Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 30, 1861, Image 3

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    1 '
. ; .k...-.r. nit jHDinn.
'i VhbVESS1 or lb. rlRbt af a people
Sir to aa-ci-bt. aad to pet Ilk taejTr.
. . .tl...iM .. u-.f.'i.,
JJIVrad &- ' ' . .
, v' "
" iaW -T" T T- priailnf
li-ii"'1 fr l -
LiZm Mimlne tin trucwtdtiiri of tb WliJs-
iur . .
taMt or any bnock of gortrnmcuti .aad aa law
LM.f lh inr.luabl. rlKMi of nan; end erery
k.lnr renDonubU fur the abuie of tbat
rjrtj. U proieoutiuBi for tbo publleatiaa of
prt ftireitigutinic tb offlclal eoaduet of o.
nr mm In tublie
Bitur putlUhed U proper for public lnforma
ilie, too truth thereof may be girea la evident
,Bi la ill iadictmenta for llbelr, the jury fhall
kiT t right to dettrmtae the lnw aad the faoti.
MJr li direetiuo of the tout t, ai Ir ether ease.
OiHlMiMi 'nmyir-aio.
theTlatest news !
7.; --ui. ;t --
Tlie aenspaptr teem to vie with each
other In attempting to oover up the
lit diiN'ter near Leeiburg. .!. . '
From the iteicetyped j.hrase "one k il-
inln) fouj wounded," thry at lait admit
lhtt leant half llmt wore engage! in tho
icliun are niisiing, whether that wai 1700
or rnnrc, they canuct aijre.
Al the troona are back again on the
XjrjUi'd , aide where they were a week
iji A correspondent of the Prti lari
vhtn troop at-irteJ to cross the Puto
mad the hand played "Carry me back to
Old Virginia." Ue also say that the
movement of our troopa ra "r.osh, un
rwfssary, and unadviaed by high military
authorly." Yet the deed is done, but
ho in to blame ?
Tlie blockade of the Potorniw, below
Washington by the rt-beU has compelled
tli government to tire wagena to haul
litr, provision, c, from Haiti mora to
Waih'mgton, the single track being una
We to do the business.
The I M., M. A. Frank, Eq , in
(ofois us (lint he i now ready to exchange
ne for old P. 0. Stamps and envelope,
au:1 will d? so for the pace of six days.
The Pivtt.ttaster at Karthaus is prepar
J (o exchange the new, for the old Usue
of tumps aid stamped envelopes, which
exchange must bo madn within six days
of this notloe, or tho holder will loethrm.
Cakp PunPONT. Va., Oct. 23, 1SGI.
Ikirr Hfpubliran : When I addressed my
last letter to you I scarcely expected to
ilito another from this camp; but eontr.v
rj to tho general expectation we are here
yet, although wo have not been hore quite
all the time since, and are not likely to be
riry much longer. '
The orders and general arrangniQiita
ever since we have been stationed h;re
Uve indicated an curly forward move
juent. The eevoial brigade rf McCall'a
division, comprising the entire Fenna.
Reierve, have beon hnbitually forming
litis evory moruing nt daybreak, sinoe we
roared the Potoiiiar, and awaiting orders.
For several mornings, after standing in
ranks an hour or so, e were dismissed to
our quarters with excellent appetite for
Wukfuat, and tho enulion to be reudy to
"tail in" at a moments notice j which un
tie aforesaid, w e were beginning In think
liiu been inueunitely
tiostponed ; until
last S'alurday morning, when, after having
been ordered the night previou to pre j
pare ourselves with two ilavs rations, in
bsvemcks, and our blanket and over
cohIs in knnpsncks, we took up our line
of march from tamp and struck out on!j.
iuo rrainii iui iijmis ill nit un rciK'Ti m
Ihst place, in which d rection we proceed-1
d ahout fifteen miles, with occasional
hits of aifew minutes.
W rw,...l .i . 1.. . .(...
leyoDilj;rinsville about i o'cloek p.m.1
sail baltiuj pre pined our uppei's. After
resting al this point for about two houia,
fir some ronton unknown lo us, ( I mean
to the soldiers, as I trust our command
rt knew why,) we fell back about throe
miias and there bivouaced for the night
lin and under the bushes oy ,
iliie. roivd.aiide. The nitrht however wa. 1
Jiotcakl and we all got along very rom
;orui,y. Jiaving taken no blanket with
m. I l, ?. . w r
.... . j w,,mt m wuuiii ui ii.t.i uu.
"Lik a warrior Wkinj bis rest, with my mar
tial slosk around sse,"
nd eiijoyed a sound and refreshing sleep.
We saw no aw.ed aeoeasionist during
wr ,tnarti, although we eneoiinieied
ile a ruml er unarmed, but they were
rr'Ucipully feaiiile; the) ii?alos bing eilh
er soldiers in Ihe aecesslon army, fdijl-
"in or iirisonora. The ladies aeotned to
no hesitation nlxnit expressing their
"cession sentiments : and ona coinolv
.nd spirited looking laihio at Diaiusville
'told nme of the boys who opened a con-.
