HI Poivmuifliiiit uiuu j-tiw. ui uutvWi. Wo Intel v come Hcro33Hpper rub- i.. t'....w....,,.., T.,lin mil. H8ieu in awwnwjourg, iiiu.u.iu, cun. o.clocJt of Ul, pnrpoM Qtb,Mlas Af -Oil tho Ordde, dated May oi, 1823, ptai, from the Triennial Aamrsment, to will 1'iom Which WO take tho following : ! For thetown-hip ofOoebon-at t!iohool house Tl... V.n.v,..it,. ia a fwmKrr t,t nf th pnil.ttiv'tiJuaiCl.U coau twucn cxistea. in the KtuU) Of CvOIiCCtiutlt, dlll ing tllO time .f Ha rtlfcn and their iedU .' te deHcecdeuts oommonlj- culled tho' "Ilh L&Xt 0 CbniUXtiCUt.' ' 1. Tke Oorei-nor of Magistrate con-1 verjfd In General Assembly, fire the gtiprcme power, Under flod. oftllia in- rlnTw.nrlcnf rlnmininn ' UCDtnacnt aominion. Of tho i.. i;ruiniii ueikTiJiiiiuuuii vi ... Assembly no aine:il fbnll he- made. 3. The Governor is untenable to tho voice of the people. 4. The Governor shall have only a single vote to determiuo any measure, except a casting vote when tlicnsscm bly.bhall be equally divided. ., 5. The assembly of tho people shall not be dixnrWed by the Governor, but hall dismiss itself. (J. Conspiracy against the dominion shall be punished with DEATH. 7. Whoever fys "there is n power holding jurisdiction over and ubovo this dominion." shall bo punished with I)KAT1I and loss tf property. 8. Whosoever attempts to chango or everturn this dominion, shall flutter DEATH. 0. The judges chall determine contro versies without a jury. 10. No ono shall bo a freeman or give a vote unless ho be converted or a member in a free communion in one of the churches allowed in this dominion. 1 1. 7o one shall hold au office who is not sound in faith, and iaithful in this dominion ; und whoever gives a vote to such a person f hall pay n fine of ono pound. For the second offence he shall be disfranchised. 12. No quaker, or dissenter from th eetablishcu worship of this domin ion shall bo allowed to give a vote for the election of magistrate or any offi cer. 3. jV'o food nor lodging shall be affor ded to a quaker, adamite, or other heret ic. 14. If any persons turu quaker, ho Bhall be banished, and not suffered to return on pain of DEATH. 15. No PBIEST frbull abide in this 1 " T T" Itlll II a dominion, jie snail oe uanisneu ana suffer DEATH on his return. Priests may bo peized by any one without a tcarranL 16. No one shall cross a river but with an authorized ferryman. 17. No ono shall run offu sabbath day or walk in his garden or elsewhere, oxcept reverently to and from church. Is, jNo ono shall travel, cook vict- uals, ntako beds, sweep houses, cut hair 1 npIIDLSTEK -AND CAUKIACiK TKIM cr shave ou tho sabbath day. j u Lit, 19. No woman shall kiss her child on sabbath or fnsting day. I LtattJ at A. If. Xhiiw'i filh, om mile Kisi 20. A person accused of trespasses ' -f c!'VJd AoiouA in the night, shall be judged guilty, unless ho clear himself by his oath 21. "When it appears that an accom plice has confederates : and ho refuses to discover them, ho may bo RACK ED. 22. 'No ono shall buy or sell lands without permission of tho select meD. 23. A drunkard shall have a master ftTjpointod by tho sellect men, who is to dobar him the privilege of buying Or Selling. 24. Whosoever publishes a lie tO I tho tireiudice of his neighbor, shall sit iu tho stocks, or be whipped 15 stnipcs. 2o. No minister shall keep a school. 20. Man stealers shall suffer death. 27. Whoever wears cloathes trim med with silver or bone lace abovo two shillings a yard, shall bo presen- . j i Ii i leu UV UIU IIT USILl jurors RIlU lUe Sd- lect men Shall tax the Offender at the rate of threo hundred pound estate. oq t J . : .i-.l o. Autwa , ovjeuungumt, ho has no estate, shall be let out. 2ff. Whoever sets fire to tho woods, ond it burii9ahou8e,8ball suffer death, aud persons suspected of tho crimo shall bo imprisoned without tho bene lit of bail. 30. Whoever briugs cards or dice into this dominion, shall pay a fine of uve pounda. Jl. JNo ono shall road common pray , . ',11 vi, avi-u tmimimio ui omnia un) , iiiub.il th best style and bound in tbe mo tubstnn- minced pics, dance, play cards, or play 'ii manner, and arc worthy a piac in tb Li on any instrument Of music, except. br"r-T of every Hansehold in the Land. t 41 i i ,i r iSt-To men of enterprise and industrious bab- tho drum, the trumpet, and tho Jews 'it,. Ihil bll(il,B oBenn 0)prtllllity for prfiu harp. ! ablo employment seldom to be met with. 32. When parents refuse thoir Chil-I iR-'on desiring toaot as agents will re- rli-on aninl,l ,nianH K moi,l.l trates shall determine the point, 33. The sellect men, on finding chil dren ignorant, may take them away from their parents, and get them into better hands at the expeso of their pa rents. 