Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 11, 1861, Image 1

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    D. W. MOORE. lEdlt.
O B. OOQiiautua., J
TERMS $1 25 per Annum, if paid in udv auce
The Charge of Macdonald at Wagram.
In the buttle of W agrani, Napoleon
nt Mnr.hul Davoust with fifty thousand
nentonmke n circuit ami attack '.lie
jiustrintis on the farther side of Neusindel.
A,!0on as uavou-i nppu.ucu on mo pm- charge nt Waterloo, r.nd tlmi was not LAIXU&JS (Ji THE FORTS AMD J3AT
,e,uof V .wain and opened hi artillery equal, because it failed, I TERIES IN HATTERAS INLET
oothee-xpoted ranks of llio enemy, Na-, Un riding over the- victorious field.Bnn- j
noleon ordered .Marshal Macdonaid, wiih .tuito came where Macdonald stood OFFICIAL REPORTS OF (1EN BUTLl'R
battalion", to march straight on I he amid hi troop.. As hi eye fell on the! AND COMMODORE sTKLNUHAM.
Midflv S centre, uu.i a. mis
cLar-5 lorUH'd the ctisis or the baltlc, ftiul ,
no sooner did HiO Aicb-Juk8 SCO the (
movements of this, terrible column of (
oinlit battalions, composed ot sixteen
thousand men, upon his centre, than ho
in w that 'lie Hour 01 i.urape oesiiny . iy
i .r 1.:. .x.i.r. ni'mv lia.l nri'll'.Vl
.ml ll' HIS , , ......
,mm nte V uouoieu ina lines ai mo
" - . ... . . . I- . .1
ihaatened point, and brought up the ie
ier cavalry, while two hundred cannon
nhere wheded around the spot on which
well destinies hung, and opened a steady
lire on the approHcimif; cumnm. inuc
doiwld iiniuedialely ordered a hundred
cannon to answer the Austrian batteries,
tint swept every inch of ground like a
itarin of sleet. 'Iho cannon icrs mounted
ibeir horses, ami started on a lapnj Hot
tiili their hundred pieces, mid approneh
td to within half a cannon shot, and then
nencJ on the enemy n ranks. 1 lie eoi-
limn marched up 10 mis oauei j , mm v .in
liianit its lion j, belching fori h lire like
,on. Inge monster, steadily advanced.
The Austrian! fell lack and closed on
nch other, knowing that the final strug
gle hail come. At this crisis ol the bai
lie nothing could exceed the sublimity
, -r .1 ti. ...i.i ;..
tllll lOITOI Ul 111,' nc-IH'. I lls n n-
ifiost of the armies w as concentrated here
where the incessant and rapid roll ol can
non mid how desperate was the conflict.
M.tcdomdd slowly advanced, though
Jiii numbers were diminishing, and the
titrre battery at hit bend was gradually
ln'cmiing silent. Enveloped in the hie
of his antagonist tho gum had one by one
Ik-oii dismounted, and at the distance ol
a mile- uiid a half from the spot whe.o he
liarted on Lis awful mission, Macdonal I
Wnd liiriisclf without a protecting bat
Ifrr. ni,l the ccntro ttill unLiolivn. -
Jlsirhiiig over the wr ck ol Uu guns, and
lulling llio mined neau oi ms column m i
lotlic devouring cross life of the .Austrian .
rrnllery, bo continued to advance. Th i
anuige t'.ien became terrible. At every
ili.diaiL'0. l he head of that column dis-
jip:irrd s if sank into the earth, while
in out or rank, on either side mellfd
.iv like snow on the river's L rink. No
(eiKKin de-mibc the intense anxiety with
Biiicll Napoleon wutci'.ed its p'ore-s. On
jistfucha charge rested his empire at
Waterloo, and in iu failure his doom was
irtiud. Eutallthtt lion in Macdonald's
niiuiewas moused, and he had lully rc
wlved to executed the dread task given
him or fall on the lield. Still ho towered
unhurt amid his lulling guard, and w it h
biicyos lixml steadil.i on the enemy's
wnlie, moved sternly on. At the close
nJ fierce discharges of theso cross bat lor
ies on its mangled head, that column
nnind some inn's stop and stagger back,
lika u strong ship when smitten by n
wnvit. The next moment tho diUiin
uould beat tlieir hurried charge, tl.o calm
toly voice of Macdonald ring back thro'
Ins exhausted ranks, nerving ihem to the
despciato valor that filled bis own spirit.
