I t' o,,, hi li thai .......a... inKllAlf lIKlf a 1 ""'en ju.t arrived, made a desperate leg, en arm. and hit lowwjH. .1, . .. . .. .,apVWUVia.rOTauOTKas . .. " - - charge on the enemy, but were met willTAsa l Adj. Gen. Harvey of tfce . ' '"r Jc---wrK tutt aa we can iruiu lue THE BATTLE OF BALL H BLUFF. lernne ore. , ana lata, aiarnae. Mere oaniii.rri luunius ago yre- tiamertMii nfl contraOielorj report glv-l ... ..r 0,-1. ..... . I vc I) t pponnun XT A I 'ii ui " 'I'l n UllhmMlit Aflminf.tiatiiui rhtnnpll ' 'companiea of the Tammany Regiment, ' iatent, was brought from the Celd 1 State, e , thro' ike AdminLt.etlon channels.' NEAK LEESBUUG VA. 1 . J ) ... .. t, SI .LI. . .!., ..a CLEARFIELD, PA. Wfdneiday Morning Oct SO. 1961. lerrifie Ere. ! and Capt. Markoe, were eaMurvd ''J!' It ii probable that the officer who an ibrisnda returned to ita for,.. a. ' peered in front and gave the order to ment, five mile from Conrad. $J!f make thia ohargo wa a aoce.sion officer, i tame evening. Score of nioh .j'1 1 1.1 1 . r . . t I I : - 1 . .1 . ' u H. .. a RiniHun vj vur uiru iur on vi arm ei at tun camp, ha? in, eir commander.. , aw ay their 0)011 es to1 swim the r, Lieut llrambatl, of the New York 9th , General Hank cmrMHj a(dt tlery, loat one of hia gum and him I) at tWt o'clock onTuesdnv in, If woandod very severely tut not fa 6.000 men of Ida omnnand al'nt lly. j other side. Then? was fightH,.. ..a 1 . I mill la aArtrih AT I hA nnVrllflJaf Vva I I JkeV 1 liAiif aavilli a a- at I a it . 1 The trial, came on in rhlladel.d.iu last ' : 1 . W IWMi'M flntf a Wroe lUW10T Of ""r' 7""-:.T l . r:"'"-:,":"'?.'"'""':? 1 ... . Malu rv tiJL cuuru wi inc urifai iiiui uur, nrru lour vnuia Adrninit'.raiion, a few vailed in the rnatern ai t tht the tyrmo at Vet Chester 'it The fact that th troopa had no 1oata at the Christian OLunr in Tliiladolpni. xver tj,e river, after beinj there fir over thiee; ; nearly do.troyea, an 4 the fnnnieni la- months ecm ridiculous indeed, and thia ken aire of by the U. S. Mnwhull, and j, glren M ,ie rea.ol, tlit llmy 0?our jtlie editor were arrested und held to an lnen ner, bt twer a cunrge or trCH'on. u woull, be, ,.,,,1,. ... on,j Our Jinny Again BfcaHdl tSSX. rri. -r . . .i... ji.'ir '".i r. . a -n Lieut ItrambaM, of the Kew York 9th Th XawckuHtta the first to Be- Utteryi o4t one of ,lU guftI Rnd mvk bitn. treat, and ruisn a White Flag. 1 coif woanaod very aevei ely but not fa t ally. ' week and wlipn i-varv t liini up.miAil lit l .1 1 . ... . 1 ... . ...... nwj urn i:u (ji. us, a ununr Cl7uuiii'iu remiy mr irmi, win i.roceeuings wero cut M u,u to wv thev had no b-rnm. with ln own tianUt after eniraced. lite unntt Imd ""fl ru 1. f . ... ....... 1 no: : . rVM . j . . 1 j . .. 1 . 1 1 : . . . j . 1 1. . i ,. W.. . ...M l-'l I r..w. 1 . .1.. t !f. r ' " " I . " . Jr.. i"" J" " but not mortal v. ...o.vuj-..,, orucr irom ma nr i-, For an army ol 40,tX.K.i tnen to oaciipy the the battle ot B.uTa Ulutl. aad uoh aa have i On reaching ihe i.land which he did ment to the District Attorney tolet thecu bnk cf , Urg Hver which they intended 'or.jeiohand throw no very char light up- by tiroing hi. iworJ and revolver into nnu ine euiior were 1 Hereupon re irt ratm nn a mnt n 1., n "V V " "'V".U"J the river, and awimmina-acroaa. Uol. le- boat. ..rei-arod 1 M,t all To U, n,1Ut- 'Vi". th r .f.eenth Mh,-. tjn al ono po.ied thirty of men to boat. prercJ, U past all excuse lo be .uQl.uaoit., who hid for Mine tune guard-Invent any attempt of the enemv at pur prepared for a retreat is a much the du- cd IIarnon t Ialand with one ooinpany, da Thii foroe waa aubu-oucntlv aur- Tha Diffitvanea Somo of our readnra hav e no doubt read , ? ' , tho Abolition speech of Charles Sumner, , ' . ., .... U.,itedSt.tMSnatorfromMaMachu.etU, 6 ce, however, the-e 'audaciou. cua and Chairman of the Committee on For-,!.. pth PW' eign Relation. In the Senate. ? he,r D0" fin'1 This Abolition babb'er, baa lately been ' , ... ., , , . , , jOtfice Dexartiuent closing the mails fulminating Li. p; dogma before the peo- . . 6 . . 