Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 14, 1861, Image 3

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"r.,ml r'o,i(ttM lull innVr no 1m ts
, ' 1.11 .l.mei.l ..f relliri'-n r prohibit-
I y Till-. i"HI.t or the fight nf Ihe people
1,1. tl In Imtlllntl llj II., v.
. ...nt V 1" Hi-"' " i
J ,,( 'fur a redress of gilovancoe.-- I'vmtiiu
,Vs " ""
(tu a if m lit o Aur
ttl'-i-H O flaeTMi 7. Thnt the printing .rcout pluit and specification with proposal.
,,, hall be ftf to every person who under- Ry older of the tlonrd of Commissi oners.
' ,u examine the proceeding of lha legisln- WM, H. BRADLEY, Clerk.
, of any btauoh ol government; and no law October 1 4th, 11G1.
evor be mad to reatrnin the rlgh thereof. , ., , , .
free coinniunirntlonnf thought and opinion t DMI MSTK ATOK'M NOTK I' Noti e
4t of ihe invIuuhlo rights ol man; and every j is hereby given tliat letter of AJmlnistra
1, write and print on any tinn hnvo boon granted to tho undersigned on
i sot being responsible fur tho abuse of lliut Die estate of JACOB ROBIN:?, lali of liecoaria
I ry. In pme'iti ma for tlm fultlicntt ju If township deceased. All persons indebted to said
.tt l.-iveMipatiuj; tha f1:,lnl conduct of ofli-' eitato ar rcuit(d to mnka payment without di'
j ,r m"n in ubli oBpiicitj-, Jor Wo the lay, ad thmo having clainm aKainiit the a"o
i r j.utlMlK'd i prop r ;or publio inforuia- will prent Ihtm diily HUtheiitiontod for aettlo
, thf truth tharaof nay-ha jriven in evidence ; ' uicut to miv Attorney, L. J. OR ANS, of Clrnrfiald
;lj all it dictmprtt f r Jil lf, tho Jury nball . er ANl)KKV SIIOKF, of Uulieh township.
, alii;ht to dotaruiine t!i law iindfhe facta, 'October 14, 1861. flt. Adm'r.
i f tha liiroction of tho court, ii' other caKct. Z,.'.TiT,Z .' " . :
. a i , - ,
atVrtmar'arransouiant ol lb I nnfyivaiiia
ad, ou uud nl'tor tho 10th oIJuiik, win nai
f --etlne
. 11.17 p. m.
1 l.ii a. in.
.i - . ,..: TRAINS I.F.AVI.NU w KTWAIt.
Kl Train - - P- !
The Kxi'iesn Kat, and l u.t l.tne i'."t, do
ml tP Tyrone. '
the last .nlviccs from Washingtun,
wtt henr that an ii'lvuuee by our forces in
to Virginia having rcanhe'l as far as Lew
T'je Cot.fedDtes linvd taken
C Jl forl in Hi.iffc.uri, co.ita:.'iin0' t hic
pinVs's orartillrry mi J -UK) irisoucrs mU
Jv trtiiifl OiiariU.
' i3iiii's iu Ken'ucky went1 a tltroaten
vg if ct.
n engiigement look jlnce at IInttpra
1 ' :t, bftween an Indiana regiment ami a
e I'wce of Confo'leiateH with u lois of
billed ar.d tvnunded reliels and alii
j loss on our bidti and .10 taken 1'i ison-
"abu it. A olliiicr: occurred at the
i ground tho other day, lift ween a
j t and buggy, the former driven by T.
.JfjeCullough, Y.i.t lo wliich was atlucli
it a'tery fjiiiitid borne, hu b, after sj .ill
i::out his master made, tracks for town,
cowpletely demolishing Ihe vehicU and
injurjng liiinsclf cligbtly.
At thi horse, itli Ibo w reck of the
tftjly nttud cd patd Uic reaidence ol
Jud- Barrett, his little son tvus .laying
on tki I'luement with his "hobby horse."
eclnj his danger, Mr. Euwciler run to
Jm r:ui, reaching him just in time to
natch him nwny, when tho toy was taken
VtUi liagineuts ami tleiuolislieu.
; .it in i ni.ui i.iu ina anno no-
I'jr for the democratic notninoes. Nothing
u heard Irom McKean county, and very
from Jetl'erson. The probability is
t' ttlte vote f the Volunteers H ill tc-
.'.J ike election cf tha Kepublican can-
f Let tho Republican party, ' wag
. 13 will"
1, a Democrats will "be gay and hap
fj n."
T i A rrRKii kndeo "Cotton Fa si ins" in
I .Jiti. '''ho Kuropean. Times h gen-
eliablo English jmper published in i
t!..rpool, gives some interesting facts it:
i t lisuo ol tho 211 ult., of the cotton
wer.i in Lancashire. We tjuote.
t'!Tbe sales of cottor. at Liveronl, dui
i.'j the week, had been 1 13,2o0 hide?, or
tiie-uixth of the entire stock on hand, at
prices higher thsn nad bectl cunenl for
the pest twenty-live yeara, and the ini..
piestiion preViViled that, if the American
war continued, cotton, which was junchr
table a year ugo at 13 cents, aiut advance
to 2S Cents a jioundj for the stocks on
linnd are not equal to the requirements ot
llie tunuul'uctuiers at the cloeol'tlieyeur.
U i added, 'about two diouraiiil bulus ol
American cotton 1ms been nhipped this
week lo New York nnd Boalon." There
need not,' therefore, be any Surprise at the
elaftu that has been created, and at the
leant now entertained as to our supply ol
cotton for the immediate lutuie; inas
much as the ttock of cotton in Liverpool
to day is only 487,230 American bales, iud
Of all ' kinds a total ol MS.L'UO bales, a
pinst 759,080 American, Mid total of
V.3,270 bales at the ano tiuie la.-a year.
Alter this period Ian year 6W,Wu A
mericM1 and 420,000 bales of all kind."
were received, and, notwithstanding all
thit large supply from numerous exporters-
a demand u( 080,000 American and
of all kinds ol S20.000 reduced tho slock
on the 31 Dooejuber, lStiO, to 380,000 A
aericB M1 of all kinds to 545,000 bides.
There is new no American cotton at a
for this country, am; only 180,000 bales
ffoirat so that, adding these t present
itocka, and supposing our own apinners U
.take one third less from now till I he close
of the year, and exporters 150,000 bales
more than last year, there would bo N
roost 0 entire exhaustion of the stocks
liere on the 3t of December next. It
rill, therefore, be at once apparent how
tiai to the prospv-jlf of the miuiU- 'PHF. partnership heretofore existing between
-rera of this country i tn early net-1 tho undersigned in ih lilacksmithlng busi
. . e ..-r.i,,,,., -;..;t ,... .. iee at Luthersburg, was dissolved by mutual
-stof thi. nfortunatecitilwaruow L,nsentontbo j3lhs'in.Unt. Th aocoanta du.
in AmcriO. Henry Bants are left with Ksq. Flogal. for eolleo-
"BBJMWIBJ tion, to whom payment is to be made without
J. On Tuesday the Si Inst., Janios delay. , . HFNMY HOOVER,
,r-d 82 yoars. HENRY BANTZ.
i o4 ai amons the first settlers of tin Luthersburg, Sept. 24, 1861. t
rJcb Sfcbtrtistntcnls.
. - .-ON. All persons are hereby can tion-
1 -inst trading or paying either of the
' prouiisory note e'.l bearing da to ta ,
i f of January, A. D. 1157, given by m to j
J. , Three ealliag for one hundred doU
twrrewut, end one fur seventy -one dolitrs. A
I cUtereriesd pay either of them an-
leu i ef relied by law as I have reoelved no vl-'
f.U-;j '-. HRY Z1LLI0 X. Jr..
y . 1. 1161. Jtpd. i ' u
t)HH;t H I. A 1 1( , I'I'iiroMM
I ) nu n. -s.nt.d tr.r,,).ni i t
n l r 'I at (ho Commissi ner I'OVa tinhl M"n
iUt ri"frir,Hn n. ti,,i.r tint. i I nVl"i h. f. t te
pairs l Cetilily hr i il k o nter mouth nf Aii'litmn'i
l ('' . I'lilM' It nt r, " l 1 1 mull apa.
fate bids, lor ohi hundred and f I k T f"l of
li ri 1 if i r k tir Ire-! wnrk nf mm width as thai
part of hrldgn slill remaining and to l floored
with plunk ! inches thick, Al", fr on H
fool span, covered bridge, ona Hon" pier, M 1
12.1 feel of bridging no trcsaol work, of mine
I wldlh and floored as above. The t . r i -1 i i ft now
' lo b tnuitn I., L .nBlri,cl .,.( 1 . Inches htchar
I than olil bridge, ('nnlrne torn will lia rctinire.l to
mJy (iven mar i,niior leaittnu'mury, on me
I . ,, . Un'.l V,u, 1...... ... .1. ...... .
(1ori,in(,j - Ail porsena indahte.l to aid aetata
required to make iuiinrdiete pnyinont, acd
luoav baviiiK claimi rKiunct the aaiuo will prvaont
them duly authenticated for fetllemeut to uiv
Attoriev, L.J. CUANti of Clearfield, or
ANDKKW S. iMOOUK of Penn p.,
Oct. 1 I. 1SG1. fit, Kxeoutur.
Grcat Inducements to Purchasers
Smith's Corner, below Judge Leonard's.
:ST While Granite Plate.
" Soup.
Tea Setta.
C .dec Setts.
Cups Setts.
Ilundoil Cup Settn.
Ton SetU.
T'ncr und luis'm.
Tea Sett;!.
Cup SettK.
Pearl Whito
ti i.
C.inn on Tens.
Common Teas.
Ona .Superior Lustre Pprig Tea Sett.
Creams, Pies, Soups, by tho half doien.
C. C. Kiippies, C. C. Bowls.
Otass Preserves, G'.avs Salts.
6 1'lu c Tumblers
Plln do.
I'xscl.-ior do.
Also, Teas, Coffees, f c, Ac.
and all ar'iclet usually kept in a country (tore,
will be kept here, as also many not usually kept,
hnt much needed, lit griatly reduced prices
And we feol eon '.loot that all who will make
trial purchase, will find it to their udrantiie
continue, as customer..
Superior article Swoepin nrushos,
Largo ,'.s't Waiters "most convenient article
in use.
Plants Improved Coffee Spice Mill,
aod Cording, Druai Cording.
Wall Paper, Window Shading
Dandcnnoria Coffee, landcnnocia Coffee.
Mackerel by barrel or pound.
Varied assortment of
. . Spicos,
Starch, by box or pouud,
Knives uih' Forks
Steel Pens 60 ots per gross,
Pen Knives,
Tooth mushes,
etc., etc., cto.
i) sty ;oos)s.
Toilet and Promeande Prints of Ihe most fash
ionablo stylo and color. The now much worn
material of Colored Alpaca.
Now is the time lo buy an extra ordinary cheap
dress for next season, us wo will close out our
stock of Lawns, Orgindies, yarcges, Poplins,
Crape do Paris, Baliorinos, and all Sumnirr poods ,
at fabulously low prices, to make room far our
fall A. Winter stock, which wo will soon he able
to offer to our customers, nnd the public general
ly, at the Cash Store of
Also, a limited amount of County Orders want
ed in exchange for goods.
"RJ"KV AHKIV.tLWe havejutt openod
i.1 an I are selling rery low, a largo and com
plete stock of Uoot, ,,,,1 til,or,l vii :
Mens host Kip snot
oys best Kip Boot.
Mens best Calf noot,
oyi best Cair aoot.
Child heat Kid Boot.
Mem best Calf Monroes;
' ()' best Calf Monroes. -,
Youth's best Calf Monroes.
Childs best (loot Pumps.
Childa best Welt Pumps
fluids best Button Pumpi
Childs Wt French Moroco heel.
V.'oiuaiis Mor, Jefferson heel,
W.imani Gnat Jcfftrson heel.
Woman Kid Slippers.
W'omans Sup, Velvet bound gaiters.
Womnns extra fine lasting g liters
Woman sup. extra heavv moroccos.
II. W. SMITH & Co.
Hosts of busines from 7 A M., to 8 P. M.
ioly 10, 18C1. tf.
Dissolution of Partnership.
- '-B- Twcuty-fitre to SUty Uollare and
expense per month wilt he paid by the Krlo
Cowing Machine Company to their Agenta, for
p ! selling the Erie Sewftig Machine. Thla la a ce
Machino, and so simple in it eoastraction that a
child can leern to operate it by half an hoar'
Instruction. It U ecjual to any Family Sswing
Machine in ose. and they take thepromium over
Sfty and one hundred dollar machines. Tho
price is but Fifteen Poller. Tbo Company wish
to- employ Agents in every county In the t'nitcd
State. Address," for particulars, Erit Setciny
iMa - kim 1L Janes, Ueaeral Agent. Milan,
Ohio. - .iarU tau
A M 1IIM.8
M$k dentist,
' i -f 11-tt n " '-s Pri'pnraMfntinn lo
yi . ' -V v' it""" "i ,"' ,,f R'
,- heti' fil to r"-ry nn
""" ' In point of health,
eomfoit, and rnntrnienra,
lilt. IIII.I.MrK !rv:i;n lie found at hin of.
Be, on tin conior of Front and Main Mren,
when tio notice to the contrary appear in thin
Al nperallom i x..i of Ma profenjion
pirforiml' lit' the lateit and inoat improved
ntvli's, and Riiiuriiitivl for onu year againnt all
nturat fulluroii.
Blarkanilth. Wagcm, lSuien, .to., Ac, ironod
on short nt tice, sad thovory beat style, at hia
11 iUmd in t'10 borough of C'urtunavillo.
! . 20. 18UU
Premiums nml (Ilpl.inias will be paid on nnd
after the first Wednesday of November ar.d un
til the 1st day of January, 1R6I, after which oil
money premiums unclaimed will bo considered
as a donation to the Society. Tho officers of tho
Society and members rf the Committee of ar
rangemonts will wear a buuge designating their
oflieo, and it will ho their duty as well as pleasure
to attend to the expressed wishes nnd wants of
exhibitors and others, if it is In their power so
to do. A select police force will he in constant
attendance for the preservation of order and
protection of property.
The trotting course is level, well graded, and
one-third of a mile in circuit. Ample arrange
ments will he made lor tho convenience of spec
tntirs. Children under ten yenrs of n'O not admitted
unless accompanied by their parents or guardians.
Every person wishing to bo enrolkd asa mem
ber of this Society must apply on or before the
first day of the fair, and on the payment of one
dollar to tho Treasurer shall receive a certilieato
of membership containing the niiniooftho ap
plicant and endorseu by the Secrttnry,
Every person becoming a member as above
shall on the presentation of hi certificate, re
ceive n ticket which will admit him free during
the fair. Any person complying villi the above
r:gulntions and paying $10, shall become a life
member and shnll be exempt from all contribu
tions and shall annually receive from '.he Seero
tiry a free family ticket.
All persons must bo provided with tickets,
which can be had from the Executive Committee,
Treasurer or Sucretury or at the door. Persons
acting ns Judges are expelled to become mem
bers of tho Society. Persons from other coun
ties con bocouie members by complying with the
iihove rules. Ladies can become members by
muking application as ahtve uud paying into
the Treasury fifty cents when they will receive a
ticket to admit them free.
Exhibition of liulys' and genllcmons' horse
manship will take pluco on Tuesday and Wed
nesday evening nt 3 o'clock, last riding will not
be allowed j those violating this rule will he ex
cluded from competition. Plowing match will
take place on Vertnesday nt 10 o'clock A.M.
The address will be delivered at 2 o'clock on
Friday tho ISth of Oetohor, nnd imuiodUtoly nf
tor the address the reports of tho Judges will he
read nnd the premiums awarded.
Exhibitors must hi come members of the Socie
ty und have their r nimals aad articles entered
on the Secretary's hooks on or before the I Mb.
day of October: and all animals and articles,
except horses, must be brought within the enclosure-
us eiirly as Wednesday, at 10 o'clock,
A.M., and nil persons entering minimis nnd arti
cles for exhibition w ill procure cards from tho
Secretary w ith the class and number of entry of
snid articles, previous to placing said articles on
tl.e ground, liny and straw will to furnished
gratis f.r all animals entered for premiums, and
grain will bo furnished at cost fur tho.-o who desire
to purchase.
No horse shall be entered or allowed a premi
um unless ho is free from disease. Ilorsrs will
bo received until Wednesday noon, but must bo
eafred previously. All persons who intend to
exhibit horses, cattle, sheep er swine, or w ho in
tend lo oflcr stock or nny other nrtielo for snlo,
should notify the Secrotary of such Intctitiim on
or before the 10th of Octorher, and have with
him a list and full description of the same.
Persons intending to exhibit bloodei stock
must produce nuthcutic pedigrees, nnd aro ear
nestly leipiested to furni.-di the Secrotary, by the
10th of October, with a list of their stock, and
the pedigrees of each, this will facilitate the
preparations of entries and in ease of defioiont
pedigrees, will alford the owner timo to correct
the same.
iisiriicd'oni to Jtultjo. Jfo animal to roceive
an award in more than cue class.
Judges are expressly requirod not to award
premiums to over fed animals. No premiums
are to be awarded to bulls. cows or heiffers, which
shull appear to have been fattened, oiiy in the
class of lot cattle, the object of the Society being
to have superior animals of this description for
1'ut Cutilr. The judges on fat cattle will give
particular attention to tho animals submitted for
examination. It is believed nil other things
being equal these arc the best cnttlo thnt huvo
the greatest weight over the smallest supcrncies.
The judges will require all in this class to be
weighed, and will take measures to give the su
perheiej, of each, and publish the result with
their reports. They will also, before awarding"
any premiums, require of the competitors full
statements as to tho manner nnd cost of feeding
ns required by tho regulations of the premium
When there is but ono exhibitor, although he
may show several animals in ne class only one
premium will bo awarded, thnt to the first, or oth
erwise as tho merits of the animal may be
The superintendent will take every precaution
in his power, for tho safety of stock and articles
on exhibition af er their arrival, and arrange
ment on the grounds, but will not bo responsible
for any loss or damage that may occur. The So
ciety desires exhibitors te givo personnl atten
tion to their animals and urticloa and at tho
close nf the fair to attend to their removal as
the S. cicty cannot take further care ofthein.
Jtvlci nf 1'ltming. The nnme of tho plowman
must be given ns woll as the kind of plow to he
used, at tho time of entry.
The quantity of ground tj bo plowed by each
team to be i acre.
The timo allowed to do the work will be threo
hours. The furrow slice in all casesto bo lappod.
The teams to start at the tamo timo and each
plowman to do his work without a driver o,- oth
er assistant.
1 he premiums offered by the Society will be
awarded to the individuals, who, in the judgment
of tho committee, shall do their work in the best
mancer, provided the work is done in tho timo
allowed for its performance.
. Each plowman to strike his own land, and
plow-entirely independent of the adjoining land.
Within the one-fourth of an acre plowed, each
plowman will be required to striko two back fur
rowed lands, and finish with tho dead furrow in
thm mlilrltn.
Any information desired in rcganl to matters
Executive Committee or the Secretary, who will
be pleased to give any information in their power
at any time.
Any article not enumerated la the above claa -
ses.and placed upon exhibition, if worthy of no-
win ai.,,,i ki w , Aw.. nlAit
J 0 1 . 0 .
The Executive Committee reserve a discretion- I
ary power to award Diploma in y case for 2d,
bestarticle, or for articles not entitled to premi-
ums by the rcles. . -
Three Judge for each class will be appointed
and announced before or on the first day of tbe
rBir . ,
All erticJes may be entered free of charge, ex-
cepting horses for pleasure, and for the trotting
prom i ums. . . .
isignea.j iuciiaiil' mia.
Ex. Com.,
: ?
- i r
" ; ; h
Aug. yi,lMl.
V.i-'jtri Air 7it a jf'if.;r
' 1 I IK,
Toll,: hill nl tl,r Kornn.h nf f'. .''
on Tiirvht;, V,:lnrs'l,nik Tlnirbni
,nol Viicy, ,, :,th, It',,, 17', ,,,,',1
Wt ili fin of (htnl ft ,1. )., 1H.
Kl.Urt imviN, Ppcidenl.
1. R I'lwiii vH, Secretary.
l.KVl V. I ft vi , Cov. .Seereituy.
.IaMix Willow y, Trensiuxi'.
I Jnll.N'l'. AVeAVWI. hill nil! on
tien. A.M. Hii.i.h, Murslml.
WM.-'fyy Kypk, fbid'of Police.
J'Ws .lmisxii,ht .',( ftrs, ,(,:.
Sitifrlo admission, . .-. 15 ds.
Children under 12 yonrn, ' -' 10 "
Tickets lor a Hinjrlo day, . 2,1 "
Millie iicltct during Fuir - 50
Tickets tor a family, to admit
lildv mid o-entletinin ,.iwl !4
children under M yearn,
For trotting jirciniuins, ouch
?1 00
For pleasure, ..... 50
Ci .am No. 1 .S'lw,',:.?, oyifvi to all compet
Best Bull, $10 00 2d Host Bull, $i 00
All breeds come together in this class, and
ccinpeto with each other. To bo judged by their
gooci points, symmetry ot triune, ability to fatten,
and the stock they will
Jt -hues. .Tames A. Heed, John T. Dule,
John Stewart.
Class No. 2.- CrnJc Cattle.
riost Cow, $10 00 2d Best cow,
Best Hcilfer, 5 00 Best Calf under
2d lic.t calf under S months old,
8 months old, liiold'n t'uitU
$ 500
:t oo
J I m;v.s. C. V
Amos lteed.
flulich, Jacob Flegal,
Class No. 3 Oxen.
Best Yoke uKlxcn $10 00
2d Best " iMild't Cutlk Dwtw, nnd .'! (Ill
Ji;i)i;r.i. IJobett Mehaffev, Hiram Wood
wird, N. K. M'Mullen .
Class No. 4.
Best f.t Bullock, Cow or Jleiffer over 2
yenrs old, - - - - - $j 00
2il best do do Jhulif Cutttr Wru'r, A 1 00
JtDcr.s. John MTherson, Win, Jfc
Naul, John Carlisle.
Class No. 5. Thorough bred Hursen
.': to all.
Best Stallion, $15 Oil 1 Best Mure .t Colt 10 00
2d best do 5 00 2d best do 6 0(1
The premiums in this class aro intendod only
for horses whose pedigrcis render thctn worthy
The society wishes to encourage tho raising of
tiigli-bluuilo'l noises.
J rnum - James Forrest, Thilip lilan
chttrtl, H. C. Bowman.
Class No. G. T?,',,',,,;, Curriiye, Draft and
.0' Farm Ilurseg,
Best Saddle-Horse, - - - - $5
Best matched carriage borsoi, l oiinfr on
tfir Jluritr, mil - - - . 3
Best single family horse, in harnc.-s, )n.
nit u the llftrn. and - . - 2
Best Span of Draft horses or mares, Voii-
ofr on liir il,rne, and 3
Best Span of Form horses, or mares, Fuu-
att hi thr lliimr, nnd - - - 3
Best Gelding, or Mare, for work, over 4
yoars old, 1 winfr on the Ifumr, nnd 3
Best Colt under 2 yenrs old, Fonofrim f.e
llmnv, nnd - - . . . .t
The horse that mover tho heaviest load
on a h'totio Boat, without a whip,
VcNffff oh the lhiTi-ft and
4 00
J r hues. Win, Brown, A. C. Tale, Jas.
Class No. 7. Trotting JIse.ioen lo all.
Best time 'Sin 5, trotting in single hit r-
liess, Yonat, on thr Il irur, and ,10 00
No premium will bo paid unless Fivo entiies
are made. Each horse to trot against timo.
JcncEs lolm Put ton, YVm. Bigler,
John M. Cummings.
Class No. 8. Ilortn owned in Count'. Citi
zens' IStrsc. Jlest '2 in 3, on time
Best trotting horse, or uiare, under saddle,
Youatt tin the llumr.
Best trotting horse, or mare, in single har
ness, Voioilf oa the Home.
Beft trotting pair of hor.-es, or inures, in
hainosK, Yuitatt on the Horse.
Best pacing horse, or mare, do do
Best walking horse, or mure, do do
Ji nr.Ks.--Dr. H. T. Thompson, James
Forrest, David Tyler.
Class No. 0. S'yi and 11 W.
Best Buck, any breed, A'lrn't f'urm Honk, tf- $2
Best Ewe, nny breed, do do do 2
Best 'A Sheep futicnod for mutton, 2
Best 2 Enmbs 2
Post Fleece of wool, - - . - . 1
Best Specimen of wool. . IMploma.
.JVnuFS James Irwin, Elisha Fenton,
Alex. Murray.
Class No. 10; Sirine, open to all.
Best Bonr. nnv breed,
YoiiTiy farmer ' Manuel, and $2 00
Best Brcodinc tow. nny breed.
Farmer on, (larilrne r, and. 2 00
Best Hog, former mill OnrilrHer. and 2 00
Best Tig under 6 months old, 1 flo
Ji F.(,F.s.--.Tf nioj Bloom, Milton M'Bride,
George Thorn.
Class No. II. Poultry.
Best Coop Spring Chickens, not less than fl, 1 00
Heaviest Turkey, - - - - 1 (10
Best display of Chickens, - . 1 00
JuntiEs. I. B. M'Ennlly, David Dress
ier, John Flegal.
, Class No. 12. Plowing.
Owner of team nnd plow who
' plows green sward tbo best,
Yuiihij fnrmtrt' Manuel, and
Owner nf team and plow who plows stubble
tho best, Xflen't Farm Hook, and
3 00
3 00
.IruoEs. Dar.iel Bnily, Geo. Thompson,
Adam GearliHit.
Class No. 13. Vlows, Ilnllrtt and Drill,
Jlarro' x jjnd Cuttiratni.?.
Best Tilow f'.r stubble or sward, - 2
J(,t suh-sidl plow, flurry's Fruit 0'itrthn, Jt 1
Rest Side-Hill plow, - 1
Best Cultivator, 1
Best Clod-Crusher and Holler combined, 1
Best drain Drill, AHen'i Firm Hool; A 1
Best Horse Bake, $1 00
Best Reaper and
Mower, - S 00
Best Corn planter 1 00
Ke.t Corn Shelter. 1 00
j BefliThnn.n; ma-
RestFanuingMill2 00
' t a r 1 , yi v
Best nay-i iicning .'imiuno,
Host Ox oke and Bows, - -
j Rc Plk Slra, C"T , "
' Best Horse Power fort.encral Purposes,
Best Original Invention or Agr' rdfurnl
I Implement. -
1 00
1 00
2 on
2 00
S 00
... ...1 1 .1.1. , . ,
All Brunei. r.,u..,i. .... .. ... .... uuh ni mane
in th county, but produced upon exhibition, If
worthy of it, will be awarded a Diploma.
jeoiiES. eo. Inorn.Jno. D. Thomn-'
J0in Gllliland.
1 , . ,,. ' '''',, ' , !
,Class No. 14. Miseelianeou4 farming 7i..
ptcst Bee Hive, tl
, i)cllt p0to Digger-
00 I Best Stomp Puller .1 00
50 1 Urtst Orain Cradle, 1 (10 ,
"llest 6 Hand-raKes I (III
Best lot of Gardening tools, . 1 00
i,.., Farmini atenslla. owned b Vnmrt on
;'Jtpr.Es. John Kider, Jr., Martin Nlch-'
ols,if.. ThoDins A. McGbeo. , '...,
Cmm No. I V -117,-of, iW.y, H .,,,1,
It"-! Aer nllnl. twl.'t, Tom, .( f,,ir,f i f I n
be! Acre of Ppt ing wheal,
I .t .,-.. m Aif imltort't I inirand 3 '0
Ptsi I h i I of whet, 1 1 in ,. t r .
I .lo . i, .1 l .l ,i ,'. m'i.i. I V or, no I n I'll Ac?" of Corn, . I "' Jti I , ami 3 "fl
i llc'l field of llill'er, n., ,. ih ,n ,i Hit,
I .1m. rirmi v1.''i'' I ysnf, and J "(I
pel Acta of H .u, Am n Aa. I .. i,, uod ') Ml
lle-l A ie of Itve, Ann A.. I v'r, and 2 00
llo-t hiihid of Com ants, '
U' f I ,1 aiTcs f.f Il'i' kwhent, "
Mot biih"l winter wheal, "
Beit Ini-hel Hpiing do "
Brst j ncre of l'otntces, "
lle:t j acre of llemis, "
Best nere of Clover seed,
Pot 1 in-ro i f Brr-nm Corn,
nn'l I on
ii n
; oo
2 0
I 01)
i on
i on
1 BO
I Pot j m ie of Sorghnm,
Best j ncro of Peas,
Best 1 ncro of Rulib gss,
Pest 1 bushel of Timothy seed,
Best 1 acre of Carrots, .
Best J aero of Turnips,
si ) ncro oi lump, - - '
Crops being equal, preference will be given
1 00
thou that yield the 'largest I
laonts lo be ftimlshed by the'
st net profit. Stale-
igtT ndl a " sampie
fc. .
must fllrnlsU the com-
must In measured, or weighed
furnished nt lb Fair. "
Applichrtu for prominm must fdrnlsU tho com
ml'tue with a statement slgnsil iy thomseivos
under a bledgo of veraoity.of the quality of grain
raised on the ground entered for . proinlu.n, nnd
must state, a. correctly as they can, the kind and
condition of the previous crops i tho kind and
iiunlitttv ol seed used, and the timo ana mouo
.. ... ,
putting it in the ground.
Persons cutoi nig 1-ield Crops Tor exniDition, or
intending to do so, may give notice to tho Exec
u:ivo Coinmitteo nt any timo, and hare the fluid
inensiircd nnd examined by a committo e
JinsEs. Uielinid Humphreys, Joseph
Shaw, Amos Ilile.
Class No. It) liread and Cereal Food.
Best :i Loaves of wheat Bread, Diploma.
Best Loaf of Corn Bread, - do
livrt Loaf of Rye Bread, - - do
Best Pound, Sponge, Fruit, Jolly, Coffee,
Ludv and Plain Cake, each n do
Best Pie, any kind, Dip.
Best Jell v, Dip.
Host Pressrvos,
ilest display of
llest Ice Cream, Dip.
Preserves rf-Jelly Dip.
Jt'DUES. Mrs. liitchel lteed, Mrs
Irwin, Mrs. Allport.
Class No. 17. lintterand Cheese.
Ilit JO pounds of Butter,
Best Firken of 2."i lbs., or moro, of Butter
mndu in May or Juno,
Host Cheese,
JfiM!ES.-Mrs. B. H. Caldwell, ,
Samuel Arnold, Mrs. Thorn is Snyder
Class No. IS. 7Y,rur.
Rest Barrel of Fl lttr.
Best 100 lbs. of Flour. Spring wheat,
Best 50 lbs. of Rye Flour.
Best 60 lbs. Buckwheat Flour,
Best 50 lbs. Corn Meal,
1 00
Jeeuks. Charles Sloan, David
Samuel Arnold.
Class No. I'.). Domestic Ankles.
Best Box, or Jar, of Honey.
Best 10 pounds of Maple Sugar,
Best Peaches, put up Air-tight,
Best Tomatoes, put up Air-tight,
Best Blackberries, put up Air-tight,
Best Currants, put up Air-tight,
Best Fancy Jar of Pi -klcs,
Best Gallon Syrup, Maple or .Sorghum, each.
Best Cured Hani, cooked, 1
Best Dried Beef, with mode of curing, 1 00
Judges. Mrs. Jus. McMurray, Mr?. E.
M. Jonts, Mrs. Mcl.f-c.d.
Class No. 20. Domestic Manvfaetores.
Best 10 yards of Flannel,
Bts. 10 yards of Sattinet,
Bet 111 yards of Cloth, ' .
Bsst pair of woolen Blankots,
Best 15 yards of woolen Carpet,
Best 15 yards of ling Carpet, wool chain,
Bes. 15 yards of Rag Carpet, cotton chain,
Best Woolen Coverlet.
Best Woolen fringed Milts,
Best Hearth Rug,
Best pair of woolon knit Stockings,
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
o 501
Best pound of linen Sewing Threud,
Best specimen of Knotting. Knitting or Nee
die work, by Muses under lZyrs. of i
Best pair of celton knit Stockings,
Bost pound cf Stocking Yarn,
Best Foot Mat, 50 I Best Tidy,
Best Straw Bonnet, 50 Best Straw Hat,
Jidhes. Mrs. Adam Gearhart,
Henry Irwin, Mrs. Galloway.
Class No. 21. Vm.-, 67. H'.r wort; f c.
Best specimen of Needle work, 60
Best specimen of Needle work, on Machine, .60
Best group of Flowers in worsted. 68
llest specimen of Embroidery in worsted, 50
Best specimen of Embroidery in Lace, 50
Best specimen of Embroidery in Muslin, 5n
Host Shirt made by Miss under 12 yrs. ofnge, 60
Best Patching nnd Mending, 60
Best specimen of Leather work, 50
Best sbeciinen of Wax Flowers, 50
Best specimen 6f Feather work, 60
Best specimen of Ornamental work, 50
Ji iices. Mrs. Bigler, Mrs. Fochl, Mrs.
J. T, Leonard.
Class No. 22. Dress Making and Millinery.
Best Dress uiaking.$l 00 llest Millinery, 1 00
Ji'duks. Mrs. Pho.'be Sackets, MUs
IIeler Mitchell, Mrs. Scphronia Harts
horn. ('lass No 23. Artistic work.
Best Painting in oil, Diploma.
Bost Painting in water clors, do
lint Portrait Painting, do
Bost Landscape Painting, do
Best Cattle Painting, do
Best Ornnmeiitnl Painting of any kind. do
Best Paguorrootypn taken on tho ground, do
Best Atnhrotype taken on tho ground, do .
Best Photograph tuken on the ground, do
Best Writing, do
Best Ornamental Penmanship, do
Bost Architectural Drawing, do
JuniiF.s. Mrs. Naglc, Mrs. D, W. Moore,
Mrs. O. L. Reed.
Class No. 24. Desiinx.
Best design for Farm House, Barn, Carriage-House
and Stable,
Best Design for Dairy House, .
Ilest Design for Dry House, .
Bost Design for Bridge, with plaiu tpan
not less th no 25U feet,
1 00 1
3 00
Judges. Gi.l.ion G. Wolf, Jos
field, Samuel Kirk.
Class No. "'. Mrtalic Fuhric.t
Best Ci oking-Slove, wood ol coal,
2d best Cooking-Stove, wood or coal,
. Huron-.
3 00
2 "0
2 00
3d best Cooking Stove, wood or coal,
Best Parlor Stove,
2d best Purlor Stove,
Best Cast Iron Fence,
21 best Cast Iron Fenco,
Best specimen lot of Tinwnre,
1 oo
3 00
2 00
2d best do do do
;i on a. in)'
Best specimen of Rlacksmitlnng, 2 00
Best specimen of Gunsmithing, 2 00
Best specimen of Iron Turning, 2 00
Rest Shower Bath, 1 00
Best Pinto castings, 00
Best Original Invention in the county. 5 00
The above premiums ere offered for article!
mnnulnctured in the county. A Diploma may bo
awarded for any cf the nhove articles on exhibi
tion, without regard to where It was manufactur
ed. ' i
Bost display of Table and Pocket Cutlery, 1
of American Manufacture, , i'ip.
Rest disphy of Edged Tools, do
Ilest display of Farming and Fiold tools, do
.Iudoks. -John L. Cuttle, David Den
mark, Jobiah ThompiOD.
Class No. 2tl. Vehielrs of aU kind.
Best Family carriage $5 Rest Buggy, ' 1 00
Best farm wagon 4 But Sleigh, 2 CO
ll-M Jin
Vii. I
A hi I' ina i i ,y
d n, r f I I tt ini. in Una
i (! ihinof i lore I In t'.a r
I'll v,
n W in, A Wnl!a.
fimpbcll, Ii. I, Hull.
i 'i No. 27. if
.1, W.
He- ! Hi Minir Iiorn.iii i,
lle-t Lounge, I
He.'t set o ( I, iir... 2
Rf si in iett ol ('hair, 2
Peal Ktn. tnt 1. ! I '
M ..h stand. 1 I"'
B"t Cenliu laljc2 (Ml
llet It, dl., . !. 1 I I)
I'esi set rnrlor I-urn
, Bet booking gliK.fiu'el lleM Office- Chuir, I (lit
lif st ilisplsy of l uhlnst ware,
tip. and 5 (HI
Ji Ddts. Benj. .Spackman, Wm. Fealh,
Hurcinun Spencer.
Class No. 2A.- (oferioi. f'urpeileriifl, lv.
nen specimen of Pina ware, . ts
llest window sash, 1
Best window. I Und, ' 1
Best Lot of Baskets, I
Ilea Lot of Buckets, I
Botsot grain measures,!
Best Panel Poor. I
.TrDCM.lIonry Parks, George B. Pule
v u i ti
to "'"'art I liompson
Class No. 2!).-Root, and Garden Vtjetalla.
"j' J!"' kh"'
Best 0 heads cabbage Mlo Best 4 bu. rutabag.OOo
t o onniWr,Mc. Bet bu. ta. beets50o
.. . ,' ' "
' 'r cv r u""''
1 " J f "ash,
,S sw! P . T
. . " "
' ' 50o
' : ' too
oi ... , ,
I A" vegetables must hnvo
exhibitor. .
havo been raised by tho
1 .H'noEs. .lev, Mr. Fop.lit, Jtcv.- Mr.
Galloway, liov. Dr. McLeod.
Class No. 30..
Curricn, rxtddlcrtt and tihuc
Ilest Gentlemen' Boots and Shoes,
Best Lady a' Boots and Shoes,
Best disjiloy of Pools and Shoot,
Bost Travelling Trunk,
Best Tug Harness,
Bost Carriago Harness,
Host Single Harness,
Best Riding Bridle irtid Martingnlo,
Bost Wentlcinans' Riding Saddle,
Best Ladys' Ridinir Saddle.
2 00
2 00
3 01)
2 00
2 00
3 00
. 2 00
1 00
2 00
2 00
3 00
1 00
l on
l oo
1 oo
Best display of Saddlery,
' . Best Finishod Harness.
Best display of any kind of Lenthor,
Best Robe inado by exhibitor,
JumiEs. James B.Graham, John Un
burn, James A Bloom.
j Class No. 31. Tailor
I work.
and Upholdslcrcrs
Best Suit of Clothes mado by band, 2 00
nest (..oat mado by a Lady, 1 00
Best Hu.k Matrass, 2 00
Host Hair .Matrass, 2 00
Best Straw Matrass, 1 00
J untir.s, G. L. Roed, Daniel Fuust, D.
S. riotner.
Class No. 32, Printing in count;.
Best Handbill, Dip. I Bost Blank, Dip.
Best Card, Dip. Best Newspaper, Dip.
Best Ornamental Printing, Dip.
Judges Wm. Bigler, Levi F. Irwin.H.
B. Swoope.
Class No. 33. Slonr-ware.
50 ! Best Drain Tile,
liost Firo Brick,
Best Brick,
Best Brackets, I
Best Pottery, 1
Ji'tirir.s. G. D. Goodfollow
Forcee, John Irwin.
Class No. 31. Chemicals and Chemical A
dm in the county.
Best available Manure at moderate cost,
Best available Manuro for Farm Pioducts,
Best available, matoriul for Glue,
Best Linseed Oil,
Best Tallojv Candles.
Best Specimen of Soap,
llest Vinegar,
Bc.-it Writing Ink,
1 00
1 oo
l on
1 011
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 0J
Jluges. Dr. J. P. Hoyt, Dr. D. O.
Crouch, Dr. J. G. Hartswick.
Class No. 35. Wool and Stone,
Best Drossed Stone, $1
Best Grind-Stone, 1
Best Butlor Ladle, 60o
Best Butter bowl, 50c
Best Split or Shav
ed Hoops, 50c
Best Mil! Stono, $1
Best Floor boards,
worked, 1 weatherboards, I
Bost washing machinel
Bost Churn, 60o
Best Turned Artiolo,$l
liost Shingles, $1
Discrotionnry premiums will bo recommended
for nil articles of merit exhibited by mechanics
in nil the various brnnchct, nnd it is bopoda
general exhibition will bo made.
For nil improvements useful to the Farmer, and
having valuablo properties, discretionary premi
ums may be recommended bj tho Committee,
and awarded by the Board.
Ti'DGES. Wm. Irwin, Thos. Forcee, Jno.
Irwin, sr.
Class No. 30 Natural Minerals.
The best suit of usoful Mineral of Cloarfiold
county, including coal,
The best Cabinet of Minerals of Clearfield
and adjoining counties, to be tho prop
erty of the Society,
The best Liinostone,
Tho best Fire Clay,
The best Potter's Cloy.
Tho i'Ctt Collodion of Foss Is,
Tho bost suit of Crystaliiod Minerals,
JrmiEs. Dr. R, V. Wilson; L. J.Crans,
Dr. Woods.
Class No. 37. Fruit.
The best display and greatest variety of .
Grafted Apples, summer and winter
Fruit, named and arranged, $3
I ho best display and greatest variety of
Pears, nnhiod nnd arranged, ' 2
The best display nnd greatest variety of
Peaches, named and arranged,
Jlarru'i fruit tiuriten.
The best specimen of Apples, 1 pock, do do
The best collodion of Plums, do do
The best collection of Cherries, do do
Tbe bost collection of Quince, do do
Best specimen of Foreign Grapes, do do
Best spceiuiCH of American Grapes, do do
Best spacimin of Currants, too
Best specimen of Gooseberries, 60c
Best specimen oflllackberrios, 60o
I Best specimen nf Seedling Grapes raised in
n0j county, nnd worthy of culture, 50o
nu Best specimen of Domestic Wine, $1
JunuES. Elah Johnston, Morris' WaU
no laco, Henry B. Wright.
Class No. 38. Horsemanship, tf'c
To the Lady that manages her horse bed,
and sets tnt grncefuliy, Dip.
io mo uenncman wno manages nil horfO
I best, and sets mo-t gracefully, Djp.
Tho best display of horsemanship, not loss
than five couple, Dip.
Tho best driving on the Course, by a Ludy, Dip.
Tho best Company of Cavalry, Dip.
J ho best Company of Infnntry, Dip,
Tbo best Pand, with Brass instruments,
Tbo best Martial Band,
ihe best 10 gingers,
JunoKS. Edmund Jones, Daniel Good
lander, J. F. Weaver.
Class No. 39. Nurseries.
The best Nursery, containing the greatest
variety of Fruits and Shrub, cultivated
in the most approved manner, (the ex
hibitor to furnish written description,,
stating variety and mode of eultnrc, $.1
The Bocand bost ' do flurry ' Fruit Garden
JuiMiEs Dr. T. J. Boye r, Henry Swann,
Jno. D, thorn peon.
Class No. 40. Oennnl lAst. i
Tb best display greatost varioty Flowers, Dip.
The best di-play i greatest variety PlanU, Dip.
The bost display of Floral Oniamenlt, Dip.
The best hoquet, with handle, Tip!'
The be-t hand ho i-jet, , . ; . Dip.
IrnGEs. Mr Fiunev, Mrs. Boynlon,
Mrs. Foley, ,
i I om,1
' I tt lo-fil,!,! i on,
V f e