jjt filfar&lb UpbIicaii. 'VPMi.SDAY SEPT., 18. 18CI. remocratic County Meeting. letter of may last, as published in the AV Vero requeue'' by the Chnirman of timal Intelligencer, m contradicting his boI ,u pumorraiio County Committee to earn declaration in tho Senate in March tZAZ 'fr ' .fc...n.,in. nf the Seniember Court, VWi 1 ThfP'l,fc''l,,'8,oineC''ounly Convention ; den or certain other peace measures l9 center the propriety of changing, Mr Do ,M (m(j M p u fc fa ' .amending e present system of niak ,. ... , Mt-u " I Tr winntion.. will meet on the prece- )on the floor of t,,e Se"t the accep diLlJomliiy evrr.irc-ond not on iheSd ." of either of these propositions by Vrnilcy of September, as heretofore an-; tho Black Kepublicans of Congress, would fccunctd- . Clearfield Cemetry. All i,crtoni interested in the CIcarfLld Ceme l .are requested to assemble at the grounds on tiiemlay It" 3ri1 uf 0rt- nexU PrcPnred to pend L dT innddi"!! "P and repairing said grounds. "" ELLIS IRWIN, ) JO.VN' BOYNTON, Trustees. F. P. lll'RXTHAL, j IIIBI.E COXCf'-RT. Vr rpnuCJt of the Board of Managers, the Hon. J.lie Linn will deliver an Address to the Clear- JlonJsj-enning, Sept. I.'lrd, 1861, at TJ o'clock. Aftnrral sttcndnnce is desired. Laying of a Come Stone. Tbe Corner Stone of E. Lutheran Church at l.mminsvillc, Clearfield Co., will be laid on Sat- irdij, Sept. 2Mlb. at 1 1 n'olonk, A. St. Araiatanco from abrnnd i expected. The public is invited w attend. K. FOCIIT, Pastor. gj-lf, according to the plilosophy of iltJwikil, Lincoln is "the government," howlot'g wi'.l our government last after U,e 4th of March,' 1865 f A- tell. Orr roil Casip. Sergeant C. U. Towers 4t this place yesterday morning with ten or dozen sturdy recruits for Capt. Rose's company, alticlied to Col. McKnight's regiment, notv at Washington. PtitB or a SoLDiea. The remains of Robert Livingston, a member of Captain Lorain's Company, w ho died at George town, D. C, on Friday the l.tth inst., was liroulit to tla i place on Sunday morning lint, sml interred ut 2 o'clock that after noon. Cohei tion. -Some eirorshaving occur rfl in tlit notice of the death of the late Win.Sinith of Covington tp., we are reques ted to any that ho did not die suddenly bu. llint lio was palzied or paralyzed on the "J aii'l died on the 20 ill August, retain ing Li Id screes until llio last, and that he irssagcil "1 years. Do.n't Kobuet. As next week will bring mi;)' of our patrons to court, we trust as many of thum as are indebted to us m can i,ike it convenient, will give us a call. ii llicec tin propitious times we do not ex iwt muchbut if each one will share ill) nr.d cko only that which ha can are. e shall uk no more : and be able ! I keep up and stiil increase the useful jm ol the HipvU'iMn. Tno Moke Comimmf.;. Copt. Cm by of I.umlcr ci'y, and dipt, Ogden, near this ji!ar, nro both actively emiloycd in fill- iiiMip tiieir compnnies to tho number ro- ur for their acceptance, with tavora L.e prospects of success. If they succeed, it i!l m.ike five full companies from this funnt), to which may bo aided at Iciht on huii'li-pj who Imvo titUohed them- fives to other companies. What other county, in proportion to its population, lm done n much f r.o nrip "Union savers" litive fell great !; in love with Holt, Dickinson and Johnson lately; six moths ago I Lev nftutucil them as rebels and traitor. This spasmodic conversion we fear will not last long. They nro only sliming hm ovrr like the Anaconda does bi prey, so that they can sh allow them morcessily when they get hold of them ith their tusks. Wo should bo highly plesfed to see one or id I of ihefo genuine I'nion savers placed in Mr. Lincoln's cab met iliere they were during Mr. Huchan. n administration. Why not displace some of the political buzzards that now hang round the White '.louse, and nut Mr Holland (Jen Dix in their places? We hope the Tlll'i will make a practical dis-l tlav.r.' ... i im-ir proiesions. Better Late than Never. Tho operations of fion. Fuller anil the Xvs.l expedition nt Ur,lter ln!cl, is, in Mir view, the first rational nnd sensible ,lP taken by our Administration in tho prosecution of the present war. Had this ri;.. 