Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 18, 1861, Image 3

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    iUf O'lcufitli ,!iMilli(,in.
. - . . . .
.. . .
W'i l',r(irtv Mnininij f' 'pi 1" IM
i: i:.iiiv. .f i-:ik
1 h ' t'iHMMii1ihniinl "
H Mil "(Hi. nil I li'. I, h ' fill li If o' II '
tin i I ilH' M 'in f i illi i ll llif ?d I lis I
li' 'li'i 1 1 liM' I I K llli ll li!ild Ml
mil Hi --t nc" ' I M'V iiln I l Ibis r-1
1'lnMim i'l tl.i ir letiv nm!i' iili'iu'ii tit lli''
II. .-i.
t'OUIlt V.
j inllii li I a .
rithvt i f
(i'm. f.U In-.)
;:.Mi.:v:. m ui:iiij.s
v i.tii. i. iN. s-i . II. t-1 - I"1"1
hi- If tln-v think liny biua I it 1 1 Mttl I I "ill 'Mei mlo.K inn
..lll.l, ... hint llm Iclingl el I.I-M..HB "' lii' i " . ill I lii
. . . i iiii'irr 1 1 i i "in in1""'.
1 1 piiniii, or ii'i.iir'i i r innn
I) inn W't-htn 'iifiniu
paiuf. at cAiiNix rinnv.
U . il I'l I I i. I' ( ti , : .
!. I 'M' 4 . "I i I'
r 1 I
I I i
lv nl .
lug, t htiint liT, inlliiiMii'i' or iim liilni '", e
Npw Vm It Hi, blunders.
Cimih-iii iiii, Yit,, I - A
look pluen nliniil ;l n't i. k mi Til""
Irlliinili, luiif Sillliinrl llio. Ill (ii.
I'IKIlt, alter 1 0 U i 1 1 U n ll oolilioi ntire, found
I ovii' hi tny 5. In HI Mtnng, Kilii i tn
Held I ti t 1. i'iilii n lii. in a I o tactful i mi
f i
It , . ..
i t ...... t . . . ' "
i n ii, . . i r i
J, .1 I .lit"! I' pi-Ill , ,
I I I t.llll III.. I I I llltlll
1 inn I I I I
tl,. i I'l I . I'
I, I...., II, III" Il
Hi. r-1 .in
"I I.I I .,1
"t'l 1 1 I l.i(
Hill Aveiii l A 1 1: Ji Mir.n,
.1. 1). TUOM I'SON, i.l'C 'urwonHvilU-.
JAMI.N 1U.OOM, nl'lUootii Tj.
KDWARl) l'KKKS, of Morris
' JACOB KUNTZ, cf l.nidy Tp.
FOlt THFAKl'llKIt,
lull AlPITOlt,
C1IAS. S. WOl.HKI.L, of Chest
It rnlM-ted of several ilrlV'hed i'0'll-
nierhillo know mid liliete that they nic nl inlrmlty, a inn.pi.l.y 'l rnvft.ij,
were never in.-ro mistaken in 'l'. "''i'm-nil llio rno-
. , ..,. An our hUii'iiimIh'm nilviim cii, in" "
SiiU'P tlm iiRiill o livo liii'l ""nft ,v. .,(,.),,, reUrril li-yotul l.i'vitm
ntiml iT of tt'l'Wti il ri,lini.f n Hint ll'O ii'.o, nlmul cpvpii mil.. luyi-ml llio Clmin
liHtivcsor f'Ki BMiiilniilH mo not only well Pi i.Ie. .
1 1. .. ..II .in .h nlliii'kii inn uniiHM'ltril. mil J ... i. ., i
.,m( n Ihov Olli'lil. mill TO Ollly lliom. ..i .....u. ,n p alniin when n larnn toroo Ol I . . '. . '
in ...-v . - j r. nil-...' ...... .... -- r -
.. i. il.nnv M'otilHil.M'ntm. cniihiittilitf of two ot thli'O
1 IW I I" V ' ...
i. n, M .n. nf iii mi i;.n wi.iio AnriVjf tiiMimi!tiini in s-
1 1 I Mil Ilii I H . , mi 1 1. nil I
t 'i .i. i.i i il li ri Hi lin lit j ii ln.ti il in
H l t Ht UiU H'l' hi ni 1'i.ilv In in, in
i .iiii..(in" . n oi i ni hi 1 1 i i v 1 1 i i i 'M ini
i i,i 1 1, i I ' ii'i ir" N . I'll", ii, l."i, M r -
or 1 1 I'uliiii!"' ' . I'Hi'il'i i ol nii'inl imh -f i
llm IImim. ol I 'li piiti . Ml I iv In. r . i iin i
iitr.l oil i' i", tti'l I lo'ir lni i i"niiii.i nt In
I in l Mr-lit nr.'. I 'nnviN nl ilnm n. -n
inl li il ill lli'o oolin'i o( tin' l.i'i l mi. I
in lion! of ilif ni nM ''' 1 1' 'i,',. nn.
Mlnui on lli. I'.p ol n inoiintniii nt Chi nix i'H'-i'.l llm limit . r illi ntl.lo rm.
Ii'i rv, on tin? wt kt mil. ol liiiiiloy livrr. Iii'iiii-h im.l ivniniui 01 I no''
Tlu'Vt ni' iin-l rjilicmo o l.oih l,irk ch flu A. linn J'oli.-P MiiikIiiiI Inn ilot lino.l
llli..kiil,l.. n.l ll... ..... I... nt.., I I'il illL' HlP rollll l.'IH Ol tllO I.VIM HI! v in-
lienvity t.y foirst nml oIom- jiinplf. Col. ninlimi onni oinin,- llii, uml ro:i- 1 1 "r 1
n'linoiniv n i tiiiiH'im io cpofiK nrciiniit'- . .. .,.. ", , ""
I X -i ii.
.1,. ,.,
1 1 . 1 n :.. I.
int i. mi. Mi. ri.. ir..i. ,,. i,. i '
I,i.. I . Lin i . iit'ii , , i,,,,''" 4
"' "I .I 'lui I hi,. ,,,'
.!, ..f l. t.l-,,,;,.''
llllf ..f lll'liliat'a I MfllK, ,,f i I
, I "ii., III. in p In in , mi, ., n rr ,. t
i.ulli '.I il.'uri . . ,,. lili i. l ,.. ' !.
