a V If O'biftln -urpiHinn. . . S.i v ' ; J:. v . " .'i. aV'aI'J'-i r vJC . VuV' ' Wfw ' ' -Y ,. . !A Wfdntiday Mornine Nov. 27 1881. .. . . r ,. . lHrMO!.T.-A1lUiul,.-r(.r m.-.-lmgi l.nv h.'pn hoM ni Chu-iiKo, Slilnnuk.-o nml oili er vhioe in the ivoit, denouncing the ii'l 111 in t r I ion for thrt removal of Freiuonl. 'reident Lincoln Inn had I litf honor of br ing I, Hint in efliiry at scvernl d;rt.'icnt 'oint in Illinois jiist us they ui1 to piMVchis late, rival, the huneni,) Ihiug lis mid the laiil exhibition of tliii kind tiok 'lnoe at Znncsville, (Jhio, lut week A laree nieetinuof thufiieniU of Fremont wn also held in Uoston teve.elv denoun- 1 cinp the udminiMration ; and uno.he, one i i..Vleeriwe,l to nine olF in New Vorl ' thi week, preparatory to giving Fr.-moril j a grand torchlight rccej'tlon. jRtor. W, to gU'l that l.cmocnit found XiTCN. purl irijiat int in these e ii-iiis!iiitioiiH o iniuri.niM.nd so disgraceful. It is very IFrom the South Side of tho Potoraac- J . ,, ,. , ., .. Successful Reconnoitenng: Party, rcuiniknhlo th.it thei-o meetings are not. 3 ' pronounced "trearonable." Is it because !. "'Ai"'V'..-Vr. H2.-Th.' rrconnoiter. ', ... , . . ing i.nd tiiiii'Miig pai lv ami, -r den. 1. rook.-., they are oxrhiMvely crfined to the u,.- l f,lllM.oin'IJell. S,iU. di:.. porter uf Lincoln and Hamlin ? Jul let , jon yonterdny look pr s,.-.-i,.n of Flint a Llemocralic ineeliiic be held in nny of I li ill and the pin ioundi::L' country by the cities for the purpose of denouncing the ndtninistrntion and especially any of in war measures and t.ee how soon the ho-vl of "treason" and "traitor" w ill ring through the land. It, seems that a lilack C HepuMican can act and prei-ch treason with impunity, whilst a letnccrat is de nied thut "liberty of fpesch" which the Constitution guarantees to every citizen. Jr'Col. Max liinstein, who was lately cxptlled from the military ervice ot tiie country for drunkenness ni.d incompeten cy, as the finding a;id sentence of a court martini, 1ms just been appointed by the President as Consul to Nuremberg, in Havana. Thus one alter anoth?r of the most obnoxious men of our country are being rowatded by the present admitiis ttation. It was but last neek that wo au-...,r.l nounced that the notorious llel,er'had been tent abroad on a similar uiisrion. If a man is found unlit to serve his cuun try at home, by what rule of diplomatic eliquetle is he fitted !o ervo it abroad ? If he gets too drunk on the field of but th is there not great danger that he v. ill get too drunk in the circles of diplomacy? Tho sec.vt in tha uppoint mnnlfl of Hel per and Kinstein is, that they represent the extreme Abol'tion and lied Republi can wings of tho F'llack Republican pally. Einstein snarled tremendously at being dismissed from the military service, and which, together with the removal of Fre mont, stirred up the Red Republican hor riet's nost to such a degree that the Pies ident seems to have essayed to appea-r their wrath by bestowing upon them one or tio more lucrative foreign appoint ments, and hence F.inMeiii w as picked up I fit or unfit, drunk or not drunk. Jiy "Occasional" says that President Lincoln has a quaint way of avoiding long rpeeches, and that he has now taken to "throwing all his arguments into aphor. isms." "(lid Abo" seems to be a rail jolly old fellow. We wonder why ho does not employ "Occasional" to "fiddle" for tiim while thero W so much l'un all over the country. By tho nay, Mr. Occasional, what ha become of these ether "aphorisms" f pok en by Abiaham, when or. his memorable trip from Springfield to Washington, such as "thete is nothing going wrong," "there is nobody hurt," and that ho "nould run tha machine as ho found it!" If his new "aphorisms" nre not Letter fulfilled than his old ones wo fear his chance of out rip vailing Hippocrates is but slim. A High Compliment. At tho grand rc view near Washington last Wednesday the First (Col li(l(lloP ) and tho Fifth 1 V ' ' ' ' (Col. Simmon's,) regiments of the l'enn sylvrmia Keiervc Corps, were assigned the ...iri . -I.. iiuai ui iiunui , viiiev oil uie i-.ueu a. r i: u , . ... durinp thetoviewof the troops bv Gen. McClellan and his .St a IT. The letter wri- ters from Washington all agree thai these, two regiments are tho best drilled, and make the Lest appearance, of nny in that 1 I 1 I rlM It P. I If "-fc-"" long to tho