2j nrnr II ft 1 II M iSL XXXI I.-W HOLt NO 1 - TO A 1-"HI HM. Hr li"l i "'. di'W frit-nil, Mv wul with Rrw-f i hoKttl; nd Hrit, though wearing jorom smiles, sntt rowrcd with shroud Th brtM which roiiuJ me piny, Whii'Per"'K lu"rnfu' tones, liiniii'J 'n; ' "''l0 P"'80" sway,!' Aal toll in "I'm alttiie." Pti down nittiin the sili nlgnivo A ch rlrhi rt form we've lnin ; 0 ! OB it be thnre wall-loved tonca H' u'er linll lie re again ? rf tllMO bit" "rt" forewr clood ; Anb that spirit fl"l ? ,lint, nn so foully loved ' .No nnmbi-ied wilh ihD (icud ? (1, g.itic, nje ! K"tt, to come Ho joor." Tlii eiil- ettrnil y, JV eroded the billows, gained tlie h jr Of lif' toupestuus sea. Thtfaraeretl nietimrirs of the pint, K lily mid o den, Ml treasure as a precious boon. Though nit they bid me weep, r I " The Duration of Life. When the world was fir hi created, it .!..... 1 I. - ....... 1. . yg Qtinoilliuu now ninny ytrnis uacii o jravliniild exist. So the As came and mijuireJ ho long he was to live. "'J'hirs ir years, lie was tout, ana men no was Bk.il, "I Umi bulliiicnt?" "Ala:" re iiiit'l t!ie As, "th.it is a long time. Think sow niuny wearisome burdeus I shall huve io carry from morning till night ; corn -ticks to the tnill. that others may eat limJ, and I receive nothing; but blows anlJiirks, and vet keepelw ivs active und jMii'iiij;! Ta'ie aw ay some of my yea 's 1 .rj :" So tho Ais wiw pitied, and a lile ofenly eishteen yeurs appointed to him ; ulirrcupou he went gladly afay, and the Iljgt'icii tiiude his uppcaruoce, und asked ibenanio. "How lung do you wish to ,iu'!" v- as iucpiired of him ; "thirty years terc too much lor the Ass; but perhaps iMisill be satisfied." "Do you think to?" aid tl.e Dog; "icnieniber how much I !pll have to run ; my feet will not last wt; and then when 1 have lost my voice mil ciiniutt Ivrk, and iny teeth and emi m l.itiv ivhut will there be for me to do !llo crtl and liowl from one cornet to uotbt-r?" So Hie Dog's plea was allowed u I twelve years wan appointed lor I'lS . . 1 - J i, alter whioli he departed and made ivjui ror uie Jionivey. ion win nve iLiiii- rearK willinulv. no doubt."' was slid w th ilonkey ; ''you need not work like the Ass imd llnuefore will alway lie icUoir." "Alas! it should bo o," said llie Monkey ; but really it is very differ tot, 1 must always be making cetuical la if(ir p;ile tolaugh at ; and all the ap llo oUfili i sadness hidden by a joke! But thirty yMi 1 enn nefer endure!" TheM'jnn:) ten year fW0 nllowed to linn bit f all, Man nppcarca, Jji;Uthy ami ijii-oui, r.nd requested a timfl It? "A poinlcd to liim, "You shall live illli i.;' )..!," ts the reply ; "is that enough 1" "What a short time !" cxclairr.ed Man! 'j'utvIiB I slull lui'd myscif a house, md lighted a lire upon my hearth stone, n.iljiiU when I shall have danted trees lolxiir ins fruit in their season? and I am lliiiilting of enjejing li!u, I nuts', tlie ! 1 I'rpy lt-t my jile be lengthened !" "The1 einhleen yeurs of tho Ass shall he added." ''Tli.it is not enough !"' taid Man. "Vu di ill have alo twelve years cf the Dog's lile." "Siill too litllw," replied JIan. 'Well, then, you may have the ten years ulloiridto tl:e Monkey; but you must desiro no more." Man was then obliged ((leave, but lie was not fatifieil. Thus )In iivet Eevei.tv veniT. The fust thirty rc the u.ivs ofliis nianliood, which pass and I finekly away ; he is then healthy npireu' work.i with iileusue, and re i"Mec in his being. Then follow the ijfttttvn years of the life of an Ass, which brings to him one burden afler another ; I must work lor corn w hich nourishes oihcs; and abuse and bhtme become the Award of his labors. Next come the ltive v-r c f tli n lifonf the Dkl'. tlni ins Man liiis to sit in corners, crumb- "1"? hcrnuse he has nr Ioiil-'T any teeth t-lilcwit'.i. And when this time! up, wholesale price, in New York, in conse llien the ten year of tho Monkey bring , quenee of the blockade of the North Lar tbeclu,of the scene. Then Man beoonies j elina ports, and tho ktiiu.ll quantily w i the chilUis.li and foolish, and docs strango market. Before the blockade l sold from tilings which make h'nu ridiculous in tho at) lo 40 cents a inillon. -onini m wm. I'M of children Tils lit KiAi. Pi.ack What a multitude of tlifiughtB crowd upon the mind in the wntemtilatiou of audi a scene! How much of the (ut ure, even in its tar distant w:uc rises beloro us with all lis persua- i i v.n..i;.i r. t. u n, .1.. ,..,.,.. ... i . Pf of time, and how t fleeting are its ti -s .i . i . r gr, tLwisewil.be gathered here ? of the cy of Ridimond. rieut'vynfni ,, Vli"Xor of nai:' A womav of a satirical mind wa. askeil ollyn,,f8thy and cooperation, nnd we Wl.n iy,rfjU !,,,- he V6 ' , i bvher rrien.Uifshe really intemletl ma.- I believe, that of Democrats and conserve SS h !"? il ' ?. ig 1 t rying Mr . adding that Mr. was tive men generally. Hut, in all soberness S' TUX . ihe L n y S kind of a mnn'butso very sing..-'Bn(, car.llo8r. w9 ask such men if they be- "nd ih. ? ! 1 ulVf ,h?,V- r. 'Well.' replied the lady, 'so much live that military force will restore the '" fe witlthwl lhef.vonle.of o : ' I , mu,., unlike Uir,ever bring back the citizens of other me.: L. .much more likely to he .eeeded Stalest loyalty to the Fed- inl I " l V6i i ' r1 i feo,o" ' make a good husband.' eral Government ? Can we conquer the K 1 "n ,k'nd,', f.f l- I i ?! i' l . . -South ? With the disadvantage ol conduc hmT.y',llJhpr0,'Ury ll7rii " 1 'I nu peppermints on Sunday.' re- tj ur in t,,eif territory, i it roa. H i or blasted expecation! How many mnrked '0(l 0id lady who kept a randy S , to ,)elipve ,hat tllig can be done, "w tears will be shod . How many ag-i oauing sighs will here be heaved I How ; tany trembling feet will cross the path-1 4 reluming, iwtv uc.uu .ur ' dearest objects of their joy s l-Fverett. i ,T"i lea Caors.-Ti.o wheat crop of . ,,0"tt alunlant this season, tho' scarce- T M Ww r..,'. It is esliaiated 4L . .. J .77 . nl thn niwvnla ,.f nut trill liAVO a suf- ?''' of twantv million of bushels tr is - u ..... V w. . . . . . - . ... . - A Kontleman who has travelled four hundred miles throuch South. ior .v desi ribea the eron of wheat as T7 Jood. ud corn as never having look..' w hoKer. ' G60. A Queer People. I Democracy and the War. Chambers Journal, discussing a recent ! We commend to the attentive considc beok of mission try travels in Africa, thus ration of our reuders of all political par alludes to one of I lie tribes which are ties, the following article from the Albany found in thitt terra incognita. J Atlas and Atym the lending Democratic Hut the strangest of all are the stone journal of New York. It present, in a told ot the Dukns, who lived among the calm ami temperate manner, tho several luoist, win in baiuitoo woods to tl.e south of phases of the war question, and gives its Kiilla and Susa. Only four fuel high, of .own views as to the best and most prac u dark olive color, caviie and naked, (hy I ticnble niv;ie of bringing the war to an nave neither houses nor temples, neither end. It opposes separation upon any lire nor humeii food. They live only on ' terms, denounces the attempt to make ants, mice and serpents, diversified by a the war one of shivery emancipation, us lew roots and fruits; thev let their HHils directly subversive of the Constitution gro.v Jonir like talons, tlin bolter to dig for ants and the more easily lo tear in pieces :neir lav irite snakes. They do not nuirrv. but live iudiscrlmi- nativo lives of animals, multiplying very rapidly, and with very little maternal in ulincl. The mother nurses her child for o: ! u short time, accustoming it to eat n tit ..nil :riK.'iit as soon as nnssible : and when i( Ca.. ln''o itself it wanders awav I vhere it will, fln'u ('" mother thinks no ' more aUmt it. Tlifl L'''k:i ate iiivuluuMe as slaves, and are tak.