( t -VV': Vvtl-1 IX S 1 1 J B. GOUDLANDER, EtLtora' ;oi- xxxii. whom: no ig miNCIPLES. tot KEN. (. CI.KAUFIKU), vi:i)m:si).y, NOV, c, IIJGfi ni:wskuii:s vol,, ji. no ig. pi 1 If H1I 7 V Tl SPEECH OF HON. S. A. I0UQLA3. t.N THE STATU OF THE tMOX. p.Hi ert'if in the L'ritl Staffs ,Sn ate.JunuiiDj'drd WA. . In view of these fuels, I feed authorised to icMiihrni the proposition Kith hich 1 commenced mv rvintirkn, thut w henever the reuerai uovernmeni nn uuciiijuru to control the slavery question in nor newly icsjuired Icmtones, idiennlRUi ol leennfj-ilk-oid, nnd ftitioriiiUtriff, Imveenniod ; u,vl whenever ContJi-ess li.is n l'i :iii,ed from tuv)i. intcrlf rencu, pace, hiiiiiiony and .nod will. l'Hve. rotui n'd. The conclusion J draw from lhe pn tnisei is, thut the tlavt'i'v ii.ioj"tion should he bLislied for ever troin I lie Unlit of (.'onri-M! ud the ;eu; vf I'vUcral politlos by an irrepeula roimtitutioniil j,iovision. I Imve deem ed this exposition of the origin and pro jjrfss of I lie shivery Agitation rsentiu to full couipielien.'ion of the dillieultipN which we re Riiriounded, nnd tho rmwdie lor theeiils .vhuh tiireuton th Jhrujiiioti of the KepuUlic, The iiu:iedi Mte cnu.ie5 which hiive precipitnted tlio oiitli-i n countiy into revolution, al thmigli niscpiuiibly connected w kh, nnd Surin' fro n, th tlvi'ry :;;.'ita:i oi. ulio.-tc !iii!ov I hnve poilniyed. ure I) be loilnd in the" Mnidl of the leoont presidential flection. 1 hold Unit the election of any man no m:itter who, bv th American )l!e. nccrduig to the C.iiisMtution.fur niilipmri eauhP, no ju.ilitie ilion, for the ilindutioti of the Union. Hut we cannot tlose our ees to tne :aci una lim souili- a people nave rereiva tn reu:i ot llial election as lumi-Ii ng eonclu-ivo evi dence that tho dominant party of the uirlh, which its&oon to take possession of the Tcilera! Governtneiit under that elcc lion, lire deteriniiied to invade and ties troy their constitutional lights le-liev-ing ;hat their iloinoiiic io -i :i '.tioi -. their beat tlistonei", and their family altars, aie bll to be assailed, nt least by mdirei'l nieam, nnd that tho Federal Uovern iiienl in to be Used forth-! inauguration of a line of policy w hich shall liavo lor its ohject ti.e ultiiiiate extinction of slavery in i.ll tlm State , old as well as new, son th -m ttt-ll ;n ivrlli, the southei n peojilo ote prepared to Ji m h wildly, inndly, as I ihitik, into revolution, disunion, war, and C.e'.v tin.' consequences, whaleierthey may ). ralliei ft r.tl t; wait fol tho deiolop lueiit of eve nis, or submit tumelv lowhat ll.ey llniiK is a lalal blo.v iiupeinPng over , uem ud overall ihey hold dear on ei th. ! ll liltttleis not, ho fai as no and Ihe peace t l tlio Country nn i im; iato ol tlio I ::on are edict I ned, m hether theso aiijr;.hen ions of the Soulhol n peoplo aiu reul or nimgiiinry, wdielher liiev ate well loundej orwiinliy w ilhout to.indu io;:, as long as ihey b.dif ve tliein an. I aio 'ieiermined lo rt upon llieui. The .Senator from Uiiio, lilr. WaJo, whoie (.iteech wan received :tu co muoli l.tvorljy hid polmcil lnends the other day, referred lo those i-erious . . . i t it i - . " j prenensiJiis, aua acniiowidugoa ins no l.tl'tliM the southeru peoplo were labor ing under lha conviction that thev vei well four.tlod. lla v.as kind tnough to add that lot did not blame, the southern people murh for w'.cit they were doing under this fatal mi rpprrheiinion ; but cast the whole bhiine upon the northern Democracy ; and refcr backs, and w hero they dare not go lo re ioJ n-peeiady to his colleague and my- ply to 1110, thoio things which 1 wfs in t-ll', U-Laving niisrepresoniod and falsi- the habit of saying 10 th;r faces, and in iii'd the purposes and policy of the Ko- ' the presence of tlieir lead it s, w hcl ts they pubiiciin parly, ami for having made tho! wen. in ihe ninjoiily. toutlicin people Lclieve our niis.epi-escn-j )at inasmuch as i do not get a direct uitiou J Ho does not blamo the southern 'a.iswer fiotn the Senator who' makes this peo;le for acting on their honest convic- elurg'.'ag.uiisi the Northern Itcnioci .icy, litais in resel ling to revolution to aver! Hs lo the purpt ses of that pat ly to u 10 the n iuiiending but imagit.ary calamity. power of ihe l'cderal Govei nutont under .No ; he does pot blame them, because they their construction of 1 tie Constitution, Wieve in the existence of tho danger ; 1 with a vi nv to the ullimtt'o extinciion of yt he will do no act to undec'ive (Item : will vliiirrv in