Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 20, 1861, Image 2

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; !. I'
C,-:.Hriir,,)erlt of the. Engagement A
Ten-ill''- JSir.xhardmcnt. uisp.uyi-i. . p ... ... iSh. k
. , . , r ,u low rods to the left, where, the tobel
Al precisely live minutes l.efore ten o' ..,,,,, ,, tvnv(l ,,,':., ,ha ,i,n ,.,.
,:,.ck.ll,e Lay l..n I'm tl cry opened its
fire u.ion w.u .bash ami thai al I .ton
Head followed uln.osl within u second.-. B were the, nearly midway .e-
tivc.'i. the hostile guns, nnd scarcely with
inrai.L-e lor u n.inu e they made no
Midv- but . .res". v I ho l.ean.
l l rVnr holh "her
. i iu " i ll. a ' o Me of uiut J,
whk- i lelT wil'i f. igl id rapidUy upon
cither ilcj. TI.e-o.her v,$Jl were no.
slow in W:oiiiit l-er example, and the ,
l.,.nl. v Leu u ii. 1
('.(.in niv roint ot obervalinn, on l.oaiu
- j r. . . .
il,., AiLmiie. it was that few of
u lii..i ni li.t we.e the onlv
ticaliois. lluj gun liuit loo great nn el-
ti'ittiuii, nnd their iron niosjengeri went
c i :!.ing thro' I lie tree tops a mile or two
beyond the batteries. i'lie yame was the with the rebels, whose ihot(ased
beuvo. l) the luiiktti nn il above our e!.e!s.
". I:c i'. i.-ate.- and gunboats, each lu'.i iiig
Iii.v( ieil hot- tire, which m.iinlv in ihi
round was directed against l lav I'oinl,
. .. ... i.:., .1... i ... ; i,... t..
1m.,--u .11.11111 iiiu ' "."o.viv...
1 lie lHii.-t.i.g,ielln. Humming proje -uies
Hiiu :ouiul si' 01 whi'.-li the rebels tuii
illf'to, lrtllll,l lull tltliQI liilt
1 1 1
foi'.ioii.'j coIuiii::s everywhere about them,
Wit. 1111 a of nine hundred
yard.s from the rebels guns, ihe Wab.ii'i
threw in her liery messengers, while the
oilier frigates, no I'm ther away, pai ticipn.
I in tin. ih'adly sli il'o ; and the uunbnals
from iheir sheltered nook, raked the rain
ir.its ti i,:!ii!iilly. Thus ihe live of about
hi.y guns w, -it. coiicentralcd every moment
iij on the tneiny, who w -irked heroically,
Hi , it u nei ing in hisieply e.vcept when
the wis u.-ing her balle.ies di
it ei in I'lont of him. Then il was I no
hot icr !li-sl. iii.ii blood to endure. .Shells
'il almost us ii.pidly as haildrops within
n'id i r 11 11. ile mid 'i hull beyond the b.rli
I ...... A I..... I. 1 .I,-1..,,1 il.t.l
.,it. 113 H.r, ",t 1,1 1, ,", 1 ,.
11." .,1 . 1 ! . ,n .... . 1-.. ,,r .
...... .1 ,1. .. ...... .p. I t ,1 t ! r . ,l,..,l l-i 11 ,r
II.U l .1- III II ,11 lll! IHIlll, VI r,i..,, .,, r. ,, . ,
the till.,., i...) ...idd rviiia ihe blinded ,
gi.i'.i.eii !Vo:ii their pier's.
hi it'tioi ibin ir their circuit am
I deliver-
'!".;$ their lire, the vessels consumed rather
n. ive than an hour for each round. I.itlle
nio, c than half o! ibis time, however, was
fpool in jolting into pn.-dtion, for gliding
i . ,.,r,n-i.l l...lli,li,d .,11 1 ..i-l II ,r Mill llllV
i' . ' i ,i , i, ,Y i .,ir ,..,!. ;,? i c,
I the lot t ii halt' a i.nie. just
is ' . 1
r,',h "in ,,.,,':r. the side Inrni.'.L- of his im-
lii.seshio, the Commoioro brought l.e.''ff- a,.e, person, who prese,,.,.dso,,,e ..aces
!.,.,'.. a;,.! re eaied his star board . I he encampment, crn.isting of about ol cult ,va ..... and ol havmg been an or,g
i ., :i 1 1, ,.,.. a i, ,. Iwii I , , , c I g h I v tents to the lei l ol the lorlihcat ions ma! oiilh ta roll mi lemur., Imt he
iMi.l'le. lh. deva-laiing lire. What is
i r, i. . u'.,i. . I,
it :nir iesiiectn:g the Misiiueiianna. '
, ni I'..,.-,.. I tl. ...... .
r.iieh v
the d..
(Iischill ;
ed her
hroad-ide at i
i i; .,,.,1
a,?ain in;. I again " ith all ihe coid-
,,',,... , ., , . . .
H-.--S. iir! prec si-m exercised in target!
p.'.s :.i-,e. before sue passed the battery. ,
j-ravery of tin Cinfelerate. j
I'.-it ihe e icniy was by no means inae
ll' c. o'.l'ered a s'libborn, an heroic
r-i-: I I'-ii'g ihroiigh a p.iweiiul
t des.'.tpe, hi-lorgiiig tn hii engineer o'licer
of ! he e.'.'oe'l'i i, 'ii, ( saw, when the ships
iv -:e ii)i roaciilng the hntleiy tiio second
lil.ic, l,-u HH'ti wearing red shirls. They
lia ) i'l'.-n p ii ticuhiriy active, and no.v sut
til tin! iiiii.' of a gun, appiirrenlly ex
h:. i-lcd an I wait'ui. for inore nminuni-
li,;n. Tiiis Icrriiilc lire fiom the licet wrv
i'.IIiu.g all around them, bill they moved ',! I doubted if they were idive.--'
i' 1 1, any they sprang up anil loaded I heir j
l up e,-. il si, i, I ul tout I Ii st ;il 1 1 till rslCtl IIP.ll'
liieni, and they disappeared, d.tublless hi u'.uiii-. 1 heaid ireipicnlly dur-:
in;; ihe light .most umpinlilicil expressions
0' npproval for Ihe inanner in which Ihu'r
guns, were served. Thai their mill ksnian-
ship iv us good, the torn hulls und cut
f'iil-'S f our vessels, rather than the '
number of killed on beard, furnish full
Cessation of the Fijht.
After the second round had been briU
liantly fought on both sides, the Wabash
gave for the vessels which h id
belli mosl aclivkily cng.ged to cease tiring
and give refreshments to tl e men Ac
cordingly tho steamer-' renaire I ton point
beyoml il.h teach ol the nanc ies, ami ine
- , , i . . i.i
l'r'.'-- s ltidi,' I'ib e..-T, ne ,i ,Z n.,,1' d,
le ivemed n bv mon:, nV' ien,e -
' 77 -' P nnrr'l
Then it was that llm gunboat did tl.e.r
unfit ir.c:eiil cannonading. I heir shells
(Hid rou.ll shot lew straight ncro5s the j
jiarapci oi ine lorinicauoii, iiriving me.