34. Aman that Strikes bin wife shall, pay a five of ten pounds, a woman that strikes her husband phall be pun ished as tho law directs. 35. A wife shall be good evldonco against her husband. iU). So man shall court a ma id with out first obtaining tho consent of her- parontS fine pounds penalty for tho OlleilCe ten lor IhO second : and for third imprisonment during the pleas - . o 1 Urc Of tho court. 37. Married persons shall live to-j it . I PSZS. cut round according to a cap. r.Tohn Ponder, of Philadelphia, delivered to tbe Government on Fri day last, 10,000 ilinnio rifles, which arrived from Belgium In tho Bavaria. Bult is accrtaincd from nn official ourco that Gen. Wool has as yet re reived no instructions. His proceed ing to Missouri is, thereforo, a matter of uncertainty. I A rrl' snail riininu 121. ASSESSMENT. Nolio is hereby given that the Commissioners of Clearfield county will met t following pile, from 10 A. M. Ul 4 saw .owusnip. " K' .w. yar tl, township ofliirrd-at Ccrm Mill schc-d bouso, n Tuesdny the 12tb of vember. '"'w'ttVu 7 I? Member. For the township of karlbaus nt tho house of ,be UUl d- .", j ir Morris toiiihip-t the house formerly oe - etipied by Thus. Kyler, on Sutur. tho lOth day of 'November. , For he ,owt,hipor Ur.ilia.ii-..t tko House of Jacob llulleron Monday thi lsui duT ol Novetn - her. For the township of Bradford at 1'ie bouse of Wm. Hoover on Tuutduy the Utli day uf Ntrem- bt-r, For the townihip of Ilopgi at the bouae of Kdwurd Albert ou Wednesday the 20th dny of Noremher. For the towDahip of Ilecntnr at Ccutre rrhool bouie on Xbundey the 2rt day of Novt-mbor. I For the tnwnthip of Woodward at the bouie of John Whiteside ou Friday the 22nd day of No ember. f Fur the township of Uulirh at 'he achoul huuie in Juneivillc on .Saturday the 23d of Xo vetubor. Fur Kpcrnria township at the bouse of Sum- J u l M. Smith on Monday Ihe 25tb dny of No veuibor. Fur the tonnliip of Knox at Ihe Turkey Hill school bouse on l'uesday tho 2Cth dny of Noretn- J ber. 1 For the township of Ferguson at t' e house of Miumas u. uavii on neuncraay me z,tn oay oi Novembsr. Jordnn township at the public school bouse iu Anionville on Thursday the 28th November. Chest township at the school house near Si mon KvrHbauigh's, on Friday the 29th November. New Washington at the publio school hou.se for the borough on Saturday the 30th November. Rurnside township at the bouse of John Young ou Monday the 2d December. Bell towns' i at the bouse of A soph Ellis, on t Tuesday the ;ld December. Lumber City nt the public school house for the borough, on Wednesday the 4th December. I Penn townshir at the bouse of W. W. Auder , 10a, on Thursday the Sth December. Curwensville Borough at the bouse of Itaao Bloom, Jr., on Friday tho 6th December. Pike township at the house of Isnoo Bloom, jr., in the borough of Curwensville, on Saturday the 7th December. Bloom tow nship at the house of James Bloom, Sr., on Monday the 9th December. Brady township st the public house of O. W. Long (uow Wm. Seed) on Tuesday the lutu De cember. t'nion towushlp at the bouse of R. W. Moore, on Wednesday the 11th December. Fux township at tbe bouse of John I. Bundy, on Thursday the 12th December. Huston township nt the house of Jesse Wil son, un Fridny the 13th December. Clonrfield llorouirh at the Coininifainners' Of- ; (Ice In ClevBuId, on Monday the lilih December. Lonreuce township at the CommiKsionertT Of J fice in Clearfield, on Tuesday tbe 17th December. An nppenl Irom the valuations or tneoiited Lands will bo held at tho Coiuiuuaiours Office, on Th ur.' dny the 2nd day of January I8R2, nt which time nil persons iuturested must attend as no njipeul cnu bo taken nfter Unit Jute. By ur der cfthe Hoard of C'umtnisstuners. WM. hi. BRADLEY, Clerk. Commwiiuntvs Oilico. Oct. 7 th, '61. J O II N ODKLL Re,rectfn, inforn lU citin, 0f cieariicld ani adjoining conuties, thai he is at all times prepared to manufacture, nt the shorten notico, Hnir, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is a Kolding Mat tress, suitnble for CABINS ON RAFl'S, which can be folded iu small compass, and omptied ind refilled at pleasure ; aud very cheap. He also trims Cm rUgei, makes repairs to all kinds pf Carriage Trimming nnd Upholstery, and makes Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of nny thirk uess or length. taken in Etching for work til-Country Produce, Corn Husks, or Cnsh -?rAll orders left with any of the Merchuts Clearfield borough will bs promptly attended j WnltC !l Wl Uc ll ! BI.AC KSMI I IIING. THE subscriber res pectfully informs his friends nnd the public generally, that he is new well e ablished in his NEW SHOP on Pine street, o lposite tlie Town Hall, in the borough of Clearfield, and upon bi. own hook, and where he is prepated to do all work lu his line In the very best stvle, and on lu0 siionesi oouce. jus oi'l ( tho shortest notice. His old cuutorers are res- Dectfullv ashed not to forget him. and .nv nnn, out of new ones are respectfully iuvited to give himI?,,i,i, - . EDUB TOOLS. His reputation as a Mukcr aud Repairer of Edge tools should of itselfsceure liim a liberal patronage. UEORQE C. PASSMORR. April 21, lH61.tr. To Persons out of Employment. AGENTS WANTEl). In every County of the United KtntPS, TO engage in the sale of some of the beM and most elegantly illustrated Works published. Jur pub cations are of the most interesting character, adapted lo the wants of the Farmer, A 1. : J i I . . ...... - 1 l i : iiiri - imiiii; Him .iiercuuui , inuj are aoueueu iu . ' : promptly uy man inn parlicmars, terms , .' j au ' fo., by addressing LEARY. GKTZ eo.. 1 No. 224 North itrset, Philadelphia. Oct 24, 1860 ly. N K W DRUG STO It E 1 Th subscriber nave nnentd a full and com.' Inlet assortment of Dill' US In tba new brick building of Dr. Woods, on th. eorner of Leeu-t' and Cherry streets, in th boreugh of Clearfield, I where they will b happy to accommodate any Eerson who may desire articles in their line. Tb usincss will b confined strictly to a Drug and Prescription Jiutinctt, And no pains will be spared to render satisfaction.' J Dr. M. Woods, the junior partner, mny always. ; be found and consulted in th "Drugstore, I fa K n n fint )i Sk I-l l nt rt r To i ti a 1 Kss ainaia A separate room foreonsulutlan is attaehed to th ' i ,u,re where patients may be examined privately. 1 L ?,,rj' mi'L ,'ou"d ln. ,u.c' l't' , hshment will bekepton band, and fold at greatly j reduced price. i Tanas bbinq btbictlt Casii, will enable thorn I Ia ntTtat Inrlutjioi Ania in that ta tf tAristoa i of ttopcac. . eentage overcoat ana carnags, ana their order are solicited. Every article .old will b pure and of th hrtit nnnlitv. febfi tf ... . ' . . WOODS A BARRETT. I CVRENIUS IIOWK. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. t For Drcatitr Township, will promptly attund to all bnslness entrnsted to bis car. P. 0. Address, Pbilipsburg Pa. I Aug. Zlst 1H61 PW. HAYS, Jastiee of the Paco, will atton . promptly to collections and other matter ft In his charge. Address Kersey, Elk c,; Pa Oct 94 160. It. r 1 1 it lj as n a i 11 I aho . ' ' in. A CK WOO D'S MAOAZINE. , 1- THS LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative.) 2 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 3XBK NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (IreCburch.) E Westminster wis w. ' Ll,,,,t'- S BLACKWOOD'S EDINBUnOIIMACIAZfyn (Tory0 ' T Eli MS. Foranye.ne of th four Review. ; For any tw o i f tho four Reviews, For nny three of tl. four Reviews. per annum. 3 00 .1 00 7 00 8 0(1 3 00 5 00 7 0ft V 00 ' iiiur oi uib iieviawr, For Blackwood's Miitratlne, ' For lllackwood and one Review, For Blackwood and two Review For lllurkwood and three Krviews, For lllaokwnod and the four Iterirwi 10 00 N. The price in Ureal lliitain fur Ihe five Periodicals above-named is $31 per annum. Kopublirhed b LEONARD 8C0TT A Co., mar43-ni H Uold Street, New York, tv ii '2rz. J ? asv During the past year we have introduc-ed to lie notice or the tnrdicul prorcsxlou of this coun- try the I'urt l'i yiialittd ('(rirf. I'ropylamint, Itr.MKDY l'OK Rill I MATISYI and haviug received from many sources, from physicians of the highest standing both and from patients, the Moat flattering TentlmoidalHuf Its real value in the treatment of this painful and obsti nate disuase, we are induced to present it to the public iu a form READY F Jll IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting complaint, .and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable rem edy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been extenslroly experi mented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and witn MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from tho published accounts in tb medical Jour, uals.) jSaIt is carofully put up ready for iunutdi nte use, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the druggist.) at 75 rents per bottle, and tit wholemlc ef lit'LLOC'K A CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chrmirts, June26'6ltf. rbilodelphia. "! rAKKI.Ujr. (il'IDi: Heine a rrivate XL instructor for married persons or