f" ft' t'tf O.l.ntfititi ,liir!IiM!t, I' ll c u:.r,i ii i.i", pa. Wic'widny Tioriiiiir; Kov. 6, 1831. The " I'aiiii inuek. " A Tburlow WJ of th, AUmny W. In r!n;ioit to Mr;or Onomt Jolin 'J. Fre- n j I . H I li :.. i , mil in ill nn ni imrv t-iuttncnt o! iho West, will ho round in . .. .1 ; . 1 . sffclai Bt.enti.in. The variety chArfrm Aaint Fremoiit. a ili.ifcil...l in ll,ilMtop nr llm .umi. .,.;.! en 1:1 tl.iv rivi of Aitininnt o.i..r.,l 1 homn.i. iii nrA mini mlin.f 1 wh.i i.,mim n. , v r ,n,,,octftou,w,.i.i.i,oic,i,,t!i,i,l o,iii,,,uj.i ,.,.,,.. rkrt.i Mr. '.Vera mut havo hiid ncow to thut rflK-rt Lefore .tiling his leitor. Ann mailer oi course, fremont mut'uct?r now be removed. His outrageous conduct is now exposed to the country, and to con- tinuo l.itn in his r.resont nog'tion would bo to acqiiiesco in tliese outrage. This the Administration could not btand, ami hence the only alternative is to turn him cut, When a cai.'lidate for Pretident Fre mont was tailed "tho American Pathfind er," "tho Han of Destiny," ie., JLo. With Sihat graco will he submit to his impend. png fate f Can he submit to be thus bum bltid in the face of, not only tho enemy, but of the whole world for his fame was not confined to this continent ? W ill he, after putting on tho regal airs ot a live raonurch if Adjutant Thomas is to be believed cotibent to take a subordinate position, tit-d strivo lo regain the honors he has so suddenly lo-t? Or will he, as fome pretend to be wicked enough to fear ho will, Bttikeout for himself, and, in true .Mexican style, issue a pronunccmcito, and ubiuh a dominion of his own away out Southwest, part Mexican, part' American nnd the balance Indian, or perhaps go iuto partnership with Brigham Young t A ehort time, we repeat, will reveal tho mystery. Tiuly this H a great country, :nd these are stirring times. What tho pewit will be, it may require a fw days perhaps weeks clearly to in d;c:ito. fremont has great personal pop ularity, and commanding unlimited cred it as a man of wealth founded upon bis Mariposa gold mints surrounded as he ! by u small army of California "roughs," J;c tan, if he wills it, be a dangerous man. At last accounts he was in pursuit of the rebels undrr Gen. Price, who seemed to lie well aware cf the "Gro in tho rear" of hi adversary, and .ras most certain of gaining a victory by avoiding a battla. A Darino Fkat. The present strugglo in our country will furnish to the world'b history many feats of unexampled hero ism, many incidents of unparallellei cun ning, and many "dseds of noble daring." Two of the most recent affairs of this kind took placo a few days ago in Phila delphia. Tho present U. S. Marshal, Mr. Miilwnrd, claims to be a very great "smel ler," and U surrounded by a number of deputy "smellors." The Matshal was oouiing over in tho train from Baltimore ono night, and on the tvny, noticed a gen lleaian vrho Ftcnied to be entirely ubsorb el in his own reflections, and was letting other people' bupiness rlone most terri bly. This was enough lo throw nuspicion upon bim. In the mind's eye of the ever vigilant Marshal, he was nothing less than A Secession spy a Jefl Davis emis'iiry and when tho train reached Philadelphia the stranger found himself in the clutches of tho United S'ates Marshal, a prisoner in the name of t! rica. A search di ilranger was a loy government contractor lent!)' meditating upon, the largo profits that were to find their nay Into his pock e'.s, and thus attracted the susj the officer. The other instance occurred of the Deputies, either of whom can the scent of a traitor in the breeze as toon ... . as ho sets bu foot on the loyal soil of old Pennsylvania. On the day in question onooftheso "sharps" espied a traitor in cue of tho -rooms of tho Continental Ho- tel, when ho immediately snt about weav- enrethe-cus." His plans all laid, and 1 ' the assistance of a detachment or the city rrnrt ''A 1 lhoi nnnneail rl.iti-it iidaii . I v v I.!.... xnercLei.anuarnggeaiiimiorinwnn ueiore a ... 