'i our yet mi mounted, and one largo ten.. Captain bhntlU'worm, pimo aianne tieh coljaibiad. nil ready for mounting, corps, deserves well for his loyalty and I APi.emltLootrici.il mnstor loll of Col. efficiency in his active dctnohment of ma NfHi,. furnished bv him. of the the olli rines. Much ot the success of the expo. , . ...... i ,1...- t.t.tAiitirtii :UlllOIl iauur lu uio nvwiM.in presented within a week bv tho ladies of Newhcrn, . t ., to tliH ioi'lh I arolina defenders. lly the goodness of the rrovidenee w hich watches over our n.uion, no one I either of tho fleet or iirmy whs in the Ions l iniured. 1 ho enemy loss nil I . . ..Hn,t l,,r na Tho position of the foi l U n exceeding- .transport service by commander Stollyva. lv stioneone. nearlv surrounded on nil Rcn, imd tiie prompt- presence. 01 n.mu . -ides l y water, nnd bnly to bo approach- with which ho took the troops Horn their rd by a march of five hundred yards cir-1 peril when tho Adelaide touched on tho, vuitously over a long neck of land, within bur, is a rare .pmlity in an olliccr in dan-1 hair musket range, und over n causeway ger. j u tow feet only in width, and which was. Although Upturn l.iunoe, of the rove-, vomnianded by two thirty-two pound nuo service, now :n command ol tho liar- jmns loaded with grape nnd caunislor, riet I.ano, was mtrtu riate enough to get which wero expended in our salute. It! hi vessel on one of tlio numerous waul ; has a well protected magazine and bomb- burs about the inlet, it happened, 1 be-, 'roof, copnblo ol sheltering some threo lieve, in consequence of a dt lermr.iatioii, ( hundred or four hundred men. Tho par- creditable in him, to aid mu by being ne:u : pet was nearly ol octagon form, enclosing to covei tho troops in landing. I siHout two-thirds of ti aero of ground, I Captain I.owry, who had tho Ueo. rea-1 veil covered with sufficient traverses unu (unty m cnarge, o.ougiu in ins vossei win ramparts and parapets, upon which ourlsalety, with the troops, who wero pleased shells bod made but little impression. with his cure nnd conduct. Ho still re vunt,a.r uni-L iicnrer the inlet was mains at the inlet. know n as Fort llutterns. Fort Clark, In fine, General, 1 mny congratulate j vhich was about seven hundred yards lyoj and the country upon u glorous vie-, i.oi therly, is a square redoubt, mounting tory in ) our department, in which we i live guiin, ami two MX-pounuers. i im n iuiicii inuru in.iii m- 311 nuimn-.i 'ms enemy had spiked those guns, but in a oners, twenty-live pieces of artillery, a very inefficient manner, upon abandon-! thousend stand of arms, it Urge (p-iuntily mc'tho fort the day before - ; of ordnance stoics, provisions, three val. 1 liad all tho trcops on shore at the 1 liable prues two lig'itboals Mid four time of the Kinieiider of the furls: but , stands of colors, one ot which had been re-etnbnrkod tho logulurs and the mar ine!. Finding it impossible without a do lay ot the licet, which could not be justifi ed under the state of things at Fortress Moi'roe, and owing to the threatening .'iliriearaucc of the weather, 1 disembark ed the provisions, making with the pro-, dere visions captured about live days, rutions tor tho use of tho troops. On consultation with Flag Ollioer String ham and Commander Stellwugen, 1 de termined to leave the troops and hold tho fort because of tho strength of the for tification, its importance, and because, if again in possession of ihe enomy with a suilicient armament, the voiy great diffi culty of its capture, until I could get ionic farther instructions from the gov ernment. Com. Slringliam directs tho stoamei9 Monticello qnd fawnee to remain in side, and these, with the men in the forts, aro sufficient to hold the position against any force which is likely, or indeed possi ble, to be sent ngaimt it. The impor tance of tho point cannot bo overrated, When tho channel is buoyed out any ves sel may carry fifteen feet of water over it with ease. Once inside, there is t sale harbor and nnchorago iu all weathers. From thero tho whole- coast of Virginia nnd North Carolina.fiom Norfolk to Cape Lookout, is within our reach by light draught vessels, which cannot possibly live at fk during tho winter months. From it offensive operations may bo made upon tho wholo coast of North Carolina to Ilogue Inlet, extending many miles in land to Washington, Newborn and Menu fort. In the language of tho Chief Fn jrinoer of the rebels, Col, Thompson in an official report, it is the key ol the Albe marle. In my judgement it is a station second