Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 20, 1861, Image 5

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    Silctt tyntiq,
How maay sick onei
Wjfli they were healthy ;
Ilotv many beggar men
Wjsli they ,veie wealthy;
I low twiny ugly ones
Wish they were iretty ;
How ninny ttu:.l ones they were wilt y j
How many bschtlnrs
Wibh they were m il riiul ;
How many Benedict
Wirli thry Ini'l tarried ;
(Singhi tn' tlouMo,
Life's, full of (rouble ;
Michel arc hHi libit, 'm a bubble.
V ;t r 1 1 1 i c s
WiHJood temper is like a suny day,
it nheda s bright!ieHovereverythintf ;
it is tho Rweotner of toil, and lha
soother of disquietude.
IQuA nrditiev iudescribed ns being
requepttd to set bis muster's watch by
his Hiin-dil, when be forthwith plan
ted it in the ground close to it.
ttcV'Why don't you limit your
self?" said n physician to an intem
perate person ; "st down a stake that
you w ill go bo far and no farther."
"So I do." said the toper ;"butl set it
so far off that I always get tipsy be
ore I get to it.,,
&ryTlie following advertisement ap-j
peared in ono of the city dailies: '
" Hunted A situation as sou-in-law,
n Mmo respectable family So ob-ju
jectiona to going a short distance m
u,e cou.ury. i-or tue rciierfiicc MiU
particulars, address rrank Stuart,
Fost Office, Williamsburg, '.Y.
BsruTroubleiiJ the Episcopal Church
The Baltimore Sews Sh:et publish
es a resolution, which is to be ollered
in the Episcopal Convention, arraign
ing Bishop Whittinghain for inviting
the Tyngs and Boeehers of tho North,
nd for favoriii.c those eniriirrpil in t h.
slaughter and subjugation c?f the Vc0.iloimnc(n:"-"the water of
ide of Maryland. (abounds in fish." "is that the
jde of Mary hi
rJNjwA letter from theMchcau liegi
ment says : "To day the Col. ordered
;in inspection of some hard bread, or
itrmy crackers, to bo made, which re
sulted in eondcining furtv-xix burreU
vut of titty. The crackers we eat are
hiampeir "lsiu, and the boys sav
they havo seen several marked "B. C."
Eirie Constitution.
tof priest of Milan, Italy, was
much utruck with the repentant air of
a young, elegantly dressed man. the
other day, and gave him absolution.
Ho soon afterwards found thathe had
Jost his valuable repeater. The peni
tent was an eminent pickpocket ; and
the worst of all in the eves of the nriest
is that ho sent the scamp away fully j
Ahsoiveu, so that as a matter of con
science he could not appear against
ld'An old lady, who was unacquainted
military terms, asserted in a company
of gentlemen that her sou was ait ofll
cerin tho army. "What is his rank,
madam ?" '(I dout recollect," said she.
'but the word ends with nil." "You
jnust mean agene-rtti, madam '!" "No
that is not the word." "Perhaps a cor-po-ruZ
t" said another. '-No, sir."
"Well madam, perhaps it is a scound
ral '!" "Yes, yes, that is it I "cried she,
JtoJ-A young man who was about
being married' presented himself
to tho priest for confession. He
itppeared rather embarassed, and did
uot seem to know how to proceed to
enumerate his errors ,
"Come, said the father, kindly, did
you ever tell a falsehood ?"
"I 11m not a lawyer," replied the
young man.
"Did you ever steal ?"
"I am not a merchant," again spoke
tho young man.
"You surely have notcommitod mur
der ?"
The young man' eyes wero cast down,
his color camo and went and his
wholo appearance was unliko that of
h doomed criminal. Thejoting man
raised his down cast eyes, and looked
tho priest in the faco and with a trem
bling voice said, "I am u doctor."
"Father," said a young hopeful, tho
other day, "How many lbwls are
hero on this table f "V hy, said the
gentleman, as ho looked complacently
on a pair of nicely-roasted chickens
that werosmokingon tho table, "there
are two. "Two 1" replied tho smart
boy, ''thcro aro three, sir, and I'll
provo it." " Three I" replied tho old
gentleman, who was a plain, matter-of-fact
man, "I'd like to sec you provo
it." "Easily done, easily done. Is
not that ono ?" said tho smart boy,
laying his knife on tho first , "and that
two ?" pointing to the ' second , "and
do notoneandtwomako thrco ?" "Ke
ally," said tho father, turning to his
wife, who was stupitiedat the,tiumenso
learning of her son. "really, this boy
is a genius, and deserves to bo en
couraged :" and then to show that
there's fun inold folks as wollas young
ones, ho added. "Wife, do you take
ono fowl, and I'll take tho second, and
aud John may havo tho third for his
TV. Rnrtv.
".Simon, Simon, Satan hath desired
to winnow you na wheat" hero in tho
Ever' tJil but I havo prayed for ,
thoc, that thy laith fail not :" this is'
four safety. No mans condition its to,
'sure as ours. The prayer of Christ ia
'more than siidiuient both to strength-,
i 11 no. I.o wc ever so week : aiul to o-
verthrow all adversary power, be it
jever so strong ''"d potent. This
. praveV must not exclude our labor;
Ithe.r thoughts are vain who think
!...: ..... i..l.:.. n,M. il.i.
' i i li w; . ,i ..
