Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 20, 1861, Image 2

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'A a if; :n o .
1I- maty it k pum
V l-h till y er lirltliy
Hi ttiafij lsy.ef Mi tn
W il) 1 1 1 J- ttn wi-tllli"
Mo mrii)' Ugly ohm
N il. tlioy Wrr ;
How Minnjr lti I'l ones
Wish Itiry fr witl i
llrt mniy lrliilor
WikIi tliey wprt iiMrrii'i
How tunny lliirilicla
tliry ImJ lrrirl ;
Mnglx or double,
I ife'i full of trouble ;
KU'liri aresltiblile,
l'lcasi fu'siihuMile.
tiiT-Oood titmppr iolike ft suny tiny,
".t hlioda ft bright neM over evi'ry tiling ;
it is tho "weetnpr of toil, nnI the
soother of diwiuiotudp.
WluA gnrdint r isclcRcrilipd ns bping
requi-Mcd to m t liis niafiter'n watch by
his un-dittl, when ho forthwith plan
ted it in tho ground cloc to it.
Bu"Wliy don't you limit your
self?" bh'iJ a physician to an intcm
pcratij person ; "not down astako that
you will go ho fur and no farther."
So I do." aaid the toper ;"butl Bet it
o fur off that I always get tipsy bo
ore I get to it.,,
KSThe following advertisement ap
peared in one of the city dailies :
"Wanted A situation as son-in-law,
n some respectable family. No ob
jections to going a abort distance in
the country. For the reflerenrc nd
particular, addrewu Frank Stuart,
I'otit Office, Williamsburg, N.Y.(J
IWSuTrouble in the Episcopal Church
The Baltimore Xrws Sheet publish
es a resolution, which is to bo offered
in the Episcopal Convention, arraign
ing Kishop Whittingham for inviting
the Tyngs and Beechers of the North,
nod for favoring those engaged in the
-daughter and subjugation of tho peo
ple of Maryland.
R.A letter from thcMcKcan Regi
ment says : "To day the Col. ordered
-in inspection of somu hard bread, or
.urmv crackers, to bo niadts. which re.
' .....-- - -
tumped' "1810," and the boys Hy
they have seen several marked "ii. C."
Eirie Constitution.
CivA priest of Milan, Italy, was
iiHicb struck with the repentant air of
t young, elegantly dressed man. the
other (Jay, and gave him absolution.
He soon altcrwards found thatho had
lost his valuablo repeater. The peni
tent was an eminent pickpocket ; and
the worst of all in theeyw of the priest
is that he sent the scamp away fully
absolved, so that as a matter of con
science h could not appear against
St3r An old lady, who was unacquainted
a itittiy terms, asserted in a company
of gentlemen that her son was au ofll
win the army. "What is his rank.
n idnni ?" 'I dont recollect," said she,
' but .Le word ends with ral." "ou
iiiv -t mean a gene-rff, madam ?" "No is L.t the word." "Perhaps a cor
: d Haid nnothcr. ''.n, Kir."
madam, perhaps it is a scound
rrj V 'i c yes, that is it ! "cried she,
fcaTA young man who was about
i"ng mRrried jiresented himself
to the priest for eoufession. He
. poured ruthcr embarassed, and did
not seem to know how to proceed to
enumerate Lis errors ,
'Come, said the father, kindly, did
you ever tell a falsehood V
"I am not a lawyer," replied the
yomg man.
"Did you ever steal V
"I am not a merchant," again spoke
tho young man.
"You surely have not coratnited mur
der r
Tboyoung man' eyes were cast down,
his color camo and went and his
whole appearance was tiulike that of
a d 'jomed criminal. 1 he young man
raised his down cast eyes, and looked
the priest in the face and with a trem
bling voice said, "I am a doctor."
'Father," said a young hopeful, the
otner uay, -now many lowls are
here on this table V "Why, said tho
geitleman, as ho looked complacently
on a pair of nicely-roasted chickens
that were smoking on the table, "there
uni two. "Two?" replied tho smart
boy, -'there are three, sir, and I'll
prove it." " Three !" replied tho old
gentleman, who was a plain, matter-of-fact
man, "I'd liko to see you prove
it." "Easily done, easily done. Is
not that one V said the smart boy,
liying Lis knifo on tho first , "and that
twa 1" pointing to tho second , "and
do Dotore and two make three f" "Ile
i!ly," sai l the father, turning to his
v i j. who was stupifiedat the,immense
. r..! g of her aon. "really, this boy
eniu and deserves to been-l
r'ir:itJ :" and then to show that'
r 1 js, t)
i..;ie siua inoiu lomsas welias young1
-c he added. "Wife, do you takel
on ibvrl, and I'll take the second, and
and John mT haVO Vbe third for his
tilted in condenung forty-six barrels; b)w stylo "There's music I" he ex-
ut of fifty. The crackers we eat are 'claimed, and cut a series of capers ov-
nmmm H ir 1 Mgflf ' T J r -f ' ? V "
I -l " t .. .. la I W
tin Tiniinw ynn on wurFi i.r i in i m"
.fliM l ' lull
.1 il .1 I L . a-,,1. I'... I .l la la'
Winn inn inv tnnii imii ii-ii i mm i
... . . i . i i. . .
urMhly. io win i-oiumion i
anrv our-.
Tlu h-jt ui riiiia lii
' . it..- itl.;ii l,i atii.lwrlVi
li'IV IIMIII P1MIM irilt i"Mii 1"
'rn vt, tut vt cr-r m with t nn'' "
'utltirow nil mlvrr-hry iovtr, tn it
a,i air,, iur anil Mittflit. Tlii
, ITn i mtiM hot I'XLludO
onr int'or ; 1 ihnnirhtN are vain whoinnik
that their wutching enn preserve iho
city which tiod him-elf Is not willing
to keep. Ai-d are not they n vtin
who think that IhmI will keep thr cil
i; r which they" themselves aio Hot
careful to watch The liiifbandrnan
may not, therefore, burn Ids plough,
nor the merchant forsake his trade,
because. God hath liroinised, "I will i
not forsako thee." And do the prom-1
ses ofdod concerning our stabilily..'""43 ".
think you, make it a mattcrindillorcnt
for us to use, or not to use, tho means'
whereby to attend, on reading J to.
pray, or not to pray, that wo fall not
into temtation : wo look
to stand in the faith of tho sonsoftiod,
wo hourlv. provi
ding and setting ourselves" to strive, j ll,e r"' ? " luir.lud u.
It.was not tho meaning of our Lord j" otic, of tb. tnr .lid ,,. f tbl.roun
and Savior, in saying, "Father, keep V " vy.,,W CkUnd.orfni.m:
them in thy name, that wo should
be careless to keen ourselves. To our
own sedulity required. llokcr.
Not long after the general peace, in
l!15, whan all classes of English trav
ellers, learned and unlearned," polish
ed and unpolished, flocked to iho con
tinent iu search of the classical and
picturesque, one of those pilgrims met
a companion sitting iu a state of most
woful despair, and apparently near
the last agonies, by the side of one of
mountain lakesof Switzerland. With
great anxiety ho enquired tho cause
of his suffering. "Oh," said tho lat-
I tor, "J was very hot and thirsty, and
WiL' In.. .1 .rli ff S.f'thA tVQ.
I'.VI. . Jill UlUUu. v. v '
terof the lake, and then sat down on
this stone to consult my guide-book.
To my astonishment I found there that
tup wHtcr ot ihi kiU-p is verv noison-
ous '. Oh I am a gone man i I feel it
runuing all over me I I nave only a
few minutes to live ! remember me to
." "Let mo sec tho guide-book,"
said his friend. Turning to tho pass
age lit) found "L'eau dnlac esthien
powoneuiie."r-"iiG water of the lake
abounds in fish." "is that the mean
ing of it V "Certainly." ''I never was
belter," said the dying man, leaping
up with a countenance radiant as the
sun on a fine May morning. Then
extending his arm in the true long-
er the trass
that would
i - , -
have done I
honor to a estris.
" hat would
said his friend,
have become of you,'
.: t I . I . i
, ,
"II I 11.111 I1UI met. uu; i anoiiiu
have died of imperfect knowledge of. book that must be locked up, and not lie about
the French lr.niruaifs." I'ne hue- ' w'" ue ,fnt ,0 "y one on receipt
" j of twenty five cents, in specie or postage itaniiis.
Taxi-to a Man to riicM. Caj.tnin E
vans wai an old naval veteran, of sixty
even; he had lojt tn arm and an eye years
before the brittle cf Nararino, erhich last
action unsettled hi underelanding, both
legs being carried off by a chain shot.
Cork leg were coming into fashion ; Capt
Kvani had pair of the tirt quality made
for him ; he could acrew a fork or hook, as
occasion r equired, and being gloved, the
deficiency not easily perceived. Ai
increasing yean rrndeitdhiai infirm, hi
valet took advantage of him, to that ho
wrote to hi brother, a SumeraeUhir
quire, to tend hitn up some tenant' on
a a body servant.
'No mutter how i'.upid, if honest and
faithful,' he iv rote.
. His brother was absent, and sent liie
tewnrdtoselocta hid. This, I lie utewsrd
did, hut merely mentioned lhat Captain
Kvur.s was inlirm, not apprizing the lum
kin o! lii master's deficiencies, and sent
liiiti to Loudon at once, where the ('apt.
At ten at niht he arrived and wn im
mediately shown to Captain F.van' sit
ting room.
What is your name !'
'My nunie be John, iur.'
'Well, John, my rascally vulrt i absent
again, without leave ; help me to bed, ns
it is late; theu you can go down to your
Adjourning to the bed-room, the old
gentleman aid :
'.John unscrew my leg '
'Zur,' said John.
'Unscrew my leg ; this way, see.' John
did so.
'John, unscrew my other leg.'
'Zur,' said John.
'Unacrew the other leg, sir!'
John did so, now in a state of bewilder
ment. 'John, unscrew this arm.'
Trembling still more, lo tho captain'
grent arcuaeruent, tie obcyeu.
Jobc, put this eye on the table.'
John took hold of it as though it would
have bitton him.
'Now John no, I won't take the other
eye out lift rue into bed.'
Tbis dons, the waggivh captain contin
ued. 'John, beat up the pillow ; it is
comfortable.' '
It was done.
'Beat il up again, it is quite hara.'
John again shook the pillow.
Thai won't do ; John. I can't get
head comfoi table. John, unscrew
heid p
"''So, by thunder. I'll unscrew no more.':
John fled from the room to the kitchen,
swearing his master rai the devil, taking
himself to ieoea like K clock.
WATCH.-SUnd nronthe edge of
this world roady to Uke winre, havinc !
- . " y
your foot on earth, roar eyes and
II . , I
nean in neaven.
IThe eup.of Cieroe eJiaogexl men to
awine that cup is coronioa tow it eon.
lUteittronf vhulrer.
n it i. ii i 1 1 11 it i 1 1
M. acr w on l'V" M A 0 A ?.i n K
.tllK H'lHiil!! hKVir.W,
it-Tim jioniit rumi'ii iurvirw,
( i r e i nnn n )
-1I1K MMMISmn hKUkW,
It-UHl WWOOI "MilMnt M A il A 1 1 K
V, r tny iii ul ilit f"ur Krvl.m,
Kur nut t of i (if. Fuiit ltiii,
Vur mil llur i.f I In' f.iiir Ktiiroi,
lor 'l tvur ul ilif llif,
K.T trk otxl'l M(fflh(,
I i f lllm k I".' 'I (nil nun Itiniew,
Kur Ills. kit. mil mul Iwo l!tvi,
'T lilnrknmij miJ Mine Kcviriia,
K"t lllnuk oil nml t li p fur Hftlf
ftr iiiMum.
i to
; oo
N. il. T ii rirf In ilrml llritnin fur lh flv I
IViidJirnlf nlmrr niiiiicil It l.'il prr nnnuni. '
IUi.illii.i.J I "
i.KoNAnn t .,
44 Ciil.l Slrret, Now Ym.
'Vo-Xcw' "WutwiKv T5
ItK.Mr.DV I OH Itlll.l M ATI.M;
to J baring rfceirnl frvni luimj iaor, botb
from plijf'.i'iom of lb. bigliOft tumiing mud
(rnm patientu, L
Mohtflatttriiijr TcallinonluUof Its real valut
D th rutmont of tliii painful Hid utifli
nnte tliaeane, w r inducod iu prrrcnl it to tlie
public In form KK UiY V l IM.MKDIATK
USE, wbicb we hot will couim.nd itpulf t thov
b. re (uUvritig with thii afflii'ting compUini,
and to the luedicnl prnclitiunor wko mar
diapoiied to tort tba poweri ofthia raluabl. rem
edy. KI.I.MK rr.0rVLA.MIXf:, it tbe rn0 .bore
poken of, bai recently lei't exteoiiveW exptri
uienled with in the
and witn MARKED SUCCESS (at will appear
from the publiebed urconnti in the medical Jour.
JClt ii carefully put np ready for immedi
ate Ufa, with full direction, and can be obtained
from nil the druggirtt at 72 rente per bottle, aiid'
nt wholeiale f HILLOCK it CRKX3HAW,
Prugjifta and Mnnofurlurlng Cbemlntf,
Junc2'8llf. I'biladelpkia.
AIIHIAOK (il IDI'. Heinir a private
utruotor for ninrried persona r these
about to be married, both male and female, in
eerythii'R cimcerninR the physiology and rela
tions, of our sexunl system, and the production or
prevention ei onirinir, including alt the new
discoveriee never before piven in the English I
language, by WM. V )IJ.H, M. D. This is really
a valuable and interesting work. It Is written
.u j.i.iu iiiii;ii.xd lur .uo ruunu rruurr, inu IP
jUn.trnte.1 witli Dumeroua c n urn -i n fh. All vounir
: .. I r . . L. . i :
I married people, or those contemplating marriage,
lnnt' bavingthe least impediment to married lite,
siiouiu rcuu inie dook. i utecioses accreia mai
...p ... ,,ltllll l, Il.,;n,,j . ..m .
nuu.rva is i ., u, 1111 cirucv ai.
1 J I T. u-i V 1 1 1 ' V i 1 x. j la e .
above rourth, 1'nilaJelpliia, l'a
AtJi'clrd ohJ I'nnriuHiiit No matter
wht may be your disease, before you place your
self under the tare of any one of the nottrious
Quacks, native or fereijrn, who advertise in this
or any other paper, net a copy of either of lr.
Young' books, and read it carefully. It will he
the means of saving you itany a dollar, your
health, and possibly your life.
Dr. VOl'Nii can be consulted oa any of the
diseases described la hia publications, at his
office, No. 41S Spruce rt, above Fourth. n7-l
The undersigned has now on hand, at bit Fur
niture Rooms on Market St., CloarReld, Pa., a
short distance west of Liti't Foundry, a Urps
took of
CI! A 1)1 OP A I.I. KlXIrS,
manufactured out of the b)st nintcrialr, flniabed
n a very superior manner, and which he will tell
LOW FOR CASfl. His long experience in the
business makes him feci confident that bis chairs
are made in a substantial aud workmanlike man
ner, and will sUind the test of trial. Fersons
wishing te purchase chairs should rail at once
and get tbem while tbey can be had at the lowest
spek m a tor uu a: e a.
ernlmt Itflitutiim es(ofti'Ar hu swemf Ait-
rfoiratenr, for the rrlicf of ihr Sirk ami Ditlrtitrii,
afliclrit trilh Yinlrnt and Chronic Ditraf, and
ruperialtif for the Cure nf Ji'rca-aet nf the Srjmal
McniCAL Advice given gratis, by the Acting
Surgeeo. -
Vat.r ablk ae.poara on Spersralnrrhra, and
other diseases of the Sexual Oigans, and on the
r.w Rrxrhias employed in the Iiisncnsary, sent
in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two
or thre S-amps for postage aceeptablo. Address
Dr. J. 8an.i: Hoi (ihto, Howard Association,
No. 2. S. Ninth St., Philadelphia 29my ly.
A, riNKT
38anhiim anb (follrctioit 95tc
or '
C L K A It I L I),
i jsili.i oi. iirBAaoE.aoTssASBpaAfTsniseoraTi
Colltntinm made and prottrd promptly remitted
('..change en the Cities constantly
on hand.
O0filee oa Second St., nearly opposite ibe
Justice nf ihft noarfl
Luthorsburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will
attend promptly to all business entrusted tebls
leare. April 4, 1861.
I . 5" RATZEE & SON.
.Jr..,"-" ??V. ".d
""". "I"1" rroouce. ; au. 1 Direr,
above the Academy Clearfield pa.
I .L All
!,,. . larriwfr. ,.
T arkimkr a test, Attorkeys at Law
JU -lerne'. - " tven promptly to Col.
inks.. t. .
. ............ a.av. J
f.m ha it
1 . Alt l Kht V l t.llca nd Piirrt l Hrn'l "" !" Hl'. f l.oBd.n. :iIii.1, Row
, f ! T I Silt 10 II. !'.. M Vrt """'", " I""'11. ''. t"! ";
"ill r Ml I , j 4 j,,,,,,!,,,,.! tl.l I to lh. fllwlKI1.,nr, .lnoj
i(. Ion. f l,,. fn;'l. " e.n t.nniuh-d b, tli. tllllrUd. b.lh M.I. .n. on
I..,.. f lb. Il..rt. Ur.r.nJ
AIm.. .11 li..o. .,.irtalnlii .hVEVK
" Wl" rrr,","V .. - v.. ....
CLAKION. at Claik'e H ilel, from the l.Stli f Miiy to ilie tat of Junt.
CORSICA, at Wbltmer'i Hulel, June lal. Again, ScpU lt andM. ....
hllOOKVII.I.K.Ht the Aeueric.a lli.a.e. fnm :M to Dili Jane. Akih. f l'J- VI, 4lb anu illi
LlfHKllSlll Idl, at IUeda Hotel, June l"th and llth. Again, Hcpl. and 1 1th.
( LKArtKlLLD. J.ibniou'a Hotel. June 12th te K-th. AfMn, c't 12th and lJlh.
HKI.LEKON I E, Morrison'e Hotel, from June 17th o I'Jth. Again, KcpL 14th and IJU.
TVKOXK C'TV. nt Mra. Tbon.n' Hotel, June Il-laud i2d. Ajniu, Sept. I. lb and loth.
AvJii. INF1RMAUV, from June 2Id loJuly 17th.
Listen to tho Voioa of Truth and Reason ani Profit by it.
The time ban come when all who will, fan e.cepe the iron Rr.. of Mercury, by caT.iig. wilhout the well kaown ami Ju.tly et'.brut.d Kolectie European Phyaician. Lr.
. i: ........J r...m Iha m.l ihn IIAIiTI flnd HHHII.
will artinluliter thou, only true auciiaie uimiciuf.,
.. ..i. i. .... i i '. Wn .......n.i'.i.n. ami
eaa, which were oever (lciSiicd for the py.ieio,
and gone U early grarm.
guiabingllie eorTioeiof a regular thorough bred
quark. t , , .
lUmimUr, lr. IWrl'a rouiedi.r and trcntnient nnknown to all otherl in Inll eouttry
prepared from a lif. riut in the great hojpitula of Europe auJ the frt in the country.
llimrmhtr, that li. Uort hui a aiore extended practice than any other physiciun In Veten Peon
Jlcnuiubtr, lhat rititt'iia of education, and our
great pli-antire in reciimmeniliug Dr. llorl to the anticlcd.
Kruitmlitf, that l'r. Hurt uiukeino falo reprecntntioin to gnll the unfortunate, knt all he aayi wil
be fuillifully carried out.
Urm'whrr, that 'Jr. Uort pay overy attention t" diaeae of a cbronie nature.
-Certilicatei of Curea may be eeon at hi. rc-pctire ruinns.
lir. Uort la furnirlied witU over ix thousand I. ttom of recommendation from eouie of (be mntt
diKlinguifbed men living. Alio baa awarded lo liiin dipUinaa from loiue of the moat eelebrnted
Ilonpilulii 4iid Infirmarioi in Europe, for hla uiiarnljllu.l nhrervationa in Iiun""i'i end obacrva
tioai iu oiacoveilng reuioilica for the cure of diuac that Iihvo berotufore balllod the (kill of man)
of the medical proreion.
An early cull from thono wi.liinR to coiifult the Ioctair. i earnotly rcqueitod, 10 ai to reeoirr
full benefit of tronttnent, and thus do juntice to liiunelf. Time United.
Please bear iu mind wheu lr, Uort will bo in your place. 1'erniiii de'irnui of eonaultinj hiu
will coufer a preal favor by calling ou the flrat day of hia arrirul, an Ilia rooma are ao oftua crowd
ed, it i utterly to attend to tlie anxioua avlicitiilioui vf all. Dr. Uort w ill arrive at each
of the above placea nn the fimt coach on the day appointed.
Please exteud the invitation iu all invalid acquaintances, and eblige your, Ac.
Miy29. -ol.--2
T 11
Trrruaol Muiiarription.
I.' paid in advance, or within three mouths, f 1 24
f paid anr time within the roar, - - - I &0
Cfpaid after the expiration of the year, - i 00
Te rme of Ad vertlsliif;.
Advertisements are inserted in the Kcpnblican
xt the followtng rates :
1 Insertioa. 3 do
3 do.
l no
2 00
2 60
12 mo
17 on
10 00
12 00
14 00
One square, (H lines,) $ 50
Two squares, (2Slines.) 100
Three iqunrea, (42 liure.) I eO
3 m.nths
I bd
6 mo's.
ft 00
io oo
12 00
50 00
One Square, t : I
12 60
: S 00
: 8 0
14 00
Twosqnares, t
Three squares,
Four squares, :
Half a column,
One column,
Over three weeks and leas than three mosths 26
cents per square fur eash Insertioa.
EtflEsst cet.c.-s not ef ceding Slides are In-
rted for f ! a year.
A.lrertistinsnts nit xar'ts I ith tie number of
Biertions desired, will be r:ntinuti until forbid
sr.d rharged accorditg to these terms.
An extensive slock of Jobbine materia
enitblt's the 'iibliahT of the " tlfpuUiemi'
to t J the public that ho is prepu
reI to da all xind of
Posters, Pam?z:.its, Prograii m em,
I'.i.anis, Parm Boon, Cikiti ars,
ar.d every ind cf f iinttog usually done
in a country) ob See.
All older s will be executel with neat
ness and despa'ch.
corNiT)TiTi:cTOR v.
Time of Molding Court
SeroMil Monday of January,
Third Monday of March,
Third Monday of June,
Fourth Monday o' September,
In each year, and continue twe weeks if re
County Officer.
Pres't Judge, Hon. Samuel l.inn. relief.. Ma.
Aa'te ludgce.llon Wm I. Moore, Clearfield.
Hon llenj llonsall, I.utherslmrg
Sher.B", Fred k t!. Miller
Prothnotary,.tohn I.. Cuttle,
Keg. A l!ee. .lames Wiigley,
District Att'y Kobi-rt J. Wallace,
Treasurer, (i. U. Coodlundei,
(. Survevor, H. H. Wricht,
fllcn riope
Commiss'n'rs.tVm. M'Crackcn,
Wm. Merrell,
F. C, Thompson,
Auditors, B. C, Bowman,
Lumber City
Isano W. Grataii, Clearfield
J. B. Shaw, "
Coroaer, George Fichards, "
I.lst of I'ost Office e.
TetrmaVpt. .Vms or P. O. Xamel off. K
Utecsria, Glen Hope,
till, Bower,
' Chest,
" Cosh,
" Ostend,
Hoggs, Clearfield BriJf,
Bradford, Woedland,
Brady, Lutbersburg,
" Troutvillc,
" Jefferson Lies,
Bloem, Forest,
EurnMde, New Washing toaf
" Burnside,
Clearfield, Clearfield,
Covington, Frenchvllle,
Curwensville, curwenaville,
O. W. Calwet
Matt T.Ur.
T. A. MT.hee
J.", CawtJ.C
Lewis cnaih
P. B. Miller
Ed. Wr.liatci
B. II. Moore.
C- f. Ploppy,
John Heberling
Jas. Bloom
J. M, Camming!
Jss McMurray
M. A. Frank.
P. Aflaulin.
J F W Schnerr
Samael Way
Centre county
Edm. Williams
Elk eonnty, Fs.
C. Mignot
William Carr
A. R. Shaw
T. 11. Forces.
J. A. Uterly
C. J. Pusey.
David Tyler
H. Woodward
Elisa fHae
G. Ileckadorn
D. E. M..k el
J. W. Thomps'o
Ja. Thompson
J. McClelland
11. W. Fpenoer,
A. C. Moore,
Samuel Way
Michael Wise.
W. F. Johnson
Decater, I'hiliptburg,
rerguaon, Marren,
Fu, Helen Post Office,
Girard, Leoounte'a Mills,
Bald Hills,
dosben, Sbawtville,
Oraham, Grahamton,
Gullch, mitbs Mille.
" Madeira,
Huston, Tyler,
" Pennfield,
Jordan, Ansonville,
K art baas, alt Lick,
Knox, New Millport,
Lawrence, Breckenridge,
Morris, Kylertown,
' Morrisdale,
Penn, Lumber City.f
" Qrampiao Hills,
Pike, Curwensville,
Fnion, Rockton,
Woodward, Jeffries.
T. Henderson
I This Post Ofbee will do for Cbest township
f Will answer tor Ferguson township.
! otERt J. WALLACE, Aitoburt at Law,
X dearnew, Fa., t-fnejs in feXaw'i Row, er
' " " ... ....
ia nn
am) i.vna
k sum:
Scrolula. and all Iiliet of the Itlond
AUTIAL Mil KNB"H. UinKlii .f oiiee In
.....Jil bv Dr. liB.'. R,l..Ul.ll.
....... .... - -- -
iliarolnre avoid lii; the ue f all Virai. I oil
to Uke which man, iboumndi have fullon ricliuu
EM UtiiUiD.
physician, from a paltry, unlcarueJ ana trilling
popular nrn, are u 11 well icquainteJ with, and take
Mt t'OXSUMI'TIVIiSThe advertiser
havinc been restored to health iu a few
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf
fered far several yeara w ith a severe lung affec
tion, and that dre'd disease Consumption, is anx
ious to mako known to hie fallcw-sufferers the
means of cure.
Te all whe desire it, be will send a enpy of th
prescription used, (free of charge,) with the di
jctions fur preparing and using the san.e, wbicb
they will find a sure cure iur Consumption,
Asthma, llrtnchitis, he. the only object of thi
advertiser iu sending the prescription is to bene
fit the atUieted, nd spread Information which hr
Conceives fci he invaluable, a'in be hopes evert
sufferer will try hit remedy ns it will cost theu-j
nothing, ami may prate a l.les.-ing,
Persona wishing the prescriptio i will pleae
address Rev. EDWARD A. WILhON,
nnv7-1r, Williamsburgh, Kings Co.. X. Y
$35 00
entire cost for
TflTtOX In (lie
most popular and successful C'O.M.M KhClAL
M IIOOL in the country. Upwards of Twelve
IttMiiRKii young men, from TwrsTT KHiMT differ.
rut States, have been educated for huniuess here
within tlie past three rears, some of whom have
been employed as BOOK-KEEPERS at salaries
f 12000 00
'immediately rpon gradualinge who knew nothing
of accounts when they entered the College.
JUT Minister's sons half price,
Hiu.lents enter at any time, and reTiew whon
they please, without eitra charge.
For Catalogues, Specimens of Penmanship, and
View of the COLLEGE, enclose five h-tter siauips
May I S, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa
wTm. m il-il.oTt;n,
Ct.fAnriF.i.n, Pa.
Office iu Graham's Hrlck HiilldlMg.
Ju) ti. 1661 If.
Thnlraale and Kctall Merchinta. Also
extensive dealers in timber, eawed luuid
brr and shingles. Also, dealers in flour an
grnia, which will be sold cheap for cash.
OcU 14, 1 (."..
j Col. A. P.OWENS, FRormiTOR,
' Rripcctfolly annoances to the travelling public
tt't he has now taken charge or this large and
well known bouse, and will conduct It in such a
manucr as will render excellent comfort and for,
satisfaction to. all alio may favor biui with a
call. botMjt
Spring Summer Goods
Ism just receiving and opening a carefully
selected stock of Pprlng and Summer goods
of almost every description,
A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dress
goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also a
great variety of useful notions.
Bonnets, Shawls,
Hate end Caps,
Boots and fhoes, a large quantity,
Hardware, Qieensware,
Drugs and Medicines,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths. .
Pish, a! aeon and Flour,
Mackerel in ) and ft barrels,
of the best quality, all of which will be told at
the lowe:t caah or ready pay prices.
My old friendi and the publio generally, are
respectfully lovlted te call.
ev k All l ida Af AT s7 J r e . . J
9 " - ' --. - ....... ai... appiuTin
COCSTR Y PRODUCE taken la exchange o(
Goods. 7
Clcar6eld, Jane 28 188L. WM. f. IRWIN.
Ifvaavro iv v 1 ,r n, .l
n 1 1 u rv. e. i a 4 nan, win avvenu promouj
and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to,
bis caie, In the several Court of Olearleld ana counties.
Off.ce tie on ftrnsr)y exfoyM .
Oet. JtJti, Ull-Jy
8i 00 "
I 1
ton runtniNii ihkhoop
" IK . ... .
Tmami, I'lmii tirt, I,imi...
rimtln. I'MilaU. lum.k..
liUii.., m4 all Uhla INaM,.,,'
J r. tM k i. o.nui i iui u jTiV'
kn.mlU .! I ie M.mmUI ).. 4,, ..
llxlal ii.tiMnxfl rlaa iH It.thua.. I k.H ,
IH.ta H Ifi vark.i.1 al. fltf ihi.. a.. ... . n l.
i H In t.t".ii i itut.
t t M M luui
ui m4
tan.iat l.aati.t an l Itolraaval k. at ih. . n
avll.t .h'l lh
-til, i
)i an II l nit i l mj Urail knj
ana aara
a. .
k. yo4 il." m ini. I IOhI iiii, aa .11. aiai a
, Li.l aCli.iul .nab rilkf frt.i,i am il.t u .
i... ,1.. .i.j i.. ..... i, i ,i. ,
. . .... . - ' " "-.'R "I I .
to r.l la Ow Ui,H Mm.. Uut van ka4 ' J
a Mlia.llv (eainatMriUal, fol I knew (Suwi roai
Itun Hial anr IHloa yuw avid must be (il.
t'llli-tliHall u I ao It, alt.l awl II UU It Ifuri m. I
H, as von ailtlea, ha small OVaweof a tewnnoafil
v ulh. ami uaml aloinat three la.ltli. Jivm an. .
akin tnan n lorm iiuilrr Hit fcab, whick
w liitt. eVIl U. My akin It now cliar, an4 I knu
IWIIiia'S tliaA tbt illtra. haa antie from air a; at
can wll bellave that 1 I.. I vtlinl I am anting )m,
you, that I hold you tu la, on of Hit apaiajt uJu
aud remain ewe irauTully. Vi.ur.,
AintKO 11 TAL'
St. Anthony'e Fire, Itoae or Rrvali i,
Tetter anil Moll Khenm, We(a I a
Htngwortu, More lt)t, Dropey. '
IV. Robert I'rvble wrllM frum Tltm, N. 1 . : 'v,, that ha lias cured an Initotratt
prtptv, which thieutiined tn tcniilnait (aluilt, -M.rteTtring
nt of 'Cur SnnwiiarlUa, and alt. a mi
Jtufint XrynptLii lv lra dowa of the bbm.':
ha curea tba common Hruptiimt Ij It etmitm.cif
Dronekoeele, Uoltro er Bwtll.d tie
Kalmlon Btoi of I'rospfct, Teiaa, wrtter',Tbii-ti,.v
lle of yonr sarsaiarilla rureJ mn frmn a . tin ar"v
toot twrlllri on tho nek, which 1 had tulttraV te. j
over two yaara."
Leaeorrhc er Whllre, Ovarian Tumor.
I'terlue tlcerwtitr Vemale Uleeaaea,
hi. 3. n. 8. Cliannlna;, of N Tori Cltj, rtvj
tnosl ebeei fully ciuii-iy with tbt rfmcst u( jw srl)
earing I have f.-un I your ersitiarilla a inuet eict'tut
alterative In the nuerus eninnlainta lor Uti )
employ snrli a ttnirdy, but eajXK-u'lly la Wnnle Duma
of tlie ScriiSiileiis illailipslt. I hart curttl many invtttr.
alt eatet of Lcuiiirrliuja by It, anil aomt wbvrt lit. in.
plaint wat eaiiM'tl y ulrertttvm of tlie uttrut. 1'bt nlrar.
ailon itself was .'n ciiinl. NoiIiIok within my kal
edffe Miuals It for thfae frmalc tHiratiiti'Uif nta."
kdward ?. Marrow, at hewLnry, Ala., wrtIM, "t ejuu
sectnit otvri'nn Imt on one of the femalce In rat faailirf,
wlilrh hail drfleil all flit reniHlias we cuiiU tnijiloy, au
at leni-lli Ihwii cnrl l.y ymir Estnirtbliwir.
aaparllla. Our iliysiclan lli..i;lit unihlii( lint ttllraa
tlou coul.l arTonl relief, hut lit ailTin d tha trial of uu,
fartajiarilla as the last nort btfora culllna. ami H
provrd etrectuul. After taking yonr remedy eight amka
no symptom of the tinman remains."
Byphllls astd Mercurial Disease.
New Oni.rii, 2Mh Anil, lsjo.
Pa. J. C. Avast Sir, I eheerrully comply alili tin ns-
2 uost of your agent, and report to you tout of Hit iDku.
have rtialicnl with your Biirtiitarllla.
1 have nin-.l aiih It, In uiy praetioa, mnat of tlit nim
ptnlnls forvhli'h it is raroruineljtler, and liana f uu ua
eST..rts truly wulidcrful In the eura of IVnrmilimf AVv
euriul IHettin. One of my liaiiit bad Sy.iilir ulrrrt
In bis tin vat, which were roiisumiiiK Ills toft ,,( rjM
top or lilt mouth. Your feraatmrllla, stw uk,,,
cured him in flvt weokt. Anotlmr rnu allrl t.y a
ndary symptoms in hia nose, and Hit iilmtntiin
eaten away a cuiitlduralile iart ol It, au that 1 Ultcvn Hit
disoriiar aould soon reni-h his brain ami kill him. )im it
ylrldnl te Oi) a.liuililstratloll of your haraarillit; l,t
ul rti liuUnl. ami ha it well ii.mii. n.,t r r.miM iilu)ul
aouir alHiilrutkiii tu his fncn. A a..ioau lm liu.l Um
traatrd lor Ilia sauin dinHilur ky niriciiry aa iid.-nr
troin llns iiuiton in Ii.t hoiiM. 'J liey hial Ik ik miapu
ailita Ui thu WMiilmi lint a dump il) .lie ullnnl n.
et ai iatlna; miu in hrr j..uls and l...nca. "be, t.o. am
eured entirely by your faiiinrilU iu a kw e,ka. 1
know from IU (..riaula. whirh your aenl aate rue, lhat
Hilt I'lepaimtloa fiuiu your labmaloiy uni.l Ua.init
raainly j conatqueiilly, iha, Iryly ituiaikablt iwulte
with it have not surprised uie.
fraternally yours, 0. V. I.AItfMtll, M. D.
Ilheumatiam, Ciout, Mrcr Complaint.
laOEeeaniai a, I'n'.l, n Co., Va.. July,
Da. J. C. Arm: fir, 1 Imva Utii alllku.t alili a 1d.
fil chronic Jthntmuhem .,r a lour, lime, whirl, Uffleil iba
skill of pliysirtana. and slu.k to me In .pile of all IU
rtuimliM 1 could a ml. until I tiiM Paiaauaruia. Una
botlltcnnxl me iu to wcks. and tealoivd my eeneral
liealih to Biin-h that I am far Iwttcr than I tn
aititked. 1 think it a wunilnTuI iurli. Iim. J. 11:1.111.
Jnlet V. (ielrliell, of Ft. lmla, wiitrat ' I l.ate W
allliiled for yeara with an ajfrrtitm - f iA Inn; ii.W
il -alroycl my health. I liie.l every thii'iK. and every Urn.
fulhal to relieve nie ; and I bate Uen a broken d..wn aiau
I. M.nie yi aia no other i-ause than ittriti;irmn I ..
Cic l.irrr. Jly Muted alir. Hit Her. .Mr. :iv. aittM
mt te try your ranuiaiilla. Iiei'tuae h,. awid b,- lir.ew )iai,,
and any Hiinir ymi mivle was wnith tiyiui:. ly Hie l lraa
ln nf Uod II baa rurod ma, and list i iiirllled my U'U
aa to make a new uiau of me. 1 frtl yotinr aaaia. tie
licit that enn I t aaid of ynU It Hal half Kixl enolijil.."
rliirmt. Cancer Ttiiitort, Kii1ara;enitiil,
I Ic.raliwu, ( arlee and ICxfuiUliou of
tlie ltonca.
A great Taib'ty nf cases have b. a renorleil In us ahsrt
enret of Hirae ri.lliil bare iraulted fro
the use of Halt, but oar taact lint a III not .lent
Hu m. home of thrui may lat found In our Auineaa
AhnaDar. wblrh Hit agenta below aamtd art iilaasra I
furnish gratit te all who call for llicui.
Drspepala. Heart Dlteate, Pile, F.ullep-ej-,
Melatachuly, NretralKl
Many reniaikalil nirra of thee. atTerlioiis bare bera
madt by the all. ralire N.wrr of tbit ninlolnt II alien
latie the vital futietb-Ms lutn virnroiu arth-u, sad Ibua
overromM rirtordt rt hlrh wnuld lar tliiKaiHl heamttM
reaeb. Kuril a remedy baa Ion l-eii mtuired by llv
ettaitiet of the ieiile. and t are eonfldeiil thai Ibii ei'i
rie for tbeen all diet aiedirint can do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rna trr rafid tre or
Cowtrlai, olala, Influeuxa, Ilasareeueea,
l'raai, llrotat hilla, Ittrlplent f on
ewtnptlost, astd for the Ilrllei
f t'anewniptlve Patlettte
In advaurtd Ktasrea
r tlie Dlteaae.
This It e remtly an unlveirallr known to niri.saa anr
eriier for the rare of throat and Intifr complaints, lhat il
la useleat here to publitk tlie evidetiee of Ha viiltira. lit
nnriralled excellence f,- rouiht and eohls, and ila liuly
wnndtrfiil curee of pulmonary dieeaae, have uia.le It
knnwn throughout tlio civillaml. of the eetth.
I'r are Uie cmmmiltiM, or even tamillea,; lU.a
who bare not eome prraonal experience of itaederta llrinr trophy Iu their nildrt of li tii lory over lea
to hi It and daiiieioua, m of the llmait and luufl.
Aa all know tlie dreadful fatality of ttmae disorder, aaJ
aa tbey know, too, Ui t effarlt of I hia vmnly, e n..l ma
do moi than lo aanire Ihen lhat it haa now all Hie tr
ine that it did have when making the curat which bsrt
won so strongly upon the coulldVnee of mankind.
iVepared by Dr. J. C. ATSS V CO., Lowell. Kim.
jTOrSold by C. I). Watson, ClcnrlelJ. , A
Irwin, Curwensville; F.Arnold, Lutherknrg,
Montgomery A Co., New Palein ; J. C. Brenner,
Morrisdale, C. K. Foster, Phitipsburg,- mi Klisa,
Chase, Ansonville ; and by denlcrs evtrj-wbtre.
Thankful for pat favors and solioitioui of fu
ture patronage I would respectfully announce
that I have on hand again, and will constantly
keep at the Pottery In this borough, on the cor
ner a short distance east of the Methodist Cbureb,
a large stock of Crockery , such as Cream eroeki,
milk pant, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe ratinf
fo. f e. and also an extensive assortment of
different rises and patterns of brackets snd
rosettes for e .ruiee on houses, and other moul
dings. Any mouldings net on hand will be tcadt te
older on short notice. Also fire brRk mid
and kept for sale.
tT"A liberal reduction on prices mads k
wholesale dealers. F. LF.ITZl.NuER,
Clearfeld, may 23, 1S6I. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
JOHN GULICH, of the borough of ClssrSfl.
Pa., will be prepared at all times te attend to
to any business In the above lino on
nll.a 1. . Mfi.Lm.lt1ra tnnnnae IliS UlSfS, aula iu m wvmiiiiui.., ... ....... . . ,
of business is at the eld shop on the north side"
Market street, 3d door east of Third st-. tttj
opposite the old Jew store j where he will Ik'?
eoostantly on hand a large assortment of V
hogony and Cane Bottom Chair, and Cabinet
Ware of erery deeoription, which he will dispose
of on as reasonable terms as the same article"
I ... ka had . aewhera In tha oounir.
v. w ..... - , ....
! His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, e
1 sists hi part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,
, ce.. fiaar tie, and Waah ne SUndl. DOS St I"-
i" b . :
Book'Caees, Frenoh and Field Post Bedstesdl,
Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and J"1" ,
UlfS. aVO
Coffins manufacturea ana aeiivereu --
' i...
g ?'" . ,a
February 1, 1839. no. 4, vol. If.
. T laUORS for Medioinal purposes-Breedy
! JU TU and Shet W(te, r Wkiy el
. ScTae Gin-at HARTwr,P
' He e ln