H'.lillHiy Hicil Iroia ineir gi.ns ami in a- .
kill:; she.-utlol Invoc. 1 lie little steaming
iiiorciiiy piaster Cominamling lUai tin, Ihe .lend bmly o Surgeon r.orst, Inline, ly
g ..! in ly steamed into a shallow bay toof the I'niieil Sutes ai iny. He had
lie i -ft of ihe fort, not more than h .If n donblle.-s tetiii d to ihis place lor sul'i I v,
lidle 'iisiaiu, and pie-eliling her diniihu-. and il indeed seemed secure, fur med a it
tivo lignre to Ihe rebel guns, opened up-, was of iinusive .vidls uml strengthened by
on them w till lcroU pounder rarroll. ' great boa us of wood. A large shell hi d
wh'oli wm tit eil raiidly nnd with good w hized into t he small i oom through the
ell.wt. From her proximity to the loll, small iliugotial nperltire, a id struck a
Cnpiain M irtin wus nobiibly the first o heavy piece ot limber, tearing away the
8-fc Ilia! the rebuls w ne preparing to ev suppoils and tumbling down the wall
in'., ale l l.o pi ice. In the leal of thelor- ahon, bis lieml. A splinter f.oiu the
tiiii.i! ion. ex 1 1 tidin g about three-foni-iii of fractured b ' ini su a 'k h ill up. ll the he id
a in lie, i , a
I'ei'.so wood
noi l iiieailow, Uouiii.leil by a
. Across this open space the
er.Cioy wn. rallying his deadand wounded
ui.u wagons wem iiuiueiiiy muMiig the
e.j "j ot the i
i'he Mercury sieamin ; closer to the'
. .. . . ,
, eniiii i 'i'ii I'.niii.t inei Di-iii.
descried, and immediately look the news
i.i t';e ,! jj!-!. iji, wliich, bv this tirn , with
her sister vt-el-i, was oou.ini; up like a
i.f-lio.'iie angel to renew the enguce..
liient. Tiie Coininodore alniosl siuudla-
j ecu !y leceived coidirn mioii of the till- idea of ilun.iering the proporty which I L-tion, 'JUil shnls, inijn H.l S, '.), 10 nnd II
liii.'s fi'oiii ether fouics, and even while the rebels had left. This cond itt was inct: shells, wii h tin e.cciii,i of a lew
lislming to ihe woids of tho messenger, '
thg itLii-is struck then: 11 ig. ,
F,d of the Fii'jajcmeid
of Truce.
A Flay
The signal to cense firing -.vns at cmce, crews nnd sou,e of tl.a cllicms of
Lr.i. leil. nntl It beiOLt lire.nse v L A n in, k 'I in h-niKt,ri.i 1 inn, l,,.t i,ni ,r,i,l.i,t
the Lumbal dment hud been rienilv live
noun in pr ie;resa. Tim flagship lowered
a bral and sent it a shore, carrying a ling
of tiuce in the bow, and oui- own proud
banner in the stern. l' uiissi n was to
in pi'.ie il ihe enoiny had surrendered.
Oni nmnder ,I.ihn liodgers, a passenger
V. .1 .1. .. l. I....1 - .1...
join l is vessel, the Flat, now llockndirg trunks ihal weie broken open in their
oT Chnrh's.on.ond Lad been Hid desire to fin,,.,, ore valuable' spoils. The
d.n ing the fight, toCorrmodore Dupont. Tree ue of whiskey, which wni foui.d iu
was ussigned the i uty of taking th tiag'Bbunilanc nmoiig tho ollieer' stores,
pshore. Iiliiikclf nnd ciew were unarmed, begun to have its effects upon the men;
ii ii,i';u-ii, "ii uminiiie nun ii ii,
un,. un-; ..i'lnn no uini iu menu mem.
Vinr.!ed the A mo ienn ensign upon the on. I i.-V isn...jL;An r
1 raroparts, nni took perfusion of
the soil of Soutli Carolina in the majesty
nf tin 1 1 11 i I oil .States. Another and lar-
gerStnr Spangled Ilnnncr wns afterwards
hat, and u Heiue it hud jlut ,)Cor tllkfin
,.nlnlodoro Tutmil! and his mmbonU
j rui, jn ,lt. enrlv pM1.t of ,!ic eI1.
u0 s...., j- '. ,oWlll.j
f I m i lowmda
the Heet. t...t as .,..,.1 In, l.oatk wt-re not
enoh to do u. any ...jury. Much
' l" ls 'M",ed that ne;lh. r of our
-t MeamerM,.. ,ued m.d captured th,
"lV , UOl,!l1 Uvo bcc" n '
, J ' ' .V cv.:. ...,. ar '
-. . . ' "v . :. " v
v..-.;, i'. v...
......' .vbhi vmwinu .-wn.
Now eouies tho n.o-t fxcilinu event ot
the cniMuenieiit l lie riii.i'iit nlol't nf the
niKer. Uur men neio now on Ninth
l.'aroliiia soil, and over iheir heads waved
the American llag, w hose folds have not
limited on the hreezo in the Palmetto
Stale urncc the fall of fort Sumter. The
cheers that uprose on :he hoisting of ihi
ll.ig w ere ile.ilening. The stentorian ring-
ing ol'himiaii voie-js wmild have drowned
the loar of artillery. The cheer was la-
L-.. ....... i... ., ..i,;.. I... -i.' i 1
- ., M..r ".. v. ..t.
.ne,,i uy i"gni eiu. .s.n-n a spoma.ieoiis
uull urst o, sold.erlv enthusiasm never
....... 1. ..... ,.t v 1
piTlui 1. inn 1.1 .. 1, "it-i,, , 111.11,1 1 111;
vietories of Marengo, A.isteilitz, or the
pyramids of the Nile. The neM nmin-
nig I'oi t Pkcuii egai d, on H.iy Point, w.i-.
also occupied, und sweial gutihoais were
sent up to lieaufort, and '.he town was
Icund deterlcd.