1 1 ..... . . .W 7 T ..T. V.s'ing. The fear of every patriot at tl.istime lead of that of "Onward to Richmond'!. 6,ll. 10idin!, oflhatnower bv a few. a conquering and subjiigaling host, nd Mutill forces pit nted at various points totrgthe roast, with prudent nnd adroit "wnngenient on the part of those in com nd, we might, by thii time, have the Mlisfuetinn of knowing that we had gain 1 foothold, not only on Southern soil, tot also in tho hearts of the Southern frwplo. This could have been done with ne tenth part of the expense the war lias uready cost, and with ft prospect of suc- m increased an hundred lold. It is to f feared that it is now too late. That 'uei.'tlicullics to be encountered now ore' nan tin. .i r.,. ,1 tt I , 6 . ,. . I -"".ns ago, must be apparent to an. l en '"effort, nnd irsirt nlad to see that the' piempt is to be made in good earnest. Fain. The prico of a furnily ticket rr admission to the approaching Fair, we K' requested by the officers lo str.le, is M correctly slater! In tho advertisement. Should rend, "Tickets for a family, to ''nit lady and gentleman and thoir chil under lti years ?I." JBThe Pittsburgh Diopatch is shedding no credit but a great deal of reproach upon tho ruemoiy of the late Senator Iouglas when it Bt'.empts to construe his Cotton State, excepting ' 8 i00"1" wroliDa, could have been an v ah i l, 1T1.. V. .i.-, .I--.: " . have been satisfactory to both Senators Davis and Toombs. These declarations were made in open Senate, and their truth was not questioned ; and if further proof was needed, ex-Senator liiglet will furnish it any time. Mr. Douglas never siuee naid one single word in con tradiction of this statement made in the Senate, and for the iMipateh or any one else, to attempt to draw any such infer ence eithet from V lette. above referred to, or hii speech at Chicago,, is an at tempt to make that great man than whom no one more highly prized a pure record contruflirt liimcolr For the Republican. I.a reme Tp. Sept., 10th 18G1. Messrs Editors : I see in your pnper of August 21st, that th Democrats of Ueccaria townshin held a meeting on the day of the primary elec tion, at which they say "It becomes an ab solute necessity, that tlio Democracy should Lecouio a unit: to efl'ect which wo believe a change is necessary, in our modo of nominating candidates for the va rious otlices in tho gift of the people, then County Conventions, annually, will bring all sections of the party together, and any difference or dilhculties that may exist, may be settled or explained ; and an ex pression of the views of the entire pnrty given through their delegates." Now, Mr. Editor, this is not what the Democracy ol the county complain of: It is of tho one nan power, illustrated now so am iziugly bj the party in power. I would like to know whether the Democracy of the wholo country are not contending for the right of the jieople to have it hpttlcmcnt of our National difficulties, 1 would like to know heiherour Democrats of Hoc caria think with the lilack Republican members of the last Congress, that the few, and not the many should rule. I would like to know, too, whether ut the delegate meeting in their township, they really had thirty-five Democrats, as shown by the last primary election return. The theory of the American go 'eminent is one of .itv Kqual laws - Kual rights Kqtial burthens, and Equal benefits ; but in practice it is a stereotyped false hood. Power has been wrested from the many and given to the fev , who have monopolized the gills of a benifioent Providence, appropriating to their own exclusive use tie putrimory 01 iginully de signed .'or all. 1 have Iwoii laboring for years to induco the productive chusofour noun try, the farmers and mechanics, to acquire their proper station in Society, V?'i?,n n C.?atoI Uf ,i"e! "' should fill. 1 have