former, and the Cadets to the j latter regiment. The review took place : At Haily's Cross Roads, about 8 mile fto.n tho city. About 7P,0tj( soldier, weie in ranks, and from' SO.ooo to 3t.,0.K) ci,i,ens . witnessed U.grpjii,u..splay. ! BjVhy a-o tho political prisoner con- fined in the several forts about New York and Hoston denieil tho rinht f.warded to murderers, thieves nnd robbers, to wit : . . counsel nnda speedy trial? Theideaofj arresting and imprisoning respectaLle an.l lovnl meiican citizens, on American V - Clll"8' 'n,er ' rrco soil, upon a lelPgrnpliic despatcii or an anonymous letter written Ly somo , 8i.An exploaion look place at Dupont'i rowder Mills, near W ilmington, Del., on Wednesday last, destroying thret mills, and killing three men. riersona or no ltiea onomv. to some head i. ..,. , ,i. , .- si to.. auii roru tno coun rv ; he Mirtv Klltea nv retieaieu stans ot tno lance. I i - . iioi luoi, un auici nuieiib uuui ciio io . - - . - 1 ' , . . . f , , u rsaennao e of Department at Washington, isa Llast-'iso i.eiUi through whose principle, we have been Most of the conients of maw were A,Lkir lnff diseraee tn the Anioriean character. blessed for half a century and forsake the "riTV :, '"V"". "fr ana a lenroneli tn our liointnrl oivllizaLion. o r .............. v. r- ni.isiiuiu lie t now nci.- ..- i, , wen. iinipi'firaita , e aril an eittl.l XIIK Jill'. WAU I N l Jlf p"i trd hi rt f put ttii cn Bitting flr-ld l"..t n-ii.t r..M linj I lie f..n.ittoii of our f. I . in Mlssoflll. tlallcrk Trire Jlfnnitrd m rippiutiif to AfWance cn Bpiingfirld lb k. L ie is inipoltntil 111- numbers and I i . nig I'lillirjI'H l" ... l... ......... . -. ... ..I. i. li- ii iiii , .i.iii .ill Mil... P..II Chilli liiT.-MM.-l Ul. I..TIIIM tlic liiit'i I' nny il in IIUI VI li"! iviv-n on the iiiari li liiniin llrvrryrounty, iiiMUiiigj.r.'i.n.utio... i a,lv.llu.e to 1. 1 li.. Itm-M Hii'i.ii.i ii", ti . I,... . . . .... r..-.M. i'. t.i Blilttn.r frnmPril llcMArriV Still Further from Trico I UCDel Array. .V.Vu, Mv. 1 A.lvi.H-1 from tin- South-, t i.n- to tin) rll.-rt UiAt ' .on. iTwa tin. uliiiiiihiu.'d Ca-n illi', and in inoi ing 1-) iva; ds It i t old caiiip nl N.-odi i, (ien. Ilr.ri ii, w it h 4.U0U ti'oopi. wa on the Kaii!a? l.ne, directly west ol ( .'art hai'e, intending to enter the Stale and raviii;..! the poullu-rn counties ot M ii-nouri. Cie:j. f.'.iio u-iiw iii tin NiLiiiH vi.-iiiitv. mid it was !iilrtll,i ,,.il,l.. nn in.M"(.niiit ivould dike pla. e between them. Tlin rrl.,1 Legislature at Ncosha huve el- f"""1 I s ,,'"top l" '"' n'1"1 l)tlj, be M. ,..... .j , tho oilier Sen. (blowing oul pickets in dillerenl direc tions to pieveut a surprise, whilo Uio tor age master g.ilheied und brought seventy loads of hav, having with him not less limn ninety wagons. 1 .ie only evnlencu ol the pre.ence ot the enemy was one I'-l'-. .. .1 P .... .... I regiiu' iu oi iimiii.iy, n Mpiamuu ..i i...-i- ry and one b'ttery, seen from a pronii- nent position between Fairfax U. II. and '.en I rev 1 1 le. in a westward ilirection.ntioui eigh miles beyond our present out posts. The farty returned late la-t night, hav ing been altogether successful, mid met with no cusiialilies whatever. Information was received that the reb rl had constructed an artillery load from Flint Hill to Uermanloivit. From the Lower Potomac -Successful Running1 of the Blockade-Another Battery .Erecting. ir(i'Vii. -Yf. '1 The "Wytmdank" ran the blockade la-t night, reaching In- hail Mead about moonrise, and the navy ,jH n.nrniri-r Sho iv.is not fire I at. I'he steatnur K it. Hall also rbtithe block ado downward last nittht, li'iving nil i..x 1 .. s. ,i'i,f.1m,,i;iiMi,.iiiu ' "" H'- 'i J "' '"..-...'.".. , , ordnance stores generally. 'I'tt-n ..-tiiiiinnr Iniuh-il with WOOil ,ki the blockade of the lebel batteries I .ucccs-inllv or. Wednesday nis-ht. Theene-nr is H.pa.enilv at work on a new batterv on I'ossum Nose, which i, , far above the others, on Mr. )tteiback a lands. Th Slidell and Uason Affair-Lord Lyons Expresses no Opinion on the buoject- W ii.v.oi.'iM. .i"C. . Much speculation . continues lo be indulged relative to the,lliv . ;lu,w 10 Ullf rebel surgeon, but 'case of a white man, but a JIGGER'. Mason and Slidell question. So fur n i did .u t kn jn he ivna in tho engagement , Oi eat country this! can be ascertained. llu Minister of her ,' u,,t j ,c rtumhied ovrr his eeri-p. The' , r .... ,r Urittannic Majesty's covernment has ta- i S(.t.m. is described as allecling in the ex-1 ., , HOr"!;, v ,. Fn rl,-,1rD -" ''f " ,Mr ken no action whatever upon the sul'iecl, llu(110, it 0,,vlMiv f(,Joe of t he , ml"' op, the distinguished Senator from but will probably await instructions, Nor thrilling and horrible, incidents in I M. as tn trg.nni but a lit- has theie been an inf.irnial convetsalion ...j, .