A Visit to Fort Walh
This fori, idler its surrender, was place 4
in charge nt l.ieul. ll.irin.v, n the Wat).
ii si i, who had been si nl to shore with his
battalion, consisting of sevenly sailors .Sentinels were pacing
upon the paiupuls . ml al tin: approaches
lo the work, nnd picket., were stationed
iib-ut two hiindreil yard-, from the outer
limits, on the tl inks and at the rear.
r-vuii'oces 01 ;ne w mi eo.iiii.-ion nav, t he
i wild confusion nav, I
, . ... . , . .
abject terror in which ihe rebels had
"u 1 n'' "Wh""11 everywhere.
ine.u neiu iweuiy li.iee guns in I lie
.. t. t . . .. , , ,,
' t""v "iree oi wincu irni in'co
nisinounieii tiy our hip, ami run one ot
'the remainder had beeo spiked. .Several,
; indeed weie loaded, redv for our men
i In deleiid themselves in case they shniild
i be altai.Ked: while the m m iiiics, ol
i : .t. . i : .. . I .. i-
which I here, were ii in lite fort, conlainei
''u..n..n.lioH enough to withstand u very)
.iudicalcd if .mythiug. inore plainly than
the Im t, how hurriedlv lis late nccnin.:' .Is
'liitl th. i'ii -ii i .t-i I M.isf , f t.i..
...... . ....
be:'" unUlstui hod. Uihoers
tents had
unit, inns and other clothing. die swouU.
loles, Willi here mnl mere an
article wiiich told that even in camn the
ki i riois'ha I not been wholly bereft ol I
the toeiely ot their wives, mulners and j
sisters, were left us signilicanl tell-lalis
of u sudden departure. Over the meadows
io ...icn i oi id. o aiinueu, wi o scaiiereu
I,li.keu. icm:,, ,..,a ..f wi.U!il.
Il l- II. .1.1 ... I
singularlv i Muitdl. wi re recognied us !
those wluch had ben cast awuv bv niu '
ni,,.;,. .iiii'l,,-., tm.nw t I:, ill i; .
tniiskel.s, b.iyonels, catridge boxes, and a
lew dead mules i.nd broken rhicles nr. I
camp '..agons but family carriages, which
1,11,1 Let. n nseil 1,1 e iri l- mii-iii' th.i il...,l
l ., i.i ' ' !
Hur-.i'ir. Iion.-The Kiile.f.-l
Xltoclaitj ,SV rui.
I uere w as plen'.y of testimony regard in
tint i t. I r.i el I vi'iii'.s t,t nil r h t o t: . ,. ., . ,i ,., .
Iro.n the prisoners, of whom aiiout twenty
fell inio our hands Imt also from the
very eai Hi il.sell, where iiuiiipious iteep
and long furrow, caused by ricoi hel I ing
sheds, and tragi of jagged iron, in
countless iaantity, told mulel and inore
Might dead bodies, some shockingly
-Might dead I
i mangled, were lound W'i
. i. Hie w as that of a voun
bin the fort.
! ollieer, wh.
legs nan necii snoi aivav. inein was ll
i ... i. . . i ... . i . . 'i-i .. .
inaiigicl arm in one I', hall bmicil in
the in .-.ntllic.'. near li htM-e the
, , ., .
iiuge guns my prune wiui ineir cat i luges
shatleied, were mangled pieces of llesh
imimrs.-il in goic.
s: ...... ........ i...... I :.t. it..,:,. t,A(c,iJ i .,,f
'.)iiii; iiijiu nnin i nun tui-n mil' 3 liitl
. .,, ,.!t,l1 ,p;1,, ,-,.
-vi,l',N viil' u'gle.l
legs ami arms ami wi.n races niMoiteil
'" .some lay prone. m
.me grouiiil, wit it iiaciis lowaiils the
eueinv, and others struck
I while in
peculiar postures, a- il culling iuula making
motions to ot h is. lot- two miles nack;
in mo woous neini oomcs weio loumi ot
ll.osi! K.lieii tiy our shells, in a mu-sive
bomb-prool in rort i.alher was huind
killmg him, jn-l as he had
1 h i own op hi i hands t sheller himself
from iho falliiig w.ilh. His walch was
si ll keeping correct lime in bis pocket,
when a fedelal boldiur
fearful death.
jioii.lcd out the
c- i .
',, ,;,,;, i ,),, 7l-,,i,s'
riU:t'j:iij by lh( YVoiiy.s'.
, s rue lenerui iioot, lanncil,
fealleivd thelusilvt s iibnut the eiicamp-
men:, aprarenl y tiii.ler no eootro
no cootiol of
their olli-ers, Imt osscs-i'd wit h the one
niterly iiiexcu-alle, ns the victory had
been won without their slightest aid ; bu!
jlnrii wliie. nothing ! lit pillaging went, of f Xperiu.ent. ' In.- S.iip.i li.niir.l. lii ed 1 " ...
on Then Idiers were celiped. ho.vcver, obll shuts, the I'lenville l,v.),ui.d the uver- KfjUThe proceedings of thn Court Mar
in their tlisgiaceful deeds by the n.e ol iheguin mils and the niher smaber ; ;.. ii, r r ,1 nin. I,,i,-.s,.,l
! wit h securing n slight memento of the
: fight, filled their boats w ith trunks,
muskets nnd nt her "portable properly,"
j which they place.' on boai d iheir niiips,
hiicI then returned for more. It was
pnnifol to witne-s tho wanton deslruclioj,
'of s.othing, wliich Ihe ravni'nrs foil un ler
I..... ... .1... Il I?. . . r
nun u.ier luey nun ooiiiihcu ll imill
(nni. nnany, ouiy aner stringont measures
hud been resovied to, wa some, degree of
I 6
order restored.
7rYM JfeaJtiuarterA.
Tlie officers of Fort Walker hud estab-
luhed thoir lioiuluuiirters m u rich old
plantation mnnsio:i, r.ot Tar from the tort,
nn pstBto l.lni!i., fimilv bv I lie
0,1 nn eJfl l'Uon t 1 to a Uml y , .?
m 1 " 'of " ? ;
rlile KImS
X u ' . t T.. ... . .1 ' Ll
" ' " ' " "'J '1 ' 'l , J
?. , . i . buck as IMI. Jl.eor.ur
0, ,.lUe fl). day was found, cuing
(M.titltl, ,0, 1110(lo flf rr.t.,ing a;
rlenl utl;ltk J, mi.Mcd , ml lPJj
lmll L,cn in comtnilt .Vpectaiinn of our
ftllllt.k over M.ue the Iten ville fust ,,-
ponred olf ,l.e harbor on Monday, and
ha.t b.n bii-ily prepa.i.,-for uv.
11 l i'-if" '"..I uiogarrwiif'i
( lien in.-
Tto th!' J
111 10 nn r
... . i ... . :. r .
n.i. .ui(;on um'..ii'Nijw
ttwaitnig an opijortuiuty to eon.o
sci'VlcOi if leooirod. Those
Keep on. .out. iuoiumi mini'ii Mirnf-m,
niul ilrmv 114 ui iriiM ht. ui'...l In ili.s. .'Hi
euialeu witl.oi.l tl.eir lioi-t.
The Contraliiiiiil Element.