City WHICH lil.useii is uui, uiin
to keep. Aim are not nicy as vein
who think that .iod will keep the city-
...... i .
r which tliev themselves bi
Clireilll 10 w aicn . jiic mir.uiiiiuui.iii
may not, therefore, burn his plough,
.,,.",1 , I..,,.. r,...jul-n I.Im I v.i.l..
ll.'X HIV. Illv. 1 v liilU L IVI'.ivk "" itn-iv,
ic mercnaiit lorsmvu inuie,
I .. '...I I.. .11. t.i.iiiii'i..l ' I l-1 I
not forsake thee. Amnionic prom-
sen of God concerning our lability,
think yoii,ninke it a matterindiflerent
for us to use, or not to use, the means
whercbv to attend, on reading: to
pray, or not to pray, that we fail not
into temtation : Surelv, il we look
to stand in the faith of tho sons oftJod, j
wo must hourly, continually, be provi
ding and setting ourselves to strive.!
It was not the meaning of our Lord
and Savior, in saying, "Father, keep.
tli.itit In nninii " tll'lf WAKllfinbl
llll Ul 111 lllti.ivj nii.v -
bo careless to keep ourselves. To our
own sedulity required. llolcr.
Vi.t l.m.r fltr tbe iri'iiernl iienee. in i
isilr. .,.,.? il ,.luut,,r .'.li-l, (rnv.i,ro,u PticntMlio
ellers, learned and unlearned." polish
ed and unpolished, flocked to the con
' . . . .
tinent in search ol the classical ami 1
picturesque, one ot those pilgrims met
.. ,ull,,,.. in .i li t n 1 1 fit mril I
a companion sitting in a state of most
wolul despair, ami apparently near
the last agonies, by the side ot one ot
mountain lakesof SwiUorland. AVith
rreat anxiety ho enquired tho cause
jofhis Hiitlering. "Oh," said tho lat-1
;.r W11H l hot un',, thirsty ,
. 'k a , 4' ottlQ dear wa
jt0,. (lf tllC ,ftk am, tlu,n flat down on
!t!litnm( tn ,.nnttu mv Vuide-book.
To my astonishment 1 found there that
the water of this lake is very poison
ous ! Oh I ant n gone man 11 feel it
running nil over me! I have only a
few minutes to live ! remember me to
." '"Let nie see the guide hook," j
said his friend. Turning to tho pass-1
ho found ".' 'hildc esttnai.
the hike
. 11 1
ing ot it .' "Certainly. "I never was
belter," said the dying man, leaping
up with a countenance radiant as the
sun on a tine May morning. Then
extending his arm in tho tine long-
I) w t ylo -''Thorn's tnii.' !" ho cx-
claimed, and cut a series of capers ov
er the irrass that would havo done
honor ton A estris. "What would!
have become of you," said bis friend,
"if I bad not met you ':" 'T should
have died of imperfect know
the Trench language."
dge of a Mas to Put kb. Cnptnin
vans w;ia an old niViil veteMU, ol
, , 1, ,
seven; I.p had Ion an annaud m .. years
before tho battle of Niivnriiio, liii.'h Inst
aclion ur.aettlod h'u Ul.dofslar.di.m'. bo: h j
h'l'i liciti" piirrii'd oil bv a chiiiti nliot.--.ii
v.1. 1 .. '....:.. C I. ...... I ' I 1
,. , . . fit 1' 1 1 . 1 I Dr. Y'or(l can be consulted on any of the
r.vims hull a j-air of Ihe first q i tlity made ,ii.ea s des. vibed in lis pub!i..tior.s, at his
for him ; he could screw a fork or honk, as lufiice, No. -III. Hpruee rt. above fourth. n7-ly
occasion required, ninl beinjr gloved, lhe ir'7 (J .Iii,S!
detieieney was n ot easily pereoived. A v "' '
itu-reiii-irg jiais lcndoitd hini iidirm, bis N07 IS THE TIIIE TO BUY!!!!
Valuli look nilva etitfjo of him, so that io j Tho ut der-ipned has now on bar. I, at his Fur
wrote to his brother, n Siim(retliird niture Rooms on Market at.. Cleari'uld, P 1., a
hquirr, to send him up some tenant's eon S short distnacc west of I.iti's Foundry, a lirg.i
nsu bodv !iui.kof
i 'No matter how a'upid, if honest mid ,
I'uilhlul,' he IV rote. 1
lfin brother was absent, ittid sr-fst his ! a lad. This the stewi'i-d i
.lid, but mentioned ll.ut Capt.un J
I-.vatis was inlii ni, not npprizina the luin-1
, . ,,. . i r ' i . I
um o: ilia iiiasirr s iii-m-ioiii-ie", uuu seia t
him to I.oiuloii ut onco, whore Iho apt. i
At ten nt night he ni'i'i ed and was iui.
mediately shown to Captain Fran's ML
ting room.
'What is your name ?'
'.My name be John, zur,'
'Well, John, my ruaeally valet is nbent
again, wit limit leave ; help me to bod, as
.1.., . l .
il is late; then you can go down lo your
! it. . . i. . I I i
Adjouniing 10 1110 ucu-roni, uio oiu
centleninn suid :
'.John unscrew my leg '
'Zur,' raid .loin.
'Unscrew my leg ; this way, see.' John
did so.
'John, unscrew my other leg.'
'Zur,' said John.
'Unscrew the other leg, sir!'
John did so, now in a state of bewilder
ment. 'John, unscrew this arm.'
Trembling still more, to tho captain's
great amusement, he obeyed.
'John, put this eye on the tablo.'
John took hold of it at though it would
have bit ton him.
'Now John no, I won't take tho other
eye out lift me into bed.'
Thia don3, tho wa;:gish captain contin"
'John, beat up the pillow j it is not
com Portable.'
It was dono.
'ileal il up again, il is quite haru.'
John again shook the pillow.
'Thai won't do ; John, I ran't get my
nea comio.tauie. donn, untcreir my
'No, bv thunder, I'll unscrew no moro.';
John tied from the room to the kitchen,
swearing his master was th devil, taking
himself to pieces liko a clock.
