Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 06, 1861, Image 4

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),.lti. 1) 17 p. m
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1 It ! l.f.iVvi . f v wii.
tut, Pn- us' r 15 i a. m.
H4M,,.n. ... - - ' -'lu ,ln,r liri,
Tim ! ! " t.', ant rt Lin ', Uu
i i! p at T j nil.
1 I I " i
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l. i. .i .... i
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In "I I
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, Mi' I i I mi i. k'i" I :mn in put
O'lr 11 1 ( r i! primi tr.ahe
I IL' ' ' 1 1 1 " 1 1 ' l'l 1 V I 0 Ml
doi'iv Siill im i ii k Ii i-i.i. Fur ilic ac
mnitiio '.iti.ui of our 1 ily f:-i n 1 h f'r vn
rinirp Unit ninny of them "oanii"t kcci(
i iu wjtKout it" tto publish thoprss..1
p,-.t-n of fit. tVv'i .(f.V . t' F' ': It atill rc-'
ciiplcs tlni front rank In American Polite'
I.itt i Kturc, ti'fl cm-hl to he fuiD'l in eve
ry parlor in wur n " oil as in peao. I
I ;,7H V.'. Smith C. nr.. Mill recriv-!
ir.! fi'-fil Invoices of raoniihle pood, and
j de'eiinined that nil their cus'oniors
ihall rri fullv ni'corinioi.ln'p'l.
.' ,
imv .vv i'i n -i.
l'.'t .l.l.'ll'lellt
t'W. W il !) ill). Ill
(f l'iiniil "M Si'bu'ls of .li-ib-i'S'ii)
will ri" i;1'!' r') t id 'en l i. hi.
A 'nrtr.n L'tonii lor the tliudor bun l!i
time tlii I'.iW t!i livor in nnin Imuk full.
'I'll') liriilc nt F.vimIs', on f'ri'i-lc,
iiiuc.'i injure'", an.l ,it I'' i u-
orl eti putii".
; on ill it M I irn I I 'l I 'i t ll f I. e. I '"! ii fl
t! iir nrnvil nl II" "I iunrt . 'l 1 vtf, nt
i ni l., nin.l. nri , iin.;, un I' fji' tliitil! If,
im li lli.
i MM t in;
( A'l v.'i i. '.r r.ifnii
I rt i n Ii It i i ,V r
if ".'.I'ft r'"t'.:i.,
n t I
Mil r ! k'I l'
M . , ,N I II I "
ti ni l l, ki til p . i i'ihi'Ij
i p f ii 'i nr t y liM'f
f I.iim ti in!' In
Li ;
i' . T r 1
i 1
, i ri,.. w ; r. I
t)I.Y' I ADV'S Mm Hi I'OH Iffil'
K.r ;'2 vhih I i'
I'llil It. I . rt ll 1 1 lv i II in "1 I'" '!.' IW1 UI
,-iWtll(l I
t ciri I .'
fir lli
i'io I nil' I' 0 Ii.' t l.u l.v '. M,
ill nri'l. "Il l III I'lii'llpi" t.
,' Til "t .i'c.iiii t i' ' f l i il km I I'm
tv.i l n 1 u 'I in t!i" fnnily r i r-! .', ni. l tin
l in imni.-ii inmiln'r. i n ul.i ! ib' tk
j J ! rtl .in'y li'iVi'.t iu Aini'ric.'i
: lu ilt J. H IT''-, 111 t Itcl.UVO hoUlO tilllt KritO f t
I tij uthiT .Mill" Iin.,
I JT4e iiiir im1 i.riiriiu!, nn-l w-uiM "'ist 2i
p li'i'titt, (i!i pi ii'f if Ian I! jiA; i u (Ii n uiu.uc aiori's;
V.'.iniv(ii')i. Nov. l.Di1. Llrv.'.l cf Vi- i liin.' l 'X''"U i'i il"."."
i)),'! f,'i" South Sil.-f f 11,
i'i" ;" """v i"""-'" h vonnui'iM- c'ji'U! to Hid r iorul inioiin m
inrJ ma" fir a iiwlmni-, f o to thoitn vvho 'ihiit vioimiy, was nrre.totl j,sti;r:Utv !".'
H.-oni-o mo't hber.'illv. il is fvirlonc ' ordfr ol Uun. Ilaiinm-k-, und cnv.n(nl in
thfif they tire not
ciki, Im t'nr MHiio tinio hni l.n.'ii nciiniMH
I Wnsli
rai-i to hrwr their work ""'""S1""- , "CM ' gmt)? m-
1 M-ili i ' inn Ii) I in .. .-,,
M,fl:-I. If you Io.,'t b,.!iov i:, r,i; r.t ; ' ;,V(.m (u, (r p M
I tie kll'ij) oi'iiiii'r a i-.iiii'u.
An iiv txtntb. - fiiiv. Curlin Ii.ih
I WisuinuTon, Nov. I.- A l.'ttor rot'fi
; Vt-.i l;icl.iy froin Ilsnnxtcwii, Mirylund,
i H: I t t K 11 f t ll r.h.,1 i t,f,V ni.'L i,t TI , i .Mt 'u
i,l tin. Miowinp ot'Jocrs fop tho I imt !' j i.j.,,,.! aiul t!..u rfiia'-lo bt-tlliJmiei-
:n r it iti tli;il mi
'I'ues'l.iv BUci'ilina ilip IL'ht nt li;illV
filuli'. lh r: oU witlnli'iMV t!ni forot-s
rimvi.t in th'1 Mountain Biiicio, noiV in j tVom L'-nbur; pivo
(':i:rp r-pi'inan, near Huntingdon :
Wiii. O. Muin.y, CkIoiihI.
J'. C. McDiiwoli. I idut.. C l'jiifl.
WnUr Iiuiett, l!j'.r.
Dr. Ci, F. Hoop, SurgHOn,
Itcv. A. Uflifod, CI. uphill).
Lt. S, Mil.'i Ki'phu t, Q
The Keimcnt ir now fully o: jn:i.d
and m siion aril's tin h prooni fid, und J bu rr.
full iiii'f.-ruis provi.if-d, ill ho rody foru-Yom the Lokct T'.Join
nervice. J'cbd Bo item.
full !
from I .ot's-liurt;, on n:r trnn,, 1 i thmwn
over nt lMwaiil's l .-'ry, inavinj; only a
fe-v tnlioii to keep np nppi.-nrunui!!1
and watch our mom-men m. Tiiny su!hi
quoniiy tnok awny h'1 their Htipplics :uid
ivd'n nt tl:' hitest nrcnirtN resting on
Goosft Ci'tnk, ovcn min-j .s.uiih cf Lpj-
IX-The iiollidaysburg litjiit-r
ficiled Rojiuhlican sb(l;idvi" its oo-ir;i;-orarifS
t3 take "a pearly t nijrgi'r"
ovr t tie late rloctmn in IVnnsylva
ni Wo rm toll our friond that we have
in! cm quite a number of the hoi tit
kind of "enijjicr-i" over two re.ult cf th."
U tr .sir, l Aii.-iiin.i7. A ii I'l.nili tj nvul nt
in III il Ihivo c. ii'.1 I. im i n ,. i ;,w .-: u'nni) in
Hi'.- it pu r t in .ii I , I'Jiiii'.', :i iv i (in, tiniiiy inure
urn! intinili'ly l.cli.'r , iir.iiin;;s nro j.uli
iinltvil in ii lit ot'.'iT nui k.
(,',!, y' J'itnifil"L itt.uft!,: ulcrt lhl, iu 'nicf
C'H.taii'.ini; finm fnv M h'vimi lull length Culo.--ert
rulii'iii tin ouch .:itu. Oilier MaiiiiiiCNivi)
only two.
Vw uhett,l onvy f,ihiurn in vr Amr (
irn. iKl'ii'V M 18 lilt' (illtv W'.tlk 111 til' Wtir.ll thrtt
givtjn tbfMC immi'iisi; ; lnli'j. lunl thoy mo tuoh n
to liuvK excited thi) Homier of publish im.s mid tlic
publi.. '1 iio pul.ii.'iitiiin nf tlitv Jill, 001)
UllirO til Ull I'u.illiilU iI;IU.H nf tlm oil njio, llllll
i o 1 1 1 i n Init niir Huiiili ifiilly larj.'.. ciri'iilntioii
vuutdcti in to ;;i i n tli.MU. Hilier iiia!;..ziin ii lmii
not nfl'.nl it. H e never biaro miiiii'V n lien tlm
pulilio can Im tieiii'lilteil. The-n! fu-ili ion may ht
relied ou. Jirciiiw imiy lie ma le niter tliem, mid
tin) carer I ill not luukj"i:tu.l ti lidieule, us
would lie ttu'cano ii' nee visited tin) largo citicn
ilioniJ i.I'l'T liie Hyle of llm pliitcH given in
mine of our co-'jallini .uliion iiia'iniucs.
Our W'tmJ A' oioi i'iiyi, nl n hicli we j;ivo two
or ilirec times u iiiuiiy us imy other iiiuaiiiiiic,
y.y, are often mistaken lor iilutil. They nro o tin
i fit; ('nor to any others.
I Imiln lout. riewftr of thin. reinnnili! Ilml
tlio l.iuly'j Hook i the piililiruioin find
the eheapi-ht. If you take Olodoy, yon want no
other inu;,tw.ine. Kvurything that ii useful or iu u houjecitn ho fun ml in tlmlny.
LU inri'iiy y.fmn. No other iniiKa.-.ilie pief
them, end we huvi' i-iviu enough to till nevcral
I lure vohunes.
Onr line ifitu ure tncli nl can he found nowhfiro
I'ArJtOii, nocKiNt.;, and
arm ciiaij;:;,
.l-I'l:lNG SKATS, OA I.V
JLU r'f 1171-1
' Alll), J'lXLXr;,
Fxrux.sfox .( i:ni:.iKFAHT
t a ii l i: .v.
S 0 Ta 8-
i:r;REAUS, iiiY:-uoAnTj .
11 1 ! 11- P (J S T V 0 T TA 0 F.,
niExen row, Ac.
1'iit i' it Ii Hi iiniK r ;ii d 1 Yik r,
HJl'JiaiOllU' iCUUAUL'i
I I S O'iVN.
Stiloliiiii,', Ildni.iirr, aii'l Fclii;: vi'.ii
a Singh "Ihm l.
i It Tut mi n f it, cn
I ,l i
i , .1 n ,
.V. I f
i I li t.
I i.
I :i 'ni' ' ' ' i '
rl M. l i'l'.
1,1 IV I ( i i :
1;,",. I I ' 1 I1 I I
i mi I :' nr , ;,
:i. ' iii 1 1-.' i.
1,1 i'.', 111 1 A' .1
II 1 1 1 I '.',. Ill i,, '
! Iv ( C', . :!'. I-
lernp.r: ' I .1 .
:; il lil ler I,',,! .1, .
: f i.ini I.I,
I I i'i fee i lllid I l ('
! to it : AH I'i .i".
i tiirai i li-, in llio (.
Iioni. ! .1 i'i.'! I: ftr't ,
: '1 and
' line t
i li
; I .
mi. I 1 1 ii ;i.' f.'.'i'.i. v. i. ';
; l.i A l.It A.', fill li .t t . i!. in w. ,.r. mi n li
, ftu in i ut nt f; i'.iiei,t In'erv il", n ml nt'"i umii i
; all elri lllill ill""i "To HI liVIVC tin: l A'li-Ti R "
l A l'ati tiled (lrl'ie ol ;;ret ntilily lo!entlnit,
' I'leicntt llni poiiSiiily of tlm iiiin'h:;i" hciiv
; run in lh wring due. lion, er the La'anee wli 'il
j wnrin n lad y' diet.
Another icatiue wliiih Unci re particular at
ten i..n in
j Tne Wilcox TATcyT J"rrn.i: cannot ir:
O'f R" I! . i in
f Two th'Hiftiiil ftitclin?, r two ynids of wotk, ri" '-' 1 '' '" "'.
' enn I iloiifl in ono iniuu'.'i without, liioipii, r ,,n'' " '"'''
'n.on.r t..e mi
. ..i'i"' j'.ti ) -r. ti ' , i.
. l' , ! li.lnie ,N . J'.Ufvi-.l'.'. t.'j.i '
e. i ; i!;::'i ; Ii.'M s a .. i .i".
illlll.' If;" i ..i ..'il l entiv - .1 ! !'.:..
ii;,: i... i. p.. I,, ;. .'.t . v,: '
I in'.Tfl, (Vr thoin fell without linntiuj.nuil hoin the : jaill! y,,nl ,v i,u ,, I...,: ,i -h
I Client miisliti willioiit p.iet,,., inir. , J . l..'. ,1-ly record-. !
I , AltlHuiRh nt about lmlf the price of the otimr , rf ,,, , uillv i(, ,.k
f,r"! cl mwfffainoa. ti.ey will ii-couip'.iili doub- - ft ..,.,,, r. lt j,; .,i-ul.,.
le the in n given , timo I '(. ol Ueaii.o-IJ L.rl ..-..,.:,-! ,
-It is empiatiiiilly he Koo,l, low-rrieod Hm-ul U;V.T,, ,,Mvil: linR'niiii ,: :
illy bweiiiK .Vii' that too public huvo 1""S ! K. ,.,u,r of wai ,ant No-1 'i. I...-
bann wauipjjfor. -UoMoii lnin,e,'.,t. I to u while pine,'i U. ; rt j
"I l.-i,,Jeeda wo.iiler!,,! proiluetion, ulul for ; n.ltl 0 i; ale n. l.e purvey . I' 1. : .
iiiiiui use lunv, no i.iotjr nui i.eiu nuy
j ctiinpnrisiin witn it."rhiludelphin I-7oiiini;
.. -I.... - ....... c.!....:. P')r. IOK-.-K'", til"
j Tlico tnncliinci, o fimplc end a"' "iralc in
j llielr construction, supurteiln tvieti" of tho i-liut-J
tlo ; und with nro thread produce nil the pr.nii
i ual reiiults rf the t"" thread machines ; una
i can,
und twi-M'it'n
nloii(r : :i i ! vniv.
r.'ir. loi'i
,.f a ;.,'i,:!i i"
, It I (r. lllid i
"" V' liil' "
. to a i li::; o..h
s ,,,,. l., i .....l ... ...... in,.i.i c.:.. . I". 1 " " i ' L' "ll " "
"" - """I, !,.f' i t
lute election, and especially in ri fnroiiee to i
th nf ect of our Senatorial (iintt ict. A
Di'ivn'cratlo nvijoi'iiy of from 1500 to 000 i
'milier way last fill u worth a proity eon
ii'Wrall "nnigvT."
Va.":iiv.:tox, Nov. I. A new Lattery of
rifled yiiti, llireo in number, has bopr. Jis.
ivi about n inilo und a half ludow tiny
that Ii:im bnrn horetotor fjrol. lt is
situati'd u little ( eiow New Creek House,
not 1'h- Tm ui the Hhntfat livaii.-'pr.rt.
'"' jvw s.'tll y elKf. (.oiiliin- in till its variety Ciiifoou,iiiryjll0.iriie fltr ;,,, ,1 ,1 .
'jylU-Jftl 1 rrmOM til hrnr.ntul.i 1 Ac in uriury ir.e long: mo i.uun.iry or tlm
Y hcrcvjrAits oj Irux
U " Bli x ii
Ilnir, Tlair top, Cotton i p,
nd Corn Jiu.ik, ef lli l.cit innteiittl.
LOOKING GLASSES of all snrti and th
AlfO, OlaKFc; for old I'muies.
Also, Tea-joys, Whatnot.", iVnsh-p(and-i,
Work sttind?, Ilak-rjclu, uc,
Mado to ordrr on uliort noti.e, n
K...I I T ; 1 . i i i .. n : i.i . , . I 'i i
.MucuiiieH. i.ini ami ciiifraiii ly iiiiL-neii, ullu , i u '.. ot I
no Hi in pie in im construction that it renins id-..,,,,-
TTi.itl i niii.iittehlii fi.r It I,, .ti.t r.f r.iii.iir " 1 ' '
. vt ,M eollVeVi-ij
,Ino. lica
', U j.i. r. aiii
a '0 't. Tin . .e P.. 1 .
. inn ',)!. t.,'ii:!' 3 i. i
irh.j, li .- !t'" . tile
i! e m,: .:. iv r'i.i iv. '
!:-. l.v o, . ' .' :.! 'V-
, a ) i-u
. . ; .".
hht leV's
e:. II ii.t
ritthburi; Chronicle
inm cwuuineii wan iu own peculiar umniA r , ju , . 1 , I 1 1 , .'miy .v
all tho really valuable imjirovuincnt i of the higb-j .'-,'4j ,t' ., ,.u,tiiii ,iae
it priced n.aehiuit." lVun-y Ivuliian. i j.,,", t,'lu n,,' r
"Thin machine, in the opinion of th" eoiuinit -' ij,,;;.,,)..;) .,,) ,vl..T,i,. s
tec, (Ills more nearly tlm iciiuireinciit.t ol'u per-ini,. . ( a t,0 ,. ir. , t, ,,r
in.t fix , , 1 1 1 v m ., I, I,,.. . 1. h n 1. i 1, 1 1 i n " I '''' .'. '
' " ,IU J "" L .'li ll. W li ll'.l Mir' Wllii. C-l. at
I, 1 '
III 1:1
id I'll
Poplar, Cherry, and Linwa ul Ltimbor, ta'tcn
in e.rohanjre for work.
CL'arficM, O.-tober I", ISM. ly.
Kit"hon. 1'occipts ujioii all dubjeeti ure to be
1.. ti,a n.nntr.i.ain,u'. i'....L- r.. ...;..:....i'w.i.ahti H5, '-amp l,yoNPBINSF!ei.P, Jy utai'tcd thii department, au-l bv peculiar f.
Oct. S. (iiill. Frrtlll.'.lit atld t-tiill'iiri 'cilitiei' for ninhiii;' it. mc't jii-rfeet, This de
1 1,. ...i.i, ...... .1,,. :...... ..t ,.. !....: -.i. .i .i... n . i.
. , t i . i.e. r r-ii,- it J j , fill 1 1 i iiu 1 17 1 J i i .11 lil ' ' 1 n." " i ."1.1; if n i" til iii'T 'i i. ' . i mi . Uillin .
in auisir.i-i mat 8'" i''"i) ,i,,;Hi (;,,!. (.an- s cuvulry, and jen. Siei'd'e! inrf.V Hoc 7o'.n .-1 his dej ariiuent com-1 A 'l!'.l, 'll( 'II
comnund at diSlerent inrU iirig the ' PHI"" "neravmi.-i and itejunpuonj of every arti-1 2V. ASSI.SS.M CN T. N.'ti.'
B-inm itiv . ' nun ine iotnini.':loiifrs (l i.
Mnjor White of the Ti :iiie S.iou'
foinni.-ird started ivilli Major Z.i'.'onvi 1 r
liM ol 1';
jui: t ol m
j.i::e. lb iu'.- .i. ...
cn'.'iie;'. IIu'Ik e j.
p'.l.e, I'. '.IP'.) .V. :
J.ilie, I) ii c if .1. I
Tin-in' I'' I li'l j ''
to tile p'.iice ol' Pi.,
K Ki 1.0 .-.r. mid
trMc: of l-nd c -a ;
t '-Tli.
.. a. i"
.) a ii i;..
h oaV ol L
h, , :
' In-iu hi. 'p.
n!TL.Tl.( V.'a-hlnsi'on AVruA'iAin av iVwelarv CLiwe hnP allowed the ; ro- ,"(?";' 1" "M
. . i.-aptur 1 bv t n rebels w hile iidlii-ui a
r.t(.tor.s rt the Aattonu Intelligencer kh old kti-y and alter the fl.sht or Fitday v.'.'s
c'iiiim r.f ? .10,000 .tl.iim lliat had been takn ceversl miles out of town by aVll-" d
? eic.'tr 1 liv the thiou Uit administrations. ;of twenty rebfU. but h inn rcfjurd bv a
n lady wcar.i.
Mmh i t ofeyriv
No otl.
inr inngaiiuo has
1 whinU Seoiet-ry Outline denounced W'm,J u-Jiue uuaru.,P-a -son sen-img tn .r.ui', l-.-ven cop,cS one I ,T.lcb MU1U) V.'edmu.lay ll." ietb dny cf;b,.,n -, ml,, the of bis laire family, f
I i a t rit I . iM-a
rml Gen. Fremont will
Wo presume the claim ha' x.en allow- )lP,e until tho other t'ivUi
'd by Ir. Chase Leosu'e ho has iwori n:o- arrive.
Hey than any ofhia proilecenr.ra, and not
f'-rtain how lone it may, and deslrii'f
to irake hay while the sun ihi;:e., Le will
c i;rjent.attA bin f: lends just now,
ii ol
rpuinin 1 1'1" c'"i'' f'-!l-
The Philadelphia Bulk: of
chl'.' nfl.i'lwnn frmtHU-.t; fl rr iir.i-t ,
battle in pro;ros.j in Western Virginia! tlirea bn'
('ley. Harper, an.-! Arthur will all
V....P I'.r .1 Oil 'C .,..h
I between the Confederates rnJer I 'i-v. 1 1 Notu an I Xu,' kf all solvent banLs tu'ion at
'.Ta n tliat tho "V.i :and the Union fureea undor Pioseerans, at
'i-.Ttfrfj R..:vuir.
l'-rarlnient lias ordered the erevti m. on .Gauley Bridge. The yatne ptiper aliocon
.' ihnton Il.ind, Ray, Lako ' tim a report that the great naval ex pe
r.:ic of a larri ll.ul, similar to tho fauii tdition -of SO vessels that recently sailed
"in Uulc I dc Lci'.x at New Yoi k, for tho from Old Toint Comfort, iyai overtaken by
iiecnmt.-.odatioii Of J.rnoticrs ot war. llie:i" fiormoi ia. ri iuay nigui, anujltii, ,,0 ,xprH,.,i , r,lll!ic ,
I, .11.!;.. i.. I .,.,.n, Lit 1 Hilil rnn. ' r- " ""c " li 'nil. ii
Jl.illli in tu i..i,iiiiiniuiiiiv tiwv ,-. j rA,-. , .. ,
r. o . . , , . ,'ed S00 soldiers lost.
A!i the itl"rtti of tho fail defendnn', dim. .1.
ri, an-J in to no oy iue ilhi oi T1 , . Wu.i,:..,,,, nn(i ,n flinn
Dei-ember next, and not to cost over $25 - ( the Potomac, nifj.'d -rith the utmost se-i
m. Lieut. E, W. II. Read, of tho U. S. verity. .
Army, is to superintend tho wotk. Iim Twcvtv-fivc to Sixty Hollars aud ,'"! t'',rr-',,liIl (,i Hush in the t
triQing "cruin" wiH pwbat-8 hB:ff a few .itpenl per nicn'h will bo pnid by the 1'rie . tI"l, 'i.m.iii or J.'c.V.ur in tlm c.unly
a . .i ..'i .,. ; , field, enntaunn? fnviitn I.ho.
felline the Ln t-ewir.j Machine. Inn is tew
Mill TMI.VM A I, 1 ' ..r we hr.vo tried." '.ichmmid Wl.i
hereljy ff'.veu ,' Hi!. Mifsionnrr to iJor.r.t.iin..
u-ity wiil , 1,1. him examined more than twenty ciilierut.
thiii j met ai th i f..!loiwn,- j.l .cti fotn 10 A.M. till -1 kinda of .Srwin Madiiii, and Rftor ponni SiX
, o'l'l-.ih of cnih day for the purpif of h. .uii j; Apio,.c cxo.-iienee wjih U 'il.-ox if- liib'is' I'aienl
TICK MS': (.'.l.V .V A I'.-l A ( H. j r' floi" Iho Triennial AM.;.in.'n!, t w i: : , t. ; ,:,,.'.Uiaed oi.e cf them, a: th best u.jap-
One eel V ore v.,,. ' T,e . ' F(.r lllC toil ll'llip (if U "Sill'Il lit tllC "I'llool !ioU: , ted to (he Walt" (if his f..,l,i', V. f.l 1 1:3 'll ),..
- , , V Ti' V' r' ? Mr-:i" t.rvn.diir. ll,.MU-.l,.lac ..fbaldins -K',. lir.Vo M r. ,', r.nair. OLIVHR OM.Ne
l..j. Ih. ... cjnes one jcir.s . J ourc.pi.iM.r.e f ti,,,,., Monliiy ;ie llih dav of November. l!ttn ,iv fi.-.n
,rl; ,1r:,S?ro,Tlof''irT''7yl,: V1 '(Oialt 0,.,Sre.snin Tli.lle,i,t,:c(l,d.ri1,Scilitec::mo,!tl h
he pe...u ret. ,,K up the club, $10, l.i;;,t c-.p- ,,,,, h m Tlv,:- lho J-l, of .November. U-i in al'o,t ron.t iot in his (,il.-w ;,
ee ('in' year anl un t an ctr.i copy in ine per- r,.r,i. i...lii.. rr.,,,-..i il. i,iu ,.r .. i. , .. ,. ,.-," "
p. , . ....... , w v . , ,A a 1,11,113 sow L' j'lnu nine, l-.pon wnieu ia
j ""J , v.. :u;i,it me ciinnes oi ins lai'r... iiinniv. irom
, .i even-, h.'i. ....... .... : I .1 . i ; .1 . 1 .1 . 1
The ov,,v wasain lhat can I,,. , .r ,h, ,f Knrlhao.-i.t th boa.o i f r . k . . ' " '1 .! 1 i , "'
i..-r lee, I ie-O -1,,. nlii.VO eliiin i !.,.. ,.f lh n r, ,, ' , , . 1 ., . . .. , '".. .11. M'H li'l I'll !. 1111 1 IB TO I'M LaVll
l.trmy V ; yV ,(,;t u Ara , ,; -;i;i0. y " V Jcann f,ii I, l.i.o,,,:h in hardrvicc. The
! MKflLt"l I':;' I'1 WIT'l niilV-; 'tin ! ;'"' , , ., , , , miiclnn new tn ue in hm family huj retired
j' e ! i 0 v em oer.
fa ei'veiej'T '"' " .nn.irar.ip.e, lo'tliono y.r. j Tor the tr.iliiji of Grnlifim-at tl.o IIniso of
Jacob Ilubler in Monday the 15th day or Novem
ber. Tor tho town-bin of riradford nt 110 hoinm of
j sr, i.u cuie.ui ii.pi imjr niu p.isiaro ou our w,n. Hoover on Tje.-day the 1 'Jtli day of .. cew-Ictt-r.
AdJrets h(,r.
L. A.UOPKV, I Tor ilm to n.hip of Coi(f;! Ht the Iionpe of
l""-1 Chcftmit St., Phil'a., Pa. JKiliianl Albeit on WednoJiUy the Srtih d-.y of
iHF.I!iri'".1 SALK, Ily virtue of of a writ For the townshiu of Peentnr at renin. tel,nl
of Yen. Kx. isiu.-d out of tlm of Cup,-' ,, Tlmrfdiiv tl c 21st dav of .Wen.!....
n Pleas of Centre county, nnd to ine directed, j I,rtho (..wr.'-hiii of Woodward -at tho hoiire
e at the Courthouse I .,r Joi n Whitesido on Fridnvlh iJn.1 .lav i.r
, .1.. . I l'..!!-r....... : ..
,1.1 l . e or: uu0.. ... i,,-,m : ...i i .., , .N 01 eiiitl,'r.
i.- in ,;
:! i -: i '.
! II. : .1 Ci'
... .!.;.
- i r t . i i . ii 1 1 7 .1 i . i. . . i r i : .. i ,i. . . ,
Ull LOTaU' U, lUC ;.jii 0T .lei'. nCXl.i ' ' i oi v..... ii in. muFcnuui ,
Tint .
of the Western Ejerve Abolitioirsts un
rv to lipj-tow an oceaioti
h.ene in .f :i nei'l It., f.ll Slit ue.l .1 V tli.i '1.1 r.f
us. . . '- "
Liable, lein the one undivided fourih i-nrt of; i, ,, . . ,. , ,
ail lhat certain tr,,.-! or portion of hind s.tualein ! .f"f, ' xxV-K lh liouie of Sam.
county .,! i " ' '" v" '"J "'
. T ( ' l c ii r 1 1 "'""T.
an 1 five For 111 towi:hip r.f Knox nt the Turkey Hill
acres and nlionmicc lin-' held in c mi n with I'"'"0' u"u"' " A"SJ.iy mo -oiu u .y 01 Govern-
I ner.
Tor (lie towr.'Kp of Foru
Franklin Iimtitul Exhibition Iteport cf 1B5R,
"Tnkin? into consiucratiun riindici'y, cheai
nes, durability, and doing ull work, the commit
ten with nn...iiio.iti4!v in '.ii'or i.f rlin Wileoy .!
Gibbsasa finjle tlii.n ! machin,-)." P.'un.'.ylva
liia Stste A;;rieultuial Society 'l ltepoit.
j " We, in juJtO'i', txpr.-si. our confi Ii-r.ei.
ir, (he merits of the Wilc.x -t UiMis S...ii.; M
j chin i'. Wo consider llittt n prci.1 dcsidi iat'im
lliasb.-en mitmiiej hv it, in proving, Levund
i Q.'U'it, mat two tiircii'U are not, as was ruj por, , j., ,;a lifetime bj
ipa, neee.isary to a pood iimtril u int. ti.i.liau ,a.n j! and Journal, .lutie 21, I,"ij3. j ct.rded in Ii
" Ve hnve r ue of then, macbinci ill u 'e, or.d tajn truct o'
oir.k in .ie .i.rMv i.f il tl., in r.f 'nr.- lit Plil leim. ...
yea 1 2 r.i i.i P tni la
yo I ijo to a-. 'i -n l.:
there, in t ie t r: ".. o
' oil t ) he wa: ;. ri- : ' :::.n
' 1... fris.'i.t. atrj bavin . f
I tio-.i luer'.-yf, aoii ; '' ;i .
Of tho f ) 1 1- : oo i . i
i j ni'tiii in ' i c i -i :i;j: r :
so -t i'.i .' i r '.. -a ii i
and in sutli v- ri'.c i
(rj-!!'! "l)!h 1:1 I...'-' '
p:irt:d a'.d d.'.iil -J wi'h
in.; tho w lio.e. An i il . .1 - i
made th. -rial' pr. j.- li'
' whole, thut tnen you call e ti.)
quite aud ascertain v. heih-r tl:
vorientiy fl..-"otunio.Iae laore t'iait o " 'it
( reprcseutetiv.;.. of tin said i re'...:..
JACOB CHlCKKRIXa, Uostnn. I'r-Ju"', u : , "r "V , ;"'
' ' m-iny :t will us alore-nid iif m.. ',
pfl-oendfornCircular.avi' - j Idnj each part by nu-fa a-.! !.oi:i:--. - -
JA.Mr;S IVII.C'OX, ."famifurturep. bus n ju.-lva!uutinn cf tho "ai.1. ilat '
No. BOS Itrot-dway, Xew York, Ii.que-l, by yoa to le 3,1.11111011...; 1
Oppofite Rt Nicholas Hot!. "Uike t'-"1' ljl'r-i''on or v.ilm:i.. .1. .
October 23, 161. tf. itI'init,n ll::lt thu i remi-es af-.i .kM. .::
JIUi icnn nwen ...iiiui'i nu Ml J'tllieu l.'l'l .. .
to seeoin mod.ite moro than uno i t 1.1" sa
teniatives ol the said iiit...-:t::!., 1
! jiIiAl IvS.iti riil XCi. THK siihs-trihcr rj. cause 1. 10 ni'i-Jejt to value the vhc' l
I peifu!ly informs his fiiends and tho public rL-u.1 estate, with the, .-, i. i.a1.
j jfcnerally. that he U new well e iiblisbed in his pect to tho tniu ruluauoa laeroi a;;i ..'
i XKW HI OP on Fine lrt t, o -posito the Town! An-1 that tl partill .it or ramati. a o 1
I Hall, in the bi rourh of Clverfieid, and up'.ri hi. di.-t.iiic'.iy un I liavo 'nf 1:0 .ur.-vi
own iioeii, ij;:a uiiere lie ij Jirej.:ire.l to do ail ut- v. .earueni ai an "ij lans ii.i.. 1:.
1 work 111 In? lino in the vervbi-t st I", end on helj on the re ; il ir d iy 1 f S-.i?n 11 tin
tho fh-ilc-t notice. I!: (.1.1 ci: t..r ers are 1 ".i- ritch IiKj'.'est thali bo rin.lo i:':'I-.i ; '.-.r I
i..''-t!'ui; ay':ed not to Ioiji I. him, nnd any mini- s-'itl and under the i..,i ,i, 10 '. 1 ,r-: .
I.erofnow oner; an. rciveelfullv invited to pivo
:,t ; V..
t ' oi-1
dot "pap" Giddings, who finds it necosk.i- j Machine, i.rd n mirpio in its roidruction that a i A' (' V"1 ." lK I'1'-"1'1'. and J. II. I!, nil
11 . 1 1 r , M Mil leiirn (A i.aWiila t .1 h fin hnnr'i I "ii : n . i . e . . i . - .-.I ine u.mii.h.i ... ii.,
Ul uail Ol nil liliiii ,- -1 v ; ., rid bouii It in n 1
.tnnlnrlAi. II iti.iit In 11 1 , v Pi wi 1 1 w C .1 w l.i. O'lUll.I 111 .1
in e.rder to insure that ten thousand tna- M,,hir in u.. and ib..v f.k ii..err,..n,.im v.r,
, :... i:,i..i. : t ti. v-. .ft tnii ... Venmri -t t. r-'i-.'r.U'i in oiiice tor tuo ree iruin inr uiiy 1. 1. n-1 1' in-." hzhiibi. inn iu-" ".'j "- ...............
..." nrn.i 1 l.iil V. I..,, 'I I, ',...
lienal UeniQcracy which toat district u in
tho ha'jit of .'iviiie-
) . i-ii.e.i, 1. men 111 v a ' 1. 11 1 i-i 1 1 1 n..ii in 11 .Ji'i 111
l the property of Jos .1. I.injfl. j
i i:roiii:r itt-viviirn i
... ., , ...I .OI I, . ...
"n i .in ' i .iv un- - i i'v,-viii
-ue 1 1 .. . , . , . , ,
I I'. ll t i- li" P'- a! th,) h
f-e civen bv llie sai l .!. .1.
tlWill. II. liiair.d.itf d Mb S it , H;,7,it..
oiii'-e for too ree iniin ; of Deads,
nri rata but Fiftnoo noltma. TIia l'mr,r ul.l. ' '""' l. entr Cep.Ilty, in mor:g.H l.. ! I'.. tire
to errptoy ArclU in ry county in the I'liited "i-s-' 'i!-' the improva ments and appertenan
t tntiis. Addrftyt. f':,r r.-irtiouinrR. I'ri .si.i.'t, t-'0--
! .Voeiint Co. R. Javi s. Ueneral Aent. Mi'.un.
'Ohio. niiirl3-flin.
tt2!u.Octi. MeCMlan has isucd a'-
al order highly COtwj.liruei.Ury ot the; MAUHIlil)-In" AlVrris' township, "on tlf, OctolcrSO, Iter
ItnverV Of the troops CllgageU in the JtlPtult.. hy Samuel C. Thompson, lUn Mr. i -
Into disaster of Rill's DlufT. This is emi ;J?m7 M . L. Iircwn, all of
Morris towntb-.p,.
nentlyjuat, as applied to th rank and, jjtMuasc
file. Those troops displayed unsurpassed ! VI VI) In Knox township, on the 2?:h ult..
e,i irno-n mid heroicr- " I Cf C",'' A" Ui;i;a. "n f I.-ano P. and
jsui Uen. :.iou.eiian oaus mat ue "leeis
inerased confidence in Gen. Stone." Tor
at t" n lion? of
Thoinss 1!. I'avis on Wednerdny tho iTtli d.iy (if
.lordmi low n-h'p--nt the jiuhlie "' kool hotinc in
An -nvillo on Timrsd. y tin- i-'-'b Xovi:vl;er.
Cli": t t- v. i . -i i i i . at I he, school h nm near ?!
liinn K..r.i -..mi iiV, on Krniay lino "Jth .'ov,-mbr.
iNi'i. Vaiii.. i '.mi at the. Joib'.ie tch'. d house
for the b.-i -. ' ; 1 1 ' ii rua.ri'i.iy the ;'.th XoveuiLer.
Porii-ide t iwn l.-p at ih a ,ii;C i.f John Youae
i hhn n trial.
il IMJ K TOOLS Hii reputaiion n n Matier
:ind l'.ep lirnr ol" E'lire t-vils should of iteli'-eci.i e
hiiu a iiberal palionce.
1 (.hciiGi: c.
1 April 2J,
lcb blirvtisfnifnts.
Mu. t.- t.n: k:m m, ti, i.r. '
"were cut olTalike from retreat and rein-j f . t
forcemonts," whilsC 20,000 mea wore in i JjJyllUUJ IJlllf
ight t It would seem (v. Tlrs is too TiIUKSDT 20V 8TII
Lad. The result of this Lallle, in pronor' T,. ... . . ,, t .' '.
. 'ii i The Lidies ara speoiailv Invitfd to examine (
iioti to the -umbo, i cngagsd, was far moro largc ttortn:ont 0;
aisiva'.i ous ever- man ti.ttof UuH a itun.,1 NCPIAS
iapi. i..auir ushens mat tbe killed alone i W. GAUNTLETS, SON TAGS,
exceeded six hundred - the number of W. OAUN f LET GLOVES
wounded are to be guessed at-and over BEA F.RCLOAK.S, SCARFS,
five hundred wcro taken priboner. The! "WOOLLEN HOODS
fault belonged to the oflicDrs. EitherGon. j Btyliih & Fa.hioaablo, and particularly
fitJtiP, or m4 me ', is to blame. Who! worthy the attention of economical
Ul it f purchasers, at
' 1 1 D0T..8 tf.
Euckok or Dave OrrjcEftJ. Tho fol-
lotring ofliceri of lho Cloar6eld County jT OST !
Eidk were ra-elected for tie ensuinc year! LAND
on ,o 4th inatant: I r, ontL. 0'"-1" cor.y-execpt white on
A'lininif trillion b-vi-li; been ruite,! this
day to th undersigned on th" eta: ol PH I ,U
L K1NEH. lato of Pra'iy toAiifhipdecens".!, ail
permna indebted to u,l 'ate nr r,- yi 'stj 1 to
make imm'-iliite pajincnt, nnd t' bavin j;
claims the Sim wiil present them ilaiv
authentieated fir Fetll.vnet't LLIA It " ,-' 1 1 i-J L,
Brady ip.. Oct, ,',0, i',. r,: Adtn'r.
A. of
iiiniti: niiit u xoi!( i'-r.citeri.
I R-rantr d to the mid. rin1 un th estate of
;ihrhll MCIOX, lutu of Covington town-1
i fhiji, Clenrli.'l'l county, dei-a.'d, nil persons in-)
debted to said (State aro rciiuetted to mak iui-
( ine'iiate pay mfnt, and til o.e having '-in : ins n rain. t J
it'll same ivill preseiit them duly ainii'-riiieiiti.d for!
SIIAWJ.?, sottlemcnt. . F. OOlTLKKr,
ecj t. is, isoi-t,t. Adm'r.
rf Ai.ei h rilii, on
I Lu-nhrr Cii.v at. the public school house for
i the I'lToiigli, on 'A'c lnes'l'iy the 4th beceinber,
I'eiin t"iuiFhif -at Ihe bony of V. W, Ander
I Bon. on Tl.ur- lay Ihe i.h lccemb.'r.
I Curwei..-vilie itoioiiuh at the Ipjiiso of Inmo
! l'loom, Jr.. "n Friday the tith llecmber.
I Pike township nt the house of Isna L'loom,
'.jr., in the hurouli of Curwcnsville, on Saturday
i the 7 1 li December.
Ulnom tow n'bip nt the house of .Tames Llooni,
Sr., on Monday tiie 9ih lercmb"r.
lirady toiMi.-hip r t the pnbiij housj of G W.
Lonr (now Wm. ScedJ on Tuesony the loth I'o
Cenib'T. I'nien townfblp at (ho of R. W. Moore,
on Wcd-es'lav lho 11th Peeember.
Fox t iwnsbiji at the house of John I. Hundv,
1 Tiie scbcrihers nave o cntd a fall com
. plet ass. r.t! cut of DKT'i JS in the new brick
bui!di.:,Tof I'r. Woods, on tb corner of LtreU
nn 1 Ch- rrv street-, in the boi-nh of C!inrfl:M,
whro thev will li l.nni.r to areoionioil.itd ,,f
, . h.i ,1.. . . .n .i.. i:... ner
, i" -'"i e.......... i ii . 1 1 . ii 1 1 1 i . . . iii nieii line, ine
buiiii.ei? wiil be Conliiii-J i-trirliy to a
! Inii) ind rrercriptinn Kusincji,
' And no pnin.' n ili l-cimrod to render satinfu. tion.
j Dr. M. Wooes, the i'lnior purinar, n-ay always
,11a fotiiid and consulted in ilia " In;jr Store
w iicn not nbsnt on pinf.-ssi mal busiuers. A
separate room for cun'iiltatinn is at.'nehed to the
' si.. re, where pa!ient3 may bo xa ruined privately.
Iiry nrtii-lo usiini'y fnunil in fin-h an estab
. lih men t will be on hand, and sold nt grcntly
red )cr. price.
j Tf.iims niiixu srnicTt.T Cash, will enable them
to olicr in liiceiiieiits in tho way of prices
' 1 livsiciaus will I
wh"se catlis or aliinn.'i' i. ns r',a s ., j-'
bounded and de.-ei'ioe i as 1'oii. e t, .-. . . ,
Khmiag tt a ii.arie e'lrner, ti-.t nuo
w'.iil; p. ue, tli-i.ce I if, ier. h n ;' ,
lil o?r. to a stoiie corner, then" . .'.'. ' 0 : -.'. '. .
the ph-e i cl I -.unit.j'. coui.iii.iri : , .'1
allownucc, l"i ih-n ; if ?.-rr : :.t .Si. I i'i, i:
conveyed to th" , ii.l ,1. Pjt-r Ri ler mi ... ii".
time by John K'.itinr;. by Deed I'll. '.' 2. 1 '-' ; ,
A. .., 1.S1I, iluiy KM.'Oid.d in j.e.'i 1!. n: n..
.j;;e 4 " J. A'.'.o a cer'.i.ii lot of j . .:;
Covinios ioH!..-!i:p in .raid (' m py, j!j .-.o'.- .
tli Turnpike lloa 1 on the -ir":, i.n, 1 ifli, ,i"
t"k Sehnans on the ea-t. a n. ... 's .i, i i '
thers on lb) f-'oull. nui V'i- -. a : o,
l.'lll;: ihe J 'i pieo of 1 oou,-' -. . , i.. :
said John P. Jiid -r in h;i i,,o im l:y n. '
nremiiert Irom John Yotii-ira. ..I.e . u . .
)..l of grmn l dhuated in -.. .. m'-d .,v.i !,. ..
Coving!. -i ii li.... C .:n,ly of Ciciiiio:.! .ai !,
boon I'd aud (1 Miril.e i a. foil in-.i. (i v, it: .'. :
joininit the Rive', li.;i:iiii; at a c .n, " nt t
River between other Ian I ot J li." P. p! :
Loiina, thence lll'fuuplbo J'.ivii- ihen-.-e o c'sta
the Mountain laUll. Ih. nee along In., "to-.a.'.nv.
K 1 10,'t. to Lot ino's line, tle-nce down tat i i ...
12l'ft. to the plaeo of beir.ninj, bein inn t.i-
lut of gr.. und bough: ly ihe f .ua J. P. Rui- r ir.
Lit' liloiiiua by artiido of agrteuii'iit fro.ii J. W
P-idT. tnirti'',(,n or valuntiou of '.ho ufore-
o nijplied ut a smull per p"iJ Ral Estate having been node, nllbcr--d
carriage, and Iheir orders f"r l'ra.viujr tho Ileal, rablo .'uurt to awu.-1 ' n lt:-
TiKiMts j. nrcxLi oi c;ii,
Atiorney ot Law.
OHicoon Markot street, opposite Mossop's rJiori
C!arfi"ld, Pa. Wiil attcud promptly to Collec
tions Sale of Lands, Ac. nov7H-
ccntare on-r co-t nnu .
nro soliciteu. l.very articlo sold will be pursaud ,Iul'-, l'' I' parti'ion ot the pri'u.i.--ui a i r - .-.
of the he; ijualily. to mid aiuoiiR the re;;reent.t,n es of the siid i -
feliC tf ' WOODS A "CAF.UTT. ! t-'-","('' i'i such insjeh jui.;...' ,ns.i
by tli laws cl this C'uuitiioiiH ealtii is u..c-Ji. '. ii."
'euc'a partition can bo mado without pr.ju'iuw t .i
tf 7 , or spoiling lho whole ; but if s t .a pa. ti 'o-i p i --
i . . . not be thereof, then to valu and .-.m..-..'
i ' t.tA..' nr t ITPIIMF CTIR ln el pel 1 nP TOTlf . ., .. . .
.nun, ri ii. i.i v.-1 i . w t tt.. i.ii. viiiiiiiaui liii.u- ine lime una to muko i . -.urn oi ii..
on Thursday the 12th De-ember. ' ' T () If T O H V T I
Huston township nt tho houoO c' Jcsso Wi'.- fi '" V ly ij lj lj J
sou, ( ll rmlay Imi .,tii L'eeennier,
Clearfield Rorouh
n. W. SMITII Jk CO'g.
the brast-.-a littln white nn ih. I. ,i .r n..
President Hon. Kichard Shaw. ! neck forefeet and tall tinned with whit in.
Cashier .'amen D. Graham. Esq. jone finding each a pup and returning him, or
Directora-IIon. It. Shaw, William Por.-lc17'"?. Information ofhim thall he suitably re-
ft II - i
l r t in; ii s it i r. g,
WIIiLIAM KEED, Proprietor.
july It), ISiH. ly.
fie in tlesrtiel.l, i n Monrtay tlin lillh December. MER. , aceordinc to law. is. And v. I. ireno in ih.. ir
Lawrence tnwnship-at the Coniiristioners' Of- i Court on due p. oof and ec,r..i.;i-iali.,u --r I'i
fic , in Clearfield, on Tuosdny the 1 7th Dccenioc . tti ai A. JT. Shinc't MUs, On milf East FemUi,. awardoc, ai, Inquest tor t ,o , - ,-- -An
appeal Irom th valuations of I nseated . ' , , mur CMSl afordsui.l. nii.. ml.. th.u..-.. .
j Lands will bo held at the Com,ni.,ionrs Office J V ueaycia oeroiyi, 'out of the Comity I v tmblii alion iu in " ,e '
i" Th"":UT. .h' Zni?. ot !n"":y.!. r'' at ' TT r.,,. inm. .v. .,, , L"P"r published in the C.u- ty ,f , ,r, .. '" '-
wnicn lime uu personi mwrosieu must nuenu hi - - i -y - .... i,, ,eii,i,uiu fr c,j,i,(.cn,i,c ,,.i.. , ,i
no appeal can betaken after that date. l)y or "nrt a'tnirun; connties, that he i. at all tini-a ed to tho Post OJic-c-ldrejs.
der c. ine ioara o. i emmis. on rs ; , i, ", ,j c . .,' ' " ' V; Initio., or valuation.
n i'i. ri runi'Ubii livihi . - - .-- .-..-,.. x cra v nn
! rommissionfTS Office. Oct 7 th. '61. kinJs nJ sizes, one i.f
, iress, suiuip
there this writ.
tcr, G. L. Reed
W. A. Wallace, J. Boy a
nov-6 tf.
ion, Hon. J.T.Leonard, and James li. ! OTK AY HL'l I.. Came ts therremitnf h.
L i aiihseriber in liawrenoo in . tr.n,.i :.i n. I
wsr - u..Mi, ii .7 niiui.1
0 Dir That it will soon b tiejessary ta
1 cU. m.fik .f ILL TTi r
AbtA. M LLOV, i rirfield. MERCHANTS, and rt.niv.
.T! innnfacfnrrs of Lunber.
Jaly J3, I860.
1TH. I A AC fil'SS. is now peimanently lo- can be folded
I CBtca at . llliams (irovr, l learheld county, n uiieii ni jnensur ; and very cheap
Past patronaee and success flatter Litn with the trims Catrmgcs, niikep repairl to all kinds cf
belief that tho desirinfr medical aid will not Carmine Triinminp and L'phol; tery, and makes
'.hesitnle to give him a call. Ho can b found, Cords for Ma son'i Tracing Llnci, of any thkk-
when not protesaionally eneii(I. at bis 01hce,or "r icnpin
at the residence ot George. J. ayltr. ! v
Cctober 2i, 1;:":. 4t. rd. taken
lizes. one i.f which is a Fnldine Mat- u-i,,... ',',,. r . -
lo lor CAI.IXS OX LAFrs.wd.ich taij foi.rt at Clearfl-ld ulo mi.., it,.' 1
:d n small corn.ass.and emptisd snd 0otuUc A h xm j .UjL; v-j.,
pleasur ; and very cheap. lie also ' ' "
copy tin . )f
Ai.d I uva -!,:-. U. :
partiet, that by virtue cf the ntio' o E..
ofSeptembor last, a PLACE BULL with a whit !
faca, luppmea to l about two year old. The !
At up on of the rooms at tha White Hoa'ia! owner will coma forward, prove property, c..oth-: "lYlackamlth, Wtgona, BuKcis. Ac, le , ironed
u a nonery. Push an apartment has not been srwls. ha will b!ispoid of aiihe Jw d.recu. J on abort nttice, and the Tory bestsfyle, at his
eosary Ihar tinea John Quincy Adams was
refiant, om a uird of a rwateury aje
critExirs howe.
JrsncE OF THE Peacf..
i to0,Colry Troduce, Cora "Tusks, or Cah ' -f M't't."". an in ; .est .Ila l.;-1
taken in Etch.nge for work. v?"n T'" a'S " - '
irvTAll orders left with anv of the Merchats V ' '" .T L 1 ' '
I CU-araohl borough will hi romplly ntfndcd . ' f"r m , .',U 1 ' ' '
tirtB-.syoh'p, No. (I, 3t.
ii stand In the bornnh of CurwensyUle.
1 . . 1PD.
!. . ,cTr Township, TY W. HAYS, Jastic of the Peae. will atten and place raid pirli i c in .i-;e,,.l, if t':
w . a. . proiptly to cnllectioni and other mailer proper,
will promptly attend to all huiinesa Dtnntd
Ins care. 1'. U. Address, Fbilrptbnrn Pa.
Anf. Jlft lol
eft tn his charge. Address Kersey, F.Ik c., Pa F. 0. MILLER, ShorUT,
, Oct fi 1V. ly. UtjlS; 03, c:MejJ V)