Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, November 06, 1861, Image 3

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ft I I K,
i-"'. i i r, mil
:-"'.'( r 1im the t'ir-t fivM f.illui,;li it I o en ihe first ihv (' Au-
Iwi'Ui, than the people li.'i'Jn tu talk
thi' Ji;di,in Summer, n.' if' tlmt noli
,, i
e c:e :m m i!! settled niul as easily die
ih tucJ it?, tl.o regular M'usnii'j. Hav
it';? I't.'. i.l'tiV I'O.l.Mi! ted tin: vli'fU of tin
rrln". thcr, wo
propo o t' i t our roa.
inot charmiii'r in.riin
ir. Whitl 'n r w itli :t true po.
Oil,' IM.'-tll't
as riven us it ii:taiv
(i .!;. M tlmse Indian Mimmoi' it.iVM
Wo set: tin' si'tMlliliLr liii 't at all. I'll- tin
T:t"l'l.i',i-' is us ilrv its it ,l u lv I ;l ii n i i 1 1 lT I
ilrotl?. A snl't liaz.-liiUi'ovirtioM
1 irct. Mibihu-inu' t':e nt'Tiiiiice of
tin' tiia. i v"!.' ';i i,i;tk!av. It i-i tl.i.i
i:i u.'-ial iliiniiiihlit'il h;iht tliiit throws
nit h :i i liarin over the lainiC'iju.'. The
clear ciiliiiio (.f (iliji'c-ts, ho lKitid'abh'
in a I' Mnniiii'i' ihiy. is no 1 u i r , o r
vifii'!i, aiiii the iinaiiia liim U oalli'd
into 'lay,tu till up the Jt-t'eetivo viriiiii.
The islaiuls that lie bluiiibfrin on the
d'n taut sea, ov lake, lire cleenteil, and
co seom t" have come nearer t.i us n.i
if they h:'d chani'd their places in the
iii':ht. The trees liiidi taller and ,liie
hids frow higher, the n eks .are mag
nitfcd. and t!ic di-tant jilain lias a
w:dor expanse. The deep luxuriant
L'recn oi sumnior, nas "one. nut tne
huidseaj'e looks far more
t lift 11 in its richest dress.
Ve have 1
the "Jim religious ligh t" nndcr the o
pen fclcv, and, overv t.biei t H.'t'ins
glorified. The feelings ver- iiatiirallv
take tlio line of nirrounding olijoots,
nnd wo look forth upon nature with a
(sober quiet enjoyment, a perfect con
trast to the rapture with which vvect !
1. )t . t. . t 1 . 1. . . . 1 .1
uau ine niigui r-Kies ami opening now
era cf .Sj.ring.
IVfii... ...... ,tt I..-, nM,,,:,.,, ,.1 ii , .
.,neo ,f,l,;, ,.;,..., ' V rill'l-' It they which have, ahnvo
,'. , . '. , ,
powerful principle within him than
mere animal life. The spiritual nature
:,.! -.1 1 4 1 : . .. 1 ... . .J
is 141111.-111:111 ti, .'.11 1 i iniic is ii loiigi 111;
aftCrKOinetlling higliernnd belter thai!
earth can give. J he stillness that
reigns every where the sober hues of
the landscape, the falling leaves,
nnd the bare fields, are powerful aids
to reflection, and tho mind, released
from the pressing cares of Summer,
now lalls into wnial musing. This
beautiful to come all together, or to
List long. They begin earliest at tlio
far north, and follow tlie rcti ring Sum
mer to the far South. The best au
thorities put them immediately after
Squaw Winter, which is the first cold
map that destroys tender vegetation.
This U often accompanied by flurries
of snow and the freezing of tlio ground
a if tlio real Winter bad commenced.
This rarely comes before October even
in Xevv Englaiul. The Into Indian
rummer now begins, and according to .
the calender we, must have twelve, of !
thoso davs before t he real Winter com, !
mences. We have the most of them
in Xovoinber, rarely, In'wever, coming !
rnfiro than one day at timo at this'
late season. j
There are found in greatest perfect-j
ion along the. Atlantic coast, where j
the influence of the Gulf stream is felt.!
A breeze from the Smith orSoiith west
brings the almosiihei-e of the t ropier-.,'
nii'i the most enjoyable weathered the I
year. When the (iovcrno; tiesse-n0'
right.aivl Thanksgivin- week falls t,,..l
0 1 i- 0 11 " nil
on SummciMl.c cup ol l,les,tng
i uiih over, and there is not lung more;
to be desired. Tlio old homestead is
certain then to be crowded, and the
last n'rani'.ehil'l to be brono,i to lli"'
atheriii '. The warm sunshine '
of the heart finds its fl'fing response
in the outer world, and tho hiilbiood
Cfngeisl quickened with a Slimmer
glow again. Oi l ago, f-urroiin.'.o j
with children and children's children,
i it .1 t t- c i
H much like the Indian Summer. It
lies hetwecn tho active duties of life
?nd tlic Winter, which we cnll Deatli
I,, ...i :,t. ' ii.. ie; i '
l.nt which is really no W inter hi t
Spring time, it hie have been well
fpent. It is Hoberl.ut genial, ad the
activities, nro htibdued, the passions
Foftencd, making it the ripest, best
lieriod of Summer life
This isthemonthinwhich we usual -
lvnay ourresneot, otheold folk
A , n "nV , , 7, 1
v ',7 '- i "-ri, )
log and harvesting, lor the editica-
tion of our youno; aud middle .iL'cd
friends, we propase now to cap a word !
for that less numerous, hut not lesn'
it t i i -t
honore, class who only read these
page! through the aid ul glasses. Iti
, said with how much o truth we
can not tell that the custom of return-;
nig lo tho old homestead to keep tho
only festival in the Puritan year, is
not si generally ouserve.l ns in tho
last generation, uclorc thoaaventof
steamers and railroads, which see in to
malco Ihe trip more safe and ploascnt. '
It is certainly true that tho day iV
more Avidely'obsorve.1, nearly nil the
c.. . , , - ... ' . .,
Flatca take pub he notice of if tho
tuuii.iiD niuir .or vtutBHij, unu
UIPB '.ytpii jusi:ce TO TU rOflSt
IS OHO IVllsOn, probably why these days' writcr'tlins sael : "I woulil rattier live till. Munrnea penpie, or those contKinplHiing marriage,
',"0 c.w.niovi! If ' tt'l'ib I ''"r the rule of the hnldest o!dior who nilJ 1,"vinP '"o ''""t impediment to married life,
r-i i'f t I n . ' no il ii til at W ilh ,Pl.n,Uead Ibia took. Itdi.-CoPe, aecrel, that
nn.t tude. are partially su,pended un-j .. . u M vivi, g(,v. py or. .bould be acquainted w,th; still it i. a
dor the pivsuro ot buismess, are ihuvi rnors tniM cruel Mian to'vernors a, fee'- i t, ' ' ',? "l H ' ttnJ ""' 1,u u,".",t , .i ',, ,i . i , .... , i nora, iiinio rrui i man gov ti nois t- i-c. tlip btuo. It i be sent to any one on roee rt
Oil led into the highest activity. ,., frpn, nny other class of men. And ; cf ,wenty f,v, eentP. in fpeeie or r,..-taKe sta.npP.
ih("!o Indian summer days are too this is nut hecause of a:v j.oouliiir hard-1 Ad.lre lr. w.M. yoi'Mi, Nu. na Vi.ruee n.