the, ShIik. I will imn 1,-1 ih.. tj.,-r sft'p tu rcLcielhilr vu'wful aniirelu ' nsiou. and'i:ttl furnish no 'iaiuntcft, tin tccui'ily u ynt'i.f Ikt tlanyrrs vh '.ch tiny liclti'VC til exis!,uid tli existence of which litfl denies; but on (he contrary, he demand unconditional p'jhiii'.s.siou, threatens war, and talks u- .0111 aiuiies, navies, nnu nuiiinry lorco, , !ur the u:'poseoi presorving urn C uion ; It may not bo impioper hero lo reinaik und enforcing the laws! 1 submit whelh-1 that this puhhciti .11 is unfair towatds uje, cr this mode of treating tho q.ieslion ii for the reason licit Mr. Lincoln pctsonal tiot calculated to confirm the worst np- ly icv iscd and coi reeled his ow n speech prt'hensioiis ol ihesoulhoru people, nd ' wil hou t giv ing mo an opportunity to fmce thent into the most exueartJ nioas- correct the numerous circus in mine. In ure of resistance! uiucli a the publication is made under 1 t egret that the Senator from Ohio, or the tanclion of Mr. Lincoln lumst ll, ac Htiv oilier Senator, shouhl have deemed it companied by a loiter liom him ll.id he consistent with his duty, under present 1 has revised tlio speeches by vcibnl correc circumstances, to introduce partisan poii- jtions, nod thsieby nq-iroved them, il bes tics, and attcinpl to manufacture partis ' coiiius impoi taut to ho'v w hat his views sii capiu 1 out ot u question involving tho are, since ha is in the daily habit ol rcler l'C'acc and slety at to.) country. 1 repeat ring to those speeches lot Lis present what 1 have nnd i'n another occasion,' hat opinions. if 1 know myself, my anion will be inll i-' Mr, Lincoln was nominated for Uni'eu :iced by 110 pinii-jn c .Lmdorali ins, until States Sen -it or by n Iiepul'lioan State con o thail have rescued the countrv from ' vention at Sorin -lield in J une. JSott. Am the perils w hie h environ it. Hut since ticipaling the nomination, ho had care the Senator has atle mpled to throw the ' fully prepued a written speo.-h, which ho whole responsibility of the present, dith-' delivered on the occasion, und which, by rait es upon the 1101 ibei n Ieuioeraey,and order of the cni.riTtion, was published lus clitirged us wil Ii niiMepreseniing and among ihe proceeding as contain i 111; the falsifying the purposes nnd policy c the platform tl .rinciples upon which the! Ilt'publican party, anil '.hereby deceiving canvass was to be conducte.l. M010 im j tin-southern people, I feel culled upon to poetance is due to this fpeech than to I'opel ihe charge.idid show that il is with- these delivered Jndr the t-.xcileinent of " OUt m l 1. ...l.v... -r-f i . I .. 1 tl 1 Vrt ... . I .1 ... I t . . I! . I .1 - i-iiii'iwii .'i I...1..S...V. ..v. until 1 1 ... . . , . 1 . .. . 1 1. "'"g woui'l re oice more uoin niyseu m 11 in ruin a v 111 . inoi tood, it,., , tne 1 par.; 1. ifl conviction, il 1 could nniy Tecnnvin 1 of ilithict, that 1 have uusu nderslooi "I'd ron-eqiieiitly inisreiu-csi'iitcd Policy and ih-it'us of ti e Kopu'olican I i lv. Pioduat the evidence and convnico: 4 tiio of niv error. nmJ I n iil lake more sure in making tho correction and ro- j tl ' -- - .... - j'liring the injustice, than I ever have in- Leii in denouncing what I behoved to bo Kit urjust and ruinous policy. since a jolicy was initiated with the a-, miles. Witii the view td nscertaining whethftr, vowed object ond confident promite of ff,j-A "Washington rorrespondent of 1 Itnve Misapprehended or laisiejiieceutt putting an end to slavery agitation, Un. 1 the N. Y. Express makes the stsrllin" as p the policy and purpose. oftho Ktpub-, der the operation of that policy, that agi- nertion that ollicers of Msaehueits reg 'ii'an party, I will now inquire of the Son- i taticin li.-u uot only not ceased, but ha iments complain that they have been com "or, and yield the tloor fur n answer; , constantly uugmcnted. Ilsniy opinion, ' pelled to pay front SliOO lo ?4dti rh for "asther it 1 not the policy of hit party It will not ca"? until n crifii shall bare ' commissions from the Slur, to confine Invci y vviiliin i l h pro-eni lim - I been reached nnd pas-ed. A house divi its by the uc inn of I In) Icdorid Govern-led nsjinst it-elf cannot stand ! I believe rneir. Whether they do nut intend lo 1 1 hi ( hivcrnmciit cannot endure pcrma iibnle-h ntc.l prohibit ,.!av("V ly net ofjiionllv halt slave .ttid half free, 1 do not Corwres, ti;nivillin(iiini,ii ; tin; decitinn '!' 1 eviicJt tho Union lo I " 'lissolvcd - 1 do the Suj f.