thofe about to be married, both mule nnd female, in eirery tlili'g concerning the physiology and rela tions of our sexuni system, and the production or prevention nf offspring, including nil the new discoveries never hel'ore giien in the Knjrli.h language, by WM. Y JL'XO, M. D. This is really u valuable nnd Interesting woik. It is written in plain language for tho ge al reader, uml is illustrated with numerous engravings. All young married people, or thoe contemplating marriage, and having the least Impediment to married life, should read this bonk. It du'oloscs secrets that every on should be acquainted with ; still tt is o book that must be lucked up, and not lie about the bouse. It will be sent lo any one ou receipt uf twenty-five cents, in specie or postugo stumps. Address Dr. WM. YOU NO, No. 410 .Spruce st, above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pn. pfV Ajliirlrd nnd L'nf'trtumite No matter wh.it may be your disease, before yon pines your self under tbe care of nny one of the notcrious Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in this or any otl er paper, get a copy of cither of Dr. Young's books, and read it carefully. It will be th means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly jour life. Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on nny of th diseases described in bis publications, at bis office, No. 410 Spruce st, above Fourth. n7-ly (JIIAIHS !! CHAIRS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY III! The umlcri-igned has now on hand, at bis Fur niture Rooms on Market st., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Lite's Foundry, a Urgo stock of CIIA1J1 OF A LI, k IX I)S, manufactured out of the Wt materiulr, finished n a very superior manner, and which be w ill sell LO WrOK CASH. His long experience in the business makes him feel confident that bisckuir are mad in a substantial nnd workmanlike uinu ner, and win stand tho test of trial. Persona wishing la purchusc chairs should cail at once and getthein while tbey cou be hud at the lowest rates. J ;I1N TR0UTMAN. Mnr.27-U8t-tf. NEW REMF.Ilirs, FOR 8PE It MA TO Ulill (EE A. II" owiiiu A'Sociatiov, I'liii.Ai.ri.t iiiA, A tlen. tvolent In'tituh'on ntnhlinhnl by simciui A'n- dntnmrnl. for the rei'co" the Sick eim I)itreeed, tijfticted wrrA Violent aud Chronic Itim-ate, ami rupecinllj for the Cure of Ilitmttt of the Stxual Mhihul Advicr given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Yaitablk ncroRTR on Spersrntorrhoea, and other diseases of the Sejn.'il Oigans, and on the new KEMF.nirs employed in tbe Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or tnro n-amps ror postage aceaptahlo. Aildres ' Da. J. Skilli HornnTox, Howard Association, No. 2. 6. Ninth St., Philadelphia. 2'Juiy ly. 1 JAMES T, LEOSJARn. n. a. risuRT a. c. rmT w-, A' ''c' V L!..-. MS. a"11..L'. xldlUulllJ dllU VliOlUlllUlI VJ'Ull! LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A It F I L D, CLEARFIELD COUXTY, PA. HILLS Ot. CXCRANGR, ROTRI AND DRAFTS DISCOrRTB n posits RKCF.ivr.n, CtWrsnVns made and proceed promptly remitted luxchange on Ihe Citlei conalantly on hand. Jf iT"0fnc on Peccod Hu, nearly opposite th COUP.T HOUSE. LEVER FLEGAIj, l.il,,.i,, rt..r.1,l f. p. .Ill attend promptly to all business entrusted t bis 1 rf ..... care. rtrirn i. inoi C XRATZER & SON. MKRCIIAXTjI, and dealers In Boards and Shingles; Grain and Produce. FRONT 6tret, bo" ,h Academy Clearfield Pa., Jbm 12th' 8l- jas. r. larrimkr. I. TEST T ARKIMliK A TEST, Attorneys at Law lj Clearfield, Pa., will attthd promptly to Col taions, Lahd Ageaoia, 4o., 4-e., in CUarfleld Cfru tf ao4Bik counties, ' Jaly 16,-f i ' tfJST amr 7 Uw m fLM . ... 1 . i IMkf- Wev M E 174 BAB A Nl) L UXG .11, PHYSICIttKiGEOIW Doctor .. . itnliona of hi f.iend, ! concluded to Py T -ORMEKLY Vhvr'icnn aud furgeon to me itrompton uung nipu. oi iMinuun, r.niunu, now ii . .r ' rvra tin it'll H. Ia.. bLes leav to nonouDoe to all Invalid, that, owinr to the U'Biny oli. ; and by arriving at the T 'ortn, can oe eooju.i.u "jm.. r.u.. mi,... m J - . .. 1 I 1...... rsnu Kit- finrnfitlu. II till ..II 1 ki nf the Illrtftd H.soasesur tue Heart, " """LV"VwT7rf. n ..va J Vi. Also, all Dweaaoe appr"""IDK w ln "' tho Head and Discharges from the Ear, caa b and many other diseases that have baffled tba skill of the an oaitea awinguuhed physicians. AITOINTMENTS. ' " . ' ; ' , r i V , CLARION', at Clark's Hotel, from tho 15tb of May to the 1st of Juoa! , -CORSH'A, at Wbitmer'a Hotel, June 1st. 