'ersa'.ion with her that we had gone about
u far in that direction as we would get,
M in a short (inie she would see u coin
'ng back faster than we weut. However
m happy to bo able to record, that our
hoops by I heir orderly and manly con-I
duct, made a most favorable Impression
on the inhabitants wherever we went;
"I'l tnanv nrla nf kiniliipa werp lierforril-
towards qur men bv those who took no
I'aini to conceal their abhorrence of our
ct-fe nnd the, motive which brought us
Hone them .One liidv said verv em
ihaiieally, to one of our officers, that she
M received an entirely ditterwit imprea
fwn of the character of our'troops, as be
ln lawless, brutal and barbarous horde
hich would stop at no ci imo cr enor
jattie ; hut that if all our soldiers were
Jl those she saw, it would be no use for
'tir men to try to cope with them.
cb incidetiUa this are aorue of Ihe few
'Meetuiog features ol this wi r of bretb
f1), and will do something toward mod
trig the hardships that are daily suffer.
M bv those who are innocent of any act
'bring it om or continue it.
'' rctllftinu.1 at nnr hieouei rlnrinf
Odar. and laist nn M
''rfeJon our ruareb back to th pl
7: j.-Coobtw. hU niak. bo law wiVWalkircmprMnlhreaMiMUiiirDl and
; where we arrived at half naa three o'clock
i-M- 1
At. I mIJ, we hw no Moeatlon fororv on
our march and but little aisni alt Lou h
.i... .i ' i r " f Aii"0""
"ri5 inn iiib uriraae di iivntini
- . - " ' i i
" -iorpM io tbe bank f the
ptoroaO at Ortat Fall, and tack by way
! Jeatl lira la ....
lreka ago. on an armed return noina sice.
1 "un-ors also reached mofa force at Lees-
hurg, and our advance picket reported
aing those of (he enemy at one or I wo
voinu at aotiin Hitinv r.r u l...l, f n...
mJored rather doubtful, at it i eay t0,-'n'lltl aod art now oooupylng their new,an.t.n,ileor.o. ar.d there !frultr. w-re-room., lro.tlnt .. the Market
viuenoe oi a lorce
a la brtna their niokeli in liicht
o near
' The forve thui thrown Out in tli iltru.
tion of Leexburg CQtuiitteJ of IteyiiolJj'
(11) brijjaJe. Moadrt'd (2ud) and (he bal-
."' f enn- " eaer.e intantry and
lavairy, and two tiat.teriet of Campbell'
Artillery, amounting to about ten thou
iiind men. The Kane rifle regiment pre
ceedcl ui as kkirniishen, and our tegi
ment (the Peniia. 5lh) followed next with
a battery or ariillary, after whish came
the bulunoe of our brigade (:ha 11) and
trie other battery, and the reiiiiinder of
ttie rKly in the rear. The object of our
expedition tvt undentood to be an arm
ed, to acertain whether the
enemy had any force near ua in that di
rection, and If noMible thai: numben and
poauion, but not to engnge tleui unlois
iiiat at tacked.
Mtrange at It tnav aeem
while we were marching leiaurelv down
the 1'otomac along the Leeibii'g turnpike
on our return noin tlie vicinity oi Jraina
vine, a pari ot uen. Stme rommand un
dr Gen. linker had effected the paaiaga
ui iuo i oiomao at r.awaro a rerry nar
Dnrneiitown, and advancing upon lioes
buig, had engaged the secession force
there undar Oen. Kvan. and a battle waa
then actually in progreat, although be
yond our hearing, and of which we were
at that lime iirofoundlv ignorant a we
had lulled about twelve or thirteen miles
below that point and knew nothing of
uen. ."Mono movement. I tie engage
went, a are learned nxt morning after
our return, lasted until eeningand re
aulted in thednalh of Oen. Hakar and
about two hundred other killed and
We had hardly got to our quarters be-
Tore rtf were ag: in oMered to prepare
two days ration ana hold oursclve in
rendiue to march at a moments notice.
Tired as we all were, the order was obeyed
with alacrity, and in a short lime had
everything in readiness. We however re
tired W our tents at an early hour, deter,
mined to obtain all the rest wa could be
fore taking the road again, expedite to
bo tutU I up and niarclmd iT before morn
ing. Firtunaiely we were permitted to
enjoy so undisturbed repose until a lute
hour next morning; our kind lixarted
Colonel omitted, in consideration of our
aenriiie, the usual morning roll call at
day break at which every fellow' has to ie
upon his pins. When I awoke at day
break, not a little astonulicd to find my
elf still in oamp Pier pout at th it hour,
I found that it was ruining quite smartly ;
and hearing no tir in camp thnt denotod
t movement, I turnsd over and twk an
other nap of about two hour, awaking
again about nihi o'clock later than I
Ijttve luin in bed for many months. Up
on arising J found that all vcstercl.iy '
futigtio had disappemed, and I was fresh
and vigorous as ever. Sinue then we have
remuiaed in camp, our marching order
nut coming until ibis evening, and now
we conlidently expect to bid adi-u to this
place at an taily hour to morrow laorn
in .
The rain of yesterday rr.orning contin
ued until to -day, and since the weather
has cleared oil it has become quite coM.
So much so that it is decidedly uncom
fortable in tny tent to-night although
wearu g an as I am stnvine to
ftirnnh ynur reat'er with a few items of
tiie experience ot a
T. S.-Perhaps I should add that 1
nave no idea ot our destination, but as
10Pn at I got an opportunity will inform
you, if we have any mail facilities at our
next s'stton ; for I find the fji ther we got
from Wellington the less certainty there
in sending or receiving letters,
pST Twenty-tire to Blxty Dollar and
expenies rr oionih will It paid by ih Krie
iwf"g Mnch n Company to their Agents, for
filing the Trie eewing Naehiae. This is tew
Machine, Mid so simple la it oistraotion that a
child cau Irara to operate it by hull" an hour's
instruction. It It equal to any Family Sewing
Mncbir eie ase. and they take the premium over
fifty and one hundred dollar machlaee. The
price it but Fifteen Dollars. The Company wirh
to employ Agents in every county ia the tolled
Ulatni. Addres, for particulars, rt' Sewing
JfaeAiM Co, R. Jatfes, General Agent. Milan,
Ohio. marU-6m.
M tKKIICD -ln eovlagton tp ., on
the Irtb
Inst, by P. F. Coutrlet, Ko., Mr. John
K. Klst.
rio0s. m I
Centre Co.
- - . - ' .
DII'.I) Very suddenly In B.ady (p., on Mon
day the list iuiUnt, Philip K riner, aged about
78 years. -
VitvYork Papers plssi eory.
On Thursday the 21th Inst , SAMUEL FUL
TON, Esq , gd It ysr.
The deceanaed wai a native of Ireland.
hut reached thia country when quite
young, anir emigrated to thia county along
with it fint lettleri. Io citizen was
more unlrersally respected. During the
most active year of hia life he followed
the htiaines of surveying, which gave him
an extended aoqnnintance throughout
this and the adjoining counties.
Of thai hard) class of men who braved
the hardship and privation nf a life in
Ihe wilderneia, and settled on the West
Branch about the beginning of the pres
ent century, Mr. Fulton performed a,con
apicuoui art. Of a naturally froe and
jovial dhpoiitlon, the grubbing or the
chopping frolic ; or the house or barn
raising with the good lime afterwards
wai alwav a dull affair without him ; and
many are the rich aod lively anecdote he
used lo relate cf early time in Clearfield
He was, it seems of mtiah mind, a dili
gent reader, and possessed a memory that
never let anything escape.
Betide that of Surveyor ho held sever
al other resportihle positions -Commissioner,
Treasurer, Protboootary, do , be
fore and soon after the recular organiza
tion of the county. . j
Tr. mirninu i.
I J cited u Tim.. n. r-1-...d.u ...!. r
P r-tronaee ad mu Batter Lim with th.
pltef iku (how llrinr taedloal aid will not: . ..ii . ii. '
'rr",," ! . at hit Offlc.or
... v... mmi
vwer z. is.i. su. na. . t
F II ll NIT II n f p m c
' - m v a j . hi kJ
ReIctfuHy amiounoa to tUa publio tbat thy
, t .a i. ,v- n . u
r " eawnei " jrvm lit) hiew VSVWt Si tlVUIOi
. Cabinet making will be carried on In lh up
per story of the ame building In all It
Alt kloli of furoiture will bo kopt eonstantly
a bands and told cheap fvr aash wr oxohnngo
tor eoontry produce, or Lumber to salt the busi
ness I ,
JlntU-mics, Hair, Hair top, Cotton top,
and Cora nusk,ef the belt material.
Looking Clarscs, of all torts and ilioi,
Also, Glaeaes for old Fromes.
Also, Tea-poye, Wbat-oots, Watb stsndr,
WorksUnds, flat-rack, -c,
CoKos made to order on ibort rtoti:e, ar.d
hears furnished.
Poplar, Cherry, and Llnwood Lumber, taken
la exchange for wo 't.
Clearte!d, October 33, 1561
Price with llcmmcr nud Feller,
$35 00.
Stitching, Hemming, and Felling with
a Single Thread.
It forma a flat, even, and elaitio team, which
is W A It It ANTED not to rip in wear, even if tlio
cam is cut at frequent intervals, and also under
all circumstances "to sckvivb tb a wami.ti'b."
A Patented device of great utility to learners,
prevents the possibility f tbe machine being
run in the wring directiou, or the bu'ance w heel
wearing a lady's dress.
Another feature which doirrv particular at
tention is . ..
J"r"Taa Wjlcox Patt Nebdls camot ait
IKT wroko.
Two thousand stitches, or two yards of work,
can be done in one minute without dropping
tltcb. I
These machine, so simple end accurate in I
their construction, suporsede the use of the shut
tle ; and with me thread produce ell the practi
cal result of 'the two thread machines; and
mere, fur these fell wilhuul batii)g,ad hum the
Qneet muslin without pufkering.
Although at about half the uric of the other
first elasa machines, they will accuinp'ieh doub
le the sewing in a given time
"it is eniubatUelty tbe cod, low-price. I fam
ily Btreing Mucbine that the puhlio have long
boon wailing fur." Boston Tranuri)it.
It is inaeed a woaderliu prouuatuin, and for
fsmily use especially, no other will bear any
compsrison witn it." Philadelphia Kvening
"A mechanloal wonder." SclentiQo Atuori-
.. mon b" nl mo"' ervlceii 0 Sewing
Jl UCI 1
nea. Lithi end eleeantlv finished, and
so simple In its construction that it semis al
most impossible for It to got out of repair." -Pittsburg
"lias combined with its own peculiar merits
all (hs really valuable iniprnvotnonts of tho high
er priced machine!." Pennsytvaniaa.
"This machine, in th opinion of th commit
tee, fills inoie nearly th requirements of n per
fect family machine than any on exhibition."
Franklin Institute Exhibition Kt-pert of 168.
"Taking Into consideration einiplioi'y. cheap
ness, durability, and doing all work, the commit
tee were unauimously ia lav or of th Wilcox t
Uibbsoaa single thread maohine." Pennsylva
nia State Agricultural Society' Report.
"W must, in justice, expre. our confljenc
ia th merit of to Wilcox 1 tiibbs Sewing Ma
cam. IV consider that
hts been lupulieJ by it.
a great desideratum ,
ia proving, beyond I
doubt, that two threads ar not. as was am not.
d, necessary to a good instru u cut." Christum
Advocate tnd Journal, June 21, IttCO.
"VV Lav one of these machines in use, nnd
think more highly of it than of any of th num
ber w bare tried." Richmond Whig.
The undersigned, Missionary lo Constantino
pie, ha demised more than twenty diflurent.
kinds of Sewing Machines, aud after some iix
weeks experience with Wilcox t- tiibbs' Patent,
be ha purchased on of them, tb best adap
ted to th wants of his family, and as th let
liable to require repair. OLIViR CRANE.
noston, July 3, 160,
lb nnderiif-ned. daring eighteen months ha I
kad in almost euostant us, in hi family Wil-1
cox A Uibb gewinc Machine, upon whiob has.
been mad th clothes cf hi large family, from
muslin to pilot clotli Inoluding tb clothing re
quired fur bi atverej boys and ia no case have
U seam railed, although i bard Service. Th
machine now in ase in bis family hs required '
a repair, and is ia all respects, well appointed, :
eEoient and durable.
-8nd for a Clreulsr.of"
VILfOX, Mauufaclarer.
No. ftut Broadway, New York,
Opposite fL Kiehola Eotol.,' - : t --' -.-
. . .. October li, 19. if.
- m. r.,.tn ? ? 1 '
J he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
o inejuyn onenjj oj vicarjicia Uovnty
. r. -t n- i m. ... , i. - ...... i ,
Waa. At an Orohn' Court held at Clear -
So1? I" ""Vir lh' Co"y uf t'i-r6id, the.
StthditT of t-eptrnibrr. A. P. 1N61. brfjra the '
IJIonurable Hiimuol Linn. Eq .; Prrnident. and'
... ...,. j... ,.. . - ; JZr1 inuuccincnis w mrctiascr.,
(Petition or Wllli.m V. Rider, of th Citv of
Pfnp in the County of La Hullo, and Htaie of 1111 -'
noil', by his Attorney in fitot, II. Bucher tiwoore,
was presented, setting forth, that John P. Kider,
late of Covington township, la the County of
Clearfield, died on the day of A. D. i
13(11, intestato, I'lavine issue and heirs at law.ns 1
follows, M wit. Oeorge Rider, late of I'uuphin ,
County, dnceased. who left childroo a follows,
to win Abner Rider, Susannah, intermarried!
with Oenrco M. Bolls, and Elitaboth, Intcrinor
ried with Putrlck MoMullen, all of tli age of 21 1
years, Peter Rider, now of Marsh Creek, in th I
County or Centre, Amelia, iutcrinarrii'il with Da
vid St. Clair, of Covington townbip, in the
County of Clearfield afureonld, Richurd Rido r,
lute of Clinton County dtrd., who left a widow
nniuod SuKunnab, now int riuurrid with Via.
null', nnd two children. Win. C. Itider, the Pe
titioner, and Andrew Rider, who is under age,
and of wiium liol.t. McCormlck.of the (nid Couu
ty of Clinten. ii Uuanlian : Snphiii, who wos in
tonnlirried with Jas, Mulh'illnnd, Jno. W. Rider,
Snruli Itider and Jonb Rider.nll of Ibeioid Coun
ty of Cleat fluid, that the snid . decedent died sui
ted in lee of end in certain ri'ol c.talo as follows,
to wit : All th 't jiece or jmrcel of Innil situate in
Uirar 1 tp., in the County of Clcnrficld aforesaid,
bounded nnd deacrlbod us follows, to wit : Begin
ning at a Hemlock corner on th line between
tracts Ni'S. 6.121 sod 6320. Tlienre E. 2UJ per.
along tho snld line to a cucuutljr grub Corner.
Ihenoo '3. 170 per. to n hemlock, thonce V. 2U0
per., thence N. 170 por. to the place of beginning,
containing 200 acres and allowanco, (beinj the
name tract of hind conveyed to the said Jut. P.
Rider in his lifetime by Rout, Smith, assignee of
Jauics Vsrd, bv his dcd ljcnriii!r date tho 29th
June, A. I)., IMS, duly recorded In the Record
ers office of the said County in oak F, Pegs lit)
Also a certain tract of lund eituute in tho (aid
County of Clearfield and bounded and described
as fol.'ons, to w it: Beginning nt a Intel in tho N.
E. corner of warrnnt No lSlltl. Thence S. 211 per.
to a white pine, tlienne VV. 70 per. to a wbito ouk.
tbonce S. along the survey of Levi Lutz, 101 per.
and twd'teitlii of a perch to apost, tlionce S,
along raid survey, 121 per. and elht tenths of a
per. to s'oues, th.-nce W. 1 34 porches te a pO't.
Tbcnce N. VI per. to a whlo onk, t'-.ence W. 4i
per. to a post, theuca N. 30 per. and eight, tenths
of a perch to a post. Thence E. 197 per. to the
pluce of beginning, containing 106 seres and 13 i
per, more or Icrs, (being the same tract of land
convcysd to tho snid J. '. Rider in hi. lifetime by
Jno. Keating, by deed deariug date the 22nd day
of June, A. 1) , 1SI1, duly rocoi dad in Bjok 11 i.
poge 4.M) Alio a certain tract, piece or parcel of
land, situated In the snid County of Clearfield,
bounded and described us folluws, to wit: Begin
ning at a stone corner V2 por. E. of a w hite oak
grub, which mid white oak grub is the S. VV cor
ner of l'jtrnt No. li'Ji, this tract of land being
pa it ol said patent, tbcnce K. 220 per. to a white
pine, Ihence N. 2:i def . 1' '16 per. to a Ilemluck
eorner, theuco N. i7 deg. W. 28 per. to a v hiito
pine, thenco N. 83 deg. W. CI per. to u white
pine, Ihence N. 1 05 perches to stone corner.
Thence YV. 16W p.r. to a maple, thence S. Hlfl pjr.
to tbe place of beginning, coutuiniuo 180 acei
aud 132 per. and allowance, (being the same
tract of land convoyed lo tho said Juo. P. Rider
in his lifetime by J ,hn Keating, by i oed bouring
date th 12th day of Sept. A. D., duly Re
corded in Deed Book E., page 2rilj Also a cer
tain tract ofliind situuted in tbe snid County,
bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be
ginning i:t a maple corner, thenco K. 40 rer. to a
white pine, thence Utf per. to a post, thunco W.
It per to stone corner, thenco A, 108 per. to
tho place of beginning, containing 43 acres and
sllowauce, being part of warrn; So. 1305, and
conveyed to the suid J. Peter Rider in his life
time by John Keating, by Deed dated 20th July,
A, V., 1S41, duly recorded in Deed Book II.,
page 452. Aioo a certain lot of ground -itnele in
Cuvingtoa township in euij Countv. ndioinine
ine lurnpiKo uona on tlie north, luud of l-redor-
Ick cbimrrs on the eahl, and lands of John Yo
iners on me fuuin ana it eft. coutuiiiinir one
acre, being Ihe same pice of lund bought by the
said John I'. Rider in bis lifetime bv article of
agreement from Juhn Yutbois. Also, a certain
lot of ground situated in the snid township of
loviugton ir the County of Clearfield aforesaid
bounded and describod as folljw. to wit: Ad-
joining th River, beginning ut a corner ut the
tiver between other land of Jcbn I'. Ridor and
Lonuu, thonce 110ft. up the River thence b ckto
tho .Mountain liOft. thence along the Mountain
r. i iuii. to l.or uo s line, tbeuce down said line
120ft. to the place of bociiinin. boine? the same
lotof ground bought by tho ssi iJ. P. Rider in
his lifetime by nrticlo of agreement from J. W.
