Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 14, 1861, Image 4

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Lime. Old gardens aro freqnent-
" BamcHiaiT
unproductive through being man-.i-THE LONDON QtURTERLT,
drear alter year wit hthe same j (Conservative.)
J J . . . .. .in vt.lviiI'Durl lil'Vll'U'
red y
of mwntire and growing' the THE KI.lNlH'Rfm urn it.
same crop.. In such cases the vegeCv;3T1IK MjKT1I ,lHTW review.
i ws aro rauu. in grywm ")
( Fr e Church.)
(Liberal )
(Tory )
l-er aiiMin.;
J 00 i
S 00 I
T no!
h on,
3 00 .
I 00
10 Oil
Potatoes and other watcv roots are
Hallo to diHeaHC, and the beans and
Mas unproductive, and cauliflowers
and cabbages subjected to club di-j TERMS'.'.
neasc. When such is the case, use no Poriij on. ofthe .'our RevUwt,
manure for a couplo of year.-. The For aay two of the four Reviews,
manure ioi a wy j , For anr three of the four Reviews,
first spare ground you get, treniU it t fiiUr of tl(. RwUwPf
I wo feet deep if thogrouud will allow yur m kwoo.!'! Maguxiu.,.
fit and tborOUgbh' mix With the Fur Riatkwond and one Renew,
. l ). ii ni'oi- B irncrl i Fur Ulmkw.juH Hurt two Review.
arth, as you tut n it o cr, a good ( ,t;i).kmM,a Iid lhrM lw,t
dressing of Iresli siueKetf lime, me, rr jiii,w0,i U(i lU9 r,iur BeUiw,.
fresher the better. My plan is, when
the top spit id thrown to the bottom
iftbe trench, to throw over the. hot
lime and fork it in, and to repent the
loss of lime over the lower spit thrown
to the surface. Employed in this way,
, . ...... ,.f
nine acm us n cumwiric iriiuinn.i w,
. . .
old ana over manured hows, as tnc pro
Juoo afterwards will show. The sec
jnd year I repeat the limo dressing!
F-mA ir !na4a.wl tC A I tttr' fl If till (Trftimtl
18 by that means the limo becomes
rooro completely mixed in the soil. I
.J80 aid tho " surfacing of, road
crapings, if the ground is heavy or
inclined to be so. By these means,
giving tip manure for twoyears, 1 have
succeeded in bringing ati old garden
oil, which would possibly grow noth
ing well, into a tiit elas soil, proline- iMU ,.atini, tU
ing good crops an I of the best quali- MostllattcrliipTriitliiioiiIalMoflt!.rrllue
ly. Turner's Floiyt. in tLo (rrtttm,,Ilt f ,uii pai,.fui and ..Ui-
PCLriT Gravity. A minister was j nito dbmse, are injur.-. m prcin,t it to iU
preaching to a largo congregation in ,mUic iM fr,u j:i;aiv r mi immehiaTE
one.' of the Southern Slates, on the j wU(.h ,.iU , m;nd ,vlf tl,tUw
certainty ol future judgement. In
whito cMKl in lier arms, which sne
was danceinir up and down with com
mendable effort, to make baby under-
.vy; iry.YG mac mm:.
PMCFS t'HOM 40 to ?7o:
K. H.-The price In Orot Rritaiu f.,r thi five .TUt HOt '1)0111 FF.WI.NU .MAClllSi;. n ti-:
IVriiidirnU nbiivei.aii.i'.lis f 31 per nnm. j Rruvliig uf wliiuli t bern r'ri'vt.te'J, ) nnw
Rc'alilitlicJ Ii" 'iiocume ri sniArd fi.vuritt wlifrcvcr it j
LEUNARI KCOTT i Co., fc.n t'n ir.troiluceil, ni.'l i. l.t-yulnt o,urvion, '
inarU Pui M tluU Plrctt, New Vmk, I tlie bi't, s ell u tlm lmnilunieft, low-j'tiof.t .
- SpwinK Mmliin now lirluro lint i.ublio. I
I 1 A finull ftua vim u-iit .Mucin.) Ir
1 lit 1 1 v
of litTHir ill. IV. bop. I, to .....ounr, to kII InvMlid.. tb.t. uwiuj to the u.o
vvn" v r'-j""" v uiwj b u.. .i.j. m.u .nd p...
',l,1,y.rmR.,,...;-.-. 'srH.f,.!.. and .11 liiN of ibe Wood.
tl,o Il.nd. .ltd IiibUr!rcfl Iro.n lb. Ur, f.J b ..ll y curea ov i;r. . "
...J rv.nv olhir di.i'ii U.l bv bUI-dtb .kill oftue iv-cuit-u ui.unK...i. ,
tl,o Il-nd. .1.4 ItiM-bartc Iro.n lb. Ur, f.J be y eurtd o i-r. .
Ct.ARIOV, ht tlarkS lMd, from the l Ub of May t tlio 1st of Jan..
CllHSII'A, lit W hitux r'n Hotel, Joue UX. A!in, repL Ut nd 2'1.
Purin tbe putt year we hnre introduced to
b e notice of tbe medical profcrriou of tl.if cumb
try tin) 'nr. CryHuliird ChluriiUof 'itiiytuuiinr,
I1:MI'.I) nilt It HI. I ATMM; billing received from iuuiiT uiirvet, bath
from ihv!clin of th. Lilicit flHinliiij; nuil
f.lioOKVri.l.t;. ut the AmtTii-iiN llnu-e. fr.nn 3d lo Vtu Ju.i.. akiihi. bojii. a. .i
1 t'TUKHI!l'ltO, i't ItoedV Hotel. June 10th inJlllli. AriiIU, eit. IO.Ii i.u.t Iltli.
CLEMtriEUD, .loliuKoire Hotel. June 12th to Mt'i. Apiu, ept 12th nd 1Mb. f
n'.l.l.I-K'.NTK. MorrUu.,'. Hotel, from June 17th Itflh. Atai, rtyit. Uih un.l l.,t ..,
TVKOXi: "TV. at Mr. Thon.a' Hotel. June ilMaml 22d. Am. Sept- I7tl " "
At hit INFIUMAUY, from June 221 lojuly 17th.
Listen to ths Voice of Truth and Eeason anl Profit by it.
Tke tim. ban eume whet, oil who will, ran Mr.,, the tn.u Srep of M.-ri ury. by ca'llng. without
tbe well known an1 Justly c'irtea teieruv .uraimn ( ujmi.,
- in . J..1-I-... .k... i..i. mil ..I. inn ielnee. ex reeled tromiii. inoet eiiview -
... . a., i ....!.. u.l llii.rl'.,r .void hi: the life of .11 M.NKIIA L I'l'H- i. m. trouble of re- I V' " . Tr1 .JT.i . ...V..n 7.7 .hieh m.n. ihuuMttd. have fallen victim.
windinRtbelhr.i.d.MitUtkenfr. he p,.o. ; " wmc" "or '
. ..'. u...l ....... I. ah r V irMV.4.
It bnn no bIw to irivo trwulilx, and will rim
No. 2. A larj;e .Mncnnio lor tilui; k'.ry
work and for l'luntalion iuc.
Thin M.ehine li mi.' h ..Imired for ill ri:npliri-
f .....I il r..'i..ti.1!tv M...1 it ! lid.
mirmiMi'd. A tliild twelve c.n rtiu it with ''"'y. " .
ease ; and yet It will tew frtiin the eoarm-rt cloth
to tbe tineat hwiva.
and to the ineuinil rartitioiier who may feel
Ji-ioeil to t?t tiie ...won vf this valuable rem
ely. ELIXIR I'ROl'VLAMINE, in the form above
pckcn of, hui reccr.tly been estenholy exptri
menled with in the
and nitn MARKED Sl'CTES.S (ai will appear
from the published accounts in the medical Jour,
jtCr lt it carefully put tip ready fur immedi
ate Uic, with full direction, and can be obtained
from all the drugiiti at 7i cent, per bottle, nnd
.ntwholcale ef Rl'LLOCK i CRENSHAW,
) Iirugiiitii nnd Manufacturing Cheuiil,
i Juiie7G'0ltf. rinladelphii.
stand tho proprieties of the place
The preacher was too much interested
in hri subject to notice the occasional
uoiso of the infant ; andat the right
fioiutinhis discourse, threw himself
nto an interestingattitude, nsthotigh
ho had suddenly heard the lirst noto
of tho trump of doom, and looking to
wards the part of tho church where
trin irirl with tlin h.iljv in her arms
was sitting, ho asked, in low deep j
voice :
"What is that 1 hear V
Beforo he recovered from the ora
torical pause, so as to answer his own
question tho colored girl responded,1 rAitiuAcu; ;i;inr. u I'in . private
in a mortified tone of voice, but loud 'ItJL Instructor for married persons er thoee
CIlOuMl to Catch the ears of the entire !ttb,mt h married, both male and female, in
. leerytlui'i enncerntng the phyui(;y and rela.
Congregation: Jtinneof our aexunleyatem, and the production or
''1 ClUnilO, sa, I SpCC It IS HIS here , prevention of oflprin(r, including all the new
tne r.iigii-n
Thia It really
.,,nw T w w Kan
It is easy to imagine that this SUdetl in plain lancuae for tho eeuuml reader, and i
Miininfrtrinlf thfitnto-ii'OUtoflhenraech. illuatrated with Aiimcroua eiigi uvinir. All youni
J in the shortest time imaginable ; and . ZZ,
T,naililCB0ieillim.y oi uuii juu-i-iiu-nt slinnUt read tlii buuk. It diccloees nerret that
day SCl'mOn Was HOt tl little diminish- everyone fboul.l In.' acquainted
od bv the event lb"ok l,l"t ",u"t ,l l"clu'd "l1'
OO uy IIIIJCHMI. thobou,e. It will be nent to i
1 UK NEW OllI.FANS itATTLIlINO luim. , of twenty five rent", in verio r pn.tnR ftuuip',
"I UUllllO, s;i, i ppuu ii3 ma in i v , pruveniiou oi onprinjr, lncunxg ai
chile, but indeed, sa,l has been doin all lJicoverir nev.r lefor. given in tl
I cou'ld tokeephim tom aurbi..0-oa jj; f
id dii
backward! a well a l..rwarl. ucu .till
c.Uully perfect, nlid without danger of Lrenk'n
n.M'dl. ii. I. rnna l-r friction, and by elutiiij: liio
box over it, it it thrown nut of gear. In fuel,
we hare uoliitiiutiou in recommending it a tbe
bed fan ily Stninrf Machine iuuie.
Tht fallowing Prrmm A u'.triiv the ahovr
ir...i. .
At the IVirof ti.e rTank'tn InMitnt., ' Rher. that eitlten. ..I auvHti.,.. ..n J oar poplar men, .r, .11 w.ll ieaint.d with, and take
the Kirat Premium I reat plenmr. in recoiniueudiiiR Ir. llorl to the nluictHt. ii.,-t
At the fZiiuania Slat St Phllii'lel i " f"" "V iM Ut all U w,l
Dhia. Senteinber SI. Kilt, tlio Kir.n I'reimimi-. i be Mttututiy parneu ui.
.. , . ...i;,.i tl.fs.i fullv ea.iablo of fctitire.'iuuui; ami
uiahini'tbe beriieeiof a Mgui.r thorough bred pli.v.lemi., from a f allry, uulearned and triUmg
i',Ufteme'r, I'r. Rort't remedief and treatment are enlinly unknown Mull other, lu thi country;
prepared from a lite ruot.1 iu t... g.e.t Imrpital. of Kuropo ami the flrat in the co.intr.T.
cmemcr thatPr. Uuit baa . more extended practice tliun uuy other pliy.uian in Weat.'ra 1 can-
At thu reunrylvaiiiii Flute Fair, laid ut Wyo.
mini, CCO a Silver Medal. j
I'.,r thu het Ii .iihle Thread Machine. t
euater '.'uuutv 1'uir, bnld Oelubr, llit) a Silver ;
At the Maryland State Fair, held al the Mar7
land Insti lite, I'.altliuore, Md., O.'tber. IHjH,
under itroarf rumpetltion, a .4tU:r Modal u
award"d to tbii Mm bine. i
At the New t'aMle t'oimty 1'iilr, keld at Vi il.
nitn't.'B, Iiri.are, Octol rr, I SOU-a Itiplouia.
The abave Maehii,e. arc intniifuetured by
WHmliiiftou, Del.
No. 720 ArcL h'lroet, Philadelphia. Pa.
No. 801 Murk t Street, Wilmington, Del.
marU-ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
iir Peru ui. winh.nj to e the above Machine
in operation, can du no by caPinjr ot the repi
den.e ot D. W. Moore, iu Clearfield borough.
rpilE undercipned ropcetfully
infunii? bis customers and the
public ireiieriilly, be baa jii't
received from the Knit, and o. en
cd al hi establishment In (lltAHAM'S HOW
Clearfield, Pa., n fuio aortineiit of Clocks.
W ati hi:', and Jrivn nr of ditlerent (iinlities,
from a ihiele i.iece to a full c!t, nhieb ho will
fenirw'itr, that Or. Hort payr every attention to uiee.n. ut a ciironic .niur..
";ertineate.i ofCuree uiavbeeeen at bn room.
l)r. Ron ir funiilbed will, over ix thoiifand letter! of recommendation from tuuis of the moil
diititiKitlibed men living. Al.-o ha awarded to him diploma, from lome .f the most celebrated
H.pitaljaud Inlirmarie. in Europe, t'-r bin unpaiallelled ob-ervatinnn in l)'S'l". Mid ,berva
iioi.4 lu ikcovciug rerucliei for tbe cure of Ji.ta.-e. that bai heretofore baffled tb. ekill of many
of thu medical pr:il'e.ion. , ' '. .
An early cull from thoae winhing tn eomult tbe Iioctur, It earnetly refjue.ted, lo a to rccoire
full beuelitof treatment, and ihu .lojiiftlee tu hinii-elf. Time lilt it"d.
rieare bear in mind whnt I'r, Hort will be In voi.r place. Pertona desirous of eonjultms him
will confer great favor bv culling on tho fliFt day of his arrival, as his rooms are so often, crowd
ed, it is utterly iir.pos.iblc 'to attend to the anxious swlintatiotis of all. Ur. Hurt wiUami ti at each
of 'lh- above places on the first coach oil tho day appoint! I.
...... .-.! ... ..II i li I .....1'i, Ac.
riease extern. ii.o luwimi'.'ii iw n i. ....p.... ' v.
1 ii
1 30
2 00
Terms ot PiitiMTMitinu.
If paid ill . lv.nre. or wilhin three montha,
It paid any time within the year, - - -(f
;iid after the expiration of the year,
Term, ut Advertlwlntf.
Advertisements are inserted in tbe Republican
it the following i litis :
1 Insertion. 1 Jo. .1 do.
One square, (II lines,) $ 60 $ 7S $100
Two (Iflines.) 1 00 I 2 00
three souares, ,12 Unci.) t 2 " 2 50
mi.titbs il mo s. 13 t""
: $2 JO OK 7 00
: t 4 n f. P0 10 00
: : 5 00 S 00 12 00
: I fl 00 in 00 14 00
: : no t2 oo is oo
! : 14 00 30 00 Z'j 00
On. Square,
Two squares, :
Three squares,
Four squares, '
Half, column,
lO C()fl'MI,TIV'. Tho advertiser,
bavins vern rulored to health in a few
week, by a ve,y Miui,le remedy, lifter Inn ing suf
fered for several yeain itii u severe lung atten
tion, uu'l that dnd dii-eoru C'oUMiiiipti"ii. ie nnx
ious to make knowu t? hit' fulUw-sutt"icn the
meiins of cure.
Tu nil ho .Icn i c it, he ill tend a copy of the
prepcriplii'ii used, ffrte of cbarjie,) iib the di
ctions fur preparing and tifing tLe taue, which
they will find a sure cure lor Consumption,
Aithiun, lin ncl.itis, tc. li,o only object of the
advertiser in sending tho proscription ir to
fit the iilllirtt' I, and rpreioi iu' whi. l.lie
coin'. i os tilo: i 1 1 v 1 1 a a 1 . 1 . a d be hopes every
tiiflerer ill try bis remedy ns it will o.t llii.n
nolhhig. nnd may proven blcsMiig.
Persons wishing the pretriptio-i will .Ieae
.dilrc-s P.ev. EUWAR1) A. WI!,ON,
nov7-ly, Willijiiii.l.iirt'li, Kings Co., N. Y
Tho Cincinnati Eiioainr has been fur
nished with a description of the New
Orleans battering ram. The steamer
sell at the most reasonable prices fur cah, ur l ! One. column
cxcliiiiiireforoiaj;,)!,! and silver, i 0vfMlirce .ks nnd Iei than tkr.e oalh2i
t LOCKS of ei cry variety on hand, at tho no it I (,ent)1 r , fl,r el,h i,Prien.
reasonable prices Itt-!t5J, oSt.s ;t i:iod,og Jlla.l are lu-
A 1,1, kinds ot t locks, W ab bes and Jewelry., fe(, f ,f n B
carefully repaired and nurrnntrd. I ., .v. I :.. .. f
- ,,,.. 1 flilliTI.MmillH I.' 1 i ".."lie ....ui".. ..i
I A continuance of palronags is solicited, I ..I.,i..1,.,i.i,1. rn V. e-ii...l ,,ntil forbid
" ' 1 . I!..... In Iw.-.n II t vll'illw I " -x ' -
(with: still It Is il' 1 ' ...iivvu... tJ charged to tmse terms.
and not lie about! 1 1 iti ii vx m. i is . r u r I . " ZT: .
It will be sent to any one on receipt IV hWUH, JKlVvV, lUU.ail,l JOB PRINTIiNG.
a . . . a .t. . J t I t !..- 1
.14 (l' ll'J V' l.A J I . I I
Addrevs Ir. WM. YOl'N'l, No. 41(1 Spruce st.
above tourili, Philadelphia, Pn.
jTif" Arluili't and f Wor'naiife No matter limy be your disease, before you place your
$35 00
' -.
"! ? tki' i
-.p."'l!l 1t J,M-
srdoi, Willi your tZ?
niiKod, eual your tolilz
oiinl.srta.kil . Tlsli,,'
tuns mv fun hc pif
lckUMM Ifl a
aad ihciuid L .T?..
tintcijy us. cl' tl,. 1
dr. 'fak. A,,rV fl1
clanliM out tlio dkotJ.,i-
Hj punt tbiLW.
let lb. ttaiiiav,,,
.Uucud la buik ,T
I brr ua f,
Of if.. UalytatovhCfj
til OOMfUCliuUI L, i "
.1! u A juja ftllloa Mintluii In . I.- I 1 . 7"
struct. It. natural luucnoni. Tbaae, If lijt'r,ii.,U
t .. tl .-.. U...I 11. m A.trrtn.ll..-. l
Wliilo la tliLenniliU.ui, omi.iwt br tb. danun.,
jox. Aysjr's Pills, aod n bow ibrecllv tUny khTt
natural -ctiou of tb. yloui, uud with It Uit Uuj"
f.wlhiK of bvallli aain. What Is true uad n ni'pmtg, k
this trivial and coiumon roinpkUnt, Is alw tin, I. m,
of tli. deep seatod and danxen.u. lUetsmpers. H,,,.
pnrxattro elftait eirpeU them. Cuswl l tiia,Wi
linn, and duranudiw ats of lbs iulml luurUnut ,, Diet are riipiilly, and many of tlioin uiy,
l.y tbosauie.imni. Nuiw who kiww tbe tlituntf W
Pills, will uoiilscl lo employ lliom wUeu .uOetlag ts
the iitndrs thsy cure.- ,
.Suit m.-nu from lawlliu: tiliysJ. lain iu som. tit.
priu-i?al titles, aud trout wilier well koowo puMi
Fion u Pneirtling JWercnunt in., '.!. , Jlji
Dr. Area: Your I'llls .re the paragon of til uit In incJl. Inn. TUny have cuitl lay liitlt infa,
n uiear-wi. ur..9 upon ii.v iin.n.. . ut.v mm ntr your, nor uittiiinr ...h uveit kiij( .
onslv altll.-lo-l Willi blotches and .lii,. s on li-r.Km
iu her l.air. Alter nor ebihl una cured, !u tN (s,,
your I'llls, aim uuy uave curca ii-r.
ASA MWulilKt
A. Family Pliy.le.
Vent lh: L. II'. Cotliiiiy'U, ,tw OiUn:.
Your Tills aro the prince of purges. Their tieOI,,
qiinlitlM turpasa any caiuiiriic w, p.swnt.
li.llil. lim very crrlalll nuu eicciti,., in inwr a-tl mill,
Itosreis, wairll inaart lui'iu miaiuai'i. iu usimiwfc
tlmllmetlt of di.k-as(,SlckIIe.IniUe,I'oiil aleautV
fnm Dr. MwiH iy., UiUimirt.
Il in Duo. Altai an.wer you wM (.fUiei
I liavo enrstl with yonr I'llls bsttnr than to say .I Mi,.
feer r,Tffc wun apnrtrtwn mmiKinm. I piare fretlw-.
j... ir. .. t ....I.....:.. ... .. ...
ontl wn HB nunvi'i.1 t....n. uu ... my tltlliy ctrtllM ii
tlWMas., ami oenmiu. ai i oo iiint yinir l liu aOvrt pju,
lenl we uave, i oi course vaiua uiein iiiguiy.
rrrrsaenn. Ta.. Ilnliu
Da. J. C. ItiL Sir: I have bmoi repnit.dly nnii'
lije worst 'jcf,i.vt! any 3uy run nave or a ,1
uf your I'llls. It Venn to ariso fiuni a fciU iimu
which they cleanse at olire.
Yours Willi ureal in-pert, Kit, W, Dt liMj;
CfsrA-. fctlr(Vi,
llllloue Disorder. I.lver Com pit I ati.
t'nint Pe. Thc Jurt III), if ."' l'-ri t'fs.
Vol only are v.air Pills admirably fe'litnlol tn im,
rset'i to an aiHirletit. I ill I tlnd llieir bcnerteial ,(T.itu.t:.
the l.i.vr lory inarkr.i ititiet 't. i i.-f im.iv it utj h.
tKt. itiHv ia itinvtj i-oeviuai ler nit, ti;i. 1.1 t-,tnu c
ti'.oii: I i.iu itunliuii. 1 ti'iirW'
r.'j'.ie w tt luim at .lljlli a I'lir.tlier ulnvlia,rf.
Uiy Uie eoiiuui'iice ot llie prol. bbi ju aul lbs
Im-.uum.t ci in i. Iui;,t,
Vtasliine'cu, 1. L'.. 7 lit Kb. IM
f ra 1 1 Imve used your I'llls in my (;.-te-ril ti..Ui.n,ii.
praeli'. t-vni Miry ynl inn-l.; tlicin, t.iitl c:iui,i l
..iy tbey .ra the best .aili.tilic ic .tiiilei. Tlinii(,
laiin acti'Jii i.a th" Inrr is iiiii k i.u.l il't-ia-t i.
i(ii. only lliey ale -in a Iniirtililc rein.-ily f,.r d'-rahpiMi,,
it i.rxaa. ludtcd, 1 liavii sl-Mui. l.ilad tc...'
iih'ius ittjtt.t.r s.t ttL.sili.alo Unit It ilnl not nsiilllr yuWi,
Mi- ui. irutiiBiiiy, am.w) iiix,lLk,
i J"'I.Ci'aH ij tin Juiiiti
l)j .cuter)', nioiilKen, Itelui, Vwtais,
f'nm Or. J. (I. Qieni. i.C'itel
Your I'llls lute bad a l .ug lu ray trattlt.iiJ
I. oi. I tlient it. esUt.-m lis one uf ll.v Is si nllt-litf 1 U
ever found. Tin ir alleiutn. i ft.i t U it Um llin wi
tin-Ill an etrt'lleltt l-einerti'. wbeo i:ili-ll in wmli tlu..:
Ithuiit ttijituttrj Mint uiarrlimi. 'Miiir inriiea
. nmkes tliejii very aeoonabUi anil i Jincuasl t.flo j
of women ami cliibliru.
I)yaieihla, Impsirlly of lit.
J',.m i.V. J. I'. Ji.a.11, J'uitH J(t..iil fWi,i
I In. Ana: I bate mil your Pill. Willi iilt.iui.
' siicress In my f.uiiily an.l anions tliove I
in ili-tle. To rt-Rllluln the ulU,.N of ilti!.Usi .'.
urlfv thu bltssl, llh-y iu-0 tlieVtoy Its. I rt-sirlylb
ert-r kuoe iind 1 cau coittiil. ri-iitiiiii.uiil tb-i
Uiv lileinj-. Vullis, J. l.llltli
I Vssw. Wyoiiilng Co.. N. Y.. (VbSI, 1.
! Pr.ia Fl R : I inn ii.ini; ;ur Cnlbtnlie I'lll. In sn
I1a, anil tlii'l tbout an uvi-ttllelit purpithc tiictntKllt
si'-ti-m ami l'Uitl I u'i J . " ..'"si,
l.ttiM .: or ir-lli
istholongth ofun ordinary steam- "lf "u'K'r 1,10 r,,r'r "ny on9 ? ,,,e ",,uri,,u'Lw r . t t r i
kn( Ks.nPK.vSner ....oh...l f s.l.i.1... ."" " t"!,h advert... in thi. IW for file very ebcsp for Cash. y
uu.n, wv. .w. "r, "' 1 ' 'or any otl
In. YOl . NO ran be consulted o. nv of the
inseu'cs uescrioeu ih ins punnea.iona. ai 11 1. ( w
oflice, No. 4 li! Hpr.u-e st, above l'onrth. n7-ly I
O. H. MKRliKI.I.,
In bn.seinciit of Mcrrcl! A P.igYi'' Store,
Clem-fiold. Y:i. fi-b-'JT.
Thu iiclcrsigni'd ha. now on hand, at his I'm-
ImciU-.I ut A. II. SIhhc's M'lU. (rie milv Fau'
o l.'leiirji.lj diruujh,
r rttttmr a ..t.v ,,r nllhtir i.r lit.
COVCred With railroad iron, SO as to! Young's books.und read it carefully. It will be
Prevent balls from penetrating, and the means ,- saving you many a dollar, your
tho hnlU ill stt.rik inrr will imtn.'fliilt.'lv beallli. anil possibly your l.le.
' ' ts .' I llr VIII M
f'laneo off without having any effect,
ot the position of tho gun be what it
may. At the bow of the boat is a pon
rous cutter, made of the best steel, th
object ot whiclt H to cut a ve.-scl in,
two. This will require a very great'
i i i. .i... .i.:..i. I
power, wuietl H.o pryji-ou'. n ;"'v ; ituri u,mmi Market et., Clearfield, Pa
tuey nave auainea in uietia oi (Wt ,,i..tuI1C() f hWt Eonndrv, . Ugei H .. . . ,. ... f ,., . ,,l
powerful engines. The mode of attack ,' . ,k of . Rejpec.f,,ll, ,,,f,,rm, the cltucns of earfleld;
.,, , . . i - i ii stoeK oi .and Bdj.iiumg conntus, that be is at all times
14 With hot Witter, Which IS thrown ( II Al) III AM. kll, j p.epared to manufacture, at tho shortest notice, j
through llOSO attached tO tho boih'l. inumifueture.l out of tbe hist muterialr, finished I Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all '
The Vessel attacked eallliot keep t he n a very superior manner, nnd which he will sell j kln'Is nn'1 I'j "I'j ! "''''
men on deck, nor can she use her can- i.u II' l'(H CASH, His long experience in the
DOn, as they Will be kept Wet by the, business makes him feel confident that his chairs
Witter thrown. Beside being covered I ure made in a substantial and workmanlike man
With heavy iron, tllO boat is built Of ncr, and will Hand the test of trial. Pereoni
the heaviest and best timber. wishing til purchase chairs should cnil at once
Mind get ilietn while they can be had at the lowest
A Great Truth JJkai tiully Ex-',!,,. j:hx TitOL'TMAN.
trkssed. If but onco in a century, a
til iIa k.iint. t.h-kii1,thtiu.t(tt iiitn tl.ta' .---- -- - - ..
IllllVJ UDI 1 1 ntivi.iu .JJ 171. I. v ...v ..,
.li;illes llifi J'nMislit f nf the 'i'.'itio7irW
Id i li.e y'.:'.l:j Unit be i ju'epi
red O rb imls !'
I'of i-rns, l:itrH:trj, Iii(K;n ammk,
I'l.Aity.i, ! f-oon, i ntt claim,
r.Annis, Fall T'.ctiro, l anmiili..,
ar.J eveiy .iln-ief''!' uatmlly done
it; a country; e'e nS.'.e.
Ail ii'ii''ri will be. exrcutl vsiih nont.
' urns nnd ilesiw'ch.
! tl. 11. GOOIihANHEIl .f- t 0.
, Siipiiri
( nil wl Inn I Inn. f 'n.l Ivrnei... SuniirtKlsi
i Itliruiiiutiaiii, (ioiit, Neuralgia, Brty
.-, I'a.aly.U, Fits, etc.
i'.vnn Dr. J. I'. Vanillin, -t. I, C.ium'l
I Too Intl. h i-iilitiot bn said if V-lir I'llls f f llH.S'i
f.itf .'ei tr tt. Iff. Ilicr. of Mir fralei llllv Imlo Ktustil Ot
l iiue nf llnlilhitr Court,
peC'inil Monday nf Jnimary,
Third Moil. lay of Marehr.
Third Monday nf June,
Fourth Monday or Si pleinber.
la each year, and continue two weeks if i
Comity Officer,
rres't .Indge.llon. Samuel l.iun. l!rll,.oui.
As'te fudges, Hon Wn I. Moore, i.'leai field.
can be folded in small compass, and emptied md I '-'"i '""'"i'I, l.utnersburg
refilled at itlnti.orti I ttntl vnre rhet.n. lid Slipr.IT, Fred'k U. Miller ' Ciearlicld
trims Carriages, mikes repairs to all kinds ef 1 Protb.notnry.John I., t ultle,
Carriaio Trii'tmini? nnd fi.holsterv. and tr.nke,,' Keg. A Iter. James Muglcy,
)AY. the entire cost lor TCI HON in the
most popular nnu success! ui t u.n ,u urs i ia i.
M'HOOI, iu tb. countrT. Cwwards of Twki.vk
Ili'MiKI li yming men. from TW.STY-itinnT diller.
cut Htiilvs, liaVe been tiliicated for business here
wilhin tli past three fit re, eome of nhom lime
lieeu cuiploye'l as HO"li K tM'M.S ut fulerles , , us I liaie. iliv sbmiM i .u, ineluii
ul ' i.i it tbe ttt'itffit of tbo liiiiltirt.tles .hi. iitllci I'
2000 00 ' tlttit rontilnitit, wbit Ii, allbinii;b bn.t eie'iinti I11 St'
I iinmejinleiy t'pou grudiinting. who kui'W nolliing
J of accounts when lliey entered the College,
I f-U' Miui;ti-i'e son. half price,
Student enter at uuy time, and review when
'they please, without extra charge.
' For Catalogues, t-peciineus ol Peninatiiliip, and
I Viow of the t "1. 1,1 1 II. i-iicliisi' i vo letter slumps
; May IS, 0 1. Iy. Pittsburgh, Pa.
V M. MCI'I.I.DI "fill,
( 1,1 inni.i.P, Pi.
iflirr in Itrlrk Huilillng.
Jnli 3d. ISU1 If.
tress, snitablu fur CAIIINS OX RAFTS, which I
A Is,
Tracing Lines, of nuy thiek-
.S 1 Y. K M A TO IMtlUKKA.
ItWllll. A-Hol'IATlUt, PHII Al'l'l l-BIA, A Urn-
lent Jnttitntitm rntnhlithrii 6y snctilf Aff-
.11 c.i ... .1.1:,..,.., .....I t ...... I
vviirirt, )l liiv iiiuaw iieiiv.tiiu unit lfi-iiu-
tiful structure , and wc were told thatj-w w
a wonderful principle pervaded every! I 1
part of it, capable of unlimited expun- "", fr h tHcf thr Silt d iiutnmd,
i ! ... 1.1, ! I . vAiictrd irith Vinltnt and Ckrnnie liwiun, suit
norland happiness, capable ot being inll fgr ,kt Curtlf .,.-., i.
ftfsociated with ungcW. and becoming; vm.,,.
tho friend of God , or if it Should ro-i Mkhicai. Ahviii: given gratis, by the Acting
ceive tho wrong bias, of growing up
in onmity against Him and incurring
everlasting misery, would any ex- ,
ponsc of education which would save
iioui such misery aud elevate to s.iclt
injsory, and elevate to such happinc",
bo to much 'I But instead ol'ono such
torus tor Ainsou t
uess or length.
a,Country Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash
takon in Exchange for work,
TV-All orders left with any of the Mervhats
Clearfield burougli will bi promptly attended
to. denJtt
lilrn Hope
Lumber City
littlo being, more than ono million an
W wliv mi! Wake up!
BI.ACkstMn'IIIXi. THE subscriber rrs- j
pcctfully informs hie friends and the public'
generally, that he is new well e .Idished in hit Tj'HI'Kj)
NEW SHOP on Pine street, o. posito the Towu I FU'iciri.,
Hull, iu the b. Touch of Clearfield, and upon hi'
own hook, nnd where he is prepared to do all
work in bis line in the vcrv best style, and on
VAtiiAat.B Mi fnttTii on l-perir.torrlio-a, and I the shortest notice. His old eustorert are rci
olbor diseases of the Sexual Outline, and on t lie I pectfiill.v ashed not to force! him. and anr mini-
n:w ti i:i i. psi employed In th. IMspensary, sent j bor of new ones nre respectfully iui it"d to giro Bradford,
in sf:ied letter envelopes, free of charge. Two hint a trial. j Ilrady,
or thre S-.tiuips for postuga neeeptablo. Address ElKJ E TOOLS. Hit reputation at a Maker "
On. J. Skii.i.i.n IIoi ..iitos. Howard Assoeiuliou, and Ucpuirer of Edge tools should of ittelfaccur. "
No. 2. S. Ninth St., I'hiladelphie. 2Uniy Iy. him a liberal patrouagc. Hloem,
.... -- .l el''f. Ill-SOtOtS r..n.UB
ui.vii'ibi.. i a ae ai.1 ..ttit.,
April 21, "
WM, A, W AI.I.Al'R.
A. flNSIKT j
. v. riNxtr 1
intrusted to the care of the "lathers , liV, ,, ' s, Ts-II.e;.. aWe' To Trwus out of Emnluvmcnt.
of.thls country," and their education; '.Uliilllli ttllU v. UIUUIUH v,"Uil. CjrTS W V'l ED
in thii world will dntermiiie llieir I'd-j ok ' K ' .-7
tare destiny of companionship with i LEONARD. FINNEY &Co. , In every Umnty ftl,e Lnitrd hintw,
iuit ui siiiiv in wtininiiii. 11 1 1- ,. ,. . 1. l- 1 I 1, r0 engage in the sale of some of the best and
tllO ailgt'ls (ir W ith tllC degraded , , . . . I I ninst elegantly Illustrated Workt published.
Wretched enemies of (Jod 1 i ' LEA lit lr 1,1) COIXTV, J'A, Our publication, are of tho most iutere.-Mrg
11 , ; laiLLi 01. txrn a mob, otk AsmiiRArTntusrorHTK -., " . ' " rJi , '"" "1
Mas. pAiiriNtiToN s Ij.vst.-
IMstrlct Atl'y Kobert J. Waller .,
Treasurer, O. It. Onodlnndvr,
CS. Purveyor, II, H, Wright,
Commies'u'rs,Viu. M'Cracken,
Win. Merrill,
S. C, Thompson,
Audifrs, II. C, Kowm.11,
Isa.e W. Or.L.n.t lesrlield
J. H. 6hw.
(ieorg. Richards, "
Mst of 1-oeHtffirtK.
Yu m 11 P. O.
Olcu Hope,
Clc.rtuld rriifs,
iroutvtllc, ; f. t-loppy,
JctToriou Lint, fc Jouu Hebcrliug
Forest, ,1. ltloom
New Wathiuctosj J. M, I umiulngt
" Kurusule, . 3as McMurr.y
ClearCsld, Cl.jru.I.l, M. ,.,
Covington, Fretichrillo, P. A. Oauliu.-
Karthans, J F W Schotrr
Curweniville, tui weusville, Samuel Way
Por.ter, 1'hilipi burg, Centre county
Ferguson, Marron, Edtu. VViUiuins
i ll, Helen Pott Office, Elk couuty, Pa.
Uirard, Lecounte t .Mills, I. .Miguot
Ilalil Hills,
MooitKi etzViI.:-:t,
'I'lTliiilcaalc anil Itrtnll Mrlchauta.
t T extensivo dealore in timber, tawad lkiud
ber and shingles. Also, dealers in flour an
grain, which will be sold cheap for cash.
Oct. 14, ISjO.
Col. A. T. OWKNS, PrtorKiEii.R,
, Iterpnctfully annouuecs to (be travelling public
tt t he bat now taken rbarg. uf this large ai
( well known liou-e, and will conduct it iu suoh
lin. rroifeiiitor of ethers that urt n.irse. I k..rl,-1
; .rroff tnnriKiiuite In ibe liver, V-u". y .ur l'iili ilia'
) ci and em. the iliaease.
! r,:m Mr K Siiarf, V.yj.ciu 'i.J .Viilii.s, lUr.
1 find our or tivo lar;o tlnse. . f ynm Pllb.liile 'ill'
t-.q-ir llin-, lire excel It-lit trctuoliv. s t.f Ibe J' '
! fioii when ivln.llyor tariiklly su'pr.--i'l. n-l J-''
i ttlK't llml In C's.lll.l- Ibt l' I flint trytl (S.....I. H'
I are mil. Ii tba lit by-ic i.u h;.v. tint I s
i no otbir tu tny patients.
j fron the lin. Ir. Il.mla.rf0,t .V il.-l'l tyi-Cr
I l'CUSXt Ifor-C. r;'llini.:ili.(l.l.. "- IW
ll'jsrrtnrn ,si. t 1 slembl U' iiri--.ntiid fur Ik a--'
vour skill lias bronchi in,- II 1 tb.l rei- tl mj '
you. A ooM s..ttb-.l in mv llinli-and l.i'.ticbt r-n
Hating lisiiriittie ;miiiis, wbli h aiuletl iu c.werr'is
tlfW. NolwillulalldiliK 1 bad lite I .l nf ..ninK' " (rrcw worse aiel worse, until i,y tttc aHOrer-.1''
excellent a;rut tu llalttiiiarc. I'r. Markeuds. I ' !'
Pills. ll.4reuVrlt were slow, I'lll nmi. l IsJ""'1"'
i Ui me use ot iiieiu, i am new itiius.y vi-n.
Sr.iTt CiiAWiira, Habit Koiise, I.n., 5 !'.
n i-..ii..,.i .n ....1....1.. ....! I.r tittir rt"1
nhrumnlic ,,ttl a l.aiiil'nl .ll.eti..- Ili-l titi.t .ftls-'i-- "I
forjeais. 1NCL.M SUl'Ui-
rM..l ..S .1.. i'lll. In n..rl.l SiltltsiS
wl.l. t. .1.1 1. .l..ul,l. u twin .Lilftfl K1"
ilaneertnis tn a nubllr -till, from tint Hrsmlfnl
Vionrra Ibat fnKiueutly follow Its Inaiiitiem "
i ' mercury or mineral eubstance lil-
Prion, 25 cent, per Bor, or 5 Boxei for
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB o CO., Lowell,
.Voiass of r. M
li. W. lulwel
M.rv r:;;r,
T. A. M't.hee
J. r-fi-.T.;.:'
Lewis f ii.ii h
.. .... - . t. . i. . ...... . .1 di'V t-JIU uv I, 11. '. nisei', vn.'--
u -i lie ua. uow laaeii ruarg. ui mis large ami , -'. c-irweti ivil In F Arnold LutbtW'
well known bim-e, and will conduct it in suoh a "Vl,l i. ' 5.. ir lirrsf
.liiauiiera. will render eii.ellciit comfort nd fur, Mf,. ' ., rbiliburg; i-'1 1
'iMisfactiuti lo all who may favor him with a " 'hittlf
,. I. i-uun-t aitiutiiii..! .tiu it; ........... - .
Tbnukrul for putt favors and solicilion''
ture ntronalse. Iw otilrf resnrclfullj I""
I that I have on hand again, aud will eonil
isfwi. r i ' . , u .1 --v i l tuott nave on band again, inn wn
1'. b. Millor I &IH W X. btimmcr UOO(IS keep at the Pottery in this biirough, t"'
i.J. V,'i;!iiu. I it TlirrilPlPf'teil v-fiiiif ner n ehort distance east of the Meih"'ttw
U. II. Moor. M A' TilE "LAl CA'U S10IL large Mock of Crockery,. ueh as Cro.'
KCgOCS; , Mechanic and Merchant: thcT are t ahlished In
for a soldier. Mrs. Partington makes: ,, . ' , ' ' tho best stylo and bound iu the moj tubstan.
afarewdl address : Ike, iny SOI., stand CoMl,fin,waadproeieJ4prom,,llj, rmitttd M manner, and ro worth, place in tb. Li-
,.aii .,.t. I l.,.,,.,.,! r.xcuaiic oil me x-itics cuiimiu tiy .,e....... .u ...........
rCSS0U llOia my liOllllCt j .,,, ! -i.St.To men of enterprise aud indtt.'trit
un while I dressy
and specks. Fellow soldier It is the
nbandoned duty of all tho patriarchal
m theso tunes, an.l to Hand tiown, un-, - ,TiViri'frnTi
repaired, the glorious flar of all secced-1 . liLVLli rLhuAlit
ing generation." Hcrodko commcn-. Justice of tllO peace
COll counting OtT tho new fashioned i I.uthcreburg. Clearfield Co. Pa., will
it, il.i. 1 1 .r. . r . ... .
Offic on PeeoQd Ft nearly oppotit. the j ,bKl employment .eldom to be wot with. iorJ,?B'
COUhl IIOLSE. . -u.P.r.on. desiring to seta, agenti will re.!
l ecive promptly by mail fall particulars, terms.
ie., by addressing LEAHY. UETZ A oo., Pub, ' . . '
Ko. 2J4 North ttr.ot, Philadelphia. M"rr"'
Oct 21, 1840 Iy. . l
t Venn.
CCor, swinging the old bonnet lip and attend proaiptly t. all business entrusted t.
down as he went in ono, two, three, jj APril mi
tritrer.l "ilarch besitatintTlv into tho' m.7 OTIC Hi. horebr given, to whom It may
Contented fleld, and if a reblodcmandsU' eoncorn, that an application hat been made , above the Academy ClearfiOld Pa.,
-(,M t.ii I,' L,i . i to hi. Exe.llenty, A. U. t'urtin, tlorernor of i June Utu, bl
juui iiuai i... o, ui. ... ;eu i.n eui Pennsylvania, for th.panlon of Jamei Uorkon.;
Ml '.It til ANTS, and dealers lo Hoards and
bhiuglet; Grain and Produce. FRONT Street,
three, and tho last OHO IS spent ; then berry, now confine! In the Western Peniteitiary, ' Ai. n. larriuxb, t. TRff .
if ho won't ouitand leave, "ouit VOtir under .entence from tb. Court of Oyer and Tor-: T AKKIMKK A TKJ4T, Attorh.yi at Law l OBERt J. WALLACE, Amftvrr At Law,
Jilf Hlrn n mn nr rl m qi-v.fn miner ef Clearflold eonnty. JJ Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col XV Clearfield, Tt., Cfte it Balw't R ...
etdf llkea man. ar.ti nia JOU liaen( T. X McCULLOL'OIl, .'tAioiis, L.h-l Agencies, 4c, e., in Clearfield oetts. tkJVn: office.
gifirious Oftmpaigli of it." ;,atf,vll. s).rt. SI, 'CI. Att. for Applicant. CeDirc "od Elkcouhtiee. July 30. 7 4c. t. lil,tf,
William Carr
fbawtvill., I. I, ghaw t-
Grabaiutnu, T. II. Force.,
mttbs Mills, J. A. Hot arty
Madeira, C. J. Pusey.
Tyler, p.vid Tyler .
Peuntteld, I. Woodward
Ansnnville, Eliia Cbaio
alt Lick, G. Heckadoru
New Millport, D. E. Mokul
ItrorkenriJge, J, Thonipi'n
Kylcrtown, Jas. Thompton
MorrinUle, J. McClelland
Lumber Cily.f II. W. fpecoer,
Orauipi.. IIiUs, A. C. Moor ff, t-H
Curweutville, Samuel Way
Illoeruingville, ' . Michaol Wit..
Kockteo, - , W. F. Johnson
Jeffries, T. Henderton ,
I Thia Post Office will do for Chest towntbir.
A 11 ' 1 1 1 , 1 - . . . , I
j n 111 .newer lor x erg u ion lorrninip.
I.iu jutt receiving .udeipeuing a carefully
snlotted stoeit of fpriug and Summer good's
of almost every description,
A beautiful assortment of Print, and Ilresi
goods, of tho newest and laicil tylc. Alto a
great variety of useful notions.
Ronnett, Khawls.
Hat. and Caps, '
Ilooti and Sboei, a large quantity,-,
Hardwure, Qi eeuswaro, i
Drugs and Medicines, "
Oil and PainU,
. Carpet A Oil Cloth.,
' ' Fish, Vacoii and' Flour,
Mackerel iu J I and i barrels,
of tbe beat nualify, all of which will be sold at
the lowest cash or ready pay price. -
My old fricndi and th. kublio generally, ere
respectfully invited to Call. ,
I) AH kinds of ff A'A'.ncl
COUXTRY PRODUCE t.keu in (xchaiig. ol
j milll aus, Churns, Jugs, Jors, Stars p ' j
d c. itc; and J'n aa tllousive '-1
different litel nnd pnttirni of J
1. . .ml 0 Blf1
rosette, tor ." ou uouv, -'Hugs.
Anv mitiiltlinira nttt mi band will et ."'
Older on ihort uotice. Also lire hrick
and kept for sale. ,
-fTA liberaj reductlou ou Vrl"' "V
wholesale dealers. F. LEITZM"
ClearL'eld.nny 23, l0I.-ly.
Cabinet. Chair Maktn?,
any business
Hindi -- ;.
tho U"rtl JiJ
Clearfield, Jui 2( 18C1.
ATTORNEY. AT LAW, will attend promptly
and fuithfully to ill busiuott entrmtod to
016 eat., in tbe several CourU nf Clearfield aad.
au)oin:tg oountiet, .
flr. te eae fotanily ectapwd k, o.
HwretL ' .
0. 2th, t!5-v,
-niiv ni'i.trii t .1.. knm.irh oi CW"'
v l . v . . 1 v. ttw ."'--n
, will bo prepared at .ill tiuae "tJ
-1. ...... ins IU1
MOO.O "- . u.
Jill s-
nutico, audiu a wurkmanlike maiiir'
of business is ut tho oU shopou
.uarhci ttret-i, .iu uoor ousi in .
!... .1.. .1.1 , . i...r be wi" 1
"iifosnu 1110 0111 tius .1010
coiislniilly on hand
mum mw .,
u large n-sorlmfu'
aim v
. r, . l..... J'l.nir..
inigouy nnu mull iononi ". 7 ot fli,p
Ware of every description, which he ""' J,
of on as reasonable termi nf the tuia
enn be had elsewhere In tho county.
. f .. ...i.- . as haaSt w
lilt linoa oi t aninri am - -
ti.U In part of Dressing and Ooniowa 1
o - r ia a. - .1 tu Utanrlft. 1W"B J
llookOaaei, French .nd Field Post ,1
Dining, Hreakfast, Contro, Card and J
blre, Ao, Cwflint mnnuractureo euu
any f le desired. ; t
rbruafy, JSOO. fno. -i, toL l.J .
LiaUOKBforMedltin.l V"VT
Port tnd Fhirry Wine, "ecus win at aas"-