Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 02, 1861, Image 3

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    ct.ItarfitI Republican.
article l.-Congroas shall m.k. do law rea-
KfftM nmin thereof, OR AI.HIIhs-
oFTIIBrBESS J orj7''fibt"ftb P'o
UtaiMlfora redress of grUrnncei. t'oiwd'n.
(jo, i lrtad Stmu$.
ytgTICLX BBCTI8H .7. JDM 1116 prlOliDg I
. M. . . , . I
aretes shall " ,r,a 10 'r7 person wno tinner- wmv juu ui u icnoi:u; uiinie;it?n v io juugo
Ji,lWixsmios th. proceedings of ih. lKi'l- 0f audi matters, if you do hold revolution-
tsrs.orany brano!. .0fK7r"tL.rJ.s!:;.r ,M,imml..,Hknn. ...,. .
jiwoni"oa .cLr u,u. riu luorooi.
Il fros communication cf thopghlasnd opinion
uxnsef the invaluable right of uiani and everv
tie oi7 freely tpoak, writ and print on any
NbJoetj b'iilt rerpnnsiM. for th. abuse of that
liberty- lo protecntlooi for Urn publleatfun of
were inreitifiatinif the tQieinl conduct ofolTi
rt. or mn In puLlle rapacity, or whore tbo
ilUr pnfctli'lied U proper for publle lnforma
linD, t'j t'utb thereof cay bo Riven In evidonce;
loi In all Indictment! fur libel, the jury fhall
U' a right to dotormine the law and tbs facta,
tndar tbo direction of tho eourt, ai ir other caief.
Cvutitvlio of Ptniuyhania.
Car Time at Tyrone.
The juramer arrangoment of the Pennivlvnnia
fiilrtaa, on and alter the 10th of June, will be a
futLln 9.17 p. m.
JJil Train ......... 11.54 a. in.
lijpr.u I'iaiengor ...... (1.40 a. m.
Jliil Train "... a 40 p. m.
Tb EiprcM Kant, and Fast Line Weat, do
v Hop at Tyrone.
Clparfield Cemetry.
. All pcrsoni intoretted in th Clenrfiold Coiue
trr, are rcquetl to a.iauible at the ground! on
Tbandaj the 3rd of Oct next, prepared to apend
in it j in redding up and repairing taid grouudi.
JONN 110VNT0X, VTruateea.
Ckoii Dtu oiT. Tho proceeding of last
wwk'a courL
Tu New. Wo hare advice irom
Washington up to Saturday hut. The
CmifcdiTtite b.uturies on the Virginia aide
of the Potomao bolow Washington threat
en tho total obstruction of navigation.
fcrerul new batteriei have been erected
and exposed to view by clearing away the
(rush that concealed them, and ffDin ten
to fifteen thousand reb-U aro believed to
be stationed at these bnlteric.
Some day ago Oen. McClelland iniued
tn ordor forbidilinjt the Gring upon pick
U. Thi act ww reciirocuted by a aiiui
lr order from the ('oiifodurato General
imlwithstanaing, however, we notico oc
(aaionnl thooling of pickets.
There is nothing to indicate any for
ward movement at Washington by either
The new i from Miadouri is of thu utmost
importance. Gen. Fremont has taken
tha field In person, saying that he hopes
to dt-tlroy tho enemy before or after a
junction is forintd botveon Prico and
McCullongh. Gen. Trice, leaving a pa t
ef lii foroo at Lexington, started towards
Gerrgittown with a largo force, whilat Mo.
L'ullougli was moving towards Kansas. Wo
may expect soon lo hear of battlaat and
aifgOH in ilisifouri throwing tho atlair at
Lexiimlon entirelf in the shiiiio.
la Kentucky ail'uiri are but little bnttoi
than iu Missouri. Jame IL Clay (son of
lale Henry Clay) and sixteen others, on
their way to join Oeu. Z dlicoffiir, were
raptured on the 2fth by Col. Letcher,
John U. Bieckenridge was aid to have
Wn if the party, but managed to make
hi eio.ipo. A lurgo i-ecoision force is or
Idtniied in Southern Kentucky, making
loud ilirenls of marcliing upon Louisi'ilb1.
From Western Virgini the news is
itrangcly mystified. One day it 1 report
J tlmt tho Federal force are fluttering
anil driving the enemy in every direction.
nd per hops the next dav th "critical i
lituaiion" of this or that command is an
nounced. ' '
.Several of the Fort Layfavette nri'on rs
h.w been released sines' our last. Among
fhu rest we notico Mayor Herrett, of
Washington, Tierce Butler, of Philadel
phia, nnd Jame. W. Wall, of Now Jersey
the last named gentleman having heim
welcomed homo vv a public rec
ptton of
lii fellow citizrna of lUirlington,
onie little excitement.