1 .liniimii fh'i h. I.i l'!,,.l...L ii ' ."!
(iui i runt
Mitlli. I..S nr ti.t
I.vtlo's 'l i'iilh Ohio loeinn'iiLof Itonliniu'ii
liripnilo, win in mlviiiH'p, nml ilrovo n
Ktrong ili'liirlinii'iit of llm ctifniy out of
lv of nil I,p ,,M,o,M r., r,,t,Ml, Im. tl.o foU ZZ i sIZ" . ZT
. 1"! ..l,.., H.-nl... I,,,, U
'. ''ll 'lif, , f "j
llii'ii.'i. n.,,ti, i .,
'A l-mlif. i. .V I
which was unknown
Shortly nltorwiinln hin kpoiiIh pnnsinlinj;
ISI'AKIj TKST, ofCkMivlioil Lor.
roil couoNtm,
J. ,. rOTTKl!, of Uirnnl tp.
EerooEloi.iot! Dionnionist ! ! Traitor!::
Tlirf choice cpilhcla lire daily npiiliod,
bv venoiiioiH and indiscreet I.epuWieims
In r ur : lidst, to ull of our citizen who
lwve tho in is fort u no (or the honor?) to
!.old different political views from llio
pru-Mit Adruinistrfttion. The purer thfl
piivnte chnractor, the moro elevated tho
t .dir.,; of the Democrat, thumore rmik
lio 5 ond envenomed is the attack. It is
a few iveek3 since that, in a neighbor
ii.j viliao, posts were erected, tnd ropes
...I8:!a,i thereto, l-y Republicans, for tho
avu'.ved jmrposo of "hanging Democrat."
Not u'y is this tho course pursued by
y.'ivalc iud-viduals, but tho l'ress the
o-fran of the Kopublican party of the coun
ty uid and abeN tho cry. Despite our
ca!id deinandi for the names of these
.'.ilpod Trr.'uors, they will not d.ire to
Mine thfiii publicly, but '-stab in the
' i-k, with n shrug, vitli a nod." and hope
mij'.ii pr'uato character, yot eave them-
! , .V,S.
.. I , I l!i I'. ."IHM 1 IV III IIT HIIIB II IM MIUIIS i:iiiimim ioi:
I'itkoimIIv. wo certainly ca.o nollai.i? , rpKiiiH-iiU ol .lniiy. ami Col. Woni tBor f()Ur wm.,Bnit .11(i,,.nv tii,(.ov,Mod
abou, it, tin!- it is to fool thankful to ; lit "
hrvo a.loplrd '" '"',, 0"" evidently with a v..;w of cu ung t h.-n Tu1.nll,lliluh,. of tU ,,,,, ,;,, 0i(i
Hitii' lctuin to their
nil' I prevenitrg
, camp.
Linn el battle win ! )i ura Uv Hie. ciii'j
... . , , i . i...
my s t'lrci'S, ami ine v.uuieneriiio uniin)
loht ncd with kIu'II. which wa rei.lieil to
. . , . i ...
i were 1 rniiL'ht into notion NUves-.ivfly by
(icn. Ilcnliiini, ami Ihol'.'ih nficr.vards by
. t!npt. llui tuir, whose objent'wns an armed
. I't i'iinniiiriuu'f. The eneiny played t'-rrif-icallv
en our forces with musketi v, l ilies,
n 1...
1 : l:. ll ... .1 ...I. - .1 . .!...'. j., , , . w.-i, in, .... ,
low in! mm win iiiMiiium juinr il. i I w lilii'-uiik, t iiti - tiurtli, fill il.'tr.!i- ,., I "
leoif;o William Drown, Mayor of Dal- c!i,.i, to n, n.l.-, tl ro nortli 2a l- ur,..,
Pcri lii." In n CiiiMiiiiliiT, iln'nre niiriii H.!"! "Z J
ll. M. Wgifieltl, Delegato in I.pyisla'.ure. i 4U r. lui,.,.., tltpm o n..nij s;Cw- f
Dr. .1. H. Thomas. " " 87..'r,lu-. Ix .in , tlionre m.iih H An J,''.'' J
.-,1 iliniiloaof "eoininu down lure to t'ow
ut into tSlidic's (Aim
We will Htute however, that the licpvl-.
limn has ahvavs yielded "a hearty and o;n-
.ii l i , . t i , . ..
dial bl.pporl I') tl.o fc-ovt-rmneni, ami oy i.imiii s o.u. . ' 1 . canni.ier and shel!, causin-some casuali-
whoever averts to tho contrmy, a.sf rts Urcd on each ml,-, t hen our Vu. Vol Lytic lel several companies of
, If il..o w, had l1"" hv. n,,5Ul UUM,t " " . . . ! Irish to cba.xe the battery, when ho was
' -"
tiey did not onibmw
why did they not make know n their wirh-1 ir i'"' g'eau. r.v v ly in trout. Lowe loll de.vl at the h-ud oi l
. r . 1 1 i I W U H1.1. 1, . . ,,rt ,, iii nr. f n 1 1- v 1 1 I I, n h f i 1
en. Mien reuuems, (es pccuuny untur,, . .',.!.,. ons. ! . V.r ? " V ' """v nre, oy
a.iC.MulIeirs how
Dr. .1. II. Thomas,
T. P. .Vott.
IF. M. Mot-lit,
S. T. Wullis
(': II. 1'lttS,
Win. (i. Harrison,
Lawrence Siuigstmi,
Kosr Winaii",
'I'. W. Hull, Kdilor of the S'm(A newsj
I-rank hev Hownrii, one of tho Ivlilors lain imct ';f Inn.l .itunt.
fexeup criimuin Miirliiiiini.n rtuvk lo k,.. '
lino of Ian, I m.w Jhn I'nnni, an, I btir,
iiocil to cniitHiii 400 ncrt or l,(
'in( durveyi'd in tho tin me of TIh.uim'w,!,W'
I which iiuiidry cnvi'viiiict.'. hecamu '",
f vtteil in Tlioiima May, wlio dn.tjiicl u,e '
jto Pnvia I. l'ruiifr, ImviiiK lla.ri.uirorec,tli1'a'
IdwollinK-linuiit., two noiu-rimim,
1 bliiukxiiiitlir-liiip, l.ri.ik-yaril. uml other nut b'u
tt (, unci illl or 40 n'jro ulvurcJ tlivrcun. i!
all ilL't'i.iidaiit'n iiiti.iL'i.t of. in uml t,. .h i'l . . 1
iviin ted its to nub'.ikh S J. h soceches as Mr.