Never before was such ncliaivo made, and
it m mod t every moment that the torn
mangled mass must break and 11 v
Tliu Austrian cannon, gradually wheel
ing atnund till limy are stretched away in
nrn1io! linos like two walls of fire on e.icli
Nile of this band of heroes, and hurl an
Inwwant tempest of had against their
'Osoms. but the stem warriors clo e
io and lid un tho frightful gaps
uiaJeat eveiy discharge, and Mill press ,
mnvartl. iMacdonald liu-i cotniaumcitica I
liiimvn K'ttie.i purpose lo conquer n: Uie, j
to his devoted followers. There, is tio ex
citement no onlhusias.m sjUcL as Murat
wautontto iiifuc into Lis men when
touring on thsfoo Irs terrible cavalry.
Xo cries of ''Vivo 1' Empereur' are hoard
. i, ' . . . 1 T- i I
"'"able, resolution that nothmg butj
"n'lnlaboacin.l.ake. f he eyes of tbo
my ana the world aw on uiem,
Ihoycarry's fate as they go.
But human strength has its limits, and
nuian effort the spot where it ceases for
mer, No man could have carried that
wlumn to where it stands but the iron
Jwtcd lender at its head. Rut now ho
, .. . .......
win and casts his eyes over Ins nine sui ,
'iving band that stands nil alone in the ,
stofthoenemy. Ho looks back on .
"pain, ana as tar asttieeyo can ice,,.
""Jkeas tho course of bis heroes by tho
Hack iwalh nf il,. ml men that stretches
'I'ke huge serpent over the plain. Out
dibs .;.(,,,, i ilmumvul tn with whom ho
Uriel luU7',(rn hundred are left, beside
'"il. 7Vn lut of nrr eleven hacr. fdh n, and
"Watleiigth'tho tired hero pauses, mid
urt'py- with a stern and anxious eyo his
f' remaining follovrcrs. The. heart of
Jpohion stops beating at tho sight, us
H lie tuny, for h'm throne is whero Mao
jonald tands. He bears tho Empire on
" "ingle b.ave heart ho i? Empire.
'Mil he turn r.t last and sound tho re
Tine fate of nations waver to and
'ro, for like a shook in the distance, Mac
ooald is seen still lo pause, w hile the
Wnon are piling tho dead in hops
Jond hiru. "Wdl ht turn and fly?'' is
jtaioerol and agonizing question Napo-
puts to himself. No! he is worthy
fHie mighty trust committed. The
ipor stands or falls with him, but
"U stand while ha stands.
ins swav to wheiH his Emperor
, c -
n sfw, ilm .Ini-lr niiutoii nf the Old
. . -"7 -,- : . , ineienin i emu) !-. -r. .
J" in motion, and shining helmeU of ,l(.le ilg po8ttliastor, is tu j ul, charged
.TbravtcuiraiNsiers sweeping to his re- v-lth 0.,eninij letters and abstracting
!er- "Forward," breaks from bis iron nl0ney belongin g to members of tho rtg-'P-
The roll of drums and the pealing jmcnt and other jiorsons.
irumpets auswers tho volley that smites , . cilije of jIor.
,01 exhausted column, and tho noxt mo I
Otitis scon piercing thc Austrian con- ccr county.
tie. The Jay is won the Empire is saved I
ami me whole Austrian artay is in lull
Such wa the buttle of Wngram, and'
such charge of Macdonald.' 1 know !
of nothing equal to it, except Key's1
ealm ami collected lino, lie stopped, and,
holding out his hand, said : "Shake hands,
Macdonald no moie hatred between us
we must lieiiccforth ba friend, and. as
a pledge: of sincerity, 1 will send your
mm .dial's slat!', which you have so glomus-
earned." 1 ho tranknoss and kindnt ss
ot napoleon ellceteil what all Ins neglect.
and co.unets lnul tailed to do sutibuea mn.
Orasping his Land and with a voico filled
with emotion, which the wildest, uproar
of battle could never agitate, he replied.
"Ah, sire, with us it is henceforth for life
and death '." Noble man ! kindness could
ovt icoine him in a moment. It is no
wonder that llon.ipai te felt, at last, that
ho had not known Macdoiialds true
TKii Seven Ykahs
AnsKxcK Horn ;
Wot NUKD. A correspondent of the l.'ich
inon I Dispatch, w riting from "Camp, near
Maunssa, duly '-'7," lelales the lollowing
hllecling incident, of tbu meeting of two
brothers after a feparatirn of seven years :
"I, together with several other gentle
men from Montgomery, a day or two ago,
witnessed on i ol llio most sin
ular, at Un
same time, most affecting incidents, which
will prolniiilv c ecu r (luring tins most, un-
holy and unnatural war, it it should last
. .. . ..
for twenty yeais.