Rider. No pnrtiiiun or valuation of the afore
said Real Estuto huving been made, and there-
lor praying the Honorable Court toaward in In
quest to make partition o the promises u'oresaid
to nnd among the ruprcse ntntirei of th suid in
testate in such ilnnernnd insuih proportions as
by the lnws if ttii Commonwealth is directed, if
such partition can be made without prejudice to
or spoiling tbo whulo ; but if such partition cue
not bo uvtcU thereof, then to value and appraise
the snme and to make r turn of tho proceedings
according to law, Ac. And whoreiipoii tho said
Court uu due proof nnd eonsidc ration of the
premises awardoc, un Inquest for tho purpose
aforesaid, notice to be given to the lioirs residing
out of the Countv by public ation in in one news
paper published in tbe County of Cloarfjeid for
four consecutive weoki, and a Copy thereof mail
ed lo the Poet Office address.
lie thcrefiirt tnmmand you that, taking with
you I. guou auilliiwlul men of your baihwiok
ou go to and upon tho premises nfuresuid nnd
therein the presence of tho parties aforesaid, bv
you to h warned, (if upou being warned they will
wo presoni;auu naviug re;pm lo the truo valua-
lion , inereoi, ana upon the oaths and uflirm-tions
of the snid 12 good and lawful men, you mke
partition to aud among the heirs and legal repra
.iitntivoi of the suid intestato, in such manner
and ia such proportions as by the laws of this
Commonwealth ia directed, if the same can l so
partod ar.d divided without prcjudico to or spoil
ing tho wholu. Anl if suck partition cannot be
made theroof without prejudice to or spoiling tb
w boh, that then you cnu.-e the said inquest to in
quire and ascertain whether the same will con
veniently accomitiHO'ate more tliau one of the said
representatives of tho said iutestatu, without
prejudice to or spoiling the whole : aud if so.liow
many it will as aforesaid aeeommodnto, descri
bing each part by metes a-d bounds and return
ing a justvuluntiou of tbe same. Rut if the said
Inquest, by you to be summoned as aforesaid .to
make the iui J partition or valuation. Hhnil be of
' pinion that tho promises nfor.said, with the Ap
purtennliue cannot be mi parted and divided as
lo acooin inomite more tli.ui one or tho said repre
sentatives ol the suid inte-tute, thnt then you
cause the to value the w hole of the snid
real estate, with the Appertenances. having res
pect to the true valuation thereof agrocly toluw
And that the partition or valuulion so luado you
distinctly and openly hnve before our suid Julges
at ClourCelcl nt an Orphans' Court there to be
held on the regular day of Sessieus thereof after
such Inquest rhal I be made undor vour hand nnd
seal and undor tb hands and seals of (ho.-e by
whose oaths or aQirmiitions vou shall make such I
partition or valuation.
Aud have yon then and
there this writ.
Witness, Samuel Linn, Esq., President of our
1'1 Court at Clearfield (foresaid, tbe loth day of
October, A. l., isol. JAMES WRIULEY.
Clerk of 0. C.
NOTICE 13 HEPERY GIVEN to tho above
parties, that by virtue of the abnvo mentioned
writ of partitiun, an inquest will ba held and la.
ken upon the premises tborein described on th
27'h day of November, A, D., ' 801, it 10 o'elk,
A. M., for tb purpos of making psrtition at
valualioo and appraisement nf tbe said real es
tate, as in tbe said writ required, at which time
and plao said parlies caa attend, If tboy think
. ' Y, 0. MILLER, Sheriff.
Kkerif'lOCee, ClcsrCeld, Oot- J.t, HOI. 41.
: f-r i.
11 12i yy vJ v 1 J 70 a
n . . , . .
Smith's Corner, below Judge Leonard s
V) EST Whit Granite Hates.
SJl (I H
Tea Sett.
C iffee Setts.
Cnpi Berts.
Handed Cup Setts. '
Tea Setts.
F.wer and twin.
Tea Ketti.
EST Pearl White
i ii
' Parisian
" " Cup Seitl.
" Comn on Teas, t'oinmon Tea.
On) Superior Lustre Sprig Tea Sett.
Creams, Pies, Soups, by the halfdoun.
C, C. Nappies, C. C. '.wls
Olaas Hieserros, Salts.
C Flu e Tumblers
Pl-ln do.
ExeeMor do.
Also, Teas, Coffees. ., 4c - !
nnd all ar'lclos usually kept inaeonntry itore,
will be kept here, as also many not usuolly kept,
bnt much needed, nt gristly reduced pt'cei
And we feel confident that all who will make
trial purchase, will find it to their edvantuga to
cuntinuo as eust imer.
Superior article Sweeping arashes,
l argo Itt't Waiters "most convenient article
in use. I
riaiita Improved Coffo Sploe Mill,
Bed Cordinir. Drum L'urdlnv. I
n r. if i jl j,
n all Paper, Window Shading
Dandcanori Coffee, Dandennocla Coffee. (
Mackerel 'jy barrel or pound.
Varied nsicrtment of .
u, i. i i ,
ci.ltu, iiy eg, or pouuu .
iiniveianr toiss
Steel Pens 60 etipor gross,
Pen Knives,
Tovth Brushes,
te., etc., sto.
ititv ;oois.
Toilet and Promenade Printi of the most fash
lonable style and color. Tho now much worn
material of Colored Alpaca. !
Now is lb time to buy an extraordinary choap !
dress for next season, us we will close out our
stock of Lawns, 0gmdies, tfnregci, Poplins'
Crape de Puris, Baliorlncs, nd all Summer roods'
at fabulously low prices, to mako room fir our
tall i inter stock, which we will soon lo able
lo offer to our customers, oui the public gcneial-'
ly, at the Cash Store of
Also, a limited amount of County Orders want -
ed iu exchange for goods,
V ntV A It R V A L.-W. have Just opened
I'."" Y' ?f nt"'t' unu" siloes, vis i
- ' - - oi iiiiik , i-r? low. n larL-e isu com.
" " l IV I p soot
oy best Kip 0rt.
Meue best Calf Boot.
oys best Calf Boot.
Childs best Kid Hoof.
Mens best Calf Monroes;
B ys best Cnlf Monroe,.
Youth's best Cnlf Monroes.
Childa best Ooat I'umpi
Childs bet Well Pumps
Childs best nutton Pumps
Childs best French Moroco keol.
Womans Xlor. Jefferson heel,
Woman Gnat Jelfirson heol.
Womans Kid Slippers.
Womans Sup, Velvet bound gaiters.
Womaus extra fine lasting giitors
Womans sut. extra heavy moroccos.
Hours of buslnes from 7 A M., to 8 P. M.
July 10, 1S1. tf.
Tlioy have just received a genoral asiortmeot of
Spring and Summer DRY' U00DS, consisting of
I Ol'I.IN,
1! K( IOMS,
Ct )ATS,
hardware. queenswark, glass,
fish, bacon l flour,
All of which will be sold nn the most reasonable
terms for CASH, or approved Country Produce.
Clenrfield June II, lSrtl.
1)I1M!IU AiOll S NOI Itt Notice
is hereby give that letters of A Imlnistra
(ion have been grunted to the undersigned un
the estuto of JACOli ROBINS, late of Reocnrin
township deceased. All persons indehtod to said
estate are requested to make pay meal without de
lay, aid tboso having claims against Ihe same
will pre'ent them duly uuthenticstod for settle,
niont to sir Attorney, L. J. CRAN8, of ClcnrllclJ
er ANDREW SHOFF, of Uulich township.
October H, 1881. Ct. Adui'r.
XI-X'UTOK'sf NOTIC li. Notice is hero
Liby given that Letters Teatamenlory
on the
eftato of
SAMUEL MOORE late of l'enn
deo'd, have been granted to the uu-
All persons indebted to ssid osta ti
ll ro required to make Immediete payment, aid
those huving clu tins rgninst th same will present
them duly autbentieatd for settlement to my
Attorney, L. J. CHANS of Cirarfield, or
ANDREW 8. MOORE of Tenn tp..
Oct. II. 161. 6t, Executor.
It. M. W CM)D, harlij elnnged his loc
peetfully offer his professional services to the
eltiuni of th latter pluce and vicinity.
Residence ou Seoond street, opposite It it of
J. Crans, Esq. my 1 !)J.
Fhyslrlan and Murgcoii, hat pcrmnusnth
loenled at Lcceatei Mills, (iirurd township, ol'
fers his professional service to th surlonndinr
eonirounity. May , lSl.
PRIUFS F ROM $40 to 570.
graving of which is her r. pr, sei.t-d, hs new
hueome a recogiiiS"d favorite wher7cr it
bas been Introduced, and is, beyond question,
th best, as well ss the, low-priced
Sewing Machine cow before the publio.
No. 1 A small and verj ecut Uacliln foe
Family nie.
No J. A Inrga Machine for quilting heavy
work nd for Plantation ose. . ..
This Machine is much aduiirud for It stmplicj.
ty, and for It reliability and durability it is on.
iiirpftsed. A child tme'lvo years rati rua It with .
io ; nnd Jet it will few from tb coarsest cloth
to the finest Swiss. Thero is no trouble or re
binding the thread, SS it 1. taken froui tb spool.
It has no belt to give trouble, and will run
bnckwaid as wtll ss forwards, and still sew
equnlly perfect, and withoqt danger of breaking
needle. It mm by friction, and by closing th
box over it, it is thrown out of genr. In fact,
w buve aohesitntioa in recommending It a th
best fan ily Sewing .ituhiu la use,
Tht following Premiums Awarded the alovl
At th Fstrof tbe l-'ranklin Institute, li5S,
th First Premium. - -
At tbe Pennsylvania Ptnte Fair, at Pblladel.
phia, September 'ii, 1869, the First Premium a
At the Pennsylvania State FsU.Ltld at Wyo
ming, 1800 a Silver Medal.
Fur the best Double Thread Machine, at Lan-
.enter County Fair, held Oct jber, iHi'i Sllvor
j At tb Maryland Stat Fair, hold at th Mary.
;land Inrti'ute, Baltimore, Md., Octcbfr. 1869,
,nnder strong competition, a Silver Medal wa
awarddd to this Machine.
At tbe New Csstlo County Fair, hold at Wll
mineton. Delaware. OctuLjr. lSiO-.o riinlnitia.
I '
The above Machines are manufactured by
tVllmDiton, Del,
! No. 720 ArcL Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
I No. 01 Market Street, Wilmington, Del.
8. D. RAKER.
1 marl3-ly 720 Arch Street, PbilnddpM.
' .SO-Porsoni wishing lose the abov Machine
in operation, can do so by rolling at the resi
dence of D. IV, Mourn, in Clearfield burougk.
vM" i roper aueuuon to
"r- II.. l.lh In , ,..
"V T-X.,t. " time wl of great
benefit to very on
In point of Ltalth,
comfort, and conrinlence.
1 . UK ?7' tafonnd at hi of.
Bre, on tlio corner oflront and Main street,
'when no notice to th contrary appears in this
( pB
o. eritlotu la tit V.nt of liti profession
performed in the latest and most improved
styles, snd guaranteed for one year against all
nturoi failure!.
. mllE CI.I.AUI ICrU AC.tUliMV will
L be opened for the roceptio- of pupils (males
and females; on Mouduy Sept. 2d, 1S61.
Terms per Session of ricvui Ytcks i
Ortlngraphy, Reading, Writing, Primary
Arithmetic and Geography, f 3 JO
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar,
llA.iirrAi.liv Anrl Itl.tnw 3 All
Algel irn, iieomelry, Nutural Pbiloiophy,
and Ruok Keeping, 4 00
Latin and tireek Languages, 6 00
To students desirou of scquirtnga thorough
English Education, snd who wish to qunl fy
themselves for Teachers, this Institution offers
desirable advantages.
No pupil received for less than half J session,
and no deduction cade except lor protracted.
Tuition to be paid at the close of the term.
C. B. SAND FORD, Principal,
Clcarfiuld, Aug. 7, 18C1. ly.
t PPI A! Trimendovt Erritcnuiit among (A
.lsf !!.' EXCITING FOOT RACK between
the Philndolphia P'diro and the rotoiious For
ger and counterfeiter, Ja sics Buobaran Cross 1! I
Cross Recaptured ! II I It seems to bo the ener
al opinion in Clearfield, that if Crosa bnd worn a
pair of Frank Short's French-calf Roots, tbat h
would not be tat en yet. However, Shorty It
not much put out at missing hie custom bus
nould announce to nil Vr'ckinritiijt, Dvvqlatt
Lincoln and Iitll men, and women niu! chililrou
iu Clearfield, and Sinnoinahoning in particular.
ihnt te is prepared to furnish ID em with Roots,
Shoes and Oiiiters of any style or pattern, sti'.ch
ed, sewed or pegged, (aud at he it a short fel
low,! on short notice,
Ail kinds of country produce taken In ex
cliango, and ca-h not n lured. Repairing dona
in the neatest manner and charge moderate, nt
the Short Shoo Siu.p on Second Street, opposite
Reed, Wnaver i Co'sstore, FRANK PIIOKT.
N. It, Findings fer sal Kept. ?f, IdfiU
W.irJi & J2 rVLR Y
fpiIE undersigned respectfully
1. inf.. ran his custouu rr and tho
publio generally, thnt he hat just
received from the Last, and o, en-
edathia establishment In QHAUAil 'o' HO W
Clearfield, Pa., n On eisci tin. rit of Ct'icxs,
iVATcmtf, nnd Jiwttnv nf ilifloreiit qualities,
from a titis lei piece to a full aott, wbicb be will
sell at tbe most reasonable iri-ti fur cash, or in
exchange for old gold and silver,
t LOC hs of e verv. variety on hnud, stthe U it
reasonable prices.
all kinds r.f clocks, llatrbrt and Jewelry,
carefully repaired snd tl'urr.nifcd.
A eoiitinuunc of palronage is solicited,
Sept. 1J, I860. il. FAUOLl!.'
Stay-Fur sale very dn ap for Cuu, by
in basement of Merrcll & Big'er'i Store,
Clearfield, Pit. ftb-27.
(i L E N -ECHO MILLS,, J'a.
Af cCA LLUm - A; Co.,
tinMirters, and Wholesale Dealers In i' i;ti ngi, iuii t; r. i; t 8
Ol CLOWS, NAITltGS, -tc,
R'arehonse No. 500 Chitnut Stroel
(Opposite St; Uout,)
ff3?l ' raiwuu