0 1 a0.liiftt With fiffliiM mhAM c j - Thore might be some excuso o'clock, with no rexult, J , 8tiU Another Aeootuit. v ( A eorrepondent of the" New i pnrtKiar of the battler v.' The California Regiment took n-. K)ti pie of this country though the channels of a Ttlack Kepublican State Onventiotv tn Mauacuusettii, urging upon the War potv er of tha Oovernmant the duty of enun. oipatiug all the aUvea to the country. The two political heresies Secession and Abtitionism, have trach had able advo cates i 11 both sections of our country in the Senate and ii Congress. The South boasta of her secession leaden, Davis, Toombs, Cobb, Wise.and a host of others, who have engaged (o praotically demon strate their heresy. In the north, we have such champions as Sumner, did dings Wade, Chandler, and Hal", who boldly fuced their brother heretics from tha South on the floor of the Senate and the House ; but now, when they have brought the present tnlamity upon the nation, these northern champions reCure to practically engage in carrying out their Abolition theory. Unlike their allies in the South, who say corns they meanly skulk about their homes urging men to 50 I The blustering courage formerly ex hibited by them on the floor of Congress seems to hare totally evaporated. It would look much better for Mr. umner and Lis colaborers here in the north, to go and meet their former equal upon the field of carnage, and thereby demonstrate to the whole country the honesty of their purpose. Thus, while Davis, Toombs, Wise k Co., ara In tha front rank of their Army, we find such patriots (!) -is Sum ner, Ureely, Wtde A Co., babbling about home, and laboring zealously lo bring about a division in the North ; similar to that inaugurated by them bet'veon the North and the South. If as Mr. Sumner alleges iu his speech, this wur must re sult in the emancipation of tho negroes and mutt bo proteoulcd with that result in view, why doei he not step forward and lead a regiment ''on to Richmond? ' and thus demonstrate the feasibility of hit AMilion heresy. One of two things is putent in the con duct of Mr. Sumner and his colaborers here in the North, they have cither full confidence that the Administration at Washington will do for them what they desirA and claim as a duty upon the pint of the government to free the slaves ; or, they are demagogues and cowards of tho meanest kind. RiriiKir.xTATivts. Prom what w ein r from tha vote gin tj the votuntrerifor Rep rteentativei, wa think that th I'nian candidate art elected. -.icATcon Miner, Bully for tho Miner. The above four lines contain more political truth than we evor found in one issue before. We are pleased to learn of the conversion ol our friend of the AIinr, and we can tutsure him that Ceo. W. Zieg'.er and Chas. R. Early are two as pood Union men ax we have among us ; and their e cction is in deed a great Union triumph for the 'Wild Cat" district. Their Democracy Is above suspicion, and their ability is unquestionable. We re joice in common with our extemporary al the defeat of tho Abolition candidates, and tho triumph of the "old Union" senti ment in our district once more. 1 Cam AMTunrr cxpluin why it is comlJcreJ al most or quite treasonable to call attention to and demand inveHljrution of the alleged pro ex truvagnnoe and miitnnnngement at Washington City. I'ill. l)ttpntr. Wo hear no ono pronounce it treason except Abolitionists, and not being a membor of tht tribe of lunatics we can not answer. We are surprised that the e litor of the lHtpatch, who teems to glory in hi Abolitionism, should be kept In the dark by his own friends. We won der if they leave him out In the cold du ring caucus hours, when treason is defined and explained In solemn council? They havo a poet in the otlice of the Clearfield Republican, Hear him. Let the Republican party 'wag as It will." The Democrats 'will be gay and happy Hill." There -we pronounce that decidedly the beat and most lru(ful poem of the eaion. Hereafter the writer will write exclusively for the New Yerk Ledger. Cumbria Zem. Our mountain friend labors under a mistake, we litre not been engaged to write for the Ledger, but jt lias been bin tad that we would, eie long le engaged in the Hotel de Lay tuyette, adjacent to the vicmjty ot l lie