Wtt .,-n.n k, fix inrl i it '
over tho battle field, examining the
.,, . ,,
ground upon which we had such a bloody
conflict, and won such a glorious victory
two days bofoi e. U o came unexpectedly
into the Ccntrevillo road, and seeing a
house on the left a it h the usual signs I e
lokening an hospital, one of tlio parly be
ing a physician expressed a ish to go
down und see the wounded. Upon in
iii:ry we learned that the stable belo'.v
.contained thirteen wounded Yankees; we
iDi thwilli proceeded to the staiilo contain
Ujt thorn, mid on entering we found a
Washington Artillerv man nted by the
.Hj,ie 0f a wounded soldier, evidently ad-
ministei mir to lnm great enro nnu niton-
lion. 1 in trod need nivself to bim, and
asked if he aided in working the battery
which ought wiih Iho First Virginia bri
gade, lie told me he did not ho had
fought in a battery lower down, and ;hon
remaiked "that it ans very hard to light
as he had fought, and turn an 1 lind his
own I rotlier against him," at the same
time pointing to the wound;d soldier, from
w hose side he had just risen.
"1 asked if it was possible that was his
brother? "Yes sir, he is my brother ll 'iiiy
The s.'irr.o mother bore us, theniinc moth
er nursed us. We meet lor the first time
for seven years. 1 belong lo the Washing
ton Artillery from New Oilcans -lietoll.e
Eust Minnesota infantry. Rv the merest
chonce 1 learned he was hero, wounded,
and I sought him out '.o nurse and attend
him.' Thus they met one from the far
North. Iho other from Iho extreme South
oi. a bloody field in Virginia, in a mis
erable stable, far away from their mother,
home and friends; both wounded the
infantry man by a musket ball in the
right shoulder, the artillery mm by the
w heel of a caisson over his left hand.
Thus i hey met after an absence of seven
years. Tlieir names are Frederick Hub
bard, Washington Artilleiv, and Henry
Hubbard, First Minnesota Infantry. We
met a surgeon of one of the Alabama regi-
mems mil minted the case to him. and
r,1(-.urt,(0,i f,. . sake of the artilleryman.
;-nnt jlis ,roilior niiirht l.c .ai l for. He
jmmP,iuitely examined ami dressed his
wound., and sent oll'ii haste for nn am
hulanei, to take the wounded Yankee' to
Ilia o v ii rej'. mental hospital."
AxoTiina Ciianof.. List fill the cry of
tho Republican was, "ive must have a
kM ox.
; ft 0,liIU.0(n ,.
,,.., .:,.:, lo lP ijiiicaso riatform.
Now they call for another rhango. Hut
it is not a change of principles. They de
sire a change of name, for the purpose of
perpetuating thir name and hilling Iho
iiat. I et every tuiiiiot a: d hnnel man
i ..t
'n in mi il l i iilii.
; . n( , ,in t.
OUl noi ll nn H' uiiiiMgu
, ' . fi ollll
.Vl w,fcoM d.wtrino. of the
,..,:,.,.,,., .m,,!,.,-which our marts
I li'iniiri at ic
nf Hade will ngai:: teem with tho living
1 . t .1
tide of frceui"ti in the pencofiil pursuits of
prosperit y and wealth. Let it be a change
that wdl srh.ike the mini. ig regions again
with the sto.dv jar of the forges' blast,
One that will give tho starving miner's
bread to eat, and that will secure the free,
doui of speech and the toleration of rclig
ions opinions. Let il bo l change that
' will rescue the Government nnd bring un
from tho sorrowing heartsof freemen such
a shout of joy as will make the heavens to
echo nnd a Christian world lo give thanks
ami rejoice. T n gucli a change t he Demo
cratic party invite you. Do not, then,
! forget your duty touou, n nunnimij
your country, but whatever may have
been your political connection in the past,
join now with the Democracy, the lime
tried party of the Constitution and the L
nion the steadfast advocate of tho rights
of freemen, And the true defender of lib.
I crty, justice and equality. Wury Vem.
i ..i... ti, t flrann. chaolftin of
BflTIlUT, uwii" ' . .
., ... .i T....1.,nia rouinicnt W llO
40 Officers and 715 Non Com missioned
Officers and Privates Taken
1000 STAND OF Ali.MS, 24 N
TA lv EN, kv., &c, Ai-.,
Tie Naval expedition which left For-
llcls M""roo on Monday, 20ih ultimo, on
secret fervice, under commaiui oi .uajor-
ieneral Duller and Cortimodore String
ham, has achieved a fplendid succ ss.