1 I 1 1 P .. . t. , I 1 f the proper officer for a hearing. But hero they soon discovered that they had caught .Tartar-or what was about the same ,." "? " , f tbing-a New England Abolitionist nam- ed Anderson 1 tij.. d,a,loirr)f evena forthenr iUon.J Miauowu ixtus. '' rest of this man was the fact t.iat.one ol.the Depnty Marshals saw a copy or me men- mond (V..) Examiner sticking out of bis " , , . L ..ii i- pocket I and another one acally saw hini reading it at tho hotel 1 How long would it take such men to gather courh lo "smellout" and hng witches ? VSk,ft Js tindfrdooil tlat Oen. McCle'ilan has imiod orders for the shooting of fonr soldiers, t tailed i f . ' : I. : ' . - -11. no were rouna guniy in suHjuug m. iu j.ii.- HiatyAoarPalrVaa. .. TT .. f l,l, ... I . . ,,.! II holif'nB. "-""" 'n""-sw' . . , . ; V, . . . became iinfortunnlelv ronneoled in Mi- '!t. Aliilrew sflo-oil ttin 'not lint I hf. ui" J wero M.ii-iv neon i iiv i nv me . . , , r ,T ll pi.,,, scio. ea trie .act lliliino .... i, . .:. ., . , him or.irations. and who hurned ft nm M- vial , . , , in hi v, umi u.i.-u in iiiuii'iuiv nil i? bicr. - , . . 11. i ilcnizon-perhftpseomo Mf)asl(,s pnd ,vploW favcrh.ui i,cen (,uitB ! 'ho i ache on leirnmg that he was en-, ,- who nnu oeou m- uir.M.wMTiiM inr. Putin I Yt rrl ) trvi nli'fr ll ' e iii-iii I ' 'i t-i I t al at lli; I ' ll Iimiii old 1 i.iii" 1. 'm''.i I. U i Ike tf-niiili ji l'.iltiin ll-. i.',i (. I' -I-kin, nil') tho n-tm-i I.' ni, jui i, 1 -pi Wtliinui F i It Tho I. il' iin i - ii li J ' i' ten i h Monday, and aft'-r ImIii'hu- i tU -n-lily of naval p (on Rt loilif' Milium', loll fir Buliim jii in I'u '".lnv nlliii nit The Louisiana I'-fl li'miit t'UU hours ii u v 'the Baltimore, mi. I t" t into l"il iilmiii e'ght o'clock, alter a ilnligttlul n-ii up the Uii'f.upeiik, the i'ctl.i' bi'ing titi" loner fromii.TT.,; iii:;,:v:: ;; '.i.-rv-u-ui,,, -r, .1- . ... 1. ...... 1.1 "m 8;, VZ' ,1U.$ ll0 .faiVrj ,ori. ?Hi itti.' In cd ,.,M l T, T fl in t'lvi'iiii in, ,'ri'.",., i'M Account ol'rtib im ii: ii.. . .i. iiiiiiiu i mi. nn I ri II ll 1-IPll I. 111!) 11 1. ll". JM'llll If. Jlroinvv.,11 loft 'hero V.y the Juntos Itiver ft. .1 1'in'l routr :finm Uimt Putln-l toOKl Point In 00:11- nnotf with KftViM'iil nlli.-cii of tlio Cnil'.il- itrate ormy he c-uub down tiio river in ai II . ... .. ,1 ,-l-.-l -..-ll .... b . . .'. leJ r.rooktou n. abimt t wi'lvp 1111 en from or tlio hed I torci-K, tii-iii in Ml undress u- tiil'orm, and his only ol.jo.-t in o.nr' Noi l 1, n; rup.I..i m,.,,. " v iiiv vt v. nintu'ua vi iinnuuiwi v Jialtimorians in Richmond. Mr Bromwell was frequently importun- ed whilst in Richtnond by persona from jiiiiiininrn 10 curry iiJitern to ineir nienua, hut he declined n th e f tnetice was lot hid den, aiii he tvai cautioned not to take w ith hitn a ninfjlo copy of a news paper, the Pro vost Miir.ilntl assuring him that if ho did so he would run the lisle ot being either fined or imprisoned. Swell's ro in tFort ificat iong. In the headouarters of tl e Kiipiiieer's Department wore u vast number of maps, ombracing views and sketchen of oil the fortifications of the United Suites, know ing their di mentions, number of j;uns mounted, and means of defence. Among them was a large nk'-teh of Fortress Hon roe, drawn, il i' aiil, by (Jen. linger, and anot.hei' of the works recently er.Hited ut Jsewell's l'uint. 'i he number of uns, all tn kvilttit, is twenty-six. of Miioh about five Hio rifUd cuncon, manufactured at the Tredrgur Works liiehmond, and the rest are colunibiads of ordinary size. Several of the officers of the Confederates, who came down the river in the tutr. do-1 clured that they werejut as weil acpisin- II" surronmlfd liimH'lf with a nuiier. ted with the vicinity of Old Point and 'nus .Still', notie of whom were residents ol Hampton Iloadsus the nlliuers at Fortress! Missouri; organizing, simultaneously, a Monroe unci not a single move of in:). or- Body Guard consisting of nearly throe triiico look place (hf-re without their ' hundred lloisomcn, t '.irougli which access knowledge. A line lelcrcope. and a ma riiio giass of great power, which were for merly Uied at the Gospoi t Navy Yard, but taken posies-ion of in the Litter part of April, were placed in tlio observatory at Sewcll' t.oiiu. and constant ol.Pervations made. 