Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 06, 1861, Image 4

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    f grjtitjl tua 1.
"In th'.u (It nlit that morn the lun row broad
inJ , .
At first a rayles. disk of Cre, It brightened a. It
- -,
Vet even ita nooutide glory full chastened and
Ob coin field, and on orchards and .oftly pio
tmed wood.
And til that quiet afternoon, slow slowing to tbt
It wove with golden (buttle tbc hate wlih yellow
Slanting through the painted beeches, It glori
fied th hill,
And beneath it pond and medow lay brighter,
greener, .till." WntTTisa's Hvsssls.
No Fooner has the first frost fallen,
though it bo on the first day of Au
tumn, than tho people beifja to talk of
i Ui
ine inaian .Mimnur, as ii mai penou
. i -r . . - e. .t i
were aa well settled and as easily chs-
cerned as tho reiuilur seasons. Hav
ing recently eonwulted tho clerk of the
wheather, wu propose to post ourro.v
dors npon this most charming period
"f the year. Whittior with a true po
etic inntict has given us a picture
of one of theso Indian Hiimtncr days.
We see tho seemiug mist at all, for the
Tnorning is as dry as a July morning
in droth. A pof't. hiizplmntrsnvpr fild
'in.i furrtf A ii.i n ,r ti.A viiriinnf.n
the sun, even at midday. It is this
unusial diminished light that throws
puch a charm over the landscape. The
clear outlino of objects, bo noticeable
in a hrilliant sumnicr day, is no longer
visible, and the imagination is called
into pla3',to till upthe defective vision.
The islands that lie slumbering on tho
distant sea, or lake, are elevated, and
so seem to have come nearer to us as
if they had changed their places in the
night. The trees look taller and ,tho
hills grow higher, the rocks are mag
nified, and t ho distant plain has a
wider expanse. The dec) luxuriant
green of summer, has gone, but tho
iaudseape looks far more beautiful
than in its richest dress. We have
the "dim religious ligh t" under tho o pky, and, every object seems
glorified. The feelinH very naturally
take the hue of surrounding objects,
and we look forth upon nature with a
sober quiet enjoyment, a period con
trast to the rapture with wliieh weet
hail the bright bkies and opuuing flow
ors of Spring.
Every one must be concioua at this
season, of the stirring of some more
powerful principlo within him than
laer? animal life. The spiritual nature
is quickened, and there is a longing
after something higherand better than
earth can give. The slillnoss that
reigns every where the sober hues of
tho landscape, the falling leaves,
and the bare tields, are powerful aids
to reflection, and tho mind, released
from the pressing caret of Summer,
now falls into xroniul mushier. This
isono reason, m-obnbly, why these days!wr'tei'''iS"itt--'I,wollm,,VM
aresaenioyuble. with (ler lb boldo",t .l,0.r '
multitudes are partially suspended un
der the presure ot buisines, re now
called into the highest activity.
Those Lulian summer days are too
beautiful to come- all together, or to
last long. They be'in earliest at th
far north, and followtheretiringSum
mor to the far South. The best au
thorities put them immediately after
Squaw Winter, which is the first cold
map that destroys tender vegetation.
This is often accompanied by flurries
of snow nnd the freezing of the ground
ts if the real Winter had commenced.
This rarely comes before October even
in New Enirhuid. Tho truo Indian
summer now begins, and according to
tne calender we must have twelve ol
these days before the real Winter com
mences. Wo havo the most of them
in November, rarely, however, coming
moro than ono day at a time nt this
late season.
There arc fortndm prer.tcst perfect
ion along tbo Atlantio coast, whero
tho influence of the Gulf stream is folt.
A breeze from tlio South or Southwest j 21, the editor of the Chicnpo Foit auifret -
brings the atmosphere of tho tropics, led to u'clergymnn of that city the follow-1
and tho most enjoyable wcatherof thel 'n8 rln.ver lor thu occiuion to the 'lhiona
in i - f. .. ..
iit nnd Thnnltmrivinrr woelr ftilla tin.
T ,. e-i ".t ni
on Indian Suininer,lhe cup of blessing
runa over, and thero is nothing more
to be desired. 1 he old homestead is
certain then to bo crowded, and tho
last grandehild to be brought to tho
family gathering. Tho warm sunshino
of tho heart finds ils fit t inir resnonsei81'"10" " n,cn rc Rl" crime oi at-
in tho outer world. nd 11,,, chillhhmd
... . .. , .... ,
Ot ago is quickened with a bummer!
glow again. Uld ago, surrounded
with children and children's children,
ia much like tho Indian Summer. It
lies between tho activo duties of life
mdthe Winter, which we call Death, uiu iiiihvi, iiviau ieiuu,
. . , i . , : i more Know eoue ana te-is ronceu. leac i
but which m really no W inter hiitl,hom t,at ,10 parable of the sower was
bprin time, u lite bnve been well! nm. r.fom..ini.i w.ii. .
ppent. It is sober but genial, all tho'iaty operations, and that whoso scatteieth '
activities are subdued, tho nassiona'
softened, making it tho ripest, best' Missouri and elsewhere, shall find that
period of Summer lifo I m labor" will not yield very abundantly
' This is the mouth in which we usual- jjn hn""J; And, finally, open Thou
i . . t n.i ii ii their eves to tho lact that eetlttiir traps for
ly pay our respects to "tbe old folk robpl a;.lllies; lmtpd willl B )aiull?ul nf
at homo, and as wo have talked abun- while it may be in accordance w ith trap
dautly of planting and hoeing, hay 'per tactics in tho Kocky mountains, does
ing and harvesting, for tho edi'iea-j not always work satisfactorily in other
thin of our young aud middle, aged parts of our country."
friends, wo proinso now to cap a word TL? c!?in8 "tenr-? in the above. un
for that less numerous, but not less ni,h,aka' refo,r? 10 :pn.'on V"d C?."'
, , , , , , ., demns his practice of bruting Pnco, the
honored class, who only read these rebpl Gpnw'ft, , Misi0upl uBpon a
pagci through tho aid of glasses. It ( hook as Lexington,
is said, with how much of truth we, , . , k . .
can not tell that the custom of return,! . XZSrJ
ing to tho old homestead to keep the 8nd while marching them by Dank, turn
only festival in the Puritan year, is ed to apeak to a friend a moment. On
not bo iron orally observed as in tho looking again toward Ida squad ha saw
last generation, beforo the advent ot
steamers aud railroads, which sectnto
make tho trip more safe and pleasent.i
It ia certainly true that the day is1
moro widely observed, nearly all tho
0u.Aa ... .,. tu
States take public notice of it, the
churches gather for worship, and fam.
ilia doing ample juatice to the roeflt
n ' . , - .
iai'in cany in me, nuu ivuu juta uuvu
' rtv-citwiMi in tVirt nitv. found it more a-
' 'i.u trio ,lo amiinri Viia
LIVIUUIU OV f IV ' vww - -
i - i - :
own mahogany, and inside his own
mnrhle front, than to mukethe mlirri.
only for country life, but for the eim-
vOn irtonn.Md ntiil fiMirrnl iwrr. nf renrul nM
liu u "0. -
peoplo that gave him being, nourish-
ed helpless infancy, and trained him to
habits of virtue "and industry. JIo
has forgotten the plain granite roek no was newn, him unlets mnr-
ble. This may bo putting tbe cae
. i " ,i.
THirpr hit. inr. nr k r 4K rnr rLti.
, ..-.-.., - - -
er than pride, wu wo uld gladly belei ve
wean SOUS and (laughters from the old
u.uo,i nt ii ,'u ,,i,.:,w. tn
uu"1."1 uu J
u pneu iur wuimy nuarrs, innttitr
great, when it blunts filial atfection,
and weans us from tho assiduities that
are always duo to parents.
The annual pilgrimago at any rea
sonable sacrifice, vrill make better sons
and daughters and give happiness that
gold can not purchase. 1 he old folks
-kfiare often
lonely at tl.e eveutide or
jfefif ,t
. - ' ert 111 1
mage to the hnmble dwelling that sliel- -u fl ,r A
tered his childhood and there keep the wEStilKSTBR MVUW,
feast in plainer atylo with father and (Liberal.)
Dtottior. Jie una tost urn roinsn, nor.
lite, Having SOIlt OUt lueir eilimrCU be aotice of the medical ,,rurion of tblicoun
to new and distant homes. This year, 1 lry f.urt (,,,,4 cuorid, f l'TPjlmi,
the war has taken the last son from ' M ,
some of these homcH, and tho Benja-I remedv for iuieumatism;
min of the family on whom they had . .
, , . ... , ..t' r . .and having received from many tourcef, both
leaned for support will spend thisfesti-1
valin the tented field. Those who from Ph"e' .ifhMt .unding and
can, should go to cheer these bereaved ,roto Pt'nt. h
hearts, now sadenedby a double gneti
thoir country's and theirowu.
American Agriculturist.
The St. Louis Republican ha the following
excellent article, which ftw persons will
hesitate to fully indorse who have been
in the habit ol perusing the religious
for tho hml fow ytar puil It
'The ohftiaotrrof a portion of the ao-eallod
religious pres? of the country is a puzziint
pliciiomenon to many plain minded people
They p erccive, as they y, that theso pa
pers have done an much us seeekionim
lUolf to plungu the country into ita prna
ent troubles ; to bring on the civil war
between tho two action, and necessitate)
the imposition of a military nils at tari'
anco with the hi'herto experience of our
peoplo. It is they which have, above
other cuusea, served to arouse and stimu
luto the worst passions of the human
heart : to originate and urge extreme de
mands ; to invite hostility to bloody is
such; in clioit, to do what theologians
have alvnya done, that i, to ue the lan
guage of one who keenly .mnlvied tho
character of tho clan, 'couniiel a resort to
extremes as the first lemedy. Theolo
pianF, as a remark almor-l uuivers.illy up
pPcnble, are utterly wanting in practical
views or talents. They made miseablo
statesmen and governors of men.
A lino
ever drew sworu man ntiuer mat oi a
priest.' Thry are generally, as civil ov
ernor, more oruel than governors select'
ed from nny other cIiihs of men. And
this is not because of any peculiar hard
ness of heart that they bring into the
world with them, insensibly to divide
mankind into the tiro classes of saints and
sinners tho shoep and the gonts the
one to be set at the right hand and tbe
other to the left, nnd to dwell upon tbe
thought that while one is destined to
eternal happiness, the other is dtotuod to
everlasting perdition. As civil rulers
they classify their subjects in this way,
aiut thoso of them who fay they do not
pronounce angels are straightway con
demned as devils
R. I n er mn AonlnmiiAl
,i,B , rnPSB .An.t i, ...mi. i,p,i . .nh
Uenco the renallies exacted on thoo w ho
full under their condemnation, nnd the
treatment thev receive from them are
harsh and tin tempered. Conductors of
religious newspapers are too many of them
aspirants to statesmanship and the posi
tion of civil counsellors in their papers.
We think they unke very bad political
a'lvi"f:I'''" .
A Good Prayer.
On tbe mornim? of Fast Dav Sentember
fill tvnpA i
.."VVo IlraV Tt,e8 10 5nclinS ,nB hMr, of
all Ouartermaaters and Oovernment con-
lraclor, t0 lto wVi of rigi,tW)uaneM and
honesty. Open Iheir eyes to their trans-
gressions, and convince them that they
urn rusenl. Show nrto thsm fh
rib! a?d 'Acfbre lhoir V"
ol "v'"e u "peciany mai
C?:. .UM1,11?1 tUe!0 Pt 1 ie,r 'n"ll,,'le" '
aim, n possmie, sentence mem to tne 1 en-
itontinry. I
sentence them to the Ten
"As lor the Generals in rommand of
Otll troops; wo piay Thee to convince
I ill-. . ,, i . t r... i . i
hem that a good judw of Otard and
Hon. boil isn't always tbo best qualified to
plan or execute a camtinicn. dive them
, , , , . n, . ,
his soldiers abroad, all over the State
bora in the act of butting up against a
'?no"-- " "", nurrv 10 "ainuem necneo,
Down Brske41 lown Brakes!"
W1,"6 'ngul!"' development was
md ,f"w .dW ? 'n '"fito? '
respect to pistol catndges given out to
,otne of the cavalry, that (hey were filled,
,orae with wootlen rlug and otber, with
ijTnipedl I
AiaaAV4.vv.s'.J NAUAAIi'U
l Tnw iawiuiu ifTJDffRtw
Crma.rv.ii.. I '
, '
, .
Fot,ny aUl, four evi;,(
For auy two of the four lieview,
Per any three of the four Review.,
rtr annum,
f:i 00 1
6 00
Kor r.iackwood and cue Review,
For Blackwood and two Reviews.
rot 11 arkwood anil three Rev ws.
9 00
- ... - - - -r
, k. u.Tb price in Great Britain for the five
ror maokwooti and tn fuurRe
10 00
; Pertodicali above-named ii $31 per annum.
aepmjiuuotf b
A Co.,
64 Gold fiucet, Now York,
",u"u"l,c""5 umonercaiTaiue
in the treatment of thii painful and ebttl
nate diaease, we are induced to prevent it to the
publiolna form REAUY F ;K IMMEDIATE
USE, which we hope will commend itself to Uiok
wbe are euffering with thii afflicting compiling
and to the medical pruclitioner who tuny ftel
i difpored to toet the powen of thii valuable rem-
. dy.
ELIXIR rROPTLAMINE, In the ferm aUve
rpoken of, hni recently been extonairely experi
mented with in the
and witn MARKED 8UCCE.S3 (as will appear
from the publiihed account! in the medical Jjur.
nali )
-It Is carefully pnt up ready for immedi
ate uie, with full directioni, and can be obtained
from all the drnggirii at 75 ecnte per bottle, tod
at wholeiale ef BVLLOCK A CRENSHAW,
t'rugg'utt and Manufacturing Cherolnte,
June26,Cltf. I'biladalphia.
Altltl.AliU Cl IDi: Beini: a crivate
Instructor for married persons or these
about to be married, both male and female, in
everything concerning the physiology and rela
tions of our sexual system, snd tbe production or
prevention of off-pring, includiag all the new
discoveries novsr before given in the Englinh
langusge,by WM. V;UNO. M.D. Thisisreslly
a valuable and interesting work. It is written
in plain language for the geueral reader, and Is
illustrated with numerous engravings. All young
married people, nr those contemplating marriage,
and having the least impediment to marriod life,
should read this Lock. It discloses eeorets that
every one should be acquainted with j still It Is a
book that must be lucked up, and not lie aboat
the bouse. It will be sent to any one on receipt
of twenty-five cents, in specie or postage rtarnpi,
Addrosa Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 Spruce St.
above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. j
J9' Affixctid and L'nforiunate No rentier
wh it may be your disease, before you place your
self under the care of anyone of the notcriour
Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in ibis
or any otl-er paper, get a copy of either of l'r.
loung's books, ana read it rarofully. It will be
tbe moans of saving you ccany a dollar, your
neaitn, ana possiniy your lile.
Br. YOUNG can be conrulted oa any of the
disoases described ia his publications, at his
office, No. 416 Spruce it, above fourth. a7-ly
The urdersigued has now on band, at his pur
niture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., a
short distance west of Liti's Foundry, a Urge
atouk of
'manufactured out of the bst mnterialr, finished
' n a very superior manner, and which he will sell
! LO H' FOIt CASH, nis long experience In the
business makes bim feel confident that bis chairs
are made in a substantial and workmanlike man-
; ner, and will stand the test of trial. Tersnns
wishing to purchase chairs should cail at once
'nd get them while they ean be had at the lowest
new RtMEDirs ron
TToWiSn A'SilCIATION, 1'niLStiSt PHIA, A firs.
etocnl intlitulinn ettnblinhtd by ipecinl En
ZZd'dul rSL'o".0.:'
- ,. ,or lKt Curt Di,tM, o a, StIual
0 -
Midical Adv.ce give, gratis, by th. Acting
Valdabi.b nsroats on Bpersxatorrbwa, and
otner diseases or ine eexuai uigans, anioathe
",w " employed in (he IMspensary, sent
in sealed letter envelopes, free ofrhargo. Two
, thr.eSmp. f,r postage aec.ptablo. Addr.s,
ll, J. Pmi.t.t x HoroHTOn, Howard Association,
No. 3. 6. Ninth it.. Philadelnhia. SUmv It.
D. A. riisir
A. C. flNSST
Vi'inlltnn inl tfT ft TT r f f inn (brfflff
C L A U F I L D,
(kllctiiont made and proceeds promptly remitted
ICxchangeon fhe Cities constsutly
on hand.
Office on Pccnd Ft, nearly opposite tbs
Justice of the peace
T.lllliaeatMieie rieargelil Cn 1a . will
attend promptly to all business entrusted t his .
ears. April 4, 1861.
SIKHCIIAXTS. and dialers In Boards snd
Shingles; Grain and Produce. FRONT Street,
above the Academy Clearfield Pa.,
June 12th, 01.
ik. n. iARfMga. t. tkst
LARHIMEH etc TF.ST, Attorneys at Law
Clearfield, Pa., will attead promptly to Col
IaioBs, Lakd Aeniles, Ac, in Clearfield
Osoeratod nkWBhtlea. July 8t. j
OMMERLT Vhyeilcan and Purcoa to the
1 of PITTSBURGH' 1 beK lpuvo lJ announce 10 an mvaii'i.", uini, gums to tlio many loiic
Itatione of his friend', no hai loncludcd to jiny profesjlomil visits to tho following named places;
....1 1,. ,..;;., .1 l,. div let forth, can be coujulled by tlio iilllioted, l,0, MU.. and l'emi'te, on
rn....... ,.r ik. ii.i Liver and Lunsx; Cancer,
Alfo, all Uiieetne apper'i"'nK to the LYK and
.!, h in...i,uries fiuui the Ear. cua be
and many wther diieain ulkl UttT u'"ea "
CLARION, at Clatk'i Hotel, fnm the 15th of iUy to tho lit of Juno.
CORSICA, at Whitiner'a IluK-1, .luuo 1st. A pain, Si-pL 1st and 2d.
BROOKVII.I.K, at the Americaa Houc, frjra ;!d to Otli June. Ajraln. fleiL 3d, 4ihand&U
LUT HEHMIiUKU, nt Heed's llou-l, June 10th and I Uh. Again, Sept. 1 01 h and 11th.
Cl.KAr'FIEMi, J.bnon'i llotol, June U'lh t lOt'i. Again, Sift lih ai d l?th.
II R LLC PON IK, iiorrisou's Hotel, from June 17tli to l'J Lb. Again, i:ept. 11th and 1 5th.
TYRONE CITY, nt Mrs. Thon,as' Hotel, June Sliitiind 22d. Agu'.o, fc'ept. I7vh atd ICth.
At hU INPIRIIAKY, from Juue 2?d to July 17th.
Listen to tin Voice of Truth and ra3m anl Profit by it.
The time bni oome wboii nil who will, can efcHp tlie iron prap of Mercnry, by cnMinff. without
delay, to see tbe well known and justly ceebr.itoJ LL-k":tic Kuroponn Physician, lr. Fort, 'who
will administer thore only true and sale incdiuiuc!, xlraetod from (he un;st choice Boors nnd Huitrs,
which ar prepared under hisown inpc rvitiun, and lb ere lore avoid Dg the uo of all Mim.aAL l'ois
ms, which nere never designed for lh fy.lom, tJ tuko which inau tlioufouds have fullon victimi
Kemtmbtr that Dr. Bort wonts no patienle but thtin fully capable of apprerlaiia j and distin
guishing the lerricciof a regulur thorough bred phyiiciau, from a paltry, uuleurned and trilling
fiemembcr, Pr. Borl's remedies and treatment am entirely unknown to nil others in this oonntry
prepared from a lift spout in tie groat bnspittils ol I" irpo and the firt In the country.
lUmtmler, that Dr. Bort has a more exteuded practice than auy other pliysioiHii in Western Poon
sylvauia. lltmrmbtr, that cititer.s of education, and our populnr men, are all well icqualnted with, and take
great plensure in recotniuondin l'r h ji t to tbe ifllictHd.
Krmrvibtr, I hut l)r. Hort inuktino lulte rvprecoutbtium to gull the unfortunate, but all he says wil
be f.iitbl'ully curried out.
Jltvitmbrr, that '.r. l.ort payi every attention to dates of a chrooio natur.
.TOrCeriilicalei of Cures wiy be seen at his rop'ic'.ive roouii.
t)r. Bort is fui niched with over six thounmd IctVrs '.f rccomtr.endatinn from same of (he most
distinguished nn-u living. Alto bus anurdad t'i him diplomas from some of tin most celobratoil
llurpiluls .iud Iiilirinariet in Kuropo, lor bis ui.pnra!llli J Ururniti'Hie in Iiinnosis, nnd obscrrii
timut iu i iai'ove iug n for the cuie of diseases thr.t Lavu hcrcturure buQlud tua skill of many
of tho medicul pr ji'ocsiuu.
An early call Iroui lboe wishin?; to confult tua I)c.tor, is cameftly requojtod, so as to recaite
full benefit of treatment, and ihu do justice ti hiuie!f. 1 iiuo lin ited. "
Please baar iu mind when Ir, But i w ill ho in your pluce. Pereuiu denirous tf consulting him
will confer a great lnvor by culling on Ihe Ihu day f Lis nrrivnl, as his ru,':ni are so oflou crowd
ed, it is utterly impokiiiio to attend to tho mixiuus FllcitiUiotii cf all. Br. Bort wi.lanivo ut each
of the ubovn places t,n tlo 6 rut Cuncb ou tlio div app i.iil':d.
Please exteud tho imiialiju to uil iuvalii acou,i;ntuu .'ts, and ebligs yours, Ae.
iMiiy 23, '61. 2-.
Till-: "RKrUDLICAN."
Terms-ol Suusrripiioii.
If paid In advance, or within tbiee luuu'.hs, $1 Zi
If paid any time within the yo:ir, - 1
tf paid after the expiration of the year, - 2 CO
Terms of Advertising.
Advertisements aroiuaoilvd in tho Republican
at the following ratei :
1 Insertion. 2 do.
3 do.
Si U0
2 00
1' 50
12 mo
$r oo
10 oo
12 00
11 00
18 CO
One square, (14 lines,) f oU
Two squares, (2line,) I 00
Three squares, (42 lmuJ,) 1 !9
3 manths
1 SO
2 n
6 uio's.
t 03
t 00
to 00
12 00
23 00
One Pgnare, I : 1 2 SO
Twosquarcs,: : : i 4 Utl
Three squares, : : : t 00
Four squares, : : : : t CO
Half a column, : : : : 8 00
One column, : '. : : 1 1 00
85 00
Over three weeks and lees thnu thret nioUl.s lb i
eents por squara (or s;h Insertion.
Berlins nct.eAS not nrjoding Klines are In.
erted for 1 a year,
Advortisimsnts ntt asaried whthe numhor of
atertions det'.red, will bscistinusd uutil tori. Id
ir.d charged accord'.tg to these terms.
An extensive stock of Jobbing materia
onablus the i ublishrrof the "Jiepubhcai
. . , -.
to t3 tl.e rubue that ho u piepa
reu 13 a3 IU incH OI
Posters, Vi-?iu.ri, FitcxjrUMKEK,
Blanis, rrii! f-OOH, ClKCCLARS,
I.Aizui, Pali T'.curs, 2lANinai.s,
and tivcry ini cf pilatirg usuully done
in a coutitryj ob oSco,
All ordora will be oxocutel with neat
ness and despatch.
Time of Holding1 Court
Peoond Monday of J annary,
Third Mond.iy of March, "
Third Monday of June,
Fourth Monday or 8rpiniber,
In each year, and cuntiuue to w eels If te
County Ofllrcr.
Pres't Judge. Hon. Rnmool I, inn. B!!"tont.
As'le udgeSjHoa Wnj L Moore, Cleaifield.
Hon F.cnj H'ln-all, I.utbrrsliurg
Sher.ff, Fred'k O. Miller CiourSld
Prothnotary,Joho I f'ultle, "
Reg. A Hec. James W, llt-v, "
District Att'y Robert J. Wlic, "
Trsosarer, ti. P.. Gnod'andcr, "
Vx Surveyor, 11, B. Wright. Oh n Hope
Commiss'n'rijWm. M'CrackeD. Lumber City
Wm.Merrell, ' Tlsurtiild
B. C, Thompson, Morrisdnle
B. C, Bowmen, Philipsbnrg
Issno W. Orukan Clesrtield
J. U. Shaw,
George IUi-burds, "
Ilxt of Poft Office.
.Vms o P. 0. .Virmm of P. ij
(lien Hope,
(1. W.
" Cueb,
" Ostond,
Borrs, C'learDeld BrUrs,
Bradford, Wuodlnnd,
Brady, Luthorsbarr,
" Trnutvillc,
" Jefiorson Lies,
Bloem, Forest,
Ci;nsld, New Vsshlnjet
" Burnside,
Clearfield, ClosrSehl,
Covington, Frenchville,
Curwensrllle, tiurwensville,
Decnter, Philipi burg,
Ferguson, Mnrron,
I tt, Helen Post Office.
T. A. M'Obos
J. r. rs.r. .L'
Lewis emita
T. IS. Miller
Ed. Williiii
H. II. Moore.
O- f. Sloppy,
Jons lieberllng
Js- Piloora
J. M, ruminlnj;e
Jas McMurrsy
M. i. Frank.
P. A. OnuMn.
J F W Jchncrr
fismnel Wny
Centre county
L'din. U'illinms
Elk county, pi.
C. Mignnt
M'illiurn t'arr
A. II. bhaw
T. II. Foreee.
J. A. Hot arty
C. J. Pnsey.
Dati 1 Tyler
H. Woodward
Klira Chase
O. Heckadorn
I). K. Mokol
J, W. Thomps'n
Jns. Thompson
J. MoL'lollaud
H. W. Spencer,
A. C. Moore,
Pamuel Way
Minhnel Wiae.
W. F. Johnson
Girard, Leoounte's Mills,
Bald Hills.
Goshen, Hhawsvillo,
Graham, Grnhatntun,
Uulich. miths Mills.
" Madnira,
Huston, Tyler,
" PenndeM,
Jordan, Ansnueillo,
Kartbaui, alt I.i'k,
Knox, New Millport,
Lawrenoe, Iireckenridge,
Lumber City.f
Grampian Hills,
liuon, Korktun,
Woodward, Jeffrios,
T. Henderson
This Post OtTee will do for Chest township
t "III en. ner lor Ferguson township,
1 OliEBT J. WALLACE, Ajok,kt at Law,
JLV Clesrflcld, Ps., Cffio. in fchaw's Bow, op
osits HiejMirnsl 0Q04.
1, 15. f.
Brompton Lung IIoepltaL of London, Englund, now
I"iis, Sorofnlu,
hi, and all Diseases of the Blood
AL UEaF.N'EH, Kiniug Noises In
hv Dr. Hour's Scientific Treatment.
.A ,1-1.1. "i j t
,ea U.ttnuLhed pbyeiciaus.
iweuilily curoil bv
""' "qui"'" "'ingui
M) C'ONSlJMITIVi::S:--Tuo advertiser,
having Veen rttrd to health in a few
uk by a very simple remedy, after having suf
fered fur rurtrul yaikKith a aevoro lungalfec
t'ou, uud that died di.'ciiso Consumption, is anx
ious u inako knowu to his rslUw-auffuforj the
luerius of cure.
To all who desire It, he will send a cipy of the
prescrfptiun used, (Iroeof chnrgo,) ith the dl.
';rtions fur preparing and using the sur&a, which
Itliey will Knd a sure cure lor Cor'umption,
lAs'.btrin, Rruiehiiis, to. 1 he only objvot of the
iadvart.srtr in inMidiiig the prci.cription is to bene.
Et tho ftfilicted, nnd r rid inforrcatlnn which he
Cun?firci to be invaluable, a-'d l.o hopes every
su.T.Tur will t.-y his remedy as it will cost them
unthinr;. and miy prove a blesin.
Persons wishing the prrscriplhj i will pleas
, address hev. HHWARD A. WILSON,
i nivT-!.'', V illiainshurgh, Kings Co.. N. Y
)tYfl the entire con !or TV1TI0N In tbj
mat t liopulur and successful CO Mil KTtClAL
M-'II'JOL, in the country. Upwards of Twelvs
'ont fiule t.JV, b,.on e,iucatad for businoss here
within the past three jsars. some of
l'Sst three js;irs. some of whom have
been employed aa UOOli-KEbTERS ut salaries
f $2000 CO
immediately rpon graduating, who knew nollilng
of eccoiints when thry entered the College.
JttrM uiiter's sons half price,
Sttidenui enter at any time, and renew when
they please, without extra charpe.
Pur CataloL'iiee, f peciraens of Penmanship, and
View of the COLLKOU. unclo.e tiro letter stamps
Mj.t n, 61. It.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
y. si. si ci i,
t'i EArrui-P, Pa.
Office In Graham's Brick Building.
July 3d. mi If.
MOOItE L ETZ 7il.?.i,
"IfThnlcsate and ltetatl Merchants. Also
V exu-n."ive doalcrs in tiiuber, saied luujd
her and ahin'lr.. Alii, dealers iu Hour an
gniiu, which will be toid chiup for cash.
Oct. M,1S;3.
Cul. A. P. OWENS, ruorKii-Ton.
Reipcclfitlly announces to the travelling i-ubllo
ItLf.t he bus uow laktn chares of this large and
iwrllknown house, end will conduct it iu such a
UiiHieeras w,U retidor earellent Coniforl and for,
i.i .r..., n ,a ii!.,. r...,- l:... i.i.
ratirfuctiua to oil nbo may favor
hiui with
i. c a I
fJJ'lllIT tX, CilimniCr UOOCIS
T 1 . ,, 7 , ...
lam just rseaivlng end op.nlrg a caref.lly
selected stock of Fpr.nj ond Euramsr goods
Ol almost CVCry description,
'ultDklPliillj 2? IAYTa!
A b.aii'.iful assortmont of Prints and Dress
ooJs, of the newest and latest styles. Also a
frost variety of useful notions.
Bonnets, Sbawlg,
liata nnd Caps,
Boots nnd Shoes, a large quantity,
liardwnrt, Qi scGsware,
Drugs and Medicines,
Oil aud Paints,
Cernel A Oil Cloths.
1 isu, aeon and Flour,
Vnckercl In 4 i and A l.anIa
or th. best ,nallty, all of which it. ill be so.d at
trhJ'r ""I f rypHoes.
L m" ? , ,l".rbl' -8Der"r. rs
respectfully Invited .
.:.V:-A,l V''""' approred
lULAim PhOUlth taken lu exchange ol
learrield, Juno 20 1861.
C35 00
,.r Bock Cases, French and Field Post Bfdttei.
WALTER BARRETT Pining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Tier J'
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly bles, Ao. Coffin, manufactured and delirersd
and faith Tully to all lejii1 business entrusted to any place desired,
his esie, In the several Courts of Clearfield and Febrnary 9, 1859. no. 4, Tel. It.
adjolnitg counties. i """j
OIi tio oa formerly c-eeUd hj 0. R.'y IflTJORS for Medicinal purpo"i-BrMl;i
"tT-- . .. . ' lJ Port and Sherry Wine, Neefar MJ1' 04
Aad for the Sdy cur 4 tbe Mlowlu ,
Ki rofnUkUd Hcfulo A (Ter ti?'
mm Tumors, llceri, Korea. kVL
Uinlua, sad alt Hkiis Ul...,,,' "H
J. ft a, A a,,-i.0'J!.,Mvi
Ii kiwwlile (Ins y.nir raruptrlll ku 41 t k
U n itij luherluxl a oVruftiluu. lufKt, i TJ? I
frvui It In i lous ways (nr yentii, BouwUraT f"
cut til l lreis oa my bauds tuj rmi- J k -tunini
li.wsid mil illitrmuril m m tut iwi,""'
yii Ho it U'iSXs out on mv liinil uid mtvii'l'
auj ut Willi eue Sule. wbuli u pal,,t ."'
Uond itxaLiii'tKin. 1 tried iuaiiv mtUkia. j
lu.i.,. hut alLliiiiit in.,. !, uut '"'
Utet.lhs dl.nJer rew wutM. At lunrtli 1 I
ui l(ojuv. (SuwieaiillH), .,r 1 kw timu rJ'''
' K" ")' il'irnt youumdi mu.t U itoaTi'
i"'"i""' -'. uJ inwl It tin it cuti . ,
tt.aii you ailiuo, m si.intl uums of a tunJT, ',
, u..,u. H11j uwi .lm(M llirM b,,,., v.'"
liK.-iilu, huh wml nlmr4it lliroe butllM. N.w ...i
vkin simjii Ik.-jii to aitn undiir Urn erab, wbkA '
lij t il uU. My klu Is ih clrar, auj 1 fewl '
fw.'llos Unit tbo ovi'sne tins Ktmo fruui nij ivttM, '
can wial Ixiliara Umt I fS almt 1 mn savinr bT
you, It nt I liclil jrnu Ui ba oue of Ilia arAiia Jj
ami romuiu cvr gnui'lullj'.,
A. HI Kb & TAU j
bt. Anthony's Fire, Itoan or F.ryu,
Teller ami Halt Kliriim, Scold 1 4
lllMg vrorm, bore 12 es, Dropty, 'l
Dr. Itnliert M. I'nbU wrltiis from Bulom, N, i .
Bfit., iHttt, ilial tin lum cured an luvMw.i, j'.
Vropiy, vbich lliittkU-nua to Wrtoluale Uuul;, I
pnrvcrluK mm of our N.nuiMrills, anil alug o'
Jtl'lnaM fiiytipeiiu by liu-i;e diiaus of Ilia
be euros the cunnuoji Kritpiiimt by It eouMautl;. T 1
Urou lioccle, Ooltre or Swelled !(
'billon Slinin of l'rflcl, Ti'Kas, writes l Yl,'
tins of nur Sni'karllla cured ea from a 6.Vnti,
eons su-rlllug ou Hie uavk, Li4i 1 kail suI1n i
over two yaaia,"
Lrurorrhrrn or 'Whiles, Ovarian Tana,
I'tcrliie I li rrullon, Female 1(H,W'
Hr. J, 0. R. Cliaiuilun, of Naw Vi.rk CltT. wrlix,
saying I lin.e fniinit your Snr"nuiriHii s initMw.J
altt'ralive In tli iiimroiis rotii. ilnu fa,
cmpli.y audi a vhiihhIv. bill e..jcriMllj In KmoU nl!
of tlio 8crnrnlf.tiH illnthfwls. I livi i iirad nihH.
ate mat's of lucon lnv.i by It, au,l aonia ilnaa,
plaint wiia rmnirl by Hlivmtum of tli utfrut. Tarn
ation itarir was atmu r-tmil, Nvtbltig within Biaanv
vufii, ei mil n ior illicit ,. mm iraruiiKPHIiinia. '
.itHard A. Miu'mw. of Ntwbnry, Ala, rttss,aia
Srons mviriitn tumor on one of tbe frmalM In m. K.JT
ltkliliail lrhid all the rnmulias s. coutil naipioy
in,,,, ..- i ' 3 ,inu ,.j jy.,r rjirarttfju
eiuiarllln. Our ibvsiclun UiiHiabt nvtlilna ..i.
tion coubl ulfoiil relief, bat be lolnaej ft. ItW ,'
FuranpHillla as tlie lent rMKirt UifAre cultibr. apj .
pmvi'il i ltiviiial. Aftur taking Yuax rowiail) aii,
Lull inptom of lbs dbirHJH. ramnliis.1'
Syiihllls and Mercurial I)(C(I(
NtW OaUSKS. I.lll AuauM III.
Ps. J. C. Artm Sir, I chcwi fully aiihiv..
iiuit of mir nifaiil, anil wort l ynn eunsof thiaWk
1 Itnva mill.'.ii1 with your Htu-MrHrllla.
1 buva eim.l ltb it, In iny practice, innst ttHm,
'1:i:iiIm b'i-iilil.-b tt It Kvjinimenilod, and Vmk
rtk-ris truly ouii'lmful In tbe cum of V' ml
curiV Ihseutt. ona of my putients bad Syphilitic lr,
In bis lliiuat, whldi Kero c iisinuiiig Lis pain!. ut it,
tu ot bis luoiiib. Your Snraii)iiriilj, it,JUi ui.t
curwl biiu lu f.iu iwnln. Auutlmr liw
onditry tTfUiptnina in bis uoao, auj the ulcuiauoa tU
estun away 3 xuMduriibln irl uf It, m that I btlm.iM
oiminbi auuld sciu nark lile Lrilu ami til! litis. K
ylwile.1 to my a JiniiiiiHianun of yonr hataavarltlli as
uki in ln-alnt. and lie ia well again, mil of mur auk
acino liiatikunitiun ti lil fa. A woman ho Uj im
tiaiiti-d lor Ilia aame dietmter l-y that mry ulriu
Iruiii ibla inav.ii in lirr bo lie. Tbry lm-1 Unnwia'air
slina ui thu w,tli,.r oU a dmii dar iha luda-nin.
Cfuuutlug a:u in bar Joints a4 Iwnni. tib.,l,i.u
curad an lardy by your arkaiilla In il a.u (
kiww lima Its rirmula, wlilili vuui kg:ut ga.a tuyiuu
Una l'i i ai aUun fiuui join laborntury inn.i Lei ml
rrinady ,-roiiSM(licully. tl liuuaraaUl laikl
Mltb It lia.a hot surplidod uie.
sralernnlly yours, O. V. LAItlMER, M l
Ilhruiuntiam, Goat, I.Urr rouiplalst,
iMMKHDkNur, l'n.1,.1. Cts, a., 6I July, Itil
Da. J. C. Arm: Mr, 1 l...i l( n alllicinl wlili .a.
fill chronic hltnimetum ba- a lorg time, which USMa.
.kill of iiiy.lclnn. anrl itU'k to me III . ita of all la
reniedim 1 could nnd. until I tilwl toiii harjarllli. (N
iKHiia cured ma iu (wo anmkj. anil nnlorwl my rtS that 1 am fat bilHr Mnln
atiMSed. 1 tliink Ha woiidcrlul aiiiliriuq. J.lliitll.
.'ulce V. firtrlii ll. of Ut. J.l, , lt.i 1 ban an
alllklad for yrniawitli an nfiiiiau uf !. Lmr.liii
il-mrorad mv hi-aJlh. I IrM every tbli's. and Mm Ha.
(iIIhIIu rrlieie ma; and 1 baveboeii a broj-aiHli'iliiiai
'r miiiii yasia fniu no other ratier llmmpmrtj
V LivtT. My la lovrd ai,lur, the Ke. Vr. Kape.adiael
me to try your Furaai.anlla. broauae be ealj hn kn'ttai,
and any thing you inadc a an worth tryn g. Py tli.bla
Ing of Ood it has cinl me. and baa mi puriCiKl mylM
ua to make u now mnn of uie. I fi l vmni acala. Ti
lilt that enu be said ol yua It not half gc.i.1
Hi liirrua.ritiK er Tumors. F.nlarg.ntist,
t lcti ntliin, Cui los ailU KsJollalloa if
tlio Jloncs.
A rrra Tai lety i.f caaea lure ban rapotbat to wiVn
Citrus of theae formiilable com plain la bale .n!M tai
tbe uae of tins r-iurdy, liu pur e ei beia alll uot ataS
thi in. home of them may be found In our Animal
Almanac, which the agruii Imlow muied sreiiUaeiS gniia u all one cull Tor them.
Dyspepsia, Heart niaease, Fits. Kpllty
ay, Melnneliul) , .eural(la
Many rt'inarkabla inn s of tlire alTitil.iii liar Us
miido by the altrratlva r'W tf Ihia iiiwilrine. IllUme
lutua Uie etui fnni'liniia Into igirona artimi, HiJIia
Ceeoomt illaoliWra aliich annl.T Iw mpr" I heyoiatsi
rearb, (furl! retnmly baa lung Wn ii cjuirrH t,y the a
entities of tbe pix pin. ami we are Uial liianll
do fi tbrru all that medicine cau do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
rou tub katid erriB or
CotiRhs, olrla, Iiiltnenin, lUarirnMI,
tronp, liroui tiltla. In Iplent oa
luniutlon, wild for the It el let
of C onanmptl v Patli uls
lis ailTaured titasfes
of the IJieease.
Tbla la a remedy an universally knows to sure. T
olhw for tin cnie of throat god lung crnplwiua. tbat
I. uvleas hi ts to publish the evidence of In vlrlnri. la
tiririrnJbid eacelleiire for eoushs and colas, snd it. InlT
I woudeiliJ rvjrea of pulmonary dlet-nae, lvs ma1'
known throughout tho clvilisiid nations of tbi eiitk.
Jew nro Uie roviuiuiilliea, or area fanilllia anwot tl
bo bare not some reoiial erbnoe of linilKf'
soirie living trophy ill thi-lr mld.l of Ita vlclorjrover t
subtle and dangeious disorder of the thrnntand lutes
As all know Ihe dreadful Mallty of theae diwnlar,ii4
aa they know, too, Uie efforts of this rrinixly, we sirs sa)
do more than lo aerare them that It baa now all tbe n
Inea that It did bare Then making tbo curra wblck
won eo airongiy up..n me eoiitideooe of nausina.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO.. Lowell, Kt
-83ld by C. D. Wstson, ClearJell. ti
Trwln. n .r.....iii..' v a...i.i i ..ik.nkirr.
Montgomery A Co., New Psiem ; 'j. C. Brsnrf.
Morris.Iale. C. K. Foster, riiilinehnrr : see H
. ... . ... : .
Chase, Ar.ionrille ; and by dealers svirjwbirt.
Thankful for past favors and aollcitleuiof
lure patronage. 1 would respectfully eoaeitxe
' tnai i nave on band again, ana win eoniieeu;
keep at the Pottery in this boroneh, oa tin
llAr aVinrf rllilunns ) nf At Maathnrlt
laersa tL nt P . .V. . f Vsan ffl S-MCkli
milk pans, I burns, Jnci, Jars, Plove pipe csiiol
d.e. de . ,nd gl,0 n .stensir. assortrcsel
different sites nnd patterns of brackets
I rosettes foreiTnics on bouses, and other
Any mouldings not on bsnd will be rsds
order on short uotics. Also firs brick snw
sod kept for sale,
ffOA liberal reduction en prices
wholesale dealers. F. LKlIZlu&.
Clearfield, may ZZ, 1861. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Making
JOHN GULIC1I, of the borough of ClearJshv
P.t., will bo prcpnredat all tiinei teattsnl
to nnr business in the shove line on
I notice, and In a workmanlike manner. llipl'j
.of business is at Ihe aid shop on the north sidt"
! V . .1. . t . .j 4...- . -1 ni.:l . 1 aetflf
'.. n. .1.. t. 1.. .ill ks(
constantly on hand a large assortment of
h0),,m. an4 Can, Bottom Chairs, and Cabins
Ware of every description, which he will diP?
of on a. reasonable tirrn. as th. .am. article!
can he had elsewhere In th. eonnlT.
Hi. .tnnU e.r w... - band, ess-
. aiata In rtaef nf Ttra;n .nit,nnn BarSSS'l
, Bofs. B,n, nd Waahinr Shands. Desk! IS