Bv Inst night's mail we learn that the
Confederates were driven from Munaon
nd Mason Hills, opposite Washington,
nd also from Edsol'a hill. out from Alox
andria, on last .nftiTday night, and those
place occupied by the federal aoldier.
fhe enemy retired without any resistance.
An unfortunato mistake occurred with
G'n Smith' command in marching from
the Chain Bridge, when Col, Owen's Phil
delphia Irish Brigade, in the darknoss,
niitaking Capt. Moti'a Battery for the
'ebels, fired a full volley into them. The
r was returned, and aeveral rounds ex
'btiirad before the blunder was discover
i, killing and wounding quito a number
n ach side.
Vessels conliuuo to pass up and down
"wPnlom to.
The report that Fremont had retaken
iingioii i not credited. He was at Jef
wion cily on Ihe 29lh.
A Substantial Present. 1
, , ,
'iisnd at Grahaniton sont us a Imhetof
1 finest Potatoe wp ever met with
"i contents, let it be noted, of.fv hillt ;
ui not one of them smaller than a goose
Mel Can any. body beat thia ? They
"wiled the California rotate
Seriols Accdent. We learn that Mr.
Kou, mother cf Gen. Patton, fell, a few
agoeffa flight of steps attheGener
" residence, breaking her ahouldcr-!
"K and otherwise injuring herself verj
&CAPEO. Tbe Frowenfield army cloth'
H naud case camn lo an abrupt terrain
"ioat Piltsburch last week, bv tha ab
of an Important witne. when the
Ui" called up, and a oU prowi tl 21ZKtiJZEn Mf&nM oDflai la th. Wa.ten. I'.nlUntiary,
"red How v,rv rr,nP..ienil Tha ' Yor f ,..'642'0 l0"u f 5,000 ' 5 oudir sentone. from th. Court of Oy.r and I
rw. now. very conveuientl . . ih Philadelphia $2,204,000; other agenciea, n,iB,r of oiMrfi.ld oouoty. .
wuneun may noi d aueonv ai sua
ttrU! NEXT TUEDeiY."
A oood hit. II, liucher Swoope, Esq.,
ft . LI. U 'i.lTii 1 r. ...
tiu tua jioec ut me ruacK neputjiican
pow-wow last week, gave our atcoesion
friend of the Joutnal a sharp rap over the
knuckle for publishing a private letter
wh,ch PPM" in hi columns a low
week .go. He atated that the man that
would publish and circulate auch senti-
men Is should be condemned and despised ,1Rve ov,rlll'ow l government and per
bv all loval either . ! n,nncn"y dissevered the Union, by relus-
uy all loyal ci izota. ing to support Mr. Lincoln when Lis ia-
Jll B LI I 1. 11171111 in..V nr T Ull 1 HHKI LIU
' ' - -----
Dm Constitution
Wa must Ull the Itevertnd gentleman,
however, that hi doctrine of df-preser
vutiou" might do where there ia no a r it
ten Constitution or law to govern and reg
ulate both President and citizen. This is
the doctrine of the highwaymen when he
attempts to ecapo, or murder tho wiUcer
of the law, in order to ellect his escape.
It the government assumes to act by the
law of "Holf-prescrvalioH,'1 what becomes
of our law of Congres and our Acts of As
einbly ? and what is to prevent the gov
erned from adopting the same plea ?
Presentment of the Grand Jury.
To the Honorable the Jadjts of the Court of
yurlt-r oi aatons oj ijtiuirjietd tountif :
Tho Urund Jury Inquest would respect
fully it'port, that they have examined the
County jail, and found it in fair condition.
I he pi ivy upon Ine County property, we
believe to be a disgrace to tho eitizens ol
the County, nnd a nuiiunco to the inhabi
tants of tho town.
Wo hereby return' the Sinn;mahouing
road leading lroui Israel Nichcl's to the
Lawrence township lino toward ihoSinne
mahoning Creek, the same being out of re
pair, and being as the Grand I IX jiif.H t be
lieve, undur lupervikion of A. K. Wright,
(3. L. Heed and David Tyler, Commission
er ; it all being in Lawrence township lhat
ia out of repai:
We would aluo present as nuisances Da
vid Smith's dam on the Susquehanna river,
John P. llnyt's dam in Ferguson tp., und
Spencer' dam in faaio towihip owned by
O. II. Lyt'.u & Co.
Vi'e return our sincere thanks to His
Honor Judge Linu for Iris able nnd patriot
ic charge to us. We have been inlnrmed
that there aie men in our community who
aro in the habit of charging men rilh be
ing traitors und secessionists without the
least shadow of evidence to substantiate
such facts, merely becniiio the individuals
so charged ditTer in opinion with the iudi
viduals making such charges. If tuuh he
the caso we condemn such action in the
most severe terms, and also consider tint
ifanv man shall give aid and coral'ori to
the rebels by advocating their cause, or in
any other manner, it is tho duty of all
good citizens tohavehiin brought lo jus
tice in compliance with tho Constitution
and laws of the In ml.