'Jhen the bentrie up'.n the riun - p.:!ts of Fortress Monroe uould b dip- ti-vh- oW-rn-d, and the movfitnnts of the ti.ii.inest vi.s.;cis seen. Jefferson JJavu. Mr. Davu, 'Pieident of tho Confedir ate States," was ni Richmond on Toes- uy of the previous week, and, in a conversa tion with a number of military of'.ioevs, btitted that his health wa much imurov cd, and that ho was able to discharge all the duties which were imposed upon him. II is nevere illness, ho stated, was occasion ed by exposure consequent upon enrnp life, and not on account of tho tares and responsililitiea of official position. Hej denounced, in the broadest terms, t li e spirit which actuated some cf the editors I ol the Virginia newspapers, and declared j that the various departments of the army had not only discharged thrir duty with a solo reg.ii's', for the interest of the Con federate States, but had done much more than he had anticipated. Tho Presi- lent, accompanied by bis lady, stopped I ut the Continental Hotel, aiut was tnllnw- ed on Main street bv an immese crowd of cituetis, v.ti.) eneeieu n.m repeaieuiy, whibt at the dinner hour he was serena ded by tiie Richmond Armory Band, the members of which aro we'd known to Bal timore musicians. Affair it in Jlichnond. liiehmond was described a equalling e- veil New York city in livelin-ais nnd gaity, j as tho principle stteots wijro thronged with ; citizens, ladiei and soldiers, and tho vr ri ous departments of trade wero brisk. Mr B. slates that although he expressed him- j sels on several occasions as a Union mat), lie was riot molested hut lr?ated with j marked courtesy and respect. All the! tireva out, nut mo itt cm tia. report ot i,. Q,.-AnOn0el nnnnnn.libr. i,,.,l, I, oMb ifrmvusimnrovin. and the siek loss! Li... nr. u .f,. .i.. . .,'-', eeern to have obtained either a voluntary i lpclui es on the fcenes he visited that were 'icion ftfl h. and of liiehmond "flour sold f-.r S7 i.er or constrained control of the Quartermas. memorable in Scripture historp. He lias barrel (wholesale) ; mess beef $10 per bar- lL?r an,i Uunmissary Uepartinents of Gin. j ntten teveral works of a religious char with onelrel j corn, per bushel, from 72 to 75 cents; re.monl M,,',arr f't ,ht ' ,s, T'JIVT'V vhC ? 'V-'T e,ltul.w ." J, ie ' 1 . . 'inI onn 3fifiM(nfi nrt ftal iIiL- f iV..lifiW 111 t lift l , niiil . ci-hmli iu i-nvih'if il v Mm snnfT oiitt, 40 to h'j cnti per bus..1. ; potntoo ' " J, n " t- . . ' . , ' .,.. oo'.. -...mess and reputation of the Cormnnndine 'i:cuin M.'r 1 m lun u 11 -1 witui'ii .11. 1.1.3. '11 , I pound retail. j The shoo and leather trade ras lively !nnd jJ f ld at the very highest rates. Mr. ii . r r , ": U'V.' y.7 V Rl.fts.Iiir ns 1,16 q'l'monu. U ..... ' o. he.c.,i.,erate troops n,e concerned, pric.s ruled high. A good article ofic ncerneu. u s itot raa.er.ai w.ncn, lor '-fc urB.' ?" leather brought 33 cents per pound, ! w,lc,t,r "lckefi or ft weaI' G'ntrul, he , u Philadelphia, to take the place ot the hides rt. Bro:. aH for urmy use, nit-j " "nhtted for so great a trust. one it,. -ar Alexandria which has been clos rom SI so to SI CO ner imir bv the iNor ftr0 thpsc ,a,,lt"' Prava a the' rr(, CcJ b,y ,he,ft ar- is.,a 1?,lhA w,'."er. a ...i. ;i n. u.... ... i.: i . '.n . i i the only ones to which he is obnoxious. cooa speaacr, ana win nu i us oince or .hf, Mw no ,mu.,.,,nce l.Uvec0 tl,,,,,, and,""'. "'"""".W"H'" 'lu ' . . . ... the Pe-lenu troops. All were uniformed, wore lifcht blue cloth overcoats, carried " T.JVr:",.??1. ,oU-in i ....1 .... ,. . . i , , 1 c ,V,,"!U' cvor-ln T gard to the Subsistence and Quartermas- ter's department, especially as the ration. weie provided at beadqunrlers, but not ; di rtributed among the various brigades: , with rromntitude. ; , jntcrvifU.-,u.;th G(n JcaurCaard. w,i., j . n . ir r, Yftd & t iMI tah r l' I , I)a(la" nteniew with Gen. Beauro. prd. at his headquarters about one milo rXrStXtei the , ' " f ? D it kt I"1,?' .S. fZ I Gen. Johnstun's command, consisting of neariy uiirii iiiijush;: '"i n. o"- in s on0 0f the most imposing military pageants he over behtld. Tlnie weri nearly twen- In r-niniAnle in Ilia linn n ,1 1 ft 0 t K a Can (,, v...- -- ml and .ff, all elegantly uniformod, ' I.- rp lf ll - 1 f, I'm hi 11 M '.It'll" ' I n iltr I I i I ' 'I il I1 i llm Htm" Ml - (l.ii.iu.m Al I ir'il the lii i-rtnl f " ll'l I .,. .' ."I e rtii-nii -til. -i,i n hl.H.t lsv "I. Ait.