The rebel fortifications at llatteins lutet,
which were of vast importance in a mili..
tary point of view, have fallen beneath an
attack of our intrepid navy, and the oc
' i .(iimiilu nl' I ii I'.irlj iiliinn , ivlirvil llif.t'P
. .. , .. ,e ..... ,
were several uisuiiguisiiuu imicers, iihtk
, . , : Tl.., ..! .., . ...I..,
II.I.II Ikl'M M IT... 111,. I.MII-l-. 1. II 1 1
, , , , J ,
",erC ccmnnndwl bv Coninio, ore Samuel
IMIl"!!, IrtlW Ul IIIC VIUH-4 I'llliCl .!,
fought with much spirit, bat our
lought with much spirit, bat our navy
carried too many guns for them, and they
were obliged to surrender unconditional
ly. Fortv six rebel ollteers, seven hun
dred and fifteen non commissioned olli-
ccrs and privates, one thousand stand of
arms, thirty five cannon, a large amount
of ammunition and stores, and several
small vessels, laden wiih coiton and to j
bacco, a cre captured through the bravery
of our men, Oa.1 special correspondent,
who has arrived from the scene of the
contest, which he left Eiiday afternoon,
with (ion. Huller and stall', in the steamer
Adelaide, under command of Commander
II. S. Stellwngen, U. S. N., touching for a
short time at Fortress Monroe, tlic ico to
Annapolis and Washington, gives '.ho
following account of the brilliant slbiir:
The expedition, consisting of tho frig
ates Minnesota, Commodore Stringhnm ;
Wabash, Captain Mercer; the gunboats,
I'a w nee, Captain Rowan ; Monlieello,
Commander '.lillis; and the Hal riot I.uho,
Captain Eauncc; with tho transports, Ad
elaide and George l'eabody, conveying
troops lo the number of about a thousand,
left Foi ires Monroe hut Monday, and
reached the rendezvous olf Hatlcras In
let, fifteen miles below Cane Hatlcras, on
Tuesday morning, the Minnesota coining
in in the afternoon, and Iho Cumberland
and Wabash joii i;d the fleet tho same
Preparations were immediately madelo
land tho troops Ilia lollowing morning, at
which timo the transports ran near the
beach, two miles north of the inlet, ami,
covered by the Montiecllo, Harriet Lane
and Tawnee, about thrco hundred men
were landed thro' a heavv surf, tho force
,, . , , i
consisting o Earned company ol
regular art. llery s company
Ninth New )ork. two companies ol the
'Iwcnliclh Now u:k, with Colonel We-
bor and Lieut. Col. JIt-iss; n (lelachiiient
of marines from the frigates, under com
mand of Majors Doughty and .Shuttle
worth, and a detachment ol sailors from
the I'awnc-e, under Liouts. Crosby and
lllue, with Drs. King and Jones.
Tn 3 gunboats swept tho beach and
neighboring copse of scrub oaks. All too
boats being swamped and bilged in the
" . . . i , i . i ...a. ......
in I, no more men eoum ue uno ,i h.,.mu
Meanwhile, the .Minnesota and aoasn-
the latter with Iho Cumberland in tow-
steamed up to the. front o one of the reb,
i i batteries and took their position at
ing range,
At ten o'clock the Wabash fired the
nisi gun, me .ii. - ....o
near the battery and bursting with tre -
mondous force. I ho battery which was
ot sand, covereu wiiu iu. in, m imoi..,....,
five long thirty two's, instantly reiurned
the fire, the' shot falling short. The
Minnes-ota and Cumberland immediately
opened fire and rained nine nnd eleven
inch shells in'.o and about. The firo was
terrific, and soon the batteries rosponses
were few and far between, save when the
frigates suspended fire for a wliilo lo get a
new position, n ueii mo rin iuj .
most spirited. ... ..
No damage was sustained by our ships,'
ar.d when t'hov again took their position,
the cannonading was intensely noi, my
shel's dropping on the enemy s ramparts
or falling in their works, exploding in
death dealing fragnienis, and carry ing
death and destruction with them. 1 he
small wooden structures about the tort
were lorn anu priii" "" .
shells ; nut the enemy um
Urn with nnv reeularitv. At eleven o'
clock the immense flag staff was shot a
way and tho rebel flag camo down, but
Kro iv n slill rnnti lined bv them. At
twelve o'clock tho Susquehanna steamed
"''" - 1
in, and dropping her boats astern, opened
an effective fire. The cannonading on
our part was incessant, and the air was
alive from tho hum and explosion of fly
ing shells ; from the explosion of shells
that dropped in at tho rate of about a
hall dozen a miuuie. .
ihrwnlntheCmmodaro signalized to
"ihe Si had meanwhile advanced to
wiSnStdisUnco-of the fort, and
Lefore w easd fir ing some of our men
got in and raised the stars nn I stripes.
the place was too hot for tho men, but
the flag was left waving. Coxswain l!en.
