t,. .4 ojn, c II Itl-t l nl hU l ii) M II V ni I I I 1 I M IV IN M I . H:l ll IP ' ' I M 1 1 't l' I ) ,. r i 1..) t 1 r ii 1 t. 1 1 1 1 ,1 t A 1 I I 1 1 . 1, i in 1 pit nit ihim "i 1 I V- II II I n I I It III' ttlllll. mm l t 11. nt ii 1. 1 ii 1 I..- l.ll Ml llll I MI ""I " " " , ,. , , , . Ml- - ' ' . . 1 . . 1 I" ' I il l I " i II lis G.- . I 1 ...!.. jlTl 1 1 r I C.V .1..I.H- M,,r tie M in. .1 ... Jl Ul'e, li'.-.H US ? that I." ill Th lit Couut Fair. f ?..,tiiing ovuld be; more sucseseful than 1,1,0 Inln Annual r:r of Hie Clearfield foun'f Agrkjultursd. S joioty . The display of Sunk, Agricultutal and Mechanical pr' J"tlot.s, fcj., An., attested most con ; elusive! thedi-cp iiitfrM foil in theen-(ercri-. hy all c.bi.viei of our citizens. The treuther culd not huve. been mora plcns- I ftnt, mi 1 tho farmers, being v.ell through 1 will, iln.il full vcil. lflru,.v contributed 10 the celling of one of' tin L-reatcst "'"Bcr "'"P"'' from. Cri'w.ls no cvrr witncssI in tlio county, j Clahkl Aiifad. The groat trot (hut which continued, with little vtiiution, irlcilnoo(l uttho Fair lal wh won by three of tho four diiysset apart for the j cionrfiuld Planchnrtl'a uplendid lioro bibition. jconjinout fur uhead. Tireo, by omt', The oilkon of this Society-hot h I'" j2-J3, by othtrs 2-53. Oiinprit mid temporary -! rtrye 11101 .1-1.. fl.. uiuirn ni.nini'.ltlitr. Too ,,i,t ! ,ivn Ihem. for!." who eipect lobeMck. Ucalsd to JQUtU - e- . the ooi.l order ftiid exeollfr.t nrrunye ments on this oocfi.ion, s well for the uoit'ftl manner in which this lui titu- . , . . p. . 1 .. 1 . n-rancomcrits wcro cood. 'nnd in the hands of gentlemen whw took piido in doing just wbt lliy were appointed for. But for All this, we think nucli, very BuWi, isdueio the spectators for th en tire nbsi.'iice of disorderly conduct. The uttrncvions were numerous and in Uresting. and chief among thf tn was the gxe Horn linnd, tho members of which -jjf.ro unremitting in their attention, and Jhcir excellent music lent a charm even (0 tliut which wa of itself charming. I "the news" "On the 15th inst,, some figlting took plucoai Harpers Ferry between a portion of the forces under Col.Ueary and antrong force of Confederates, tho latter boirg dri n back until rcinforoed, when Col. Gea- ry full bn.'k taking witu MlU a cnplursU 32-prnjii'Ioi- Colurnbiad. Ills loi was light, while that of the enemy was ropor ted to be serious. ,,Tlie fodmid forces ore steadily advanc ing from Wa-diington into Virginia -Gcu. McXVil, iu command of th Tenusv Reserve (.''irps, leading the. advance, which I .ioiv but a short distance from Fuirlm. ; Tbe rot.iU'no is now fhlly blockaded by the Cut) federates, thic batterlea on tho Virgii:iii skle firing upon every ve-el pas inc up and do.vn. A Xev York veaael la dtu with hay, cement, (f-c, was captured hjf them on Suturday lnsl. Other cap tures are reported. ,'Tlie blockading sqiiadrDn on tho Missis lipjii was afiacked by a squadron fitted out AtNcwOrlcim on the 11th inat., under command ofCa.t. Hollins, who pw-formed' conspicuru part in tha capture of the Steamer St. Nicholas on the Chesapuke' some months ago. Tho floop of war Vin cenr.es was sunk, and aeverul other v en sell are reported as having been driven a gronndand some prizes tnken. Jrom Missouri tho new is important. " Cofleral l'rice left L?rigton. oing South, and is reported to have been joined by KcCulloeh a.tC'.irthage.heie they are pro- paring to receive Gen. Froniont, who is in mpid puruit. Lexington is reported to he recaptured by the Union forces. In the meantime Fremont is one aay reported removed the next day, the re port is contradicted and the next, he is scam removed. Gen. Cameron lias le- lurned from a tour of inspection to Mil souri.aii. I llier seems to bo no doubt thai ardors for the ramovnl c.f Fremont hnve beer, issued, lien. Hunter is now said to be hi successor. ; Lord Lyons and Secretary Sc.rard are believed to bo engigcd in important cor respondence. A letter