tM Iraifirlb fjuiHiiaii, it urn rnoMinrr.Ai of wAti. -" ",.- 1 , 111 I t I'l I' H .' ''tV i;. 1 hhi t 'l-ti ft ilmn- a'W O'AVN A rr l.i ) !r mmI. a " I Vv''y i S i that I (.m I Mt..l. r m r-M.n.M in $,f -iJV t,m,.U,l,nlM, .....I P..I-M.....-0 .l n,y tA-i t.": simply, i .i.i.ri . THE WAR JEWS I 1 KOM WASHINGTON. Xntrlligonre ft cm Urn r.ofcrnl umriAi. m.u.uns or mi. i urnoN in n.i:m n.i.n county, ikm AmcIiii.Iv A'V Jll'lio SlmlilT C'M'im'r n. inf.i 1 WaMIIV.Im!, O.I. H H.nlrll ll'" tl"H Monday Morning Oct. 1. 1861. The Election on Tuesday Keni'ted in most glorious A' i iilitiii to I Hen. ll.i-crrM'i. I 1 ,. . . .1 I- lt W III I C P"IC Mini ii F 1 1 l it 1 ll initi-"!! i ntt'lift tll roinl illtil h'lii' i t tietlS. I.n0( niul Floyd. N.iihir 1 nor 'irii. Frc inniil v ill have occasion lo ( nuiplain of mi insufficient 'nrce, n. lint in 1 tit i ti r lion i not ii mi 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 u i oi iuo im jirnni-o .. ...... .1. ii .ill tt.. . i.i. I ..l.i. J. ... , I K i l l1!. Ul III "I. .11. "I'l'.M llivi. hi,,.,. sl,n "hcii'v';;'"-,;,;,,,,;, ,,.,.,1, F, (, , r. j,,,, f (t K TrOOPS ,H.r. Alurrew.lay.rnt at lams. Knnltirkv. ivowc.eord.'.edon loll.-( . . - ,. ., I ' - . . ...... 1 . V. ... ....... iv oil here tttin Johnson is in sday iv, wee r.ln,l .,. lo ... ! - - H A .. for 0lir roi,.,.Hi.ion in tli t'l "l""r" ,,.,,,,, ,.,,., Hrn,y lial vl l,..v' Hi" I:. Me regiment, vuis sent to Harper , . l)lul (irMi A s ) . l'n, . , ,UiJ. I ... I-..I.....I.,,. K'. .11 1 I 1' . hlHint llicAin tiiiMN cre wiry comronmi ai ouiuiuui, iy., ximmtuhk rciLTUi. i I'll urn wlio poleoi I i)ftul)0e of tho lVnnylvania ra- llliov have lnii-'o loli-f or cavnlrv. n niul mlvoaiU.l ftth tin l alanoe o . j Tl.ompeon l.n.l 4.0H0 ornnniznlioii, ntitl l''0 not mum. nny of (-npt. Irvin mon ( (si lliwn 1ICI ,,y ll;r(io.H. The I. rnimo for ci'tttulation anit rcjoioiii)f , . ..,.,,.. Knmo n mtack thel .1 . Wi.-h we Imve adMi-vo-l. r-muin.M, (or in. u.-r .... - (.i.tin, Tillow, I'oik ami Johnson nrt ... 11.0 tctorj which . M.flI1'.iHln.-eU.oW the F.-rry) unl.l Um week. lll0lm,Jlli lll0 r,.M nrmv at I ho party Jim acica noi..v. . ' .,.. ,i1(... rnlllo down nnd camped along ,.:... ; 0i lirlll0l nn() i.(1uiped.- ... . . .., .a iik. i i . "'.' i - - - . . io aimiiue w mi hold contrury prinriplus lilloipnt policy from her 1 1 n M . n l I f O I IMI1 MK-cew, prcsorveu mri j or,ivoa. but aevernl of our men .i,,,,., vuw K lm arrive,! Iro.n St. kept hewlf in such a poniuon ... ... . milos c n.n th-f-io eonbul to hoc health TIC WiU' ill isMllirl. mon weal All honor duo to its mcni j jfbi.n f.rv. Oct. C.-lt m. to In.- . .,Uim.iniillv marched to the nnU liiiw. ' ,i. i...i;f i ,ilii.u-v uirclo here, ihnt uer, n - ... .,,., t o l.ciiriH a r ""V .. i i. u-.n.l rather than l,0ul nix milen north west of W ii.-liinfion. Ku-moi.t il poKs.We ; lui oiiiera enienaiii 1 a. . liii Illicit new oi theopm.on imu " " I"" , " ,. ,.,.,. ...rndi,,,. ror upon onu the len5t protected, and ui.ti. oxtcmliiM or,t'al we J, mVe n lijrl.t in a lew Uay. maiiv miles ucro-s Maryland tovard tl.e ,..,....... Fremont intends to follow the Chesapeake, down an. 1 uotoss ihe Totom-' U,J(. ..n,y into Arkansas, and force L Yuhinj;ton City is not sen, mmougu ini'tii to ngni wnercver in- cm cu...... Never, in in. win a ,o1Jh. voted full tickets their devotion to principles, tncro individual preference ii.or.m-iv pontests of this rcg' duty performed more cheerfully, or under .nrh untoward circumstances. Mis.epre- sent.dion.villification nivl ahuse, without been heaped upon the party, :vnd at every turn it member had met with sneers, taunts and oppmhriou. epi thets The weak may have trembled; the timid quailed ; but itv nerved them for the struggle, and they have con oil with flying colors. All honor, wo tepeat, to the noble hearted Democracy of Cloar t'if.1.1 rnuntV '. U Mm Democratic .arty had failed in it devotion to the Union, and its love for .i.rv,i;iMtinn-ir it had hcsitMod to II Wt'" " . follow the flag of the country througl sunshine and Btorm-if its members, Win-.u-i Kv nn. tisan zeal, could not recognize in a successful oppoi-lllon candidate, the .-onstituliontl head of the government, and through factiousness, had thrown ob stacles in tho road of his Administration in the darkest hour or our country's peril, then that party deserved universal exe cration, and, like Rob Koy's kindred, nhould have been dispersed, "hotnelos itnd nameless." But the. parly, in the i 1 (Vint nn iippount of them. lying aiuiosi, --- of our eauiii, just past woooland.and a beautiful sight it presents al that distnce,(aboul seven miles,) look, whohroucht $1.200.. several giove of oak timber intervening, m tQ ' J0 tho ,roop(t ,0 theillst of An- but the Capitol can be seen Irom one sius Jsl( j,avu Jij,el,nrged their duty ami re- tho edge ot tue tmned lo . st. J.oui. Chub. Jackson is reported to bo on ttie wnv to Texas. I Ito ffi f mnr4 nf Ppttis contv recently of- ing like a magnificent palace of vaiished fi.r(.!(j ,0 fnu Cien. Fremont, gratis, silver such as wo "read about" in fairy -ith f 250,000 worth of grain for his army, tales' A close view only .hows an im- Capt Champion the rebel who was here tales. A dose i tv, v,,y ..'last week, hi been arrested at a hpy at mense pile of ciull while marble, mucii Georg(,,owli nn,i i3 no,v a ,,risnor. wenthei-stMtt.d and slroiikcJ with the, s J.oris. Oct. Tth.-Cen. Harr.ey and rain its unfinished condition does not o or tliree other distlnguL-hed military Walts. oiiicers nn "in n a Mieciai ira'n cu u.u v...u mm uisirijpi MsTKIfT.f llei'intin, Hell, Hrudliifd. Hrady, Hnrtiside, Hlootn, Ourtiel.l, r'nrwonhvilK, ChoHt, Cuvington, Decatu r, Ferguson, Kox, (iinird, (ioslicn, (iralifti.i, (illl'l it'll, Htihlon, Jordan, luirtliiuis, Knox. Jiii v fence, Jiii rubor city, .Morris, X. Washington, I'eiin, Pike, - Union, Woodward, TOTAL '4 IK". TinVf. Ally Ai,, a i f it r. X Jlnjoritit'fi, Bf.lJepublieans in Italic n; :i7 h'i :'ni :ni :',' .",7 77 77 :ci 'M 1" Tti :n :: T: T'.i mi : C.j ti2 27 21 iYl M 7 21 lis 22 tiJ 27 r.1 2d r.:! 121 121 40 4'. 121 120 M 11!) 4!l 12;! 4? lis 4'.i 121 '1 1 2111 72 70 22:1 22'.1 til .Ml 2l"i 70 210 li!2M liii 2lii "ll 41 110 110 .'I'd 111 111 42 Mil 42 IM 42 107 42 20 2.ri 2:1 2:1 21; as M 11 2 2:1 :;i 17 27 17 27 7:1 7:1 tu f Ti so ;.: :.ii H2 .ri2 h'i r.o h7 47 no ' 22 ;Vt .'4 24 47 41 r.i r7 :;o 1:1 27 4 27 37 7 no no :n :tii 7 so :i4 i4 :;: sn :;4 J12 :u ;"7 .ri7 2H 2S .r"i fio 2 2S ,r7 28 fii 2 ;"7 28 .r8 4;i 4:1 till 70 48 47 t!2 till till 4 4d li.'l '0 til f0 f,l til 44 41 H.'i 42 4.'! f.2 45 lid 4:1 t'.O 4.'i lirr K 10 7 . 10 10 7 7 10 ti 10 7 10 7 ! 42 42 :!:i 33 42 44 M 4:1 34 .!.' 41 43 31 43 31 31 10 10 31 31 10 0 27 12 31 10 211. 11 31 ill HO 17 17 HO SI) 17 17 si) 1 !1 17 fll 17 HI t; a 7n 7; 8 o 74 T."i n on i' s 77 n .Ml 41 ".0 10 40 10 4!) 4!l 41 4! 41 4!l 41 40 42 (!2 02 3.ri 35 04 ;' 154 33 03 34 02 37 00 30 02 30 30 32 32 37 37 31 31 34 32 30 32 38 20 35 01 (il 20 20 01 01 20 20 57 2 02 25 (JO 20 01 100 101 80 80 103 107 77 00 18 82 102 70 105 72 100 20 20 21 21 21 22 20 21 20 21 23 20 20 22 20 05 05 30 30 00 08 30 37 122 15 07 38 03 30 00 35 35 12 12 35 38 0 12 35 12 35 12 35 12 50 00 50 40 02 (15 40 44 00 40 02 45 5S 51 113 70 70 84 84 00 S3 70 71 70 82 85 77 82 78 fO "3 '23 27 28 24 2 24 22 22 24 24 25 25 2(1 24 37 38 10. 18 38 3 18 18 30 15 3s s 38 H 30 7 -i c; w . -r. ic ii x x j r.1 i z. ii -i x r. x -i i. - 427 437 572 574 &38 540 o20 57: oo :;: ;i: 7; 5 C2 11 117 (il. 2US 107 10 45 42 02 27" f.s ":!0 8 30 ' .10 17 75 ' 47 31 32 21 OS ) iiii 12 44 78 25 10 to it ft 41 110 20 U 7 lj 20 38 55 45 02 10 '43 SI 91 '4i 04 37 Oil l!i.H u M .). 01 M 24 38 ti 17? a s II 7-i ii Sj Hi 1 s 28 li! 71 V.'2 5s ! 40 7H SI 17 S .5? prevent running down the outer Truly our national cupitol is no exoep'ion to the rule that "distance lends enchant ment to the view." The scene as witnessed here no w is a mnst htiikiiiL'one. Tho whole country Hnilroad. Their destination is unknown .Tr.n-EHsoN Citv, Oct. 8. Gen. Fremont andtien. McKinstry left ror the West vesterday. Gen. Freaiont intends to fol low Gen. Trice by rapid marching. Af lor leaving Sedalia. if necess. ry, he will Washington Cadets, Raftsmen Rancors, CleftrficM Rifles, liochiel Cavnlrv, Camp Franklin, HEPORTED VOTE OF THE VOLUNTEERS. 00 00 t 14 3 00 I 14 3 00 00 35 10 13 44 00 53 10 13 44 00 00 14 00 00 13 1 1 00 00 10 11 47 00 00 10 11 47 00 00 10 10 1 00 00 20 11 40 00 00 14 4 00 00 00 21 11 40 00 00 ) 1 00 00 23 11 40 00 00 17 l t) 00 00 00 Iff 47 00 CO u 4 w 'J'l Y) Hi I 4a OH vast, had adopted Decatur s sentiment - -Our country right or wrong; may llp!0nnosite side of Mie river now extending ever be right ; Vut right or wrong nppe'ir like one g-and military camp, or enter Arkansas. It is reported that Me an immense city of little whit cottages, Culloch's forces are on the south bank of nn i j (We, designing to cut oft the com which in tho d.stanco look mere .J of 5en. Fremont with St. Lou t peck a. There are now in the neighbor- if (ipn ,narching against that city. hood of two hundred thousand men in Scouting parties are out to prevent the andtround Washington, across the roto-, movement nian and mi af far as Great Falls. On the to Munson's Hill, which was cpturcd a few day since. It was taken without j any loss, and when entered it was found 1 . Uessher." And she hai remaincu nuc, to that sentiment. Tho glory of our coun ... eau?"' !'eni"'!'H' t"'t J' t iire freely, and every attempt to detract from her honor, or to retard her progress, only nerves and impels them to renewed exertions. Tho' triumph of Tuesday was a full, lcar and unequivocal endorsement of such sentiments. Tho Democracy true to herself true to the Ui:ion true to Die Constitution was the verdict of the peo ple. The lame, miserable, uncalled for attempt of political tricksters to cast a Huron tho party escudieon and to brand the party with secession, disloyalty and dishonor has proven an abortion. The paity stands proudly for the Union one and inseparable, now and forever. As Democrats, having in the mo3t un qualified manner declared our position, ... ., . L Tl.. ....I'.mnnl. we went into me comes, .j llu which have authoritatively been declared; - It is alo rei'Orted that Miskie John. slon, with two thousand rebel, is niarrdi ing towards Gasconade river, intending to burn iho bridge. C0L0KEL JAMES A. MULLIGAN. Tiio lYillowini! sketli f Col. .J.nnes A, 1 ... t I 1 IIU to ne a Miciit emouiiKineni ucinaeu nv .,., ,ic.,Lr rr l.,.vin. wooden cannon, and two pieces of stove ton ii0-i ji,is been furnished to tho De nine mounted on wheels. One of the troit Advtrt'urr, from a gentleman who has features of the neiuhbot hood is Professor heea intimately acquainted with uuu for C LEA K F I Er D A G R I C V F T U RAF S0CIFTY. COMMITTKK oTaTiRACK MKXTR A. C. Finney, Chiiiman. . . ... , .1.. liie HUM uvu ur ia jruia . Kowe s ba.loon, wnicii makes ireiucnuy j A Muiglln wns born j ,he several ascensions daily, and can be seen jtv 0r iTiCl. New York, in the year 18'2'J, .mt-v v.loiidv for several miles around.- i nnd is conscquentlv in his 32d year. His in. : n ,n..t. r,n, I, ill ih t-arents wi-re natives ot Ireland. Ilisi 111! o.--l-Uli.-l"iia .w .....v. ...... . r . . . . . , mother, after the death of his lather, name ol which has escaped me, situated which tQok iiaca whcn ,je wa, a dli,(J on the advance route to'vard Fairrax. j rem0VC,i to Cqicago, whore she has redd about three miles beyond the western er.d ed with her son Tor iho past twenty-three .r.i.i i...: ...I.S..I. .Mi,,, iI.a Tn. ' vears. She married a refpectable Irish- ot ii.u iui.; ui ...... . vj-v t - . ... . ., Ameriian in Chicago, Mtehnl toaiacat Washington. l.ainry. who has btea lily watched wilh a Our boys are all spoiling for a fight, cv father's solicitude the expanding mind of ..... -.i :. ,.ri.. il.nt nro the brave young soldier, lie was educa- vi , - - , ,i.e Catholic College of North Chi put under arms and marched in the di- undor tl.e of Kev. rection of the enemy, and marched back Mr Kii.Kllai, now of New York city. He aftei going a greater or less distance, the U a strict member of the Catholic church. nri.,.t ili-nnnmritment is exi.tessed that in 5 1H.5;: and '34. he read hnv in the llOPO nl-o uiu I..'. I. inni. ... u i a cressnian from the Cnieatr'i ilistrici. For ol trying their mettle. a shot t time he edited the HY.iYra TM t. I can say notlunj: of our own couiiany, ' a semi-relifious wctkly newspHper, in Ctu- J . ' I ... u'.i; ia u-... I.n . r i the people of this county, by their ballots, more that, that they are getting along ,uRt.lavv ,a Oliea,0iAt ,-, titno ,,0 wen l..l.l n.iwiliiiti rA cr rrt, I luiitlaiiiir. llll' IIU. ll'VII dv oui v ItlUtVIIHU as the sentimerts of the party, are those which we claim to be judged by, and which tiAvA mrtimendeJ. We ewe our duty to!'"y Jvi.,H'ugii miuihui nir... i.u.c ,u r,m.0i!rtr.ri Wo nun1 quite sick. Thero is however but one in I forte. James. Iieavy, Joslmn Jobnsohn, Wm. Brown, Kli Rlouin, U. M. Weaver, filti'cj) d- StciHf. John Jrwin, Sr. I'etor Hoover, Martin Nichols, jr Samuel Mitchell, Robert Owens, Butter. Cheese and Flour. R. S. Humphries, l)anJ S. Mitchell. Lewis Bloom, Joseph Goon, John H. Lurrimer. Merch a n d isrand Domestic Fabrics Mm. Radabaugh, Kd. Stouhton, lan'l Faust, W. D. Biirler. J. II. Fuliord, Mrs. R. Caldwell Miss lv Alexander, Miss Km. Forrest, Mis Mary Foley, Miss Kate Brown, Miss II. .Sjiackinan,1 Miss r rank Moore Miss S. Birchricld ( 'attic. Sam'l Clide, Milo Hoyt, (i. H. Hile, And'w Addleinan, Isaac Coss, Field Craps and etablc.. liiishu Kenton. Archy II. Shaw, l:i n'l Stewart, J. Shaw, of Dec., John W. Rider. PI'i:l. I'llOM T1IH TKIHNNIAI,' ASSESSMENT. Nolioe ir tnrel'T civen ttmt the Oommiiiiiiiinerii uf ClKarfieiil eoimly will met at th i follow.Dg plices f-om to A. M. till i o'clock of -h any lor tba purpose urbenrtng Ap rem'i from the Tr.cnnil A?sernnenl, to wit: I'or tl.e loirnbip ofUoi-hen l tlmcl.o il buu in raid to'.vnuhip, tl.e uul pUee of holding elee tionr, on Monday die I Itb dny of November. Kor tbe own.l.ip of (Jirard at Congren Hill n-liool liuue, on Tui-kIiiv tl.e ll'tb of November. Kor lb township ot Covington lit the lmu."e of i.THCob Mauer, on Wedncday the l;itb day tf Novembi r. ' Kor thetnwmhip of Kartl.aus at the home of j ft. V. Hull i Co., on Tbu.-id.iy the Htli day of I November. i For Morn towmliip at tl.e bouse formerly oo jeapicd ky Thos. Kyler, on outur. the loth d.ny of Ni'vt-mber. Kor Ihe loKt'l'ip of (Jruhain at the Home of iJucoli llubleron Muudny tlielStb day of Nuvc.u- bcr. I Kor the townhip of I'rndford atlhc hoate of , Win. Hoover on Tuuiiday tho I'Jtli day of Novcm- Agricultural, Mis- MT- c'll.nwmi 4rt!el,s Kor tl.e township of Bong- at the houM of flliantOU AriKOS Kliwaril Albertou Vtdnetdy the liOtH day of and rlncclx. , w.mhcr. Tit I Kl Si O I'l'IAI Trtmrnilmu Ksttttmtnt naoM d EXCITING FOOT RACE btwW the l'hiladolphia I'olire and tli notoriooi For ger acd oounterfoiter, J iei Buchaniti Cruii'i: from ! !! ! It n-ein lo bethf jtj(t. al opinion in Cloarfadd, that if Cro.i haiwnni pair of Krank 8hort' Krenrb-ralf Uooli, ikilki would not be lu' an yet. However, Sborty i: out much put out at missing bit cu'tta; bti would nnt.nunce to all Jtrtrkinritiijt, iuajfu .iiirolu itnd lUU mm, nnd r.niirli anil cbiiiir,: in Clearfield, nnd Sinnt'iunhoniiig in particular that be i pre pure d lo fiirnifh thrm ilk lWli, iShoef and (jH.tem of any uf vie or pittn,Mi:tl ed, aewod or pegged, (and at be u a lirt U low) on rliort notice. Ail kind, "f c'.mtrT pfsd-ic? tk?2 b ;;. i-hange, and rail, not plufed. Ili-piritj im in the ncatert manner and rhargri the Short Shoe ISImp on Second Street, rjw Heed, Weaver A LVntnre. FHAXRHlDKt N. B, Kindingi for r-ale Pept. 2S, 1 W.M. McCollough, hd. Mcfiarvey, Lewis W. Laporte, Daniel Smell, Henry I). Parks. Fancy Department, John J. Hall, W. "W. Betts, W. M.McCollough, J. Irwin, of Klliu. Jas. (tallawa', Mrs. H. F-Nuu-le, Miss Anna Irwin, Miss I'm. Graham. Miss .Mar. Moore, Mi.-s Hen. Irwin, Miss S. Mc'Lcod, Mir S. Barrett, Miss M. Gallowav. Km the township of llecatur at CeBtre rrliool home n Thurfday die 21ft day of November. KoHlie township of Woodward at the houje of John Whitci-ide on Friday the 22nd day of Noi ember. Kor tbe towmliip of Gulirh at the nchool houje in Janeiville on Saturday the 23d of No rembor. Kor B.-eearia townil.ip at the hniiPe of'Sam ii I M. Smith on Monday tbe Jith day of No vember. K W DRUG ST0! The mihferiliers nare opened a full iri pl..te aortiiient of III! IMS in the Hfvk building of l)r. Woodi", on the corner of 1W and Cherry treot", in the boreuch of CUM- where hey will be happy to accomramittt ; person who may denire article! in thur tint, in buninefs will be confined rtrictiy to a ' l)mj and P.rjrrijilini 7!i.'C', And nopaina wili bespercd to render latirfirti l.r. M. n oop. the junior partner, raiy m.!1 I be ToUiH and conaultod in the ' lnj; nun when not abient on prnfvarlonal bannMi. v..r .... inwn.Vm of Knox at Ihe Tnrlev Hill leetiaralo room for consultation if altaeheil t'l achool boufo on Tueeday the 23th day of Nove.n- itore, where pntienti may bo exainint'4 priraldj' hr ! E'ery article usually found in am-baai Kor the townihip of Kergiifon at t' e house of liel.mcnl will be kept ou liand.and old at p Thomas h. Kavia on ttcdnerdny the :7lli day of re lscc-l prices. v........i..r . Tenni" ubimo STnirrt r Ciit, Jordan the ruhlieacliool hou?e in to offer Inducement in the way of pib-ei Ansonville on Thuriday the 28th November. at Ihe ecbool houj near Si- ir ill enable tli the Chicago IShii-lds (itiards, one in of the duty to the Government. These cannot j. ho hospital and only three in quarter. , Pn je '-'-''he Irish bb Mrs. W.A.Wallacc Miss Bcr. Wright, Miss S. B. Row, Mrs. 1). G.Ncvling Mrs. G, L. Read, Mrs. II. C.Bowman fl-ikiil OnrA 1 11 W l t ll I ll nt rttl ll K SitW ainnr A I t f Tnl,,. TV, H An If treasure and blood are needed to sustain occasionally, some or our citizens who vis- ... Uti TA.nravh. ov.r tl. v v i ' -. Tl.l, 1. ..,.. f...rl.l., C,.M-,..,rrA.lir;..n 1 DOW "l " " 11 11 " 0 contact, it me party is true to us aniece- - j we,j nt ixinjrton. In the w inter of l.H;,7 dents; but should they, then allegiance company, and a much better oiie . St-niitor Fitch of Indinma. tenderoil him a to Government should destroy Party tie, than soma other companies in the rejji-1 eierkrdiip in the Depai tment of the Inte Democrats cannot forget that the claims' ment present, al. hough it is one of the rior. He accepted the position, nnd spent .ffi..m. .i v.. i.v.i Ihoolthi.i. in f:.i. Tf.,,.illv. 1 atill SP(. the winter at Washington. During his 11. .f. . . ...... .. . . . ' l lhA .aoin.i.lil nn..., r . ...... . i no uoverii.nei.t, inty iiiusi u jiroviufu ; 1 b1""- "m "' 11 cuui ui u.o . jnumc vi oamu. Alter ins return It'OIll i r . . .... .. ., .... i ii. i . . .. . .. ... nml lav u- ho orn n,r I miiign . uca Ol Pleasure: ."sur-onnl iL'ilin return- " asuiimioii no was eiecitu canta n 01 itiei butwehavethe RionT, and it is our niTV,'!ed a short time ago from accompanying S''ieM Guards. On the newi Hrriving of . . i r i . . Mhe bouikinlmeut of tort Nimptcr. be tosce that the aims of the Government (lome the or ou: lamented coin-'tlirew hi- loul in,othe n.xnntil cause are not perverted rrom legitimate purpo- ra('e. Kohcrt Livingston, whose loss is The Irifh At.iei icancompanios held a met ECS. much denlored in the company. lie w-;is j ing. f whom he was rhain.iaii. Shortly In political contests so excil'.ng as tho' a exoell'ent young man, and gave promise ');'"rds he went to yalun-ton with a , ... , , " . 'ri i ,, .. . . letter, written by the lato Senator Dou- onethat has just closed, much is often of being a biave soldier. Alas! there are gia on his Jcall, ij, lo tlio l'resident, said and done thnt should not be. ll was of us must never expect lo return tendering a regiment to be called the '"Ir our aim to avoid do".ng either. Most la- home except as he did, poor bny ! Jish Urigade." lie was elected Colonel, bored efforts were nnu from tinm id it,.. 1 . . and immediately went to woi k with a will. borca ellors were mine irom time to Hut my letter is spinning out much course of tho ''J?rignde " up Ui the time to torture our language intoenti- longer than I had intended it, and I must baUle on.exington, is well known ; it has ments ot disloyalty. That the slightest ; bring it to a close, especially rs other du- "o5,,y. Iravelyand done itsdu- COMMITTKE AT LARGB. MrsT..T..Mt'Cuirgh Miss H. Carey. Miss I. II. Moore, Mrs. Hcn'ta Shaw Mrs Win. Bigler, Mrs. Thos. Snyder Mrs. D-LivingHtoff,1" Mrs. S.J. Row, Sr., Miller, H.Lvllo, Rev.Focld, (i. B. Goodlainlcr. Chert tow nshir mon lt..r:ibaujh, on Friday the 2'Jth Nuveinber. New Washington at the public rlneil houee 1 for the borough on Saturday the 3ith Nuveiuber. I liurnfide town.-hip at the house of John Young Inn Mi.mluv tlu- 2 1 ll.eeuiber. Bell towns' ip at the house of Aieph Elli, on Tue-'day tho 3d Lumber City at the pub'.io achool home for the borough, on Wednesday tbe 4th December. l'enn townshif - at the house of W. Vi, Ander ion, on Thursday the 5th December. Curwcnsville Borough nt the house of Ianc Bloom, Jr., on Friday the Sth December. Pike township at the house of Isaac Bloom, jr., in the borough of Curwemville, on Saturday i- the 7 th December. loom townfdiip at the lioun of Junes Bloom, on Monday, tl.e 9th December. liradv townshin -rt tbe public house of (, W . .- ... n , ... . ... ..i.l. Yl - V v Ii Im Cnd-.v l'Oi'g (uow w in. joeaj on luesuay w:e ioiu i'i- l'hvsiei.m will be supplied at a khiiII r centace over cost and carrias9, ami their r are soliciled. Every articlo aoldwill be purjai of the beat quality. feb6-tf WOOPS A BARRETT. F. G Rev. W. W Writfht. M. WtltlDS, havltj clanged lie loca lion from CurwonivnU o tlearlielil, res pectfully oflVra hia profesrional service! to tbe citii;ni of tho latter place and vicinity. Residence on Htcond atreet, opposite ti it of J. Crana, Esq. my: 'lift. NEW GOODS Af K R A T Z E R S' suspicion of disloyalty can be drawn from tie-interfere with iu fu.ilr ra,in ' . lbrJ h",v'JUl rc"?;?J ';,n1', '""rt5,n,,i r., . ;, . . . inurioie wun us luitlier prosecution 'f. . h.,!!:,,.- .,,, . ., . . spring and bummer 1U OOOl.'S, conauting of :r.i;vr;:s:::TT:.. ribbons, . ' 7 ' ,iuiauij iu nuiice ineni, wnn li might tc or Mate ol Illinois. Since he was able to tell i miWVF that the reading of the context will in ev- interest to jour readers ; but I must i,u-t- too ilitlerenco between ale nnd water, a PRINTS.' cry instance remove any such impression, pone them for the present. If I nn lind & ol Frirlt,lrt,H liquor has not I) UCAI.S, In One, wo omi only repeat, what we ,;ma ,A c.:i p ' passel his jtps. He is a rigid temperance BAKF.GK, have, often said to tho Democracy of Clear-; 1 .rT" ' r'W & " d Al,,1los.oul?d I WUS. t;i-ui its, TWEKDS, MUSLIN, LINENS C ARTET, BLINDS, B K(K)MS, SYTHES, SPIKES. NOTIONS, cembcr. t'nion township at the house of It. W. Moore, on Wedresday Ihe 1 1th December. Foi township al the houee of John I. Eundy, on Thursday the I2tb Decouiber." Huston township at the house of Jeese Wil son, on Friday tl.e 1.1th December. Clearfield Borough at the Commissioners' Of fice in Cleftrficld, on Moiiday the JGlh December. Lawrence township at the Cominif sinners' Of fice in Clearfield, on Tuesday tbe 17th December. An appeal from the valualioui of I'nseated Land. will be held at the ComuiWsionera Office . .. . .ail . . on Iburfday tl.e zoi uay n jauuarj 10., . which time all persons mU-resteil must atiena as no appeal can betaken after that date. By or der of tbe Board of Commissioners. WM.S. Bit A PUt 1, llera. Cominifiionen Olfice. OcL 7.h, "61. . . .ii ... I j ' " i d incui ; iii.iv is ll you mi mini, no la n ivvi ttirce inciica iii field connty, at and ly your principles- want thcm . hcifihl wi(h a wi cIas(ic framCi Urj,r, the principles or the great National Detn-i tnf t4t ' , lustrous hazel eye an open, frank Celtic ocratic party, which are founded in and j " I raco stamped with courage, pluck and in- upon n abiding attachment for the Union i expectation of our ;dPpndfcnce-u.r,?"nled with a bushy and the Constitution-tliat party that has , Republican brethren ofLceeding to Z RZZZ 'Son! conduclodour country in glory and tri. j Associate Judges, Sheriff, etc, especially 'all ho ha won his way with untiring umph through every storm, and which, i district Attorney. industry and unquestionable courage. On with God', blessing, will do so again as! tKe 26l h day of OrUiber, 1850. he m soon as opportunity is offered. "Then once mora i v.. ' married to Miss Marian Nugent, bv the I polls on Tuesday next and cast your bal- Roman Catholic iJishop of Chicago. DErEATBD, Tho "competent and active' u,e tru Uni0" candidatea." ' good scboiar, a good speaker, a oru- r. t,- i i i . i i Journal, 2nd Oct, liant writer, a promisini lawyer, was he for D.stnct Attorney, "who ha. hen the hanner of th DBiJn ; insal. had more than ten years experience at "Ja" people or Qearfield ,pd Now he is, long may he continueso theBai." What pity to luve such an ,co'jn,y uavf done. to the tune of five one ofths brave defenders of ihe Union. i'. . .: i.i. ' . . . ... ' hundred maioritv for thn old J. ' In nn l.ia lnal lnit. in ha rsn ruci peno biiu auie criminal law ver ue. w . w -"t:" "" . t. tinman ftliu. alln.lAil U U ...... -1 F I I . - leated ' vera. ..wum lv iivdbv - TDav ir-itrirr'n A roiniPA a I fiiA imiu:Ai:... r .1 ' Wh ara rrt- iIia it 7 f 1 imiulii uiinn. let ttiv eiimr n louowou . ;?.... ti .m: . r j II ATS, CATS, W I N E, SA LT, OILS, TAINT LEAD, DHUOS BOOTS, SHOES. COATS. PANTS VESTS nails; FLOWEIIS,, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARK, GLASS, FISU. BACON 4 FLOUR, All of which will be sold on the moat reasonable terms for CASH, or approved Country Prodbca. C. KRATZFR k SON. Clearfield 7ana 11,1881. - the Republican party." Journal. Better late than nover. Cam to tbe premises May but, a MCLET It cannot bo those who have onanl. a1 'by11 b evy mai wbo 'ores the Tame , VTttptnj,e ..otharwUo sbewillbodlspoiedef in-nuiioi uu wiose wuo nave openly ad. xnA T-nnten nr ,u. .,,,. mifi ul , .fvi ' . ivniiv mvn (vcctcd secession like yeur humble self." great and honorable people."- I Fsrga townihip, Kept 24, llol.-t. "Q L E N - E C H O Gennantowu, MILLS Pa. AIcCALLUM & Cv., '-a. UKirii'Tinrm. Importer!, and Wholesale Dealers in CARPETING, DRUGGETS OIL CLOTHS, J1ATTIXGS, it., Warehouse. No. 500 Chestnut Street, (Opposite 8tate House,).. apr3'8t-ly raii.iPti.rau, VDMIMSTKATOK S NOTICE. Letters vf Administration having been this day granted to tbe undersigned on tbe estate of PETER MU1.80N, late of Covington town ship, Clearfield connty, deceased, all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and tbose having ela.mi against tba same willpreienl them duly aathentieated for settlement. t. r. t-OLItntr, Eepk 28, 1S81 (t. Adm'r Recruits Wanted. T ECRUIT8 are wanted for the rarpoet of fill l log up Capt. OODKN'S Company, now ia Camp Croasroao, under command of CeL Wa. U. McaaiT. Young men desiring to enlist cannot find better officers tinder w&otn to sere. Application should be mad at one to Lieut. R. J. Wallers, at tbisplaos. . Oct 3, '61. CYRENIUS H0WC. Justice of the Peace. For Dir atis Towrjil ill promptly attend to all bujine.i entruitti bis caro. K. O. Address, rhil.purg 1 s. Aug. 21st 1S61 mill'. I I 1.1.11 .1 I II 1 be opened for the rceeptioi of pujUns' and rimalei; on Moudny e.. .a, i.-oi. Terms per Session of Elcveu IVetki! n.i..;.. Writing. Primin, an.l 4.eocrHlllV. t- ' Higher Ar:tliuntic. English (iramniar, UeograpbT and History, Algebra, tieimietry, Naturul Philojof a.. . and Book Keeping, ' , .. , ,. t ..... v i.niin ani urera i.ui;u.K?, . . To euidentj desirous of aequiritl t""". English Edmation, and who u w v"' themselves ..r Teaehera, th.s Ir,itit desirable advantages. No pupil received for less thn ball and no deduction cado except ft' P"51 sicknesl Tuition to be paid at the close oftlii C. B. SANDKOKD, """r Clearfield, Aug. 7, ISf l. ly. laoHl SR. J. 7. POTTER. locaiea ai lioceuir .nine, uirwu j.. r u:. ....r....: l .k. ttrtfrl' community. My ' V v ... t, , c t . r .l. n.... will It it . n.i i ii uiuce oi uio i " j,i . pro-vptly to collections and otb "jj en in hlsntiarge. Adilreas Kersey, ' Oot. 3d UG0. ly. THOM S J. M Ct l .1.01 (dl, ( Attorney at l aw. t (. Office on Market atreet, opposite MnF'',,j Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly Wj; , tlons Sale of Lands, Ao. , iv i f i tnvvtv At SONS. i t .u. ik ,.r T ;.w Pun. fiTieallll A Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and MH Manufacturers of LttL-.ber, July 23, 1880. I BLACKSMITH WAWTI-.U.-A Jo JJ man Blacksmith will find siaj ment, good vugeiand prompt piJ.1"? tk. .I...n ,.r lh. .K..r.k.r In the bT, Clearfield. G. C. I'ASS.MOi. tept. , 161. tf. LCTHERSBCIb CLIARnELDCOlPA . WILLIAM REED, Priyrj ... July 1U"'