0 J WTTTs sir lip 'V V1 'I 71, W. MOORE. I v ... kj. B. O00DLANDER, Edlt' ' : .:X' - VOL XXXII. WIIOLU NO & Charge ofMacdonald at Wafjram. " In ll.o Utile of Wagram, Napoleon wn Mar.hul Iwousl with fifty thousand nentomnko acirci.it and attack .ho Austrian on the farther si Jo of NousiodeL M oon asDavoust appeared on the pla- iinnBnJ Vr,LU ft:-,il',,ry Seen X M"kJ dV'Y?' NV ffiS r MfJ?,.ttid, with aigrJl battalions, to march straight on the nemy's centre and pierce it. This ctiargo formed the etisis of the huttlo, arid DO sooner did tho Arch-duko soo the movements cf this terrible column of oight battalions, composed ol sixteen a pledge of sincerity 1 will 'tend voiii thousand men, upon his centre than ho mu.shul', Maffiwhioi,' yoi, have so glorious ' w that 'ho hour Of Europe,' ..est my y eilrlle4, The ,ranykn1M pm, RZL" 1,11 oi in orn nrniv na.. . . . I I Immediate Iv doubled lh lines flt threatened point, and brought up TnC e serte cavalry, while two hundreJ cannon where wheeled around thesjiot on which uch destinies hung, and opened a steady fire on tho nppioi.ci.ing column. Mue ionald immediately ordered a hundred annon to answer t!ie Austrian batteiie1!', hat swept every inch of ground like a ittorm ol bleet. 1 he eminoniers mounted their horses, uud started on a tupid tiot priih their hundred pieces, und approach ed to within half a cannon shot, and then opened on the enemy's ranks. The col li tun marched up to this battery, and will. . iiaiflt its head, belching forth fire like lomff Inge monslcr, steadily advanced. The Austrifins fell lack and closed on each other, knowing that the final strug gle had come. At this crisis of the bat tle nothing could exceed the sublimity uel terror of the scene. The whole in terest of the armies was concentrated here where the incessant and rapid roll of ean fioa told how elesperate was the conflict, ijtill Mucdenald slowly advanced, though his liui ubcrs were diminishing, and the fierce battery at his head was gradually becoming silent. Enveloped in the fire of his antagonist the guns had one by one brcft dismounted, und at the distance of a mile acd a half from the spot where he started on his awful mission, M.icdonul I found himself without a protecting bat tery, and the centre still unbroken. - I Marching over the wnck of his guns, und ! , . yi .ii i pi i l.ushn.g the naked head of his column in to the .levouring ciws fire ol the Austrian urdllery, he continued to advance. I he urdllery, he continued to advance. The I carnage then became terrible. At every j gide of a wounde(; soltlieP evidently ad discharge, the head of that column j ministering to him great care and atteu pruodasifsar.kintotho earth, while tioI)- r illt,millm nivselfto him, and tne outer rank, on either side melUel way like snow on the river's Irink. No ei! oan desciibe the intense anxiety with which Napoleon watched its p-ogres. On Just such a charge rested his empire at Waterloo, and in its failure his doom was ICaiod. J'utullthe lion in Macdonald's mature was aroused, and ho had fully re wired to executed the dread task given him cr f'ul I on the field. Still he towered i . .ij i I ... i i . I ynhutt fmlL ..Is falling guard, and mil. I uu f yt?s nse'j rieaaur on tho enemy centre, moved sternly on. At the close and fierce discharges of these cross butter ies on its mangled heid, that column would some. hues stop and stagger back, lilts u strong ship when smitten by a wave. The next moment the drums would beat their hurried charge, the culm steady voice ofMacdonald ring back thro' Ij is exhausted ranks, nerving them to the tlespeiate valor that filled bis own spirit. Never before was such achargo made, and Hsw-rued et every moment that the torn and rtinr.'ed mass must break and fly ' The Austrian cannon, gradually iviiecl ingftround till thoy are stretched ..way in Jjp.ralie! lines hko two walls of fire on each side of this band of heroes, and hurl an incessant tempest of hud against their logouts, but the stern warriors c'o:e in and fill up tho frightful gaps made at every eliseharge, and Mill press forward. MncdonaM has communicated his own settled purpose to conquer o: die, Jo his devoted followers. There is no ex citement no enthusiasm such as Murut was wont to