-ebellir,.,. Cant. Ilrooks buried bis I 'A" ul"'L' '".'foro 'l',v'r. Nlr- between him and the proper department I concern mi: ii. i nu-r uu m c-inn. . acquainted with Lord Lyons believe that n Hiisiik in oilier matters lie nas ooserieii ,v's ,,.uj nii i.t. Unown oil '.he em hia usual cii.-ctelion in refrair.ing ft otn ; l,a'nk ment to escape our notice, but we premature expressions of a iuion. LATKST FROM THK SOU I'L'. The Selected Prisoners. The New York Journal of Commerce 0f J Fri.l iv savs : U' I.. i frnm n mrronn recenllv re- turned from Richmond, that the appre- . f . I 1 . I a . a I I -- r- - j i iiensions oi tne j-eop;e in regain io me hori ihle ill treat ment of Col. Couaswell , and other oflicers selected by- lot to"meet j ''hi' countenance s of the dead were the fate awarded to privateers is not real-' mostly expressive of rage. One or two i.ed. The field oUieerx have been remov j features were expressive ol fear. One ed to a huge loom, well ventilated, and poor fellow, afier ho was wounded, be am well taken care of, while the inferior thought himself to tnU a smoke; he was officers are also confined in one room, but f""'d in a sitting position against a tree, not to their personal discomt3i t. On the 'W, with his pipe in one hand, k nifo in whole, it is slated, the otlkcrs find Ihem- another, and his tobacco on his breast, selves mo. e comfortable than lliey were FOOD FOR FIVE HUN DRKJ) TIIOl'S when in the publia quartet s of all t lie j AMI) MEN. prisoners-, and do not complain of the The following liguif.s show ihe amount change. : of commissary rtoies which will he oon- Pensacola to be Taken Tl. V.l,i.,,.l,, eot-retiwiii.lut.i nf 1 1,.. - i- ii-. f . . . . J IICH-J PH.. . You may oon expect to hear that Pen-' n:oi.n Wker. I lie .Nnry Jrnirlment '.!.... ......... e . i i . .1 .- I 111 H H e 1IO cwnceaimeni Ol Uie IIICl I lllll a is- patches are expected daily from the Gulf with nr. nncount oflhe oi.PiiiiiL' of the i-l--... i. :..i.- .i.-.i i... :.iuv ui roi. i ii-hl-iik iimuii uu- iroi-i uni- ...... . ,e':, mown n as repeateoiy writ- for orders to blow - i Ihaggand his battel ies ore. lie Ins Le n cha j oil' the oppovite shor 3,1)r ij,. tt hunu in the leash : but if I !ain mt mistaken the word has been giv- ' "ill m ike IV.is.vmU aurs. j cfJ.en. Ilunlrr lias relinquished his C(imm,n; of ie Brnv in Mi-MMll.lf an,i Mj,jor cirncrnl Hallcck has taken full colnmnnrl of tllfl ,(.(ml.,nu,n,of tlie w. This ww,m.n cn(l of , ..n(!,lino.. hppn ft fmn.ce of ,,.,, ,ro(l())e (o (ie ft,, , ministration. First Harney, then Fre- nioril if- Co., then Hunter, and n&w Hal l0''k- 1 liC lwo .ormcr, having won their ln,,lt'l'. nre about ready to retire to private 1 n:c i ...... . ... .... . , "le n,,a cn)y the caresses of their friends. -of 7undo-wnOover,mont hors(lstook ,ace t Wjwllin on lhe o,,., . , . g , i- 20tl,inst. About K.O were sold, yieldii.g (0 tl0 government from 25 cents to $00 a head averaging about $20 a head. These (uoverr.or oi oouiu aruuim, umiouuo nas more than one-third of her tnalo popula- ... ,. .' , lion in the army, betwenu fifteen and six- ty years of age. A similar proportion for ' Innsylnia would Le erer 200,000. . . .. . ' IaCfi A ceord i n ir to the mesaasa of ll. lUi;,; . ... n: . -.. ue.ng opeue... ao.ne .ragmen a, A A HI.M AM I lo I I.MIH'V llo-NeS Yn'l. .Y 1 1 i 1 it I in ii'iirr l'iiMiln the following i xlimli frm n L ilt l r-" li d t t-Mi tni.n lii ! ...I. . ...I 1.. I .M i I. .1 I .. . ., ,. ....,.' . ...... .' ,.., ,, t.,. ,,.,, ,., ,,- , v,., ,,. respondi'iit, Lilt niilicv.il nlltii li to 0. itiriilt'iit III' tltu'lied lirlnw .- ' iinn, No win her HHi t .1 ;..L ! ........ I . . .. n."" J u.l ni.iui Hill l.ll'in" in , in, il.... in lii.ii n.i. i.-..ii.. n - ,....-..... .- ,,r, lliK.,. .-- iii'mi i "i in- .i.mmi i. mi :i i" ill ii u in ...mm ,.,.. I..-,.., U.r I ,-,,i . i.. 1 1- il.... i'.ii i. :....u- A . . . . ........... , , s,.ii .i,iiiMii in'"- on boiii'l ll. U n fi.m iv;i f il.c . .1.1- UI11011.-.I !,.,il..n,:i,i r, troim ,kI j.o- '...r"'"' H0V:7 '1 P'M...M lll. ,, Tllfy lirn n , ,in ur,,t cni;,,.nt bh tlu-y j "i.hly cin lm huvo not llitf "" t.' "'K - YneiiiMi.npNPe,. n, o.ul that irun o near tti.eneni. buy 11,1,1 mi .liU not ue- 1 ....I... I.. ... ..... :.. 1.1:. 1. ..t-l till. .111.. 'l ni'Li'-hJUU, Illl'l l.'.l, nut .lii, -lil hiinsi'lf iiinli-r tl.nl- tl,,,t ll,,.v ivi-ivrehi U, and he L'loi-i.'d in 'the name. I'll!, oaid lie, let .your man ! out ii(mith:i(t',e ltrelevttaetisin w i-.y'i'. '"' ' th .tt'fie &iutft sl,.itUi,ut "i,il rii,1) in tc V'.r- rlhats-in oilier word.-, thai il. old dcui- jX''0 "r'.u, rf1" Iud"tihev0nWnui'd ',1 'l . ,,,ym,li Olherwi, they will tilil uniil the lu.t , man mid woman in undci (he nod. ' U'epart.'l with great cordiality, nil (.()Vi Uu.Uer an. t i-ln.-e nil Sir.l offi w:tlunL' .-.oon to meet, tint the ureal nu.-H- . ... ... 'lion olihtl.-renco might bo be" r.MiioVed. cfcM u" ,,,r ho attempt to mlir- und we all be brothers, ns of old. They lerei'ilh their funclinni. want to li 'lit, and that noun, and th.-y ; .... ' . 7 ; , , will tight hard. i m'1 1,0 wm,,t'r ,5r t,,B r'-"' llv' Si:FF.S ON A II A 'IT I F- VI 1" I I) :h' b.'c'i ipnte cold, and ivas ecrmnpn- A conepponde.it cfthe St. Louis I ,-,. I oernt write firun (.'uiro under dale Nov. l'Jth, giving a den-riptio'i i f llie nhnck inr scenes pie-flit. .1 by the bin ll.-t li.-M at r.elmont, the next day hl'ter the oouflii-t. lletiiys.' Alter getting permisMon, nn.ter n Hag c - 1 rure. to go and bury our dead and r .Ve llm wounded, who had lain upon ..... . tf . .,e lutlll Ior nearly iwcniy- tour liours.tlie nr.si thing ure eaw'al'ter hiiiding was two i ,lr ,i...l .,.,- Jvni.' beside an old ho. is... l'hred had been thrown into a corn crib near by, and four lay wounded in the house nearly dead. We went on through the wood until we came to a cornfield, ..-1 ...I-., k i v-! ...... j.l'f.np .). ..nl .v.,f. li-i.... ,-t as thev had lallen.and here C als3 found three of our wounded, who immediately received tho attention of our surgeons. We also saw- hero large pnoU of blood from their dead, who had been removed Iroin the field in wagons. Going on hall a mile farther, wc cniue upon a large par ty of the enemy burying their dead, which thev had collected from the ditlcrcn- lliiekels; about fifty bodies wei lying aooui awaiting i.unai -none ot our Kille.l 1 was among thi-111. doing on furl her thro' clearing we cai e to the (alien timber . n'.-oirnv's batteries, and w hen 1 1.0 loss on niil'iruui "i. -iii.r -.-u nil'. 11, 01. l I I- en both rides is represented as frightful ' lu j !e'" ')'' "!!" ""'""I remove.l thei' own !"' ',ve lound ,vxevo ol r ur men mi the position they had h.llen. (,. the riv j er ban k ive found a r. umber of our dead : and here it a n that one of the tno-t heart ieiid:ng scenes of the whole battle wasc: acted. dipt. Itrooks, of Hiiford's regiment. ......, ........ .1 ., .1 1 I....I.. . f I..J i)lo.,,,r , 0 us a sun-eon in the rebel in. .,v .ir,.-. ... i.tn ',i-i i :..., iM ,- ud out a nl.il at the head of his crave. At this point a great many iff the ene- saw n here they had been dragged and pitched otl the bank. One if our party looked over, contrary to express orders, and raw, as be ruppo.ed, 7.J or 10(1 of bleeding and mangled corpses, hen,ed on heaps, among i he disiiianllvd i el, el ir t il - 'eiy. tJaviliu buried our ilead-some S i - . . i i.- , . ... '", nun.t.er-iiiKi wringing away Mi'.tit i l I ! U'MIl 111 I ill I II' u llil'llll 1'ii-i.it i il. I r.ni. ' ' - - ..t..... vl" tninspol Is j sumed in one month by tin) United States army W hen broil -Ml I UK to the standard Mint horizeil lii-l', ,. ii- .Mill Don , J IT ' v i- n.i . 11 wl" up M,u" "'at the labou ol the coin VM r,ty ,lM,l,I,",l '"'""J""": mv-i iu I i.n, 1 . In. r I !. ..... I ..I 1. ..ti... n..... .. ;' --i ..-v-in, .... phut j ' ron.ew lint cerious item : i 1 1,250.1100 pounds of pork, or I8,7'.0,0(KV uoi. in's oi li rh beef. 111.". :txn l.i,U ,.f - - 11, ,n... .'.7 .r.iWi ... 1 IP..IIIIUUI . i r ..... l""'ds i.r rice : 1 .. Hl.fM HI (Kiunds ol collec; -.'-,00'' pounds ol sugar ; l.ill.OOO gal lout. "- """";,"'.' .r ..... r. ...... ..m r.. a,.., 'd' vinegar : 2'-.',tKi(l pound, of candles ; """.""o pour.us ol soup ; 'J.iHi tm-liels c-l j '" W.OlK) pounds of potatoes. j i. ... 