Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 23, 1861, Image 1
i 'Is' lilt TV Tv ;i 'n' v, ; vi n W. MOORE. I Editors q B- COODLANDEH. j ,ijL XXXII. WIIOl.ll NO IfiTfi. rRiNfinrs. not men. ci.K.MiriKi.n, vi:i)MNiY, ocr. NKVsr.KI!.s.-Oli. II. in I tit I V nun .irlctt ,octrn, i fTlii- f"!l'iiig linen re handed us by the ,;f,.ol vol.ii,t".-r ollieer, now in rorvico in frnnt Cl,o enemy on I'm l oioun.e, v wlio f l''11'-1' I I , m number i pnper. .. ..... ... ,j n nou-e 'i.'ser-i j v lis rebel owner, il nai u runinii . ic:iiii;.r : weelm-sn. M.11 N(tl'. I HV MISS K. lUIAI'iai. l,r woman k lovo una uer emu.. Th,.y tTllo-r lifo' "",,il0 f v nr. they f'-""" " 'b'cs Tii look so b.-niit Iful inEvenio skin. . . It- I. ...till" $ rr (lie hold gh"7 of l""t'l')'J 1"'31 Si 'h not-- i, .irsi'i'in" glitter foreyerlnst In ,KniVs dim shades that steal ho darhly on, jjiio Mnek ec-li pso upon tlio midday sun. , sight, and oompH-st, su-l tli o tyrant's pride, Hili not--K ooiik-s omnipotent as dotli tlu ti.lo, ?il't, fierce, uyo, t.Triblo Ijiit soon 'tis seen Kl.lmitf Hwny, s though H "'"1 ul lj0t'u For the lvo J dead, und or.? the memory, Figh not J7..y never cast a lingering thought on theo , Away.Bwny, through shadowy realms they go, Font'dting"" things tl'"t were dour below. Pur years gone ly, uud ull Ihe sweet tlioy bro't, Sigh not The morry bourd of c1iilJlioo.1V sunny sport, fry, ronli tbey not ouo pasning joy impurt To ago, J sii;kiie!, aud the witheroJ boart ? For ye::" to come unJ bliss thoy may beftow, Siti not Tu-cliy tli.V g'-'My Vienrt bents tiij;b, yc( oil, Perchiinfo, it wwl.l rppnl tliino eyo to spo, What in to-xioirow is rcfcrvuJ (or then. "Is Tli re One that lra,s lor Me ? Wn Ibc fun in f liininj; brightly, When the moon, o'er hind nuJ eea, 1 isi. bright in silver glory. It there ono that prnys for rue? Wieh the pnrth is re'tina calmly, . PMi.nth tlic of niu'ht, 1.. ilinre one tlmt prays for me Unealh her slur's pure light 7 Vliouioy in every feiiture gWw. ttjic one li iirt Ih. n beat ghi.l ? Or lan oiMl.w umkei the tear.lrop come. Is tliore one that then is sail? there ne naiohg the many Ijlist everj (lay 1 sec V!io bows tiefore my fnlhe'S throne, AuJ truly prnys lor mo ? It there one tlmt loves nie well enough To pr.iy I may be given. When .lark tenitaiion gathers round, i-lrength, to rosi.-t. from Heaven ? My Father, bless all that I lovo ; Hies, too, that love me IJul oh ! thy rieheft blessing sen.i On nil that trui'ly pray for me. TRAVEL WITUiH THE LINES. We kave been requested to state that in consequence of the abuses which x I i.jiut ilu. ymu& f(.l0lvs, mii- uf far t rept into the system or issuing passes, I UK.M ol tlie vici"nity . uluj tie Philudel itlie commanding general of this depart- j ,n q l)pon c.illc,, ment has determined to be more rigid ",tbelri;h u,.., u4 jovial, five hearted the issuing of permits, and has issued ,n- otlvUoK4 u8 wo coM exjiect t0 fllll. structions to the Ren'ir.els to be more par- . , f (ur .il.. vil, i(iro se;.nll.j ticulnt in the oxatninntion of permits pre sented by "travelers. Tho general has al so been compelled to refuso any passes to those who wish to cro.-n tho river fn er rands of curiosity or friendship. Idlers t.nd curious lookers rn have no business among these camps mid tli y are not wanted, ! Every visitor to Washington, especially if n sinidl politician, considers himself enti tled to a special permit from tien. Me C'iellan, g.ving him the largest possible "Jiberty, ami expects an aid to be detailed to accompany him in his travels. Those Ipplicaiions. are a sourer of annoyance to the general, and under no condition will they be complied with. l'ho general ia also compelled to deny asses to those who camo from hotuo tor the nurnose of visiting friends or relati in" In cami.. This limy be clisigreeiible, but Mill it is a very r.ecessaiy duty. The ! o crowd around us, Hope cunts its ruys number of men in Virginia is so greaX that upon the mind, and enables it to avoid Miy attempt to gratify the wishes of those j the rocks of Despair ; it gathers over the ir'io would wish to see then) on an orran 1 j heart 11 casing of steel to guard il iigiin.-t -of lov or friendshiis would lead to an ut-. tho corroding influence of lime, and the ter demoraliwition o( tho camps, und give J soul, being guarded with its prolectivo continual opportunities for (ho visits of power, g'e.' firward in the path 'hat fpiesand traitors, As tlie rule now lands, j lights up bofore it, What beautiful lanJ no ono will bo permitted to cross the riv- scopes does il paint i:: the distaneo ! It'sa et but tho regular correspondents of loy- 'jewel planed in the soul, it into prisms (d tiewspnpers. civilians having urge nt that its light may be reflected 011 all oh-bn-incss with tho army, nnd messengers jects that surround it, circling the brow from the military of executive depart- with smiles, bright and beautilul, wreath meats. Shjttlers, quurtei master, wagon ing tho form with beauty. u Wis, mail messengers, and other per- 1 What would wo ho without Hope? A tot.corniocled with a regiment or brijjude.j die iry waste, like nshin without an an rill ha allowed to travel on a permit from ihor.drifiing before the wind, general commanding a briagde or divis-j Fee t. I f vo u have celd feet, im- 10U. ' I i ftLfWhil the Domorrary rally around j o flag but that of tho Union, they wilF lever cease to fight Jor freedom of speech, I 4 . - ... - . .. . I jerao.11 01 religion, rree,tom 01 u,e rr, reedom of the person under th. protoo- ion of the halieta corpus, and trial bv iu Ws impartial flertbd. Times. 1 LETTER FROM CAMP CROSSMAN'. CiMr Cii.x-M , . t. 1 I, Im'I. .1. ir.v. .1...' om:- 'rlliii' Dotnn cf our Cli-urlii'lil Ii i.'ii.U w.uil'l liUolo Ii jnr sotnu- thin;: ii'.iout t'ltinji Viwjihhii, nortr 1 1 im- , , , . ., .. . , , clijoving Iiii'IiislImm l.y t'.ii liino. l'iiinj,i t'ros'.iiiuM ii nitunte.1 about tlin-o miles Olil liit- t u ii of 1 1 hi inu'lou, nii'l is it very lii'iml il'ul locution, nn.l in tin initial of a i icli uiul iv'll rultiviitcil uii t ol' tlif vnnnii v, It tx n .limit two miliM fioia tlic Warm SH in wliicli is a great place of MilliiNier lOiol t lilul ailliiseinciil, um well lis t'aiii. Clojsiiiaii, which is vimU.I 1 y a great lilllliliel' ladies nil' elitleinen I:Ot only lio:r. tM. I'lace tut elseH lieie and their pl'cscMico aluayi chews the soldier inl makes his coii ii iciiaiice much hi i'.ilei', (."ieeiallv when th.i ladies inalii their li'peAiiiliee,l We arrived here nliout l'J o'clock, Iteinir t xi'osed ironi alioul I'ivp in inoi iiiii to a drenching rain, 1 in. al'lcr we ui rived '.vo were escorted ;o tho court houso hy Col. Wutray, h hei u ive lound the j same w ell heated liy his older. Alter I ch.'iiiin;j our wet giiriiiciite lor uiuio cnin ! foitahlu oiks, we were lulion to tiiu liolel Innd there 'arlo.d; of the tel. c.shir.ents w hich ve wore nil in ti uoh need of. We ' ouarteiL'd in the court hutise iintil Wed- nessday, when we got orders to much to Cimin, and a the star nn.l t-tr: j.o.s walled in the Ijreezo you could hear the loud ae clntnation, "lo;ig may it Aave -moos to tho brave Clearfield boys." Vhei. we ar rived at ('aniji CrosKinan we found some nunc-hundred of our neighbors of lllair, Ilutilingi'.!), Cicavlield mid other adjoin ing foitiitiep; and from three to four luin- dl-en rhilailclj hialll. Jur boys went iit one:.' into the country c.mio, lu'ing iart ol'C'l. Murriy'n rfgi ment and a ih lie suspieioiii of tho- Fhila dtlj hiiins, w ho had ac'iuired the name; of the Ir;Vh r.iigade, hut after id! a. j-rc-tty decent set of fellows if tiny lfl o.iie from the city. When we got tocainn our lust work, of course, w as to yU are our quar ters lor sleeping. We were at onre fur nished by Col. Murray's orders, through the Quartoi master of the lSrigiu'e, J. C Mitchell, w ith tf.nts nnd all necessary clothing, blankets pans, jihiten, camp eipuiiiag.', ir. Khort, of all sorts, and slept '.he liifct night in the tented Held as com fort able as circumstances would permit.--thl the day fifte, we begin to look around and make s'nnc aC'y.iaintanccs with the others of the lh-ig.ide cnc.iinpod ab-ml us, with w hom ne expect to spend our next three years as companions and friends. V.'e fuund the regiment, or rather compa nies ih. re was not one lull regiment thoueh men enough to make the great- 1 a,.v"0r tWo. comnosed in the main of a new element at work. Discipline win tightened up on all Miles, and the compa nies nid parts of regiments, found that soldiering was nut nil play. Col. Murray hi'.d taken cmnmand of the post and nl once commenced reform, no les for the I encfit of the service and the people about the town than the soldiers themselves. Order wnsatoiioe restored the pasg sylem wn put in strict foiee aed a pa trol detailed to town to see thai order was observed, and everybody in town c imp and country lias cause lo rejoice 11; tho selection made l.y Gen. lames of Col. Murray for comirimder of the post. Yours truly, UN. UN. IIoce. - What a bi ight organ is Hope As tho gloom of disappointment appears merse them nioriiinc auJ evenina in cold w I water, rub them with a rough towel, nnd j run ubout your room till they warm. In! one month you will bo entirely relieved, j 111 il,n. n A 1 , . 1 ! - i-i'i- i-,,,,- cations are iiKe rum 0 me siomaeu-re. lieve tou to-day, but leave yu colder to - I morrow A Frightful Scene. i The I.oini..n p.ij eis contain nccuiits of nil exhibition at Crc.noriie, .n Monday evening ti e 1'Jlh ultimo. A 1 'i".l- din had been cngiu'cd to ,-r.Hi the Thitne it f,r of the Fayette I'ountv Ji w...t. on.dit on i tight ldjie from Ihe garden. 1 1 ..t t,, be bun;', iind ihi reiiium ho recoiii said tliat t lio ai.'l mil span of theiivetat neli'ls that t he (real ment be adopt. "t in this point is two thousand feel wide, w hile (),a J,--,;tt' ease ; upon which Ihe ciil Ihrt height of the rope from the water v.i- 1 j, jt remarks as follow-: lied IVom fifty lo one hundred feet. Im- " ' To i;f oil Nor lo l:i.' Ill :m;. The ( I'-, inenso crowds hud collected lo w it ness the rocoinmeiidh l'oiming a Vigilance feat, nnd theartisle when she made her C'ommiltce to hail'' traitors, mid stignia- nppear inco was greeted with loud bur.-ts Trvo thuds of the disliuicu had been accomplished with iippnrer.t1 ease and certainty, when the perrVincr sto'ied to rest on one of the main sup ports of the rope. She remained so lung that apprehensions of a e". tr ,V it.i began to spitad. Nor were they grouii-H.'ss, lei attempts were made by attendants on shore and in boats to tighten the remain ing six or seven hundred feet of rope. For a very great part ol this formidable, way, no gtiy-roiA's were to be seen. There were report! of tho ropes having been cut in the course of the preceding night for the sii!;ts of the weight by which the main cord was or feho-ild have been made steady. On the other hand, it wis alleged thai these weights or guys had never been put up. Al'lcr sitting a wearUomo length of time on the furrow ledge on the summit of the limber support, the performer essayed t advance. She very soon found the task too dangerous, and backed to hir awk ward resting place. The lime from her liiot an kal nt this point lo her finally quitting it was full thi.-e quarters of 4:1 hour. A:ain the female Iliondin set forth, and at this time, made b ) much ;egre;, that w hen she hesitated for the second time it had become nearly impossible for her to recede. Tliis she nevertheless at- tempted -0 do under the greatest .liilicuM tie: The rope swayed like a garden j swing, ".lies were raised tor ii line, nni when one was brought otloi Is were made to throw it ovci the cord on w hich the poor creature endeavored to maintain her balance. . The excitement became general and soon grew into alarm. For a w hile many pacified their fenrs with a half suspicien that the danger was only acted, but its reality soon became uppareni. Twilight was deepening, and in a little lime she wjuld be unable t see the rope. Having stood for ten minutes or longer, undecided whether to attempt a retreat or sin ad vance, the female I'loiolin sat down oa the rope, nnd balanced her pole a.-toss her knees. Renew rd iflorts were may to throw coals over the main ropes, but with out success. At lentil an out cry was made that she was going to fall. At that lime die relinquished her pole, which came .-plashing, down among the boats below. I In another she was clinging by her hand-, now to Ihe ''tight" rope, now M a couple ; of weights, mid now to the cords by which j a part of the rope was held in pcrfest i....,Oi.o-i; 1 i. i'o r: '" (iisi)ia eti i-v nei .... . , . . . 1 1 .. 1 . 1 -' '' ' , nt ,l,i lim.i u:is linlv admiral'le. De - " - " , - 1 . , r . 1 , fending ny me grasp 01 ;l lll;ee ........... inch cord, or nierewhale line, 111 f.i' t.tin daring imitator of the "Ileroof Niagaia' readied in afrty a boat that had '-"" row ed to her rescue. '11 re idling th boat she was loudly cheered, and received ,,,!., an ovation on her return .0 u.e gai-1 dens, wlane she lamented with tears herl 1 . , ... . 1. .. 1 .1. ..1. I not luiving eompieici a u.-k "- ""'" felt perfectly ceir.pftcut to perrorm- Iter Imnds, it is stated, were sevcely cut by the line which had iiilordcd her the means ol escape. The GueatesT W 1:1.1. Yr.i. The o-iitor t;re, the Great Eastern, that any rational of the Mercer fcym ii givoi a descrip-j American w ill run the l i-k. To d j so lion of an extraordinary vein ooil t ipped would look like templing Providence, the other day on the McElhany farm, at a j T,R,Ncu. Vork papers publish appeals depth of four hundred and sixty feel. He : Q he di n . suititil)g cio!ilias illui says : A watch wi.s held vn hile it ran into s otc. ,v(.,!..i! j,., f(. llie collMoratt. , ,-is-a tank, holding, by liiea.-ure, one ollt.I:S t;.k n :il Halteras Inlet, and now drcd and eight barrels, and il lilled the ( 0O, fiu0l on Governor's I shin I. same nfftjf-x v'uti S .' At a fair csti-; - .1 - l.i : . ., 1 ... .1 . - ' r' Y File is a fading tint and Ileotimr mate, taking this as a data, thoso woo 0 , . . 1 1 ... form It isthe l.lneoli a grate, theb!u-h were working and watching almut it are 101 m- is t confident that in the firnt Iwenly-four hours, it ilowed two thousand four htm- ii, ii-ii.ii 1 i- ' dred barrels of oil! Andwho.i we left; n K. i.h.v momin-there nnnearod to ! e 1 I..1 la,l.wl;n,;n,.m,t Wtal w .... iiul unit; ,4iii,,ii,,. ..-ii. .. ...,v 1., .... w iv- ... . .1 r . .1 . ii-i nfarkable, is tho fact that ibis will lo- rated not more than twenty rods from tho Futik well, which has been flowing some four months, and has yielded an nl- . . 111 . r. . f .1 most mcreumio quai-my 01 me g.casy fluid. It would havo been supposed that I the latter had drained till the oil for a con- , . . siderublo distance aroun.t. tmt here u oiu still more prolific within twenty rod'. These oil wells are certainly among the 1 -1 il. 0,u R ... hear iga book wuipll nought 1 .,t to. nr hurrv in t. its .son- - . . Kicli and Rarr. ! The following is t. ),i g..,). i i be 0. t iiJ ll.e.-e gravo tiin. 'I he. dii..r I lb"' - ' - ,vvr came to tl. e.,l,e.,-io lint the cd- . lues us as being traitor. Wo enter our solemn i'1'ole.-t against, being treated in inf' unchiisli: n manner. When we 'shul lle oil Ihis mortal coil,' we don't want a coil of hemp around our neck. Its very inconvenient, lo say the least of it. 'Hut to : .1 in 11 lo our .subject,' 'r would not die in summer time,' 4 No, no! Not when the. (lowers are blo'trnin;: and btllsting heir ten ler i-lals lo t'ue sun, and ihe t w eel forest wuihlerL greet the dawning day with rustic song and cheering lav, and when the fishes bite so beautilul, and all nature looks so gay, and when we have cast a neiv toller, (by the way, don't the inide of our pa pei look better this Week than u.-uil'.'j ;iii lju-t ordered a h I of new type run xoii ! and 'cave all these-and never get to i ear any mo.c new clothes' bo hung upon a tree, 'For little boys and girls to jeer at And the noi-y rabble in the street to sneer n't !' ''Nary time! Fgypl is a great place for I Vnn.crats-, but they can't bo raised on trees ! "Tho editor cT the ilscrccr never liked us; wo have been in his way to some ex- 1 , . j tent : and now b.i v.'.nts to get revenge. I 'That's w hat's the matter.' lie wants to , have us killed so be can get to publish the I tax list ! t'h ! vol) seami) ! vou cannibal ' nilirti( ' ,ktu,f . vcm c,inii,erous , Vou ou-IH to l,e islisttiie.l ofvour- self'." The (iiii:.T Masters'. The N. Y. Ti lias an inteicsting letter fiom one of the liasseners of the (ireat Fastern from which wo gather tho following facts First, the Ureal Eastern was sent to sea, litterally ''prepared for nothing." Sec ond, the storm was not a furious one, ami il is en reeoid tlmt the lVr-ia and anoth er ocean stcamvr which were exposed to it readied this country w ithout damage or delav. Third, the article in th') vo.-sel fiotn anchors ni-.d oiht. mks n tables and fjot-s tool-, wete "in,."y urfa-teiiml. Fourth. the Great Fa-torn rolled f.-ai fully, even in a model ate ,t and only two 01 three cargo. Fifth, the oa i having i.'j Inl'iJ, hui.'ired tons of ies w eio so Wf ak that they were soon l eale:. to plec s. Sixth, the bag-age w. s ".-mashed lohiis,'' because it wash'.id down in imeoftiie eo j) par t incnts, w ithou t being ; eeui cd and stoi cd, Mid w as da-1.( d fi 111 side lo side 111 a loot ol water, until it was all giound I up into fi aginents. Seventh : ever 1 1 1 1 1 1 r ! in liie alooiis and diiiiiu'-romiis were at- 1 . 1 so reduced to a 11. -.r-.t oi the eli ar i . . character. -.ig.itli : III" sa etv ol tli" v- - 1 was -evil ii Arjer.. , M, t llV;, 1 1 engineer, and one of the passengers, ! wfco contrived and lilted ut' a stier'n-' aii- ; . ,,,..,; ., U, i,,,, C1K eiueer endeavored to .n-inive ..11'. l"'.:. 1 (lie 01.,.,iit of lis skill and readiness, ,,n,,;.h ,.,.,,;., 0 - , , ; j ,ho ,,,.,..,:. the passengers Lastly, "fifty-1 two c;uo., of bactur. occurred, besides ar u: a colla"-bon- wrist, Ae. 1 1 is scarcely mav ventaic to pr. hie. whoever dse that giL'aiitie, fail i- ra;i. on the rose, the foam cu tho wave, the v" iiou., .s.ooi.e wind, the ai ro:v in tho air. wl,,u' .. . r- P. a wise to-dav. 'li- madness to it . . . ... nn .A fcM r." -JS ft KlLC Ol'ill ile. Fools live for tho , , .... 1'ioseiit. wise men ior the luttire. I lie Vii-ui e li vc to eat, the temperate man ' . t0 ;ive '. .... Pmkktic (oscsiuti m. u by are the American ladies like our Forts? P.eeause .orUg sur,ort tho Ameiiean . , ,... :;;.,ri:';e. - - -- ... , r..jri.ien. iuuo .meius .e uij.ju .m c p,rigadier General, he iavip removed fiom California toSimdoa, jn Mexico, to recruit his lulling health. ' " " l t .. ftS -South ( arolma l,a3 been awfully abu-ed lor not t.eing loyal ; has she not i- . t,. 111 iin mr t- m T - t I Iin cuniiiiAi 'at t hnn furnished more ' V ivnv o, .,, r - When Hook upon tic ,oml,s .r t he ,.,,.. m,,rv inn ef envv (lies w I'.nin tne; w Ii"ri I rcvl tin. i,it.ipl,s df'tlie be.iM'.il'ul, verv inorditiate desire goes out ; w hen I n'H t t he g:ief of pa rents on a tomb stone, my heart melts vit h compassion : when I see lb) tombs of parents 1 hi nlsclves, I consider the van ity of grieving lor Ibo-o w hom w e must quickly follow ; when I see kings lying by the side of those who deposed them, w hen I see. rival wits plared side by side, or tho holy men that divided the world by their contests, 1 rolled with sorrow and nstor. -ishnieiit on tke little competition?, fac tions mid debates of mankind; when I read the dates of tombs of some thai died but vesterdav, nnd some six hundred y eirs ago, I co r that great day when we shall all be cotem iioraries, mid ,n'' j i our atipearanee together. F- j-'A life w i 1 h.iii t theiiiiine influet upon the, is a life of ignorance, and imbecility. No nnii e.iri cine to himself xci pt I'V coming totiod. 1 here is many and manv a Uowcf Uial never wnl LIo.s-- som in our clim.u.) neiMu-e 11 needs moro o1' tropie d heat tU.iii our climate afl'irds. It is heat, that brings it to itself. There is many 11 man that never knows what is in him because he has not th i heat of the et.i nal tro'ie which is required to make him grow, in stein, blossom, and Ituit; l.eca Use be is withholding himself froM iod ; l.tecau-e he is sitting in darkness, being an unbeliever ; and because in shut ting himself out from God ko tliuts him out from himself. t'uf" A nuin that dne not know how In bad iioe, not know how to bei good. Men say that when bad loan becomes good, he is' apt to be a cry good man. Jt is so, but beii g bad has not'iing to do , Mcr ihji. with it. An energetic man is as energet-1 A recent visitor r.t Fort Lafayet o v. nf ic in goodness as in evil. The niai. that invited to see the legislature ot'Maiylan l ha- bottom f?rce, a power that penetrates nt dinner. They were seated :ti iiD r.p:'.i'f evcry j art olhi nature, when lie becomes nxnt at ;i plain pine table. The food v. good, takes the royally of tlmt forco into I bread without butter, and cofi'co witiiou', his higltjr nature though before it may j milk. Each man had a tin cup, hut no only haie been in bis baser nature. other table service The lad; ol tl.c'eei- t-sj-lvy sorrow and by joy ; by joys j eguneies gteatly annoys the geutbnen at which are bright colors: by prayer ; by ; the Fo:t. influenees of the sanctuary ; by your ! The owner of the 1 1-. kct w hich has won pleasures; by your business ; by reverses; by successes and by failures: by what strengtnened yoiif confidence, and by what broke it down : by the filings tlei! you mourn over by all those God is wr: king in you. A nd j 011 are to pe; (ect , not a. ling to the thing Ih.d you plan, but aeeoi'.l o; . to the divine pattern. f -J' I ini. I'. ai'Oiit youi'se.'. an 1 wliat yo ivant, what yo like, what ic-pect people , ought t.) pay to you. what p-..ple think of. you, and then to y..u nothing will be pure. ' You will spoil everything you touch, you will make .-in and m:-ery for youref out ,,r ,.v rvlhin.-x whie'i Go 1 -,-ti tl s you. you i.l tie as v.Tetc.ied as- vou clioo on e:i- th. 1 r m heaven cither. ! ir-- .Ifgrov.;.;e ., th,, I.Ldiwav of life 1 1 icli are found blo-sominj into excellence. j iin 1 1'iirity and love and fidelities, how j ni'ieli more won! 1 they abound ii: them (thing- if they w.-re planted in I lie gard-.-n j of the I. ord, when- their roots would mil ...nt inti divine truth, and where their du a l w oubl be lifted up in Ihe eonsciaus. rains and -unligl.t of God's influence? Ii- ,.The woi Id is full of wise maxims ironi experience it) u aeii men to t .1 11. .1- , ... suong oo.iuy ami in secular aiiait's. I but when a man a' tempts to get above : the averae.- of human culture, an 1 dev. I p hiinolf as a spiritual and moral eroa- ture, livin: n"t by seine, but by faith, then he finds the woi ,1 penurious in its provision. f.y-Do good for thine own satisfaction and care lo t what follows. Cans,- no gray hairs to any one; ncvcrth le-, for the truth, even gray bails are to be .lis. regarded. I'ut v is the little blue skv ov, r ev- cry heai I and soul over every life l.irgf enough for u star to look between the clou.!-, and forsky-laik happiness to li-o . . . heavenwaid thioiig , ami sing m. 1 , ' t-A..M in is bv f .u- the mo.,t complex t ,; :., ,., f,o ;,' 1 1(, l,,,. l,oi call. .1 t ho inici uctisin, as if in him, in little, was soinetliiog of everything in creation. Uvi.God hears no morn than the heart speaks : and if ihe heai t b'j duuih. Ieav- .,, . , , , ' 1V11' 'erta.nly be deaf. j tii-It iod never gives faith, but lie i ring- Hi- eliild into a situiilicn where it will be tried. ...Life's contradictions are many. .'''alt water gives fresh fish, and hot words produce coolness. ' IS T'.-it.'l., t l.Int- a lit. re. r,tt r-risivil , ': lVf ?;V,n . ; .. ln ,VAj,:ncton. - - - - D Fear is the ehadoir of hope. lh r i r f i r fi- Movfng for a new trial 0111 ling 11 sec ond wife. Want, d- a l.f.-l out tl.iil w ill float CM "sea of troubles." We pity ihe family that sits down to a broil three times 11 day. l'overty humbles pride, A man when ho is .Oturt, can hardly carry a high head, j H is miito natural that w hen woman 1 reigns she (should rtorm and the ulwayb does, "Why should the mule fex nvoid letter ! A '.' P.ecnusc it miik men -n. J The government lias contracted withan ( establishment in Trenton, N. J., for tho ! man ul'acUire of seventy thousand musket ! barrels. The New York Coniiiieri ial status that (he income of li e Mini ill' ol ilial city will be i-WAHjO per year fei' Koiue time to ; come. ! It appears from the returns niado by j the otlieeis appointed to take the late cen- bus, that the population of i'aris amounts to l.TW.iW souls. A musket can, by turning screws and losening spving-i, be eeparatod into foriy seven parts. A man occupies in the rank is a front of 20 inches ; a continuous line of tiUj1'" men therefore is nearly sixteen Uiiks long. The following hill was lately presented to a farmer in Sussex: "To banging twe barn-dooi-B nnd myself seven hours, lour shillings and sixpe nce." An editor, recording tho career of a I ;uad dog, says : ''We are grieved to s " tlmt the rabid animal, before it could b. killed, severely bit Dr. ilaitt, and uw.r the i'1'i.e c.r lOOjioni'at tie: Amies lottery in Fi'i'iico is a resident at li.-vrc ; but, though le; took the precaulion to wiito d iv, 11 the number, be ha the ticks ct, without tho pioieio.ioii cl which he can: of, of course, receive the prize. African s. 'avers h;."c discoverou a new way of ivacliiiig ''uU u i.'. the.r cargoes. !', w weeks since six hundicd uo.'roub j.j ,, Anila Tlal:'!,w:e of. 1.0 p)jll;l,llJlSi Ul0 shiveliip hunted to esc-' 0 anj ,h0 car'o forwarded to Cu b.i, in two trips by a schooner. Piiortolho siege of hexinglon, Col. Mulligan buried Sj7S,WK.i of tho available funds of the Farmers' Hank of that city, ar.d Gen. l'rlco exhumed tiie deposit and returned it to tho bank. On counting the money, it was found Jlu.uOO short, and as there was no accounting for tho lcakago, it was set down to profit and loss, liut the history of a part of the mis. sing sum has been discovered in Chicago, where one of Mulligan's brigade has rc (urnd Hush with tho spoils of war. In one day ho hml spent in irolicking, $I,5tMt. r.i igadicr Gen. Pierce, late command, in:: atd'.'u ISelhel, Va., is now serving as a private'soldi. r in Col. Fletcher Web ster's legimeiit: thus giving the strongest evi l, nee of his devotion to his country. Can't Pass Ov1.1t the River. Civilians are not permitted lo pass into Virginia.ex" cept in Ihe most urgent cases. No parent orielativeol sol.licrs in tho army '-houl I co.r.e to Wa.-hington with tho expectation 'cfu'essing over to visit their friends as 1 110 passes to visit relatives or to giatify 1 urio-ity ate now granted. This ai rango , ment, though stringent, is absolutely no ' icssary, and is npprovelny every Intelli gent man in the community. il' f ! ,.. ,. i r, I lllini. Ill ab l Evra.-e.. v....v write or a'.tend to their ordinary luisi- " "u or . ,1 1 1 ness. They stroll up and down llie streets thev saunter out upon the public placo. We confesseil to au illustrious author that I wo laid down tho voluiuo of his work which we were reading wlien toe w broke out. It -va as interesting m a ro mal'.ee, but the romanco of the p.w-t grew jtnle. 1 eforc tho red light of tho teiriblo present. Meeting the same author not loiiL' ufierward, ho confessed thivt he had laid down his pen at the same tiiuo that we had dosed his book. He could not write shout the sixteenth century any mftM than we could r-ad about it, while ; ,.A was in ihe verv agouv and iiv iiii'--- v - 1 ; fc!v)o Jv sweat of iU groat sacrifice.