Sweares, ot the Pawnee's first cutler, stood
for i;me time on tho ramparts waving the ! shall hear from her in a day or two again. 1 Wiogel, with the following written coni
HrtB amidst a flight of shells. I (ion. Butler and aid cuno by special t munication from Samuel Harrow, late cap-
When the firing ceased the fjrt was train to tho city to-night, and iinmeji- tain in the I'niteJ Stales Navy :
occupied in force and held alterwards. ately called on the Secretaries of Navy MEMORANDUM.
Tho Montiecllo bud proceeded n- and War. l'Kig Dlli. rr Samuel Harron, Confederalo
lieal of the land force to protect them, 'states N.,vV oilers to surrender Fort Jlat-
and hnd readied the Inlet when a iare fUTiri-.l l?orrt r,f Con Hull,. p. 'tir.iM will, ii ! I nrin. inul niiinil ions ot war
fort of an ootigon shape, to the mar and
right cf a small battery, mounting ten
thirty two's 'bind four eight inch guns,
which 1 ad liliuhcn been silent, opened
on her with eight guns at short range.
At. 1 bo Pimm i mk( nn I sin, pnt. flrrfiund. nml
stuck fast, the enemy pouring in a lire, I ''tide mid George JVabody live hundred of
hot and heavy, which tho Montiecllo ro j H'C Twentieth regiment New ork ol
plied to with shell sharply. For fifty untcers. Col. Weber commanding ; Cap
minutes she held her own, and finally get- !' -birdine's company, Nmih regiment
ting oft' the ground she came out, having Nl'w Yo, k Volunteers with one hundred
been shot through and through uv seven '. ol llic U,1'on Co!,st. Cuard, Capt Nixon
,.;.,i.t ,,w.i, m miinn belnw i lirt ' commanding, ami sixty of the Second U-
water line. She lired fil'tylive shell in lif- '
ty minutes, and partially silenced tiio
battery. She withdrew at dusk lor ic
pairs, with one or two men slightly bruis
ed, but none killed or wounded.
The escape of the vessel crew was mi
rnculous. Until this time we suppo-ed
the day was ours; but the unexpected
. .. .. . , i .
01101111111 o: the large uuery rauier cum
god the aspect of affairs.
Tliiivs did not
look cheerful at dark. We had men
ashore v ho wore probably in peed of pro
visions, and in case of a night attack no
assistance could be sent them froiu the
Harriot Lane.
As we lay close in shore we saw tho
bright bivouac lires on the beach, with
group? of men about them. Tho night
piused without an alarm, ihu enemy, as
wo have since learned, laying on their
arms nil night, expecting an attack.
llic '
At early daybreak on I iiursuay
,..,. ,! i,w,. lr.r, i the Heel, and at I
aqunrlcrpnst eight. Iho vcsols iiuving ' made by Lioatenai.t ..osbv.l ..-eddies
bon.e dow'n ncarer than the previous day's W, "jm..,: w. h he army as post cap
posi.ion, the action began, tho Susuo-i Monro v. l o had n;
.ii i. i .. .. .1.. ii leered to come down with iho steamtug
II a I na oi'eii ii ill i lie o. i v p 01 ,v u u m, 1 1
.. 1 r ? , i i-i , ;
(i-n,,, 'inn nf I in nlrtVPll-ineh enos. I 10
Minnesota and Wabi h joined in linme-
, . , . ., . , .... ,v ,.ii i
diaitiv, ..mi again UIO l.lllll oi mien mm
their "ex plos'ou were heard. They lircd ,
nearly half an hour betore the battery I
1 ,., .. , .. i i...: ,.,.. '
responueu, w lien ii ausneiou ihimvii.--;
I . ' ... J . .
Our fire was more correct
man on ino
ptevious day. 'I'lntranc had
tained. and nearly every shot
been ob-
wont into
the battery, throwing up clouds of sand
and exploding with terrific eUoct.
At iweniv-five minutes past ten the
Harriot Lnnevmohed fire, and soon alter
fjlliliiiia iiii nil-
,. , I r. .i.,.oi'. ,.l
joined in the attack. Tho Harriet 1 hup,,
with her rilled guns, did Sool execution. ,
, . i- ,..i. i I
,w.......-.-..-.. - o I
.I...H ,.;. i,,t.b bm.,.,v. nml. and one
" o n
going iliroctly through the ramparts
The lire was so hot that all tho
th it could do so got into a bomb -proof in
the middle ot the ba'.tery
I F'i: ally, at live minutes past eleven A.
i M., nn 1 1 inch shell having pieieed the
' bomb-proof through a ventilator and cx-
plodad mside near the magizine, ine en
ed over the
emy gavo ur tho tigni aim rau
ranip irts a white Hag. I
I Wo immediately ceased fire. (ion.