As soon ns the negro slaves observed us
coining on shoie they llu'lifd along the
biinkf in great nun, hers, some bearing
ptiii.'c. ami liunales as it
exueelliiL' us to
tekc I Item at onee to a home of
, . t
j,vl, Vil,i,..y (, ,.,., nnl sl..o was
.,.i i...r, r .,.,,,;
--i--" r
physique, ami OiiKies ul the ce.ioiue
L'oele Tom pallei n, ih.ikies young and
j.ibda: t, d.okies middle aged, and. eaiier,
and grayhaiied, soienill lookiiiij b llows.
Sonn; appeared I. ix.-liiled, and some in
lelligenl. As t.i-,1 as the contra1) did
It. tiele (Minn w is placed
in t he gu.ndi house, an ol 1 fraiuo build-
behind i' .i t Walk. r.
.1 Vtfit to Fort (!(( ),.
I'his morr.iiiL' I Miid a visit in Tort
IVaur-gard. ald.ay I'oi. it, which is a a ,rk
imt so formidable in an engineering t nini
of view, but of BUtlicieiit importance to !;
a valuable ac.piisilioii to us. 1 1 was this
bitlery or Ion wliich caused all tin: d lin
age to the licet, tln-l. tiring being of excel,
lent ability. We lound that tins foil was
well prepared tore.-isl a landing force, as
the works were protected will, well made
ahtttit, ami two tweuii -tour pounders to
protect the laud approach from the west
ward, '''here are l.S guns in this work, or
rat he." series of wm ks
Visit to Beaufort.
Soon after landing a del ichmen'. of
men proceed, -d no to I! anlort . and
loom! ,t tea... less ex.-ept by
appeared to be either ulicd by drunk-i
enness or tear, and il probably li il
the lalter. lie met (he l eileial tioops
on tie ou'.skirls of the c:tv, and with hisi
l.:il in his hand, and geirdy
Ii oin
sine in sete, ir cuppei (nr.
l lew i.i: Il
lingJishable words us they
Siut is were fonn l Invily engage 1
in i, -
... j...
hi.'.lig the ilesei ted Imiisi.
Llifl'mq the TrwipS.
. . , ' '
.....-, III, .,1111 J ' I I l. 1 ll'.l.'l.
. . , , . '
""t" me being landed Irom the trans-
lHM N. l" ""''I'V and repair the forts ;
l,0lllolls Pl't ed by tlieir valor. t hey
"ucampiug in a sweet point.) fi. Id.
. edibles of which thev w ill
ehi Ml a fondness for. d
; head' el's urn
lately occuiiird 'i
otiL-ert o!
" ulker iu tin ir.
V.xwt.j.'t.j tl,- ShiTu.j.
I'.very vessel engaged in the action was
nmi ,w,- l'.-s.s (-nt nn, ai hough none were
, in jmed so badiy
is to make ll necessary
.,.',,,11,1, IIUIIIU l It-'IlllM
1 1., ,-..i.,,-,. i
Iho Wabash
WiiKslruek t'V about ;i"t shnls. One shot
stalled her leaking, but not very badly.
i Her inaiiiiuasl i, so severely injoied by '
shut ihal il will piubably have lo be lakeii (
out. '
1 The liienviMe was in the lioitest of the'
jiirlbn, appi-cueliing nearer to I He shore!
, than : nv other o the lleet uml In. inn1
DUIiished for her le'iinritv iiet iiiliii.ilv
e She was si rue . be li vn l,,,l s l.ui , ,,l
.which llllllcti'd selliills
theiuheis stint I.-
ll) I IL'.'II.L'. I'lltll 111' III I
. I , .. . I . - I. ..... : ... i
., im. iiiin.uiii in. iiij.ii t
". " " " - ici'i.i.eni, .in. nr ..ones co una lining.
'on .' ip i-i.ii I k i.v.veii l,l I Lev en.,... i, ...i, . ... t. . .1
j t hi.t laniiot Im repair I uitlioiil tak ill' ' 1 11,1 since me coiiiinenci inein ol ine
hm-into dock, due shot Irom one of ihe ! prcsenl unhappy st. tiggle. Ilisfariiioie
' heaw coliiinbiail- nf 1 1 ilit, ii 1 1 1 ci i hi.. - .. .... .. . .
MIT fill
Ix.MJ.l. !..- I I 'l'l' I .
, . ... . 'i. V,,., " "c '
iiivt nun in;it nun. fljlrt MUH
The iiiju.y to the ship -m.s eonsidera-!
l.le.l,.yond pcrhnatiiig her side, w hid, ,
lt,w was phigged
ii,'. Ihe gun
inn was slun k In her steam chest
w Inch cm, lulled, thus e. nil i-iii ' tin, i-.x.
sv inciniaiiln ol actum.
Ih-idcs thi-e ipecally n.enlioneil, most
of the li.-ct siilleu.-d, but inn eonsidi rublv. !
In fact, not a vcs-el, save th
was iiicapiiciluteii hn
immediete .icrt ice. I
' "S1
nr so lar n ij u: ed that h.-r own rrew can- j
not put her in i .adiuess for uctioii al
, '
I in- i aw in e was struck nine I imis.and
,i . .i i i .1 , .
I he iMihii an also leicucd a mi'iiber ol i
shins. The-e iwu wem t nt- inii-i cm up ol !
nl.y of the siuallel ve--els id Ihe Ih-cl.--'
l heUllnwa.Si'Mica, Vandal..., Seminole. I
Susipiehaiin i. l'oc.lionlas Augusia ;
all were seveiai times hit, lul none were
Some of thevhi
lived tinner' iii-.-n,hs
l.lno iolid (.'ohiin1 lad shol ..I :',ij pounds
weii-ht l n neh..! i.-.l linn- inn nlim- sn ,.
king the ttaiei. an l Ih. n seemed u' oiit in
pass ihiui,f,i the liienv
l ass Ihioii'tii Ihe liienvi n tn-l n bnieflm
tvaler-, ine, wh.-n it si.dden.y look i. tl...
in Ien .i clean ive. tin. lai l.o- shin i.ass. '
111'' 1) or J et iiu.ilH in.' 1,.,-hs inn
note her
1 1 nek Ihe Augo-la, which lav
i mi, Is l,..i m,,i ii,.. ll,. .nn, II..
.... J i
., , .
v " 1 ".'
The Wabash lired, during the entiio
l died cam. on piojeci ile ol u new 'pattern,
mnl nnSi were Used simply as aim. Her
ships u.uj p, a,.bly be set down t 160
eneii. 1 hr-t-i- u ,.i-o nti.l 1. t-...s.,U on.
gaged on our side, and probably Irom all
ol them were tired not hr from ..I'iUO shot
in. d shell nt. the two forts, Walker and
I'eii'J retard, tlie four g .n battery nnd Ihe
three li iiihm.
