Ejit (Clcarfiflb gcjublican, WEDNESDAY SEPT., 11. 1SCI. nilll.K CONCKKT. Tde Union crncert, In aid of the Bible society, ,111 beheld In the Episcopal Church on Sunday (t.ninp.F'P1- 1Mb, 1801, ntTJ o'clock. The a coJUclion will be tukoii. . O. W. 1UI1.LJ1, Sooy. Democratic County Meeting. Wer.ro requested by the Chairman of " - n ... .. it... lieir.OCIlUlU t.uumy vuiiiiuii u-o iu w, ,1 ii.nnr.iin r.ni nu.t.ng will bo hold in this ph.co 0i Y Jdav .evening of the September Court. Tuesday evening of tho Septembe The. Delegates to ihoCVunty Convention in wnsiiliT tho propriety of changing, tjr Kinviuling thu present system of inak l,n ponnmiiicns, win ineei on i no prece- tjjrg HonilMV evening mm noi on uieou Yonduy of September, as heretofore an lionnuftd' XEEI' IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, That Daniel Livingston, the presort tandidate of tho Republicans br Sheriff of Clearfield cunty, was the Know Noth ing candidate for County Auditor in 1851, ini was defeated by the late George. Wal- trr, E.q. lie ran upon the same ticket ilh Pollock, Sniyser and others. DEMOCRATS HE WARE ! Wo learn that our Republican friends aid busily cngngctl in circulating docu ments printed at tho Journal office, among ibo Democrats of this county. Why this is done or who furnishes the money to pay llioeipenses it is not for us to Fay. But to soy the least of it, tho circumstucees , i . have a F-iifpioiims union, aim we merely ugg''-i tJ our Democrat io friends not to bocuught by any such sly dod.'es. IUsign vrio.s ok M.u. Nicholson. Wo learn thai tins gentleman, who whs nomi nated as a Democratic candidate for the legislature in this district, declines the iintuitiition, having volunteered his ser vices to his country, and left for the. ho it of war as First Lieutenant of a nev coins puny raised in Brookville. This will render the re-assembling of the St. Mary's Convention necessary atun inly (lay. t7We uro ploused to learn that the Democrats of Venango county have unuu- imrus'y presented that sterling Democrat, James li. Kerr, Esq., for Prefidi-nt Juilge ..r !. , T; ,i.;... ...! p .1 of SIcrcer, Venango. Clarion, Jefferson and Forf't, maUo vacant by the resignation of lion. J. S. SlDCitlmont, who has been commiswionod a Colonel in the army. Tliis is a uarl district, but vva hopo Mr Kuir will ot the dUtrict nomination unci b elected, too. riAroL'CAL ! We ;oo hy the official reportnof r,en. 'nliT nnd Com. Strinchain, tlint Colonel V'tVber und bU Gorman U.'jimont, havo been lu't iu cln-;e of Forts Clink and Huttoran, late ly eiiuuicd ly our troi pn on tlio count of North Carolina. Wo lnpo Fcmo of our American party friends etiend to thin miitlcr iiamodiaioly. Whit! leareto enpturcd Forls In tlio chnrgo of For (igncu ! ti'i to bad ! We bopo that our intense Aaorlcana will uco thr.t hvreufter "none but A mericam bo placed on jnaid." Donation Acknowledged A few days ago the ladies of Clearfield donated and forwarded to Georgetown, D. C, a box sf articles necessary for Hos. pital use, for tlm bcnifit of the Volun teer! from this place. The following let ter from the Directress, acknowledging tbo remittance, will be road with interest : vVashixotos, 1. C St"!'. I T) mi Ladies or Clrarfteld : I i'V. Barrett Dear Madam -.Your very kind note of the 30th is at hnnd, and with pleasure and gratitude I acknowledge its contents your liberal donation. My con tiection with the (J sorge town Hospital is dissolved, and I am i.bmit to be transferred to"Virginia'sf.bo.e"al Alexandria. There is. tlietn, tpiite a nuuibet of distinct build ings, cnibr&ced under ono head, pleasantly located, nnd but an hour's rido distance from here. I have looked at our bookj r rather register and also at the Union Jlotel Ho -pital, which is within a stone's hrow, and can lind no men on eilher books fiom the company you named in your let'.cr (Washington Cadets J 1 will, Jiowevcr. ma co it a mMier o: lnnuiry, mm omtribute, il possiblc.to them-cspecially Irom tho Cicanield liulies Gonation. giVJ3 mo uio nignesi uuiisuic m tribute, in tho most humble way, to their -euare ana general guou , . . ' minted Aeaif and hand lor them during the t present emergency, 1 have not, orsnau. not lose an opportunity to give tnem my : sympathy and care al all times. oiy pos- ili m has enabled mo to soothe, and give little comforts to very