Holt. Mr. Johnon and Mr.
rtunitv, which '
. ol nieeun incn on
! brought down bv a shot in tho lee
i . r l 1...:.,.. bunion loin vinu i-ii";ii;.-.i iiiu niy ny on
-the ConfodoralCH bemg. , ,, , . :.. ...
conccahMt i:iuio. , , .......... , i . ., V"
and Proprietors ol' the Exchange nei-Fiui. 1 1 lonrlitLl nainiy, r., nirvcyiyi unvarrnntfr
.. . .. . I nll.,ii.,npp. niw I...! , " 'r"a4
i eni-v iiiie m op wo i '..M.ii',.4ii i mm -
I tho property of UaviJ 1. l'ruuer,
1 A . ...' 1... .1
0 1 1 1 T uii.irnti.,1. ,,r ti,i.... . ,
. i . , . ' " ..Mci nr.d
a "J l" MtinK...n..
H (II V.111..1HUII) DM1 - BVU
die t' are traitor in our mid.-t, LE T
Foii'niwiTii akhksted.
Courts nnd Juries Law and
would have been honored at any time.
Such petty fault finding does not become
Wo have r.o desire to criticise the pro
ceedings of that meeting; I ut wo will
take the liberty of suesting to tho author
of the resolutions, before ho again assort
thsit Clay arid Webster united in the sup
port of the Administration of Gen. Jack
sou in 18!!l!, the propriety of Inking u
glance at tho chapter on the "Secret His
tory of tho passage of tho Compromise,"
as given in Denton's "Thirty years in the
Senate." He will there find, perhaps to
hia surprise, that he has palpably fn'.silied
the truth of history.
R. II. Mooke. This chap has lately
bon appointed P. M.nt Lulhcrsburg. and
has nlieady proved himself us reckless in
the discharge of his ollicial duty as he is
ignorant of the common amenities of life.
After numerous complaints from our
subscribDrs at that office, o addressed
uur lorcen, on resuming "I" ' ball in the forehead.
orou-lil mill iicwou a ... i'u.iM.-i. ,..i . ,.,,inl.,. nn,l ,, , . ,
shell from which soon f oncctl t!iu Con-i ,V " ' ? , . , ' 1
r I i ,, meantime were git into the po..tiio.i pos-
Ki crates i,a terj. ,,..., k ..'sible under the riivuniitimces, and soon
1 he Lun wn t .en Uiroctod towuuH tlio ., . . . . . ' 1 "
. h , i i , ,t . , . t i i silenced iH 0 of the rebel guns. I ho lire
cava. rv. which unnamed on the n )d lead-; . . i , : , . i i . i
. .. ,, i .. .,i s aikcnct at ntet'V.i s, In t irrew nio: e fu
me tr fa s Churcii, ond soon Kent shera . . , ' 7 .... ,
, h , r r ...,!,.;,. 1 . rtous as night ai.proac hod. When tie
llvii-C a number reeling liom thoir sad- ., . . r . . '
1.1. . .1 ....,,: ... , 1, (lOtnian brigade was led gnllanllv in o the
d es uml hilling to tho gmutiu as tlie . . ,n. .. . h . ..
. ,, , . ,". .,;,! action bv Col. Mii.iiok. under tho t irec
.hell ex,l.)ded in then niil,t. ,,)i,!ml (;,..,, l,.un I r.
! ! . 1 .if .in 1 . 1 .i 111 I now tllAtl I'l UcM t . 1 IV 1 I 1 1 ' ..... t v
, """""" , 1 t . 1. :.. ... . I ter a furinim lilit of three hours
draw, dim our coiunin icu .... i m
oid.-r to Chain lliidge, reaching Ihcr
...... 1' : 1: . . . . r ..... 1 . 1 .
'roil anioim iini i)l unco noun, nigll!
comneiied uie recall 01 mo irooiis. una
T .: , nml Wrt Tilp.b'1.-
oin-Mm nlivlief. that at 1. ast the Dem- 1K,NAlh letter, tvhich he I, s
. . Rt 1 i.itl.liwlt It tftnt lum ripnrlv
..... 1- I . Dt'L I Ilk HJ'li.'iion
.-. . . m 1-. ( I ' v.t'Tl.llil ('(111 111 V lirp I lWllli I 111!
V. . u . v ' . 1 iitii: iiti v.'wu.j w - c
.'. '.-i,, rid juhlico will be dono. Wo know
t!o: bLer'.ing r.:ci of our party in this coon-
;y, au i th-y are no as ever r OH the ;
ircv-.uiieiit made by Washii.gton, Frank-1
im, .Ieller."cn and Madison. They are
FOR the Constitution, and denounce am.
idtacka upon it, como from whatever
nojiee they may. They are AGAINST
the heresy ol necension. They nre FOR
THE WHOLE UNION. Tho fortunes
and the lives of many of Iheiu nre being
n jw willingly yielded to sustain the Gov
ernment ngniii9t nrnied attack.
late in the afternoon.
(ienoral Smith, wiimi Hiding the divis
ion to which these troops are altaclied,
on the ;ro:ind shoitly aftwr tho engage
ment commenced, and ut oiico asMimcd
(ho comuiaiid.
The name? of the killed of tho Federal
troop; are us folbws :
Sergeant Sanniol OoctDvin, Company I.
Private Oliver Ilubbel. Company 1).
Private Wm. Wood, Company D.