- Ins t' IiM U'dfii-. (Mi "I ilii li'ic i'i I - ti 1 1, n iM'i'ii " ' '' ''' v '""I "' p,ti;i..,n. lit- iif u Hn'n in. I rt r, ",WMi ('"''. ' IH." nn I I, is Af ft', tt 'it ' ') ''I ' ll In, l.'l' I l"l ( 'I :l II' I I' V HI" I" " In"!'- Iln'tl T" lull"" lilnit'1 a ('i.. ..I l:i(ii"r . ii Tii tl ;,.. Hp b-ivv a -l "in. I'm-"" ml " i" t fi-, m.r I . i it.it Mr ll ' i t iii 1 1 1 1 nil tl ti- r .II I !)' i Mul .Un I, mi. t -! 1 1 f' ' ; . 1 1 1 ; 1 1 ! tn-.ti j, i 'hin 1 1 mi I Mil-,' ' I "'i H'" I""1 '''""'' 'l f ' " 1,1 h t 1 u Ii 'tn ini'Mo . f i, i, iv It "Hi I'm tit, Mtvl ml A imiii imII in f nitini . lu tu ,. ,!. 1 1,. i. im m ,!. ,! umi n l it ', l. ll Urn i"iy- f' f "li'i'l Invi- I, It 1,i.. ii Li- ..in- .! i."ui.-,, In. j I,. i, iMiii' l.iii'l ' a iii'i ll.'in"l, (:' iri-l. Ii. 'niOiini:. . i,t ,r. 1 v on lift I.'l.'iHiv.', i.,i,i!l". 'li'n fti'ti"! "i.iitiii. in I't-'li ill'"-'1 l'i' tl, I'l-.i, r. 1 in n,y 'iln n, vim it in . I. nn wi-i'ii Uni' ii iii. it tin iliivi iiro, mo I.Mliiy A'lrrnn. nl'nu mi i.'.rl !ii .:n. lf. (..!. of "''I mo I I'it.tr i tii'iiii.'K." (Al. I'.' I'll nn I MM t i'.i-.'. , nr.', 1 1 1 t!,i liH'l.,-1 t. im-. m u'icv w,,. Km mi i..-i ll lit I' I 1 11 llll. I I HII'll ."" I ll Mil, 4 (. ... ' M,. il""i'"l conniil.-ruMo ivunntli, Unit I --... " m ii'"'""'"!? uii-fi'i:p oi vii'i'inm. i.ii'i iivl'TH--! to the ptibliciitinim in I no i:h 1 1 p. '" ll"'- "l'ji'i-.. If any i.ti L-ncU il '"ll.v it wan urtrilnituol,. to ordi-m 'H l 'Hl, Who tt:i I tl UH'l In M'OCIV lli i of tl'UCO. Weed cn Fremont. ... . i . . ' incc it cannot uo coiiiViUe-l or Uenieu that On. Trentonf comlaot in Missouri l,. l,.,r. tl,o -l,i....t oCmn.-i,.! inoni-v ,h1 i - - - - -....j. , ... ... - is now llm oivasion of I xeeuliv o delllier- tion:and Tt puu! solicHudl! it. made it mv hi si7ics to obtain, from vn- notM lint iiiifule tioutces, in nut mir.uie sources, iniuriuation (- from which the People, m Jurors, may eiifi-ly render a Verdict. In coming, as I have, to a conclusion unfarorablo to Oen. i''roii)ont, it is BCHire ly needful '.o say that 1 had, in doing m, to "conquer" many "irejudicei." Jly rtl.-.tioiis with lien. Feinont have lii-en intimate and pleasant, 1 believed hi in emiiiiintly.utirij'lit and watiiotic. I thought him well lilted for the hiirh coinniiind (with which ho vvft.i invented ; and ho went forth with nty heartfelt aspirations that ho would render good servioo to our Country and win lory lor hinwelf. Passion much tlnit might, he said im pugning the st.nso and t.iste of Gen Fre mont and confining myself to accusations undeniably true, I submit to the readers of the Journal some facts w hich will show them how lamentably a fi vorod Gvnnral disappoints the popular expectation ; V lien Gen. Fremont reached St. Louis he look as hi Head-Quiii ters, a llouso lor which the Government in pay ii:g ijO0i' ft vei"', to thn Chief is as ibflicull a the ai-nroneh to a Monarch in tho Darkett ages of Des potism. Ho has Appointed and Commissioned, without the t-hadow uf .Authority, more than Fifty OUk'urs. .liih the rank" of Col "nel, Lt. Colonel, Major, Captain, La. Co Andrews, tin-United States I'ay-Ma-tc-t ter, !w - h required to Pay 1 ll'.-ft I I.S'l'S and itipon ins rt.iusai 10 ao so, wis tnreater.etl j with 1 111 j 'i isoumi'Dt. He liiis 11I-0 diroo- ; ted to make an illegal Iran.-for of Tho Omen Iclonciui! to fien. F;e- monfs Stall at.) interested in Army Con - 1---W.1. c...i li. j!, ..ti ., ;.i .,' I',., 1 ner of Col. Degraf in Mule, Hay and other Contracts. dipt. Turnlt, a Unitotl States Comtiiis sary, was brdfrud to receive and pay ex horbitant. pi iocs for inferior Mules, I rem l.ipt. llaskall.and upon protesting against th wiong, was ordered ftivny trom the Po'.t bv Gen. I ipmont. dipt'. Ii. M. lMvh, of Geti. FremoiH,sin,'l!-fd I. ) his oh-rtion. tatl, received a Contract for Blankets, which, on delivery, proved rotten and worthless, and though condemned, were paid for and sent to the Hospitals The Musketj purchased by le;:. Fie- imonl, in Fiance are worthless. After Gen. Meigs limited the price to i)0 ror o,its. at liO oi'iits. Corn at i!S. .ltl, p.iy (U jjpr -,() C"on t i;ul was undo i with Baird ami Palmer Palmer. Cook ,t Co., of California notoriety at ; cents ' "'P lo P'feuce rneuicite. uui n f non for Oals, SO for Corn and $p) for Hay, , turned his attention lo theology, arid af amounting in the aggregate to f 100,000. i'f rthe requisite prepnrni i-n, liecatne a Gen. Fremont.nnTiis arrival at St. Lou- Minister in the Epi-copnl L'anroli. Ho is, was met by Ihe Aid of Gen. Lyon, ao. . "a.