infuse into his men when nouring on tho foe l.;s terrible cavalry. No cries of ''Vive 1' Empereur-' are heurd felon; the line; but in their place is an unalterable resolution that nothing but annihilation can shake. The eyes of the army and thq world are on them, and , they carry upileon s lato as tney go. n.. k..n,..n .iV..n..M. Inn ii. hmita ,.,! human cfibrt the spot where it ceases for rr. . No man could have carried that Column !o where it stands but the iron fcearted h-ader nt its head, liut now he halts and casts his eyes over his little sur- i..t it.i .i...,.!. ,.n nl,-m i.i il,o midst of theenemy. lie looks luck on publican P"Wy. IajI us go in for change Lis hath, and as far as the eye can reach. ! ' fc",,,1 'loetrme of the he sees the course of his heroes by tho ; ul'i" party, under which our marts Hack swath of dead men that stretches ! y W ,,wm with tho living like- a huge serpent over the plain. Uutl 01 r,co","n m "? Vt pursuits of t.f the Lrtecn tlL,nnd men with whom he prosperity und wealth. Let it he a change ftarted but fifteen hundred are left beside that will shuke the mining regions again LIOJ. Ten Intofncrv cteren It.ive fallen, ami wil1' s'uly jar of the forges blast. ker at length'the tired hero pauses, and ; 0n" ,tllrtt ,V1" ,Sve H' ftarv.ng rt.ners aurveys with a stern and anxious eyo his we"'1 t0 ca, amI ,hat wl1 s'cl,re tl' tr,.e' few remaining followers. The heart of elom of speech and the Uderat.on ofrclig Napoleon stO)s beating at tho sight, as iol,s opinions. Let it be I chu.igo that well ho may, for his throne is where Mac- ' w rescue the Government and bnng up 'lonalJ stands. Ho bears tho Empire on from the sorrowing heartsof freemen such his singlo b;uve heart ho is Empire. a shout or joy as will make the heavens to Khali ho turn at last and sound tho re- echo nnd a Christian world to give thanks treat? Tne fato of nations waver to and and rejoice. To such a change the Demo fror for like a shock in the distance, Mac cratic party invites you. Do not, then, dorttld is seen still to nause, while the ' foiget your duty to God, to humanity and cannon are piling tho dead in he,ps yur country, but whatever may have around him. " Wdl he turn and fixjt" is peen your political connection in the past, the eerot and agonizing question Napo- j(,jn nw with tho Democracy, the time leon puts to himself. No ! ho is worthy lr party of the Constitution and the U of Iho mighty trust committed. Tho n'on lle steadf.ist advocato of the rights Emm.m, ..!. p r..ll with him. but ol freemen, and the true dcfeneler of lib. iiiii stand wlnlc lie stanus. looking away to where his Emperor -V-ft . . . ... . "8, he sees the dark masses of the Old -ru m motion, ana sinning ..c.muu. o. brav. cuirassiers sweeping to his re- lit. Ti0rWMdV "' iM 9 Vra. . 1 ho roll of elr urns and the pealing wi trumpets auswers the volley that smites that exhausted column, and tho next mo I Wt it is seen piercing tho Austrian cen- n i .... i p lf,70. (re. The Jay is o-,19 Empire issnV(1(1 -,,;;,.;t,,e wl'u, AuMriu., army w i full Such' win the Li.ttt ,r w i sue hi! , 1, nf ir . , '."'"!"'. of o h ni e ,u"l Kl'l v" char . Vn i. .L ' f 1 ' 7 " -i w,w 1101 " OV("- vi"o-ious fioW.Ho,,. ,,,,., r;1(),e where Muedonald Mood amid his troop.. As his eve foil on the rain, ami eol'eo.cd horo, Z '.to , od a d holding out. his hand, .aid : "Shake hand M.cdoi.ald -no more- hatred between us wo must. Iif.fwri-ii-t I. l.rt p.. i ... uuuiu. j o oi Napoleon clieoled what all his neglect biles flt tlio'jn,! 1 .... 1 r . t i. i T.. ... ...t.i mu aiiuurau nun. Orasping his hand and with a voico filled w Ah emotion, w Inch the wildest uproar of batllb could uever agitate, he replied. "Ah, Biro, wlti. us it is henceforth for life and death!" Nobleman! kindness could overcome him in a moment. It is no wondor that Boiuju.i te felt, of. Just, that ho had not known Maedonalds true, worth. SlNlifl.All MkK.TIM! OK ISllOTHKn.SAF- tek Sevkn Ykars A hnkntk Hotii Woi niif.I). A correspondent of the Iiich mon.l iisp.uch, writing from "Camp, near Mamissus, .July -'7," relates the following fcfl'ectiiig incident, of the meeting of two brothers alter a leparalicn or seven years: 'I, together with several other gentle men from Montgn.iieiy, a day or two ago, witnessed onj of the most singular, ut the same time, most all'e cling incidents, which will probably recur during this most un holy and unnatural war, it' it should last for twenty years. We were straggling over the battlo field, examining the ground upon which we had such a bloody conflict, and won such a glorious victory two days before. We came unexpectedly into the Centrevillo road, and seeing a house on the left with the usual signs 1 e tokening an hospital, one of tho parly bo ing a physiclar. expressed u -isli to go , uiry we rtirnt.a (hat ,.olll:1;,i ,i, ;,.,., uown uiki see mo wounuea. Loon in- tho stable belo'.v i1-"'"'"" inn n-oii nuuiiuim la.iKe . forthwith proceeded to the stable v ! Inp lh(Mni ,kJ on cn,erin we fl ; eV ..,..:,-., Al.,m ounded Yankees: we i contain Washineton Artillerv man ..e.-.tod bv tl. asked if he aided in working tho battery which fought with the First Virginia bri gade. He told me he did not he had fought in a lattery lower eloien, and '.hen remarked "that it .vas very hard to fight as he had fought, nnd turn an I find his own brother against him," at tho same time pointing to tho wound A soldier, from whose side he had imt risen. '-'iu " "i. as iiussioie u.ai was uis brotliCi ? 'Yea sir. he is mv brother llenrv I isiced it it was possible that was 1.! . I lie sarae mother bore us, the same moth- er nursed us. e meet tor the first tune for seven years. I belong to the Washing ton Artillery from New Orle'ans -he to the First Minnesota infantry. J!v the merest chance 1 learned he was here, wounded, and I sought him out :o nurse and attend bin,.' Thus they inet one from the far North, tho other from the extreme fc'outh or. a bloody field in Virginia, in a mis erable stable, fur away from their mother, home and friends ; both wounded the infantry man bv a musket ball in the right sl.OMlder. the artillery man by the tvlicel of a caioson over his left hand. Thus lliey met aftc an absence of seven years. Their names are Frederick Hub bard, Wa-diingtor Artilleiv, ami Henry Hubbard, First Minnesota Iufanlry. We met ft suron of one of the Al.ilama regi ments, rind related the case to him, and requested for the sake of the artilleryman, that his brother might be cared for. lie immediately examined and dressed his wound, and sent oil' in haste for an am bulance to take the wou tided 'Yankee' to his own regimental hospital." AvoTiiKrt CiiASeiK. List fall the cry of the Republicans was, "we must have a 7i iiuic." and with wide a vnkes mid ex- cuemern inoy gm a cuango-ironi perno- i .... .... Now thoy call for anothr change, liut it is not a change of principle1. They de sire a chango of name, for the purpose of perpetuating their name and hiding the nast. I el evory luiii iot ai.el honest man fc''? 1,1 for rt cl,n"tf. Im.1 "ol ft m?n, cbft?P ol noma to cover up itic sins oi mo lie j juM.ce anu equality. Hutduty Vein. I t&'Tlev. John M. Green, chaplain of tt,.,ed as its postmaster, is iu j-iil,' charged wilh ; ,ctteri .UlmctTng money belonging to members of the reg- . J Mld ollcr pewong. 8 . . 1 he iov- Scnlle a;m ls ul,,cn of Mof- ccr county. " ji-ihu x iiiiic iuii reel men i wuo PRINCIPLES, CI.KAKFIKLl), VA. WKDNIvSDAY, SICl'I'. I, CJ. THE WAR NEWS ! li It I J. L I A X T XA VA L VICTOlt Y CAPTURE OF THE FORTS AND BAT TERIES IN HATTERAS INLET. OFFICIAL REPORTS OF (SEN. BUTLEU AND COMMODORE STRINOHAM. 15 KILLKD; bVi WOUNDED. 4(J Officers and 71') Xon-Commissioned OjHccrs tnd li ivutet Tnhtii Prisoners. THE ASSISTANT SECIIKTAR Y OF THE REBEL XAVY A MOXd THE Pit I SOX EH 8. looosrAxn of ahms, 21 can non, AND A LAKd'K AMOUNT OF AMMUNITION AND STOCKS TAKEN, &v., etc., &c, Tie Xavul exjicdition which left For tress Monroe on Monday, 20th ultimo, on secret pervice, undrtr command of Major General liutler and Commodore String hum, has achieved a splendid success. The rebel fortifications at Hatterus Inlet, which were of vast importance in a mill., tury point of view, have fallen beneath an attack of our intrepid navy, and the oc cupants of tho forts, oniony whon there were several distinguished otlicers, hare been tuken prisoners. The rebels, who were commanded by Commodore Samuel Barron, late of tho United Suites Navy, fought with much spirit, but our navy carried too many guns for them, and they were obliged to surrender unconditional ly. Forty six rebel officers, seven hun dred und fifteen non commissioned offi cers und privates, one thousand stund of arms, thirty five cannon, a large amount of ammunition nnd stores, and several smalt vessels, laden wuli cotton and to bacco, ivere captured through the bravery of our men. Uj. special correspondent, who has arrived from the scene of the cemte.