W ATcn. .Stand upon tho edge of
this world ready totako wing, having
your foot on earth, your eyes unu
heart in Leavon.
S4.Tlio eup of Cieroe changed men lo:
ttwrncs - thnt cup is common now-it con-
tains strong uhiakoy.
K K V 1 E W H.
-" lwJff'
iKr o church.)
r : . j s .
rcr iinnuin.
f:i DO
IV r enY one uf the .'our Review.
ror nny two of the four Renews,
,,ur(iny thrt.0 f ,ur p,CUl.u,,
7 00
H 00
a no
j on
7 00
10 00
Fur nil four uf the Reviews,
mhckmooii .mgarine,
l'nr liliii-knitiul nml nun
F,,r P.laiUoud un.l two Reviews.
j-r lll;ii liHu(Kl nnJ throe Uwivwf,
' lt!:inkooil uml the fuur Ueviowf,
i. II. I lu) i.ricc ill OicM lirilam rr
Mm f.l
....u. ,. ol, .... ;
, ; v . 1
i.ko.nap.o Motr c.,
1mrn;(V,u. .
H Ci.l l iStrnt, ir Y"ik,
I'uring the rni. rpnr we hnvo in I r.xt n"vI In
be Botire of the in-.liinl jr fr - 1. n uf thii rnun I
try the Part (yitilUil CMoritlt " Ti'.; .'.imiN, j
It I'.MI'.DY I'DIt ltlll.rM.TI.ll;
ami havin; reeeiTod from many ourof, loih
from hyriciani of the higbft ilanrting and
Most II altering TchtlmonUlKif tin real value
n the treatment of thii painful and obrti-
' natfl dlMi-ime. we mre inili.'eerl to ttrrHnt il tn tlm
.. ..,,,.. .., ,..,. ...
' '
w li a me suffering with thin nfllictiu cuiiinl.iitit,
and to the niedirul prailitinner who may feel
dinpox'd to tui-t the ponerii of this raluuble rem
edy. KI.IXIR 1'HOI'YI-AMINK, in the frm nhove
pjidken of, hai recently been extennively e jptri
tnented with in tho
and iritn M ARKED SL'CCKSS Ut will tpncur
from ti e pubtiihed acnnnta in the medical Jour,
nuls )
yTiJ'It iii carefully put up ready for Immedi
ate u.'C, with fall Jiroclioiu, and can be obtained
from all the druggirtt at li centa per bottle, and
at wholerale of HL'Ll.OCK X CRKXdll.WV,
Iirugiiti and Mnmif.u'luriiig Chnii.l,
Ait i;iA;r.
(t'lDI'A-Tteins a private
instructor for married persons er these
about to be married, both mnlo and female, in.
everytlii' g concuning the physiology and rela
tions of our scsiinl symein, and Iho production orj
prevention ef olf-'prini;, including all the new
discoveries newr before gnen in the I'ngliOi ;
Ui.ronr,r.l,T WM. V ;l.'Xri.M.l. Thisisreallv;
a valuable and inlerestin work. Il is written
Jin plain language for tho general reader, aud ir
iiiiiBiran'o who numerous engravings. All youn
iurtied people, or those contt'tnilaling noirriae,
and having the least impediment to married lifn,
should re, i.l this loik. it .liroloses aeereta that
every one hotild b- !.eiUainted with ; still it is a
book that tnt I ! "Kid itp, and nt lie a bunt
the in u-e. It w'.ll be icnt lo nnv one on receipt
1 of twenty five pouts, in specie nr po-tape itamps,
I Address' Dr. WM. Vol N(i, No. III! Spruce st.
; above Fourth, Philadelphia, I'n.
T-V" .l;'e'"' 'iif ( niilunult'Sv matter
w o i mny 00 vour uisease, oeluri-you pi.ieu our-
,r f .,:.
Q.uii:1;s, native or foreign, who udverilse in thif 1
"r any .tK-r paper, get .1 copy nf either of I.,. I
oon" s liood s. a 11 il 1111 . 1 it eur-iTiillv. Il k-111 Ka
,..n,w ..r,. ...... ' .1.. 11-.
heiilrh . nml rintqilitv viinr li C m
mamifaetiired out nf the b:st materialr, nni.ihod
n a very superior in inner, and l.Uh he will sell
,j, w yol; ,S!f. His long experience in Ihe
mnies )lin r,.v viinM,t thal WucMrf
, . , . ,. , , , ,.,
are made in a substantial and workmanlike mili
ner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons
wishing t'i piirelia? c ehaus should eail at nnec
and get them while they can be had nt the lowest
rates. J'.IIN TROl'TMAN. 27-IiSl-tf.
NF.W REMrtitrs roa
owinn A' sornTtov, Piin.Ai.m.i itiA, -t Urn
t . . i- i ii f
llA Clo.-ini as. i r in '.a esrfio(n..7-a nu njirctni r.n-
, , . lh, ,tU,fnJ,ht s!ik J, ',,,,, with Yinlrnt nml Chronic f)iaruKf. and
... . ... ..'
esiieetoy y"nr fAe Cure nf llifimn nf the iS'e.rua
.MsmcAL Anvicr, given gratis, by the Acting
Vai.i abi.k nrronTS on tfperwatorrhrra, and
other diseisei of the Sexual Oignns, and oa the
Skw n:r.nira employed In the Dispensary, sent
in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two
or threi S'amps for postage acceptable. Address
Dn. J. SKtl.l.r.M lIornitToi, Howard Association,
No. 2. S. Ninth st., Philadelphia. 2'Jmy ty.
jam ei t. i.rosunn.
wit, A, wai.lack.
n. a. riKKT
iiimhinn ) Collection (Dffitt
C L K A It F I 1. 1),
Jsii.Li oi.rxrnAMOF.woTrsAnnnArTaniscorsTr
II POSITS Itl.C l. r.,
C.ollcttions made ami proceed promptly nmi(t(d
HinmilgC on lllO tltlss eonalalltly
on hand.
jf-O-Offieo on Second SU, nearly oppoaite tbe
JllStlCC 01 lllO MClCC
Luthorsbnrg, cioarfiold Co. Pa., will
attend promptly to all business entrusted to bis
(eare. April 4, 1801.