'Again, Sept tat and 2d. , . liROOKVIM.K, at th Americaa House, from 3d to th June. A((a!n. Sept. 34, 4th and tb , LUVllERSItrKd, at Reed's Hotel, June 10th and 11th. Aeain.Uept 10th and 11th. CI.KAA FIELD, Juhnson'a Hotel, June 12th t 101V A(ain, Sept 12th and 13th. -liKLLGFONTK, Morrison's Hotel, from June 17th o 19th. Again, Sept. Utb and Jjtb. TYRONE C?TY, nt Mrs. Tbotxaa Hotel, June Island 22d. Again, Sept. Ktb and Uti. At his INFIRMARY, from June 22d to July lTlb. Listen to tha Voloe of Truth and Eeasoa an! Profit by it. The time has come when all who wilt, can esrepd the iron grasp of Mercury, by oaMlng. without dolay, tu see the well known and Justly etUbrated Koleitic European Physician, Dr. Boar, who will adiuiniutt-r tho?e only true and sufe medicines, retracted from tlie mosi cnoice roots aim win auiuiuitiirr more oiuv iroe sou sum incuiciuca, ruirnuieu irmu ui u...r which are prepared nnde? hi.own .uperrision, and therefore avoid r,g tb. ur. of all fii, which were never aesiynoa tor the system, anj cone ,t eari crijrei, THINGS TO BE Remtmltr that Dr. Bort wants no patients bnt these fully oapable of appreciating and disMn aruishinif tho ser-ices of a roeular tliorouch bred bhysiciao. from a paltry, unlearned and trifling Njuack. litmtmbtr, us. jiurl s remeaies ana treaimeni are entirely nnanown w an mn , prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals. of Europe erad the first in th aoantry. Krmtmbcr, that Dr. Bort bai a more extended praotice than any other physician in Wester Penn sylvania. Itcmrmbtr, that eitlicns of e duoation.and our popular mr , aro all well icquaintea with, and take great pleasure in recommending Dr. Bort to the afflicted. lUmtmbtr, that Dr. Burl makes no falsa representations to gull the unfortunate, but all ha sayi wil be faithfully carriud out. Jtrmrmbrr, tli Ht Dr. Bort pays crery attention to diseaxs of a chroaie nature. 4MrCerlificate of Cures may be seen at his respeotiv rooms. Dr. Bort is furnished with over six thousand letters of recommendation from some of U most distinguished men living. Alio baa awarded to Mm' diplomas from some of the most celebrated Hospital! and Infirmaries in Europe, for his unparallelled observations in Diagnosis, and observa tions in oiscoveilng remedies for tbe cur of diseases that havo heretofore baffled the skill of many of the medical profession. An early call from those wishing to consult the Doctor, is earnestlyrequostod, so us to receive full benelit of treatment, and thus do justi'-e to himself. Time United. PIeue bear iu mind when Dr, Burl will bo in your plaoe. l'er.-ons desirous of consulting him will eoufer a great favor by calling on the first day of his arrival, as his rooms aro so often orowd ed, it is utterly Impossible to attend to the anxious suliriietiour of all. Dr. Bort will arrir at acb of th above place on the first cuacb ou tb day appointed. rieu.e extend the invitation to all invalid acnuaintantes, and oblige yours, dc. May 20. '8I.--51. Tilt "REPUIJL Terms of SiitiMTiptioii. If paid in advanco,or within three uionlhs, $1 25 f paid any time within the year, - - 1 JO tf paid alter tae expiration of th year, - 2 00 Term of Adtcrtixlng. Advertisement arninsertnd iu iH Republican it th followinir rates : 1 Insertion.' 2 do. One square, (I I lines,) $ SO $75 3 do. t 1 tl 00 f fwo niiares.t Klines,) 1 00 160 2 1' tl , , rhroe qiiiire, (12 lines.) 1 60 S mnnibs C nni's. $1 00 S 00 ( 00 10 00 12 0 20 00 Ono ?qunre, Twosv(iure., : Three square, Four squares, : Half a column, (3 60 4 00 ; & no fi 00 : a 00 14 00 11 00 14 m One eolarnn, . 00 ! Over three woks uud less than thrvt mm lbs 25 eonts per (quart for each insertion. Ecrceis ootics not sxeseding fillnei are In erted for f 2 a yee.r. Advertlsmsnts net marked with lb number nf nsertions desired, will be ccntiiiBsj until forbid sod charged accordicg to these terms. JOB PRINTING. An extensive alock of Jobbing materia enables thn I'ublishr r of die " Iii-publiean' to ntniotir.ee to the publics thutlio is pejia red to do ill Ainu's of Posters, PAi?z:.irj, rttoGKaiiMKa, r.I.ANH, PiFIX Eoon, ClKCULARS, Liksi.s, Ball Ttcxxcs, Ianduills, ar.d every Kind of punting usually done in a ot!iitryi ob oEco.. AU orders wiil bo oxccuteJ with neit noM nnd cleBpnch. 