In cae any individual shall wilfully "r
knowingly perpetrate, by word or deed,
any act thatshull iu any way impede the
operation ol the General Government in
the'r endenrors lo erush this present wide
spread rebellion, the officers of the law
should discharge their duties by bringing
such ollenders to justice ; but at the same
time being carclul not lo abridge the lib
erty of speei-h or freedom of the press.
more than is absolutely reipjireu.
We consider it iho duly of everv good
cil'uen to support the Government, to
crush the rebellion, to disregard nil paity
ties fir lh present, nnd endeavor to re-establish
our glorious Unim upon its origin
al basis, even though it may requite the
expenditure of all the treasure and a vast
amount of the best blood of the country.
We also would return our llunks to H.
J. Wallace. Esq., for his attention to us,
and say in his bt half.lhnl during his term
ofolliceas Diistricl Attorney, now about
closing, he l as over shown himself an at
tentive and etlicient officer.
WM. P. CHAM BE liS, Foreman.
Fium Nb'v Mexico. fort Union. Let
ters from Foi t Union, Vew Mexico, give
the latest intelligence from lhat qmiiler
since lind'a surrender of U. S. forces to
Texan :
Tho Texftiik tukon and destroyed
Fort Fillmore. Fort Craig and I'oi t Bliss,
Col. Koberls, at Fort Stanton, received or
der from headquarters to evacuate and
destroy Fort Stanton, which ho did hift
week. Here hi Fort Union they have
built an en I ire new fort within tho last ten
days, tin old fort not being in a position
to bo defended. The men are iu the
trenches day and night. The new fort is
one mile southeast of the old one and
when the fortifications aie completed two
thousand men can defend it nguinstan at
tack of live thousand. There must now
be at Fort Union over ten millions of dol
lars' worth of properly. There are fifteen
hundred men here now, regulara and vol
unteer. The officer and men are drill
ing from morning till night. The Mexi
cans raake good soldiers, obedient and or
' ' '
STEAMERS. The ateamship Matanzas, from ;
Havana and Matanzss, arrived at New !
York on Thursday night, with advice
from the forn'er place to the 20lh instant :
Tho Times' correspondent state lhat
the French war steamer Lavoissier left Ha
vana on the 19th, suppoiod for New Or
leans, with the intention of passing the
blockade and delivering dispatches to the.
French Consul there. Should she succeed
in passing the United Slat war vessels, it!
wa to be considered conclusive proof of,
the Ineffectiveness of Iho blockade. The j
Spanish gunboat 3en. Lero, it wus under
stood, was to leave for Pass I'Outre in a
few day Captain Laurent, of the New
Orleans packet A. A. Chapman, having ueotoa io iaia estate ara requoatea to maae im
volunteered to pilot her up the river. Il mediate pay,nent,nnd,ivingolai.nsag,mi.t
" . , J , .... n.i.ui, r'.r.. the same willnrosent them duly authenticated for
was conjectured al(.o that the British Com. ,ettlfmcnt.. F. F. COUTEKET,
modore, who had recently touchi d at Ha I gept 28, 18I t. Adm'r.
haa taKen tue same nirection.
To. Ketrav-TllllTV Loav. The total
' ""Jri n$ yi5:;
urd', njght, aince the Aral aubsc-iption, ia
iiO fMlft Th whola amounl ofun
X II f9 11 U D BIIIVU a' K
Uata subscription from tha 19th of August
iy f l.ow.UW. TOUl5IOiU5,vjy.-.v. i,
Tm Democracy-. How manly and man-
. . , . .. ...
nnnimous is tiie iollowire from the New
York Timet (Republican. 1 when coiunit
red with tho groveling partisan biirotrv of
iome well as some papers-hcre-
"It would have beer. easv. nerhans. tn
the democratic masse cf lite Irc-e Slates to
U 111 ira lull Unu nnnnnfi.l ...... J . I . I 1
""6 lui-nmra, vim nutii, uitr,
runny ii mu e uiimhui iou wa as
stti!c'1 ,,le I"'ctical tssenion of tho
r.Wt of "cession. But the Democracy
i iu not so read tuei.- honor or safety.
They loved theircountry more than party;
aim in iir. jiincoin iney saw, not ins suc
cessful pnrtirttn candidate, but tho consti
tutional President of the United Slates.
And, therefore,! hey supported not grud
gingly, but heartily as earnestly and
zealously, in fact, as if he had been their
own party leader in the cuuvasi (hut pro
ceded his election."
TiciiST Courtbsies. A night or two ago
a German picket guard stationed outside
of Arlington hward their own language
spoken by the rebel scouts opposite Ik tun.
A few words 'vre interchanged, and the
parties on both aides, finding ihemaelves
fellow countrymen, proceeded lo meet
each other in perfect confidence. So well
pleased were they with their interview
that, alter posting a aullicient number ot
guards along tiie prescribed lines, the ma
jority relumed to tho neu'.ral ground,
and building a lire, passed the best part of
the night together, op tho warmest and
moil amicablo terms. Wash. Corr. .V. I'.
Frkmost. There ia a great deal of diiruaaion
going on ju.t now us to the position and con
duct of Atiijur Uen. Froaiout. If we may judge
trom all the rvpurts that reach us, Fremont ia
decidudly out of bin vleiUL-nU
V'aiu,uunciiiU)d,uuil supcrciUous.he ia evidently
d'ing more harm lo the cuuae of the Uuvernioeut
('an cun bo produced trom any other cause.
The fuel that u man wnsoucu a cumlidute for tbe
Preaidoncy of tiie United tiUitoa, doua not tit
him to bo a luiliUiry comuiaiulor, and it is there
fore tliut Freaidiint Lincoln ia Joiuj a very wrong
thing wLuu pcruiiltiug an much rerponbiOility to
rent in tbe b.nnl of u porann J iiijuuiciuiia na ia
Mr. Fremuut. Wo hiur of Very grure cbnrgoa
uiado aguiuat Ihi. oQlcvr, liul wo du not care uow
to iniiiiire into thuui. It u euougli tor u.i to know
that ho is tlmrouhly incoinpuieut lor the poai
tion wliica he oiin;iios a -id it' Hie Uuvcrument
desires auccess iu tbo Wcat, itahuuld at once re
move him. ills outiru cuurst. aioie be hua been
placed in oo ui ui Hud ol ibe Misaouii lorcea, abuwa
hiiu not ouly lo bo a blockheail but a popinjay.
Such men, wo t ike it, uru not wautod for tlioae
limea. 'Ant. Daily Sent, (Itep.)
Wuo Tells ths Trltu ? Our readers
will recohect that President Lincoln, in
his mejsags to the lulo extra session of
Congress, admitted that ho had transcended
the Constitution, and asked Congress to
pass an indemnifying actand which
Congress failed to do yet the Union (!)
candidate fjr District Attorney, Swoope,
in his speech ul the Ilepublioan meeting
the other night, stated positively lhat Mr.
Lincolu had done no suu't thing.
Here is t fair and open issue. If Mr,
Sivoope is wrong and we preauino no one
will dispute that fact ho clearly demon
strates his total unfitness for tho office he
aspires lo fill.
Twenty-five to Sixty Dollar and
expeuara per mouth will be paid by Ine Kris
Sowing Machine Company to their Agotita, for
pclling the Krio Sewing Machine Thia is a
Mschine, and so eimplo in ita coaxtructioii that a
child rnu lrnrn to operate it by half nn hour's
instruction. It ii equal to any Fumily Sewing
Macbino in use. and they take thepreiuiuiii over
blty ami one bunureU dollar mai-hiiics. The
price ia but Fifteen Dollur. The Company wlrh
to cmiili.y Agents In every ronnly in the Vnited
States. . Address, for particulars, .Vie .SViri'iiy
.(iicini Co. 11. Jauks, Ueneral Agent, Milan,
Ohio. iuarl3-8m.
i)ii:u in
hsI, Mrs.
Pike township, on WeJnesdny
wife of Patrick .Mullen, aged
about 70 yeara.
31 fto Sbbutiscmcnts.
Recruits Wanted.
UECnUITS are wanted for tlio purpose of fill
IC ing up Cnpt. ODDEN'S Couipany, nuit in
t'nmp Croai-mun, under coininnnd of Col. M m. U.
MlMiMT. Young nien desiring tx enlist cannot
find bettor officers under whom to servo.
Application should be made at once tn Lieut.
R. J. U it l ick, at this place. Oct. 2, '01.
MI5l".lt. NOTICE is hereby given to all
iutoreated, that during the lute freshet, a
quantity of Square Ti mbcr, Spars, Hoards and
Shinglci, lodged on the Pier of the Curwenaville
Bridge therefore all per.ons who may havo lost
Lumbtr are required to come and remove it on
or before the 1 1th of October, inrUnt, as nil that
remains uncluimed nnd not removed on that dny
will bo sold to the highest bidder.
Curwenaville lliidge Company.
Oct. i, 1861.
1 1 1 : tM'.AItl ll'.I.I) ACADEMY will
be opened for Iho reception of pupils (males
and fumalci) on Monday Sept. 2d, lstil.