MI'.KCH tTS, and dealers in Ronrdi and
Shingles; drain and Produce. FRONT Street, '
ahovo the Academy Clenrli;ld Va.,
June 12th, 61.
lis. n. r ARRIMKR.
I AHRI.Mi:il A TV.HT, Atmraeys at Law I
'r, - jrTr.','., :'',rr'VrTJ,i.,V.n:
tAiohs, Lnti l Agoncios, let., JA CVrl)sld1
Centre and Elk counties. JtXiy sWT--;
,'V. "K " iea.
aMtMJ,jMfctaMiauawfcll n.Vj ewaiiilM'walsei i 1W
. .1 ...
1" 'OltMKIltA l't.Tfcn miu Hurgeon lo lu
I of I'lT l'SHUl' O ll I n.t UORI lenve 10 nunomicu m mi imu'i, uithi io iiio u ny uiiu
ilulioii,. of hi friend. t includo4 to pay i.rol-l.mul viil to tb0 f,,ll,win(rnin...l TUw,
ami I.t nrrlvinitnt tho ly t frth, en to conjulted by the nfflu ti-U, ,ih Mule nml I'nms.c, on
D.x,... nf the Heart, l.Wer nJ unf.; Cwcar. I'lU, BcroftaU. nnd all IJIM;f Bl..d
the Head nnj Jilmigoi from Uio tr, cna ur
and minv other ili.catca that have named mo mm
CLARION", at Clnik' Holol, from tho 1 Jtti of M;iy to the bl of Juno.
CORSICA, nt Wl.itmer'ii Hotel, June 1ft. Again, Sept. lt and 2d.
HItoOKVII.U:,nt the Americna Iloune, frjm ild to th June. Again. Prpt. .Sd, lilt nia jth
I.L'VIIKKSlll Kli, nt Ueod'ii Hotel. Juno lOlli and lllh. Again, Sept. ltfili and 11th.
CI.KA 1- HM.Il, Johnsou'a Hotel. Juno 1 Uth t HH i. Again, Sept U'th and I 'th.
Md.l.KI'ON l i:, .Morriioii" Hotel, from Juno 17th 'o l'.ltli. A-ain, Sept. Uth and 1 5th .
TYRONE C'TV, at Mr.' Hotel, Juno "btnnd 21'd. Agaio, Sept. 17th aud ltttli. .
At bia INFIRMARY, fiom June 22dtoJuly I7ih.
Listen ta tho Voioe of Truth ani Reason aal Trofit ly it.
The lime lins eomo when all who will, can enenpe the iron grnrp of Mercury, by ea'ling, williout
d.-lay, tu ..e tho well known and juatly eiehratd Eelectic European I'byhirlan, lr. Hour, who
ill administer llioi-o only true and ffo medicine, extracted from the mynt cho'ue lioor and nKnna.
wliiib are prepared under liifown mipervinion, and Iherefore avoid ng the urr of all Mukiial . I'oin
, which were never designed for the nyntom, lu take which manj thousutid! have fullcn rkliuu
aul gono U eurlv gravea.
JtcnirmUr thai Dr. Hurl anta no patienta but them fully capable of tppreciaiisg and du'.le
guiihingthe crricciof a regular thorough bred phyaician, from a paltry, unlearned and trifling
Ktmnibrr, 1t. Burl'a remedici and treatment are entirely unknown to all othera in thi eoui try :
prepared from a life ieut in the great hospitals of Eurupo aud the firt in tho country.
.'tieni',fr, tlmt lr. Uort haa a more extended praotice thau any other phyiiciaa in Weitcrn Ptiin
rylraniu. Htmrmttr, that citiiena of education, and our popular men, are all well I cquainted with, ani take
greul pleaxure in recommending r. liort to the afilieted.
RrmrmUr, that lr. Uort uiakomo fulae rcprcentations to gtill the unfortunate, but all he aayi wi'
be faithfully carried out.
lU turiulier. that Dr. tort paya every attention to diseafef of a chronic nature.
KiV Certificate 1 nf Curea may he aeeu at hi respective rooms.
lr. Uort r furnii-hed will, over fix Ihoutand lettera of rccoinmendatioa from seine of he tno.i
distiiiguiched men living. Alio has awarded to him diplninas from some of tho most celebrated
HuHpilals ,md Intuinai ies in Europe, for his unpiirnllelled obrcrvntions in Dingnotis, and ob.-erva
tionn in i. ifcove ing reuiejica for the cure of diiivases that have heretofore ba tiled tho skill of nun;
of the medical pr'jfesrion.
An early call from thoso wishing to conrult the Doelnr, is earnestly reiucitcd, so as to reeeivi
full benefit uf treatment, nml thus do justice to himself. Time linitcd.
l'leuse bear in uiitid w htn I'r, Hurt will bo in your place. Persons desirous of consulting hiu
will confer a great favor by culling ou tho first day uf his arrivul, as his rooms are so often crowd
ed, it is utterly impossible tu attend tu the anxious solicitations of all. Dr. Uort will arm 0 at each
of the above places on the firft cuaeh on the diy appointed.
1'le.iie e.vteiid tho invitation to all invalid acqtiaiutnu:cs, and eblige yours, Ac.
May 29, !.--2 .
.--!..:.- -- - . - J- -I. - -smrr
i'ei iUH ol Ktibhf riptlnn.