I- Ii'!
v Ii i h M
n II I I 'It I
II ...
I'll It 1 1 ' I II II
ll l III'. Ml 'I III I
ill "I'll' l,i I 1 1 'A II
I'M 11 I'l 'lii'i' ml , Mini
Mill I I'1 "H', 111 IM lit I'l'il.i' Mill )i
l I ... . I L I
I i
l-l'l,'.' til tl"'1IIMll',l"l'.ll'Mii;'tlllit -III
I '
I . I Ilia ( l il lln n I III I tin f ki f)i III!'
n.( iii i.liiim'r 1 1 I'1 ' ii'i I'ltln r nn I
. . i . . ...
Iiedln I'. II'' Im l"-t hs tt Hull. I)"t
i i h I "iM Miiitrv lili'. I'M' Imc Urn
'l' tll'Httli M nn I i llal I n r- !; I 'l I
i'; !c t'. tt r i i linn lii'inv, imilf -li
t 1k ''i' ii l.'.m , Mi'-I tn.iii"'l Itiin t'l
hal 'tn (f irtm' jii.'I iinl'l t it. Ii"
liii-i fi'iyttcn tin' J ! tin rai'ilo l'ncli
w lifi.t i lii was li' n . ii ii'l :i tl'i't t in ".r
hit . This may In' juittiii;; tL !.'.-
ratlicr i.tnunr, t"i' ui-i nt'ss t iiri'.s r.itli-
. . . ! i I. i i
r in. m lu'i ii', wo wiuiiti fiiaiiiy urit'ivt'
' Wi f II I .in I il.tlllitrrs fVnni tilt.' clil
lionu-sUail. lint il i i J'.iyin.i; t" liih
a jriv I'm' Murilly Hiiccosfr, li.iwcvor
ijiiTit, wlioit it Munis tilial nHeotii.n,
itinl tin;;s I'.n lVoiii tlm anslilii'liei tliat
nro always ilue tu jiireiit..
Tlio animal j.ilrimai' fit any ro.i
a .'iialilti sacriliiv, vvill luakc luM tons
n! daimiuTS jiiki ljivo haiiiuiit'sH uiai
l C;'" I'U"'!"-- ''''
ie fill Inll-.H
1'ld foli,H '
entitle of
are oltt n It'iii-v at tl.e
life, h.'l il'.g sent i-llt the
tu new .".nd distant honies.
p. .
I III-7 t'.Ll .
the war hits lak en the last hmii from
M.tue id t lioineh, and the .Benja
min id' the family on whom they had
leaned tor support w iil spend this festi
val in the tented field. Those who
ea:i, nhould '. t u eheer these ln'ivaved
hearts, now s:-.i!t ned by a double grie
their oouiji ry'.s and tlieirown.
Aih( r '':) Airiculturti-t.
'I he Si.Louij ,Y. i V. v., lias llie.tVilliitvin
exeelli'iit artiele, Itich fVtv persons will
I ln'siliito to fully iiidursp whu liiiv.i Keen
111) Hie li;il.:l 01 liei-iiMni; '.I e reliiiiiilH
tmiiers for thu last
lew jiui-ri piiit,
savs .-
'The ehaint-icrofa p. rt inn of t ho no-eui led
rolijnom pros of the eouiitrv irt a f ti z A' i n i
iht'iion)enoti to nnnv piain liiindt-i peoj'le
fhev ii ere five, as they Mty, that tliese pit- ,
pers have .'one as much ns Nceoksioninin ;
itself lo plunge tlio lountry into ilt pros-'.
out trouhles ; to l.linir on tho civil war;
. - r;
lietivern tho two n-t'tioiis. ami ncivssitnt
ihe impositir.n of a militaiy rub at vjiri--
l.ilH - r v itli tho hiiherto cxiioi'ieiioe ot our
ntlier caiies. served to arouse nnd Ktiani-!
,.ae (vor,t pllSsio.i. of the hinmml
1,,.,,,'t : to oii.-inate and iir.-.i extreme tie- i
, . . . , .1 1
maims ; it) invite iio.siiiuy 10 oioiuiy in-
sins ; in l-hoit, to do what lliiiulii'ians :
have 'ibv tvs tl ino, timt is, to u-e the lan-
fA-ti if one who keenly tnalyzed the
character of the chm, 'e.ounf'el a resort to
oxtiemrs ns thi fust lemedy.' 'J'heolo
f iana, hs u remark ulniosl titiiversally np
I'l'cnl.le, are utterlv wanting in practn-iil
'" i, it. ...ij ., ....... "'--'".
statesmen and povornors of men. A fine
lieis ot heart tnut they In ilijr into the I
world with them, insensibly to dividu
mankind into th tiro classes of MiinU and
.iP..i!,. ....,1 tl.i, ,
t.!... i j
oiiu id no wi ill i ne r.L'iii iiiiiu ituu in
other to the left, and to dwll upon the
ii inn tue
thought that while one is (lesl incd lo
eternal hoppine, the other is u lonieil to
everlasting perdition.
As civil ruleih
thev el iKsifv their aulj
'CU in this way,
Hint those
of tlioin who pay thoy do rmt
pronniitioo ani' Is are rtramlitway con
di'inticd 'H devils. Pining so condemned,
they, ot r jur.-i-, mast he puni-hed as s-ut h
il,.tKt. tu,, penalties exaettsl oil thou- who
tall urnler ihe r cotiilemnatinn, ami the
troai-uent thrv receive from theni are
Iiar-li ati'l untempereJ. Lonouciors 01
leliji'Mis newspapers are too many of them
ns-iirants to Htat.iii insliii and the) po-i
, .l i i I (..' I I i. If n
i I n I) it tl,.. i m,
IhMI i'l l'i', Mid
1 1 i . 1 1 , l'i lli. i nl ( (
mi i r l I" toll' t i I tlii' i
tion of eivil cnunsellois in tlieir papers. niaiiufneliiiel out of tho b:st mnterialr, finiih.'d
Wc think tht'V make very had (.olitioid n a very puperior manner, and which he will tell
iaer-i." 1 LOW VOl: CASH. U I..nh experi e in the
A Good Prayer. bufiness nukes him foil confident that his chairi
On the morning of Fast Day September Brf m' in a ubtnitial and workmanlike
'2'i, the eiiitor of llio Chicaco Vi.' auesl- ner, and will atand the ti l of trial, rem .ns
to aclernyman of that i ity the follow-
'n.g P!'.vor
r tl.e
occa-.lilll 10 Hie llltono
";) rr-v ll"''c ,0 "! :na lh,: ho irli t,f
I-' tjoartei tmsteri and (uvcrnment con-
lrai Ut ll o wnvB of ri.!,I.0UMU.tH ml
llllu.My. 0pon li.eircyes to their tiann-
ore-sions, ami convince them that they
are grcu ra.-.cals. Show them tho
way ofiunli, nml .et I pfore their eves ine
'-.-''I ' 1 ryu:vil sialutci, specially that
Meel ion wliicli relalci- to the ermie o! liu
oetiy, Cnnvict them of their ini juit ies,
ti mi, if pie-sii-iln, Rcnti nee them to the Pen-
:.., '
; itent iarv.
