflecting its
slews. Until repudiated by rome high
er euthoiity than himself, therefore, the
fotPgoing must be taken as the views, the
! 'cliugo and the understanding of Mr.
Lincoln und his Cubitiet.
And what are their iuidersiandiug,their
feelings, and their viewif Why, that
"nine tilths" oi tho suj porters of Doug
fot, liieckinriilo at:d P. 11 including the1
ao'.d trs now i.litir.g tha battle of tha
l u.1.0-are ''new couvrrtV' to the ''two
cardinal ideas" of the Republican party as
lnid do tn in tho Chicago platform.
This is his understanding of the object
and purposes of the present war, and this
tho mo!ivo of the tens of thousands of
Democrats and Dell men now in arms- to
"restore the Union as it was," and, per
eoiifcquence, the understanding of tlis
Ar ;! what are their fiews f Mr. Thom
as explains in very few words:
And forthwith thii Central Republican
Club of Philadelphia "tii.aniinously" pass
a resolution declaring that the "surest
" fuethod lo crush out tho rebellion would
"be for Congress, nt i's next scsion, to
"i ass a law embodying the poliey of the
" Fremont proclamation."
Congress has solrmnly declared that in
terference with the institution of slavery
is none of tho purposes of the war that
it is -'to preserve the Union" and the
"rights of the several States unimpaired."
This is the view Congre. takes of the
purpose of the war.
The Administration, speakitvg through
ill Collector at Philadelphia, declares tkat
the cry of "Dowa with the accursed insti
tution" is new "alciost universal."
Tho question, therelore, is, which is
right Co::gres, or the Administration ?
JaTThe War Department continues the
practice of a strange system of economy
that of bringing troops from the West lo
Washington, and sendincthem from Har
risburg, and point farther F-iist, to the
vtost. un inu.silay last a rccirnenl wasl,i
t.iken Irona i'lttsburg to ashmgion, and
the day afler one was Bent from Har. ist
burg to Kentucky. Now, why was not
tho Pif.slt.rg regiment sent lo Kentucky,
und the men nt Ilarrisburg sent to Wash
ingtonT There ih.ij Lo tulstantlid reas
ons why this was not done, but in the nb
sencc of any explanation it certainly has
kid appearance. It is a mutter cf sever
al thousand dollar, in which tLe rcventtee
ot ine i enniyivnriiti railroad company
have a special interest
r.ol bo suspected for moment that any
poison connected with the War Depart
ment at'on has any special re
gard for tho interests of that road !
Plwarpinq u. Trieni). That celebra-
. t i . -. n ia. .re.i ii-u
..... ..,,,
;r J' , 'cu
for SjOJon Cameron lor Lnited htate Sen.
Mor, fiM been appointed a Commissary on
Cen. HallccV. tUtT. Go ou, Simon. Now
is the time to reward your friends, s,nd if
ynU do as much for thoseother two posie.,
Me'sr. Mcner and Wag-ni.cller, who
Lclped to do the dirty work of that trans-
,v,on, w,.i unssrv. Weau-,or tne
- . i .... . . . .
lima may oon come rVhen honori and
tWriuraenU w.u n b yoUn to b!?w.
, . mm mi i .ii ii
J 1 UUlf (J for Bloro Good! by
Dec, 4, i.l. 0. W. EMITH A CO.
Bball White lien Bnle America ?
i mm aaai.v wicmuh is me iiu
iif n. i . a i. ii.u , r ..
Dcn.ocrat.orn.on pajier, recently started
in New Yorkby the late proprietor of the
, ... ' , ... .
"". "-i--"
ii(w Issue due not discus, the war, and
4 I .. .1 :i. I
uencv a circuiuiti in in ninu unnioir
t.J. liuke. for it. ...otto the aentimmt
..r.v.. i... v i ...I... .ii
gor.rnmcnt iva. mm'e on the tvhilu bniia.
by white infn, for the l-enefit of whitoi
'men and their poiterity forever;" and, i
wiiu mi. iei, ii ueuia uiu jnrnffli mini
.1. . i. - t l:i
of Mow. at the Abolition!.!..
Dr. Van Evrie, the aenior editor, ii a
with full np rta of the New York Cattle,
OaaiM and lV.tiixi Markets, Wab Nrr,
full and complete, Ac, Ac. Subscriptions
' are received for TuilE Mo.srni, at 2'i cents
each subscriber, or (I roa roc a copies.
Any person who will send five dollars
foi a tdub of fire subcri bora, at one post
ofhce, will get a sirth opy gratis. Larger
clubs si ill I furnisned at the rate ol
twenty copies forflo. Il is one of the
cheapest papers published. Subscription
should be addressed to Van Evri", Mor
ton 1 Co., No. IC2 Nassau street. Speci
men copie sent free to all who write for
them. W would recommend all our read
ers who want a New York weekly paper
to patronise The Capc.isuk.
How Ti.ET do it. The Republican party
has a peculiar way of rewarding iheir fa
voritcs. We vill give but one iustano
among thousands: Gov. Morgan of New
York guts a salary of f 4,000 a year as Gov
crnor, and having been maibi Major Gen
eral of the New York Volunieers, henl
draws an additional salary of f.OO'Jmi
ol the National Treasury thus m.kiii,
his yearly salary $12,000. A snug Intl.
sum for one man. The method by whicl
this was arranged is very simple: Tki
Oovtrnor of New York and Secretary
Cameron were not the best of friends the
Governor ha vinz opposed the appoint meni
of the latter to a ieat in the Cabinet ; and
when the war machinery was put in oper
ation at Washington it was found that
there wm a screw loose in the New York
section the friends of the Governor and
the friends of the Secretary refusing t
pull together. Very much the same stale
of affairs existed in our State, and the
Secretary had to "cvu" in bMh eases. Hi
lia.l to a Major-Oeneral out of Hov
ernor Morgan, and make nearly all li:r
anpeiatments at the dictation of the Gov
etnor. In our Stale the trouble was set
tled by permitting Governor Curtin to
play the part of boih Governor and Sec-,
.eta.-y, so far as appointmens are concern
ed. Where ho gets his pay, beyond hi
s. laryas Governor, we know no I, unless
those of his republican frionds who charge
him with an interest in certain contracts,
are correct.
Sf-That miiorable demagogue, and in-
i famous political hdjsVi'', Charles Hutnner
has had tho spocch he lately delivered
before the Massachusetts Republican State
Convention published in pamphlet form,
and is sending them to the republican ed
itors throughout the land, under his frsnk
as United States Senator, and modestly
requesting them to cor; extrsota from it
as editorial I
The speech is one of the meanest Abol
ition harangues that was ever concocted
by American brains. It is true, it does
not sink down to a level with the vile and
vulgar treasonable slang of Fred Douglass,
and such nigger orators for Sumner is a
man of finished education but it is
fraught with far greater evil. The treason
of the worst men in the South is harmless
eompan-d with that of this great bad mnn.
His present profesiionsof loyally are only
made for the purpose of luring the people
within his dangerous grasp. Wo predict
now, that if men of this clas are not sup
pressed suppressed by a wholesome pub
lic sentiment in the Northern Stales the
floodgates of ravolution will he raited
higher than they evor were in the darkast
1 dxve nf Inn wrnrl.l'a litatnrv It i-iiiiinl Iia
The other Oi Gored. The United
State Marshal has notified the editors of
two German Republican paper, published
in St. Louis, that unlets they erased their
attacks upon the Government, (alms the
Aanitnisirauon.i neciuseot me removal
a 1 ..... . , .a I
orrremont, that ha would suspend Ihe j
publication oi i neir paper. i
ni. i .i..i. ...
' a ,
be the result before the present Republi
. .
Of course it wili!" "
the Admin slration
which to execute democrats and de,,.
. ,. n
cratic newspaiiers, regardkss of the Con-
titultonond oil our law. regulating Ihe
freedom of speech and ot
the press. They
are now about catchine tome of their om
. - . . . .1. i
,r,ena.,n mi. rap. ana wno were no,
.uu"ul -nur.0,.,
these hinhhsnded measure. Rut the end
ia not yet ; and we tvlvise our neighbor
acro the way to be yery carerul lest hi.
inordinate love for the Pathfinder .hall
Litng upon hint tlfe awful vengeance ol
the power, that be. i
,, ; ;
Ihe 37th
e. i
Congr.s. met Washington on
iriue rrauiar aeaaiuii ui in.
Ws expect to publish the rreeident'e
.. ."
message in our nxt iue.
Ovr readers will remember that Cbarle
1 m.i.iu . r ...
in tho'
. . , lhBlnwitt, . hld In
V ' . ' ... . "n .
June last jlual wing tun In tne inree
moQtha'MiTioa, he remained in the Held,:
and did uol take hi tent in
. . ., , , . n-,,- I
, 'gwi""" i .... y -
yl""" Rwerre Corp., he wm appoin ed
,to the oo ui man J of tho Fir.t (ilucktail)
Regiment, in which eajoit lie has leit
cd up to this time.
Cel. BiJJ'.c wiu ou a vit tt Thitadei
. . .. .. , , 1 i
''Hi. a. the othar day, when lit was honored
with tlr :. nJer of a nublie dinner, but
n lurk honor he declined in the folloai.
truly putr.otic letter :
To the lion. ('v. Dullas, t harlei J. IngtT'
jo, 1 'iter Mc lull, John iinraurrr, trrerys
Jiharsuvod, A. V. Persons, Frederick Fra-
ley, Henry M. Philips, Esyuirct, and wAiri.
(ir.NTl.lUEN : 1 hiiro had the pleasure to
ceive, todav, your communication, and
be von to accent n.y thinks for the
flattering terms in vhicii yiu ha.e n-
iireird vour views upon what has hem,
to m, a subject of anxious reflection.
It has lieen my eurnet desire, at this
L-reat iuueluie in unr Natiut.ul to
eive my humble services where they may
be .iiost useful lo my country. With this
purpose I took ths rie'd ; and holding, du
ring, ihe etitiie perio-1 of the Extra Ses
sion, a sera ate and important command,
I did not f-el at lilerly to quit it to t.ike
the acat in Congress, to which you bad in
my absence elected mo.
I havfloomo., for a day or two, from the
reat camp in front of V ashington, where
I commanded a regiment that has been
10 me a source of the ingl.ei pride and
.atisfaction, and i will luave a with feel
ings of rezrot which I ahail notaitempt to
;xprts here. Rut, I yield to the repro--icntation.n
of the wishes of my ennui'.u
enis, conveyed lo me in your letter and
II other forms. 1 shall, therefore, tender
through the proper eulhorilin, the re.ig
iiation of my military commission from
die State, and as your representative, re
turn tn Washington.
ll is true thai according to high au
lnritiiM, I might at once hold the two
.o.oiionx; but il is plain that I could not
1 erfoitn toe duties of both, and, waiving
he bare legul question, it st-eius to me to
'ie incninpaiib.e wilii the character tf a
epresentative ami a legislator to be a
nid oilicur. subject to the orders of the
Executive, and pretem 111 his place onlj
by the revocable leave of a miliiaiy supe
rior. I have, therefore, come to tho sm-
clusion that your representative must not
now tie thus trammelled ; yet, shouh the
ide of wa", indeed, roll around In Na
tional Capital, I hope that my brethren in
arms will f.ud room in liieir ranks for one
il lier more.
My political opinions are "list they
have always been. 1 am a Democrat -never
more one than at this hour. , I re
joice that it was with my name upon your
bsnners that you overthrew Hie ItepuUIi-
c.m parly in this city.
When I say 1 am a Democrat, I do not
ilirau Hint 1 belnnu to any knot ot
ttcians. When 1 lay 1 am a Unvcrat, 1
mean that I have evor maintained those
national principle which, uudur God,
made and prwrved us a nati n ; I In
ureal national principles of justice and
equality for all the Mutes which, so long
as thy acre pniotUed, made our various
nstit jlions and inlerchangewbleoouimod'
dies binds of strength and union rather
ihan grounds for slide.
This, at least, w may say for the Dem
acratio party it rated at their true value
the lanta'tic theories, the whimsies, the
"isms," the quest ions of mera phraseolo
gy, that men, calling themselves state.
men have preferred to peace, to union, to
the gradual progress und development of
each section, and all races in due relations
10 natural causes, '''his, loo, we may tay
lor tiie Democratic party while it train
tained its away, "Socessi l" was a little,
baffled clique : as the Republican party
rose, Secession" became "an army with
Nor w.i- ;he forei-l.t of the lUpubli-
liaders any wider than their
iai i y jjiuiiiiiti4 mnn iunu" tt, um huto
., 1.11 .1. .. I. Il l
months should wen the end of the trouble; !
nd when war caiunupun them even then
they wanted only three mouths volun
teers to end il. Thy created and foster
ed thai ihtoxicating self confidence that
was the cause or our earlier reverses.
They had so persistency abused tint part
of the American peop.e mat lived across
cin pui'V a4tiri ftfiy winer inmi their' ' - " lih.KUe. a. iMJ re. . 1-7
patriolisni. The false prop!,., of their.or rather Ihe samemo.hod adopted by lbe'l
.... ... r. . 1 1 . rt. . . . it... n. . l ..i.. . , .. . n .. . . .....
a geogtaphical line, that they had come stone and sent South. This may be call.
at last to underrate and despise the..i,nd;ed the hermeUeat system. What a nice
Republican oratory summoned us hear-
ett not to stern encounlors, hut only lo
pavt and pillage.
When tlyj national flag was struck
down at Charleston, and the national capi
tal wat threatened by secession, the North
rose like one man. The world saw with
astonikhuient the great uprising of the
people; Europe prejudged the issue in
..,, r.wAK . I'ul if aniilldn UMt.l l.lit
nee, the Republican leaders seemed a riv.;"" "' "'"7 i"e oaro wans are
ing to waate and dissipate, instead of to left standing. The loss is estimated at
seiae and use, the noble ma.erial lor great ; f 20,000, exclusive of the cost of the new
armies which was, w.tit scarcely any limit
placed at their disposal. The soldier who1
ollered himself lor the public service J" ol ,,,B as KJ.WI I lie own hook, snd where he i. prepared to do all
found that he must earwig some nolitician : dissster falls heavily on the Roman Cat h- work ' hi. line in the very beat style, and en
before he could be allowed to fight or die olic community in the southern section ox U,a.b,?r'"J Drlice If'' 01,1 enif re.
ror hi. country. Men began to say that 1 rul . r .. . .. . VtcHMjyUi not to forget him, aud .ny num-
.1 .ii.. j. ,. ti i.
j,jM j... ,
1'olitic.ians were put at the head of.
troops pi i ticians wno tuougut mat io
wear laee and feather, and to nord. el pay.
. i i.l. i.... f.l. . m r .
rnw i nt" w 1 1 iiki uiit "i i no uiuv-rr irsa (
nit and fr-dieing and speechmuking took
tie place aim ( and the ..mrer sj-ouie'i ai-a revened.ii.e
rank and hie we're ....bed of their first
right-lhe tight lo akilfut guidance and
. ,, min.ti.
,,ul into the hands of venerable chief-
.tain, but every politician, every 'able
took ?u" "l twow tl'l they i.p-
set the coach.
A fc f R!rhrnond." the
itself outnumber! at every point of cou-
nict, and the battle of Dull Run proved
Jj"J 'iSJ'S.f er'..
Where tlieu were our leeims J" '
we may well ask nf it. But theballle nf
Bu" Kun was not without it. fruits for u.
'Piuuc Strieker. .elHshnes. feeking tell
preservation, light" J on those who ootdd
r.i i
ear. ii, a lie . .u. iu.,
into the hand, or .oldier.. A Oenetal,
btrn here among u., reetored to their duo
into the hand, of .oldier.. A Oenetal,
jsuprcmnry the martial virtue that insoro
j sucees in war i trained in I immpetant
I officers aeoofid hi elWla, coresof irnbe
and thin good ward still progresses, t
Ihe LVinorraim jarty will sustain tit
I .'"'"t" ? iI,,Ue ,BW.- ll!H .''P"-
iBawwyiwrgo tnenonor oiour nag on
an ,n,i It every here tl.e ro'ite
put in oin.m men Who will not aee the
i war ajrtin become "a party tub let tho
I !..:...! . 1. f ' . I u
millllMlMrmioil oi me iicvrrnuif in iw nuu l
; a. to atlra.., m-t irpei. thedm.b.ful M.a.e,. '
( 11ltI, ,1)P 0,,, ,t . collliuuwl .j,
auocces and ended will, honor. We may
yetaeetlie autlioi. o! our iiuiionai trou
bles, those twin Comentcra cfdincord ,
tho Abolitionist of the North, nml lheS-
rr'ioniaof the r-'omh redu-d aciiin to
, ; . . , .
tli liarm ess inmnificttnc in which De-
niocracy lone held them. And ifthee
h,",M hoP. tu Oovern.uent
th it embraces the itrent, rich mid
lous State, of the North mutt fink
to r.o
humble, no ilerad'.d a'.iionjf the
nations. National prnitr:lv is too rear-
y Hjeii
to dignity to Biitlr vis
j 0 ttand in the relation of the. vanquished
to thoe who never on ecele from jieo
j praph.eol correction ; it Ii wl.rmiv'ee
! relations, warlike or imicable, must con
Innie always.
The lVmoeralic party sought to keep
the peace amoi r the Siatea with honor to
. ... ... 1 .
llicm ill! ! liiil wlnlrt llie war liu!a into
WlUCU the AbollllOUISts of the iNiirlh Iin4
the ' precipitatir niM" or the South have
hurried t.s! let us demaod that a tirm and
aasuaa nl nxniul sn t .W I lA I i.-iVuHiiiiDnt
- - --- ..... ......
" ".......
shall evoke and hnne-tly apply our null-
laiy resources, in which the nation most
famous i.i arms have not surpat-sed nor e.
dualled tie.
In conclusion, cei.tle.nep. let me sav
tht I aril dreidv sensible of the honor of
representing thisnld city ; for ou r Disl
trict is the old city that our lather knew
and loved.
As your representative, I will exercise
the right of Tree speech, and will etrive 0
maintain, for nil, the cherished rights, the
. i - i .-. . 1 i'i
enjoy meut or wlnoh constitute civil liber -
My stay here diiee not allow me to an-
cept the compliment ol a public dinner,
to which you do me the honor to invite
To see you and other a!ued friends
will at all times afford lhe greatest pleas
ure to
.Ri-apect fully and truly your oh't servant,
Cuar'.esJ. Ill DDLS
No Btuwrr I.At Soldiers 1 the
PituEN-T W.e. The fullowing i.upor'.ant
document has just been issued froat tl.e
Penaion Rureau :
Pen , Urn OJJi-e, Nov. 2iJ 1801.
"Sir : The application fur B mnly
Lnnd, forwardd by you in bnluilf of a
soldier of the present war, is herewith
returned to your address. A sufficient
number of similar unfounded claims hav
irg ln presented to require special at
tention on my part, both to prevent im
position upon soldiers who may be miided
into the atartion of such claim, and to
save tins olliae much melon labor. I bare
lo in'orm vou that nn paper of this char
acter will he placed upon our files, or in
in any manner enterl lined."
Thero is no law grantirr boun'.T Iind
any service rendered s.ibcpienlly to
iari-11 on, io.t, nor win any f pliealiun
b treated, under a future aot of CinL-res.
if mad before the date of lit approval of I
urn act ny me fyxecuiive.
Respictfully yours, J. H. Rirsett.
How tuet to it, A letur nriler ficn
Washingion, ii alluding to the vaiious
met ho. Is pmclioed for the purpose of de
pleting Il e Federal treasury, says that
tl.e beef contractors are in
the habit of
. .
feeding their caltle, a few days bofote
a lew days bofote
they are inspected, with a much hay ss
they can poibly eat -they next furnish
' . 1 ' '
them with as much sail as they will eat,
and then give them as mueh water as
, -i 1 1 1
tliey can possibly drink. Cuttle thus
trenlil will average about two hundred
.1 i.ii-.
pounds more than tluir legal weight.
Tl ,, " . , , ,
ssja-iiiBuoiernoieni nas a-iojueu a new
mnt luifl nf lilnrk ft1 ini I t lirn iiiria
tviiiiiorur ui iiussia at revasi.'ipooi- lial 01
sinking vessel filled with stone at the
shallowest part of the channels leading to
their harbois. With this view all tl.e old :
idle whaling and other vessels now lying
idle in the Northern jwrls, are being pur. j
chased by the Government, filled with
,:.. wa wi. . , ,.,.....
, ,, e .
iiisiir. iiuiiiti i it-iivi'aw aw r w r rriiim rntinn
Cncacu Bi'RNE'i. The "Si. Paul' o.'CL0C,C8 0f every variety on h.nd, atths nt
reaeonanie prices.
man Catholic church on the cornet of ' AbMlndt of Clockt. W.lrhe. and Jeweler.
Tenth and Christian strcjla, Philadelphia
. , , -
wa.ue.iroye.i ny nrnon mex'.lh. u l.
the entire undi r portion of the edifice!i en .
The origin ll
. e. , .,,.' fc.
whiwuii, ui iiivurmio un
..a .... .
the building ia not known the officiating
Triest being absent in Europo,
. , , ; -
A Scare. On Wednesday Is.t, white
... j..... . . - vu, iiiw,, oie
IhanoiL.tiM Itl.iiL..'. iI.ui.iau
out in the neighborhood of Fairfax Court
1Ioui. ,hey ob,er,.d , larM fore- ftf .v-
..,,. .t .u.I. l. j
onc4 bl nJ retreat, making Hull
n... r. .k-i. - .i..
..j.. j
The fright wa .one allayed, however.
on learning that the suppoaed eneroy w.s
nonenher than reonnnoiUrinr party
,,.. v f.- w. mZ''
" t0C"iP
Mk?A. the President ha commenced
rewarding the ultra Abolitionist, by the
appointment of Giddinga, Helper, etc.,
wo prMUme John Brown, Jr., .Tame.
, . . , . . , , , .
Redpath and that celebrated chap Fred
- ....... . .
wugias. wm n.o oe ooumea in wtore
the "iniiolal esofMutnV' ii crter.
c r u' i xf: r Arm x
PMC PR 0 .V 4 0 t $ 7 0 .
irii at of which is hira rrpri-.tfUed, tut nuw
a reco'-niiou iooru nnertTer
has I'Si'li lutroiluced. snd i, rxroliil qiiclion
tlio brst, aa weil si the Lmid.ouiBi't, low-prieuJ
8swm Mschlns uow b.toro the
No. 1 - noll aud j " M"ln fu'
No. J. A nrno .Miflnno for quutine acarv
' work and Phmcntli.n ase,
Tin. Ms'-liine ia murh eilmired for its aimplicl
tv. Und for iti reliability and durnbllitv it is un
...... 1 A chi d twelve years can ma it with
. . - ,
asi anu j-i uwuiaew irora mo ctraeai rioio
to the aiiajt Swiss. Tier is o trouble of r.
backwards aa well aa rorwiwds. aca alill aewa
tv,ay perfect, aud wiihut dni.erof breaking
needles. It runs friction, and br closing the
box over it, it la thrown out f grar. lu fact,
I o have iioheait'itina lit reromionndiog tt as ihe
best fan ily hewing M.rhiae 10 use.
The rV-Vuinj Premiums Awarded the above
Muehi-te :
At the Fair of lU rrauk:ia Iuatitute, 1S58,
I the Fira; Premium.
! At the I'oinuylvnula Stnto Flr, at ThiUdel.
Phi-'""P"1001- ' ib Fint Premium-.
,iPlulI, , . . , .
I At the PeiiBvlvn!a Plate Ftr,hild at nyo-
! mlni ,scoa silrfr ued,i.
j For the beat llouhlo Tiiruad Marhlne. at Lan-
eeater Cuut, held October, lJjv a Silver
At the Maryland Stats Fair, beld ths Mary
land Iaati'ule, llallimorc, Md., October. 185V,
under alrong competition, a Silver Mciul wa
twnrded I" ihia Mackjins.
At lb New Cattle County Fair, held at Wll
uiington,, Oetoler, 1 Si 9 s biploina.
Ths above Machiaea see manufurlurcd by
llnibistou, Vol.
Xo. 720 A ret Straet, Philadelphia, Ta.
No. SOI Market Stri-I, Wiluiiii;tn, l.
maris ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. wishing to res the abute Mat.hine
in operation, ran do ro by enl'ing at the rcai
donee of D. VY. Moore, in Cluarttold beroujli.
be opened for Ike reroptio.. of (utalci
and fvinalea) on Monday Kii. 2d, 161.
Ttrnisprr tcaaloii of IJeven Weckst
Orthrraphy, Iteaaing, Writing, Primary
.'.riibiuetie and (ttotraphy,
Higher Arilhuiei'e. Ungltab drmir,
llenraphv and Hiatnrr,
fj 56
Algebra, deonu-try Natural Pbitoeefhy,
aad flunk Keeping, 4 Oti
Lktm nod wirek l.ans-n icn, t it
To atudente derirout of aeqnlrfne; a thorough
Oglifh K'lueation, and who wirh to qual:fr
themaelrrt Mr T.irtjn, Ik. a Inatimtion offore
drairatle advamagva.
No pupil neeivtd fur leea thao half A ifiilui,
and no dedactioa t..ade saeepl far prntraeuid
Tuitioa to he raid at the elnae of tba terra.
C. D. SANl'KORI), fritpal,
flrs-fleld. Aag. 7, '!. I y.
SntiKiNti Ti.Mr:s 1 x imiil tnr.i.
I1IAI Trtme.nd'iut Erriltmt-nt nnowi it
......! J-KXC1TI NO FOOT HACK brtwer.
the Phlladolphia I'MIre aud the noluriaas For
er st' eounierfeiier. Jn c lluthanan Croas ! ! !
. Croat Uecnptured ! !! ! It terms to be the irener.
oalninn in C'learfill. thai if fro.. La i worn a
P"'r f Frank Short". French -calf Uoota. that ha
"".' ?.h lai.n jet. ll-.v,r, Kh..rty-n
not much put out at lolaalng hie rurt-m ; bur
would nnnnunce to all Br,.kiiid-jt, iHujln;
"f"' nd6"' children
. la Cleartlsld. and einaeuiahnning In particular,
that be Is prepared to furniah them with Hoots,
Sao" and Oaiters of any style or pattern, sti-rh-
' ed, towed or peried, (aud aa he II a ahort ful-
how) on short notice.
I Ailkindaof country produce taken la s.
change, and raah not r. fuaed. Repairing done
ilntDsfttiftiiiiinner&itri ehtxrrna i ml sra ta ni
N. Ll, Fiadiugt far sale Kept. 36, U60'
32 52 1X112,
flMIE undrralgaed reaped fully
X inlorms bis cutluinert and the
publio generally, that he hat juat
received from the Kant, and a. e.
at hl" 'abllalimeat In 0 It Ml. MS UOW
w'' F' " "nT.?.L ?f..0""'
: frnln . .. ' ,. " n " .v.T. ' n,'
is.ll at iha n.i ...i... r...h ...u
. .
1 cschanre for old cold end silver.
""'""J rspalred and!.
. A oontinoauce of pslronsge It aiilicltet.
. PPt. U, H. F. NAl'OLK.
Wnkc ii i! Wkc up!
BLACKMMTTIIIKf;. TUB tubaoriber ret.
prrlfully informt bit frieodt and th puklte
(nerally. that he it new well ahlitlied in Ma
NEWBHOPoa Fine alreet, o -polite the Town
Tl.n I . i. i. l. t i . j . i ... . . .
Hall, In ths boroaih of Closed, and i,.,oi, hi
wr oi dpw orci ir refneciruMT or til to r ti
I.I - a.:. I " -
rnnit toai b .
,nd Repairer of Edge toolaahoald of it.elf,ee".:
bios a liberal patronage.
fiEORflB C. r.tSSMOBE.
April 34,
OtrratDtowa, Ta.
Imporlere. and Wholeeal Tealr. In
RPKTlsov r it lu fj e; ii t 8
Wftrehou.a. No. .jOO Che.tnut Street, fitate Uouae.)
aprl'Sl-ty PaiLAasi.rwia.
,7 TT
aid ft
airalbaffR lia Bt&vl.
July 1, 1861. ly.
TOT1CE of th pes
I.tfc.Mfc..- n...a.ia ew .
m .pii, io .1 bo.t..- .ZJZ
n rt.) m MM s isj),-V
fiUtKtard Mi.c.iU,. ProaouiJ I.. .VP
tlha ODit.d u, lb best Ut' H?tL?u
, tba WorW, sad U.a CWr. "ls. ,
rend !u4 ia fno.ily bJitJ. t k
la luiiueosa nuaibtn, ai wWiiUra iT''''
Bonk. Hi
n b-t Mt wVVtert in Aoiori w
l whir MKK.iin.
7" Iiail uriulnivJ, nd wuJ4 . .
. ('! priwoflh. Bwkjle
byt n.t 4 tits w righted. tDU
Ulnt.1 r swpt In "uVdj." "
Unr Si I Knyrmtity.m u f
In this bv otMxi, ana mt mb4 loil J
till dfpartatnt, girlaj, as wn dn, m.n? il
nd InfiuiU)! bur ak(r(U)g Uim si !?
llht in nj other work.
!.J . . J i. I . . . .
r "r. ? ' T.:..T 'rrmf
oiaSvl to MTSO ftlJMk
(,",",.. P "Hfo
l.i u. .1 : - . . .. . "-m" vm.
.- nj..'. i. .1' .i 1. "t "
ji'wi. Qodsy'a it the only work ia tb. wwuT,
1 ll'c",.'ttln",D'e J'stei, and they srturt
I pUt,i0. Ths publir.iion of tui
, umru l'hn ftithion plm of th il l tl,. J
nothing but or wondjrfully 1,- .'.J
enable, a. to eiv. them. 0: h.r
' :, it,-. ..." "'in.
Wh IL.
public caa b benefitted. Tbeve fsibitDiir.k.L
- l IZ" I . u " iT". . !. . . .. ' l
mo wriur mil nut um iiiiiiqclvu w ridlca'i
' 1.1 l. .1 i ., . . '
! hvdiu inr vmww 11 ae Tiaiivu
d enod after th tiyle of the plain i, ,.
soma of our aa-ialled fashion maxaiinei.
Our ll'.oJ yraeinya, of whirh we gin
or three times at many as any other aruiH
aro often mitiAkcn for tuet. They ar. n iL
superior lo auy utheri.
Jmitn lima. Eeware of thoin. ItememUr
thel.ady't Hook is the origiual publiratoi. Hl
the cheapett. If you take Uodey, you Kiuk
other u-ajanno, Ureryihin; that ii a(,
uraauiontal in a houatcan be found in (iujij,
Llmwinj Lfoni, No other magatini .;T(
theiu, and wo have giren enough u 111 ki1x
largo volumes.
Our Rrrriptttr inch aa can be found twain,
elae. Conking in all ita variety CanfeetioIK,
the Nurrery the Toiletthe Laundry aril'.
Kitchen. IloFolpta upon all tuhjecte art la n
in the psgot of the Lady 'a lioek. We orieini.
ly atarttd tbia department, and bare preuliw &.
cilitiet for making it moat perfuet, This h
partment alone ia worth the price if ths Souk,
Liilttt' Wurls Tablt.--This di'partmtnt a
prlaat cngraringa and uVacripticni of ertrjtrt.
elt a lady wrara.
iinltl Coii'ifo N't other msg.iict hu tti
Ooa copy ooeyear, $3. Tw euplea em jh,
$5. Tbren copies ono year, 6. FourcopioiM
yea", 1. Fireropua eueyear,andan eitraeopju
the per.ou getting up the clnh, $10, Kiht cey
14. one year and and an eitra ropy lu the ftr
ton rending the )iluh, $li. Eleven eupin an
year, and an tllra copy to Ibe perann itn.n
theclub. $2". 'I he nsi.T ainrnrine thai eai it
introduced into 'ha Above eiuba in pWre ( .,
ti'Wt 1 ,i.k I. Ar-.Lir'a llmne M:irntina.
fl't.fltt.Ci.lllillNM ti ll .jiHEIt MAQ
AIiMi t. til ih-'t Laly'a Hook iihd Ai ihur'. H..m
Mags.ine both nn ymr for $3AU (ii.ilri'i U
dy'a Hook nixi llrper'a At.igiaine. Ith out t.i.
for tl it. llody, Harper, nn-i Arthur will' all
three be sent one yoar for $6 00. Trnurj
Notts aai Notea ef all solvent anna a ttkaa u
par, l! careful and pay '.be putuf a an )w
letter. Aildreaa
L. A.llOrJET.
ntr 6 ."23 C'aostmit St , Phil's., Pa
Fall Fashions
JVew Cash Store
h, w. sfii &tn
The aU;iiit ii oftlic latlirs
respectfully called to the follow
ing notice, that wc have just re
ceived and opened, the very la
test and most fashionable stylci
Wool Hoodt,
Wool Scarf.,
Wool fc'hawl
Urge as rt r-rsli.
Heav .1 -..'-ile
All (Uol 9bali,
l heni:e Sbswlt,
Cloth Closka,
And great varieties of
Zephyrt, Zephyrs,
A auperinr article ef
Gauullet Kid Olovet
' Buck
" Cathmer "
Berlin Wool "
Qaootlol of Zephyr Wool,
Children. Cashmere Olovei
Litis "
and a good ataortmsnl of
and Infanta llo.lery
Elegsut worked Fetti
" " Collars.
All Wool Delaluti, Flauuelt.and vm fsrt
of dr"' lod"
Wall Daiicr
window shading
W hart just recelv.d from How.ll ''
jCbertuut 6trcet, two choice styles of
Huers ( f lnolaes from 7 A -M., to P-
So'- u',BlI-y-
ttiJ-Fur laid ery ebeap for Casa. by
. . v- "I."" .1 u.aeA.
0. B. MrRKELii.
In bv-ment of Merrcll Uig er"'"-
' Eletrfold, P.