I.' paid in advance, or w ithin threo months, $1 2i
(f puiel any liaie within the year, ... 1 50
Cf paid alter tho expiration of the year, - 2 00
TrruiH nf Aitirrlifclngi
AdvortUemcrits nre inserted in the Republican
t the lollowiug rotes :
1 Insertion. ! do. .1 do.
Ouo jipuire, I 1 1 lines.) $ SO $ 7J JIU0
fwn squares, C.'slines.) 1 00 I 50 2 0H
Hires squares, ,12 line.) I htt i " 2 50
$ inoutlis fi mo's. I 2 mo
One Square,
Two siparcs, 1 ;
Three squares,
I? on 1 iiiin ee, ;
Half a column,
One column,
Over three we
cents per si:o-e
iscms Dot 1'
: : fi SO 4 (10 17 00
: : 4 00 rl 00 10 00
: ; 5 Of) S 00 12 00
: 1 itao 1 n eo 1 1 00
: S aO 12 00 IS 00
: I ( 00 20 00 85 00
I.-, and le than thie-) inoalhc 25
lor ea-h insertion. 1
s not titseding Siines are in
(rted fur 2
veer. 1
A Jvrrtir m..nts w. icarre I wlthlbe nntnbsr nf
Ti's.-tins dvrirod, v'.ll V cntinseJ until forbid'
it.l jharge l aeenrdiLg to these terms.
i ,, , 1, ,c 1 11: 1
A n l t sivv htot-K ff loliliing mntena
, , 1 ,- 1 c 1 . iV i. 1
inn!' os tltei I ul. ih r of lie ' Iinui0h-tin
to artnotii t
1.1 t!.H ; 'Jl Iliat ho li IH Ona
rr,, l )v,, t;j ;tl,V,",'
pnvi-riif, fivrarnn,
f'tsci t. a as,
!I is mil t, i s,
UKUally done
Tifj EDMs
r.ARsi.s, Pall Ttt xsrs,
:if.:i ivtiy sr'nlcf p:ir.MRg
in a eoiin'.rvj e'e n?;jfi.
Ail oi' wid be A'.xeutfl
H ilh IH"lt-
nrss .'Hid di-pa'ch.
(i. R.
ef: CO.
l ime of Holding Court.
Second Monday of January,
Third Monday of March,
Third Monday of June,
Fourth Monday o1' September,
In each year, and continue two weeks if nc
County ttlllrrra.
I'res't Judge. Hon. Snninel Linn. Ilellelotile.
As'to Judge", Hon Wm L Moore, Clearfield.
lion Pen llonsnll, Luthershiirg
Slier, IT, Fred'k il. Miller Clearfield
ProtliMiutary.-lohri h. Cuttle, "
lt"cr. -V Ree. James W, Igley, "
District Atl'y Robert J. Wallace, "
Trojsurer, (i. !!. Gnndlandec, "
Uf. Surveyor , H, H, Wright,
(Hen Hono
Cotnmin'n r, Wm. M'Crarkon
Win. Merrell,
P. V. Thninnron.
Lumber City
II. C, Roninan,
Isaao W. (iriihrn-UjCIearQcId
.1. ll. ."-haw,
(seorge Richards, '
I.iat of loat Oflirc.
, .Vi-im nf P. O. Xamer nf P.
(ilen Hope,
Clearfield Brias,
Jefferson tins,
. i..
T. A. M'c.hee
J. Yf. Carer, jU
Lewia rn.iih
P. R. Miller'
Ed. V.'i'.liAun
R. II. Moore.
C- f. Sloppy,
John Ifeberling
as. Illnom
New Vashingtorj( J. M, Cummingi
iMirnsuia, jns .Me.Murroy
( learfield. M. A. Frank.
Krenehville, P. A. dunlin.
Karthaui, J F W Schnarr
Curwensville, i nrwcnsiille, lamuel Way
Deentcr, Philips burr, Centre county
Ferguson, Marren, Edui. William
Helen Post Office, Klk eoonty, Pi
l.ecounto 1 .11 ills, t . .Ilignnt
Held Jit I la.
William Cnrr
A. R. Shaw
T. It. Foreee.
J. A. itf arly
P. J. Pusey.
David Tyler
II. Woodward
Klisa Ciase
O. Heckadorn
0. E. Mokel
J. W. Thnmps'n
Jas, Thompson
J. McClelland
II. W. Spenoer,
A. C. Moore,
Samuel Wa
Michael Wise.
W. F. Johnson
iniths .Mills,
Anson ille,
all Lick,
New Millport,
Lumber Citw.f
Urampinn Hills,
I Woodward,
T. Ileodorion
I Thii Pest OOiea will do for Cheat ttw nah In
t "ill answer lor Ferguson township.
' rIT' K'-Jinm 10 Raw' f
osite flit JV tf mai oflce.
aep. 1, ll4S.-t.
T tf ...1.-1 1 ... 1 .
uriniuu uuiig nuninini, Ui i.t'iiuun, t.ii(;iuna, now
I'T'i" "j iioiit m-irnnm: jrouiun-ni
in inc- i.o-rnmu uir.,g,rU,.u pnj-nu
M t'OXSUMITIVi:!: Tho advertiser
having A cm res (wed to health in a few
weeks by a verv simplo remedy, after havjng suf
fered, fur several years with n severe lung affec
tion, and that il roil disease Consumption, is anx
ious to make known to his fsllc w-sufToreri tin
means nf cure.
To all n lie desire it, ho will lend a oopy of tin
prescription used, (free of charge,) with tho di
,'ctions for preparing and using the saire, whiul
they will find a sure euro lor I'uiisuuiplion.
