Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 11, 1861, Image 2

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    lltll llll
1. 1 I'll
h i I in. I in I Ml ii r
I I .1 .. . I . l,.,.ll I 0
M.ntiil. fn.'t.l I- I I v '' ' I Ih'
I I... l.n.lli.MI H III "" r ,,,Ml'
I, t il 1 1 1 1 IV II 1 'I I
. . . . I
I ni tain .' I. mil. tsotlM, f l lim Mnm.n
i ., ., , II I i In l"Hliy ii l
i IH. Ii-ih I In l.l n. liir tbhirliniiMil i.t nil-
linn, M'l II fl H" " ' "r '
,1m, .il is ,lui .i Hip n pvnlt - ll ff (lie
linn'nil ""ill. ' v i ..niuiuif lir Sli'llnn
en. Hill I ln I'lfliill . rsi-nre ff liiili.l
w lilt w Im It Iip t"k ill'' lr.'" I' "HI llifil' ,
l.l'l il lll'll till' A.ll'lili'li' t IM'll'"l '"l III"
Ull I flllllli' I I'll HI
. I . 1 I.
.,,1. . I nl-l. mi'l ftil y Hi "
.. - . I. nf Hi n Inn ill I'll ill (In i' I'
it n '.,-, .. ,., . . i . , .... i n :.. .1....
,ilil,.llly olil A l.H-g nei k ol I.IH I, Wlinin " i,r' " " '1'""".' in""""'"! in
linll liuikol rril.fl. t.n.1 tMi-r A i-iniiy ! ...... ,.,
n lew fool fiily lii widih, mi. I which whs, A ltlionW1i I itptnln I tinnoo, of llm rove
.ointniiinhd t'.v Hi thiitylao pound lino -. nii e, imv :n command nl lho llur
gun Liid-I with ?M- iiml nnniKlor, 'riot 1 .;!. win utir.iiluinitu enough lo git
wllil'll "ITO CXpellded i" fl'!- MlllltO. Il llis VCM'I I'll (Mil' of llin IHIUlel'OlH I
lm well rt'(-totl inngaine mi'l I'limh- I mi about the iiil.-t, il lin in-ti 1 . 1 "
proof, capable ol lioltetitig some lliroo loVo, in :niinMinMii't; fl .leliTinitin'.ioii,
hundred or four hundred men. The par- cn-tlit utile in Inm, I" aid urn by being no u
uifl win nearly nl octagon fiinii,oiii'liiiij lo en ver tlm troops in landing,
about two-thirds ol n acre ff ground, ' Captain Lowry. who If"! '" " j
well civoiod with Miitlit'K'iit traverses uml body in charge, brought in his vc-cl .villi
lampurlsand parapets, upon which our 'wiloly. Hh I ho tro.. ho who pleased
shells had made but little impresion. 1 1 iih hif cure and wikIiu-I. Ilo still n-I
Thu lariT work nomcr Iho inh't vas ! tiiniiM nl Ihi-inlft.
knmvn ni Fort llattoi Fori Clink, In lino, liVnornl. 1 roiiyiatiilalo
vhuhwft nUuit fovcii humlioil yunlslyo.! nml thecounliy upon u gloi-om vie
r.orlhorly. in wiumvmlouhl. inouiilinp lory ii. your d. j.ui i im nt in wliioli wo
1 . 1 I 'ft - I I . . Dull kl, it ,1 II, I fit. I lll'IU .
live innm, niU( IWO clx-pOUIl(lor. IIH' rrjnurou mum iiian n. . ..u........ ,
oiioiiiy hud FpikeJ Ihoxo triiim, hut in n oiuih, twontyfive jiieow of nriilU'iy, ii
very i'ni llicipnt inannor, upon nhamlon- 1 (houseinl fliinil ol iirnis, a I.hjjh (piiiutily
ing'tho fori the Uuy holoro. ,"f onlnimco Htoic, (irovisioiiH, throo yiil.
? hml nil tho trooim on ilioro lit Iho i uuMo pri.on, two li'ithonii uml four
i;,,,,, III., mii'inmlni- nf if fur's : lull sllllllls of co brs. ono ol winch inul boon
t I I A H I t M l, ! A.
Wfilno'MlAY MoruliiB Rrpt 11. tSfll.
lull AisKMIll,.,
r. u. M.MM.v, i.r l : i u .omitv.
lull IHKiirl.m ,11 nl.
.1. It. 'I'llO.M PSO.N, ( 'mimvi'iih, ill.
.1 A M K.S 1U.OOM, ol Itl'Hitn
nut Himiii,
1 : 1 W A I i I PKIJKS, f Mun is li
... , i , l.m unmii. mm i n m I I , m .
iff ii 1, 1 1 fpi "i.i I) 1 1 iii ti In i li 1. 1 n h li ' I" " in'i iM-.Mf " t'i'i mI IT in
A n l.i. hu t 1 nl mm f' i' n U Mlrm I In iiiVf A (jiohl n lil.i.iil
t)..tiniHM.l III ll.U i-nililiy linill llir Hi" HI Mm V' i.,.Uilii,i. 1l,iVMKM.
linn .f t..n,l, ., .
I. Mir,! , .,1 , I .... ., .
I l.m i,l I I, ,. fl . I I i.
...... i . . ...... i ... i. i .1 i ... ii . . .. nr . . li i . . . w
fl . t ln . II." . 1. 1 I ,. - Mil T IIH." I'" I'f II'" ill , I I..." I i' 1 .l Iti'tr m IM r . j ... . j ,(
Iiri.l nmnv A.liiiliiUliniii.ii, i f Khlih hi wholo ili-lii.l i.niit 1 1 lnM (.. Ilirv,
n iil.i llivit i Aii'liiltiln., iiii tiniHor li"W'
ninth fill of nnypnil i l II cm nmy lm.lii. I loiiinn ln.,t ..f nn,
n ow i'i.
n x nl I likely 1 1 plllV (l.o in. si 1 1 1 1) -J
Ilium, Kvi'iy, flout Vnh
! it ;l.n In lUii hiiiiiiii, hn lni'1 It on. Miioi
I'lfl vloli hi nniUiiiii i yd I'v.i'
l. l'on. Ilmiijjlii i.' culling nu n, on iliU ii.'-
rnunl, li nlloi'i nil. I rchi ln In iho Hot o: u
inonl, or of tr";t!iitf lliriit iu nurli
I im . I I
ll.rto ail
'i "' ""rH -f n-,fi,M'.i 'L '
it. ri..i .in .1 ,it, ,n v i
dl.rl Hint I l,. 111 , 1 1 ; ' ' '"il '
' I
in. tmiiir. n.Mii..i,i ,... ."i"v
Wo hiito inul
lv of iho I i t ri t
i... .i ,.i i
llinlllii'O li'",lulii)in l.i ii.,.. n H,.-... i i . .'. '"""M t.i
...... ll.O,l ,...,!.. i . .""linll
l nun inni lim lnr : " i, rn.t,i.. i "
nor fl nli. i iniinty i ..ii !,, .,,.,.,., ;, l;1,,i,
ri. ii, r u ,. i...i,i,n.i I, In lor ll.i'ii. i ""illi " ili'Kfi f vt. I o ..... ... . ""'if..
ii" i i , . ... . i ' "
ht U,
ro-cinhiti ko U ho regulars inul the irnr-
inos. Fimling 't iinpoi'i'ililo without u l'i.
lav cl the lloi't, which cpuhl not hojustili
fd under tho slate of things nt Fortress
jCoi'roo, and owing to tho threatening
prosenlod within n week hv tho ladies of
Newborn, N. '., to Ihn Nortlt I'uiolinii
l'.y tho poodliesil of the l'l-ovidi'iieo
whieli wntchen over our ni'tion, no one
iippeariiiK'e if the went her, 1 dminbiii k- i either of (lie fleet or army wasm the least
... 1 1, w kUo, .il'lnfT with the pro
visions, oaplured about five dayn, rutions
for tha uso of tho troops.
On consultation with Flag Ollioer String
hnm and Coiiiinander Slollwupeii, 1 de
termined to leave tho troops and hold
tho fort beoauso of the strength of the for
tification, its importance, and because, if
ugiiin in jiOiisesHion of tho enemy wiih u
sullicient armament, the very great diili..
eultyofiU enpture, until 1 could get
.some farther instructions from the gov
ernment. Com. Stringham dirceU tho steamers
Monticello qnd Fawnee to remain in
uidc. and those, with th men in the fort.-,
are nuilieient to hold tho position againsi
any force which is likely, or indeed possi
ble, to ho pent against it. Tho impor
tance of tho point cannot bo overrated.
When the channel is buoyed out any ves
sel may carry fifteen feet of water over il
with euso. Once inside, there is a sale
harbor and anchorage in ull weathers.
from thero tho whole coast of Virginia
nl North Carolina.fiont Norfolk to Cape
Lookout, is w ilhin our reach by light
haught vessels, which cannot possibly
Jive nt ova during tho winter months.
Kilt KU NTV (',
JACUH KIWTZ, ol Hiiuly T.
Knit THKAKl Hi ll,
JOSKPU SHAW, of Uuti iho
Knit Al lUTiilt,
('HAS. S. W()l!Ki:U,,u.Vliet li
Kl HI lllSTKICT A t nillNK.V,
ISl.'AKIi TKST, orrieiirhVtl
, 'i'(.ideut, without b.icoming liabh' to tho
pain and penalties uf tiiiilon? 'I hi is
lindeedu terrible doctrine! I'liin is mu
'I1, ;iii,7 the Machiii.) "H'ilh a vetiyennoe ! Thin
lis liberty iilnrmiiigly ilbtnited !
Wo bt lievo iho l'lesident of the I'nited
Stales is tho creature of tho people. They
planed him where he is, and gave him all
tho nower he liosn'snos. Ilo is their er
llll'll'IU, W.l" If K.II-IIIHI I'M 111. Ill I ,,tll, .....
. ,, . ,. liniiiiii i ri'i k, In k (ink ii,., ' r ""i. ,
Hut pe.haps it ...i,y If well to icier to , K ,.ri 1" ww"11--
a nwilioi'libl" pH'i fdi lit, (ill. I olio nf iio re- U'nli, !! i.r KA Ui j(iri . n,, ?fl in M-ITf r?.'
l"( ""II.. m '"IK
-k. t.r.M nrfu'f!
fl'Ml"' i iH'illi. 2n di'crrti ... .. ,u,
i;uro O.o , .,. n,r(ll l u ''UlH
7 w ni "r' lK'" H '"""nl". tl"'-c nonh ut''
I A .U - ;,7 ,.r,.h,., ic pin ', tlirn- north 53 ,1.. 1 '
iloetriue of veiiiMiiiimi I. ii an AdiiiniiMii.
li.. ii I'i.'l.l ni' uriini' t tin. iloi'lilne of
! I,-pi.tiin. The T. ranis of th" earth id- mi: a dale thai il u.l.i.ft have craped iVoi.rM.'; Whi!'i.Lk!''i
'lowtlieir slavei. to ipuslinn miino ol their I no I ecollrel lull m oui lea'i.i". il is as i-art, i.r m.rtli .U ,1,
nets; and iiuit il bo mid that fieenien in follow :
this free eouiitn . cannot dill'er fiom thoir "H.W.f. Tint o lih rlcnhuro
- : ; . . i- .... ... .. n .. .
Ilit.ii.iiti.i.,n in n in w rin in uic in.iu
f,, ill. I IV, nil. I Hint 111 i' Illi nl .Mi.U'li I.r
... i v i , i ! ii i.' ii i, i.'w i' v 'i' i 1. 1 'l.' m
" " " ""' ,17 ,,T,'l), IC Pin '. tlll'IK'K n,.ltli .n ,
lilt X M l.X I'." ,.'r. l.o cr..Mii(? Murhnimun erwk u k8,''"
This re.-OiUlinil tll.lioiii'k to have boon 'line of linul now i.f Julin Cmiie. an.i l. "'t
the unaiiinmiiH exnression of opinion of !'':,',i.,.0.c.uU,.',iIn lm u,'ro" m"r"."r K
ih'L'ice mitired. Iho eneinv h loss was
not otlieiiilly reported to us, hut was as
certained to be twelve or lifleen killed
and died of wounds, und thirty-five
1 alo enclose? "neiewith Iho oflieiul re
port of the rebels wounded, by lr. Win.
M. King, of the U. S storenhip Hiipply.
1 have tho honor to be, very respectful
ly, your obedient servant,
Major General V. S. Army, Command
ing Volunt eers.
To Major (ion. John K. Woo!, Com
manding Popartment of Virginia.
Union Meeting in Portland.
In j.uisuancc of public notice a nieet
iit2 of the of rorilnnd, Klk cnun-
ty, l'a., without disiinctioi! of party was; bitter no falsehood was too base. Iho
held on Wednesday evening the 4th inst.. ICU0S 0f tho mob anv.yo I against the Ad
nttho oro.roo-nori Wcn.tCo. . '', luilistl.atiOII ,.as fW,ot,st lmi,: i the
upon the lollnwing ofhi-ers were eliosen : ; , , . . ..
l'reM.lent, Col. A. I. Wilcox. Vieo Vr-;"" tl,,! ('dilms". Iho .-tiW, mid hail
idents, L. F. l'owcis, Win. 11. Hunker, od with infinite delight ; and oven mined
und otheis. ! resistance to the federal authority was ex-
Socrctaries, It. V. .Saltsman and Hiram 0(J Uu. Lr(m (l ) ,.,, ;
W arner. I . , , . . , . . , ,.
Ti. r,l,l,..'t nf H.m mf..'m,- b.-inr l.f., I country had .illegal right to repe.l hxecu-
Froiu it efllnsive operations may be made, stated by the President, the following live dictation. The people liuve been
mis expression of opinion or IZT T u,'ro m''r" "r '"".iii if'
' ' luff mrvcveu in (l.o ...nun ,,f T
tho lJo ublicnn CorgroKKin Hid Convention which by inrmlry vi.u.fjnnrvi becacuahi
that'd (ion. I'atton for l!ongress ve.uJ in Miiy., whocon.,,,1'
.... . ...... . to l)tt.iJ I. l'ruiur, hu. iiik tliereun ,,,,,'
at Kidgi.ay last year, and il the proceed- ,wcllin); Iiouh.c, two nur.-room,,
ings were correctly reported, Mr.' bhii.-ki.iiiithi.hup, brick ynnl, and otlir out bJiu''
..ii,. ,i f. ii, I.,... "'S'i iki uiourcu umren. .,.
vanl.tOHd.uil.Ulei aliovorn.nenllounded ' i n ... . ... D .u dr.ndnnfi Intow.lof, in .uj t, ,a
luui iruci m mi. J iiiuui in uecitur lum
CIvitrGcId county, l'., lurvcyed "nrrmt.'I
tid tu Jonenh ilurruuii. cuut.ii.iinr ' "'
our Kopublicic. Iriends hold thflinselves nllowuiic, und being unm-iiti'd, or timLur I
bound by tho anion ol their delegates ? Soiwd und (..kon in exocutiun, audio btK,"y
. , tlio pr.i,.Tty of Il.n id I. I'run.-r,
Have lhe.-eniimet.ts ot mat iCM.iution , A certain tract of land itulJBuM
boen disavowed jince ? I too Mr. McKn- ri township flem-field county, ,ftltioi
ally really believe thai '-thi.. farce of a ' " bounded north by Undi ol g
J J o,l nr Lt. 1 I.' U' ml,,). m t. L. . '
., ... . . , , - t iv.i iici vi n. ii. .i iiuiii. fiULL nv J...i.
.i .... I . . . . iiiinu'iiinoii i h fh' mii hn J h n hire i . . i . . ' "WH
tton. i liov Ht'om to uiinu una n man miihi i ffute thorouirlilv, unv and evtrv xciiilivu ruuer, mm wm oy .arj oih r;gti ATUubu
(support the Administration, r bo di.-ioyal wMwul L,.illg IX 1mn ,. oi ". "d w; 1 he so leglslute in caso of Ins , J"iS 'd r JX
'and a rebel I the (iove. If this 'attempting to break down the Govern - '1"ul"J,,? hose are important (luestions,
ise bought by dt'i'oiuliiiit of Unitt uuil ottm'
Kllll .COItdNdlt,
.1. W. roTTKIt, of tiiranl tp.
"Administration'' r. ' Government "
Our Iriends lcross iho street have woe-
rluil ilioni-i-1 ir c,n. ni lei, l.!y in l.ifc wo..U' j u,,j uny njun, an. I every iinin, hits a i itflil
iue, to show that tlmre is no dilference nn inaliouable right a
between ft 'r'.,riTii,'.i( iiivl mi AJminmirii' right lo iiuestion, to discuss, to invcsli-
lun .lustico and Fijualiiy, before Abrahaui
Lincoln was born. I'or the fait iiful exe
jcution of th is trust he is, and must bn,
accountable to those lo whom ho belongs ;
lul u ro, hi.s a member ot the comaiittee
that dijesti d i ho above icsolution. lo
, . i . . . i ii
be true ami lue editor oi ine urniiim!U.
evidently think it is thin they have been
very disloyal, ond tho worst of rebels lo
this (iovcrnni 'lit. For at least eight long
years the editor of that paper have labor
ed to 1 reak down Adininistraiions. No
slamk-r was too vile for pul lieatiun, i1' it
tended to awaken contempt for tho Ad
minixlrntion. No denunciation was loo
...I..... .... 1 I.' " , ., , ...
Kternal vigilance is the price of " ",!'" mv " "iM" AOU,u 1 KU lo "ilVB ;"f",MU! ,n"n ,n '"'"0. "u mH,
n i ltrunortv of JaiuuM AI. Lcuioird.
liberty;" and that man is u slave nnd a " ; Also, u cerlai'i lot of ground si'uatd,
coward who I'aiU to exercise it; und that' Giiin and I'-kaii it. It is cxeesMvely an- to,v" f Luthrburj?, ClcurfaM county,
i . .i . ... -i . .,- i i o di i t, , at tho southwont tomor uf lot uf II. K. Cirij,
..uler is a tyrant that attempt to abridge no) nig to our "i: repressive hhick Ke-etUlt0i 0I1 tho Krie turllI)ii,o, thenc. 61 dej,,ii
or destroy this eiicred riuht ; ami that publican friends, ti ut tho smart trick "long eaid turnpiko l'jatct't to lands of (ieorpu,
Fress is ti.e advocate of oppression that . they planned .or the purise of dividing 7:
excuses its abridgment ; and that editor' tht Democracy of Clearfield county, has post on lot of Carlila'a eetat-j, theni' luderrn
i- 1 1,,, .nr.... l,.,,l i,,., I.- .. I. ...... M.,ll.l....' .A ii.-i...ll. (:,il..,l Sv..v o .,.. .1,- inin.r 1 "'uCS eitilld 1U8 foot to the blaci (ffc
" -i-v .....e - - - gimiingi with hugo two mory frumu buiwm
wrongin the Administralion ho has l.elp- of a call tor a .das Meeting ol the l)cm-: ice houso ort-cted themcn. Biiiicd in,d ulcta
ed to bring into power, though all his en-' ocraey in this j-hfe on Monday of last eJiuuuu.and to be old at tho properly of
, ' i , ., , . . . ! Ion 15. Stehhins anil Itoxana Stcbbmi.
crgies nave tor yours o.on ti-ed to over- 1 week, tncy uavo i.een as cratut nua cross, , Ais0 certain irict of h.u.l t'tui'ti
throw and break down Admini-lratiou-, I as snappish and ill natured. as it is pos- . Decatur tow nthip, Clcarlicld ciumy, bound(J
sil.l-foi humar. nature to be. There is '' ''"h by h.nds of (ico. U. Mor,-a,i 4Co.
. by landa of John ( rune and oUi;-, nuih dj
i actually no living rtit'j them; their petu hmda of 1). I. l'runor d- to., and otlenuk
iance is unprecedented
to which ho has burn politically opposed.
The People hava Spoken-
The voice of the Democracy of Clearfield
county, ut the uiouster Mam Meeting as
sembled in this j, lace on the 2nd instant,
is now before the public. That this voice
;.s tho voic" of the Democracy ever was
committee on Resolutions was appointed : 'called oi and implored to nisail every net,
Wm. i.arnett, Hiram Airman, .J'l'ii1 , for any cause, subm it to the, John t. JJrown mJ II. I.. IH.n- ellcr0ilt.,Inclll011 Ulci, ris,llH. yUl ever must be-in favor of our country
Several patriotic apceclioj were made and day the press was run to give to the
during tho evening, when the following ; world the "hist outrage" perpetrated by
resolutions were presented by the Chair- j,iJ0 or the " lUiehanaii dynasty,"
man, and unanimously adopted by the , . . , w " "
,, ' i on a too indulgent people. Mrange now,
Convention. f 1 e
Jirnn.-oF, That we ordiaily endorse " hat a marvellous and happy change has
lien..!. C. Fremont's proclamation, of. come over these editors! Some men
martial law iu the State of Missouri, be- c1,,h.9 jn a niiiht ; but these editors took
lieving that in so doing ho has shown him-1 Q d for H . unJ fl0m h- t10 mw nLu. j To be less, would not be tho voico of a
self ermal to the occasion, and that .l '.lb ' u . of Admilstrations( ll,ey Democratic assemblage. Therefore, when
n fiord s.mnl'i o Me prraous and proutr'i ,sno assauaius oi iumiiiisirauons, itoj, , , -V ,
I ami l,.a1 citizen, and to traitors Jkatk'tnmx the 4th of Inst March until the pres-i""y persoi:-be he friend or foe-nar.ts to
and our whole country, of e:pial und exact
jjiitiee to all men, and of a whole-hearted
determination to stand by our Union, our
Constitution, and the common inlieritun
cch !ierUe allied lo us by our forefathers
frerdoni of Speech, and freedom of the
Press is w hat might have been expected.
atid Cy tiisrattun.
cut hour, have fallen into the other ex-
JUrjrc.1 That in the struggle to main-! re ,u d ,lllVi) bt!Comc ,h,3 most fuu0me V
uu our National existence, a-o nro for , .. . . .
ipportingtheOoveinmont and do not lfl,l,,c''''"- hen a cil.en is dragged from
stop to ask who administers il we see no his bed at night, charged with no crime,
neutrul position to occupy, he w ho is not und without information or warrant,
for his country is ag unst il-und whoev-' hrown in(0 R junge0I, lho eii;tol-a of tho
cr is no', prepared to sacrifice parly organ- ... ,, , . ...
iztions and platforms on the altar of his mi shout well done! well done.?
country does not deserve the support ond I When from tho dungeon ho ic-ks legal
countenance of honest people." relief throng!, the Courts, nnd a-dis for
Jtisnhci, That the resolutions passed by lial iie.irin ol, a writ 0f U;;ts m,.
the revrcsentittivo convention lately he d , - , , , , ,
at St. Marv in .hi county, meet w.lh ttl"lh ' ,anU ,or ,1,1,ost a" cn,nc nll'w
our umpialified disnrpical. They mis- , theT subjects when the writ is g.nnted,
represent not only I lie i,' but Uio ;urry una executive mteriorence pariuyies its
(know where stnds the Democracy of
Clearfield county in the (.resent crisis, lot
im be pointed lo tlm proceedings of that.
meeting. This wns the first opportunity
ollered for the Democracy of this county
to expros their sentiments sinco the in
auguration of tho "irrepressible" Admin-
' istration -and most valiantly did they re
spond to the call cf tho County Comnrt-
J-iut there is no help for them. Thry
must put up with these things as they are,
not as they would have them. The De
mocracy refused to be divided. They
prefer to attend to their own alTairs, and
will not do the bidding of their enemies.
We can. tin reforo, but say to our "irre-
"Komeiiohv IIirt." Not less than four
tee, and most manfully nnd .explicitly did j Pr five columns of the last Journal were
they declare n hcre tny tnre tohr fo und. ! taken up w ith abuse of tho Democracy,
Hut according to the miserub'.e pic-bald 'an(( Htmthliean and its editors. And
junta thai controls the columns of tho !(( thi3 after having declared away bnck
claim to rirca,t. We therefore re- Cxecution, nnd usurps the powers of Con- ) t7"lrnil 'he resolutions arc not fror.k and j jjny las-t that we were not worth
puliate them nnd clear our skirts of the j (,ie 0tJitoi- of the Uonal respond, cxl'. hut of "a general nature" nnd li- Lny ,,,0,-e "portder." Cut what of that?
odium nnd treason connected will. them, f ,, Wo t0 ..,, A;ff..tmt !.-,,..,,:. . r , ., , ,..
L'csvlccl. That tho prnco,'Ulngs Ot this .. '" ....... r. ..... r.rv. .j , - ne U'liov.s i,ikc iu laiMiiueu hi in.iu
& Vnr Lin. r,..l Vn.
. ...... ... I uviu. 1IBI I.UI ,H,J Wl kM HOVlo,
I, r,..l,tlI.P.l in Iho Klk ecuntv is used for public nurnoses eom ' " ""n-a- v ell, tins oi' is big en-I -al .. . - ,..,.u .n ,r,P1.,n hnl tlieir 1 and 35yS. contninini? 7S ere. more orkii,ilw:
Advocate nnd other papers in this Repre ' .csation-when the houses ond papers - oUc1'-'"'! 't "light bo called a whmr ,,rolni.PS are g0O(( for no,,ig. They are,1?5 J''T f "V ' cIl'arcd' K'th tHtZ"t,
...... ,r l : i i.i. c c loe barn erected thoreon. nnd a Tounf Mn
!"H"eum"" r ..... M , of ir.olleiisivo citizens aro searched, wiih- "uk " ""'"' ".at, n is ut- ferfectly welcome lo go ahead and abuse
A. I. W ileox, President. . ' , tove, bu tlm . ...m ;.. ti. 1 .... . fr
out any reasonable cause wiien men, 1 us to ireir iienris content, it ineir natrons
R. P. S.iltsmaiv
lliram Warner, j
;- Secretaries.
jS.'pt term, A. U. 1 HG 1 commence ing Mon
day tho 23d.
Ilecenria Kdwnrd Kulkerfon.
licll John McAlanuj, (loorge 1'i.smore.
"unSp Iavid Flegal.
Ilraily liavid M. noatiu, Wm. L. Horn.
lUoom lininer nloim.
Duriisi.lo Oeo. Alchoson.
t'o"ington iienj. Jury.
Chest Simon Montgomery.
Curwensville Win. V, Chamberi.
Ferguson ticorgo Curry.
Oirnr I Andemon Murray,
l.iilii-h II. I. Foreman.
Jordan Peter Patterson.
Knox Isaac Iiunlnp.
Lawrence Joe. Watson, Win
W. Carter, Win, P. neck.
Mori it .Jacob Fl'gal.
Pike Ilan'l. Jordau.
Woodw ird -S. P, Snuff.
charged with crimes, arc denied a speedy
', and hurried in chains from '.he dis
trict ia w hich their alleged off.
'commit'ed when lho Press is niuzz'ed by
breath that charges the t'htir field l'cjwlli
can with "expressions of bitter hostility
nL'l.ilist mil 1'iivni-nmpnl M u-u l.rmn ..nnn
oiiccs rere : . c '
ot our Democratic friends will tako otlence
think they "get their money bnck
this way, well And good.
a mob under executive sanction ; in short,
iwhtn the dearest and most fucred lights
of the citizen nre invaded, to say nothing
of those palpable and alarming infraction
of the Constitution excused on the plea
J of "public necessity" acts which even a
! subservient Senate refused to s-.nction
ieuiuuruiic il leiit.s w ill lake onence " V v.. .. t . , v t vuv.
The father of lies bimoeir ...mnni regulations of the County Fait , it wn ,1h'nce ,ou'1' 39 5"10 west to a post WW
i ne lamer oi lies inmseii cannot . J . ihente north &n . n n.n-hti to inmiw
at it.
give utterance to falsehood with more un
blushing eflrontcry than the graceless
staieu mat ".mi orucics intended for n
premium under two dollars, hhall pay nn
upon tho whole coast of North Carolina
to Dogue Inlet, extending many nines in
land to Washington, Newbetn and Ueau
1'ort. In the language of the Chief Kn
jiincer of the rebels, Col, Thompson in an
nfliciut report, it is the key of the Albe
marle. In my judgement it is a Rial ion
second in importance only to Fortress
Monroe on this coast. As a depot for
,.-1 n.,,1 tnnt.lmu irw lm 1,1 tii ;lil i n ,f
vuu,m. u ou'i,.i..o iv. ........... .
j". . :. !. : I. ...i.i A. 1...-J, lb . iiivn.uii.'iu. -t3
bor for our coasting trade, or inlet from
tho winter's Elorui, or from (liiatcs, it is
Of the first importance. Yj holding it,
llatteraj)' light may again send forth ils
cheering ray to the storm beaten mariner,
of which the woise than vandalism of the
rebels, deprives him. It haa but one
drawback a want of water but that u
condenser t lie ono now ia operation at
Portress Monroe, at a cost cf a few hun
dred dollars, will relieve.
I append to this report a tabular stato-i
incut of the prizes which have been lakeu
into that inlet within a few days, compi
led from the official documents captured
with tiie fort. I add hereto en ofliciul re
port of the Chief F.ngineer of lho coast
defcuces of the rebels. Pleaso find also
appended a statement, cf tho arms and
munitions of war captured with the fort
as nearly as they can bo aseertained.
While nil have dono well, I desire to
pcak in tcrmi of especial commendation,
in addition to I hose before mentioned, of
the steadiness aud cool cournge of Col.
Max Weber, who we were obliged to leave
in command of a detachment of three
hundred mon on a strango coast, without
camp equipago or possibility of aid, in the
face of nn enemy six hundic I strong, on
ii dark and stormy night ; of Lieutenant
Colonel Weiss, who conducted a recon
noissanco of twenty men; of tho daring
nnd prompt efficiency ol Captain Nixon,
of tho coast guard, who, with his men, oc
cupied F'ort Clark during tho first
night, although dismantled, in the face of
an enemy of unknown numbors.
I desire to commend to your attention
Captain Jardine, of the New York Ninth,
who was left in command of the detachm
ent of his regiment when the unfortunate
casualty to the Harriet Lane prevented
Col. Hawkins from landing.
Permit mo lo speak of tho efficiency of
the regulars under Lieutenant Lamed,
who worked zealously in aiding lo land
their comrudes of the volunteers, over
whelmed with the rolling surf.
I desire especially lo make, acknowl
edgements lo Messrs. Wiegel and Duri
vage, volunteer nids, who planted tho
Ameiican Hag upon Fort Clark "n the
second morninz, to indicate to tho licet
its suirendtr, nnd to prevent tho further
wusting of shells upon it a scivice of
great danger trotn tho firo of their own
I niako honorable mention of Young
Fisko, who risked his life iinoug the
breakem, being thrown on shore, to con
vey ruy orders to the troops landed, and
to apprise them of the movements and
intentions of the fleet.
Also my thanks for the valuable aid of
Captain llegarty, who was employed in
visiting the prizes iu the harbor while we
were agreeing upon the terms of capitula
tion. Of tho services to the country of the
penllcmen of the navy proper 1 may not
Fpeak, for ono ought not to proiso w here
he has no right to censure, nnd they will
bo appropriately mentioned I doubt not
by the commander who is capable to ap
preciate their good conduct; but I am
emboldened to ask permission, if the de
partment fchall determine lo occupy the
point as a pcrraament post, that its namo
may bo changod by general order from
Fort Hattoras to Fort Stringham ; but of
thoso gentlemen who served under ray i i i
a1 in I A nnn.innrwl I mnv m.akr. llOnftl'- l .if A rftnini.lrattnn
able mention as I have before done, of granted to the undersigned on the eitate of Machine In other words, men may have Journal's attempt to escape from thii dirty 11 Hand In tha borougn of Curwenivillo.
tho iealous, intrepid and untiring action jMCHOLAS uoxe, late oruxiON town. a great interosl in tho Government and its effort to blacken an Innocent man char- ;.. 6ou.
of Lieut. Crosby, who t . . !
nnlboat. the gtenmtun Fanny, from Fort!6;?" ".kIv.mLJ.. 'i..'.! . ..... J -n conclusion, Mr. Johnson is advised
Monroe to llatteras Inlet, n
the expedition might have t
bttfamor of lho lightest draft.
TI,pv nrA in .rl ct by lands of tsuloinou JfauiunrsluucS, t
t.iininf nhnnt '.'11(1 .,r... Iiitvin fil.n,,. 1111 .,n.
1.1 the DemocriiVs mad at the soldieis 'cleared, a two mory leg houie, a lag h,rn, ia
mad nl the Adiiiiuisiratioii, nnd mad at out buildings erectod thereon, with i
, , r., 'orchard, feiied and tuken in execution and.
themselvi-j. " I lie joy of the.r heart I . he mid ai the property of J. J. Lingle and Aln
ceased: thoir d.mce s turned into mourn- htm (Joss.
Also, a certain trad ol luinl Rituatin
MurrU township, Clearfiold county, bounded N
the east by lands ol iloatei it Co , on tut wall
by John Miller, on the went by J. li. (irulmra,
the north by lleatci Co., containing il cr
with a two story log house and log bain anilibw
(wclve acres cleared (hereon. Seiicd ltd ti.n
in execution and to be sold a the prorxirty uf
Michael Millor.
Also, a certain Iraet of land siluitt ii
Burnside towni-l.ip. Ocarfield county, eontsisiii
1UU acres, auoui acr.i cienrfl, i In
story log house and log burn thcreoa cticlrl
pressiblo" friends that if the Detincricy
of Clearfield county is determined to act' and bounded on the east by lands of Joiitirni
as a unit j and if i.o,ts of good men who D,11 Ad"Im. J"h"'0"' f,,u'hr ljrWU"f" u
' b west by John Mehany, nnd on the north bjjlui-
have heretofore voted with you have open- lai Beck. 5eiied and takon in xccutii us
ed their eyeg to the fact that your party tuU ,ue pmpon-y of Jacoh uttui
i completely nbolilionizcd, and are do-
tcrinine l hereafter lo cust their (.olilical
Mary Beck.
Also, n certain tract of laud situate inDe-
catur township, Clearfield county, containing 111
fortunes with that party which needs nei-in"e u r"tnes' c.eare.. ,na u
' cultivation, two good lug houses, two goeo
Iher rope nor qalloirs to convince men of. barns, and small orchard thereon. Solid ui
their !ovnl:y -vou must crin and bear 1 "'kn in "ecmion and tube sold ai the property
. " , , , f David Kephart.
it, lor mere is no neip loryou.
Also, a certnin lot of ground situate in
Ansonville, Clearfield county, with a two iter;
frame bouie thereon erected. Seized and Uim
in execution and to be told as the proper! i
James Smith.
A I.SO, by sundry writs of Fieri Facia imd
j out of the same court, and to uie dittcul
will be ox posed to public sale at the Mini liM
andpluce the following described property,:
Also, a certain tract of land situaieis
Uuion township, Clearfield county, homdeiij
lands of John lirubaker and by lands ef IWni
orchard. Seiicd and taken in exeralim, and U
be sold as tho pioj.erty of John Laborde, ir,
Also, a certain tract of land situate in
Hell township, Clearfiold county, bounded 11 fol
lows, to wit: beginning at a post corntr, thnti
youtt, ?A .1-1 A .ti rn .,rr,ci to a ouit corner,
("our.iXTiov. In publishing the rules j thence s uth 63 west 70 percbes to,
hvnocrites that now control the ;.'""' ot twenty nve cents.
ol lho JhhW. U.w Republican everut-l T1''. wo are requentd to state, is not
tered-exnressionsorhostiliiv ...minsi ,,,. ! the intention o! the Society, as no en-
c - i
government," why don't you show it ? fee will he charged on such arti-
umid all these invasions of rights as old
jand veneruble as the common law itself,
Fullerton. tJeo. 1 '1C Journal bravely defends and justifies
I the "reign of terror;" nnd ogainst the
prolest of freemen jealous cf their rights,
endeavors to arouse public indignation by
the miserable uiMnuation t: at men, ti ne i
Y'ou have a copy of each number of our
paper, il we have usod such expressions '
you are bound to produce them ; or else 1
by your silence, acknowledge to your in-:
suited readers that you were junt tyiy to J
wake them Lelierc a Kmyhacl;
(hence north 50 5-10 east 70 perches to poUNC
ner and place of beginning, continuing SJ m
more or less, beina part of a lorirer tunfjll
name of E. L. Miller. Seised and tukuii l 'lo
cution, and tube fold as the properly uf E. I
Also, defendant's interest in cetWii
tract of land situate In Jlrnily township, OrW
I county, bounded by lands of Dubois it Lusini
hinds of Young, and the Jeflors-n ooiitj
... . .1... -I.k.ljd
. ... iiuv, conunnmE vu screi.iuuiv ui it?., n i.u -
e ra pui.llsa Hie rules and regulalions ,50 aercs cleared, and two small houMssaadUl
of the Society this week on our
(.ago, omitting the objectionable clause
men, loyal men, Union-loving, law-abiding erable attempts evor made to escape from
linen, cannot and must not question the 1 r dirty sctape, that of the lat Jonrnt! to
acts of tho Administration? to do so is upologio for, or rather to justify, its
treasonable, n de'.ibeinte attempt to over- slanderous attack upon the above named
gentleman, caps the climax. Of course,
foul t h i barn erected thereon. eiz, fl snd takes il tf
cution and to be sold as the pn forty of V ilhu
F. G. MILLKP, .lifrif.
Klieriff office, Clearfield, Aug. 2f, lfI.
i.atch lothe northern papers, that John. I i KlilSTFU S NoWci-i Xoiiee,ishr'
r ..... ,
J.V by Riven that the following sccdiuW ,T
ltn.,n n.nm.npH lifl.l .....itil liv (tift. tlld TSB1KI"
instant, ond prevented a "conflict between filed of record in this offico for" the liiepection
the Federal and our State authorities." heirs, legatees, crcditors.nnd all oUKri i l
,,, , ., , 1 other wav interested, and will be presents
"(.lory lo (ro.l . lovodc "nri a great the nejtOrphan's Court of Cleaif.eld coam;,
man. It is wel lor Hie i.eoi. la oi our le held at tlio Court House, in tno oim, -
I r.i , . . . . ..L
We observe by a telegraphic (lis-'
itch lothe northern papers, that John
Covode arrived in Washington on the cith
Trt ....11 . 1. ,..l rM.. it.n nt ll. fl'nin Iiim clof' rnnnitpliiin u-ilh 111..
legal gentleman that does up the h-avy j whole transaction, the public, will take it Foible," lut for his timely interference; til, Ad,nini.irnt-,rs of ull and
work for the Journal, ond to save him from ( f'T granted that this is Mr. Swoope's Owni KK.rtiu.icAN We learn that; wore of Samuel Tate, of Lawrtncs If
again resolving nnd rejoicing that "Tins cllort. And what an efTort it is ! And for j08, K McFnally, of this county, and A. TfiaUccou
i'ahi r of a fiovrnsMK.vT w-n i. koov . on r. to a lawyer to ir.tiko ' Shades of Hlackstone. ' i u';u. r l'lt, rxt,l il.. ,i.... r k. i..i .:ii ...1 TtmDt
- - .....Mw.w.-.- - j , i ivuA ui vi w wiiii j vcriv iiuiiiiunic mw j.i.viiiui a ui ill c iuri n ui nun it-. , .
Ar.;;n," we will give an illustration, which j Marshall and Story what simpletons
n'u as tho Republican candidates for Assom- I Thomas Vt ilson inle of C best towi.shlp Clt '
may servo to fhow him tho difference be- lo bo found among thy disciples 1 ' w v ut ,he pistHct Convention held nt ' ThTFnalTccmin't of Arthur Bell, AdminUM
State that he ha nipped this conflict in ,.""".".."., : ,"-.
( ( 4J. 'Ua icuiiui ajuil UI IIIaVlllHI auu III""
icht have became "irre-' TIl. ,-,.,, f M.ih. t.. nj Wlllisia r
the bud, as il might
l' t,...., l- . i. ...i .i..:.
TP I VrPI'1 1 I I 'fit '- U, ,,., l.-ll,HUllVf(l I, rtl till II, I , I, V 1 . j. . I . J Ull .A r,JXt I 1 . '-' I 1.1. I 11" llll.1.
..... ........ w....
Beccaria Dr. (1. V. Caldwell. Thou, (iroooi
cll Philip Mcdee.
Hoggs Kdward Alber(, M. L. Lumadue, Val
entinu (ienrhurt-
nradford A. II Lucas-
J'T1"1';. ,,I,cck T'r Ui',lu1' ,,ltur throw the (ioverntnent::
Ullilllll, I UU? VU.S1..I,
niirnsidc Peter nreth, James Lamer, Jno
Chest (iilhert Totcr. W. W. IVorrall.
Covington Clnis. Schnnrrs, tleo. Yothers.
Clearfield A. ! (southards.
Decatur Daniel Avers, Win. Hughes, Samuel
Ferguson Daniel Kouser, Wm. Wise, T' .
Davis, Philip Mefracken.
Fox Judson (. nnndy,
(1 rah i.m Thomas Korcoe, M. V. French,
t.irard George a. Ku.ith.
Goshen William Graham, jr.
Gulieh J. 11. Moriran.
u,ion-Thos llewit, F. E llewit ' machine ns ho found it." Now this, IhuV ability of his guilt. 1 1 is accusers, not sat-' crulio fellow citizens could not see ; or
Jordan Jthn I. Miller, John Curry, John' , . . , : i l. . : i . . i i . j i seeing, failed lo appreciate .
Glasgow. 'a very homely expression, nnd a very in- isncd, but in hot pursuit ol his blood do . .
Karihaus -Wm. nridgens, Isaac C-McCloskey. definite definition of (JovernmcPt, is yel not, in aoxmlancc wiih the rules of law ' HKNRY WHITEHEAD
Uwr:e7ci-Milo.,Kead, Andrew Addloman 'sufl'iciontly illustrative of tbe distinction, and of common sense, too.-protecd to -i;sTli:ii' of the ,.eca
Daniol Souli, Uobert Lawhead. i The "Old Abe" snoko of is the j-rove him guilty-but demand that tbe ' . tnion tp., will attend
Morris-Leonard Kvler ir , . - . ,r .. u i . . . . i i j promptly to all business entrusted to his tare.
Po"n-JosefTT i Government, and the running of the Mu- publto will hold him guilty .nwr does Sept., 12, 1860. l.y
L'nion Geo. Clcuser. j chine ia the Administration ; so that men not prwe himself "b. io-od the possibility of a
may difler creallv nn to the host wav of doubt to he binoeent. ' J. U. HiL.Mt iSUiN,
tween nn .I.mnuVr.if'ei and a OVi-nuncit ; j A man is: charged distinctly and poM- Ridgvay on Thursday last. They were
"Old Abo ' sAid, when on his way to tho lively with a henious offence, lie mnken' i,oth formerly Democrats, and both, por-
whito house, "that he intended to run the his defence, showing the ex tremo imp rob- haps, posstss me.-its which their Demo- , The final account of Wm. Rex, surviving Ami
.o . ,uni mi-Kim. u. nr. our jjpii, ,
ef all and sibgulur tbe goods and fbalt"
W Jlatlett, late of oll townsnip, vi"-
field county, deceased.,. ff .1,. V...I. if U 'mk.r.l ClirrV.
late of Piko township, Clearfield ennt.ty
deceased. JAMES WWl'JLti.
August 12, 1881. lltsjirt
Phyalclan and Surgeon, has r"D1,M,"5
jooauia Bl, J'OCOUiOO .Uliio, wii iinf
fers his professional services to the ,urw"a.,
-MNflTICl' Letters I r,,,,,,;;. j r.,u iti, ii1K Thi. i. th ,.m and tubslane. of il,.' l)sck?"h, Wagons, Buggies, Ac, 4o, ironed ; DANIEL GOODLANDER,
having been this day.f 7 """.7" "- , - y ". j. X3 on short nuice, ana tne very bost style, at hi' TirsTICK of the peace
ui peace
Luthersburg, Clearfield
mptly to all business entr'"
Hill KUDIIU a;i wuiou; v w "
to his car. March 23, I860. ly. I
i 11 "
iiallKat thestenmtiig ranny.irom orn d, , t lBuJ, ngclaims .gainst denco in, or respect for, the Administra-1 , 'nZ: li AI T lh of ' P w. UAYS, Justice of ha P..o., - '-
Monroe to HaUera Inlet, ill order that the ..Jwlnpresent them duly. uthenticated for . 'j !. for thi ' Z n that W?-0 T ""u ZM A Cle.rSold, MERCHANT3, an4 .icndr.' 1 . proaptly to collection, and ether
the expedition might have the aid of a settlement. ELIZABETH D'JNKY- jtion, anci it is lor mis very reason mat take this advice; and perhaps hie tradu- Msnnfaturors of Luciher, ..ft in hU charge. Address Kerssy, Elk '
audi rx. men, wnuo neariuy supporttn a, uovcra' . ccrs uiaj noi escape so easuy.
I Aug. 15. ml 6t. pd
July 2 mo.
Oct. 3dl80. ly.