-ine Court to Ilia contraiy, in nil n ijp i err. tones wo now possess, or may 1 bote after :t i u i i-e f Whether ho unl his ,ty ,IU! ,r iilV(T r ,.,.,, nil)J, ,0 j their master tint fugitive slave Hint wn j. ? l ., t, J ,Tj Kivotl0 jtcnnlur mi oiiJirt miity now to snv :ir. iiAi), .nr. I iHciu ! Mn. LMioi.as. One other qm-stioii, and 1 will give ivny. M U'.u,k. ' Very well. JIr,- l)'iri!i..w, ' 1 will give the Sen n for an oppoi iimity of saying now w hether it in not lint polny of his parly to exert nil the powers of the JYilmal Oovei nmer.t uii.uTuiei.oi.Mi.inion, accor.lmg to tlieir tt.lotio.lr.li . -.f . i . . a l,";U"n "lu" 'urwuiiieui, 10 res- train ai:d cripple the inslituiiou o! slaw- ry, Willi u viev to its ullimale ex t inet ion ;.. .. 1 1 . i. . . .. . .. . .it. ...n . . in i tin .jiaiis, oi j tis wen as ih"., sou Hi I tin well as north. An; not these the views and purposes of the parly, as proclaimed by their lead-I ei", aii4 iii.d.iion..l by the peo)le, in speee.ifs, iKiitreses, sermons, newnipei s, and pubiio iixetiiis ? Jiow, 1 will hear his aii.swi).'. Mk. Wahs. Mr. lVsidont, all these qiiesl ions are mo-,t pertinently nr.sweifif in th j speech i in- XeiiMior is profe.-siug to tinswi'i-. If hu w ill read my speech, he will find my bi'iitiiacnlii uj ou ull those (pie-tiolis. Mil. 1 'oi'ulau. Mr. J'lesidt-nt, I dill Dot expect un lineoiiivoc d ai.s.'.er. I k now too w ell t liat I ho Senator w.ll net !euy that f itch (, these inlet rogat il les do expre-K his indiviiuud policy and the uy oi too jk- piioiiCiin party as liu tiiuli'i'. 'lands it, 1 (tliould lint have propound, d Ihe interrogatories to him il lie had l:ot licensed me mid the northern lA-norr ,uy ol having nilsr.ipieselitcd tl pOlll'V Ol uii: lUii.ii.MU 'i . IlIIU Willi :1V II'' deceived lint southern people by sucu misrepiesoiita'tioiis. The most obnoxious . ' ' 3 Keiituueiils 1 ever attributed to the ll publican ptrty, and that not in tho South out in iiorlh-rii Illinois and the stiong , hohls ul Abolitionism, Was that I hey iiis ' tended lo e.vtreise the pow ers of tlio l'"tid eial 'io oi nuiMiit w illi a v low to the ulli mate v.:tiiit;ti':i of t.!.it.ery in the souih ei u dla'.es. I have expressed my hehct, and would b - g..d to bo c in oc:e l if 1 am in error, that ii u iho policy of that ptirly tocxcuid.i slavoiv from all tho Torrtiories wo now ijos-cii or may iioquire, W illi a iew oi s-o rounding th" slave St.-ites .villi a cordon of abolition Slates, and thus eon- Dti" the instituiion within m:cIi narro'.v lioiiti that, when tl Iiiliiibcr liiLtreasei li 'vond tho capacity of tho to.l lo l.iisu food lor I ho Mibsiilonce, .ho institution must end i:i btaivation. coljnizatiou, or set vile insurrection. Ihaveollen expos ed the enormities of this policy, ai.d ap pealed lo the poop kv ol 1111110111 to know - - w hothci this uiodo of getting rid evils of sl.iverv could bo iuslifiod - ot the evils ol sl.iverv could ho lu.-lilioil in Ihe liainn of civilial inn. tiiirnaiittv tin.l Chris. tiinitv? 1 l.avo olteu used these nr-ii-I ' . moms in the Htrongi-st a'lolition portions of the North ; but never in tiio ISi.uth. 1'iitt tru' h it, 1 have always been very mild and ge'nllo upon tho - Kepiiblicins , w hen addressing ,1 southern audience ; lor it seemed ungenerous lo sav behind theii lecord ol their 1 resident elect, and tee what he :iy -i on that subject. 'Ihe Ko publiciins liav e gone lo the trouble to coiled and publish in pamphlet form, un (iei the sanction of Mr. Lincoln, the tie- dates which took place between him and niyvjlfin the senutt.ri.'il canvius cf Ii-jS ticii.tiii 01 loiiu uiscussiou oy tne cxit'oiK .. . c cies 01 llje con est. Tin t iaL fiv cie 01 1 ne con est. 1 he first lew Para- erni.lw . 1 i ,1 !..-i 1 "-".l'1" grnpn.s which I will now read, may Lola - L.i n- ., r,.; . 1. , I.? - - 1 i.etn a-, u tin.' statement of his in-mion and f....lit- ,a ,,, ' it leein.gs uj'on tho slavery questioii, Mr. Lincoln said? "Mr. 1'iesidcnt nnd Gentlemen of tho Convention, if w ennhl (irt !,.... ....