in importaneo only to Fortress Monroe on this coast. As a depot tor coaling nnd supplies for tho blockading! iquadron, it js invaluable. As a liar-' rn.o lifor our coasting trade, or inlet from J . vinter'e 6torm, or from pirates, it is A 'first importance. Vj holding it, m-oflers b iigt nlfty flgain send forth its letter wriray to the storm beaten mariner, ters to "stho worse than vandalism of tho lish tho dlP"ives him. It has but 0110 want ot water but that a 8-jje itlmWtla Republican. CLEARFIELD, ' PA. mont, freipicully come in contact with the ftdfOur "irrepressible" ltepullican; 8HERIFF SALES. .i : nr. !..... nno frinndi nttemDt to make a ct eat ado about T)Y virtu of sundry writs ot Yenrii.i...: - luuiiuiawi uuuu. 11 a iiiivu mm mi w uv f- ( ofc,.j t ..vu, , this country from the the St. Mary', resolutions. They are per. -fi;.7ci ffllv horrible! Ana tlie 1'emocrRCV 01 there will be emoted to null In .,". j . ...... ... . . itin,. : Government in 1 adoption of tho Constitution but we DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. Wednesday Mor' Sent 11 1861. "a Administration., of which tho the whole district must be held ,0 then-, , weanesaay morning bept. n. toui- , u liko oye the mt M oUo l(wir Cftl,didntes, no matter how de.oriuj property, vi tl", tAk rtain inict ot laud situate j., r, ihip ClmrBi-M emioty, lv, ,',,, p, Center county IV. bounded by I ireen, uow of Jolin Crane. I.- .i. 1 . David Kepbart. now of D. I, l'runer 4 r0 , ' KR A.SSK.M3LV, K. UAHIjY, oi'KlU county (VACANCY) i- . k .;,.., mupli nil nr nnv nnrt ol them mnv be dis- A certain iiiiuun. j.vi-ij n i tii.iiifn i , 11 cm ,.-...- . - - - 1 ' tur town I lr.titon to Jiuchaniiu. lias liaU tts enemies avoweu. inwnshin. 'and violent assailants- vet nobody ever Wo have faid that these retolutions lato r Orern, uow of Jolm Crane, t I . . , . . .. . . . l . 1 A 1 tin.. nn.l il...f iIia mii- buiore inougliioi culling men, on mis ac- '""""B " 1 iut f lienncr'a emte, now of D r count, traitors and rebels to the tiovern- ty of tho District, nor ol either county Co., tlnno from fpruce, a corner of tbin JI' Fim AHHumTK nu "-t. or of treating them a, such. The thereof, was responsible for them- I Znu V&kto&L .1 I) TllOM I'SON. 1 f(!urvens,illf. doctrine of veneration for an Administra-! Hut pel bap it may bD well to reter to ,,., etlKti jsi VvKlti, to Servico-bcirv '.i JAMl'.S HF.OOM, oi Bloom Tp. (lion right or wrong, is the doctrine of a memorable precedent, and one of so re- north, ti or o ieKr ct. 7 Phe to g' ! D. sDotisiii. The T rants of tho earth al- cent a date lliat it cannot nave escaped ,.hl.M , vi,i,.r,i, ,i...' "..V"? i 1 low their blavoa to nuostion hom of Ihcir the rocolloctioii of our readers. It U as ent, ( or north M at-g. west.) bd prciiMi0t 1, 1 ... t.l.t Ihiinoa Mil Hnnfnu. .a.... . lF-; act. ; and must it bo said that freemen in follow, : , GV. j. . fleauro tho ctetf iu uiuple, tlicnee north 25 Ji-ltki . , KOIl SllKllll'F, KDWAKl) l'KUKS, of Morris roll COUNTY OOMMISSIONKR, JACOB KUNTZ, ofBnuly Tp. Kdlt THKAKTRK.lt, JOSKI'll SHAW, ot'Liiw lciu'c tji. this free country, cannot differ from their P. lis liberty alarmingly illustrated! U'e bcliero the President of 1-till ACIUTUIt, CIIAS. S. WOHHKLL.ofClicHt Kill l'ISTIllCT ATTOIIXKY, 1 S U A Ii I i TKST, of Clair lied lor. K lit (OllOMllt, .1. W. roi'TKB, of (iirard tp. 'Administration" . 'Government." Our friends lcross tho street have wor- ,nccountable to those to whom he belongs ; ricd themselves considenibly in hut wet k's issue, to show that there is no difference between 11 Gvocriwiint and on A Iminisliii- M. King of the I. S storeship supply. I have the honor to be, very respectful ly, your obedient servant, 1SKX.I. F. HUTLKH, Major General U. S. Army, Command ing Volunt eers. To Major Gen. John K. Woo!, Com manding Uepariment of Virginia. Union Meeting in jportland. In T.uisuance of public notice a meet ing of the citizeus of Portland, Klk coun- ....-umi., A..-. w v .1..,. niiu .ii--.iu . " cues, iu iiiupM-, iiiciiKo norm zj ui'ureai wm . . : . r ... :.. .i.. . r ...... .... ... y . - --,11 ., . . ,1 .1 . inuuEuiuiiun iii 111 n 010 iii 1 11c ui.iiii.- in viii nun-lies to a l uruiuoor. inonve nori 1 (i.i.. . rrciaeni, iiuoui ...eeonnng mioio 10 ,i,e Mnd linl ,,. 4h f j,rcll pU WIIL heih linwwld lhenP0 ft 1 n. 1 .....lii.w nr i,-.,;!,..,,? ii,;. 14 u-ivn tiik phksknt kakck ok a tiov. ..t ...... .i.... .....; . r.-, . w indeed a terrible doctrine! fills is run. KKNN''T" porcbe. crossing Mu.