The average cnsl of each shot, reckon-
ing shell, round shot, and r.lled cannon
. .1 I .. I !
into nccount .he v ilue of the powder
used to lire them, may be set down nl
abouiH. Thus the burned powdr nni"
broken shell-iron of the batile of Port
lioynl rimy be sot down ns having cost the
projee. lies in peculiar niiiKe, nnu lanoig
country nni less iiuiii 5f,oui. kcckoii
ing then, ssys tho N'ey York Tribuno, a
i. i r.i.: . : ni.
lew items cf tun Ultie, beginning wiib
the cost of this (W which Iih-h
hc.on P'pn'-ing "i,R'c August last, the pny
of the Ro(dior, ll.o value ofUieir t.wd.and
- r- .v. ...... .
"O' moderate wule, 1,10 l,,1l" cost is
about a, folio
r.wt ..fth. re.. ..ptolU.tlm...y.3 fiM.OM
"''"'"., Ao.,u tu.hi, H-nr, 0:tn.l.g
Values ...lions eoi.cum'd uu thisthne 2?0.W0
Value o. clouiing worn out i.pto this time. 103.0. 0
a!ue , ,,,,,.,. ,,rlu. j JS(OU0
'alud ofiU O.-mnr no.l Pcrle lutr
ou tU C,.tli-.o ,.l0, S..,oOO. 1B0.OC0
T,l..I tiyfi
The Confederate Force.
Acoonlinu( to .l0 ft,totnrllt 0f t,.e
oneifl and the negmcs ih lore. '.i Mil-
t01, Hyail nino'.mti-d to i.boiit t..tU me... Si.,lt ilnoh( j,, Man land it nnpeur that it ,' .
Tmi'"mry VTuA 1,a;,",;,i';- ill rea.,., thr.'e (oil regiments of sol-j . Hfi
eluding 5IHI (lerman Artillerv. under C ol. 1 c 11'. ., ... . .
w.igneV. SO Uu .iiIh. and M)...e SOO.dit-is to g.m.d and protect the rail. -of.,1 , j? ' ( (
iik i. t, South (."am-
oliintcurs, I'ol. Ileywiirn, nrwl I he
1.1.1 . . it i- . -
yttt nlly L (iml we.e -to
400 men, ni di
total rebel force l;llhi short o f LlXHj
The Firtit'ietion&-
fjititlea -
The iiii-oi:ei r-i.ort tia. the
tions al I'oi t K'iyal have been ricupied
since the Mh u ,lnlv list by 1. small "iini-
v i. : r ti
nin ui .-,inui. i .ai oi 1 1. a ... i tun i v . i in i
.,.,. I.nilt 1,;.. I .... nf s!.,,, i' ... .1 , "
. ' - . ;. '
nil, 1, il'l il'l tll ll ll. -Mill; I til nil in.,, ii i.,
their main deled being in the parapet,
which wais too low to siillii iclillv sheiler
the men. Ilomb-proofs im-i e to have been
added, bin tunc wi;s not Liven lor thai.
A coini any ol (icriiian tiling iiltiHeiv ru
rived the night before the bcinbardinent ,
and did ellicient s-'iviceat their guns.
(ien. Ripley, commander in chief of the
Sooth .'ami na i'olces, was resent during
the light, nnd whe'i the panic co.ninenc-
ed ii.o.intt-d l he parapet nf the I'm t at K.y
Point and enlrct-d the men to stand by
, l'"mS but his vnireaties were
"in avi il.
I ..rr,.t,:-ir-,t. v..
... 1. 1. A iir I r.j .1 i .
Wfdncsday Mor.iin? Nov. 20 1831.
. LILkj JJltWa- XlluxiL I I IU rU 111 Aft 1
Advices from I'oi lre-s M.inr,'
fin :
ini orlaiit inli lligi in c that the steamer
San .I-ciiito arrived there on ihe l"ilh in
, , 111 l ,
ufntit li:innr nn hilar, 1 M.tssl'i. Mii.rin nn
1 Messrs Mason I'.m
a ' -
Slidcll, the nccrcdiicd Mii.i l i-r.s from the
, Colllcder.llO Sl'ili ; to III..
and and 11 ance
vi n, ct '.here is
Imt few ImTI icu'.ui
ai e
... ,., i i. iiii., , ., .,...
"O KmilHO d.MbttllO CoiUCl.lCsso
report .
,l,.ie W
The :
;.lt! Jaeinlo, 111,, b'l' Coll) IIO-
nis been cruising tor some
i s I x
wet ks in
the West Indies. Messrs
Mason a: d liiidel!, lis our rea.lits m.iv re -
-'.-'1i-"'-C:.': v
i (ft J
i l'4vN:,;V. ns
i.u-e iiieiidier, reached l.'.iba direct from Charles.
'" ' ! ton, t In ner inti to lake pa-sage in a
British steamer for I.itr rpo, 1. One ac
count savs (.'omiiiander Wilkes -enl nboai'd
the lb ilish steamer supposed lo hi the
ingal - and demanded the nit render of
the pi ifiireis. Tlie reply t is thrt there
was in il f irec enough tri lake them. ("oni.
Wilkes tin n ciit an iiddll ional force and
put l he San Jacinto in posiii.m, where
l "i",c
upnn th.) two .li-tiMgu,-he.,i
in ,ii-..i.,i.l..r...l 1.. .-.I,.-. ...,,1 1 1,;..
:.. . .' 1 .'.
lamilK'S permitteil to pur-lie their myage.
I oil). Wilkes IS
understood to have acted
1 nn I nn v. si',,i,.il,,lii,-
. , .
10 111 St important I'Veli', that has lauen
'ifMie.iiik in nil, 'li'.- 'rt n f '.,1 nr
;'ralos than the taking of I.. t .,ynl ; u.ts
indeed, tho 11. ili-l, re
fuses lobe salislied wi. ,i an npologv for
this onliage -ns she w ill donbtle-s eon
sidei il. Id that ense, it i a'h0 (l ,in,
time to reveal all the conseipieiici-s of thi
,l, slroke
(hie thing is cerium, how
ever it will ernel; the ene, emu t if l-'n.t.
I 1 II -.I - . ..... D. .. 1
" "" r '""" s " " " ' "
npologv. consist cut w ith our mil mnal lion-
or, w ill Le t ccepted, iiikI she wiil be com-
I'olled to do ttpenly and iibnie boiitd what
, - , , , .
she is now supoclei of cover! v doing.
1 .
1-Vciy thing was quiet at last nccooids
..lung Ihe rolonnic. A port ion of (iener
IV.iiks division were building wooden
, , . ... ,...,,..; ,A . ,,.,
At last iicconnts the confederates were
cnncoiitiaiing iu the vicinity of Ileiiufort,
to reisi the ndrance of Gen. Sherman'
ai in v from Tin t Ifovul.
Not import int fi nm Mis-'mri loth
u i niies ant tear to be ret real in if
The lepoiUtd great battle at Tiketon,
Ky.. in'i four liundrjd rebels were
said to have been killed, and from two to
three thousand taken prisoners, turn. nut
lobe a shod-hoax. It is now mid that
only about eighty were killed und wouri-
d,d, nnd about the sumo number taken
lnillUonnP,. nt ,ll0 mU 0, Bi.ll linn.
reveals how very useful surgeons may I.e.
to an nrrny, ur.dcr certain circumstance,
There were nbout forty wil nessps pxamin-
( (r;,,i . Bl.out li-ilf of whom'
1 ' ' .