Terms per Sctvslou of Mlevcii Weeks
Orthography, Itoading, Writing, Primary
Arithmetie and Ueogrnpby, tJ ii
Iligber Arithmet'e, English Grammar,
lli'njjriiphy and History, J 00
Als-ebra, Geometry, Natural PMloaoi.hy,
"J B'fk Keeping. 4
L.nua ana ureea Liiiuruarcs, o
To students dosirous of acquiring a thorough
i English Education, and who with to qualify
themselves for Tesohors, t hi Institution otTcra
i desirable advantages.
I No pupil received for less thin half a session,
and no deduction r-ade except lor protracted
Tuition to be paid at the rln.e of the term.
C. I). bANUFORD, Principal,
Clearfield, Aug. 7, lStl. ly.
A milMSTKATOU M) II CL- Letters;
XX or Aaministration naving occn una uny
grnntrd to the undersigned on the estate of
PETER ML'LSON. late of Covington town-
ship, CloarOeld county, deooasod, all persons in-
' gjTRAY COW, Strayed away about
th l.lth
RED CCW 2i years old no other
Clearfi..d,SePt.24,'.L JOHN OULICH.
m'OTICU is hereby given,
1' eonoern, that so appllcat
to whom it may
eonoern, tuat aa application nas been made
"'"''V!,, XZZZEZ"
T. J. Mccut.Louiu,
Clforflsli, Seat. S4 '81. Atry6r Appjieaat.
STRAY IIRIFFEK. Came tilth, premises!
of th. subscribor in May last, a MCLKY ;
11 DIFFER. The owner will eom forward, prove
proporty, ito otherwise ibe will be disposed of ui
the law directs. ANDREW DAVIS.
Ferguson township, SopL 24, ISfll. 3t.
Dissolution of Partnership.
f PHE nartneruhiei li.....r....
J. the undersigned In th Blueknuiithinir bu.
;nuti at Liilbersburg, was diisolved by mutual
annaent on the l.Hh I.i ..., ti, i.. .
; ueury oami are ieU wuu Kin. jrieiral, tur cwlieo.
tion, to wboui ji.ymt 1. to be made without
Lullieraburg, SepL 24, 1861. 41
NE W Fill M!!
Great Inducements to Purchasers
H. W. SMITH SCO'S.1.!01' odkll;
mauawu ww f uuiVtT If UUgrJ JjUUUal U
q ujiKXfi ir.i r i:.
EST White (irnnite riatcs,
Tea Setts.
C ifTue Setts.
" ' " Cupa Setts.
" " " Handed Cup Setta.
BEST' Pour! White Toa Setts.
" " Ewer nnd anain.
" Paraalan Tea Setts.
" " Cup Setta.
Comtron Teus. Common Teas.
Oin Superior Lustra Sprig Tea Sen.
Crvauia, Pies, Soup., by the half doien.
C. C. Nappies, C. C. B'iwla
Ulass Presorves, Ulast Salts.
t Flu-. Tumblera
Plain do.
Exsnlsior do.
Also, Teas, Coffees, tc, Ac.
sudull ar iolea usually kept Inaeountry store,
will be kept here, as also many not usually kept,
but much i.erdid, at greatly reduced prices
And we feol confident that ull who will mak e
triul purchase, will find it to thoir advantage to
continue us customers.
Superior article Sweeping Brushes.
Largo .'s't Waiters "moat convenient article
in use.
Pliints Imiroved Coffee 5plce Mill,
sod Cording, Drum Cording.
Wall Poper, Window Shading
llandeanoria Coffee, Dnndeanocin Coffoo.
Mackerel by barrel or pound.
Varied tsioituicnt of
Sou ps,
r?turcb, bv box or pouud,
Knives aui;' Forks
8 lei I Pens 40 eta per gross,
Pen Kuivca,
Tooth Brushes,
etc., etc., eto.
Toilet snd Promeando Printa of the most fash
ionable style nnd color. Tho now much worn
niuterUl of Colored Alpaca.
Now is the time to buy an extraordinary olieap
dress for next aenson, as we will cloio out our
stock of Lawns, Organdies, flurcges, Poplins,
Crupo do Poris, aaliorines, und all Summer goods
at fabulously low prices, to make room fjr our
Fall A Winter itock, which we will oon bo able
lo offer Ui our customers, and the puhlic general
ly, at the Caah Store of
Also, a limited amount of County Ordera want
ed in exchange for goods,,
TxvTr'W AMRIVAI Wo havo just opened
an f are selling very low, a large and com
plete stock of Boots and hoe, vis :
Mens best Kip noot
noye best Kip Boot.
Mens best Calf Loot.
Boys best Calf noot.
Childs best Kid Boot.
Mens best Calf Monroes;
Boys host Calf Monroe.
Youth's best CalfMoyrooj.
Childs best (lout Puinpi.
Childs best Welt rumps
Childs best Buttou Tumpi
Childs best French Moroeo heel.
Woman Mor. JefTersnn heel,
Woiiiaua Host Jefferson heel.
Woman Kid Slippers.
Womans Sup. Velvet bound gaiters.
Wnojiins extra fine lasting giiters
Womans sup, extra heavy moroccos.
H. W. SMITH J- Co.
Hours of busincs from 7 A M., to t V. M.
July 10, lS6t. tf.
ar-iXI-.CIlTOR'H XOTIt T Nuliro Is here.
iliby givon thai Letters Testumcntnry, on tho
Into of William Smith lats of Cov-
Ington tp., dee'd, have been grunted to tho un
dersigned. All persons indebted to laid estate
nre required io make iinmemcte payment,
those having claims rguinrt the same will present
them duly authenticated for settlement. I
Sept. 3, ISfll. St. I
.tf o tsiaiw W-IV. ,tfw Properattcntlon to
tA-M yJJ:, tho toeth In proper
""V fc'i--. " V!S" time will le of great
benefit to everyone
In point of health,
comfert, and convenience.
UH llll.l.S Ci5 slayi be found at his of
(ice, on tho corner of Front and Main streols,
when no notice to tho contrary appears in thia
Al operation! is tLs l!ne of h la profession
performed in the luteal and most improved
styles, and guaranteed for on. year against all
aturul fuiluros.
I blacksmith, Wsgons, Buggies, Ae As., Ironed
J ) ca short nttlte, aad thevery beat style, athia
II rtand In tha borough of CurwenivUle. I
I. .29. 1880 ' i
man Blacksmith will Snd steady employ-'
ment, good wsgeaand prompt pay, by calling at
the shop of th. aubaeriber in the borough of
Clearfiold. 0. C. PA8SM0KE.
Sept. , 1881. tf.
JUST1CK of the peac.
fi Rook ton, Union tp., will attend
pjpiBptly i
ly to all banfi.t aatrast.4 lo bis oar.
B.ft.,1), ieo. j.j
fTITE underaignal respectfully '
L iiiforinabia customers and the 1
puolio generally, thr.t ho has just '
rtceivod from llio East, and oi en.
ed at his establishment iu OHAHAM'S HQ V .
J 'M"'eliI, Va.., u fine usaortmeiit of Clocks,
""l"E u d awtLiir ot diiicrent qunlities,
un a ainxle piece to a fall selU hieh he will
I.'." , .uu..i. p..v., ,u, u.u, or m
, nr.iZl., Slii 90,a. ',,v' ....
.-."r..": "e.y on nauu, "uo mt.t
i AUi,l, rn l w.i it ,
kinds ol Clocks, Wutehca aud Jewelry,
earofully repaired and Warranted.
I A continuance of uatruuuce ia nolioited.
ipt. HI, I860. ji F NAl'OLE
11 DTITJ 1?PAV TnllUV'n
a-vuiv, iJlVlJ, 1 VUAVylW,
CsuTFor tBla very cheap for Cash, by
0. B. MER11ELL,
In basement of Merrel! A Biker's Store,
I Cleai field, Ta. fcb-27.
tolsti:u and carriage trim
Located at A. II. Shaw't MHU, one mile East
of Cteuridd borough,
Respectfully iuforma the citizens of Clearfield
and adjoining cotmliea, thut be is ut all timea
prepared to manufacture, ut tiie shortest uutice,
'fair. Husk, aud Straw Mattresses of ail
kinds and aiics, one of which is a Folding Mat.
tress, suitable for OAUI.WS 0J IHFM, loci,
can bo folded in small compass, and emptied md
refilled at pleasure ; ami very vbesp. lie also
trims Carriages, makes repairs to ull kinds cf
Carriage Tririniing und b'plioUtcry, uud u;kos
Cords for Masou's Tracing Lines, of any thick
ness or leugth.
-tlCountry Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash
taken in F;tclin;;e for work.
iTAll orders loft with any of the Merchnls
Clearfield borough will hi promptly attended
W.'ikc ii ! Wake up j
BI.At KSM! tHIM;. TUK siibierll.or res
pectfully informs his friends and the mililie
genxrally. that he Is new well e nil in lil-.
.M-.W MIDI' (iii Pine street, o qioslte the Town
Hull, in the boMuyli of Clnnrfisid, and upon hit
own honk, nml where tie is prepared to do ull
work in bis line in lU very l est style, nud uu
the shortest notice. His old iMistoe-i-ra nre res
pectfully nsliea not to Iwrget biin, nnd nny nuiu
ber of new ones are respectfully invited to give
him a trial.
EDtiE TOOLS Tlij reputalli.n ns a Jluker
and Itcpn!rr of Edge tools should of itsoll secure
him a liberal patronage.
April 21,
iney navejusl receiveil u general assortmcr.t ol
Spriii" nud Suiuiuor IJKY tlUOl'S, rotitiaiin" of
W I N E,
O I L H ,
P R 1 NTS.
BAR lii Ii,
I dl'I.IN,
1! RtiOMS,
fish, bacon i flour,
All of which will be aold on tho most reasonable
terma for CASH, or upprnvod Country Produce.
Cloarfield Juno 11, HSI.
IN AND TEACHERS of Clearfield!
County :--
Public examination of Teacheis will bo held
this year as follows ;
IIIoipiu, Ferugson, Lumber City A Ptnn, SeptJiu
ber Ith A i'h, at Lumber City.
Cnrwensville, Knov J- Pike, Sept., Oth if- Tth
at Ciirwensvillx.
Clearfield and Lawrence Sept. Dili A lOlh, at
(iirurd nnd Ooshen Sept. 1 1th und 12th, ut Go
shen School house.
Covington and Kiirthaus Sept. llUh A 14th
near Mr. Rider's,
Bradford, liruhuin und Morris, Sept. 16th A 17
at (irahnniton.
Hogg', llecatur and Woodward, Sept. IStli and
19tb at Centre In Iieeatur.
Hell, Hurnsiilc, Chest and New Washington,
Sept. 2od and 21th at New Washington.
Bcccariu, (luelieh nnd Jordan, Sept. 24th and
27th at X roads in Eeccnria,.
Huston and Fox, October 1st, nt No, 1. House
in 1 1 of ton.
Brndy und Union, Oct. Ad and tth at Luthers
burg. ALL AT 9 o'clook A.M.
Curwcnsville, 7lh month, )
Jcssac BllOOVtLI.
Co .Suji't.
taoi pa. j
KermantowD, Pa.
Importers, end Wholesale Dealers In
Waruhouso. No. .ri09 Chestnut Strcol,
(Oppoaite State House,)
aprS'81-ly Philadelphia.
STitiKixc; Tniiis ix rmi.ADEi,
PI'IA! Trrmtniimit L'rcitemrnl among (A
.Vna.ra!!.' EXCITI.Vy FOOT RACE between
the Philadolphia P"lire Bnd tbo notorious For
gur and counterfeiter, Ja ties Uuchnnan Cross ! ! I
Cross Uocuptured ! I ! I It seems to bo the gener
al opinion in Clearfield, that if Crn-s had worn a
pair of Frank Short's French-calf Hoots, that be
would not tia tahen yet. However, Shorty it
. ,
not ,uch put out at ni.-Hing his custom ; bus
would aniiouiice to all Ihech,,,,;,, , Wn,
Lincoln and Hell iiira, nnd women and children
in Clearfield, and Siiinemnhouiiig in particular
that be is prepared to furnish theui with Hoots,
Shoes and (Jsitcra of any atyle or pattern, alitch
ed, aewod or pegged, (and as he ia a abort fel
low) on abort notice.
Ail kinda of country produce taken tn ex
change, and cash not n fused. Repairing done
in the neatest manner and charges moderate, at
th Short Sbo. Shop on Second Rlreet, oppoaite
Reed, Woav.r A Co'iitore. FKANK SHORT.
N. B, Finding for salo Sept. 20, 1SO0- '
4 T the mouth of Lick Run. five miles from
V. Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extenair
Manufacturers of Lumber,
July 21, 180.
W. HATS, Justice of th. Peace, will attenjeeif. promptly by mail full particulars, trmi,
j. .pronpuyio oone:nons and other matter
aft la blseiarge. Adire Kersev, l"k .,, Pa
Cel. id 1". ly.
$35 0 0
I 1 AYS tbo entire oust lor 'It'll
I most UKimlur and successful full M i.
SCHOOL iu the country. Upward of T.
hl-jjobbu youiur mn. friim tn ixiv-r.n.iiT did.
"t Rules, huVe ben educated for busii.o.s lu-n,
witMn ,lle ,mst three years, ...u,.. f b,.,ohave
boeu employed a. lijoK-KEt:ii:nS at 6,!.ui,a
. .. . MUUU UU
iiaineaintoly rpon Kf'iuuatiuir, wno kimw nothing
Zfl-.Minis'ter'asou! halfprie-.
Stuilanls enter nt siit tiim-, and revluw when
' ,1 I.... !.!. ... . .1
Mi".v Jii-nri-, niiiiuui r ir v.i l' i
For Catalogues, Kpeeiuiena ol I'vumanship, ni;d
View of the COliLEUK, cuuio-o live Int'tr stamps
May 15, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, l'a.
W..M. MrcL'i.i.oi:cii,
Clkaki'iki.k, V.
OITice In tiraham's Hili k Muilillug.
July 31, 1S01 tf.
Mo6iiF& mwi lyai,
"ll'Iiolcsale and Iteta.l Mm-chants. AKo
yy exit nsive iL'ulra in iiiuiier, acsed lumd
bur nud ahiii''!es. Also, dealers in four un
"I1'01? bo 'ulJ t!h!"I, fur ca'h-
Oct 14, ISiU.
Tt a u r rs i m p Pv o v e n
' II ( rilOM 55 40 to S70.
The ll0UDf.HH SEWINU MtCUlXl-.. un e-".
graving of w hich is here r"pri' I. c .. t
become u rccL'iii.vd fuvi;r!to wl.erc-'er is
has been introduced, nud is, l.eyotid queivi on,
the best, as well s ibe lianil.Miiue.-t, low-priced
Sewing Mnchins now before the puhlie.
No. 1 A small nnd vr) neat Muchiu. for
Fa only use.
No. 2. A largo Maeliino fur quiltiii icavy
work and for Plantation uue.
This Machine ia much a liniied for i'l simpliei.
tv, and for its reliuhilii v and (luraliilily it is tm-
j Mirpafsed. A child twelve yetirs con Iou it ui;!:
ease anil yet it will sew from the conisc-t elotu
to the finest Swlsi, Thcro is m t.roul i j of re
h iniliug tiie thread, us it is taken fro,.i tbe spools.
i It lias no b.lls to givu trou'ilo, .'! will re:i
j backwards as well as forward', nrtl still few
eiiully perfect, und w ithout dimmer of breaking
I needles. Iiruns l y friction, nnd by closing the
'boxoier it, it is throwu out of gear. In fact,
; wc have no liesitatio-.i iu recommending It us tho
best fan ily Sen ii;g M;icli,in in use.
77if following Premium! AxcarJed thti above
MacMM t
At the Fair of the Fraukau Institute, 1SJ9,
the First Premium,
At the Pennsylvania Statu Fair, at Philadol.
phia, September 21, lSjO, the First Premium a
At thu Pennsylvania State Fuir, held ut Wyo.
ining, I8C0 a Silver Medal.
For tho best Double Thread Machine, at Lan
caster Couuly Fuir, huld Octotsr, lJiiD a Silver
At tlio Maryland Statu Fair, held at tho Mar7.
land Iusti'uto, JJiiitiinoio, Md., October, ISA!',
undor strong competition, a Silver Modal was
awarded to (bis Muchiuo.
At tha New Castle County Fair, held nt Wil
mington, Delaware, October, 1S5M a Diploma.
The abovo Mauhinei aro manufactured ly
WlluiiUKtou, Del.
No. 720 ArcL Street, Pliila lelphiu, Pa.
No. 801 Markat Street, Wilmington, Del,
nini 13-ly 720 Areh Street, PhiJodclpJila.
J-t'Persons wishing to aoe tho nbiVe Machine
in operatien, can do so by calling at tlio rest
dence of D. W. Moore, iu Clearfield hotouirh.
Spring Sl Summer Goods
1 nm jiut receiving and opening a carefully
selected stock of Spring and Suintier goodj
ot almost every description,
A baaiuiful nssorlmout of Prints nnd Drosi
goods, of the noweBt and latest stylos. Al-o a
great variety of useful noti ins.
Bonnets, Shawls,
Hats and Caps,
Hoots and Shoes, a large qnantlly,
Hardware, Qiionsware,
Drugs and Me;lielnsi,
Oil und Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths.
G R O C E R I E S ,
Fish, 9aeon and Flour,
Mackerel in J J and i barrels,
of the beat qnallty, nil of which will bo 8' !d at
the b wet cash or ready pay prices.
aiy oiu incnilt ana the public generally, are
j respectfully invited to call
jr-T-S. II. All kinds ufftr'M.Vanil anorored
(Of XT! V VUOUUCK taken ia c..Ui.go of
Clearfield, June 2 1301. WM, F. IRWIN.
Col. A. P. OWENS. I itorRii.roR,
Respectfully nnnouneea to the travelling pitlllo
t b-t he has now taken charge of this larsra and
- nu. ,,, hhu - hi bvilLiLlli t iu tilled
. ,,, , win rollJ,r eX( t),nfoll , fl,
i ,,,iefacton to all who may favor Mm vff'.a a
I ,1, . , nrv7-ly
j well known bou.c, and will conduct it iu such a
To Persons out of Employment.
In every County of the United Stales,
TO engage In the sale of some of the best and
most elegantly lllustmted Works publii hod.
Jur publication are of the moat
charotter', a fipfe.1 to the want! of thn Former,
Mechanic and Merrhant! 'hey are 1 ablished in
the best style and bound in tb. mo - i jbstnn.
tial manner, and aro worthy a pleas in the 1.1-
I br"r? "1 .very ii.usei.oia in tha Land,
-ti.To men of enterprise aud Industrious hab
its. Ibis business offon an opportunity for prtCt.
able employment seldom to be met with.
- 'i-ft.l'ersons desirintr to Set as airenta will r.
by addressing l.hAKi, uETZ A o., Pub,
) Ko. 2i4 North irrr, PbiladolpWa
'. Ort it, UiO ly.