Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 23, 1861, Image 5

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    in ii M M . n t M ii I' Ml II I si Mi u oni: n
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I t ll 0 t"nn-li:p ol Fr.-nlfot d - at IV' lmu of.
Win. ll. .in i i mi 'I'm ' I i.v llu' I '.' ill 1 1 . i v I N,tciu-
I . i . ' I
F, r tli" (own-hip nf rn;' nl I'"' lu'ii'0 "I 1
1'iiwnrd Albert on We, liiosiliiy the I'mh day nl j
November. I
Fir tln township nf I .- t ti r at Centre school !
Mill- -ii
I lii,. I .li
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'..I'd .Vim-i.
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Vr lllll l.iltll.liill III' U ,1,1, wiirtl lit llu' linn
,.f Jti'lui Uliili'.-itlo en Fii'l.iy llio 2'.'nJ ilnv jit
Knr the Inwnsliip nf (iulirli lit I lie M'lionl
'.ou'i' In Juiu'dvillL' on Siilunln.v tlie 2:M of No
vonilmr. Fur K.'conriiv tmvn.-'up lit tli( h.iusu i,f Snni
11 1 M. buiilh ou Mmitliiy tlie 2.uli ilny nf Xu
ivtiilicr. I
For tlie 1owiihi) nf Knnx nt Ilie Turkey Hill
!lionl liuio on T'iu'.J;i.v tlii) H'l'i ily of Juvi'iu-
For tln tnwniiliii of Fprpuunn nt t'lo 'inu-ii' nf
Thomns U. Davis ou Wi'iliicnlny tlio 2"th tUy of
.Inriliin liiwnhliii-iil the pulilic nclionl limine in
Annonvillii on Tlnir.nlay tlio -'Hi'i Novci:.lior.
Vhett township at tlio eiliool near Si
mon KornlmtiKh'is on Kriilay tlio 2'.Hli Novi'tiilmr.
New WniiliiiiKtiiu at tlio ,ul)li nclmnl Imw-o ).f,um
r... ,1... l.....,wl, ,.n V.,i,,r.lnV MiM .".illll ,1V fill lll'T. I
llunmiik'tiiwii. tiip at tholiou-cof John VounnMroni niiiiiiK tho
on Mmiiluy the 21 iKTomlnir. " Unite iTnif 'l't'Nt ImoiiiulN 1 Its rt'Hl value
lli'll townitip at tlu liouso of Ait'lih ElliK, on I . .
.. . 7. ; t. . 'in tlio treatment of tin mmliil nml oh.-ti-
liiiinlicr CityU at tho puhlic school k nil no for
llio boroiii'h, nii'Wi'ilnt'Kilii.v tho I liocoiiihir.
llUI'ing tho pa.-t Vi'Jr wo have iiilrniliu'tMl In
I ht uoiii-e of the u.oilicitl pri)fi..-i,iii nf thi cmiti
i try tho 'tin: t','tjt'tlhrtl Cltloriilt 'tHfujlmttitir,
Hr.MI'.DY l'OH 1(11 I'll M TI"M
iiiul liavin ni'oivi',1 from many .-nuri'in,
j.lij Mc-inim nf tho liiliisl stauJin
nn, I
ualo JiM-ase, wo uio iiului'i'J to proft'iit it to tlio
public In n form HEADY V )ll I.MMKD1ATI".
I USE, Wlii ll Wis hiipo v i 1 1 ciilninoinl itt?lf tothof
nre Kiiflerin with tlii.f nlMii'tin cum 'ljilit,
11 n,l to the ii:,',lii al j , r:i 1 i I i i n or iii may l'i'"l
di-po-cl to toft tho iin'r. ni'lhis valu.iiil" mm KLIXIH 1'KOrVI.AMINi:, in the furin almvi
i ; " k l' 1 1 nf, has lt-fcut'y brcn t'.ti't:.ii-i'ly iXpL'ri
iiK'iif'i.1 with 111 tho
mil iin M A !(K ED Sl'd'ESS 1 11 1 will appear
from tl 0 iiihllu-J Hi'f 'iiililt' in tlio mciical .lour.
TI'Tlt ii c.'irt'fullr put up revly for iniiii, ili
ale u.-o, tv i l h full illii'iiiuiif, ami can ho nliUiim '1
1'i'lin tnwniiliip--a tli hniii.0 nf W . " AmliT
.111, on Tliursilay tho Mil December.
C'iirwrriMvilli llnroiifrk 'lll bouse of Isaac
lllonm, Jr., on Friilay the t'.th Deceinbor.
1'iko tiiiviisliip at the li,m.e of l.anc Dlnoni,
.',, in thn bnrmih of Curw ,-iif villo, on Hutunlay
the 7:h Dei ember.
lihxiiii tow -nsbip at tha bmi!-e. of Jame. Ulnnin,
Sr., on M'unlay the "ill Doconiber.
J;iJy townsliip tit the public hnn'e i f (i W.
hong (now Win. Kooilj 011 Xue.nlay the l"',h Do-,-enilier.
Vn'um n-ni-hip lit the Imhim' of 1!. W. Mo, ire,
nn Wedrcpilay the 11th Deeeinher.
Fox township at the htiti-o of John I. Dun ly,
on Tbursday the 1 t U Dceouiber."
llunton township lit the house ol Jesso Wil
ton, on Friilay the llltk December.
C'loarfiehl llnroiigh at tho t'oniinis.-inuers' Of
?ii' iu CTunrlinlil, oil Monday the Kith December.
L.iwrenco tonnhip ut the Cnliunissiuriors' Ot
., in t'li Mrtield. on Tuvrduv tho 17th December.
An appeal fnmi llio valuations of I'ns-aaled . from nil the rlrugi-ii-ti at "j c,-i;l. per buttle, nml
.nids will be held at tlio (.'omiam.-innerii union
mi Thurtdny tho EnJ day of January 1M'2, at
iibioh tiuio all itsiius iiitereftod must attend as
no nfjpyal can be taken niter that date. Dy or
ior if the Doard uf Ciniiiiil-sionurs.
Cimifrii'nors Oifi.'O, Oct. Till, '01.
'nt 1. 1
lciale el' Dl'Ll.OCK A CH EN'SH AW,
Dnii.'i.'ii-ts and M.unifj, (urin Cheini-t.,
JuneL'n'filH'. rlnhidoiphil. i
sr.wiAd mac 111 .V:
'll'e IliU liOlIt SKWI.S'il MAl'UIM:, mi en
umiiiii-l l,i,li is here r,'.ri-ei,le., Iin- lion-
1 in" 11 leenni.-.'d luvniit ii I , , ' 1 , , .-, r il
h:ii bern ii'lrn.ln, i d. ;ni, i, bovnlid ,iu -,l inn, .
Ilie b,-s', as m il ns tin' hatnl'mm'-l, l,. , ie, ft
SeuiiifT Ma.'liin.i nml 1,'luin the public.
Nn. I - A mull ami oi) neat .Maehlne for
Family Use.
Nil 2. A'o Min'liinn fur ifiiiliin hoiny;
wmk Mid 1,.- I'laiilalimi use. ,
'1 bis .Mik him' i inn, h 11 Iniir..',! f..r its iiupli'-i I
ly. iiiul I.. 1 iis reli.iliilii.v and'ii v it 1- 11 11 i
sin pa. ..oil. A child t w , li e yearn can niu il mill1
oiim' ; iin, I yel il will M iv lii'.ui tin- e,,ai.-,'st lutli
tn Ilie lin.'.-l Swiss. There 1- liutnml.lj of re-I
11 indini: I lie lhi-,11,1, a - ll is taken from the s In
It Jills llll bk'lll In Kile trnlllil.l, ii nd will run
ba liwnr,ls ns well ns f'nrwanls. ni;d iilill sews
tlly perl'ect, nml willi, nit iljinerof breaking
ll runs by tri.'tioii, and by closing too
1,,'X over il. it in lliruwu nut of gciir. In fuel,
wilnive no hesilntii'H in recoiiiimuidin It n the
be-fr fan ily Sewing .Machine in use.
77m' ',',. 'iivi) I'oii'mms Avitfihd tin' tllj'H'f
.1 iiif :
At the Fair nf the FrankMii Institute, lSjS,
the First Premium.
At the l'cniisylviiiii.i Stale Fair, nt lMiiladel
phia, Septeiubcr 24, 18.iV, llio First Premium a
At tho Pennsylvania Slate Fair, held nt Wyo
ming, I Still a Silver Medal.
For the hei.t Double Thread Machine, at Lan
caster 1 'ounty Fair, held October, I MM a Silver
Al the Maryland State Fair, held ill tho Mary
land In-ti iile, liahiinme, M.I., October, IS;,),
under strung cniiipetii inn, ii Silver -Medal was
all aided In this Ma. bine.
At the N- Ci.-il,. C.iiinv Fair, I '-Id nt Wil-
I'f.uu.ire, l,t,.l,r, t:M a Ii,luii,:i.
ie .Ma, bines are nir.miliictiiii 1 by
( It Wd.l.s. tV. IHtU I. M).
ilnii.i-ltiii, inl.
s a 1. i:s linn m s.
Nn. 720 Arc I Struct, Dlulal ! tin. Da.
N". Mil Murhut "-trecl, i I m i tivt'.n. Del.
s. n. r.AKF.i:,
limn ly T'.'ft Arch Street, I'hiladclphi.i.
T v l'ci wi-hin I i see 'Jie abm o M n-liine
n operation, can do so by cal'iii:; i.t the re.-i-leiico
of D. W. Moure, in t." U-.i i t'u-1.1 bnmiili.
II lid I V
I'l-,, llu
A I '. nil I'i-.'ii ,"
Ilie Id in I, am! I'
mid oilier ,
r it
1 1 n'.i
hi. iii'
r nl Ih"
I II . Ill,
. ;,r in,. I f-il,'e il I" ll " I I
, .1' l , I.- i;i I, it l ii In li ti in i 'i i
Im Iin- 1 1 i , In, leil In pnv pi
, v Inl III, i nn be ei. n Ii
in ..n bin f II"
, .. I" ll Iin iili.l
.,,--..i:ll IMl
lite. I I.V III" Ml"!
I.ii i i iiii I I. niu : t'ain i r. I I
laiiiiiijr In the . V. nml 1'. H.
i ii:i' ii
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I,i lb"
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a ml ii
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Ill ll",
e ll
i. Int l. Mini nil I'i-. !' , I ll.e III I
I'AIIIIM. I'll M.K-S, Ui'ii:niL'
in the Far, nil be hi lilv emu I by Dr. l'mn'i S, ieutill" 'I l , .t t n i h I . ,
li il Imllli'd the nkill of lb,- "n called li(li;iii-In d phj sn iaun.
I -it ll I I, v it. I I
f. ,,. .,., M I.,, .
i" I l l. I ili .
I ,,..,1 .1. , ,
I ")
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I , l
i n in 1 1, 1 1 ,.. ,
" '" ii "ii t"i,..i
I 1, 1 , lns,,t ,
'I '...
AlM'olNI'M KM.
Inlel. from the I .'.III nf M.iv t i Mm 1st nf June,
I I":
1 , ...
The aim
l'l,AHIU. at t'hiik'H
. 1 1 1 S I f V iii H I .,' II,, tel. .Inn,, 1,1. A nil i ii . Sel l. 1ft and 2d
HltllllKV 1 1, 1.E, ui lb" Aini'i li MM llnuse, It mi Ml to Hill June. A-iiin. Sept. .11, -Ulnui'l'l'IIKItSIIL KW, at lied'- lintel, Juno H'lh mid lllh. A'uin. .'' I'l. D'lb and ' I ' -CI.IH
iM-1 1.I.D. .Inlnistiu'ii lli.lel, .Iiiiip 1'ilh to I ili'i. A.-iiiii, S.'i't 12lh and 1Mb.
DF.l.t.EFilN I I'I, MnuiKon'ii llutol, linin June I7lb 'o I.Hh. Ajrain, Sept. I lib mi l l.'.lb.
'IYItOM'1 "TV, ui Mis. Thniiiii' Jlntel, Juii" 2lstiind 22d. Ak'hh, bept. Kill ami IHlh.
At his IM'IU.M.MIY, linin June 22.1 In July Kill.
Lictcu to tho Voico of Truth and Reason anl Trofit by it.
'Ilie limn hiisri'iiio win-ii iill who will, run Phcap.i lb" ircn Krn"P nl' Mi'idiry, by ca linif. willinul
tlelav, t M'o the welM'iniivn ami justly n lebraled Eel.'clii' Eumpean I'liyaieiim, Dr. Dour, who
wiU'inlminisler llmse only line and snr.' medicines, extiueled from the inn.-l clniii-e li s and iikhiis.
whii h nm pi-epiiicd under liianwn supi rvisior. and Ibei-el'.iri' avoid n the Use of all Minkhai. Pnln
s, w hich wtni. never iloHi'iiivl fur tho (.ystoui, to take which innnj thousands have fallen vieliuif
and j,fnlio U early iriavi'S.
TJ1LNCS TO jil'1 lii:.Mi:MI5KWi:i.
Itrmrmtii r Hint Dr. Dort waiiH no iiutieuta but lb(n fully enpabb) of f.pproiiiiin nud ilis'in
ifuisbing thn Kurvieea of u regular thorough bred physician, fiiiin a paltry, unlearnod and trilliug
Jli nit mlii i; Dr. llnrt'a ri inetlicH ntid treatment are entirely unknow n tn all other in thu country ;
tircimreil fnuu a life snout in too L'teat liosnitals of Europe and til" first in tint country.
HnHim'w, that Dr. Unit liu n inoro extemletl practice than any other physician in Western Po.iu-
lli iiicmbii; that citUciiK nf eilueatiiiii.aiid uur poiuilar men, nro all well ciiiainted w ith, anil take
;'renP pleasure in rcciiiuineii'lii.g Dr. Hurt to tho nlllieied.
Itrmniilii -, that Dr. Dort inukostio I'ulae represenlal ions to gull tho unfortunate, but all lie snyswil
bo fit i tli Iu Ily curried out.
,' , ii, i,,,, ,-. ihat Dr. Dort pay? every nllcntinn to discn.-es of a chronic nature.
TAf Certilientes nf Cures may be seen at his respective munis.
Dr. Hurt is luinished will, over fix thousand loiters of reeominentlatiou from fome o( the most
distinguished men living. Also bus awarded to him diplomas. Inmi some of the immt celebrated
Hospital and Inliruiai io in Eurnpe, fur his unpiirallellcd nf; en alii. ns in Diagnosis, and obscrva
tinlis ill ris.'tivei ing rcincilics, for llio euro of dincasc-i thai Ikivi; horelolnie balllcd tin' skill ol Ulan)
of the inedi 'iil pr ifersiuu.
An curly call Ir those wishing to consult the Dm-lnr, Is earnestly reiiictcd, so as to receive
full bom lit of treatment , and I bus dn justice tn himself. Time Iin it"' I.
1'leiiM' bear in mind i' hen Dr, Uni t will bo iu yi.ui- ,..ieo. Der.-nis df imu- nf ciuiniUin;; him
will cniiler a gnat lacr by calling nn the In.-t (lay of ins arrival, as bin ro.inis are hi often ci'iivd
ed. it is nil. r!y i in " is.-i 1,1 e to at lend to the anxious .-olieilnliniis of all. Dr. Dint w iii arrive at each
of I ho a', ol e places, on the first euaeh mi th" d tv iippniutcd.
l'lca-e i'.tciid the invit.ilioii to iill invalid auiiiainl.iir.'cs, mid ,.1-li'-" your.-, Ac
'.'j, 'n.
. 1 1 I Doing a private
,r tniirriid persons or th"se
iiisiTiu-l'.r f,
about tn L inaniod, bull) male nml' female
e.-cryihii-g concerning the physiology and rela
tions of our sexual system, and the nmduclion or
prevention of off-pring, iiieludiMg all the new
discoveries ncvir befnr" given in the English
j language, by WM. Y JlSii, M. D. This is really I
a valualile nml interesting work. It. is written
'in plain language for tho general render. .and is
illustrated with numerous engravings. All 'young ,
; married people, or those Contemplating marriage,
! and having the least iii'jJtment to married life,
j should road this t,ook. jT'disclnsos svrrets ihnt
Tlicy have ju.H received a general a,.snrt..!,Uf " ? '" M.n,.i.i i,c a.-quaintcl w , I, : st, , ,t is a
J . r ...... ..n hook Hint tnilst to. IneUeil nti nt.,1 not ,,.
receii't '
I of twenty five cents, in specie or postage stamps, .
J Address Dr. M'M. YOl'.N'li. Xo. tlii Spruce si,
above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. j
I .107 Ayii'.'' mid I'iihutitmitt M mutter'
j what may be your disease, before ymi place ynur-j
jself under (lie care of anyone of the putt riniis
, Quacks, unlive or foreign, 'vim advertise in this,
I or any other paper, get a copy of oil her of Dr.
j Young's bonks, ami read it euretully. It wiil bo
(be means of raving von irainv a dollar, your
health, and possibly your life. ' I
Dr. lUl.Mi cun lie consulted on any of the
diseases described ia hit pulilicutions, at his
office, No. 410' Spruce st, ubovo Fourth. Iw-lv
DM. M. WOODS, havlrj cianged hi? loo
tn from Curweiksvilis o Cloarlield, rcs
I'octfally offers his profesional servicet to tie
titizens of the latter place and vicinity.
Kosidonee ou Socoud atiuct, op-posit U t of
J. Oralis, Es(. my 1 '15ft.
c-:.. t t: tiPv (KifAfw ,.nU;L-t;iM ..f "'"
B 1 I I hit liiitKH II u ill Iiii ti til Iii iinv nn nn
c a rs,
S A L T,
O I L S ,
N A I I.S,
nan, uaiiu.n it ri.ui.ii,
All of which w ill be lold on tlio most reasonable
terras for CASH, or approved Country Produce.
Clearfield Juno 11, ISol.
Si'KAY Hlirrrilt Came to the premises
of the subscriber in May last, a Ml'LEY
11EIFFER. The owner w ill come forward, prove
property, it c, otherwise eho w ill be disposed of ai
the law directs. AX DREW DAY1S.
Ferguson township, ?cpt.2t, 1 SOI . lit.
r or Lix,
rpilll under-i'.'ne 1 r.'fpecffully
1 iitpiru-.s his I'list.iineii, and t!.e '.
pu Olio gen "in I , y , I i at lie hn jusl j
r.'c ive I fmai tho East, undo' en '
-tl at his etal.!,. liineiit in ' !l Ml I M'S iOII'i
Clcniliidd, Pa., a line a.,t tm.'tit of I't.oi ks.
W.tT' iti:--. nr., I ,1 i:n t:i.t:v of differi'iil iiiiiiliti, .
from n linolo piece to a full sett, which be. will
sell at tho iimst r...'1-onnbl,' prices for cj.-h, or in
cxi hiin.'e for old old and silver.
CM 'I KS ,,f ei cry variety on hand, at the nn t
reosnnabl,' pri, os.
A 1. 1, kinds i fl'loehs, Wstohes .m.d .1, tulry.
carefully repaired and n'mvon '-,.
A continiiniieo of putrnmi ct" is solicit,..!.
Sep'., Ill, lSi.lir 11. V. MACULE.
LI'jroL'.s UV ALL A7.YI.V,
SALT, OILS, r.l.TS, ,y (! nMi.'F.KIES,
r3"I''ul' f:i!e very I'lii aji for Cash, l,y
0. II. ME lilt ELI.,
In Dtisenient f Mirrel! & Bi'ci's Store,
CleaifieU, I'a.
JOHN O l) EL L , ;
rriioESTEi: and f K:;iA'iE timm-,
Terms of SiiIim ription.
If tut id in ailvav.oe, or within three nioiitks, f I 2a
'! paid any time v. iihin the year, ... I Ml
If paid alter the expiration of the year, - 2 00
Terms of AdvertDlii!;.
Advertisements are inserted in the Uepublicnn
it tho follow. ng ijiitcs :
1 Insertios.
One B'piaro, (1 Uincs,) $ 60
Two squares, ( 2Slun's,) 1 00
throe s.M.irei!, (-12 linen.) 1 Ml
ii nl lis
: : 2 Ml
: : 4 00
: : a 00
: : fi 00
: : S 110
: : 1 I oil
-The advertise,
health in a few
allot having sitf-
i.n ei e Inn:; atVec -
1 that died disease Consumption, is utix
ii. ako kiiotvu to his f:k tv-Millcrcrs the
One Square,
rtvos.piaros, :
I'hreo .U,ii'ls,
Four s'(iiari-s,
Hall u c 'o-.iinii,
'Jno coluuiii,
$ 75
1 60
2 ii "
0 inii
I no
fi no
S no
lo 00
12 Ml
20 0 0
, than thrco iio.t. :lis 2:
tliioiline SiincB uro in
mi 'or:nTivi-x:.
having ' en restored to
ks hi a 'tv siuit.lo loincilv
foli.-l for several yours with a
linn, n
ions I
3 do.
f 1 ou
2 no
2 SO
7 I'D
10 00
12 HO
11 00
IS till
35 no
f cure.
To all who desire it, h" will send a copy of tho
prescription ns, 1, tlroc of ch iige.) with the ili-'.-liiM..-
I'.'i- j r. paring Mid using the sat:.e, which
liny will n sure riirf lor tvusumpfioii,
A.itliinn, DrM'chitir, le. TLu only object of li.e
iidv Mi cor in seiidiug the pre.'criplioli Is to b?ni,.
fit llio nlllictt'd, and spr I infoi luiilion w hich I.C
coi,,-Lit-os lobe asl he hop.'t every
su!T,T,-r will try his remedy as it will cost thcin
nothing, nti. I tuny proven bles:ing.
Per-ons wishing the presenptio't will plcne
li, .t
Dev. EHWAIll) A. Wll.SDN,
M'illiaiu!,iirgh, Kings Co.. X.
Iti illilli'lll CP
I ." I ij cb
nt: .t I'Vi v ii ;
Titrnin tnirs,
f'mci i..t its,
i I AMiDlI.I.S,
Usirtillv done
Oermantown, P.
Tho urdersigned hn now on band, nt his Fur
niture Itooms nn Market St., Cleniheld, ra., a'
I inori instance wesi oi s i ouii.iry, a i.irga
I stoek of 1
manufactured nut of the b.'.'t lnatcrialr, finished
a a very superior manner, and which he w ill cll
LOW Foil CASH, His long experience in the
business makes him feel confident that hi.- chairs
nreiundo in a substantial and w oikuinnliko uinn-1
ner, and w ill stand the tost of trial. Persons'
wishing W purchase chairs should euil at once!
and get them while they c in bo hnd nt the lowest '
rates. J ; IIN T1DJLT.MAN. ;
Mar. 27-1 Sl tf. ft at A. 11. Shwr'f MH!.,. on - i,i',- .V
ia-.i-s i,i L'vi.'ijh, !
Mr. P T T IT M At ("il ' NF.W IIF.VfKMIS IOR
C C li!,, & C"s SlKKMATonn.HKKA
, , , . 'TTnniiin A-sm-ivniit, Piiii.aI'M.i iiia, A I'ni-
Iuiporters, and A hole.alo Dealers in , l-l m.)( ,,,, i, ,,, , ;-
C A H 1" li I I l !, "at on v. r
OIL CLOTHS, UATTrSd!, rf-r..
Warehouse. No. 509 Cliettnut .Street,
(Opposite Stirtc House,)
ni.r3'Sl-lT Pnii.inEi.riHA.
fimrtiiriil, fur llu' 1 1 Hi f nt tin1 Siik nml lliitn in I,
ntftiiji'l villi Yii'lint nml t'li luiiii: I lint n ml
i Hjiii-inlly f'.ir tlic Cttti nj Oiii nm n " llir S.iitnl
Mmmi'al Anvil's given gratis, by tho Acting
Yah Afii.K iirtruiiTS on Spertrnlorrlnoa, and
other dis'ti"s of the Scxiinl Oi gans, and on the
sew KKMKMir employed in the Di'tiensnry, sent
in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two
or thro Stumps for po.lago acceptable. Address
Dr. J. SKti.i t s Hoi ;iiToN, Howard Association,
No. 2. S. Xiuih t., Philadelphis. 2'.lmy ly.
A. C. riNXET
vf Administration bavin; been this day
grantsd to the undersigned on the estate of
PKTER MUI.SON, late of Covington town
ship, Clearfield county, deceased, all persons in-1
tlebted to said estate nro rcquasted to make itu-,
mndiate nnvment. and those havinirclaiins atrninst
the tame will prcsint them duly authenticated for j JAHKS T, ikonakii.
feltleiuenL J. F. COUTEKKT, wM. A, w AM.ArE. '
Kept, 23, 1S61 Ct, AUm r. t,. .
Recruits Wanted. ! unhmn anb (Lollcfhon ma
RECUriTS nre wanted for tho purpose of fill-1 or
ing upCapt Oli DEN'S Company, now in ; LE0XARI). FINNEY &C0.
Cnnip Crossmnn, under command of C'd. . 1. ' i ij j.- 1
MtnaAr. Young men desiring to enlist cannot ! uriir r. ft fx-Ti-
Jnd better oflioers under whom to serve. j LI'.A . 1 r JjJ) lj( J ( VJ,
Application should be mado nt once to I.ieut. ,llljM ,. kxmi tur.E, Mnts miafts tuscorsTr
K. J.Wallace, at this place. Oct. 2, '01. j l POSITS ( ;f III I II)
1) Vi'. II AY'S, Justice of the Peace, i II ntton ' Cuft'ttiVn in, 4 iiyn,rr,h yirM,y,i rrnuttrd
. uromiitly to collodion and ollmr matter
eft In his charge. Address Kersey, F.Ik o Pg .
Oct. 3dl8f.(l. ly. 1
Mm halite on (lie t'Hics conslHlitlj
nn liaml.
A'-(ifT;cc on Second Si,, nearly opposito the
(ol'KT llOl'SE.
THOMAS J. M C l l.I.orill.
Attornej Bt l ow. j - : - -
Offieoon Market street, opposito Moop s More, IjP VA l IjlMj.Mi,
Clearfield, Pa Vit1 a.U-nd promptly to ' Co lice Juy(icc f)f l
t,ons Sale of Land,, ,1c. no,U Lulhersblg, Clearfield Co. P,,., w ill
ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, attend promptly to all business entrusted to his
4 T the mouth of Lick Run, five miles frm , c 81 Arril 1f'''
Clearfield. MERCHANTS, and eitou.iive
llejpectfully informs the citizens of Cb'arlield 1
and adjoining counties, that be is at nil times:
prepared to manufacture, nt the shortest notice,
liair. Husk, and Straw Mattresses of nil'
kin Is and one of which is a loldinu' .Mat-,
tress, suilabl.. f,,r CAI1INS ON H OTS, whirl, '
can bo folded ill snnill compass, a n I emptied mil'
refilled at ploa-ure; and very cheap, lie also:
trims Cai riages, nii'.kes repairs to all kinds of (
Carriage Trimming an, I I'pholstcry. nml n ukes
Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick-'
uc.-s or length. I
Vkf Country Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash '
taken in E tchange for work,
N-AI1 orders loft with any of llio Merehnts
Clearfield borough will b promptly attended
to. ,l..c2o
XVixUv. up! WisEic 58 1!
-il.A('k.MtTlilC. THE subscriber res-
&t pectfully informs bis frieinls ami 1 lie public!
generally, that he is new well e ablished ill his
NEW ."-Hop on I'ite street, o posite the Town
Hall, iu the borough, of Clcnriicd, and upon bii
ow n hook, and wheru he is prepated to do all '
work in bis liue in the very best style, and on )
tho shortest notice. His old custnr ers are res
in'ctfully ashed not to forget biin, and any num
ber of new- ones are respectfully invited to give
him a trial.
EIHj E TOOLS. His reputation as aMukerl
and Hepairer of Edge tools should of itself secure '
hi in a liberal patronage. j
April 21,
To Prrsnns out of Kmnloymcnt.
Itiovciy CaMinty of Ihu rnitcd ShUp.n,
Tt) engage in the sale of soui" of tho best and
1. must elegantly illustrated Works .published.
.) u r p lil iciiti'ins nre of the most inlorestirg
character, a Inpte 1 In tho w ants of tho Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchant: 'hey are j ablished in
the best sty le and bound in tlio inn- substan
tial manner, nml arc worthy a place in the Li-,
brnry ol Jery fl.iusehnld in the Land.
VV,To men of entcrpil se nud industrious hub-
its. this business offers an opportunity for profit
able employment seldom to be met with.
V4.P' isntis desiring to act as agent will re
ceive promptly by mail full particulars, tet ins.
f C.,by addressing l.K A It Y. ti ETZ A rn., Pub,
No. 221 North HreL Pliiladelplii.i.
I, I S 00 ly.
Over three weeks nud I
sents per s iuare l,,r ea;I
brf.LC-i tol. cos ii
r!od fir 12 a yer.r.
AUvcrt's-Mtt'nts r.'.t mrsid wUIiVio number of
t'.ertioi. . licircd, t:I1 bo c -atili-fti until forbid
ir.J charged accordir.g to tin se terms.
An ttxtciisivo Flock' nf JobLing; mati'i iti
i.muiL!i's Ilie J 'tililishi r of llu- " JiiHilHran'
t .) ll.e L.: Hint lie H prel'ii
iiiiN ot
I i :,
1'- I.t ?--c.c I
Lall T'.rr.i;s,
p. cf i .:r.:ir
in n i-oun'jyi o'o fL-
Ail or.i.'rH will Le execute! with licit
ness mill ilesjui'cli.
O. 11. C.O'lDLANDEH rf- CO.
co rx'i v i')Th ecto r y.
Time tf llolditic; t'uiii t.
Second Monday of January,
Third M ond it of March, '
Third Monday of Jiimt.
Fourth Monday "r September,
In ca.'h year, and continue two weeks if ne
('iiiiiily tlliirers.
Prcs't Judge, Hon. Samuel Linn. Dellofonfe.
A.-'to ludges. lion Win L Moore, ClclTrliehl.
lion lien llnnsall, Liitbersbiirg
ShertfV, Fred'k (I. Miller Clearfield
l'rutlinotnry..lolin L. Cuttle, "
Leg. 4 lice. .Iiiines W, igley, "
District Att'y l'.obert J. Wallace, "
Trouiiircr, .11. II. (i ooillandcr, "
Ci. Surveyor, 11. D. Wright, lllen Hope
Coiiiinis-'n'rs.Win. M'Cracken l.uniber City
Win. Mem 11, Clearfield
S. ('. Thompson, Morri-dale
Auditors, P. C, Di.winnn, Philipsburg
Isaac W. (i nil. att Clearfield
J. II. Shaw,
Coroner, (I forge liichards, "
I.M of PoM Ollict'N.
Jj riliUjn. iimn of '. O. Siimrt nf I'. M
Dncirin, tllt'n Hope, (4. W. Cnlwel
I iii, llower,
' Cho.t,
i Ciislt,
" Ostend,
Poggs, Cleiirtield DriifS,
Dratllord, Woudlnnd,
Drndy, Lulhersburg,
' Tmuivillc,
" JiffeMon Lin,
Dloein, F'orest,
L'crnsiJo, New Wn diintos j
Clearfield, Clearfield,
Covington, Frenehville,
Curwcnsvillo, t urwensville,
ess oo
I) AYS the entire cost !r Tl'ITIOX in the
most popular and sucees-ful CO.M.M E'-.CIAL
l lltiOI, in the country. I'l wards of Twelve
111 NMiMi joung linn, from tw en tv i:imi r dilfer
I cut Stales, have been educated lor business hen
I within the pa.-t three )ears, some of wln in have
'been employed as III id K - K EEPE J!S ut siilarios
f $2000 00
. . L 1 ll. & -
immeiliMely t poli gra luiituig. wno kiio'v nun,,;;
ol aceoiiMs wheii lliey intned the College.
.: -Mini-lei's sons half price,
Students enteral any time, and review uhcu
they please, tiithoiit extra fliari"".
For Calalogues, Specimens of P,.iuiar,:.!,ip. and
'iet- of the (0 Ll.El i E. enclose lite b-H'-r siainp-
t. 1 1, .
I ,. .. . ,. . . " '"" ': I ,
, " "' """ " " ""I lo in , ,, :
11 -"I"' I'i""."i-. AO..,,,!, , ,"'
.1 It, II,- ll,.,. I M,.,.,.., t.''1?' i
m. ,. ,,..... ,...u. . r . " ' i
,. , i,,,,, j,iii whin. n,tt ,
' I III. Ill,t,llll.. I , .,t (l l,
I ll. n f... ..l-... In ..,,1,11 ,, ,.., ,,, ' h.' I
, in .mil, nit I n.M iilinosMlnee IkjIH.,,
so, .,t, l-i'g.,'1 l f im nit'l. r 11,. , .", '
luU. 111 oir. Sfv k,n Is now ,,r, t.. ' '
1 f". lint" Hint tlm , list . m, ,,!(, ,.'
c..,,w, l ,..l,'t. th,tl t,,. il I sin tHrliii',1,
ymi, mitt I Mil j..u I" l ,w , " '
I mil leiiiola evoi J(iut, full), Y,in,
! Aaf Ul.ll n tu .
Ut. Anthony' Wrr, Hnne or r.rv.i "
f'tlrr aiul Malt It hen in,
UliiKVVoriii, Soic K., Drop,, 1
Dr. Iloliert M. I'kI.I,, w,lk. a from PUin y T .
Pi'pt., lsuti. that In. lets cinrj nn Intrtsni,' , , '
Vmiti), Mil, h llii. ati iieil tn ti iuiinme tMiir i"" '
p.-rseveiliiK use of oar Suisnpiiiilla, ami l,i,,jn
.Vilhfnunt t'ryu by ITil lirmt of ln ,.'
hn etui's tli" oointiioii tU'irptinnt l,y cimititmii "' " '
Ilroiu liocele, (loltre or Rwr lleil XttV.
Zvlillloll 8l,lliif I'li spret, T.'UH. mitm: lir(i
ties of your Prnpiirillu eurt 'l me n b ifr,, , ,'
eiu siiullinn on the neck, wlm li I luj juHored li
oyer two j wirs." t
I.mrori'lirrn or tVlilt r, Ornrlan Tnm
I tei ltio l lcerallou, '"ile Jji.,."'
Ut. J. 11. 8. ChannliiK. of New York Clljr. riin . It
mmt cheerfully cuni'ly wlih tlie rinniof'jm,i,,L'
iivliix I liuve foiniil your bitmiiHiiillaa inoifxcaU lit
alterative In the linincrr tm -,.ii,.lnmu for m,i,-h
ni,oy sui-li a rumi-ly. Out os tally In ffmitt UwuZ
cf the f, r,,riil.iu iliiillimi. I h ut. niml neiny lnm
atn cases ol l'Ut oriliasa l.jr It, an, I sonie mIi.k tl
pliiiut was cnllseil l.y ii. ecitiea ol' tlie ulrrtii. 11,, , "
ation Itself wits tsmti cni,.,l, Ki'tlilnar oltliin m, ,uo,l
oV .,ti,ils It for lln-s,. f, ii, nl,, ilfriuiiMiieuu."
J-itlwarJ H. Miirroit, ol .Nittil.iuv. Ala., mrilni, "Aim
groiia oriiri'nn lutnm' on one of llu, females in m, fnm,t"
which hml tlt'lii-J utl tin ii'infln-s tiu i-unl.i ,,n;,lv '
It length L,...n coini I t, ly ruml I j y,,nr KilrMtMni.
apiuillu. I'm lli., in ,1 1 1 it, I in hi,,.,
lion coulil Klfonl relief, lut he n.M. t the itbi
fui saiwiwlln in the hut ii soit (More ru'i.i,. aii.; k
pro veil phrt iiiil. A Our tnk Inr reuiwly tlht att
lio s mptom of (lie ills.. at" it-iiiitins."
P) ihlll ami .Hen in Inl Uliruar.
KUW Ontl AM. Btli Aiitusl, 1J9,
Pll. J. C. Arts ! ir, I ebi'i ituily ,'i,ui) l) mil, '
iii,-t of your inrsnl. anil re,..rt I-, you some uf IliceOv- a
I h.-ive ri'iilic'l w ith your S.irsni .ulllo.
I li.-tio , i,i.-,l niili it, iu hit practice, most of Oumm
pt, tints fol ulij.-li it is leroiiilnendej. mid liaie iii),!,
ell -els truly U unit, lllll iu tint cllrn of Yinrval iA Slr
tv't"l 1'is. iint. One of my pitienls linl ilyi,l,iiiiK u,w
hi lil" lhiut, which were lonsuuiuix his ulnl ai,,
top of his mouth. Your Surnni.n ilia, sten-lily im,,
cured bna iu five neeks. Anotliur una alliiAiad bt
iiudiuy ui-mptuiiis in his inme. nml llio ul,-wration liJ
eaten nwsy a coiii.t, part ol it, s,, tiuti I lw,jrT ihn
ili-orif i uoul.i soon rwieh iiis brslit tit), I Kililiini. YUiV li
vi. ..,l lo on- u.luilnntiiiiioii in yinir r-iir.n;,iirilL: Ik.
uh en honied, ami lie to well ni;ulli, nm ul c.m willunA
Hoine tllshnoisilloll lo HI" Lie... a ,,liu!i vl.j I n, I l
tit-iit, ,1 Inr tho Hiinie UHiiioer l.y
from this ii.tlhi.-u In loir Ikoics. 'llu t lm, bbi-nuitj
Mill., to 111" Wfllllter lhal Oil tt lllllllll iUj ttlt sutlftf-l r
ci ueiiiilnii piin iii ht-r inls tiinl Is.nis. sb,', 1 1.. w.
cuird eniii'-ly by i,ur Mtianpuiiilu in uk n,,ijt.
knoiT limit Us toruiuln. wlii youi iir'ut me ai, , Out
this Pir,aliltioll fii'tu ytniriiil,ijiuiy u.imt la
reiii",ly; rouseiiuciilly, iheae tuily icLnnk.ible irmili
wun u nine ion suri,-u inc.
lltiUllinlly youis; o, V, f,Ai;iMr.h,M.D.
iUliU4tUai, Com, Liver Complalat.
I.'. l.EI'lNtii Nl t. Pi ft, l, f, Vn.. fill July, lJ.
Vu. J.C. Akik: Mr. 1 Inn.. I.,n ullli i,-l Mil, upln.
fill chrniiic k'liuiHjiluM J u l ,i,t Inn,-, iilii, I, Ulllo! I! .,
skill of ,hyi( Itns. nml sin k 0, mo In ii nfall nV
Itillivdiesi colli, I lil id. until 1 tl iotl teltl Sim ,uai1lli. Oil,.
bi.ttl cur, lint 111 two tvoik. ltl,i,,i my Kwml
li, a, Hi ft, iiito-li Mint I urn I., r l.Il,.r limn U't.ialvii
nil;irka. 1 tlotik it ti u nuuei tin mMi, iikj. J.tfu.ttl
.lllli'H Yd, tehi ll. r St. I.'.llis,'.s: "1 l,.iv,. I.tii
i,lll,,-u il isx y, -ins null an I'tcti.m ;' ' lr ..,Tr.l,, a
. 1. ' i ,i , .l my liculth. J It it il evry lliicp. inn! vm Urn
lail,.-l I.i li'llt-ii' li, e: nud 1 hnvo lisi-n n l,t'i,,'it ,lwtl mnn
l i k' ine yeais li,.ui no other citu,- tlooi u, iv.,if
Hit l.ivT. Ijy tl,.v, il pa.tnr. tlio li,v. Vi. f.,i'.i,jii.
mo to try youj- .-in s;t; ai iliti, l.o. aui- bo Sm.. he kr jmi,
and any IhliiK' y."i iiuol.- as iv.,i Iii ti i ,ni.. I t ii,sl,
tiiK 'd It habi'tii,il lne. and lias m
&s to link atlHW niitii of mo. fie: i,.iiiirf siuiiii. '11a
best that enn bo suUI of y,ni Is h ilt ,.'i,.. i-iiimli,"
h hli-rna.-aiit-er Tutnoi'M, fc.tiltHKriutut,
I'lccrntion, 1 uili- uavtl Avxt'oilultuu of
tlie llonra.
A rst ini I. ly of cases hiv h, sa rspot ti-l t niwliin
cures of ll,. -,. I'orini.lul.lo ci'iap hunts lite r.-siiilsl fj ,.ti
the use of this l'-iii,.,ly, but our yn i- lu uiiiHI li'it atl:it
tlo'in. f'.fiic of tlii,iu may be I uii l iu our Auiuii
AlniSDar, whii h tlio Hirtits t'fli.w tliuueil ure pleaaeu kl
fuiniaii gratia to nil who cull f, r tlitlu.
Dyprialn, Hriii t Dlaraae, I lls, Eplltp.
ay , Xt laut Imly, JV uinlglu
Many 1-,-iiiiti kill. a tines of these utl,s.-ii..u hare Urn
Itui'lf hy the it In ret it,- p,.ii or it ties uu il ine. It Klin n
lnttn tho Tltnl finu-li..ita into rantis i lion, sml 0'u'
overcomes tlis,.r,l, i s nbi,-li it, mi l l-sui...'M U-yond ill
reach r-'li' Ii a ri'liieily hns loni; fecit r, (iiiretl l-vllii'iii-nssllli'A
of tta pci'l'Ie, lllel n o lire cilil.Uuil tUul Uli J
do for them nil tint luediciue cm: do.
i'-" iiry bs oiiflvt it,
Manufnclurcrs of Luu.bcr,
July 23, 1SC0.
, -avTOTICI'Ms lierebT given.
! 1 concern, that an application has been mado
'to his Excellency. A. (1.
to whom it may
Curlin, (iovernor of
"w"LAl.'K"MITII WI'I. IX A Joumey- Pennsylvania, lor ttieparnnn oi jaines nocKen-j.-nn
IlUcks.nith will find st.ady emr!"y- berry, now confinol in the Wosterfl Penito'.liary,
eat, good wage, and prompt pay, by calling at under senteuee from the Court of Oyer .nd Ter
lh shop or the subscriber in tho borough of miner of Clcarfielaceutity.
Clearfield. 0. C. FASSM0KE. j f -J. McCFt i LOUO 1 ,
ScpL I, im, tf. ' Ckarfield, Sepl. 34, '!. Atty tot Apucait.
,MI'.I(CII WTS, and dealers in Hoards and
Shingles; lirnin and Produce. FltONT Street,
ubovo tho Academy Clearfield Pa.,
Juno 12th, 01.
Dceater, Philip burg.
Ferguson, Marion,
F, Helen Post OfTice
tlirard, Locoiinto'R Mills,
Dald Hills,
(ioshen, fcbawsvillo,
tirahain, Grahairton,
(iiilich, miths Mills.
" Madeira,
Huston, Tylpr,
" Pennfield,
Jordan, Arjsoiiille,
Kurthaus. alt Lick,
Knox, New Millport,
Lawrence, Drcclienridgo,
Morris, Kylertnwn,
Morris, lilo.
Pcnn, Lunibor Citv.t
" (irainpim Hills,
I'ik", Cnrw ensyill,
" Itlnouiingville,
I'liion, Uocktun,
Woodward, Jeffries,
j This Post OITiee will do for Chest township
t Will answer lor Ferguson toninhip
T. A. M'tihee
J. T.C;rr.r;-l.'
Lewis ,- iaiih
P. U. Miller
Ed. V.'iiiUtr.s
H. 11. M .re.
C- r- floppy,
John lieberiing
,In. lllooin
T. M, Cuinininm
Jas McMurray
M. Frank.
P. A. Hnulin.
J F W Siclinarr
Samuel Wliy
Centre county
lidm. Williams
101k county, Pa.
C. Mignot
Williaui Carr
A. IL Shaw
T. lT. Forcee.
J. A. llofnrty
C. J. Ptiscy.
David Tyler
11. Woodward
Elia Chase,
li. Ilockinlorn
D. E. Mokel
J, W. Tltontps'n
Jas. Thompson
J. Mrl'lelliind
II. W. Spenucr,
A. C. Moore,
Snuiuel Wny
Mielinid Wise.
W. F. Johnson
T. Henderson
IUtlllMliK .ti T 1 1ST, Attorn.y. at Law
J Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col
Uiohs, Lahd Agimoics, Ae., 4c, in ClearBold
Cutre and ElkcoaUtie. JulyXO y I
IV tlearfiel.I, Pa., Ott
oxte the JouWial office.
I , f.I.
I v.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
SI. .11 I L l.l.Ol (ill,
tli J-U(V
.1 IIJOl
1(11 11 lll'y
fbEAMIELI', P.t.
Oflire in (iiuliaui's Hriih liiiildiii;;.
Jul iid. 1S0I tf.
Mi .;,-: a 'y:"S.':a,
J litilesale and Detail Me re hauls. Also
extensive dealers in timber, saned li.iml
bor and sbiiiL'lcs. Also, dealers in hour utl-
grain, which w ill be sold cheap for cash.
Oct. II, I Sail.
Col. A. P. OWKNS, ruoi-itiKioB,
Ilfpectfullr annouiiee to the travelling public
tl rt he has imiy tn U tit cbiirgo of this large and
well known house, and will conduct it in moh a
niiuineras will render exi i'llent.ioiufnit nnd for,
satisfaction to all who may favor him with n
cull. nov7-ly
Sprintr Sc Summer Goudt
lain iust reccivinir iiiul opening a rnrcfullv
selected stock of Spring nnd feiiminer good
ol almost CYcrv dcscriplioii,
A bc.'iniiful assnrtmeni i f Prints mid Dross
goods, of tho newest and latest styles. Also a
great variety of useful notions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, j
Fort tub luriD ernie op
CotlKli", ( old a, Iiilliirnra, Ilunrarnr),
t rotlp, Itrniu liil U, Im li'lent ( oil
lilni(loil, ami for the llrllef
of oiitiiiillve I'atlritl
In nflrnurrH s.tKC
of tke jJiataati
This la remedy so niiliorsnlly kliottn lo mrjisi" li'f
other for the emu of throat and lung c aipl tliiis that il
Is iisi-Icse here to publish the evitk-nre of its viitus. la
unrivftlleil .'ncellt. nee for cutiuhB nml refls. mul its tnlf
wonderful cures of pulmonary ilis, ;ie, l.uve iii.nle it
knows thromrhoiit the ciiilim imtlons of tho ei.iln.
Jew are the communities, or even funinieH. nmen tl.'ia
who hnve not some p,-rs,,nnl cxpioJ: lue of u i-lie't'-'
Some liv lnt trophy In their midst KTits vie! . ly over tb?
subtle and (hiniyrfiua disorders , the tLmnt and Iud
its all know the dreadful fatality of these dimnlrrs, ana
aa they know, too, tlie etTticUof this remedy, we in-ed "
do more than to assure them that It lias rem art tt '
tuea that It did have when mnklng tbe cures vnv-a taa
won iu atronxiy Ufsin the con I: teoco of innnkinJ. I
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A1EB &, CO., Lowell, H:
rSold by C D. Wutfon, ClrurSell. E,A
Irtvin, Curw )iuvilH : F. Arnold, Lutherskur;,
Montgomery A Co., New Sni.-iu j J. C. Urenner,
Morris-ilnlc. C. 11. Foster, Philipsburg ; nod L'lin
Chase, Ansonvillc ; nnd by detilcrs enr5'whrc..
Fhaiikful for past favors and polioitious of fu
ture pnlronagc. I would respectfully snnounce
Ihnt I hnve on hand again, and will constantly
keep nt the Pottery in this borough, on the cor.
ner a short distance east ol the Methodist Chim-l,
a large stock of Crockery, such ns Cn am crotb,
milk pans. Churns, Jugs," Jars, Stove pipo wl
,l c. .Ic; and flint an extensive assorluicDl !
different sizes and pa'li rn of braeksls It
ruseltc for c .mice on houses, and other now
Any mouldings not on finnd will ,:
,.t,l. r on sltorl llotici. Also firo llliek
( nud kepi for sale.
,T A lilmrnl reilucliiin on p1' ,r 1
wholcsal.. denlcrs. F. I.EITZtNliEH'
Cloarlield, limy 2it, 1801 . ly.
i Is t
Pounds, Siinwls,
Huts nud Caps,
Pools and Shoe', , largo ir..uitity,
Hardware, i)t oeusware,
Drugs and Medicines,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
0 It OC ER1 j;s,
Fish, IJacon nnd Flour,
Mackerel p and J barrels,
of the best iiiiility, nil "f which will be sold at
lli lowest rash or ready pay prices.
Mv old friends and the public generally, arc Ware of every
resnnMfnllv invited to call. I of on as reasonable
Cabinet, Chair Making,
Asm v&vrsvt &&izrJ
I OHN C.I LICH, of the borough of Clcarfiel
fl Pn., will bo prepared at all times t attend
to any "onsincs.1 in the above lino on inw
notice.'nnd in a workmanlike manner, ""f .
of business is at tho old simp on the north n
Market street, 3d door cast of Third si.. f
opposite the old Jew store ; where ho will i-t
constantly on hand a Largo assortment of .
. ..ii' T.,.ii,., f'hnirs. nnd ( n1""
I llii!XiiiY 11 11 1 1 Vv.tnu j..,..... .
i, '... .i.,,..-;i;. which ho will uVP,M
ir... i.i. ,..r,,w ns tho f it mo nrticrt
L. xt i, ,,i LI..1. ,.r,.'l IIV..J unnrnt-ml I 1 1. ...I .t...,.l.nri ill tlltl COUIlt V
JST-IT-. ii. an minii, m .",.11,, ii., ri " " niiiii'tiia.ito........... . ,
rmxr.'r I'limrCK taken in exohanco oil Mia stock of Ctbiiiet Vi aro now on hanu,
June 2 isr.l. W.M, P. IP.WIX.
vtTATTTTJ TATJTJTTT r,:. iir.,r,Lfi. Ci.nlre. Card anl i
IlllUiUU ,',I,U, , I
ilia aiit w. - .- - ,.
sisla ill part of-Dressiug and Common lJurewa
o. and WasllilllT Stands, DOskS lJ
i;,;k Cases, French and Field Post ''l
wv. .. i. i.r...i r..nlrn Cnnl and J It-T
ClthiUPlj VlllIC W.'- a
ATwOHNKY AT LAW. will attend promptly u.-s. Ac. Coffins manufactured ana no""
and faithfully to all legal busiuess entrusted to ,v place desired,
his c.i. in the several Courts of Clearfield and February i, 1849. no. 4, vol. iv.J
ttpoinirg counties.
IV Clearfield, Tn., Oltic in Shiw' Kow, on-1 tio one formerly ocew
v. .r,l nrr... llnrrMt
dec. 1, liS.-4f.
Oct. 26tb, l?5 ly.
t viearneiu aim , leiiruury , ion. iuo. i
nied hr 0 R.'t lat'OK r?i,rsTcdieiiial V'"''
pied by O. p rt sborry W.M Nect.r M h.skey na
I Holland Qih-t HAKT3WI"h,'
v -si ..-i.' r----