thus far l.ilorod near ly i:i vain, either from a want of confi dence in our own powers and capacities, or fiom a criminal i 11 di Here nee and inat tention to our own inalienable rights. We still allow drones and idlers, who have no sentiments, principle or sympathy in com mon with 11?, who only care for the source which enables them to live in luxury and idleness, so long as by our voles they can be elevated to place. These would-be ar istocrats do all tho thinking, acting and f peaking at public meetings fill tho eon iiuttee8 nt:d place each other in turn in nomination for lucrative nllieos while we Inivo to stnnd nloof, ns mere lookers on, nnl whippeis in. Why is all this this melancholy want of selfresjpct, And man ly independence? Why do we allow drones nnd pnrnites, to occupy the seats thut in right nnd justice belong to the workers ? It is rnrdess ignorance, or Bomotiiinr worse, that quietly sutlers such wrongs. There ore dinners nnd inechnn ics, scattered all over onr country, who possess all tho requisite qunlilicHtions for public stntion, tvho cun think well, write well, nnd talk well, nnd yet their fellow working men, neglect to bring them for ward ; preferring professional gentleman for their candidate, though ho may not even notice the luborer in the streets, ex cepting shortly before thoelection. Wben we select cnpitulNt nnd lawyers to make Inns for labor, is it to be wondered at that the rights of labor nro disregarded or neglected ? Should it be a matter of surprise, that nearly all our laws are for the tene3t of the rich and the idle, and tyrnnically npp'essive to the laboring poor. Is it strarTge, under these circumstances, " V miiu 11 tote no produco the wealth of the Nation, nro unable to provido bread for their children. Must this stale of thing continue forever Wiii nature never as sert I:t7 ulgnity. nnd fearlessly maintain her rights? Will the masses nevor learn to respect themselves and thereby elicit the resnect of others ? One Bl eat object in the present mode of nominating, is the voting directly for the man, in this way vou cenersllv know first what you aro oo- wliith properly belongs to the many ; giv inu a priviledged class in the country, pow er to crush down tho masses by vindictivo legislation. Let us then, in tho selection ot candidates, commit the mttter to tho people of the county the whole people, nnd all will be well. My fellow citiiens. this is the last time I will say anything on aubiect. 1 therefore waru you, to guard your rights with the care nnd jcal oubv of a Roman Vestal. ' FRAIZER. MARRIED-On the 11th August last, by O. Howe, Esq., Mr. Alt-zander Small, nrtinn in Miss Levina Ooss. of Decatur VI . township. On i.h a ft th itist.. bv the same, Mr. E. t PAtor to Miss Uennotta hmoal. all of -, ' i.ir. - . r;tiard Shaw. Esq.. oi Lawreuce tow nship, to Miss Henrietta D. Smith, of Clearfield. . , . On the same tiny, at the residence or the bride's) father in Ferguson township, Mr. Janes Hile, of Lumber city, to Aim Mary HanDuh Henry. titpti At Hi. Louis. Mo., on the 21st July last, John O. Lowry, Eq., formerly ' of Uelieionie, aifeu e a ywv. SJtfo SbbttlistiKtnls. VOLUNTEERS Onr Country calls for the able-bodied ATTENTION I young men to stand In ber defouce, a Oainst Iinr ens. mies. The 'Clearfield to tho teat of War, and their oo mm Under reipect- fully rruueaU each to.n.hin l ,h M L i ' . . . -...- ... ..v j "w I ,un'y him with 3 m ncach. If this la done, ha can march a full company into camp Immediately, and claim the honor of being the only comoanv in service whose men are ei.lren, of Clear field eounty. M. OGUEN Cant - H KADQUAKTEIiS. PA. SlILITTA Ilr.AnQi AHTKnn ric!ix'A Militia, 1 litia, ) ILKT. V yUAItTKRM ASTRR S iRI'A STUSST. llurrisburir. Sent. 10. ISf.l. Penn-ylvnoia aeeda ll'unketa and tstockinfr for her 30,000 brave soldiera, in anna to support the Uiivernmoot,' Kvery factory capable ofmaking IJlankets.eveB to asinglo loom.should be it once put in operation. Liberal contract will be given to all such. lllntiketa should be wool (jrey . 