0. B. G00DLAXDEII .t CO. COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time of Holding Court. FccimJ Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Third Monday of June, Fourth Monday or September,' In each year, and continue two week if sessary. County Officers. Pres't Judge, Hon. Patnnet Linn. Beilefont. As'te fudges, Hon Wm L Moore, Clearfield. Hon Ben) Bonsall, Luthershurg Sher.iT, Fred'k O. Miller cTicnrfield Prothnotnry,John L. Cuttle, " Beg. A Ree. James WHgley, " District Att'y Robert J. Wallace, B Treasuror, '1. B. Ooodlander, Co. Surveyor, H, B, WriirhL Olen Hon Coniiuies'n'rs.Wm. M'Cracken, Wm. Merrelt, Lumber Cily riearfleld Morrisdal Philipsburg H. C. Thompson, B. C, Bowman, Auditors, Isaao W. Orahan. Clearfield J. B. Shnw, George Richards, " 1.1st of Post Office. Aiim of P. 0. .Vnines nf p, Coroner, TISNSAlOS. Bliciria, Eill, nicn Hope, Bower, Chest, Cush, Ostend, Clearfield Briigs, Woodland, Luthersbnrg, Trootville, Jefferson Lies, Forest, . W. C.lwel Mary "itr. T. A. M fihe J. IT. Casr-UU Lewis Smith P. B. Miller Ed. VilliAan R. II. Moore. eggs, Rradfnrd, Brady, C- f. floppy, John Heberling Elosra, jss- liloom Enrnnide, New Washington! J. M, Gumming! iiurnsine, jtt alcMurray Clearfield, Covington, v issrnein, FrenehvilU, Karthaus, M. A. Frnnk. P. A. Oaulln. J F W Schnarr Painuel Way Centre county Edm. Williams Elk county, P. C. Mignot William Cnrr A. B. Shnw T. H. Force. J. A. Hot arty C. J. Pusey. David Tyler H. Woodward Elira Chase (i. Hcckadorn D. E. Mokel J, W. Thorups'o Jas. Thompson J. McClelland II. W. Fpencer, A. C. Moore, fwmiul Way Michael Wis. W. F. Johnio, Curwensville, curwensville, Decater, Philipi burs;, Ferguson, Fix, Oirard, it Ooshen, Uraham, Oulich. ii IIuitoB, ,1 Jordan, Eartbaus, Knox, Marron, Helen Post Office, Leeounte't Mills, Bald Hills, Bhswsville, Orsbamton, mitht Mills. Madeira, Tyler, Pennfteld, Anson fill, alt Lick, New Millport. Breckenridge, Kylcrtown, Morrisdal, Lumber City.f Grampian Hills, furwensvllle, Bloomingville, Rocktoo, Lawrence, Mo"'' I ! Pena, I K 'Pika, ii Union, i Woodward, Jeffries, T. Henderson J Thin Post OfCea wilt (In for f!ht tnon.Mn 1 t "HI answer tor Ferguson tonmMp. ' I 0BERT 3. WALLACE, AtTSmr tT Law, J.V Clearfield, Pa., Cffio k fckiw' tow, op. ottw th Jeqraal offies, ' 1 I - ' 4e. V, 1IJ8. tf EMDNLT, . w a . i m , J profeesionul visita 10 tb. following nainod plaoee; . "", '"At."-'1! ."'"''"ft. 7 1 apeedily cured b lr. Rout's ScienliBo Treatment.! to UK a wntoo many luuuionu. u im- REMEMBERED. .. . ,' . . T K) CONSUMPTlVliSlTh advertise, bavinc Veen rstared to health ia a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having uf fered for several yeans with a sever lung afl'oc lion, and that dred discsse Consumption, Is anx. ions to make kuuwn to bis f.lkw-sufferers Ik menus of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of lb prescription used, (free of charge,) with th dl .'clions for preparing and using tbe saite, which they will find a furs euro for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, la. Th only object of th jBUvwrwrer in eenoing uie prercriiiwn is m ucur. 40 j fit the afflicted, and spread Information which lie moico,lr"'' '"Valuable, a'id h hopes every oo u,rr lr-v ut' rsrae'y it will cost them nn ' uothinc, and amy prove a bleaslng, ' P9'sona wishing the prescriptioi will plea 00nua"" tin I uvMr. j .i Rev. EUWAUD A. WILSON, Williainsburgh, Kings Co.. N. Y $36 00 p "lAYS the entire eost for TUITION in tbe most popular una sucoesstui i.u u tl r-.ni.iA i hCHOOL iu tin country. Upwards of Tw elve Hlxdrku young men, from twr.NTY eioiit differ, cut Slates, huve been educated for business horo nithln the past three years, some of whom have been employed as BOOK-KEEPERS at salaries f $2000 00 immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered tb College. WT Mmirtcr's suns half price. (Students enter at any time, and review when they please, without extra charge. Kor Catalogues, Specimens 04" Penmanship, and View of th I'OLLEOE, enclose five letter stamps lo JE.Nhl.NK A KMI1U, May 1 61. ly. , Pittsburgh, Pa, v7m. m cum.ou(;ii, . CLRAhf 1ELD, PA. Office In Crahani'a Urtck nuUdlnj. Jul) Sd. 1SG1 if. MOOUE i ETZ'YiL-SR, Wholesale and Retail Merchant. Also xtansiv dealer in timber, sawed lunid ber and shingles. Also, dealer in (our an graia, which will b sold cheap for cash. Oct. 14,8;o, mpYRONE CITY HOTEL. Cul. A. r. OWENS, rnortiiETOR, Rcfpectfully announces to lb travelling public tbet be has now taken charge of this large and well known bousa, aud will conduct it in suck a msnuer a will render excollent enuifort and for, satisfaction to all who uiuy favor him with a call. nov7-ly NEW GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer Goods AT TI1ECHEAPCASH STORE. lam just receiving and ripening a carefully selected stock of Ppring and Summer goods o! almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dress goods, of tb newest and latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notion. DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Sbawtr, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qi eeasware, Drugs and Madioinei, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fish, Jneen and Floar, Mackerel In i J and ) barrels, of the best quality, all of wkleh will b solj at th lowest cash or ready pay prion. My old friends and th publio gnrkUy, ar respectfully Invited t call. SUrf!, B All kinds of ffM.Yand approved COUSTRY FHOVVCf taken lo exchange of Goods. ClerflM, Jua 28 1M. WM, F. IRWIN. WAlfSR BARRETT ATTORN V Af LAW. will attend AT LAW, will attend promptly in r.;ii.r..ii. . .u i i v.. , ... . uV, ,v. ,vfnl ousiness enirusiea to his est. In in i.t f n.,r,. r n...su ..j . , , , , J 1 trllniniis eountiaa. -. I Offint th os lv!rly oeeupl hj G. b . , Qst. 26th, I8roly. CATHARTIC T Mok, ft. . eenuiuuiiiikiri - IK noiKwl, ant JJJ i ftuitirUWot n ettra tao iliSs Masai, a!? i Mntwi stcfciNSs Is sisafclui? and .WmH UTSi?? edr. aaa.lX,, cltana. oat to. dlwS niurs iuri( (j il"7 Ut lbs 5ktft"l eUucM In hiu, ""5 '"7 "nniii um fc,J Of lite bu4 Ink, .iJ!" tlvltv. nfyiu.r; ' - B19MM, the ol.trucUuM A cold sottlss aomswlitra In th L. . f" i. ' " H. natural funclows. iaet aeon thviosolvas and Us A,lfiK K,ij aKKravaUun, met aeon Ibpmselvw and the ssirsiindinf srruTIj Wlills ia tliis condition, otnwus'ol by tlx itnmttZ!1 ik Avar's lilt", and sea how dlracllv Iht; naMiC nalHnil artlon of His sM.'m, ml with a u J fcellnir of hmlth acaln. What la Iruo ami w iMs tririal and coianiou compluint. Is alw irat u JL. of Uis devp-stated and dangsruus ilUtwnim. 1U T2 piirraUto elfoct axeets tbem. Canaeil Ly similar uTr ptirgaUro elTuct laMM and sudr. tbftv drniUBi'ments of the tutnml ninctloiw si a. are rapKlly, and mmj of Ibaaj Hrtl J u. Nnu otin lrnr ,VU .i It Um kium means. None who know tbs jr" l'IH, will nsglKt to emptor them wbsu sufTerior frZ Ihe disorders they euro. hutruiunts from Inullnit plirslckins In soms st L prludpol clliv, and from ether well know peUfc Fmm a tiirwirilivg Merchant if SU Zeuu, ftj. Da. at tat lour nits gnat In nmUclus. Tiiey lni''o ourirl my littlt dau" -. . i. i.nn,i. 4,: ... ; -e yean. uklv antlclad with blotcliaa aad nlinpkM on her "an In her bilr. After our child was ourea, shs sketiu your 1'IIH, dud iliey bar cured her. ABA SlUlHJUlKt As Family Physic. , Fi rm Dr. E. W. IVrtyertglit, Au (Motu, Tour rills are th prince Of purges. Tbtir noju qnlltl surpass any eatbartte we pwimn. fUt J mild, but titj cortaiu noil edrt-tmil In their sell, T ImwuIs, which makos tbein Invaluable to iu In thttX Irrutmunt of disease. Headache, Slckllrodaehe, Font Stasasta, row ur. tMwn m uoja, uuumm. nsARllao. Aran i I can pit answer you what tmttmn I have cwsii wltli your Pills better ton to mj Ina1 ever (rent teith a pnrnatipe medictnt. 1 nlnre grett i,. ilenre on an lf.KitiuU ralli.trtic in inv ilnilv ennuu itismse, anl be! if hit as 1 do that your I'llli aVurlink, vn w u.v, . v. wwn ft. .mil ingulf, PiTTsncaa. Ta ll.r 1 mi Pa. J. C. ATM. Sir: I have Iwen ropenlwll? turrtrf Uia wurst kmlacl. any body ran have bj a itnw or hr, of yimr I'llls. It seems to arise from a Sail Moutk which lliey clennse at ones. V'ours with great resjfect, ED. W. PltKHtlt, ffirt- nf Xirnnrr Cfcn Dillon Disorder Liver Complaint,, Vi Dr. Thtndort , f York OI). N'nt only are ynur Pills silmlrslily ml.tcl u tlMlrm. pnsa an anarrent. but I find tbeh luiiietlrliit cITiyUuii Itio Liver very maikcd Imlid. Tbuy hare In ruj tlce priirml mora ellertusl (r the euro of b,Uwi cm. pi. mill Uieu uny one rtmiuly 1 cnu iih-uimi. 1 nniMt Join Hint n-o bars nt IuukiIi a piirKsliro wWk Iisvk thy the coiifi'lonie of Ihe piufvaclu and Um l, Di PAtiTHXNT or ens Ismin, I Wwliiunt.n, D. ('., Vlh tth, !;(, fit : I bars used yonr 1111 in my iicaei nl uud In ,lUj i.raoUeooriir since ou uimlu tlietn, miJ mnu.l lniit, i. iy they aro the best rulltm tiu we ei,iiuy, Tliuir trt lulhil! action on tlio liier Is quick and ileodol, e,, Iiiriilly tboy are nil aduiiiul lo reiniMly fur aerauirnmu it Ui.it uiiptn. Indeed. I Imva tildoia fniud acac bilvm$ dittiwe so outtiimta llml It ikJ Dot rMuliiy ;irida lliuin. 1'inlcrnulli jluis, AI.O r..l liAI.L, M. ll, J 'li'HCiUH Oj tilt JJjPllll llnytil Dysentery, DIarrhora, Relax, AVerrai, Vmm Vr. J. O. Uim.nf 't'fa'cyi. A'wr I'llls hut had a long ti 111 in my prn tw, tti 1 bol litem hi esteem as una of Mie Lust siiei lenu 1 at,, ertr found. Thoir ultorntivr ollect uiii the llior Mil., tli.uu an excellent remedy, wlirn gken in hmnll bUmu HytKitrri and JiurWiuv. Ihtlr iriulu .mkw them vi i v ikrupUtl Is nod couvvultut fir tlnwt of wouieu and ouildieu, Dysprpuln, Impurity of the Itlooil. Kina Ikv.J. I". IPmei, Sstjr Admit CMni'i.iWa I)n. Avr.a: I hare limit yonr I'llls with ninvnllim airrii In my ftinillr ami iiiiioni; litom 1 ion sllnl toiM in illrtreas. To n-ulata tho oi;iiin of diecHinti tti purify Die blood, tliev tue Ilia very ot renmljr I ksn ever known, nud I can coiili lnirtly lecemiiirinl iL'u uiy fiUod. iouse, .1. V. 1HMKS. Wiasiw, Wrnoilng Co., N. Y., Oct. 1M, 1st!, Data in: I am udiiK yair ('.illmi No I'llli muij lice, nnd find tliom an excellent lurpM!v to (Ubm Ik vntem nud twrUM th Jiniiifuiimn lit aJamI. JOHN O. ME.VCII.lV.M.D. Const Ipnt Ion, f'ostl veil ess, Siipiircisloa, lllir hihk t lam, llnut, Neural(in, Bros. ay, I'liiui ly si, Kits, etc. Fnm t'r.J. '. rannhn, il.idmd, (Tmatlt. Too imirh rsiinot 1 seld or yonr I'llli for His rimsl e-vlirrmtt. If idhrra of our fra'torslty lime Cnnd ll tvt eltli'arfiius m I have, they pliunld j.iin me in inwhia. if H It f.ir the Iwni'ritof tlie multitudes ho suir.r In Iknt complaint, which, nllliooli bad snimli In llK. t llnl proenltMi of olliers tl,t lire nniie. I brll.rc (irriifjt tooilnlnste In Ihe liter, but yur Pilli affrct tkal organ and cuio tlia disease, Vint Hi t. I. Stuart, nyn'etm and MMr, Ttidm, I flail one or two large doses of ynttr Pills, takra II tin imvuer Ihne, are excellent proninlivosof the ttrnif n (imi when wholly or partially supprestwl, ami alanej elT. ctual ki c'.anu tlm tlimnJi nud ei,.l wmi. Tlit; are so nineli the Inst phyrfe a s liars tint I rsrownKt. no other to my patients. from the Hm. Dr. llawhi.rfUu H'tKnVrt Fpii. CTsri. Pi-i.ait llnrsa. Svnuiinli,ria., Jan. 6, lS. llnwnjn fin i 1 should lie uui-intrful tin relief yonr skill baa brought me If I did nt retort my csitw you. A cold nettled In mv lluiUaand Imniirlil en ui elating nt.urol;tte imimis, whlrli ended In chronic rlnm linn. NnlwIiliwniHlliie 1 Imil Hie bat "f plivairinns, lie dlseaae (rrew worve nnd wor.e until by the mlrleenf yew eiivllent mrant In llnliinir. Ur. .Mai kemie, I IrW tnw PHI. Ilielr rfln U were slow, but mm. Ily lrK!tni( lo the use of thera, I am now eulli ely well. Psvts Ciuunrn, tkttnn Rouge, I.i.. 5 Pee, Da. Ann: t have twen entirely cured, by yonr Plllssf Rhruntitie Colt a paltiful UiMni that bad afflicted as for years. V1XCKST BLUT-LU a-M.-t of the Mis In market (mtaln MerrntT, nhirh, although a valunbtc romedy In rxhilTnl lunih. danreroiis In a pnlille pill, from th drenilfnl e ,nnei. that freqiiently Wb.w lu ineaiitloua two. Tlw Mntaln no mercury ur mineral substancs wliatotet. Prloe, 35 oenta per Box, or 5 Boxes for)b Prepared ly Sr. jr. C. ATEB & CO., Lowell, Hii je-fTSoM by C. D. Watson, Clcarlell. E.A frwin'Curwoniville : F. Arnold, Luthensunj, Montgomery A Co., New Hniem ; J. C. Brenssr, Morrisdal. C. R. Foster, Pbilirsburir: sn Elira, Chase, Ansonvill ; and by dealers evsrywbirs, CLEARFIELD STOSE WARE PUTTER J. Thankful for past favors and soliclllouiof ft ture patronnge. I would respectfully announc that I have on hand nirnin. and will constant!' keep at the Pottery in this borough, on theeer. ner a short distance east of th Methodist Church,, a large stock of Crockery , such as Cream works, milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, f-tove pipe casing f'C. f c, ; and also an extensive asiortment of different sites and patterns of brackets n roseteca for cornice on bouses, nnd other tootU dings. Any mouldings not on hand will b at otdor on short ootioe. Also fire brick and kept fur sale. pW liberal reduction or prices mvle K wholesale dealers. F. LEITZIStiER.. Clearfield, mny 23, 1801. 1 j. Cabinet, Chair Making JOHN OULICH, of tbo borough of Clesrlels Pn,, will be prepared at all tiiuoi t atteod t to any business in th above line on sh' notloc, and in a worUmnnlilis manner. Hi f "' of busiucti tl at h oW shop on the north fio' Markot ftret, 3d door it of Third St.. nssriy opposit Ibe old Jew store where ho iH " constantly on hand a large assortment of Ma bogony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabiit Ware of every description, which he will i,,f't of on as reasonable terms as tho same ertic 'S can be had elsewhere in the comity. His stock of Cabinet Wore now on hand, con sists tn part of Dressing and Common Boreas. Sofa, Sewing and Washing Stands, Desks i Book Cases, Frenoh and Field Post BedstssA Dintoff. Breakfast. Centra. Card and 1'ier m.. r;. ',.r-.'.,,j .n,t Hlivrs' V 1 1 I V. V .Ul II. MUHUimWIV. - ... -i... jiira "Z Pmc" . . ny place desired. f ebroary 9, 1 85. no. 4, Tol. It. R.,'t iai?OR for Modioinal purpos-Bf i sU Fort ael Pherry Win., Kar Whisker M'Ml fci-al ' ' HlRTSw-f-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers