Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 11, 1861, Image 3
... tt II'... HI HI I l ' 1,1 ,M - I ., I'll PnO'lnV V. Ill PS ,l n i. Tin n am f t i.l llii riT-iilniil, (I. V. it II I EM, rfe'y. i Democratic Cctmty Kcnting;. Wmie inurslrn'y llio Chairmnti ii., ivinoriiilic County Cmnmittpo of to Unit tin? nniuiiil I Vuioerntie I nunty . . . i i ii i . i nil, hi! Willie new in inn piaro or. 'J" im'ay roi'H! ' llm Srptetiilu'i Court. S TiO I'oiPtfniPH lo lin'i. nuiiiy imiriMii mil , nsi'i'T Ilia I'lojuii'iy o: ('iiiiiipmp, er amending tho present system of tn.ik Jug iKiininniioiif, will meet on the proee .hug Monday evpninc nnd not on the M jjlolvhiy of September, a heretofore an ti uncf'l' KEEP IT KHFOUH TUB PKOPLK, That I).mi'l Livingnton, the presort ll I" ; I Mieri.l t.imii'liiti of tlio llfpublicani lor Kit' '.'!c irlii.'ld county, was the Know Noth Irg oiiii'Udalo for County Auflitor in 1854, and w is defeated by the lute Oeorg Wal ters, '.(. lie ran uj'on tno tame tiikut With Pollock, Sniyscr nnd others. PEUCCRATS BEWARE . 'Wo leiirn Hint our Republican friends , nro busily ngaged in circulating clocu-j Hip;i! printed t the Journal odiee, among j lau Denioci-ats of this county. Why this is tlmie or who lurninhen the money to pay ilie expenses it is not for in to pay. Hut lo'ay thclnast of it, the circumstnrees liavii a sujiieiouj snieil, and we merely S'jtf jut to our Democratic friend not to be caught by any pucIi sly dodges. Hesitation ok Maj. Nicholson. Wo learn that thin gontl-iniun, wiio was nomi nated as a IVmoeratic candidate for the legislature in this liistriet, declines the nomination, having volunteered his ser vices to his country, and left for thu so it of war as First Lieutenant of a new com puny raised iu Urookville. This will lender the re-assercbling of the St. Mary's Convention necessary atun f!y day. tiiP"e are pleased to learn that (he Democrats of Venango county have unan imously presented that sterling Democrat, James K. Kerr, Ksq., for I'lCaidi-iit Judge of iho District, composed of the countiesi of Mercer, Venango. Clarion, Jefferson and I'wrcst , matle aeantby the resign ition of Hon. J. S. MeCalmont, who has been commissioned A Colonel in the army. This ii a dark district, but wo hopo Mr Kerr will get the UUtrict nomination and lie elected, too. Diabolical ! We co ,y tlio ufficial report? of i ditler and Com. .Striiiijliain, tlmt Colonel, W'ollicr and bis Germun Kejimuiit, liavo been left in charge of Forts Claik ami Huttcraf, late ly captured liy our tronp on tlio coat of Xorlli CaroKu. Vi'o hupo lomc of our American party friend will attend to this matter iimiiediiiioly.! lriro tvo cupturcd Forts in tlie ehnrgo of For eignern ! ti' to bad ! We hop that onr intetiae Aiarricans will tee thut hereafter "n-jno but A uierieans be placed on guard." Donation Acknowledged A few days ago the ladies of Clearfield , donated and forwarded to Georgetown, ! 1. C, ft box Df artieles npeesary for Hos pital use, for th bemfit of the Voltin leen from this ulace. The following let- tor from tho Directress, acknowledging the remittance, will bo read with interest : i Wa'UINGIC-, 1. C, Sejit. i, j T THE LADir.3 OF Cl.E MtnEI.I) ! I .IVi. linmit -Dear Madam : -Your very j kind note of the .'50th is nt hand, and with f pleasure and gratitude I acknowledge its contentsyour liberal donation. My con nection ivith the Gsorgetown Hospital is dissolved, and I am rbout to be transferred lo "Virginia's fcho.-e" at Alexandria. There i Ih-.-re, quite A numbei of disiinet bui'.d iugs.tailirucod under one head, pleasantly Iocj'svI, and but tin hour's ride distance iroru here. 1 have looked at our booka or rather register nnd ulso at the Union Hotel Hospital, which is within a stone's throw, nnd can find no men on either books from the eomtmnv you named iu vottr ltfUer (Washington Cadets j I will, Iiowever, make it a matter of inquiry, and i contribute, i) po.RiLie, i0 them especially j . i-.l.l I..I!..' .lAn.i,in I lrom tlie cieariieni iiwicj .vnnnun. It gives mo (im highest pleasure to con tribute, in tho most humble way, to their woiura and general good; and as I am enlistPd heart and hand tor them during the present emergency, 1 have not or shall not lose an opportunity to give them my sympathy ami caro at all times. My pos iii ii has enabled me lo soothe, and give little comforts to very many of them, and I have felt it to be. 1 tiave with tears witnessed their gratitude I when giving them a glass of wine, or some I tempting delicacy, fori prepared mvselfj with those things bv "public begging be fore I '.eft Philadelphia, nnd have never Lad reison to regret the effort it cost. In .compliance with vour suggestion as to i further efforts, I would state that shoes and etockinps, with any kind of substitute for a pocket handkerchief, are among; the thinirs. outside of delicacies. I find most needed in my experience as nurse. It would gratify any w arm heart to have tho I comforts in hand ready to administer to j the v.eary, worn, wounded soldier in his J liour of need, sueh as the benevolence of! the Cleai field ladies has placed in my pos-' t Ml 11... rvl.lA 1 fession. uoa wm uiv wr hwwihchwiw . , ...i,:i, j, i, ., for tho noble manner in which t py '''vo., :"?nonded to tho causo we aro all mpa - Ml7.ers in. , , ,. . . . . . It mav Lo ntercstinp to tne laoieiio YL VnnnsvlvaDiil Kegiments ?n " Jm rt of the siek aad Knot that its iiu b U in i 4 otindpl nt present unaer my c"'K Mi" Wisconsin and Indiana sutler more from ex-jiosura than all others ion tho. iiooks--tho charge Doing aeoiueuijufi.i.i)iLj man jjiin, wiu flnd tttaAj empoy. thorn. ment, good wsgei and prompt pay, br calling at At the Georgetown Hospital thirty, or jt(,e , ton of the subscriber in the Wough of more, wore brought last uight-all Indi Clearfield. o. C. FASEMOHK. ana men down with tn'boia fevr. Luog ! r-eft. i, I5l. tf. al!i i t . 1 1 at ili. lihjf ni p I l,n lMiiir! ill' l'fl P III J I Mil I , I infil llio L'll'lo I I I'nll T ii M hlnio I Pv. Piv niui'l,'l ni'in hn 1-ppii, ly Iho Inn llso I, I I ,, I I VHt'nr n liinl jmi', run-. I nil, I I tinlln.l In ft lmm. In Hip t0 lopil pl nrp tilu'iil 1 nu n whomtp w on n (! ti-iiimiiiiii', III' hiding two .illi arms nil nt UlP Mllllll'I'T. I 1 1 0 I'thl'H IMP l"l'l WilllliiN. I'l l llio I'n l lui.tilh wo Mi'lugi'd, Mil nt' "JVJ I'hlii'liti, ImtS ih'iiili. Hul li'Vi'f i proving innrn fatal mining the Inmate. Pnti'Mils nip nioilv 1 1 -1 i t iitn It mt 1 1 limn 'they nro hr iulii in, bu'I nlihimgh ii ll eared lor, m ii -t Wit. 1 fear I shall weary vou ; hut ii;ip lot our cnunirin interest I -...:.. 1 I i I ...... ...,. ivim.. r ' whi( Ii id very iipciinMiin nl inurli lipid- ed "Junl t,i,,t, ' ns well iii ol'l linen, mii ,i , 'in handkerchiefs, for wounds. Mnytind' . . .,, ,i "ii.,.,; I uto the Bulli'iiuiji of our fpllow crpatuips, is the w ish of, Yours respect lull v. C. V. 11UADI.KY, Directress Georgetown Jlospilul Cot.. Wm. 11. lii.Ain. We are gratified to learn that this gentleman has been nominated for thostato Senate, in the District composed of the coun.ies of Cen- I r- ter, Ulinton, J.yeoining, nnu l. nioii. The Conferees previous to adjourning, ... , .. ,, ., appointed Hon. amcs damlile, Moll. AI - lison White, und l'uul Uoddes, Ivq. of Cnion county, to prepare an address to the peopled' the district. We hope to bo able to chronicle the election of Mr. HI. ir.j fiijTy-Tlie proceedings of the bolters' meeting at ' iirwensi ille on the ud inst., will appear next week. They were Mit handed to us until Monday afternoon six days after the meeting was held at which time an abundance of copy to (ill our columns was on file. To tiis Military.- 11. W. Smith it- Co., have just received and opened, a superior quality of Hunting. Also complete Flags. They can also furnish, Officer's or Cavalry sword's at a low ligui e. Cy-lt is related to us that there is a church inetnbei in the upper end of ti c county that clasps his handr. si desperate ly during prayer, that lie cannot get them open when the contribution 1 ox comes round. MAItltll'.l) In the boronnh of Indiana, by tev. W. S. Einerv. "ll 2sth August, S. U, Row, Fi., to Miss Kit ic I!. Lanii.h, both of this place. 1)1 l:l In Knox 1p.. 011 the I'.d ult., Elmer F.. Rowle, Son or II. F. t Sarah R. Howie-, aged I year 4 mouths 1 week and u days. Oo, little loved one, (,", I do not laourn fur thee, Thy foul is cone, unstained ly crime. To stand before the Lor 1. Short wnk iby fiifTerincs hue bib.w Iu this vile wurld of ..e ; Hut thy spirit, happy babe. Is go. e to blessedness away. The heaven nf heavens abmo Is now thy spirit's rest. And kinder ii. Illy Sd linur'n hue, Titan ever thy mother's irea-t. IWi) Jblitttistimats. Gl.AND OPENING ! I Ni:V STCRKj ! AE W F I R M ! ! NEW GOODS!! Ureal inducements lO 1'lirCHaSCrS .11 , A YT W QMT'T'II Of Ill III Dill A 1 1 06 wU Di ON'C PKICE, CASH ,STORL emilV.Pn,n, Kolw Tnrlrpo TncnorrV. - ""b q r i: : xx jr. EST White Granite Tinte-. i n i: B " " Soups ankers Tea Sctt. C iffee Setts, Cupi Setts. Handed Cup Setts. Tea .Setts. Ewer nud na.-in. Tea sett. Cup Setts. Common Ten. IV" ST Pearl White ti n Paraiiaii " Coinn on Tfas 0n3 Superior Lustre Sprig Tea Sett. Creams, Pies, Soups, by the half dozen. C, C. Nappies, C. C. nwls Glass Preserves, (ilnsj Salt. 6 Flu e Tiiuililen PI. in do. Exerlrior do. Also, Tens, Coflees, rfc, ie. nodall ar:iclcs usually kept in a country store. will be kept here, as also many not nsuully kepi, but much needed, nt greatly reduced prices And we feci conSdent that nil who will make trial purchase, will find it to their advantage to continue aa customers. Also, n limited amount of Comity Orders want ed in exchange for goods. ATE" Kim AI Wo have just opened 1 an! nre selling very low, a largo and com - pleto stock of JJuols and Shoes, v'u : .Mens Dcst ivip s lot Boys best Ki Boot. Mens best Calf Boot, iioys best full' Boot. Childs best Kid Boot. Mens best Calf Monroes; iioys best Calf Monroen. Youth's best Calf Monroes. Childs best Goat Pumps. Childs best Welt Pumps Childs best Button Pumps Child" best French Moroco heel. Womans Mor. Jefferson heel, Woinnns Goat Jefferson lieol. Womans Kid Slippers. Woinnns Sup. Velvet bound goiters. Womani extra fine lasting g tilers Womaus sup. extra heavy moroccos 11. W. SMITH rf- Co. . t P nan 7 AM lil M 11 Oliri HI ousi.iv. ......... - . - ,f' j nXIXUTOR'S I J0,,CU '"''Tli Sji.. ihn lapa Teituiiientnrv. on the, m-M-j t,"-" -- - estate of William Snnil. " , c inRton ip., deed, have been granted to the ui- i His. 11 liusanni im uliliiil Til Illl riitin "s"-: i-""" .-,i V ""' ' ''': ','-" tbos. claim, rgninst the same w.llpresent , inem annTxKZVr MARY SMITH, ) JOHN . GORMOMT, j Exr's tw. 3, 161. 6t LACKS,MI1I, wakte'u.-a Journey II U I I It 1 1 I i , I v hi n'S Mi li, iiiiiii) PI , I" I : H Hi I'ilW i;pMili"l 'i' n n M mil fluid lni h K p. ..... Dun tl 'ill other PntiVs linnk N'i'M nf ellisr Hunk I hind. Dtnlu, Ac 1'iunilnra .... F.'pinss nf flat etigtsnPir, As Loss knit Expense. . ?n nn Ki (.'" T 4.f,-'1 If 6 ri 7 l:.t no 1.MH Ml ?r..1 40 Tf',1 M J,M4,iil .. 10(1,115 M i HAmi.lTIM. fnpllnl Pi, h K imiI.I In . ! fl.'iO 00 N , , I c i in riii'iiliiinn 22.4.'i mi 12,704 72 3,514 n C,n.lj Ilim li(iii,i,m i"i l'i- !trri - .t Mid Exchange JH. R. UltAIIAM Conliior. Clem ficl I, Til., Auk. SI, ISIil. r i J nn. I b.nir.l nitliout Just Ciiuso or provneiition, I iierciiy million all pcr-um Hainan iinruorniK or Ira-tin- her on my account, I am .lutermin. f ed to pay no ilebli of lur cuiitiacling ultor tlio, ZL'nJ ilnv of Atipmt, A. I). ISM- JKSSE WILSON, Sol't. 't, ISf.l. .'it. O T'J IM I-IIILAIU-X PI'I y l.jriltmnil union' In J,,..,. ! ! .' KACITIN'i FOOT HACK hetwern !'l l'hiladolpliia I'lire and tlm nolorimn For I p;er oeiI counterfeiter, Jn tion lluilinimn L'rorn ! ! ! .CroM Hecnptiired ! !! !-It nrrim lu ho the jrcner. nl opinion in Clearfield, that if from had worn a pair oi rnniK on on a r reneiieaii uooik, iiiiii no would not he tn'en yet. However, r-liortv if not much put out nt iiiirsini; bi custom ; hut wouM onniiiineo to nil jrppA'ifii-ii'e, Jmitflit, Linrttlu mill Hill men, and women and children in Clearfield, and Sinne tmthoninj; in particular, that he i prepared to luruiidi (liom with Itoots, Sliocr nnd (Jaitorr of any ntylo or pattern, ntitidi ed, lew ed or pepged, (nnd as ho is a short fel low) on short nolieu. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change, nnd curh not ri fused. Itcpairiii): done in the neatest manner and charges moderate, at the Hiort Shoe Shop on Second Street, nppnnite tleod, Wcavr A, Co'i store. Fit AN K SHOKT. N. II, Finding! for nalo Sept. 2fi, lMiti' c MIA1HS !! CHAIRS! ! ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY I ! ! ! The nrilerrigiied hai now on hand, a! his Fur niture Rooms on Market nt., Clearfield, I'a., a short diftanco wert of Dili's Foundry, a larga rtoak of t II I!'S (IT Al.t, KIXDS, nianufuetured out of the bsst materinlr, finished n a very rupci ior manner, and wlii, Ii he will well 1 10 IF "('.' CASH. Jlis lone experience iu the ! business make him feel confident that his chairs Wire made in a substantial nnd workmanlike iiian- tier, nnd will stand the test of trial, 1'ersoiis w ishing to purchase chairs phould cail ut once nnd get them while they can be had nt the lowest rates. JMIN TROf T.MAN. Mar. 27-KSl -tf. Nr.w iilmkhifs roa s r k ii m a to it it 11 k 1: A . II OW A lilt A'soi IATIOV, I'll I UJI 1,K l.l'lll A. .1 lira- eviilm! dWfi'lfioi piM.i'kipi liy Kfuriiil A'll- tiiHCm'-nt, Jul' tin- rrlicj thr Sirh unit Itiitrriitril, njjlicttti irlth Yinlrnt unit t'fimtiiv Itiwitum, n nit yTi'oy fur thi t'u,c nf ltiitt$nn nf the SiXltitt -.MIM. Mkhh il Aiivu Kpiicn grutm, by the Acting burgeon. .. c i.-.- j .l.l .l.n lir.l uiiin nil t-.cii ni'in n.i'ii, nnu .li ...nes i.f llm nl... nml .in III- Mi;w HKMi.nir.s ciupinycd in the Dispensary, sent in sealed Irtter envelopes, free, of charge. Two or thre S:ainpt fur posiagu neceiilnlile. Address i I)h. J. Skii.Lks Hoi i.nroN, Howard Association, S. Ninth St., Philndelphie. 'iVmr I v. rftTTTJT TT?nPT AUTATTflW UUUIil ritUlLiAIftAilUiM. 7I1EIIEAS. Hun. SAMUEL LINN, Emi. President Judge nf the Court of Common L1 Ul Ml M -liU I'AMi, M tin Plens of the t Acnty -fifth Judicial District, coin- j work in his linn in the very best style, nnd on posed of the counticr of Clearfield, Centre and j tho shortest notice. His old cn-tor ers nro res Clinlon and tho Hon. Wm. L. Moore and Hon. Ipeetfully ns'ied not to forget him, no I any nuni lteniaiuiu P.nnsal, Associate Judges of Clenrlield bcr of new ones are respectfully invited to give county : have issued their precept, to me direct- ! him a trial. cd, for tho holding of a Court of ('ominon Picas, ! EIMiE TOOLS. Hi reputation ns n Maker Orphan's Court. Court of Quarter Scsious. Court j and Repairer of Edge tnols .-hould of itselfsccuro i ur iu. i of Over and Terminer, nnd Court of (ieneral Jail Delivery, nt Clearucld, in ami tor tlio county ol Clentfii'M, on the Ali Momliv i'2'id day) nf September iu:rt, (ltd contiiti't tn'O iittks. VATTfC T ,1 P..... ,.t..nn (a ,1... I Coroner. Justices nf tho Peace, ind Constables, I "I anil lor sum coui.iy oii-ieai ne ... 10 B,Tenr .., their proper person-, wiih their Rolls, llecords, Iniiuisitiom. Examination' nnj other l.emcm- ilirances, to do those things wh:eh to their officers, j.inil in their behalf, pertain to bo done. (JIVEN under my hand st Clearfield, this 14th day of Aug., in the year of our Lord, one thous and eight hundred and sixty -ono. I F. li. MILLER, Sheriff. T mii-: ci i'Aiti iri " At adi:my, wii be opened for the reception of pupils iiiulus and females) on Monday, kept. Jml, I SOI Trrmt per session of eleven Weeks Orthography, Heading, Writing, Frimiry Arithmetic nnil (,'eogrnphy. $2.:'0 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, (tcog. rajdiv nud History. $d.O0 Algebra, lieometry, Natural rhilosoplir nnd Hook Keeping n Latin and Greek languages. $0 00 To 'tudents desirous of aciuiring a thorough English Education, nnd who wish to qualify theinrnlvcs for teachers, this Institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil received for less than hall a iesion, innd no deduction made except for protracted wick npMfl. Tuition to be paid nt the close of the term. C. It. SA N DFOllD, I'iuncipai . Aug 7, 1801.- ly. Great Discovery. T HAVE mnde a discovery of the utmost im-1 -1 I iiTtnnc to evrrv imirnod in r.-n ol oiiiut (....- .....l lli.t full t.nrti.inliiruriiiiptvrninir . nnvon receipt ofa stiiinn to l.av fur re- , (urn AJllress I DR. J. II. MARTELL. Alfred, Maino. apl 21 ly It Mt CONUMI,TIVE."!--Tlio advertiser, hnvinir been rcstured to health in a few I.i' . i a.v .;,.i,.U,.,m,lv nftop lim inir nf. I fered for several years with n severe lung nffee-1 Clearfild and Lawrence Sept ttth A 10th. at ' lion, and that drr'd disease Consmnption.ip mix- Clearfield. ,,..,. ions to make known to bis f.lkw-sufTcrers the1 Girnrd and U.o.hen Sept. 1 1th and 12lh, ut (. ! means or cure. ehen hou.e. I To all who desire it, he will send a copy nf the ! Covington nud karthnus l-.lh A lllh ' prescription used, ffreo of ihiirse.) with the di .etious for preparing and using tho snire, which they will find n lure cure tor Consumption Asthma, P.rrnchitia, tc, The only object of the; advertiser in sending the prescription is to bene fit the nOlictcd, nud spread information which he j conceives to bo invaluable, and ho hopes every I sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost thcui , nothing, and mny proves blessing, I I Persons wishing the prescription will plono ' address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, J . nov"-1y, Wiliiamsburgh, Kings Co.. N. Y , , ,-;.,'..,.,,,.'. .,,c,nv ' nov" ly, wilHabh; y Tl)MINll'KATOK S VoTH I-Notice .1 , ' is hcrcny given lliai leuersoi niminisini- b.v. b.. Rrst.d to the BdelKn.dBi "H5on UarrU(in ,, , pik9! . ... 1 . township deceased. All persons inilnMca lo sniu estate are requested to make payment without ele- I claim, against the same in Jr present I nient. JOHN H. GARRISON. Aug. 14. Administrator. TvREsruOowET" JCfTICE OF THE TeACE. For Dec ati a Township, will promptly attend to all business entmrted to hit care. V. O. Adires, rbilipsburg Ts. i Aug. 21st 1P6I I W All II 4 JKWr.UY tJUMJIJIUJJ, 'I Ml ft titi t.-i!(.n -I r- i.fifHt I ll f ilHH lll I lll,ilirl tl t ll, I'til lin Mii.fM, llinl lii !, Jml l il t-, ft i. tii Hip I i. i. n. in i n lmM tHlilllimmil In HHMHM.S l;ttY I liatfii'M, I'n., r flnn .,,tln,M nl 'I 'i mk 4, M'Ti iir, "liil .lri 1 1 lit r. r ililTnrnl qimllllili, 1'rnm n MnKlf I'l'i-d In full ..,'1. ulih Ii linn III K"H l tl ,n""l i"n"iit'iil.ii ytirrt lot inuli, nr In rpiuiiip i t mil (tnlil mii nlfpt, I'h'K'hS ndinj vnriplj lii linrnl, nt llm mi it I on 'ni''lo .rpii. At. I, kin, In i.f(l,.(k, Wnh lipi nnd Jpurlry, u( fnriifully rnlrf ! unit IfmrnBipJ. A rniitimiHtii'o nf mirtnmK U cilii lt. il, 9, IKiiO. ). f. NAtMlI.1t l.Hjl'OllS OF ALL KIM'S, SALT, "IL.S, PAINTS, &. (iUnCKIUKS ft y yor tua V(1. . j f c , - " ' v a. ii, ny O. II. MKKKF.LL. In basemeritof Merrell .t ISig'er's Store, Clearfield, la. feb-UT. V I i : W n T H i: 11 II I I I M It 1 ll 1, A C K WOOD'S M A Ci A Z 1 N K. 1 TUG LONDON QLMRTKKLY, (C'oimcrvativa.) '2 THE EDINWUBOH KEVIKW. ! (Tory,)., la THE NOIITH DItlTISH REVIEW, j (Fr e Chnrih.) j I-T11E WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liheinl.J I 5 DLAC'K WOOD'S EHINIIl'ltlMI M A (J A Z I N E (Tory.) T E 11 M S . rcr annum. $:i on j Oil For nny ono of the four Review, For any two of llio four Reviews, For any three of the four Reviews, For nil lour of the Reviews, For lilackwiioirs Magazine, Fur Riuckwooil and ono Riiv'mw, For lllnekwood mid two Reviews, For lllnekwood and three Reviews, For Illaukwoud nud tlio four Reviews, 7 00 S III) 00 S (10 7 no u 00 10 ou N. It. The price in (Ireat liiituin for the five Periodicals iiliovo-naiuvd is $:il per annum. Repdlilirlied I17 LEONARD SCOTT Co., maris. (iin il (fold Blrcel, New York, JOHN ODKLL I.TIIOLSTKR AND CAUKIAt MICK, !: TIflM- L'jcit'td ut .1. . Slmir's Mdl.i, one mdc foist vf CLar'ii ld Liru'ijli, RespectfnHy informs the citizens of Clearfield and 11 Jj, .iiiiii- conulies, that ho is ut nil times prepared to manufacture, nl the shortest notice, llarr, Dusk, and Straw Mattresses of nil J kinds and sues, one of which is a Folding Mat I tress, suitable for CAlilNS ON RAFl'.S, which I... n l. r. I . I . . , 1 In .,,,,11 ,. .in,) .... ,1.1,1 ml refilled nt plea.-ure! and vory cheap. Ho also trims Cinriaes. uivkea repairs to all kinds i f Carrinee Trienuing nnd Vphol.-tcry, and u:akes Cord- for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick ness or length. 'i-tt-Coiiulry Produce. Corn Husks, or Cnsh taken in Eveli.m;re lor work, ,-All orders left with anv of the Merchnts ! ., r I I I I ll I ,1 i,a, Ja I 1 "'" " " I""'" "'.'.V1""" I to. de Willi o m! Wiilic up! ll.AC KS.Mt I IIINt;. THE nubscribcr res- Ij) peclfully informs his friends and the public Itenerally. that he Is new well o ablirhed in hir I VKIV SHOP ,m lin lp.-el. n irnmilK llm Town I Hall, in the boroujh of Clearlieid, and upon hi own honk, and whero he is prepared to do all lu in a uiicriii pnironnge. (iEORdE C. PASSMORE. April 21, NSW GOODS AT KRATZERS i They have just received a general assortment of Spring and Summer DRV GOODS, consisting of RONNKTS, KIBHONS, SHAWLS HATS, PRINTS. CAPS, DUCALS, WINK, HAliKHK, SALT, 1 Ol'l. IN, OILS, C LOTUS, PAINT TWKKDS, LKAD. MUSMN, DRUGS LINKS S. HOOTS, CAR PIT, SHOKX, HLINDS, COATS, P. ROOMS, PANTS SYTIIKS, YKSTS S1IKJX NAILS. .NOTION FLOWKKS, HARDWARE. UUKENSWAHE, GLASS, FISH. HA CON iv FLOUR, All nf which will be sold on the most reasonable tonus for CASH, or approved Country Produce. C. KRAT.FK '.v. SON. Clearfield June II, IstW. "VOTICE TO SUHUUL. UIKIiUTUSS' 1 AND TEACHERS of Clearneld! County: Palilic examination of Teachers will lie held this rear as follows lllooiu, leriig'on. Liinnier v-uy v i enn. c-cpi.'in , ber4lh A sin, at i, iny. : Curwcnsville, Knox .1 I me. ncpt., otn r ,lli nl Ciirwensvilln. - near Mr. Ki.iers, Rrndford, Graham und Morris. Sept. Kith A 17 at Urahniaton. Hoggs, Decatur and Woodwar lDihat Centre in Decatur. JIJ1. Rurnside. Chest nnd New Wnshinglin, Sept. 2.!d and 21th nt New Washington. Dccrnria, Guelich und Jordan, Supt. 2Clh and 27lh at X roads in lieccaria. Huston and Fox, October 1st, at No. 1. Douse I in Huston ' ilrndy and Union Oct. M and 4th at Lu.her, rMrwensville, 7th month, Jesspe Proomai.l. :v"'.. ..... j ) t....... jitn ijoi pa. I iu .cup u GLEN-ECHO BULLS. Germunlown, Pa. McCALLl'M cV Co., NAMTACTI'NCKK, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers In CAKPKTI Ji(id, DRUCGUTS OIL CLOTHS, il ATT IS US, ., Warehouse. No. W) Chestnut Strcol, (Oppoiite Stato House,) npr3'M-1y riniAnr.Lrsu. ... , S i , I ' S'T , . II ', ( l I I . V I V- ' I i.'' Cn''l' ' ) JJ I ) . ' 1 V i t V $35 00 llm mtlin MM nr ii ni'iv in is nnil iiiiliif nn, I mm i liil I IMi i i.m i ll. urn" M llni'l, In llm ci.nnliy, I'paariln nf Vnr III umii i youliu turn, (i"m t tt I unit ilitler nil f tnle. have liio n riliii'nleil lor loniimM Imra wilhin llm pant tlirre tenrr, mine nf !ioin halt ln'on employed an l'OUK K FM'Ml.'' at rnlnrien . I flcuUU 00 liiiinedinti'ly I'pon ctniluiiluit, t tin kimw ntliln(t ornrriiitiitn nlien lliey entTed llm Ctillojr. W MinMi-r"! noun luill pi rtiiidenta enter nt any time, and review wlmn lliey plenne, without extra clinrire. J For I'Htnl'ipiP, Kppehneiia ol I'enuiiinjliip, and View of tlm (.'(II. l.liHI-:, live letter nininpi to JENKINS A SMITH, May IS, 01. ly. f iltrhurgli, I'a. w, m. m ri;i.i.4r;ii, Cl.KAIII'IKLD, Pa. tlllire In (Irahniu'H Itrlck Hullilln. Jul; od. ISI',1 If. MH'KK A ETZWiLKR, Wholcsaln and Hetall Mcrrhants. Also extensive, dealers in timbor, uwd lu in it her nnd ihinglos. Also, douluri in flour an irrain, which will be fold cheap for curh. Oct. II, 1,' AUK 1SIM PROVED JSc'iliinn' SK Wl Mi MA CHINK. PIU&I'S Fit ) M $40 to $70. The DOI DOIH SEWING MACHINE, nn en graving of which is hero repreei.ted. has now liecoine n recngnir.eil fuvorito wherever ll i has been ir.troiluced. and is, beyolid i)ucstion. the best, as well ns tlie handsomest, low-priced Sewing Machine now before the public. No. 1 A small and very neat Machine foi Family use. No 2. A largo Machine for quilting boavy work nnd for Plantation use. 'Ihis Machine is much ndinired lor its simplicity-, nnd for its reliability and durability it is un surpassed. A child twelvo years can run il with ease ; and yet it will few from the comsurt cloth to the finest Swiss. Thcro is no of re winding the thread, as it is taken froi.i the spools. It has no belts to give trouble, and will run as well as forwards, nr.d still sews equally perfect, and without danger of breaking needb s. It runs by friction, nnd by closing tne box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, wo have no hesitation in recommending it as the bet family Sewing Machine iu use. The following l'rcm'nniix Awarded the ulove Machine : At the Fair of the f'rank'in Inititute, 18iS, the First Premium. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, at Philadel phia, September 21, 1809, Iho First Picaiium a Diploma. At tho Pennsylvania Slnte Fair, held at Wyo ming, ISliO a Silver Medal. For the heft Double Thread Machine, nt Lan einter County Fair, hold Octobsr, lSi'J a Silver Modal. At tho Maryland Slate Fair, held ul the Mary land Iusti'utc, Unltiinorc, Md., October, under strong competition, a Silver Medal was awarded to this Machine. At the New Castle County Fair, held nt Wil mington, Delaware, October, Ititl a Diploma. Tho above Machines nre manufactured by CIIAItl.l W. HOWI.AM), Wilmington, Del. S A L I '.S ROOMS. No. 720 ArcL Stroet, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. S. D. DAK Kit. mnrl3-1y 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. yT-Periions wishing to see (he above Machine in operation, can do so by calling nt the resi dence of D. W. Moore, in Clenrlield borough. NEW (iOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring &, Summer Goods AT THK CHEAP CASH STOKE. lam just receiving find opening a carefully, selected stock of Spring nud fe'unimcr goods ol almost every description, A beautiful assortment nf Prints and Dress goods, of tho newest nnd latent styles. AIpo great variety ol uselul notions. OUT-GOODS AND NOTIONS I'.unnels, Shawls, Jl;ils and Cups, Roots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, yiecnswnre, Drugs and Medicines, Oil und Pnints, Curpct A Oil Cloths, (i R OC E R I E S , Fish. Bacon nnd Flour. Yuckcrt'1 in 1 1 nntl 1 barrels. , ()r , best quality, nil of which will he sold at the lowest cush or ready pay prices. My old friends nnd the public generally, arc respectfully invited t call. Z-frN. il. All kinds or fY.lA'and approved C'Jl'.XTNY J'JIUlil.'l'E taken in exchango nt Goods. Clearfield, June 20 lSfil. WM. F. IRWIN. rpRONE CITY HOTEL ('ol. A. P. OWENS, Proi kietor, if, m r 31 ., 1 1 ent ,8thBBd,Re!pectrullya.nounee o the travelling publio I, t-ept. IStli and (, ,t b(j ,B (Qw tukun rhurgt of thj(j rg9 .nd ' ....ii L.w.n 1.... .... ..,.1 .;ii h.....i..A, .....i. ! ,.ni,P .. lll r..n',l..r r.rfl l.n.1 f.,r satisfaction to nil whe may favor h'uu with -ll ......7 iv ... i i , sons out of Employmcnt. n.ENTS WANTED. To Persons out AC. In every County of the United States, rilD engnge in tho sale of eoui of the best nnd I most elegantly illustrated Works published. Our publ icationa are of the most interesting character, aiapteJ to the wants or the Former, Mechanic and Merchant : they are published in the best stylo and bound In the 1110 substan- tial manner, and arc worthy a place in the Ll - brury of every Jluusehold in the Land. &-&.T0 men of enterprise aud industrious bab - its. this business offers an opportunity for profit - able employment seldom to be met with. 'ViuPirsoni desiring to act as agents will re - reive promptly by mail full particulars, terms, etc., by addressing LK A RY. GETZ A eo Pub, Fo. VU North itrt, Philadelphia. Oct 14, ISiO-ly. k h t . . . . 1 ti pr In IippIpi Ii d I 1 llPK f t 0 . T, I , ll. . Ill I. Ml, lli(tli rhi rifl nf I l.mfl.'ld m.. ' . rl., ,,,,ri.,l, hi ...'nr In llm r 'ppIhk nf llm numlt nf I If nl fl.-M. Oinl U l:KI At, M.l.l 1 1'iN'wIlt Im Iml.l on Din A'.p,.n'i r,ipt,i nf li tofir mil, (l .i(( llm r in nt H dny if llm month.) nl tlm . iprnl p Ipi ll. n ili-tricU in nd romity, nt nliii h limir nnd plneo llm iiinliflfd 'oleri Kill vol, Fnr Tun imrn nin lo ti'tirpnplit llm ei nulipn ef Clpnrflel'l. .Ii'fli rnon. Klk, mul Mi kenn in llm J llnn.p i. l;pprinnliilive of Ilim Cnininnn titulth i ,) 'Pn,, .fi,n fur llm nfTncii of Ainoelnt JuilKr of Cli ni lipid rounty. l or Onn prrnui for llio oflioe of Slii riff of Clear- rlidd county. por one perron lor tlm offieaof liistriet Attorney of l liarfleld county. ' Fur One person for the of Coiiimissioner of I t'luurlield county. I For One person for tho office of Treasurer of Clear I S.ehl county. For One persou for tho office of Auditor of Clear field county. For Oi.e person for tho office, of Coroner of Clear lieid county. The electors o f tho county of Clearfield will dike notice that the said General Elect tun will be held nt tho following plares: At the house of fcaaiu I M. cuiiiu fur Mc caria township. At tho house of Aseph Ellis, for Iiell township. At the house of James lilooiu. Sr., fur Iho tsiwu hip of lllooiu. At the house of Edward Albert fur the town ship of lioggi. At ne house or w in. Hoover for the township of llrudford. At the public house, of II W, Moore, for llrady township. At tlio house of John Young for the toniuhi ufllurusidc. At the school house near Simon Itorubuugh's for tho township of Chest. At the Court House for tho liorough of Clear Held. At the house of Jacob Mauor for tho township of Convington. At the house of Isaac Lloum, Jr. fur tho lior ough of Cnrwcneville. At Centre school house fur the township of De catur. At tlm house of Thomas 0. Davis for the towo hip of Ferguson. At the house of John I. lluudy for the town ship of Fox. At Congress Hill school bouse for the township of Girnrd. At the public school bouse for the towntbip of Goshen. At the House of Jacob Hubler for the township ofGrahum. At (ho school house in Jancjville far the town ship of Gulich. At the house of Jesse Wilson for the township ol Huston. At the school house in Ansonvillo fur the town ship of Jordan. At the house of It. D.Hall i. Co., for the town ship of Knrthnus. At tho Turkey Hill school houso for tho town Mi ip of Kimx. At tho Court House in the borough of Clearfield fur Lawrenco township. At tho public school bouse for tba borough of Lumber City. At the house formerly occupied by Thai. Ky ler, fur Morris township. At the public school house for the borough of Now Washington. At tho house of Samuel Smith for the town. ship of IVnn. At the house of Isane 7loom jr., In the bor- ough of Curwcnsville for Piko township. At tho house of R. W. Moore for the township of Union. At tho houfo of John Whiteside for the town ship of Woodward. SOTICU IS IXHT1IEK HEREBY (JiVliN, That all pers.'ns, except Justices ef the Pence, w ho shall bold nny office o? nrpotnt inent of trust, andor tho government of tho Uni ted Slates cr of this State, or aany incorpora ted district, whether a coininic.-iuned officer or otherwise, a suhordinntu officer or agent, who l or shull bo employed under tho Legislative, Ex ecutive or Judicial Departments of this State or or tho United States, or any city or inenrporatnj district, and nlso that ovcry member of Congress and of the State Legislature, or of tho common or select council of any city, or commissioner of any incorporated district, nre by law incapable of hol ding or exorcising, nt the same time, tho office, or appointment of Judgo, Inspeater, or olork of any election of this commonwealth ; and that no inspector, judge, or other officer of any such n lection, shall lie eligible to nny nftico yoled for. And tho Return Judgos of the respective dis tricts aforsaid are requested to meet at the Court houso, in the forongh of Clearfield, on the Firtt AYi'rf.nnextnfterlhe said second Tuesday of Oo tober, then nnd there to do those things required of them by law. ;IVE"N under my hand and seal, at ClenrfielJ, this 21st day of August, in the year of our Lord one thnusnml eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the Independence of the United cHates the eighlv-fiftb. F. G. MILLER, Sheriff. JAWKS T. LEONARD. WM, A. WALLAI'K. D. A. riilSIT A. C. F1.1NKV iianliiniT anb follrttion Mcc or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A K V I L 1), CLEARFIELD QOUXTT, rA. JBII.LS OL rXCHANUE, NOTKS ASII HHAtTS I'lSCOl'NTK- I) positm iti:ti;i ei, j Coft'H'i'piiJi made and proceed promptly remitted Exchange on the Cities roiiHtantly on hand. JfP Office on ?eccnd SL, nearly oppaslte th COUKT HOUSE. r-. A. M. HILLS DENTIST. T- wTVyftYl r- iSsV Proper attflntioo to ;-V'-X' ,ho PrI"r Hme will be or great ' - "j-5" benefit to everyone -"i--- in point of health, comfort, nnd convenience. lilt. Ill I.I.N cti t!-.ravt bo fonnd at his of fice, on the corner of Front and Main streets, w lie n no notice to the coutrary appears in this paper. Al operations la t.3 line of his professioni performed in tlio latest and must improved styles, and guaranteed fur ono year against ul! aturul fuilurcs. 1 - V EW DRUG STORE I TllO Subscribers IISVI) OpPPtd S f till And Com. a jdele assortment .f DRUGS in iho new brick building of Dr. Woods, on tho comer of Lecust 1 , , ., , ,, i,....i, -,ii....u j auu v,ihii i i ZL iUiuewii auu v.iLii ,'i.irvw, 111 1110 otFivuii v.T.iur.u, where they will be happy to accommodate any may desire articles in their line. !ne ill be confined strictly to a Druij and P. encription lUt.iiness, And no pa ins will nc spared to render satisfaction. Dr. M. Woons.tbe junior pnrtuer. may always be found and consultod lu tho 'Hlrug Store,', when not ubsent on professional business. A separate room for eonsultatinn is attached to the storo, where patients mny be exansnod privately, 1 Every article usually found in such an estab. 1 lislunciit will be kept on hand, and sold at greatly ' reduced prices, 1 Tr.HMii nrisn stiiiptlt Cira, will enable them : to offer inducements in the way of prices j Physicians will be supplied, at a smalt per eentage over eost Slid ceiriags, snd tboir orders are solicited. Every article sold will be pure an l of h best quality. feb6 tf WOODS A I1AKRETT. (i phi HI Mrri inn 1 1 oi ntnni ip ti ' I li'iifnil A- i ml I f ! it i;Mi i'l f.H m .i ... fn'tl I An Mi..,Ia i irn-ml I li n, II - V I n l.H ..,.,,., i.." II U ri.iMi.Ml mi ll r M.n.r .f r t. til f. litllii't In Hl 'i ' If tl' Ih-i-"I li-ilnti, llit I In-' linn I" 'I. "t"t il'