'lM'e ",;l1' 'ie w,w ns (trunk n Backus
while the other half were equnllv posi'iTOl
.. .. . .'.-.
fin,i:, r rn,lrl ., , ,,, la. .
j ', he Court wns that lifi was un-
"'4he enre of a Surgeon t the trme 1"
and he wns acquitted, and tins inco
been restored to his crmmnr.d.
lint ho lta as Sober lis a .lunge. Ihe
ta.Th.3 whole nuinberof invalii, in tho
..m. u -nr.. i.--... o ,
ujilitarj bonpitnls at Wajhington is 877. '
; Kft.Il ppcurs Hint the numerous trial
of persons for treason, now pending in the
Kevw.u circullCourtsothcUiiiledSliitCS,
. ,j , ndcfliniloly pcstpono.t.
c " . . '
.This U dona in view of th fuel that the
Supreme Ccurt or the U..icd State wnT
,, at Washington on tbefirst ofDocen..
"(,lal ' J
bt-r ivhit.h lime lh uesiioii of (
ireiisnn to the Coiwtil'Jtion nud fioven-j
nientot the United .Slates will be f idly j
ds; e I, 1 t; I the 1 rime so ihfimd hhIoi
govern the nut ion of the various Disliktj
l7.Nolwitle-taiidir.g the large Union J
between I'alUmoie :.H'l n rtsnnmion. i mis
...,. . ;A i,ei fo. med bv the lOlh Maine, 1-t
1 v .....iril. Voir Vm .- reeimeiil''
JiU-hlgflll Oil. .eff li'lU iej,miini.,
I '
I.,- . I. 1 r C.l r,f
oii'i' i in
' I'lill'lllioie.
' L ....
1 " ..,. ,., s,
f 1 1)1)1 '.Y'S I. I) t"S 1JOI )K OH If 2
' . .... ,
I J 1 tie W nrlils h ihi.i Hi'. r'T.n yinrs u.
! Mnpnzino. l'mmi...."'! I'.v Mm I'n-M
, ,l sltt. II,., I....I Lililv Maail.illll in
! Iliu Worlil. ..nd Hid ('lieniefl.
I Tut; .,,,i,-, i. .,r kiivl tluit crin l,p
I iili, ml hi tliuriiniilvcin-Ie.iiii'l tl.'rry.
: I I..,., fr II,.,
I Ml till' IIS
. I Punk.
1 77l br,l I.
i 111 il J.!!!.!'?
Ii Writer in'ricu coiitri'mto
nii we li.ivo n,tuo tln.t wrbe t'ur
. tin ntrier .Mniizini',
'lhr .lwW-Timll nriin:d, nn.l 25:
1 emu. I Mm iiriee uf ll.u limik . in the music nt
t hut i.i-st nf it is i-npyi iglih il, unit c nm.t t oh-
I taimil i-xi-ipt in "lb ili'.v." . ,
(" t.:i-v --All .in.rt: in rani i s
in tins hnvc ei-usi'ii. nun wn now miiiki n.uni- in
tliin ili'iuirii.ienl, i;ivin. ns wo ihi, muiiy nmro
uml i.itiuili'ly h.-lter engravings III an are puh-
lishoil in nnv othur imrk
..... ,,.;. ,t,t Vi.Jm.ii-',).
Ci.nlai.liii" live tn noveT, fall-loniith Cln.--
e,l Vi.-hi.iuj cn cueh plain.,-s-;ive
nlT tin.
' 7 nl- , ..,',.- ,-,i Ear..,,! or .tuifr
,',',m(!,i,i.v's is tho on I v work in the world ihnt
iL'ive Ihss,; immeiiso : h.les, mnl thev are nu ll a
i'- - . .. . ...
tn Ii'jvh fxiiteil the woixlvr ul ui., mm tlw
imhlii,. ' The puhlii-ntiun of thesn oust 1 0,000
I,,.,.,, ilmn iiislili. i, foes nl'lliD old slvle. nnd
iii.lliin- hut uur UMii hrful'v larirn i-iVculiition
enahles u s l,i
niv tin-in. Oilier in iguziues run
mil uH'iril it. Wti never spin) iwimev wlien tho,
imMie can he hen.-Hlti'i. Those, fiisl.iuns in My ho
;ielii"l an. li e;-e' may lie inmlis nller them, nntl ,
the m-iirer ill imt hi-suhjele 1 tn ride'iilo, us!
i w iiihl ho the ease if. see visiied t!ie hiri;o cities'
j l oi 'eil nfli-r the style the plute xi ton in!
j Mime uT our 'i-ru!h"l fu.hi.i'. nei '.'n'li. j
j Oi.l- ll'-ioi' A' yivil'iilyf, of llii'll P (jivo two j
or Ihieo liuies lis many as ui'.v other maaiine. I
ire oili'ii inis.aKon ml' sleel. li;i-y aro so lui
sj; i-riur In nnv nthers.
' lntii.t -tils. IU wiiio of ihein. 11,'memher that
... .I...I. 1.....1. ...i.n ii
, ,. : , :
. ., 1 ,. ., .. , ,- ,
other inn arine, .vervlhing thai is u-elu or
... , i r , ,, ,
in iiiiini nhil in a house ,'iin Im f ..n 1 in il iili-v.
..iii'.iv ,,,,, i. N.i oilier tiingaiiie Rites'
ihem, iiiel c hat.- given eunuch D fill several
l.nvc t'.har.vs.
(), I,r, i)i nn. -in-li nn can he f..ur,,l nohere
else, ('i.i'il.ii; iu i;ll ils i uriety Ciiiifei-tinunry
- iho Not.- 'iv ihe Tnil.-I- Ihe I.toiinlrv or thn
h itelu n. 1'. ee.'il 's lllmll :
II s'.ihj-.'el.s urn In lie
II, n,k. Wo iiri'iril
tiinl hnvt, ln-iMiliitr la
ii, pn-.'s oflhe I.h.I v'l
,v ".""'''i u, p. mine
cilltil-8 for In ll I. ill' It most ie. feel, This ik-
lu.i tini'1,1 ahiiie i ii. .rlh Iho in ii-e of the limik.
! ' ''" '' 7 "''. --'this il.,iiriuieiit win.
,i i'i's i-nnninns nn, I 'l"s,Ti,liniis ol :very ni li-
1 n l.l-l V iv. -Ill s.
il.rlet (',, (!;, - Xo ntui'f iiinjpii'uio this
li mi tu.i'iit,
ter ms . r. ! ix Am . i a (;.
i, r. ,.'.;', ;. o,, r'r :'.,
I'lnn pi,i,i- nnm .nr 41 Tu'n nm.iix rum r.iir
. - .,,,:, . ,. . ,,!., 1 ... ny..,, ,,
I'.i,..'.:,;., .,,,,i,;.,.iV .a ' i.:!,,'.:...,.
