Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 30, 1861, Image 2

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    f.U Clnttilb ilipiHicut,
Ha I ' PtU
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''i-'" VS'l.'d I'l tll I
i - ' V !1'VVJ!' the edito,. rr
Mnt res In tl il t'.ill.H, lbsl W Hri t.. 'iill ff hfi la'l'
?i I.' tU lilt, .. tl.'.ltn ly the. ,.,. jv, , M (, ,) m ran fu-m U' )j5 llAltlK
k ....... - .. . A . - . A fc . . I
A 1 "1 M I T I l t' I', n l" till III IU "1 f I It, ", (It,.! I AM I'M J I ! H fit
-m1-1 I'l tl 'tn (oil i i our ni.i, tMt lino' the fV'imi'l '' tti'itt f luiiieii.
th t .m..a nl Wm! ''li-i.'f and 1.f.r,( tlinl lh If oii rvi r.m t
the CtitiMito (-' i'i In l'hi!n !0 ill, Hr-in i,i, fir. atier In t lh-ie f r . r this
fl, Mi l lit f Rt'lietilt In- .r,,,i,. v, i in lidii-ul ), In. I, r I. nnJ
Hi U. ft. Mtlinll, and u f n n iIkui'iimiii tlint k iiikIi) til uur
ere arrested nnd held to t'tirfn tt-i-ielisl.
of treason. h wmiM ba a rrnw.tiablr lo tlute. en I
SiW .nfe tS &
.... .. . .u i ., . . 4 i
. - . . .
1 M-VUS" V ! I'lll M, 1 flit M f II . I,. W
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tlinttfn 'iii 1 1 t nimr. '"t t-t m l ni'h A - I A I ! ' ti . llinr .... "1
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I il I til l ' llit'tht t1K ft hi dp- in i' i't t ! hi I i n in f
fl in f' "l " l" Hi" ot'ti'f 1 . Iiiri I, five hill. ti I "i.t, 1 1 i "
n.EAiinri.n, ta.
W(dnpdiy MernirK Oct 80 1881.
IL .! . " I ' . 11 I'. H
Th Pifffrcnco.
Sctn of pur reader hnv no doubt rea l
th Abolition pfrch of fhrvrlci Sumnr,
Unilt-U Statt 8nator from MmmcUudfII,
mid Chaiinisu cf tlit Commit! on For
eign ltelutiont In tho Senate
MLMt !.l.r,SHUIi(l VA.
Our .7rmv Again I) ri?i
7j w.i.u.ii.i.ffi Win iti. nr r r,i . .. t . . .. .i i ......'.' i. ... i
...-. j I sllflf, l 1 "' " l1" ll'l"" " " HIM., I J ri ii.i . n I'll nrinv
tr, at, and tat'-a Whitr Flag. " --.'
... jltlly.
Other Comminijntd Ojiic:ri AVM.
t pirr"l m t' 'in an i .n a t mb wi' n , nu t , hi p inuiw n nt i r.,t, .
. . . .1, . ...... I. .. 11 " 'I't .L
III. 1 1( I lilt ril'i (" m iivMuum nirwi, .tin." rinnrf, u "' M Hi I 11 n i ( "H
k ... . ' L . I . . 1. . I . . . I . ... ."' '"!.
ml ui niliix mii i.y Tir ni'n in gn in . r rt , mni". m mip i i ji i. ,il. i "
till ir I om 'litmli'l . t")' 'I"
I ip, it liiomlnll, (.1 llif 7 ph lotk Vtll
1 1,111
t.1l,tll..." "r"
tl' r ft hi fl.i . t tit Mr. I I ,1 I .
r m
Inl irfj ii fly tut liol 6,K tti mi 'f bii c mitum, t
mlirr mlf Unto r..!.!,...' (M
I11..1I. Froncli. t.f tli liowilK'i l atlM), 1 hour, tilli t all v. lnfM liv J . .
. . '.. . i i. .r.l.l i n . -... . .
.. 1 . I ... I l.: m.m.. fe. l I .r ml .Awl
inn uiy "' "'"
It. tti nt In Hi ltfi bieant ami ankli.
mVfl witiioui lull pa iiuuiitrt ot i , , n,ri( v
jilo of thin country though the cltPiiclaof
a Mack Republican Stato Coovontioi) in
KInarhuotts, urging upop the War joir
er of the Oovernmont the tluty of etnan.
cijnting all the lavc in the country.
The two I'olitioftl h?riies Necetsion nnd
Ablitionism, liavo inch had able ado
m'.cs iu loth Rfoliont of our oounlry in
tin Senate and in Congrfi. The South
boasU of her ' accejjion leaden, I)avi,
Toombs, Cobb, WUa.and a hott of olhern,
who have engaged to practically demon
utrate their hcreey. In the north, we
have auch champions at Sumner, GiJ
dings Wade, Chandler, and IIul", who
boldly faced their brother harolics from
the South on the floor of the Senate and
the llouae ; but now when they havo
brought the prearnt ealamity upon the
rmtion, thee northern champions refure
to practicfl'.ly engage In carrying out their
Abolition theory. Unlike their allies in
the South, who say comt they meanly
ukulk about thoir homos urging men to
2 1 The blustering courage formerly ex
hibited by them on the floor of Congrws
(looms to have totally evaporated. It
would look much better for Mr. uraner
and his oolaborers here in the north, to
go and meet their former equals upon the
field of carnage, and thereby demonstrate
to the whole country the honesty of their
purpose. Phut, while Davit, Toombs,
Wiso & Co., ar in the front rank of their
Army, we find such patriot (!)ia Sum
ner, Ureely, Wide A Co., babbling boul
home, and laboring zenlously to bring
about a division in the North ; similar to
that inaugurated by thorn between the
North and the South. If at Mr. Sumner
alledses in his ipeech, this war must re
suit in Ibe emancipation of the negroes,
and inu.'t be protecuted with that result
in view, why does he not step forward and
lead a regiment ''on to Richmond? ' and
thus demonstrate the feasibility of hit
Abolition heresy.
One of two things is patent in the con
duct of Mr. Sumner and hit oolaborers
here in tho North, they havo eilher full
cjr.fidcnce that tha Administration at
Washington will do for them what they
dfh and claim ns a duty upon the part
of the to free the blaves ; or,
they are demagogues and cowards of the
meanest kind.
FiparirxTATiTts. From wast wt eta gnt.
r from the rtts girct. kj tb Tclutitttts for Kcp
rsi jotitives, we think that tbt Union endidt
IV 9 c'.eCMit. .1cJTca Jtner,
Bully for the Miier. The above four contain more political truth thau
we ever frund in one Issue befor. We
are pleased to learn of the oor.vernion ol
our friend of the iVmtr, and wo can assure
him that Geo. W. Zieg'cr and Chas. R.
Early ore two as food Union men a we
Lave among us ; and their e cction is in
deed a great Union triumph for the Wild
Cat" district.
Their Democracy is above susph ion.and
their ability is unquestionable. We re
joice in common with our cotemporary at
the defeat of tho Abolition candidates, and
the trluronh of the "old Union" senli
ment in our districtonce more.
Ca akvbodt iilin why It ii eonsldertd al
most or quit traonabl to call attention to and
doxand investigation of iht alleged proit x
triTtgancs aud mismanagement at Warbingtou
City Pitt. Dlipatck.
We hear no one pronounce it treason
except Abolitionists, and not Wing a
member of lh:t tribe of lunatics we can-
Tha trlalt ciino tn lt Miilit l' lphia IftU tunigu rn tit i i tune of the defeat that our
week and when every tiling einl be tii.j hid t o (nut, at iiiulir ci:ut,sian'
ready f i trial, tho i ro.'fc' liliirs wero tut (vt lik" lliii In mv lin y b id no brntu Wn
'short by an order from Iho War epai l-! y un nrmy o! 4,0'.Kj men lo o-cupv the'lho bnl'l" f'' Hlutf. ami tiuli at luvej 0 rf BC,rg the Ulan J, whiuli he did
'.merit to the Strict MlorPey lolet then. Ui.k vt a U.fc liver l.lcl. tly intruded ' lhr rH .7 ' Z,"1 throwing ... awnrJ ana rev.uirrr tmo
I , . ., . . . , . . on the holioii. It appears that, on Sunday t, nfr BIU1 iwiniuiing acroi, Col. Uf
to cro-.t t.n nirnott any tiny, ana tnive no ni(,,ti j.,, Jwin. it iht 1 ifieenth Mat- jn fcl wnott jotted thirty of hit men to
batt prepoiod, It past all excuio To Ui faeli.iMiitt, nho hvl Tor tome lime gurd- pi e vn t any attempt of the enemy at pur
prepared for a retreat it as much the du-i Itan imn't Mand ith otio ocimpany, jA1,iti Thit force vat tubsi'iieiitlr ajg
. r . ,,,.,i, - . ,.. , . . 1 ordered Cupt. l'ltilbi ick, r Company 11, mentcd by the arrival there of other coin
ty of th. commander, as 10 ptepa.e f'T , Qu,rl,..miulir l0e, of hi. ttatt. " n, fl Jm ,he Marylerd there, undor
battle, and to fad to not do tint must l:wil, a detuehment of 200 men, to tooutljjoi. Hinkt, of tho l'iih Masaohuteltt.
either ignorance or careleotneiM. ,ha irgmnt tliore m the direction or
This artair it an improvement on tho' Loesnurg. Ti.ey crossei from th islan d
r, ii i . i .i. . .i l I the sliore. im 1 exeoutod the order by
Bui .;unbt,l tho retreat h . '11 within three fourth, of a
inglomtus, and the addition of drowning of lIji,,., returning to theii start
men hat beert added to the ho.rort of jg point shout ten o'clock at night, dis
the fiiht. O.ic automent it 70 worn 'covering. a they supposed, a small camp,
drowned out of one hundred in t!u fit one mue or m u . . . ;-'
g , ami the Ujrt were thereupon re-
Blue, btjwevtr, thcto "nudacic.ut cut
tot'' V.ave. both returned tho publication
t their papers, but now find theit:telvet
tlefeated bv another order from the I'ott
Thit Abolition babbler, hat lately Uv, i0ffic8 1)e;t,.Henl coging ,)l9 ,naii4
fiilftiinatina bis pet dogma before th pco- ,.., f n.
e , ,
fhn fiiiti Itnd iv.lj .'.'"T
o'i'liH'k, with no rmult. l
6U11 Another Aooouitt '. '
A coiirpoiulttiit of the. fC,
Woild, tends I he fi)Kairi(
particlnrt of the battle i
Tlifl Pulilnfit'.a tlA.tlm.Ml i i
tiien anil tdlirrrt tit liun.t iH ...j . W
. .... . . "ii
kinea iiiirty : the mnontiri ti.:
There might be some excuse for tUit
outrage of individuals and conttitutional
lights, If the Admin'.tlration would tlo
ttop papers whoe cditort admit that they
have labored for twenty years for a aisso
lution of this Uniin, and have for year
kept such sontiinents as the following,
standing at tbo had of theii columns:
The editor of (his Abolition sheet used
the following emphatic sentance but a
fe-.v weeks ago, in refferenoe to the Con
stitution ;
"Ai laft.iudi-mont bat been laid to the line, and
rightcomiieM tu the plummet; the hill bas swept
away tiie rorugo or lies, tae water oreruiw me
hidins pltice ; the covenant with death is tnnnll
ed, and the agreement with betl no lonor
stands. Tbo Union of 1781 is piradiously
overthrown by the very rlasewbioh fmhioned it
at the beginning, eud wliicu uoui now eon
trullud Its adminiitratiun."
If this is not treason, what Is treason?
Dot it has been oll said that "truth
crushed to ea-th will rise again," and this
is the only redeeming feature that sosrs
to lnvcr in the political firmament.
Coi. L. L. Tat. This vetersn editor
of tho Columbia Democrat, has been elected
try the Legislature, in connect'on with Col.
Tutten of Wyoming, in the district com
posed of the co mties of Columbia, Mon
tour, Sullivan and Wyoming, by an old
lashioned Democratic maiorit y. Some 20
years ago Col. Tate, in connection with
Wm. L. Moore, published the Banner, ol
which the Republican i the legitimate suc
cessor, lie was then a Democrat, and has
continu-d a faithful and devoted advocatel
of the principles of tho National Democ
racy from that day to this, through sun
shine and stoim. Like most othor editor
of Democratic papers in Pennsylvania who
had the independence to maiutain the in
disibility of the Democrats party last
spring. Col. Tate and his office were threat
ened with the vengeance of the mob. His
Democratic fellow citizens, whose devotijn
to the Union, the Laws and the Constitu
tion cannot be doubted, forthwith selected
him as t man to represent them at llar-riabarg.
K.Daniil II. Numak, editor of the
Eatton Sentinel, whose cflice, at our read
ers will remember, was destroyed by a mob
a few months ago, because ho most brave
ly defended the freedom of the press, was
immediately nominated by the Democrats
as one of their candidates for the J.egisla
ture and elected by over 1300 majority.
But Dan. it a gloriout good fellow, an J
deserved to 0 to the Legislature vitkovt
levtg tent there ly a nob 1
The following letter from a well
known Missionary appeared in the New
York Observer somo time since. The sew
ing machine having become a household
necessity, the information is cf impor
tance to every family ; more especially as
it would seoin by this, a very superior
Machine can be purchased at a much
less price than it generally supposed.
New Yobk, April 4th, 1SC1.
Mr. James M'tZrcx :
Dear Sir 1 have now in
use one of your Machinesriz raoalhs, and
am ready to thank you for introducing
them to the public, and furnishing them
so reasonably to Missionaries. Having
used one of the best double thread Ma
chine! in the Markei, wt tpesk intelli
gently when we tay thtt for simplicity,
r... y i'. J TV... tl.A 1 . 1 laf
.ii i t. t . . i.i... uu re.viii'ij iuvui. K'ii., .....
trip the boat made. It u also tinted thai , t , t(lreo hundred men ruthed
our men run out of powder and bull; if.forwsrd by direction of Gen. Stone In the
this is so no may be prepared to hear the same looality with order, to aestroy the
next time of ou, army being -ef-y
that Instead of having tio boats 4c, tuat iN))Und concealed, and word wat tent
they had no muskett. back that no enemy was in tight, Colonel
. , Fhilhick t company taking an advanced
JnoJt MiRtrca. This gentleman H"",..,,,:,. h ilta the remaining comnaniet
of the Judges of the Dlttrict of Columbia, wwre concealed a a reterve in oao of an
and was last week arrested for trea-on. , attack on the
... ... , , n TVn.Un v -jen anout u nine jnu a nan wom iijb
ID. brother Judge-, Morsell and I unlap huaJroa VArj4 in ,dvanc4
issued an order to Provost Marsha. I For- ()f Devin't reserve, Capt.Philbick, ao
tor, to show cause, vby an atuchmer.t for!co,npttined'by Col Doriu in person, at-
contempt should not istuo against him 'lacked and drove baek a company of
, i . .- .i ,j -. nr Mitimsippi ritlemen, and then fell back to
(or obstructing the proce,. n e, use of con.ealed jp tho rMfi 0 lhc
justice, in the case of Judgo Merrick. !Br,pnranee of a body of rebel esvislry. In
The President immediately instructed ( tDe gkirmisk Capt l'hilbiek had a diffi
the Unitod States Marshall not to serve, cully in galling neur enough to tie ene-
and i: form tl em that the President had . nflM our forCM
for the present, suspended the wHt of j t dy light, and the same hour that Col
ilsbeat Corpus in all cases relating to the-Dvin'cou-nin'i left the shore to make
miUUry.for public necessity iS'u
Tho drowned ar ulw,,,t ti. ' 'T-
thirty: the Mioners iJA1"
ird. and llio wouivled ore hur.4
nenly-five ; total fue hundred and I
mpnir'Uvn : mm 11 1 p i.tiiwiri ... j .
Col, Devln received a slight contusion In ,HfPi ,0,,,. onp i,ur)tjr,4 Bn(1 h J"'i
th) breast from muiket UU.
Disheartening Details of the Affair.
The public may Wm from this thnt so,js "imont." which remained on shore to
far as the Judiciary is ooncornou, nd 'cover tho return of Col Devin. Tho Col.
... !. ... 1 .1
whatever little of civil authority still n- however, maiuiainu grouna, anu a
mained in Washington, the last 'esUge
has been swallowed up by the military.
Clearfield Progressing. Wehave beer,
much pleased to learn that Dr. Foster,
the entrrprising proprietor of the stige. ,i-,t U guccoatful, and after resist
.. .. t i n . !. '.. n..t i r.-:.
reinforced duiing tue morning by 3J0
more of Im rr0'iintiit under Lieut. Colonel
About one o'clock he was attacked by a
considerable f iroe of riflemen win gt-
tsmrjted to outflank hun. fearing that
line from Tyrono to this place, has eflect-jing them for aomo tirufc. Colonel Dovio
ed an arrangement with the proper avi- slowly retreated, in porfect order to the
, . . , . . . . .r ,.- Jrivr, where lien. lUkir had arnd with
thorities by which n the .pace of rour o. r.on
live weeks, tho mails, passengers, freign., wLich nu oommaodo-J bv Lieut. Colonel
4c, will be transported on the Tyrono A
Clearfield U.K., from Tyrone to Saody
Ridge, thus reducing our distance from
civilization, from thirty-five to tvrenty-
Gen. Ittker thori to..k Mmaiand, coni
plimenting Col Devin for hit suocetaful
resistance to a superior f irce. and givi ng
!ii cotnniand, now less than O'JU men.
threo mfles. This arrange nent wil' ff the lincol battle ; tho centre and
several hour difference ir. the arrival of : lot t l.eing formed of 300 of the 20.h
. ... i lit ,,f M.t'sachusetts. under Ool. Lee, ani the
the mail. here, and tave a vast amojht of . , batlnii0i). tt!)lU 0M ir, ur.4b8r.
Continental prayers trcm person passing i j ,. r-,,i Wiatar
over the
Bild. Ia!o A Tyrone Plank
According to the message of Gov
flarris of Teun., that state has raised and
equipped, since the sixth of May lat,
thirty eight legimenla of Infantry, seven
battalhons of Cavalry, and sixteen com
psnies of Artillery; in all about -16,000
The stato authorities have also ereetod
a Foundary at Nashville, whic'i is turn
ing out 0 cannon pr week, and a per
cussion cap manufactory, which turns out
22I..000 per d.iy, besides manufacturing
an immeuso quantity of niuskets and ri.
Jons Prowk, Jr. This notorious Abo-
litioii'st is raiding a company of Abolition
Sharp shooters in the western part of this
state, intended for Montgomery'. Kansas
regiment. Montgomery wa the leader of
the notorious Jty Hawk party, during the
Kansas troubles, and has lived the life of
a murderer and highway robber ever
since. Hereafter, ho vever. h can con
tinue his business in a legal form, as he
now holds a ootntnision from Washing
ton, and In connection with Brown tbey
st w.rmmit.w W t- A a H -tor tflArl V t itt
editor ofthoZarcA. who sermt to glory j ea'- d preci.ion of wo.k, your. U un
in hi Abolitionism, should bo kept !n
fill, no doubt, continue their o'.d busi.
nets in a lagal way.
What Should
be Doni. Every
Two mriuiitaiii htr.vitie.t, ornmanded
bv Lieut. French, and one piece ot the N.
Y. Uattery, commanded by Lieut. B.nm-
bail, were in .."ont of the centre, linmedi
diately pvc7iou. t the MainiJiicimtnl of
the aciin.
The attack was com'rif nee i by the en
emy or. cur righ:, but was soon directed
more heavily to the centre and left. For
about to hours the battle ruged terrifi
cally ; a complete shower of leaden hail
feP. Three limes tho left of tho lines
mnde an advance, but wre compelled to
retire as often. The right wo bviterpro
tecte.', and hld their position.
An order r.nnie from Gun. rViker to
throw two cmpimies of the Fifteenth
Massachusetts to tlio centre, winch was
immediately executed. Thit produced
the impression that the. hatt.t wat go;ngj
against us, but eauel no confusion cr
dismay. '
Th left was linrd pretseC hut remained
firm. About thit time tho newt rpread
that Gen. Hiker was killed. While in
the act of pushing a cannoa forwvd with
his shoulder to the whsrl. he was pierced
by six balls. It it very evident i hit he
was the object of the enemy's sharpshoot
ers. After this there was a ce.a ion of the
fire f6r a few minures, during which Col.
Coggswrll, of the Tammany jegimer.t. ar
rived with two companies, ana, he bing
the senior olliser, me command devolved
ufon him.
In a short time it became evident to
Col. Coggtweil thttt tho day was lost, and
be thought it best to cut bis way through
Upward of 1,000 Missing.
Capt, F. G. Young, of New York, aid to
Col. Baker, and who wat with him when
he died, gives tho following account of
the recent engagement near Edward's
Ferry .-
Gen. fitone ordered Col. Baker on Bur-
day evening, to have hit brigade ready to
move at 7 o'clock on Monday morning.
Tho brigade wm then ttatioued five miles
from Conrad'. Ferry. At 3 o'clock in
rhe norning, however, a Mesfenjer from
Gen. Stone ordered the first battalion, un
der I lout. Col. W'istar, to movo immedi
ately, so as to bo at Conrad's Ferry at
sunrise, which they did, and reported
themselves to Gon. Stone.
Orders were then tent from Qjn. .Stone
to .ha battalion to .tind fait until they
thould hoar hoavy firing in front, and
then to cross. About an hour afterwards,
munketry havirg been heard previou-ly,
daad and wounded began to bu brougut
over H where we were. At 10 o'clock
tho numbor of killed and wounded bro'l
in wat increu e l. Goner! Sione or
dered Col. Uaker to lake command of the
forcet on both tide, of the river at that
plac. ard to bring tip kit brigade and the
Tammany regiment, ammanded by ol.
Coggaweil. which wat in camp about three
miles distant, and to orott in.nieaitiieiy.
Capt. Young carried the ordert to the
lam many Regimen'., ana the wnoie torce
proceeded aoout a mile Jown rivor, reaay
lo cross. W found two scows, each of
whioh eoild carry from forty to fifty men.
and mar aged to gel from the canal a dug
out, which would take tuly or seventy
Six oompnit of lb firtt battalion of
iht California Regiment, three pieovt of
srtillvrv, with men tnd horses, belonging
to tho Tafiimany Regiment, with Col, Ma
ker, Col. Ccggswell. Lieut. Col. Wistar,
Assistant Adj Gn. Harvey, and dipt am
Young, got to the island, where wo ware
joined by a battery of the 2i R'.-.ods In
land Artillery wuh two small howitier.
The paxsage to the Inland was very diffi
cult, with our insufficient means of trans
portation, the dittance being a quarter ol
a mile and the current swift.
We poled ourselves tip t je eastern
shore a long distance, thence were drifted
down to ti e binding. From the Isluni'
to the Virginia shore, our only mean of
transportation was one scow and a metal
ic boat ot little or no service. We landed
under a steep bvjk, 100 foot high, covered
with rocks and jungle
Scrambling up ths bank, we found an
open fiiol 1 ot six acret. with thick wood
ou three sices, out of which came a con
stant, irregular firing from the enemy.
Here were Col. Devin'a Fifteenth Mas-
sachnnuiis Regiment on the right line at
the head of the wnodi, having been driven
in a.ter proceeding a mile ard a half to
wards Luesborg. e formed on the left.
and presently advanced two companies ol
skirmislicrt to the woods in front. The
concealed enemy drove tli?in back with u
heavr, telling volley, and followed the
regular with an irregular firing. Our men
fell on their faoes under tho brow of the
hill, the enemy not being in aixl t. The
artillery could not be servod because the
g:nner a-ere not to be found.
Dapt. oteart, ol uen. Monet siati.
came with a messaga to iu. DAKer to
hold his ground, as Gen. Gorman, with
5.000 was marching from Edwards Terry
Una company was ad-
ir. Tltrori4'e 1TMrrv eriitr flmn AArmtn
young man not engaged in the iervice r I wai in charge, throaire over reinlorce
his country, should atrivo with all possi- mentt bv direction of Gen. Stone, who
ble dispatch to prepare himself for use- ws in sight of the battle field at Zi
, . . .. , ward e Ferry, directm" the general move
lalness by i .lending sDme tcbool adapted j o
the dark by his osn friends. We won
der if they leave him out in tho cold du
ring caucus hours, when treason is defined
and explained in solemn council?
They have a poet in the office of tbo
Clearfield Eepuiltean. Hear him.
Let tb Republican tsrty 'wag as It will,"
Ths Demjtrats 'wilt bt gay and happy ttUL"
There we pronounce that decidedly
the best and most truthful poem of tho
eeaon. Hereafter the writer will write
excJuaivly for the New Yerk Ledger.
Cambria Dcm.
Our mounta:n friend labor under a
mistake, wo htve not been engaged to
write for tho Ledger, but it has been bin
led that wo would, eie long lie engAged in
the Hotel de Layayett, adjacent to tho
iciaity of the Ledger. Hut it poetry
to the wants of tho cresent age ; and in,i
riT&UeU. Iiu:. fM tt rvlU.en nf Pitt. MnaqArhiiiifatIa l&th frnin tUm risyhi f a th
la I ll 1 Vf - -.1 t a ku.a srrltmt. 'lf. .t'l. ... .t .l
insvneoi..y MH.....r """""B burch. Ti.. inataina i fcjgb reputation, as wen. wnicn was execuioa as camuy as at a
is so sure and simnla that I should ven . . ., ....., i battalion drill.
irtointrodu0 tina1vri.-amonct)eo.U,',10Wn t-7'""un'rousprom.n.ul.u- Cil. Coggswell toon became satisfied of
tore to introduoo it in Vr'- ' 8 P responsible and prominent position, now; impJ.miir of reaching Edward'
piewnon.veon.y amouicumo. nircu.j rr.d.iales from lb. vSohool -' Ferry as desited, and gave an order to
icai tain.
1 am quite sur I shall be able
beef contract has been nnour twenty mintitei helor nighUtil. tdem many or too wou njea.
Col. CogGswell.of tho Tamitisnv
wat tnkea prisoner. Col. Devin uieJtJ,
rivei. His Lieut. Col, lot', a legibu w
jor was tafe. k
The engagement to.k pi no. ,,
heilit above tho landing, ocm,nti '
at 4 o'clock. P. M., and ooMtnmn. A
dark. All through the dsy the
had been firing skirmishing tloti, n'
troops wore drawn up on the eilge0fiM
hill, in a' semi-circular field or optmtoi
skirted by dnso wood. The C'slifrni
tns, under Lieut. Col. Wistar, on ihel,ft"
the Massachusetts Fifieet.lh suj TtD
tieth on the right, nnd the TtaiamiJ
tkirrnishing. '
Two howitzer rJ Iwo figlj yieCM ,t
tho Kocond Rhode Maud Battery Kt,
hand ed during the fight bv (.Til it.-'
imlelr. aided by Viiar. his Aill,,...,
Oenernl, Hawly, Col. Coggswell, of tbo
lamniany, ana company U, Captain Br.
riel, First California. Only the RiieJ.
Island officers stood by their guui ihi
men retreating early in tho fray.
The enemy ckarged from the wtethi
all directions, converging upon ourforos.
They were bravely met : but the slsucbu
er of our best officers and men was so ter
rific that the Federalists were at lastobli.
geti to retreat.
Col. .taker was killed bv a l.orsLimin
who rodo close in him and fired five shot
troai a revolver, all taking effect. Tei
slayer was at once brought down in turs
by Cspt. liiirriel. Tha same Wave fe.Jsir
recovered Kaker't body, ndiup
of his company for Ih at purpoie. linsily
Col. Coggweil, just as he was taken, tu
the order to retreat, and an individual
rush was made down the hi1! to tin riftr.
Only ore g. in wat brought ay.
Tbe scene at the liver tide wu UrrlbU
in the extreme The rebels came loins
edge of the bill and tired down upon our
retreating nite. The one boat tilled and
sunk, and those who did not attempt to
wim across were forced to surremior
j Many were drowned iu crossing, snd lbs
rehei Kept up a muraerous rue on tbast
struggling in tho water.
The remnants were gathered in s dii
mal rain on Harrison's Inland, tnd Iti
carnage ceased.
Whon our skirrci-.hing companies lud
reachi d the ede of the woods, audden!
Uie enemy, hitherto concealed, roe w;:i
a yell and firel a volley ; tltttn bes
fighting in their usunl manner; Cm fil
ing a yell nnd volley ; then l ulling and
flrirg at will for a few minutes j thca CfU
ing an equal time ; then giving another
ell and volley, and soon, pourinjsnur
derous fire int.) our little band for tho
xpse of hall an hour. The whole woodt
around swarmed with them. IVy and
no artillery and no cavalry.
The Rebels took all our guns but or.
When I loft yostorday they hal shouted
to us, tel'ing us to coii.e orer and
away our dead tons of b uudrifh(
of truce; bad also mounted our own guns
on the heights, and warned ui to leave
the iland in lour hour.
The ciusoof this saj havoc wai that wo
had no proper means of '.ransit tnd
I.m Tow. - Charley Holes' Amhrotyi
Car bat ngnir. made itt appearance iH
front of our office. Charley ukos an ex
cellent picture nt a very 1" figuro. Wt
advise those of our radert alio wsnt l
get a life-lik picture taken, to call on
CjllCRIFK'S SALE. By virtue of of s writ
J5 of Ven. Ex. issued out of ths Curl of Cj
mug Pleas of Centre county, and to mi alrociw,
will be exposed to publio i ale at the Courlhoul
la tbt boruugh cf leilefunte,
On Monday, the 25M day of Nov. nat-
All tbt Sclerosis of the said defendun', J it. j
Llnjle, Uolng lb one undivided fourth parts
II thivt. rtin trant. or nortlna of land sitult't
llh township if Ruih In lb county of Centrt.ul
in r'infrtrr Viirn
vancad to the left, the direction from ibe township or JJecatnr tn tne eounty or u-
which Gen. Gorman wat expected. Thev WJ, eoouiijlog seventeen i.tmdrtd a.4 w
Ti . ...ii ...... iores and alltwane. telnj bsldm eimaoiif.a
were met by a yell ana a volley as bo ore, D . p . , UiUi a
and fell b:ck to tho lino, loo hidden ofw,,ich ,,ia premij,, ,ro described by
enoroy now appeared to oo in lorce on itnj houndt in a mnrtgnge given by the win-
three aides ol us. wiiicn, wun tne river at
tbeir back, disheartened the men.
v., ... . .i . . r 1. .... .
Reciment ordered Iheiroompattie. 10 r.., ,, -ilk the improvements niifft
Heal and the enemy coining 6,t of the j"8;Ud uk.n ln ,IIM,lM( ind l0 u nil
woods for the first time in tight, general ' .v. .. . 1. i n..i.
canforsion ensued. The men, running tol GEOKUE ALEXANC,
the water, edge, and finding no boats, ' Btllefoate, October 40, 180.
rallied, ran up the hul, discharged two
vollevt, when an ofSoer of tho Mtstachnt
I.lnrla lVn If. Rlair. flt I ftth RinL. ISJJ"
recorded in the office for tbe reoordini;
io.,ia Ctntrt county, in mortgage booi'rt.
ett. I5th lied a white handkeroh lef lo bis r.. , ,u. j...;..,i ,h. T..t -.ufpaiUr
aword. Theenemr oeased'Qi inc. and took krineb. l.t. f Krtv lewnihir.'doce-Jts. ai
I ill air 4 a. j fk - ... , - - ' J ' ' O . - - ' os' issktj m i-tni,
'Send for their Cata'.oguo and examine for ' f'lll hack towardt the river, which u tx, pritoner. Many etcaped into the w(rfd. 'periont indebted to taid esut are reansu i
to bring 6 'ocuted a well as the eircumttnnoet would Some t am for the island, other, found meat immeiiatt pa)insot, and tho &"
it coon' you 'MJ 'rerniil bs reached tho riier bank abrve'small skirl. Rome were drowned, among eltiot against tbt i.nt wilt P r C ' lT- a t u
DOiThe new
tf - ... tt.L. J I I , t : 1
, - . . ... v . ..u iLcii.i iru mm .... a
. i i . ' .j-.i . n k v i. .r,,i .1 i. nieia-,. -.. . t
n are uurucuiar v ineasea wun ins "hui:ii v ..- - ... hi ,nn
K SV ST - . - 'I'g. l-' V,
leautf ofihe work doneby the hemmert. ' gar, ot unrrisourt; at aj.n per
Th- only means of conveyance, on thore
Soon after Cant. 8towart' appearance,1
Col. Baker, who wat, during ih whole
authenticated for settlement ELIAS R'ou,;"'
Hr. (.. Clet 3ft. lsr,t.6L AS"'-
j r i - - - '
We would prefer the Wilcox d Gibbs Ma-' grott weight, or ahont .even come po. to ine ltiana waj urge coat, capaoie or , loot, cueermg ana nu uS i i uie... , th, nod,rti
i . n. . . n I- frrtintT rnf frf i .ai-sa a ts osss H ti-iK Vfn wii ihA iPrtm lnft irnfifi. HP
-t i I J fTM. - I. A-ilV. fl ILIA lHTMIK BlAfU, iyU IF BUG!. ITIIIVU ITH WM liivi IIUIU vstw " , -i- - vsrs itsat- BMI fftt 111 1 n T IS O UriT .
cnino to any oiuor. at wnavever price. pouna. an.tu.... -Mln,'', .Bft.h, winp rt.l wouuds.and a.l believed to have ,V. n,h n..
Tliioftltitli-- f P erttiershiD.
r nB Ptr.ner.bip .beretofbr. ,M
igned in 1hs UlscKsmim".--,
.burg, wa. dissolved by
- I t j ,, i , i ovcrororraea ana twampea. tnt anotner Ring laiai wouuui,..u . unrai m u' consent on ice i.iin iniani.
Uopinis to have occasion to send for one or may b increased to i6,0JU, to oe ue f , Tha trnona r. bean ahot from one revolver. Tho rebel Henrv Bantt art left with Esq. riecal. for
or more toon afier our arrival in Syria, I livered at Ilarrisburg or Chambenburg, jjing Qn ,he ghore made a desperate who killed him ran out in hi. ibirt .leovet, tioa, to whom ptymtnt It "00yE
. . m .-o i . r. a j: . tl. WA. ' an. . if . K.I 1..1 1 1, . t k . i ... I frtl I nmaA K fnii r Ar fi vs. nlhr. A I It a v delay. IlrMvl 'JO
remain, yours truly. a, i.iitA.i. iti ine uofernmrni may u;rm. no , ......... ud..,. ..... u , .,-1 ..-. --- , V ' 1IENRY BAM
Missionarv of American Doard. dine was verv toitited. there being ninety 'J - l'r"'"7 rriu... ... .,,,.,..... " Lnth.r.bure. Bert 14. 1861.--41
' - It.... consequence. ierai, or tno aa. ano v ara, me pugilist,
134.1110 iarwrian Aaixaiean ituurnai says ng o. oias tor met ooniract, Those who could wim plunced into the with ten men of hi. company, l u.bed for-
Firi We learn that the dwelling river, uiany carrying their arm. with j ward, shot ibe killer, and drove away tho
U,.-.fv..i.i..T.,u. .rv....nn in them, and other throwing theno into tho, re.t. Capt. Young boro th body front
wi niLuvmi .uu. - mi . .r.t . ..... ikin f..,rv f.!i:- l.t.'iK. CM Cltarneld. Fa, n 111 atlona promr-v - - ,.
V VI V S C V . II W " SA Itl'IM IWttllll. Ill , UVSS asie iev J DO'
of the Machine, "For family sewing , in
Lntbersburg, Sept 24,
... . .1 1 . w
Capt. Young boro th body frooi Oraoooo Market ttr.u oppaltt bossoh
. . m at i J t tt:11 Katn.l nrnmnuf W v
till tatWM "i- 71r
make, one t-lligible to write for the .variet'-'ork of H'itaimple Ma
" .... . ,l chine it pei lectly strong and reliable;
,r'iiend Murrav will bear oft the :, . ... . .a. u,
tifc'd, a hi. List issue contained no lew' and to any width, tnd is neat and liUrn the ground, and four of the mailing themselves of tho darkness and ( battalion, tho only onein the engagement! s DMINISTHATOlts XOIICIi--
than three "original posies 1 " The man accurate beyond comparison." jyoongeat Children were burned to death, ite heavily wooded banks, but several aro of Baker', regiment, wore misting at ton ' i f Adminlstfstion having bee
Clttrfleld. Pa, Will
took fire one night latt week and w" the tnttmy- )..,!,, ,om Csoape4 by Three hundred and twenty of the first ;Mo1" s,lt of L""1''
tnust be unmarried or intend! to qualify!
himself to write for the Ltdger.
Fa milt Cabbage Our celebrated pro-
!iao friend, 8. II. Shaffner,
Gov. Curtin hat appointed Thursday, "cabbage, heads,
The oldest wot about 12 yeart old. The known to have been drowned iu tb wa
psrentt had gone to church about a mile,
ters of the Tototnao.
r. is great on ' "... " " T" " 7"- ,' "! The Sehavior of oar troop, over a .ur. ! were loo ni.Mtng, of 000 of the Ma-sachu. --'P-J' rUr'nMurZ
He left a .took of ihi.":" ' , ' nornumpor ot too enemy, wat maraoaoy ..ett. regiment, at Miintii were missing .ZtaitttVmfmt,.Bi tbo,ohaviBoisis.s-,K
..-,v nniiiiuu, ,iin,",i tne isms wni preseoi voem qui ...--
which less than 800 returned to omr. . ' orttlemtat. f T. COCIEi11'
Lteut. Col, HliUr, of Col. Baker', rtf-' IWih. 7, iMi-at.
1aVIU nn T.i. . t.t r ...n.. in the undersigned on Iht
the Tammany regimen engaged there KTER MCW0. late
- were 100 miseing , of 600 of the Ma-sachu. elAVS
the 28th of November as a day nf tbank.- family staple at our office, wnieti
firing in Pennsylvania. 'a than six perfect beade npon it,
u:u : i. - i . i.i l. i l. -i .i ... v .t..
.....,l tuv.j...jrT. Jl . RUI'IUIPFU III IVJLJ.CJ.'I..Vl. ..IU VUUlm II. W 1. , ,u v ,
111 DA . .. .. . ..... . '
ore originated troni tbo oandlo at no ota olooe ollho action, ana after tho day wg
er fire was in the bout tt toe tint.
ocusiderod irretrievably lo tt. tho to
rt w 1
Tbt frf.
psr" 1
gjgiui n
st t ,
of I
I. si