tn( 0 Icatfiflb llircHu Wll'" si 1 It w llllll'.l It im!f ill re (it I V .1. M I A I "!', ii It'""'1 n f rn rui ti'Hiiti and 1mI little im, I lion r ' V c thi t thai ihe ripa l if Hernial Vnker f'MniPtliini IM" M aid t V". I'UI I I .... I l M I'M. M l M B r - - - - - A. ,.,.! " ''7''' fr t-.lll Ii- mi Viie.ln Ie,;lnieilli. l.iue.1 lip Hi fc.t' '!;' ,,,.",! ,.(. Oil Alit'H)f). ,iT,rf,i I tiilii, through the tv-unlt ''ii'iV-rn' l.oMOi'Mll'UMilt In hird we dloppo I, to the Un "I lhe fr ilii; ! wi'.HifMftl i-l-U i.,,,,., mUifNl Fella. m1 Lark l.r rty L,.ri f-r !" e)i ao, on mi armel lee.-nnni-aiir. ,,l" I Kit 11.01 Kl'O ff ftCh"' I II Ol I'll CK M l."V"1- 1 . . ll. ...... ....I ..... . . I . ..,,-.LaI. fnii.irtitrl m . i.U .. I U K. H')' IIUI nUTRM'-W , ,i.r . - I " ...... T.-.JMM .iw ,. . . , .. . . " j...-t I' 'J M ( 1, ,,.) I v,Vf, I i .i,.t,r ii !. l.m j.ll.f ltil III ' i'm.mi rntl'l 1,4 Pl'l "! iiKi'nm in Kim I fVl, llini f fm4, ltft tt I t-'Mml tnt 1, It tut Oa". " II Id Im l-ee l tUiipS J, K lM.If !!. I'll, ii M. i t,t t,i in n i'm ) m 7,- f '.,! in hi-. ,r'fA rf 7'o i. f" m-m? ,-r rirtt,i 1 1 ' M In '"! ' ' '" I ' r t) It N I T t) u i: H 0 O M S. t f a f;r -fij7 .' j it Ml '! 1 1 .iii;-l, C' If I, t-t i lh , . . ..ii (iHANU Ol'I'.MMi! A': ir ri it mii NKW CiOODS!! DENNER & BARRETT A"'ill- JiiHifi "f tin 1,.,1'tl, In ll mH'.'t l( iri.Ill HM ll'fl t() I lltl. ll.'ISI. tf . .i . .... .1 t. Lh Ii.... (il l.. .-.. 1 ' M HIP pfini" "' I ni-r rT'icr, n'T'-B", ' ',..iinn "f WillUm IV H I l-r, i.f lh lit "f " . i... II.. ir.,r:rlltiet tf Ui l.'ll r l. mi' l rtirlB in ' .-.. Iifi 1 frt4 cinwttiilcalloBof UioMRtititnd Ofiinlonl PL-f it." lnMlunMr rlctiUol mm I anJ enry i-. ... '. in tml urinl (in IT u. Bin; i.i.j r-- - (i.iiir IhriM i f lli iitmv l on or I to ')oinUV oni ilintMiro dl!', wliich I con- . , mm ll la naiv I n Bl'lVItu llilliri uviiwiiuii n . f. t . .. ii (f..l..l U.ffo hirnilur r riuim, ironung on m r.t'portfully na'ini tj ihn fttS'lo Out thfy hn tomlillil 'l r w nfimpjin tlm'.r nrr inlnti-ki ii tn n m at mile or io. iio otlir vldeiic of a frc lo noar ii to bring tlirlr picked in tight. fit . .I... . I. .. iH I It A .lions.. l.irc.'iKfttlrs th otBdM eonanol ofcffl- ( lit) blignd. MJ (2nd) and llio bul I' in nni.ii r.nptT. or whr tLi nnr 1 1 '.nni. lcnrve Infuntrv and Cavnlry, Htid two tiatteriei of CamplxMl' Artillery, amounting to about ton thou annd men. The Kane rifla rigimont pre ceeded ua as akirmiMiPvi, and our reel- moot (the Permit. 5th) followed next with I it battery of artillci v, ntler wind) cam I'xnn In tli ''"' of t.a f n!l. InJ i f Illl 'ii. lit I Ait'i'ti' In r i at. II P 'c'mr Htn-ii I nrronti"!. fiirlh, thnl J'lhn P. I.i lr lain i'f Citni;tnn t"n! Ip, lh th (."iinty nf i I'Uilflrl I, illOil 'i liif itT of A. I. ism, ini.ftt. riTiiij in i ti.a in... m in-,n cmt rQ1 nrr i,(;iow J uace i.rontra I : H. W. SMITH &C0'S oNr:ma:,csii .stohc, III'1! nm iii Dollia citucltT. or whr tbl .niit rbli.ihJ t pmpr for publia tuf'irtoa " ibn truth tboroof may U ln in vlJu .Ti'tn )-tiotmut for libtln, Ui Jury fbail U to drtirmtco Ui l anil f". ,, Ui dirtctlun tf tU court, 4 Ir oiliir oium. (hMl.liilton o FtttHiytiM'tia. u i ' 1 I I , A-rrrc-n- KlTUiCl th balanoe of our brigJe (:h lsli ond TnC. LA I I INJC-WO I ! toe other battery, and the renninder of ft 'the body In the rear. Tim object f our The otvpaptr em to vie f tSfr In attempting to cover up ,! d .'iter near Leenburg.- From the ate ectyped phrwe "one k!N ltd and foU4 wounded." tlt.y l " Jn'it at lat half tnt were engjei in the 0,l(,n are miing, whether that waa 1700 cr(nnrc, they ennnot agree. A the trooua are back again oo the jfiryUnd tide where they were a week A C'irrenpondent of luo i tt aays i.v i. 'infiiion a undemlood to be nn arn iimucu - f-- - , . . L it. A. tViA . tt'l reconnoiai.i.", w phi ihi fH"u. eneuiy JiaJ ai'y force near us In that di 'tMiinti. and it nonble thai: number and poaliion, but uot to engng tleui unloia first attacked, fctranje a it may aeem. while we rera marching ieieurely down the Potomac alony tha Leeib irg turnpike on our return from tL vicinity of Drain vilie, a part of (leu. S'.ono'a fommand nn der Gen. Baker had efToctid the paaaage of the Totomao at Edward' Ferry near D.trneatown, and advancing upnn Lee- buie. had encased t lie aecesiiin foroe hen ou' troopa it uleJ to croia the Pow tuera under Gen. fivan. and a battle wftfc i I t ....I l .r1-.. Kattf lir.o trie nanu iit vuj v- Old Virginia." Ue aUo taya that the movement of our troop waa 'raah, ur. DKrtMry, and unadvised by high military usho.-i'.!-." Yet the deed i done, but bo li to b'.ame? T.t hloekade of the Potomivo. below IVwhingtou by the rebela ha compelled i!,e governanent to bi'e wagctia to haul hay, provision, ic., from Baltimore to Washington, the aingletraok Uing una t to do the biiilnia. jer Tho P. M., M. A. Frank, Eq, In- lotun us that he i now ready to exchange se fur old T. 0. Stampe ami envelope, jui will 1j io fur the apce of ail day. The rot;wMier at Kanhau i rrepr ti to exchange the new, for the old Ueue of tum pa at.d atamped envclopea, winch exchange muat be madrt within U daya of this notice, or the holder will lose tUm. LETIES FROHiaE bEAT OF WAE- Camp TiiapoNT, V.. Oot. 3, lo5l. Dwr XtpMican. When I addiea ed tuy last letter to you I acarceir expecieu io date another from th'.a camp; but Mntra- t V e irrannr ui mneii'.ation we are here et. although we have not been here quite all the time since, and ere not likely to be very nnich loujjer. Iho orders and gneri artangmon'.a aver int we have been stationed hire have indicated an erly forward move merit. 'J Le iceral brigade of MoCall'a diri'ioii. compriaii'g the entiro Tenna. R,erve, have been habitually furming l;ne every morning nt cljyb:eak, aince we crosied the rotoinHr, and awaiting order. For aareral mornings, after standing In rink an hour or to, we were dimied to our quarters with excellent appetite for brnkfant, and the caution to be ready to "tall ir." at a moment notire ; which no tice aforesaid, e wero beginning to think hid b"en indefinitely postponed; until Ut Caturday morning, when, after having then actually in iironre.f. although be yond our hearing, nd of which we were ill that tinio profoundly ignorant as we had halted about twelve or thirteen mi!e below that point and knew nothing of Oen. Stone' movement. The engage ment. a e learned next morning after our return, lasted until evening and re aulted in (he death of Oen. Baker and about two hundred others killed and wounded. We hd hardly got to our quarters le fore re were eg: in ordered to prepare two dais ration and hold ourselves in reudinme to march at a momenta notice Tired we ell were, the order was obeyed with alacrity, and in a abort timo had everything tn rcudmess. ve however re tired W our tetils at en early hour, deter minod to obtain all ths ret we could be fore taking the road aguin, expecting to be colle I uu and marched ff before morn ing. Firtunately we were permitted t" enjoy an undisturbed repose until a late hour next morning; our Kina ti-anea Culonel omitted, in consideration of our eartes, the usual morning roll call at day break at which every fellow has to tie upon hi pins. When I awoke at day break, not a little astonished to find my self still in oamp I'terp nt ai tint hoar, I found that it wa raining ijuite amartly ; and hearing no alir in camp that denoted a movement, 1 turned over and took an other nap of about two houra, awaking Ian-tin about 'licht o'clock later than 1 have lin in bed for many montha. Up on arising I found that all- yesterday's fatigue had disappeared, and I was fresh and vigorous as ever, tfimie then we have remained In camp, our marching orders not coming until this evening, and now we confidently expect to bid adiu to this plsce at an early hour to morrow taorn in. Therein of yesterday n:orning contin ued until today, and since the reather has cleared oft it has become quite col.. So much ao that it is decidedly uncom fortable la my tent tonight although wearirif an overcoat as 1 am striving to furniih your reader with a few items of the experiences ot a T. S. Perhaps I should ad-l that 1 have no idea of our destination, but a soon as I got an opportunity will inform vou. if we have any mail facilities at our Lot and ntarly npp jille lbs Court Hums. Cabinet inaVIng will bo currlod on In lbs up--r itnry of tin same luilMlng In all III DIPFKRBNT BTa C It 3. All klo'Ii of furniture will bi kpt oonitsnlly an ban Ja an! uU chonp fur enh or schango forsonntry i roJuea, or Lumber U lUlt tas buni ons! PARLOR, ROCKING, AND ARM CHAIRS, SPRING SEATS, CAIN BOTTOMS, Ac, PARLOR SOFA, CENTRE, LARD. J)I.IXQ. EXTENSION d- RRE.IKFAST TABLES. SOFAS, OF ALL K!ND3, VARIETIES AND PATTERNS. BUREAUS, BIDE-EOAUDt. BOOKCA8E8 WAUDROr.ESJ, 40. BEDSTEADS, JEXXYLIXD, UIQII-POST COTTAQE, FRENCH rO&TS. Msttrsnn, Ilair, Ilslr top, Cottn Icp, and Corn IluU, f the belt material. Looking Olaun, of all sorts sad sitei, Also, Olanes for old Frnmci. Also, Tca-poyi, Wbnt-noU, ATah-iUnd, Work-standi, Hat-rsckf, it, Cflffini tnsds to ordor on short aoti beans furulihed. Poplar. Cbsrry, and Llawood Lumber, la sxehsngs for work. CuTarSeM, October 23, 1851. ly- atd taken 4, 4 t Feller, been ordered the niaht previous to pre lisre ourselvei with two davs rations, in lisvera.-ks, and our blankets and over ! next station ; fur I find the farther we got coats in knapsacks, we t.-ok up our line of march from camp and struck out on the Leeuburg turnpike in the direction of from Wanhincton the less certainty there is in aendtng or receiving Utters. par Twenty-flre to Sixty Dollars and expemci per montn will ie paia dj in cri j8ewin; Maoh'iis Company to their Agenti, for 'lolling llit Erie Sewing Mnebino. This i a row Mnehin. knd so umple la Ui eoastruclion tbata P- child cno learn to operate it by half an noure After Instruction. It ll qual to any Family Sowing Mnchice In sis. and tbey teke the premium over ffly sad on hundred dollar mtchinea. The prloe ii but Fifteen Dollars. The Company wish to employ Agenti In every county In the United Statei. Addreei, for particulars Eri Sttting AfatKint C. R. Jx', Oenerel Agent, Milan, Obio. niarl3-6n. that place, in wliich direction we proceed rci almut (it'teen n iles, with oocssional halts of n few minutes. We ai lived at a place a short diitanee Uyond Urainsville about 4 o cloeK ami halting tiretmied our autmer. resting at this point for about two houta, for some rtusnn unknown (o us, ( I mean to the soldier, as I trust our command er knew why,) we fell back about three miie and there blvouaoed for the night in corners iv undvr the buskes by the r.d iide. The night hoivever wan S. . .. .... j. ;.i -not cold and we all pot along very coin-) MAHHI l-D. In eovingtoa tp., on the I9th fortahlv. Having takn no blanket with Inet. by F. F. Coutriet, Eq., Mr. John E. Kiit me I "lay beneath a chump of chestnut', no". " M" Catharine Pinekile of Eurnnde tp., 'C'",r "Like a warrior taking bis rest, wltb my mar llil cloak around me." ind enjoyed a sound and refreshing sleep. We nw no armed seeesionit during our nurch, although e encountered rjuite a r.uml-er unarmo'1, lul they were principally females; tha n ales b"iug eith er loldiers in tho sectKsl.-m army, fugi tives or urmoiicrs. I Ue J lies seemed to DIHD Very luddenly in B.ady tp., on Mon day the : 1st Instant, Pliillp K riner, aged abont TO years. iis-York Tspen pleaie eoj.y. On Tburtday the 2tb Init., 8AMCKL FUL TON, Eq , aged 84 yaarS- The deceaaied vrai a native of Ireland, but reached this country when quite Price with Ilcmmc-r and S35 00. THIS MACHINE HAS A POINT OF 8JPKRI0RITY PECULIARLY ITS OWN. Stitching. Helming;, end Felling with a Single Thread. It formi a flat, even, and laetlo lenin, which ii WARRANTED not to rip in wear, even if the earn ii cut at frequent Interval!, and also under all circnmtUnoes ' to idhvivi tbs w.u tub " A Patented device of great utility to learner, provents the ponibility f the machine being run In the wring direction, or the ba'ance wheel wearing a lady's droit. Another feature which deserve particular at ln lion ia r-Tae Wttoox TaTsnT tfaaaie ciot a a 1ST WKOXO. Two thoaund stitches, or two ysrrli of work, csn be done in one minute without dropping a .ift. Tk... machines, so st.cle and aeenrat. n I P"1?''? h, "i. their conitruetion, mperreda the me of tho huU tie j and with ne thread produce ell the pructi m 1 remits of the two throad machines j and mere, for these fell without basting.and hem the finest muslin without puckering. Although at about half the price of tho other first class machine!, they will aceomp'ish doub le the sewing in fc givon time "It is emphatically the good, inwpricen r ra ily Sweing Machine that tho publio bsvo lung boeo welting fur." Boston Transcript. "It it iniSeed a wonderful production, and for family use especially, no other will bear tiny comparison witu it.'Vrbiladelphia Krening Journal. "A mechanical wonder." Scitntifia Amerl csu. "Among the best and most serviceable Sowing Machines. Light and eleguntly finished, ana so simple in its Construction that it seems al moi; impossible for it to get out of repair." -1'itUburg Chrouicle. "lias combined with lta own peculiar merits all tbs really valuable improvements of tho high er priced machiois." Punnsylvanisn. "I bii maonino, in toe opinion oi im cummn f.illows, ll wit . rtnrn Ui lr, 1' of P mpliln rnonly, ilei"eed. whu Irft elilldion HI f 'lloifl, tn wit: Abner I'.iJ''r, 8uiannali, lotfrmart.ed I with (l"or?o At. Il'itle, an t i. iMhetti, intrrmnr tied wiili Putrii .'k Molullen, nil of tlui ni; of 21 I yean. Pe'er of Marsh Crnrk. in tli t'ountv of Centre, Amn'ia, interinurried with Da- , vid ht. Oulr, of Covington townrbip, in the County of Cl'isrtiold eforesaid, Ilichird UiJj r, lite of Clinton County Oenl., who lft a wvlow naiudd S'lfaiiBiih, now tnlrirarried with Wm. Huff, nmi two children. Wm. C. Kider, the To litinner. sml Andrew Itiler, who h ander age, and o' w'luiii ltobt. McCorm'e'.;,of ths suld Coun ty if Clinten, in Uuartlinn t 8'inhis, who was in lorinarf iH with Jas. Mulli 'llan l, Jno. W. l'.ldur, Karah ItiHiir and .lonb Kider, all of the said Lone ly of Clrrfi"M, tli t tin enitl decedent died sei sed iu fee of and in cerlniu real eaiate as follows, to wit : All thit pieOH or parcel of land sitoite tn Oirarl tp., in the County of Clearfield aforesaid, tinunilud and dmcribod iu follows, to wit : Ueglu- nlng at a llemlnck coruiT tn the lire LetwecL tracts Nos. M-'l nd 6:!'-'J. Thenr L. 203 per. alon tlm aid lino to acunnnbir crub corner Whence C!. 171) pur. tu a heuiincK, .v.-uu, per., thence N. 170 por. to theplace of begUiulng, Ciiiit.iininj "00 arrcn mid allowance, (being the1 aui U.IOI ol'land convoked to Ui suia Ju.. 1. Itiiler in his lilVti.rr l y'Hobt, i: aiilt, aaai'ne of James Ysrd. by his di'd b'-arini: date tho 29:b Juno, A. I) , duly reciyurl in tho Kocoid- era ollko of iho .";iiJ County in 'ook F, Page II) Also a certain tract of lniul tituuto iri the said County of ClearfielJ and beimded and described as folio, to wit: B fiiuii"g at a baiol in the tf . E. corner of warrant No' ISsii. Ibonce . 2S per. to a whito pine, thonee W. 7C por. to a white ouk. thence S. along the survey of Levi huts, 101 per. and two teithi of a peroh to apnst, thenoeS, alonj; said survey. 124 per. aud ilght lontbe of a nr. to s'onea. thtuce V . 13 perches t a post. Thcnco N. 91 p". to a wbiu oak, iXence W. 44 per. to a pest, thenco N. 20 per. and eight tenths f . n.rnli lit a nost. TheDre E. 197 per. tn the 1 place of hogiiinltih-, containing 100 acres and 134 per , more or lets, (oeiim i" """ conveved to the am J J. P. Kider in his lifetime by Jno. Keating, ty dfU dearin.'dat ln i-ua day ,,f June. A. U . 1811. dulvreou.JsJ In flaok II., pagelJt) Also a certain tract, pieceer parcel m land, iilualod iu tue aiu v-uuiuy ui vimom, bounded aud doscKbod as follows, to nit: iegin- ning at a itone coriiur 92 por. L. ot a wiiit call grub, which said white oak grub is the 3 W cor ner of Patent No. 1 Bil j, this tract of land being part of said patent, thence E. 220 per. to a white pme. thence tf. 1!3 d;. E 4C por. to a corner, thence N. 57 Ug. W. 23 prr. to a w hiiio pine, thenco N. K3 (log. W. CI p-r. to while pine, thence N. 10.'. perches to stote corner Tbeuee W. 160 p-ir. to a maple, therae S. ICS pjr. Hi the place of beginning, containine 1?0 a?os and 132 per. and allowanco, (bein the ;ainn tract of land conveyed to the said Jno. P- Rider In bis lifetime by J .hn Keatini, by . eed bsaiing date the 12th day of Si-pt. A. 1331, duly Re corded in Deed Hook i'lil) Also a cer tain tract of land situated in the laid County, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ginning ut a maple corner, thenco E. 49 per. to a white pine, thonce 136 per. to a post, thence W. IV per. to a itone corner, tbuno N. 166 per. to the place of beginning, containing 43 acres and allowance, beius part of warrant tfo. 1596, and conveyed to the said J. Peter Itider in his life time by Jobu Keating, by lieed dated 29lb July, A. D , 1841, duly recorded in Deed Eook II., pat;e 452. Also a certain lot of groundsituate in Covingtoa township in raid County, adjuining the Turnpike Road on the north, land of Freder ick Schnarra on the cut, and lands of Jjhn Yo thers on the South and West, containing one acre, bein? the same piece of land buusht by the said John H. Kider in bis lifetime by rti"le of arrecmi-nt from John Yuthers. Also, a certain lot of ground situated in 'ho liid townihip of Covington ir the County of Clearfiold aforesaid, bounded and dnseribod as filljws, to wit: Ad joinJg the River, beginning at a corner at the ltivf-between other lund of Jchn P. ltidor and Lorma, thenre 1 1 Oft. up tho River thenco b ckto th Mountain U'Oft thence along the Mountain E 110ft. to I, or no's line, thnce down said Hue 120ft to the place of hoglnnin. being the same lot of ground bought by iho Bail J. P. Ridur in b'S article of agreement fmni J. W. Rider. No purtilinn or valuation f the afore said Real Estate huving been made, and there for praying tho Ilonnrnble 'Jourt to award in In qm st to make partition o the premises u 'orosaid u and among the representatives of the said in- ttfU'.o in such rssneratid insuub proportions as by the laws cf this Comnionneakh is directed, if ibnut prt'j i lice to r spoiling tho whole; but it ii:h p.irtitio;i ens- oot bo made theroof, thtn to valu and the lame and to make return of the proc'iedins accoruiug to law, Ac. And whoreupou the said Court on due proof and cmai lerulion of the premises awardoc, an I'lipiest far tho purpose aforesaid, liotiee to bo given to the luirs residing out of tho County by publication in in ononew paper published iu the County of Clearfield for four cunM'Cutive weeks, uni a copy thorojf rua.l ed to the Poet OEee mldrets. H'c then ;'ort command vou that, taking with you 12 good anil lawlul uiun of yi.ur bailiwick, ' you go to and upon -the premises afo'.esaiJ and the presono of the parties afarefuid, by you to be warned, (ifupeo being warned they will be present) and having rejpeci t tho true valua tion thereof, and upon the oaths and a fnnnuti'ins of the said 12 good and lawful men, you nmke purtition to and among the huin aud legal repre t;iutives of tho raid inteftate, in s.icii niunner and in such pmportions as by tho laws of thir. (Joniinonwealih is directed, if tha same ecu he so palled and divided without prejudice to or spoil ling the whnlo. An I if eu'-li partition cannot be uiado tlioreof without prejudice to or spoiling the wholv thai then you cuiite tho said incj li Q VEKX8 WARE r.ST WHls Granite Malei. " " Fonpl. B EBT Pearl WhlU t, it Psraiian lU.ers Tea Setts. C 'ffe Hi tt. Cnpi Setts, llandeil Cop Sottl Tea Setu. I'wer and aula. Tea "etts. " Cop gttl. - ComnoaTcn. Comtaen Teal. Otis Ruperior Lustre Sprig Tea Sell. Creaiai, Pies, Auups, by tbe half dotee. C, C. Nappies, C C. iwli Glass Preserves, Glass Salts. C Flu e Tumblers PI in de. Eillor Uo. Also, Teas. Cofnts, Ac , Ao. r n d all ar'lclos i.sually kept In a eonntry store, will be kept here, ti alio many not nsually kept. but much iiscdcd, it gristly tecucid prices And we f.l confident that all who UI make trial purchase, will lad It to thvir sJvsatag to continue as t' All II v MI'IU'V r.n t' I.- , .i 2tisct!anroas. Euperior article Eweepleg Brashes. Largo ln't Waiters "trost convenient article in use. Plants Improved Coffee Epic Mill, led Cording, Drum Cording. Wall Paper, Window Shading Dandeanorla Coffee, Dacdeaaocla Coffee. Mackerel by barrel er pound. Varied assortment of Spices, Soaps, Etaroh, by box or poauA Knives sn.J Forks Crveri, Steel Pom SO otiper gross. ren Knives, Tooth Irasbcs, etc., rto., ta S E WIMi MA C JUNE pzicr:: rnotf 1 4 o t 70. rv.e Pt UIiOlK FLWINi) M At.ll U- H. nn n grsing tf till it h Is ht r prem.ii', 1 r row oscome a rno,:n:iod farorlls vhinwir It tiai lec'B li.liotliiccrl, eiid Is, lie)'. nd 'inviriB, .bs bflt, as veil SS tin 1i"Bdn iii. ". l w.jriisi Sewiag Machine row befois the i L!;"- Ho 1 A email 6bd rerj r."t t .V re !.!;:( far Family nie. tfo 2 -A Inrgi Machine for qillUri lisvy work snu fur Plsctatlon vsu Tbla Ms'hlne ii n.uch a 'rair4 for Iti slr'tJicl. ty, aidfcr lta reliability and dnrablli'.r H in un. surpassed. A ihllJ t vehe ynars csn run It with ssse and yet It win sw irom we eoarsesi oiotn to the Until Kwiss. There Is no ttoubio of re winding tin thread, al it Is taken froci thspoola. It hai no bolts t'i Rivo trouble, and rill run backwards ei well al forwards, and sthl lews equally psifact, art! witliont daiiRorof brenklns; needles. It runs by friction, and by closing th box orir Itj it is tl.rowo out t f cnr. In faat. we bsv nobeiitatioB Ir. reror finding '.I at tha best fstrily Siwlng Macl !ne iuaso, Tht following Prtrri'i-r Aicardtxt tht oioee Machrr.t : At the Fair of tie s'raik'In Ini'.IlaU, 18J8. tt. Fint Premium. At the Pecniylvanla Fte's rJr, nt rsllode.. pbln, fleptcmbor 24, 1810, tLe TirJt Premium a Diploma. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, held at yo mlng, 18C0 a Silver Medal. For the best Double Thread Machine, at tin. eaiter County Fair, hold Octjbir, 1868- EUret Medal. At tbe Maryland State Fair, held at the Mary, land Insti-uie, Ealtlmore, Kd., Octrbar. 1850, ooder strong competition, a bilvor aiodai waa awarded to this Machine. At tb New Cattle County Fair, held at Wil mington, Delaware, Octoler, 1269 a Diploma. Tbe ibove Machines are inanufactnred by CHARLES V. HOW LAND, Wilmington, IeL 8ALESH00.iS. Ko. 710 ArcL Street, Philadelphia, Pa. tfo. 8C1 Market Btreot, Wilmington, Del. S. I). J'.AKKK, msrl3-ly ?20 Arch Street, Philadelphia. fag Persons wishing to see tbe nbove Machln In oprtin, can do so by calling at tho reel donco of D. W. Moor, In Clearfield borough. A. M. HILLS DRY GOODS. Toilet snd Promcaade Triati of tho molt fash ioHsble style and color. Th cow muoh worn maUri:,l of Colored Alpaca. Now is tho time to buy an extraordinary cheap dress for noxt season, as we will close out our stock of Lawns, Ogiudios, 2?iregcr, Poplini Crape do Tori", Ba'rorinos, ar.d all Suratner good At. fntllilmiill c 1.11V l.r !-- t, m.lrA rnnm fr n,.- r - v.. j.Htr--.t,rH tr.e teetn in proper Fall k Winter stock, which we will soon le able : Zp4 ' '' time will be of great public general-1 HKfeJSS benefit to every on ,; i" j'roperattcuuon io lo offer to our customers, and the public general- in point of health. It nl th Caih Rtar nf II. W. EM1TII A CO. t0'Tn,vAlrtU',e.. y. rnA .t it. r ,. . . , , . .1 DM. HILLS ci-". t'.Tsyi bs ronnd stblaor- Also, a limited amount cf County Orders want- ... . ,i,. ...., i.r Front and Main streets. ed in exchange for goodi. i ' nu nouce to tho contrary appean in tbil I nnnnr. N'EW ARRIVAL Ws have Just opened; A o.ieritlonf Jo til "n of Ml profenlon n I are selliug very low, a large aud coin- n-rfrme'd in th latest snd most improved pleto stock of Boon snd Shoes, v'.i i aieni nest tlip not aoys bust Kip soot. Mens best Calf soot, aoyi bet Calf Boot. Childi ben Kid Biol. Mens bast Calf Monroes; 1 jys best Caif Monross. Y'outb's best Calf Monroes. Child best Goat Pumps. ChilJs best Welt Pumps Cbiidsbeit Button I'uujps ChilJs best French M iroco heel. Womaus Mor. Jefferson heel, Woinam Goat J ITn sou Leal. Woinani Kid flippers. Wotnins Sup. Velvet bonni galteri. Womaoi oxtra fine lasting gtlten Woisans sup. extra heavy moroccos II. W. SMITH Co. flours of busines fioui 7 A M , to 8 i'. M. July 10, 1381. tf. NEW GOODS Al1 KRATZEES feel no hehiution about expressing their young, ar.o? emigrated to this county along eceshion sentiments; ana on oomoiywitj, jti fjrHi icttlen. No citizen wa .. s .ar-'..:ii- and spirited looKing laio ar uiainst me , nM;rer,,nf respected. Purin the, tee, Bill more nearly the requirements of a per-; wuol'. thai then you cau.e tue una inqi.-s in feet family machine than any on exhibition."- I quire aud nscruin w he.h-r the sa,. will con sr 1,1:.. i. Vvi,;v;ii.,n lim.rt nf 1C5S. venieutly aocoininooato moro thau one of IhcsaiJ "Taking into consideration simplioi'.y, cheap- representatives of the said intestate, without ness. durability, and doing all work, the commit prejudice to or the wlule : and if Thoy have just receive! a general assortment of Fpring and Summer DRY GOODS, consisting ot RIBBJNS, ir a ts, CAPS, W INK, SALT, OILS, PAINT LEAD. L'UUGsJ ROOTS, SMOK8. OUTS. PANTS VE3T3 NAILS, FLOWEKS, tokl sune of the hoys who openca n eon-t versa '.ion with her tint we hud gone about as far in that direction a. we would get, and in rt short time the would see us com- n): buck fuiter than wa weut. However I am happy to be able to record, that our troops by their orderly and manly con duct, nmdfi a most favorable impression on tho inhabitants wherever we Rent; and many acta of kindness were perform ed towards our men bv I hone who took no pains to conceal their ubhorrenco of our retire and (he motives whioh brought us anions them. One lady said very rm yhaticnlly, to one of our officers, that she Vistl received nn entirely diti'eriuH iinprei" nn of the clinrnctf r of our Iroops. a be iriftslawli'M. brutal and barbarous horde which would slop al no crimes cr enor mitiei; but that if all our soldiers were like those, she saw, it would be no use for tr.eir men to try t cope with then). Sooh inoilonts w this aii'aome of the few redeeming features ol thi wt r of breth ren, and rill do aomothing towards mod ifying the hardships that are daily sulfer ed by those who are innocent of any act io hrtnij it on or continue it. most active year of his life he followed j the Lusineaj of surveying, which gave him .'chine, an extended acquaintance throughout this and the adjoining oountiea. Of thai hard) clas of men who braved the hardship and privations of a life in the wilderiius, and settled on the West Branch about the beginning of the pres ent century, Mr. Fulton performed a con spicuous part. Of a naturally free and jovial disposition, the grubbing or the chopping frolio; or tbe house or barn raiaipg with the good time afterwards tvai always a dull affair without him ; and many are the rioh aud lively anecdotes be used to relate of early tiroes ia Clearfield county. He was, it seams of much mind, dili gent reader-, and possessed a memory that never let anything escape. Besides that of Surveyor he held sever al other resporiible positions -Commie We remain.! at Ae KiunuaA durinff sioner. Treasurer, rrotboaotary. Ac . be- Sunday, and late on Monday forenoon, for an I oon after the regular orjanixa tarted on our mareh beak to thit place Uoo of the county. . -. tee were unanimously in luvor of the Wilcox - Oibbiei a singl thread machine. I'ennsjiva nia Stat Agricultural Society's Report. "W must, in justice, expres. our confidence in tbe merit of toe Wilcox A Gilbi Sewing Ma- We coniider ibat a great desideratum has been supplied by it, in proving, beyond doubt, that two threads are uot, as was suppos, d, necessary to a good initru neuU" Christian AdvooaUj slid Journal, June -I, Ibou. inauv it will as aforesaid accotuir.ouato, uese.n bing each part ly metes a"d bounds and return iug a just valuation of the samo. Rut if the raid luquesl. by you to bo mimiioiicd as aforii,uid .to inaK the said partition or vulualioii. bhall bo ol opinion thut th premises afor.said, with the Ap purtenances ouliuot be so parted and (.ividud as lo acooininoduto more thau oue of the said repre sentatives ol the mid intestuto, that then you cause the to value the w hole of the said "Wehaveoneoftheaeinacbioes In use, and ! real estate, with the Apporte.ianoes. having res- think more bhjhly of it than of any of the num ber wehav tried. Richmond Wing. The undersigned, Missionary to Constantinj el, has sxamiaed more than twenty diRemnt- kindi of 8ewing Machines, aud after m hel n ln weeki experience with Wilcox fc Gibbs' Patent. ,UC,D ,n,1u nect lo the true valuation thereof agroely to law And that the partition or valuation so made you distinctly ami openly have before our said Judges at Clearfield at an Orphans' Court there to be held on the regular dayol hesr-iens t'.iereoi alter BONN'KTS, SHAWLS, PRINTS. DUCALH, A '' EG K, I OPI.1N. C LOTUS. TWEI-iDS, MUSLIN, LINENS. C AKPKT. BLINDS, I'.U' 0MS, S YTIIE3, a ) I KES, .NOTIONS, 0-'?i-." 13 jiii IBiKJS "J HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE, GLASS, HSH, MACON i FLU UK, All of which will be sold on th most reasonable terms for CA?H. or approved Country Produce. C KRATZFU i SUN. ClcnrSeld June 11, lhCl. DHXISTH ATOIl'S NflTICE. Notico n hereby given that Icttenof Aduiinlslra tinn liave bn granted to the undersigned on the estate of JACOB ROBINf, late of lleccarin townihip deeojsed. All porsoni Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment without de lay, ad thoso having claims against the rsm will pre-ent them duly aiiilionticated for settle ment to mv Attorr.oy, L. J. CRAN3, of ClearuolJ cr ANDKEW .1I0FF, of Gulich township. October 14, 1801. Ct. Aiim'r. A.t hall ba made undor vour hand and he has purchased one of them, si the bast .dap- ,nu u,Daa "BU " ,, ' T i ud to .hWt. rf hi. family, and a, lb. LL Uhose oaths or efhrmauon. vou .hall make such OLIVER CRANE ' partition or valuation. Ana nave you men unu ' 1 ilicre this writ. of our sjXrCtTOIt'J S'OTH E. Notic is here t-J-ij given thai Letters Testmontary, on llit estat.i of townshipp, liable to require repair, Roston, July 3, i860. 'The undersigned, d: bad io almost constant eox A Gibbs Sewing Machine, upon which has been made th ololbci of his large lamily, Irom muslin to pilot cloth including the clothing re v.. am n.nn,i i. 'Witness, S am u el L i n n , E I q . , President of o "u1. I l , . Hvuutaid Cou'rtat Cl.arfieid afo?e'said, tbe lO.bday "V;,,."no,.f: 'October, A. D., ..61. JAMfcS WRIULEY, fay of Clerk of O. C. NOTICE IS IIEPEI1Y GIVEN to tho above qui.-ea lor nis several ooy. aou.u -o caw I .rli ,h.t bv virtue of the ebov. mentioned IBS, I'.- , .,.;ll k. k.,1,1 bus re'ouired w" of Prt'lluD' an inquosl will be held und ta il . ' keu upon tbe premises therein described un the ,11 PP"'af.J7e,auud 0f November, A. V., 1861, u 10 g'eik, the searul failed, although ia bard Service. machine now in us in his family o repair, and ia in all respects, well elLOlSDI ana aurauie. . w '... lh nnrmiM nf making- nurlidon .1 JACOB CH1CKERIX0, Bo.ton. , "i',,, sfpriuent of the said real es--8end for Ciroulr.!S I UM af lu ibe said writ required, al which time JAMLS WILCOX. .Manufacturer. land plae iid pariiti oan attend, if they th.nk Mo. 6 US uroeaway, xew soia, iprop,r. SAMUEL MOORE late of Tenn dne'd, bare boon granted to the un All parsons iudMul to nil estaU are require ! to uuke iirmediete piyment, ao those having claims rgninst the lame willpriiem them duly nothiintiojted for settlement to my Attorev, L. .'. Clt A Ml ol I leirr.ald, or ' ANDREW S. MO'JilE of Penn tp, Oct. 11. 1361. Ct, Lxtou'.or R. M. WOODS, bivlrg e.iangd his loc styles, and gairttnteed for on year sgainit all atural failures. r.HE CI.r-AItrllCLD ACiDEMV wlU 1 be cpencd fir tha rooeptio.i of pupils (male snd feitaUs; on M-mday F-pt. 2d, 1501. Terms per Scasioii of LMcvca Wet ksl Onhigraphy, Reading, Wriiisg, Primary Anihmeiie and Geogriiphy, 3 2 SO Higher Arithmet'c. English Gritarnar, Geography and History, 3 t'O Algebra, Geometry, Natural Pbl'.oiopliy, and Book Keeping, C Latin and Greek Laugaagoi, 6 03 To itudenis desi.ous of acquiring a thor-'-igh English Educaiion, and wl.o wish ti qua:.!'y themselvei lor Teachers, this Iijstitulioa olorl desirable advantagoa. tfo pupil received for leu than ba'.f i lession, and no 'deduction rail except for protracted si.-knsss Tuition to be paid at the close cf tbe term. C. B. FANDF0RD, PriHVjxit, Clearfield, Aug. 7, IStl.-ly. SPtlKIXU TIMIiH IN PniLADKL Ma sts 1 1 .' EXCITING FOOT RAL'E between the l'"liro and tl'.e toiorions Par -r aud roin.terfeiler. Janes Eiuhana:. C'ss 1 1 ! Cross Recaptured ! ' ! I It seems to he the ror al npiiiion in Clearfield, ths I if Cross Ind. worn a pilr of Prank Short's i reueh-calf boots, tl Mb would u it be ta'-u yet. However, fhorty it not mnch pet cet at rni.inj hir- cns'.-ri : l.ns v.ould unntinncH t) nil i?rfcii'i:-iiiV. Dovotii; Lincoln and Bell ncn, and women anti rh'lureu in C;vurneld. and Sinnomal.oi-iiig !.t pr l.cultr, ihat to is prepared to furnish thetn wi;U 1' .',', Shoes and Gaitere of any style or pr.ttern, ed, sewe.l or pepgod, (and si he is a snort fel low) on short Ail kinds of country produce taken In ex change, snd cash not nfuied. Ropairing don in th neatast manner and chargns moaurate, at the Short 8ho Shop oo Second Street. "pp"sil Reed, Weaver A Co'ntore. FRANK SHORT. H. 11, Findingi for sal S.-pt. 26, I860- riHE undersignoJ respei'lful'j 1 i:iforn:s his csl ;uier. it: tho puol.c generally that be !m Jen. received from the I t. end it s-u. d at his stabliebmnt in GhAUAM i i0 A Cleaifield, Pa., a fiuo assortment of Cuosli, Vi'atchcs, snd Jcwsi.KT of UiTerent t,"i! ties, 'rom a single piece to a fell entt, whicti bo will sell at tho most roasonabl prion lor cisn, or in exchange for oid gold and s.lver, CLOCKS of every variety on nana, alios mm reasonable prices. A Ll, kinds or Clocks, atenes ana wewciry, :arefully repaired and H'arranfcd. A continuance of patronage is suiicitefl, Sept. 19, 180U. II. F. NALGLE. J71.0UR. BACON, TOBACCO, LIQUORS OF ALL SALT, OILS, TAINTS, 1 GROCERIES. D Oneeelt It Vlcbolas Eol. Oclbr J3, tf. F. G. MILLER, Sheriff. Sheriff'! Oft, CleerMd, OeC 13, 1891, It. pectfitlly nrTers his professional sorvicei to thi cit i r. mi s cf the latter place snd vioinity. Resilience on Second street, opposite ti it of J. Crans, Esq. my ! '158. j?Ftr rale very ch"fip fcr, by O. R. 1II.RRELL. fn basement nf Llerrell i rr'f Store, Clearfield, Tu. feb-5 DR. J. W. POTTEE. rityslriaii and Hurfr'oli, has pirmnntntl; located at Leosules Mills, tiirard township, n j fen bis prafessional service to th ir:oudir eoramunity, say s, isoi. 0 L Li N - T. C II 0 MILLS. Germantown, Pa. cCALLU M & Co., It AN I' F ACT t't'.E Ftl. Inp',rt''. snd Wlioiesale Peslerl ln K AK I'KTI NCK, IIHIKKiKTS Oil CLQTJiS. MATT.SGS, A., Warehouse N. 500 Cnes.inut ,utree (Oppieil 6tu Ileus,) sprJll 1 I'aiLAMLrsiu '