I Butler went into the Inlet and landed at
'the fort and demanded an biconditional
surrender. '
Commodore Barron, Assistant Secretary
wi tin; i uiiiuiviiiii fin i
g ,)f, nowel, (0 n,
nrm uni, lhp men bp
icirhluw ,fter ,,,..,
.... .()1((
of the Itoi.fedorate Navy, asked that the
march out with side
i milted to return
iidering their arms.
ri.eso terms were pronounced ina Imissa-
1.1.. 1.,. I .,.... I Unrli.l find tmiiltv the,
nil: i'l ,.ii, .,. ......v., ...... ,.
r ..I., I
JO. CO nil5PUlini'li:uu ...... ..uv v.
Ai tides of capitulation were signed on
the flagship by Commodore Strinbam
nndlieneial liuilei on the part of tho U
nit el States, nnd by Commodore B.u rcn,
Colonel iVarlin and Major Andrews on
the rclcl side, and the laUeiV swoids de
livered up.
By the surrender we came in possession
o( Um.M)li sl.u;d thirly-livo
u , autlnw,nm for the same,
- . llIlllu,a hospital ami other
store-. Ino sd.ooners ono loaded with
i lobacco and tho other wi h
cn(; , ij; ,m,e(l (,(, citon,
provisions ;
two light
bouts, two suit boats, Ac.
1 T,io pn0l loss ,1(y niolv ,0 i,e. eight
,killejRnil (Unly flv0 .0umied. Eleven
. .. , , ,. , ll)MIlltl,i n(
We took forly-hvo oflicers prisoners,
tunny of high rark.
The prisoners are on board Iho Minne
fo.n, and will bo earned to Neyl York,
where you may expect them in a few
ill, vs.
Our victoi'V was a complete ai:d brill-
inl ono. We lost not a 1 1 to. nor
I more than one. if any. wounded.
hi en retain possession of both forts.
1 forgo: to mention tnai
I.ient. W. H.
, , , , , .. iTnitcd States Na-
' , ,n(1 n.n (ihol ot( ,,ul C!iCni,B(jtWiili
, jn MeftIll(.l8 ,lllt waitcd in ihe
j.,, out of range or our cannon, mild
rts surrendered, when they escaped,
,,rivateer schooners, down the
sound. Liut. lurdaugu was lornieriy
,.(Vio,.r nftlin United Stales Navy. II
is a and citizen of and receive his
appointment from the State of Virginia,
He entered the service on the 5th of Sep.
t ember, 1 841, and received his eonimis.
I tSlOll till I'lv i.-,,vfvM - -
( (hu be eepu ,hat ie lm had ncary
. experience. lie wan attached
"0 vears experience.
to the frigate Sabine previous to joining
the rebels.
I regret to add that the Harriet Lane,
. Thursday, while atleinptina to enter
V ' ,i, .nt .bore, nnd though cuns.
bcu goUd, whJeft. ho , soin,
I strong hope, were entertained of getting
, l?"9""" ,D' "
m the breakei s.
Your correspondent was on board at Funny, but she proved to t2 out of range,
the time she got ashore. Fortunately no , I then sent JuiUn.wH Crosby on shore to
lives were lost, though several boats going 'demand the meaning of iho while Hag.
to her assistance, were sivamiied. We; Tho boat, soon returned, bringinj: Mr.
United States Sine
Minnesota, )
August 31,
(Ieneuai.. Agreeable to vour orders, 1
cmbaikad on iho transport steamers Ade-
f'10'1 Sllltcs tilleiy, Lieut. Earned com
! inimding, as a lorce to opperalo in con.
junction with llio fleet under command ol
Flag of Olllcer Strngham, against the reb
cl Imts at llutteas Inlet,
We lef t I'm tress Monroe on Monday at
one o clock V. M., tho last ship u our
licet arriving oil' llatteras. Inlet about four
o clock on I uesday aUeruoon. Such prep
aval ions as were possible lor tho landing
wro made in the evening; and at day
light next morning dispositions were
made for an attack upon tho forts by a
fleet and for the. landing of the troops.
Owing to the previous prevail nee of south
west gales a heavy surf was breaking on
the beach. Eveiy dibi t as made Inland
the troops, and alter about old men were
landed, including lil'iv lie marines from
the (loot, and tho legubus, I, ,t h the iron I'
boats Upon which v
bwampeci in ll.e surf and b itli
WtMe slOVO. ami a oia.o Huonqo,
, , , ,
1 aiinv, be ii'L-ing to ho iii inv, to land
' .(? b
abnit iiool . 'C war steamer 1 awnoe,
V , , urt .,,,'
sullei. in l.o.udi ... " Co b.ut, so that
she - .
