Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 30, 1861, Image 4

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    rt uM' ll " " I1 " II f I
,JI. f -V ' "
I In'"' I' Wli'li
tin -tmoil t."viir tit ut, dmir.p lU
, , il.ii Il Ir if n nti
in." uiiu'ni'ii .i.i -
. I..., i r ininni n iiillp'HI.r
! ' r V .
f 1'(rttrvt ,
1. Tin' Scroll ')? of Mrtiritrnte
, ron.
VrU"( ill In IK'l I'l .f ( IliLIV , fm- I In
"mretiu nower. undiT God, of tl.H in-
iliiitMidutit dominion
Plum tho determination of tic
Achi'inltlv m appeal tliull Iih made.
3. 'i'lii'" Governor U anieuable to 1 lie
oieo of the people.
4. The Governor shall have only n
siaplu vote to 'U'tcnniiio any measure,
except a casting vote -.vlun tlicaf-scm-Wy
hhull lu equally tlivideJ.
;. Tlie njisenitilv of the peopio Hliail
not Do distifW'eii ny mc uowmor, wi',I0,uher.
tihall dimuiH8 itself. j For th tnnmbip of Uullrb fit 'bo ichool
0 Con.-iiirney against the dominion jbouM in Junesviiie onSaturJuy ib aja of No.
shall bo punished with DEATH. I "'W.ri town,biP-t tb. bo,, of .w
7. AVllOtver SUyS "tliero IS II power u i M. Kmilh on Mondoy tbe i'Slb day of No
linlilinir iuriridiction over tind above' timber.
. , ,. . if ,i . i ... k..'or doim "lllltilia ou ruuil iiiw uu nit vi
l,;u rl,im'inini." kIihII ho nunishod with
- - i -
DKATII and los of property.
8. AVhouocvcr attempts to chango
r overturn this dominion, shall sutler
9. The judges shall determinecontro
vorsiew without a jury.
-10. Xo ono shull ho a freeman or.
rive a VOtO UllleRS ho bo COHVtltcd Or a
temh. r . , frp,- rnmmiin inn in otifi rtt
,'.'ir churches allowed in this dominion.
11. If o one tshall hold an othce who is
nut l0U!ld ill faith, and faithful ill this I
"v j ' :
dominion j and Whoever gives n VOte ,
!o SUCll a pei'SOIl tliali pay a tine Ot
DUO pOUlltl. i 01' tlie seiOIia Olience
hpfihil' hcdilfrnnehiHed
aCWiai. DCUlSirantnitH.U.
..lUijUiiati, vi uikci-iiici n "in inu
Obtablielieu Worship OI thl8 UOmm-
ion shall bo allowed to give a vote lor
t he election of magistrate or any offi
itr. ' " .
8. So food nor lodging eh all bo atTor
. led to a quakcr, adamite, or other heret
ic. ';'.'"', ;:-
I t Tfnntr lmrKotia turn ntinker. ho
hall be banisl.ed, and not suffered to I
tcmrn on pain 01
; 15. No HIIEST friall abide in this
tlominicn. Ho shall bo banished and
ftifler DEATH on his return. Priests
may bo seized by any one without a
16. No one shall cross & river but
with an authorized ferryman.
17. Noono shall ruu ofFa sabbath
day or walk in his garden or elsewhere,
xcept reverently to and from church.
1, No one shall travel, cook vict-'
im's, make beds, sweep houses, cut hair
ur shavo ou tho sabbath daj
. 19. No woman shall kiss hor child
on sabbath or fasting day.
"0. A person accused of trespasses
iu the night, shall be judged guilty,
unless he clear himselt by hu oath.
21. When it appears that an aCCOm-
plico has confederate. : and he refuses
22. No ono shall buy or soil lands!
without permission of tho select men.
J.A uruilkarii Shall havo a master,
anpointod bv the sellect men, who is I
" , , , . , ... . .
to debar him the privilege of buying
01 Soiling.
21. Whosoever publishes a lie to '
tho prejudice of his neifihbor, shall
fiitintho stocks, or be whipped 15
25. NO minister Bhall keep a School.
oft xr l,aV,ll r,.
27. Whoover wears cloathes trim
med with silver or bono lace above
two shillings a yard, shall bo presen
ted by the graid jurors ; and tho sel
lect men shall tax tho offender at the
rato of thrco hundred pound estate.
28. A debter in prison, swearing that
ho has no estate, shall bo let out.
2ff. "Whoever sets fire to the woods,
audit burnsahouse,8hall suffer dkatu,
and persons suspected of tho crime
shall bo imprisoned without tho bene
fit of bail.
30. Whoever brings cards or dice
. , , ... r 11 .
iuwv uiin uuiiuuiuu. BUttU pity unc ui i
five pounds.
31. No one shall read common
or, keep Christmas or saints day, make
minced pies, dance, play card.", or play
onany instrument of music .except
l.a.l,T. w .t .1'- r. ...... !
vv "At wuij vv wi Ulll-.'Clj CUIU VUU tiviin
32. When parents refuse their chil
dren suitable marriages, the magis
trateB shall determine the point.
33. The sellect men, on finding chil
dren ignorant, may tako them away
from their parents, and get them into
DCtter haildS at the expeSO Of their pa-l
rents. Iplete assonment of DRUGS in the new briek
34. Amnn that strikes his wife shall, building of Dr.Woods.on the comer of LecHt
pay a five of ten pounds, a woman
that strikes her husband shall be pun
ished as the law directs.
35. A wife shall bo good evidence
against her husband.
.to. oman siiHiicouri a ma lawitn
out first obtaining the consent of her-'
vtnonta-fliin rinnnla rmnnllv I, '
otTence ten for tho second ; and for
third imprisonment during tho pleas-
uro ot tno court.
