Cfte tflcarfiflb fffgublbn, "WEDNESDAY OCT.. 7. 1861. Auricll I. -t-ongrest iuii uui no law res (0 ettablbbment of religion or prohibit r, thfr exereite thereof i OR AIlKllKi. i"Sl UK FKF.KDOM OK 8PKKCH, Olt ()V Till' l'K 1s ' or r,Kht of tb PP1 Kbly to sseeinble Mil to petition tho Our. Jenifer a redress of grievaoees.--t'eatiiu. AuTtct 7. That the priotlne;' ..(Kiihall be free to every pernon who nnder- iikerto examine the proceedings of the lrgitla- lute, ersny brunch of governineut; and no law .k.iisver be made to restrain the rich' thereof. Ttm free eouiniuoication of thought anil opinions . i . l . LI 1..L1. -r 1 l. one I lot iuvaiu.uia ngiiia ui uma I iou vverv 11 r i : . . I :. " (itlieoniy ireoiy speaa, wrue ana prim on any uiu iur wua cuuveuieuce 01 spee ubiect; being respomible for the abute of that ttrs. liberty- la prosecutions for tho publication of Children under ten yeare of age not admitted ,' ptperi Investigating ths official conduct of off. unlets accompanied by tbeir parenti or guardians. 1,7 or men in publia rapacity, or where the I Every pertoa wishing to be enrolled at a mem- .t,er published it proper for public inform, lion, the truth thereof may be given in evidence s .!- .11 tn1ti.tmnta fni lil.nla thm In.w akMll 'btrea right to determine the law and the facte, vtder the direction of the eourt, ai ir other case. u in " - - j-w liult(iifti vj -(itRtyltKinin. Car Time at Tyrone. Tbe iuminer arrangument of the Pennsylvania ni road, on and sflor the 10th of June, wjll be at " , i.iiowi IRitlNS LEAVING lunV Jlsilfrsri - - TRAINS LK.lVI.Wti frprt l'jsicngor Train The Ki!rest Kost, and gut ilup t Tyrone. EASTWARD. - - - 9.17 p. m. -. - 1 1.6 j a. ui. WESTWARD. . - - -8.40 a.m. ' . V' - rani Line West, do p&W'e issue our pajier this week two i, - ..!........ I .1..;.. .. the ,mjs in ....v..v lUue next week, ill order that nil huiuls mnuship will take place on Tuesday and Wee tan take a imi t in the great Fair to come ",,"J' vfi t o'clock, fast riding will not , , be nlluwed ; those vlolatiug this rule will b ex- oil next eek. eluded from competition. Plowing match will take place on Vednesday at 10 o'clock A.M. I), J. Wallace, Esq. 1'ublio attention The addrest will be delivered at 2 o'clock on b invited to the "carl" of thin gentleman, lKriV th 18th of oatober, and Immediately ttf 1 ' . ter the address the reports of the Judges will be viuilicatiiifj Inmxell Iroin tho Uiicrsions read nnd the premiums awarded, cwt upoo Lite by the imiirudent friend1 Exhibitora must become memberi of the Socle .' , ty and hare their tnimnlt and articlei entered of II. 1). bwooi.e, fcaij. on the SecreUry't bookt on or before the lilh After the Cuu) plltileli t paid Mr. Wal- , IT ot October; and all animals aud articles, i i .i . l , i i... , i except horses, must be brought withiu the enclo. Un by the late Grand Jury, whose pre- , F M rlv M Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, MMilmentwe published hint week, such A.M., and all pernon t coloring animals and arti tck must recoil upon the keada of , ,fur exhibition will procure card, from the I Nairsitiirv with that Mm am an1 n nl on f r nf ihfir invtntort. IsrCa' l:ou U. Curtis, of Warron county, gf" t i . i . f r ' forniorly uietnber of Congress from tins Mslrie:, hns been ordered to raise a regi ment in the northwestern counties of this State. Co!. Jacob Zfigler, ex-clerk of the House of Kepreeentative, i ult-o author iiej to raim a regiment, and to report at Camp (,'rotibiiian. The regiment is to be named in honor of Gon. Mcl'lelUui. Tni Late I'loop. From all quarters we War of the most destructive ell'ucU of the lilt flood. All tho booms were . swept from tho Wet Branch, except the old one behind the inland opposite Willinmsport, whicli filial with logK. Over a hundred rafts re Relieved to have went adrift at I.jck Haven. The dost ruction on Sinnemshoning was Kpyoiid precedent tho water was four !cet higher tisan it was in 1817. Much properly w as destroyed. The Clarion river is said to have been 50 feet shove low water mark ot Clarion : nreeping every bridge 'punning the' itreimi, and inrrjing nwsy sav mill?, tore houses and ten or a dozen dwelling I Iiulscs. Judge Dickinson's raw mill and loreliouse at Iiidgtvtu are reported gone. A man at the tuoulhofthe Cluiion wn cen e?w mills floating by, THAT PRESENTMENT. . W onto mend to llie pecinl attention our neighbor of t lie Journal and all oilier v.lio tne likinue (.uiltj the following extract from the present men t of the Grand Jury of this countv, ) at laM Con rt : We return our sincero thanks to II is Honor Judge Linn for hi ahleoml patriot ic charge to us. We have been intoimoil hat there ate men in our community who fin the hobit of charging men frith be ing traitors and secessionists without the least ahadow of cvidenco to substantiate uch facts, merely becanso the individuals charged dill'cr in opinion with the indi iduol nmking such chitrges. If such be toe cse we condemn such action tn tho mnttaevere terms, and also consider tint anv man shall give aid and ooiafort to 'M rebels by advocating their cause, or In njr other manner, it is the duty of all Pod citizens tohavohim brought to jus iw in compliance with ' tho Constitution MJlaws of tho land. Thj Nov York riU, demand "t the Cabinet, the Army, the Navy, N every other department or the gov mment, be purged of imbeciles and wockheads forthwith. What a dreadful I'urgaiion this would be. Like the stere "'.'peJ conclusion of a shipwreck, "not 'eft to reUto the awful tale." KTU is rumored tvbout Washington, lul the thirteen regiments of the Tenn. rve Corps, are to bo transfered to ouri. It mutt be good rail-road busi "ea, to bring troois from Illinois, and artd then take them back Irom Wingtoa to Missouri again. I WSeoatof Sumnor addressed the late1 UhiiKi si .- . w , .. -r"'i'i vonvcniion ot .Mftssscuuseits. i Convent exni ' the ground, that unless the propov ssnfii... - ... . , - 1 ium ll.DCni. T u.aM n a , I I. A n v I n H ""MtlOU of slarerv. it was but a, Larlwe- 4uletru,.iin., r k.. i;r nj ' Y-Mlruajonofhuiian Me, and Ood '"lot smile upon Our efforts. l tha tim .1.. r .1 to iil,l in ii .i i ,, ', . 'iStatet. Address, for parUculars, fm Aem'sa iea m all the Colonies, If the insti- i-,..-., o. R. Jas, General Agent, Milan, '"to of ,!aerv is sinful, will these Dhil-. ""POSTS i - tell ui Low it cam that thia r" "God, io often and so signally smiled Coon b . . . mo euorts ot I linua. svuhn Osrt ilavcboldari to Tndonnnrlfinrsir ir0""6"0'1 .-i tbeir National " uncbangeablo. I j t i t s I j 2W1S AND REGULATIONS. Premiums tnd diplomat will b paid oa aad fur th Irs I Wtdnet day of November and o til the lit day of January, 1881, after which all money premium! unclaimed will be considered at a donation to tht Society. The offlcert of the Society and mtmbert cf the Committee of ar- : rinftmnti will ataa a ..Umll.. tk.l.. I office, and it will be their duty at well at pfeature T::T. LI ii iT. .1! .7. Jr. " . .1 1 . . "r. 1 w attend to tht expressed witbei and want, of xhibitort and others, if it it In their power to to do. A select police force will be in eoniUnt aueuaance lor toe preservation o( order and protection of property. Ine trotting courae it level, well cradtd. and one-third ot a mile in circuit. Amnio unnn. ber of tlii Society mutt apply on or before the 1rt day of the fair, and on tho payment of one dollar to the TrAastlPMr flhall rnopiva a f.Mr(ifi dollar to the Treasurer shall receive a certificate . 7 , v. iaviuvcrui ounuiiaiDg uie name 01 me ap plicant and endorsee, by the Secretary. I Kvery person becoming a member at above hall on the presentation of hit certificate, re-' coive a ticket which will admit htm free during tho fair. Any person complying with the above PJ'S member and shall be exempt from all coutribu- rsgulatiout and paying $10, shall become a life 1 tiont and shall annually receive from 'he ciecre- lirv a Tree family ticket. All persont mutt be provided with tickets. which can be had from the Executive Committee, ; Treasurer or Secretary or at the door. Persons acting at Judgee are expected tn become mem- bent or the bocioty. Fertont from other oon. tics can become tneinben by complying with the above ru'et. Ladies can become member! by 'making application at abeve and paying into the Treasury fifty centt when they will receive a ticket to ail in it them free. v.hll.ltion of la.lvs' .n,l nllm.n.' hn,. suid articles, previous to placing said articles on the ground. fia and etraw will te furnished 'crntis for nil animals entered for premiums, and grain win ue iurniueuacosi nir muse wuo oesire ? Durch.,o No horse shall be entered or allowed a premi um unless he is free from disease. Horses will be received until Wednesday noon, but must be eat"red previously. All persons who Intend to exhibit horses, cattle, sheep nr swine, or who in tend io oiler stork or any other article for sale, should notify the Secretary of such intention on or before the 10th of Octorber, and have with him a list and full description ol the tame. i'crmns intending to exhibit blonde 1 ttock must produce authentic pedigrees, and are ear nestly tp(iie.ted to furnish the Secretary, by the 10th of October, with a list of their stuck, and the pedigrees of each, this will facilitate the preparations of entries and in cane 'jf deficient pedigrees, wilt afford the owner time to correct the sumo. h?trrt!an lo Jmlj't. Jo animal to receive an su-nril in mnrA tlmn f ii rlass. Jinh'ss are exitresslv rciiuired not to award premiums to over-fed anfimtls. No premiums are to be awarded to bulls.rowsor heifers, which shall appear to have been fnttoned, only in the rlass of 1st cattle, the object of tho Society being to have superior animals of this description for breeding. Fat Caul. The judge! nn fat cattle will give particular attention to the animals submitted fur examination. It it believed all other things being oiianl tbc.-e aro the best cattle that have the greatest weight over the smallest superficies. The judges will requiro all in thtt olats to be weighed, and will take measures to give the su perficies of enrh, and publish the result with their roports. They will also, before awarding 'any premiums, rerpnre of the competitors mil I il.ldm.nli in tnn n n m a v an.! naf uf tAinn as required by the regulations of the premium list. When Ibrre Is but one exhibitor, although he may show several animals in ns class only one premium will be awarded, that tn the first, or oth erwise at the merits of tho animal mny be judged. The superintendent will lake every precaution in bis power, for the safety of stock and articles on exhibition afer tbeir arrival, and nrranje ment on the grounds, but will nut be responsible for any loss or damage that may orrur. The So ciety desirei exhibitors te give personal atten tion to their animals and articles and at the close of the fair to attend to their removal at the Piciety cannot take further cere of them. Itulrt of Plovimi. The name of the plowman must be given at well as the kind of plow to be used, at the time of entry. The quantity of ground to be plowed by each team tn be ) acre. The time allowed to do the work will he three hours. The furrow slice In all casesto be lapped. The tesmt tn start at the samo time and each plowman to do hit work without a driver of nth- assistance. i ha nremluins offered hv the Foriety will be swarded to the Individuals, the Judgment nf ili. committee, shall do their work In the b-st manrer. provided the work it done in the time allowed for Ita performance. Each plowman to strike his own land, and plow entirely independent of the adjoining land. Within the one-fourth of an acre plowed, earh plowman will be required to strike two bark fur rowed lands, and (Inish with the dead furrow la the middle. Any information desired h regard to roattrrt of the Porlety can be gained by addressing the Executive Committee nr the Berretsry. who will be pleased to give any Information In their sower at any time. Anv article not enumerated In the abnvs rial- ss, am! placed upon exhibition, If Worthy of no tice, wilt be suituMv tewarded. The Exerutive Committee reserve a discretion, ary power to award Plplomas In any ease for Jd best articles, nr for articles not entitled to premi ums by the rs les. Three Judges for each class will be appointed nnd announced before or on the first day of the fair. All articlei may be entered free of charge, ex. repting hones for pleasure, and for the trotting rremiums. (Flgned.) RICHARD PHAW. JOHN M'flAt'OnKV. .TOSIAn R. READ. V Kx. dm. WM. M'BRIDE O. R. BARRET' Aug. Tsli, 18(11. TAr Twenty-live to Sixty Dollars and 1 - I L . L per mon.n w... o. pa.u , .u. n.y rewinaT niHi:u'U v.wuipimiij '""IC ,h ErU 6'ng Maohl Macb ne. anil to simple in Its eoastructioa tnata ....... Instruction. It is eaual to any Family Sswlnc Machine in use. and they take thepremium oven " ni hundr.j olUp B.hin,.. The: pries Is but Filteea Dollars. , The Company wish, amn'nv A rents in every county in tne united Ohio. marll-Cm. I n . . : RT?1h !! Mf,u IFF ICR, umtwiiuFpirmiwi subscriber ia nny . lasi, m v ar. i liEIFFKR. The owner will eome forward, prove property, te.,otherwiso she will be ditpoted of as The law directs. ANDREW DAVIS, Ferguioa township, Sept 21, 1861. 3U Sri. SHttlistmrnis. Jnt ami. rPENIHc? STATEMENT of the CLEARFIELD COUN-) AW w month ending Sept. 30, 1881 1 . , alien. Rills dltoonnttd Pennsylvania 8tate Stock flpecie . . . Due from other Banki - Btnk Notes of other Banki rkv. ti f.. $31,030 02 24,608 76 4,861 68 6,024 38 661 00 l ' 1,1101 78 - 7 ' "" rornlture E. , r pi.".- " - " 263 48 764 76 V27.92 lL ..j KxV.nt. pent., $89,883 62 LIAIILITItl. Capital Stock paid in . $28,060 00 Note i in circulation 23,635 00 Due Depositors . . 16,668 79 Interest and Exchange - 2,769 8: $09,883 62 JAB. II. GRAHAM, Cashier. ClearGtlJ, I't., Sept. 30, I8C1. VPHAh l'"ROM THE TB1FWIAI A . n ' '. . A ; A. Aoor.ooiii i Hutiee it Hereby eiven tbat the Commissioners of Clnarfiuid county will meet at tb following pUcet at 10 o'clock A. M. of eaoh day for the purpose of bearing Appeals from the Triennial Assortment, to witi Fi r tlietownthip ofOoshen atthetchool hi u e in said township, the usual plaoe of holding elec tions, on Monday the 1 1 tit day tr. November, I or the township o( Uirard at Consrcst Hill school house, on Tuesday the 12th of .November. Fr tho towntkip of Covington at the houso of Jacob, uu Weduesday the 13th day cf November. For the township of Karthaua at the house of . V. Hall ft Co., on Thursday the Hth day of November. For Morria township at the house formerly or cupied by Thus. Kyler, on Friday the lth day of ni'vemoer, For the township of Graham at the House of Jacob Hublerun Monday the 18th day of Novem ber. for tho township of Bradford at the house of nm. Hoover on Tuesday the ll'th day of Novem ber.. For the township of Bojgs at the house of Kdwurd Albert ou Wednesday the 20th day of November. For the township of Decatur at Centre school house on Thursday he !ltt day of November. For'the township of Woodward at the house of John Whiteside on Friday the 22nd day of ioomner. For the township of Gulich at the school house In Janeiville on Saturday the 2Sd of No vembor. For liecearia township at the home ofSam ul M. Smith vu Monday the 25th day of Xo- T.inh r. For the township of Knox at the Turkev Hill sobool house on Tueaduy the ith day of Norcm. oer. For the township of Fereuson at t'.e house of Thomas I). Davia on Weduarday the 17th day of tvoveinoer. Jordan luwnship--at the public school bouse in Antinville on Thursday the i!Sth November. inest township at the school house near Si mon Kornbaugh'i, on Friday the 2'Jlh November. rw Washington at the public school house for tbe borough on Saturday the 3uth November, lturaside township at tbe bouse of John Vuunir on Monday the 2d December. Lell toirni .ip at lbs house of Asrph Ellis, on Tuesday tbe 3d Deeembur. Lumber City at the ptih'.lo school houso fur the borough, on Wednesday the 4th December. l'enu tonhIr--at the house of W. W. Ander ion, oa Thursday the itli December. Ciirwentville iloiough at the house of Isaac Mount, Jr., en Friday the 6th December. l'iku township at tbe house of Isaac Bloom, jr., in the borough of Curwentville, on Saturday tne itn December. Iliooin township at the house of James Bloom, Sr., on Monday the Vtb December. Brady township tt the public house of O. W, bong (now Was. Seed) on Tuesday the 10th De cember. Union township at the house of R. W. Moore, an Wednesday tho 11th Dtombor. Fox township at tbe house of John I. Bundy, on Thursday the 12th Decembtr. Huston township at the bouse of Jesse Wil ton, on Friday tbs 1.1th December. Clearfield Borough at the Commissioners' Of fice in Clearfield, on Mobday the lfitli December. Lawrence township at the ConimUaioncrs' Of fice in C'lvarneld, on Tuesday the 17th December. An appeal from the valuations of Unseated Lands will be held at the Commit.ionors Office on Tburr day the 2nd day of January 18C2, at wnico time all persona interested must attend si no appeal ran be Liken after that data. By or der of the Board of Commissioners. WM. 8. BRADLEY, Clerk. Commissioners Office, Oct. T.h, '01. Recruits Wanted. ty ECRUITS are wanted for the purposo of Gil in), up mpi. vuut.vs company, now in l ump Crossinan. under command of Col. Wm. U. Mrunar. Young men desiring to enlist cuunot nrnl better utTicert under whom to terve. Application should be madt at once to Lieut R. J. Wii.lack, at this place. Oct. 2, '01. Il'MUKK. NOTICE it hereby given to nil J interested, that during the late freshet, s quantity of Square Timber, Kpnrs, Boards and Milngles, lodged on the Tier of the Curwensvtlle Bridge therefore all persons who may have lost Lumber are required to come and remove it on or before the I Ith of October, inrtmt, d s all that remains unclaimed nnd not removed on that dnv will be told to the highest bidder. tV.M. IUVIN, Trst Cu'wensville Bridge Company, Oct. 2, IH6I. TIIK Ct.r.AltKII'XD ACAUKMY will be opened for tho reception of pupils (males aud females ) on Monday kept. Zd, lfiol. Terms per Pension of I'.leven Weeks: Orthicrsphy, Iteadinr, Writing, Trlmory Arithmetic and Uoography, (2 SO Higher Arithmetic, Kuglish (irammar, Ueogrnphv and History, 3 00 Algebra, Uooinetrv, Natural Philotophy, and Hook Keeping, 4 00 Latin and Greek Languages, 6 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to quiil fy themaelvei lor Teachers, (hit Institution offers desirable advantages. No pspil received for less than half a session, and no deduction cade except for protracted sickness Tuition to be psid at the close of the term. C. I. SANlKtlll, J'rindpul, Clearfield, Aug. 7, 18(1 ly. ADMINISTKATOK'M XOTIf'li Letters vf Administration having been this day granted to the undorsigncd on the estato of. PETER MUI.SON, late of Covington town ship, Clearfield county, deceased, all persons in debted to said estate are requnsted to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present tboin duly authenticated for tettlement. t. r. i;ULltM, Sept. 28, 1861 U Adin'r. s TRAY COW. Strayed sway about the I .lth imt., a KED CCW Zt years old- no other marks recollected Any person giving inform- . . . - . - libniy r,w.rdo,i ilnei ThU Is s 7crCle,rl'eld'8cPt"',fll- J0U-N Ol'LICII. CTRENIUS HOWE. J 1,8X11,1 or T,,B 1 KACE For Dscati b Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to hit care. P. O. Address, Phllipaburg Ta. ug. iooi SR. J. W. POTTER. Physician and StirReon, has permanently located at Laeantee Mills, (jirard township, of. fen hit professional services to the surrounding .... ..... v community. May s, icni. I) W. HATS, i X . promptly to eft ia hit charge. Justice of the Ptaoe, will at'en eollsatioas aad other matter Address Kersey, Elk Pt Oct. 3d 1880. ly. NEW STORE I ' NE IV F I R M H NEW GOODS!! Great at Inducements to Purchasers " .- OiU PRICE, CASH STORE, Q UEKXS WA RE. I) EST White Oranite riates. 1J Boups. linkers Tea 8t tts. C iffee Setts. Cups Setts. Handed Cup Setts. Tea Setta. Ewer and Basin. Tea Setts. ST I'earl White l'aratian Cup Setts. " Coma on Teat. Common Teas. Onj Superior Lustre Sprig Tea Sett. Creams, I'ies, Soups, by the half dozen. I, C. Nappies, C. C. sowls. Glass Preserves, Glims Sails. S Flu e Tumbleri PI .in do. Exrelsior do. Also, Teas, Cuffoes, c, 4e. and all ar' idea usually kept in a country store, will be kept here, ns also many not usually kept, bnt much needed, at gnatly reduced prices mm we ieci connuent that all who will mak e trial purchase will find it to their advantage to continue aa customers. JtlisfcIIantcas. Suporior article Sweeping Brushes. Largo J.i't Waiters "most convenient article in use. rinnta Improved Coffee Fpicc Mill. Bed Cording, Drum Cording. Wall Tsper, Window Shading Dandetnocia CofTeo, Damleanocia Coffee. Mackerel by bnrrelor pound. Varied asrortmont of Spices, Soaps, Starch, by box or pound, Knives ant Forks Carvers, r Steel Pens JO cts per gross, Pen Knives, Tooth trushes, etc., etc., etc. DKV (iOODS. Toilet and Promenade Prints of tho most fash ionablo style and eolor. The now much worn materi&l of Colored Alpaca. Now is the time to buy an extraordlnarv ohean dress for next season, as we will close out our stock of Lawns, Organdiet. Hnrtct,. Ponllns. Crape de Paris, nnlxorinos. and all Summer eoods at fabulously low prices, to make room ht our Fall & Winter slock, which we will soon be able lo offer to our customers, an J the public generul- ty, ot the lush Store of II. W. 6M1TU i. CO. , Also, a limited amount of County Orders want ed in exchange for goods, . AT'1" IN ...i V ARRIVAI.. I AU ftlllimf Varu - 1..... .. J - plete stock of Hoots and Shoes, vit t .Mens best Kip Boot Buys best Kip Boot. .Mens best Calf Boot. aoys best Calf Bout. . i Childs bust Kid Boot. ' 1 ' Mens best Calf .Monroes: Boys best Calf Monroes. Youth's best Calf Monroes. Childs best (iout Pumps. Childs best Welt Pumpt Childs best Button Pumps ' Childs best French Morooo heel. Womans Mor. Jefferson heel, Wnmans Oust Jefferson hucl. Womant Kid Slippers, Wnmans Sup, Velvet bonnd gaiters. ' Wnninns extra fine lasting giiters Womans sup. citrn heavy moroccos. 11. W. SMITH .f- Co. Honrs of busines from f A M., to 8 P. M. July 10. 1S61. tf. Dissolution of Partnership. flMIK partnership heretofore existing between I tho iiuilcrsigiied in the lllacksmithing bim ners at Luthcrpburg, was dissolved by mutual consent on the l.'lth instant. The nconnts dun Henry Hants, are left with Esq. Klegnl, for cellcc tion, to whom payment is to be made without delay. HENRY HOOVKIt, 11 KNKY IIAXTZ. Luthersburg, ScpL 24, IS61. It EX ICC'LTtKMSol- C I Notice is here, by given thaf Letters Testamentary, on the cstuto of Williuin Smith hits of Cov. ington tp., dee'd, hare beeu grunted to the un dersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are required to muKC tminedicte pnvinent, nut those having claims rgainst the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MARY SMITH, I ... ... JOHN b. GORMOMT, , Sept. 3, 1861. 6U A. M. HILLS -'V. 1 J Atsi 11 L lu'l'l v'i' llljll I 111 I a Proper attention to , ,-; -3 me leein in proper Si tlmo will be of great : ii- benefit to every on in pomi oi ncaiiu, comfort, and eonv:nience, Kit. IIII.I.Hciu si-rays be found at his of fice, on the corner of Front and Main streets, when no notice to the contrary appears In this paper. Al operations is Hi .:ne of bit profession performed in the latest and most improved styles, and guaranteed for one year against all atural failures. f n TIinMPQCW Blacksmith, Wagoni.Huggloi.Ac., Ac., Ironed cn short m lice, and the very best style, a this s"""'"! agous, Diiggics, ac, c, ironea 1) cn short netlce, and the very best style, el hie li stand in the bo.-ougb of Curwentville. Do .29. It60 ; BLACKSMITH WANTED. A Journey msn Blacksmith will Ind steady employ. ment, good wages and prompt pay, by calling at the shop ui tne tunicrioer ' in the borongn or Clearfield. O. C. PASSMORE. . 8ept. , 1861. tf. i "henry" wilrrETfEAi). " JUstTICU of the peace Kockton, Union tp., will attend promptly to all business entrasted to his care. ' Sept., 11, 1880. l.y L u 4 h a ir a lb m ir LCTHER8 fBi Ik ft , 1 I CLF.ARFtELD COUNTT, PA ..'WILLIAM HEED, Proprietor. . July 18,4861. ly. WATCH & JEWELRY! fin HE underlined retpoctfullv JL Informs hie customer! and the ' publlo generally, tbat he hat Just received from tb Punt ml, A I ed at hit establishment In VRAHA.WS 10W Clearfield. Pa., a fine nr n. ...... w. ,.,.. it Y .. " jWATCRi, and Jr.wKLRr of different aualitiet. ir-nm . . - . v. fr CM"' r " I rinresv.. TV i , . carefully repaired and WrmnirJ A continuance of patronage it solicited. Sept. 19, 1800. H. F. NAUULE. JTLOUR, BACOX, TOBACCO, LIQUOItS OF ALL KIXDS, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, tIROCERIES, &3For sale very clutap for Cash, by O. B. MERRELL. In bnemeBt of Mcrrell A Big!er's Store, Clearfield, Vu. feb-27. JOHN O DELL, UriIOLSTKR AND CARRIAGE TRIM MKR, iLocatctiat A. If. Maw't Mills, one 7s AW of UearfielJ bomnjh, Respectfully infonni the clticens of Clearfield and adjoining connties, that be it at all timet prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all Kindt and sues, one of which is a Foldintr Mat. tress, suitable for l.'AI.IXS OV It A ITS ,ki..i. ca? 00 fWd in small compass, and emptied and renned at pleasure: ami vnrv , h:m lla al.n trims Cntriages, makes repairs to all kinds of Cnrriuge Trimming and Upholstery, and makes Cords for .Mason't Tracing Lines, of any thick uess or length. I fc&,Country Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash taken in Eicbsnge for work. MT-All orders left with any of the Merchats Clearfield borough will bi promptly attended lu- deoXS Wi.Kc ii i! Wsikc up! BI.ACKSMITIIINCi. THE subscriber res pectfully informs his friends And lltrt niililin Pnnlly. that he Is nvf well ablbhoa in his ii i, fine street, o.iposito the Town Hall, in the borough of Clearfield, nnd upon lilt own hook, and nhere ho Is orenared to do all work in bis lino in the very bent ttyle, and on 111 iKn.ln.l h.-.l II.- .11 the ectrulty ashed not to forget h itn. and anv num. ... ...v,! liuiicn, nn oni custot-ers uro res bor of new onet are respectfully invited to give him a trial. KHilE TOOLS.-His reputation as a Maker and Repairer of Edge tools should of it.selfsecure hi in a liberal patronage. . . UEOHUE C. PASSMORE. April 21, NEW COODS KRATZERS J They have'jmt revrived a general assnrtmeulef Spring and Hummer DRY OOODS, consisting of BONNETS, RIBBONS, SHAWLS HATS, PRINTS, CATS, 'DUCALS, WINK, HAKKtiK, SALT, r OPI, IN, OILS, n.onis. TAINT TWEKIW, LKAD. MUSLIN, UHUGS LINENS. HOOTS, C A lU'KT, SIIOKS, RLINPS, COATS, 1! ROOMS, PANTS SYTIIKS, VKSTS HKJX NAILS. NOTIONS, . FLOWKKS, HARDWA UK, (iUKKNSWARK, (JLASS, FISH, BACON A FLOUR. All of which will be told on tbe most reasonable terms for CASH, or approved Country Produce. O. KRATZFR i SON. Clearfield June II, 18(51. " d L K N - ECHO MIL IH. " i dermantown, Pa. cCALLUM cV C MANt'VACTrtlEnS, Importers, and Wholcnalo Icalcrs in carpetimjs, i) it i' (; ; i: t Olt. CLOTHS, SIATTIXOS, rfc, Wuri-'.ionso. No. 509 Chottnut Street, (Opposite Stotc House.) uprS'Sl-ly Pntt.iuKLt'HiA. STItlkl; 111 A! Ti Tit ik i ; timi:s i run. ur:i. rnifiMM Errilemtnt amonq th ! ! KXCITINO FOOT RACE between the Philndolphia l'nlire and the notoriout For ger nr. d enunterfeiter, Ja sios lluuhnnan Cross ! I ! Cross Recaptured ! !! ! It seems to be the gener al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross hnd worn a pair of Frank Short's French-calf Hoots, that he rould not be tnken yet. However, Shorty it not winch put out at mining his custom ; but would announce to all 'icct imnt.e, ltnvnlat , Linrnln aH Hill mrn, and women nnd children i i in Clearfield, nnd Sinoemalioning in particular, ' . that he is prepared to furnish them with Hoots, i Shoes nod Oaitors of any style or pattern, ttitch- J J ed, tewed or pegged, (and at ho it a short fel-, low) on short notice. I All kinds of country produce taken in ex-, change, and cash nut r fusod. Repairing done n inssmiirsimsniioriiiii cnarges moueraie, as Iht Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Weaver A Cos store. FRANK SHORT. i. 11, f indings Isr snle r-epl. ill, isou- N l!W DRUG STOKE .,.:..ra .n.J a full and com pleto assortment of DRUHfl in tbe new brick ' building of Dr. Woods, on the corner of Lecust and Cherry streets, in the boreugh of Clrarfleld,( where they will be happy to accommodato sny person who may desire articlei in their line. Tbe business will be oonfined strictly to a I y)ni7 and Prescription l!'iines, And no pains will be spared to render satisfaction. Dr. M. Woons, the junior partner, may alwsvs wh.n nnt .b,,nt on professional business. A; ,r,nr,t. room for consulutien It atUehed to the irhan n, scrnrste ,tl)re wn E ' here patients mny be examined privately, I r.rery article usually lonnn in sucn an esiao- r. ..' . .. . . . I . .. I. lishmcntwill bekepton hand, and sold at greatly rediced prices. lsinsis Br.tso striptTiT lits, win enaoto tnem to olfor inducements in the way of prices I Physicians will be supplied at a small per eentage over cost and earriags, and their orders are solicited. Every article sold will be pursand of the best quality. feb-tf W0OP3 A BARRETT. THOMAS J. MCULLOUGII, Attorney at Law. Office on Market street, opposite Moteop's 8 (ore Clearfield, Pa. Will at t.rrir.fniri attend promptly to iotirv nor 7U- 1 1 1 " KLLIS IRWIN & SONS, , . . 4 T the month of Lick Ran, five miles frem . ClearBeld, .MERCHANTS, MsBttfsctnrtrsof Lur.btr, 1 Jsly23, 1888. and tateselvt $35 00 -- .. .. . iiaio tut enure cost lor TlUTIOJi in the I mn.t nnnl.r .J .f..rA ? A . t -a- pp 1 "rRDta?.D.,naUn,f bmeD' XTf int Btatet, nave been educated for busin Lpwardt of TwiLva bt differ- sinest here bom have laleriee $2000 00 immediately t pon graduating, who knew nothing of accounts when they entered the College, -T.Minii'ter't sons half price. Students enter at anv time, and review when 'they pleate, without extra charge. ' Kfir fatalnwiiAfl Kna.iii.ian. rif 1'nnm.n ililn ... View of tho I'OLLEUE, enclose five letter stamps to JENKINS A SMITH, Slty l 61. ly. Pittsburgh, l'l W. M. M'CULLOVGII, CLtARriKLD, Pa. Office In Graham's Drlck Ilulldlng. July 3d. 18C1 tf. MOORE & KTZWiLER, VlTholcNale and Kctall Merchants. Alto ) TT extensive dealers in timber, sawed lumd oer anu siungiea. Also, dealers in flour an- ri'"' ?.h,.c.L,il1 told cheap for cash. Oct. 11,1850. i; ARRTSIMPROVED IB hkeI it i? .s i:wi N G MA C li I N K. PJUCKS FROM ?40 to $70. The ROVDOIR SEWING MACHINE, an en graving of which is here represented, hat now become a recognised favorite wherevor it hat been introduced, and is, beyond question, the best, at well at the handsomest, low-priced Sewing Machine now before the public. .No. 1 A email and very neat Machine for Family ute. No. 2. A large Machine for quilting heavy work and for Plantation use. This Machine is much admired for ill simplici ty, and for its reliability and durability it is un surpassed. A child twelve years can run it with ease ; and yet it will sew from the coarsest cloth to the finest Swiss. There it no troublo of re winding the thread, at it it taken from tbe spools. It has no belt to give trouble, and will run backwards at well as forwards, ar.d atill tewt equally perfect, tnd without danger of breaking necdlct. It runt by friction, and by closing tbe box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, we have no hesitation in recommending it at th best family Hewing Machine in use. The following Premium Awarded tht abovt Machint: At the Fair or the rVanklin Institute, 1858, the First Premium. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, at Philadel phia, Kepleiabaf 31, IS',0, the Pint Praminma. Diploma. At the Pennsylvania Stats Fair, held at Wyo ming, I8G0 a Silver Medal. For the best Uonbte Thread Machine, at Lan caster County Fair, held Octobtr, 1850 a Silver Medal. At the Maryland State Fair, hold at the Mary land Insti'ute, Haiti inoro, Md., October, 1859, under strong competition, a Silver Medal was awarded to this Machine. At the New Castle County Fair, held at Wil mington, Delaware; October, 1859 a Diploma, The above Machines are manufactured by CIIAKI.I'A W. MOWLAM). Wilmington, DuL S AL ES ROOMS. No. "-Id Arch Stroct, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. S. D. RAKER, maiU-ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. fJMT Persons wishing to see the above Machine in operation, ran do so by calling at the resi dence of D. W. Moore, in Cloarfiold borough. N E W "GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring ft Summer Goods AT THIi CHEAP CASH STORE. Inm just receiving and opening a carefully selected stock pf Spring and Summer goods ol almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Drees ' Rod', of tho nowest and latest Itylos. Also s Kr"" " "i". DKY-liOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Roots nnd Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qteeasware, Drugs and Medioinet, Oil andPaintt, Cerpet A Oil Cloths. GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel In J J and i barrels, of the best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cai-h or ready pay prices. My old friend- nnd the publie generally, are respectfully invited to call. N. Ii. All kinde of Cr'?A7.Yand approved COVXTHY I'HOVVLF. taken in exchange ol Goods. Clearfield, June 20 1801. WM. P. IRWIN. jnRONE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. P. OWENS, rROPRiKTOR, Respectfully announces to the travelling publlu thr.t he hat now taken charge of thit large and well known house, and will conduct it in tuch a manner at will render excellent comfort and for, satisfaction to all wbe may favor him with a .-11 con. novT-ly rY " lo Versons oi 1 of hmploymcnt. i A Pt'YTO T A VTUn lVllilt io vv 111 Jl IjU, In every County of the United States, TO engage in the sale of tome of the bett and molt elegantly illustrated Works published. Our publications are of tht most Interesting character, adapted to tbs wants of the Farmer, Mechanic and Merchant; they are tablithed la the best stvle and bound in the mot: tubstaa- I tin! manner, and are worthy a plaoe in the Ll- brary of every Household in the Land. i XfuTo men of enterprise aud Industrious nan. this business offers an opportunity for prett- aLIm mnlAYmmil aatnm tn Ka mil ilh. i SA-l'Ttons desirioe to set at aeentt will re- eeive promptly by mail full ptrtrcalara, terms ae.,ky addretslsg LEART. OKTZ A oo., Tub, ho. 221 North ttrtet, Fbllsdrlrhia. 0ct2i, 1650-ly.