from each is pub lished, on the subject of tho imprison ment of r.rilith Sublets; and in refcrirg to this controversy, lo.v, of the Baltimore Sun, tern u ks that the opinion is giving --nnd thnt tho Southern Confederacy . wj-i bo recoenued by Kr.cland and France tir. MiiMin of Virginia, ai.d Mr. Klidelll of Louisisra. having siule.1 as ilnmtors, Jrt vessel I that escaped the bloekado at Charleston. For the Republican. V Dedication. TheneMf tbodistChurcb xenaville was dedicated on Sabbath 22d Kopt. (Cev. T. A. Uoiwalt jirfAched the pedicaiion sermon nt 1 1 A. M., which wus cry excoiu-nt and spfropriate. In the afternoon, atteru difcourse on the Nature nd Design of Sacrament, tha members of ma aiiie.nn vuun nes (liesunt commemo" rated the love and suffering of our blcssrd 'I'l... nrllfipii i I'rnniH ?'t k a ) U X.I I i0 v. - ... . ww T aH v v l i ' with a basement 33 by 21 feet. The house is painted w hite, with two ai.los fronting the street. I The entiro cost was $1042 ; more than l- ) of Ibis sum had not been provided for. On tho morning of tho dedication we w,ic instructed by tho building Com mittee to report Iho houso out of debt as they would pay this balance; this wan liborsJ ns thev' had already contribute! rnerously. e asked I lie. congioganon tr elchtv dollars to furnish the Church with Dialling, carpeting, Ac, and '.hey Subscribed !?llK, t If ibis amount our old tried friends of CWensviUe and vioinity COntributod a verv nir nronortien 1 ooninouto.t a very fair proportien. , Weiegard Kcv. Ml. liotwalt ns noton'. y 0O- prencher but a capital beggar, j J. S. L. tion lias tnu.s mr uten couuuiut-u. -"i" ;or tuaiumotli biia tlid lugost one mens ihotild wo fu'd to nwnrd duo credit to tlo j uring IS inches in length, nnd 23J in cir Ihousimds of fpectators than l;rouht to. Icuinfeienco, and weighing 10 pounds. gel!, or, for the excellent ordbi' mid ck'CO. j 'rum thnt irevttil(d throughout. Tho po-., MAKItHilV On ThursJK.v th 1 Oth Initunt.by M,l 1,1..,. It, to ll ll... Mm-J . - I w I h,t hi m I. '1 . . h 4 I ll I' 1 f ( I t1 r s-. V - : a - 4 ., IT." K.i.l 1 i") ftn ?i' , ii:; uni l:i 1;; it 01 rin.i ."o'J ;f':j ARMY Voir,. ,ds. 20 ?-0 H7 1 w 00 C7 157 00 00 15 "57 .'.7 4125 le, 3!;.t 3WJ .UH.'i 1 . k ... t, . . Jl II." M,l CI mo 1:iii M c K t a 11 co Totkl. 17, :'i l'.'T Mi i:i k do Jcirroii do McKenn do 4'J5 Total, Add dn't o'2.i Add 2 districts in Cameron co. ;17mnj.l7 TrtUl, 3'JIO 3359 3727 3725 Miijoriticii, 213 131 8.Wero not nvrnre of any olhor Vol- The attention of all thn!w who are '.tie card of Dr. Gusa in another column 1IRD to Bk.it. .Tames Euih-y of I.hw- renco township, left utourollioe tw o Heals IHnil Ooodluntler, Ksq., Mr. M. V. Kiiliel of 'lHurJ... ... P.il.p M tl.... nl l'ninn In.. uiauj 'it ' ' . ' j . -1 WWW v. ...... -J-) On tho tame day, by tho Iter. J. W. WolJon, Mr. tl.ivi.tM. lieams, tolliu Lewcutlno lieigh tol.uller BmJy ii. On Si-nHay. tho 20tb Imtfiit. by Lerer Fle gabEiq. Mr. J II. I.npuld lo Muj Eli.aboth Sol tdu. all of Urady t.. Dlt. IXAAC C.LSS, ii now fiounanontly lo cated at Villiium (jrove, Clearfioid county, fast palronajo and tuccesi flutter him with tha belief thai tho8 doiiring uoJicul aid will uot henitato to Rive hiui a cail. Ho can bo f.und, when not irofe3i mully ongag"),!, ut hit OJio'),or at tha re.idnncs of George J. KyUr. Cotobor li, 1901. 41. pd. F U UN ITU HE ROOMS. BENNBR & BARRETT Rejpeotfully announco to tho pubiio lhat they j bare completed and are now occupying tho'.r now furniture wars-rooms, fronting on tha Market Lot and Dearly opposite tho Court Ilonse. Cabinet making will bo rarriod on in the up per stiry of the tauio building In all Its DIFFERENT BF AX C II E 3. AH kids of furuituro will bo kep t constantly en hands and said oheop for ch or oxchange for oo i. a try rroduce, or Lsiaber to suit the bosi- ness ! PARLOlt, ROCKING, AND ARM CIIAIP.S, SPRING SEATS, CAIN BOTTOMS, 4c, rARLOR SOFA , CENTRE, CARD. DIXIXG, EXTESSIOX fc niiE.lKFAST TABLES. SOFAS, OF ALL KINDS, VARIETIES AND TATTEItNS. BUREAUS, SIDE-B0AKD:. BO0K.OASE8 WARDROBES, 4C. BEDSTEADS, JEXXYLIXD, ma II POUT COTTAGE. FRENCH FOSTS, Af. Msttrasscs, Ilair, Ilair top, Cotton lop, and Corn Uusk, ef the best aiatorial. Loiliing Qlasft s, of all srKs and sisc. Also, Olanos for old Frames. Also, Tca-poys, What-nots, Wash stand". Work-stands, Uat-racks, tie, Coff.ns mad to order on short notice, and hearse furnished. l'nplar. Cherry, and Ltnwood Lumber, taken la exchange for work. Clearfield, October 23, 1591 v Q q j Ay A FcllCr, Price with IlcnimCf nnd Ss.l OO Wf THIS MACHINE HAS A POINT OF SUPiiJlIORlTY PECULIARLY ITS OWN. ' Stitchine, Htmmine, endFeUinu with c- , a Single Thread. It forms a flat, even, and elnstio scam, which is WARRANTED not to rip in wour, even if the seam i is cut at frequent intervals, and also under all circumstances "to bitkvivb TBS! a-asii-Tra" A Patented device of great utility to learners, prerents tha possibility of the machine being run io lbs wring direction, or the balance abr.l wearing a lady's dros.. Another feature which deserve particular at. 'i"",?'' WlLroI K jRl w,Lrox r"t rtDL csiot SE M.T WRg8a. Xwo thousand stitches, or two yards of work, eau l done in one minute without dropping- ititcti. M . I M 1 1 Hi r I 1 ' ' I' ! lull " I n 1- ',ltt: II... I j ,H r 1 in 1 m ,n r n .1 '!! II II I. A 11 hl,: ill rill, 11 , I I t ,r I'l ll 1 'A in,, 1, ill mi. ni' l ni'' 'I" ''i'i? . Mm l.inrp. I'thliinl ii lmiI.v ltinh.'l, n"l nt 0 , 11 j . 1 in lit f-on -1 1. -f Unit 11 "I'll," nl iih.k: lilM.f.il,.n ,r ll ti g't mil '! h pi'l." , 1'iltnl tit k ( hrunii'l. "IIiik luml'inf l "illi il 0Bn ,iiuliir iiimH II Hie rcillv Millmlile iininmi'iin nln ',f Hm Ihi r ,riri nm limn." riiinifjlMiiiiiin. "iliin iiin' liine, In tlio m,iiii"ii ul the oiiiinit !', BIN limrn ni'.'.ily the M'iini fini'iil nl I r" Icrt fun ilv uimhiin' limn anv on liil.iU'i." ll'i'iiikliu Jmlitul Lxliilmiiiii ltimrl 11I Si9 ''laliiiiit Into ci.u.i.ivraiiun i in pltt-i'V. clu'iip- Df tt, diir.bility, and dninu nil woi k, ll. ouiumil tco wero uiia.iuuoiiiily in l.iv.irof (ho Wilcox it (jibbiiitt .inglo ihii-ud uiut-lnmr." lnniivlv uia Stute Ajjriculturnl Socioty'f H''..nt. "IV must, In jusl.cu, cx rj.i our fonfidfiice io tho niorit ol tne -Wilcm A Oibbi .SewinjJ M chino. Weooiifidi'r that a Rrtnt duaideralutu lim bten iu.ili I by it, iu proving, boyoud d .ubl, that two thrfuda aro not, n wa U (,o d, neo.ury U a good imiru i, f nt." 'Cl.n.-tiuu Advouato and Journul, Juno il, lsi',0. "Wo Imva one uf thoKO uiacluut'. in ihi, and think uioro highly of it limn of any of tha num ber wo have triud." KichiU'ind Whit. Tho imdi'mKi.fd, mary to Coiutantln pie, hn exaim-iod .111010 than twenty diMireul kindj of Sowing Miicliinec, and aftor some, nil wooko experiuiice with Wilcnx if' llibbs' 1'i'uout. ho has puiohuiiod olio of tlimu, aa the best udap ted lo ihewiinti of bin family, and as the least liablo to roijuiro npair. OLIVER C'ltANK. IS.ifton, July J, HOD. , . The undrrsiKiiod, during ci'hti-on month, baa had in uluimt cuniaaiit ufo, in hu laiuiry Wil cox A Uiblm ifewiii .Muchiue, upon which lnia ben inado the rluthc ul hi. largo fuiuily, fioiii musliii to pilot cloth including lb" clothing r-qtiii-ed fur his ev nil hoys ; and in ao cuso have the Peamn failed, nlthout.h in bard-ervi6e. The innehino nof in use in hie lumily I, us required no repulr, and is in all rospectn, well appointed, ellicieut and durable. JACUli CHlCKKIUKt), llonton. W'Send for a Circular. JUSr JA.11 lis HII.COX, Maiii(acturr. So. SIM Uronlwiiy, New York Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel. October 2.'; 1801. If. WRIT OF PA2T.TI0N. r.LEARFIKLD COLWTVM : The Commonwealth of I'cnnfulvunin To the High Sheriff 0 Clearfield County Greeting : Wnr.REA, At an Orphan's Court bold at Clear field iu and for the snid County of Clearfield, the 21th day of l-eptombor, A. 1 b-'furo the Honorable Pamunl Linn, lq ., President, and his Associates Judges of the Court, in' the miitior of the estate of J.ihn Peter itidcr, deceased, the Petition of Willisiu C. 1". idor, of tho City ot I'enn in tho County of I.;i Sullo, and Stnte of llli wu, nrfieiitud. iftlins forlli, that John 1. Kidt-r, lato of Covington township, in the County ol Clearfield, died on the day of A. I. 1861. intestate, Uuvinz issue ami heirs nt law, as follows, to wit . George Rider, lato of Dauphin County, deceased, wlio loll clill.tren as luliows, lo wit: Abner Rider, Siuannah, intermarried with George M.'liotts, and Eliiahcth, interuiar rid with Patrick McMullon, all of the ago of 21 years. Peter Rider, now of .Marsh Creek, in tho County of Centre, Amelia, intermarried with Da vid Bt. Clair, of Covington township, in the County of Cloaraeld nfoiaid, l.'.lch irj Itidcr, late of Clinton County deed., wno leti a widow namod Susunnnh, now intcrmnrried with Win. Hull", and two children. W in. C. Rider, iho Pe titioner, aud Andrew- Rider, who is under age, and of whom Hobt. McCormiek.nf th said Coun ty of Cltaton, is Ouardinn : .Sophia, who was in termarried with Jas. Mullinlliiud, Jno. W. ltider. Earah Rider and Jonb Itider.all of the said Coun ly of Clearfield, thnt tho said decedent died sei ted in tee of and in certain real estate as follow s, to wit : Alltfl't piece or pnroei OJ lunu situate in Girari tp,, in the County of t leiirheld arorsvuiJ, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Regiu niug at a liomlock corner on tho. line between tracts Nos. 6S21 and 63L'5. Thonco U. 20U per. long tho said lino to a cucumbjir grub corner. Thence H. 170 er. to a hemlock, tieuco W. V00 per., thence N. 170 per. to the place of beginning, containing 200 acres and allowance, (beinj the same tract ol land conveyed to tie said Ja... P. Kider in his lifetime by Kubt, fcmiij,, assjgnce ol James Yrd, by his deed bearing dais tba 29ih June, A. D., 16JS. duly recorded in the Record ers office of the said County iu IlM.k F, Page 111) Also a con ain tract of land situato iu tho said County of Clearfield and bounded ud des.-ribt d is ful.'owi, to wit: Beginning at a haiel in the N. K. corner of warrant Vo- IS'jd. Thonce S. 211 per. io awh'pine, thonco W. 76 pr. to a white oak, thtneo S. along tho survey of Lni Lull, 101 per. and two-tsilbs of a perch to a p'.st, thence S. along said sarvey. 121 per. and eight tenths of a per. to o'ones, tlieoce W, 131 perches ! a post. Thence S. 84 per. to n whiu onk, tXcnco W. ii ptr.lo a pout, Uicnce K. 30 per. and eight tenths of a pereb to a post. Thence E. 17 per. to the place ol beginning, containing 100 acres and 131 per , more or less, (being the Mime tract of land conveyed to the said J. P. Ridnr in his lifetime by Jno. Keating, by deed dcariiig dato tho 2L'nd day of June. A. U . 1811. duly roco.'Uou IU lioon ll., pneo 4i) Also a certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situated in the said County or Clearfield, bounded and described ns follows, lo wit: begin ning at a stono cornor 92 per. E. of a whit oak grub, which said whito onk grub is the S. W. cor Bar of Patent No. 18S5, this tract of land being part ot said patent, tbence E. 2:0 per. to a while cine, thence N. 23 dot. E 48 per. to a Hemlock I corner, thenco N. 67 dor W. 2 a per. to a white pine, thenco X. 83 deg. Y, . fil per. to a white . pino, thonce N. 105 perches to a stone corner. , iv ad ,llft)(C imving clliims against the same I Thence W. 160 por. to a maple, tbence S. Iho pir. w-11 pre,int ticin duly authenticated for settle I to the place of beginning, containino 180 acres I mon, , Anorr.er, E. J. CK ANS, ol Clcarlield ! and 132 per. and allowauco, (beiug the snino pr ,KLW f-IliPI', of Gulicli township, 'tract of land conveyed to the said Juo. P. Rider' October 11, 1'- Ct. A.liu'r. in his lifetimo by John Keuting.by tVed Ijcarinp-i , jdatethe 12th day of Sept. A. U., ISZl, duly Re- j -r.l'L'Tf)lt'M NOIIt l' Notice is here, i corded in Deed Rook E., page 2GI) Also a eer-1 fjby given -fhal I.ellers Testamentary, on the i tain tract of land situated in Iho tnid County, i ettato of SA.MIT.I. MOO UK late "of Penn j bounded and described os follows, to wit: Ho-; townhipp, dee'd, have been granted to the un- ginning at a maple corner, thence E. 4U per. la a ' dorsigned. All persons indebted to s.fc 1 estate j white pine, thonoe 130 per. to a post, thonco W.'ore required to make iiumedicto p iyment, ad j Vi per to a stono cornor, thonco X. 106 per. to thoFe having claims rg.iinsl the same will present , tho placo of beginning, conUiining 4S acres and them duly authenticated for settlement to my I allowance, boing port of warrant Xo. 18U6, and I Alt., racy, L. J. CHANS of Cicnrtield, or ' conveyed to the said J. Peter Rider in his life-1 ANDREW S. MOORE of Penn 'p., time by John Keating, by Deed dated 2'Jth July, A. D., 1811, duly recorded in Deed Rook II., page 452. Also a crrtnin lot of ground situute in tovingloa towntuip in sniu youniy, oujoining the Turnpike Road on the north, land of Fred lk Schnarrs on the east, and lands of John Yo- , men on me r-oum nn . est., containing one ocrc being the same piece ol land bonglit by tho .T,,l,n l U i,t..p in hii. lift-hum br .irlii'ln i.f . - -j erp"'" ft.nm Jo1") r'- 8 "lrUi" lot ol grouna situaiea m '.ue sum townsinp oi C'oviaglon in tho County of Clearfield aforesaid,! bounded and describod as folljws, to wit: Ad-, joining tho River, beginning at a corner at the1 River between other lund of Jibu P. Rider and Lornio. thonce 1 1 Ofu up the River thenco b ckto the .Mountain 150ft. thonce along tho Mountain E. 1 10ft. to Lonnos line, thenco down said line 120ft. to the nlnce of hccinninc. being the sumo lot of groupd bought by the said J. P. Rider in hii lifetime by arliole of agreement from J. W. Ri185 ,N" partition or valuation of the afore- said Real Estate having been made, and there- for , th nnor,b, court toaward an In- quest to make partition ol the premises a'oresuid u end among the representatives of the said in- lestate la such isanoer and in mob proportions ax r. i H T'l, lii.nly, Kill IIM. J(i, Hlo'nii, I ' 1 1 rl rtii'l l, . ( 'iirwcn'-vill.', ' I'l.I'Mt, l'oviiioi.,1), Ili'cnlur, iVi'm.niii, 1'oX, Irinird, I inslior, (Jrnlmni, litlrlicli, lllltou, Jonlllll, Kurtluut, ; -. Kiio i Iiiiwrt'nVo, ' '" LuiuVe ci.tr, t : Morris,- l -.N. Wjtliiirgtoti, I'onn, - ' rikn. -''. Union, Woodward, Tt FA I., Majorities, ttr'iHopullifans in Italics. CVjt. I'liUerson'i Com p. Kat'tsmt'ii JI:inrcrri, Cleailield Killi'H, liochiid Cuvnl ry, (,'iimji Franklin, ('apt. McKiernan's l.'uinp. ( 'itpt. Tracy's I'omp, by the lawn i f this I'oininonireul'.li is directed, if such partition can b, mudo iriihout prejudie l or spoiling tho whole; but if such pirliunu o.iu not be in-du thoro d', then t i value uu 1 uppraiso tho same and to make riturn uf the proe iedmgs according to law, A c. And nhnroupou th i said Cxiirl on due pruf imd .;onideiation of the premises awardec, an Inquest for tho purpose aforesaid, notice to be given to the heirs residing out of the County by publication iu in ononews-1 paper published in the' County of tlearliold for four consecutivo weeks, and a copy thereof mail ed to the Post OUice uddiess. It V thrrrfnrc ru,niinim' you that, taking with you l'J good an I lawlul men of votir bailiwick, you go to und upon tho premises aforesaid and llioie.in tho presence of tlio parties nfuresui J, by you to bo wnrimd,! il'upon being warned they will bo pn sent; and having reopen to tho true valua tion thereof, aud upon tha oulim and affirmations of the said 12 good und lawful men, you unike partition to and among the boirs mid legal repre sent. Hives of the said" intestate, iu sucli manner and iu such proportions ns by the laws of tins Couiinonwoahh is directed, it the same can be so purled and div ided w ithout prejudice lo or spoil ing tho whole. An I if ail' I. partition ciiuuulbe nindu tlivrcvl w ithout prejudice to or apiiiiisgtho w hob. that thou you cause the said iuqu'-st to in quire and urceituin whether the aui will con veniently aceouimooato in ue tluut one ol thesnid repiesematives of tlio said lnteslale, uilliout prejuUico to cr spoiling the whwle : and if so,how muuy it will us atoresaid accouiu.odute, descri bing each part hy mcies a-.d bounds and return- i ii k a just valuution of the snuie. Dul if the huid i inquest, by you to be kiunmonud ns aforesaid to muk the said rortiiiun or valuation, .-hull be ul opinion that the premises afor said, with tho Ap purtcnunces canuot be so , arte. T and . l v 1 1 d us to accoin mod. ilo more than one of the suid repre sentatives ol tue said intestate, that then you c.i, i-o the inquest to value (lie whuio of the said real estate, with the Appeitcnances, having res pect to the true valuatlou thereof ugreely lo luw And lb ut the partition or vuliiution no iinide y.,11 distinctly andtpeuly have beforu our suid Judges at Clearliuld at an Orphan' Cuurl tliero to be held on ihe regular day of Sessions thereof alter such Inquest shal I be made under your band and seal and under the huiids und seals of ihu.-e by whose oaths or nflii millions you thull umke such partition or valuation. And bin e you then and there this writ. Witness, .nmuel I.inn, Ecp, President of our laid Court ut Clearfield aforesaid, the Hlth dny of October, A. D., 1M1. JAMES WUIGLEV, Clerk ol 0. C. NOTICE IS IIEPEUY 01VEX to tho above partiei, thai l - virtue of the abo' o mentioned w rit of partition, un inquest will bo lit Id und ta ken upon the premises therein described on the 270i day of November, A. D., "Mil, i.t IU o'cik, A. M., for Ihe purpose of making partition at valuation und appraisement of the said real es tate, us in the said writ required, at which time and place said parlies can attend, if they llmik proper. V. G. MILLER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Clearfield, Oct. 23, ll. It. IiMIX1STHATOU'! OTItl-Notico is hereby given lh.it letters of Administra tion have been granted to tho undersigned on tho cttnte of JACOR RUHI.VS, Uto of ii(ccaria tow-inhin deceased. All persons indebted to said ,.,.,., ,11,ft..d to etake nnvment withoutde ) Oct. 14. 1S"I- Ot, Executor. i i ' Dissolution of Partnership. mK partnership beretoforo exi-ting between ! J. ! I ilm iindersicncd in Ihe" Rlneksmilhinir bui nevS at l.umerMMiric , ma uifi-oivi-u ur milium . . i I j : . .. . I I 1. I .,.,, on the l.lih in-tant. Tim ..econiit duo iUIir. j,,u are left with Emi. Flegal. for collec- ' , : .1. i :.t ,)lt o w-liom paviueH. is io oo niri'ie wii delay. ' iifxkv hoover, t on. to whom paviiieni is io i e mane wituout II EN It Y I1ANTZ. Luthersburg. flept 24, 1 Sill. It jTT)7tiiompsonT " Blacksmith. Wsgeus, Iluggies.Ac, Ac, Ironed n short n' ti. c, aod the very bost style, at his 11 stand in t'le b.-.ruuh of Curveneville. ie. 1 ffiO Id z. t Jr. ir b n r? g toA 4 1 . Ll THKRSIir EG, ci.i:aiuu;i,-j county. PA. :., ..; J i -h ; ; ,i i. :.. in li ;;; .,i ;i -:i .'!7 ,7 :i! :iJ i'7 7'.' :n 7.'. 7'.' :i:i mi 1.2 7i 7? Mi i'l it.' I'.! :7 27 21 I'." 22 i'7 ''I 2d CI 2.". I'J 27 Ul 1 2 1 I'l I' 121 I .'ii h Ml ll'l 111 121 l 1 1S I'l .' 4 1 1 17 47 1 17 211 2 Mi 72 V" 2:l 22! Hi fi5 21 70 2) 111 2Mi l'."'. 2l'l I.'. 2' - : '2 I'J II II Hu II !,' Mi III 111 12 111'.' 12 ll'l 12 M'7 i: M7 41 ll'J it 2-1 l'.i 2:; 2.1 2'i Mi II 21 2;l 1:1 17 27 17 27 IU 21 IS i'i 7.1 7.) I'll fi V'l ."di 2 f'J S.' f.O F7 47 I") 4') 7" W 7H 22 22 ;M! M 2:1 21 17 II IU H 8'J 41 27 27 42 !!) 41 2,1 :i7 ::; no '. :; :;u K7 w ni iU s hi i :; M :is m f7 fh L'S ' 2M .r..') f..'i M 28 57 28 &U 28 f.7 28 68 27 f.5 2'J M 4.1 :i mi 70 is 47 C2 c:i M 4x Mi ('.:? ro i;i M) rx 4 a l in 01 i;i ii ii or. a 42 4:5 C2 40 oj 43 co 45 g." 30 02 42 k 8 lo 7 '.) 10 10 7 7 10 0 10 7 10 7 I 6 10 7 !3 42 42 .S 3M 42 44 H3 !13 13 84 8.1 41 4. 31 4iJ SO 43 28 7 1 .31 31 10 10 31 31 10 U 27 12 SI 10 2'.l 11 31 10 31 It 80 Ul 10 17 17 W M 17 17 b'J IS fl 17 'Jl 17 91 17 Ul 17 10 0 U 7J 70 8 9 74 7.1 10 0'J y 7f 8 77 it 7.1 8 7o 10 f.O 41 GO 40 40 40 49 4'J 41 4'J 41 49 41 49 42 47 49 49 A'l 02 02 S3 3f 04 P5 34 33 03 31 62 87 CO SO C2 31 04 3.1 09 SO SO 32 32 37 87 SI SI 34 82 SO 32 88 29 S5 32 R7 81 88 01 01 20 20 01 01 20 20 .17 28 02 2.1 00 20 01 21 00 '20 01 Hut 191 80 80 193 197 77 09 1S8 82 192 70 19.1 72 190 08 193 74 192 ' 20 20 21 21 21 22 2') 21 20 24 23 20 20 22 20 22 22 20 22 9,1' Vi 89 89 90 98 80 87 122 15 97 88 S3 80 90 39 77 .18 99 3.1 8.1. 12 12 8.1 28 9 12 81 12 81 12 31 12 8.1 12 23 12 35 fi9 00 lit 49' 02 0,1 40 44 00 49 02 1". 18 ill 03 41 01 4C 03 76 70 81 81 90 83 70 71 79 82 8.') 77 82 78 80 7 81 79 81 23 23' 27 L'S 24 28 24 22 22 24 24 2:1 25 20 2 21 24 2.1 20 87 88 19 18 38 88 18 18 39 11 S8 IS 88 18 39 10 38 17 88 rj CO fX, S. Ii Ii OO 'X 15 rf: I'J OO li -I IS 00 'X. c. -u x O 4- o w O l i p . 9 -O I- JV. M CJ. I O -4 . -1 t.1 if' -ii ti V t) 427 437 072 .174 MS MO C20 578 477 KKPOKTKL) VOTE OF THb: VOLUNTKERS. 00 00 3 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7 7 81 .13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 O0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 It 14 19 19 1 1 13 19 19 10 20 11 21 9 23 17 18 13 22 19 :i 3 18 13 3 3 11 11 10 11 4 11 0 11 3 10 4 10 3 00 00 44 41 1 1 47 47 1 49 00 10 1 40 00 47 00 45 00 0 G 1.1 11 3 8 Gil AND OPENING! Ni:V STCRK! NE IV FIR Ml! NEW GOODS!! Great Inducements to Purchasers H. W. SMITH &C0'S. ONE PRICE, CASH .STORE, Smith's Corner, below Judge Leonard's. Q UEEXS ir.l RE. ST Wi.ito Ornnito Plates. " " S.u.ps Dkers Tea Set's. C ,fl'ee Setts. Cups Pelt", lianded ("up Sett. Ten Setts. Ewer nnd sasin. Tea Setts. EST Pearl White i Puracian .i Cup Setts, Common Teas. C'omn on Tea J. Ouj Superior l.ustro Sprig Tea felt. Creams, Pies, Soups, bv the half doien. (', C. Nnppies, C C. Bowls Glass Proccrccs. Glass Suits C Flu e Tumblers Pl lti lo. Exselsior do. Also, Teas, Coffees, tc, Ac. nnd all ar'icle usually kept in ft country store, will bo kept here, os also many not usually kept, bnt much needed, at greatly redueed prices And we feel confident that fl.ll ho will make trial purchofc. will find it to their ndvantago to continue ns customers. .lisfflbiifous. Superior article Sweeping Brushes. Largo iss't Waiters "most convenient article iu use. Plants Improved Coffee Spice Mill, ned Cording. Drum Cording. Wall Paper, Window Shading Dondeunorin CofTro, Dandonnocia Coffee. Mackerel by barrel or pound. Varied assortment of fc'plecs. Soaps. Starch, by box or pouud Knives anc Forks Carvers, Steel Pens 50 cts per gross, Pea Knives, Touth Brushes, etc., etc., cto. Toilet and Promenade Prints of tho most fusli iouable style snd color. The now much wom uiatori.,1 ol Colored Alpaca. Now is the tiino to buy an extraordinary ckenp dress for iuxt season, as wo will close out our 'lock of Law ns, Organdies, ureges, Poplins, Untye do Paris, ralzoiines, and all Summer goods ut fabulously low prices, lo mako romu for our Fall A Winter stock, which we will soon be ablo lo offer to our customers, and the public general ly, at tho Cash Store of H. V. SMITH A CO. Also, a limited amount or County Ordori want ed in exchange for goods. V'"' ARRIVAL,--W havojust opened 1 an . are selling very low, n large aud com plete stock of Hoots anu jjhoee, vis : Mens best Kip Boot Soys best Kip Boot. Mens best Calf Bx,t. Boys best Calf Hoot Childs best Kid i,io. Me,,, best Calf Monroes; Soys best flf Miiiroe, Youth', best Calf Monroes. Holds but Gent Pumps, Childs best Welt Pmp, Childs best B,(,on pllInl Cbilds best French M jrucn heel. Wonians Mor, .lefferson heel, Woman Gnat Jefferson iiei l, Woinnus Kid Slippers. Wonniins Sup. Velvet bound gaiters. Womnns extra f.nelastinij gaiters VVouiaus sup. extra hevv inoroi-eos. 11. W. SMITH rf- Co. - f basines from 7 A l . to 8 P. M. t it i k i ( ; TIMF.S IN PHI LA DHL I A! Trnttrndmi f'.rc.itrnm:it umo.in th .!..!!. 'EXCITING FOOT ItAf'E between tho Philadolphin polico and the notorious For ger ord countoi f.-ltor. Jn ties Buchanan Cross ! ! I Cross Recaptured '.I'.'. It seems to be the gonftr. nl opinion in Clearfield, that ifCrosa bid worn a pair of Frank Short's Fr"iich-eaif Roots, thnt he would not be ta' on yet. However, Hhoity it not much put out at missing hi? custom ; bus would announco to all !rtskinrvtt;; Dnuyltm, Lincnln nnil Hell men, und Women and children : iii Clearfield, and Sinnomahoning in partiouHr, I that he is prepared to furnish them with Hoots, Shoes and (Suiters of any ftyle or pattern, sti'eb. j ed, sewed or pepped, (and as bo is a short I'd I low) on short notice. i All kinds of country prodiico tiihcn Iu ex, 'chnnirc, ur.d cash not ri fused. Ropniring done j in tho neuteft manner and charges moderate, at : the Short Shoo chop on Second t-treet, opposito 1 P.eed, Weaver A Co's store. FRANK SliOKT. I X. Ii, Findings for sulo Sept. 2fl, D-OOt !2 KW DRUG STORE The subscribers nave opened a full nnd eom ; plete iiisoriment of DRUGS iu tho new brick 1 building of Dr. Wood", on iho cornor of I.eeust t and Cherry ii'rnois, in thn Li.iongh of C'.riufl.dd, ! where they will bo happy tn accommodate any I person who may desire articles in their line. The ; bu:ine-s will bo confined strictly to a Jni and Frftcriplion Pucincss, And no pains wili bo spared to render satisfaction. Dr. M Woops. tho junior partner, may always he found and consulted In tho " Dri g Store,', when not absent on professional business. A sepni'ite room for o. instillation is attached to the store, where patients may be examined privately. Erery article usually found in such an estab lishment will bekept on hand,a;id sold at greatly red ;ccd prices. Turtus being STincTi.y Cash, will enoblo them to nffor inducements in tho way of prices Physicians will be supplied at a small per centage over cost and etirriags, and their orders are slicit"d. Every article told will bepursand of tho bost quality. f. hn-tf WOODS A RART1ETT. cyrexics howe. Justice of the Tface. For DirATia Township, will promptly nttond to fill business entrusted to bis cure. P. O. Address, PLilipsburg Pa, Aug. 21st iSCl be opened for tlio rccptio.. of pupils (uialos an! females) on Monday Sept. 2d, 1S-C1, Terms per Scsmoii of r.lcvcn Wcelisi Orth 'graphyReiiding. Writing, Primary Aiithniclie and Geography, J2 60 ' Higher Ai uhiuvi'c. English Grammar, j Geography and History, 3 00 I Algebra, Ij.'ouielry, Xatural Philosophy, pnd lio.,1; Keeping, 4 09 Latin and Greek J,aii?riiag"S. 6 00 To Undent; desirous of acquiring a thorough English lMucntion, nnd who wish tj quul fy .thenisclvea for Teachers, this Institution offers idesirn'ilc advantages. No :iiil reui ived for less than bnlT a session, lard no deduction rado exenpt fur p.-otruc'.Sl .sickness Tuition to be paid at the cloe of tbe torm. C. P. PAXDFORD, I'riucuml, Clcurfeld, Aug. 7, It'll. ly. DP..' J. W. F0TT2R. I'livsl. ian nnd Hiirt-on, hns permanently located at Eecsntcs Mills, Ginird township. fera his prot'os-ional services to tho surrounding community. May 8, 1SGI. A. ,11. HILLS DENTIST. ' .s-,W -.P,--V : I'ropnratlrution to j ilo mem in pruper time will be nf gr.nt benefit to every one ' in point of health, oomfurt, and convenience. Hit. llll.I.!"i c-. L'-vsys In found at his rf. lice, on tho corner ol Front end Main streets, nlieu uo notice tu the contrary aj. pears iu this paper. Al open.tioiif is t': "ne of Iiis profession performed in tiio ln'est and inott improved styles, and guaranteed for one year against all ut. irnl failure.. "i A I. "I IO V AM persons arc l.ere'.y .ut.on- 1 J cd s g i. list trading or ) ivtiic eitlier m 'in following prom, Vjry not. s a I Imnnng dio ;i.o lo'l, day ,,f January. A. D. li.iT, gnen l y me to G. J. Yons. Tlnee callii 2 for onu liundred dol lars ev'h, and ono for k-v- n-.v-o.io tloours. As I am d. liTuiine 1 ti n il pny either of lliem uu lcs cmipolied by law ns I hovo re- eired no val no f.r lliesnme. UENKY ZILI.lOi', Jr. Brady ip., Oct 9, Ml. M. pd. ST It I PI'