-rhosrn Professor of Belles I el ires in cniqunied by Major Phelps. M. C, ak-1 'be Kniveraity of Georgia, iwid ivas ap ing for reinforcements, nhich a ere not 1 pointed by the Lrgtsl.iture to write a His sont j tory of the Slate. Thesec.md volume of j Tho indoblrrlness of the Quartermas. iters Department, for Gen. Ftemon.s uommanu. i over sour Million and a Uatfl Mevi.ns marneii iMiss Coppee.of that .Stale, fli: disastrous conditioa of things, is ' sihter of Professor Coppee, of the Uni attributable to tho "malteii infhunces" of versity of Pennsylvania. About tho year Cttliforniana with whom Gen. Fremont ;; .v.... ......... - Ibese ill-omened men, aonn or all of wll0m l (lnrk California. , 1 . 1 . . , . . . General. 1 hey impeach either his head or lm lien".V ,,nu 'V"r RS 1,0 ,,s r.c ticaiiy I1 h V bc"fi r'-cuted by the Army .miliar 1 1 1 A ro nmi hi. in n wnv ivlnMi rp . , , iT;, " iV' . I 1 I ,, , W I ( 1 . t r,niMi.isiin T1.... t K n ia I ..n ! , tl I In tn t-tiAn in l l'nmna ll'.m ; .u""3 "lu '"'. ."'- ; ponviTi ufj union mnn nm r.npm ps. ii s '"eotinarcn iiDstsra ana memm 1 JAL.U i Lit ci .n in I tons fi An ifiVHi'fiii whie h , mrrnrA n -p l eivili,ntion. V b'nv Tetter T'LS ..Ti;,on Mo Oct 17 " from an in - oMed iiPton " Wligent. ob erv ng, truthful Friend rrora "bjc'i we take tho following ex ract: "From Tipton to V arsaw the march was one continuous devastation, with ut thf lcost. rePrfl. for principles or mf l.liH.ir tA a, ,n..v,vi..u ...u i..,i. Huv4 IIJU M i H I ' " ' l J - "'vni9, me union man who uau yom'B Cabin," in a letter reeently written f P V f V f,;m jrinin, the SooT to the Earl of Sh.ft.bury, an English nbo, , forces, had his place literally gutted, the litinist aavs men of Asboth'a and Seigel's Divisions -i ,". advocated dianr.ien 'or fifteen killing, on his farm abnet forty .h'Mft'J i"SZ 'M ""'t! ", "r8' ?J stealing eight 0de of fieeing the North from the guilt S iLo Ssh ftSir? " sheep and hogs, then chucked the.o into tion emanc.pa uieir aireauy over-loarted wagons, i hero is srsreely a feathtred bipod left within five miles on cither aide of their march; nnl a wlirtl. ll.;., '. :,!.. ......v,uiineii or nn uu iuou bureau, or blanket that has not Wen sei- I J 1 r n'hld II mp i ho ri III Alll Jr tilting kri ill tlti 'In I" i f a m ,'.;i,'li ll '.'iimi ni.l" li'.rr.'t' ;l, '!l II '('IKll 111(1" ImtTi'tS 10 the Irani- i..nu iiu.l imtivoiili.til.! eiil ol nr. An AlUIJ innv nun ..ii, . .j ; It ,.m.'. o rocor,. O,, lliinp cU yculhlul t.cn. f.tl from ivlnwo oiwi-cr llio Oouiitt '' loolu-.l for luTduru li-uit i tcU Counti'' loolu-.l for lllTOHIIJ ii nil liutinitiity. lii.t Ingli ns our lioju'sl v cm of Oi'tii nil ri'iiii'dtil, we iiitinot uf- ford, wlo.-ii ivln-iiifi' I'ror.i fault or mu-j f,,, illiil....f.ii mur'.i ili-ii'iuls on tin1 wisdom nn, I jnlir'iity nl' MiMHinils, t" bo iloci it i d. 1 am, liy tlio fon'o of uvidi-inf i which ran-1 , i.oi liu ri'sisli'd, i.o!i!,tiniiied to admit that 1 .' he 1ms bigniilly lail. il to discharge, with ' iiiofiilnoss to tlui Country, or credit to! . i. ' " . , . ' i i .. ..!, i M f I'1";V ' f - alftimty. Ii.- liutllool .-all t Hlull, like 11111 ftl 111,11 IU'II.whs a (leie.'ii, mm ll umn - 'M, - 2.00W Troops with a11 .'bo conditions and surroundings ,f .1 . i. ii i ... - i. nllinill I imni t ll .t tl trill llllll WUI liniL ., ....- . ... - - voiilalile. I'I l tie u(uiui.t i wilinot speau, beeauso I do not yet know who is repoil- sible for it. Totln'- who wore in the hittlo, whether they survive, or "sleep! their hist sleep thr re," nothing but honor and gratitudu is ihie. j I was with tho Prnsident hist" evening when the Brother, von and Nephew of ,1 , -' u. ijii Ker, I'M" "11!'1Tn'l called to sliow his Orders. I he.i.o Orlei were on his person, and were crimsoned and consecrated l v his blood. Tlioiigh .i . i . . . , . .. 1 1 . i i i. , -. . tho blood pnrtiallv effaces the Order, eno'jgii is leiiiiiio to vindicate his memory , i i- . i -;!ilil3 to vindti'iite his memorv. 1 1 is sufiicietu to say that the Order were clear and explicit, and that they were galbituly, generously and literally obeyfd. Gen. linker, with inadequate means of Transportation, went to tin rescue of 600 .Spartans who wore engaged with an ene my 4,i00 strong. From New-Orleans and Santa Kosa, wo have intelligence of a more cheering character. '1 ho braggart HoIli:is, whrtfe only exploit was in binning defenceless Gravloivn, published a lying Dispatch. His preti-iiiled Vi ;'ory over our blocka ding Sq'iadron was a poor, cheap false hood. So, too, in regard to the attack upon Col. WiUor.'s Zouaves, r.ear Fort Pickens. This pretended Victory was a positive defeat. Of the Naval Expedition I am not at liberty to speak. 'e have an immense, and reasonably well equipped, and highly ciit-ciplined Arrjy. ttretcliing along the line of the Potomac Utver. It owinnt remrin lang iniolive. Let us hope that luiure euc- '.' - - 1 r.v..-. uZ ZZri.i'" V,'. . T1!l( ; I'roieslant Episcopal Co-.ver.tion of 1 lh1l'TUl0crj;?o' 1 "" 1 huf'-biy.e.ect led Kev. Williani Bacon Stevens, the Kee tor ? Sl- Andrew Church, Fhihulelplm to the Ollico of Bisfiop, ma le vaonnt by !hn do-' tii of the lamented Bishop Bow man. Although tho rhoire U regarded us a triumph of the F.vangelical or Low cum on pnj tv, ur. Meven is known to tie no active r, arlu.in, and his l ii-ty and qual- jifiealions are acknowledged even by those I'he Bishop elect is about fifty years of age. Jic was born in Jliissucliiisotts, nnd was educated a physician, 7hen quite young he w ent to the Lust Indies nndt'hi- a, and practiced medicine in the latter country, to.- a time being associated with uie wcn-anonm Ur. OutJail. He visited theSandiMch Islands and other strange countries, and returning to tho United .'aie, i-eiuen in Aniens, ueoigiR.intetni. , t!'is w nrk inch is we.l written and ex- "emciy vaiunnie, ciiiv appeiireu .vittnn 'be last two years. While in Georgia, Dr. lM-'.he received and accepted a call from r s t hurch. sticceeclinc th Lev. k, now Bishop of Rhode Island. continued there ever finee. A a , art 1, ft 1 1", ! n T",,.nA (,tr, T j j i- , 1 - 'be Holy Land, mid on his return wrote . " nleresting work, nnd nlso delivered be had a call to a church in Savanah, 1 : 1 t 1 1 1 t 11 which he declined. More recently he ; 1 ". i.,,w?or ol uocml01! . bishop wilh ablhty and dignity.-Lanca ICT JntL ! JKT The mother ot Jackson, the mur- rWrof Col. Kllswnrtk. wa, token rrison. ..... f.r on Sundiy, in her house, near Prospect TT 1 1 I 1 - - T Hf ."VIM- C't- - .' - . . . ill, uj M'niuoi .ucouii a iiit'n. one Las k.efP' hou". for rftbel 1 y. and tjer pmother. who was ar - rested at the lame time, has been regular - , ftCling as a rebl!l spy. h , ' " Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, a sister of, p Henrv Ward Reee.ber. nd autlinress ofthat Abolition dipunion book "Uncle' Ttf fini titW Ann Pori .monrnmMi u . . . . . , ' , I , , . lhhii-j )iuoiiiiiii.hi, nm us uo nen A ere 11,200,000 per day 1 Btjlly for 4meriSl ,-...,. ;.i.nn.r, H.b-ex., (iitAM) opi:mnI I m;v srcitr.i a : ir vi n mh NKW CiOODS!! (iltflt I fit 1 1 1 C llt: til I'lin h;l?t r." ii, W. SMITH & GO'S. om: I'uici:, cash .stori Smith's Comer, below Judre Leonard's. q u u i:x ,s jvm li 1:. r.ST WkUo Gnniita MnUn. ' P, , n..i. " " " Biil(ir Ten Suit". " " C iffce hi.tu. " " ' Ciijin .-','il.'. i; " " 11;, 11. 1, Ml (.'till fvlt. ST rV.ul M'liilo Ten Sctu. " " KniT nn'l Huniii. " runtmiti T 'li Si.tts. " " Cup I'tts. " C'oinit on Ti'H,!. roinnioa Thru. Odj Kuii'rinr hunt Kprig Ten Soft. Crenum, I'lcs, Puhiii, by tlio luilf dojen. t", C. Koppici., C. ( b iwIh. OlasH l'rosirvui, (Jla nlt. C 1'lu t TiimWers PI. in Ao. Exet'l?iir do. Alot Tan, Cvfl'ers, (to., Xo. 1 l.n ii i. ... i i nnu u r icmi n.imny -n in a country mini, U kept her, M ul,0 many not ...ual.y k.pt, l.nt much n.e.Ud, at grrutly rrduenl pneo. 1 Ami ua l,iul Anf .l..n II. .1 n 1 1 . 1 n 1. "u- ..... ..i. trial puni)iHe. will find ll to tbi.lr ndvuntaira to oontinne m vustomers. Miscellaneous. Puporinr articlo Hwei.jiliij ruW. Largo Ait't Waitcri -oft convenient ariicle 'i.. IMnrU Improved Co floe ?pieo SJill. od Curding. Drum Cording. ' wn p ui. ..r , n..., r , ' . . iniui-iuiTiii i-iiiioi', j.'unuvaiiv.-in 1.01110, Mackerel by barrel or pound, Varied aaioiuncnt of npicop, ftoapa, f tu rib, by box or pouud Knlvenni" Potka Carvem, Ftusl l'eiia JO cte fer grots, I'm Knlvei, Tooth vruche, rtc, etc., eta. si:v GoonK. ToiWt and Promenade Prints of th: rnont fash lonahle ttyle and color. The now much worn materkl of Colored Alpaca. ! N';v. is tho time to buy nn extraordinary cheap I dr? for next Bcamin, as wo will c!oi out our I tock of I.awtu, Or;anilie, .iregc, TopHiu' iCrnpudo Paris, ialiniues, and oil Summer poods nt fabulously low prices, to uiiiko room fir our Kail A Winter stock, whith we will noon bo able , tn rffir to our ruttomeri', ad the public gatier.il- lr, nt llio CaiH Store if ' II. W. SVITII . CO. Ainu, a limited amount of County Ord-.-re want ed in exchange for goodo, Wo lmve-jnut ciTeued 1 1 nl are aollmg v,(ry low, a Urge and ouni ). ict tturk of II.j.jih and Efcoos, vi : .Mena best Kip B iut noyt host Kip Boct. Mens beet Cnlf a i.l. BO.va best Cnlf Bnnt. C'liilile best Kid soel. Wi'in bent Calf Monroes: Buys best Cnlf Monroe,, Voillh'i beet Calf Mnrnee. Cltildj be.t (Jnnt Pumps Chll.ls bet Welt Pumjn Cbildsbest sultou J'litupj ChiWa bet Fronch Moroco beet. Woinans Mr. Jefferson heel, Woman flost Jefferain heel. Womans Kid Slippers. Womtins Sup. Velvet bound pait-r. Wouinns extra fine kitting pikers Wi.mani aup. extra he?ivv iurocco. H. W. SMITH Co. Ilniir of bukines from 7 A M., to S P. M. July 10, li'tl. tf. GOGD3 EE SHE IIS' Tbcv biive iunt rocoived n iren.-ral assortment of .5prinj and Hummer DKY 000US, coiisi.flirg of nrv t i -rnr; 11 lT)'',c BONN I TS, iVHJJJl.V., SHAWLS, P R I NTS. D UCALR, BAH KG hi, I Oi'i.IN, ci.orns, TWKHD.S, II A TS, C A P S , W 1NE. S A LT, O I L S , PAINT LEAD, DRUGS MUSLIN, L IN ENS. CAIU'KT, BLIND, BROOMS, R YTHF.S, SV-1 KFA NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES. COATS. PA NTS VF.STS NAILS. FLOWEKS, IIAPiDWARE. QUKENSWARK, GLASS, FISH, BACON & FLOUR, All of which will be sold on tho most reasonable terms for CASH, or approved Ceantrv Produce. C. KRATZFK l SON. ek-arSeld June 11, 1861. Vli M I X I WTH A TO It 'S X O T I C r Not i eo ia hereby given that lottorsof Administra tion hare been frranted to the under.igoed nn tin e'tuto of JACOB K0PINS, late of lleooarin townchip deeensed. All porsona indebted to said estate are requeued to niuko pay ment without (In lay, a"d thone having claims apiiinft tho same will preont them duly authenticated for settle ment to my AttornoT. b. J. C'R ANtf, of Clenrfield er ANDHEW SH0FP, of Oulich township. October 14, 18C1. CU Adm'r. J- nXECtTOIt'S OTlCI-NUce i. herl 1 JLjby given that bettors Testamentary, on the 1 ..tat i of BAJll'EL M00KE 1st, if Tenn Itown.blpr, 'd, have been granted to the nn designed. Al) persona Indebted to said s.tate are required to make Immediate paymont, ard i those bavineclaima reainit tho ame will nrosent 'hetn iaXl fTuTvz rr- "t,1m('Dt t0 01 J Attoraev, L.J. CHANS of Cienrfiold. or ANDREW 6. MOORE of IVnn (p., Oct. 14. 1801, Executor. TVB. M. WOODS, harlir elanced hli loe X tion from Curwonavills o Clearfield, res- Residence on Sooond straet, opposlti ti it of J. Crans, Esq. my 1 J 158. DR. J. W. POTTER. - lOCAted at LlOlntel ur. vi. n.nf...in.ni ,v. .,.,, ji.. 'SS. MlnoalMmw W 'Tm.0' I? A It H I'M ! M 1 Im V t i i SEWING MAC My riirt'Fs FROM Ho im'. llm ItUl UUIH i;VlNJ MACHIXP Krminiffcf ulildi U hr rn.r,'.,ei,iH 0 tHA".- 'i"" err: ronniiinl I'M-i.rita i.. "' !ih1 Li-.n ir.lrn l,i.'..,l ,1 i.. i... il v ... .... . (r, i-m ,i fl inn n n , iij Wi ,i ui tu'i linnfli-.-.i!,,..!, ,,, Si".., .icwmK lUHCiuin now iii'!i,r.i thn pul.ij,. 1 .No. I A mniill n.r.1 vnj ,' i;,,. No. 2. A liny Mi-l,ii,. fr q tiiltir - V... wrrk ml! r.r ri.iiiiiitl.in ui-e. " mf Thin Mucliinn iv irfn-li mlinired for t( tjm.i. . 'r, iiriil for it roliu'oility n,1 duubility it ij 1"' aui jjasa. d. A eliilJ twilip jett nn rvi jt ' J" i.sk ; nd jet jt wiU w from the foart ts to tile tin ot Sif. TLrii Is ii" tigubls of wimliiic tb Ihrua.l. a it i iMken f,O0l theipuu',' It ha r..i :U t" tfiv tr.juM, 8i,d r, backwurds well an forr.nrds. rr.tj (tj)i f, o.unlly ).-rfic, m'l vlllimit dimgnrol breakin' mibdics. It. rum 1-y friction, and by cloir.j ti wn .. .,.,;.,. , Pr,,;:J,. . U.J( n. m "i.:" ' 1 1 boat fun ily fcv ing Machiuo iu us. The fvlkvirg rrcniwr.s AiMrdcd th tUvt Mucftim : At the Fuir of tlm r"rauk"ln Int.tuta, 18t? thu Fir? t Premium. 1 I At the Punniylvnnia Mate Pair, at PhllaAtl. '"e,uuor rremlum-, Ii una. Attlie IWsvlvaiiU Plot. Tslr, held at v 'ming, 1SG0 n Silver Mdal. i Pur tlio lint Uuuble Tumml Marlini. at Ua. .' lister Cutiiity Fuir, bold Oclylr, IhiO-a ilter At tho Maryland State 1'uir, held ul lit Mir. 'land Insti'iite, Ealtiinore, -Md., Ontnber. 1851, under ftrong nompetltiuii, a Silver Medul (l awaid 'il to thin Miicliine. i a. ik. v,. rai.. ' r..i. u.u .. ... I . - i.bbiid lVtlilt, Uir, I1V.U ai ll. f3 un.it.'u, I'rutnniu, utiuiiir, iri'll d iipiopil, The above Machines are tnRnufacturtil by cn.viti Ls w. mm r ivn I WllmluKton, IM. SAL K S K O O -U S . Nu. :i0 AroL Btreet, l'hiludclpliia, Fa. No. 601 Market Street. Wihoicftin, I)tl. I S. D. BAKER, i marlS-ly lib Arch Ftreet, Pliilndolnbu ,S!i?-Pcrsna wiahlnj; to see the sbi.ve Mackini in oporntien, can d i rn by cal!inj nt the rei. dence of I'. W. Hoor, in C'lenrGeld boroiii'h. A. M. EILIB If :ioti IPT be of crm bi'liifitto eicryoui tn point bcn'tii. fonifi rt, and conriuicn co. PR IIIM.X tii. slrari I..W1 altii..,f fice, on tho corner cf Front and Mais it'frif, wliep no notice to t'uc contrary prari in ibii paper. Al oetrctioai i; tii tiro of lib profen'm perforinod in the luteit end mot imprntd ftylef, and giuirnalecii for ono Jar ajaiust ill alurul f.i i 1 tt re s. rplllt CI I'. Alt ' l I'l.J) ACADIOIV 1 J bo opened for tho roeeptin "if f uill (aiilii , and fuuialoi) on Monday Sept. 2d, IsCl. Tf rBisptr iiraslcti of lilcvcn Weeks! i Orth-Rrsphy, Itoadin-, Writing, Primary Arithmetic) and licoKr"!,l'.v 5' M jllii;ber Arithm'itin, Bnc;!Uli firammar, tieompby nuj History, i C Algebra, iJeometiy, .V.itural PhiloJophy, and liook Keopi'.i;-, 4 0 I Lntin and ilreck Iianuajea, fl io rl'ilenta donrouf of ecquirlujr a tliortr.;! I'nglinh Kilrrutii'ii, :,nd who wit(i t- qonl'fi theiuselres lor Tcr.eber, t his InHituiijB oittl .lesiia'cl adnntap.-j. Xo pupil received fr less then lu!f jKMioa, ord no deduction i.udo cxeepi fur protutlti aiekiu-M Tuition to be paid at t?' . !"e 'if the tenn. C. .'.. hANIiIOl'.l), fnrijl tleartiell, Aug. 7, Hf l ly. PPIA! 7-cmcnrf"iif .Vn'itn-f vt irmono .lnn(!!.'-K.CITlNG FOOT KtUU beli the Phibidolphia I'-lirc r.r.d the r-tnri.;ii To' per nid cuiinivrfvitrr, Ja ies Huchnnan Croes !1 1 I ,;rf lieenpturcd ! ! i ! It aietns to be the gerir. al cpiniou in ( leurfii'ld, that il Croia hail wnrni pair uf Prank Short'. Krenob-ealf lio.tn. thntti would not be tti'-tin yi.t. Jtowever, f-hortjlt not Much put out r.t mirsing hit custom ; to' woa'.d Biinminee to all L'rcckinriilyt, Dnvylui, Linrolu rti, .' ft, and women and ebildrfu in Clearfield, and FinncinnhmiiniC in purtif. that to is pri piired to furnish them witbrWid. fihoee and Oaitirs of sny style or p itlern, iti'eli ed, rewedor VZgod, (mid ai he is a iliurt it' low) on abort nolico. Ail kiuds of country produce tsl.en ia ft cbanpe, nnd esi-'h not r fused. Iti-palring done in the neatest manner and charges modcrat, n the tihort Shoe Shi p on Second Street, ffpotW Kced, Weaver A Cm store. I JiAAh Mitnii. N. P, Findings for f alo Kept. 10, If'W' WATck fit JBVEIM rpiIK undersigned rcstH'tW'.' JL informs his cudtoiiu r! and Ik' public generally, that he par jost reeeired from tlio Past, and ei 'ti ed at his establishment iu GRAHAM'S HO' Clenrunld, Pa., a finn usanrliuent of CLOftli WatiIiiis'. eiirl .1 i:w ki.k v t.f dilTorent nunliliei. from n ini;le pieco to a full sett, which Lt!" sell et the most reasonable prices for cn U, er IB cxelmnce fur old gold mid eilver. 1 1.01. hs of every variety on htind, at the tw" reasonable price. A 1,1, kinds of Clocks, Wntohes and .lewnrji carefully repairod nnd U'nnvriifciZ. A continuance of putronucs is solicited, Sept. 13, 1S00. H. F. NAUOLt. J7LOUR, BACON, TOJUCCO, LIQUORS OF ALL KINDS, SALT, OILS, PAINTS, A GR0CE&113' CtjrFor ile very rhenp for CAnn, by O. B. MKRRELL, In basement of Merrell & Bigler's Store. Clearfield, Pft. feb G L E N - E C II O M I L L 6 . Gerraantown, Pa. cCALLUM & Ca VAttrrseTritrfts. Importer, and Wholesale Iealer In e A k i k t i c w, imirooHTs Oil, CLOTHS, MATTISOS, ire Warehouse. No. 1.09 Chestnut Street, (Oppoaiu Btats House,) sprS'll ly Jan,itrVt mm. ,J V'Lvff' t ;r..., I'roperattwtw 'Vfi,'.W.VV'Vs':.--?' lhe teeth in pn lr7-:.J&J?Mlr' time will