c ; ; ' . " I m " ... r " : i--- , I CI ii IIP , K N ' t( s , 3l 01 0 Ay Ay ... . ; J 1 i - t S VOL. XXXII. WHOLE NO ftlctf Mq, ' fTli Mowing lines were linndeJ as by the ttfeofs volunteer officer, ww in rervloeln front ..(,. mfniv on the Ptomo, who selected it from numlier of papers found in a home deeer ttibj lt robtl owner. It but suntimeut ef ,rtuliarwctness. v . ... SIGH NOT. ' . - T MISS B. PRAt-KB, par woman's lore and her enchanting smile, ,. Sigh not ftty some to cheer life's gloomy teens awhile ; Yiteretliey fleeting is those heavenly dyes, jilt look so beautiful iuEvening skir s. for tlie 1oM glory of th bannero'd SL'h not I gorgeous glitter is forever lost death's li" 'httiles that steal so darkly on, liks hlek eclipse upon the mid-day suu. . Fonrlghl' and conquest, aird tlio tyrants pnue, Figli not It eemes omnipotout as dutli the tide, gwift, fierce, aye, terrftle but soen 'tis soon Ibbing away, at though it bud not Icon. lor the loved dead, and oro tbe memory, Sigh not 7Vv never cast a lingering thought on thee , Awy. "?. through shadowy realms they go, Forgetting nil things 'that were dear bolow. For years gone by, aud all llio sweets they bro't, Sijth nut Ibe niorry builrt of diildhood't sunny sport, Say, coald they not one passing joy impart fj tgo, and Mckiiou, and the witborsd heart? Fr years to omc and blist they may bestow, Sigh not Tu-dny thy giddy heart beats high, yet oh, Perchance, it would upfiul thine eye ta see, ffhut in tomorrow is roserved tor thep. I There )n that l'raya for Me F Wlien the Run is shining brightly, When The moon, o'er land and sea, l iens Wisrht iu silver glory, ii thuro ono that prays for me? When the earth Is restinu onlmly, Iluueath the veil of night, J. tlitte one tlwit prayt fur me Ueueiilh her itar'i pure light t TA'lien ioy In every feature gtvvs. Voc oae hoart llic.u boat glatl T Or when tin'W makos the teardrop corno, It there ono tltut then It tad ! It thei ne nKing the ruany Hhst every day J see Who bows iefore my fntho'u throne, Aud truly frays lor me? . A there nne thnt loves rtio well enough To pra.v I may bo given, Wkun durk tfinluiion ulljers round, Strmglii, to resist, irom Heaven 1 My Futber, U,-ss all 4hnt I love ( Dies, tuo, thus diet love 1110 f!ut oh ! thy rlchu.it bluffing seud On all that truely pray for mp. "travel within the lines'. " 'o riiwe been rcq'.iPsteJ to slat ttirtt in wiisoquence of tlio abuses wliioh havo crept into the system of issuing passes, tli coniiiiiiinling general of this depart tnetit has determined to be more rigid in the jewing of permits, nnd has issued iiw Uructiotis to IUb sen'ir.els to be morerw licular in the examination of permits pre entad by travulers. The general linn al wleen compelled to refuse any passes to those who wihh to erof s tho riv er on er rsndi of curiosity or friendship. Idlers and turioui lookers cn linve no business among these camps and tb y aro iiol "ntiled. Every visitor to Washington, especially i( imall politician, consider himsulf cnli tleJ to a special permit front Gen. Mc Clellari, giving him the largest possible liberty, nnd expocts an aid to ba detailed to accompany him in hi travels. These ppUcaiioti? are !t source of annoyance to the general, and under no condition will they be complied with. fbc general La also compolloil to deny PWot to those who camo from home for the purpose of visiting friends or relations 'scamp. This may be disagreeable, but Ml it is a very r.eccssay duty. The umber of men in Virginia is so great that j attempt to gratify the wishes of those ho would wish to see them on an errand Nve or friendship, would Jeid to an ut- demoralisation of tho camps, and give Cntinual opportunities for tho visits of tyiesand traitors, As the rulotiow stands, oone will be permitted to cross the riv- but the regular correspondents of loy- newspapers, civilians having urgent j that Its light may bo reflected on all ob business with tho army, and messengers jeets that surround it, circling the brow oa the military ot executivo depart-' 'with smiles, bright and beautiful, wreath aenU. Suttlers, quartet ma'torn, wagon . ing the form with beauty. . "wters, mail messengers, and other' pfrt What would we be w ithout ' Hope! A ""connooted with a regimont or brigado, j dro irj; waste, like a ship wijdiout an an 'H be allowed to travel on a permit from chor.drifting before tLo wind. liberal commanding a briagde or divia- V'WhiU tha Democracy rally around to flag but that of the Union, they will ter ceo to fight for freedom of peecb, I intom of religion, freedotii, of the) press, frdoru of tho person 'under the proteo Mi,oI he Lalns c.orpqs, and trial by ju-. itiipurrtarV Icdtt.