b&lgir. Uut if poetry for this outrage of individuals and constitutional rights, if the Administration would aUo stop papers whose editor admit that they have laboied for twenty years for a ais.o lution of this Union, and havo for years kept fcueh sentiments as tho following, standing at the head of tlitii columns; "THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION IS A COVENANT WITH PKATil, AND AN AUKEKMENT WITU HELL." "NO UNION H UH SLAVEHOLDERS." The editor of (his Abolition sheet used th. following emphatic sentence but a fe v weeks ago, in refferenco to tha Con stitution : "At lartjudsineat bat been laid to the line, and rtghteounneiis to the plummet; the hail hai swept away the refuge of lies, tha waters urerll iw the hidinK-nlace t the covenant with death ia annull ed, and the agreement with hell no longer laodi. The Union of 178 U porfidiously overthrown by the very elaa which fashioned it at the beginning, anJ which until now has con trolled its adminittratixu." . If this Is not treason, what is treason? Dut it has been 4tll said thnt "truth crushed to e.vth will rise again," ai'd this is the only redeeming feature thnt soems to lnvcr in the political firmamont. Col. L. L. Tati. This veteran editor of tho Columbia. Democrat, has been elected to the Legislature, in connect on witli Ool. Tutten of Wyoming, in the district com posed of the co-id ties of Columbia, Mon tour, Sullivan and Wyoming, by an old fashioned Democratic tunjority. Some SO yours ago Col. Tate, iu connection with Wm. L. Moore, published the Banner, ol which the Republican Is the legitimate suc cessor. He was then a Democrat, and has continued a faithful and devoted advocate of the principles of the National Democ racy from that day to this, through sun shine and stotm. Like most other editors of Democratic papers in Pennsylvania who had the independence to maintain the in disibility of the Democratic party last spring, Col. Tate and his office were threat ened with the vengeance of the mob. II in Democratio fellow citizens, whose devotion to the Union, the Laws and the Constitu tion cannot be doubted, forthwith selected him ni (ht man to represent them at llar-riHburg. editor of the battle, and to fail to not do this must either ignorance or carelessness. !..... ....I .1. L. I 1 . " (nine. The rirewned are about fill.. ' ,i.k : . J Kinru tinny 1 tue prisoner, throa t. " .TJ'.an,".fr.ora l!,e. M17 a,:.d. unior drcd. and the wounded one l,un. Int. I fi. T.Mt . a .? liuu. , a ii (a Jiua wm muw-tiuvi m hwk ty or the commander, as lo prepare for a oruereu tupi. 1 niioricn, 01 wmpuny 11. nted by the arrival there of other com 1 .iU"P. M ll OlHil, ! titan iaaai fmn tltm MackUh.! shrui titirl.i M . , 1.1 - . ... . I'M as a- win anas. waii j tii ni.i 1 a w ikivi i tt it I al lat anil ll-la.il At ! Ill .n at A mns t . I '.ho twmoihore in tho d reel on ofi n. - -u-hi i. . i"niy-v . nieiiuiidr lu tu . . . . .. . ... . .. ' W.. fc' V. ... -V W WW. a.a U 1.1 nA I... .... H A., .1 , ' II . . . I. . . . .. . ... . . . . .1... I. n. .. n ..... F . . . 1 . 1 1 ma nuair n mi iiui-ruvuiiiem uh u i.crivui. mr; uuDci nu:u lsiun u tha breast from a in me snore', an 1 .eouiea ma oraor by Bull linn b:it(l. thn retrant lin been inglorious, and the addition of drowning 7l K. ,.1, ! . . " 6 , ' ., , , , nnle of Leesburg, returning to then atari men has been added to the ho.ror f ig point about leu o'clock at night dis ihe fijht. One statdiuent is that 70 wore covering, as they supposed, a small camp, drowned out of one hundred in th first on mile or more from Leesburg. trip the Loat made. It is also stated that .0'. reporting to Col. Devin, the latter r 'U'ltlk fit irtt it L hriM iUtlitrml hiart rnalia... our men run oct of powder and ball ; ifjf,rw,rd by direction of Oeti. Stone In the this is so we may be prepared to hoar the aama locality with orders to destroy the next time of our armv beina defeated. 'ip. At daybreak the scouts returned that Instead of having 110 boats Ac., they had no muskets. that'10 k''"1 "ho remained with his D-Daniel II. Nicman, Kaston Sentinel, whoso cilice, as our read ers will remember, a as destroyed by a mob a few months ago, because he most brave ly defended the fredom of the press, was immediately nominated by tho Democrats as one of their candidates for the Legisla ture and clectod by over 1300 majority, Dut Dan. ia a glorious good fellow, and deserved lo go lo the Legislature without being tent there by a mob ! &3"Tbe following latter from a welU known Missionary appeared In tho New York Obterver some time since. The sew ing machine having become a household necessity, the information is of impor tance to every family j more especially as it would seem by this, a very superior Machine can be purchased at a much less prico than is gunerally supposod. Ntw York, April 4th, 18C1. Mr. Jumet Wilcox : Dear Sir I hove now in use one of your Machines rix mouths, and am ready to thank you for introducing them to the public, and furnishing thorn so reasonably to Missionaries. Having used one of the best double thread Ma- commanu conceaiea, and word wa. sent back that no enemy was in sij.-ht, Colonel Joocb Mr.K.rr..-Thi. gentleman is one I1 ""',Ck company Ukmg an advanced ... , , .. position, while the remaining companies or Ihe Judges, or the District of Columbia, Wttre concealed as a reserve in cue of an and was lst week arrested foi treaon. 'attack on the advance. His brother Judges, Morsell and Diinlapj w',cn ,out n'l "J u-tlf ftoru the issued an order to Provost Marshall Por.j";"',"'1 b u..'lra;rda in .dviic . , , , , of Col. Devin s reserve, Capt.rhilbick, ac ter, to diow cause vhy an nttachmcr.t for 'compunied by Col Dcvtn in puraon, at- contempt should not iisuo against him tacked and drove back a company of lor obstructing the process tnd cause of Mis.iisippt riflemen, and then fell back to justice, in the case of Judge Merrick. I lhe reMfrvtf c-insjaled in tha rear, on the .... t, , . - i- . i . . , appearance ofa body of rthel e.ivitlry. In lhe President immediately instructed te skirmid. Capt Pl.ilbick had a diffi the United Slates Marshall not to serve culty in gelling near uno-ogh to t!-4e ene the rule, but to return it to the Court, lny 1'- smooth bore guns to have much and it form tl.em that the President had ! e",l'ct' ,v''erCi" theolheu uiod long ranga . , , , .Tines on our forces, for the presnt, suspended the writ of( At d iyliiiht. and the same hmir that Col Habeas Corpus in all cases relating to the Duvin'a ci iimand loft tha shore to make mi litsry, for leabonscf public necessity. the advance, Co!. Leo, of tho Twentieth The public mny learn from this that so 'i.isetis, aeni over one company or lilt. I'fliMttlPlif uli1ih PAtiHimaJ Ait m ltrn tn rar as the Judiciary is concerned, -u.d 'cover H r,ll)r of Co, ,)evin n)0 Col. whatever little of civil authority still n- however, maintained his ground, and was mained in Wathincton, the last iestage reinforced dining the morning by 300 has been swallowed up by the military. ed a slight contusion in 'Mfe( u,ut ono hundred and eh,. r musket ball. Col. Cogg.wcni0r iUa Tammany tt. CtKARfitLD Pno-.ntssiNo. Wehare beet more of hi regiment under Lieut. Colonel Ward. About one o'clock he ws attacked by a i .1 . .I much nlensed to learu that Dr. Foster ' consi.terawe tirce ot riilomen wm at- thecnt-rprUing proprietor of the st igei !L r,,!"i,nk V?' liT" l?ml ,. , ' 1 ,. , , , they miglil bo succossful, and after rcsia line from Tyrone to this place, hasetlect- ng ,llem for onle limb (j00Ilei i)Jvi ed an arrangement with the proper au slowly retreated, in perfect order to the thorities bv which in the space of four or'""", where Oen. Hakir had arrived with a oauitnuu oi ui" lamornia rcsiment. live weks, the mails, passengers, freight, Ac, will be transported on tho Tyrono A Clearfield II. U., from Tyrone to Sandy Uidge, thus reducing our distance from civilization, from thirty-five to twenty- winch waa commandud by Lirut. Colonel Vt i.tnr. Gen. Biker then look command conn plinienlinx Col Dvin frr his succesiful resistance to a superior f.rce, and givi nj liit f-ntiiiimml iimv I.-..K il...n f'.iul throo ruflca. This arrangement wil n ake! right of lhe ,j;,c of .JtlUlo . ,u Clllfre,ailj soveral hours difteronce i:: the arrival of I jtt being formed of a to it 300 of tho 20h tho mails here, and save a vast amonht of i Massachusetts, under (."hi. Lee, and the Continental prayers frcm persona passing t Caliiors. ita battalion, abont OW in number, over the Road. lUld lugle A Tyrono flunk toy According lo tho message of Gov (Iairis of Teim., that state has raited and equipped, since the sixth of May la-it, thirty eight irgimrnts of Infantry, seven battallions of Cavalry, and sixteen eoni pinies of Artillery ; iu all about 40,000 men. Th state authorities have also orectod a Foundary at Nashville, which is turn ing out 50 cannon per week, and a per cussion cap manufactory, which turns out 22i,0(K) per day, besides manufacturing an immense quautity ol muskets and n. ties. Jonx Brow.v, Jr. This notorious Abo litionist Is i ai-ing a company of Abolition Sharp shooters in the western part of this state, intended for Montgomery'. Kansas regiment. Montgomery was the leader of the notorious Jay ll.uvk party, during the Kansas troubles, and has lived the life of a murderer and highway robber ever since. Hereafter, ho-vevcr, he can con tinue his business in a legal form, as he now holds a commission from Washing ton, and in connection with Brown they will, no doubt, continue their old busi ness in a lagal way. What Should Two mountain howiize.s, commanded by Lieut. French, and one piece ol the N. Y. Battery, commanded by Lieut. B.-am-ball, were in front ol the centre, immedi diately previous to thecoiununceinent of lhe action. The at lack was commenced by the en emy ok cur right, but was soon directed more heat ily lo the centre and left. For about two hours the battle raged ternfi. cully ; a complete shower of ladeii hail feP. Thieo times lhe left of the lines made an advance, but w.-re compelled tn letirc as often. The right was tatter pro tecteJ, and held their position. An oiiir came tiom Uon. Baker to throw two companies of the Fifteenth Massachusetts to tho centre, which was immediately executed. This produced the impression that th hattle was going against us, but eauel no confusion cr dismay. Tim left wis hard pressed hut remained firm. About this time tho news rpread that l7er.. Baker was killod. While in the act of pushing a cannon forward with his shoulder to the wheel, he was pierced l-y six balls. It is very evident that he was the object of the enemy's aharpshoot tn. Attor tins ihere wn a cessation of the fire lor a few minutes, during which Col. Coggswell, of the Tammany jegimer.t, ar rived with two companiea. and, ho Wing thesenioi olhoer, the command devolved uf on him. In a short lime it became evident lo Col locgawell Hint the dav war. lost, and DoM. Kvery , ,ie t'wght it b-st to out hi way through young mau not ong.igod in tho service of j "jf"",1 ' Cn ?mn .. , til - , -i I " 1,1 charge, throwing over reiutnrce u ivuuuy, aimum biiiiv nun an men is ty direct lun ol den. Stone who chines iu lha Market, wa srpk in t t li ,...it .... .ii... r. i:-... hie dispatch to urenare lumsef for use- was iu aieht ni the battle fmbl VA kvn.ij " . . c maj llll k lur MIIIIU1CUV, I - I ' L- I ' , " ease and preci-ion of woik, your, is tm-i ,H,nci,,i h" ttl,e,uun8 "me school adapted "X Uireolin, the general ntove- i t? lhe WBnU. f t.',a 1,rCfent. i.fi ! n... in I An'order wa, now ied to transfer lb. It is the or.ly Machine whose working, ms ml,ecl ,.ron '-'V ColloKt r 1 Mussachiifetis 15ih from the right to the ia so sure and simple that I should ven I UU'K. '-. "'O'ns a nigu reputation, as; en, men waa , i. . ..... I IS SllOwn liV tho luimninns nrominont nnl , "nuniiuu uiiii line m iiinuuuce n in ".yria- among peo- ' ' executed as calmlv as at a ...t.-i i resDonsible and t.rominenl nosil ions now .i . . became fntirfiod of joo -iiu imie viii- b iuuuicuiu oi mccnanw ', ' J , impossiwiity of reaching Edward's ical skill. ij ..uiu u.i CT.iiui.1. rerry as denied, sndniv.in I am quite sure I shall be able to bring Se,,i for H'eir Cataloguo and examine for , fall back toward, the river, which waa ex. it into use to some extent in that court' yuriUe- t as. ! e ciicumstance. would ANOT1IKR ACCOUNT. Disheartening Details of the Affair. NUMBERS or OCR MEN DROWNED. Upwnrda of 1,000 Missing. Capt, F. O. Young, of N-w York, aid to Col. Baker, atd who wai with him when he died, gives the folbwing account of the ie:ent engagement neur Edward's Ferry; (Jen. Stone ordered Col. Baker on Sun day evening, to have his brigade ready to mote at 7 o'clock on Monday morning. The brigade waa then stationed five miles irom umrau s ferry. At i o clock in the norning, ho.vevcr. a Mecscnzer from Gun. Stone ordered the first battalion, un der I tout. Col. Wisiar, to move immedi Hlcly.soas to bo at Couiud'a Ferry al sunrise, whioh they did, and reported ihemselvos to Gen. Stoce. Ordors wore then sent fro-n Gjn. Stone to :he battalion to stand fast until they nhould heir heavy firing in front, and then to crosj. About un hour al'ierwards, musketi v bavirg been hear-l prcvioudy, doail and wounded began to bo btvugut over to where we were. At 10 o'clock the number of killed and wounded bro'l in whs increa e.l. General Stone or dered Col. Baker to take command of the forces on both sides of the river at that place, ard to bring up his brigade and the Tammany regiment, commanded by Col. Coggswell, which was in camp about three miles distant, and to cross hi. mediately. Capt. Young carried tho orders to the I ain many Regiment, and tha whole force proceeded aoout a iniledovvn river, ready to cross. We found two scows, each of which could carry from forty to fifty men. and managed to get from the canal a dug out, which would take sixty or seventy more-. Six companies of tl.e first battalion of the California Regiment, threo pieces of anil lory, with men and horees, belonging to the Tammany Regiment, with Col, Ba ker, Jo. Coggswell, Lieut. Col. Wistar. Assistant Ailj Gen. Harvey, anil Captain i oung, got io tne island, wiiore we were joined by a battery or the 2 1 Rhode Is land Artillery with two fiwall howuicr. The parage to the Nland was very dim cult, with our insufficient means of trans portation, the distance being a quarter of a mile and the current swilt. We poled ourselves up t'-e eastern shore a long distanco, thunoe were drifted down to the landing, i'lotn the Ulam' to the Virginia shore, our only means of transportation was one aoow and a metal -ic boat ol littlo or no service. We landed under a steep bauk, 100 foet high.covered with rocks and jungle Scrambling up tha bank, we found an open fiiel-l ol six acres, with thick woods on three sides, out of which came a con stant, irregular firing from the enemy. Here were Col. Devin'a Fiftenth Mas sachnsotts Regiment on tha right line at the head of the woods, baring been driven iu aiter procicding a mile aad a half to wards Leei-burg. We formed on the left, and presently advanced two companies of skirmishers to the woods in front. The concealed enemy drove them back with a heavy, telling volley, and followed the regulai with an irregular firing. Our men fell on their faces under tha brow of the hill, lhe enemy not being in sig! t. The artillery could not be seived because the gunners were not to be found. Capl. Stewart, of Gen. Stone's stafl, camo with a messaae to Col. Biker to IK .HI ,1 lit. I anl f-J 1..I . jor was .afe. The engagement took place on a, height above tho landing, ocmniMej,, at 4 o'clock, P. M., and continuing d dark. All through the day the ea had been firing skirmishing slots, oi troops were drawn up on the e-lg-'ofik, hill, in a semi-circular field or openio. skirted by dense woods. ' The Califi. sns, tinder Lieut. Col. Wistar, on taeU the Massachusetts Fifleei.lh pud Tn. tirth on the right, and tha Tsmm,,! skirmishing. - " . . ' Two howitzers an J two field !eci , the Second Rhode Idand B.V.tery also hauled up the hill a:.d eslTt.-etual'r hand'ed during the fight by Col, R, 'lim.elf, aided by Wistar, his Adjiitm GeneraL Hawly, Col. Cujrpswell. of a. Taiunniny, and Company U, Capiain Ber. nel, First Calil'ornia. Only the RyJ ri I .,. isianu nmcera siooii oy tneir gUiii.tlj,! men irireHiinji euuy in ine irsv, The enemy charged from the woodiit all diroctions, converging upon ourfwoi They were bravely met ; but the slaujht er ofour best officers and men was so let. rifle that the Federalists were at lastobli. ged to retreat. Col. Uuker was killed by a liorsemss, who rude close to him and fired five thoti from a revolver, all taking effect. Tin slayer was nt once brought down in tun by Ctqit. Burriel. The same brave fallow recovered linker 'a body, heading a cliirn of his company for that purpose. 'inalfv Col. Coggswell, just ns he was taken, pt'e the order to retreat, and an individual rti.h was made down the hi'l lo the rim, i.)nly one gun was brought a-sray. The scene at the river side wai liorribli in the extreme Tho tebels came to the edge of the hill and fired down upor. our retreating niasea. The one boat fi lied and sunk, and those who did not attempt lo -wim across were forced to surreniler. Many were drowned in crossing, and (be rebels kepi up a murderous fire on those struvrt.'liiii' in the water. The remnants were gathered in a U J mal rain on Harrisons ManJ, and tbi carnage ceased. When our skirrci-.hing ompanu. IikI re.iclnd the edge of the wooiU, susJJeri ty (he enemy, hitherto concealed, rose hh a yell and fired a volley; thon bspt fighting in their usual manner j first jir ing a yell and volley j then loalin; id firing al w ill for a few minutes ; then em iug an equal lima ; then giving anuba jell and volley, and soon, pouring mur derous fire into our Ii lie band fur tin spatte of half an hour. The whole woMi around swarmul with them. They U no artilh-ry and no cavalry. The Rebel took all our gum but nrs. When I loft yostorday they hau shuutnl to u., tel'ing us to come over anJ take away our dead sons of b s tiiiilrill( of trnoe; had also mounted ourownguni on tha heights, and warned ui to leave the island in tour hou's. l ha causa of this sad havoc wai that w had no proper mean, of Vransit and retreat. i jt Towv.- Charley Holes' Anihrnlvj Car has again made its appearance la fronl of our oflioo. Charley lakes mm celient picture at a very low figuro. W' advise those of our readers who went H get a lifa-likfc picture taken, to csll oi Moles. SIIEItlKK'sl SALn.-n. rir,ue cf of i Hl of Ven. Ex. limed out of the C -art of Cta- uia Picas of Centre county, and to me direetel, will be exposed to nubile tale at lhe CosrlbwN ia the borough of lleilefonte, On Monday, the 25fA day oXov. not. try. We are particularly jdeased beauty We would prefer th ; permit he reached the liter bank with Vi. The new beef contract has been nlout twenty minutes beforf. thn awarded to TV K. Kiinhln an. I .T T. fol.. Here, Ihe I5th deidoved ns aklrmi.l.o-. of the work doneby the hemmers.'gar, of Harrisburg at $3,49 per hundred U!ls llie ll0'ft- jld t.refer the Wil,t rf- Oil.h. M.. Uro.. w.iU , .L. ' J . . r" ? I lnc',n, ?f oonveyinc on .hore - ! o"-' " -'f. vo-.. i' . to me isiaiui was a I j hold his ground, as (Jen. Gorman, with i 1 , "t" ah def l'BdBL' J J ,oThic,i'iniorrm EJ--d-'--t-.gi to reinforce him. One company was ad-1 the township of Ru,h in the eounty of Cestwss vanced to the left, iho direction from ; the township of Decatur ia the county f Clear which Gen. Gorman was expected. They j field, ceutaiiiing seventeen hundred sail' were met by a yell ami a volley as before' !,crf" n,l allowance, telng held in cimm-iavai and fell brck to the line, f ho hid-len Ki ,' Cur,in' D- Priner- 'n, J- ,ul,' enemv now anneared to h.i In f- .. urw "cu pfeml.es are described by wW th.ee sides of ale. whirl., with .,. Ji" . ?"d 'in '.. Kivn '"'Vl their back, disheartened the men. Tho line othcets of the Massachusetts Regiment ordered their companies to re tiuat, and the enemy coming Out :if the wood foi the first time in sight, general conNsion ensued. The men, running to tho water's edge, and finding no boats, rallied, ran up the hill, discharged two volleys, when an officer of the Maisnnhns. etti loth tied a white handketcb iel to bis .word. The enemy ceased tin prisoners Many escaped into iwwtii. tn.niiui in u iKiuiiu. ul Rr lAiiiui m.l . I:... . - j h.rinr .1.,, .i ,, , .... .-. ,' iiiiiurumia liniment, inu iii-c ancvc: .mall skills, home were diown.-il imn-,i iiiim n,. ..m ikn dlf r i.. i i . . . . . . . 