-t, which he left Fiiday afternoon, with Gen. Kutler and staff, in the steamer Adelaide, under command of Commander II. S. Stellwagen, U. S. N., touching for a short time at Fortress Monroe, thence to Annapolis and Washington, gives the following account of the brilliant affair : The expedition, consisting of tho frig ates Minnesota, Commodore Strinpl.am; W abash, Captain Mercer; the gunboats, Pawnee, Captain Rowan j Monticello, Commander jiillis; and the Ha, riet Lano, Captain Fauncc; with the transports, Ad elaiele ond George l'enbody, conveying troops to tho number of about a thousand, left Fortress- Monroe last Monday, nnel reached tho rendezvous oil" Hatterns In let, fifteen miles below Cape Hatterus, on Tuesday morning, the Minnesota coming in in the afternoon, and the Cumberland and Wabash joit cd the fleet tho same ' Preparations were immediately made to land tho troops tho following morning, at which time the transports ran near the beach, two miles north of the inlet, and, covered by the Monticello, Harriet Lane and Pawnee, about three hundred men were landed thro' a heavy surf, tho force consisting of Capt. Larneel's company ol regular artillery, Capt. Jardine's company Ninth New Yorje. two companies of tho Twentieth New York, wilh Colonel We ber and Lieut. Col. lltiss; a detachment of marines from the frigates, under coin- i i. t ' r l i 1 l.' ...... I maim o: Majors i-ougmj a.. ,. ..u . c worth rind n ilel.aehment of sa lors trolll the Pawnee, under Lioufs. Crosby and Klue, with Drs. King and Jones. The etinboats swept tho beach anel . . . D. f . ... i . 1. . ii neighboring copse oi scruo ohks .au ...u boats Letng swamped ami ongea in uio surf, no more men could be thrown nshoro Meanwhile, the Minnesota and W abash- steamed up to the front of one of the reb el batteries nnd took their position at long range. At ten o'clock the Wabash fired the first gun, the eleven inch shell striking near the battery and bursting with tre mendous force. Thobatteiy which was of sand, covered with turland mounting five long thirty two's, instantly returned tho fire, '.he shot falling short. The Minnesota and Cumberland immediately opened fire and rained nine nnd eleven inch shells into and about. The fire was terrific, and soon the batteries responses were feiv and far between, save when the frigates suspended fire for a while to get a new position, when the fiiemy's lite was inn .aiLcr ilii i iu uuiiiuciiit.iu ... .vw most spirited v- . t 1 ... . eiaimiue u-susi.iiuou iy our sun's, , , r - . i .i -.- men roiai'i I'lni-iapiui. ui ..v... .wi m. and when they again took their position , n lo' menlion lhnl Ilfiut. V. ij. the cannonading was intensely hot, 1 Murdauali lute of the United States Na shells dropping on the enemy s rampart. j . , o(J b(jt fscai)(,(jiVvilh or fulling in their works, exploding in ; . Mourners that waited in the death dealing fragments and carrying d of cftm untl, death and destruction with them. 1 he u ' .-rendered, when they escaped, small wooden structures about the fort ' privates schooners, down the were torn and perforate, with the flying I " Liiut. Murdaugh was formerly shells ; nut me enemy uia not return me . fire with any regularity. At eleven o -clock the immense (lag statT was shot a way and tho rebel flag came down, but the fire was still continued by them. At tu-olv o'clnclf the Snsnunhanna steamed I : . . . . . ' . in, and dropping Her boats astern, opened j an effective lire. The cannonading on o years experience. He was attached our part was incessant, and the air was - ' f le sRbiue previous to joining alive from the hum and explosion of fly- f e ina shells; from the explosion of shells 1,16 re ' . . . , , that dropped in at the rate of about a I I regret to adel hat he Harriet Lane, half dozen a minute. , on Thursday, while attempting to enter Tho enemy ceased firing a little Wore 1 the Inlet, went a shore, and though guns, two, and after a few more shells had been J Ac, were heaved overboard, she bad not thrown in the Commodare signalized to .been got off when we eft. Sho is some ceaso firing what attained, but makes no water, and The troops had meanwhile advanced lo 'strong hopes were entertained of getting within a short distance of the fort, and her safely off if no storm sets in. She is lefore we ceased firing some of our men in the breakers. not MEN. got in and raised the star un I sliipes.i 1 he dace was too hot for tho men, but the flag was left wuvimr. CoKswnin Itn Sweares, of tho Pawnee's first cutter, stood f..r untn imAn .1 - - - - - - HmrnmiiUi n (!;.... V 6 ...v (viiii Min r iiiinnni u1 u t it in r ..i " "'(-"1 ui fciioiis. Wiien tho firing ceased the fart was occupied in force and held afterwards. Tho Monticello had proceeded a. head of the land force ts protect them, and had reached the Inlet when u iarge fort of an octagon shape, to the rear und right cf a snull buttery, mounting ten thirty two's and four eight inch guns, which I od till then been silent, opened on her with eight guns at short ranee. At therninc instant k!io got aground, find stuck fast, the enemv nourine in a fire. hot and heavy, which the Monticello roi. plied to with shell shiiriily. Fcr fifty i... i.i i . i. minutes sho held her own, and finally ge t ung on me ground she came out, having been shot through and through oy seven eight inch shells, one going below the water line. M.o tired littyfive shell in fif ty minutes, and partially silenced tiio buttery. She withdrew ut dusk for ie puirs, with one or two men sliuhtly bruis ed, but none killed or wounded. The escupo of the vesnel crew was mi raculous. Until this time wo Mimm.i.il the day was ours: but the unexpected opening of the large battery rather ch in- god the aspect ofalfairs. Things did not '"ations as were possible lor the landing look cheerful at dark. V. e had men wsro madu in the evening ; and at day -ushore v ho were probably in need of pro- light next morning dispositions were visions, nnd in ense of a nigh! attack no assistance could be Eeni them from the Harriet Lane. As we lay close in shore we saw the bright bivouac fires on the beach, with groups of men about them. The iiij;ht passed a it bout an alarm, thei enemv. as we have since learned, laying on their arms all night, expecting an attack. At eurlv eluvbreuk on Thursday the men went to quarters in the fleet, ami at were stove', and a biave attempt being a quarter past eight, tho vessels huving "liulo by Lieutenant Crosby, United States borne down nearer than the previous day's u7i serving with the army us post cap position, the action began, the Susque- ! tllm 1,1 Fortress Monroe, who had volun hanna opening tho day's woi k by a shell t?ored to come down with the steumtug from one of the eleven-inch nuns. The Fanny, be) mging to tho army, to land h, Minnesota and Wubish joined in iinme- ;n b:1"1 'lo'" l,,u war steamor J'aiuice, iv diately, nd again the hum of shell and : !i,,lteu '" hoachmg the ,.M, so that kho their explosW. were heard. They fired could not bo g.i nil. nearly half an hour belore the battery ,l wab impiae ticablo to land mere responded, when it answered briskly. 1 troops becuuse of the rising wind and sea. Our fire was more eorrect than on tho l ortunately u iwelve pound rifled boat pi.n ious day. Tho rane had been ob- f?un loaned us by tho flag ship, nnd a mined, and nearly every shot tvnt into twelve pound howitzer were landed, the the batterv. throwine up clouds of sand last b.ighlly damuged. Our lauding was und exnlodina with terrific effect. At twenty-five minutes pust ten the Harriot Lane openod fire, und soon utter Cumberland came in from the otlit-.c and joined in the ntiaek. Tho Harriet 1 ane, , s'fc'nuls, and was about landing with them with her rifled guns, did eood execution, : t tne lime the bouts were stove, several projectiles from" the eight-inch I e were induced to desist any further shell going into tho battery, and, undone ohenipts at landing troops by the rising going directly through the ramparts , of the wind, und because in the mean Tho tire was so hot that all the enemy , 111110 tllc Hoot had opened fire upon the that could do so got into a bomb-proof in , nearest fort, which ws finally silenced tho middle ot the bu'.tery. i and its flag struck. No firing hail been Finally, at five minutes past eleven A. ifpeneil upon our troops from the other M., an 11 inch shell having pierced the , 'h and its flag was ulso Struck. Sup. ; bomb-proof through a ventilator und ex- posing tins to bo a signal ol surrender, ploded inside near the magizine, the en- Colonel Weber advanced his troops al I emy gave up tho tight und raised over tho ! rcatI' landed upon the beach. ramparts a white flag. 'The Han set Lane' Captain Fauncc, by I We immediately ceased fire. Gen. direction, tried to cross the bar to get Butler went into the Inlet und landed ut in the smooth wuter of tho inlet, when i the fort nnd demanded un inconditionul ''iro ttti opened upon the Montieel j surrender. ( ' which bad proceeded in advance of us, I Commodore Barron, Assistant. Secretary l'on tho other fort. Several shots stiuck of the Confederate Navy, asked that the her, but without causing any casualities officers be allowed to march out with side fts 1 ll;n inlormed. So well convinced arms, and the men be pel n.itted to return were tho officers of both navy and army their homes sfter su.'icndoring their arms. ! lllts forts had surrendered ut this These terms were pronounced inadmissa- 11 110 tliu Susqueliiinna had towed the ble by General Butler, nnd finally the f." Cumbeiland to an offing. The force was surrendered without condition. M"'" was then reopened, as thoie was no I Articles of capitulation were signed on ,s'it""l fro eiihor, upon both Torts. In the flagship by Commodore StrinChnniill)Ull,eiini1n.e a low men from the Coast . capitulation were signed on . , ... c . and General Bullet on tho part of the U- nited States, and by Commodore Barren, Colonel Martin and Major Andrews on t, . . , j he lar , swods dc. j;ve j , theVUrrendcr we came in possession of ,housnIll sUl.d of ftl,US) lirty.five heavy guns, ammunition lor the baine, a large amount of hospital and other store.-, two schooners one loaded with tobacco and the other wi'h provisions; one brig loaded with cotton, two light boats, two surf boats, Ac. The enemy's loss they allow to be eight killed and thirty-five wounded. Eleven of the latter were left at the hospital at Annapolis. We took forty-five officers prisoners, many of high rurk. 'The prisoners are on board the Minne sota, and will be canied to Nei York, where you may expect them in a few days. I Our victory was a complete and brill iant one. We lost not n life, nor had we more than one, if any, wounded. Our . . ,.:-., p i.-i, r,,.. - ... . ,,..,. v,vv. Ho ; u nr.tive and citizen of and receive his appointment from the Slate of Virginia, lie entered the service on the 5th of Sep tember, 1841, and ree:eived bis comn.is- iinn on tne the lotli September, leai. it ... ,,, .j.,.. i.e ha. i.aj nettllv Your correi)Ondeiit wa on board at the time she got ashore. Fortunately no lives were lost, though several boats going .. - v., ..... ,,. ...... .iU...ini in unj or iwoagiun. chnii nnon Ixa.. i.,... .. .. .1 ... . . uen. JHIl cram! aid an en. imucr imu aid ci ino y H))Ocial Navy train to the city to-night, and ately culled on the Secretaries und War. Oflicnl Hcport of (ien. JJutlur. United States Klau Sine Minnesota, I August .'U, lhiil. J Oenkkai.. Agreoablo to vour ore'oi s. 1 etnbaikwd on tbe trunsport steamers Ade laiilo ond George) J'eaboilv tivo hundiod of 1 1,10 Twentieth regimont New York ol- u tears, Col. Weber commaiiding ; O I I i:....' c up i lain .jaruine s company, .Mull, regiment New York Volunteers with one hundred ; of the Union Coast Guard, dipt Nixon ; commanding, and sixty of the Second U nited States artilleiv. J.ieut. Laiin-d ..inn. I ... ...... ij;, as u iuivju 10 ui(,craio in i;ci u junction with the Hoot under command of Flag (if Ofllcer Str.'nghum, unainst the rcb . el lorts at Hutteas Inlet. We left Foi tress Monroe on Monday ut ie o'clock 1J. M., the lust shin cf our one "eo1 arriving oil' Hatterus Inlet about loin 0 clock on Tuesday afternoon. Such men- muuei ior an aiiacx upon me lorts hv a not and for the landing of the troops. j ('wing to tho previous prevalence of south ,ycst gales u heavy surf was breaking on . u,u beuch. hvery ellort was made to hind , 1110 uoops, anu alter a unit 0Ij men were landed, including fifty -lieo marines from j llle lleiti nntl reguhns, b jih the iron ,WBla ul"'" ""'en wo depended were swamped in tl.c surf .n:d bo:h Hat boats . completely covered by the shells of the Montice.lo nnd the llariiet Lane. I was on I lourel the Harriet Lane diiecting the Uis- . e"ll,:" kation of the troops by means of uaru i.au aeivanceti up the Peach, nidi -Ml'' W icgol, who was ucting us volunteer " e""'""' sorwecs i w.su 10 couiiiioini, anu iook po-cssion Ol the smaller foit, which was found to have been fcbandone'd by the et.oiny, und rais- ed the American Mag thereon. It had become necessary, owing to the threatening appearand) of the weather, that all the shins should make an olliing, which was done with reluctance, from necessity thus leaving tho troo:s upon shore, a pat t in possession of the small fort about seven hundred yards Iron, the largo one, und the rest lnvouacKed upon .11 .. ,. . , I Ii.. l.n.il. ti.i.it III.) i :trA r.f I.iii.lm.r ..I .... . I ., ,. .. ;. .. ' ' n Inch had been shutted bv tho enemy, two miles north ol tho mns. .... , , .. r- .. i i ,. i ., . .i it , I In) e'lubarkution of the wounded, Early the next morning the Harriet1.... , , , , . , , , J . r . .i . f .which .vi.s ciuii noted with "reset care ond Lone run in sho e or he puriiose of cov- , t . , . , r . , -. ' ' I tendi'i nes Iroin a temporary wharf erect- eringnny attack upem tho troops. At . , . ., ... , i , i . ,i , , 1 . 1 . ed for tin) purpi so, look so long that the same time a urge steamer was ohser- ,. i i i Ti . . . , r, i i .. i night came on, and it was so l ulith.it it ved coming elown the sound, innde the . ,, ., , , , . , . . , , i was imiins-ib'e for (he idiots to tako tho am , with re:n orcements tor the enemy ; , , ', ,, . ' , . i ,', ..ir i i- i Adelaide over tho bar, iheiehy causing do- hut she was prevented froni landing by , , j o eaj iuii ii . eu n.'ii. .'i . ii u vu.i-i. v. ii iii ii, v no had placed the two guns from tho bhiii i . i n p 1 ill ii ii si a - in... M..I.-I . .ii iiu i e-ei ii ii ii i no on 1 . . . ' emy in a small sand battery, und fire uion the lebel steamer. r..rtn.1.1 .I ..... . At eight o'clock the fleet opened lire again, the flagship being unchoied as noar as the water allowed, anil tho other shijis coming gallantly into action. It was evi dent, after a few experiments, that our shots fell short. An increased lenj'.h of fuso was telegraphed, and tireing commen ced wilh shells of fifteen seconds' fuse. I hail sent Mr. l'iske, acting uid de cainp, on shore, for the purpose of gaining intel ligence of the movement. of the troops of theenemy. I then went with the Fanny for the purpoie of effecting a landing of .i. ,.r ii. .. i ...i.:,. Hi; iciiiuMiiii;! v.. ft.iu iiuu ), nui'll 11 nilllll flag was run up from thefort. , 1 then went with the Funny over the bar into the inlet. At the same lime the troops under Colonel Weber marched up the beach, a signal was made from the flagship to cease firing. j As the Fanny lonnded in over (he bar, the rebel stenmer Winslo went up tho chunr.el having a large number of re)hnl Iroop on boardr which sh had not hind- cd. We threw a shot at her from tho TERMS -$1 25 per Annum, if pnid in udvnnre NHW.SI'.KIKS VOL. II. NO i). Funny, but the proved to to out of range, I then sent 1tuli -naiit Orosbv on shore to 'demand the moaning of I ho whito Hag. (,, ,,,, oo,i i ounnod, nnugmiT iur. 1 .i i 1 .i .1 . . ' logei , wit ii i no I'll lowing written com munication from Samuel Barron, , lute eap tail, in the United States Navy: MEMORANDUM. Flag officer Samuel Barron, Confodornlo States Navy, oilers to surrender Fort Hat teras, with all anus and munitions of war the officers allowed to g) out with side arms and tho men without arms to retire. 8. UAimoN, Commanding Naval I )ofonce Virginia and iiui in c.i'uiiim. i'vrt H,it'ni.i, .l,..2!, ISO I. Also a verbal communication that ho hud in tho fort six hundred and fifteen men, and a thousand more within an hour's !.! I, but that he was anxious to spare tho effusion of blood. To both the written and verbal commu nications, J made tho reply which follows anil le'iit it by Lieut. Crosby: MEMORANDUM. Benjamin F. Butler, Major Goneral United States A' niy commanding, in re ply to the communication of Samuel .Bar ren! commanding forces at Foit llctloras, cannot ud in it the terms proposed. Tho terms oflei jd are these; Full calculation. The officers and men to ba treated as prisoners ol war. No other terms admissible. Commanding officers to meet onboard flagship Minnesota to nrrango dot ails. Aug.. 27, ISO I. A fter wailing thrce-ntiarten of an hour. Lieutenant Crosby returned, bringing with him Capt. P. irron, Major Androws and Col. Martin, of the rebel forces, who, on being received aboard the tug Fanny, in formed mo that they had accepted the terms proposed in my memorandum, and hud come to surrender themselves und their command as prisoners of war. 1 inlonned them that as the expedition was a combined one from tho army and navy, the surrender must bo mado on bo; rd tho flagship to Flag Officer String ham, as well as to myself. We went on board tho Minnesota for that purpose. On arriving there tho following articles of caj)itiilation were signed, which 1 hope will meet your approval ; United States f lagship Minnesota, 1 Oil Hatterus Inlet, Aug. 2J. ) ARTICLES OF CAPITULATION. It is stipulated and agreed between the contracting parties that the forces uneler command of the said Barron, Martin md Andrews, und nil munitions of war, arms, men and property under tho command of said Barron, Martin and Andrews, bo un conelitionully surrendered to tho govern ment of the United States, in terms of full capitulation; and it is stipulated and a greeil by the two contracting parties on i lie purl of the United States government, that the officers and men shall receive the treatment eluo lo prisoners of war. In witness whereof, wo tho said Com modore Stringham and Gen. Buller on buhalt of the United States government, and tho said Barron, Martin and Androws, representing the forces nt Hat teras Inlet, interchange ihly set our bonds this twenty ninth day of August, A.D., eighteen hun dred ami sixty one, and of the indepen dence the eighty fifth venr. S. !I. STRINGHAM, Flag officer Atlanlic Blockading Squadron. BEN J, F. BUT LEU, Major General United States Ar my, Commanding. S. BAiM.'O.V, Flag Officer C'onlederato States Navy, Commanding Naval Defences Viri'Jnia and North Carolina. WM. F. MARTIN, Colonel Seventh regiment infan try. N. Carolina Volunteers. W. S. G. ANDREWS, Major Commanding Forts IIat teras and C'urk. I then landed and took a formal sur- render of the foi ls, with n'.l tho men and munitions of war, inspected the troops to 'see that the arms had been properly sur j rendered, marched them out and embark ed tl-orn on board the Adelaide, nnel i marenod my own troojis into tho tort and raised our II.il' mmn i' nmid the cheers of . ., ...7, 1 ,.'. ...r.i : .M.I IJ1. -II illl'l II -il II 11.' Ul I Cri ICUII-t C j n.''V .the Ade men hide i n in this in canviii: conncition that in tho troops ... . . , . . p i.t. In.. tii'Mii.. ut. lli'it i.i v tpriiij nt c ii i . 1 1 1 1 - -I .. . li.tioi. .i 1 1 ii . I . i- rvintilernl ion l.v llm etie-my, had grounded ujion tho bar ; but by the active and judicious exertions of (!'iinmodore Slellwagcn, after some delay was got oil'. At the sumo time tho Harriet Lane, in attempting to enter over the bar, had grounded and remained fust. Both were under the guns of the fort. 'This to mo was a moment of the greatest anxiety. By those accidents a valuable ship of war and a transport steamer, wilh a larga portion of my troops, wore within tli power of the enemy. I had demanded the strongest terms, which he was considering. Ho might ro "me. p i f"J; -''J our disadvantage, renew I delei mined to abalo nf,t a title of what 1 believed to be duo to the dignity of tho government, not even to give an'oflicial title to tin) officer ir command of the rebels. lWi les, my tug Vvas in the inlet, nnd at hast 1 could ear- ry on the engagement with iny two rifled six-pounder', well supplied with Sawyer s shells. Upon taking possession of tort H itter, at, I found that it in mntcd ten guns.witli f : J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers