Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 20, 1861, Image 3

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(T! f (fliSifilb JliftHitan, i
i . ... .... i - - - -.-
N )V.. jn i l.
V I -I (!"
I n'l
I (' I 1 lW (
f .11 I ... I . I I. h
I. ti t I ' I ,.l-
f"'.f, i...,l,.,.li lilt AIMtllMA.
T.I I I . 1 . , 1 . - ' ') " 'M " 1 M T- The rdllnr of tho 7..,!, states Ib-il tho
,,',Vei ' r " ,!" f fcthvanecs.-Cotumtsi. ,.0imir,f lhf Admlnl-lritlnn ,.,t ' 1or n
e,,,. '''"' w,' ed the, rntifi t nre nf mniv 1m ilvnio.l
Annus o-Ficii., T TV t the printing
rrnf lllsfMetutVM.vpemhwIio niMi.r-
,' ,.to rrwrrnmci tf lie .:llu-
Iuh-. "''. """' ff H'WMiiiii-nl nn.l mi law
,li rt. r bs. inn-' to restrain the tg' thereof,
Th fn e tninitiuMi'itll .ii of thonirhts nnd opinions
, ., MftUinv-lunVk-ri:!... of ,.) Shdrvciy
,iiif..n way freely speak, write and print en any
..ibjeet! i.r.n r-.p.-m,. .or ...a .. .. -a o,
n-i J r -' - I-"
f M KI" Ml. tr-MHr.' ...
ior .... in pui.i,. rnp-ti.,. nr w i..r, ti.o
f tin' truth tlii-iouf may lj" (flriMi in rviil.-ti'-e;
i n- i" " ii'ilii't'"""!' ft lil't-l'i Iho Jury l.t.ll ,
tf biK- ft rijjlit to (Ictcnninn tlm lw nml inn Mum,
? siiJor th .lircpii..ioftlii curt, a lr th-r
t'l ''"" 1hmvIi
far Vlioo at Tyrone.
' TU otut.r (irrnnsi!nnt or tlic IVoiili-iin;
ni'ru.ti, uu an J ai'turtli Hint X i v.. H bnai
f"ilW"VtRiirs utxYiso .istw.b.
lj t4pr., 10..10 P.M.
f Jtiil T,"lu ' ' -'V1
Kpr"" l'i"tng-r
tUil Train - -
1.13 l'isi.'
- . S.ilj lMl.i
TU. J-'i.t Un. Eat, U. iU tP ' ,'irunr
fcJ-Tho Sohool lii-pct'"fS of H'ftdy t p. , '
i dt-iiic tc employ n teucli.-i-,
I Voir Tef.tu reriuin wlllicteJ with
; U'l t!ot!i, uliotili firiil reuil Dr. Hill's nJ
f ,Piii.-nient, nnJ then loe no lime In on-
S X Good l'anitcr. nW learn t'uat
ii-3i'ul of !
! I tbeownor of luinh, Ijinj al.mj anJ ntir t'.ie vW
ir)il from thi plica t Sitinma ilmuin.; croc!:, (',
' I . I. .. ,...tM nrnj.inl nf Kit'fV Ilffri !...
!i It ill view to tiiako a prcjant or HI'T ncroi
uflnnJto ouch pm-on wlio will sttlj iip'jn an'l
J iinproru tlio tnin. Tim lottleiucnt WuulJ bo n
i taut from lovan to ten miles from thi pluoe, an J
J . . :.. .1 1i
iiuu'.d be of com-iJeraliio iup iruuee i tli-i f
of the connty, by increasing in a.'rieulturul
wraith, and by mnkingguoJ tlie roiel along l.i -1:
il would lm lo(itoJ; tliu enabling tlio Ira.le
of Elk Cimutr to reach ths rail-roid at l'hilip
lurg w'uh fnr 1oi dlffi.ulty than it now bin to
tVo hope the projitt tnny bo fully enrrk-d out,
tnJ wo will soin find many "tut btarH aud
willing b:ind.i" in tt)J pMJi-aVun of a bo:no thoy
eiu cull their own.
"ESu'l'lie lion. Ui-nj;uniil Slack, ilem..
: been nppointed Iiy tin Governor ol
1 Oregon, Uuil',l Stale enit!or. in tlie
lace ol Col llitker, w h j vriu killotl at tbe
Utile of I'all'a li 1 n tt.
.'i fij-Thc lease of I ho I'liilulelphin amj
', Kiie tailroml to the IViniiij lviiniii laillOitij
cnipi:ny for J99 years, was linally en::
'iiiiniii'e! in I'liilaUtlphiithisi w eek. The
JvoteoT llm MoeKlioiaeti was nearly nnun-
fjaiouii in favor of it.
llmlla A'l V-TheatleelioiiJtof the Roftf
;rntii Journal John C. Freinont uii'l the
tv Ym k Tr'tlune. Hut "honest oM At.!
'-ein lietermineil to kill Ab iliiioiimn,
even if the wJiolo crew bhoiiht go l.y tbe
ALHtlon J'atnott- 'l'lw ol heia that "laid
dun n their anna anil awore tliey would
liclit under no one but Fremont."
eoiifi ess should, when il rt-n.emblc3,
voieanlie "eonlrul an J" toenehxif iheoe
PJLTho notorious llintoh Koven Hel-
I er, the author of that Black Republican
. . . , ...
campaign uocumeni itnijwn m ine -ym-
2nulinj Crisis" i c, tho "crisis" iiow up-
i n the country has received from 1'resi.
lent Lincoln the lucrative, appointment
d Consul to lineno Ay re. nlead ol
being tlius hnrnreit, this fellow should be
inade to khoulder a musket iind placed
wherever danger is most imminent in this
war which his infamous islanders vicvt so
instrumental in bringing about.
y "It is not our desire to oondeuin Uon. Fremont.
. .. JunmuU
No, wo never'thoug'it you would, n-s il
jwould only be one Aboli'.ionisl con.lptnn
i!ig another which seldom occur ; and
besides that vou have some very distinct
jreCJlieciions oi uiu rieniinii rom i-tiiii-
paien of lSoo, nho'.u the time you ex
changed Fillmore 4 Co. fur Fremont &
fCo. Tlie. va'uulle neqiiiiiniiiueeH y.ui form-
f-ed at that time wilMong impu-M them-
elves upon j our mind.
'1'Iih return Judges Lining reassembled
nd ecu :i ted the Army vote, wo present
."low the ollicial vole of our county in j
ho lute election in the af creia(e. It va
es but little lrom the volo US pubilalieil 1
.. . . .
3!,i.relof.n -f
Vots. MuoniTr
!C. U. Eurlv. I l'H
Ki. W. 7..-i:ler. 1). 1SIQ
J. I!. McFnalW. K. 151.1
U. 1. Wileox, li. H'J?
J l Thompson, 1). 1872
iti..oin, 1). ls'.i;i
Knu'l S. bring, R. 1 1-7
J'-niu Adams, R. HOS
I'd. Terks, D. 1801
I.iving:i n. R. 145S
V'M. Shaw. I). IK58
I. Lytle, R. H8..:
rsi'l Tst. !. 1883
I. It. R.- UllS -
icnh K1111U. I) 1872
na. Spitckman.R. '1432
'.id. Worrell, 1). Js24
ucob MitJck, R. 1 (04
W. Polttr, D. I8W
line Is ifrmd'iil'jr Mr lb (fcti nl r f A t -
Mird'toM tl.r I do ih rllnn !n Kw .Irr.
ey. fl Miiil.iitrs ,'s defeat .lite- ily t
lu i nliov nf ti e Xftilnr mI Ai!inllltr,irti,
ah. I I.e. t.,11... tint.lil,.i1r ,il,n.
nil th"lr Mmo. mrm find rtTi'ir" for
nf Alwi;tl..i-R-.. M'ilvt
Put liory doplm fiM. Hint ennLle lin-n
tioiil'l he deceived In reference, to r.nv
, . ...
nin. or p'.rty.lvWa.!....! lT,n.,-t.;IHnC
A')li' iof iiri . We wnn'd nd r -e I hi' di-
,.rrpr(or ,0 l1(M.n, ..,,.. n,p(lr.
f,.r the f.iipv nfiiip
r , , u 5f) ,vpl . ni!Cl nil may yet de
BCf.-rUn ""rminlinj" of W VOto of tin
- '" ,
riiil'i'lfll'li" vohintpcrs win nnnlly nosciJ
list Fi i'lrtV. Tlii'V pivo mi m'fMjc IHmiio-J
'rrufic nsjority of i.t-uit. 800, nr.. tccurc j
(lio i-lortim of tllo Dcnim-l't ii SliprifT,
f.jty yi.rnt,tj(.,.ri C'onitnispioiipp, r-j;i'lr of(
".! i" '''O''1''- imnllirp nieiiil.or;
oftl,,. I.rpi1.-.tuiP. How it ;i fleet tliej
City Ci uticils we have not n-e.i lnt.l. j
' .
tIT I''x-!S't:HtiT Gwiii, of Califoi ni:i, j
ivnchf-d NVw Vaik ht SaturJ;iv on llm
( ul,rn)u St. anK-r, tot-tl.or with Mers.
Di-nlmm iiikI Lu-th, wlso of California, a
protif, in chiii-ii? of Ocn. .Sficrfnftti
Tiiny were el! r-lt-n,-ed on their pmnlc nut
to leave the co:. titry without enni.sion.
5-Ci-l. M Jl i : ' re'inieiil, it a I I .
lmt receiv
ed inni-ohing rli-, an J will
lejvo C'tmiii (Jiosnian
next ' Moiiihiy fir
: . . . .. .
i'U'.u! I ho niminniiii nokheis nt I
'amp CVo!!l i r p-ii- to Cani C-ini-
T;ea,. JJart lUiiri.'
xi"S'.ibhei ibeta in nrreari lor Milei i
tinn or jnli w-jili are in funned that all
kind, left at either of the mills
in thia viein IV, will hn received nt cail)
price.'; nm.l that few of Ahoiti
woul-Jhe very iieCHptahh-ju it r.o-.v.
tyThe tint regular tesniou of the
XXXV 1 1 ill Coiijjt'e.ifcoiiiineiicosat Vuh-
! M.u -lay tho d of December
tkV"Tii Washington correspondent of
ihe Uiltlm ru .S'.oi gives the following ac
counl of the altiiik on lleaul'oi t;
"The pi in iitttai-k at Uoiiuf irt wai Jiff.-rent
from tbo ld Jtyle. It was praotiied at OJej.'a,
iu ti.i (.riineuo nnr, uiid nan particularly u-lvan-ti'g-.-oui
at Utaufort, fortlie reason Ihut the foi l
wire onnuiilo rneh other. Tho vrssola undor
i ti... ..., l.tulttuil nf n n.-li'irin 'I lu frililt of'
the furti and oi penin-fire, kept sailing around I
in the furin of a parabola, and d-livoril broil- j
ideu ; giiinst both fortu nt near t'.ia run) tinn. ,
The. movement of the veisals prevt-ntod c?urat
sighting fur the guns in tho butloriei", anl asthn
latfr were coiifli -ueted with r If e rune o H a Ian 1
ntt;i. k at well ai ono at ioa, their guns wore
hardlv brought to bear."
1)1 I 1 n (lusheii lownship. on Sunday limt,
of liije.tse of the lung'', ' li n 1 1 n a, no 1 1 Joliu
t. Hole, aired or M ye-rs.
At tho residence of liis 'son near this plnee,
v.,.:...'u ,i r. ,1 .so veari nn.l '1 davf.
' . ' . r. . . ". . . i .. r. ..
pU- Jlie , n-vni". i- " M., 4 j,,.;,, ,, , lSt0(,.( ,,(,pi,Ft,, (, l,0
day eveuing in usual health, but uii vtailius ".'n,t 2 ycar M. Tlu owner o: owners aro ro
room yoftenliiy morning his spirit had fled. The
deceased was. we U-lieve, natire of the State ,,t
A .0W 1 OI K, UUl loe gtcilio. 'ui. v. ....
uscfttl life was seut in Ibis county, lie wad a
, L-,,1.1. and enerirr. and of
the ftrictust integrity and most eiau fdary habits,
by practice as well as by precept.
Jlrlu btrtisnnenfs.
Jl 3 '5 t C i
- v n
is cspicially
called to tins article
as a Fubstiluta for
Hold in inserting
Ar ificinl Teeth.
t- . IYJT2uinlA
..-..S tf' jurjs .
'K;?- "f '' Ba
i-&&rj&S this. And
-"T . . ":"" htre l
i, applieab 0 It ... J
Its chief advantages are cho.pnoss, lightnefi
and perfect a laptal.ility to Ihe mouth, it hm iag
a soft and fleshy feel to the parts with whioh it
comes in H.nlart.
A.M. HILLS is prep nrcd to put up teeth on
the Vulcanite llnse wilh Uoodycar's fatent Ouni,
which is the only reliable preparation and which
can only be had through their reg'ular agencies,
As there are very many kisds of spurious
iluius in se which aro ot very inferior quality,
It would be well for persons desrrous of proenr-
inz teett on the Vuleanito Base, t'i bo well as-
uuuinled with the moral responsibility of the
demist they employ.
Persons desiring teeth will do well lo call and
ein.nine specimens both in ai d out of tho mouth.
I)r HilU will always bo in his oCi e on Fri-
days 'nod Saturdiys, unless notice t. thu intr.iry
nimc irs in the publio paeis on tho previous
we'ek'. .
..... .n... .r 1 M IIII. I. S 1
r'"tUTH).."A!t persons.are heieby cuu- ot en. tx. is-ucn ..111 01 1110 1.01111. 01 l.. 111
,',iB,d nainst bujing ur Belling the follow inon Pleas of Centre county, and lo mo directed.
iuu property now in the posaess.uu of bAMl'LL
J l'ltADUlM), 1 Covington tp., via s VSK
t'OW', THKEE llElFEHS and FuL K HOiis, as
11 LI ii'iliimii
"1 TT A VTI'.I) The fvLool Directors of Brady
am' . 1 . ......
tt townuii wisD to employ a scuuoi le.icinr
lor lour uioiilin. .Salary twenty four dollars per
month, Dr. X. J. LOV, tieciel..ry,
ar LuiUer.burg. - uov-20-au
4 D.til NI-JiTIl I'OM' MM ICll Letters
43G f Adiuiuistralion having been this day ynf,i0 to Win. H. ltlair.datel fcth VepU, tfiT.iind
Igrmil. d to Iho undersigutd ou tlie estate ut re,.ur,le. In tho office for the recording of Deads.
jKUfiEKTC. til M , lute of UOIIEX luwn-, ic, jn Centre county, in mortgage book K.pnge
..a ship, Clearfield county, deceased, all persons in- 34, ie with the improvement aud spfertenan
1 denied to said estate are requested to make itn- ....
mediate pay meut, and those haviujjoUiuis ajjainst
'the some rll present lbe duly authenticated for
settlement. MA IIY A.VIi HAW, I .d
nov-2K-tlt. W M. L. bit AW, J
rplMBKR TAKl.N IP...I tot 0 tlmbor,
consisting of round and square tiin ier, witu'
ttiuerent uiaras. i"o ..uiiieiuniiu iueiiuu wus
caught by 1110 ut BELFttlDo'E'S LAXDIXG
The owner or owners of said property, will eoll
,,i ,,,.. nronertv. DSV charires and tuke them
away wiihm Ufteeii days of Ibis not oe, other-
( . .1 :.i u. a..... .,11. ....... .1,... 1.. I,-
' ' ,M lUi'T Will WW U'Rll .ii. " ' - " ' - ' " K .-
1 Oosheu tp. oot-20 . JOHN WiLtr.tIDl.B
Fall Fashions
i7?r W A7r
The nttcttticn oft lie ladies
resMCcl fully tailed to the follow-
iinr notiec, that wc have just re
I n, onciied the erv la-
ceive I mid opened, the eiy la
test and most faliionab!o styles
Wool II..O in,
M'tiol Senifii,
Wool Hbnnli
large and nmtil!.
Heavy J.Mible
All tVoiil Mlinnla,
Cheni'i' .il.anli,
Cloth eioikj,
And rent niriatim of
Zephyr., ZepliyM,
A n'lpurior nrt'.e'.o of
Ouuntlot Kid ill'ivti
liuek '
" . Cashmere "
' Ilerlin Wuol '
Giiitntlet of Znpliyr WoJ,
ehilitrenii ea.-liinrra lilovvf
" Liula "
and a gooj nn'orlmout of
I . n 1 1 1 o ? ,
and larnut! Hosiery,
lilejiuit worked Sells
" " Collarn.
" Ekirta.
All ''Voul lic'niacK, Klutinul.'i, and must vurie
tiei of die? goods.
a !!)!:;; b a.
The Pontag? a ill be opened for alo in oim
week, or lu from this date.
Wall paper and
Avindow shading.
We have just received from Howell A l!ro., of j
Cbertuul Plicet, two choice stjlea of
I;,urs nf butinii fivjm 7 A M., lu 8 P.M.
Nov. 12, lsrll. tf.
ST15 AY. CiiiiiC to tho premises of tho sub-
si-riber in Uuranido tp., about tho lllth day
ol Muv ISfil. a brown liull witu a sin ill whito
p..l o'n t:.o 1 .i el.e".d. supposed to hd about l i
eiiroM. Tin owner is reU-ffd to coino fur-
w itb; pr.'.i pr..peitv. pay oli.ii-, s and take him
away, or lie w ill bo di.-pimd of ai ennlia;,' Uw.
v , Kll(.tit.
, Kurr.nido tp. Nov. 1!, lM'-l. 31, pit
C1 J I
Tll S --C-iuie to the p:iuiifes of Win. M.
llnree of Urlinin ti.. about tbo Srd ofllcto
quested to c.n.e forward, prove property, pay
i.i.i .i :n V.. .i: .
i liargel mil lake inem uw..; , or .... y ..... u.s-
posed of i-ceordiiig tu law.
yur j ;!t j,j
WM. M. teiSOK.
: - -
T KM " A A KV ' ,
-L-l LAND DOti. F.Uilli' tK MNFir
Miiiitlis old --black and curly .--except white on
the bretist---n little wl.ito on the ha k of llie
neck forcl-eel and tail tipped with white. Any
one liudi.ig nu ll a pup mid returning, him, or
giving m tot unit low .'I uuu suaii ie mi'ii'n.t ro -
.V ti tf.
A1.1-:X. M LI-Ol,
STK Y lttll I.. Cuuet i the premises of the
subset ilier in Lawrence li.. ithi.ut the middle
ol .-epteuther Insi, a LLACK HULL with a while
faco, supposed lo be about two years old. Tho
owner w ill come forwnnl. prove property, .f-e., oth
erwise he will be dispored of as tho law directs.
Lawrence township, Nov. fi, lvOI. 3t.
FIFTY-EfillTII (iS) l'KSX.. VOI.l'M'EEIlS,
rirJ,n,arlrs ,utt lwn,,l Wwcimji, 13S.
lV. yMrth n,Lld,,laa. Vamp in
ltoilorvvyb, near lyc -1 vo, uc.
r lur,l Companies, which are romposod
r .ana v , , r
of expwienceh oodnnon. and w ill !,
armed w ill) tho best elms Kino : lnrnntrr hoi
iliers for Ihe companies of the line; Artillery
men for the, battery which is atta- bed,
On application, Vy left r addressed lo the Colo-
nel, transportation lor squads of men. mid fo in-
dividual rccruils, to the lieadqiii.rers in I'hila-
delgbia will bo furnished lroui uny port of tbc
Recruits are mustered into the I . S. somce oh
their arrival nt Headquarter, and receive, at
onre. subsistence, uniforms, underclothing Ac,
r-s II i:itl 1-1' 'S S ALT.. Uy virtue of of a wrili
will be exposed to public nilc ut the lourtbouse
la the borough of Uollcfonte,
q , 0lill(,,, the 'Ihth (hill of XoV. Utwt.
. . r., ,
All the il.terests of tho said defendan. Jos. J.
Mnglc loinjf tho one undivided fourth part ol
nil thai certain tract or portion of Innd situate in
iho township of Hush in the county of Cenlre.aud
me lownniip 01 tieeniui in n ij 01 vn-nr
field, containing seventeen hundred and five
1 r 1. . ... I.. .1.. i- I'i...
acres and iillowancr, t umg hold tn oainniun with
A. U. Curtin, I). I. I'r;ner, and J. II. Hale, all
of which raid ureiuises are described by metes
..,1 k. in . .nria kIi-sh bi il, mill .1. .1
V".g0ilB taken in exeentinn, and to he told as
the proporl of Jol J. Lingle.
1 ' 1E0HUE
Bellefonte, October 3d, ISO'.
I)MlIST AVtin'S MITItl-X Letters.
2 of Admiais'.mtion Mtivinii been s;rsnled tlViK
iiav to tn undersigned on ttie esiiue 01 r111t.1i'
K III XEB, lata uf tlrady to nhip, deceased, all
,erou iiida-ited lo ii 1 esute are'requjsted to
make immediate naitnent. and IhusO bavinu
claims against the a inje wi'l present tein duly
-...a .1. ...a f ...... vi r 1 a 11 -an .1
.Hiiirniiuaipii I ' I pdiiiviu.h. . . . f uu,
Brsdy Oct. JO, WL Bk Adu7.
ru ii Minn; immims.
I!. . "rtlul'y i,t,, ,,.,(,, ,(, j l,. l,.y
lif "! Ii t . nti l a t e n.w m . up) in ti e I in-w'itn wiiii. ti.., ni, linniinj in ti.o Mmlot
I ..t mi l lu a ly t..,.. iio the ( i II .in.p,
( nbini l nmkltin vi Im innii l mi In llin up
1 1 1 Km; i l H i. in, . I t;i;, H jl,
i'irii;i:i;xT in ,t n c h i: f .
All Mn l of furniture will lm kept C'iiIiiiiIi-
... 1. ,. I. ,.,,,!.. 1 1 i r i .
on Land, and P..1J, -I,,.,,,, fr r., or cxr.mepo
fnr eourtry l-rodure, or Ltnnlicr to mil tlie bun
ue f
r. t n l o a sof. i . ckx Tin:,
T A n I. F. s.
r.ritEAl'.S, MUK-IIOAKD,
ji-yyy lixd,
11 It! 11 -V OST CUT TA 0 E,
Hair, Hair top, Cotton lop,
and Corn Husk, ef tho best material.
I.COKIXii-liLAS.SKS of all sorls and sizes,
AUo, (ilatfct far old Frnmes.
AUo, Tea -poyj, What-nota, Wash-stands,
V'ork-Mands Iliit-rncks, it-e,
Mudo to order on short noti:, acd
;irse lurininefl.
Poplar, Cherry, anl Liuwood Lumber, taken
in t-tcliiir. :;d for work.
; Cdearfield, October 1.1, l?l. 1r.
lMM.ll. I MOM Till: THII.NMII.
MKNT. "lieo i bereliy given
llial til Cointni.-si.nicrs .if Clenrlieid cninty will
inert nt th ) fidl 'ivin" pl"ees f-oni 11) A. M. till 1
o'clock of ciieh day lor Ihe of hearing Ap
peals from I be Triennial Ae.-m.'nt, ti wit :
' For thetn.vili p oftJ-nh.-n at (lies -h.i..l li-msf
in said loivu-hip. Ihe iisojI I.! ic .,r li.,!.ln,!r elee
tions. on Mmidny the I ltd d ly of November,
l-'or the township of Oiriirdnt Cio-rt'i-s Hill
sniirn i'uu.-( wi, ,11.-,... iiu 1.11. .,1 v 111 1,1-1 .
For the t.iiviisbip of t'.ivin-tiin at the limine ol
Jacob Miiu er, on Wednesday llie J;ilh d .y 1 1
F.rf the mwwdiip of Knrllinus at the house of
. U. Il.ill i Co., on riiarsd iv tlie llth day ot
' November,
Kor .Morns lownvhip ot the house formerly oc-
cupie.i oy i uoe. nytoi. on oaiur. me ion. u.ty ol
: :..!.. Jut
For the tow r ft.ip of f! i-abin at tho House of
J-h llubler on MnmLiy thelSiii day of Noveiu-
I ber.
r or o,e wmn,,. oi ..rauior,-,,, ,-,e nouo 01
iv... ii..,..-..r ..ii l',i,.s,l iv il... I'M, .i , i-..r v. ... .
yOT i)lc town-hip of Hoiir" at the house ol
, l.MHi l Albert on Wednesday tho 2Uili day . ol
I ,,reniher.
For th! township of Ieealur nt Centre sehunl
i ; ,nuse n 1 liurs'iin ' lie I isi uny ol Aoveiulier
For tho township ol " Woodward nt the bouse
of Tims. II o bersonon Friday the 22nd day ol
No) oniher.
For the township of llulich at iho schoo'
house in Janesville on Saturday the 2:!d of No
vember. Fur Beecaria township nt the bne of Sinn
u I M. r-iui.h on Muuday the 2;ih day of No
vember. For the tow nship of Kimx at the Turkey Hill
school house on Tuesday the 2(ilh day of Novciu
For the township of Ferguson nt t e bouse ol
Thomas II. Davis 011 Wednerday the 27ih day of
Joidnli township - -at the public school house iu
Ansnnille 011 Thursday Ihe 2Hih Xoveiabcr.
Chest township at the school b .iise near Si-
nion K..riibn itch's, 011 Friday the '."Jilt November
NewWnshii.gtoii at the public school In. use
fnr il,i .nr. me h on Saturday the e'-ili November.
Ilurnsiile t'.wn.-hip nt the house Of John Young
on .Monday the 2d December. ol tho said I good and law lal iiien. you niike
Pell tonus ip at the house of Aseph Ellis, on p utiti-.n to and among the hi irs mi l legnl repr -Tuesday
the :d Decemb ir. ta.ilativei ol the said intes 1. He, in siieu tii.ttiiur
Lumber Cil.v at the public school house for ! and in such proportions es by ibo laws of tins
the borough. n Wednesday the 4th December. I Comnnuincalih is directed, il tlie mine can bu so
l'ei.n townshif at the hoiiii of W. W, Ander pin ted u-.d d.iided wiihout prejudice to or spoil
m n. un Tliuis.b.y the .'.th December. ing the who!. Anl if sii'.h paiiiti .11 cannot bo
t'urweiisvilio ilonmgh at tbo ln.nse of Isaac , made thereof without prejudice to or spriiiogiho
Bio.. 111. Jr . on Friday the liih Deer tuber. j w hoi), that then vou cause ihe kald 1 11 1 . si. lo in-
Pike township at the house of I.n.uo Klooiu, ( quit e und ncei lain w heth.-r the sain will c .11
ir.. in llie borough of Cui wiiisville, on Saturday . veiiienUy iicconiuw.'iito tuoro tliau ..1 tho said
ihe 7th December. j repieseiitalivoj ol thu said iiiteslalc. w.ttiout
liloom township l.l the huuse of Jstncs Llumn, ; prejudice t" or spoiling iho nh-le: uud if so, how
Sr., on Monday the Uth December. iiuioy il wi.l ns aforesaid nccoiiiti oil ne, de.-ri-
Knidy township rt the publio liouso nf ( W. ding each part by metes a l hounds and return
Long (iiw Win. '.teed) uu Tuesday (he lUth De- ing n just valuation ol the same. But if thu said
" I liiiiie.-t. by you to be suiiiiuoiied as aforesaid to
"'Ttron lownship-nt he house of R. W. Moore,! tb "i'd partition or valuation. Shall he of
Wed- es.Uv the I III. December. j 1 1""'"" 11,0 l'1'""" fr.said, will, the Ap-
Fos twi,.h.p-at liie bouse of John I. Kundy, ' purtonatiees caunot be so parted and uiv.ded as
on Thursday the 12th December. ' ,0 -" "f fan one of the said reprc-
H.on,ip-t the house of Jesse Wil- sentut.ycs ol lu. said iulesta.e, that then y-ti
L',i,l ,e tin. I -uii I .......... I...r . cause the inque.'t lu value Iho wboie of the sai J
SO... I'" ' - . . . .,..'
('leartield llorough at (he Coiiimisstnners, - tn -
(ice in Clctrlield. on .Monday tho lrtlh December.
Liiwrence li.wn.-ltii at tne Loniinissn'ners l)t
llee in Clearfield, on Tuesday the 17th December.
An appeal from Ihe valuations of I'nscnled
Lands will be held at the Coiumijsi'.ners .Office
on Thunday the 2nd day of January 1MI2, ut
which lime all persons interested must attend as
mo appeal can bo taken after thnt date. l!y or
der cflhe Board of Ci'tnuiissioners.
t M. b. Hit ADI.RI, tlcrk.
Cominisiioncrs OHieo. Oct. 7.h, '61.
cited at
isiieeitiat I. M. t.i...
r. r. 'v. .......v n vi j
7 illiiinu (Jrove. Clearfield county.
P. 1. 1 nnlrotingo and success flutter him with the
helitf thai those desiring medical aid will imt
nesita.e " s,' -v ........ .
.. ... ... ni-. hnn . n.ill II. nnn ... r..n.,.l
hen not prufossi innlly engaged, at his OJico.or
niiV".--' r j . . . .
( ctober ?:). 1B1. 4t. pd.'
For DscATi'ti Towhshlp,
will promptly attend lo all business entrusted to
hi. rs. P.O. Address. Philinsmira Pa. -
, . - - - - - --. ' . m
' Auj. Jlet 11
i ,; f ' 7 1 .'A
. ! l',
I I 'I, o; f.
II I', ,v..,.
W it i t t ,
I i I I ill in .1 u
'.' I ill I'l'T Hi ',lii- I
A-f 'i. it l "
'lit '-il I ' I . I.- '..I nt M i r
r e -M 'M ' i .11! rul.i !.. ii a
I ' tnl-l I , A I'. I ' ' 1, I . tin . Ii,,.
HI I I, II M. I , I'll-- I. I.I, .
.1 l, I. I 'I I il . -HI I, III I lin III' I . f
.1 1 1 . I l:it. i I' .li'i II !' '. r I: i li , d. i i':i .r I, lin
I'i litimi . f W 1I.1.1 il . Il'-l-r, of II " ( i v i, I
I'. nn in llie f.niii'j id I ' "-.i'i. . u ...I m .In i.t
Ui'is I'l I - i I ' " 1 1 1 ' ill In I. II. U i -l.-r e,
w.i" pri-. tiIi I, It in . I "ill, til it -I'.l'li I' H;'l.'-,
bita i.f I'-n in I T ;nwiihip. In I'm I'mnlv of
Cliinlield, ihed n -. i.
Ifil, iiil'-Mnt , l.iiii.h H-iio and li.-iM ; t lf,B
,;,..,.,. (i,.-,,. I,i,, , .,.l,iu
('.nil' y, il'-i i-ii't'il. w Ii" K it children n loll'm i, 1
tu wit: Aimer lluli r, .'u.i.tiiiali, inlei iiii.' i ii-d
; Willi i 11 M. I. "Its. n-i.l l.liiUii'lli. II1I1I iii'T
ri.dwith Patriik McMH,,i t tl,e n;;e ,.f21
years. I'ei.r lti,l-r. m.w ol .Marsh (r.-. k. i.i Ihe
t'outily of I i ntii', Auielin. int rmiin id . ith la
vid M. I'lair. of (.uviiiKion t'iM n-liip, in ihe
,(.i.nty -.K lein .old iii.iie.iiid, iiichnid Hid-r.
' lull-id Clint. hi County ilecd., who leli a widow
I liiuued funiiiiiiih, now int. rinairii-d witli Wiu.
! It.itr. and two th ld-en. Win. C. Hid. r, Ihe IV -
Itili.m.-r. and Andrew ltiiler. who is under
iandoi win.,,, liolt. the mid C..
ity of Clinton, is rluar.tiani S..d.ia. wl,.. . in-
IteMiiniried will. .las. M ..III 'ihiii'l. .1 no. W. Ilider.
filial. I' l'lt'1' t I 1 .IipuIi Uimr.iill n( Iho jti t f I t.outt-
'IV oi l l.-,.,licld. that tho Kind deieiie led mi-
j et in loe f and in eertnin real t-etuie a,
I. . in. i .. . i ii i :.'
: In wit: All th"t piece or pane! ol Ian I Mtu.i'e '.a
Mlirarl tp , in the.C.iiiiiiv ol'Ciei.iti.'l nf'T-ni 1,
j bounded and ,l.seril.edI.sf..llows, I., wit: li. - giu -
iiii'-'nta llciiil.icl; corner on the lii.e I'.-livecn
. " v ., i ... , . ,-
tracts and j.i.'j. Ih.-iico I.. .0 i per.
i i ,. i i- , i . i '
along t ti o Mild lino to n cucumber frith eorn.-r.
I . h.'i,"e '. 17 p"r. to a hi'iiiloc-k, I hence W. '.'Oii
i pur., tlu-nco N. 17(1 per. to the phtee of hegiuuin ;,
! C'lilaiiiing Hl'O iicu-s and allow an.:.), (hung tim
i 1 !
Minie trad ol land .-oitvey .'d to Iho su.l Jl... 1'. tic: and w all ..lie tin 'ii I pr.-lu II i !.o pr.n I -
1; ti, r iii his lil'elin.e hv'lioot, tiHiill , us.-i'.:nee .f of I.." two I It rend mtiehiiies ; tin.!
.Iiinies Veid, by hi. d ed beurins date the 2'..ili lit' re, f-r the-0 loll without lui.-ling.and bei:. 'ho
June. A. I , is:i;"i, duly recorded in lite ltecrd- , line-t inii-iin w..houl pu.-kerin.'.
ets ollioeof the said County in .'i.'.k F, I'tijju 111)1 Altboail tit n' lit half the pri -e of the o'her
Alno a celt ui a tru. I ol hind bitiialo I1, the snut :lu-- icaeliiilv... I'iu-y will j.:i-oUiu'ul doiib'
Ci.iinly id Clcarliel.l nn.l bounded tin. I deerib.-t ' I- tliv.'wing in .g:vn '.I'lio
us lo wit : ISegiuniug ill a hn.el in Ibe .V. ' "It i-i vinptiati. ally the I. low -priced 1-, 'n-
1!. corner of warrant No- I Sin!. Thence S. 2'J per. - i'.v Sivaine; Mm-hii.u that tho public have lo..
to a white pioe, th'.'iico W, 7tl per. to a w hitu .nl;. hcii h.mii'f for." Hotloii fl ao-.-i ipt.
theiiio .S. n long the survey of l.e i I.alz, 1 0 1 per. ' "It is intlc.'. a w.iad.- rl'ul prod net ion. uad for
and twi-lltiii of n perch lo it pest, th-nee S, ' family u.-e ct.pvciii'..y. no other will hi-nr tiny
ulon.? raid survey. 121 per. nud eiht-lcntliii ol a ' r.aupurituu wi'.n i.." Philadelphia K.ei.iui;
per to s'ones, lh, nee W. I.i I pereliea lu a post. .Journal.
Theiico N. IU per. to a nli'u) iir.k. il-.once W. j "A uieibaiiical wonder." Scifiitilie Amc;i
per. to n pest, iheiiee N. :id per. t.nd eight tenths can.
of a perch I ) ii post. Thence K. IU7 per. to llie1 "Ainong the and mos'. scrvic ci. oh S . u in
place of h egiiining, coiituiuing IOC. acres and 1:14 M:ifhine. Light mid elepanlly ftiiished. and
per., more or less, (being the same trait ol land so simple in its eniiitruci ion it s.euis nl
eonveyid lo the said . I. P. Lider in his lifetime by mot. impossible for it to get out !' re-,i:r.'' -Jno.
Keating, by deed dearing date the 2L'nd day Pilii liin Chronicle.
of June, A. I) , iill. duly recorded in llooil 1J., j -Has cniibined ii h Its mil pi-'-ulii.r nn rin
page 4i-l) Also a certain tract, piece or pnreil of nil the really vnluahie iiiipr.iv.-uiein.- of the high
land, siluutcd ill the said loiiuiy of Cltu. Held, ' er pri -i d r:..icliin ." Pe-.m -.1 1 .iman.
hounded and described follows', in wit: l!e:iit- j J' lanclune, in the npinii'ii of the eo-mnit-ning
at a stone corner 112 per. Y.. of a v. Lite ok i-.. tills !.) n.-.-.rly tho r ,pii. -u hi'-- "I a per
gruli, which said whiteoak giub is tlie S H' cur- . I.'.t faicily u-.aihi-.i- than any "li exhibit', u.'
licr of Pat. nt No. 1.1'Jj, this tract of land being l'rankl:u in--lili.ii' Exlilbiiii-U l'.'-p-rt .d' lA.
part ol said patent, thence K. I'l'O per. to awhile : I' i n:i-1 rai ion si.i.piici'y, che.ip
pine, ih-.-nco N. '.'J del. V. -i ii per. to a Item lot-k no--, dii'af.iii.v, and liomgiill "':', the ..min-.t.
corner, Iheiiee N. i7 dcg. W. 2fi per. tu a vl.iite t--" tvcie uoii.'..:.n.ily !a tav-u of w .-j.. .1'
pine, thence N. M .leg. W. CI per. to t: w h itu , O ibb, as n sin"-.' thr.-ad intielini"."-4-1:. nut. a
pine, thence N l'lo perches to a i-tore cortn-r. : nia Hi.itu Agri.-ullatul Society's Keporl.
I'Iii.ocm W. llil) ti'.r. to a inai, In', ihence S. lllti iiji-. '. ".'o inu-l. in iu-l:ce. i .xines- our coiili-l.-nco
to the place of beginning, containine LSD aces
tuol 1.,- per. and nil. w .nice, (being ll,e same
trail ol land eonveved lo tno sai'l .Inn, r. IliUer
in his lifetime by J.-hn Kcatinjr, by ee 1 hem ing
dale the I'.'th day of Sept. A. I., IS'il, duly Ue
coided in IeJd lluok p.ige L'il 1 ) Alu a c. r
mm tract of land situated in iho said ouniy,
hoiiinL d and described na follows, to wit: lie
;ii. ii ' t inutile corner, theuco J. 4'J ; er u
while pun., i:)"ptr. ! a post, theme W,
4'J p' 1 lo a t-tonc enruei', lliuioj.s. I j p.r. t'
tlu- pI.H.e id ht-gi-ining. C"tila:t; .0 -I'i acr-.s I...J
.illowence, being pail id w.irr.ui ; .o. Iv.., and
conveyed to the i-uid J. l'cier ili ijr in his lile
liiue by John Keating, by Weed dated 2.'lh Ju y,
A. 1) , IMI, duly recurdi.l in Iee l It.iok li..:
page 4a2. Alsu i. eel tain hit of grnun-1 .-nuate n 1
Covington township in said Comity, oil; lining
the 'I'm up ko Kuan on llie moth, lni-l nl l-'ifl-i-ick
.cliiutiis on Iho ea. t, il id land.-. n J.ihu Vo-
ihcts oil tho. o.ltll Illld 'Lt. Ciilllalllitt ; OiiO
acre, biug tlie same piece ol laitd bought by the
.-aid John 1. Kider rr. his lileiiioe by urticio of
ugiei'inenl troin John Yothcis. Al-u, a ceil.iiu
bit of ground situated in '.ho said township of
Covington ir Ihe CiUnVj-oi t'IfHrlield ii..r.-s.iid,
bounded uud described as folljws, to wit: Ad
joining lite l'.ivcr, beginning nt a comer at the!
HiVer between oilier land ol Jc hn P. Kider aud i
I. hi ma, tlietico IlWi. up tho Itiver theiioo b ck to !
the .Mountain ljDIt. Ihence along the .MmnHiiu'
V llllll t.i l.i.r in.'. Inn. in.. i I. i ..i.t li... '
120ft tu the nhieo of l.ecniuiii.'. beinir tho sumo
lot of ground bought by the said J.' P. Kider iu -
his lilcutne by article of agreement Irmu J. W.i T' nZ . n,T p, ,,,.5
Itider. No purtiiioii or valuation of ti.o uloro- f ' il ti ( CI J Vw !3EwO '' o
said Ileal Kstnte having been made, undlhcre-. f -It ' II 1 1 1'IIK s i'i-"i -!h r 1 e-
for pruyinj tbo Honorable Court to award to In- p''lv biVf.-.en il a!. iV.V. pe.-v.o
.,uest to make parl.tti.i, 0 tho p, ea.lse, ore.-aid ...........Hv. th it h- is m -v well 0 .hiisl ,e I in l is
to and a1.11.11g iho r. preseniiitn es ol tlie said in- VKW si(,,p .,, 0 , ,.;;,. ,lu Y, wl
teslau- lu su.h if.v.ncrand iiisoeh propoi Hon, as j,,,,, :. , ,rt!.,, C.,.!irfi,-.a. , , ,. ,;. l,ii
bythelaw. ,iils l.o,.',l,h ., if 0n ,.k( ., ul.,e .e U j.i -1 t . do -.11
such pininon cn bo uiado witlioiit p.-ejudte. to ,,, in ,j i;1 , v,.,v ,.', Mv),., lim n
or spoiling llie whole; but ll such part,. ,011 cue- 4u) .,,ru.M , j, ;,;,,; ,,;,,,,..
uot be 1.1 1 Ij, then lo vain- nod, .,,cll',,!v f..,., , , t ,t ,; , ml ,,.
the same and t. maker, turn !;1 the proceeding, .r f aS 11I0 respectf'iKy ilivi.ed 1 j ; vo
iiecorduig lu law, ic And wlmreiipou tuesaid l.:,.. ti i-.l
I'...., I In- t.r....r .....I ...... .1.1..... li '...... . ... ...
" " i"""'
premises awarder, an Inquest lor the purpose
aforesaid, notice to be given to the heirs resi. ling
out of the County by publication in in one Ueu
pnper pub ished iu the County of Clei.riiei.l for
four conn-cutive weeks, an 1 11 copy theio. f mail.
ed lo llie Post Ultice addtoss.
1 li e- therefore i-oniamiit yon that, taking wi h
you IJ good 1.11 lawiul limn of your bailiwick,
1 you g" lo and upon the premise nl'oiesatil ai d
; there, in Iho pres-.-noo of the inn tiis alurosai l, I y
y u to bo wan..l.(il upon being warned they w .1!
; b t-resi-tn ) mid h.tviii te n.' '. I . tho tr ie alii. -
; tin thereof, and upi.i. the out lis mil uiii. inn t i.nia
...I ta.,,, ,,. 1 ,...,irl..n.i I .....
; -"'"'-''''" "I'l'"" .i-e-
peet to the true ) uluiiliun titer, of ugrucly to law.
And lliut Ibc pnrtitioii or valuiitinii so uiado you
disiiiictly and openly have b. I'.ue our said Judges
at Clenrlieid at an Orphans' Court iheio lu be
held on llie reguhir day of S 'sMttis thernof nfter
.in..! .hull be Hindu under vi.ur l...,l .,.t
seal and under the 11 . lids and teaie of (hose by
..-I...... ..nth. n. nHi- 1 1 .... . v.. n . I. .. 1 1 1. .... ..
.. ,i,.r. v. .iv... .... sunn urn iu sill 11
' partition or valuation. And have you then uud
there this wriu
1 Witness, Samuel Linn, Esq., President of our
laid Court at Ck.ir8eld, the Kith day of
(intninr. A. i.lsr,l JAMM Ul!t,:ii,-v
, ... ., ..J ., ....... w ....... i. i ,
' Clerk of 0. C.
nai'll... fhi.t hv lartni, i.f tli. iili.ti'd Inniili.
i---- j . --- -
writ of partition, anjuquest wilt no ueu and Lt
. i i -
27b day ol November, A. D., bl, itlOo'clk,
A. At., for tho purpose of making partition at
valuation an I ppr.iisement of llm said real o-
tale, ns in the snid writ required, at w hieh timn
nd placs sld pnrtlos attend, if iboy think
F. 0. VfLLER, Sheriff,
, ... y. . ....
J eSrerlff tOffife, I learfielJ, Oel. 2t, 1881. i
lit it ii. t r
aid 1'Mlt.r,
., T ,..ttttti Ttic a nntvi n-i
1 1 1 1 1" i C i. I 'l Y llLllJilhtY
j i'IS 0Vii-
... , ,,. . ,
Ltitt hicg. .Hts g1. tr.o fj with
j tiijplQ 'IhrCttv1.
.... . ., , , ...
'. "'; " " ''''
A ti It A N 1 . 1 ik.i M rip hi ft cai , i ' i ii ii ti. a
""' 1,1 ""I" ol niie.val.. !-ii....r
H .l;--M-;i..-a -To m-i-.v.vk h:i: w..-11-ti a
' l'"" i.i"d.-v.e., .. gn u uu.ily ... I, a, ,-, -,
1 1 , . . , K,
ru" '" "'"'' ";S d.'"cl...n, . tho La'ance wheel
,'' ''',l.v f d,l'7: , , ,. . , lii r ti-atuio winch ilcsiTie p.iit.eiil-.r at-
. 1
U ... ,,
1 ? 'r' "B u-,'oX 1-'::-T v,:l"r- "T ,;:
, "
I nil .nd ; i-n.'s, or two yaid-i t work,
, .
em j d'.ne m one wuhoiii mo; ina" a
. 1 1
1(1 "-''
1 1 h .'.-e nmc!, it, "S nt simple nn. I trotir-.te in
1'ieir coi'slrtn t.'.n. surei -."le t'.;n tin. ol tl.e.-hat-
. it: the ir.'-i it of In- Wile. xi(:
Lbs .-e.-'
ii i-'-i '
chine. We con-i'ler :l
t a i
it. hi
a'-e ii-
lias hcii supiili.' I i .-' It. a I
.i-uihl, Ibai two Ihr
, p:
ed. ne.-oss.i I V lo a g.m-i in- ti a
I l.l 1 -
Advi..-.tu an. I lin.iiia!. June '"'i'.
" iVa ii H e on" of ' h. "' in . chines 'a
ihink ot' it thim . t r -iv we I'.ave t;-;i-1." '.tic'.i 'imii l Whig.
'I he u. id. i .i::i.i-d, M i.-.ii. ii ti y t-i '. '
id", h..s i ii-,1 -i-. I in .! e l.iii't t')( '.li
).', ,! Seaii,,; M.-n-l i. e-. a;l I ;i.. .
a ..I: - i :.i i, are u 'tu . i'.' t' i"l
he 1 1.-. p-in-hii-.-' .si - f liioiu. ur '..e !! .!..,
ted to ti e watll- . f i'i.- t.iati!", aial il 1. : , -i
liable to ic n.sie lep.iir. C::A::;;.
lb).-: n, .I'olv :,. 1--.M1.
'I tni...igi.i-i, -1 Ting ci' ii in uill-s lies
had in .-tiuii" t .- ii.i-tin.t i'.o. ill iiis I. iiui'; Wil
cox .1 Uihbi S. -.ring .M .i:.m.-', op '" w I i 'i h.'.l
biin made Ihe i l :h.- ef !.:s I. t '!v. Vr '
lllll-lin to pii'il e'.Li. itl'-ltlilill' th' ci..;'.ll, J-7-
(iii.-i'tl i r hii -i-vi ru! i"' - ; an-l in Hn ease httvo
the M-aiuti .aiied, al.ii -jiijl. in I. i-rvi.s. 'i ',u
liiachine now n u-e in Iiii i'.'i.i'y iics rt-'iuirt-d
no repair, nnd is in all r "peels, wcil a pp.iir.led,
effieicut and dtiraiil j.
jAcuu emcKLnryo, i;..sto.
Jrff-Ser.d for ii Circular. ,
J.VMl. s HH.r). S!atiurai-;iti cr.
V. ."itss n.-o:dway, New Ycik,
PP0i, St- X'b -Ut hotel.
(let il'Cr I
ISol. tf.
KMC Tllll Ilis rcrti! -Inn m n.iikr
and Itcpaii cr of Kdge -uol.- should of it.-e!l .-ecu: 1)
him a liberal ;n, 1 1 1 11 0 1:".
LiLuitcr- c. r.'.:M0?.i:.
April M, 1SCI tf.
J KW 1)11 lit! STOilE
The suhscaihers nnvu oiined n full nn.l eoin
ph t" iissnriineiit of DIM LIS in the new brick
building of Dr. Woods, on the corner f Lreu-t
an i'"Chi rry i.treets, in the bnreugli of CI. l.l lie''!,
Ih.-y will h; Lappy to i.ccnth.ii'i.lato sny
r"ii win. may .le.-iiii a. in-'.' - i-i tliiirliuo. la
bu.'.inesr will he coi.liued stiictly lo a
7',-!'7 .in I i'.'ex:ri;)t'fn Husinc.',
And no pi. ins n ili l.espar.'d to render stitisfn -tion.
Dr. Woot.i. the junior partner, inn;,-niwnys
be and eji.siillud in tho ' Dri g Stoi e,'(
alien not absent on pi'ifessi.inal bo. :;;"fS. A
separate room l'r C'Hi-' is attache ' t-i tho
stoiO, where patienfs may ho cx iiiiined nri-, .-tely.
Liery nrticlo iisiinlly l.'itt d in fu.-h an e!::1'
lishm. tit will bul.i-pt oil liu:nl,a!id t'.IJ at r...-,vi
red iced prices.
Tr.tiMs ui.ino srrn.'Ti.r Cash, vril! enal.'j thora
to .iiV-r iniliieein. ins in the way uf prices
Physicians ill bo supplied rt a small per over cost and caning;, mil thuii' orders
are solicited. Ev ery nrticlo t jl lwill bo pur: and
of the best quality.
Kbti-tf WOODS A IlAltr.ETT.
I'MITllI L'TP-I I V r. P 1 T-t I P f T fl t f
i; r uui-.-j I uk t .) u ..iiii.iii. j uiui-
M l-.R,
Located at A. II. Main's .V''t. one mile Eatl
tf C'ewftclU bomtgh,
Respcelfuily informs the citiiors tf CH.i'ol-1
and iiJi.iinin? colmti. s. thol bo is 'it r.l tlu.s
- - ' i I . I
prepared t-i munulasiure, tit tl": s'u' 1 !l 11 'c'.;
llmr. Husk. nT.d Sti nv Mi""-"-' n
bin 'j. and sixes, one of wl.i-h is 'Jn
suitub'e for CABINs ON II r 11. w'..cb
can be loi.i.i in rtn'iit en." .as.i... . v.i'i in-....
nnd very iliet.p. .le r. .s .
' liiais CiuriiiKOt, unkes repairs In nil k:mU(f
i boy'C"rri'"r Triiin.ii.g and L'phulsteiy, and a nl.
ilioned Crda for Mason's Tricing Lines, of uny tli'd-
"l I'---"'
cniitrT Produce Corn II
i.r Ct.;'i
laken in Evci.nnge for, work,
-?T-All orders Icltwiin any nf tho Me'r. )
CloailicIJ borough will bi prouiplly ntler. le i
to. ' dec i-i
PW. HAYS, of the P..i:o. will ai.ea
. pru'ipLly to colle timis and ol' tr uintw
ifr in hischarg ' AJuruss Uorsov, Lik kJ, it
Cel. 8dl861.ty.
4 .
5 ' 1
i '
i V
1 I
1 .