-v !tl!W, nuviQ we are and whii her wo are tending, we!'"'"ie niarcLing four abreast, and uc could belter judge what to do and how to do it. V'e are now far Into ih fifth vsr 1 1 t expert the liouso to full but do ex I ,,.i.r it V ill MK) to bit llil'illlMl It will I'i'iVUHP all onu thing or all ll.e other. Kilher tlie oppnncnls of ol.ivery w ill nr rest tin) furl lit r Hp rend of it, and plnce it w lif re the public mind xliull rest in the belief thut it U in tint coinso of ultimate extinction, or its advocate will push it forwurd, till It hhall alike becomo hwful in nil the State. old a well a new, North us well as South." There you ir told by the President elect thut (hit Union cannot penuiiit-n tly endure divided into Iron and slave States ; that these Males lnu--t all l;i;ionnt l:ei' ot ) i.ive, nil become o.,e thing or :ill ' . . r . ,.. t he other; that tiiH iiL-ilatiou will never cease until the opponcii's of slavery have l es1 ri'iiu'd i's expansion, and lave olai'ed il where the public mind 'v ill be I sati-lied that it w ill Im in the course of . ultimate extinction. Mark tho laiis gunge : "Ki'lier the opponents of slavery will i arrest tic furtiier spread of it ?" We are now told that the otjeo! of the Kepublieun piu ty m to prevent the exten sion of slauery. What diil Mr. Lincoln ;iy ihut I ho opponents ol blavery tniitl ) ami lus imcniiqiif rahlc troops huve : cluev ,'iisl prevent the further spiead of it. liut ed it deed t hat will make their memories that is not nil What cIm) iiiu.it they do'.' , glorious lor generations to coliie. To "And pltiee it where Ihe piibl.': inincl can rest II. the belief that 11 course ii.'" ultimate extinction." "The ultimata extinction of w hich Mr. lincoln was theiispi lated to tiie S.ates of this U had leiereneo to tho i-outheiu lliis Confedi lacv ; for, in the is in the slavery, ol' nkir.g, i or. nioii. lie Stales of next n'li- tclicc, he s:t s that t he Statec mii-t ti 11 be--come on ti ing or all the other "old as ! well as new, north as well as booth" Ll . I,. i I,,,.,. Ml ll.it lli,. I., ' ,, ,,l . 1 U Itl i U ll ' I . 1 U A 'I I U 3 ' .1 . 1 ' .! i . 1 . the Lepu'ohcan parly was lo keep up this agitation in the i cdoial Government un til slavery in the Status wns placed in the process of ultimate extinction. Now. Mr, when tho Kepublieun committee have published mi edition of Yr. Lincoln's speec hes containing sentiments like ihc.-e, and circulated it as actuipaign document, is it surprising (hat the people of thu South .should mpposo that he was in e u iii st, and inteinled to carry out the polis cy which he hi I announced ? 10 l;u W.MI.Mtl). niANXSGIVIKQ PLOCLALIATION 7,:.VA.bl'Z.r.l.7.1. .S'.S': In ikf i.jivr (nil; ihe aulhvrily if the f cm HlitrtlitJifl J C'Oi.o, ouK, AM'nKW ti lA'm l.v , O'ucttrnuf 4 01 Cuiionctitecuuh. !':0CI.AMATi0.'. WIILKLAS. Lveiy geod li'l H irom above and conies do.vn lo us Inmi the A I-: mighty, to whom it is lnct!t, right and iho i bouniieit luty of every people to render thanks for Ills mercies; Therefore. 1, AN-! DlibW (J. CL'IM'JN, Governor of the Comnionwealtn oi rennsvlviinia, do le-i 1 . i. . . ,...! ., i- 1 1. 1 v.. l,l"lmtllu lu ",c i"-"i"" v.w....v,...- weallli, that tlieV t t apart TIIUKSUAY. Hih Ul'' N'OVl'MllFK i N LXT, as a day of Kolt'inn .Thanksgiving 10 God, for having prepared nur corn anil watered our furrews, and blessed the la bor of the husbandman, and Clowned the year with His goodness, in the increase 1 f Ihe ground, and I he pallif 1 ing in ot tho f;u;l I hereof, so that our bams ine filLd with plenty; and for having looked favor ably on this Commonwealth, and slieiith. mud the Lars of her gates and hle-sod the children within hei, and made men to be of one mind, and picsei ved pence in her borders; lleseeohing Hun also on lie half of these United States, that our be loved country may h tve deliverance from those great and apparent dangers where with fhe is compassed, and that the loyal men now battelim; in the field for her life mav have their aims made stron' an 1 heir blows heavy, and n.ay Lo shielded by His Divine power, and that llo w.ll mercifully sti'.l the outrages of peiveisf, violent, unruly and jcbellious pcopls, and make them chaii hearts, ami renew a riglitPpiritwilhinthe.il, und giv them grace tout, they inny see the error of their ways and bring forth fruits meet for re pentcnee, ani hereafter, in all godliness and honesty, obedienliy walk ill 11 is holy commandments, nnd in submission to the iost nml niHlii'i.st niitholilv of Iho lennh- . . . . . 1 . risburg, this Fixteenth dav cf 1 October, in ihe year of our Lortl, 'one , thousand eight liundred nnd ,-ixty one, and of tho Comtiioiiwenli h, the riehiv sixth. A. G. Cl'UlTN. ' tr the covruNoit: Y.i 1 Si trtK, fii'irrctary f te C!,iri"iMalth- A Cattioim Jtucir. An Irish judgfl tiled two liotoriotn fellows tor highway robbery. To the ustonishnient of nle, 1 court, us well a the jTisonors thciiisclvas, they were found not guilty. As they were being removed from the bar the judge, addressing the jailor, Paid; "Mr. Mur- I phy, you would greatly ea-o toy mind if 1 ' J 1 1 1 1 .1 " . 