1 ",;s tbr the fie'ioral in command of ol,"'r (li " nf ihe Sexual Oipnn.', nnd on tbe
! cm troon; we i i iv Tiiee to ct.iivinee J-cw RrxBMra .'n..l..yea in tie l)i.-..t'i.eary, wnt
,i .i i ". i r i i in fpi'l"d letter envelopes, true of tliarco. lo
; hem that a g'od j.. ljr.s of (ia imd r tl,rs amP, rr post.',Ko aecepubie. Addns.,
K"inbon 1-11 t alu-ivi. the. be-t quahlit'il to pti. ,t. sku lks IIimt.htox, Howard Aspociation,
i r execute a campaign. ivo thetu No. 2. S. Ninth st., l'hilatlelphia. 2-Juiy ly.
nnii,; kii.'.v.-lcdi'o and le-3 enneeit. Teach ; "
,,,, 1;)t t,u:r,!iral),P of ,,, MWrr VM 'ra t. t.r.o.taD. n. a. fit
. ,,, pr-nmlted wnh referenee to milU Al V'LACR- r'
t.iry operations, and that whoso scatterc.tli fi'lllhllllt 11l)l rrnflrffiftlt llffiff
his soldiers nhioad, all ever ihe S.ate of ; pSMHIiIIIIJ illIU VUUCfUDlI U'lUl
' Mis-ouri anil r-lsetn-hcro, shall find ilmtj ..,,, Z.
1 laloia w ill not viol.l very ubu ndnmlv ! LEONARD. FINNEY &Co.
';" tlio l..tri-ost And. firully, ope, Ti.ou J L K A It F I L 1,
1 U,", hi f1.'"" "ou,"l-' traP6 f" CJ..1 .''- CQUXTV, PA.
pvi- titi iiii in iho iiticny inouiuains, ones
not always work satisfactorily in ot
:torily in' other i
'parts of our country."
Tll filing cntenoe in the above, un
,,'!"ik!,Uy 10 .''omont,T, a.nd c0.n"
ti.-iiii in, iirni'i leo oi nun, nc ilioo. tlio
(nnoa n Mjssouri ,f 8Jch
10ok as Levin "ton.
, Oneof 0lIp I1U . . , Justice of the peace
R rn)fraii oonditctor, was ilri'linpa Z, Uunhrg, Clearfield Co. Ta., will
ani whilo marching them by flank, turn-1 tl,fni TVlJ U lusinest cntmated tbi
e to f-pcak to a friend a inomont On)'""'' April 4, 18CI.
looking again lowartl In itpiail ha saw
nieiu iu me net oi nutting up against a'
r,,1c"- " ,u.rrv t0 ,;,ll,tl'e, hecned,
I)own Brftkes! 1own 1Jrnkcs!'
ftjSr-The singular devoloprnent was
mtl ,few .d!,ls BC,. 'n U "llint5t0'1 n
repeet to pistol ontridi-on given out to 0f the cavalry, that thoj- were fillod.
lSul-;oa)! With rTOOtlpn J'lUgl anil Other With
Ml tt t M 0
- n
" M A tl ' I S I.
i ll I t ,
l I. I f W tit' I
1 in: f t-. i
Hit: I mm
1. 1
',ii i n h t,
I ? M )
' I' I' II I I.HI.',
I I u'M, )
Sell til )
V I ' IHtS' lt t til un,
M.4( tW tu JM l I'l Mi I l.iH .V l WINK
t'l'".' I
l'i I 1-
i r.
I i i a .j 1,1 tli i 'm t I 'll it, 1 1 tui
r .ii v ' I I p f iur I i. ', t-.i
V hi It r. " I III- f lir I'm i. 4j ii
I "T nil l"iT if Ihi' Itftii.n, I,,!
t 'T I If l.n'ti. l'i M'urtT'nf., f r-t
'' r t' i I " ! ! I . i,, ' , t ;, r ( j, i it
lit I l .,, I an 'I ttn I'.'Vi.'b., nu
I I r hint thri'K lU viim, (i ( il
l'"r l'I.Mi'hi I n ml ll. four lift h c, n tu
N. II. J I'P nri' ill tlr.'ttl I'.riUin f,,r H ttf
1ii'iii hl.'ivf iiHint-il in .,.r mttiutn.
It J t,
,1 IV.
mar 13 Cm
M Cul'l tsrt-"t, Nrw Vork,
EL,)(in PROPYLAMlfc.
I'uiiiifr tlio j uft x. nr h
li.ivo IntroJurt'ii lo
l.rt kiitirit .if 111., nn.ill ,',il t,,ii nf .Ii. Minn.
a cf (lit niiilii'ii
.. .... . ....... v.....
' try tiif
. .1 I. .. . - , .,i I . fit. I
'wrt CrytulUiU Chloride f l'rtpytumiut
mi l tiitvii rccniveil from manr iourcii, b-itli
fn.ui j.h v-it-im.e of the bighvtt etarjiliiig nnd
I'ti.-nif, tU
.Host lljtleiinir Testlnioiil.ilNi)flla real valtio
in .tho tri'iitmont of this puinful Hint obfti
- imli' dini itc, wo are iiutucetl to p recent il to tlm
i public in a f..rm KKAl'Y l' ;it lM.ML.lil.VH:
. t'.SI', wliieb we hope will eoniiiKiid itn.ll' to tlioe
who nro cull'.rin wilh tliit itlUiotin conif laiut,
nnd to I lie lut'.lii'itl practilioiier who may fool
di.-poii..,t to lust tho powern of thin vuluui.le reiu
' 1. 1 v.
KI.IXIU MiPl'YLAAIIM;, in tl.ti form uboMi
ffiA.'ti t,f, lilts roi-fiitlv been t'xU:ii.'hi'!v c.j;jri.
liii'litt'il wilh in tint
ct-ihtc vt t a wt a nni-'TTi t
nfi'l vtim MAKIiKD (Sl'COK.s.S (m nfju'iir
fruiu c publirht-il urcouLiti in tliu mctlicitl Juur
hn .
rr it caielullj .ut up n-flj f..r inttnvdi-
iito utt', witlj full tlirfi-lioiis, hihI can be (.btninif.l
: frmn all the dru'im nt 11 conta per bottle, nn-l
ll' "boloiulo f Lt'I.LOCK A CKKXSIIAW,
I'runiiiti and .Manufin.'turing Clit'inUtP,
Jui-eStVCItf. Pliiliuli'lflii'i.
f . 11 l!I A C 1, (it 11)1'.
-lleirg a private
l inatructor for n.niried pernnm r thono
Boom to o mnrricu, i.nlli male nnd roinulo, in
every tliiop eoiicerninz the pliysiolory and rela
tions nf our aoxunl ayatem, and the produ.-tion ur J
prevention of t'lr.princ, includis nil the ,,Cw I
ili.-covirii's iievr befne pit in in tlio Knirli.-h '
lanfiiavo by VVM. Y )UXci, M. U. Thia if reuMy
n Mtliinblii and inleroMing work. Ii writteu
in pntin mncuajre tor tui) i-eueial ri'iiiler, nn.t is
illustrated with numeroun engntt inc. All vomic
annve rourtn, rtiinmeipnia, l a.
Afctcd nntl l'n,.rtunt,'fyo matter
't'?(.l, 1,6 '"ur f ymi place your-
"If u'l'" lh earo of any one ol tl.e nottno...
native or foroitrn, who advertise in thia
or any oti er paper, -rot a copy ot oitlier of Ur.