-hsmiou creek to L.alosfc ' . . ,, ,t ,. .,, , This resolution appears to have boon line of bind now of John I rune, aud Wic.n, mng the Machine -nib a vengeance! 1 his . ". . . . uoeod to contuia 4H0 acrei mure or lem. ,fd? 11.0 unanimous e.xpressi.Mi . up.iuu.i u, -ng urVl.yi,d in ,19 nau.e of Tbcnia. U1U ibirj.u u iK'itii Vvi'irU'Nsiuimi vumnniiMi which vy uiiui iuuu)nm.vi uuvuaiu Kg!uvj. 1... ; u:,11l..nn rp voMedin Tboinm Maya, w Lo con eyd lUr., states m the creature ol the i.eonlc. I hev . , . , .rt , , to David l. l'runer, having inereon erected nit, plsced him whero he is, nr.d gave him all " ' ' 1 i"-;"" aiiin8-nous, i-.. .-o.e-ro.-n ings Here correctly reported, Mr. McLn' blm ksmiilislu.p, brick-yard, unit other out the porter he possesses, llo is their ser c , ' , , . 'mgr. nuct SO or 40 ncros clcured Uitrcoa. i,,, vant, to administer a Government founded f' l"'0'"' JM the - all defendant', ii.tere.t of, m ,,, j to ;i ... , ,, ... . . .. . lature, u ds a memtier of tho committee tmn tract of land situuM in Decatur ttura'. en .lustieoand hiuallty, before Abraham ... ... ,,, ,... ,,.,. n, CUnrfu-I.I county, Ph., mrveyed oawarraalmT It 1 a i- t r 1 lliav Mil rail 1 u liui'l o 1 uiiiii -'-'.. 1 . in . ... " .incolu was born, lor the faithful exe- 1 ' Ud to Joseph ltarrisuu, couuiniug iorM11. cutionof this trust he is, and must b, "ul ""l ' "'" 1 . .iiowdc , ana oeingun, or iu,e1M 1 ' I I l... 1. ....... ..1 . 1. .Un SeiK1.1l nnil lit ken In eKru'Uliun. fi.nj In hm ..'i uuuiin ill wii iiLiiiiui'i t Iii It kit-iriiiiica ; " .vnij ,, ., , r ., . ' 1 .- tho property of David I. l'runer. Have the sen umenfs of that resolution ( A ctM.uil) ,ract ()- ,ftud sItwato ; been disavowed since? iJoes Mr. McKn- r'u towosbip C'ltai field county, Pu., conuiij. ally leallv believe that "thU farco of a If0 ncr"' "uundeJ north !,y Uud ofgtj ,,,., , , , , , w 1 Hoover, eust by A. k. riRlil, aoutli by Join- government did end on the 4th of March !.. Wl.f, bJ. iarj, r Wr.glu A Uoa last, and w;ll he SO legislate in caso of his l'arina about 00 acres cleared land throa,u. , .... , , ,. 1 liotire, barn nnd yotine orchard, being Haom election ? I liese are important questions, isc, b'0, ht b dt(l.naI1, of irull ai 0lr and tube lo Juii, and any man. and every man, li;u a right an iiialienable right a constitutional right to question, to dismiss, to investi- noi olricinlly reported to us, hut wan as certained to be twelvo or fifteen killed and died of wounds, and thirty tive woumieu 1 'l'hev seeni to think that a nuin innst L.te th()iouL'hlv, anv and every rxecutive I also enclose Herewith the ofhclal re-; ....... , 1 i . , , '. ' ., port of the rebels lounded, by Dr. Win. ""PI1"11 1,10 .luiniiiisu.mmi, 1.0 .....,. ,nci, wiiuoui Leing 11 irauor, or guiuy 01 111111 :i ri lil 11111 novel llllicill. 11 una imnimiliii" in l.r.i.i Lf iliuv-n in 1 .i-i'i-n , . , . 1 ,i i- J r ; ,, . ..... 1 1 ., e which the people would I ke to have an- Kciicd, taken in executiou, an be true and the editors ot the " "'i') men t. "Ltcrnal vigilance is the price of . ' 1 i., .,.f i..,,.n 1 ...... -.-.i evidently think it is thtn they have been ! libcrly ;" and that mini is a slave and a ,u'"' Also, a certain lot of ground niiuiu very disloyal, nnd the worst of rebels to rowrd who fails to exercise it; and th.it' tints and 1'kak 1T.--It is excessively an- to"'n 'Lutlier.burg, Clearfielilcounty .begfaait, , . ., , , , '1,1 -1 1 ., . 1 1 11 1 ui luv HouiLweni coruur ui iui ui u. r.. tlrllki tins (jovernmnt. tor at least eight long uler is a tyrant that attempts to abridge noying to our "1; repressible Black Ke-e,tute, on lno t;ri0 turnpike, thenca 51 6e.,H vears ihe editors of that Daner have labor-L- ilo.ti.ni- ibi-i ,i, I .-:l,i . nn.l il-.i niil.li.-iin d ii-inls tint tho amnrt trick alonif said turnpike 193 feet to lnnd of Oeorni r, ... , - . .1 1 1 1 .1 r l- i- uoouiunuer. inciice norm .ia oi'g. cam no Imu i ress lsuio nuvocaieoi oppreision mat , iney pianncu lor uie pui q.o.-u 01 uivming pus(( thenc uuth 71 dcg. east 120 fe n, oxjusesits iibridg-.Jient ; and that editor the Democracy of Clearfield county, has pout on lot of Carlilc'i cstute, ttaenca lOdefn is the mere tool of parly who sees nothing so sign.illy failed wrong in tho Administration he has help ed to bring into power, though all his en ergies havo for years b.-en used to over throw and break down Administrat inns, to which he has been politically opposed. Jed to I reak down Administrations. No slander was too vile for publication, i' it tended to awaken contempt for tho Ad ministration. No denunciation was too tv. Pa., without distinction of party was! hitter no falsehood was too base. Tho inn. nnd t rer'H heft"16 ouo now in Pulatl0n nt Fort! " "m vnroe, at a cost of few hun dred doli'i.r will relieve. curses of the mob arroyo-1 against the Ad ministration ias sweetest music! in the eats of the editors of tho Joarmt!, and hail ' ed with infinito delight; and even armed resistance to the federal authority was ex cused on the l.roa d basis that men in this Tha People hava Spoken- The voice of the Democracy of Clearfield county, at the monster Mas Meeting as sembled in this pi. ice 0:1 the '2nd instant, is now before Ihe public. That this voice vs tho voic: of the Democracy ever w.i and ever must be in favor o! our Lountry and our whole country, of equal und exact j justice, to nil men, and of a wholo hearted determination (o stand by our I'nion, our Constitution, mi l the common inherilan- Iret dom of .Speech, and freedom of the PreM in what might have been expected. held on Wednesday evening the 4th inst.. nt tho store room of Hreedeii &Co., where upon the following officers were chosen: President, Col. A. I. Wilcox. V'ico Pres idents, L. l Powers, Win. II. Bunker, and others. Secretaries, K, P. bailsman and Hiram vv .......... Tho olject of Ihe meeting having been country had a legal right to repel Kxecu stated by tho President, the following , live dictation. The people have been committee on Hosolutions was appointed : called on and implored to assail every net, Wm. Gavnett, Hiram Carman, Joseph novfM. for any cause, submit to the 1 nnibini, John L. lirown imJ 11. L. Dun--. . , ., . . . , v. . . tn i ro least encroachment on their rights. -Night Several patriotic speeches were mado , and day the press was run to give to the tinting tho evening, when tho following j world the "last outrage'' perpetrated by resolution were presented by the Chair- ,he ..pierce" or the " Uuchaniin dynasty," man, and unanimously adopted by the . , , . , ... ' 1 J on a too indulgent people, M range, now, Jo'.vol, That wo cordially endorse "hat a marvellous and happy change has W'" 1 - I to us by our forefathers- Gen. . I. C. Fremont's proclamation, of jc.01110 over these editors! Souio men martial law in the State of Missouri, 'o- 1 clianee in a night; but these oditor look lievmg that 111 so doing he has slioivn hlnv' ., , ir ,.. ..... hl. iTo be loss, would not 1,m tin. voi.-o of n seirentml to the occasion, and that it willi" ' ' 1 ti r 1 afford V,r;y the persons auj jmro, ,:ivo assailants of Administrations, they, j IVmoc.at.c ..ssciblage.. here fore, when anait vul louu'l eili:cnt, and to traitors J h-ath from the 4th of last Mardi until the prcs-;ll,y pursoi: be he friend or foe -ft ar.ts to and Conlnscalion. lent hour, have fallen into the other ex- j know w horo stinds thu Dionocracy ofi is:hed. That in the struggle to ."'"! t,-c,ne, ai'.d have become the most iulsome Cleurlield county in tho present crisis, let I Sum,o Gov" mnent ' "d d7 !Z e,,M. When a cit.zen is dragged from ; W pointed ,0 the proceedings of that slop lonsk who administers it-we see no ;his bed at night, charged with no crime, meeting, iinswus tlie hist opportunity nn.iin.l1 tuia ! I IAI1 t f. rt.ntirV llrt U' I A ttt ll ( 1 ( ! .... I .. It. .a I.. I a 1.... ! Cfll 0(1 fill' t lit I ) U tl I CM T V ftf tilt anil II ( I' , A , , . .i . 111.-1111111 ivai 'j wv,i , i.v ...iv. .. ..ui lU(, n iiuinit iu mi 111 iu iuu j 1 H'uiuiii, ; - " " J izationiand platfomn on the nltar of ""'" - eu ouuui .-.. uU.,.. -- country docs not deserve the support and j When from tho dungeon ho .sc-.-ks legal , istrat.on-and most valiantly did they re countenance ot honest people." ; relief through the Courts, and aks for sl,0,l' t0 llle cul1 of "'0 County Commit- lUmhei, That the resolutions passed by lllftt i,enrjn,t 0 n w,.jt 0f hMns corpus 1 lee iuh1 mofi """fully and explicitly did the , ro; rn'-ative 'Convention lately held , - thpy ,,,,,,. x,.h(re 1(W tolfiWL at St. Mary s, in tln county, meet Willi' ' , . . ,, , , . , ., our nmiuallfied d.sapp.ovRl. They mis- tbe;r subjecls-wheti the writ is g-anled, . l-t aeco.dmg to tho miserable piebald represent not only the people Out tlio jr(y and executive interference paiuly.es its """ coiuun:a 01 uie t I . . - i - 1AJ f,.. a - a I. - 1 j ..: .1 , niuuz eaiu eiuiiu iuo iu into piicfloiu B,i,.: i ,e ,.ioa,B- With larzo two atorv fraino boaai of a call for ft Mas Meeting ot the Dem-1 ice liouso erected thcrecn. Sailed and uknii oeracy in this plane on Mondry tf last execution, and to be sold a. the property of B . . . . .. . 1 ton U. btcbbins and Itoxuna Stebhini. week, they Have t.een as crabiianu cross, 1 Also, a certain tract of hind sit uitt it as snappish nnd l.l nil lured, us It is pos- 1 1ccatuV township, Clearfield county, boundtlr ail.li. fin human imturn to I.e. There is ' aonin uy lanaa 01 uoo. 11. MorgaB . by iuii'la of John trans and oilier, aouih ji nctually 110 living wit'i them; their petu Unds of 1. I. l'runer t Co., auu otbenw la in. .,1, 1. .,1.., 1 'I'l,,... n,.,.l not by lunds of Solomon llauiujerslanKli, m ' .' i ii- tuiuing about 200 acrcn, having aboutllllimi 1.1 uie i'eiiioci .1.3 iiiau at me boiuieis cleared, a two story log house, a log burn, u mad at the Administration, and mad ut , lhirr out buildings erected thereon, wilt u , , .. ,., ,. ., , . . orchard. eued and taken in execution uji theuM.-lvei. I he joy ol the.r heart i I b .old the propwtyof J. J. Llngl. aaaito ceased ; their dance s Mined into mourn- mni tion. :,, I Also, certain tract of land situit ,, , . , , . ,, Morris township, Cloarfield county, bonodtlB Jut there is no help for them. 1 hey, th. ea.t by laud, ol lloatcs ,t Co , on thimu inu' t iiit up wilii these things as they are, not as thev would have them. The De- mociai.'v ufu-ed to bo divided. by John Miller, on the west by J. B. llruUa.a the north by l!c:tcs J- Co., containing 87itra "1 with a two story l"e liou,-e and z oam nOi They 1 twelve acre, cleared thereon, f-.-'ued cndtika prefer to attend to their own nflairs. and i". inu 10 u( ,ula M 1,10 Ill .iiiimr. will not do tho bidding of their enemies. We ciin. tin I'ofui'o, but say to our "irre- m......t unci .11111 n ni.v.anq oouuueu on uie cum vy niiias ti imnirn id if ho.-ts of good men who A(l,l,n Jl"ion. 'uih by Willis a Use. , . , , I west by John Mehaffy, and ou tbnwtKW.ia ire voted with you have open- a, eiiea and tak.a in exceaiiiiH: into that inlet, within a few days, 'compi led from the 0 fficial documents captured sriih tho fort. add hoioto tn oilicial re port OT'iho (,'hkif Engineer of the coast . . . .11 I , I ! 1 . 1 defences or tie peueis. a jense unu aiso Aonended a statement cf the arms and munitions of war cap'ured with tho fort us nearly as they can bw ascertained. While all have done, fcMl, I desiro to .peak in terms of ospeeialt-cm' inendatioii, in addition to loose before mentioned, of tho steadiness and cool courage of Col. Max Webor, who we were obliged to leave in command of n detac'.imo-nt of three hundred mon on a strange coast, without amp equipage or i-ossi'jility of aid, in the Vaco of an enemy six hundtc I strong, on a dark and stormy niht s of Lieutenant Colonel Weiss, who conducted a reenn tioissanco of twenty men; of the daring and prompt elliciincy of Captain Nixon, of the coast guar), who, with his men, oc cupied Fort Clark duiinc the first night, although dismantled, in the face of nn ouomy of unknown numbois. I desiro to commend to your attention Captain Jnrdinc, of the New York Ninth, w ho was left in command of the detachm ent of bis regiment when the unfortunate cniualiy to tho Harriet Lane prevented Jol. ilawkins from landing. Permit me to speak of tlie efficiency ol tLe regulars under lieutenant Lamed, ft ho worked zealously 111 aiding to hind their comrades of tho volunteer, over whelmed with the rolling surf. I desire especially to mako acknowl edgements to Messrs. Wiegel mid luri nge, volunteer aids, who planted tho American ting upon Fort Clark on the second morning, to indicate to the fleet its surrender, nnd to prevent the further wasting of shells upon it a aeivice of groat danger lrom the firo of their own friends, I mako honorable mention of Young Fiske, who risked- bis lifo unong thu breakers, being thrown on shore, to con vey my orders to the troops landed, nnd to Apprise them of the movements and intentions of the licet. Also my thanks for the valuable aid of Captain llegrty, who was employed in visiting the jmes iu tho harbor while w o wore agreeing upon the terms of capitula tion. Of the services to the country of the gentlemen of the oavy proper I may not speak, for ono ought not to praise where ho has no right to consure, and they will bo appropriately mentioned I doubt not by tho commander who i9 capable to np preeiuto their good conduct; but I nm emboldened to ask permission, if tho de partment shall determine to occupy the point as a pormament post, that its name. mny be changed by general ordet from Fort llatteras to Fort .Stringham ; but of those gentlemen who served under my immediate command I may make honor able mention, as I have before done, of granted to tho undersigned on the estate of Also, a certain tract of latidsilutl.it llurasido township, Clearfield county, ronUiiii; preiblo" friends that if the Diiu-Kricj I w " . 1 ? 1 . 1 , Z 1 .fctory log houe and Ui boru tliucoa Win ol Clearfield county is determined to act, and bounded on the earn by binds of Juhnlf!i as u unit ; am havo heretofor ed their eyes to the tact that your parly lt" 00 ""'I' a 1,10 propeny of. JiiWj utlu. is completely abolitionucd, and ?e do- j U'A ermn tract oriHiKlsiUmlcinlV it! ill. no. 1 licrcatter to cast their political eatur townsbip. Clearhcld county, containiniUi fortunes wilh tlinl imi.iv n.l acres 130 pfrcl.os, 70 acres eleared and Mile cultivalion, two good lug homes, two good Uc ther ivr liori.;'o- to convince men of burn , and small orchard thuraoa. Se:d u. their !ovaky - vou must ci innnd bear ' ,"k,n """lion io)d ai the pep ., - , . 1 1 r . 01 Jmva Ki'Phurt. i., jwi 1111 1 1. is 1 1 yj 111-iji 1111 u. they claim to rrprexent. We thereforo re- Lxpciitinn nml imihtn ilm nna-m nl fmi. ""'"'"'i resolutions arc not frank und pu liate them and clear our skirts of the .. . .. .... .. , , , ; explicit, but of ";i p-moi-ul n:.tiir" nnd 1! odium and treason connected with them. eouors 01 toe ,o,unM respnuu, : , "SoMEi.onv HiRT." Nut lefs than fout or five columns of the last Journal were taken up with abuse of tho Democracy, anil the Iiepuhlican and its editors. And all this after having declured uwny back in May last that wo were m-t worth any more "powder." But what of that? I he-e leilows take to falsehood ns natu Also, a certain lot of grounl sitwiteii Anjonvllle, Clearfield county, with a two itr frame homo thoroon rrcnod. Seized and tit in execution and to la told a. the property a1 Jauie. Mnito. A LSO, by aundrv writ, of Fieri Funaa. lata J.X. out of the earns court, und to uie dirKtei win be oxponod to j-ublin ja'c at the winii IIm and plaoe the following doscribod nrop.rlr.rh: Also, a certain tract of land si;uuir. luion townihin, Clearfield couulr. bouided V' lands of John iJrubaker and by land, of Rubm A Kox, being partsof two larger tract., Xm.3H and 36U8, containing 7$ acre, moro or low, lis Ai acres of which is cleared, with a Ion houieiK of inoffensive citi.ens i.ro searched, " ith"-! -b,'t; h;; il is remembered that it is ut- rel.r,,,;v ,vclcomc ,0 g0 ,,,,,,, n,)U8 ' " "' - i-v ......... ... ....- '. us tot .erionrts' content. If the r r.nlrnn. om as the ptonertv of John Labordclr. ' 41. - . . . . .-,.!. 1 nivi, u cerinin iraci 01 lanu si ui ci r,:.,..i..,.i Tl.... 11,., ,.,.n,.,din r.f .i.w bravo! bravo!! When private properly i a," 10 lmui ""W-'t interpretations meeting bo published in the Klk county U used for public purposes without conilHni1 u,e.i,ninfc'"-." Wt-'H. "'is on is big en-1 Hy as ,)uc toes to water so that their Auvocaio anu oincr papers m tins itepre 1 llpMsalion heil tll0 1(lllses nluj m,cl- ui"'tPV1 ni.gm 00 cai.ea a vnopper pl.otniCs aro good for nothing. Thev are A. I. Wilcox, 1'resident. 15. F. Siillsman, j Secl.etai.io3. Iliiam W arner, j out anv rriisoniihlo cause when men. ll .1. .1 .1 Mil , , . I , charged wilh crimes, are denied a speedy I J,t"1" cnnige 1110 uurnctti t.cpuun. , thilik t,,py "t their money back" in ninl n,,.l linrn.,! in ..l.i.i. r,.. :, .v,.'can wi,l " pressions of bitter hostility w icl'm.' u I VH I r r Iitlf U a - ......... - . JA A ir. iscilconceillun: l.io. iu which their alleged offences "nr vernment we hope duy the 2:ld. I.erraria KJwnrd rulVerson. l'oll John McManus. tieorge I'linmore. Itogj Iinvid Flegalt Ilrady Imvid M. niin, Wm. I.. Horn. Jllooni (iuiner nlo.-in. linrnsiilo Goo. Atchcson. Co- ington nenj. Jury. ('host Simon Montgomery. Cnrwensville Win. 1 Chaaiber.. Ferguson (Jcorge Curry. (iirur.l Anderson Murrny. lliilirh 11. B. Foreman. Jordan l'etor Patterson. Knox Inane I 11 11 1 a p. Lawrence Jo.. Watson, Win. I'ullcrlon. Geo. W. C'nrter, Win, P. Bock. Mori is Jacob Fl'gal. l'ike Dnn'l. Jordan. Vooilw.:rd-S. 1', ShotT. this way, well and good. Hell township, Clearfield couutv. bounded uM low., to wit: beginning al a post oorner, thn souiii ov a-iu eait 70 perehe. to a pott Kmc. thence iiuth C3 west 70 perches to apoilMnw thence south St 510 west to a lioit corn. . 1 .1 , 1. iii ,1 . . . ..iu.nt iiuim ju u-iu can m ptrcafi w f stated that "AH articles intended for ft , ner and place of tioirinnlnc. cuntainlnc 34 urn premium under two dollars, shnll pay nn more or '"'"g part of a larger nrwjli i.iiniA ,.r r 1 11.. : oiiKtcTioN, In publishing the rules! und regulations of the County Fail, it was l!"nce ,uul1' 39 5" ' eritinnce fco of twenty five cents." This, we are requested to state, is not r .. . 1 1 ! . 1.. . ... 1 ...... .. ..,.,nn.il-,l.vl...n T-.-.w la l..,t,.,l !,,"' "U' "'HOCIUUC II1CIKHWIII I.IKC OltCIICC 'amobunderexocntivesanction; in short, ! 1,1 "' '"'''e rather of lies himself cannot jwhjn the Jearest- and most ac.ed . ights f 'V01Ut,el'n,ee ,0 Mod with more un- P., .,. -iti .1- j blushing ellrontery than tho crimeless 1 of the Citizen are invaded, to sav nothing . . ., . . . 6 , ., ... .1 r .- hypocrites that now contro the editorials of those palpable and aliirniing mfrnctions r ,...,. I ..... . . . 1 of tho Jjurnal. If the l.fimh'irai ever nt. -or the Constitution excused on the plea , , . ,, , 1 the intention n' thn Xo..loiv n i . ... i tered "expressionK of hostilitv ncainst the' ' 11 0 ft0t-'eiy. n o en ! , 1 , '; P I ,. govei nmel.t," why don't you show it ? irnr.co 109 will be cturged on such nrti- 1 subservient Senate refused to Hunetion " . rl.-s 1 1, .. . r I. 1 - r . . ins. amid all these invasions of lights as old : ' ' ' , . - We re publish the rnl.-s nnd P,,i,.,: iline eontniuingCO acren.niore orlesi.wlthiW 'and venerable as tho common , Inw itself : ImP,r' e have used such expressions! . , ru t. nnd regulations 4PMrM e,Mr,bd ,Dd two mM houIMI.W , ami teneiaoio as tlie common law itsell,, of the Son.- v this week nn nnr .. 1. l-.r. ,u.L u.t. .1 .j i 411 , , , , , , , , . .... . vuu are iiuunu 10 produce ineiil ; or else' ....,-... .v...... .,.,Vv.... .. .,...-.-.-- the ,oinii bravely defends und justifies i" ' . 1 pace, omittini: the obiectionabln .1.ni cutiou and to bo sold o tho prcteity ofWillm namo of E. L. Miller. Priced and taken it'" cution, and to be told as Ihe property of K. t Miller. Ali-o, defendant's interest in (t'M't tract of land situate In TSrady towndiir. ClruS'S county, bounded by lauds of Dubii. & Hinds or . oune. and the Jenenon eou! tr.e "reign ot terror; ' ai protest of freemen jealous endeavors to arouse public indignution by I'd n-ainst t)C! h" 'n,ir il'1,pe. "knowledge to your in-!1' of their riithts sullea tcrs that you were lying to TH.WKRSK JCKOIIS Deccaria Hr. O. W. Caldwell. Tho. Groom, noil Philip McUcc. nogg Edward Albert, M. I.. I.mnadue, Val entine (learhart Bradford A. II Lucaj- Ilrady John 1'. neck, T. F. Ilbliel, bhnffer, Thos Car.on. imrnsido l'etor Broth, Jamei Lamer, Jno, Hummel. Chest Oilbort Totor, W. W. Worrnll. Covington Chne. Schnarr., Geo. Yother.. Ch-aifiold A. I- Southards, llci-ntnr liuniel Ayon, Win. Hughe., Samuel McClarrcn. Fcrguon llnniel Kooier, Wm. Wise, T- B. Davis, Philip JfcCracken. Fox Judsun O. Bund. Grnhniii Thomas Forcee, M. V. French. (Iirard George a. Smith. Goshen Willinnv Graham, jr. Gulieh J. II, Morgan, uslnn Thos Ilewit, F. K. llewit. Jordan Jchn I). Miller, John Curry, Oln.gow. Kurthaus -Wm. Bridgens, Isnao C-.McClo.key Knox jonn lute. Lawrence Daniel Soult Morris Leonard Kylcr,jr, Penn Joseph Davis, Union Geo. Clcuer. n alc them liclieve a Ilnoibae.k WW. observe by a tdegrapbic dis- Bherir. office. Clcd.S patch lo (he northern papers, that John 1 1 r.t;isTi:iV'H !i(Vfitir...-x'(Itife,i(k- hy circn thai th folluwinff tccoaDtl W" I. . . . J Mfnllt mon Invnl mon 1' ninn.lniinn- l:m-.,.l,i.l i .. a 1 oe.il.ln n.in,.,.- ...! r iiii-tant. ..ml nipvoninrl n "nli;,i i "V'" nJinca ann pasted l-v me. a ......... ..j ... . - - ... Hvu-ita j i UiitdO 1 ."V" J'U III.' Ill - voiuiii.il a.v. vn jv j the miserable insinuation ti.al men, true Wm. F. Johnson, K$i. Of all the mis- .'-'ovodo arrived in Washington on the 6th instant, .ind prevented a "conflict betw Al t I I . .... .. .. lo uie reoeiai aim our .Mate nutiiorit-.c-. filed of record in this otfice for liio inipeeiios lii ir., legatee., creditor.. aud all otheri i W "tilorv lo tiod !" fovorln "n,." ,., I other way intereated, and will be prei;a ' I", e" -ii.vi o ji.n.iir, us, - ' fc.fi .he neIl Ornli.i.'. rVi.-l t f'l..l!..ld enUHU, treasonable, a deliberate attempt tD over- slanderous attack upon the above named n'an- 'l well for the peoplo of our, bo held nt tho Court House, in the borouc reter il,,.n. il.n i:vni-..mni i ' i n-nn i Ii.m ,.,.tl,u i;n.n. re St nto t h at ho hiii. ii i ntwi I I h ia i,n,,l1i'.,i ; I Cleiirtiold, commencinir on the -lib Mod I . DL'OL. IHllI. fur ennnrnmllnn anil nllnwaDO.. , the bud, as il might have became "irre-1 . ... ... . . .,:. . I men, cannot and must not question the r. dirty scrape, that of the Inst Journil acts of tho Administration! to do so i- apologize for, or rather to justify, its ... .... .. .... r.. i- t .. .. .. II...I....1 .. . : ... : I jo pun uie wool irom tlie eyes 01 uie irom ins iiosu connection with liio u"" as u imgut unro neeatne "irre-' T .,., nri.,n. -r , j wnii.a ff ilegal gentleman that does up the havy whole transaction, tho public will take it p' essible," cut for his timely interference. til, Administrator, of all and ingul' !V I Hll'l III.KA V Nlllliv.ri Wo Liirn !. And what an cflbrt it is ! And ft,Pi Jos. I5 McKnailv. of this countv. nnd A work for the Journal and tosnveliim from lr granted th.it thU in Mr. Snoopo'i own I 'again resolving nnd rojoioing thnt "this cOort. I i . . ,,n..-nk...K - ...... il Inti-imw in fnl-n I CI 1 t t 1 t. . . - - I. i rdntr. a uu ck. i n i bi, buu.i iux& iu ijvi iv unmo t tiittiicn UI ll III; he tunc, wer of Samuel Tato, lute of Lawrtnc TP- v. ivbi uviu VUUII VJt UUITIIFCH. J The fiuul aocount of Wm. Kenth. Esq-i J. llP.nif ff.1 Kllf rrtimW traCA nnm n. it. L' . ,.. ... , r...-mnt .NK!;n."WewillgiveanilluS.ration,which;Mr.,alUndStory-what .iplclo. lha . may acrvo 10 fuow nun uie unicrence oe- iu w luunu ir.ii.jng my uiscipies ; 1,1,, , ,,.. . , ,, cmniy, uccca.cn. Ucn.n AJninittrationwd&Gorcrnn.ent: A man is chargod distinctly and pom-' I 1 v 1 hM 'l TIABt?f ..,.ii . . ., . , . , ,, I,- , -,ii - rr , i "'"6- -v " iiiuin.mjr iusi. i uey were " ""u einBuiar mo (jooaa ouu v-iurtuu saiu, wuun on ins way vo iho.ydijt n mi uciiious unenco. ijomaKCs bolh formerly Democrats, and both per- ,v"llaln ua.lctt, late of ell towniuip, ,., v. .1.1, iiinniO nr Wm w.v urvivintf aanH" nt ll,. I'.l.l. .r Turrr. KdM IaU of Tik township. Clearfield eonnty r. deccaed. JAMES WRIOLET. August 12, 1861. RejiiW' white house, "that he intended to run tlio his defence, showing the extreme improb-' haps, possess me.-its which their Demo- ThVfinaf machine as ho found it." Now this, tho', ability of his guilt. 1 1 is accusers, not sat- 'cratie fellow citizens could not see ; or; traton l ! - l ... j ! 1 u... !.. i. 1 1 .ti. . , . . Rep in IT. fnilprl In nnnrniinlA : t.t. .f j ii very uoineiy expression, ana a very iiin ibhcu, uuv m nui iiirsuii. 01 uis diooci UO ,-.. ......... . . definilo definition of Government, is yet not, in accordance wilh the rules of law "TiVvRv 7lr,It,I..I7I lll.'VriTf tit IT tntt - . lMileU. R.ad, Andrew AddlomBnj8uioiontly illustrative of the distinction and of common sense, too.-proreed to 1 jt'STlCli' of the peace ' t, Robert Lawbead. i The Machine "Old Abe" ppoke of is the prove him guilty but demand that tho Rockton, Union tp., will attend VI)MINITKATOR'H XOTICli Letters vf Adtnini. (ration having been this day flnvernmont. nnd Iia rU.....W nt I n Mn. ' rml.li,. will hnlri him m.ili ,.,..... t. j. Promruy ' nu.ineii entru.tod to his eare. 1 - - j i uwi Sept., 12 1S60. l.T chine is the Administration ; so that men not prwe himself "beyond tU puttibilily of a . ' ' may difier greatly as to the best way of doubt lo be innocent." j J. D. THOMPSON, running it, and yot find no fault with the, This is tho sum and mbstanco of the l,arksm,tIlwKn.BugBies, Ae., Ac., Ironed ,, , . i.i. , , : f. . ... -1.9 on .hort nctice, and the very beat style, at hi. Machmo. In other words, men may buve Journal s attempt to escano from this d rtv ll in t:.. hornu,h of nUr.n..iii: ' " the ealous, intrepid and untiring action j NICHOLAS DONKY, late of UNION town- great interest in tho Government and its effort to blacken an innocent man's char. ' ' .29. U60. SaK tt yet have neither confi-lacter. Tiat boat, t ie Steamtuu Fanne. fi-nm Fn. . laeoiea 10 iuimu itro requo.iea 10 niaae im- " .... nlt;.. f. Tl : Monroe to llatteras lulet, in order ,hBti"dUt.p.yinenWM-thos.h. respect Tor, the Administra- 1 0 .ay no mora about it 7VrW A T.,lh, mouth of Llck Rnn' T "" Wr W. HAYS, Justice of the Peaoe, will, th, expedition might hae the aid of i l EL .aBEftt'Wi?'b,liw' " U fr thi Very WMOn lhaMak7tbis adv tShS.d! A.S5r "v"' etesmor of the lightest draft. ' A" , ,j. iW t Pd Adm'u. 'men, while heartily supportiiw a Govern- 'cers may not eJc.r so easilv. , j'I7Sm. 1 mWr' , '"n1" VLVo- AMrt" Ktt"y' E KLLIS IRWIN it SONS, DR. J. W. POTTEE Physician and Purgeon, bat pirowMW located at Lecontes Mills, Girard WWB,u,ij, fer. hi. profe..ional sorvioei to the lurro""1 community. Mays.15"" DANIEL GOODLANDEE, Juni itu oi ino peac. Lnthersbnrg, Clearfield C- rjj will attend promptly to all bn.ineM Dtrtw lo hie care. March 2, I860. 7- P, illHW pall" XT'