37. Married persons shall live to
gether or bo imprisoned.
38. Every male shall have his hair
cut round according to a cap.
JSTjohn Ponder, of Philadelphia,
delivered to the Government on Fri
day last, 10,000 Minnio rifles, which
arrived from Belgium in tho Bavaria.
ttwlt is acerlained from an official
ource that Gon. AVool has as yet re
ceived no instructions. His proceed
ing to Missouri is, therefore, a matter
Cf uncertainty.
lit I) VMM Mill
,i I i it I "i I S
n il iii
i . . t I 1 1 . n
r H t , '
h II a M Ml I
- t.t he itlng Ap
v M, t.i II l
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,i el it . I i r ) ' " I ' "
M Mt ( I I 11'" ! '"1 '
B.iela f.'W lie 111" I !
f 'it V-TIWT'I IJ "' "l'r n f ' v"'"
. .. . t . .1 .1 ... .1.1 . .
l. i l ti. n
In sal. Iltinl U- f w.l.ii.
Merits the lltl-rtr. f N.r..n,l.
.,t V'O ltiirl lt i f Olr-ii-d -M Cd'sn
t 1 in. r.n 1 irih nf
' r.r ! I lf III). nl.'li!l.. -at tin I,
f pi, i
tf ftill
tt fn.t
M1W el
;.r(j M,M n ttHi.i-.Uy ii f I. it d.; .1
1. . . i
. r' ' " ' ... .
I r,f lhnitti.l,if. r.f Krjrmu'-MM " n
p. ). II nil K It., on llmrnUx b lllh il of
. , M,,,,!, iwmMh- at tin- formprly oo
npiffi by thn. kt"r, .in smur. the l"ih iy of
' KiirnnhiT.
Kit tin- t winliip nf OiiiIihiii-ul tlrn Hi) nf
Jirul. lliiblor wti il..iiJV tl. iMiJi a.jr or Mown-
Fortlui trn.lilM.f IirHilfi.i.l-l I'l hoti'O -if
Win lloovri on TonU lli l!Mli ilur i l .Novriu.
ct' '
I il, I,, .ii.liin uf H, !? u! llm bomu of
ilMwiinl A;l)orlii WJniuy lh I'Oth loy i.f
i Nir mlirr.
l or tli fonnvli i of l'viiliir ul tVtilie fi-lioul
hoii'c cn 1 tmrrtli.y the tt t'n.v nf Noriulr.
For tlio luwn.-liip ol Wdti'lw.trJ lit llio hoiue
! l'"r town-bip of Knox-nt tli. T.irkny Uill
ifboul house ou Tumtly llio 2Ctb day of Novum
For tbo townnhiii if Furgmnin nl t' c bouse of
l liunifij l:. Da v iii on Wvducrduy the
tb day of
Jnrdiui Ititrnfblp t tbe puWlr wUnoI homo in
Annonville on Thiirsdny the liCtb Nijyenibcr.
Client townaliip ut the tcbool homo nenr Si
mon Korubaugh', ou Friday tbo 29tb November.
New Wa.luci);ton at the public oliimt lunu-o
fur the boroticb on Saturday the 30th November.
Burneide towubip at tho house of John Young
ou Monday the 2d Dccouiber.
Dell towns' ii at tbe liou."e of Aseph Kl!i, on
iTnesdiiy the rid Deeombnr.
Lumber Oity nt tbe public ichool houae for
.1.-1 -i. i iir . i .i.. i.i. i. i...
t,rw;,5t, tbo bo of W. W. Andor
U) 0i, Thurndny tbo Stb December.
i.urwenviue noroucn ut me nonse oi Jfiiac
Bloom, Jr., on Fridnytbedtb December.
towu.tiip-t the bouse of laaeo Bloom,
jr., In tho borough of Curweuaville, on Saturday
the 7th December.
Bloom township ul tbe houae of James lilootn,
Sr., on Monday tlie 9th December.
Brady township tt the public homo of O. W.
Loug (now Wm. Seed) on Tueedny tbo lOta De
cember. t'uion township nt tbe bouse of R. Vi. Moore,
ou Wedreeday the lltb December.
Fox townidnp at thebonae of John I. Dundy,
on Thursday the 12th December.
JZlZZ ! Je" mi
Clearfield UornuKb at tbo Commiasioncra' Of
fice in Cletrfiold, on Monday tho IOtb December.
Lawrence township at the Commissioners' Of
fice in Clearfield, on Tuesday tho 17th December.
An appeal from the valuations of Unseated
Lands w ill be held at tbe CumtuUaionora OlTice
on Thursday tbo 2nd day of January 1862, nt
which time ull persona interested must attoud as
no appeal can be taken after that date. By or
der cftbe Board of Commissioners.
CoinmUtjiontTi Office. Oct. "ih, 'CI.
MKR, located at A. 11. fihacs M'dU, one m'Jc Fxst
of L'Uarfuld lorouijh,
ttespeetfully informi the citizens of Clearfield
and adjoining connties, that be is at all times
prepared to manufacture, nt tho shorten notice,
.hh I.. TnVZ
treas, suitable for CAlilNS ON HAFTS, which
i can bo folded in small compass, and omptied ind
'refilled at pleasure; and very cheap. lie also
; trims Cm riarea, makes repairs to all kinds of
I CarriatrA Triinmini and lTnholKterv. and makes
t'onla lor fllason i Xractng Lines, of any thick-
UB" f 'enK'h' , , . r ,
kjRCouiitry Produce, Corn llasks, or Cash
taken in Kichnnce for work.
Jlif-AII orders left with any of tho Mercluits
toclo;rf!''lt' trough will bs promptly
WliC lip! VliC Hl J
wj1ACKS1IT1II:. THE subscriber res-
pectfully inforuu bit friends and the public
irenerauy. tliatbe Is new well iblislioa in Mi
I NEW SHOP on Pine street, o,posite the Town
ilall, In the borough of Ulearneid, and upon bn
own hook, and where be is prepared to do all
work iu bis line iu the very best style, and on
tho shortest notice, liis old cuatorers are res
pectfully ashed not to forget him, and any num
ber of new ones are reapectfully invited to givo
him i trial.
EDOU TOOLS. His reputation as a Maker
nd Repairer of Kdge tools should of itjelf secure
hira I iibernl pntronnjre.
April 21,
To I
rSOnS Olt Of Employment,
In every County of the United States,
ri rnu in 1110 sine i fomn iue oesi nnu
most eloffantly illustrntod
Works nnblisbed.
Lur publeatiens areofthe most interestitg ,
pray-i"?c,'r' afa';fBj ,t0 tUo ",,uU of lrm"'
tbe host stvie and bound in tbo mos subsum-
tiul manner, and are worthy a place in tho Li-
1,rnry ol cvor-T I1u',,'ho"1 in "J-.
. SS-SJ-To men
' its, this business offers an opportunity for prolit-
able employment seldom to be met with.
rJnm 'ii lni. to aet as airentl will re-
ceive promptly ny '"" '" P"-"'
to., by addressing LEAR 1 . (il.IA A co., rub,
KVi . l"ln'lelljh'a' :
Oct 24, 1850 ly. 1
J KV 1)11 L) G STO KE !
lul,.oribera nave onen.d a full and com
ana Cherry streets, In the bnreugh ot Lie arliuld, 1
where they will be boppy to accommodate any
peraon who may desire articles in their line. Tbe1
busiucse will be confined strictly to a J
Drug and I'rescrrption lixslncu,
AnJ nopaliiswlli bespared to render satisfaction.
Dr. M. Woons. tho junior bartner. mnv alwuv
Jt IrS'r
separate room for consultation is attaohod to the'
store, where patients may be examined privatoly. j
Every article usually found in such in estab-,
lishment will be kept on hand, and sold at streatlr
jrediccd prices. j
Term okino stpicti.t Cash, wilt enable them ;
to offer inducements In the wny of prices
Physicians will bo supplied at a small per
centage over cost and carriage, mil their orders '
are solicited.
hvery article sold will be purs and
of the best quality
Jchticf. of run Peace. I
For Dicatc Township,
will promptly altend to ill business entrusted to
bis care. P. 0. Address, Pbilipsburg Pa.
iug. zist inoi
W. HAYS, Jistiee of the Peaee, will at ten
promptly to eolleetions ind other natter
eft ia Me charge. Address Kersey, Elk Co.; Pa
Ocu 3d 1860. ly. '
V li 1 I -l It Ml M
' h I
Ijl It I
n I. a
I - 1 UK 1-f .N ! U II-1 1 Ml',
(' ! mi.ih ,
. 1IIK rHMi'U'lM (II ' V I K .
1 UK fiulilll I:iit1l!t 1il.MU,
(I t I I, ,r. I. J
1I1K Mlnil.SHTIIi RLVIh'V,
(Liberal )
. n t l r I.-1 ,i.i Ii t-rn m in ., i ii .1 i I f t If
' '
i ft n A A .
! flh fir llf)(
t do
1 09
Fir n.i' t or Hi four llmifw.,
For try llifwo f lli fniir llevii'iit,
j T ll l';ur of llie II. H, ,.,,
1 tif Ult.'kHoo'l I J'ncimuo,
F-r HUi'kunoil ni cm lUiUw,
ri'f HlKckmifnl hn two lUiimi,
For :ltirkiniil nrt Ihrro l:w,
l'ir Hliikft'nl nml IIik four Hevlrw.
T 00
10 00
N. U. Tim pnc In (Ir-ut Iritniii fnr tin tif
l'riijiimlii nlmvo linmeii Ii $Cl j,,.r tonuiu.
lti'l ultli.-hcj b
nmrj-om uin Mrtft, ytrr oih,
hi. m
I'uritig t!i ti!t vt'iir tie lmre Introduoed lo
li" ni'tlcM of the mulicul yrofoi-Hiuii of tbi cotin-
try the Part Ciytaliud citluriilciif I'mptlamine,
ni:.Mruv win iuu:i?m,tii;
and bavins received from many fuurcra, both
from phyiciuD of tbe L i ; 1 1 t Handing and
Irom patinnta, tho
Most Uatterliig Tt NtlmoiwaUof Uh real value
iu the treatment of tliii painful and obmi
niite disease, we ore Inducod to preanntit to the
,.,,1,1;,,!,,. r..rm vpitiv n .n t f f T? n t itp
,i - -
. tSK, which wo hope will commend ita,df totho-e
j wbe are luaering with tliia afflicting eotnpl.iint,
and to tbe medical practitioner who may feel
dixpusod to tost the powers of this valuable rem
edy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in tbe form above
spoken of, has recently been extensively experi
mented with id the
and witn MARKED SUCOKSS (as will appear
from tho published accounts iu the medical Jeur.
ATlt is carefully put np ready for immedi
ate una, with full directions, and can be obtained
from nil the druggitt at 75 cents per bottlo, and
nt wholesale if BULLOCK A CRENSHAW,
Druggists nud Manufacturing Clietuists,
June26'6ltf. Philadelphia.
MAIUU AGP. GUIDK Being a private
instructor for married persons r these
about to b married, both male and feinnle, in
e.'crythi''g enncerning the physiology and relu.
lions of our sexual system, and the production or
prevention of offspring, including all the new
discoveries never before given in the English
language, by WM. Y Jl'NG, M. D. This isroally
a valuable and interesting work. It is written
in plain language for the general reader, and is
illustrated with numerous engravings. All young
married people, or those contemplating marriage,
and having Hie least impediment to married life,
should read this book. It discloses secrets that
every one should be acquainted with ; still It is
book that must be lucked up, and not lie about
the bouse. It will bo sent to any one on receipt
of twenty. five eet. ts, in specie or postage stamps,
Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No, 416 Spruce at,
above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa.
jjrfif" Atlncttd and Luluriunule No matter
what may be yourdisease, before vou place your
elf under tbe care of any ono of tbe notorious
Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in Ibis
or any other papor, get a copy of either of Dr.
loung's books, and read tt carefully. It will be
the uieuns of saving you ixany a dollar, your
nenun, ami posKiiuy your lile.
Dr. iOL'.Mi can be consulted oa any of tbe
diseases described ia bis publications, at his
otlice, .No. 41u spruce st, above Fourth. n"-lT
The undersigned has now on hand, at his Fur
niture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield, Pa.,
short distance west of Liti's Foundry, larg.i
took of
manufactured out of tho bist materialr, fiuisbed
a a very superior manner, and which he will tell
LOW I'OIt CASH, His long experience In th
business makes him feel confident thut bis cbsirs
are made iu a substantial and workmanlike man
ner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons
wishing t- purchase chairs should cail at once
'and got tbom while they can bo had at I
tbe lowest
cnrtitf iTfll! T tf IT. V A
TTowaHdAuciatio!(, pHii.Ai.rt.iuiA, A flen
I J. tv,unt iH.niuti,,,, i ,,Hri,,i t:n, for the relief of the Sick mid Dittrtnucd,
ajHit tvd Kith VialtHt itnd Chronic Diietm, und
tipecinlly for the Curt of liieati of th Stxuat
Mbiucn. Aiivice given gratis, by the Acting
Vaitablb nrronTS on Ppenrntorrboea, and
other di-caaes of Uio Sexual Oigans, and on the
KEW nEVrTllr, employed in tho Dispensary, sent
fmM l(ltlflr envelopes, free of charge. Two
or throi Stamps for postage aecepuhle. Address
UR j, .sKI.,, Horr.iiTOM, Howard Association,
No. 2. S. Ninth st., Philadelphia. iSmy ly.
D. a. rixisv
a. c. riKMir
V,.K,m n (7 r.tic,n iffrff
AlalllulUI allU VIL-UllUllUIl VL'UU
TfrtWADH PTnnfftJV'f.
r,v a l) ? I I n
b b b A li I b I,
BII',-S ot.EXCHASor.toTr-.SAsnpnArTgnigcoDSTs
Kxrhauge ou the Cities coiitaiitly
on band.
jXirO0ice on Second St., nearly opposite the
I.nthcrsburc-. Clearfield Cn. Pa., will
atlenJ r,TOlDrily to a'l business entrusted to bis
- .... 1
April 4, 1861.
Mr.RCHANTS, and dealers In Boards and
Shingles; Grain and Produce. FRONT Street,
ibore the Academy Clearfield P.,
June 12th, ol.
LAKItlM Clt cb TI.ST, Attorneys it Law
Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col
taions, Labd Agencies, 4o., tt., in Clsarpeld
I Ceajtre and Elk eoubtiei, July 30. y
V. ) 'ti. vMi
FIIffllM & SUEli!
' 1 lORVFrtt X nillt rurc.n o th I'mmrlnn !.nr
l of i i rrVnn.'Hi. l'- ,'' " nv"ll'',' 1
tuti.-n. or hi. fnra.b.b..o...1iut'.J. ry rr-""' ';
l,.il kli Mnl'. II mimiumil H f7
0fl 1 ii d Ii v a r r I T I ii i il lb. " f"h. ,,,n b i"""''"' hf bi'lh Mill Mil I """
M ; 1. Tiif II.. T I.ivi-r.nd LnnM! Pin-r. 'll, Forofuli. ind ,1 ;.,. nf tin- Mootl
find Mf VhVr l.."o H" biHI.4 tb .kill
CURIu.V, it Cliuk'i ItoMl, frcm tho lith of My tb) Itt of Jiim.
((iltSlt'A, .tWltttnor' JIotM, Jun.l.t. Aim, S.t. lut nd Id. ..v...,!,
1IROOK V hi-!. ..t tlm Aoierlcn lloaii, trim 3d lo th Jam. Af in. Ppt. 3d, tb nd tli
I T rill: 11 4.1'J JII.-I, Jnn l !(h m l lHb. Agtln, hupt lOih nd Ulh.
t'l l'AtnULU. JohMrti'i ut.. Jun. I.'th U hit".. A(?in, Sopt 12th d inh.
IiliLLKl CNTi:, Mjitwui.- H-i, from Juur 17th Uwh. Ajtuin, 8opl. 1 lib inJ tlh.
l'yilONi: C'TV. a Mm. i'bii.s' IKl. l, Jur Sljtwid ?Jd. Aiua, bfpl. ind IOUj.
At bin IXFIKMAltV, lium Jun 2?d to,lu!y 17th. .
Listea to fio Voios of Truth and Iloasoa aal Profit by it.
Th. Urn. Lni come on ill bo will, o weir H" ' K""P 1' Mwury. by Cft'llnj.
dolny, to net tbe well knnwu und JuMly cl.-hr,itHd ll,.rtic Kumpo.m Physician, Dr. honr, , no
will iJmii.(.r tlioe only tr.,, ind wfe mdi-inoP, r xtm-Mod from the tr-oit ibnlce ',?"""
which are prepured urdor hlnwn .uprvWon, nd thorolore fivoid nf? the of ill !'Rt
!ij. which were ncer de.iirned fur the ny-Uin, lo tike which ranny thomunds biro luiloit ticiiuh
( nn j gouo tt early jrnvei.
H,mb.r that Dr. Burt wanta no patients but these fully capable of arprariilig and dis'in
Kuibiiigths services or I regulor thorough bred physician, from a paltry, unlearned ana trilling
quack. . .
iVMiseioer, D. Hurt's remedies and treatment are entirely unknown to all others in this country ;
prepared from a life spt in tlie great hospitals of Kurupi wod tbo first in the country.
ticmtmUr, that Dr. llortbas a more extended pructice than any other physician in Westora Teati
aylvania. .
Jianrmber, that eitiiens of education, and our popular, men, aro all well jctui.inted with, and tnke
great pleasure in recommending Dr. Burt U the afflicted.
llcmtmhtr, that Dr. Hurt mukesno false representations to gull tbe unfortunate, but all h says wll
be faithfully carried out.
Jitmrmbtr, tli lit 'Jr. 1'ort pays every attention to diseases of i ehronio nature.
MAf-Certificatei of Cures mnv be seen nt his resueetiro rooms.
Dr. Bort is furnished with over sis thousand
distinguished men living. Also has awurded lo him diplomas from some of the most celebrated
Hospitals and, Iufirmnries in Europe, for bis unparallellod observations iu Diagnosis, and observa
tions in ii iseovei ing remedies for tbo our of diseases that bsve heretofore baffled tlie skill of many
of tbe medical prsfoejdon.
An early call from thoso wishing to consult tho Doctor, is earnestly requeued, so as to roeeive
full benefit of treatment, and thus do justice to himself. Time liu ited.
Please bear in mind when Dr, Bort will bo lo your place. Persons desirous of con.ulting him
will confer i great favor by culling on tbo first day of bis arrival, as bis room are so often crowd
ed, it is utterly impossible to attend to the anxious suliciietious of uIL Dr. Bort will arrive at each
of th! above places 00 the first cowli oa tbe d.iy appointed.
Please extend the invitation to all invalid aciu-untnn-fa, and ebltge yours, ir.
MayTJ, '61--2 .
Ti'if "REPUHQCaN?'
Terms ol Subscription.
If paid In advance, or within three months, $1 26
tf paid any time within tbe year, - - - 1 60
Cf paid after the exptralion of tbe year, - 2 00
Terms of AdvertiKluif.
Advertisements are inserted in the Republican
it the following rates :
1 Insertion. 2 do. S do.
One stiiiare, (11 lines,) $60 $ 75 ti CO
rwo squares, (28lines,) 1 00 1 60 2 00 j
Three squares, (42 lines.) 1 50 2 i 60 1
S months 6 mo's. 12 mo
One Square,
Twosquaros, : i
three muarcs,
Four tqtiares, :
Half a column,
: 12 60 ti 00 $7 00 ,
: 4 00 6 00 10 00 j
: : 6 00 8 00 1? 00 1
! 6 00 10 00 14 00 '
: : s 00 12 10 18 00
One colamn, 1
: 14 00 20 00 85 00
Over three weoks and less than throe moilhs 25
cents per square for ea:b Insertion.
xt.te3 neticos not e x:ecling Slinot are in
tried for f 2 a year.
Adrortisintsnts net marked withtae number r.f
niertions desired, will b r.tntlnnei until forbid
tsd charged accordicg to these terms.
An extensive stock of Jobbing materia
enables the Publisher of tho "liepuiliean'
to to the public thatho is prepa
red tD do ill xinds of
Posters, pAHPaura, Prookaiimes,
Blavi?, Pa?ia Booh, Circclars,
Iubzls, Eali. TtcxM-s, IhsDuin.s,
undeveiy Aind cf pibting usually done
in a toun'ryi cb oSco.
All ordeiH vill bo executsl with noat
nous nnd doinatch.
Time of Holding Court
Peoond Monday of Jannary,
Third Monday of March,
Third Monday of June,
Fourth Monday oC September,
In each year, and contiuue two weeks if lie
County OAlrers.
Pres't Judge.llon. Painuel Line. PelTefonte.
At'te fudges, Hon Wm L Moore, Clearfield.
lion lienj nonsnu, j.uinerenurg
Pberi-T, Fred k U. .Miller
I'rotbenotary.Jobn L. Cuttle,
Rog. A Hee. Jame.i Wgley,
District Att'y Robert J. Wallace,
Treasurer, tt. B. Gnndlnndcr,
Cj. Kiirveyor, II, B. Wright,
Couimin'n'rs.Wm. M'Crnrken,
Wm. Merrell,
C, Thompson,
Auditors, B. C, Bowman,
Glen Hops
Lumber Cily
Issnc W. Grabtll.Ciearfield
J. B. Shaw, '
Coroner, George RicbiirJs, "
List of Post Offices.
TVriuAi". .Vume of P. 0.
Buciria, Glen Hope,
E.)ll, Rower,
" Ostend,
Enggs, Clearfiald Crilge,
Bradford, Woodlnnd,
Brady, I.utheraburg,
" Jefferson Llns,
Blrfam, Forest,
Em aside, Now Weshlngtoi (
" Burnsido,
Clearfield, Clearfield,
Covington, Frencbville,
Curwensville, i urwensville,
.Vnais of P. if
ti. W. Calwel
MirT Z'.itr.