1'reh iTVKE, Wo understand that una 1 Of.he nomn.eesof lhe Ithiclt UejuiLlic.tii j distance fioni thein, ulill w ith the body i A i lkl ti . ! "of " e!u n t r t race taken In ., paity foi the Legislature, in too western ! ,1P !,P,,tes-4 man in hi, mouth, hhaking 1 ch...,e, and rash n-t n fFd. Rcpai.lng do... p in oi t lie .-Mate, was kCF sure ol I'Cllig sent to llarrisburg to spend the winter that heactually raioved his family into other quarters the week LHore the eleo- lion, and has tnadu numerous business arrangements preparatory to leaving for the new aeene ot his labors, in the capac ! '.v ot a Legislator. , 111,1 ,10 ,ebito the story t ) which nam's a line ; wnen ine votes were cnuni ed out the e.iie-tntit of honors and K-ir-nriSat v ' ' r"n"": ill Ml m'.l'Hy. , " lis riot winch last lull fleeted two Abolitionists Ly over 400 mu- I01")'?- advise our friend to return 10 first 'ove anfi ""PI'01'1 ,l,e l",r,' r. . . ing, i,ii(iury u,m, , Friend i'urdy you had Letter "drv un " You would like to hare reai'lo believe that the above incident occurred in the ibovo incident occurred in the "Wild Cat" district. It t i .ill I ami M tin I I! "II" I ( I- lh It in1 .. it ... t I ... . ""..--.Mil.-. (i..rf l'l lHI'.'l.'l p pelieiM' tint f M tj 'f I o.,;- f (lit- WrM I'lifMiT .If. IM.-I. M ,j 1I,,.IK., H,.-r.t,.M. ....ml,,- ,.r Ibt, II..M.P, ' fmiii t'lirater o'.unty, m l , t il rcn ilcu'd K'''-'l ifivirp tlii'ii, nn I iw til l iinihil . iir.-of II III l.o li cillf ( li-il llial ...... . I . 11... t l I .. " B In I'llil H f !M uutlli.J I'l l J V nil 'iinin"ll . . ! .. . i . ni u,i imiii, in rtuj.'ii-i in;, nun , ,..,kl,v ll. i:.,ilr,l Slut... Mmt-lial.-lliuL L-nin.'lo ln'. llip l ...1.1 .... 1 1 ... I ... ..1 1 1... AllUMlMl n .'.Mil i 'i i i.-ti li. iiijmi.ii.iii ui ,lit ( flllillf a yr t.-.tinionv to ,. ,. . . . ...-;, ...cn npun stm tc.l, Imt U-nip.l the i-ruii. c-o of tin mail. 'I'l 111 i nil lliewoik of maliLMiiint i.nrliinns fit liom. oml Inn ie - . ... . ,, . , , - reported death of Oon. Sam llouMmi of Texai, whh pinna lure. The heio of San Jacinto was nuile sick, hut wus lepovei inii at hut nccountK : 6VTIi rid'ad.-lphin IWts Ute that rC'i,,4,, UnC"ln ,,!W M n 0,,,cr U reeling the mililn.v ant In itiCH in Virgin- " suppend tho civil aulhontini ivherrc - lh,v claim to hold !urh authority from h'U M0W to the depth of about three inches. Tns Two jjiiKniri.H. It will l, remem bered that the Court of Cmmon I'I.m referred the question of who bhould b, cominissioued an bherifV hi the (..miioi of the Cominonwealih, tiovernor Curt in has declined to interfere in the mat le. , ami he has leterred back lo the court I lir question of who is SheritF elect. Mr. Tliomp.-on has al. e.idy oll'ered his i-eeuii-ties, mid Mr. F.winj.', wo arc inl'oriued, is about to do the nuiie thing. We have pre vi-msly had two district altnrneys, jnd an in a fair way of having two governments Two shcrills or t'.o min ors aru noiv ;l'r,T'' ' .-PhJad. ra.i, The at my vote leu been the eme o' double not only in I'hila fclphia, but also in Lujsern.' county. The hoard of return Judges which met 0:1 the ih in-t.. aftel a war. n discussion, protracted until lw. o'clock in the morning, decided not t" priimerato the returns of compani" which bore on t heir f.iee evidence of fraud. were not made out 111 accordance will, p, 1, ;l tn COUnt these 1 otes on asef.erate r , . ,,, ivt) 0,tificate, o .,1,,,.,:..,. ,i,n f .iniv rd. Thi- 1 .,.j .v,. 1 1... .. --.'. .1 ( .., no .'nlwt. w 1,.,.'..on the ...j. nority .'", -.. and org.-uiized a Foparate ,.'0,IVcnt ion.-,. .... - Fr.t Sprrchm Syrtrv . I- red Douglas J the nigger era I or, " announce 1 to speak I in Syracuse a fea: days i nee, when a hand . bill way issued eallins the peopb. to i isi Sand driv. bim from the city. The Mayni ; called upon all good cit i.rn to maintain 1,1... ...... ....1 ...... ; ln,r. M. n. oll'ered to protect frrr ivyA .' not in the nir inn,.- ni,-, inr iiiiiiini , i. ...nri "... ! JJllsn,,-.n,ul '.('('' ed Iro.p hini very po lite and coidinl treatment. In alluding to a former visit which Mr. Mason had mado to l'ooton, Mr. Winthrop expressed the hope to sc.; him there, again soon, anJ to have the opportunity of returning hi kind attenlioiis. Mr. Maron replied, with great txirr.imf.nl, "Sir, I shall not. visit P-o-toii again until 1 corneas an ambassa dor:" Fiemnr.t for I'raUaA. 'Wo American Jltiptitt, a pp r devoted to the proa-iga . .. . : . I .. i - - . . c ,jot, fiu,!i slarerv relisii.m, closes a long , i . " ." . . .. C 'artice in relation to the remoral of lien I reinont with tins language ."it is not a (hy too enily for the lovers of impartial liberty to inscribe on their banners, for the coming Presidential conteat, the name of John C. Fremont "' Av Amshican S.hi.ok Killed rv a Kimm H'irrilh: Sight.- The Singapore r mr.t of August 24th has the following account of tho killing of one of the cic of the American rhij, T. W. Sear", by a fhaik, and the narrow c-eapc ol two others: On Saturday la-t, three seamen bf long- ir.,' tn the Ainericiin shin. W "Srviis ! I ...... I... .1... ...... l ,,r.i; iiniiiiiic , tiiiij,.,',,! titw i . one of them was reiied by a shark. The nioiihier mi mmhi ihiii iy n MjouUier, I 1 I. .. c. .. :. I. 1. .. I ... 1 ... 1 ... niu uie 101 rv ..nil vv i.iuu l.t- l usneu tin in-i victim caused him to lose his hold, driv - inr; the unfortunate man sevral feet nn t I I M if t l,S. K at, I II IV I I I l' i K . I Hi ' IMi v inl' i, n'l I r.1 .1... u . I. .-l, . i. :...' oinmn in Clearfield, thut if Crnsa bad worn a ..r.. ,6 ,, ,,ii I... .i... I l. ...,i C....II.. is., 7i. ..a..i. .... i r , . ...... diappeand with his prey. All this Lap - ; pened w.thm plain view of his shipmates, who immediately lowered a boat, and after taking on hoard t lie oilier !wo men, pro - eeeded to drag for the body. They had w'.e., il... kl,.pb .. r,l..e.-..,l i "ir'i wrriiiiiru n mi m i" B'M r I t'.' n, as is described, as a do ' would a rat. The mate of the vessel armed himself with a boarding pike, nnd rowed tfwards the aimt. i.n.l ll. al.-.rk was mi.ol. or. 'ojinied with his viclim that be allowed himself to L stabbed several limes belore1 again tlisai.peariiig. Thinking the animal ! 1 liaii received lus de.itti wound, tho boat returned to the sliip. but sen ly bad she arrived .ili.nusi.l.v wlien I i.n sl,:i, It mm. i,eared as before. A iiarnoon was now TX " .t '"T f '. 'I'f".""'' B,,4hc- irnt'.y near to be struck, when he again disappeared. Lln was now paid out and t,e boat was towed some distance, till, assistance arriving, the monster was -ft- - . pound tin of preserved meat, were all that WM fnlnd. The ahark was of the species ,,n"'n ll'eel"r."d .ta.rk' "'J'1 bnut ,sn ! " , JrT' ! immense, and is stated to hare been eight or nine feet 'i It i,f ill, II i H III- tin III Mil H I' . . i . ..i .1 ll... (. I M.i-, tl... ill .i-i I no - ' I- i r i -,.-!. 1 1.,... I , ,,. I . i ' I' i' ' II I- mil. IN-1 (I ) llllii l-l ) I") S ili-.l . iiH) Loiei-e I'lirli,. , J ,,,,,1 tiimul, , ' l-nil r. friM' MP tihl'l I f IIim lirli.e"-- 1lMW.V.M'lMnM..,M,,),y,..,-l..,,Br,f h-11,1' ns-h nil I in-'i'nv ill 'i'it lr . , , ,,,, Sf.,.( t , r, , ,,ii'inl " (in. . f iIuko Loupi, il i-rriil-, rtnr r'illn-li J M-V Kh Hi union ftli'ln Klt't Moilll.il I . I ..... I ... I... 4 I... I I l ... 1 .. fin I 1 1,1' UIIUM I'V H' V. II, .11 rl lot", I III , , f.l 1 II Vi I' .. t,n, i. I n it no lr . I P bill if li I, , , I i, 1 t . . I'...,..p,. i,t. 'I Ailjiilniil Tin tnn iniijl,! . , ,. , ' !"" Mt "V n.'iiicP m.'l liuinl Iiimi.t I, "in tlinf St. I.oiiii, it ilii-v lu.'l t't'.'ii 1 1 . , i i . .. . j . ' '. .'" ' - - I u U UlWl ,lt ,, v1, Mln,., inl.'lxN .lixtl Hulling llilul.jll L II inl'l'l IiiihI j,a hi, n Ut; nulnl,,,r , lol , f(., ni,, I inkon nu ? cf ilurin" tin. 1. in- 1 tir. H'nll inrointu ho tine ns to tln kiml f)f ,ols,., con.n.c.or. h.ue I'alm.d oil' up on the cnvenii.t. lit lit eiiornioiM prices. ... . Ihcie will not he many living lo provide ;or neiore me w inier in ion, over. ..him of thoe along the l'oiounie nre iiln-mly unfit for p n ice : but e hat care ih con l.ruclo:. They have p-. 'cured tlio money and that w.w nil that iritti)te. J ihem. I'firy A'w. i'. mi in sni rnovLD TStz-zlstlz siiwiya mac him: ritlCFS FROM $40 to $70. n.o HMI IKiIlt SEWINU MAt'llt.NK, nn en f ravin j of which i.' In-r r-'pr.-noi. te-i. him now ' -loi.oino ft rroouiioil fnvnrits vikt-rn.-er il ins been inl, oli,ri-il, hii-1 i, heyiilnl uueniiim, .ho li.-iii, u well m the, kiind'onu-pt, low-priei-.l si-wiiiL' Miii-liins nnw before tke rulilie. Nn. I -V pumll nd Ten nent Mnehiot for I'ninMy nso. No 2. Inr".' Muchino frr (Hilling kenrjr ork mid for 1'lsiitnli.m up. Ikis Miu-kine ii iniiek n.linirr.t fr il iinpliei- ly, ami fur i in n-liiihilily un l dunihility it is nn- -ur)ass,-'l. A rliild twelve yearn enn run it with euso ; ami yet ilwilln-w frmn tho i-.nii M-pt .I'.lli in the finest S.vinp. There i no troiihh of re. liii'lin the thr.-ad, ap il ip tnk.'ii fr.ii.. the fpools. It tm no by'.ts to Rite trunhlo, ami will run Iini-kwnrd." as well hp forwardn. lint mill few. ,iinlly p.-'ifi-i t, nml wiihiuit danger of hriaking needUs. It runs hy friction, nnd hy cIopmik the lex over it. it i throw n out ot f. nr. In tuel, J hurt nheiiiatio in refoiiuucn.lin.j it Ike ! he.t tan Hj Siw inr Muehine in use. The j'jHoteiiij Premiums Avrardtd ihi obff M.tchint : At the rir nf the rank'in Inptilnte, 1S5S, :h Firt rremium. At the IVaneylrwnia Plate F.lr, at rh'lel- j akin. Heptrioher 21, 1363, the Fir-l rrej.ia5.-ft Uiplnnns. A t the Pnnyvnin Ftate Fitir, keld at Wyo-. mine, 1-sfiO 1 Kilver Medal. " I For the hett fionhU Thread Mnrlimr, al I.nn. .-niter '"onnty Fair, held October, 1 S i d ft Siivcri Me.l.l. At the Maryland Slate Fair, held al tie Mr7-, innd Inpti ul'e, baltiinore, M.I., Oclr.her. I?.'i9, I under ptrnng 'competition, Silrer Medal mm ,ir.pd to this Msiliinc. I At the New Cnptlo Cminty Fair. I.eM at Wil- ' minRtoo, Delaware, Oi tol er, lri9- Ilipl'tna. 1 Tha above Machinen are nitnufaotured by j (HWtl.l.S IV. lltltVl.tM). j ilniingten, Del. SALESROOMS. No. 720 Arrt t-tryet, rhila-li-lpkio, I'a. ; No. 101 Market Street, Wilmington. I'. I. I .'. I. UA K E K. I marl.t-Iy 720 Arch Street, Pbiliidelphia. I , Jtflr-1 erponn wivking to p.-e tke above M.ioltino n opernlicn. ran do po ty enllinj nt the resi dence of ll. V. Moore, in t'lenrOeld boroinjh. rpiir: CM7..itrii:i.n acaih-mv iii I ho opened for the rcc.-plio-of pnpilp (malee and female) on M-md.-iy Sept. 2d, JCI. Teruiapcr Sessiun ol" l Uevc-n Weeks J Orth-'irrnpliy, Kenning, IVritinj, ri'unary A t i ill luetic a n.i (ieugrapliy, $2 Id ltirher Arllhinvl'c, lir.'lib l.raionar, (leojtr.-ipliT and lliptmy, I CO Algehrn, Heometry, Natural rbilofepty, and Honk Keeping, 4 C(i I.n I in and Jrcck l.nni;ua;e. S OH To at.idenlf Hppironi of aerptirin; ft thorougk I.nglipa hdnration, and who wipb to rji.n I f y theniprlrea tor Teachers, tb, In.tilutioQ oflen ficiralc advant-igni.. No pupil received for tree then half eesin, ami no deduction iad exrept fr frolracte.l sicknees TulUca ta l e paidnt the clone if ib term. C". B. SANI'FOltl), rriudml, Cleftrfield, Aug. 7, lS' I I.'. i r- I' II I K I N I i t it i k i m rniLs ;! ruiiADi i. i ; !.' EXL'ITIN' rOOT FACK hptffccr I . L . t.i. : I .. i i . i. : . ,..i: i . L - . -i .... I.-... 1 ir.r i-uiiai,iiui;i j- 1 1 r aiei 1110 n.iioriu.ia r"i Uer uud counterfeiter. Ja ic lluihunan Cruel!! ! I Cro' eciiplured !!! ! It eeeme to be, Ike gener- ... . ,. r, . cu .... , .e , ,. ., l , !Pir of trunk Short 1-rciiik-ealf UootP, that to ,,, nn( i4 j ttoiin. ixii iio ii., vii jei. However, rnoriv ii ! not mil,.h put out at missing hie ruMmr;' would announce to all r.-ecK,-t,7r, ..... j Li,mln nnd lull men, and women nd children j tn t lemfield. and pinneinuhoning in particular iVo.'''"7 Vf a'-sUdo ornttern1 "et """l"r PSK-1. (sad aa he is a ekorl fcl . , , ' , " . , . . . I in tke nenleet manner and chnrice nindernte, at tilt Short Shoe 8k.p on Second H'-cet, op po.it. Wearer A Cue .tore. F K A N K Ml 0KT. I iV R' rindiuga for enla Kept. 2rt, ItM- WATCH & JEWELRY. rpilF. undcrslgnod respeclfull) . M J. informe Ine custoinem und tke JL f M rul,,ic generally, that lie kaajusi ' ' OAUAlon -rfielit, r,,.. a fin. aeeortment of Ctons, vATrnf.p, ,nd Jewr.i.nr nf different qualities fr.nn a tingle plee. to a full act. whick he wih eell at the moat reaeonnble pricei for caeh, or in "change fur ld gohl and lilver. s. It s. 11 II VM V.V.J .a.lV.J Ul URIIU, Rime ill VI, i price. ids of Clocks, W'atehea and Jewelry, repaired and n'orrrmferf. onntinnnnoe of patronaen ie eoliclted, Cl-llfc. ii., iouu. ll,I,..nbUl,l,i C.i II ibid lft?x.f'(-.rv l.t) THOMPSON. lltaeksmllh.Wigons, Haggles, ..., Ironed J cn short -rUcs, sad th.,.r,b..t...,le, sthi. u tnd la t'i Wmiga ef Cnrrrill, U'Hiiil .'pririuMi, I .2. 1M i..f.-M p .,.,. I'i.'.-i,.,.; ' ' V' ' ,1 r I Ml I M-l, -.. II . ., ...... ,, 1 "" f t.i.ii. I f-i-i,-., (i . i . I-.. V Ml.l. r-l I, . I I,,..,, , i l 7ri I " -f . !... Hit. , . k nil i l. 1. I ill II , r. l'i . 1 - ,, , . ' " 'I 1 i n ,,.i,ii, 1 1 1,. I- ., f - , ,,,1 ,, '',', P.. I.. ' '" '-r no I" I . ' I , , ""'''I -,.. lo ,.lh. f 1 1. s ...I. . fvf ,'",,r 1 -':" il. I ,1 . ' l-.1 . Ml-.. . . It. . I : . : K Muni,. ,,, -- ' 1 '! 1 . 1 1 IT M r, l , B, r,,,, , , llllll,-, ..P-, il, "!, ,,.,. ' 1 t Vl, Mi, r , l ., .,, ,,,,, 111 ,i . in tliif Ln ' r. ,.. .1, m , 1 " ii,i' in ( iirimi 1,1. euln;-. n. n (. , "I'm ID inn iiiiiiiiii.iv u. ii. p maniiiii", nlB li.lii.it in nut nil i r "'I'l.T L, urn V,-t'-'. Jmn,tn't ...i.. ri,i,iii,iiiir frmn liv l .pVPtl lutl-lm... , KHshi.iim on em'h lalc. Oilier Ms,.., uilr tu. J"u.-ti,r in- hAp-iJ ., .my !n, i . ,.. .i...li-y-p P ll,o unWwi.rk I., ,(, r,J"" givM tl,pr i imii.'ii.o Int,.., nn, thev in !.. ovil-il ll, ,,.r ., .ul,i:,rr. .iilli.!. 1'iie pulili.-niion ..r th.-.r r,,.t , in,ir. limn t.i.-lii.,n ,l,il... f i,P 0,j ( "" in.lliiiiK I. nt our Wmel. rluMv h.rtf0 1-ir.u' I""1 .M,..!,..-. ... I,. Kiv.. tl,,,,,. Oll.rr .Mi,' f,;u" not i,flnl it. M v never rfare ih,.v cm. I,. I...litt..,l. TLcm. f,,.!,!,,,,, , rche l .in. iro;C' liny lp iii.tI,. n,.r,lcI ' th wt-uriir will not tiesiil.jii-., t.i ri.liculj. wo.il.t li the fine ifuru ii,., 1B I,,. ! l emct nftrr t!,r i'l vie i,f ihc ,liil,- f, sumo of our pii-:ille't r-mliiiin in i-.' iiii,,.,,. ' (r '.; v'-" i''". ef vihi, , w gie tw ur thrro liiiii'f a iiiiiny nit nir i.lhur mn-n.i r ot'ton mistaken f.,r i... ' TUr r ",0 J'' u Pi i',r to nny ntlif r. " " ,.',i ii,.. r!.-iiri' cflliPrn. Himiipi,,).,,, .l . II... I ...1, '. II....L : ,i... . . .. ""lri-iul , Ills rl.ri.prrl. If yn ,. I;,l,,- li. , w,8 ' I other iM.i.iriiK.. Kv.-ri iliin,' ih.u'i, u,,ful ! orieiiiient.il in ii bun..-:in l, fu,l ,- (j,,,. ',-,lf ,,! i.fMHHIK. 0 Utlll-r 'thoin, unit buvv eivi-n ennuzk lu fill , uiu :i zi lie Ijr'o viiIiiiiii.-i. Our .'" iitinri, wnrh ni run he finiml n.,brr else, l'i. , kini; in i:ll il- variei y -Ci,f,.(,iu,ty the Ninr .ryi, 'i.i let I,iiui..lrv ... .1,. iKilrheii. ii .'i n! -nil,j,.,. ur,', t, in llm (. :,,. (,f H, .Hdy' li..,.k. We orii-innl-ly st:irle, ti.ii ,l",;irtineiit, nml li no peeulitir h. , c ililies fur mi, kin; it in,, st p.-rle.-t, J hi, j,. ; I'l.rliui iil Hl..i,e i. vtiiidi Ik,. . r i - of iU IJ.,uk. ! .Hiin' HVt- TnlU 7l,i d. l.jrlm, nt Jo'eri,lio'" uf : Xo other majjaiiuo lui ttit ilrp.irunrut. TERMS: CASH J.r ADX-A.C. One eopt onevenr, t-. Two eoliiri one r.. . . ... i-o. i ni-r.' copu-i one jer. i. t iiiire;,i.,tl) .-. IV. . ' .te-, 7. riv. eoni i iiey'r,nii,tnn ctlr e.,r ... the ptrnu K.'ltinf? )' the il.ih, $ 10, Kiitn cun- ir one year iinilaml on extra ropy to 'he ptr. son mn.liinf tkn clah, $li Kler...i copies hud yenr. nml nn eitra copy to the prrnn Pandits the eliih, 1 he nsi.r iimx.ii'ne that enu he inlnnlni-i'd into '.he nhore rlulu in plpS (1f Lady's I!"'ik is Arihri'e II,. me M:e.'ni.,p, h'l'F.f'I A I. Cl.l' !tlll X it Willi olli;u A- AIisr.ii. (jmle) ' I.ieiy'ii Huol; un. trtliur's !I.,ir M-'i. iine hoih one year fur i-'i 60 U.uley' .,. 'Iv'.-1 U'."k sndll u-per'a Maiuitie. b'.th oik jr. f-r $1 J". Uml.-y, llarp.-r, un-l Arthur will ,, three lie sent one rpiir fr M CO. Tn-mary Note na t Xo'.,- ef all a-ihenl hunk taken at psr. i cureiui nn.i piv .He u ului- uo tout A J-lren L. A.nnpEr. :23 Ckostont St.. I'liil'i., 1'. ni,T ' OF Fall Fashions ii;. ii JYew Cash Store H. W. Sllfn k GO'S, The nllcniim of the ladies w rcspeti Hilly called to Hie lallou ipg notice, that wc h.ivc just tc- ct'ivcil aiul njioncd, tlic very la test ami most fashionable styles of Nuhlaf, Wool IWde, Wool Pcarf', Zephyr., Woot Hkawle l:,rj;e and emt'. Heavy double. All tVool Sbawli, Ctieni'e Shawla, CI.m1i t'luaki, And great varit-tiva of Zephjrp, Zephyrp, A superior article of Gauntlet Uid Glortf " l.ielo " ' F.nck " Cakmore " Ferlin Wool ' ' Osuntlet of Zephyr Wool, CbTdrcna t'aekrnero Glorts " I.ials " ud ft good aenortm-nt of I.adire, Children, and Infant" Hosiery, F.legaut walked Setts " " Collars. " ' Skirts. All Wool Delaines, Flannal", nd most tics of drcsa goods. ADDOHA. Tk Pontagt have arrived und arc know opf for sale. Wall paper and window shading We knre Juet received ftom Unwell A Bro,t Chestnut Street, two choice ptyl. e of PAPEIl, ALSO WINDOW SIIADIG. PLAIN AND FIGUI.ED. Hours of bueinea from 7 A M., to 8 T. M. Sov. 1J, ISfll. tf. DANIEL GOODLANDEIt. JL'STICIi of the reare. Lulhereburg, Clearfield Co. i will alMnd promptly to all bueinc.s entrusts tutitsMTS. Mareh 8. UW- I