Asthma, lln nehitis, tc. I he only object of tin
ndvmiiscr in sending the prescription is to bene
lit the afflicted, nd spread information winch hi
conceives to bo invaluable, afrl he hopes every
siilTerer will try bis remedy as it will cost then
nothing, au l may prve a blcsdng,
Persons wishing the prescriptio 1 will pleao
address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON,
novT-t, W illtainsburgh, Kings Co.. N.
$35 00
I").YS ihe entire cost for TI'ITIO.V in I ! 1
1 1 tnot populn r and successful t. Oal I r. " L I A I
1 J, , .. , ..
Si IIOOli in the eounlrv. I pwnrds o(
u, , , ' .i irr
' ent Slates.' mm. been educated for Lumium hen
1 within Ihe mist throe venrs. so'iee of nbotn have
been employed us ROOK K l'KPl. US ut salaries
$2000 00
irHinediiitolj I'pon giadiialing, wbnknc-r nothing
of iiccoiiiils when they entered the College,
y.:fr M iiii-ler's sons half price,
SliiiUnts enter ut any tiiwo, and review when
they please, w illiout ulra cl aige.
For ( atalo.Mics, Specimens of Peninan.'liip, and
View of the I II.I.K() II. enclose fio letter damps
May I , CI. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa.
IV. M. M i I I l.Ol (.11,
Ci.r AnriKi.n, V
OlTiro la (rahnm'N IJilrk Hiiilillii.
Jul) 3d. Iff.1 if.
llTliolisale-aiid Itcfall .'Meriliants.
If extensivo dealers in timber, rawed luiud
ber and shingles. Also, dealers in flour an
grain, which will be sold ehfap for cash.
Oct, 1 Ifl8.'9.
Col. A. P. OWEN'S, ritorRiKToit,
Rerpcctfnlly announces to the travelling public
tl ft he has now taken charge of thia large and
well known bouse, and will conduct it in such a
manner as will render excellent comfort and for,
' satisfaction to nil who may favor him with a
call. nov7-ly
rf? (r
Spring &L SunWICr G00(llth0er nilht Rotlery In this' borough, on
ri Tliretti'itir'u'ii ,.T,,P i ner a short distance east of the Methodist
Al lliKLIll.Al CAM! MOKh. ! n large stock ol Crockery, such as Crenm
i. r, viiuiiip, uuip, uhii . ni.v " - -
lam just receiving and opening a carefully 1 .f-c. rfe.; and also an extensive assortment of
selocled stock of Spring and Cummer goods ' different sites and patterns of binekiH "
Ol allllOSt CVCry description, j rosettes fore rnlco on houses, aud other m"'-
O'dlPLL-Ji & AYX'X1'1' '""''ins' n.t on hand will be die
A b.imtirul assortment of Prints and nr0M ! ""ler on short notice. Also Oro brick n""-1
goods, of tho newest and Utest styles. Ah , -"- I "-"pt for sale.
great variety of useful notions
Donnels, Shawls,
Hats and Caps,
Roots .ind Shoes, a large quantity,
Hardware, Qieeasware,
Drugs and M-dicioes,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Hsh, fkeon and Flour,
Mackerel in 4 I and k barrels.
of the best quality, all of which will be sold al aonstantly on bnud a large assortment of la
the lowe.'t rash or ready pay prices. ! hngnny and Cano Rottom Chairs, and Cabins!
My old friends and the t-ublio generally, are 1 Woro of every dusci iption, which he will Ji'P
respectfully invited to call. of on as reasonablo terms as tho same srltcld
fVli. R. All kinds nf (I fli.Vsnd approved fan he had elsewhere in tho county.
COL'XTRY PRODUCE taken in eaohange ol, His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, rn
Ooods. I sists In part of Dressing and Common Ilureaefc
Clearfield, Juae 2 1881. WM. F, IRWIN'. , Bofai, Sowing and Washing Stands, Deski n
w Rook Cases, French and Field Post He istsf 1'.
WALTER BARRETT I Dining, Rreakfaat, Centre, Card and P" '
ATTORN F.Y AT LAW. will attend nromntlv ble, Ac. Coffins manufactured and deliveries
and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to
his cate, in the several Court! of Clearleld and
adjoin'eg eounlles.
Offire tie one fomiery ocersriled by 6. R.
0ot. :6th, T8S0-I;
roit purifying the Bieoii
Asid for Ilia speedy .mo it the Mowing m.
Borofiilniiiitl N rufuloin Airrrnn. ' .'
f limuis, 1.1. ., Kurt., Mriinii,.:'
Pimple., I', tiloi, h,. 1 iJ,'
Hiatus, mid till bklu l)tyini,,
I, I net., nt, ,!, lk,
Hants i 1 feel m. j...'
tli-rt tiat t.'lir ftiimtl.fiil.lit I.-,. 1
Hiring iiiliPiH' I ;i iiulurciw, I 'liniVmn
nut In rUi'i in in liainN u ml mUii; ..mta '
lUltltM ll)fHi linn niniewi lim ill Ht kri)iijj(
J-"-" - J " ilV
ana iii m- f..r.-. win.-u r.m mu,tA hi.4 lu,ij.
IimoiiiI il's. i : t.I '.n I li'i .1 lenny HS-illi-tnei m,, ,
pilj sieiaiv.. wbttolll liill.'U ixiil.-f li i .m an. j,j.iy
tivx, the ili-oulu fu n woi-M. At lengUi I si ,! !
to reiul In Uio (lospil .tiwngir tlmt you luul i, , J
mi aJteiutlvu (.Ssi-sap.ii lilii', d r 1 knew fivm yum i.',
Iloti lliiil any tliinit jou iniiiit' must be mxl, .