1 you would keer, these two re.speetu , t .1 1 tr . J-'C'd cmen tinti seven, or half-past e , fc. , , r T .,,,.,'., ni lo clock, for I mean to set out lor I'ul 1 ... , . , mt . ,,, , , at live, and I thould like to have al It would Keep inese two respecuime ven Pullil least two hours' sturl of them." B5ulftho army of the Potomac was companied with wagons, ambulance' and i ammunition trains, it would extend J30 lie, so that we, leading a quiet and peaoo ' ueu 11 wns ihumi hiui. ueu. oaus-s e.. lul life, iny continually oiler unto Jluu vi.-ion was cio.-sng over to Viigmia, to our wicriliee of praise nnd thankf-givine. I Mippoi t Gen. Suine. ex. Semi!or Benja , , Give n und- r my hand and thei'1"11''' wh 'Vvas in the 'S a: Oilico in Kich i L. S. s ..tp.it Made I' lie Suite id iliir. ! umnd, snapped Ii i3 lingers an J exclaimed. Battlo of Call's Bluff. We tiiUe the follow in;; account, tiik.-n I'ioiii tint Richmond, Vj. pnpers, fro, the Philadelphia JWs.i of (ho '2Mb. Oi-n Victory at I.l:Ks,u;1;o.Thrt victorv of Colonel. (now d.-r.d) Kvaiii, at Lees'. I, org, o:j Monday, wns even inoro com plete mid e'licus lluui we vesicrdny re norted it, In addition to tfn? despatches wo then published, one was rooiive.d by tho l rcsident, Tuesday night, from the chief of licneiitl P.eaurcgard'.H UX, Col. Jordan, in r hieh he ?ays: "I have to report tlio capture of (V)'J prisoiH-r.tind l,'M0 stand ofurms. Their killed (lt d wounded amount to between l.OoOor J, ':". Tin; rout was total. The fight was un infantry engagement exclu sively. Tho forces engngod were the Kighlli Virgiira and the fcei cntcenth nnd I'ighiee'illi Mississippi regiments the Thirteenth Misr,issippi being held i:i re serve. No ariilierv was tired by us. "lhese gn at rciiilis, bi, it remeinV-red, .veto ichieveil by il.Ur) men, tighting against pn iii), wi'h live battel ics of ur- I 1 1 1 1 - I v "i: their tide, nnd nniia in use en Mil's. Oic nun tokf, with a strong ar tilleiy loice helping tin; four. Iliitoiy shows lew fentd 'ol arms so upl indid. llencefi.i lh tin? namtt of (ieneral Kvitis j w ii take its olnre on the roll of heroes. ; have. beer, witn l.vnns at I.e' slan ir. will ! he for each one id' lhi.in, hci Oiifier, uu in. j disputable pro. if of dauntless Void', and j w iil constitute (or each a title and pass i port to the gratitude of his countrymen. I Wi'h l'orcc criialiy dispi opoilionej, Ihey I have stricken the pn ,i:n:j.tij.)i;s imadeis i bloiv that has bent ihem h;n"erii!" and 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 - is i 1 1 :g link from the sod their I'oot : steps polluted, and that must make the ! L'ini'.t usurpation at Washington bhirl lof I I; i-riii f rill Its linn a t. II uv, as yet, without the liitnies of I any of the brave men who have fallen on our side, inaityrs in the -.acred struggle I for impel Hied liberty Uiu.1 a leleagut led jhind. We hymputlii.e in the anxious so -;licitud' of (hose whose friends met the I foiluiies of this memorable fight, and I .-nine of w In m now .sleep beneath the noil 1 their Kell'-dovotion has consecrated. They ; l ave fallen nobly, as true men. and the ! country mourns w ith those who are be reft. Let this bo their consolation." I Hessians h. 1 pkctku. Order v.er;v vest ;terdav given to the officer a in charge of , the Viinkoo prisoners to prepare for the I reception of s-ix hundred inoro of Old I Abe's niorcenariei. 'I he. capacious to , b icjo Wai f oou-e of l'obert A. idavo, oil iwenty, nun oetweer. -vJain and i.-ary strottis, w.ts I hereupon ingticctl for I heir reception. They will be hero about 'J o'clock .his morning. Ail tho inconve nvnee and trouble they mav bo put to vhilo lo re or ehonhero will no doubt bo "taken out" in lefi-hnnded praveis for their master, "Old Abo." Extihthcr Tuk Coast or NoiiT'i Cwiouva. We are glad to learn that Lri jiulier Gene; al Hill is putting everything in motion in- department 011 our coast. lie is erect ing new iMiieries, ana pulling everyuiing in order for the reception of (lie enemy. We .earn th.U our sounds will bo covered with nniied vessels to uect the fto at ev ery point. We observe that Gen. Hill' makes 11 leq-iisiiiou upon tho psople of Craven for cut: fourth of their slave force .'or two weeks to ni 1 in the construction ' of the ballt lies. II .? also proposi s lone.' cept a regiment or bait' lion of volunteers for "local tluicr.ee," from the counties of, Hyde, l'e..utoi t, 1 '1 aven, Carteret, Jones,! t'llslow, linn ..C lio:'-, to serve 111 the coun ties where ll.eV belong, except ill HI! emergency. HVi'.j. SoFtEXINO.- The Mcni)'his l;';'"'learn:' that rait-on L'i -ow i.lnH , of the Klioxvilhi HV.'v, has become so sol'leucd lo the Con- altcdeiate Slates, 1 hat h-j even whi-peis of raising a regiment, mr mo war joi i. A Washington letter is the au'.lioiily for Ihe 1'ollo.viiig story : The wisdo;n of General MeCMtan, in oideiing ,ien. Links' nnd lien. Slonc's . . ..... columns irom Virginia uafK to tlieir on giual posiiioiH in Mary land, on Tuesday 1 1st, will bo lecogniiit d and fully uppre- ciate l, when the tact is kno.vn lhat jt.il'. I'avisand Cabinet at KiohniOnd wore do. I'ghted at loo i.li a of capturing the Fed oial f.iici-s on the upii-T l'otouiac; and . 1. , I ..... . TI..1. 1 " We have gel Iho Yank. oi-der was uiimediately h.- ecs now.' Iho lssueu to scud 11!) 1 1 einloi ceine ins irom rauass.is 10 uenei.ii j Lv.ins, ut Lcesburg, to the iiiiinbcr of for ty thousand men, 80 that at the present time there is at least filly thousand men i i.i the vicinity of Leosbur;. - r t . 1 t3. The Nashua, N. II. Manufacluring Company have contracted with t ne Gov- ernuiciil lo furnish ."Oil, Odd cotton flannel dia v ers, all to be sewed by hand. frjf The New Oilcans 7c!l4 exults over the lact that six bundled i-harcs of the Ii.ilik of Louisiana, owned fy Win. Ji. Aslor, have I n coidi-ci.ted. In good was worth fl-iO a shine, times the stoc. which makes Mr. Astor's loss ;J,),t)Ui). Colonel Raymond Io, who was capturetl by the Confederates in Ihe en gageuiciit at Edwards' Ferry, wns former ly a particular friend of Jell'erson Iavis Leo eradualed tit West To'ini in the tame class wi'h Davis, taking the first rank, while tho latter stood iwcnty-tlirte. C.-liJ The newspaper correspondents have begun to kill Hrockonridgft One ol them has shot him "by one of his own pickets by n isiako." It is the same kind of death that Hoauregard and Jed". l;vi and Hen. McCulloch ttulfefed only stib bod with a quill- ssva the rrovidenee Juirniil. Srlinious JHisttI(;irn. flfSuTheie are, persons who forgive in juries but cannot (01 get. They bury their "rievftiiocs but set a s'.oim at the ruvc. Btu When wo rliK ourselves morn in clined to persecute limn to pei'Hiiade. we may bn very eei tain tint nurzoal Im.s a greater amount of pride in it than char ily. IP-I-carn in childhoot), if vcu can, I hat happirten is not oipHde, but Inside. A gocd hem t and a clear conscience bring ha piness, hicli no 1 'i-he-i and no cir cuuisliiuites alone evt'r do. Ci".Suppoie there whs a little pond or lake in the immediate viciuiiv of the ocean, unconiteeted with it what would hinder tljal pond or hike I'ioiii being cone stuntly full 1 Nothing; but cutting oll'ils suppliit.s from the ocean. Sn with Chris tinus nnd their Savior, There is a le.-s sullicieney in him, and if th y have not grace niion grace, renewing, pardonim.' justifying, und sanctifying grace, it ii be cause they allow their coinniuiiic ttion with him to hu interci'pled. It is eve: their privilege to be replenished from his great abundance, to bo "complete in hiui.' P4Manv Chi Niians are nlilicte.d with 'evil tenipeis ; they cancot ruhiihtir tem J pers, or rather, they do not try. Some j indulge occasionally it: tils of anger ; and I others' ,ite haunted by habitual, daily, life 1 long fretl'ulncss The one sort ji (jener ; illy calm and pellucid 11k un Alpine lake;, j but on some special trovocaiion. is t-ed t up into .1 magnificent tempest ; the other I is like the ii.i-phoi us 011 a c-Jiitinual stir, 1 and even w hen not a bieath moving, by I the cotilmricty ol its internal currents, vexing it elf into a ceUt.ole.s3 .whirl and eddy. CrWe are intelligent beings, eniinved with minds crpable of lormiiig ideas and gaining know ledge. It is certainly noc ttss iiy that w e should g iin a knowledge of business ; but b-t us learn to comprehend tho great cause o( oor existence; h.-ain that '"tis not all of life to Lvo" and niako money, or glory for otM'.-elves, but that we should improve wlut tion has given us, sloiing up knowledge while heio which will lit us lo d o good to our fellow men, and which wi'l prep-ire us to enter jojlu'ly upon and everlasting eternity. BC"ille who lives arid toils fo aocti ulu late wealth ;.iT .", lives and toils to 110 ur:os(. Money i a jiowci I'ul lover for the elevation of man's condition if prop erly applied, and lioin this purpose it should not be perverted. There is cnou.-h wcallh in the world to male rial ly benefit the human family il it possessors would but learn its proper use. Tho n iserly no cumnlaiioti ot vToalth is one of the most senseless tilings imaginable. Tho miser contrive and calculate., counts and eoin fj ti 1 03, making investments with ns much care and concern as though hi life de pended upon the further accumulation of a cent, ?.ec!iiuula(iiig money with which to make menu, always drawing it. from its proper channels and heaping up to no purpose ; and when death comes ha got.s into eternity with hii iian Is empty, and unhappy w ith the consciousness of being a public robber. J.'ss-Thero urn multitude of rn-Mi who all tlieir iil'o lot. g fail of Christian duty, but always hold la lore them-elves this revlv shield : "I uieiii iit;ht." Now the proper evidence of meaning righli.s doiii; right. 'I'hel e is no ev idi ncc that e-toi bo justly accepted. An imbecile good Pa li, re is ro! lie'.n.liig iv'ut-. Toem are thousands oi men who, if mere nr.itabit novs is me, tiling riulit, if a kind ust -les bencvoii iici; is lneaiiing lild, have ri'ht iiitmitions. There 1110 tlious ands who pres.- ihrougli I I'e without any distinct purpose, apparently, without any seeming (h'site to do riht, who hold theiilseives to be ex tisahh' for their faults and failing simply on tho ground of meaning well, of having good intention. J 1 : ; 1 it 1 n L a it k M-: .s s T ravelling up on one of the grout mil ways abroad, as wo name to long, dai k tunnel, which, on our entering it, shutn.it Irom the wh 1I3 -x-tent .-!' -I e l,i; ;il at, I !! int'ilng 'voild. I ob-erved th-it. whiie ilio light ol'tl w wa failing -tuil living otl'tliroii;':i the wmdo vs of the sw il'lly-relling car, some othei light till then unnoticed, poured forth its rays till it illumined lie' w hob; spsce, which with our fellow passcu-ers, we occupied. It was I iio Ihinie of a lamp. In-itning out t.f sight nliove oor beads, but cotniii-; into use in time ol need. So in the d i.k p is sages of mortal li e, here ihe bistro of wcildly pospeiiiv of hie van beams ol' coin fori from above, -h a-.' ;y. which bo. fore we never saw, and pt limps ha 1 never ielie ved in, visit our gloom, and cheer us in our de-solution. 'ihey tiro the day spiing frum on high ; they are (he dawn ol' i.no! her morn ing upon all our nights of earthly darkness; they lire the true nnd lively La: 'Lingers of all our human dwlin io. Patience and iJiscr.riioN. Wliilo Andrea Mantagii 1 was employed at Koine I y l'ope Innocent VII I, a vle is inl tiri'l characteristic incident ocuried, which does honor both to him and the 1 'ope. His lloliness was nt this time much occu pied nnd disturbed by state nll'airs, and it happened that the payments were not made villi the regularity which Andrea desired. The l'opo sometimes visit n.J Andrea nt his work, and oi.edny he asked the meaning ofa certain female which be was painting. Andiea replied, with a significant look, that- he was trying to represent J'atienr. The I'ope under standing bim, ot once replied, "If you .v.t'iM fiint J'stien'-e in fitting rtij ust , 'jolt rhoiild paint f ,,ro,' 11 at her side." 1 Andre.'i totk the bint nnd said no more; nnd when Ins wt'i-K wns '; pit I r-l tho pope not only paid him tlio sum stipula ted, but lewai.lcd him niaeiiiticeiitly be sides. I Kklmon in Ukvvkx, llow short is (ho earthly history ol a family '. A lew Fhort I ) ears, and those who ure now embraced, 1 111 n family circle will be bca'.teied. Tiio childroii, now lha objects of it tender solicitude, w ill havo grown up atrd goin lloilh lo lhih' lospeclivo slit'.ioiis in tlio world. A loiv years inore, und children jtidpiireiitsvv.il bnvo passed from lhis earthly sla;!. 'J heir inuiics will no Inng ttr be build 1 111 their prcK'iit dwelling. Their domestic love-s and an.h lies, h.tp" joiie.-s mid sorroa.s, will bo a lo. latid fur gotten history. Every iiearl in which it win vvi utoii will bo mouldering in the du.l. And ir tins all '.' Is mis tlio wlmlo B.iiinfaciioii v.iiicli ! piovided ha' some ol ihe strongest letluigs ol our hearts.? How' cm such transitory l'cnic's, with whom our connection is so bid', engtigo all tho lovo we can led .' Vt'liv should not our feelings loward.v thuiu Po as IcL-ble and unsatrsl) ing as ihey ' liut blessed bo G iJ, this is not all. Of this ho b;l' g'vcri U3 , perfect, assurance in tiio go-pel o lii-i S m, I i'liotigh to thceyo of iiueiilightciicd na j tui c Hie llol ol dollleslio lovo sue-ill scat jteied iitlo tho dusl, iho tpuiilual eye of I faltli peicttives lhat they have btjeu looii ened on earih, ouiv lo ho resumed under far happ.er ciiouiiHlnnces, in tne region of tvuriasiing lovo and biiso. 'JhiiugU the hisioiy ol .1 family may seem to bo forgotten when the lust member of it is in thegravc, tlio memory of it slill live'3 with im:noriul souls, and when tho cuclo is wholly dissolved on earth, it i auin completed in heave:;. The Lldtion 1011 Assistant Bisnor or l-uc lioctss lv i'ENNsVLV.i ma. Si. An drew 's Church . E ghth stroet, above Spriico presoliled on vVednesday iDOlliiiig h-t, u sole-niu and impressive st.-ene. Tne occa sion was that of the assembling of the clergy and laity, for tho purpose of elect ing an Assistant liishop to fill tiio vacancy occasioned by the dealli of lii-.iiop S imuei Howman. The altar was tastefully (Imp ed with black velvet, trimmed with doep f-. ingo and tassels. The c'mro!) was crow ded to excess, tho delegalei occupying lh'.1 front seats along the main aisle, whilst the pet's on both sidi-st ivcrei filled to their inmost capacity by members of the church and the gill"iies contained a large conn course (;l lad'os. Tho Un. Ii. Stevens, tho lector of M. Andrew's Church deliver ed iho sermon After referring to tho vit isitudos cf life, the speaker reviewed l!ie career of tho deceased from hi t-aily youth, und of 1, 13 Hub.equent im prcssioii cf I be importance ofa knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Loni in tho beautiful valley ol the Wyoming, whiyh hi-to:y has made e las-sict.d, he began ut the very beginning of the present century, the work of the ministry, and had completed more than threescore years when bis Master called to. hiiu, and said: "This day thou shalt bo with tne." lis was ordained Pcaeou by liishor. While, in lS'.M ; In 1SJ7 appointed associate rector of St. James' Church, Lancaster. Sever al years since he w as elected As?. slant riii p of tho Pioccso of rent) -y lvairia. li tliij capacity he uctcd as a true and faithful overseer ot the house of God 1 man cf true catholicity, a man impartial, energetic aiil sympathizing ho m ule his presence 11 living benedn'.iou 111 loo neart off: very one in his Iiooe-e. Tho ''invention, at half past two o'clock took a i.voi.t unlti lour, v. i.en, t.c ic-:li-seinbliiig. 1 in' cleruy procct'tlt.d to ballot for iho A -: -1 u 1 1 1 Ih-hop. Th" first ballot st Hid as follows : llcv.s. J.-.ines May, 50 ; A ' '. Cox, '"'J ; W. P. Stevens, "J4 ; II. J. M 'Hon, o7 ; M. P.'woli lloA-e. 0 ; P. K. U 'o I .vm. 4 ; G. IC, Hare, J.; S. II. Weston, J ; P. W. C. Morris, 1 ; Geo-go L.-ed. L ; 'arles M ison, I ; and blank h, making a lolnl of 1 "til votes cat t. Necessary 10 a chaice, 77. Tlio soon 1 ballot was mater; illy tho same as tin: first. The third stood as bil lows': Stevens, i") ; M.ty 11; Moitou ;iO ; Cox ",!, and se'at'eriiig Ll. Tin. to bcinj no choice, on motion, the Convent on ad journed ti meet again at Id o'clock on Tii'irsd.iy morning 1. 1st. J.ist b 'fo.-o t!i nnno'iucemeiit M the resi.il oi' ! ho ih't d ballot, a sci ics of res.ihn ions ere off r?. ftcpt ( s-1 vii ol' t iio deep regi el ol . he C-invention at. lh" sudden death of lhshop li oviiian, though they huinoly bo.v lo tha w ill of " 1 i i:n w i;o doc; Ii id' lion;, well." Tiie Convention o'f' .vd thr.r ren-.l tPoicj to tho bereaved f.onilv of Iho tloccasod. J'Ll lorr. Mas. Ii icii rrotc vt i.n's MixiV--. A wo. iti'iti hat es ti que- tion, but loves imisk one Tne h'urdt.' ia,u I , . t o p 'eiied 10 be lui'j.'iy !iieihodii:..L Who tt oui .l in"i'i ," a wtmi.fi who 1 ui tic i 'iMi'sl her lov h-tl-rs? Cupid ij ulind to everything sive pin money, 1 'raise a woman's t.v-tc and 3 ou may at. tuck her soil..,' with iiiipimi'y . Your candid lueiid h.v Ptvir ,r.nvt,ir.g jileasnnt to -tiy to you. II-, ieo,,no yoa of his pet virtic t.y wounding yo,i , i' h ii, j ll'you want to know a e. oux, ti's irco 1 charac ter, lingi r ul'ier the g.ic-. . h.ivi gone, and I. 'ten to what t.'.a i.a-i to say ub out tll.'tll. A wom to wins an old Mm ly listening to Is 1 111 ; and a young man by talking to him. 1 Eijoy to.-day, for to-morrow- tl c f.rst grtiv hair may comi. Hymen is only Cupid ii cuil papers. Women confess hula faults, lhat iheir cindor may cover gre.d out.. There are no ieison which exp'aii. love; but a thousand which explain mar riage. Age is venerable in man and irojlu be iii womnr-if she ever boeaine old. When a vroimm vo'vi tbnt th never ft . . . rl.t ,( fi rtiny 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers