Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 30, 1861, Image 1

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    V.t.'.. .
D W. MOORE ).,,.,
O. B. 0O0DLANDER, hJll4ri'
VOL. XXXII.-WllOl.i: NO 1G77.
cLKAiiHMM), v. wi:dm:si)ay, OClrOTTcGl.
TERMS-tl 21 pff Annuel, iffniJ ;n twit
,' 1
Sclat llotlni,
Nay iqntia D III ! kimlljr worj
Can nevor Uarta sting beliin'l,
AuJ, oil Itu browth easti talo wo'va tuard
la fr beneath a noble mind.
Full oft a better cd l town
II; ohomiiiK " th t kimlur plnn ;
Tr',r if lut MttU fond be knowo,
' Still lot ui ijieak tb we can.
iiri m the heart that fain wIJ bids
Would fnin nnnlhsr's fault etfpf i
How ran it r!cae e'm human prid
To prove hunmit.T but bno ?
Ko I lot us rwirh a hi;lnr roood,
A nohta nsfimata of mnn ;
lit earnest in th icnroh of goo J,
And fjmnk ofull the btrt eu.a.
Tlion ppesk no i!l hut lenit b
To oibr' failing as Jfur own ;
If you're th flrjtn fault tn$et,
Br not tha firm to link it known.
I'ot lilu i kut a pamingd.iT,
So lip can tell "low brief it (pan ;
Then, oh, tho little time we (lay.
Let's aju-.ik of all the bct we cau.
"General Lee U to uke command ot
Iho force ; heretofore under tho command
if General Wise and F'.ovi'..
"Governor Randall, of Wis., bus iss
aiiou. rror..nt,.,n,0.o,..M,s,,4ISiuici,H
out ol the Mute. I
tt" The forts at Hatteras Inlet are to
be reiiil'oi'cud and maile secure agaiust any
attiu K ot tho rebel. I
ti3"' band of uiaraudem from Tennes
;, who stylo tliniiHelves ''bull pups,''
,):iv entered Kentucky, Thoir objoct is
nisJu.Dr.Hayn, of the Aictic Kxporlition,
arrived on Wedn.-day last nt Halifax,
Two of hia men had died during Uie expe
d.iiuii. l:"i).Tho Iondon Timci declares that
the proposod intervention In thealTnirs of
Mexico, is with the consent of our gov-,
jt?&r(iov-rnoi Iirownis re-elcclod to the
'iuvernorship of Georgia, The fact is roc
ionized at Washington as au expression
ot dislike for Jjavis.
uc&.lr. Alfred Powell, surgecn of tli
'Jn.l iieginient N. Y. S. M , who was tal.n
i'ri3onr at 13ull Hut), stales that tho reb-;
iU Iohi in that battle COO killed and near-
iy 5U0V wounded.
BrtTuTho diptheria is rnid lobe prevail -
ing to a fearlul extoat in s'uiire parts of
aiuiubia co Four elnldren of Mr. John
Iifilrick had ilied within a low davs of
this disease. "
. . ,. .
r.A Norfolk nwspaper Mates that an
attack was recently made by tho rfcM,
upon Hilly Wilson's Zouaves, at their en -
cumpmcnt on Santa Rosa Inlnnd. Tliey
confess that our trooj.s dir--i.I:iyeJ great
& lilV0n'- ;
fetrSomc of the cavalry companies on
i the Virginia side are very badly mounted.
A nutnU'r ol the horses arc worse than
i those attached to a Washington hack or n
j Philadelphia oyser cart. 1 he Hands practi
cedupon the government in thisretpectare
I ol'tfageous.
H'-i.carlot fever is said to be quite
prrvainu among c.inur.n m rarls w, -c-
il nAMnli Man-I,,,! iLtld ll;L rpni'efl frt
I tal in many instances'. It has also broken ! were out r tle way, like a grand park.
I out terribly in Vermont. j Our Lnts are pitched on tho summit of a
I E2rThe Mo., Republican, sanguine that.""1 ri,IS'. wl';cl 'H boh WJ'. on(1
? ll our troubles will bo over by 1304, an-
ur troubles will bo over by 1304, ai" term. nates on our l ight 111 an abrupt uo
aUss a friendly race at that poriod for clivity, atrbrding facilities for both drain
IVcsidcncv between Gen Peter T. G n( dtfenco lh,(t eouid not have been
ireard and Gen. McClellan. ,
bettered if it had been especially construc-
f thef
0 I
. Bniong mo names ot persons
indicted for treason by tho United States I
Kisteict Court at Wheeling, aro those of
Henry A Wise, and his tor. O. Jennings
r? Mrs. President Lincoln is studying
the rrer.cli language "wiMi a view to 1
qualify herself for the more ii licate exig
encies of her -xaltel statian."
, IiyAn Etwlinh jury has lately been
terribly troubled in its mind by the ques
tion, "Is a velocirc-de ft podnstrian 'I "
! Pedestrians have a riglu to the sidewalk,
a lady rolled her baby on the sidewalk in
I a velocipede ; un obstructed gentleman
jirosecuteu her, lady plead that tho to
Jocijiede was a pedestrian, thejtiry stayed
, ul eittbt hours, and came back with the
verdict ''really oaa't say."
i E.A cwtenjrrftry gavo tho following
reason for voting for Lincoln before the
election .-
' "Second, necause liis election will give
1-oace nnd quiet to the country, of which
jt is sadly in need."
"Third, because in hia election all
.branches of iudustry will revive, business
will bo good and wage high."
The poor people are now having a
taste of what tho Republicans call "peace
sand quiot," nd "good business and high
I TX-A singular crif.e nay come tp lor
Ojiidicalioii in wmn of our courts. At a
Wtul in tho Mississippi, a feiv miles from
Cummcrco, the river is cutting iu way
eivfs a neck of land, and by the next
riso will have formed a new chancel,
placing noma 10,000 acres in Misouri
within the limits of Illinois, the main
.channel of the Mrcani being tbe dividing
line. On thii aot of land arc two plan-
ItaiionH tn which a goodly niimber of ne
gros are owned, and unles they are tnov-
.ed before the river forms it channel across
the had ofthe peninsula, the "chattels"
will all be free. Tho question will arise,!
to what State qan tho owners claim ailo-
lanet. ; j
Camp I'lRitroNT, Va., Oct. ltf, 18(31.
bear llrpulltfan : Having some sparo
tiuio this evening it occurred to me t Imt
I Iiiik'ht anrcc,! in riAliinn rtV a few linea
that would at leat inform vour reader of
. , . ,. .... ... t, .
the present locution ol the Fifth rennityl -
,, t t T,i i
viiriin Hcservj volunteers (" 1 ho Bloody
Fifth." th. boya call themselves) tho
fate of at least oaia of it eolJicrs, tunny
. j( ... , :, ... .
of them doubtless feel nn interest.
lly s dated at Camp Tcnally, in
I he ris trict of Columbia, where vro had
Iain fur over two iron Urn, although during
that time several apjsmodic ellorls 'vcre
iiiad to go Btiniewhere ; but they alwayn
endi'd in our return. ti to our old camp.
Filially, on the evening of the 9th of the
present tnonili, tlie day following tho
F(-nnvlvania elootion, we were ordered
to strike our tents ar d get in line. About
7 o'clock, P. M wo were moved oil', and
that is the last I taw of Camp Tenally, or
perhaps ever may son. No intimation had
hoaii received y tue men of the direction
which vc w re to go perhaps the compa
ny officers knew but I think even that is
doubtful. An impression had prevailed
in camp fer a day or so that lien we did
j( ,j b , I)ar,)esto,vu to
. . '
I join uen. uanKs ; anu o certain were ma
ny of us of fiis that the general cry, s
we w pro gHttiug under aruu and ready,
was, "now boys for Darnestown." We
soon discovered, however, that we had
mistaken our debtination, arid that some
other locality was to be the theatre of our
daiing achievement!. A short inarch
brought u to the road branching off to
wards trie Chain Bridge, which crosses the
Potomac at Georgetown, and tt is tvo fol
lowed, feeling now, that at last our feet
were soon to rres tho tacred soil of Vir.
.... Hf.i f c:, . c,
uiin, i nrj i.iuiuci ui cui.vs unu orlllr'
men, and the home of chivalry. It was a1
. ? ' .
ueilher too cool lor comtort, nor too warm
tor exercise, and after a brisk march of
about three liouis found our.elves halted
j jl( ft fi(.,d about rou,. nlile f)))lu the en j o(
. , ,.
lh" CIll" br,,1Sc. ft wtly direction,
'and about eight from whenco wo started.
1 emirso our baggife, tent, Ac, could
1 not bo brought with us at this pace, and
.U!l oup biflnketl nnd c0(ltSi wo m!Kip our
, , .. , , . ,
j ur" Bo!t e,'!s, n s'('r sou,K,s
ly until daybreak next morning. Having
, , , , . , , , ,.
, been ordered to take two days rations in
, out haversacks, wo had plenty to eat for
next day, and after breakfast we moved
' forwnrl"ntid finally halted in a beautiful
grovo on the right, and n short dis
t.,nc9 from v. here wo spent the nifcht, and
, 0r camp. Thebagjage arrived du-
' C3
rng the nrternoon.
We have now one of the prettiest apot
for a camp that can be imagined. A fine
white oak grovo entirely free from under-
brush, and since we have cleared off all
. , , look. :r .. e,
term. nates on our light 111 an abrupt uo
bettered if it had been especially
,eJ for & Since we have been here
, . , , .
our ilutuw have been similar to those at
out previous encampments, excepting that
wo have exchanged digging an 1 throwing
up forlitications, for felling trees. Wo
unnosed. when we reached hero first
that a battle would surely take place in a
short time, and that we had been march
ed over the river cither to ei:gago the en
emy or to support other forces engaged;
but although we havo been called nearly
every morning nt daybreak, nnd some
times ft couplo of hours earlier, and mar
sballed in line, we havo never yet seen
either the glimpse or the ghost of a seces
sionist. Notwithstanding the enemy's
tickets are almost in sight of ours; and in
some ins'.inices havo been within hailing "C"em.ngi innik 01 tue ocauiy it wou d
,. ... i . efface, of the rviriy-heaitodntss it would
distance. Almost every day something; oxligllisbi of lhe Btrontftli it woulj ume,
occurs along the line of pickets to cause a'of the sickness it would breed, ofthe pig-
. . . 1 ' . ..... ..II ,. l .
commotion in the various camps. Uniy
yesterday afternoon, while I was paying a
visit to some of the adjoining brigades, ft
battery commenced throwing shells to
wards the enemys' linei under tho im-
ni'osiimn I l a t Aipoa ujus it lliA Vltmitt
1 . . , . ... - ,
aim a ae.aoninem, consisting oi aeverai
companies f Infantry, one of Cavalry,
and a battery of Artillery, were thrown
totward to reconneitre the position with
what result, however, 1 havo not been able
to learn, as they bad not returned when I
left the camp from which the movement
was made. This is about tho manner in
which the Hoops here put in their time.
A battle is daily apprehended, and yet we
scarcely know whero t'ae enemy j to come
froai. The present opinion hrn U i,
Gen. Beauregard is at Fairfax o! U and
n i.i.n,iin Im . t. .
Gen. Johoston In the vicinity of Harnoo
I. . . , "
ferry. List night ther rra.s rumor in'
camp of a battle at Harper's Ferry, or
I)iirn'slovn, Imt it linir.otsini.-e'rcpn con
firmed. Everybody in Mi" Fifth is nox
ious for a battle, and the boys can hardly
contain themselves in their eagerness to
r'!'le'r, '""j'0- . ,. , ,
The dwellinca in tin tieiirhborlioocl
1 . , , , ,
lmve conorally been deserted, mid tlic
, , ,
r cop ao.muoneu i estemuy our
'gimeni cui nnu unocKen tin a corn u
. .
Governtneiit intends doing with it, but
the shocks -Agi carefully counted. Of
course a great deal of foraging is done, al
though the orders against it are very strict,
and tho ponal'y severe There are few
gardens, or turnip patohea, in this vicini
ty, not stripped. Some funny incident.!
grow out of the propensity of the boya for
foraging. Cnpt. Taggnrt of Northumber
land, Company it, has as a "exile
of Erin," called John. John, tho other
morning, remarked to the Captain'that it
was ''gutting varry lonesome widout ppta
teet,'' and the Captain told u!m to go out
and try if he com lciu't purchae some along
witli other vegetables. The Fmeralder
went, but seeing a garden standing
out in the, cold, alongside a deserted
mansion, he concluded to supply hiunelf
there nnd tavo t he Captain's money : but
the patrol, on the lookout for depredators,
found him about the time ho had filled
his carrying conveniences, and brought
him into camp. Capt. T., hearing of his
servant's dilemma, went to tho coniiinn -dant
and obtained an older for his release.
John, in the meantime, had managed to
elude his captori and get to nis quarters,
where the Captain found him on his rt
turn. ''John." said he, "I was just over
to Col. Simmons' and he gave mean order
for your release." "He jnters," replied
I . .
aH' Co!. Simmons can't gi-t mv
I..- - ,1 t.. .1, f l, -r
vhijc, lor us i,icio in iiu corner iuii oi
Slima (Lima) beans." Since then John's
j valise, and being "lonesome ftidout peta -
j tws ha).e been Hraong lhe stan(iillJ? jokes
j . .
... V r .1 1 . r 1 1
The weather. Tor tho last few days, has clear and mild, until last right, al-
though previously we had some very tough
weather fin lasl Monday pvpnin? n kpuW
, . . , . , J South. order up reserves and strengthen everv
ago we had a teve.o storm of wind, ram jrv on!v-son-above the vearsof child- exposed point require-, the highest degree
and hail hail stones falling larger than d,ood, nnd no is only a stripling' of eigh- of intellect.--Wtcrn Pi-ets.
hen's eggs. Last evening, however, it be- teen attached himself to the tirstcompa- --
gan raininc and continued the greater part J'V raNo.l in the neighborhood ; A Muucu.ous Escape fkom St.ibvation-.
of the night. Since then it has been somoO 'l" ""Ir1 .nt? s"r.vico 'r lu ! -Tllfi Argus gives the following
. , ,. , , l ing the war, and his discharging Iho du account of a miraculous es 'atie from star
what colder; htill tho weather has not ties of a soldier, equipped to meet tho en-' ' muaeuit us tsape tro.n star
been unpleasant . j emies or ti e Southern Confederey ; and, 7,"'n' f a J?'"1"" te8 Un
Our position here is said to be twelve addition 10 this, no less than four reph , ,,erJ county, Tennessee, near Halo's
., , v e 1. r 1 ' pws have enlisted for during the war, and 1 Point :
miles from Far-lax, ard two from Lewins- ,! 1 . r
... n xt ' 1 ,1 1, are now on their march to irgima. I LaH week he w.i out hunting n a
vtlle- Our Brigade occupies tho right of nii,,hl cite lhii M ev;dcncos ir. vindication largo bottom in bis neighborhood, and he
the line, and our Regiment the right of of myself, if I chose so to do, but such is observed a wild goo e lly out of a largo cy
the Brigade ; consequently we are on the not 'be object ; it is merely dono for the press slump, wh; was some twenty feet
extreme tight-there being 110 Federal i prat i fioatio,, of boasting a little, and to let ; high. His kn-.iwledjfo of tho habit of
,,. ., . c .those who were ovist forward in Secession these geese led him to believe that tho
troops either north orestof us except see whel,10r lUey havo done more than I 1 goose Ld a nest in the stump. Or, the
our pickets. Our position is not particu-1 have, ami am willing to do, for the South- outside of tho stump were a number of
larly dangerous, hon-ever, as any attack ern And more than this, I vines, which he pulled tip to poop in and
that is made will most likely taker lace !'.tbree ojhor nephevs who Inve been get possession or the eg. After he had
toward the centre and our left. If you
hear of a battle in a few day, don't be'
surprised: and if vou den't hear of one
why vou needn't be surprised either.
' J ' '
Pflf fV T W
P. S. I should not fotgst to went ion,
for the satisfaction of those who havo'nient. These
friends here, tnat the health of the rogi, ' m bavo parsed hy. If there is any
; , . , , Union sentiment in lexasnow, I am not
ment is good. Company C. (Captain Lo 0pprisefi of iti
rain') has but a few sick, and none sen- When the millions of Persia invaded
No Sat bath. in a ' -Pmo Eay oa the
Sabbath," written by a journeyman prin
tor in Scotland, there appears the follow
lea striking passage;
Yoke fellows think how the abstrao-.
tion of the Sabbath would hopelessly en-
slave the working classes, with whom wejlniion. He stands unreconciled to the
are identijjeui t liuiK ct Iho Jutior going
on in one monotonous, continual and ex
ternal cycle limbs 1'oreynr on the rack,
the fingers forever flaj ing, tho eyeball
forever (training, tin b-ow forever sweat
ing, the brain forever throbbing, tho
shoulders forever stooping, tho loins for-
ever aching and the restless mind foiever
i jects it woum extort, oi :iie n would
iminohite, of the cheerless graves it would!
prematurely dig 1 See them toiling and
moiling, sweating and trotting, grinding
am" hewing, weaving and spin iiini;, sow-i
ing and gathering, mowing fcr.ct reaping.
raising and building, digging and plant
ing unloading and storing, s'rivir.a and
st r up,zl i ng i n the garden and in the field,
jn the grauery and in the barn, in the
factory nd in the mill, in the warehouse
! ftna 111 1516 SnCT" on 11,0 niountain and in
(the ditch, on the roadside and in the
wood, in the city and in the country, on
tho sea and on the shore, on the eath in
the days of brightness and gloom. What
a sad picture would the world present if
we had no Sadbath."
Vlt Is said that the ladies of Troy, K-
Y., have invented a new feature in thoir
fairs. A rarcel of handsome cils set
fh'9raf'Iv'e UP ftnd 'fellers to
kiss them JoT ten cents kiss. One girl ...
maae .oa m ,Qne erening. wne rasti igoa.
911 worth, ' " 1 .''
The Position of Oenrral Houston m Ds-1 An Army Unpnrallel in History.
fined by Himself. There isliltln doubt that the armies
The. Richmond Jinjuirer, of Friday last, now on the line of tho l otoinno and its
contains a letter from Sam Houston, da- vicinity amount ( the immense aggre
tod Scpternbnr 18, which was written for 4:1(0 of 200,00'J men on ouch siTe, or
the purpose of delining his position, and -lon.OOO eombatauts. Wl.onever a B"neral
in answer to an article which he taw in luittlo shall occur, it will not onlv imveno
the New York Jlerdd, about the ISth or Inaiallpd on th Western Continent in the
loin 01 August, which alates that General
Houston bos no sympathy with the rebel 1-
ion. In reply to this he aays : Phi' a.
Previous to tho act ot Recession by Tex-
as; ami whilst the meuauro w; s one of ; For, at Aus'eilitz, where Napo
thn argumeni and opinion, my opposition ' loon defeated the combined annim ofKus
to it was open and avowed ; and my oppo I tia and Austria, he h id but 80,000 troops ;
sitiyn to the acts ofthe Convention was ' the allies had 100.00X At Jena and An-
not cotifcnlfid, but on all beamiii'? - 000a -
sions fully expressed, tmr did I ceaso that I Prussia, hit forces wore not over 130.000 ' " aka of a ship, watching (or the cook to
expression of opposition to the measure strong- At the great battle of Wagnwn, ' thro'v somothinj overboiird into their es
secessinn until tho peepls acquiesced in it, fought with the Austrians nn the lianas 'ended j.r.v?, so tlierie "summer Irienas"
when I, as one of them ; unhesitatingly of the Danube, i,i 1 S0'.. he had but I'lO 000 ! follow y ju whdo theT is a ho; o and while
fttsentod to this conclusion ; since which men. At Borodino, nodei- th walls of .V" have favors to dispense ! Whei: ;ou
time I have attempted to throw no im - Moscow, ho hud b it I20.0ii;.i to oppose the , l,nvo nothing but tears to shod for :'iO
pediment in tho way of this action, but. Russian--. At Wateil.10. he di.l i:ot havo treachery it haa been iJ, you mrst weep
on the contrary, havo pci formed all the ! to exceed 80,(i0d troop. The only battle-! these tenis alone. Alas! Unit tap holy
acts of a dutiful and loyul citizon of tho 1 Hold wo now recollect of. where- tho com-! name of fricndsliip should bo J isccraleil
Southern Confederaev. This was doing j bntanls were as numerous nn those around j by connecting it with the hollow proi's
no more than what became mo, lor I bavoi Washington was Lcispsic, in V 13, where fins of good' will which are so often to
lived and acted upon tho principle that ! Napoleon had 17o,000, nnd the alllies ,,e oliscrved in this world of heatd strife,
public offiieers should obey the will of, Rusians, Austrians, Prusians Swedes and Bat theic is a beautiful sky bey 0 nil tho
their constituent, and all private citizens Germans r.u mbered 100,000. Nearly a storm clouds ; the sun never ceises to
support the Government vhijh secures to , half u n illt'onof men took purl in this 'ahino, though for ten days the heavens
them their liberties tremendoui battle, which known as may be o'trcast with cloom, And thero
Whilst the Convention was in sesssior., 1 the Combat of Giants. It lasted 3 days, i- a h lendship that never dieth, a fi ienil
I presented a communication to t he Leg-! and ended in a complete overthrow of ship which has existed through all tho
islattire, accompanying resolutions for-! N ipoleon, who wits driven into F.ancj, centuries ; a friendship lor which many
warded to me by the Executive of Tenn- where a series of di isters commenced that lle olden tiuio "counted their lives not
essee, on the subject of coersion, in which , did not end until Napoleon abdicated his dear unto themselves;" tho pure affection
I denounced, unqunliheuly, Bitch a mean -
uie of Federal policy. Since then, my o-
pnnon lias undergone no change.
Had 1 been disposed to involve Texas
in civil war, 1 had in mv nower. fr 1 was
tendered the aid of seventy thousand men
an moans to sustain mysoll in Texas, by
adhering to the Union : but this I reject
ed, and, in return for the offer, I pave my
advice to the Federal Government that 1
watr.ed no money, I desired no office, and
wis!;ed for no troops . hut. if Mr. Lincoln
was wte, and wished to confer a benefit
irpou the country, ho would evacuate
Fort Pickens and Sumpter, recall all the
Federal troops from Texas, ami I not take
tho counsel of such ft man as Gcneril
Soolt. or his Administration would be dis-
' prace4. Notwithstanding this, mhon my
message was repotted to Mr. Lincoln, by
I his own messomter. it nnoeare I that ha
I did not believe that his auont had been
fllithflll lllfl dishar jVof his trust in
repor ing my opinion. Si strona was this
1 belief, that he immediately resolve to send
' another messenger and troops to the
iV,ft iih h nil nr S01V1 -n irnn,,
the war with the other Southern tronns
The time has been when
there was a
i ro".eriui union senuineni, in isxas, nnu
a willlntrnps rn tlift nart. nf mnnv true ria-
a willingness on the part of many true pa
& ' . 1
,.. ,,, ,, I ,
Lincoln a lair trial in
1 the administration of tho Federal Oovorn-
Greece, theSparitans were not more uni
: ,te. . rK; An.,i.. nu..
vu tn ucictw wi ......!
ties that is Texasunited in support ofthe
1 lUfmUmM-
.juuuinn vuii.v,. .... ..
, "n - 1 ..-,1 t
Jioy. ,,om i.ti.i,. .sus,iiic, iciiu.,
i correspondent thus writes of this gentle-
His lot is (hat of complete political io-
fiie-ent. ami parieu un ttie past, l lie
leaders in the fid.-e ciniso that brought j
about his fall had no honor, no sympathy
tor him, while those that once clung to
his political fortunes havo grown indillor- ;
out and lost their trust in lii.n. And thus ;
he lives an unenviable, lonesomo, hope-
less existence embittered, beyond nil '
doubt, by the consciousness of having, by '
one false stfp, inflicted a stain upon hiaj
record that obscures all glory of his past, ,
nnd can never bo wiped out. ,
, . ii. i - .ii
To appremate al this it must be known
that John Bell his public renunciation
j of loyalty to the Union to the contrary
; notwithstanding has really neither neari
nor hand in the great Southern rebellion.
He goes with his section, not because he,
thinks it is rght,but becauso it is his sec-1
lion, lie believes, or at least expresses
tli opinion, that ihoj'war ol subjugation'
undciiaKen by the iortn is wrong, nut on
the other hand, loses no opportunity in!
declaring the Southern revolution imju i
lifted. Whenever he visits places of pub-
iic mini no Uiv,., t"uoi-o
tho jetterson navis uynasiy in unmeasu
red terms.
His past public services secure him im-
munity from the consequence offense '
would entail upon any other person, hut - had been nominated as tho commissioner
render him at the same time unpopular of tho Soulhei n States lo obtain their rec
amongthe thorough-going rebels. The ' ogniimn as n independent power. The
late confiscation of soino of his steamboat lirazilian government positively refused
property has greatly irritated him; not i to treat with the agent or agents of the
sufficiently, however, to make him more i Coufederacy. The papers wer3 laid upon
forbearing with the adrninist ration of af-1 the table, and thi subject dismissed from
fairs at Kich.oton'U . .... ' I Uiir councils.
1 torcesetittnised. but liardlv one of tke histo-
! rv even of modern r.iiini)e will vie with it.
The jireat batle oT Napoleon were gener-
lallv fought with niimhers fur inferior to
I those under the walls at Washington
"Tstadt. where !.o broke thn n iwer of
1 crown and wns oxde.i to the Hand of Eli
ha, in IM. Nn battle wat evrr fought
on the eg'.I of the United States where 00,
000 combatan'.s to-jk part in it on
From thee figures you may judge of
what a battle we have reason to expect
when' the hosts of M'Clellan and Beuure-
card, mora than twice the number of Na-
1 poleon and Wellington at Waterloo, coma
j into collision. It will be nu event that-
; will be the great military feat ure, proba-
bly for ages 10 come, of martini powress in
j America. Washington never had thirty
: thousand men in one army, under his
I command ; Jackson never had fifteen
thousand meu, nnd Scott never before the
present year had seen twenty thousand
troops un ler bis orders. Great is the ab -
j ability required to manoiiivre and handle
such a large body of men and brina them
i into acti.ui at I he pioper limo and place,
, The battle of Bull Run extended over sev -
! en miles from one eu 1 of our line to an-
, other. To know what is going on in such
' an amphitheatre, und to bo prepared to
1 1 7i T Jl! . 7:, J! " 1 . ' V : J " f?. 1 . ...
some six or eiL'ht fenl down in ni.J.v Ti,
nest. h sutinosed was on n fl.n fSnr,,l.,
tion, and he accoidingiy let himself down
int.I., . 1... i .-!. .... I,,. , i. . i
... , .
. , i'l, I , ii v 1 1 Hi: ail ui.IV t .JU -t IJ-.1 IlllUU
on which the nest was built, ho discover
ed that it had no foundation, and soon
found himself sinking to tho bottom of
the tree.
The inside of the tree was rotten and
would not bear his w-.-ight. Now ho wm
in a interna, n v.t- mites trom any .'juliita
lion, inside ol a stumn twenty loet hl:l..
. -. .
wnii no pros occi o. inn, with
nothing to sub,i,t on but the ,,
i 1.. . ! .i.. o 1 ... .0 1-
Iu) Mjivirm-'j nun yeiitut u ii ; .1 un was near-
ly exhausted, no one coming within hear-1
!,,!,.. , M,;.,!,!,,, ,,:J)W.'.
' "i,.Urcerution" i-vo genth-men' wero out
hunting and camo within hearii-g dis
ltan:e. They were very much frightened
at hearing a man groaning insidii of lhe;
stump, and lor some time, tuey coum not
reconcile themselves to what it meant. but
having 'earned that the gentleman had
been missing from home several days,
they goon were satisfied th it it was no
''ghost'' inside the tree. They procured
axes, ami soon the prisoner was liberated,
He twears ho will never attempt to roll a
gooe nest situated as that one k is again.
nKEfnr.n's LT.-In the course of a
,. , ,, . ,. , ,, ,
speech at tho meeting tf tic Sons of Con
1 v
, nccticulftl the t ilih-avenuo Hotel, on
vvetinesiiny evening, the Rev. Henry w.
Beeuher said :
Ma. C'ii ubmas t I have never bad the
faintest doubt nt to the result ol ilH.e.
test. Slavery will go to hell, where it
'CMnc. hum-not becau-e we are richer.
I. .i v....i i .. i
stronger, better than the South, but In
causa God is fighting against it. Wo shall
conquer the Rebels, nut in oil r own
strength, but the Almighty Lord wiil lav
them over out knee, nnd 'wo will spank
mem in me natural (rdei ot I'rovidonco
Brazil AVit tub CoNittittRATEs. A let
ter received in New York Jrom Brazil savs
it was rumored there that Robert G. Scott
Fa las tnd Xmo Fi iendsi.ip.
My heaven j..en. u.. ',: u ;. ,i
blackhearted and dr'eM; bh- ii i ;
surrouriii a man in hi' '""i!'or w,.r
ity, cui ling his lavo s ana biv,l;ii,u i'l
his sunshine, willing j racuc- tiie 1,. ,.
devilish deccpti, in if tiny may
"nut tnonev in thrir Mir;e." 11ml nil (ho
w 'bile to bo bis Ii ii ruN. T'ir-n
! peopio at e very good friend; until a , ti
' needs irirnds. '1'hen. when ti,e dui ii
day come, when the ntoi uii u( ii.lvt rsir,
best egainst the one fjr whom so u.ui'li
respect was hitherto manifested, Hieto ol..
sequiousand fawning wretches turn tneir
buck uud look out far a ne it victim.
i Eike slia: ks thuL havo followed in the
winch animated many a martyr a soul
'with joy as He niarcneil to Iho stalse to
hiy down his life for his friend ; which led
iamoii to regutt witli rare tieiight tho
I pi ivilege of oll'cring himself as a gubsti..
tute fir the condemned rythins; which
bas in all ages hallowed the intercourse of
noble heart, and stioketh to the beloved
object through sunshine and storm even
down to tho grave, and is permitted to
indulge the pleasing anticipation of ro.
' newing, after a little more battling with
the world, the tender and loving commu-
ideation which made lit'e worth living for
here. Such fiiendshipj we have bu'en iU
lowed to observe, and they apologize for
the moment for tho meaner actions of
men. Examvles of truo devotion to a
: brother's cause, of unselfish loyalty to
what is noble in tho human character. lift
good men above the damp earth atmos-
phere into a purer realm. By recognizing
l and loving individual excellencies, one
grows to a recognition ot the true and tho
, beautiful in all, and at length reaches
that rieigut, where no leeu mat,
"He pravc-th best who loveth best
All things both great and small ;
For tho dour God who loveth us,
Ho made and loveth all."
Cautio to Motijsrs It is a very com
moil thing to nee mothers and servant
girls pushing along tho sidewalks the lit
tle carriages in which they are giving ir.
an airing on pleasant? days. An exchange
remarks that the practice is a very dan-,
gcroiis on. and is liable) lo do great and
permanent inj'iry to the child. The po
sition of a child riding backward i.nt.'.vl
of forwards, is an unnatural ono and di
rectly atjects the brain. Somo gro.v.i even
cannot ride backwards in a railroad enr
without experiencing a sonse of faintnoss,
and to expect a child to do what 11 strong
adult cannot, iioinieasonable, to say Iho
least. It is believed by medical writ.or.-i
that infant 3 have "lied fmtn didifo rnv
ducid by b-iing ridden backwirJs,
A battlt. is Ciiic.iiio: A fight occurrnd
in Chicago on Fryday, in a billiint-d : allojn,
which gie'v out cf an altrtiupt to oowhidi
.1. W.Shoahan, e l tor of the i' Ool.
Phillips, of the. Chicago Biica-Jj. Si..-'iiia'i
had published a se vere article upon Phil,
ins' ..!eetil.ii as Colored, which be rol e-l
! to rc'.r.:ct in such form as Phillifs ,.,-( 1
I ted. The latter attacked Slioahan in the
i street with ft raw bi le, ween ho was
: . . , . 1 . . r ,1... !.. ,,..t
! Kioc:;i aown oy 0.101. n., , '''-!..'' .
ees Tins led to n tin 1:1 stioruy n..r.. in n
, . , . .-. . ,,,:, .i,;, ,,,
! "'"O'l'V-1,1 w .hil,h ,u.u,l ,r, r
neiH-nns tiartieirnited. and 111 W11H.11 i 11.1-
'. 1 i
lips was seriously injured-
Ballon. W. P. Manguin. of North
Carolina, died at his re-idvnc in Orange!
county, in that State, lecent'y, a' the ago
ofODveu-s. For s.viv years hfl !:.n suT
fcred with j.nniitiys-s nnd it is ir'ibiblo
that the recent, death of his only ion,
from a wound received as M.ma3 is, d.
pr:s;e I bis spirits to a point l'nm. whic
he could noi rally.
Ci.Enovvt s ExLiTr.n. Rev. Clias. Cook
BaUist clergyman ol West Gardiner, Me.,
has enlisted s a private in the 1 1 th Maine
Rejiment. He is a native of B.iltimorc,
where his friends now reside.
Dru.Tho village of WiUiainstown, Oswe
go county, N. Y.. sci)L ono volunteer to
tho war, and he having returned, prepar
i ti.ins are to be made to Ijonor him wit'i
a public rVception.
fr-iT-Wbv i. a gentleman when he forces
a youyg lady to accept a gift, like one
milking an unintentional error? Ha
makes a miks-tnkn (mistake.)
E'.A young cvquisit" being asked why
he did not eiilisl, said that be alvays
thought war was bast when taken in homci
opnthic doses.
Ununited Stales Serntor Binghim
rWn.l nf nmi'itiliijiv at his rovd'Hie at
Green Oak, State ot .Mu.iigur.
it i , .
on tlic o'h
j)ij5"Hor,c.3" ilei.iM to know if n nig.
gor minslrtit Lund is to be considered cou-s
trabatid. . .
The census of nana', a shows a polynia-'
tion of 2, 100.8s.. . V-