Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 14, 1861, Image 4

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    Kpr vi - f' 1,""''"""" 1
lllisftllrnDous. j'P ' 1 T 1 -' '
...a." . IfilACK WOOD'S MAUAftNr.
LiMI Oi l RAnhnl ftr fr.pvM. .
urprvdattirct ttronjih bring rniol-THB LOMu QUAHTMU.T,
vtvJjrur fcflcr vef wit 11th mti Con.fTtiv )
il l cf tr.tiiir" frrowia th,TBt ttwrrnui fttVilw,
i ujio rrvre. In rTohtMoa the vryetv ' (""..
in gr.wt!i .uid
Potatrw and other wiitcv root, arc.
able to dihoaao, and the bean BiiJls
( as unproductive, ana cauliflowers
and cabnageH nnbjectcd to club ill
"iitne. VTbcn Mich is the case, upo no
i ifinuri! for A connlv, of vpiirn. Tha 1
Srst spare ground you ret, trench it '
. J -,, it ,
' !fO feet deep if the ground will allow i
fit, and thoroughly mix with the
rth,as you tuvn it over, agoodi
. . it .i
.easing of froah alackcd lime, the ,
Veshcr tho hotter. My plan is, when
' ho ton unit ia thrown to tho Lottom
i the trench, to throw over tho hot
i me and fork it in, and to repent thciu.aM.vf.ia
oas ofhme over the lower spit thrown t
a tbe surfaco. Employed in this way,1
.me act, as a complete renovater of j
'i!d and over manured noils, as the pro. j
tuoe afterwards will show. The see- ;
jnd year I repeat the lime dressing
f irked it instead of digging the ground
is by that means the lime becomes
noro completely mixed in tho soil. I
?30 add tho surfacing of. road
..irapings, if the ground i hoavy or
inclined to be so. By these means,
ivingup manure fur twoyuars, I have
r-jeweded in bringing an old garden
il. which would uossibly erow noth-
ig well, into a fint clas soil, produc
es fi00 crops no. I of the betit quuli
y. Turner's Florist.
PctrtT Gravity. A minister wasi
reaching to a large congregation in
vue of the Soutliorn Slates, on the j
"srtainty of future judgement. In
the galerj" sat a colored girl, with u
vhite child iu her arms, which shei0i
.. as danceing up and dow U with COIll-
aiendAble effort, to make baby under-jedy.
t-tand the proprieties of the place,
Tho preacher was too much interested
:n CIS SUDjeCL tO IlOllCO tne Occasional
noise of the infant ; and at the right,
tjoint in his discourse, threw himself
into an interesting attitude, as though lnJ w,la MARKED ffC'OKS.s (a win nrre,r
Uo had suddenly heard the first note j from r ec..ui.t. in the medical Jor.
ftho trump of doom, and looking to-jni!''
-arda tbe part of tho church where! .ltrI, r,ful.T rnl UP "ady f..r immodi.
rilO iriN Willi ino Oaoy in Iter arm
, as sitting, bo asked, iu low deep
oice : I
"What is that I hear ? .
Beforo he recovered from the ora-.
torical nause. so as to answer his own I
question the colored girl responded
:;l a mortified tone Of VOIce, but Jiud
llOUgll tO Catch tho ears Ol' the Olltire
.-onrrrWation .
" p .6 " .
"IdunOO, sa, 1 SpeC It IS UlS here: prevention of oflprinp, includiaa; all the new
bile, but indeed, sa, I has been doin' all ;dicuveri" u-for given in the English
I could to keep him from sturbin, you. ' frA'i. ,Y )U,NS' M' l'" ,This U "f3
... .... J , a valuable aud iutortnig work. It is written
It IS easy to imagine that this suden 1 in plain language for tbe general reader, and is
rejoinertOOk the trugicoutofthepriiech. illmtrated with numerous engraving. All young
t t ia the shortest time imaginable: and "M Ppi.r those contemplating marriage,
i ..i , r.i a. i ttn1 having the least impediment to married life.
thattheSOlemnity Ofthat judgement .houldread thi. book. I, di.elo.e.Tecret. thai
flay sermon was not ft little diminish- j every one should be acquainted with j still it is a
.d by the event. l"",'t ,,U1' mu,t I'kcd up, and not lie about
J ,T x i-r- aonse. It will be sent to any one on receipt
T UK MEW ORLEANS UaTTERINO iiam. of twenty, five cents, in specie or postage stamps,
Tho Cincinnati Eiljttircr has been fur- Address Dr. WM. YOl'NO, No. 41C Spruce t.
wished with a description of the New bri,,J'hil,!e!,, , v
, , , t I 35 Ajjittttd and L'nortunaltlSo matter
Orleans battering ram. Tho Steamer ,b..t may be jour disease, before von rour.
1 the loniXth Cfun Ordinary' StOam-
!)0it, the roof being arched in shape, 1
covered with
irovent balls
railroad iron, BO as tO
from, pcnetratinir, and
The balls in striking will immediately ,h"u" . . .
1 .rr -.1 , 1 n. - I'r. IOLN'1 can be consulted oa any of the
glance off without having any effect, disease i hi publication, m hi.
0t the position Of the gUII bo what it ' oce, No. 416 .Spruce ft, above Poartb. n ly
inay. At the bow oflhe boat isa pon-l TVTfiTo'rr i iTyJTT"i
rous cutter, made of the best steel, the I (JilAlUa t,li.lK?5 ! . .
object of which is to cut a vessel in j
two. This will require a very great NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! .1
. . . ., n . .u- Thentder.igned ba now on hand, at his Fnr-
power, which tho projecters thinK! ,..... s.....,. r.. .
they have attained in the way of twojfhort Jiftance we,t of LMt'roani ; J
ni r s f I r r mAsn I l-v m i-il n aI 1).V I " l
:awitn hot water, which is thrown
, . a a a . I
through JlOSO attached tO tllO boiler,
Ih9 Vessel attacked Cannot keep the
men on deck, nor can ohe use her can-
.r Mill. , i ,i , . . - .
aon, as they Will be kept Wet by the bumcii make him feci confident that hi chair j
water thrown. Beside being Covered I are piada in a substantial and workmanlike nan-
With heavy iron, the boat inbuilt of'ni-r.andwillatand the uit of trial. Penom
the heaviest and best timber. Uuhi.c t. P.rha.e .houid call at once
, ,. T,
A Great Truth Biactuvlly Lx-
tressed. If but once in a century, a
little boing should be sent into this'
world, of tho most delicate and beau
tiful structure , and we were told that
a wonderful pnuciple pervaded every 1
part of it, capable of unlimited expun-
oion and happiness, capable of being
A .. .U ' U.' A I . O
n&ULiiikcu nnu auu ii i:uni uiy ,
tho friend ot Uod , or it it should 10-
cnivA tlin nrnnir lti.14 nf m-nurinif nr
,n enmity again.t Ilim and incurring UTuS'ST
JVerlaSting misery, WOUld any CX- j nw rememk employed In the Dispensary, ssnt
DOnSC Of education which would B.1VO:1b ''!1 ' tter envelopes, freo of ohargo. Two
from such misery and elevate to aach
! ,1 . ... I A If. ..,.,.1. ln NV.i.r. n
misery, aim cictaic wsutu ti.iiijMiiuorj,
be to much ? Butinstoadofone such
little being, moro than one million are'
intrusted to tho caro ot tho "lathers!
of this country," and their education
in this world will dntermino their fu- j
ture destiny of companionship with j
the ancela or with tho degraded!
WretCUCa cncmiww
JARS. iAKiisuiu.1 o xa. xavt-o
forasodicr. Mrs. Partington makes
farewell addrCSS : IkO, my son, Stand r
up whilo I dress you hold my bonnet
and specks. Fellow soldier It is the
abandoned duty of all tho patriarchal
in theso times, and to hand down, un-
repaired, the glorious flag of all sccocd-
inc ceneration." rilerclko commen-
coa coaming on me new iasmonea
ceor, swinging the old bonnet up and
down as ho went in one, two, three,
triger, "March hesitatingly into tho
.. .no . l. ..l! ll
contented field, and if a rebledemands
your quarters, toll him you had but
three, and the last one is EDCUt then
Jl UU v Ull t iuibauu leave , 'qUll 'Our
Mlf ike a man, and may you hare a
glOriOUH campaign Of It." 1
"' PnmMi rriifcw.
irr i Ibunh )
- PLACKWooirsKtuxtit noUMAtli
rrr annum.
ti 00 j
ll Od !
7 M '
;i oo ;
5 on1
1 oo
V 00 1
For any nn uflho four Ketlewa,
for anr two ol the fuur Review.
w r7hr,V.t thl r.u' Kwvl-"
For all four of in Reviews,
Fof pi.,i,w0od'.,
For Plackwood and on Review,
Jor jJw"J Kivl'"-
"or Plaikwuod end three Kevtvwe,
For niokod and tbe four Review.
10 09 I
N. p -The price in Great Britaia fr the 4m
1 eriodicej 3i per imlin
Republished Vi
.'4 Hold Street, New York,
eUxib pRopylamiNe;
SLf & -cswta
I'viring the pst voar we hare Introtlareil to
b e anticf of the mrdlcul fTi'fr-i..ii u( tit is roun
trT tbe I'urr Crgttntiitd i'kluriJ, f l'r,ylamine, roit mii'.t'M athm
tud h.iine' receive. 1 from innny (.ourom, loth
from physician of the bisfheat itnndin and
trfttn patient, the
Mof.t flittering TrKtlmoiiliiUofKsreal value
in tho treatinont f thif paiuful and obsti
nate uiirunr, we are toduced to prorttot it to tho
public in a furm KHAI'V Fill IMMKHIATK
USE, which wo hope w ill '.-umtneml iUolf tu thure
wha are suffrij with this afflicting rompUiui,
tncdiral practitioner who imiy feel
disposed to Uit the powers of this iiluublo rein
j kuxik pkopylaxixe, in the form abovt
poken of, ks recently he
een tijiruly experi-
meutd with in tbe
ate a, with full dirB-uious, and can be obtained
front all the drupt-i5ti at 7i eonts per bottle, and
at wholcrale of HUL1.0CK I CRENSHAW,
''rujrsists and Manufarturins; Chemist',
Juiielu'Cllf. fhiladelphi-i.
akkiai;.: Jrnniteh,,. . privte
in.lrnct. r lor murriod per.'ons wr thote
,nl"'u' 10 ,, married, both male and female, in
, ererytlii,.rt concerning the physiology and rlu-
; Hons of our seiual system, and tbe woduction or
nntler ,nB w of any one of the nottriour
Quacks, native or foreign, who a dverti in this
Young's books, and read it carefully. It will be
tho mean of saving you tany a dollar, your
manufactured ont of tbe b:.t maUrialr, finished I
n a very superior manner, and which ho will sell '
1.0 H' FOR CASH.
till Ua..,..!...a !. ,
Ilif long cii'trionrtj id the I
ana gei mem wun mey can ue nan at ino lowet
'.. t-hv Tnm-Tuiv
Mar. 27 mi-tf.
a J w sa s !
"T , . A..-,.-,.-.., M Dr.,. . . . J D
I I t,.0t i,tiiution r.tnhu.ked h rii k
,ftnrmr,'tt " ' tttirof the sick niid i'sfrcs,-,, I
i"'."', -'; '" -J '.,T'o'0"'! k-
.ptciofy orMc ,(ur, Ih.tu.r, J tht Srxunl N
Mkhical Ahvii-e given crati. by tbe Actine
;7st,tCr 'ulJSSZ,
Ik'. t. I .. ..... '
. o. -Mum it., I'hiladoiphia
2Umy ly.
wn. a. wai.lack.
P. a. rinsRT
a. c. ruKar
v 1 ; 11 ,,rr .
.Ui tlllO (LOlIfrtlOll Vmt
C L E A K F I L I),
oU,J4) ni
,1ux 01 '"CRirOt, 0Tr. AjnrAs-TDiscorKrt
" ,
rrocrca promptly remitud
Exchange on the t'ltlca eonntautly I
on hand.
fJ-OflSeo on Peeoad PC, nearly opposite the
- - , -
I L V t, l r L hU A L ,
Justice of ihc neacc
Luthoraburg, Clearfield Co, Pa- will
attend promptly to all basiues entrusted tshi
ear. April 4, 1861.
axTOTICE 1 hereby given, to whom it mar
ll concern, that an application bai been made
to hia Excellency, A. U. Curiin, uovernor or
berry, now eo'nfinol In tho western Penitentiary,
""sv swomjoco irom iuo vvui. ui vo w -
- ci.i MeCClWUOH,
' Cl.irJald. ,pt.3i,'l, Atlyfor Appleaot.
I! A U IM1S1.M HtOVr.D
pnicF.s ynoM ?4o to $70.
The fcOU'OlR SEWI.NQ 4IACI1IXE. aa rn-
grarinit of wLith it hr r. j'riM"J, iii now
(eeome recognized furaita irLreor It
has bern It tro luce.l, U, livyolid ijui s'.ton,
tho but, Hi vfi.'ll ha tho hiuuUniuo, l(,w-,rini:d
newinjt .v..itin:i ne w Lilcro ihv Jul :ic.
No. 1 luiuU aid vn inul Mac
Macliiue fui
run.ily ut.
No. 2. A In ro Mjihiim fur iuill!ng teary
work and f .r l'Ui.u'.ion uko.
Thif Machine in muih ndmirtd forite limplu !
ty, and for III reliability aud durubdiiv it is un
urpaxed. A child twelve yean cau run U with
fe j and yet It will rew from tbe roarmft cloth
to the finnt Swin. There it no trouble of re
rinduiK the thread, ai it is tnLcn from theepooli.
It haa no bvlta to giro trouble, and will run
backwards as wvll as forward. arl Hill srwi
equally perfect, and without dngirof bri?akiii
needles. It run by friction, and by cloning tho
box over it, it it thrown not of L'eur. In fup(,
wo have no hciitntiou in recommending it as the
hen fun ily Stning .Machine in ujo
The j'll"u:ing Premiums AmarJt'J the abort
At the Fair of the
tho First Premium.
f'rauk'iu Institnto, I3j8,
At the Pennsylvania Htate Fair, at Philadel
phia, i-eptcmber 21, 1319, the Pint Premium a
At the Pennsylvania Hliite Fair, held at Wyo
ming, ImJU Silver Medal.
For tho best llouble Thread Maehlne. at Lan
caster '.'ounty Fair, hold October, lei9 a Silver
At tho Maryland htate Fair, held at the Mary
land Insti'ute, Baltimore, Md., Oetrher, ItW,
unaer strong competition, a MU:r .MeUl was
awarded to this Msi-liiuo.
At the New Castle County Pair, held at Wil.
misgton, telawnrs, Ouoler, 1 869 a I)tplom.
The above Machines are manufactured by
WllmluKtou, 11.
No. 720 Arct Ktrcet, Philadelphia, Pa.
No. SOI Market Street, Wilmington, lel.
marlS-ty "20 Arch Street, Philadelphia,
ttr I'sr ni wishing to see tbe above Machine
in operation, can do so bv cal'inr at the rii.
denue of P. W. Moore, in Clearfield borough.
fIUIK undersigned respectfully
X iinorms nis customers ana the
public generally, that he bn just
received from the Part, aod u. en-
o'lathia establishment iu GKAUAM'S HO W i
Clearfield, Pa., a fine aasrtinent of C'Lott.
Watches, and Jkwelkt of ditferent qualities,
from a single piece to a full letl, which ho will
sell at tbe most reniouable price for cash, or iu
exchange for old gold aud silver.
CLOCKS of every variety on baud, at the unit
reasonable price.
ALL kind of Clock, Watobes and Jewelry,
carefully repaired and IForrosifco.
A continuance of patronage ia solicited.
Sept. 19, 1800. 11. . NAl'ULK.
6trYFor fule very rhi-ap for Cash, hy
In liasemriil of Merrcll 4 Ilig'.or's Mlore,
Cleat field, Pa. feb-27.
O I) E L L ,
MER, IsOCaUdat A. II. Shaw's Mills, cne milt East
cf CUtirfiftd borvvgh,
Pespectfully inform the citizen of Clearfield
l.n.l .jl.l,,:.. .,, .... v. . ... .
: "It " ' "' "' ".".r . ""
I - "" w1 U4lltlisv.l.tHJ, Ut ll VII VI verb iiiiiicv,
Hair. Husk, and Straw Mattressc of all
Kin,1 an,l sue, one of which i a I-aiding Mat-
1 a - . ..:.. l.i- c n i it f v u ry ti i nmi a
irvB.S uiuiu. Itir tfUli3 KJJt IVAv 13, WniCL
. m f..ij..i ,, a . . .
m" vv iuiuiw in fuiuii ci'mims, auu oujiMiru ina
refilled at pleasure i aud very cheap, lie also
trim Cat Huge, make repairs to all kind of
"r';i"5e Trimming and 1'phol.t.ry, aud make
CJV, ll"Ta ' Tr"ins LiB"' "f "7 ,hick-
4-is.Country Produce. Cora Uesks, or Cash
taken in Ricbango for work.
.T-rT-All order left with any of the Mercbats
Clearfield borough will be promptly attended
to. decSt
W-ikc up! Wake up!
BI.ACKSMITIllNft. THE subscriber res
pectfully inform bi friend and the public
generally, that be i new well ablished in hi
NhW SHOP 00 Pine street, 0,. posit tbe Town
Hall, ia tho borourh of Clearfield, and prn hi)
own book, and where he i nrenutcd to do all
work in hi line in the very best Itvle, and on
tue annum notice, ill oil custon-era are res
pectfully us'.ed cot to forget bim, and any rum
bor of new one art respectfully invited to give
him a trial.
EDGE TOOLS His reputation a a Maker
nnd Rennirer of Ed re tool should of ittelfseeura
him a liberal patronage.
April 21,
To Persons out of Employment.
j In every County of the United States,
, rpO engage iu tbe ale of mot of tho best and
I I. most elegantly illustrated Work published.
0ur pulj,fc,tioni are of tha most in teres tit g
J!"","c'"'' afaptal to tb wanu oftbo Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchant; tbey are rnbliihed io
! the beat. tyi and bound in th mo s .nb,un.
tial manner, and are worthy a placo in tba Li-
brary of every Household in tbe Laud
&SuTo rnon of eDtcrt.rls aud industriou hab
its. Ibis bosineaa offer an opportunity for profit
able employment aeldom to bo not with.
!S3uPraon deairing to act at agent will re
ceive promptly by mail foil partienlara, terms.
4o.,by addressing LEARV. OETZ oo., Pub,
No. 224 North street.
Oct 24, 1840 ly. j
MERCHANTS, and dealer. In Board and'
Fhinglei, Grain and Produce. FRONT Street,
abovo tbe Academy Clearfield p
Juno 12th, 61.
ia. b. lAWRtwca. i. tiit
LAKKIMEK k TEST, Atlorbeyo at Law
Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col
Uiotii, Labd Agenele, c, Ac, in Clearfield
Conr and BlkcuobtU. July JO. y '
efcel0-ajm wevMet ; )i
Ffil AI ft
. T.tORMEUI.Y Phys'lcan and Fnrgeon to the PrimpUti X.wn Itnipitnl. of Lwadon, Englaad, ao
I L of riTTSr.L'ltUIl, Pa., beg leave to to all Invalids, that, vwlog te the many sulio
' itittlnnf of his friend., be has inrltt'leil to py prufeestonal visit U tbe following named places
nod by arriving at tbt diy set forth, aau be coniulted by tbe afflirted, fcnth Male and Feme!, or
, Diseases nf the Heart, l.iver and Cancer, Fit, Scrofula, and all Piseasee of tlie Illood
'Alio, alt Llsraae annarulninr to the EYE and
the Head, and Discharge from tha Far, eaa be
and rainy other disease that have buttled tbe skill or tbe o coiled untingoimoa pnyaictan.
CLARTON. at Clark's Hold, from tha Uifa of May to thj 1st of Jon.
CORSICA, at Whttmer Howl, June 1st. Af ain, Sept. 1st and I'd.
MtOUKVIM E, at the Americna lipase, frra 3d t" Kth June. Again. Fopt. 3d, 4thani iik
I.U'fllKPlit'ti'J, at r.od'a Hotnl, Jur.o Kth nrd 1 1th. Again, Sopl. 10th and I lib.
CLEAAFin.!), J.ilioann' llrt'l, June lltb to 1(U Agniu, S:pt lith and I3th.
PHLI.trON TE, Murrisou' Hotel, Trom Juce 17lh 'o lllb. Again, BepL llh and 15th.
TYRONE C'TY, at Mr. Thcu.a.' ilotfl, Jure JUtand !l'd. Again, Pept. 17th and 16tU.
At hi INFIRMARY, f.ora June r J to July 17th.
Li3ten to tho Voice of Tratli and Ssason and Profit by it
Tha liniconie when all who will, ran escape the Iron grasp of Mcrcary. by ra'Utig. witln ul
delay, to ace the woll known and Jutly ct'tbraud Eclectic European Physician, Ir. Boar, who
wilt administer tbosa only trne and safe oirdiciue, extracted from the inot eboice wi.ot iird natias.
which are prepared under hit own npervisior, aud therefore avoid ng the use of all Ml"aAtPou
a -is, which were never desigued for tho syrtom, to tako whiob man; tboutands have falleu victims
aud gone U early grave.
lttMtmhrr that Iir. T!-irt wants no patient but llicsn fully capable of bpprvciaiiag and Jia'iu
guishinB tho services of a tegular thorough bred physician, froiu a paltry, unlearned aud trilling
Ittmtvbtr, Dr. Hurt's rniiedies and treatment are entirely uniiiiowd to a.11 other! In this country;
prepared from a life spent in liio great ho-pilals of Europe and the first in till) fuiintry,
K:tnhtr, that Pr. Port has a mure eituuded pructiee tlnin any other jihysiciarl in Westers Penn
sylvania. Kinttribcr, that vitUcns of odueniion.and our potmlar men, are all well I cnuaiutel with, and V&c
great pleasure in recommending I'r. iiorl to the afllieted.
Rtmembtr, that Dr. Port uiukcsuu fulse rcpreeeutationi to gull the uiifurtunaUs but all he isyswil
be faithfully earricd out.
Itrmtmbtr, that tlr. Port pays every atteution tn diseases oft chronic nature.
jaJrerli8eats of Cures may beaoeu at hi respective rooms.
br. Port t furnished witL over six tbeutand letter "f recomniendatioa frum ume of (he most
dislingaiihad men living. Also has awarded to hiia diplomas from tome uf the most celebrated
Hospitals sod Inhrmariei in Earupe, for hi unr aralielled obiervatiuna in Diagnosis, and observa
tion in niicove'ing remedie for the cur of disease that have heretofore batted tha skill of many
of the anadical profession.
An ear v call from those wish in ir to eonsnlt
full bene&t of treatment, and thus do justice to himself. Time liu itcd.
Please bear in miud wh.-n I'r, linrt will lm in your idwee. Person desirous of consulting him
will confer a great lavor by calling on tho first day !' iiis urrivnl, us hia rooms are o often crowd-
ed, it is utterly impossible to attend to the anxious solicitation of all. I'r. Port will arrive at each i
uf t b above places oil tha first cuauli on tho day appointed. I
ricir-) cxteud thi) invitation to all invalid acquaiutauivi, aud eblige yours, le. , '
May 20, '61. J'. t
Terms ot huDsicriptituu
If paid in advance, or within three mouths, $1 2J
Cf puid any time within the year, ... 1 40
ft' paid aftor the expiration of the year, I 00
Tcrma of Advtrtlsliijr.
Advertisement are lascrted ia lie Republican I
at the following rate :
1 Insertion.
One square, (14 line,) $ 40
Two auur. (?Hline.) 100
f 1
2 do.
$ 7J
I ill
J t
ft 00
8 00
10 00
i; oo
three squares, 4
42 lino.) 1 iO
3 atanths
: 4 00
: i CO
: 00
: 8 00
: 14 00
On Fquare,
rwosuaror, :
Thiee square,
Four squares, :
Half a column,
It 00
18 00
One column,
20 oo
li 00
Over three week and less than three mths 2i
cents rr qoare for earh inserticn. !
iiJ.s B6t:cs not estieding 8 tinea are in-
erted far 12 a year. i
Advertiiimmt ret narked witntao nninber of ,
mrtino desired, v!U bi r.:stinsi until forbid!
ltd charged accorditg to these term. j
An extensive Mock of Jfihhinjf, materia
anuhlna thn Jitblihri of the " RrpvhrtrC
to jinnntll ce tO the jrt: t lis that he is Jirej-Il
red ta il xiiuU of
Posters, Fairx'-irs, pRor.sAtmrs,
Bi.m, rrm Boon, fitccuRs,
Lauli, P.l Tiriin, IIasdihi.i.s,
and every sttnd cf piirsticj uunlly done
in country! ob o.'Sce.
All ortJera will be executs-l withnent
nes) and deFpatch.
Time of Holding Court.
Second Monday of January,
Third .Monday of March,
Third Mouday of June,
Fourth Monday o' Hipicuil cr,
In each year, and coulinuo two weokt tf
Conufy Cftlcerw.
Prei't Judj;,Hou. raniucl Linn. Pcilelonfe.
As'te fudge, Hon Wsi L Moore, Cleaitield.
Hou Petij Ponsall, I.u:herslurj
Fher.lT, Frcd'k U. Miller t'tiarlicld
Prutbenotary.John I.. Cuttle,
Reg. i Rec. J.nne Wi(!ey, "
Pistrict Att'y Hubert J. Waliace, "
Treasurer, ll. P. 0-od!ander,
C'i. Surveyor, 11, P. Wright,
Olen Hope.
Coinm:s'n'rs,Wiu. M'Crncken,
Wut. Merrcll,
Lumber City
S. f, Thompson,
P. C, P.owman,
Isaac W. Urakav Clearfield
J. P. Bhaw, -George
Richards, "
Corouer, Cf POFt Offices,
rjvusliiii. Ausnee of P. 0. .Vnsee f P. .V
Dtocula, Olen Hope, O. W. lalw el
Clearfeld Brtigt,
Jefferson Lint,
T. A. M'Ohee
J. W. Cs rrr. ij
Lewis ciitiia
P. B. Miller
Kd. ft-i:!in;i
R. II. Mooro.
C- f. Sloppy,
John Uoberliog
is- liioom
New W'abli)gtoBf J. M, Commlugi
uurnine, Jai McMnmy
M. .. Frank.
r. A. Oaalia.
J F W Bcbnarr
Samuel Way
Centra county
Eda. WiUiams
L'lk county, pa.
C. Mlgnot
William Carr
A. B. Shaw
T. H. Force.
J. A. nf arty
C. J. Puaey.
Darid Tyler
H. Woodward
Ellia Cbaio
O. Ileckadora
D. t. Mokol
J.W. Thorn pi'n
Ja. Thompson
J. MeCleUand
H. W. Spencer,
A. C. Mooro,
Samuel Way
Michael Wis.
W. F. Jobntoo
Curweniville, t,urwenvtlle,
Pecater, Philip burg
Ferirnion. Marron,
jF)i, Helen Foit Offlee,
Girard, Looounte't Mills,
Paid Hills,
Ooibsa, Fhawivilla,
Hrnham, Crebamton,
Culicb. tnitbi Mill.
" Madeira,
ItutUin, Tylar,
Poiin field,
Jordan, inaonvilla,
Kartbanl, alt Lick,
Knox, Now Millport,
Lawrence, Breckenridge,
Morrii, KyUrtown,
" Morriidale,
Benn, Lumber City.f
Oramplaa HlUi,
Plko, Carwensvllls,
" Ploomincville,
TJnion, Rocktoa,
WoodwaH. Jeffrlel.
T. Ilenderion
I Thi Port Office will do for Chest township
f Will answer lor Ferguion towaibip.
ROBERT 3. WALLACE, AritcT at Law,
CleorfltH, Ta-, Oftosj It caW Rw, op.
otitsj theJVrtirtial efljeo. '
it. i, mi -tf.
A M UL(l
pedi'y cured bv l)r. liant' 8clenti(ie Trealmeat;
t he Doctor, is earnest t reoneited. so ae to receive
IO COHI MPTIVKSIThe advertuer,
inviiig reeii resterad to health in a few
weeks b a very simple remedy, after baring uf.
lorod for sc.enil yean w ith a aevera lung affoe
tiou, aud that drvd disease Consumption, is anx
ious t make kuowu to bis f!kw-!ulTererj the
mean rf cure.
To all who desire it, he will sei.da copy of tho
1 prescription used, (free of charge,) with the di-
jrtions fur tirct.ariii? ant unnr tn sauie. which
they will find a rure cure for Consumption,
"to- Athft, prcnehi'.ia, le. Tho object of the
00 ; advertiser in fending the prercriptiou is to bene
1" St tha nAlicted, and spread infonnation which he
0 cuni-ei. as ta ba invaluable, a' d he hopes every
tne snff. rer w ill try hi remedy a it will oust them
00 nothing, and may prose a blessing,
00: Peraous wishing the prescription will pleie
OO'.d.lrr-a Jtev. EDWARD A. WILfcON,
novf-ly, Williamsburgh, King Co.. N. Y
$35 00
I)AT. tbe entire cost lor TUITION iu the I
most popular aud successful t'O.MM KTtClAL
SCHOOL in tho eouutry. I of Twrmt;
Hl'SDKlD young men, from rwr.tiv differ-
cot Slates, Have been educated fur bujiuess her .
iwitbiu the past tlirc tnrt. some of whom has
I been empluda PO'lK-KEFPKK at sularie
1 $2000 00
immediately pou graduuling. who Viiew nothing
of accounts alien they entered tie olleg".
ID M mister's soiis half price.
Students enter at any time, and reyiew when
they please, without extra charge.
For Catalogues, 8pecimeu of Penmanship, nnd
View of the COLLF.tiP, enclose 6ve letter stamps
to JKNKINf A f.MlTH,
May li, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Ta.
M. .M t'i'i.ic)i;(;ii,
a iFaw
dr. trmfcLr,, Pa.
OfTire In Graham's Urlck Bnildlnj
Jo!; Sd. Ufil tf.
"tlT'tiolesitle and Retail Merchants.
' If extensive dealer iu tiniber, aad luuid
bor und shingles. Also, dealers in fiour an
; jraia, which will be sold cheap fur cash.
I Oct. 14, 1869.
Col. A. P. OWKNS, pRorRiETOR,
RfM.octfullv announces to the travelling public
itr.t he has now taken charge of this large and
well known bouse, and will conduct it in such a
manner as will render excellent comfort and for,
satisfaction to all wbn uiny favor bim with a
call. nov7-ly
Spring Si Summer Gauds
lata just receiving and opening a carefully
selected stock of fSpring and Pumuirr good
ol almost every description,
A btautlful assortment of Print and Press
good, of the newest and latest atylei. Also a
great variety of uicful notion.
Bonnet, Sbawli,
Hat and Cap,
Foot and Shoes, a large quantity,
Hardware, Qieeesware,
Drug and Medicine,
Oil aod Paint,
rrpet 4 Oil Cloth,
Fiu, Vaoon and rionr,
. , . Mackerel In U and i barrel,
oftbo beit quality, all of which will bi told at
lb lowest cash or ready pay price.
My old friendi aod th aublie cenarallr are
respectfully ioTitcdtoeall. "
s.vCr2-.6AU VMl of OKALSni approved
Clfarfield, Jano 28 1861. WM.. t. 1EWIN.
r, sr.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly
and faithfully to all legal bnslo ontrusud to
hi cat, la tb cereral Court of Clearfloldaad
adJoin:c oountie.
Offlot tl os formerly osxupUd by 0. R.
tct.:tS, 119 ly. ...
U7.V-1 1 'i LI
"''r. c.h .''"
r-U.l-rlsO.Ur' iw'"
t"in n a'Uk a.?! .
1 a. " I "
of tie Wl. ImsTw
.... .11. ' " WtSi t.
dlSNiM. A cold a.4Uw SOMvUors U U L?"
lru Its natural luaTtttata. iiT;''
unfin; rrul asacraiaUuoi,
ii line iu una eoauiuon, i
Jiaa Ami nik au.l
I sm bow dlnsUl, u-,
i artuaa.aod wti h iw?
fw 1 1 v i.r ml.,. ' If)... L. . . w attu.
n'uniTii anion n cria araisan sm m.,u . ..
tliU turlal aorl euioM.a cosuiMat, Is m iriVJ I
of the r)eHMitsl aud Unaro4 OWlrwrTTl.114' f
irnUv edact oafcU Uimu. Uwiid r UiiJ?', i
Uona and deranoMDSjl of Um aaUiial IumuLTJ
aodr, tliay are rvqilcrlT. aad bimij tl Umss Tr i
I.T tho aui meaoa. Neewhekiiowtiljn-';',l '
Pills, will neirlect to esaoloy Uum wlssa eukll!!
Ilia disorders they owe. HOisj t
nutria. mis untn iwwnig pnyurkiM fa an, d
pHn-lj-jl duos, aad Hons eUwr wU asra,f '
sons. r
From a Hwnlinff ih:t!iaul ifS. Laux, pj
Da. Area: Tear I'm are Ue oai aan, r m u.,. ,
Itrwit in inedlclaa. Tbojr liars cuil mj liiu,
of ulcermM aoiw apon hnr haiiila anil hM Urn !f
InciirnliU for years, liar mutlitr Ins inta ittt
oanl.v afflitUxl with Motche and phapliis oa lierli!' ',
In Its- hair. After Mr child was enred, alit slu 1 j
your ftlt, aud tbey bavs curail twr. u4
ASA MOHQttuat.
Ae m. Family Phyalc.
Frvm Dr. IU II. (tislarryU, Aiis OiL.tu.
Y.iur Tilla are the prince of purg r.itlrwi4u ,
Hiiantloa surpass any cathartic mi, T J
n.UJ. Iiut very certain anil vllectiiul In Ur acUg,,".
Imvt1s, h. Ii tnakos tlieiu InvaluaLle to us Is Ita J...
lieutiHOJit of litseas-fc '
lclach,JlckIIen1aclic,Troul Itamitk,
-iii Vr. Utv-jri rij-i, B tUmm.
PiUr. A via: I'aulJ.t an.w.r i0U irtu tunMiina
I hae (Wi With ynnr fills ot lin to sis .
tx tr trmt wUh a puflitiri mediant. 1 jrtst tU,k
dan-e 011 an alTnetiial rutharlle til l"J ilaily cmlsa)
dismaa, and ImsIIiitIux as 1 do that yolir Pills fflwJ M as
best e havo, 1 of curs value them highly,
Prrrm-aj, Ta., M.s , u "
Pa. J. C Ana. Sir: I liars kesa rerrsttli, e,J j
Uis arorst ktutlueJu any aody caa have t a dsu i.
.1 i..ti 1. 1 ...
of ymr Pills. It asmms to arise frum a fcul tltj.
: "Ka isjsiwnssanaos,
Tfowr with great respect, KD. W. ritDU,
llllloue Disorder Liver Complaint,,
front Vr. Thtnimt ltdl, a Ask. Jlr 0t.
Not onljf are jrrwr Pills wlmlralily a.tnpM 0 tW, r...
rose as an aportent. Lilt 1 find tlivir UactcUl sffwlis ,
Ills IJrer very miuked tiulit. 1 ln-r line. In air luaa
lie irl mora aUectaal fur Uis iui. tf i..Mu wm
pljiiiJj tliau any 0110 rsiueily i can aieuuw. 1 U V),
rejolea tliut wa bar at leuidli a mrMtvt .i, w
thy Use oouSdwicv U tha nott.uu i,J the iv.j.lo.
DirAltTWXHT w vin 1 MIUI
W anliiauloB, I). C, Mi Feb., Iii. f
lia 1 1 U.i uhI juiur 1'ills in my upiwml si,j hirn'm
.rat k oror mm jou aiado tbtm, and rauiiol li.blu'.i,
suy tliay are Ilia Inist caUHutiu oui.loj. fuw,
laiuiK action on tba lirer Is oui-k ai.1 dxiOoJ, cvw
qu..ully llioy are an aihiiiruUe rallied, for dmHf,iii,
if Hint urRiui. Imirvd, 1 ,aio stlduu fuuud act if
iiltu Uw.iit ao oLnloMls that it old n K roulilr tl,li)M
Uiuui. i ratrrually youre, AIj.Z' 11ALI,
ijriciaa y'lAt ATainx II, ;!. I
V) ecsttcry, Ularrlirra, Itelai, Worm,.
Vm I'r. J. 6. Oritn, aCAMuya.
Yowr fllli Iwro had a lotis; IrUl in My piuti.v, mi (
bol-t tiivm fa aatvein as one ol the kouiituu 1 U.
erer found. Tlicir alteiativs idwl u-u Ui liter kn...
tlu-ui un exeattriit remoilr, when given iu miisII djsU
Itilwvt ilyssriltry oarf JiurrAavi. Itieir si.iuriaiiai
makes Hum very acrapiaU aud cuavouknt hi IL, u.
of women aod childreu.
DyapepaU, Impnrlty of tha Ulead.
Pith, l.'cv. J. I'. iV.iMt, iW'T f Atlnnl O.rsi,.
Vv.. Arrn: I bare used your Pills villi n rrv-r .W
suv-Msia iu my fiuiiily and aunu tliom. 1 am cM u ma
In tllMr.-ns. Ta nsulato Ilia mptus vt diirntMai sul
I'urlfv the btoo.1, thry are tlto very lst rtuinl 1 -.
i-ri-r kbnwn, aad 1 caa confid-nlly recoiiiiuiaiit I.
uij lil.inls. Imrs, J. ). Uliiu.
Wassiw, Wyoming Co., S. V.. Ort.21,
T'Kia Sir : I am )oui t'ntliirtic Pills in aiy prwv
Ike, aud ftil't tliein au exoelleht puriTHllie In clvklmlirS
svs'.eiH aud uutij'v t'.e rmifi'SiTiS ." I'.s
CnHatlpat lon.Costlvcness, Snppreaslaa,
llhciisuntlani. liout. Meursslala, llrop.
ay, I'amalyal, Kits, etc.
V"m Dr. J. I'. Vaughn, )Uutrtut,
T.j.i miieli csnnnt l-o said of your Till, f tin rur.i
r .j.urn it. Imhers of our finUnilly hats nad lk
as etn.-aci'.ins as 1 liaia, thy sIimiI.I jiu me iu fiDflua
liis it for the lM-ii'.flt of tlin niultlhtdes whusufltx fisi
ilat runii-lniiit, wlil. li, altloiuli Lal enoiigh lultsrti,s
tba prooenltor uf otlu-ra llmt am wisrae. I Im-Utts t
rirri.tti toorisjinate in Ilia liver, I. at ymi I'llis atTidtliil
ors;au aod cure the dis-sse.
rrorn .Vr. B. Stuart, IliyticUm tnj ilttlu,; M-. ''
I flud our or two larpa .l-.s-s of your rill., t.k'ii siftsi
prnper time., nre eacvllrut t"rnniotlr,of lha imfmii' ste
(mil hell wholly or partially supraMl, and aJ.o t
eir.-clual t e'rmie tl.s,u and trvA I'viat Tkrj
are so niu.h Hie Iwat phyik bat's that 1 rsvouiiusal
uo oil. or to my patieuls. '
from tht Her. Vr. .;-,,().. .fc!irvf,'s! Kpii CW.
Pn tsi lines. Sitannali.Ca.. Jan. . Is.'H.
lIoinPD ?;: I sliould l uiirratliil for IIm rslisf
your skill has t.rouplit mo if 1 did not reKrt mj sassls
yon. A eol.l sullied iu snv llml.s and l-ruucbt on sirrs
claling ncuraMe jiaois, wiiirb ndd In r'naairrAfuiM'
dim. Kotwillieundlns: I bad the Iw.t nf iliyHsns. tin
disease rew worse and won, until bv the edi'lr of yjer
enrwllciil apint In Itallimara, Dr. Markentla, 1 liird tuar
l'llls. 1 hair efTects wrr slow, but sure, lit rwinin
In the use of lla-m, 1 am now entirely will.
Kristvt CtUKflri, pton Roues, I... ( Pre.
Tru Arret I bare lieen entlrelv eurod. by roiu rill.
tthtumitie O ut a ialuful dlse... that Inul li-Ws
f.vr yeais. VlNCt.NTSl.lbIU.
t-M't f-f tba Pill In market remain Mnr,
hliub. although a Valuable Mnidy In skilful hii
danitarowa In a pui lle pill, from tha rlnaelfal aa Ihtt frsonently foll-ivs lis incantloos ss. I
sontaia no mcrcui7 or miliars substance whatsvst.
Prloe, 25 eenta per Box, or 5 Boxei for H.
Prepared by Br. J. 0. AT EE tV CO., Low.ll, I
rSoldbyC. P. Waton, CUarlell. E. A
trwiu, Curweniville; F.Arnold, l,nthrskrr,
Montgomery A Co., New Paiem ; J. C. timf,
Morriidale, C. R. Foster, Philipsburr; -Cbae,
Amonvillej and by dealer! Mirjak''-
Tbankful for past favor and eolicition af
ture patronage. 1 would rupeetful'.y an1"
thai 1 have 4.B band again, and will conrtuly
keep at the Pottery in thi borough, on thi ow
ner a rhort distance east of ibe Methodist CUnt.
a large itock of Crockevy, oa,MsCjiii'!ro1'
milk pan, Churn, Jug, Jars, Etove pip 'l
d-e. dr.; arid also aa extensive assortan""
different Ijoi and pattern of brao
roaettel for Comic on home, and other ''
Any mouldings not on band will b B-t "
older on ibort notic. Alio fire brick "
and kept fur sale.
JUT A liberal reduction on price mv
wholesale dealer. F. LEITZINQE-
Clearfleld, insy 23, 1861. ly.
, .
Cabinet, Ctair Jf9.biD7,
JOHN th borough of CVdV
P., w 111 be prepared at all He atW
to any buaines in tbe abet Ini o" 'J
notice, aod in a workmanlike manner. Hi'
of business is at the aid .bop on the north ai
Market itrtet, Sd door east of Third it. tu!.
opposite tb old Jew atore ; where be will k'l
constantly on band a large assortment of
bogony und Cane Bottom Chairs, and Ceoiio
Ware of every deioription, which be will dur"
of on oa reasonable term as tb am rucn
aan be bad tlsewber in the county.
Hi (took of Cabinet War now on band,
lata rn part of Preaaing and Common Burei"
Sofal, Sewing and Waihing Stands, Peskl
Book Case. Frencb and Field Post Ueditea
Dmii g, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier T
bic, A. Coffin manufactured and delirer
nv nlac deiired.
Fobniary , ISils-tna. 4, rol. ! '
LIciuORoTirdWtoTV'T-Brrt 15
Port and brnr Win, K-cUr Wbiiky
Uollasf vB-al HAHTTW'lCtl-
" LiV.