many of them, and liijh privilege 1 hove felt it to be. 1 lave with tears witnessed their gratitude lien giving them a glass of wine, or some tempting delicacy, for I prepared mvsclf Willi tuosfl things bv "public begging" be fore I '.eft Philadelphia, and have never Tad re ison to regret the effort it cost. I n wniplianeo with your suggestion a to further efforts, I would stato that ihoes ai stoi kinrs, with any kind of substitute fw a pocket handkerchief, aro among the "ting, outside of delicacies. I find most Seeded in my experieneo as nurse. It "KuM gratify any warm heart to havo the ndorts in Land ready to administer to ln vsoary, worn, wounded soldier in his "Our of need, uuh as the benevolence of bo Clearfield ladies has placed in my pns 'ssion. God will bloss their noblo efforts 'or the noble manner in which they have 'ponded to tho cause wo aro all sympa llirs in. It may bo interesting to the ladies to nonr that the Pennsylvania Regiments lorra but a ?ery small part of the sick and funded at protent under my charge. Michigun, Wisconsin and Indiana suitor Jiorefrom exposure than all others on the books the change boing decidedly against tLeiri. At tho Geornotown Hospital thirty, or 'oore.wcro broucht last nipht-nll India ti men down with typhoid fovr. Lungi affections and dysentry are tho forms of disease at present. i ' From tlio battle of Bull Run almost cv. )cry woundod man has been, by tlio free ; uae oi com water applications', cureu una 'enabled to bo home. In the two Hosnit- pis are about 4 men who were wounded remaining, including to with Arms oil' at 'the shoulder. The othors nro ball wound. ', For the first month wo avenged, out of i.o ,..;.,, a r ,l..tb. u ,. i ""v " - , . " ,w ' iiu,i.i uiuiw until mining uiu i.iiiiiucs, (Patients nro mostly deliiiouhfromjthe lime ' irouPni in. atiu although m il cared for. must lie. 1 fear I slni II wonrv they are liriughi in, ami although m il ' - , - j 'ou; uu t please let on r com mon I n torest lint lilcaso. let niireninnnn ininieul. jbe sufficient apology ,v?r-v. "c,t'S! 1 omitted one thing, 80 n nu much neou 1 ns handkerchiefs, for wounds. May God aid you in your untiring ellorts to allevi ate the sulleriiis of our fellow creatures, is the wish of, Yours respect lull y, C. W. BUADLKY, Directress Georgeloa n Hospital Col. Wm. II. Bi.mr, We nro grntilied to learn that this gentleman lias been nominated for I h,i stale Senate, in the District composed of the counties of Cell ler, Clinton, Lycoming, and Union. The Conferees previous to adjourning, appointed Hon. James Gamble, lion. Al lison White, and Paul Guddes, Iwp of Union cotintv, to prepare an address to , me peofie 01 tno iiisiric. u e nopo to ue able to chronicle the election of Mr. Bl. ir. lay-The proceedings of the bolters' meeting at ' urwenstillo on the i!d iist., will appear next week. Tliey were rot handed to us until Monday utteinuon six days after tho meeting was held ut which tiino fin aluindance of copy to fill our ci luuim was on file. To tiis Mii.ir.utY.- II. W. Smith if- "o., hav-e just received and opened, a superior (iiiiility of Bunting. Also complete Flags. They can ulo furnish, OHiier's or Cavalry sword'a uta low ligure. Jsy It is related to us Unit there is a church member in tlio upper end of the county that clasps his lunula so desperate ly during prayer, that liecniinut get theni open when tho contribution I ox comes round. M Altltll'.D-In the borough of Indiana, by Scv. Vi. S. Emery, nn 2sih Augurt, S. 1!. How, Esq., to Mils Ellic I!. I.illikh, bulb nf this place. 1)1 1. 1) In Knox In., on the 3d ult., Elmer E. Howies, Son of II. F. .t Sarah K. Howlei. aged 1 year 4 months I week nnd Sd.ijs. Go, little loved one, go, 1 do not in out n fur thee, Thy soul is gone, iinstniiied !y crime. To stand before (lie Lor '. Short was thy suffering here bilow. In this vile world of wuc ; nut thy spirit, happy batie, Is go. o to blessedness away. The heaven (if heavens aliovo Is now thy spirit's rest. And kinder is thy Saviour's lovs, Than ever thy mother' broat. 31rto Sbbnlisfincnls. GUAM) OPENING! new stcui:i nt: w f i r Ma NEW GOODS!! Great Inducements to Purchasers H. W. SMITH &C0'S. OK: PRICE, CASH .STORL, Smith's Corner, below Judge Leonard's. Q U K i: X S MM R : . JEf EST White Granite Plates. " " Soups. HaKers Tea Sett". C'lfee Setts, t'llps Setts. Handed Cup Setts. Tea S.'tts. Ewer nnd Basin. Ten Kelt s. Cup Setts. . Common Teas. 15 ST Tearl Whito " rnrnsinll " Comn on T Ons Superior Lustre Sprig 'feu Sett. Creams, Pies, Soups, by the half dozen. C, C, Nappies, (' ('. inwls Glass Preserves, Glass Salts. 0 Flu e Tumblers PI in do. KxoeUior do. Also, Teas, CulTees, f c, Ac. nnd all nr 'tcles usually kept in a coiinlry slorc, will be kept here, us nl-o many not usually kept, but much needed, at greatly reduced prices And we feel coufldent that all who will make j trial purchase, will find it to their ndvuntago to, Contina n cintom.-rs. A1 n Iini(e(1 amount ofcuanty Orders waul- cd in exchange for goods, " ... '""-Wo 1TJ"1 npencdi ,n nrc ,ninR very low, a largo and com piete stock of Boots and Shoes, viz Mens best Kip aot noys best Kri nool. Mens best Calf Boot. Buys bt Calf n mt. Child best Kid Boot. Men., best Calf Monroes; Boys best Calf Moiirur.. Youth's best. Calf Monroes. Chillis best Goat Pump.. Childs best Welt Pumps Cbildsbost Button Pumps fhilds best French Morneo heel. Woinans Mor. Jefferson heel, Woman Goat Jefferson heel. Woman Kid Flippers. Womniis Sup. Velvet bound gaiters. Woman extra fine lasting giilers Woman sup. extra heavy moroccos. II. W. SMITH d- Co. Iloura of businea from 7 A M., to 8 V. M. July 10, 1361. tf. - ,iiTTr iti X'fiTlf'l- Xntiffi is lipre. ' by given thai Letters Testamentary, on th ostnto OI ininin rnuui . v. -. - ineton tp., dee'd, have been granted to the nn dersignod. All persons indebted to said estate """ nr. required to inaae ram.. new .':""'-"' estate are requested to make payment without de those having claim rgainst the aame willpr.eent . . .rln rlnln ' ' ,., tboni iulj authenticated for settlement. ' MARY SMITH,! F , JOHN. OORMOMT, ) Sept S, 1861 Ot TI.ACKf4MITII WAMTK11. A Journey- 1 man Blacksmith will find steady employ . .J .......Jn.nmhlniT.ll CM 1 U n D St tha.hdoofthe ub.cribcr in ths horougn 01 H1.UI. KVUU wr-KWB a.... ,i,w.,-. tr"j. -.' cieariold. . . . ,,, ftciinn v U. 1. . l APC.'IVIlb. tf. Sept. 4,1861. Ct T ATEMEXT of the CLEARFIELD COCX IO TY BANK, for the month ending Junly I loft. - ' O I i lOUl 1 ASSETS. Bills discounted -Pennsylvania State Stock Specie ..... I)ue from othor Bunks Bank Notea of other Banka . Checks, Drufta, Ao. - ' -Furniture .... Expense of Plate engraving, Ac Loss and Expense. $26,B43 20 21,508 75 1,535 77 5.232 87 ib:.7UU 1,584 56 203 4 7B4 75 2,514,80 fCfl,H5o8 i.u (.uintal Stock paid in I.MMLITIKS. I2M50 00 ! , ; . : cirouuuou ".cuto : 12,705 72 2.MI88 J'"" ""v ' x. ' $00,1 15 53 J AS. Clearfuld, Pa., Aug. B. (JJtAIIAM, Cnfbier. 31, 1801. lAl,"i lO. My wife. Surah has loft my bed I J nnd buarl witliuut juM cause or urovueatiun. I hereby caution nil persons iiiriiiiist harboring or trusliu linr nn in u mi . ... I ..... .1 ......... I .. t od to pay no no debt, of her contracting after the ', 22nd day of August, A Sel.t. X 1SC1. si. STItlkINt: TIMliS IS 1MIII, UM.I. III.V! Ti-mrnthmi Kxeitrmtnl amomj lli .(!:: ; r. a 1,1 i i . 'ji rvui llLt. ueiwcpn I the I'liiliKlolphia l'olire nnd the notorious Eur ger acd counterfeiter, J iioa Buchanan Cruss ! ! ! d............i i it i r .......... ... i. .1.. ..I .1.1 . 1. i :. I , i hi ujniiiuii iu luuriieiu, taut u irofs unn worn i"""1 ' rA ,"l , J ii """''v,1""1 h" wouM not be tai(n yet. However. Shorty is nut much put out at missing bis custom ; but would iinnouiie.il to all Hrtckinrvlije, lioilni, I. inn, In nml licit men, nnd women and childreu in Clearfield, and Sinnemalioning in particular, that he is prepared to furnish tln-m w ith Hoots, Shoes and Uaiters nl any stylo or puttern, stitch ed, sewed or pegged, (and as be is a short fel low) on short notice. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change, on (I cash iit n fused. Repairing done in the nontest manner nnd charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, nmmsito jltced, Weaver Co'sstnre. FlIAN K SHOltT. X. II, Findings fur sale Kept. 2(1, IMilb (MIAIKS !! CHAIRS! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! . Tho utdersigned has now on hand, nt bis fur niture It oottis oil Murkot St., Clearfield, Pa., a short iliftanco west of Liti's Foundry, a l.irgj elo A of ( II All's ()! A 1.1. klM)S, manufactured nut of the bist niaterialr, fiuijlied Jn a very superior manner, and which ho will sell LOW ruK CASH. long experience in the business makes hi in feel confident that bis chairs arc made in a substantial and workmanlike man ner, nnd will stand tiio test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should cail nt once nnd got them while they can he hnd at the lowest rutin. J JIN TKOLTMAX. Mar. 27-1 Sl tf. .new nLJir.nirs nm K PE K M A TO II It H (E Y. A . II OW Allll A'SOCIATION, PlIII.APKI.I'lIlA, .1 ffru. rrotcut filtittttit'H rtnlttillitt lu utn in l.'li- dtnrntcit, fur the 'lelicf nf the Sick ami tintrtfnfill ntjlictcit it ilh Yi'ilcltt unit Chronic IHncuite, nan ruprrinlhf fur the Cure nf IHcitnc f the Sexual f,-,mi. Mkiucil Ahvick given gratis, l.y tho Acting Surgeon. Vai.i aiii.k RKiMiitTS on Spem ntnrrhira, nnd other diseases of the Sexual Oigans, and oil the !kw iikvkkirs employed In (he Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or (hre Stamps for postage acceptable. Address Hit. J. Kkm.i.i.x Hoi miton, Howard Association, No. 2. S. Ninth St., Philadelphia. 2tfmy ly. COURT PROCLAMATION. 7 II I'll E AS, Hon. SAMUEL LINN, Esq. President Judge of the (loiirt of Common Plena uf tho twenty fifth Judicial Ili'rX, com posed of the counties of Clearfield, t 'entvii nnd Clinton nnd tho Hon. Wm. L. Mourn and Hon. Benjamin Ilnnssl, Associate Jndges of Clearfield co'iiily : hnve issued their precept, to mo direct ed, fur the holding of a Cuurt of Comirron Pleas, Orphan's Court. Court of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer nnd Terminer, nnd Court of General Jail iieiivery, a; v icnrucui, iu nim lur 1110 county oi i Clearfie'ld, on tho 4i .1'ii(c i -'id Jtoj) nf iSrptrmlcr nc.vt, aid enntiiiut lien urcks. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to tho Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, in and for said county of Clearfield, to appear in I their proper person", with their Hulls, Records, , . . ... fH fi ll I IJ. ..... InUisitiiuis, Examination, and other ltemein- brances. to do those things uhlcli to their officers, nnd in their behalf, ncrtain to be dune. GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this lltb lay of Aug., In tho year of our Lord, one thous- and eight linndrcd and sixtv-onc .. ...... I F. G. MILLER, SherifT. ! rjniiu ci.rAi-n:i.n acaiiemv, wii I 1 bo opened for tlm reception of pupils (iniiles and females) nn Nfonday, Sept. 2nd, 1801 j 7Vmu per session of eleven Weeks Oilliograpuy, ucnuing, Writing, rriinnry Arithmetic nnd o'eogrnphy. ?2.j0 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog raphy nnd History. $3. (Ml Algebra, Geometry, Natunil Philosophy nnd IJook Keeping $100 I Latin and Greek languages. Jo 0(1 J To tud. nts desirous of aeiiiiring a thorough 'English Education, nnd who wish to quality jthrmsnlvr for tcaebers, this Institution oilers desirable ndvantnges. j No pupil received for less than half a session, nnd no deduction inado except for protracted ' siekiu ss T. 1.. I.. .1 li. .. ,.f ll... !., ' (, t, SA N DI'OliD, Principal. Aug 7, 1SGL- ly. Grf.it Dlscovcrj. T HAVE made a discovery of the utmost im- perlance to every married person of cither! ... I -.HI ......I (1,'n CM ..nrll...,l.,r. .i.n.n.nm. I ., )() anvunoun receipt of a stump to pay for re turn postage. Address Illl .1 11 M A 11 T FT. I. npl2l-ly. Alfred, Maino. 1 . . rr A( ONM VIl' 1 1 i;sC Tho advertiser, J. havinc teen restured to health In a few! weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf- fered for several venrs with a severe lung uflec tion, and that drcd disease Cnnsumptiun. is anx- ious to uinko known to his rllcw-su'ercrs tbo1 uionns nf cure. 1 To nil n ho desire it, be will end a copy nf the proscription used, (free of charge,) with the di-, ictions for preparing and using (he same, which ' Ibev will find a ure cure for Consumption. ' Asthma. Bn nchitis, e. The only object of the BUvertiser in sending in a prescription is lo ucnu. ; 1 ..... fit the afflicted, and spied information which ho cuneeirni in hn invaluable, and he bonea everv sufferer will try hia romedy as it will cost them notliinrr, and mnv prove a blessing I Persona wishing the prescriptio-i will pleno ' address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, nov7-l, AVilliamsburgh, Kings Co.. N. Y I Ms I K Atok X Mi l l C I Notico hereby given Hint letteraof Administra tion hnve been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Mason Garrison, late of Pike township deceased. All persons indebted to said lay, aid thoee having claims against the same will preaent them duly authenticated for ettle rucnL JOHN 11. HARRISON, Aug. 14. Administrator. CVKENliOlTWEr Justice of the Trace. For DirATt Township, ... . .,..,,.. . . j I , win promptly iat i""" rn.rusi.u w i his car. V. n. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 2lt 18CI WATCH & JEWELRY rPHE undoraignod rospoetfutly X inforina his cuiUomori and the public genorally, that lie has just received from tlio Dimt. and 01. en. eu at bis esiabiuument in UHAHAM'S HOW Clearflold, Fa., a fino assortment of Clocks, WatiI1K, nnd Ji;ni.nT of ditTurent qualitiea, from a singlo pie?e to a full sett, wliicb ho will sell nt the most reasonable prices for cash, or in cxcbnrne fur old gold nnd silvor. CLOCKS ofevjry variety unhand, at tho mut reasonable price. ALL kinds of Cluck, Wnteliea and Jewelry, cnreiunj' ri'journi nun n umtntnt. A continuance of patronago Is solicited, Kept. 19, 18(10. II. F.NAUGLK ?l OITK Tli"nV Ti mt(V l u.VV-VJi, 1 UO.'lvA,., SAl.'IV OILS. PAIVTJ t ntifii-'PtllM ' ' l or "" Ve, J' cl,"l' for Cai-II, by O. II. MKIUtEI.L, !' basemcftt oi .Uorrell i r.ig'or s Slorc, Cleiiliehl, Pa. l'eb-27. IT"13 II 11 I T I S II it i: v i iz iv L AM) 'BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE . Till! LONDON Ql'.4HTEHLV, (Conservative.) i-THK EMXUCRtill KKV1EW. (Tory.) 3-THE NOJtTH lilUTISH HEVIEW, (l'r e Church.) l-TIIIi WESTMINSTEIl HEVIEW, (Liberal.) 5 BLACK WOOD'S EDIXLTRG II MAGAZINE (Tory.) T E It M S . Fur any one of the foar I'eviews, I'er n ii i u in . $3 on 5 00 7 00 8 00 3 00 5 00 7 00 For any two nf the four Reviews, Fur any three of the four Reviews, For all four of tlio Reviews, For lilaiknooil's Magazine, Fur Hluckwuud and one Iteviow, For ltlai'kwnod nud two I'eviews, For llluekwood and three Reviens, For Illaokwood nnd the four Reviews, V on 10 (10 X. 11. The price in Great llritain for the five Pciiodieals above. named is $i!l per nullum. Hepablished b LEOXAHI) SCOTT A Co., iniirt3-(im 54 Gobi Street, New York, J OIIN OUKLL UPIIOLSTEU AND CAKKIAGE THIM MLU, I.ociitol at A. II. Kiwi 's Milit, om: mu'iV Hut of' Clearfield borviih, Respectfully informs the citirens of Clem field nml adjoining comities, that he is at all times prepared to iiiiiiiiifncture, nt tho shortest notice. Hair, Musk, nnd Straw .Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is u Folding Mat tress, suitable for CABINS ON RAFTS, which can he folded in small compass, und emptied and refilled at pleasure; und very cheap. Ho nlso trims Cm riages, inekes repairs to ull kinds of , Carriage Ti inniing and I'phulstory, nnd i::nkes iurus ior .Mason s liacing Lines, oi nny tliiiK ties or length. '&.i-Cotiutry Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash taken in E (change for work, orders left with any of tho Merchats Clearfield buruugli will b) promptly attended to. lec2H W;ilt' up! Willie up! BI.At k-iMtTlllVU. THE subscriber res pectfully informs his frionds nnd tbo public genernlly. (but he ia now well o ablishcd in bis NEW SHOP on Pine street, o 'pueito the Town Hall, in the borough of Cleurlieid, and upon bi own hook, and where ho it prepared to do nil work in bis lino in the very best style, and on the shortest notice. His old custor ers arc res pectfully ns';ed nit to forget him, and any num ber of new ones mo respectfully invited to give him a trial. El'ti H TOOLS. Ilia reputation as n Makor and Repairer of Kdgo tools should of itscll secure . him a liberal patronage. GEORGE C. PASS.MOKE. April 21, ISOl.tf. NEW GOODS Al' K RATZERS They have just received a general assortment of Spring rind Summer DRV GOODS, consisting of ' PiOViYI TS KIHIJONS, 11 ATS, " . .. ... . , I "l o . SHAWL P U IMS. D I'CAI.S, BAb'EGK, I oi'l. IN, C LOCUS, T WEEDS, MUSLIN, LINENS. ' A If PET. Is I. INIW, B HI M. MS, S YTIIES, s i-1 k i:s. NOTIOaN?, CA PS, V I N E, SALT, OILS, PAINT LEAD. DUUGS B( K 1'1'S, .SI I OKS. CHATS, PANTS - LSTS N A I LS, FLOWKKS, J li' IIAHDWAKK. UEENSWAIIE, GLASS, FISH. BACON & Y LOU It, All of which will bo sold n the most reasonable terms fur CASH, or approved Cnuntrv Prodne. C. Kit A 17. Kit & SON. Clenrfield June tl, 1801. T0TICE TO SCHOOL DIRECTORS AND TEACHERS of Clearfield County: Publio examination of Teschera will be held mis year as lu.iows : I Itlootn, Ferng'un, Lumber City A Penn. Sept no ber lib .1 nth. nt Lumber ( ity Curwensville, Knox if Pike. Sept., 0th if- 7 th t at Curwensville. - i Clearfield and Lawronce Sept Dtli A lOlli, nt. Clearfield. Olrard nnd Gohcn Sept, 1 1lh nnd 12th, at Go. sben School-house. Covington and Karlhaus Sept. 1 !th A I Ilh nenr Mr. Rider s, Bradford, Graham und .Morris, Sept. Kith A 17 at Grahamton. i Hoggs, Decatur and Woodward, Sept lSth nnd ; jwiu si , euiru in xr.-mur. 1 a. ii is ! i-M . i . i i . , Boll, "'rns.de Chest nml New ashingtcn, Sept. 2-'ld nnd 21th nt New Washington Beccnria, Guelich and Jordan, Svpt. 2Cth "d' , 2 7 til at X roads in Beccaria. i Huston and Fox, October 1st, nt Nn, 1. House in Huston, ( Hrndy and Union, Oct. 3d and 4th at Luther-1 burg. ALL ATI 0 clook A.M. Ciirwcusville, 7th month, ) Jrsssrt Bkoomai.L. 2Uh 1S61 pd. ) Co .Sup't. O L E N - E C I I O M 1 L L H. " Gcrmantown, Pa. cCALI. 1)11 & Co., KANITACTIRERS, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in C A R I' li T 1 X V. S, 1) H V Ci CS U T H OIL CLOTHS, MATTXO'S, tc. Warehouse. No. 609 Chestnut Street, (Opposite State Misuse,) j apr'Pl-ly PHiiAr.LriA. 1 $3if00 f 1)AYS the entire cot tor TC1TI0N' in tlio mobt populur nnd succejnful CO.M.M HKCIAL bCIIOOL in tlio country. Cpwurds of TwKl.tii Hi Mint:n young men, from twhntv-kkiiit dillor out States, have beam edticaled fur Lufiness bore within tho past three years, some of whom have beeu employed as BOOK-KEL'PKUS ut siiluries ;U $2000 00 iniincdiiiti'ly t pun giudumiiig, who knew nothing of ueeounla when lliey entered the College XU w Hurler a sons Hall price. Students enter at any time, and royicw when lltnV nluilttA nillti.nl ntlr. oliiirir.. For Catalogues, Specimens of PenmnnMiip, and t lew of the COLLlAiK, enclofo tl vo letter sluuips 1 to JENKINS ,t. SMITH, May li, 01. ly. l'ittbui -jjls, l'a. IV. M. M CL'M.OI t;ll, ffl eu m -Law Clkaiikiki.ii, Pa. Ollirc iu (iraliain'N lirick Huildiiig. July 3J. 1SI',1 tf. MODUE .t ETZWiLKK, Wholehale and ltetatl Merchants. Also extensivo deulura in liinber, sawed luiud ber and shingles. Also, dealers in fiour an grain, which will be sold cheap for cash. Oct, II, 18 j. I ARK l'SI.M P HOVE I) Bffiia&aiir SE WING MA CHINE. PHI CIS FP.OM fdO to $70. The IIOLUOIII SKWl.Ml .MAUU1M;, an en graving of which ia here represented, has now become a recognized favorite wherever it has been introduced, and is, beyolid question, tlio best, as well as the handsomest, low-priced Sewing Mucliina now before the public. No. I A small and vcrj neut Machine foi Family use. No 2. A largo Macbino for quilling heavy work and for Plantation use. This Machine is much nilmired for its simplici ty, nnd for its reliability and durability it is un surpassed. A child twelve years can ruu it with ease ; and yet it will sew from the coarsest eluth to tho finest Swiss. There is no trouble of re winding the tli rend, ns it is taken fr:,i tho spools. It lias no belts to give trouble, and will run backwards ns well as forwards, ncd still sews equally perfect, nnd w ithout danger of breaking needles. It, runs by friction, and by closing the box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, wo have no hesitation in recommending it as the best family Sew ing Machine in use. The j'ullutvinrf Premiums Awarded the above Miti'ltiiie : At the Fair of the FrnnkMn Institute, 1858, tho First Premium. At tho Pennsylvania Stato Fair, at Philadel phia, September 24, lij'J, the First Premium a Diploma. At tho Pennsylvania Slate Fair, held nt Wyo ming, lHi',0 a Silver Medal. For the best Double Thread Machine, at Lan caster County Fair, held October, 18.it) a Silver Medal. At the Maryland Stato Fair, held al the Mary land Insti utc, Hultiinuru, Md., Oetcber, 1859, under strong competition, a Silver Modal was awarded to this Machine. At tho New Castlo County Fair, bold at Wil mington, Delaware, OctoLi-r, IMitl a l'iploma. The above Machines nro manufaeturod by til VltM W. IIOWI.AM), Hming-ton, Del. S A L ES BOOMS. No. 720 ArcL Stioet, Philadelphia, Pn. No. 801 Markst Street, Wilmington, Del. S. D. HAKE It, ininU-ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Ji.tr Pci'soiis wishing to see the ubovo Machine ill opcratien, can do so by calling nt the resi dence of D. W. Moore, in Clearfield borough. NEW (i () O D S ! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring &, Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STOKE. lain just reeoiving and opening n carefully I selected stock uf Spring and bummer goods j ol almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Drcsa , gnoils, ol tho newest nna latest styles. Also a I great variety of useful notions. j l)HY-(;()OIS AND NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hjits and Cap, Boots nnd Shoes, a larje quantity, Hardware, Qi eenswarc, Drugs and Medicines, Oil und Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloth, (i it o c i: it 1 1: s , Fish, Saeon and Flour, yoekerel In J i nnd I barrels, of the best quality, nil uf which will be eold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the public generally, are i , respectfully invited t coll. frX. I! All kinds of lift A IX nnd npprovod (Ot'Xl'HY 1'ltODl'CE taken in exchange ol Goods. Clearfield. Juno 20 1861. WM, F, IRWIN. TYRONi: CITY IIOTKL. j. Col. A. P.OWENS, Proprietor, Respectfully announce to the travelling public h'e j ll.f l no una now lunen runrgv ,n una inrgo anil .. ...i. . .1 r i 1 , wen hnown ii"U(n.,l mm w iii tun unci u 111 urn wi ren,(ir excc,k,nt comfrt and fori well Known unuse, nnu win conauci u in sucn a I satisfaction to all win may favor him with nov7-Iy T) , . r,- lolcrsnnS OUt Of Employment. AlaLiiYl ft WAiMlil). In every County ot the United States, TO engage In tbo sale of aoma of the beat and And nn pains will be spared to render satisfaction, most eloganfly illustrated Worka published. I Dr. M. Woons. the junior pnrtner, may always. Our publ cation are of tbe most interesting bo found and consulted iu tbe "Drug Store,', character, alapted to the wants of the Farmer, when not absent on professional btiinsa. A Mechanic nnd Merchant; they are published In teparato room for consultation Is attached to tbe the best style and bound in the mo Vibstan- alore, where patient may be oxuiiancd privately, tial manner, and are worthy a place in the Li- Every article usually found in such an estab brary of every Household in tbe Land. ( lisliinent will be kept on hand, nnd suUat greatly i-tuTo men of enterprise and industrious kab. rediced price, its, tbia business offers an opportunity for profit-1 Tkrm bkiso STiurri.r CAsn, will amvtto theoa able employment acldom to be met with. to offer inducement in the way of price - fuPcraons desiring to act a agent will re-1 Physicians will be supplied at a small per ceive promptly by mail full particulars, terms, cteatage over cost tnd carnagj, and their order etc., by addressing LKARV. GETZA oo.. Pub, are solicited. Every article avid will I pure an-1 No. 24 North atreel, I'hlladelrbia, of the best quality. Oct 14, 18S9-ly. febC-tr WOODS A BARRB1T. I General Election Proclamation. Wheroa, by an aot of the Oenoral Assombly ot the Cominowealtb of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to regulate the General Election within this Commonwealth," it ia enjoined on tbo Sborifla of the several counties to give public notice of audi oloution, the plncca where to be he'd, nnd thouf lioiia to be clocted ; Therefore, 1, 1'. O. MU.LKR, liigh Kheritf of Cloarliold co., cu herrly pi've pub lic uulice to tlio Elootors of the county of Clear Held, that a (iENEVAL FLECTION will heboid on (be iS'ceoii'f 0 October fieri, (being tho EKillTH day of the month,) nt tho fevonil e lection difctricta in aaid county, at which tinio and place the o,uaUfied votera will vote. For Two persons to represent the vouutiea of I ClunrOcld, Jcffersou, Elk, and Mi Kcnn In tlie I House of Kepresontativcs of this Common wealth; I F01 Two person for the offices of Associut I Judges of Clearfield county. For One persou for the office of Sheriff of Cloar- finM fun ril v yar Un(! .1(,on ,or tll0 pmu0 u i,flret Attorney f r,.rneld euuntv For One person for the office of Commisiioner of" Clearfield countv. For One person for the office of Treasurer of Clear- neld county. For On person for tho office of Auditor of Clear- held county. For Oi.o person for tho uffico of Coroner of Clear field county. Tlio electors o f tbo county of Clcnrfiold will tnke notice that tho said Geuoral Election will bo hold nt the following places: At uie House ot Sumu:l M. Smitn for Bo- curiu township. At the house of Asepli Ellis, for Bell