1 ... . . . i, -ciik-1 AJn'r. se siw l, f -J I v fJII ij IUV - " Lincle toM'm. 11. Illair.dat 1 8ih Sdl. I3i7an ree-inled in the offloe for tho reoordiiig of D ic, in Centre county. In tnortgsge b-mk B psp 34, 4e., with the improreuients an d sppertenss ees. Boise J, taken in execution, and to beioK M the property of Jos J. Lingle. GEORGE ALEXASDKR.,, Bellefuote, October 30, 16". E""1 VDMIXIsaTHATOl'rsi S(iTICIi.-Utt uf AJministtrBtinn h-v!tc litn trraQtf d tbil nr. a. H innl. dBy ,,,e n"d"ig.ied on the ost,i:e of PUlUP ng, and took KRINEB, late of Drady tonship,:dec.sics, sll O the woods, persons iudahtod to said estate ar req'Uitsl1 nightfsil. them many of the wounded. ' authenticated for settlement Soon after Cant. Stewart's , Brady ip.. Oct. 30. 1881. 6U Col. Kulcar kvl.n m... .I...:... . i' .1 i ' engagement, perfectly cool 'and brave, on ' Dissolution of Partnerihip or more anon after our arrival in remain, your, truly, A. T. TRAIT. Missionary of American Board. ISuThe Christian Advocate it Journal sav. of the MaehinA. "For familu i!nii In I . , --.,.. -.-...H ... foot, cheering and hading on the men rPUE partnership beretoforo existing bet"' wa. .hot from lhe wood, several balls mal' A ,h( I" 'kV'frffi kint? fatal wnoiirl. .-il I kal... A . . " at Lulhershurg, was dissolved by k!2! It. "f"1"'""11 'l behoved to have .,, on th, J3,, in.tant. The sccoest. chine to any other, at whatever price. (pound. The contract is for 4000 cuttle carrying about forty persons ' which was! Hoping to have occasion to send for one or may be increased to 16,000. to be de-. overcrowded and swamped, and another yna,I livered at. Hamsburg or Chambersburc. ' ":" . ""ZL- .r":'"' lro"P re- oeen shot from one revolver. The rebel Hnr u,,. .rl i.r, iVxT r" v.i. furc.Hee- . - i mill i u n ni i inn inntA ramiA .... sf.i i - i s . . . VH nn nuW ini. s " . . ding wa, very.p.iitod, there being ninety, my took comparatively fow prisoner, in approached the body tf CaVt Win i HEKRY MS IX eight bid. for the contract. 13.l!e"?e' Bieral, of the 22d. and Wardh. r,S' Lmb.r.barg, Sept. 24, lsl.-tt Fia.-We le.m th.. tH iii : ... . ...w.". u" fwim plunged Into the with ten men of hi. company. roaLeS for I TIIOM H J.' MTl'l.I.ol'Ci'i ...... " -,... . .. . - . ... " w.i.j si 1 1 v i a uiHii v nirrv nt i maii nnme .a. ik .l.a .i. . i ii I mane, one ell.gible to write for the " '"T. or, ot thia g.inple Ma- house of Nicholas Tulda of Ferauson to them, and other. throwin7 he7n inf V" r . v " t' naa.w! "Jr ,ha ' Attorney at Law. palca, a. hi. Iatiu contained no leas j Bine, and to any width, ad U pen. Jt4 '""ed to the ground, and four of the I,!:,''' 'i? Tm V001'61 b?L ''h'-ee hundred and twenty of the fir.t 00' Bu .nd.( 4o. than three ''original pomes I " Tha man accurate beyond comparison." i younccst Children were burned i..ih '"1 !?Il?fta .darkne ( battalion, the only onein tbi ecsaiieuient a rwijiu-ri. ..n.u .nin- iiuri rnuit be, mmarried or intend, to qualify! FiltlLr CAnB1CK,.0ur lait The oldest wa. about 12 yea, old. The' known to' towr.teior tne agT. . pM,B,, ,)nd ,0 church about , Gov. Curtin has aunointed Thuridjv.'"cabbaM heads." Ha lft a .iL- f .,!. and Wf dilnf. the J8th of November as a dav nfin.nl,.. family .i.r,io .1 AR i... phildren in tho bouse . ... """l"- . "uiuu ua .iu : t.--.i .-. .1 ...... . "re t:.iug ! irnniiMinii. tnau six perfect iieaas upon it, thawaorknT ' tl' A Adminlnrstion baving bee. tbi. . tOe wa- dock on lues-lay j of two oompanie. of rrantrd to th undersigned on the eatats f ... , u i ; , .-lujuny regimom engagan there ntlSIt AIl'I.SOM, lata or Covlngwa having locked the ,iOP ,,In . P" VOr ,'re 100 niiawtin ; of 60Q of the Maachu. ''P. Claarfleld eounty, deceased, all per.es. i- ratio, tepi otih 1'p.toiuao. . a MIV WHVIUT. TV IAS 1 1 1 iftl SB tJttl 1 1 V IHTr. T-sft rv t m kn I -a I - I nnoiedl lie nnh ... ...i 7. . " "e"""1! "ere raisstnc. :. " ,-, - -...ii originated from tha nanriu ,k " " V.Tr'. D,,u ,r"oco-. V , ioro wore about 1.700 in all ei.t7nad. f "-oiswpsyent,.Da tnoeebavm-e.a.u....-- er fir. jp th.house at the ritoH TTM ?U T ,w" h&.Z?!&J W ' IZtoZ-Z i - .... , , . -, timi. vvi, -i mr, ui t. ot. aKf-r . raj-' i same will present Ibem duly aatbenticawd'' lie meet. r. r, cvtiavra" 8-pt. , 1MI t. al sr.