-irTB,fc 'JR,.''' JG7G. LETTER FROM CAMP CROSSMAN. Camp Grossman, Oct. 14, 1801. Metm, Mditom Perhaps aorue of our Clearfield friends would like to harome thing about Camp Crosstnah, near Hun tingdon, and How the Clearfiold boys are enjoying themselves by thi time. Camp Grossman is situated about three miles from the town of Huntingdon, and is a very beautiful locution, and in the midst of a rich nnd well cultivated part of the country," It i a .bout two miles from the Warm Springs, which is great place of 8iimaicr rosort and amusement, as well as CumpCrossman, which is visited by agre.it number ladies and gentlemen not only from this place but elsewhere and their presence always cheers the soldier and makes his countenance much brighter, (especially when the ladies inaks their appearance.) We nrrived here about 12 o'clock, being exposed from ubnutfiwiin morning to a drenching raiti, but after wo ai rived wo were escorted to the court house by Col. Murray, where we found the same well heatod by his order. After changing our wet garments for more com fortable ones, wo wore taken to thu hotel and there partook of (lie refreshments which we wore all in rruch need of. We quartered jti the court liouso uulil Wed nesday, when we got orders to march to Camp, and as the atari and stripes wafted in the breeo ou could hear the loud ac clamation, "lojig may it ave succass to the brave Clearfield boys." When we ar rived at Camp OosBnian ive found some nisio hundred of our neighbors of Clair, Huntingdon, Clearfield asxl other adjoin ing uounties, and from three to four hun dren Philadelphians. Our boys went at once into the country cmp,. being part of Col. Murriy's regi merit and a little suspicions of tho Fhila delphiiuis, who had acquired the name of the Ir.'hh Brigade, hut after all a pretty decent set of fellows. If they did come from the cilyf When we got to camp onr first work, of course, was to prepare oiir quar ters fur sleeping. Wo vre nt one fur. niched by Col. Murray's orders, through the Quartermaster of the Bi ig tue, I. Mitchell, with touts and all necessary clothing, blankets . pans, plates, camp equipage, rii short, of all sui ts, nnd slept the Hist night in the tented field as com fortable as circumstances would permit.--On. the day afuv, wo began to look around and make some acquaintances with the others of the lirjgadtj encamped ubuul us, with whom we expect to spend our next three years as companions and friends. We found the regiment, or rather compa nies for ihere vwis not one full regiment tlroiijrji men enough to :nako the greati er pari or two, composed in the main of intelligent Cue young fellows, sons of far mers of the vicinity j and the l'hiladcl. phiu boys, in Kpite of having been called I the Irish Brigade, as jovial, freo hearted set of follows as we could expect to find. From the date of our arrival there seemed a new element at work. Discipline was tightened up on all sides, and the) compa nies and parts of regiments, lound that soldiering was not all play, Col. Murray had takm command of the post and at once commenced reforms, no less for the lenelil of the service and the people alout the town than the soldiers themselves. Order wns tit onoe restored --the pass system was put in strict force ami a pa trol detailed to town to see thai order was observed, and evorybody in town c imp and country has causo to rejoice ai the selection maelo Ly Oen. James of Col. Murr.iy for commander of the post. Yours truly, UN. ON. IIoi-E. - What a In ight organ is Hope! As the gloom of disappointment appears to crowd around us, Hope emits its rays upon the mind, and enables it to avoid the rocks of Despair ; it gathers Qver tlio heart a cai-ir.g of steel to guard it ngninst the corroding influence of lime, and the soul, being guarded with its protective power, gneJ forward In the path that lights uji before it, ' What beautiful land scapes does it paint i:: the distance! It's a jewel placed iu the soul, out into prisms Cdlb Feet. If you have eeld foot, 1m moree them morning and evening in cold water, rub them with a rough, towel, and run about vouf foom till they warm In one month you will be entirely relieved. All those red pepper and mustard appli cllu""" uruiwvTOu-.v. lieve yow to-day, -but leave you oolder to-1 morrow" ,'"' '' o; ' 'i J PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23, (8GI. A Frightful Scene. The London papers contain accounts of an exhibition at Cremotne, on Monday evening the 12lh ultimo. A female Won - dm liad been encacod to cross the Tli'ime , t, , bb nimes ,tor 0f tne Fayette Countv Democrat on cht on a tight rone from the carden It V. w i ' , , iJumc ougui u, , J f. , ." ,8to bo hun nJ thereupon he recom- ; . : " 1 " lD . e.r he height of the rope from the wator va ried from fifty to one hundred feet. Im mense crowds had collected to witness the . , feat, and the artiste when he made her appearance was greeted with loud bursts of applause. Two-thirds of tho distance had been accomplished with apparent ease und certainty, when the performer stopped to rest on one of tho main sup ports of the rope. She remained so long that apprehensions of a contreU-mpts began to spread. Nor were they groundless, for attempts were inude by attendants on shore and in boats to tighten the remain ing six or seven hundred foyt of rope. For a very great part of this formidable way, no guy-ropes were to be wen. .There were reports, or the ropes having been cut in the course of tho preceding tight for the sak-o of the weight by which tho main cord was or should havo been made steady. On the othei hand, it wis alleged that those weights or guys had never been put up. After sitting a wearisome length of time on the narrow ledge on the summit of the timber support, the performer essayed ti advance. .She very soon found the task too dangerous, and backed to her awk ward resting p'.ace. Tho time from her first arrival at this point to her finally quitting it was full three quarters tf an hour. Aain the female Biondin set forth, and at this tirife made so much progress, that when she hesitated for the second tiniA iL liiiil iiunmnn twvtelir i... :i.t rl her to recede. This she nevertheless at - tempted to do under the greatest ditliculs ties. Tho rope swayed like a garden swing, d ies were raised for a line, and when one was brought efforts were made to throw itotei the cord on which the poor creature endeavored to maintain Ler balance. The excitement became general ar.d toon grew into alarm. For a while manv pacified their fears with a half suspieicn that the danger was only acted, but its reality soon became upparent. Twilight was deepening, and in a little time she would be unable to tee the rope. Having stood fol ten minutes or longer, undecided whether to attempt a retreat or an ad wince, the femalo Biondin sat down ou the rope, and balanced hor pole acioss hor knees. Renewed efforts were may to throw cords over the main ropes, but with out success. A t lenth an outcry was made that she was going to fall. At that time )lio relinquished her pole, which came splashing down among the boats below. In another she was clinging by her hands, now to the ''tight" rope, now to a couple of weights, and new to the cords by which a part of tho rope was held in perfect steadiness. The couragodisplnyed by her at this timo was truly admirable. Des cending by the grasp of a three quarter inch cord, or mere whale-line, in fact, this djiring imitator of the "Hero of Niagara" renched in safety a boat that had been rowed to her reFcue. On reaching the boat she was loudly eheered, and received quite an ovation on her retur.ii to the gar dens, where she lamented with tears her not having completed a task which she felt perfectly competent to perform- Her hands, it is stated, wero severely cut by the line which had a Horded her the means ol escape. - The Oheatest Well Yit. The editor of Hie Mercer lAspa'ch gives a descrip tion of an extraordinary vein of oil tapped the other day on the McKlhany farm, at a depth of four hundred nnd sixty feel. He says : A watch was held while it run into a tank, holding, by ineuiuro, ouu hun dred end eight barrels, nnd it tilled the same in fifty foevmnutfi! At a fair esti mate, taking this as a data, those who were working and watching about it are confidont that in the first twenty-four , hours, it Mowed two thousand four Lun.iwan" " llR n,luu' """" i dred barrels of oil I And when. we loft' wul. the arrow in the air. , on Friday morning there appeared to bo. butlittlo.diminnlion. What Is also re. nfarkable Is the fact that this well is lo. ! mrKame,uine la.tlhaiifi.Swe l to- rated not more thnn twenty rods from .. , ,, , . , , , . . the I unk will, v.hich has been flowing! . .v , I scrae four months, and has yielded an al- mnaii'nnrwlil.ln n.mntii nf n,a ni-rnau fl..;.l l .A..W 1...... I ....o.i .1.... ... j o - ' r , , . , ,,.,. lilt? I filler HftU Uri.li)C(l nil I lie Oil lor ACOU- . a, . - ii,t .. i Iderable ditmco roundt but here U one1 still, more prolific within twenty rod,. These oil wells nro ccrtaiiitv anions the wonde.-s of the world. . " I rtThe heart Is a book which weought not"to tear in our hurry to get at ita con- tents. ' ' r ' - . ' 1 not MEN. Rich and Rare. 1 lie lollowins is too cood in f,B lt 1)C8e graV8 t I'7he di I! I 0, ' !.,. , , . . .?'1men,ls treatment be .dented in Iho Democrat's case ; upon which the cul prit remarks as follows: " To be oa not to uk' II UNO. The Ob i'wr rocomm(,n'l8 formina a Vimlance rnmnrt ,,,,.....'..: 8 Commit If e to hang traitors-, and stigma tizes us us being" traitor. "We enlor our solemn protest against being treated in this unchristian manner. "When we 'shuf fle off this mortal coil,' we don't want a coil of hemp around our neck. Its very inconvenient, to say the least of it. 'But to return to our subject.' 'We would not die in summor time.' "No, no! Not when the flowers are bliroming and bursting their tender petals to tho sun, and tho sweet forest warblers greet the dawning day with rustic song and cheering ray, and when the fishes bile so beautiful, and all nature looks so gay, and when we have cast a neiv roller, (by the way, don't the inside of our pa pei look better this week than usuil?) andjust ordered a lot of new type dik now! and leave all theso-and never get to wear any mo.e new clothes' bo hung upon a tree, 'For little boys and girls to jeer at And the noisy rabble in tho street to sneer ifl" "Nary tinib! Egypt is a great place for Democrats, but they can't bo raised on trees! "The editor of tlio OL&crccr never liked us; we have been !u his way to soin.o ex tent ; and now he vnta to get revenge. 'That's what's the matter.' He wants to' ! ''" us k.llea soLe am get to publish the j iu ni. uii ; you scamp : you cannibal 1 ; you murderous plotter ! you earnierous huss! You ought to be ashamed of your self !" TueGhk.it Eastern. Tho N. Y. Times has an interesting letter fiom ono of the pnssengers of the (ircat Eastern from tvhich Wo gather tho following facts ; First, the Great Eastern was sent to sea, litterally "prepared for nothing."' .Sec ond, the storm was not a furious one.and it is cn record that the Fer-ia and anoth er ocean steaurer which were exposed to it reached this country without damage nr delav. Third, the articles in the vessel fiom anchors and oiNtanks to tables and foot-stools, weie iWiplly unfastened. Fourth, the Great Eastern rvllk-d fearfully, even in a moderate sea having no lullasl, and only two oi three hundred tons of cargo. Fifth, the pa Idles were so wrak that they were soon beaten to pieces. Sixth, the baggag6 wt.s "smashed to bits," because it was laid dow n in one of the compartments, without being secured and stored, mid wns dashed firm fide to side in a foot of water, until it was nil ground up into fragments. Seventh : ever thing in tuo aloons and dining-rooms were al so reduced to a debrinot the character. Eighth: the safety of tho vessel va ow ing, under God, to .Mr. Towle, an Amer ican engineer, and ono of tho passengers, who contrived and fitted up a steeringap paratus j but the captain nnd his head en gineer endeavored to deprive Mr. Totvlo of tho credit of his skill and readiness, and the English portion of the passengers sided with tlio captain! Lastly, "fifty-1 two cases oi iracture occurred, besides several broken legs, arms, a collar-bone, wrist, Ac. It is scarcely probable, whoever else may venture to sea in that gigantic fail ure, the Great Eastern', that any rational American will run tho rifk. To do so would look like templing Providence. ThoNew York papers publish appeals to the charitable, soliciting clothing ami other neeessi.i ies for the Confederate t ri-, . , .. . . . .' oners Inken nl llntteras Inlet, and now confined on Governor's Uhm.l. ErLife is n fading tint and fleeting 1 form. ltislheblueonag.ape. theblush rosp' Ul lonm 11,13 nf, tb i . . . . rr'-Ba wise to-day, 'us madness to fear." -is a sage ornclo. 'ils hve Ibr the present, wise men for the future. Tho I . , pat , lomi,prMe nlan . 1 . i euts to Jive. ,, ,-, Patriotic Coni ndri m. hy arc the American ladies like our Forts? Heeausc 'bcirbreasl.norks support tho American' lulantry -creningc. , f i - . James Shields lis declined, tho ftppoiuimotu oi lingadicr uenerai, ne rjirri In meruit. Iiiu f,lino i.pulth. i -- j abused tor not being loyal ; has she not furnished more i.W for tho soldior's than any other Mate. TERMS NEW JRclistons glisccllainj. Vavitv or Life. When I look upon th tombs of the great, overy emotion of envy dies within mo; when I read tho epitaphs ofthe beautiful, every Inordinate desire goes out ; wfion I meet tho grief of pa rents on a tombstone, my heart molts with compassion ; when I see Hi j tombs of parents themselves, I consider the van,. ity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow ; whon I see kings lying by tlio sule r those who deposed them, "when I see rival wits placed sido by side, or tho holy men that dividod the world by their contests, I reflect with sorrow and aston ishment on tke little competitions, fac tionsand debates of mankind j when I road tho dates of tombs of some that diod but yesterday, and some six hundred years ago, I consider that great day when wo shall all be cotetnporaries, and make our appearance together. t3TA life without the divine influence upon the scul, is a life of ignorance and imbecility. No man can cotno to himself except by coming to God. There is many and many a flower that never will blos som in our climato beeauso it need moro of tropical heat t.Uan our climate uffords. tljs heat that brings it to itself. Thevo is ninny a man that never knons what is in him because bo has not tin heat ofthe eternal tropic which is required to make him grow, iu stem, blossom, and fruit ; Leea use ho is w ithholding himself from God ; because he is sitting in darkness, bein;r an unbeliever ; and because in shut ting himself out from God ho shuts him out from him-e".f. MSA nun that does not know how to bo bad noei not know how to ba good. Men say that when a bad man becomes good, ho is apt to be a very good man. It is so, but beirg bad has nothing to do with it. An energetic man is as energet ic in goodness as in evil. The niai. that has bottom force, a power that penetrates every part ojlils nature, when lie becomes i;o id, takes tho royally of tlmt force into his li iglijer nature though before it may only haiebeen in his baser nature. ttirBy sorrow and by joy ; by joyj which tire bright colors : by prayer ; by influences of tho sanctuary ; by your pleasures; by your business ; by reverses; by successes nr.d by failures; by wjint' strenL'tnened vour confidence, and t.v what broke it down : by the things that you mourn over by all tbeseuodis wor king in yon. And l on aro (o bo peileet, not according to the thing that yon plan, but according to the divino pattern. BeaJpThink about yourself and what you want, what yon like, what respect people ought to pay to you, what people Ihink of you, and then to you nothing will be pure. ... , . ,. ,uu iouu, you will mako sin and misery for yourself out Viii ..-til urvrtJ! i.n..-tl. . .... 1 of everything which God sends you. you will he as wretched as you choose on onMl., r in heaven either. PTlulf growing on the highway of life men are found blossoming into excellence and purity and love and fidelities, how much more would ihey abound in these things if they were planled in the garden ofthe Lord, where their root would run out into divino truth, and whero their head would be lifted up in tho conscious rains and sulight of God's intluence? Tj.Tho world, is full of wise maxims drawn from experience to teach met' to be strong bodily and iu secular allairs. But when a man attempts to get above the average of human culture, and devel op himself as a spiritual nnd mornl crea ture, living not b sen e. but ly faith, then he finds the world penurious in its provision. psS" Do good for thiao own satisfaction nnd euro not what follows, rnnan.nn nvn li.!,'a i.-, n-i,t , i. i., p.. f, , ' .'. . ' . 'the truth, even gray hairs are to bo dis, regarded. lUr Dulv is the Utile blue'skv over e,. , i,., ,.,i ,,, .... iif.. , . nollLrll fll . ,,,,.,,,,,. ,,,' , clouds, nnd for slu-lai k happiness to rise heaven wnid through and sing in thing ia eroalion. Ho has been called the . . ... .. :niU0 ., ,n,cl0osm. 03 " ' h"" " "l0. " something ot everything in creation, r-.Ood hears no moro than the heart , . , , , ppeiiks ; and if the heart b dumb, Ileuv- 1 . i,ii.a : n i mv i:ir l in mm nmri av -n nni eeria.niy ue ueai, l,r.od never gives faith, but n.9 l.rings llisr Will be tried. in iiiti inoi hum uiiv a nttiiiuiuii niiiiv it, HP. Life's contradictions are SailveV frehi hot ds uroduce coolness. i fair thinks the most crowd- y '"T - ,lom iUTitM Mhmgton. . . - ( Fear i the shadow df hope. $1 25 per Annum, if paid in Rdvanc SERIES VOL. JI. NO 14. Moving for a new trial courting a sec ond wife. . Wanted a life-boat that will float on'a "sea of troubles." We pity the family that sits down to a broil three times a day. Poverty humbles pride. A man when he is short, can hardly carry a high head. It Is quite natural that when woman reigns she ehould-torm and she always does. Why should tho malo sex avoid letter A ? Because it makes roon mean. The government has contracted with an establishment in Trentcn, N. J for the manufacture of soventy thousand musket barrels. Tlife New York Commercial states that tho income of tte ShorifFof that city will be $200,000 per year for some time to come. It appears from tho returns made by the oflicets appointed to take thelato cen sus, that the population of Paris amounts to 1,700,000 souls. A musket can, by turning screws and losening springs, be separated Into forty seven parts. A man occupies in the ranks a front of 20 inches ; a continuous line of 50,000 men therefore is nearly sixteen miles long. The following bill was lately presented to a fanner in Sussex: "To hanging two barn-doors and myself seven hours, four shillings and sLxpenoe." An editor, recording the career of a mad dog, says : "We aro grieved to say tli at the rabid animal, before it could bo killed, severely bit Dr. Hartt, and tevaral other drj3.'' A recent visitor at Fori Lafayette was invited to see the legislature of Maryland nl dinner. They wero scaled in an apart ment at a plain pine table. The food was bread without butter, and coffee without milk. Each man had a tin cup, but no other tablo service- The lack of these el egannies greatly annoys tho gentlemen ht the Fort. ( The owner of tho ticket which has won tho prize of 100,OU0f at tho Amies lottery in Franco is n resident at Havre; but, though ho took tho precaution to Wiito dawll lho numhcr, he has mislaid the lick- ot, without lho production of which ho cannot, of course, receive the prize. African s'aveis have discovered a now way of reaching Cuba with their oargoes. A few weeks since tix hundred negroes wero landed on Anguila Island.one of tho Bahamas, tho slave ship burned to eseapo . . . . , . , r 1 . 1 a - f ... uelect ion, anu tuo cargo lorwarueu 10 vu- b .n lwo b B 8cLooncr. . . . ,, ' rr,or 10 1,10 8leS OI ' u"'8n cu.n.uw oi ine vau,,lu 01 l"e '"me ' and Gen. Pr.ce exhumed the deposit and returned it to tho bank. On counting thelnoney, it was found $13,000 short, and as there wa? no accounting for tho leakage, it was set down to profit and loss.' But the history of a part of the mis. sing sum has been discovered in Chicago, where one of Mulligan's brigade has ro lurned flush with tho spoils of war. In ono day he hd spent in frolicking, $1,500. P.iiuadier Gen. Pierce, lnte command- i S ' el': 5 w wC . ti n . t t XT . ! ieinit n a c a iTivaie soiuier hi .oi. i.;..". iter's regiment; thus giving tbe strongest evidence of his devotion to his country. Can't Pass Over the River. Civilians are not permitted to pass into Virginia,ex cept in the most urgent cases. No parent or lelative of soldiers in tho army should virv b I o Washin d on wi lb t ho expectat ion ' r ilnl- ml on i ofcrossing over to wt their menus, as no passes to visit relatives or to gtatily ' ,e now rantc1' .arrango- ! went, though stringent, is absolutely no- ' cessmy, and is approved.)' every lntelli- gent uiun in the community. Win Fever.-Men cannot think or write, or at tend to their ordinary busi ness. They stroll un nnd down-the streets they saur.ler out upon the public places. We confessed to an illuntrious author that we laid down tho volume of his work which wo were reading when the war broke out. U -van as interesting a? a ro- niunce, but tho romance of the past grew ala kefore the red lieht of the terrible , present. Meeting the same author not ' lona afterward, heconfessed that ho had laid down his pen .t the same time that we had closed his book. Ho could not "ite .bout the sixteentl ' century an, "- ,be nineteenth va In the very agony and bloody sweat of its great sacrifice.