7 f00t i0Dg j,y Bve feet 6 iuchoswide, nnd weight full 4 pounds, with the letter P. V. in black, 4 Inches long, in the centre of each Blanket. Stockings will be needed the eomtnir whiter half hose or aocks, good aitea, one-fourth pound daiiieF knit i-oi every uotner, wilo an one or more pairs. Let aesociatii ns ct associati, n. be formed In each eounty.with ea.ureratthe county seat, with who.i tlu a treasurer at the county sent, with whom th storkings can be deposited, and forwarded to the ailitary store at Hurri,burr. Th. i:,,l..d Km,.. contract price, 25 cts., per. pair, will be paid to each county treasurer, and thus a fund caa be raised to supply the wants of volunteer families, to which every putriotio womnn in tbe Ft its can oontribute her shore. K. C. IIAI.K. Qur.rtermaster General, P. SI. Sept. IS 'CI. 2U Gil AND OPENING! NKW STCREI NE W FIR Mil NEW GOODS!! Great Inducenients to Purchasers AT H. W. SMITH &C0'S. ONE PRICE, CASH STORE, Smith's Corner, below Judge Leonard's. Q UEEXS VA HE. BEST White Granite Tlatca. " " " Sonpa. " " '' snkcrs TeaSetta. " " " C ffee Sctta. " " OupaSetta. " " " Handed Cup Sella. F.ST Pearl White Tea Sett. " " " Kwer and snsin. 15 " Paraaian Tea Sett a. " " Cup Sctta. ' Cumn on Tea. Common Teas. 0ns Superior Lustre Sprig Tea Sett. Creams, Pies, Soups, by the half doien. C, C. Nappies, C. V. snwls. Gla Preserves, (lima Salta. Flu'e Tumblers Pltin do. KxeclKior do. Also, Teas, Coffees, et-e., Ac. and all ar iclea usually kept in a eountry store, will be kept here, aa also many not usually kept, bnt much needed, at greatly reduced prices And we feel confident that nil who will make trial purchase, will find it to thoir advantage to continue aa customers. ancous. Puperior article Sweeping nrashes. Large Asj't W alters "most convenient article in use. Tlants Improved Coffee Spice Mill. Bed Cording, Drum Cording. Wall Paper, Window Shading Dandeanocia Coffee, Handennocia Coffee. Mackerel by barrel or pound. Varied assortment of Spires, Soaps, Starch, by bos or pouud, Knives and Forka Carvers, Steel Pens 0 cts per grois, Pen Knives, Tooth (rushes, etc., etc., etc DKY GOODS. Toilet and Promenade Prints of the most fash ioaable style and color. The now much worn material of Colored Alpaca. I Now is tho time to buy an eitraordinary cheap dress fur next season, as we will close out our stock of Lawns, Organdies, Aaregea, Poplins Crape do Paris, lalsorinca, and all Summer goods' at fabulously low prices, to mako room tor ourl Fall A Winter slock, which we will soon bo able lo offer to our customers, and the public general- ly, at the Cosh Store of H. W. SMITH A CO. Also, a limited amount of County Orders wunt-, d in exchsnge for goods. "VTKV ARi;iVAlN We have just opened an I are selling very low, a large and com plete stock of Iluots and Shoes, vii : Mena best Kip Boot toys, best Kip Boot. Mena best Cnlf soot, soya best Calf toot. Clitlils best Kid toot. Mens best Calf Monro ea; Boys best Calf Monroes. Y'outh'a best Calf Monroes. Cbilds best float Pumps. Childs best Welt Pumps Childs best Bolton Pumps Childs best French Moroco heel. Womans Mor. Ji-fferson heel, Womana Goat Jefferson heel. Womana Kid Slippers. Womans Sup. Velvet bound gaitcra. Womana extra fine lasting g liters Womans sup. extra heavy moroccos. II. W. SMITH Co. Hours of buainea from 7 A. M., to ( P. M. ' July 10, 1881. tf. M. HILLS DENTIST. r tims will be of great '""-jr benefit to everyone -saw m point oi neaun, comfort, and eonvanlence. DR. HIM.Mc&i always be found at his of fice, on ths corner of Front and Main streels, wben no notice to th contrary appears in this paper. A operations (a th line of hli profession performed in th latest and most improved styles, tnd guaranteed fr on year again-t til ,....,. - .. mm QIIAIUS!! CHAIRS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 111! The undesigned has now on hand, at hli Fur niture Roomi on Markot it., Clenrflold, Pa., a short diatanee west of Liu's Foundry, a large etoak of CIIAIKS OK All, KINDS, wanufaoturedontorfneb.it inatorialr, finished . . very superior mannor.and which he will toll LOW tOR CASH, Hi, long; experience in the ! 1 1 i . v . - . experience In tn b " " feI cani hi I niada In n substnntlal and workmanlike man-! ner. and will atuud the te.t r trial. Pr.nn. ! i ,., u 1 1 ., I i'hivuhru vuttlll IIIIIUIU VA1 D( onee 'and getthom while they can be had at the lowest ratoa. JHIN TROUTMAN, Mar.27-lSl-tf. NEW REV1EIUFS FOR S P E R M A T O R II II (E E A . HOWAIII) A'SOCIATION, rillLAkKLI'IIIA, A Urn evnlent liftihilion ttlnhlinhfd bu imciul A'n- limcmrnt, fur the rrlivf f iht Sirlc und Jliilmicd, I nfflicU d Kith Violtnt and Chronic Di.r,r., ami , rieci'iiy J'vr the ('lire of Vinnni of the Jitxuul iMsuii-AL Abvicx given gratis, ly the Acting Surgeon. Yam ABi.R.nKtoitTS on Pneriratorrho-a. and othcr li"l'""0 of the Sexual Oipans, and on tbe nr.MBluis einuloved in the Ditienarv. sent J" ofr'L.'r"' J"'01"!;0'- free " 'I'arge. Two ' -h' 8: "Pf fVM'ost"!!' V.ceptabl.. Address ? Ki ' " ' 0 ,'' T"V , "wara '"'"'. , Nu' L b- N""h 8t- Philttdelphia. 2lluiy ly. C0ITET PROCLAMATION. ! WilKHKAS, Hon. SAMUEL LINN', Esq. President Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas of the U-enty-tlfth Judicial District, com. posed of the counties of Clcnrflcld, Centre and Clinton and the Hon. Win. L. Moore and Hon. lienjamin llonsal, Assoointe Judges of Clearfield county j have Issued their precept, to mo direct- ed, f.ir the holding of a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clcarliold, in and for the county of Clearfield, on tbe 4fA Mimthni i'2o (in) nf Snttcrtiher next. in the y. E. Church, aid conlintit two wctk.i. NOTICK IS, therefore, hereby given, to tho Coroner, Justices of the Peace, ind Constables, in and for said eoui.ty of Clearfield, to appear in their proper persons, with their Hulls, ltccords, Inquisitiuna, Eliminations, and othor Itemcm brances, to do those things which to their officers, and in their boknlf, pertain to be done. OIV hiN under my hand ut Clearfield, this 14th day of Aug., in the year of our Lord, one thous and eight hnndred and sixty-onn. r. II. MILLER, ShoritT. miiE c 1. e rn meT 1)a c Y em y, w ii I be opened for the reception of pupils (m alea and females) on Monday, Sept. 2nd, 1861 7Vrms per aession of eleven Weeka Orthography, Heading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and O'eogrnphy, $2.50 Higher Arithmetic, Kngliah Grammar, (leog. raphy and History. $3.(10 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy and Hook Keeping f 100 Latin and tlreek languages. $8 00 To studenta desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify themselves fur teachers, this Institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil received for leas thnn half a aession, and nu deduction made except for protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid at tbe close of the term. H. SAXDI'URD, Frincipal. Aug 7, 1S0I.- Iv. Great Discovery. HAVE mado a discovery of the utmost im perlance to every married person of either sex, and will send tho full particulars concerning it to any one on receipt of a stamp to pay for re turn postage. Address I) It. J. II. MARTELI., apl 14 ly Alfred, Maine. ELlXIR PR0PYlAMNr. During the past yeilr we have introduced to be aotice of the medical profession of this eoun- try the Part Crytttlitid Chloride nf Propylamine, as a Itr.MKDY I'OH lllir.l MATIXM; nnd having received from many sources, both from physicians of the highest standing nnd from patients, the Most flattering Teallmoiiialsof Its real value in the treatment of this painful and obsti nate disease, we aro induced to present it to tho public In a form UKADY K )Il IMMEDIATK I SK, which we hope will commend itself to tlnne who are suffering with this afflicting complaint. and to the medical practitioner who may fed disposed to lest the powers of thla valuable rem edy. KLIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively experi mented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and witn MARKED HL'CCKSS (a will appear from ti e published aeeuuuta in the inedionl Jour nals.) ,0" 1 1 is carefully put up ready for Immedi ate use, with full direotions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 7i renta per bottle, and at wholeinla of HI LLOCK k CRENSHAW, Uruggista and Manufacturing Chemists, Juuc26'61lf. Philadelphia. rn a u h h I T I n ii it v 1 1: h I Asn BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE 1 THE LONDON QLMKTKRLY, (Conservative.) 2 THE EDIMIl'BOH REVIEW, (Tory.) 3 TnE NOIITH BRITISH REVIEW, (Fr Church.) 4 TnE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) 5 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) TK n MS. rer annum.1 $3 00 ' For anV on of th four Reviews, For any two ot th rour nenews, sou For any three of th four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of th Reviews, R 00 For Blackwood's Magaaine, I 00 For Blackwood and on Review, 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 00 For Blaokwood and th four Reviews, 10 00 N. tf. The pries in Great Britain for th five Periodicals above-named is $31 per annnm. Republished by LEONARD 6C0TT A Co., mar43-m 44 (lold Street, New York, KLL1S IRWIN St SONS, i T the mouth of Lick Run, fire miles fren) A Cletrfleld, MERCHANTS-, and ntnaiv Mtnnfa'tnrers rf Lor-.ber, ' ' July n, WJ. WATCH & JEWELRY THE undersigned respectfully informs bis customers and the public gonerally, that he baa just reoolved from the Enst. ami oikii. ed at hia establishment In URAIIAM'S HO W i.iearnoiu, ra., a fine assortment of Clocks, Watciiki, i and jEwn.nr of different qualities, r. i , , , .- . ..: r''"10 Plec8 10 . ml 7nicn will . -. ""' ron.onooie prices mr casn, or in ?., ther",0i f0""0""'1' P'i tot exchanKe for old gold and ailver. CLOCKS of every variety on bund, . ro",?llble Prio"' at the mut A,',f.,"n," r tlock " t.-hes and Jewelry, K'lr"""y repaired nna narrmuleil. A continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept, 10, 1800. II. F.NAUULK. J7LOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, LIQUOnS OF ALL KIXDS, SALT, OILS, FAINTS, I GROCERIES. . , , , 0T fale '"')' "'"P for Cash, by U. 15. H bit R ELL, In basemefit of Merrell i Big'er's Store, Clearfield, Fa. feb-27. J O II N ODEL L UPHOLSTER AND CARRIAGE TRIM MER, lcattd t A. II. Shm' Mills, ( f Clearfield borough, I , Iteapeelfiilly infunus the citizen of Clearfield j !n,l adjoining conntira, that he is at all times j prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hnir, Husk, and Straw Mattress" of all kind' Bn,l sizes, one of which is a Folding Mat- tress, suitable fur CAIH.NS ON HAFTS, which can be folded In small riinpa.,aiHl emptied and refilled at pleasure : and very cbeiip. He also trims Carriages, makes repairs to all kinds of Carriage Trimming nnd Upholstery, nnd makes Cords for Mnsou'a Tracing Lines, of any thick uess or length. iCountry Produce, Crn llu-ks, or Cash taken in Exchange for work. O-All orders left with any of the Merchats Clearfield beruugh will be promptly attended to. dec2A AVnltc up! Wake tip! BI.At kSMl l lllNCi. THE aubicrilor res pectfully informa his friends and tho public generally, that ho is now well ablished in his NKW SHOP on Pino street, opposite the Town Hall, in the borough of ClearGoid, and upon hi' own hook, and where he is prepared to do all work in hU line in the very bei-t style, and on tho shortest notico. His old cutorcrs are res pectfully osl-.ed not to forgot him, and any num ber of new ones are respectfully invited to give mm a trial. KDflE TOOLS. His reputation as a Maker and Kepnirer orfcdge tools should of itselfsecnrc him a liberal patron age. UKORUK C. PASS.MORE. April 21, lSCI.tf. NEW GOODS AT ERATZERS They haveluit received a general assortment ef Spring ami Summer DKY UOOI'S, consisting of BONNKTS, SHAWLS, PR 1NTS. DUCALS, HARKttK, I Ol'I.IN, CI.O ITI8. RIBRONS, II ATS, C A PS, W INK, SALT, O I L S , TAINT LEAD. DHL'fiS BOOTS, SHOES, COATS. PANTS VESTS TWEEDS, MUSLIN, . LINENS, C AKl'ET, BLINDS, l!R(MtMS, S YTIIES, Sir I K ES, NOTIONS, NAILS, FLOWEKS, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWA It E, GLASS, FISH, UAt'ON A FI.OIJH, All of which will bo sold on the most reasonable terma for CASH, or approved Country Produce. 0. KL'ATZKU & SON. Clearfield Juno II, 1801. 70TICE TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS AND TEACHERS of Clearfield I County :-- i Public examination of Teachcra will be held I this year as follows ; I Illoom, Ferugson, Lumber City i Penn, Sept;m- ber4tb A ilh, nt Lumber City. Curwcnsville, Knox if-Pike, Sept., 6th if- 7th nt Curwcnsville. I Clenrfiuld nnd Lawrence Sept. II ill A 10th, at i Clearfield. j liirard and Uoshen Sept, 1 1thand 12th, at tlo shen School bouse. Covington and Kartliaua Sept. lolh A ltth near Mr. Rider's. j Hradford, Oraham and Morria, Sept. lAth 1 1 i at liralinuiton. ' Hoggs, Decatur and Woodward, Sept. 13th and I llllh at Centre in Decatur. . Hell, Hurnsiile, Chest and New Washlngtrn, i Sept. 23d ami 24th at New Wnshingtua. jleccariii, liuuliuh and Jordan, Sept. 2tUh and 27 III at X roadt in Ileccaria. Huston and Fox, October 1st, at No, 1. House in lluftun. II raily and I'nion, Oil. .Id nnd 4ib nt Luthcrs burg. ALL AT II o'clock A.M. Curwcnsville, 7th month, I J tsars DnonuAi.t.. 24th 1861 pd, Co .Sup't. L LS. ' O I. E N -ECHO Ml flennantown, Pa. M tCALLUM 45: Co., S.IM1.K Tl RKRS, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in i it i I'.TiNtJf, i) k i: ; u i: T h OIL CLOTHS, MAT! ISO'S, rf-e., Wnrchouso. No. 50'J C'hnstriut Street, , i. k, ,. ir (Opposite State House,) apr3'8I-ly rnii.intLrHU. ClAI'TlOV--My wife Sarah hae left my bed and hoard without just cause or provocation, i hereby caution all persona against harboring or trusting her on my account, as I am determin ed to pay no debts ef her contracting after the 22nd duy uf August, A. D. IS61 i JESSE WILSON, ! Sebt. 3, 1861. 31. TRIklN(i TIMra IN PIIII.ADEI. M ! ! .' KXCITINQ FOOT RACK between I the Philadolphia P'dirc and th ntorious For1 ger and counterfeiter, Ja net Buchanan Croaa ! ! 1 j Cross Kecantured ! I! ! It seems lo be th a?ener- al dpinion in Clearfield, that If Cross had worn a' pair of Frank Short 'a French-calf Boots, that he would not b Uhsn yet. However, pnorty la A most elegantly Illustrated orks publishea. not much put ont at missing hla custom j but , Our pubi cations are of the most intern, tirg would annoooce to all Breckinridtt, Donala;' character, siapted to th wants of the Fsrmcr, , Lincoln mnd Hill men, and women and children Mechanic and Merchant; they are ttblislied In In Clearfield, and Sinnetnabonlng in particular,' the best styl and bound in the mo; tubstan i that be Is preparod to furnish them with Boots, tial manner, and are worthy a place in the Li -: Shoes and Gaiters of any atyle or pattern, stitch-' brary of every llensehold in the Land, jed, sewed or pegged, (and as he it a short fel-l &&.To men of enterprise and Industrious hah. low) on abort notice. 'its. this business offers an opportunity fur profit- I Ail kinda of country produce taken in ea- ablo employment seldom to be met with. change, and caab not r fuaed. Repairing don in tbe neatest manner and charges moderate, at th Short Sho Shop on beeond Street, oppoaite I Reed, Weaver A Co a lint. FRANK SHORT. I N. P, Flndiagi far tale e't. IfflO- "i )AY3 the entire cost lor Tl'lTION in the I r-i uiosi popular una successtul ('031 il hR CIA L. MjJIoob in the country, Cpwards of Twklvb HuNniiKD young men, from twkstv.eigiit ditti- ent HUttes, bave been educated for busi.ieea hero within the poat three years, some of whom hnva I 1 ... Xtlitih.' L'Pl.ltL'ii . of $2000 00 immediately i-pon graduating, wlioknew nothing of accounts when they entered the College, ! jMr-Minitter's sons half price. Htudonls enter at any time, nnd roviow when they please, without extra ohiirito. I For Catalogues, Specimens ol l'eniuansliip, and View of the COLLliliK, enclxc livo letter nampa to JENKINS A SMITH, I May IS, CI. ly. ritul.iirgh, l'a. V. SI. M-tX'LLOL'GII, ftJJclncy ai 9awf CLFAnriKLP, Pa. Office In Graham s Ifrirk Huilding. Jul 3d. ISol tf. I MOOliEi ETZViI.SR, - "llTliolesalc and Itctail Merchants. Also y extciisivo deulcrs in timber, sawed lnud ber and Mnnglcs. KUo, donlera in (lour an- gr.iin, which will bo sold cheap for cah. Uct. 1 1, ISjK. 1? A RR1SIM PROVED SEWING MACHINE. PRICES FROM S40 to $70. Tho 1IOI DOIR SEWISO MACHINE, en en graving of which is here represented, has now become a recognited favorite whercvor It hns been introduced, and Is, beyond question, tho best, as well aa the handsomest, low priced Sewing Muchine now beforo the public. No. I A einiill nnd very noat Machine for Family use. No. 2, A largo Machine for quilting heavy work nnd for Plantation use. This Machine is mui h admired for its simplici ty, and for its reliability and durability It is un surpassed. A child twelve yenra can rua it witii ease ; nnd yet it will sew fmm the coarsest clotb to the finest Swiss. Thero is no trouble of re winding the thread, as it is taken from the spools. It has no belts to give trouble, nnd will run backwards as well aa forwards, and still sews equally perfect, and without danger of breaking neodles. It runs by friction, and by closing tho box over It, it is thrown out of genr. In fact, we have no hesitation in recommending it tl ths best family Sewing Machine In use. The ftjlhncing Premiums Awarded the alvie Miichine : At the Fair of tho Franklin Institute, 1358, tho First Premium. At tho Pennsylvania State Fair, ot Philadel phia, September 24, 1 S.V.I, the First Premium Diploma. At tho Pennsylvania State Fair, held at Wyo ming, 1800 a Silver Modal. For the best Double Thread Machines at Lan caster County Fair, hold October, 185W a Silvor Medal. , At tho Maryland Slnlo Fair, hold at tho Mary land Insti'ute, Haltimoro, Md., October. 1S511, under strong competition, a Silver Medal was awarded to this Mncblno. At the New Castle County Fair, hold at Wil mington, Dolaware, October, 1859 a Diploma. Tho above Machines are manufactured by ( II AKI.CS U . 1IOHI.ANI), Wilmington, Del. SALESROOMS. No. 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Ta. No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. S. D. HA K Eli, mnrl3-ly 720 Arch Street, PliiUdolphia. ,WPersons wishing to sco the ubove Maehino in operation, can do so by calling at the resi dence of D. W. Moore, In Clenrfiold borough. NEW""G"doT)S! A FRESH AR RIVAL OF Spring fc Summer Goods AT THE CHEAT CASH STOKE. I am just receiving and opening a carefully selected stock of Spriug and Gtimruer goods ol almost every description, A beautiful assortmenl of Prints and Dress goods, of the nowost nnd luttst stylus. Also a great variety of useful noti ms. DRY-(!OODS AND NOTIONS. Cunnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Hoots nnd Shoes, a largo quantity. Hardware, Qiecnswarc, rugs and .Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, G R () C E R I E S , Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in J 1 nnd i harrela, of the beat quality, all of which will be eold at the luwest rush or ready pay prices. My old rriciit and t lie aubliu generally, are i respectfully Invited l cull. S-ffS. H.-All kinds ututAI.V and approved C0VSTIIY PUODCCK taken in exchnng ol ( f, . 6 Clearfield, June 26 ISM. WM, F, IRWIN. 'pYRONK CITY HOTEL. Col. A. P. OWENS, ritoruiETOR, Respectfully anuounrea to the travelling public that be baa now taken charg of this large and well known houso, and will conduct it In such a manner aa will render excellent enmfnrt and for. satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. nov7-lj "rr 10 I t 'ersoyts out of Employment. AGENTS WAN TEH. In every County of the United States, ' fYO engage In the sale of some of tbe best aud Persons desiring to aot at agents will re ceive promptly by mail full particulars, terma. cfo.,ty addressing LEAKT. (1ETI A eo ., Fub , . No. 221 North, Hreet, F biladelfhia. Oct:i, 18J0-Iy.