,,11112'p ho..ka. nnd reml it curol'u v. It will bn
Mho meana of saving you many a" dollar, your
tieaiin. una pop.niiiy your nro.
lir. YuL'N'd caa bo contulted nn any of tho
diseea deperibod in hip ).ublieatiotiN, at bii
UfTico, Xo. 41(1 -Spruce ft, above Fourth. Ti7-ly
The uBd-T-iirned Inn' 1 0 on hand, at bin I"ur
liilure It. ion, a on Market at., Clearfield, fa., a
short ili-'tnin-e we-t if I.iir's rour.dry, a largi
lCloU of
ihing t pureha?c chairs flmuld cull at onco
und S 't ihein while they can ho had at the low . -s
r.iKP. J .Il. 1 110L I.MA.N.
Mar.:7 liM-tf.
Rpr. km a tor nno:i:.v.
nwiHn A'soiiatiom, rnit.Ai.Ki.niiA, A Il'n
nUiit I,mtitnluiH i Mtttlififlicit lyi aurrinl Vn-
ii''i"..f, 7,ie the tt-h'rf tf tht Sii'k tind ffiKtrcfcrt,
njfi'hti trith Violent ami Chrunie. Ii'ifiiei, nnii
rtpwinlty fur the I'nre nf JHnenmii f tht Srsuiit
(I iin. Al. Apviie pitn gratia, by the Acting
AirAiu.B nrrniiTS on f-nem alorrhn.a. and
''''lfMl('ns ma(,-c an Poccali promptly rrmiitcd
i:rliane on he Cltic coiiMaiilly
on hand. on Feeond 8t., nearly onpoaite the
MF.RCIHNTS. and dealer. In ftnarda and
flhlngloa; Grain and Produce. FKQNT 6tret,
anoTe Itie Academy Clearfield Pa.,
Jnnt 12th, 61.
i 1
Jta. n. i.ARBivra. 1. tut
AKU1M ICK ik TIjST, At tor Kyi at Law
Clmrlield, Pa., will attaad Prorontlr to Col
tAlObl. Lalld AranJ-laa. In.. a . In r'lArflald
ltarjrio4 Wkoiihtte. ' July JO. r
1 I
Vi , , J x l '
v.: .) V,' i, j 1 v J
h ):,
i- -or: Vi'T'.T V 1 t ' ti 1
4 i f i itj-m I.'!"'
j, ,.: , f ),;. f ,. ,.. I I
.... I I V n.'lt il nl III'" lI'V I
-. I
"ii t '
. 1' i
t i
it V' li '. I
i l.'J ! I' '
r i n I '
I ., . f .1, !. t it ' nr. I I 'I' I' ' : ( "!'
1 1 i i.ui. .thuiMU't ! !!. h K '."'I
'.., II. ... I i ' I ll .i l.:lll!' Hi I'l". ' 111 ' 'I
Hum tin lni:i."l hi
i I'.IIOOKVII.l.i:. nl tlin Am. ritni II. in-', ft
niul remy ;fiiu 1111,1 l',,',':,j:l,L'i:j.i'l.r-.-- -.i,',i.i.ik"J yi ) m.
rt.At:lO, kt Cliuk'n H.'ict, rrom tlio l.'.th of Mt to Itm l"t "f Jam.
COttSIC . fit W liiitniT'ii ll .lt'!, .lime l.t. Aiiin. (- .flit. l- nn i 2 I.
Lf VlIl'ltsllt litl, nl II .ti l, .luv I'Uli nu l lltli. A IV.t. ICth met llth.
Ct.r.A f- KI Klil. .L.tiuxiii'' li"tfl. June n tm'-. Aiiiii, '. ft I'-'ili nil
:i:i.Lt'fn. I T. JI "iri-nn's llutul, fnun Jinn.' Will 'u ll'lli. A?niii. H-fl. I lib ml 15th.
TVHOM.) t" I V, nt Mrs. '1 ln'iLH.-' II..U-1. Jun.. I'lrt nui i:tt. Aguiu, btft. ITlli std 18ui.
A I lit I Ml KM A It V, fnmi June 2:M toJu!.v I7tli.
Listen to the Voice of Truth nnl Ilason aal Trofit by it.
Tli" li:n tins ramn when nil V trill, r.m esi-npn (l... ir.j'i cr.-i.'p nf M-r.-urv. t.r cn'linif. il)t"tit
tlotiiT, t.i th' kn mu ;tu l i.ifily i- !...'.r:;:.'.l llrlffiio lluroi.'inii I'li.Vf ii'i:in, I'r. Hurt, who
will in liiiluixtiT ilio-o ,.,,lv trtij iindfiife tiu.tii'iiii'
.. i i . .. . ,1- i.'tr.u i. ;
i ... h j,-U - le-vi-r aisiLMn-il lor lb i rT.toiu.
I 1 ........ .. ... .Iu ....
U11IJ Jj"U IV rilll JJI41IF
I'tmmltt r that Pr. l'.irt wnnta no patienta but tina.i fullv eiif iilili' of hf prttriatl u ' anil di'tin-Kiiit-liini;
the im n" i of u regular tl.tiiough bred f li) U iiin, fruiu u ) ultry, unluuriicl nnJ t r i 11 i u
qiiiiik. ,
I,tiemhrr. lir. llor'.'i. r.-mriliep iinrl trrtntmriit are i-ttlirrlv tinkncnn to nit ..ttitTS in thld Oountrv :
i.r.'p nr.'.l frtmi it 1 r,- i,i t'.e irreat ho.-..itnls
.'.we ,.', i, tliul I'r. I'.uit has 11 nitirt' exlciidcil fraetic tbau any i.tu.)r fliysii-iun in tJlcrn l'enn
ylvnt.iii. Jdmcmher, tt. at tili.'irp i.f eiluralicn. nn.l our pnim'.iir mru, lire all wtll 1 cqim'nt.-'l itb, 1111J take
jrt-n t fli'iiui .i in r.''-1:111. u'hi.ii, lr. II rt to tin) tilHi'.'!.'.!.
AVi. )'.;.-., Ilint lir., inal.iuno faltu r.-iTottuitntiuii' to pull the ui.f 'rtuiutf, but all lu H ern nil
be f.tilli fully carrit'il cut.
i'i mi i"'i. r, tliat 'Jr. Iinrl fay! every Kttontuin to rtii'.'iuoi of a i-lirouio nitlurii.
.ei-Ci'i tiliriit.'jt of (,'urei. may be ceen nt bis rtHnH-iir ro'iiui.
I'r. Hurt i tiiiiiirlied will, t.vtr fix tli"ii:.nnl Iriins i.f icciuniueniLitiiin from eim of (lie inot
.liftii.uihteil men 1 i v i n jr. Alo bus Hiirit,-.l In liim dif ltnn'..i It. m in. in., of I lie ni' n il.. brat, 'il
llot-f itals .nnl Inl'n iiuirie in l'tirope, fm- bi.. uiiparallt '.lcl oIim'i 1 n 1 iort. in I'iano' if, 1.11J uh.-ervn-tiniM
in 1 iscnve' injj; r.'iiuiiie! for tin' euro of iUmMm-s lluit In ri'tnloio batbetl tin' 4iil of many
of tin' mt'ili'.'iil prjleiji'i.iu.
An early call from llione wiiliirpr to ri.nrnli the Isn't. ,r. ir inim'.-lly j e,;tiei it, so un lo recoivo'
full bi'iit'lil of treuliiii'iit, a ml I liu-ilo just i"0 tn li'mi-eit. Tun.- lin il"d. I
I'lt'iisi. bear in initnl win a lr, Hoit will be
will eotifor a rreiit Invor by eallinL' on the tirn
eil. it IK UtlerU itillliilsilili. lit iitt, l,t 1, 1,1111,111. .1 ! ,. 1 ., 1 1.., . . I lli- C, I u Ml nnii , nl e-i.! !
i.f tb ubovo fliiees on tliefirst Ooiti'h on tin 1 11 npp iiiilr l.
l'leu'i' extend tlio invitation tu uil im uli l aeiiuaiuiau'-ei., nn I obli'o vnurj, i.'.
.May ::, 'ft. : .
Tcrnm of uoscriiniou.
T ! r.u 1 1 1 n u tl v 11 nnjv nr u- i t li i n t It rt inntifKi 1 i
, f rtti,i ny tje withiu the year, ... 1 50
If jiaid afior tlio expiration of th year, . 2 CD
Term (if AA crtlsliifr.
Advertiaonivnts are inserted ill the Republican
at iho followinj; rales :
1 Inportion. ? do. S do.
One aquaro, (lllinea,! $ 50 $ 75 1 1 00
Two sunrea, (IHIint'P,). 1 00 I 50 2 00
rhrce aquarea, ( 1. linei.) 1 id 2 '1 50
S iiiHinba fi iiio'a. 1 2 mo
' wo ,4uiirc,,f !
: : i'i 50 tl HO S7 00
: : 4 00 8 00 10 00
: : 5 Ofl 8 00 12 CO
: : 00 10 00 14 00
1 llr, "I"'"-".
1 nnr aiiinrop,
Urtlf a coin inn,
: : D P0 l'i 00 IS 00 .
One column. : : : i H 00 SO 0(1 85 00 !
Over three weeks andlt a' than Hires UiOttht Zi j
cent per square for eash inpertimi.
e.e rjst.e.n not tx:ioding Slincs are In !
rtad for 2 a yetr. I
Advertiiminip not rial with the t.nmher of , rtiona d. slre.t, r-m r r cntinurl until lorOld
nd charged acr.nniil.g to the?e trme.
W Wl
An extensive slock of iTohhin materia
enables the l'tiMi.-lu r of the Jirpid.Hran'
to an t3 the ut.i : thiit he is l.rei.a
reJ to UD 'ti Aiinls ot
Posteks, rAHrm.irs,
Pi.asxe, Tirir. fcon,
I.Ai.Ei.R, Eall Ttuxrs,
ar.Jcvciy ind cf jiiating
in a countryi ob cilice.
! 'ircl i..i rs,
11 A-VUltl I I.S,
usually done
All order k will be ctcutel
iioss and dorpa'eli.
nn nest.
(i. I;. CO')PI,AND1:r f-
CO UN T V f All 1 XJTO R Y.
Time of Il.ilulii; Court,
peeond Miunlsy of January,
Third Monday of Mnreh,
Third Monday of Jun,
l'otirih Monday or hcpic mbar,
In each year, and continue two wceka If r
County Oillccrs.
Prea't Juile.Hon. Samuel I.inn. Iellrfiita,
Aa'te udgi'f, lion Win I, Monro, Ce:irlield.
ll. n l!enj"lnnpntl, lailh. rstinrj
Sher ff, t'rod'k li. M iller (.leatti. ld
Prnthnnntary,.'..!! a I.. Cuttle, '
lie; ,1 liee. .Tnnies W, ii-lt v, "
Itistritit Att'y H .hert . I. Wallace, "
Treniiurer, (1. li. (Inodlntidor, "
t.'i. Surveyor, II, li, Wtight, Olen Ib-pe
CuiumU'n'ri,Wm. MTrm-KuD bumoer City
Win. Merretl. CiaatfiMd
h. L', Tlioii;p'on, M.irrisdale
Auditors, 1!. C, llowmnn, fliilipsbur
l aie W. (Jrahn,llcai lit IJ
J. 1). Shaw,
Coroner, Ct-orge Kicliardp, "
List of I'oatOC cf a.
Tj'OwiAiy.i. .Yomca of V, O,
B?ciria, (ileii Hope,
hill, boxer,
' Chast,
" Cuah,
" Oplend,
1'OKs.'", Clearfield Triiro,
Itrudiord, Woodlnnd,
Krndy, t.ulherahnrg,
" Troutville,
" Jefierpon Llm,
l.loam, Korcat,
1'urusida, New Wasbintor j
" llurnsidf,
Clearfield, Clearfield,
Coiington, Frenebville,
Ciirwensiille, i iirwiupville,
Doeater, Philip, burj,
KerguaoD, Marron,
I JT, llelon Tnat OiTiee,
Uirard, Lecnunta'a ililla,
" Paid Ililla,
rtnshen, Shnwaville,
(irahain, Ornhamton,
Gulich. miilia Milla,
" Madeira,
Ilnaton, Tyler,
" Penntietd,
Jordan, Anionvillo,
Kurtbaua, nil Lick,
Knox, New Millport.
Lawrence, llreckenriilge,
Morria, Kylertown,
" Morrisdula,
.Vo,ie or' P. M
. W. ( alwel
T. A
J. XT. Ci.t.Z
I.pwia r u.ith
V. 15. Miller
Ed. VinuaM
U. II. Moore.
C f. Sloppy,
John iicoerlin
Jn. Illonm
.1. Id, Cunimini
Jaa McMurrav
M. .V. Prank.'
P. A. Oatilin.
.1 T W Sebnarr
fumuel Way
Centre cminty
Hdm. W'illiiiuiH
Klk county, Pa.
0, Mignot
William Carr
A. II. Shaw
T. H. roree.
J, A. Jlej arty
C. J. PllSOT.
Pavi l Tyler
II. Woodward
Klira Chase
O. Ileckndnrn
D. V. Mukcl
J. W. Thomps'n
J.n, Thompson
.1. MoCTclbind
H. W. Sponcer,
A. C. Moore,
Samuel Way
Jtiohael Wise.
W, P. Johnaon
Lumber I'ity.t
flrampiuu Hi lit,
T. Henderson
Thla Toat Ofl'ic will Jo for (.'hen townihlp
f Will answer lor Ferginon townihip.
"I J OBERT J. WALLACE, ATronir.r at Law,
IV Clearfield, Pa., Cffioa in bkiw'i Kow. op.
ralta lhayenrnni ItfHea
doc. 1, 1JS, tf.
' 'i J H ' I
; . 'ti. Ui, i
.'si ..'.Vf,'
Ir m 1 1
'II 1 Ml I
' Hi 1 '1
I 'I Ml M
it' I
c -1
i ii.
'i. I lyNr I, I'
i t'n h ' V 9 i'.i
; ii'i'i .'.! I .
dull "f t
M Ml ,.
t' L i
II mm I I f III"
M Ii
nn I I
'" ' '
S i 'ii ii. I'l .1
f tl f Hi.' .1
lt'r, -in ; Ni.i"-: in
i c'ilid T'i mnii'Ht.
I'AIll I VI. Hi; mm;.
lily i-tirt"l I,- lr i;,,.,,-,
mi. i " "'''
H'.it ll
nn i).l tn Vili Jti " A"tin. full. 3 1, 4il. nuu .u
i-xinii-n-J fri'iii ll.o iii'.nt'bi'iit' it....ri. iii.'l HKiiiis,
,,1 il. . i-. i.. i.-. .i.l itt tin. ii.k i.f i:l I'l'M-
Ij t.iko wbicU initio iLutieauJd Uve fiillt-u viciiuii
t.f Eiiriipo'iiul tht- in I lit) country.
in v.nif ila.-e. I'.i .oil." tli'.-iimi' of enn.siiUinj bi'n
.lav of nis 11.4 Iii." room.-, urc ao olcn ei nvil-!
t( COSrill'TI Y I ! T! e n It t rlirer, ,'
having ten i.twi.'d lo ln-allh ia a low:
t'"ly I'V a very inn plo remedy, all ,r Initio.. -u-i
V...l for .--ft tral years with u sewre lot. ,' nlfi'i--
tmn, it ii il tlial ilr.-il tl:.-.i".n ( oii-t:iupti"ti. t.- ai.x
iniif to male' hiiovt u to liia f!k w iailoioi j the
means of our.'.
To all wl," d.'.-'ii.. il, l.e w i'l p.'nd a c py of 'he
pr. p.'riplioii ii'eti, (fu-.; of char'"., : i:li tic di-'...-tii.i
s for r.'pa. !n' and unni; tin' face, which
liny will Iiiid a cure P r t .n-u.i pti ;n, .
A.-lhtiDi, I'.i-' in .hitia, I'). 'J he only i.-'.tect of the
K.lvrl:s..r in si'ii'lin llie pre-ei i; I ion i til b 'lie- J
fit tlic iilMii't...!, no t api-ea.i i u ' n i-eilimi w liieh in.'
Ci'iii't'it i . I . il.t u liiali'i'. a id ho h ip ' every j
nifferer wi'.l try bip r-medy in ii will volt the in j
nottiiii:;. innl niny prnv e u i'lepsin;', .. I
I'.Toi.a wil.inj ihe t res.-v'pti") i w ill plaj t
mMrtPii K.'v. LbWAliU . V.lI.S.lIN,
- '
PYs the t-rlir
'llo.l popular a
Tt) Cnrt .'"T ll l I II ' 111 t J'
and fitccup-fiil ('O.M.!i:T'.('lAl.
M Il'.iol, in the e.'iititi v. I iiitanl'. of 'Jwi:i.vb
lll ina:ii youn tneti, fmtii TiriMV ri'.IU diler.
flit iStati.p, tune bfi'ii ediii',ili"i l"r hurimrn here
williin Ihe i-.i-l ll roe vears. p. one of wboiii bavt?
been emi'tovctl aa HOUK-KKbl'tUS at Pu'.arkti
. ' ;
62000 00 i
iirinediatuly cpon jiru'lualiiij-'i who know I'.othi'rgl
of aeeounla when they filtered the Cohere, j
" M ini'ter's sous half price,
isiuti im : s ciiler nt any time, nni roi iew when
ibey please, itli. ut .Mill ihaire.
I' r Cata' i
Siineianaii M' P,
ip, nn I
view tl too (. ULLl.ij h, eiiel"e li ve leil.-i stamp.'
to JL.SKIN.s ,t SMITH.
May IS, fit. ly. l iu.l'urgb, Vn..
W. M. M 1 1 Tl Ol Ull,
rtrAiirini n, ?a.
Office In (.raham a Ui lct It u lli'. in g.
Jul; lsci if.
MOo:;r. .t. i:Tzn-ii."i.
7 link-snle and Itrtnll Murclianla. Abo
expensive di al, ra In timber, aawed luimi
ber and al.inlei. Also, Healers iu liour an
' grain, which will bs sold chinp for cash,
j Oct. 1 1, sS.
j Cul. A. P. OWP.NS, PitoriiiiTon,
l''tfi.lly annoimeep to the trnv, II, n5 i nhlio
t-M lie una now taiien ciinrtrn m ttna large nun
well Known house, 111,0 wnl cnn.lnrt it 111 audi a
mn.iiier aa w i il render e ireileni couifi.rt aud for,
1 rntipfnctiua to nil who may favor l.iniwiih a
cail. uov7.1t I
Spring & Summer Goods
Iain just recoiling and opening a carefaliy
poli.-ted n .'! of fprinj nnd Eumm.r RooIj
ol aIino?t every (le?criplion,
A l,aiiiiful a 'oriu.enl of Prints and Press
7,ooJp, of the n. wett nnd latent a ' lea. Alio a
great variety of u-cfiil n.'lioria.
Lonneta, panwrlp,
llata and Cai,
Bonla :in. Phoaa, a larj; quantity,
Hardware, Qi ecasware,
lirupa and Medieinea,
Oil an J PuintP,
Carpet 4 l)il Cloths.
Hsh, Jacon and Honr,
, , ,. V", 'I"'1. ."n,U r l,r'1'.
ofthe bcatqiiahty.allof which will be aoid at
ihe lowest cash or ready pay prices.
My old rnends and tho aubho gcuerally, are
respeetfully .nv.led t ".
r,:;vT,nr,'!.:'f.'?,;-Vn', "Prrovarl
(UIMiil l UODltt taken in exchange of
i.1 ai. .
IcnrflcIJ, Juo 28 ltil. TM, F, IRWIN".
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly
nnl faithfully to all legal businees entruated to
hit caie, in tbe loveral Courts of ClearfioM and
I'ljoin'tg comitici.
rim. ,1 .-.t.4 l. n x
v m VH. li ..'l. Il-.l f' V. , I,,
0. f'n, WKP-ty
n i 7 1 -, . il!iaT.''urg,i, IniijiV".,
05 00
I "11 I 'MI YIN'I 1MK M
i'i i
I', t i I i In Mi. 'ti
V". Ml,,
r t I n in 4 1 i , I I . i t
I ' I ''I (' I l' tl - f tl ' I
lll'.ll'l 4 ll KI'
'""., I . t
n-.t. I., 1
1 I'l.. .... ,,
t IM,..',..
I I I 1. 1, , .,
"1 .1 .. .1
' "Ml,
1 '',"
,1 I III I Cn, In
I . il
. I .
1,1 ..
ll 1,1 1 1 1. 1 . 1
I.MIi I . 1.. I '
' II l I
... 1 - W it il . ),.
I) ..-. I I I,. ".
1. ! i .1. III
m.i .ii . i.l
i .1,.. .
mi 1. 1... 1, i.l ,. t
'. 11 1 ii ,ii 1 fli,,i,.i ,
1 in .1 Hin t I ,. .11 , , '
J, I'll 11.11. h 11 11. f 1,1 m n,
r A . I. 1 ', I
ti n 'i I III ll H I
fu. tu. II . -II 14 il
tl 11 tl.ii 'HI tl.iu; t
.vi,. 1 t,.
" '. I T I l '1, W i
II Id ..I ll". 1 I
'" )
l ii" u mn n ! I 1'. '.'! 1. -.-I ll till it ri.,, ,
It. a 1 1.1 nil l-i. Mi n.u ill ili.,.,,.l nt,,.,.
Ii. U'll. .111 il- I 1 in I line.. I. tl. , ,N,.W
kill -n Ivili l 1.1 in iii" In 1 1,,. .!.!, Ki, ,
I w I.J .' I. II ...I .lly k ll I. in. iiYin, ,lu ' i,,,
I'liucf lb.' ilw iii' lum in in l.i ni ,j ti.i,',
cun '4I l l. v.. t I l-. l I n, Muni
y. u, II nt l Ie I I ) I 1 1.1: 1 1 11,,. nt..u, ,j .'
anJ luinoiu au-i gi ia. iull) . Van',
Ak, I.l I) U i.i,
KI. Atitlimij ' Ktre. Itoae or ICri 41
Teller nml an 11 It he ma. Sin fl 1
lllliivoi til, hur Ikj'ta, Uit'i,,,, '
I lir. Ii"lrt I'li.l'l.i will"' fr m Si,k m, s. 1 ,
S.-I't., Is&tl, lliit lot In enii.l ait liii'tM:., , .. ,
I ioeyny, tjili'li tln.iitt, u.'il lit l..ii,iii,itu u.i.11,
jvi" 4 ivritiK 11'" "I "in .-ii"ii 'ilillu h.kI nlv
J.iiy iafir fri.iirl it l.v l.irj).. ilunn of ll. i-..-,
lei col el t'.i t.Miiiiii..n'i.'i.l I.)- it foii.titui: .
lit nut liot tie, llnltrc or Nveli(( ... ,
7.' I.filull S'lnrni i.f 'ii t, T- iiii. M iil, ; iif
tl'a cf .s,tr-awii lMit e.l.'.l me fruin (w i r-.. (
fun- nv.l!ii. 111 lilt, wlikli 1 1,J .uJuvi
ovvr two yini,''
i I.etirnri li'rn or IV li II ra. Ovarian Tumur
I Ittliic I ItiiHllim, t-'iiiiiiie lll.m.i,,'
it. J it. K t umiiiliu. n near nrl, I !tv. r;tm ;
nut clufi rally r.,1111 Iv will. II." riM. -I nf'y.aii j,it ,a
anting 1 limn f 1 . 1 1 1 vair Smi minrilia h i.'tut t,nrpi.,it
Ulterntlve la tli.1 nttinerr.iiK ,.ihi..,iiii fMf ttlit-l,
I'lnplny audi a f.-uie'lv. fiat Kiwlallt In Ir iiuU Imi.i
ot tin Sri .talMi" tl.etln . f Inn ''Uiiil ii.niiy lm,hf.
ate raH,t n' I'ii -.ti Ji.x-i l.y It. mi.! i-iim wl,if tin
f laiut w..i i'iiin-1 I fi' 11 ,.f ilia ttlr'ut. liir iiir.,.
aiinn If tviip "mii nni i. Niitlmi- wlil.-m in, luitiwl.
c l'e tijlutU ll f. r lli.-m. Ii iiimI- il.utiiii;. lurail."
K'lvtiinl S., , f N til. 111 y, A! a., l I.m. " A &irr.
r-Timi n iifii nn...., en ( nv of lli,- f, niali l'i pit f.un j,
will, h liail , 1 tin, nounlii tt. r-i.lll.i ...i,il,n.
At f ulfill U'l'ii '..ii I. I. ly eui. l,j t.inr K.lrul .,VS,
'ihii llln. Oer pi. tni -inn tin utit, In,. I,t
II .11 ci.ill.l r.ll,.i,l r..irf, l ot In nltitn-il lin. nut . I vwt.t
r'liiMipnillla in lin. i., it liuli.m t alliiift and H
p'.'i' J 1 lli'i'lunl. A l'i or laltlii ; y ,hr lou,;, ,11,1
ll" "1 lll'l"llt 1-4 tlio ,ll- Ii'lni'ltil.'-
SypliKia nail ,1(,iiniol ll4in,,
Nfw Oni.i.i'ia, a.t .liijo.t, iS
I'n. J. C. Avrrt: fir, I rlnoi fni: cviu. , vnl, is. 1 It nn a.-.'iil. mid r.-iKiit I-. veu vino el llieivu
1 Intl.' 11 n!i..i wllh tnar SaiFH,ntlllil.
1 li i.v . Hi ..I will, it, In niv ptvliiY, mnat '! linn.,,,
pl.iiii'a In 1 i,. ii it i. leitiiM..,. i,,lil. iiihI , ,mi,
til. ':, Only foli'lilfnl In ,i em. ,.f ,,f
rund U.j ..,,. (m .1 my pilieuia lia.l Kvplnlita- . ,
la l!H tlireal, v lii.-li tin,. . ....hiihIhk hi. ,)ai hl, ,(
ti p ot Inn inuiitl,. y,j,ir snu,Milll, atHuuilr ulnn.
ruiM Lou iu tit.; ii.i I.n Aiwtlmr .m ttm.l, v.
ondnry r.yni.'.t mil in l.ii n."., i, J tlm ul ,iir,
ral.'li 1.W.1V a MOsiJelal lo . ill ol It. mi 1I..11 ; lnl,t, i'tM
.11". '.I- 1 t ,.ui X -.n 1 . .'I'll li ii lir 111, ini'l Mi; l.a,,. ) ut
tilil'.l to inv 11 Jin it. l-it rut i.m of vnnr s..r.i; uiiUk: i;,.,
til.. i li.'alej, 1111..1 1,,, ii will iipiln,' n n of ri'inw iti.,'i
s. nn. ,linl'r'lli'all"li 0. Iii- l.irn. A H. iimo Wliu i(u
liivl.-l lul' lie. stone il'it'ldi I lv tni'ii'Ml'V wa t't,n. ia
li.'il. I Ins p. I,,ii III In 1' kulitw. 'II.,) I.U't IliH-litnr si M.r
.ln to On. tt, allii.fllr.l nn it tliunf. .lit' ,h- Piill.iinl , ,.
0 ii . i,itin piiii 111 Im ji.inu mnl iirf,,;,, rhn, !.
u "W u. ii'.n l-yjeui- .-; -.ii mil',. ;u kt,. !
Sin.w fn.ia 1U I .Muuhi, w;,i :U , ,ul ,,.,., uv,, , tll,t
Cm l'i.iiKi..u r i.:.i J'.iO inoeiKi.nt inu-t ,.
reu.-eiv : e,ti,.(iifiiilj, il,,.,0 ,tmi kui,is i-u!t,
wiai It linn: not eor;inct 11m.
1 ul'.ir...:i, youis, O. V t AI'.iMKJt, il. 1.
IClituwvnlUtit, Uoitt, l.lvev C'et.iplr.lnt.
1 v;rfi I'M,: m v:, 'i,vtH ('... Vi... Oil .lull, il.
7;a. J.C. A!R: Mi, 1 l.av.. btin ui:',n.i.i; lia a .iin.
f'll til. t. C A'l'lltai'f,l 1,1 a lot f lime, wl.irl, l.i IILmI tin,
PS.iil.1 i'l ini'l It In lot Ii, ij.ito ot I,. I tiia
rt on jit i I r iii.l li:,J 1, 1, til 1 Irl.' l ."i-ni ilia n,,4
I.' ttli' rtti'st I.:..' Ill ttm W'-.Vn. li'nl l.'.t li'd 11 v mii.,.1
y ll'.lllli M' l.l'lil 11, '1 I hill HO !: un t i.p n I.:,,.' I ,
1 all'tiKevl. 1 lliuiU 11 n u.ii.i'i ul inel! m,;. J.H.KC'I.
1 .Tul.a V. (i, I, U!i, t r ,-1. I, .t:iK vli.i,: "1 1.
( i.i.l: l.T ymi. wuii an ';i -(, 1 ti. .'ii , vl, ,li
I ... 'i. 1-: ll,) In-nPll. 1 tlie li j;.,,,,,!,-,,,, .
". in ir!,, if ; iii-d 1 1. 111
. It,.
1,4, ii... . . ....... 1
iht 1.kt. ly U iovwl p.ivr. tli Ur s.ii',oJ.l
ma to try er rwrwfa-.t.. i !." I." p.U P- a.l. t.,
ami 1,:. y Una; in, i.ia.n. i".'i ti riio'. I'v i, .. l'i-.
Ii X f U'.l 11 lui i i.,.. i 1 .... in.J (, rii.i.i I,, t L . J
"M w r.aUe . ir w. 1 IMI , ., .,. :,ri. . y, lint l.ii, im ... 1 1 f .;t,u 1, i,.i t.a i.
!' ll I l-I'll S.
atlli r Ttlllllirl,. r.lll.lf'lii imhiiI.
l li i i n I Ion, ( iti ion nml I.itoliotlou ut
tlio ifout a.
A B'r.u nnl, ly . f raii-n l,v,i !.v,n i".ii',.l t,, n.
rorn of lli.w luiii l!,! O'liiplamta l..n . iwuile4 fr-at
lo.' um i.f tin. i.'i,..-.iy, l.ut din p.a.e l. ,n-.U m l ii.'.mii
to. 111. r-lne of t (...,,, mu t nn l l i, r Ate. i, m
A'f. l'i"l' Ihe .-nt t-.'l . nauiad ie.itpil to
I'lllosll K'a." to oil w h i rail f, r tl.o.'i..
Oyaprpaln, Il, ni t Iliiratr, Pit,, i;pi!,p.
y, villain lit.l) , .ti.tlKla
Many i. n u. I,, il. !,.,,. , u,..c rri, , ,,r wa
mali l y tin- i.!l, iall, pn,.r if Ilii. ui.:,.li,. It nli.,.
Lit. tl.e vital lcu..' i. a li.n, i,.nruiia li'l., nj tl ul
cven-emea iia.lrr, i-ln.l, w,.nl,l w ni ,, ,.'.1 it. nJ n
tm'h. tfi-i-li a reiileily ,u, .,,. 1.,,,, r,,,, ,,l .,' p
VWti,', t.f tin -P,,.,., , H Mx r..Li lnUlll llill' H'J
dM .,' iL. n, nil that li.edn lug cuo do.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
j ron tub mm) fur op
v oiierna, I oliU, Inllnitun, lnr'inM,t,
Ciotip, Itinm Itltlu. luilpiciit ( im Ion, nml lor tlx Utile;
Ot ( niisitmjit l e I'etlfiilk
til ml,-iii.i-r(l Slnea
of llm Ilscu:.r.
Till, la a rmf.!j- a-, i:t.!voi.'.i!lv l.n'.wn t-. pinj n f
Mlo-r f..r tha rnin cf Ihrntt anil hiTl inplnum Cul ll
Ip ti.-fks In ie to puLlnl, tl.r avion,,,' of na tinti.'. In
tiiiiiv,ill.i fi t rcut'l.a mi l rr.liti.. a-i4 italuet
, won.ltrfnl t-uri of itilini'tinry dm am, 1, . va ll.i. ' It
fcliown thronfthotit ihe nvilii,il rialt. ii, of the e'lr.
Ifiw aro tha r animnliiea. or ev..n taniillra. am. rtr C ..Q
who liara nut some t-i K..nal 1-111 iri. e ol iti ilu-.l
( enine living Irr.plir In their ini.ln i f lis lct.ny c.r tr
pul llt nml rtnn.MDin r" ,,f llm il,r,t i.nd tun;;
i Ai nil know the dieii'lfol fnlrllty of limn. ilt...i.rr, ai.l
aa they know, tno, the tffeta nf iiiid n 11 in rrl pl
do more than to nanra Ihent Unit it l.aa ni.w all the tie
Inei that it .In lil v hull making lli rtirca lili b
I won n (trout ly uji-iu the conlid.-Do of mankind.
I Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYLR &, CO.. Lowell, JT.-.m.
S :ld by C. D. Walaon, Cler.r!eH. E, A
irwin, Curwonmll ; 1". Arnold, bulherakurr.
.iionixomery a i.ii.,.f Salem ; J.C. Prcnnrr,
Morrisdale, C. II. KnPter, Philipsbure ; mid hi
Chape, AnP'.Dville ; and by dtakra n (ryalwe.
' r i e ik Wel o'i'i 0 x e a i; e r t rrTFyT"
Thankful f,.r past favors and poli.-ilion" ot fu
ture palronapo. 1 w-onl.l respectfully aiiti'.iinre
that I have on band again, and will coiifiaut'.y
keep at the Potlery in this boronirli, on tha cor.
rer a short distance east of Ihe Methodist Clnirrh,
a l:.r.:e stock cf Crockery , aueh as Crean. crcckl,
mill, 1 ana, ( burrs, .funp. Jura, t'tote i j . c- ca'iiir
.fc. if.-. ; and also ft 11 (At.iuive assortinetl "f
different fir.ej I.nd putt. nil of brackets 11.1
r. pettje for c tni.-o oti boustf, nnd other nitinl
rli Ill's.
Any mou'ditipa nt on hand will be ta
f.ilir on ahoit notice. Ainu re brua maJi
and kept f..r palo.
T.Vi'A lihrral reduction on pr!".- invt"
hnleialB denlera. F. Ltll ZI.S'OliB.
ClenrCcld, may :n, 1 3C 1. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Kakinr.
JOHN C.I LICH, t,f thehomonh of rieartlelf
Pa., will be prcparcdat nlltiiuei ta!tenJ'
i tu any business in th above bne on al""
, notice, and in a wcrkf.mnliko manner, lin f,l"',
' of htisinoas is at tho nld shop on the r.orih si'l'"'
' Wurlixt .J.l .1.,... ..r Tl.l.,1 a neanf
(Tl'ositn theoldJoT atoro; whero he will I"?
consiantly on bund a large asortin. at of V-
br.s,111T Kd Cano lli.tlo.n Chaira, and CaV.nat
' Whic of every deseripiion, which he will ii-V'
fon as r".nal,lc term- as the ,,, arinlel
can he had elaawhere in the co.niiy.
Hip p,k of Cabinet Mara now on hand, rem
(ins in pnrtof Drcinn and Cointnon llnreaui.
Pfa, ht wrnff and Wnahinii fstnnda, l'"-1' 'ni
jjoolt (;B,i Krench nnd Field Post lledstends
I'ininpr, llrcnkfnst, Centre, Curd and Pier Ta-
bles, 4. Coffnii manufactured and delivered '
any placa desired,
Fahrmry 9, 1S5P.-
-no, 4, vol. iv.
f I (IVOR! for Medicinal purpasai warny
- ...... .... I I -
' LJ Port ana Sherry Win, KetUir. Whifkey 1 n
llilind nin- MS HTiw tvivr,