Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 27, 1861, Image 3

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t , it-if dun ii li in I'm I f''Mt in
I 1 1 ' - . I y lln' l iver li'ii l, ill llic nut
' , I i 'il llil C'ly, w r ( nine mi : nM
-'if, r' I'hili'd M.l'i.n witjmin, ilnl'i-
' , a i i';!! '- f I'vo in' m. in ri". Ill
s' ! n! ti c iiicc!uri.' wo notion! a I'l l'
Wet l -( ol '.vim mi 1 u ( ion jai l
'in i.f I I.h lv iiJct Wdi kiiiij ui.'l hiir
;;in to a: '1 ti'. There uio quite a
;niii. In ;1 .1' tl" ."i j u ii ui'itr IVrry villi',
.,.i It ront:iiiiiir l.'VJu w -'."DO iniilo.i,
('(vl,"i' i'(l from all j mi-t tI" tlio country,
mil stored hi llii'M1 juMi: to await 1 lie
; i inxt.ti of lirutliiii.
fS Miic ilistMiico from tho en wo
'ii'.Mid tlio 1 rtiiKiiipc fi'miml, where a
l out. lOUhu.ty darkies were onnijed
in tho work of taking tlio mules thru'
a nidimentiiiy course of instrnetiuus
preparatory to fitting them for duty
in harness. The process of breaking
is exciting hiiiI interesting, and not
unattended will) (lander. Tlio lnnli'
is driven into a "i'lmt;'' just tho width
of liis body, witli strong wooden harm
on ouch Hide, which ireventn Ins kick
ing out literally, and at the siinio time
admit of his heing handled through
tho cracks. A rope is then fastened
io his jaws, and another tied as a girth
around his bully; after which ouis is
attached to his fore loot, and passed
under tho girth and out at the rear,
ni which condition ho is turned out for
tlio preliminary exorcises, consisting
of :i scries of frantic plunges, will
.onto ground unu lolty tuintjling, vici
ous attempts to bite, and strike, with
his lore, font, 'i'ho exercise contin
ues for a longer or shorter period of
lane, according to tho intelligence and
obstinacy of tlio subject. Jlut your
mile is not altogether such a fool as
Jio louts, and alter coining to grief a
inattor ol'a dozen times b- moans
of the check rope, he wisely concludes
hat plunging and rearing is not remu
nerative, ami lies still, cither reflcct
ng or groaning piteously. If unusu
ally obstinate through the first course,
iie 18 troltod round the course at dou-:
Me quick time, and his hide copiously
anointed with a titout cudgel. After
ihe lirL course, the mule then being
supposed to have absorbed something
f the rudiments of his education, it
js reconducted to the "chute" whore
hois invested with harness and again
in4 forth, and another scries of gym-'in-tie
exercises takes place. After
becoming somewhat nccustomed to
ilm harness, the mules arc hitched up
lotl'e large wagons, and driven around
the course. Tho operation of hitching
up is a delicate one, requiring great
care. Tho negrj approaches cautious
ly and gingoriy, with his eyes fixed
on the mule's cars .A suspicious move
r. eiit of the auricular appendagea is
heon, and the startlod African springs
Vack waud as quick as lightning, just
n time to essxipo u flashing pair of
!,poK Again' he approaches, and fi
r: Uy succeeds in hitching up.
A brace of broken mules arc usuallj
put i'i the rear, with a team of wild
ones in front. DifTorent phases of mule
Minu ter ure developed in the process
' ? tii-Ling. Some plungo and rear
ui me time, others lie down and ob
'matc'y roluse to move; others kick
.' f t! o traces, face on the driver
' i i r.g the saddle mule, rear up and vi
( io,:siy strike at him with their fore
- i. Again oue will remain properly
: i. ' for a time, and then spring lbr
vi i'd io ihe length of his traces
ah sacli violence as to bring him to
' ,; ''Cos. Nothing but the natural
l -tin. icy of the mule prevents a gen
i al si;.:- A. up. Fortunately while one
pi i '.:, for'var.l, the other through
s..eci pcrvcrseiioss, will pull back.
Sometimes a forward uiule will turn
round in his traces, come to a dead
halt, and stare at tho driver in the
most ludicrous and tide-splitting man
ner. Jrshoeing mules, a broad leath
er belt is passed around liis bell-, and
the mulo is hoisted clear, when his feet
are drawn back and fastened, when he
helplessly submits to the operati on ol
shoeing, entering sundry protests in
the way ot snorts and groans. Cur
rying i.-. anoporation which hardly j ays
i'or tho danger incurred. The mule'is
Altogether too hand with his heels to
render it a desirable employment.
Sometimes a currycomb is lastcned to
an eight-foot pofo, when the groom
stands out of danger aud rakes him
dewn from Hong taw." Watering the
mule is not tho least interesting of the
operations I witnessed at IVrryville.
rIhe mules, to the number of a thous
and nt a tirn, were driven down a
.-niall ravine in front of a hotel, spread
ing at its mouth to a width of about
a hundred yards into tho river. They
rushed far out into the stream, so that
mobt of them woro covered with the
cmcc; lion of their heads floundering
ami plunging, and lashing the water
into loam, and all braying continually.
I hey remind mo lortibly ol a school
of iinmenRO porpoises sjorting iii the
' liter. Negroes are exclusively em
.'ilin the breaking and training
1 mules at rerryville. I asked one
Bupeij.uci.u.i. uio manor 7"' Iaw; I.ahd Airenciea, in Clearfield Thia Post (iffies will dofor-Chest township
.!:.. wiri. ti ' 1 t soni Iripnils aam enmviiitf nomii Tl,. rit- j t.,, ' ' . . .. x ...;n . .. . . 'r
una nun su 1 "lieu, nam OO, , . . J ' n vouir ni r.ia eouniiea. July ail. y ,T " 111 answer lor t erguson lownnlnp,
; rm.p in tho riPTt thine in 0 .., U barrister was in au excited slate, and ex- --vT, . ITT ' -
,t a
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Tin' t iiii-i.) 1 1 'iii'i
t ii( Uril II i t lltl'l run
lii'iflnl ir niii'Hii:
,1 i , n l ol ii'ii.
eliiinni to mi i'X -
l'. "limit, ill nli i liir ''
iM.Mlli II I'l lllll'l.ll M
I.iim in M - I'li i,
llllllllDJ ill-. ll'MH l' I. II' IIU'II 'I I'l.M.MIIJ I''
I liii "I'mli I' ni'li'l " Hi m nnytli.iitf li v u ! -
ni ihru' tin- 1 1
1. 1 A'!,. i. ii . I limiuit
.ir lli" t'iiiij;ii"i'ii'.iil ri'iiriiit Ui- l.iii'ly ' ii
iini:i tst. Lniii. Y e nuke t Im I'ullmv-
iii; ..:iiici :
I'i'lv in tlie tMiiU'iiiii, Mi",
Ii lis, nf
our ntiti'l Ml eorpi, woul in M. l.oni-, ir
otitun, 'ii i i inuilciiil, t'.iiro ui.'l 1'inli.
culi, I Io returned with a l'i'i"i'i of III"
goings oil tlmt iv. is duiilillnl mid un-a'ii-
liii l iiy. lili r, and about tlie tinm llu
Hiiiiy iniiieii tii'st, u I'l or tliu iiefiles
U''i ilii'ti ul' Mullia'j iwnl his coiiimand,
Mr. Mi dill nenl from .Si. Louis to .lelli'i i
I'ily, and ulong the route lo isi'il,iliu and
'.iforgetown. He left home im nrdeul
mliniriT ol'Oen l'ruinoiit,iiiil a disbeliever
Ml tllll I'l'lllll tS lll'l'illllil'iill tO lllS lililfii lur
his plueo His li 'lli'l s, v. h1li pxi'iled no
liMlo udinniotion iimoiig our leili rs, give
the sincerity ol Ins conversion t.i Hie oi
iiOhile oi'iiiiun. When the
ronjinitte charged with tho duly ofeximii
ing into army nii'I naTv contracts went lo
Ht. Jakus, 1). . liny went down to f mleivvor
to gut at sonic ol' the f.icls devolopod.
His oi iVHli' lellei's contiiin: d niattors of
i eucli nionii'iit lireiudiciul to the
nianiigeiiii'iit ul' tho l)ciiii unent, Unit Mr,
Scripiis, leaiin that lie hud been u isle I
i,, . ,w .i , ,j , ;. i,;, ,i,,i
17, lllll ll .u .1 i. 11 lll l, '!' . nil 11 11 nil uu. 1
to sec liim-se't' what foundation there was UtV., wl.ich wo liopo will cimniipnil ii.n-ir ttl.-f
lor the clmrges, and he went down. Thus wlie re iuII'itihs with this ufliii'iin;; coiii'l;iiin,
the fcditm'iid proj l iiilors of tho Tribune, mid to tho mcilicul inu'liiiiier who nmy fol
who ate losutl'nr by a luistake in this grave di.i0fod to lost iho wors of ihia valua'ulo reiu
matler, have one alter anutlmr been on t,,y,
the gri.unil, personal observers of tho state 1 EUXIU PROPYLAMIXK, in the fr..i iihovf
of tho I'eiiHi linent. All had been the.
last trienils of tho Uotural ; all of us had f'""; uf recntljr boon oit. uMvoly citri
supiKirted him lor tho Presidency in ISoC; "".'tiU'J will' in tho
all were in favor of his nppiTintinonl to tho j PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL,
Aimv of llio West; all iwo willing to livo; . ,,., .,.,,,.,, ,
ordio by the doctrines of tho proclamation n'l witn MARhLD bUCcl'..-S (:is will n.poar
that have gone sobtraight to tho lioHrts of, f1"0111 tro publisbed aceuuuts tu the inodiciil Juur.
tho pooplu. I rials.)
Collectively nt nr. em lier stoge in tho j .f-lt U cnrofi.lly put i.r for iimiHuli
eninp.'iign they had ijeon coinplirnented '
t.y the lieiieml for their earnest support ate U;0' w"1' fu" lir'!c'i'' "! bo ol.tiiinod
of his policy, rind wurinly thanked tliein
lor I heir generous devotion to hnn.
The result is what would hnvo happened
to nny four earliest men who desire u
ijuick tortniiiation of tho war and im
acknowledged tiiutnph of tho holy enuse,
Profound eonvictior, of the incompetency
of the tieneral, disgust with the character
of tho men by whom to is surrounded nnd
in whom ho puts his trust, nnd hii ussurance
not lo be shaken that unless tien. Fremont
is removed, and tho Hll'.iirs of Iho Depart
ment nre put into new hands, Missouri, and
HiiAily Kentucky
uml J eniiosieo, are
hopelessly lost.
In relation t ) the sacrifice of tien. Lyon,
the editor makes the follow ing statement.
lie say :
"We hnvo the word of 11 brave ami truth-
fill man. who with (Sen. bvon tliedav ,r"'.' ""'f.",r ' V,ly j ls'. " "
, r .1 1 . .1 1 1 " t. " , can he lolui"! 111 small compass, and ciutird mid
before the hght, (the bat lie was on .Sum- r(.fill,,, nl ,,!easuro ; und lerv cheap. He also
day) that, With high KldlgHiltlon, in the.trirua Chi riajres, mukes repairs to all kinds ff of most of the uienibors of his Carriage Trimming nnd t'pholstery. nnd iKaken
stall, lie declared his belief thatlhoi e was a Cords lor .Mason Tracing Lines, of any thick-
(lelilipi'ni.i titii-niwo In fnt. him rill 11 n d .
destioy his forge ! Wo urga no chnrge.
against (Sen. Fremont that lie had suca a
)urpose; but there were those about him
who nre not exouijit (roin susjiieion of this
And of the surrenderor Colonel Mulli
gan "We odd, on the authority of Hon. J.A.
Gurley, member of Congress from Cincin
nati, at that time ft member of (Jen. Kio
luont's Btatt', that a inessenger from Col.
Mulligan, with his loud cry for reinforce
nunls, cooled his heels two days among
the thievtw in Fremont' ante-room, una
ble to fui t down the court etiijuette there
enforced by the sharp sabres of tho body
guard, and nt last by tho aid of Lieut. (Sen.
ilall, got in only to hear that the Uoneral
'would see nbout it.' "
Then follows more about the "ante
room thieves," of whom it is remarked
"To see the Commander of the Dejiart
ment, fave in caies which mako the e.v
eeition to the rule, has nt any time with
in the lust two months, been a matter cf
greater difficulty than to get an audicnee
10 tho Einjieror o! Franco, the head of ,m
emjiire, and an army of 4(10,000 men. It
was fur the inieieils ol Caliloniians ftiul
their conl'edci ates that this should be so,
because while nil the others w ere oxelud-
ed, they
free access by the back
Among other fppcificfttions in regard to
tho character of these retainers, il is
charged that "one of the Government In
sjiectoi of horses at .St. Louis, is o gradu-
ale ot the Kentucky Slate iirison." The
-I..... ...ill .A ... r.i.: .1 1 !
iiuuiu "io uu us ,1 s ni'iiuen ui uns MUX'S.-
ingeioso. The editor says in conclu-j&i
''We nro informed noon sufl'icicnt iiti.'J"s t. LKosAnn,
thority, that when the Investigating Coni-j
luittee concluded their labors at St. Louis
they sent a dispatch to Washington, (by
mail to Springfield, so that il might not
be stopped,) telling the President the
true. and exuet condition ol 'affairs in Mis
souri, and urging u;on hi.n the instant
removal ol rremnnt, mum tha ground
Hint in his Iihii'W lh war could not lie
eouimuei. y car, ior reason o! want ot
funijs to su')ily tho waste and profligacy
...1 i . ..
in his Depaitment."
New Song. "How do you like the olnni
sng?" atked n old lady nf her daughter
as they stepped out into the street alter a
popular concert.
wi.. 1 1-: 1 .1 . . 1 .
v...,. wii8. eALiuiiueii uio young laov
Ill nslotrshinent. "Whv. what dn von r.
fer to, mother?" '
"Why, tha first 01m she susie " i
"Oh ! you mean Shells of the Ocean, I
d0"wLiU;n,lprr,v , ,1
'Well, yes," said the old lady, "I do
Lhink Ihul waj,il. it . ..1
1 inii.jj uo.iui
clams, any way. and jrou know I do like
theiaeowdl. Didn't you like it?"
tfcA celebratexl barrister a friend
with whom Jerrold loed U. je?tentercd
.: ..... ....J, .
I Mil l"!'
I. I'll
;'. i n
,'l I'll
; in
111 III)
!' nt i ii" ill ' 'i nr I i
I'. t I- .i . I il." I;,
i i.
I "I 1. 1. I ' '' i I il,i I .nr l,i i
' id f,
I ' r I' 1 1 I .hi ni I I" llr ,.n ,
I't I:Im. k y.-i nrii'i',
T'T t'lili II .t Ml. 'I I'l it' l ir lv,
i'i r i ;in. ! ..."I hii'I i 'i i n r ii. i N
I'.ir rim Vni.. prut 0 n e l!i
l'np ;lii(it,Hiiuil unit tli I'mir KiMioim.
II. - I do I'lii n in lin iil l.i 1 1 ii i ii I',.
llll- I'. VI'
''''' i'l iii ii In ii l'u ii nniiii'il in J; I k r mm ii iii.
ll''"lliiHll.l liT
.i:0N.Itl SCOTT ,1 Co..
iliurl.'l Oiii J4 Cul.l Si,,.i x,.,v y
I'm ing tlio j'liKl "iir w hnvo introilurnil to
li lii'i' nf Dm mi'iliciil i rofimion ol ll.l emm
tr.v llio t'ur Ci-jnialUtd Chloridtuf I'mpylatuiui
nnJ having reoi ivcil I'nmi ninny fiiun'i'.", buth
fi'uiii .li icini; of the liigtii'Ht tl. Hiding niul
(ruin imtii'iilii, this
Must (lattci'iiii; 'rcstlnionhilsol Its I'cal value
n tlio IriMtiiu'iit of tli i a . nil. fill ml ol..-li-nuto
ilisinso, no nrc indiicoJ In htmi)I it to lln
I'uiuic in a lonu nt.iin r i .11 .i 1-1 1 .- 1 Vi
from nil tho drui; iit nt 7.0 cents per bnttlo, 11 ml
nt whol. iiilo of DI LI Ot'K ,t CltKXIlAW",
Dru'ists und Munufiirtiirini; Chemists,
Junr2G'Cltf. Philadelphii.
O I) E L I. ,
MKIt, located at A. II. Show's MIU, me mi't
of (',',;'',., iuroii'ih
P.espcctfully informs the citizens of Clearfield I
'and nJ.ioininj; counties, that be is at nil limes;
1 prepare. 1 to Manufacture, nl the .-h"i ii t notice, I
; Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses i f all j
liinilj ; izos; of .w''' j? il l'"l'li"K Mt-1
uess or length
S-f.Country Produce, Corn Husks, or C11 j-h
taken in K (change for work,
All orders left with any of the Merchnts
Clearfield (.irough will ba promptly attended
to. "decl'O
Tho undersigned bin now on band, at bis Fur
niture Kootns on Market at., Clearfield, Pa., a
short distance west of Litz's Foundry, a hirjf.i
stoak of
manufactured out of tlio bsst materialr, finished
n a very superior manner, and which be will sell
LOW FOH CASf. His long experience in the
business ninkee him feel confident that hischairi
are made In a substantial nnd workmanlike man
ner, anu win siauu mo leal 01 irial. 1'ersons 1
wisning 10 purcnasc ciiuirs siioum can at once
and get them while they can he had at tho lowest
TTowaho A' soi iation, Pmii.aiikm'iiia, A lim-
ioirmaiil, or thr ri l!j ,,f ihr Siik ami Di'treril,
nfltirttd v ilh IVorii 0111 ('Amine I)lennrii, mid '
rieniy for the Curt nf Dinrntm of the SVj-k(ii
Memcal Advicb given gratis, by the Acting
VAM Ait.E rf.imirts on Siicnrntnrrhof a. nnd
I other disensea of the Reiual Oi guns, nnd on tlio
hkmkdiks employed in the IMspensnry, sent
in ,":,lu1 letter cnvelojies, free of charge. Two
or thre Syiuitu for liostniro aeeentuble.
, to ' ,, ' " ' , ,
n. a. rtssKT
A. c. riSSKV
rl lXin PROPYLAK'itjr.
Sankinn anb CoIIcttioit Mtc'"
C L E A Jt F I L I).
"- y .. ,., :
Kvla - dionsmadc and proccaU prom,ly remitted
lxrhaiie on the Cities constantly
om hand.
j?ff-0fEc on Second SU, nearly oppoaite Ihe
1,,0 fil,
" "01
l.uthersbiirp. Clenrfleld Co, Pa., will'
llen' Pron'l'tlv t0 !1 bfinets entrusted to his
. ... . ApriI ''1
,tni..u ,, , . . .
.MKI( "i1. "d dealers in Hoard, and ,
Mungles; lirain and Proi'nee KHQV'T Su-eet
above the Ac..l", ai "ld P. 'Poun,
June I2th, 61. - i ..
. Pike,
"' -'" 1. teit " .
I, V r X" VT' Attorl",7 ' L,w Ivn,0.n- .
Jli C earlield, r., will iittelid nroinrllT to Col Woodward,
m mi nt.v vi.;
I 1 n in I ,3i.r'i-im t" ll c
. .
I 1 f I'll I 1 t 1.' ' Il 1 I I.'. ' " Il 111 I' M n litiHIIIIi I'l Sll 1111 I linn, in 111 III I tin ill nn 1 rinir-
11 iii i 011 i t Im h i, 1, I.. I." I'"'' ' "' I'l'l'' I "i.v 1 ri.liii"inil Uii li lli.i li.lli.w ni(.irtiniiil pirn i'N
, I.v im uii. t ill Hi" 'I'" "I I""1'' r"" I'J'ilii'l I'.v I'"' "IVi'li'l. h. Ill M.iln niul t .-tu 1. 1111
Ii,., :,.. , ( ' II, iiil. l.ii'in..l l.n 1. e -: (in ''. I"', f-ft'i's. 'l nil 1 ' 1-. ' 1 f llm tll""'l
Mm, nil l.,..i J.M.iil..'.o. n. II," U K hi.'I i:AU. PAIITI l. I'KaIM'.-S. lti.iUln;: Noi.c. in
il c il. n.l im. I lii-.-linm'"' '"'"' ''' na 'I Ii'.r ,,r 1'"'" ' ''i' ""li" in-nlmi'iit.
m'nl ninny il,..i ...i tlial l.uvo l,,illl.'.UJir j-sjll I f tj; p - 1 1 .-.I itilit i.u .I pli) .i.liiin.
aVp"IN i iii:.N is.
Ol.Mt ION. nt t l.iik'i llolnl. from lln t ''tli i f Mny In tlio 1st of J'in.
l'i;Si'A, nl Uliiiiiiiii'n lluli'l, .tune Ut. Apuin, Si-pt. 1st 1111 1 21.
lMMil'K VI I. l.i:, nt Ihe A 111 " ri' ii h JIiiiih., fr 1111 :id In Vlli Jim. Atfuin. Sept. .I'l. 4llimiil Sill
.l,"iltl',llSI;t Hll, nt l;.-"il'ii Until, Juno Mill unillllh. A.iiin, Hnpt. Mih ami lllli.
CI.KA ' I II. 1. 1', .1 iia 11 h.m V lluli'l, Juno ll!lh l Mil. Atnin, S. pt Uth mnt t Kb.
IKI,l.l:fiiN I'l", .MiHTisiin'ii lloii'l. from Jimo 171b o Mill. Apiin, Sept. Htb nnd I.Mh.
lYItii.S'K Cn, nl Mrs. T!i..n,uf' Until, June I'lstsnd 'lU. Agln, Sept. litb ml lflth.
At bis IM'IK.M AKV, Ii 0111 Juno I'-'t In Jul; 171b.
Listen to the Voico of Truth and Reason and Profit by it.
Tlio timo him cniiii" whi n nil who will, run ocupo lli.i iron grni-p of Mercury, by cn'linx. wllbmit
ili'lav. to i"'i( tho well known uml justly Ci li'liriilod KcUctic Kurnpoiin Pbyicinii, Ir. ItimT, who
will ii.liiiiiii.-lor Iho.o only true iind.nfo tnf dii incs, cMrncti"! from the trust choiio noorn nnd iikhbh,
which nr iruimriil nmlcr bisown tuiporviston,
... ......I- ....
INS, WIIK'll WI'IO Ill'Ver UI'SlllOU lor UIO PaiUIXl, IV IIIKII Wllieil umnj mm-.'i..i --
nnJ (50110 u ourly (iiives.
Knnrmlier Hint r. Hurt ltnnls no pntivnta but the fully rnpnblo of opprncinltnx and it'ln
guishing the nerviees of a rvffulur thoroU,'b bred physician, from n paltry, unloarnod and trilling
Hemnnbrr, 1 r. Hurt's remedies niul trintinont nri entirely unknown to till others In thin country;
prepared from a life spuut in tlio Krent hospitals of Ihirnpn and tho first in the country.
Hrmruibrr, tlmt Dr. limt has a inoro extended practice limn nny other physician in Weatora Penn
fylvnnia. ilrmrmlier, tlmt citizens of education, niul our ponuhir men, nre oil well icqunintod with, and take
gi'i'nt ph'.isiire in rccouiini'iiilinu I'r. llort to the nlllic.ted.
AVii.Ti.i'i-, lliut l)r. Hurt iiialii'sno Use reprod'iitnlioim to gull the unfortnnato, but all ho says wil
he faiibfully carried 0111.
l!cinrith, r, ihnt Dr. Hurt pnys every nttontion to dijenses of a chronio nature.
TsT-ri't titii'iitrs of Cures may be seen nt his respective muini!.
r. Hurt is tiirnisln'd with over six thousand Utters of recommendation from 11 ft til 0 of Ihe me,,,
distinguished men living. Also lias aivuriled to Iii 111 iliplnnian from (niot of tbe most (";',cbrated
Hospitals and liitirnmries in K.urope, for bis iinpiirnllellod obyervutlors in I)inKlis'.i, rind ohserva
tiniis in oiseove inc remedios for tlio euro of discuses that buyo beretol'oro biilUed tbo (kill of uiunv
of the uieili'.'iil proli'ssion.
An early call from tliojo wisLi" to consult tlio !(,, js onrn,,stly rcquosjod, i-o as to receive
fall benelit of treutini'nt, a'"1, ihus do justice to Ii lui8 f. Time lin ited.
Please bear in Ui' when )r, Hurt will Lo in your place. Persons desirous of consultinK bim
will confer a prent tavor by eullintf nu tho first day of liis arrival, us bis rooms nro o often crowd
ed, it is utterly impossible to Micnd to tho unxioiis Hulieitntiuns of all. Dr. Hort w ill arrive at eucb
of fh above places on theTii.-t coach on tho day appointed. extend the ini itiition to nil invulid acnuiiiiiUmes, nud ebligo yonrs, Ac.
May 29, '(11.-2'.
Terms ot iuDTripiion.
If paid in advance, or within throe ntontha, $1 25
If paid niiy tiaie w ithin the year, - - - 1 AO
ff paid after the cxpirution of tho year, - 2 00
Ttrins of Advcrtlslii;.
Advortiiicnients nretnaertod iu tho Republican
m the following ratea :
1 Insertion. 2 do.
s do.
tl Oft
2 00
2 50
12 1110
7 00
10 00
12 00
11 00
IS 00
3i OB
One aqnore, (I t linos,) $ 50
Two s,iinres, (JSlines,) 1 00
Threa squares, (42 line.) 1 50
3 months
One Pqunre, : : : $2 50
Twoaiuares, : : : : : 4 00
Three siiinren, : : : : 5 00
Four squares, : : : : 1 00
Half a column, : : : : S On
One column, : : : : 14 00
2 c
R Bin's.
$1 01)
(1 00
10 no
12 no
20 no
Over three weeks nnd les than tkreo iiii f, lhs25
fonts per '.i:u:e forcu 'li insertion. !
I ci.r.oS-r; jtic-s not excelling Cliaes aro in
ertcil for 12 a yer.r. I
AJverlisiaonts ni.t a-risl with the number rf
Eji-rtions desired, f ill b cg:ilinuf :i until lorbie!
tLdobarKed according tu Ihese Urins.
JOO P "i I N TIN G .
An extensive stock of .lobbing materia
enables tbo Publisher of the "AVnos'.vi;!'
to almoin ce lo the ) aHio that ho is jut-j.n
red to da til .-Jnds of
PliS i l llS, I Akl'jt: in, ridKir.AM WKS,
I'jI.ANXS, Parllt EcoI5, f 'l lilt' I..1 HS,
I-AriKi.s, Eal;, Ttrxzrs, Hamiuii.i.s,
una every nindcf AvA:ng usually done
in n country o'o niLci.
All orders will 1 exeeule-i niih ne'it
ness nnd ileFjin'ch.
ti. Ii. flOODLAXDI'R ,f CO.
Time oT Holding; 'ourt.
Seconi Monday of Janunrv,
Third Monday of March,
Third Monday of June,
Fourth Monday or .September,
In each year, and continue two weeks if
County Officers.
Pres't Judge, Hon. Snmuol I.inn. rtcllernnte.
As'to fudges, Hon Win I. Moore, Clenrfietil.
Hon Pcnj Ilonsall, Ltithcrshtirg
Pher.ff, Fred'k li. Miller Clearfield
Protlmnotiiry .John L. Cuttle, "
Ueg. A Roe. James Wt igley, "
District Att'y ltobert J. Wnlince, "
Treasurer, (1. Tl. Ooodlnnder, "
C-i. Siirviiynr, H, Jl, Wright, (lien Hopo
Coimuiss'n'rs.Wm. M'Crackcn Lumber City
Wm. Merrell, Clearfield
S. C, Thompson, Morrisdalo
Auditors, I!. C, liowinnn, Philipsburg
Isaac W. Urnta.ll.Clearlield
J. II. Shaw. "
George Richards, "
List nf Tost Olticcs.
B tccria,
Xnwn nf f. O,
tllcu Hope,
Xamn of P. M
U. W. C.'ilwel
'o 1 -
T. A. M'llheo
J. W.fsmrlilJ
i.ewis Mriiiu
Clearfield r.riifa, 11. Mille
I Prailtord,
Ed. V,'i;;ima
JeCcrson Linj,
New Washington, j
K. II. Moors.
C- f. Sloppy,
John liebcriing
Jns. liloota
J. M, Cumminj;!
Jas Me.Murray
M. A. Frnnk.
P. A. Oanlin.
J F W iiehntrr
Samuel Wny
Centre county
! Etrnsi.U,
Curwe nsvillc, 1 nrwensville,
Dccntcr, Philip bur,
Edm. Williams
Helen Post Office, Elk county, Pa
I.ecoutiie's Mills. C. Mignni
Jiaiil Jlilts,
William Cnrr
A. K. Shaw
T. II. Poreee.
J. A. Hoi arly
C. J. Pusey.
Darld Tyler
If. Woodward
Kiln Chnse
O. Ileekadorn
I). E. Mokel
J. W. Thomps'n
Jas. Thompson
J. McClelland
II. W. Spencor,
A. C. Mooro,
amuel Wny
Michael Wise.
W. F. Johnson
nulha .Milif.
alt Lick,
New Millport,
Lumber City.t
(irainpian Hills,
T. Henderson
l'r.m t'.ii 1 mitt lt" l"il. of l.oii.l'.ri, I'liuUn l, "
. .11 I I. I- .1.... ....
(mil Ibi-rcroro htdIU np the ui 01 hii hhikiiai. 1 in-
.. . .1... -.l.l.U l.....u..n.l. l.aua tulliill I'lClllllS
,H t'0SI,!UiTIVEs: The advertiser,
havinc Veen rcsturod to health in a few
weoka by a very simple remedy, aflor linvinn suf
fered for several yenrh with a severe 1 n 11 nil no
tion, an that dred disease Consumption. i anx
ious to 111 nke known to bin fUtir-suQorar the
moons of
To nil w he dusiro it, be will send a copy of Ike
prescription used, (free of charge,) with iho di
ctions for pri'puriiig nud usine; I ho san e, which
(hey will liufl a suro cure lor Consumption.
Asthmn, Uri mliitis, tc. The only objict of the
ndvurtisoT in sending the prescription in to bene,
fit the afflicted, and spread in formal ion which be
conceives to bn invaluable, a id ha Impus nvery
auric rcr will try his rnmedy as il will coil then;
untiling, nnd mny prvc a blessing.
Persons wishing ihe preseriptio 1 will plenc
nddress Itev. EDWAHD A. WILSON,
nnv7-1i Williiiuisbiti),'ti, Kings Co.. N. T
$35 00
en lire cost lor
Tl'lTl.OX in U'ie
1 !iiost p.. pul ir and siiccassful COMM KM CIA I.
M'llnol, in tho country, ( pwanls of Tivi:i.vk
lit siii!i:n joiiii men, from twkstv Kinr differ-
0nt Stnl.-s, tiavo keen educated for business bete
ivitbin the past three vears, some of whom have
Iieeu einl'loyed lis HOOK-K lit PEltS ill salaries
$2000 00
immediately I pon gi adiinling, wkoknew notling
ol aeeounts when ihey enlerert lao College.
T.yf M in inter's sons half prico,
Students enter nt nny time, and review when
they please, w ithout extra charge.
For Catalogues, Specimens of Pcnman.'.hip, anl
View of the COLIilili K, enclose Ii ve letter slump
iluy U, 61. ly. Pittsburgh! Pa.
u. m. .n cx'i.Loraii,
Ci.KAnnr.i.n, Pa.
OHirc In (.laliam's llrick Kulh
July Sd. lSfil If.
In qf.
AlTliolesale and Ketall llercliatits.
TT extensive dealers in timber, sawed luiud
her and shingles. Also, doalers in flour on
grain, which will be sold ehcup for cas.h.
Oct. 14, 18,'itf.
Col. A. T. OWEN'S, Proprietor,
Piespectfiilly nnnouneea to the travelling pnblic
il.-t be has now taken charge of this large and
well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a
uinmior as will rewdur excellent eoinfrt nnd for,
satisfaction to all who may favor bim with a
call. nov7-ly
Spring Si Summer Goods
Iain juat receiving and opening a carefully
goloeteil etock of Spring and Bummer goods
ol almost every description,
A beautiful aaaortinent df Prints nnd Dreei
(roods, of tha neweat and lateat atylea. Alto s,
great variety of useful notions.
Bonnet, Shun in,
Jlata nnd Caps,
Boots and Shoes, a large quantity,
Hardware, Qieeusware,
Drtids and Medieinei,
Oil and I'aiLts,
nrpet A Oil Cloths,
Fish, Hacoa and Flour,
Mackerel in 1 I and A hu
of the best quality, all of which will bs Sold at
tiio lowest each or rendy pay aricea.
My old friends and the aiiblie generally, are
respectfully Invited ta call.
r. B A)l kin'U of ''.nd approved
COCSTHY PllonCK taken jn exchange ot
learDeld, June J9 1361
WM, f, IRWI.V.
ATTORNEY AT LAAV. will attend r,,nmn.l
and falthfullv to all letriil bliaiDAaa nnlrtialnrl tn
bis cine, in the several Courts of Clearfield and
adjoining oountica.
Olbre tie one fornnrTV ocamIoxI It 8. It.
Wl2ffts, 1859 ly
t ki, , I..-
illanaw. A toll ai lil. Inn ir . . 1 i"4,
aim,. I III r..n. il.. iM.. '' 'i'1
trl ii'..ii tli. ini.ri' mi'l m. ,irr.i,.ti J"
rlii'-lna uvnt'iitl niii.iAfi.lli,ii. ftniA.i,b.. . No.
V ll In lln roti'lill.lii, o,iiMi. l.r Hh iU
oik. Avrr'a I'lll". ftiul li.iw illiivtl, , JT"'I
nil 111 nl of Hie ri.m. awl wlih 11 o "
iwillllfiir tlwillll nn. Hlml K lim, ml '"""' I
.I.L. m I..I... 1- "IHMn.
... . . '.. M
. 'i.i.i
1 1 ,.,. Htini, ia 1.11 lnp, ,n
of Hie tln-p aleil M..I d'Ulp-roua lllatalllN.ra, f . "'Wl
pi.lWi.tHii elfn-t h Iii IIikiii, CmiI ,y ll,u J "
li nn niul ili r iii'iiu nl, of Iho litt.iii. ftmcn,
1ml)', Ihey nre r.lly, nn.l nisny of lh. m lt
I.v lim mine mean. None who know tlM tlrln ,i a"'
l'iH. l ale.-! lo ampin), tl.. ... . ,Ufc,r."
ln ill.ui. I.inln.y rure. '""a
Hliilmn-tiia fn''m ImilliiK pti.mli tun In , .
irln.-liil cUi., ami fimu other nll knowa f.yj ,L
Hon,. ' P
Vow 11 fn ,mrdiff Merchant 1 ft. Utm, ni. 4,
Pn. Aisn: Ytur rill are llie irg,,n nf an ,. k
Ktoul In nm.liiliHi. Thi'v hnvn ourwl inv iu(tf
ol lllrer.ia aoma iihiii her liAiula i.n.l fm,t tlmt),n, ,
Inciinilile for yira. Ilnr m alnir Inu. laun lonj ,?
oiiily ntlll.'le.l wltlt lilotclim nii'I niiirl,w An ,,Y "V
In Imr liuir. After oiir child wm ciucil,alia alau'iru
juur 1'illa, aud lliey liuce cuiud lur.
ASA llunnitllKiH.
Aa a Family Phyate.
Frmn Dr. K I'. Cbrfieriif, .NVio Oi -,,
Your I'illa am the prince of pintiM. Tlwlr ecatlct 1 aurin.iri any cathKrtlc wn Mnimw. ti.?
inll'l. lull vi-ry ciirtiilu ami eff.iclinl In tluir aitKm 'h
lioirela, is h U h innkea Uietn kivaluablu to u In t
lllitllllN'tlt of lll.1t1.HI.
IIe,l,,cl.r,SI, PoillB-oul
thin lr, iii- ,, j ., , , ,
Daialliia 1 . "l",J",iaiiMT:
. ti ( a p,t,.n,lU Krllmt. , ,,,,. ','
"'n-"::1anelf"Clui.l ratlmrtlc n.y .tr.ll, ?o,1V7iT,'L'
navio, nnd . 1 il tlnt your I'illa gora , o,'
Ofat nil h.ivai, 1 of oourso vullla lllvlll hl;Wj.
l'tTTsneno, Ta., Mnv 1, l55
Da. J. C. Arra. Sir: I hv bimn rupniMly c u, j
llin wirat ,ui7i any l., rim ,vo by a i. ai. ir ,4
,f your I'll In. It serine to arine. from a foul ajjturh
which tlniT cli'iiuan lit onre. '
Y'jum wllh urwiat iwijiect, KII. W. l'lli:r.,r,
(Ti.rA' ff Sl'itmrr I'i., 11 n,
lilllnna Disorders Mrrr Complaint,,
'im Or. n(in Waff, AVie 1'oiV.- Cr.
Not only lue your I'flla , iiShpie.l to lliir pm.
. i' nu un i.H'rii'Ot. I t I Dint Hu ll l.i'in I'uinl i'll rl.uif,
.ho l.lvnr tnry nmrki-tl linliiil. 'l'li..y lu.v ii, i,,, jw
ike il.iv.l inoro etfi-elUNl fur Iho mre of k h'Hu c w.
o.iinl.. tln.ii nny one ri'im-ity 1 call inelitiMii. fr
lejoiie tlmt lunw nl lellKlli Imrtpili,,. w 1. ..-1, u. a .
lli tho coiinilelice ol lit' prwtaai'iou uuil tl iu
HWAtiTiiasT or yiiL IsTkmr,, 1
w iiuii:i-ii, r. r., veil 1 i,., i;,
Pm 1 1 have mi'il your l'U la 111 uiy ccm iiil uu-t knsutj
prael lie ' aiuie you inaile lie 10. ami iiini,i .u, ,
y Ihey are llir brt rallinrlio , i inpln. ' ..
Uiinir motion on tin. liver la i.ii,k uiij'ilvii.u, nw
liiaiilly llicy an-an mlmiial.lo iMiieilv I n' itwuiiy.i,11u
llia( orcne. IniKfti, 1 he kIIhiii fuii
'iilmm Jiir.u ao ohaiii.nii, ts.itl ii ill J nt r.-.t.iii v ti,.,i l.
lln iu. tratniiaJly yuia, AUl.Zt) IIA1.I,, M. ),
y7.yi.ciun oj the Mimi ...jil'ij,
Uj aentery, Dlarrliaa, Kiln, AVoiia,.
J'hhii tr. J. (.'. Uixm, nf L'hKUyi.
Your I'illa hiivt. l.a.l a n IM in my pra. liiv, w. I J
liol.l tham iu ealcelll im. 0111, of tin- iK'Hl'iipi-rii'iip 1 lu,ft
ever Snind. Their ulleiiitivi. ..fieri upon Hie llii'i i,,,,!,.,
thi-iii nil etrvHetHu-oiiHly. wle-n nlvon in H.i.,,r
inmot liytttUtrf unit dwrrtitvt. 'Xli.-ir eiitt .r.i,,,,, llu. 111 vny am-epial le anil luiivcanint l,.r II. t
f women rhil.liru.
Oyspepaln, Impiirlly of (lie Wood.
fi-oiu Jim. J. r. llimri, 'nlur of Ailnnt Clam',, lin t.
In. Avi:a: I have S'. J yenr I'illa .villi i tiii.,rifcii,rv
in-rraa iu my family anil i.ioon th,,M' I uin , .illa,l K..i-it
in Jiatnaia. 'In r.'i:iili.tii lim orir.uu. nl ,,'..,.ti"i ai,.l
poiitT the l.le.hl, Ihi y nre lim vy ln t n un' l J Ui,.
i-vi'i- k now 11, ami t urn ei.nfi.knilv ie(.niiiiii.;ii.l tl..iuu
my IrieinU. Your'a, J. .Ul.Tu.i
WinsiW, Wyoming Co., N. Y.. fk't.l'l, K.:.
fF.sHlK: 1 am tiaiug yi.ur 0..a).,.i Ik fill. In tie. irc.
li.-e. 1.10I f 0-1 tljviu nil exci-lli fit iynliu. tu rli-nliw lk
1, rti'm ami 011 tfy lh. f.igilniitt il A'1 -''..I.
X'llX O. MI.ACI1AM, M. II.
( nna t 'pn I"". Coat Ii eueaa, Bupiireaalnn,
lll.ruiiintlNiit, lioill, Neuialkjiu, Utaf
y, l'larnlyaU, Kite, lc.
A'i oi lr. J. I'. I'Miiyin, Sl.utrnil. finmli. iniicli eiiniu't I'e aniil of y,.iu Plils f.r Ilia niri.n(
o tlirmi-n. If .1I1.. ra of our finleniitr I. me f.ulnl lli-ia
a i fl i KCiooa na I Imw, I h.-y ahnulil j ,ln tor In
illK it for Iho haiirnt ol Iho niilllitnili a l,..iol r f
Unit n uiplitlut, whieli, nllli.Tii:;h I. a t . 11 .n-h In 11.. I! I.
llu' profenltor ol otlii ra Uml nre worae. I lali. vi'rv.
lirai.iM lo originate io the liter, kill )' air I'ill. ull.C.
ort;aii nnd cure the itino.-wo.
I ftud one or two Incite ,l,.,., of your I'illa, tUn al Ilia
.M.i.r liniil. are exrvlli lit pn m.iliu .s ..f Ilia iil,,il oi.
o.'ii when wholly or panLUly Nuppnaeaal, and tnj
iff. rlunj ti. cinimr Ilia ;,.,n,n.i ami rtyl Tliy
(klfi an much the l).t phyaie wc loi.,.- I ri-'oliiiiii'l.i
no oilier to my patienta. '
flutltffil er. I'r. tt,c V .''eahV Writ. Churt.
Pl'H.iKI ltner. Ka.amiah.Oii.., l-',li.
HisoRun Sin: 1 I im niiL-iatiful for Ilia ri'linf
youri-kill haa brooirlit me if I Hi.t ii'.t rrpait my iftwio
yon. A coal aiitHeil io niv liniba iumI tip.iialit on i-xcrn-tiatlntt
itfitrutfiir pn'tit, whlek einli'.l in elinaoi' r'uninn.
Oini. Notwitli-Ctii'Uoif I hiol tlie let of .l,yi Inn., tlit
flheaan prcw worae uuil worae. until bv tin- ii-lvii-ii nl')"iir
enUtint nent In KnUiuire, l)r Ma. kt-t.ii', 1 tiii l ii'iir
I'illa. 'I hnir rll.K-ta wiTt alow. Mtia Py parK'.iain
Ut the tlae of tham, 1 nm now eulilrly wall.
SrNATi: tiiaiiiirs, I'uli.n lli.ii-e, I..i.. 6 Bee. l'J5.
Pn. AviH : 1 linve lan entlr-'lv cur.t, hy ynnr I'illa. d
RhfHtniittr, (j'l.ut a painful diai'i'in- that liml utlirlnl Hit
Ikry.-nra. VIMKN'I' M.1HI1.L
3-'!.l if tlm ril! In market contain Mi-rmrt,
t hn-li, Hltlmiitih a vnliml.ln retniHly In akill'iil h'li.'l. S
niiticiToua in a pill, from tho flrraiUul iir
ueniNia that freilii.ut1y follow )la Ineanliolla use. Tlint
iit.iiii no iiiei'riiry or mineral anliataiice wlmti'vi r.
Priao, 25 cent por Box, or 6 Boxes for $1.
Prepared by Sr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, -
Z-9-Seld by C. D. Watson, rienrleU. E. A
Irwin, Curwemville ; V. Arnold, I.ultii'rskurf,
Montgoinery A Co., New Sniom ; .. C. Jlrenner,
Morriadale, C. K. Foster, l'hilip.'buri; : and Eta
Chase, Ansonvillo ; nnd by dealers ererywbtre.
Thimkful for pn.t favors and aolicitinut "f fu
ture intrniingo. I would respectfully aiiiitiutice
that I have on bund apnin, and will cnti'tantly
keep nt the Pottery in Ibis boroiit;h, on the cor
ner a short diutanco caxt of tho Chnnb,
a large slock of Crockery , such na Crenin rrorkt.
milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Ktove pipe eating
f-c. if c. ; and nlsn an extenaire assortment of
different siaei and pat term of brackets sni
rnsottus for Csirnico on bouses, and other moul
dings. Any mouldings not on bend will be mnde to
older on ehort notice. Also lire brick mad
and kept for tale.
.fi& liberal reduction on prices mi le k
wholesale dealers. F. I.EITZIXUEK.
Clenrfleld, may 23. JSf.l. ly.
Cabinet. Chair Hakin?.
i.i? iifiia A.'ir i',5,
JOHN Ol'LICH, of the borough of ClearHrh,
Pa., will be prepnredat all times taattw"0,
to any business in the sbovo line 00 liorl
notice, and in a workninnlike manner. IIiil"p
of business is at the old shop on tho north ti'lnr
Market street, .Id door east of Third st.. nearly
opposite the old Jew store ; where he will ke'P
oonstuntly on band a large assortment of Va
hogony nnd Cano llottoni Chairs, and Cabinet
Ware of erery description, which ho will difp'"
ofon na reasonable ternia as tho same article!
can he bad elsewhere in the county.
liis stock of Cnbinot M are now on band, MS
aists hi part of Dressing and Common Iliireauii
Hofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Iesk "a
Pook Cases, French and Field Post lledeteadii
Pining, Breakfast, dntre, Card and Pier Ta
ble, Ac. Cetlins manufucfured and delivered
any place desired.
February 0, 1 350. no. 4, Tel. lv.
t iciroKi ti
'OH for Medicinal purposes Brandy
OTn fit HAWIarTtR'j