Cincinnati ami ot it, au l usisl It till It eurisl n,s J
It, as you mlvlse, In siaall doses of a tonspooalul
us-litll, and uieil hliuit tliru.1 Isottles. New smt .
sKiu s.hii lsu to Ibriii imiler tin. scab, wdlcli
w I1II.1 a ll off. My skin Is now clear, ami I know
rbelings that Ibu clldeusu has none from my systeai.
con well Udleva that 1 l.s-l whul 1 urn saying wlw, v
you, tlmt I hold you to Is- uuu of tho apiistlis ot 11 '
mid remain ever gialcl'ully. Vi-urs,
AhFlti;i 1I.T.U.
St. Aiitlionj ' I'li c, Hose or Rrysli
Ti tter anil Snlt It lieiiin, Sculil 1
King worm, Sore Kytu, Droiii.
Pr. Ilols'tl M. I'ribtij wrihvs from Snlein, N. .;
Sept., ISM, tin has cured an invetcmin 1 '.
JJroptif, wllli-h thii'iiiclied to tcriliilinto Ciiliiit;. 1
persevurlng use of irttr SniaiioarlllA, and also a ilio,
Ualiflnitit Erytipelut lv larire doaes of IImt ssni. ,
be cures the cotunvon Vriiptio! by it constantly.
Ilrniirliai.l a. 4nltre or Hi'llnii. li'..- .
7slailon Sloan of l'msraft, Tons, writes : " Tlin'n ":
ties of ynur Sarsupnrllla eiireil me from a tire .u h'l.
eons swrllin on tbe neck, which I had milcn-J Ba
over two jmrs."
Lenrorrlieen or Whites. Ovni lnn Tumor,
TJtcrlae llcnrntion, Female UUensta,
lr. J. Il S Cbaniilhg. of New York CPy. wrllts j i
niost eheflifully ennii ly with the rciptcnt i.ryoiir iist-ntis
saylua 1 have found your Sar'ataritla a nut sxetllest
alterative In Iho nmucrKMS enii't'liiiiil fur wliici,
employ siirh a relmsty. lint esie-liilly in rWrnili; 'os,iX,
of tile Scrortilaus illslliesls I Insie riirm aiuny intetsr.
ate eases of l.iisirrlia'a l.y It. and some wtmre llieron.
plaint wns caused l.y iifcreidi".. of llw utfrtii. Thi nbw.
ation itself was snoti euied. NolliiiiK within my kuosl.
ilgn eipiaia It for tln-iu. fni.Nli. .lerniisfi-nn-nu.'
lidu srd S. Marrow, of New bury, A la., writes, " A n.
porous aivrooi tumor 011 011a of tbe Icmnlcs la my fnniV
wblcli bad ili-neil all tbe icincdii'S we rould i'tii,lnv, s
at lenirtll been eolu'li-Lely curi-d by your Lslrnet (ir'.Sar.
aaparllln. Our physician tlelilit wotliliiL' l-nt sitiipt.
tl.tfi could altord relief, but be advised tl.s trial (1f jfM1r
Sarsnparilla as tho last resort liefoio cettini;, aul
proved cITectiml. After taliiin: ynr leuie-ly .-IgUt siks
no syniptum of tho ilisejiso reinalus.o
fsyiihllla stuil Mcrrurlnl Disease.
Nrw Otii.r iNi, '2!ii Ahii.i, isu.'
Da. J. C. At m 1 Sir, I cheerfully comply wltli the
Jui'st nf your agent, and report In jnu some ol ilis ttlnn
liavo realized with your Sarsai iirllla.
1 have nire.l with It, in my practice, mut ef n(tln.
plaints f..rlil'li II Is recniniuemled, and hsvs (mn,ljii
effects truly woiideiTol In tho euro of I'loin-su! iisrf jVtr.
euriat Vitrate. Onn of my patients bad Sypliilitie ulrsri
In bis U11 out, which wero coiisiiuiiiiir bis p.i l.-itc iAn
top of Ids nioutli. Your Sarsapurilla, stcailily inki-.
cured bllll In flvo weeks. Auollier us allaclanl Lyiws
ondary avmptoms In bii nose, and Hie ul -rratieu U
eaten away a ouiMj -niblo pari nf it, so tlmt 1 lhrt.iij
ilisiiiiii-r would soon reach his bruin and Kill hiin, Jlniit
yiclilcil to DIV ntlluinlslriiliiili nf yum- sin arllli: IL,
ulcers healed, and lie Is well sain. not uf eau iw wiilniut
some disliKuralioii tu his fnv. A luaimu i,0 liml Uin
hunted fol' Ihe same ilii-unler by ineicurv vie. .iiillriii
riolti Ibis pi..iiii In h"l lioiics. j hail U'l-i-iMsiMiifft.
sr.iv,. to tin) wtaliii licit t.n a ilmnp itny .lis sntfi-iml M.
cra.'iatlUK pam in her j. inls and t.. lns. Mm, t.o.M
rured iiniisly l.y 3,. or m sapu 1 Ilia 111 alu ;,,.
know friuu lis fi.imuhi, nlucli yoiu nent n luc, lUt
this rie.aiiitiiu fit, ut yi.111 liiLoinHity iciisl la.S(l-4
mined) ; eon,siienlly. thi-so liuly linuai kolda nsUll
Willi it have nut riti i ixcU me,
rialerually joins, O. V. I. A lilMLIt, M. p,
ltlieuiuntUiii, (iont, I, iter f'ninplulut,
lnv.r.sii..Ni s, l'i.-.i, n Co., Va.. fth July, HX
In.i.V. Ann: Mr, I lum- l, 1, niiiieud iili 1 ni-n.
fill chronic, ha a Po-r time. whj. h IsillH a
skill nf pbysiclims. nml slink to me tu rpita afall IU
renindies 1 enldd Mod. until I In... I our Sai-xi'-ai ills. 0.1
but'le cinisl me in two weeks nml 1 t .1 - I my p-wml
losillli mi miirli itiet I am fur l ,-i r than l-S-rrl.ii
allucked. I lliink il a won.l.-i ml Inn, J. KliUAM.
Jules Y. O. lrbi ll. of SI. I ui, mil ! mr l, fur yrnii. willi an nfrctimuf tl i.urr, ls
'.'"I my heullli. I tiled evi'l'.v thins;, and '. -vert lbls( ij ulirve nie; and I hnvc l.uen a louken .t..u sias
( r some y. sis fn-ia no ether muse lLaii tl.,fril-i
Ui t.,vrr. Vy bsd.ved j.a-t.-r. I lie l. Mr. Kspv.ssbM
me ttiy your yne-ai aiiiln. iH-.-ause I... -siii ai la-woji,
and any thin-: you iinele vuis w 01 tl, ti ) n.y. I'v tin- ll.-s-
inx of llisl 11 has 1 nr.-it 1 and hss s.i pi-ijei.d m) blt4
10 make u new uum ol me. I r. rl )tiv nguiu. 1U
t can le s od i.l y mi 11 it l, .11 f K, ,1,, ,!kHs
Si lilritn.f iinn liiiiinis, Ii'.nlii ri,-i incut,
I lierm I011, t ul le 1 nml Kttoliutlou ef
tlie liuiies.
A i.ri iif intl.-ty i.f ens. s l.rn. , a 1. 1. i!.-.t 1 1 ti.i-li.n
l ilies nf tbisi. t..iiii,lal-l" liatlpleliits tn.i.. 1 , -itlt.-l fmw
the lifce wl litis 1 ly. I lit 001 s.n, i- li.-m nill imI H.!ist
Itiein. oUln of tliiiu may he fail. I In i-ur Alu.lisi
Altniiiae, wliicli lln, s. nt. Ih-Piw ni.niod uu .Isn.-fil h
flllliiell grali. to all who cad f.r II1U11.
Dyspepsln, Itenrt f'lsi-ase, I-'lts, Kjille p
s.v, .11. lam holy, ..Hiuliln
Slimy .111. -s ot lln-.e lilf.sli. as liavi ls
mnde hy the nll.-rall'i- fM-wi 1 i f 11. a. ro. e.. in... It el iu-e-Iat.s
tlo) rilal foiii-lli e.f. Into vu;'--h iis it.;: 11, tinl tl-iw
ovt-rcoilies ilrsni del s w I, I. li uiotlil In- -.iii )..-t-l 111
r -arli, Sm li a reini .ly Las K-i. ( i-( i, i,(,nii .-.i 1-v iip nt
nrsiilies oT Ilia per pie, and we 111 e i-.ii iVtei.t thai Uii. Wl-l
do fnr them all tlmt luciltciiie can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
roit Tin; ntrin critr. or
C'oiiksis, (nlila, 1 11 fl ueii j n , ll.iarselies,
('roup, llrom li It la, Inilpirnt (mi
siiniptlon, nml for (lie Ptllrf
of nitsiiniitiv c I'nllrnls
ill nils HI. n il Ktn:e
uf the lHsinse.
This ia a remedy so uiiiioisally klriwa to H tp'M isf
0H11T for Ihe cure uf ilirmt and lung c- roj -Ismo il'st it
Is useless hero to ptlhli-lt tlio el Mel re ot its viittii. Its
nniirulled es.'clli nee tor .mil cclil-. ai J It" I'"'
woiirltfiftd ruriiH i.f itilimii)nry dls. n-e. hs'S msile It
known throuirhoiit the rivilizid iififii-i.s ol tiie ssith.
Ftw aro Ilia is mititiniljcs, or even fen liie". uliir.lte ll'-ffl
who have not some is-tMoual sspericm-a of itivllwo
ei ma living trophy In their nihlst of its vi t. t y otit It
aubtlo and dauic'iiiiis disorders of Ihe li.r.Mit and lusisi.
As all know the fatality i f (h-.c iim.o!it.,"I
as they know, too, the .-Hurts of this renn-dy, we ii-e-i M
do lame than to assure them Unit it ill l"
tnes lhat It did have when making th niras 'liiib 1"
won so itrniisTty upon the cotilidi-nce of iiiankiiid.
Prepared by Dr.J.C. AYER It. CO., lowoll, K
piT Sold by C. D. Watson, ClcnrSell. E,A
Irwiii, Curwenivillo : V. Arnold, I.nlhersburg,
Montgomery A Co., New Saiem : J. C. Ilrenmr,
Morrisdnle, C. It. Foster, Philipsburg; ana Eli
Chose, Ansonvillo j nml by dealers evsryau"'
Thankful Tor pnsl favors and snlieitious ef fs
lure patronage. 1 would respectfully innoHfi
thai I have on band again, and will constantly
on tne cm-
t iburrii
Crcmn crorkr,
i ...ill, rl i i.... wi....n tuns casinl
wholesslo dealers. F. LhTTZINblin.
Clearfield, muy JJ, 1561. ly,
Cabinet, Chair Making
Tniiv ottt.rrif. ,.f ii,a v,,.r,.,,-.h of Closrfiflo.
i tj Pa., will be prepared at nil tunes te nttend
- to anv bnainssa In lha almi-a line on lna
! notice, and in a workmanlike manner, lh' V"
of business is at the old shop .n the north snH"
Market alreal 3.1 it-... nf Third St.. nearly
1 opposite the obi Jow store : whore be will k'l
nT r1'400 desired
February 8, 1S33. no. 4, vol. iv.
I IQ.UORS for Medicinal I urpcsf
4 Pertaoi glieary Wfne, K-.ewr Wbi;'1
Jlol and filn-al HA.. is " -' '