township. At tlio houso of James Bloom. Sr., for the town ship of Bloom. At the houso of Edward Albort for the luwa sbip uf Boggi. Al t'io houso of Wm. Hoover fur tlio township of Bradford. At the public houso of H W. Moore, for Brady township. At tho house of John Young fur tho townjblp uf Burnsido. At the school house nour Simon Korabangh's for the township of Chest. At thu Court House fur (he Borough of Clear field. At tho house of Jacob Mau-or for tho township of Convingtun. At the houso of Isaac Bloom, Jr. for tbo Bor uugh of Curwensville. At Centre school houso for the township ofDe catnr. At the bouse of Thomas B. Davis for too towu--jhip of Ferguson. At the house of John I. Bundy fur the town ship of Fox. At Congress Hill school house fur the township of Girard. At the publi; school bouse fur the tnwntbip of Goshen. At tho House of Jncob Hublcr for tbe towoahip, of (.truh am. At the school houso in Jancaville f tbe town ship of Gulieh. At the house of Jesso Wilson fur the township of Huston. At the school boii"0 in Anajnvillo for the town ship of Jordan. At the house of It. D.Hall A Co., for thetowa ship of Karlhaus. At the Turkey Hill school houso for tho town ship of Knox. At tho Court House in the borough of Clearfield for Lawreuco township. At the public school house for tlio borough of Lumber City. At the house formerly occupied by Tiros. Ky Icr, for Morris township. A t tho public school house for the boroogh oS" New Washington. At the bouse of Samuel Smith for the towns ship of Penn. At the houso of Isaac flloom jr., In the bor ough of Curwensvillo for Pike township. At tbo houso of H. W. Moore for tho township of Union. At tho house of John Whitetido for tho town ship of Woodward. notici: is FiiMiir.it HKRKnr (;JVI'., That nil persrns, except Juslioos of. tlio Pence, who shall hold any offico or appoint ment of trust, under the government of the Uni ted States er of this State, or of any incorpora ted district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or ugent, wht ia or shall be employod under tho Legislative, Ex ecutive or Judicial Departments of this State or nf the United States, or any city or incorporated! district, and also that overy member of Coiigris and of the Stato Legislature, or of tbo common Or select council of any city, or commissioner of any incorporated district.nre by law incapab'.oof hoi -ding or exercising, nt tho same time, tho office or appointment of Judgo, Inspeetcr, or clerk off any election of this commonwealth ; ami that no. inspector, judge, or other officer uf any such e leetion, shall bo eligible to ny office voted for. And the Return Judges of tho respective dis tricts aforsaid arc roqucsted to meet ut tho Court house, in tho Worough Of Clearfield, on the Firir Friday next after the said second Tuesday of Oc tober, then and there to do those things required) of III out by law. (ii VliX under uiy band and seal, nt Clearfield", this 21st day of August, in tho year ofourLon ono thousand night hundred and sixty-one, nndl of tho Independence of tho United Slatoa the eighty. fifth. F. G. MILLER, Sheriff. JAMES T. i.r.oN.vnp. , A, WAI.LACK. P. A. A. C riSSTET FIMSET iinnhiim inn) Collection Mcc LEONARD, FINNEY ttCty C L E A It F I L D, CLEARFIELD COfATl', PA. JBII.I.S OLUXC HANr.K.NOTrs AND PRATT DISC'OlHTl: l POSIW KI'.CinVKI), (loVetitions made and proceeds prowpty remitted! lxclinnge on f lie Olios constantly uti linml. JOT Office on ?cccnd St., nearly oppesite tfct COURT HOUSE. A. M. HILL S r V-i . iCTiesk.. . t t 3 Troper attention t Q .VAVe5''''- ! teeth in proper "-' 'i' XLV.-" tim will be of great benefit to every ones '- iu point of health, contfirt, and convenience. 1)11. Illl. I S ci- tla;, bo found at In f fice, on Ibe corner of Front and Main streets, when no notice to the contrary appear in thia pnper. AU oper.".tiorif In t':i "ne of his prnfessionr performed in tho latest and most improved styles, and guaranteed for ono year against ult aturul failures. V. W DRUG STOHB . t ... . The subscriber nave opened a full nnd com- a V":' ."" , T, - , ,, " "."" UOIHIt ll wv-ua, r I, ..... v'.l.iv. ! UCVU.I and Cherry ctreet.s, in tho boreugh of Clenrfield, where they will l. Iinppy to uccunimodato anr rcr,on who may desire afticlea in their lino. Thi- business will be confined strictly to a Drug and Prescription Business,