O'lMifdJi Vwpililinii. Wfdnfsdny Mornlnr; Ice. 4 Ml. WHO IE RIGHT ' ""w K Aiutii . , TSn qnwtlon nn M,t ro tl.o ol.jl. m . I .11 r.i ii.f proem w:i', 11 ivcui'i n't-m, ii nun oj.rn our. .iiiiiiiu it. 1 iiiiiiui", i.in- rolu'e C-)IIoclor of Hi- I'ottnl' riiilndi-I- i.lii.i, n'l;fHM-l tho CtiIisI KfiuibliiMiii Ciuu of tliut city viib evening lut iM'jk in o l.cf.-!i in nliioli lie ilooliroJ "tlinl, nti argumeiitn. Tiu CtfiAN is uilililicil "ojil li.r.o ttiv two rnniiiiftl iilcd of tli ultli.! low prico of Onk Doui.ab cr.R vi. llppuUii'uti I'ftrly bocn a.Lytrd by nint- nitli fiill rip rl of the Now York Cattle, " tii.'Aj nf thj:c u ho tntyen comfitute-t the On 11 .-11111 I'uotici'i Markf-th, Vll Ntiv?, " '.files In ovpoi'irioii to vj, but thrrc nno fjn-full uiui coinlett), ic, .ii'. .Sulncription " t -.ris ii-c prry.ure I m ,it jm.v r,t..-A ( Wr (ire r".'v:.ve.l fr Tnr.RK i vsi ii.-i, til 2 " r imt " ih.tH 'Ji-: J! 71. 'hvb v'fjw.i Ut v"." ji'iirh uWnl'pr, or 'fl ro rorR C'lru-i. J.'i".'ai l'liiu' tbf tvv.j"i-iiidin.-il i.leua" '. Any poison wlm will imi'1 nvi; i.(ii.i.Ait i fullw" . " ir.'.', iniiiiovblil d tiT- J '"' 1 flub of five si.bi:ri bor. ;l 0110 post " liirmtioii to roi-i-t tin furllier fxtenhion (it'ioi', nill pit ,i ti.rth .cry r.f:,'... I.'-.ijji 'of ilf.v. ry tii tin-u::iit!lrd tercitiirioii of c-luK-i niillm furiiiiii'l at llio ol ' tiie nii'.ior. ; it n-.l .'. . '!., to hurl fioin the , t won ly copies for $10. Il if cno of llir "liili pi.'icf vl' tic iiovcn'.nictit iliuvo 1 -liApi't paper j ub't.licvl. Sulweiiplioii ; ' ;r J vond tin tiiivlvuj ti ii-i, by j sli Juki tg S'1. wnat-'d loV:in Mvri", Hoi "'.mv Mi 'ii .iUiorviemy io il.o t'...n jt3K i Ci., No. 102 N.i..i.ni .'i' .n. tyei ' pjvvr, i'.s wiiliiij.' Mid lycnplmntic too!, J 'rr. C-pit tonlitt 10 ull win, wri: f;i " tu.d tliercfori' unf.l to rn!. 4 nuii tf j thou). We would roonmineii'l nil our rwid " frfcir.f n.'' He then tilv f if tliorc ii miy iiwu to In i i. .1. 1 1 ... - r . i. . r , ' H: Hcs v hn u. rot r" ly to msk utert- ' , "TH!v to prevent do further xtou,iu 1 "yfihvt-ry!" '"Nay," utUlh l ho "tho cry ! ti'iimi iii.i'j!! nit; i'irtir& it, inn in.! ' is i;ij-.v utmost univirnl. " TCI. AtCll.fr.D I.lsTIt IIOK.' " Tor Win. B. Tlmmn. iw uri individ u n ' , to un such liutme, find t'.pr-.-. joh fntimonts sl.uiiiJ .sui-pri no otic. IJi cilwiii's us nit cprii nmi avowed Abuli !:i.tst and nothing c!ik !ut ii'iw he is i.,icu.Jt'ii rtpie-eniutive of tho Nh'.i ikI Aaiiiir.islratioii Ht the coiunicrcial capitol f the gri'Al CoininoniTPHltli nf I'f'nnyl- and nn such 1io must bo held in ex trcK.sii!' iti. fc-ntiiiiftit8and 1 t-flfci i it t itfirs. Until repudiated ly Kiine high er autbotiiy than hinurlf, thercforf, the fiiiyoins niukl be taken m thu viiv, ih? h-'Auii tti.l the undortndiug of Mr. Lincoln mid hii Cubinei. Ar.d ivhat ure their uiiilerjinnding, their ft ei. rigs, and their viewf Why, 1 1 1 :i t "nine temiih" ol the en-porters of Doiijj W, Breckiniido or.4 B 11 incliul'iig the Kildiers now tiyhur.g Urn bf,til of the Ui'-ion are "neiv couvf rtn" to th ''two curiiinnl idevi" of the Ropublicnn parly an Joid doirn in tho Chiougo plkifDi m. This ii hiw understanding of the 0) jvet nnd purposes of the jresetit wur, mid ihii tho tnolivo of the tin of thoununds of Deinocnits and Bell men now in Ri niiK to "restore the Union as it wm," nnd, per ftisctpjcuce, the understnndinjf of th AJij)iiiit ration. And what .ire their !ewi? Mr. Thorn- 8 explains in very few worrit: "DOWN WITH TUB A CCU Kb IN- ' S1TTUT10N 1" And forthwith this Central Republican Club of rhiiad. lpbia "uiinniinouily" pass a resolution declaring that tho "nurest "rnethori lo crush out the rebellion w ould "bufor Congress, at its next tension, to "p a law oinbodyiog the puliey of the " Fremont proclania'.ion." Congre?8 has solemnly declared th.it in terference with the institution of tdavcry is none of tho purpose of the war that it is -'to preserve the Union" aid the "rihtii of llio several State unimpaired." Tbis is tho view Conpm takes of the r urposefl of the war. The Administration, spualutrg through i!s Ci'llector at Philadelphia, declare tlut lie cry o( "Iju3 with the accursed inati. tL'.i n" is new "almost universal." The question, therefore, i, which is rilit Cc:;L'i-e3, or the Administration ? t;3"Tii War L'epartment continues the priic.iee of a utratiH ys tr-rj of economy ValhinHo Tn! IT, T f H W , hmg.o n and t nd g .hem from liar- ristniti:, u:iU idiots fartbi r Kast t,. the V.'un. On Thurelay last a ren.e..t o-isi . , f , . ... , ? ' ' "' 7, tnrg to Kentucky. No.r, was not nil. ti. .lull i. re. .-i : . . t- . . , i wo Herman Kft'ULi icnn nat.ern. nun ished . r,.,,r.,l i ,,r .o mn.t em'w ixnma nn iiieiati oisuntr mis neavny on tno ivtmnn v.am- i.ic i n.sourg iegiuiei.v.eni to 'veni'K Ky, . . . i ," , , , , k I. a i t . .. .t . . thn sh ..1.1 llie men at Ilirrisbur.. aent lo ".Va.!,. ln t"- 1-'n'i' u"b'tS they C.nse.l their neiore lie couio. oe iin en ;o m,-ni ..r no out; c-ui mutiny in tnc rouvnern secui nos. ptetrui. , , T, . i , , . attacks i;p..n the Govei nuient. f.in'-u lho!rr l,u ,("-ntry- -Men l egan lo sfiv inai tl0 citv Tho aoiount of insuraii-y. on berof irglon? There vw;, be subb'.ntial reas- . ' " ' 'oveinuiei i ,J lho wap x, l0 t)l! n,-vio jUtk If.spul.. . , . lls . . blm a nn.i,la'll,l..nnlW ..aiiiiiii-uaurin,; nrr-u-eot U,e removal I . -,, I '' . .en auown u.c uuici'.iUfr . .nf,E nceof anvexiilannlioniteer'amlv bns,u' 1" """M' ouiu su-pono llie - 1 .!... 1. .. e ft I al r.r j'eiirance. It in a math r of sever- 1 . . 1 11 , , 1 ' n! iiousainl dollar!, in wot h be revenues' (,( 'Am Pennsylvania railroad company har a noeciM interest. Of cour.c it will ret U ...spected f.-r e moment thai ,.y I . ....... ' .1 .!., War T1on'; "."-"v. ............ - incntol W8.,iillgton Ii.m any special re - . ! f.,riLnl.,i,'e!.f,f!l.Mrofld! ... RriiPi.o Hi rsiewisf.--1 hat ceienra- are now about catching soine of their on n r 1 ic 1 . iLit'r 1 .1 . . . telclia.r. .r. B. Leb3 of Schuylkill, friends in this trap, and who were couniy, who oeirnyrn ui pauy nn.i voiri. for Simon Cameron for United fitates Sen . . A .. I t....n (,jw.:jilnil Piniimf is ire nn o),i.K.o.n.... Gen. lalUsck.' btaX sjoor-.p'imon. Now 1 t- 1 1 e tnue to rea-wd jnur fru'nd. uid if in iLe yo.i do tHmwA twiboie other two posies, Mwsrs. Menear and tt'r.aeller, erho helped to do the dirty work of that tran-1 io . ... , action, you will deserve credit for lha tiuieaiay loon oome when Loaors and cr-v4tfien'.f wiU nsV b yoors tj tr'.oir. 1 C' I I Willi " ' MY f t f Mi WAX 7 I l lf . I f r M.-t- i I , ii. mi nn t Mi nil hlt Mm Ittilri AmnlriT I ii r mil I'ii' i-n is the lii Ik i a I.. . : I . . . i in ' m'i it i in" ii hi t r lei i ti v tint ii . ...... . hi N.n i ork y the I il.- ifiiii ii,r of tht ,, , ' . .. l'T I K , ' iu'lt Htm u l mi II''1" I. rt I-..UO .!.. not I ., us ll. urn, tin 1 . hem e il envoi ilrs iii the ii. iil unni'ib lol. U Ink.., for ii, in. ill. i tin MtiliiiM-iit ..f..., ... w , "I tin; Int.; c n.il'ir Ii.jiijI.i. Ilml llin , .. , . L'0lll!;ll'l.t IVIU lllll. P (IP lll.l lllllll' l'1l, , ly whlin iiii'ii. f.ir lli.i U'liolit nf ulnic men mill lluir noxti'iitv fnii'ifr: ninl. will, ll.i-.oxt. i. .l,aN lU l.uJ,.. kiml' ,,,,. u u.U I , . 'I'lim, the olhvr d.iv, whin he h,ii),)rv f t " Ahi.l.t .oni.t-. wli( UwWr vU . i.ut' Itk ..II Luu.a ll.A .....I .I. JxlilKH l Hi ' """i"11-' ........... .r , n"" "-1" i"1' Mi'll,,",M ',' , ,- Hinlh h.iiv wlmt n.-fc-roi'i urc (till in luit "' '. in uiili wny that the AU oiitioiusl will Hml il ilifticiili to nvcr Inn oiKwhowiiu h Nt'v York w"'kly pHpi to pntronitc Tub Cai'i ihiax. . ijiiw nir.T vu it- 1 1'r uepiiniicHN iiarn . . . f" bus n peculiar ivbv ot i t'ivurdiiig ihcir 1.1- v01,u(, w- ,,,-,5 ,vo Ult on inaflc, ,n i.,,,,,,,,,. . ,;. i,n,, r vtftt 1 1 York g Ir n nahiry of f I O'K) n year .u Oov- crnor, mid haviu;; been matin Major G.n rnd of the New York Volunteers he also tiiu'.vsan additional salary of f.i,00l oul ol the National Treasury ( hut iniiU'.nt' his yearly sutary SI'J.OO!.!. A snug littlt suin for one man. Tim method by fhieh thin whs firmnueri in very "iniple: l ie Oovfinor of i York Mid Secretary Caineroi: were not the best of friends the (icvrrnnr having opposed the Hjipoin! men! of the latter to seat in (lie Cabinet ; and hen the ivnr machinery w.w put in oper at'nn nt Washington it was found thnt theru wfes a screw loose in the New York section tho friends of Die Governor and ihe friends of the Secretary refusing to pull together. Wiy much tho name htsle of uir.tlrs existed in our State, nnd the '. .'.Secretary had to "cvo" in both c.ves. lie Iih I to make a Major (ieneral out of (Sov ernor Morgan, and ruake nearly all Ii'p appt iutments nl the riietsticm of the Gov et:ior. In our Slate the trouble was set tled by permitting Governor I'urtin to play thu part of loth Governor und Sec: .etary, m lar n appoin'.:ntn are concern ed. Where ho gets his pay, beyond hi" . lary an Governor, we know no',, unless those of hi.s republican friends who charge him with nn interest in certain rentitiCls, are correct. PuThat !nieruble tleniagogne, tml in famous political hereti?, Charles Sjinner. has hail llio speech ho lately delivered before tho Massachusetts Republican Slnte Convention publishetl in pamphlet form, and is sending them to tho republican ed itors throughout the laud, under his frank as United .Slates .Senator, ami modestly requesting them to coj y extr-iotn from it as editorials ! Tho epeech is one of the meanest Abol ition harangues that was ever concocted by American brains. It is true, it dees not rink down to a level with the vile ami vulgnr tremtonsible fUng of Fred Douglass ami such nigger orators for Sumner i n man of Subbed education hut it is fraught with far greatnr evil. The treason of the worst men iu the .South is hann!e. compar' d with that of this great bad man I His present profeivions of loyally are only I ... il. r.,.. I I ,r t , i. . . 1 "i.'iw iwi .HQ J'lti 1'inr ii luting tllU 'l i.'J't within Lis tlangpiotis gniFp. We predict now tlv.i if men of thu nl w. . ., nt Km. now, that irnunof thisi.Uss au! not presscd-?up,.resH"lhy awh,.leome pub. .lif .f!n ( i i iinn I in t lm V.ir! ln-m Si I n ( fun.! h of revolution will be raised hirJ.r thov ,ver n,rt. in lU ,.,ark,t i r . ... , . . . 5' '. 10 M ' ' h 0a"'"'t lt' tf ihenviso. Tn. 0nTr077io7-fhe United ' States Marshal has . r. . notified then-d.tors of i.,..li: : I .i. .:. .. i'uiioi niii'n " meir I'ai'tt; i, ' ' 1 I n i liiht what wan fredicted w.iul 1 ' I""1-' 1 " . t t . t -.,,. t ., ... ! "e rP m ,c,u" u"! l'r''l't Kepubli- !c"n tll",m:l ''Iy enacted. Last spring ll,e AJ "Inch to execute democrats and demo- . .,.,.,, rf ,anll,.,s of llierrn. j . . t l , stitulion and all our .aw reguLiting the fioedom of speech an 1 ot the press. They oouui .urrn.u,i ... ,ir cnuorsemeni 01 j these high han Jed measure. But the end I. nnl vaI nnd en aJvisa cue n,,;.,!,!.., ..-.,-.... ,v., - . Scro the way to be very careful lest his . . 1 r .u r .1 e 1 u 11 itiarainato love for the Pathfinder shall bring upon him the awful vengeance ol tUpow4.r that be. . : '. 7,. BBTh regular session of tho 3itU rJl.. w.abincton on Mondav. We expect to publish tho President rnensntv in wr nut issue, . ... , . ... .1: i . r. 1 1 . i :t . . t. . t . . . r . t MVUT 1IIK lllVp. Mt.nl. ----. It'll. lihvnl'H IU"li.nit i. Htllcoi M. r r Ur w !l iMiK-mt i c (,hI l Mini this p l iM Hill c cfUMM, i J l i l l! mat (bend to ij. t.ur.i ii !.' 1li IviiiMrml.' jmijt i I m-ihitill. i . .i.i . ii, .iii." i I I'l-lrul, uMliu ii n lid fl...,iinr lul l I'V i , . , ,, , , . . . , ,,.' June Ut , Ihil I "liiii then ill three - - - - ....... I I. ...i . 1. ... I... I. I 1 fl .1 I ...i .. . ....... t. ... ,. . , ti.t'lt t it - " . t ' .. I -ii t;tl II l', " f (IP !,"'. I , llli'i li i'v m.i' dm m-ii ' ifiiiyrna . .. , i,.,; . , p..... ' llnl hi '"i M.o iiit inuiliiiii nf hi iVniV', , ' ... . .! m Ii iiinii Jii ii rip lyi', lin v.i ki.ulii , .. . ,, . , . , 1 1 . : ,'o '.Mi? iMiimniiiil ol tlio hirl (llu.Otlnil) ,, .. I .1 I . 1 . lit piiiirlil, la wiui Ii i nimbly ,c liiinn'li1' , , : ....... . , . , , :.,.., i., .1. r,,i 1,, , .,. truly j'liti iolic IrlU r ; Totht lion. (,',ti. M. OaU.1, Ch.tr Ll J. ''.Vt .10.V. I'rlrr MeCittl. JAn t Wusi.i.rr. (,Vm-.i : (SUrfwvoJ, A. k IW.,vm, F,;U,i.-k Vu-ily y, Jlf.nj M. 7,,i(, A47i.,('., un-. vthrri. Gi:sTt.!mN : I have had the i,leutiro to receive, to day, your ivnum.inication, nnd heg vnti lo accept my think f"r tho , .illerinj erui Ul noli v hi isvu ex- presi-ed your views upon what I1.11 lef n 10 m, a subject of uiuio'it rellca'i-'U. 1 1 Inn been inv p..rnc.'t rr i: j, 11! tl.i great jnnotui-e iu our N.iiion il aiJ.iir. lo L;ive my huiub!5 serviOf where they may be aioat lUi ful to inv countrv. With this! pUfSon; 1 took tli'1 lie'd ; and hhling. du riinf. tlie entiru tioriod of the Kxtia Sen- ' von. a t.c:v ate nnd important command, I tlid not I'eel at lib'Tlv to tinit it to take; ihe scut in I'nngrejd, lo which you had in inv absence elected me. I !iav come, for a day or two, from Ihrijllui I am deeply neiiMble of the honor of 'tii.l c.imii in 1'i'Mit nf Washington, whore Irenresoniing this, old citv ; for ou 1 lis I commau'led a r.-giment Unit has been O inn a source of tin highel Jiritle aiul Mil'ufaftiou, iind I w ill leave il with feel- ,,, ( re..,',.! vvl.i.'li I sluill not a'teiiiut In xpii ss here. But, 1 yield In the repre,- entation.t of the wishes of my ennliiii nts, conveyed to me in your letter and in other foim-i. 1 ahall, therefore, tender icouh the priqier uuihorilies th resig nation of my military coinmisvion from ;he Suit's and as your repreentaiive. re turn to Wellington. It true that iiccording to Viiti ao- In rities, I might a. oncu holt! the tv. jiosinons: nut r. is plain in.u 1 couni not perform the duties of both, and, waiving ic bare legnl questiun, It neerns to me '.o lie iiiconi'i'.ilib.t' w it h Ihe cluua'ier "f u Piire('iitiitive, mrl a legislator lo In! a :. ud ollicer. subject to the onl-.'ts of t ! xeculive, unil presem in hn place only j y the revs-able, leave of a military sui.u- r.xe "V ritir. I nave, tiierelore, come to llm m - .i.inn iIihI. vtiiit' rt'OteentatlVH iiiumi nut now bo thus traininvlloil ; yet, nhouhMlie ide of wa-, indeed, roll armnd in N.o , tinn d Cai.iti.1. 1 hoi-e that inv brethren in u-m will ti.id room in their ranks for one , H,oio. 31 y polllical opinions nro wn.ii him1 . . ..... .... ' have always been. 1 am a I'euioci at "un ,IU" '" " """ " 1 ""'. cover more one than at this hour. I If- I" thi olliio rnueh us.iles.l lalnr. kave ioico that it was with my name upon vouri'" in'omi you thai n- paper of thin char- burners that vou overthrew the Kepuhii - ..... .,rtv in ih'seitv cm pal IV in in.s city . When 1 1 mil a IVmocr it, I J.i not mean tliat I belong to any knot ,.f poll - ticians. When I sav I am a llemoerat, I . '., 1 i..,. .,"- n,.;,,!,,;,,,,,! iiwMf. 'iA.r t.rinriiiloe whhh. tinder God. I 1 1 .1 inu'lrt pun rTVL"j u n nun .11 , unr 1 ... .1 .v . 1 ...j. ijreal national principle! ot lU.-e aivi , equality fur al! the Stated which, so long isth.y were praOtise,t ma le our vartune ,,.1 t . I .nt. d ml 11 1 1 fl I .C('l 1:1 1". til O V I 111 Ml ti' . i' i .' r i...,i ...,t.. ihan grounds for inle. This, nt least, we niav fy for tho Dem-I acralic puny it raieo ai i.ivn irue iwb the lanl.istic theories, the nhimsies, the "ims,'' the question of mere phraseolo- . . gy, Hint men, caning iiiviuss-in' siaifj nien h.'ivo prefevrod to peace, to union, to the gradual progress and development ol each section, and all races in due relation to natural cause". 'I'hiu, too, we may say lor the Democratic, party while it mam-, tamed it sway, "cession was a utile, , l.,ini..,l rlione ns the Ileiiublicaii nai-lv i . .. . 1 . rose, "."secession oceanic an arniv lyilli.i banners." Nor was the foresight of llie Republi i ui ton iM-iiuuii- ..l ...... ..i,l.. 1 1.... 1 1. uiiiuou ui uiutean'iK lui.xiuiuci o pot is i can party leailcvs any wider tlinu their ' : pn'.riolism. The false prophcla of their," rher tllc ! mtt hod adopted by the, puny promised thoir hilloiveie thai thr-'ei 1 month s should see tho end of lh trouble; ! nid when war ci:ne upon 'hem even Iben ,hey wanted only three months volun- teeis to end it. Tloy created and footer- ed that Hitoxiea'.inz self confidence that ii as the caj,e of our earlier rnver.cs.- They had so persistent y abused tint part r.P il.u A itii'ir!ii. iieon'.e thai lived ncros. t . tf.' .i. . ,i i. ...I ageogtnpnicai line, u.ai ,.ri ..... ...,... al last to underrate aiul Ue-insu mem, and Republican or Atory .summoned iu heat- en not to Kti rn encounters, hiit only to pays and piil ige. When I Iu national flag was Mruckj Idown at CbaVJe.-ioii.an.l the r.ahonal cai- vvns t n i n t en. 1 l.v sr-sio.-. . tl. orll j .-, fhc world -i with! i . l ..,... 1 1. .-v ....n 1 1- ; people ; Ku rope prejudged the issue in ; 1- ' ' tics, the Hi-publican leaders .eetnel s uv. I in;! to vi n.sie nnd diipate. instead of lo I seizn and use, ihe noble ma.ei ial r ;'re; -nnio. which was whh .oarc-l, J;-t i.i i .... !, .1:.... i Ti. ..i.i .1... 'tiar':'l ill lllt'll ti .-i .,j.ui. int ru oit i .1 - 1 ,,,, . ,,. lluUic rvir . Ii'an l, Politicians wer9 put t the head of ' . i u.. .1 1. .1., ..i irot s iH. 1 r 11 i tvi o 1 otici 1 innv m, 1 '? 1 lr .. 1 . fc , ..... wear lace atui ieat iers. niri u iocr ei n , .1 1...1 . .1 r.i. 1.....1. I n;it nut n iiino o jiv "i uiu ouK-t-i n ..... - Uy, f,nVh.-w,, ,A;u Hpocchniaking took tlf. .,HC(, 0f training and disciitline, und rank nnd hie were robbed of thoir first r.ght.her.g..ltoskil.ul guidance nm inttruction. Ihe rein wero noin:niny ut ito ihe hands of a venerable chief- inin , hut every politician, every ' h'" editor," took a pull at thcni till tiiey v- net theoonrh mb, North, with it. let tning populartion.fou.ul itself outnumberri nt every point ef con- tlict. Ami 1 110 brittle of Hull Run t'TOVed .u..u. uL.-.J- 1 , " ... .. ' ,ni ""-'" na snow,, tber Un own strength nor Unit of the ere-' my -Where then were our lecions?" we may well ask of it. But thehattle Pf - 11-15 Uill . Bull Run wa. not without its fruit for us. ,Pnnic 'iricker; edfishness, seeking soil preservation, lighted on theno who oould ;. Thl ci;-.-.;.,,, f .i- r...ri into the hand of oldier. A General, rrrn hre rn9ng ti, nstorie-1 miu-ir due u Mint. Ihe tr.'MM tiii ix thai i'ii.t foirnsnln w Sr ll rl i ! n I t i I'M I lib I M n.ev-in I It Ml M, tivitmil liln- 'IlirilIIW I'l V I I H 1 1 T , I It If 1 1 HUM a e r. II I tve to t linrini llif lioMnf ol our fl itf t i nil tin ii pf i . i'l viijuiiririrr mni ..... 1 . ..ill k.l... ..ill ........ .i. .'ill I il i'l il -i' iium r ni .Tin '1 . T 1 II n . .r , . Uvmn. "hMit I In'1 U iu r - - . n linlni.lralioit of the M.er n uiciil t.e mit: . . . . , .. , , , il. U !!. in iri I t lir -lnnlii (wl Si 1 ,rti ( lie rmli t limy umiiiiiumI mIUi i . . i . ... iiirci'm nii'l I'liilfl n Ii limtnr, V tuny nl ..... II... , ill., ,...!. .,1- Iii MAt.nl It..).. JPln'Mllii' ft'itliotn h. .,ii lu.t totint ltuu KU.j, .,o tn in Imi,, nim , u! li" ot'J - ' Ino A l-IH n m-t t tli Nurlli. nl llio v- ,,,,,, r ,, yr,u,l,-K.J,.,,,I ....i n I. the hiiMiili iti'ijiiitiiiiiici in vlu,lili,-- mo.Ti.-v lm. I.fl.l U....1. Ami if tl.v c- . . t 111 . 1 . It vriu 1. hii.-k iii.'c iioj.f., 11,0 iiovi-ii.,i. ih l!i it I'Uibniccn Uif reiit, rich mul pepu- loui StU' of tli North must, muk to r.a humble, no tlradi d nlace. .uii'm.- tl.o ,.. ,ii., .l i.tlr',, i l,m -....r. nllitl tismiti.inal dignity to sufl'-r IU j to Maud iu the rehuion of the vanquished lo thoo who llvver c-.in ne'ed.i from geu- praphienl conneciioii ; with whoine!.e relation, w urliki t,r iinicnt.'le, inut tvu- Unue ulwnvi. Tin- lmirt l-a-tV M.ll?hl to keep. tli lenc ainoi.i? llie Smttf with honor to 1 1. iti. ..11 t.n I u l.il.i ll.i. ji"ii luutd irOi " . ...i:.i. . 1. 11 1:. : ... : . .. ..r . 1... v 1. 1 ' ......Wt.... IMIKU I lie .V IKIlll IOI1 ilIS ll litis .1 III 111 nn . I thu ' precipiliilionisls" of llie South havii hurried us, let un demand tlut a firm and wim ndiiiinistriitioii of thu Government shall evoke nnd hoiie"tly apply our inili laiv resources in which the nations mutt fa:nnu. ii nuns have not surpassed nor e. 'quailed u. In ronelusiori. gentlenien, let me My j trict is the o!J city th-it our lallu fH knewj .mill loved. 1 As vour representative. I will exerciso i the ri'-lit of free Kiitvc.h. anil will slrivn to .naiiilain, for all ihe cherished rights tho iijoymeni or wnicn constitute civil ut.er- min(fi mot tr XUllaU i pur the bf,l li'.u'iifl Tkrs.nl Machine, at I.an My Stay here doc not allow n tc no- atr 'Juuutr Tjir, hcU Oi.jbr, lb4Va Silver cept the oiiipliinent ol a public dinner, j.Moital. to which you do nie th honor to invito! At the Marjlauil Siato Fair, helJ al the Mary- ti 1 r.: ij-i. i...... m.i n..t. v.A. 1c.11 T neovou and other valued riends 11 . ,, . ,, ,., , win at. an time, imoru in greatest pieas-1 lire to liistjie'jtfiiHt art! truly youroVi't serraii1 C'iiarirsJ. Biril'LB No B wstr Lvsns tor "oi,pirng ix the I'iifsknt W'aa. The following important Jdneument has just been issued frjin It e Pension Bureau 1: Vi ion fJ!:; .Vw. 2nd 18'i 1. I "Sir : Tlie ni)ilicrtion fur Bounlv h'ind, forwarded hv vou iu bihalf of a 1 "oltiu r ol Ihe present war, is herewtiu re'nrne.l to your nrttlress. A nuilicinii nnuiher ol similar untoun-ted claims liav- "" presented to requite, special in - leniion on my .in. 'Xiiu io prevent irii- i..,j,t,.,n ir.mi .f.l.l.u.' M' li n,au 1 1 a tllllll I ,"" "I " ' "v , '' "I1"" " Mil anv m inner eotertnined." . , ,- . .., 1 1 r ....... ....... ! f' ". rendere-t M,l,iiMllly K) . March u l, l.i5, nor will nny upplication !bo treated, ninler a futureact of Csincrn'-s, it mud- before ihe date of the approval of .iiirii mfi 1 v iiik ri.iiv I u 1 ... i iv . - j - i it n ''., lu.utni-eioi.er. , , r f,otn, I I I Washinelon. in alluding to the vat ioiiis ineili .ds ptacticM f.ir the purpose of tie- .,t.tlnfc, i; c Ffct!(.rul trcasuiy, say that t.,,, , i..,.-, c ! ' i ... t . .1... i.r...1 r i: i,..:. ....i- . r J ... i c. '""'"f nmi limit', a .e is nays ueioi e they nre inspected, with a much bay s ,!,.,. . ,i . . . , v.. r,.luJ al -,,., .X1, uiriusii iiiem h nu as inucn salt as ttiey Ri.i eat,,ou!d uniinunce to all Lrttkim iJ.je, I'nwji.tt n itu an inucn salt as mey Is i.l eal,,oukl uniinunce lo ail f.rteuim d.je, '.i.';.n, hen giv Ihem nn muel, water on ' ,Z,"7'" "U " ln:.n'n , ""J cMUI.,,, In Clearfield, and Siiineuinhoninic in parlicnlnr, 'and I they can possibly drink. Cattle thus UinU.. W1j fti,uUt i.0 t, u titlre-i . . i i.uilllIS more than t hi if let' weiint. r.- -o---- .r. , ' , , .Ihctioveniliieril has adopted a new ... . . t...c. Lmporor of Bussi.i at f-tvnslripool 'hat of j - !.:,, ,.r fill-.! iritK i.. ct ihJ, 1 - ' ""oivent part of the channels leaning to their harbois. With this view all the old idle wha'.ing ai.d other vessels now lying iJle ;n ,he xor,lt.rn porlll (lie beillg " ,ur . . ' . ', Cl,i,!,f (1 f''Vernn.e..t, filled Will. .ami M.,,.i1. TI... .,.. . ,ll. - .- - cd the Ka-m-ehcal system. What a nice ,i!lie fi ,viH ia,e rplnoving these obstruc j.iifii.-., nuutii.i ii'm:r r.ii ewuie luiinti. ri,r.ar 'i Tv. ti. it r,.f tj.i- ' ' ' . mM t-tbnho church on the comci of Tenth and Christian ntrcMa. Philadelphia ' . .1 . i l i .. . ... .1 . A." . .. Tbe entfre mijt pr,ion of the edifice ' w. burned, nnd o,,,y ,.,0 bare walls nre 1.H standing. The Ion estimated nt ' J'jO.oOo, v,oluive of the Cot of the new orga,1( wbich t ,2m. Tlie firigitnl . . . .. ,. mr nA, . 't of the budding was , 5.000. Priest being absent iu Europe . c. . r tt" 1 ) r 1 :i A Scare. On Wednesday last, while . the rocket Offten. B enkar division were . out in the neighborhood of Fairfax Court House, thev observed a larre forcu of the "heaving in sight," and . ftn , n ,Bkin(, ., -- 1" "" nun lime, mr uinr .mr, crcausg mo crentcst ccniternation amonc their com- ra(le. T, .. , .... ,n..,.j u,., I ..e friglil wa ior ailayea, liowcvor, nCno other than a rcconnoilorin.? parly bfnt,out,ty Ge.n. WjJaworth, who wre. return nc to camp. - cv-i,..!,., prH.ir President has commenced .. . . ., .. . ... . r?w.ding Hie ultra Aboiitionmt oy tta appointment of Oiddmgs, Helper, etc, wo presume John Browr. Jr., .Tame rj.,v ..i ..i.r.,,-,! .unn p,4 Hedpath nnd that cdrhrairJ chap Fred. Donglan. will Hso Ue countea m before the "triificial exclttaient-' i trrer. All lilhlMMlOVin i' r it' i v c r 1 1 1 r O Jj It J l -'i .1 il i .V .1M ""V? "." 'V,,n " fra" "KU " "u" hsi W11 intr.i.Urretl. ami i,, h,7..l,J tiuc.li.m. the bmi, as wll ns tl.o lniii.liu.n, l.w-j,riooJ Hnwinic Miioliine uu l.cfuru lh puklio. I A fmull ul very nrm M"in lot --'-" ' v.. No. 2. A Inr-rn M " 1hi Mni-lilim i inueli mlinlre.l frin slmtliei- i. ami fur its relinHililv ami tlnrabilitv it I un. -- ' . . ....il.t..d. A i-l.il.l tw'li Vt'ur Pirn ruu it ith r"' - - j k.t.l 1 , it k ill ...w IVi.iu iIim .'..KMi.'.t t'luili r., - V) tho fint al Isniss. Tuure is nu Iroiibls nf rtt aiii'liiiK tiie tliri'U.I, ni it is lakt ti IVoui lho,iuoU. 1, I.m. nr. I,.ll. o. viv.. iroulil... iiii.l will run Iiurkwtir.ls na well as iurwiir.lt. ni 1 slill ,fi (ijiially I'ftfrrl, mid Willi. nil ilntitTul' breakili); ni't'.llt'i. Il rum l y frioiion, ami by closing thu box over il, il in thrown out i.f ttir. Iu fact, wo have Ntli.',it.ilii'.t in ret i.iiumui'l:n it hi the best fair My .Soainj; Machine iu use. 7'A, vZ'ieinj Prrmutiiit Au'jrJU the uboit Mufh'mt : At the Fuif of tho r'raiiWin Institute, l.SAH, the First t'reuiimii. At the I'enns U-uiis State JMr, nt I'hilmlul. I'1''-1' oiteiiiUer il, lS5,the Fir.t rrcmiuin a W' rcl,nMlVini;i atnU r,lir v,,d al Wro. , 1BIIU .UPlt UC, ll ..II. VI .7, ri'l., -VT'.wi'T-l, ..'.', j '.Tf, F,,T"r M"'1 " awariiuit in tins .Mnrlno. Al th, Sv Cmhi,0 C()Unl Plljr KrU 8l Juiliigtuii, I'i'lawsro, OcloUr, lCiM-a Ii:(.lou.. 7' ite abnve hchniet are mantifuclureil by t II Vltl.l'.'s tV. HOW 1. AM), 1 1 lit In 41 ull , Dot. K A I. kS ROM .US. S',. t:0 Arcl Ktrtrt, i'hiln,te1,l.in, Ps. Nu. CO t Msrk.il Flrct, Wilw:nfl"n. I'd S. I. I' A K I'K, marlj ly 720 Arch Street, Hliil1.-llilti TrPeriiii wisl.iMi; to ,ee the abote Mavhinc in nperatien. fan ilu ro by c.iKinn ut tho resi dence t.f U. W. Moori1, in Clearfield beru iijli. T IIP- tl.HAHI-IIJ.II ACADEMY will be npened f..r the reroptiu.. nf pu, i'.s (. male ; tni f.-inalo.. on .if.nisy hq.t. 2.1, ito. , Teriimper fessltui of i:ievn Vcrks: ' . .. ... . . b . Ortliir.iptiv, Itcamnc. "rinnjf, I'niuiry j .'.tiilimetic and iok'ra hy, Higher Arithin-iV. HnglijU flrauuaur, I tK-..,travhy and Hi.t. ry. 13 if II 0 1 8 V V VJ l 1 ' 1 L U-ok Kc.-fonn, Luttu and Ork I. an iats, CO Tj tH,)(,t(, d(..iroll, cf bf,u:ts Oieo.t.h ,,.,..,, :,ii, Hr,J t, w i,l. f, qual f; ! j,heniscNc for Tenders, thit Ioetirution ofers c.ira'tie udmut'irea. I N .u,l r.eive4 f..r lens thru talf sesti lion, 1 anil nn ai - rslrai-tod Ukn-M 1 Tuiri'.n to be paid at tho close cf ihe U rm. i C. P. SAM'FUHIi, .'.. r.earneW. Auff. 1 lit 1. le. 1 1 j ti, , ,lxCjT, NJ ,,00T ,MK hfttt J iY.t VtiiU'loli hia IMirc and the n. vrit.nc lr tor ant counterfcllor. .lines t uctiaimn . Crofs r.ccartiir-d '. V. ! It kmtis tn be the if -flier. :. . , " a n. jiiinn in t liiarfu-ld, t'jut II t roti l. e orn a pir nf Frmk Short's t rench calf Uo'.ts. t.iat lie WOIIIU rot tie l.vcn yci. Iinseur, rnuiij ti ;, mcUput t,utllt ,i,.injr hi. custr m ; bur V that he is prepared to furnish thrin with Buols. ! ititr JltJllCP, UIUI VC llMVC JUSl TU Phoes and (itiilcrs of anv style or pattern. sti:eh-i ed, sewed or peireed, (,md as be ii a short fel ft. v .... .. - iiihi un rnnri nuiirc, j All kindi of country produce taken in oi- , change, and cash not r-fused. Repaiilns done , m. m , ..,.i ,!-........ i...., .. r ...... ,.v, the Short fchoe 8h..p on Fecond r--ircct, opposite R,tAi WonrerA tVe.tore. FLANK SHORT. . B, Finslingi for sale Kept. Jfi, ls0' WATCH & JEWELRY ieS-CPsDLLiai, 1 111 F. nndcrclgncd res.f etftilly i ii fur in his cust.iini'rr nnd the pa I) I io genera Hy , 1 1 nt lie line just reeeiro.l from Ihe Lnsl, mid o en. ti at nis esiniiiishmciil in (i .1 ff.l.if A KU n(rflc(li p,, a fino assi.riiatnt of Ci.orits, . WaTrnrs, nnd .TEwri.nr t f different fiaulities, from a finlo piece t" a full sell, which ho will ...11 nt (l.A ....... .......... n I.I. ...in... f... ...I, r. . In i eiclimtre for old jnld nnd silver. I CLOl Kr ofercry variety on bund, at tho mi tt reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks. Wntchei ami Jewelry, carefully repaired und ll'iirrii. A cuniinnauco of patronage ii solic'iiel, Fept, Ifl, 19'in. It. F. NAl'OLl". Wnl.c ii ! Wali "P! BLAtKSMtTIU;. lilt subscriber res perlfiilly informs his fiieiids and the public rencrnlly. thnth') is net well e ablifhed in his NEW KIIOP on Tine street, o -pnrite the Town I Hall, In Ihe hurou.rh of C'l-oirOeol, and upon MjJ own kook, nnd bero he is prena-etl to ilo all , work in his line in the very best style, and on i orlest noiiee. llie old cn,torers aio res-1 atksd ut tto furi;t't blm, and nny iiuiii-i new onei ore rcrpecifully ini itud to jire j trial T00LR. Hit reputation ns n Maker ' nnd Kepalrer of Edjro UoltehouI J of itselfsceur his a liberal palronare. tsL'jpict;. r AfcCf.uui.t,. Anril it tf : April . j, t. oi.u. 1 ; OLEN-SC1IO MILLS, 1 Germantown, T. ' r n . r TTr f X. n 1 A I CCALLUM & Lu.,1 Importers, nnd W holele DeaPrs In XAHPHTI N C S , Il l V (i li Ii T S 1 , OIL CLOTUS, M ATT1S0S. A:, l",r,a . ' ' ' J ",ni"' Mreet, (Oppoilto 8iaU Hon,.) nprVM-ty Pmr.ann, en,A. lid s 4 h ii t e h -z r & iii 1 tt a. 1 . LIT II KBSIU RG, CLtAUFIILD COL' NTT, IA. TVILLIAil HEED, rntprirt-yr. July lf isfil. ly. DANIEL OOODLANDER, Tt'STICUof tb peac ej Lnthersburr, Cleardeld Co. P., wffl ttf0lf ..j,,), to U bosioee. nntn rt r. nrtf . J"rb ii, !. y. M- nirnweg i !! 1 1 1 urn t Hit I't ik in-. 1 ,, " 1 1..".M'.lM..,"i, I .1 -I ' M-r'-i I'" 1 ! 1 f 11,, , M rmMh i..i...i 1,1)', M,,1( ' i .11 V.. ,11, m.linU.MM' " ' ( Ifltl I (! ..(.., ,,1,1 il.l ! , . iti.n firi. 111..1 ih, In lu.n.ra k.n,t f, i hl.-ntl, i" In I-'. iloiliiKnxil.i Iu MS-f Voln '. M .t..,-, w, w, .... m 1 111 i:it ir, i,lt. f . 1. . . .' . ... . 1 ... . , bu lli.i.t M H II (a).)rt.l,.., ti, ) tl Uine.l rri,l tn "ll. ilt." '"I A It I Our .SWf jry,.lrt? -.Al! I (T rt, t, , In Itii. hr imiI, f k'i ti I . ,,. : tln .l.'.rlin..M, i.i 4 '. iK ml l.iflnllU k. Ht j.... t... 11 . . ' '" '"I Bl.M 'UU lirlivl In nn t utl i't Hulk. fi' orf f'ti.ii.w,l,. j (i.:t.iimi) fi.uo II v tu .ciii ful...h!,m J" i'-e ...,.....-. r . .'".. -OuJct'. it ii oiilywerk In ll,e....uT'. : fj hVv - 1 1 i V." l'ri"- " 1 ' " I" " 1 " X' ' . jnli,ic Th, f.iiblle"it.B Tf S "d lh", ! n,ro t", n fhl.ion t.lnioa of ihl' ol.r.r.11'"! nutllill(, bllt ,. Wunjcrluny ,Kt tUtuul 1 ""' '" 10 Slv" 1""m- 0ll,cr ""KH'mi tn. ni ......... ... ..ever pre ... when Hi, '. ,, T " ..... 1 ' . W"' Iu"- .. . .. '.. . .. . . '. . r U1' tni 110 wt-HrtT win inn ro lunift'ieii in . ..... ... ..... . mu'. 1 noil 11 De tut. cnvi. 11 Ren i-iii'.i t i lUeS'CO . . . ... . -"'i.v cai, afl.r llm style of t lie Llalri tii.n u ouiii ul ur F'-'iillfl Uthi.ri nuiaiiin'.. i-.. 11 1 ' ,.r .t.:..u .. . .1 I . .. J ' . " or three times 111 many as any other inngiiiiiic are ofun miniaken lor steel. Tley are $v fM' uj etinr to any ulhei . Imitn t'tin r.eware ofthem. Itemtmher lkt the Lady's Hunk II the ori(;iiinl ,iil,lictia and the cheapest. If you lake Uodey, yon want Be oilier maatinc. Kvery tiling that it useful r ornamental iu ah.iureean be found iy UoiWv. Ihuuimj Lrt,nt. Nj olhor iniigiiiiiit uial them, mid we have given enough till irril lurire volumes. )r AV.-rt'l are tnrh as can be found newkitt else. L'oi.kiiof in all its vuriely leiifeetinntry the Nuricry ihe Toilel the Laundry ur Iks Kil. lion. I!c'elil upon nil uiijocli are le be iu the y.ff of the Lilly's Look. We oriijiti.il. ly Hai led this dep irtincnt, mid have peculiar fa cililit'i fur making it timet perfect, lliii d p.rtiiicnt alone is worth the prire of Uie llnok. Lmlitt' 'i,rk- 7tite.--l his rtcpariin.'iit em urises enj;raviiii and dt jeriptions of trerr aril. ole a latly wears. imJrl ('jitnyn h'o other nagatine ha title di'i'ui latent. ti:ii ms . ca si i ix . i n r. t a : r. Ojs .'ipy oneysar, $3. T cot.iea cut rcsr, $i. Three copies oiiu year, 1'toi r i-,, t.n.i yea-,t" Kivoenpin oncyottr.aiid in Mirifopr the person notlinj; up the t lnb, $111, Ki-lit rop ihS one eearuud and an e.Uru ropy u ..or. j son endiit the elub, $1.. feven cupics enu tear, and nu elra i:opy to lue pTMin midtn the club. $20. Tho usi.r iiiiiiiiiih that can l, introduced int i 'he abovo eluos in place of the Lady's Hook is Arlhi t's lli.inc M-ignine. si'Ki i a 1. 1 i.t nr. t n i wnii in ii k:i mau- a lis i . U ..!. v ' Lady 'a Hw's end A'thur', fl 'ins Miiijiiiiiio bolh .too yiiir for .i Mi (iidy'a l, 'ly "e lli.uk aid II lrp 'r'j M.i); wire, both one r, f.r $1 e. (iodey, llarp.-r, an! Aithur iM ;i three he snt one year for fo UO. Trcaiu'j X-Jlos an 1 Se'.es f all aolveui bunks tai.M b'. war, lie carttel and pay '.he ty.irii'.feoa jour It'll',-. Avll-'.'i L. A. GOTTA'. nv .'-33 f..e;rdt St., fLil'a., Pa. BRILLIANT 0PENL1 OF Fall Fashions Xcw Cash Stove SMITH km. II. V . f Tl.o ,'itie;iti( n oftlio littlics ... H C'Vpt Cl.uIly CaliC'lI to MlO lollovv- . - ! r,.io, and OnrnttK t ! 1 r VOI'Y Id- i : test iint! int f.i-!ii():iub!e sivl: Nubias Wool lluods. Wool Petri's. Zcphyra, f"l enaa Is Uirtre and km!1, llvury double Ail Wool Shawls, Cbenl'c Shawls, Cloth Cluaki, At.d rcat tari'-'liei of phyrs, 7.' ph r,, A upt ri.tr urlii !e ef tiaiiDllot Kid (1 loves "' I.islo Muck " Cnshmeru " ' Dtrlin Wool " Oanntli t of Zephyr Wool, Children! fa.hinnre (i'oerf Li ale r d g 'o 1 uj.'oi tm-o: t of Ladies, Children, and Infanta Hosiery. Elegant worked Setts Collars, fkirts. All 'Tool Iiulniaca, FUi.uels, and most ear!' ,,r ,i,..,. .i. Wall paper and window shading' W hare just received fiom Howell 4 Cboetuui Street, two choice siylcB of I I) k I TJ 1 1 ) ! I A I 111. ALSO WINDOW .SHADING. PLAIN AND FKiUIIED. Hours i f busiues from 7 A M , to 8 T. M. Nov. 13, Is61. tf. J7LOUK, BACON, TOBACCO, LIQUORS OF ALL A7.VM. SALT, OILS, PAINTS, I GROCERIES. pyfor laic very clienp for Casn, by I) Tt Xfl IMfKLL. v. v rt rn.rv. x, n; e Store in vnf iiivn . " .'..-..v.. ...(,.... - - rje.rfield, ? 1 1