M ""l - ,l ! , ,
H "iq., a. t .cable to )an mere
trootin because ol the rising wind and sea.
. , , . ... , ,,
..t,.,iii.nti.1v it nvovn liniind rilled ooal
j .. . .. ,
ul1 nianeu us uy uio nag rnq, mm a
'twelve pound howitzer were landed, the
lasl biighliy uamageu. uur laniung was
completely covered by the shells ol the
1 Montiecllo and the Harriet Lane. I was on
, i ,, 'i . . .1 A r
"" 11 " 1 ,M"V , " ,"UU,B
eillljai KUIIIill oi UIO troops ny means
snma.s. ,.u ' B
l "' fbe boa s wore stove
V, c were induced to desist any Inrllicr
i . . i ... . i .... l i I : t . 'i....
ntiempts at landing troops by
the rising
of the wind, and because in the mean-
;..... ll... II . ... t I....1 ni.f.nnil Tirj. iiirin tln
" ', i .." ,, ' '. j
ll, iiii;cb i'jiv, n ink... ..i.i.iij .............
and its flag struck. No firing had been
opened upon our troops from the other
fort, and its Hag was also Struck. Sup
posing litis to bo a signal of turrendor,
Coloiul Weber advanced his troops Hi
! jy I;',1"10:1 ")"' ,.
llio nan .ei. i. ane i.apuiiu i iiume, iv
my direction, tried lo cross the bar lo get
in i lie smooth water of the. inlet, when
nra was opened upon ino jugihicoi
lo, which had proceeded in advance of us,
from Iho other foil. Several shots stiuck
her, but without causing any carnalities
as I a:n informed. So well convinced
were the oilieers of both navy and army
that the forts had surrendered ut thU
ti ne i hat the Susq aebaiiiia bad lowed the
frigate (.'umbo; land to an oiling. Tho
(hen reopened, as them was no
signal from either, upon both forts. In
the meantime a few meii from the Coast
(iuard had advanced up the beach, i. ilh
Mr. Wiegel, who was acting as volunteer
aid, and who.-e gallantry and services I
wish to commend, and look po ession of
Ihe smaller foil, which was found to have
been abandoned by the enemy, and rais
ed the American Hag thrieon.
It bad bv come necessary, owing to the,
tlociili'iiin aniioarance of tho weather,
that all the ships should uinko an oiliing, 1
which was done wiih i c'.uetailcc, from
necessity thus leaving the troops upon ' i ,( ,., Pll board the Adelaide, nnd
shorn, a pal t in possession of ihe small limr,,IK,,i lv mvn troops into tho fort . 0
fori about seven hundred yards from Uie 'j,! 0ur flag upon it, mid tho cheers
large one, and the rest bivouacked upoit.0,ir, nu, lltui a salute of thirteen gun.
the beach near tho place ot lamuiig.anoui
two miles north of iho fori.
Early the next morning the Haiiiot
Lane ran in shoie for Iho purpose of coy-,
eriuguiiy attack upon Ihe drops. At
the same time a largo steamer whs obser
ved coining dow u the sound, inside tho
land, with reinforcements for the enemy ;
but she. was prevented from landing by
i i-a pi am onnsoii, oi uiu ,.o m wum u, (
- , -.,..-......: 1
had n nced tlie two guns ironi ino snip
and a six pounder captured Horn the
emy in a small sano oauery, mm o(., iieu lj )M ,.,.,,,),.,. ronmdcral cm by (ho
lire upon Ihe lebel steamer. ' onc niv, bad grounded upon tho bar ; but
At eight o'clock the licet op ned hro)))r n,,tiv(. , j,,diciMis exertions of
again, tho flagship being anchoied as near roinm0 j,,,.,, stdlwageii, after somo delay
as tho water allowed, ami tho other ships , ,, ii.n :,mo time the Harriet
coming gallantly into action. D wasevi--
dent, alter a few experiments, that our
shots feli short. An increased b-ni'.li of
fuso was telegraphed, and lireing commen
ced with shell of firieen seconds' fuse. I
had sent Mr. F'iske, noting aid-do camp,
on shore, for the purpose of gaining intel
ligence of the movements of the troops of
the enemy. 1 then wenl with the Fanny
for the purposo of effecting a landing of
the lemainder of the troops, when a white
flag was run up from Ihe fort.
I then went with tho Fanny over tho
bar into the inlet. At the same time Ihe
troops under Colonel Weber marched up
tho beach, a signal was ma fie from the
flagship to ccaso firing.
As the Fanny lonnded in over the bar.
e rebel steamer Winslo.v went up tho
-i i i . ! ... nr ml.ut
troop on board, which she had not land
ed. We threw a shot at her from the
' llio odiceis allowed to gi out with
llio oilieei s allowed to gl out with fcldo
arms and the men without arms to retire.
, Commanding Naval Defence Virginia and
' North Carolina.
' ',) ,;','. A mi. t WA.
Also a verba! communication that ho
had in the fort six hundred and fifteen
men, and a thousand mora within an
j hour's call, but that he was anxious to
sparo the effusion of blood.
To loth tho wri'.tenand verbal commu
nications, I made iho reply which follows
and jent it by Lieut. Crosby:
I'.eiiiamin F. liuthtr, Major General
United States A' iny commanding, in re-
plv to the communication of Samuel Uar-
rou commanding iorccs ai, run umicim,
cHiuut admit llio terms proposed. Tho
terms otlnred are these:
F'ull capitulation.
The oilieers and men to ba treated as
prisoners ol war.
No other terms admissible.
Commanding officers to meet on board
llagshqi Minnesota lo arrungo details.
Aug.JT, ISO I.
After wailing three-qiinrtcri of an hour.
Lieutenant Crosby returned, bringing with
him Capt. Rirron, M.jor Androws and
,' I- . L- ... II-..
! :l, l i II of l be rebel forces, who. on
being received aboard the tug Fanuy, in
formed me that they had accepted tho
terms proposed is my memorandum, and
had come to surrender themselves mid
their command as prisoner of war.
I informed them that as the expedition
was a combined ono from tho army and
navy, tho surrender must be mado on
bo.-id the flagship to Flag Officer String
ham, as well as to myself. We went on
board the Minnesota for that purpose. On
arriving there tho blowing articles ot
capitulation wero signed, which 1 hopo
will meet your approval ;
United States Flagship MiN.NEsoT""',!n,l"
Oil Hatlcras Inlet, Aug. '-'J.
,t town-
ft. is stipulated and agreed be IH-REI1T"
contracting parties that tho for1 f
command of the said Darron, V
Andrews, ami an muniuous ujnv ncorporil.
men tnd property under tho x,Bi,i etr.cer or
said I'arron, Martin and And.firutrent, whui'
conditionally surrendered to si'limjP',i
ment of the United States, Pt'V'
i,.,.,,. ........ , -
greed by thn two contract
the part ot t lie I lined oi.
that the oHiccrs and nicnl
Irrntmenl duo to prisonc
In witness whereof, w
modoro Slringham :
behall of the United
and the said Barron
representing tho '
ninth a i)
deed ami iho
ix.y one, ...
lirhty fifth 't
S. U. SI V ..
X Officer Alto01''1 Week ait..
General Ut' tod Statei Ar
Major T f:c,tn!ini'Ling.
in. S. BARHiiN,
Icr" ConVed'.'rat'V States
Flag 01. MHliug NaVaU Defences
Navy, Commi ia and North Carolina.
Virgin tytf. J MARTIN,
th regiment infun
Colonel Sevei rolinn Volunteers,
try. N. Ca 1. ANDREWS,
W. S. i !Dg Eorts Ilat
Major Command. .
(eras nnd Can formal sur
I iht n landed nnd look a men and
nderof the forts, with all tho troops to
muniiiniM ot war, lnspocieu ine rjy gur
see that tho arms had boen prope. nbark
tendered. inari!ied thom OUtand
. :,,(, i,.,, b((;n shotted by the enomy.
Tnr f nibarkatioii of Iho wounde.i,
which .Vu conducted wiih great care and
tendf'insss' Jrom a temporary wbarl erect
ed for the j.urpi be. look so long that
idght came on, ni.d if va so iai le that it
was impos-ili'.e forti'.O .:'lotj to !ako , tho
Adelaide over the bar, ther.'by causing cV"
I may mi ntion in'lbis connection that
(lie Add lido, in cu rving in tho trnoos.
,,0 ,.! (,at my terms of cipitu-
Lnne. in attempting to enter over the bar.
had grounded and remained fast. Both
were under tho puns of thu fort. This to
nin was a moment of the greatest anxiety.
By those accidents a valuable ship of war
and a transport steamer, with a largo
portion of my troops, wero within tho
power of the enemy.
I had demanded the strongost terms,
which he was considering. Ho might ro
fuse, nnd, seeing our disadvantage, renew
ihn notion. But I dctemrnod to a bat a
not title of what 1 believed to to duo to
the dignity of the government, not even
i0 gi, 8 an'oflicial tille lo tho oflieer in
command of the ret eR Besides, my tug
was in tho inlet, and at least I could ear-
ry on the engagement wi.n my
Mx-pounder, well supplied with Sawyer
Upon taking possion of to. I Halter,
as, I found that it mounted ten guns.witU