'ies one I ear nut ...I eVtli. eo'V to -ho per
. .-., .1.,, -..'nh. Sli l-le..,i ennie.
ru,- .,lni e,.,,e In ll,., r.,in s.-mlii...
1 ll, elill. 'I. Tl .. ,,s I v ,,, ,'.,,,,,. ll,., I ,.,,, I.e
... ,..7. ... . , ... ...
-, I k in ArlherV II Mni.ii.e.
! I'l-it 1 1 i I ii'.'irvn wri ll ii rni.i! tnn.lW mneh i.til nut nt mi-sin's his i-n-t: in: km
Ili.l . ( :.,,1.' s I ml i I It, n It n ml A rl It,', i'm 1 1 ,,,n
, ..,..,, .;., 4. ,., ,, ...
dv'. Honk mi l II
,,ri,,i Knili.niM vr
l"r ? I o1. tnuley
llm tn'T, nn.! Arthur w ill ' nil
.....v ..... ,... ...........
,is Nnles tin I Xixi tt'iill milvelil hanks laksu ul
11. r.,., ... ,-.. ll II 1 'I'p.. ...... . ..
Y'xr. o careiui nun i,.t V .sta on vnur
letter. A..lrM
I. A.urtiiKV,
I.I St., Phil ii , l'.i,
XI'.CtlTOIfkl M)( -.Nt,ee is hero-
Uy iven IhiO betterc 'I'estainentary, on t!iof
Oslalii of SA.MVl-.b
MOOttK hue of I'eiin
ton.mhip, di-e'il, have heen jjra nti-il to tlie un-
ilorsigiteil. All pi r.-'ills u.delito l In mini otu.e
are reipiireil to mako iunni-dieto payuionl, n;d
llmse Inn ing eluiins rgiiinst thn mini will pi es,-. it
I he in duly uii.lis nt i -iiieil ,,r t-vlileiiionl to my
Attn.nev", I.. J. CHANS of CieaiHelil, or
ANIlllKW S. MODUK of r. nn lp .
Oct. 1 1. 1 s 0 1 . lit, Kxieutnr.
A I'
Thev It a v 6 i us. r.-ei .1 n vnnm-,,1 atn,n,l
fs uri ii a nnd Summer IlllY IHlOlJS. eoiisi.,.
1' K I NTS.
1 dpi. IN,
f I.I IT I S,
in mi; INS,
C A l'S,
v i n i:,
s a i. r,
lUM'lj.S rs,
I. INKN's.
P. I, IN Us,
p. i!io:is,
S I I K F.s,
I'iSII. IlAtdN ,t FLUl.'R.
All nf which will ho (old nu tho mnrt rensnnnhlo
tor.qj fur t'ASll, or itpproved Cnmitrv Prndnoo.
Cloniflold Juno II, ls.;.
Dlt. M. WOOD, havlts einKed
tion from Ciirwonsvllit n Clonrlield. r
psctfully nrTon his norvicn to tt
cilir.Mii. t ftho Utter ptuc ami vicinity.
Itenideneo on Beeond street, opsosi't ti it of
J. Crnnn, Esq. my: Hit.
Phyalrlati and kuirgcoii, has nrrmnnentlr
'""V- ' '-"-."i" "' township nf-
fers hi. prfo.onal sorrice, to the ,,,r
( commun.iy. . M"' 8' 1881
TIIOM t ft J. M CriJ.Ot'GII,
Attorney at I.itr. '
I . . I :n. .-: i . .
Office nn Mnr
0 nrr,i.i p.
nL"fi..,i pL v '
l.learni 1,1, ft, 111 atnU f romjUly to llli P
ttons Sale of LioIj, .
r a 11 uisiairRovtil
TI,o M..IR 8KM I Nil A'Ai.'lUNK,
Krnui'C '.f w Li. Ji i- l-tu r pn ici.n ,t,l
"lvu' " .'.. mint,.
uicunii' a r.i'-'ni.iii i.ivitiic
linn i.ei'D ;i.t,inlu.c,l, ti.i't is livuinl
. t'li' I" i1', i.s iii-il na ): h1iiui -I, l'
M tii-li in n ni,w lirl'iiri- tin- , 11 I.Ik-,
Nn. 1 A mull mill virj iwat JlackiM.
I I' A
No 2. A lnri' Mneliine f..,r i;iiiltinj ltr
It mm -lii..l.iti,i. u.-e.
I -11 M , ; t .,, I p . .
i iir.,i.,,M,.i .ii.m,.-,,,,,-.,, .,;
nf'ty, iiiiuinr u rniuiiiiiij- mm mi. Htjr it U i
SUrpu.'H'.l. A l-IIIIU iwilvi! Vflim tun rut it.
I '" i( wi;1 ""w f"'m "'' "iwtttl,
' l ll.f linei-l s is-. 1 ln;n: i - im tn.uljl, ,,r,.
iimiiii' ine .uri ini, ft" n if ... ki-n in,.., tbM
It KIS HO 0,. Il H 1.1 L'lVl- tl'ialii-. ln.rl .ill .
biii.-L minis its will us luruuiil.-. iii:J i;ii
eqiialiy pei i. et, uml illmnt iliiiiS,'i f ,rnk
nt i'illi-s. Il riinn l y Irii-ti hi. ii.i.J Ii r viiain. .
IlliX lllvr II, .1 l IIIIOWII OUt l'l L'l'.ir. In (,
h-vt- . Iiviltttit..a in riTniinni-n.ling it i(.
in-. i i. u. .iwiii:; .iiiL-iii:ic in umi.
yyit. i1;,7t,K-,',iy J'n-'"ip-i AuiwdcJ the
l ' -V tchi't? :
At I he l"n i r nf the ir'iiiiili' in I
Ihe Fii si Premium.
At ll.t) lViiniylviini.-i
i.lo I'ii Ir. at pl,iaJ,
ihiu, SiMiteinber 2 I, Is.iJ, thu Tim I'rcaiua-
I ihe Pciinsylvnnhi SImIo Fuir.lclJ at V
' mii.. Isr.o-a s.Ur M.'.l..l.
I nr the luv-t l)i.i.l.!o l hum,! Muihii.e, t
t enstrr '.'uuuty I'uir, la.hl lht..h,r, lSi'J-a SL.
M-i'lal. 9m
- , ' Marylaml Mule imr, liu!,l l ifu lhr
I i i....; ..!; :.t
' '-'i -'"'-i "i-n.ner, 1
; im.lf slr.inj i:...ii,.-t il ion, u .Silver Medal i
iiuurJ'ul to this Mm
I Al llio Xew Cnsllo Fair. tr!4 ,t.
- u,"i
I,).., Uehinnie, lliloL.r. lviu a,,
Tin) uhuve M ii'luues nro ue ii u f.i 1 1 lied tj
( II Altl.l'.S , lilMVl.AM).
I Wilmington, D:
; s . i. t.s KHi) . i s.
i Nil 720 Ari-L Stn;, t, l'liilai.-l,hiii, Pn.
No. SOI Muikt Siroel, Wihnintti.n, ll,
S. P. l',.Kt:i!.
I 1 .1 1 V T'-'i) Arth Sin-it, l'liiliidtljli,
.,T--i'-I'ersn.ts wivliiu to see ihe uhute Ma,-Lij,
in u.'eratieii, run tin so hv ciillini; nt the rci
itenee ol L. W. Moure, in t'lonrliol.t hi.ruujli.
'p'- ac umv ,;,
S he o.eiiei h r tin) reeeiitm o .i.i i U ma -.
... ', , ,, . . ' . ,' ,'
un 1 .miih'i on M niilav M, s0 .
1 '
Tf rips per Scsf Ion of lllevcn Wtrlii!
Oi th 'j;r:i,hv, Ileaiiing.", Primurr
I .'.liiiian-lie mi I lie,,gra!jliy, JI n I
Ili'hir A I ilh.u . i;e. llii'li.-h (irauiraiir,
', id nianhy lonl lli-lnry, J t,
; Algetn .., lieonieli v Nalurnl I'Lilosriiht,
ii let llm.K Kee-iux, . 1 1--
I.i'lin ami Ji -n'k Languages, f U
I'ii -111'1,'iii.s ile-ir jns ol ne.iuii ini; lh,'i"t;l
Iln-li.-h llilm iilimi, nnd h,i tt i.-h t,i qu,i,
ilieni:elves fir Tea.-hei', t his In s I'liuiiuii iJ:;, I
uesirii'He ii-1 i n n i.-i ;je.s.
N.i I'Ui'il reei'ited fi-r les thiol half j iwiioil
ami i,o ile.luelina 1-iiJe lor iri)Ua,ii.
siekni si
Tu'.ti"ii to he mii at tho elose of iho trm.
(.'. lb SAN it-UlS,i, ', iiir i.'l,
i lear:i...,
I.-. :, i -si i. --iv.
, ... -
&TU I KI Nil Tlii:-s l pmi.ADEt
t(1 ! ks7 I'f'IA! ''(' III' mf'-UH ' iff nif l'l (I XMI t
! -"": ! ' - KXCITI X'l I DOT HACK hd.-.
- tKf fhilml ,l,.in P Ii mnl the ,:ri. Fc
1 Rer ll I it 01,1111 1 el I e i I or. .1 a .-e - I! ,11 h ,1 1 n I, t w, . '
-'. ls. !1 oca 1,1 lire , I ! ! ! ! ll . ,'l,l s tn he tllf fHtt
, ntinillll ill Clen lii e I , . t'lllt il (IIM I,n4 Until I I
nuir .if 1" rank Slinrl-.. fretnli rail" Ihi-H.lbi.l.
i w""1,1 ""I hs ta .,, yet. II , etir, SlimiJ .;
c "lh 11 II it I It. II K In It 1 1 iVli'. Ill ll,", W'I,
l.u-,t ,,,,, ;, ,,. io,, , nn ., nnd oluiJut
i i" ln.i'l. at'.il -uinr'niHM'iiiri in junk'uur.
U iM.'l'Mrt d M tlirm with .
ounes ii ii 1.1 tianei.s iii nnv si.iie "I ,.ni,-i h. , "
ed, sewed nr nog,'-, I. (and as, hu is a short til
Ion im short noliee.
AilkiniUnf enuiilrv lirohii-o 1 1' en in ii-
ehunge, uml eilsh not n fused. aiiilij J"M
in thonenlest und ,'.es uui'li ralf. H
the Short Shoe Slm nn Sei-mid St -eel. "I'l""'
H I, Weaver ,t CV: store. V K A N li SIIOKT.
N. II, Viinliiiga for sulo Sept. l&
WATJIfi: J2 .VE1.11I
rpilK I reFpfi'iMj
1 i.ifi.rias his i-ustninirf indibi
tiiinlie geiieinllv, li nt l.f l.'J"
eeiveil In, in the I ns.. mum ;
cdiithis ill U It . .(
( leuilielil, 1'a., n C lie nssoilnieiil if l't."'
Wa .ci.ks, mnl ,H:n i iiv nf ilill' i' .il i"l"'
r. :..t..:..... .... .. I.i.. I, In, li'l
IH'II ill llm ni'is. nriet'S lor t-ush, ' 11
1 1 mil it i. ,.-e l'l n ill ', .', -,
ie. -1, a 11 it .- old L'lihl nnd .iher.
, n.OCKS ofeieiv v.iriet v on, at the B'l
nt ren siinn I,! t.i-ii-e
,,r A 1,1, hinds uf Chirk. Walelies nnJ Jewttrj, I
earoiiinv r.' ll ..cniiiC'.i.
A 1 ! tl ll I ri,,t .,f In.lrnn.iiris in 41 1 i 1 C 1 IT "I
' 13. m). 11. F. NAU'tX
j J,U OLIv, IJACOX, ToiiAC'lO,
; U()fOl;$ OF ALL KIM'S,
I 0-i" For fale very chenp for ('.sn. Ly
i ( P.. M l l!l!l'l.!..
fit bnsdttirtit nf Mnrrnl! A- Lie or'f SierN
1 rielllield, Pa. fel-2"-
o l i; n - :: c no u i l i.s.
Oermnnlon n, Pu,
c C A L I. U M
V.lM F IC7 I RI l!S,
Imporlrrc. nnd W holt
sale lienlTf in
f it ! i; t i nc; m, i it I'f.ti 1 "
Ml !! llTIK 1 I IT V.'V At..
Wareliouse. .o. 'jO'.i (.'hcstiint .Street.
(Or posits Mat House.)
spra'Sl-lv " Piiu.ii'rj,
; ' '''. Ifi"" bdlers f A ,m,"'t
- ,il,n llve ",,n Rraiiied In the l,,'r,"
,h Minn, of JACOB liOIIl.N?. h.l- nr a
township dornscd. All pemmis nideM n i
(Into are rrfUPfted to imiko payment
Jay, and tlinsv baring ela'.nn airain't
tli m'
,, "U inowe i.HTiii); vini'ii. np.,-- -
II present Ihrm duly anllientirsted t"T "
nt tn wir Allnrner, h. J- CHANS, of t
I wi
; ANDKKW SIKiFF, of Uulieh townihil''
n..A.. ., 1. ' Adm r.
n r i f, i.-iii. in.
. -
ft j. ff B jjj - v TJ U U
W IB T II K R 8 V R C,
' i ntT PA-
WILLIAM KEED. rropridor
n July l". in- 1