Lieutenant Hancock, of Company l, is
supposed lo be killed, m he was been to
I'll roe privates in Company D., were
Hounded, and thrpe are suppoed ro have
been taken prisoners.
The.-o were nil atUched to tho l'.Hh In-
I tho men laid nr. their arms within n sfin; t
I tJi.-itanco of tho oneiny, each ready tore.
Isnmu tlie contost next morning.
Floyd lied during tiie night, and sunk
the boats in the river, and .lestroyol the
temporary bridge ho had tuadn when he
fust occupied the position. Tin. turbu
lence, pud depth of the river, and the e.
haustalion of the troops made it impossi
ble to follow him. He left his camp
equipage, wagons, horses, large quantities
of limit million and liftv head of cattle.
Our loss is fifteen killed and about sev
enty wounded, genet ally tle.-h wounds.
The rebel loss cannot b ascertained, as
they carried their dead and wounded
with them, but it wps certainly serious.
two weeks to rind a man mean enough toldiana Regiment.
.... , .t 1 ...... rit 1
dictate for him. Of the propriety of pub-l , , , V1" V, ",,n',,j! ul
.. , . , ,, , ... Mimt'iiny v... '! ei uiuni iveunneii 1. i-i e
I lulling pncule l-ttcrt, we nllov ll.e public ; knli,1, 'nnd fn,r of lto ,nilI0 c0,npay
to be the judges not clouiiting mat tney uji-laly wounded
miutnore cu v
D.". l.Vlli-b. Slnlo Sf.nnl.Mi
Leontud G. Quiuhin, Daltimore conntv L 'nic' V lliutl. 'e in Mor-
T, I i ! n n.i, 11M1111 iiurni'ia coiiiuv, IM., cocai,,;.
MS" f-- , 1, jl-1 Btron, bouiiiluJ north Ly luiali f j Jj
Mr. Denton, Daltimore county Dole- lloon-r, uist by A. K. Wri-ht, souil. by j ' !
gfltt-'. 1 1'utltT, ii nd went Ly lurils ol Wr,j;ht A ThcaJ,
In addition to thete, it iH rumored that lmi" uhout CO ucrt'i cleared Innil trurem.uj
Gen. Dflij. C. Howard Reporter of tho ll0Ui8' tmrn unit ynnn urrlninl.licinif samt,.
United Statvs Supreme Court, an-l the !su" l"l";l',t l'v.,i,'1,,"l"1!l of
. ,,, ,1 , c ; ruueil, Ukon in I'xet'Uttoii, mid tu bn io!d mik.
no n.nee ol tho 1 eace yarty for Governor prq)1.rl u JullR.s M
ol thw Mate and Mr John (.. 1 rune, ol j AjMi u ce,lain ,. ol- 0UI,j
iho Jloitsool Delegates, huvo aUo been towuol Liitlioraliur,t.'k.erfH'IJcim,itv,U.giM,3
arrested. I at tho suutl.we..t lortii'r of lot ut' 11." Jj. i'ri,,;
These arrests were made by the milita- !o;tuti'. on tho Krio turnpike, tlunce 51 Jcg,K
police of tlie city, who acted under oiders nl""" ti'rnjiiko IVJteet tr, UnJa uf Ueorpt
issued by tlio'Depitrtmeni of Stnto nt 1 UooUliimlcr, tht in-o north lii beg. enst 12 ftu
Washini::on, anil thev w, re .0 que tlv cf- , ',"7 " ,71 des' uf 1 12, f"1
c . 1 1 , 1 i .1 . 1 . , ' ; putt 011 lot ul l.urlilu OBtule, thouca 10 tier,,,,
footed nhout iindiiight tUvt but few per,, ,VU5t aiullg ,aiJ !tut0 m , lUefttc,
sons were nwaro ot tho .roceedings. In (;iiiniiiK, with luro two tory tniii.o Urns ai
the case of the Mayor, a small party first ; ir-e honto encttd th.'rec 11. .St,Ued ntd Uktta
proceeded to bis city residence, Nortli , execution, and in be nuld m tho iruirty uf Ub
Ca'ivert Street. bonitiL' to find him there. ,0" 15' Slehbius ami ltu.inm hiehbim.
ul his country : u v 1 "aoiot latin situiiem
but lieaiing that iio was ut his country
v drove
t lit re, mid he was soon on his way to Fott
that gentlemen into custody.
est, wu
after a few t.urling word
ai uie nine 01 nil uncut, nui 111 ueu, hikj : 1.. ... i;uss
Mr. Muy,
w ill ngret? with us, that the individual w ho
does il is ineanor than the dogs that lick
ed the sores of Lazarus.
These casualties wore in pa: t r -ving to
the fearless daring of tho men, who viola
ted the positive", orders which wero given
to secure their mleiv.
"Let no man trust him : nono fo'bear io fhed
Contempt-ami deep ditionor-on bo heaH : (ul,nilt Jr(lon on thc
1 .at riiiiiifw. pii 1 nir.'n uh un i'hsb'.-o u .
Shrink from touch, and fhmlder at his eye ;
Let lovely woman loalho him with dUpum,
And (Imu lum like a reptile in me ami.
B&.It docs us good to see our"irrcpi es"
We have repeatedly invited the Journal eiblo" cotemporaries copy fo Inigely from i,0ig tn',, tlown the Mississippi yster-
to poinfout wherein we bavo ever preach
ed secession ot treason. But 110 response
has been made! Let us now look at his
record. Let us seo if be is not n Seces
sionista Disunionist :
From tho Rafteniuna Journal, Nov. 14, 18C0.
"If any of the Cotton States feel the
treent form of government oppressive,
nnd th'nk they can do better out of the
Union than in it, if they insist on going,
necessary tocreato any disturbance about
it, to laise CIVIL WAR or shed FRA
TERNAL BLOOD. The right to secede niay
lea revolutionary one, BUT IT EXISIS
NEVERTHELESS, and wedo not see how
one arty can have a right to do what
another parly lias a right to prevent. We
wi'i ever resist tho asserted right of any
State to remain in the Union and nullify
or defy the laws thereof; to withdraw
from the Union is quite another matter,
tho great Union speeches of our Demo
cratic leaders. The. fart that the Demo
craticpaity has always been for thcUnion,
is the reason why their speeches sound so
patriotic. If they hail published kucb
speeches in times past, instead of the
f .:...1..1 t'n'iitlea nf Ahnl.
IIUI 1 U -llllieiuvi, cvitw..... . . .... -
itionists that used tn pollute their pages,
how much better would bo tho present
condition of oar poor bleeding country!
,V..s..iimi .1
Jlfhcl Jlattcnj SilcnerdThe Rebel
Gunboat Yankee IHmbledUpW
Ilebtltt at Columbus. iff., tlv.
Cairo. Sept. lo. The gunboats Conns-
toga and Lexington, while on a recunnoi-
f:r. . 1. 1 1 ..1. l
... . 11 1, . i' .i. i-ineen uitiusuiiu 1 fi f"s ui c in tiuiii
We should like to see a Union Mch' . T, . . reinforced
come from some ofotir Dlack Republican j j eslcrjay.
Generals or Muresnmn, simdar to ttioso 01
Douglas, Butler, Dix, Holt, Dickinson, Ac.
Why do not those political jugglers over
the way publish n. Union speech made by
Giddings, Wade, Lovejoy. Sumner or Wil
sonall h'gh in the atfections of the pres
ent Administration ?
and if any onsiderulle section shall ii'..7ituil'-! not do, for the very good reason that stich I llilVV (ll 1 1 alt-i ivs Inlet, tmd the flight
ly reM-lrt to go out, WE FOR ONE SHALL
Prom the Raftsmans Journal, Deo. 6, 1800.
"If South Carolina shall bo left to stand
1 lone it is very probable that she must
ultimately recede, but if the Cotton States
peiK-i.illy vmte ":i7A her iniecediny the result
tuny he nijlh-cnt, and though (he movement
is revolutionary, many of wr shrtwJest men
tho "0 ftT rt hculd he made to prevent their
Thc render cannot fail to recognize
Cicely, of the N. Y. Triluuc, in the above
extracts, yet they adopted and inser
ted, as editorial, in tho Journal, mid cannot
fail to fasten upon it the undeniable fact
that Secession was acknowledged AS A
RiGIIT, that "it would ba FOLLY to at
tempt to .SUBDUE thrco millions of peo
ple," and that they preferred "TO LET
THEM GO IN TEACE. All this wassaid,
1 1 it remembered, immediately after the
election cf Lincoln.
Wo i.haU next show that, with these
deliberate sentiments, they por'stently
opposed all efforts tending to compromise
n:id calculated to avert the calamity now
upon U3, and that their object could be
ruin other than to eever the Union in or
iler to get rid of slavery.
..' Occasional" is going to have ev
cry nativc-loni citizen naturalized, by tcquii
:.ig every Qan to take and subscribe the
ne oith, nnd swear allegiance to Lincoln,
Cameron fc Co., or be branded a traitor.
This mode of making patriots has been
found to bo very cheap. It takes more
than o.iths to make somo men do what
other men may think right. A Republi
can nienilicr of Congress, at the late extra
Betai n, was perhaps not far from tho
truth wbon lie expressed tho sentimont
that unnecessary and compulsory oaths
weio only taken to bo broken.
Attempted Advance of the Rebel on
Klhiratcr and Thru are, Jtn'vm bark
7 Vic Mum at I'o'non Speculator
i'l. wiKsnuu;, Va., Sept. 13. Tlie Rebels
commenced loadvant e yesterday morning
on bjth pikep toward Elkwater mid Cheat
Mountain Summit, and cut the telegraph
They continued to advnnco on Ellivrfts
ter until within two miles of our troops,
when a few sh'dls from Looinis' battery
dispersed them.
Skirmishing was kept up all night, and
this morning two regiments were sent to
cut their way through to tho summit, and
they succeeded in this expedition, the
Rebels retreating in all directions.
Two ebcl otlicers, who were spying
around the camp, at Elkwater, this morn
ing, were mrpi-isod by our picket, and
The body of one of them was brought
into camp, ami proved to bo that of Col.
John A. Washington, ot Ml. Vernon, the
speculator in the bones of "the Father of
his Country."
Fro S2i rHissttEii'i.
Kcportel Advance of Kcbelson Lexington.
St. Lous, Sept. 13.-The citizens of
Jnckson nnity report that Ot-nerals
Price and Rains w pre within forty miles
of Lexington, on Tuesday, with 15,000
men and If pieces of nrlillerv. This re-
port needs confirmation.
1 0111 Darn- captured a Government
agent, named Smith, in Doonc county, a
few days since, nnd took from him $1,00
and a number of horses. It whs expect
ed that Harris would take posession of
Columbia, in Boone county, w'neiea bank
is located.
St. Lot is, Sept. 115.- C'apt. Foster, of
''ol. Matitien's Regiment, of the Franklin
county Homo Guards, in seven
izens of nlmost every Northern Slate, who prisoners last night who were diieet from
Hardee s arinv.
day, encountered n rebel Lattery of six
teen guns nt Lucas Be jd. on the Missouri
shore, nnd two rbel gunboats. They si
lenced the shorn battery, disabled the
rebel gunboat Yankee, and would have
captured her had she not been supported
by tl o other boat. One of the Concsto
ga's men was slightly injured- Tho loss
of the rebels is unknown.
Twenty of our scouts were to day driven
into Col. Ogleby's fratnp by two hundred
lebels. 1 hero was no loss on our side
Special Jespj(chcs to the hvjnircr.
Wasuinotos, Sept. 13
The news of the success which has at
tended our army in the recent battles
t. ;.. v...i...... v I....! .....l Mi..n,ip,
,. , 1 luiiLilb III 11 r.ivi 11 1 11 lii.i.i on.. ...,v I,
Dut this they cans n,.l,'iL.Vemenls of our
ti . . 1 . -11.1. 1
it, ::eur thc Helav llou-e, thfv drove ', r""" """-" '. ..t-. .,,. uuiiua.i
- - .. u. U.t
l.v I:iiirl4 ..I' .I11I111 t'riiiu, mill o.'!,. . ...1. .1. .
m il I ' . . ' uiu u
.nt. 1 it in j. Imiila uf I. 1. 1'iiiuvr it' In., una ot'uini an
About twelve o'clock .1 detachment of west Ly liuula of Solomon IlnunncrsWuli, sen
thirteen policemen with a carriage, pro- taining about L'l'U acres, having uugutUtj afr,.
ceded lo the residence of Hon. liemy oionn-U, u two story log house, u k,K bam, ,
May, Charles street avenue, and took ju""'r 1"t ,'"""""8, '"'"", -ntli u
loreu.iiu. rt'icu uuu inucu in u-ieeutiou auatu
.' I be eold an the property oi J. J. Lintlc arnlAbn
' I.I in C...
a lew t.arling words lo ins wile. ,ti4 , ,..,..i;,i I.imI ;.
..uickly dressed and left witli a nnuill Moiria townsliiii, Clearfield county, bounW n
package of clothing. He merely inquired ( tha east by land ot Ueiitoii .1- Co , 1.11 tb Mouth
for the authority of thc parties who came hy John .Miller, on tho Ly J. ). (jrubum, tia
to arrest him, and then occupied a beat in 1 IB n"r 'O' Hemes ,1- Co., containinj STitrn,
tlie cirri i'" I witl1 " two ,t''ry 'K I"""8'1"''' !: Lam andabom
As far as could be learned, there wero . twclvc hK" "1
..... , ' . , in execution and tj be Bold us I.10 nruiiertv uf
no Riectfications cr charges made by t'0 MicUaul Miller.
parties who anesfed the prisoners,' with ' A ', certain tract of land Htuale in
the exception of Mr. May. One of the i;urMdo towilthip. Ciearlk'H county, etmiiiniii
inon present slated that they were noting 1 00 acres, about 40 acr.s vlcared,' with a to
under the authority of the Provost Mar- story log hoiifo and log Lam therrua amid,
siial of Wnshiimton City. Ail were quirk- ""'i boundod on the east l y limda ul Juhtlrsn
ly driven to Fort Mcllenry, but their ul- nl,(l ,A""II, J" "1"""' eou'1" w muu uw,
timate destination is unknown. "1 hJ -'"l'" Mchufi, , and 0,, thcouli i, w
. I o hi H beck. It'Uid and m rxrcntiun IM
to be sold ai the pn. perry of Jiicjb Beck ul
Mary neck.
Also, a certain tract of land situate in Ik-
eatur townphip, Clearfield county. C'ntaialn(lit
acres l."0 prrchee, 70 acres cleared and ndi
cultivation, two good loj; houses, two gmiil 1"
Larna, aud small orchard thereon. Se:uJ and
ni. U'hSMITH y A M'lvi). A Journey
X) man l!l uckmitb will find steady employ
ment, good wxgCH and prompt pay, Ly calling at
the ahop of the subscriber in tho borough of
Clearfield. G. C. TAPSMOHE.
Sept. 4, isr.1. tf.
ISTOI (,11AM) Jl'HOSt.S drawn for '"'oa i execution una to ut bom hi tue preptny
pt term, A. U. 1SC1 couiHiencoiiii' Mon-j " Uj" v" Kepliart.
.11.-0, u cei 111. n 101 01 j;ronn 1 aiinateia
dav tho 23d.
Hccai ia I'd ward rul'icr-nn.
Hell John McManus. IJeorge Paftnore.
Hogg- David KlegaU
llrndy Ilavid M. B"ains, Win. L. Horn
bloom Gainer kIikmii.
liurnsido tieo. Aleheson.
Co' ington Benj. Jury.
Client Simon Montgomery.
Curwi'iifTille Win. V, Chambers.
Ferguson George Curry.
i lull Ami, TFi.11 Murray.
flulich 11. B. Korouian.
Jordan Peter Patterson.
Knox Inaac I'uiiliin.
Anson, ille, Clearrield couniv. iti:li a two (tort
frame li'iuto thereon erermd. P.'ired and tnkn
in execution nnd to L f old as the prepcrtj af
Jamei- tMiiith.
4 LSI), by runtlry writs of fieri fneiif, inwi
2. "Ut of the tame court, and to n,o duclt4
will bo oxpone.l to lublie salo at the fum litu
and place the following dcserib'.d property.TU:
Abo, a certain tract of land siinaloin
I'm, 11 town: hip, Cl. r.rSilJ county, bourledty
lands of John I'nibnker and Vy land-of flel'trj
& Fox. beiinr nartsof two Lirtftr tracti. K01. 20ji
I and ;ia'JS, contaiiiinst 78 acres, u re otles", it""'
I 2b icres of which is cleared. .-ilh alonhosemi
Jos. H'atson, Wm. Fullorlon. Geo. 1 log burn creeled thoreon, nnd a yung beano;
n in cxcul'. Jii, 1.11a w
men never mndo Union speeches. skirmish had v ith the 1 neiny nl Letrnis
. !vill tlie other lv, has pi'-.duced the
A Dm Jon. We observe bv the i'mot ' greatest hilarity .tuning the Union men of
, . 1 . . .. 1 . . . 1 . r . 1. . .1 . ..
that Col. Forney haj undertaken a still' "i" ''" .oe. me o, uihi. ,
. , , , ,. ., I lzens ol nlmost every Northern Slate, w h.
greater joo tuaii mat 01 uii-hkimj- 1' '-., Ilow Hocking in great numbers lo the
Deiuoc atic party by joining the dbunion-j ivderal city. At the hotels and on the
ists of the North. He is iust now cnii-! sidewalk theo totiics are discussed with
ed in selecting President Judges for Uie1 the great es avidity, and even the hope rianj nnd leferenco to the
" e 1 of the most timid are again being reviver), .conduct of tho Missourmns in the bailie
p,oplc throughout tho State. H , Aluong ,l0 lrool)Si K.ho aro iu rmi,,t 0f J nenr Si.ringfiel.l. the Louisianians char-
to nave ins man in every uisirici, nun tney n,e nevvs nlmost tho very moment it is set ginir I lie .Hissourians wit it cowardice, ana
represent every shade of politics except ntloiit in the city, there is no end to tho : treating theui as cowards in the camp. manili sled t.y lliem, 011.1 tnel i no ouisianiatis ctmrge inat w 11110 tney
"good time coming," when tl.ey will bejwerc fighting, the Missouriuns actually
ciiablerl to emulatu tho noblo cx.miplo of stole their horses and Hod.
their I relhem in nrms, is looked forward Gen. Hardeo was falling Inck on Pora
to with great anxiety. j hontas, and the Missour:ans weae diapers
W.Carter, Win. P. Beck
Mori is Jacob Fljgal.
Pike Pan'l. Jordan.
uodwar.l S. P. ShofT.
Ileccarin Dr. (1. IV. Caldwell. Thus, llroom.
Bell Philip McGee.
Edward Albert, M. L. Luniaduc, Val
entine (ieiirhart'
Bradford A. It Lucaa-
Piady John P. Beck, T. 1". Riehel, Tcter
Shnfler, Thos Cur.on.
iitirnsitlo refer Bicth, James Lamer, Jno.
Chest Gilbert Toier, W. W. VYorrall.
Covington Chus. Scbnnrra, Geo. Vothera.
Cloartield A. ! SouthnrdH.
that of the national Democracy.
It is also his intention to make a Cotton
State out of Tennsyh nnia to have cof ton
take tho place ol wheat, corn, ifc, and
, thereby "smoke out," the Cotton planters
of tho South. The Colonel has tried a
grrnt many things, in all of which be has
signally failed to convince his fellow c'di
zer.s that ho is a great man.
. .... . 11' - 11 1 c... 1
.i-i . , . r 1 . 1 1 ... , 1 I'ecmur inuici ..icn, i ai. jiuucb, ciuuuui
I hey reported that a fight had orcurred j jjc(. ' ' 0 '
in Hardee's camp, between the Missou-j' re rcu.nn..i,:ini,.i Kooser, Wm. Wise. T' b.
Davis, Philip Mei'racVen.
Fox Judson G auiitly.
Graham Thomas Foreee, M. V. French.
Girard Gcorgo n. Smith.
Goshen Williatr. Graham, jr.
Gulich J. II, Morgan.
yuston Thus lien it. F. E. Hcwil.
Jordan Jelin I). Miller, John Curry. John
Karthatm -Wm. Brirlgens, Ii.aac C'Mct'loskcy.
Knox John Tale.
Law retire Miles Head, Andrew Addloman,
llaniol tSoult, Hubert Lnwhead.
Morris Leonard Kyler, jr,
Tenn Josoth Invis.
I'nion Geo. Clt.uscr.
HOLT) .MOYKM KNTof tho UKBKLS.l. These men left Ilnrdee's camp with the!
: intention of returning homo under Gov.!
'Gamble's proclamation, ami becoming I
Thr llebtls wit hilt one wi iVi1 flfl-f rt fli'yi good citizens; but were informed herej
vf Fort Corcoran. that the Governor's proclamation was1
,, , , . -i r . , ipbridged by tho declaration of martial!
A gentleman who has just urrivetl from I. 0 ' 1
fc'ir'-'ov. 'uiun went to itsliingron aiouni I'dvo nurcn, saya mat tinr uiui n
labt week and i.rrsented a Flag to tho ing the Rebel pickets firetl upon ours, who
Pennsylvania Volunteers, made a hand-' Stn!io,U'd n 1lM'ltl ?ue-
3 , , . , pickets returned the fire killing seven
some sreech to the soldiers, and "re-es- nnil ounding quito n number. Fcrtu
tublished amicitblo relations with Simon natol wo escaped without loss.
Cameron." This latter was doubtless the. About noon the Rebels received rein-
retil olj. ct or the trip to tho Capitol. It . rorrpmpnlH, and townrds night surrounded
1 i. J house and cnpture.l a lieu ennnt
1 9 ncu nuun ll l inil u omtu ji 111 1 ins
cviikxii's howe.
Jl'i-tice of tiie Peace.
By Last Aiixhl s IJail.
For PRCATr Township,
will promptly attend to all business entruated to
his care. P. O. Address, Pkilipsburg Pa.
Skirmish on the l'jpcr Potomac AU Aug. 2ist n.01
.t- ..; '-'.... ..,..,,..,,. v . -
iinnim tm. . 1. .I,.., v ,,.,,.iii.--j..- . 11111 xi lit iiiK ui ll.I' era J. 1
X vf Admit.islration having been this day , jhe Final Account of Arthur Hell, AdminiH
orchard. Seized aud tnkct
bo sold as the property of John Lulu, pie, jr.
Also, a certain tract of iati.l situate m
Hell tow nship, Clca'field comilT. bounded niM-
lows, to wit: beginning at a post c rner, llisncs
soutb 5-10 east 70 rerehes to a post totw,
tlieneo stuth f.S.west 70 perches to a post ''"'
ihence aoulh .19 6-10 west to a r'1 cm"'
(hence north SO i-10 east 70 pcrchet to pod w
nor and place of beginning, containing arm.
more or less, being patt of a luigct turvtsya
name of V.. I.. .Miller. Soued ana taken inm-
eution, and to be sold as the propel ty of i, i.
Also. flpfiMid net's interest in a ccrlsia
I tract of land situate in Brady township. Cltirtil.
tfnut.ty, bounded by lands of Dubois A- Lowem
binds of Voung, Mid tho JeHciK.n eouilj
line, coutninmgGO acres, moro or Ics'.wiim"1
iO acres cleared, and (wo small li ousel sad Il
birn erected theraon. Sei'.i snd taken in tit
cutinn and to be told as the prt perty of William
F, G. M1L1.KH, Slienf.
PheriC's ulTice, Clrarfielil, AnR. i-'S.IWb
Ri.c;isti:i! h xoTiti- xniW'11"'
by given that ihe following aicour.t!
been examined ami passed by nie. anO Ks.
filed of record in this officii for tho ir,-'..rH".m"
heirs, legatees, crcdilors.aud all olhers i "J
other way interested, and will bo pre-cntM
Iho next Orphan's Coart of Clenrfiild ccunlJ''
be hold nt the Court House, in Ihe bTOtifk
Clearfield, commencing ou the 4'h MoniuJ "
Sept., ISTd, for confirmation and allowance:
Tho account of Matthew Tale and William
til. Administrators nf all and s'mguW
goods and chattels, tights and credits, wtii"
were of Samuel Talo, late of Lawrence If
Clearfield conntv, deceased.
The final account of Win. Fenth, Eq-. O"
tin. Exccnlors of tho liit will andlcs!""'.'
Thomas Wilson lato of Chest township CleaiS'i
pubr of the Hcbel trith Jlcttnj Jam.
1, c. , - . o prunifa 10 nio unoorsiirneu on int. estate 01
oint OK Rocks, Sept., lJ.-About 3 coLAS D0XEV, late of UNION lown-
clock this afternoon a lorce of uOO lebels ,hip, Cleanield county, deceased, all persons in j
attacked a poition of the troops
si and four ru ivntea nf tho Mninn recimeiit. ! Col. Gearv. Bti.ionod about three miles modiato payment, nnd thosehav
existed between thsso two worthies, prov-; nho wero on guard there. Our pickets fi-1 from Harper's Ferry. Col. Goaiy com tho samo will present them duly
Aug. 15. 18CI fit, pd
EXIX'UTOU'S XOTICF- Kotico is here
by given thaf Letters Testamentary, on the
. A
r ll .l .:. I.. II... ...... ,1. nml chaii" "
11 nil HIIU piulili.i nil'
William Uaslett, late of JtM township, W
field county, docensed. .
The final ncrmtnt of Wm. Hex, surviving A11
Irator of Iho r.stale of hi-'hard Curry,
latoofPiki) township. Clearfield eonnty "
doceased. JA5JES WKU'LIA.
August 12, 1S61. ltcg-oW
tlebted t" said estato are rerpietted to make im
tngclaims agnmst
lTauthenlieated for
n ..,.. I.:... 1. a.. m.,..i. .!.. n.,.l il. r..ll In, Ml in nnrann nnd Ihn fii'ht l.islerl settlement. r.1.17. AHh I Ii DOM.!
" fci vn, 11 1111,1 iuivo tl, tliu t.wi 11101 anil i . u u i n ill i iivu iiu. mrii il ii ..... ... .............. . ... ( -v. . w .. ..e .-. ..
hnnging around the War Department. ! V''ve Church, nnd finally to Bell s Cross about three hours.
ti ,Tr ,.T.,. ,'i , i 1 i, Koads. The Rebels threw bhells into tho 'Ihe enemy were driven from every
The Governor, untd now, has had to r-uar , . ..,.:. ,kpt were. nnd ,ls0 house and Ireaetwork, and no less than
ter his followers upon the Stale 1 reasury i inwtrds Ball 'a fWi RonJa 75 of them are reported as killed and'iato of William Pmith late of Cov
alon-jjbutit was found that there was not! About bix o'clock they hnd increased wounded. ington tp., dee'd. have 1 been granted to th un-
..... .n..: r r. .1 1 i.. 1 : 1. :ii.j .-,1 . r.., . dersicnod. All porsons indebted to said estate
enough there to supply them all, an-l tin- ,r. " "l"? i"r, .." ... V T r.-.SuV required to make imme.lie.o payment, and , community,
dpr theo rircumslances the twain have , ' , ' ''iso u u... .u ,th htT , rgninst the same willprescnt :.T,. T: iiZ-,Tr i'i vJfotie
uer Wicso circuniFiantcs 1110 twain uavo thPVlcnll v 1 i,out n bnnr aftprwards. I rans. Companies B. D. and I. of Ibe.n... jnu.V.n, r..i r 1 . v 1 "DMIMH It ATOR S NOTIU-"'
. . - j . , r , . t - - 1 nn m uii auiuwutu ntt'i iui rciiu'ini-uii I , . ,1
Koon mntla rtnAAd if IClT A P.AmniOn niimOSfl. Mna.,-, I. ...I, I - IL.. nt( "Wt I. Pf.nn'i rAn iiwmi and IrrA rn- a wai-.-T fwrtui tfti hArPltV ITIVnn IllfLt
-"-'' " w - 1 ji uw uiui c uuu u 1 11 15a tiuro in a uino, ju" "ni tuu n i vjiiujii fti v wn. i Mini ri.rniii, i . a j ' j n j A .lic,"
m the apace from whence our pickets , nios ol tho I uirleenth iLassacUusetts,wcre J0IIX b. GOUMOMT, j mn - -
the Colonel
B??V Tho War Department has sent were driven. Tho flames shot upward to engaged in the conflict.
upveral encineers to Philadelphia, with a reat hcighth, and were plainly dis- During the fight a rebel was seen ta.
. , ,.,i, ii;-:.i... n. cernablo from tho Cnpt'ol. By this move-' king aim atCol. Geary, when t
v.ew of erecting such lort fical.ons as they nt lhe y,, havJp rSM!lliion 1 grasped a rifle from soldier
may acem nociasury iyr tuo j iuvounuu ui ofa nill 0niy ono mile ond ft j)Rir rrom him on tho spot
that city.. !F.rt Corcoran, less than three from ' -spirits. '
Sept 3, 1861. 6k
Flivslrliill aim "urgcon, naa .
located at Lecontes Mills. Girard lownso .
fers bis professional sorvices to the u'-0.j(li
munity. -
m iiTii.ii.i"..".'-' . . i.i.tra
J is hereby given that loiters of Aaai"
loo riiini. wi .i.pv.. ........ -- faia
township doceased. All persons indebtea w
estate are requested to make payment will"1
, lay, and those having claims -against .,,.
-,rlTTlf 'l' oftho6ace , lay, ana loose ua. ine cii.uus "H"" -
and .Lot; J"""11' 0f,Xn, Union ,P, will attend wil. present them 'usTA'
1 in fine a. .. .11 u.; ..i..i. - in lili sirs. ment. JOHN li, UAi'r.'
Our tTOOpi aro in fine , to all business entrusted to his eare.
j gep-. JJ. 18. '7