T. A. MT.bee
1. ir, Cis-.rl.iU
Lewis Smith
P. R. Millor
Ed. V.'l-.liaais
K IL Moore.
f f. Sloppy,
Jobu Heberling
Jaa. floom
T. M, Cutnmingi
Jat McMurray
M. A. Frank.
P. A. Gaulln.
IF W Schnsrr
fsmuel Way
Centre eounty
Film. Williams
Elk eounty, Ps.
C. Mignot
William Carr '
A. V. Shaw
T. H- l'oreos.
J. A. He; arty
C. J. Tusey.
David Tyler
H. Woodward
Elira Chaso
O. Herkatloro ,
D. E. Mokel
J. W. Thomps'n
Jus. Thompson
J. McClelland
II. W. Spencer,
A. C. Moore,
Kirnnel Way
Michael Wise.
W. F. Johnson
T. Henderson
Philloi burg,
Helen Pnat OlTiea,
Lociiunte's Mills,
Bald Hills,
miths Mills.
alt Lick,
New Millport.
Lumber Clty.f
Grampian Hill,
Bloomin gville,
I '
I ITuston,
I Jonlim,
I 1C ArlliMiii.
I Woodward,
I' This Post Office will do for Chest township
f Will answer lor Ferguson township. "
110EERT J.WALLACE, AJTsasr at Law,
J.V ClearflebJ, Fa., Cffict Ic iktw'l Z.ow, pp.
orlte the Jcnrl etace.
dee, 1, 1151,-tr.
t.'in)T Hi'i'tlluli "f 1, 'ii'lun. I tiRtnnil, n 1
Mill, nwinir to tlm ii iy nllf
111 lh f,.Ml. III l.lBf!
"-"'- ' . .. '.
ofth olUd a.insuUa tbyicl.oi.
letter of rccomuiendutioo from some of i!ie most
1V COXMlTMP'riVi'VfUaTba advertise-,
having ram restored to health is a tew
weeks by a very eiinplo remedy, afler having suf
fered for several year with a severe luug affec
tion, and thet deed disease ( unx
ious to
. . . ... 11 IT ... .1
inako kuown to bis lallcw-sn!Ierr Ue
means of cure.
To nil who dnsire It, he will send a copy of the
prescription used, (free of charge,) with the di-'
-cllons for preparing and using the autre, which
thoy will find a fure cure for Consumption,
Asthma, I'.rrncbitis, Ic. Tbeenly object of the
ndversisor in srnding tbe prescription is t bene
lit tbe afflicted, and spread iufyrniatlon which be
conceives to he invalnuMc, s'.d he bopes every
sufferer will try his remedy oa it will cost them
nothing, and bh'T proven bloating,
Persons wishing lao preacriptio-i wui pioae
Williamtburgh, Kings Co., N. Y
TIAVS the entire rost (or TUITION in the
X most popular aud successful COMMERCIAL
SLIIOUL in the country. U pwanla ot
IltNuarB young men, from Twr.NTV-rioiiT differ
ent Suites, have been educated for business here
j w ithin the past tbrco years, some of w hom have
been employed a BOQli-Iv fcfcl'fcK.'j at salaries
$2000 00
inwnediately fpon graduating, who knw nothing
of nccuunts when they entered the f.'ollege.
!4"fMinifter's sons half price,
Students enter nt any time, ami review when
they please, without extra charg.
For Catalogue. Specimens ns Penmanship, and
View of the COLLEGE, enclose 6ve letter stamps
Muy H, M. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa.
CirAtirirt.n, ?a.
(HTite In Crabiiiu's Urirk Uuildiug.
July 3d. lifil tf.
itooiii: irzv'iiii,
'ITTholcMtlo aud Itrlall Merchant's.
f extonsiva dealers iu timber, sawed lumd
ber and shingle;. Also, dealers in fiour au
greia, which will be sold olieap for ewb.
OeU 1I.1K5II.
Col. A. P. OWENS, PncritiuTOR,
Rc?poctful!y announces to the travelling public
tr rt be has now tnkon charge of this largo and
well known house, and will conduct it in suck n
maimer as will render excellent comfort end for,
satisfaction to all who may favor tim with 1
call. nov7-ly
Spring Summer Goods
I am just receiving and opening a carefully
selected stock of Spring aud Summer goods
ol almost every description,
A beautiful assortment of Prints and Press
goods, of the newest and latest styles. Also 1
great variety of useful notions.
Ronneta, Shawls,
Hole and ( aps.
Boots rtrnt Shoes, ft targe qnantlty,
v , Hardware, Qieeisware,
Drug' and Medicines,
' ' Oil and Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths.
Fish, Iroooq and Floir,
Mackerel In j and 1 barrels,
cf the beat quality, all of which will be told at
tbe lowest easb or ready pay prices.
My old friendi and the luhlio generally, are
respectfully invited t call.
ir-trN. B All kinds of 7ff.Vsnd approved'
ioi.'ui laxen In exchange of
Clearfield, Juno 26 1861. W.M. F. IRWIJ.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly
aid faithfully to ill legal basinets entrusted to
his eaie, in tbe several Courts of Clearfield and
s-djoinxc counties.
OfErt lie one fwmsrly ooctrpled j O. R.'
banssu. . ;
$35 00
, 0. Jf?th, Tll)9-ly. .
'I 111
.''s ..J k
IfV 'f'"H I
Vim ...
r '". ;.T. Li . M ilMi.m . ..i .i . , ," h
Ci r. ,.VI' -I in.... . .... . . i..i.
aW1.t. H Colli KXIIlM '1IU KIITI la II.. i ,
Mnnte ltd tiiJiiMil fiin-tltim. 1li. i , .
. .... -- -- ------- " " - . 'inimili,. n--
I'lHiip rnti U ni;rMlun, uttmi,. i l"
jilt. Ayw's rills, nud lio dlncMj. IIi.tTI'
natural aciloa of llm ay.lrm, a wllh tan."""1
f4lns f hMltli apnla. Iwt Is ti , I wM
thai Ui.lnl and rooiaion riipL,ini t tri"''
m le nmifiwAieu anil ouiim.his autrtinp,,. -.""r
run StUIre elfuet expels tlisiu. tj n,iw '""
Inns and ilwaiiQiii.nta of (be natun) fdiwo'
txsli-, they are r.viklly, awl niauy of Ih. n. JZ? " '
l y tbe anme sihw Ntme wlm knew Uit ?in j"
I'iMs. will nilrct le employ Uiem itu.a iu!h..,
lh itisoidore limy emu. ""tl
. . I' nui.iK ,H,.,rvinS ft SN. J ,
eiinrinl citt. and fioul eUior n.ll k ...... "
Finm d toruarJing Merchant if Si. jy, 1 uj.
Da. Atkb: Vour Pills ary tl paragon ef .11 0- .
fiimt In inivlitliie. Tlwy liTV.i cuiul my liu. d.!!X
nf 11 IrMraHiM mrM onnil linr luinil. ...I . j ,i.. . . v'W'f
1 - i.ini iihiI u.-.
iiicur.ililn fur yeura, lior iimtlmr Inn bcm Vi .
iwly nfll. fod vfltli bloh hes tin.l ilaip.i ti li-r itijT ,
In her hilr. Aflev our clnl.l i.u cured, ska iUh' . 1111. :.,J l.u I,.... rn..,d ir " "X
As a Family Phyalc.
Piim Dr. Ii. W. lurtttriy!,!, Atio Oitnint.
vur l'llla are tba prlnee of pnrgos. Tlmir aa .
fiu'tlltlcs sitrtMUM any entbartic wo ixmssn. Ti.-'.
mild, but vi-ry certaiti mill eflfetiml in Hi.,11 acn,w ,
l4wnls, wlilt li mnkea them Inraluiibla to uslu Ui,
tri'iitnuiut of dlieuS'i, v
Ilcadnclie, Sick Hernial he, Foul Staaineli.
Vom Dr. IdKtiri BoUimnrt.
DMalliu). Avuii I answer vou 1014 csntMtti
I have cr with your I'llls bettor tiian to say uuUai 1
trtr trait with a piiriintirt mulicint. 1 plan gnu ita.
deueeoii un clfeutiud tnllmrtic in my iluily eonttw jt;,
disMiae, ami bellevtn as I do that your I'illi annl iu ll
Ut we have, 1 of course valua tlwu highly.
PlTTSUt an, l'., May 1, Wji.
Pa. J. C. Arm. Sir: I hove been riptwlly mrni tf
Win wont knutitrlid any body run limn by ailotrot twi
of jour fills. It eeciiis to ariM from a foul ilom.ili
wbu-'ll Uif r cleniae at olire.
Voiiia wilb great lenffjct, KT. W. rHFM.K,
7rt a.S'nimnCluii.
Illlioul Disorders Liver Complaints,
V.n Dr. Vimlort Bill, X'u York Ply.
Not only are your I'llls admirably n InpP-l In tlmlr im.
pnae ns an awrieot, hut 1 Dnil their buiielirial rft.thuiTi
lli't I.iier tery iimik.'il linliH'd. Tliuy hnvo In my nt
ll'-e provud more elTectuul Air tbe cure of Silinii c
pi.imU IIihii any one riHiHMly I cell limulioo. 1 aintuniy
jokti thai wo hnvu ut luiiKlh a pitri$aiire wldi-li isni,t.
thy Uio coiifitleueo of tbo piufta.s.u ami tho .hI.
- ' tltPtRTMSI't o tlir. tMi )
Waaiilugln, O. C, 7i", 1, j j
1 I have used ytmr Pills iu any searta! h .1 1
I prootironviw ameo 5011 inaila Ilirni.unJ ciuiuul lK.ttia.ti
- !. H'ly 'u " " v la.uuim, k.iiii,. lllL'ir rt-CII.
, lulj, , tu luo lju.r ta j,.k mJ d
say iiit?y aru uie vuni. euiuaum nu cinpiuy.
ipirntly titey nia an a lninaiilu reini'ily lr ileruiii'iuMits
i( 01 gun. In Ici-d, 1 lure aehlwa luimd acKKof
kilioui Uitriut so obstinate taut It ik l not rua lilv jtrltl in
llicui. Jratirualljf jeiira, AUS1.') HAbl.1 M. ft,
I fyjiciuii ' Hu Jji m 't 1
Dysentery, DImihora, Relax, M'ttinis.
fi um Or. J. 0. arn, of riatyo.
Tour rilh huvu hud a long trial In my 1 1 Hrli'e, nd I
hul4 them in ealevui as ono of Hie bust aiauirnU lMn
over found. IbeLi' ultoiallie otT''t Ufai tlie liiri inai,
Iht-ni an excellent leuieilr. wIkii given in mimll ,imn I. r
'liiimn dyunkry and uwrr'iow. I hrir bi-c ni.?
makes them very uorepteUo anil couvoultul ft tlai um
of women aud obllilieu.
Dj-spepaltt, Impurity of tlie Blood,
Mn litr. J. V. Iltnei, ihilor 1 Adimt Vhiin, ft
Dr. Ari:a: I bavenaml your Tills with rxtiwrtllin-y
mrrima Iii my fUmilf and uniting liiomi 1 am rnl.ptl lo tu.l
ill ttihtrens. To repilatu tho organs of dist:.tios suil
purify the 1'lno.l. tlieyaro tho v ry best n I hi,,
rver known, aiid I can coiifi.littlly Ms-eiiiiiii.til iluot f.i
uiy niwids. Yousa, J. V. 111)114.
Wis.iw, Xynnlni Co., N. Y., Oft. SI, 1W.
Prill ?in : 1 mil ulnu ynnr Cnibarliu 1'ilU 111 iu yw.
tier, eiiiil find them an excellent pntcatire to cloiiuis tks
s stem and pirU'y tht fmntluim nf tltr l!rv1.
C onst Ipnt Ion, Cost I veneas, inppres.inu,
JllieHinnSlaiii, tioat, Neuralgia, Drop,
i)', I'umIj iIi, Fit, etc.
at Vr. J. J'. riiitfliM, SliUrn4, (Tlnoia
Too iihkIi cannot be an Id of your I'llls for the ran of
C'ttimut. Jf others of our fralereity ha?e J!und II. mi
as i fE"nrliiiia a. have, they should join me In pra-lnine
lei; it for the benefit of Ih. multitudes lio sulhr from
Ik, it romplahit, which, aHIioukIi bad enoiish In itl(, Is
Ihn pnit'iiiUir of othera tlait nre wurip. I bellrrr ca
lirrntu In oriuinato In the liver, but I'llls affect tb'l
wgin and euro tlie diwaae.
Frrmi Mr. X. tluarl, Piytieinn and ilittwlfr, fitt
I find nne er two large doseS of your l'llla, tak'H si lU
oroper time, are tacellrut promotive, of the iin.iii.tT
tii'i v. lien wholly or partially snpprmi.d, aed lwr
trtVctuiil to es.mie tho itnmodt nud er,.j rm ml. Thr
are an ninth the bwt physio we have tliol I nK-ouiaicud
uo oiuor 10 in)- pnutinl.
Ftm At Ut. Pr. Atcl-a, nftht S!diVd Fpii CloircJi.
Pn.isxt Itnrse. farannnh. fin .tan. tl, I!5.
HiMoarn Fin : I should hu unjiatifnl for tho relief
your skill has bmuaht mir I del ""t reiort my cans to
you. A rold sjllUd In sir HaiUnnd briaiidil on oicrs
riatlng nturitqir. ;taii, wlilrh'-d In thrmiicrhntn
tim. Notwithstanding 1 had the bt of physe-iana. the
oitenae stow worse ami none, until by the advice of yw
aepllrot aroiit in llHlllmrv, Dr. Markrnile, 1 tik.l "iir
l'llla. 'I heir rtTi ela were sliiw. but sure. Iiy pciaeurlng
In the use of Ihrm. 1 am now viithaly well.
- Sshats ClUMDitn, Ttnten Ttouje, T.s., 5 Pee. lS.'.H.
Ha. Arxiti I have been entirely cuivil, by your I'llls, uf
Witumttic Vout a painful Unworn that hud nffll'-litl nit
for years. VINtKNT El.ll)i:i.I
O-iv-Me.t rf tho rsla In markr contain Mercury,
ablrh, althoiiKh a valuable remedy In skilful hinds. Is
danicerona In a piihllt) iiill, from the dreadful euuw
(uencca that frequently follow lt IncanllMis use. lli
.-ntaln no mercury or mineral suh.tjineo wliMovt-r.
Price, 25 cents por Hox, or 5 Boxes fori!-
rrspsrad ly Er. J. C. AYEU CO., Lowell,
SL-CT S;ld by C. D. Watson, Cleni Sol 1. E, A
Irwt.i, C-.trwonvillo i F. Arnold, Luthersktirc,
Montgoinury A Co.,N'i w haiem : J. C. Brenner,
Morrisdiile, C. R. Foster, Pbilipsburg; anil blb
Cbase, Antonville ; and by dealers evirywbsrs,
Thankful for pnt favors ind Bolicitions of fu
ture patronage. I would respectfully announce
that I have on hand again, and wi!l coDanty
keep at tbe Pottery in this borough, on the cut.
ner a short distance east of the MethoilistCburtli,
a large stork of Crockery, uch as Creamcrucki.
milk pnna, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe csiipf
rf-o. -o. , and also an extensive assortment ot
different sites and patterns of brackets ti"t
rosetees for cornice on bouses, and other moul.
Any mouldings not on band will be made t
onler on short untice. Also fire brick u'
and kept for sale.
TirA liberal reduction os riri.ies mvle K
wholesale dealers. F. LEITZINUEK.
Clearfield, may 23, 1861. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Makinar,
TOHN GULICII.of thehorouih of Clenrflelo.
J Po., will bo prepared at all times t attend t
to any business in the above line on then
nolle, .nit in . wnrkii.a.ililr mnnnaf llifl DISC
of buainesa la it lha nhl l.ii i.n lha north sit'1"''
Markot street, 3d door east of Third tb. '"'
opposito the old Jow store j whore he will '
constantly on hand a large assortment "I? .
hognny snd Cnne Bottom Cbnirs, and CabireV
Ware of every description, wlueb he m u.r
of on is reasonable terms is the tame artic el
can he bid elsewhere in the county.
. His slock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, eon
slits In part of Dressing and Common Buroes.
Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Dcskt it1
Book Cases, Fronch and Field Post Bedstesl'i
Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta
bles, Ao. Ceffins manufactured ind deliverer
say place desired. ' '
February 9, 1859. (no. 4, vol. Iv.
lQXJOB for Medicinal purposei-Brai
. g..i mmA tn,.n-. vi.. K..r WhlsksvarJd
MoUaid ln it - HARTffWfrK,S'
1 In i t "'""ikoj ii. t
. tin "I irurt,.... '"t.