-n in iV're ituuibers. The slave-hunters hoi 1 up b'lglii, coli.'C'J clothes as soon as they cjine to the rrtoi.-t bamboo woods where these human monk, eys live, and the poor Dokos cannot , re sist tl e at I ract ions otlei ed by kuc.Ii supe rior people. They crowd around them, and ar taken in thousauiN. In slavciy they are docile, atlached obe. dicnt.with few wants nnd excellent heidih They have only one fault luve for ants, mice and tti pcnt, and a habit of speak ing to Ycr with their hcH on the ground nnd their heels in the air. Yer is their idea of a superior power, to w hom they are dispiritt d or immy, or tired of ants und snakes, and longing tor unknown food. The Dokos seem to come nearest of all people yet discovered to that terri ble cousin of humanity "the ape." O.ve or Tut Yoi.I'.ntkers. A correspon dent cl'lhe','iuciniiBtli O.Hwifiru.w ho re cently .visited the tamp of the Federal troops in Kentucky, became much inter ested in a you ill uttached to the "Boone If ingers." Ileis just sixteen years ol age, and hai ono of those mild, phasnnt faces, which are so attractive in u youth. IK eat quietly, but coutentedlv, with a f group ot L. oj ,i . his corv.r ,de. his large grav ics 'lancing with delight n. unsophin- Iii.nl. I 1 tiliiKi t I'.k tl 1 it I 1 pictured him some mother's favor ite son, drawn away from the lil-Uel nul protection by a love of adventure or a spir it "f patriotism. 1 at last apiuttached Uim. 'How old arc you V was the iiiestiou. '.N.vtcen years,' he blushingly unseretl. 'Are you noi too young to attempt a sol dier's life?" 'Too young !' lie exclaimed, i s his I right eyes flashed. 'No, sir, I ain't. I guess 1 can fight for the Union as well us any body.' 'Hut you might fall under (ho fatigues of a inarch." 'Well, if I do, 1 guess my brother's along, and he'll take care of me. I ain't afecifd. (Jud protects the right.' This laiit f.vp""iioii continued the im -pro.-sion thai tho ,'iiel eolith was relig iously inclined, but at the same: moment 1 discovered a pack of curds' in hi pocket. What are you doing with these cards?' I askud. 'Doing with :hem?' answered the mild unsophisticated Voilth, 'ah; I Aiv ".'''', ;!( li l ;l'in, dfiiiij, r, I alC n;i Iwld i l ' nf a k ind ." 1 stirrcii'lered at discretion. OnitKHKD to iik Kei.kaskii. We learn that orders have gone from Washington to Philadelphia lor the i t lea-e of Messrs. ("urson. Kellv anil lVgram, arrested at Ilan i.,burg a lew tl.tys since, by or of the government. It is eiml lo h ive tteen sat isfactorily proven to the government .that the vii: of these gentlemen lo the South was purely on privulo business, and that the IiiikIs found in their po-session are the proceeds of collections of money due tlioin, lUdt. Vhh. Anv.tvr. in 1'nu r.s. Spirits f Inrpen- tine has liseii in value to SI ,( er gallon, t.i.tli I uKtnii lint ltinilv'II(l(. Hilltl Mil- T I 4IIVylf - ' I V v - S4 oil to per barrel, now commands from Jons Miti iui.i. i-.n his Sons. John and the Constitution, and wo have notn Mitchell, the Iri-h r.-limee, bus two sons ing to urge against llie motives of those, .u me i,uiiiiM-i..m .. ) , - j rmle snn u in am nb e to bear arms. John ... . . i ri ti, mo ins Milchel!. ir.. U captain of a Sou ih Caroli- ...t .i.niAa iiir(tinii i it m i v:u h nnrked a goa oia ia(iy 1 11, nnxriria 'atll tC I . ...,-carries 'em to church and eats I ' . BWnke to )ieur lne sermon; bul',( u 'nl pickled lime, you must J . . . . . roma Week days, 1 hey , J ' :y are secular com- Faili-ius asn ScipniiOH j-l m i mimb Commercial Bulletin In ot The Boston rlmnpns for the past week, gives nv tail' O . - . . I., ni.ln. ii ro nnd suspensions ID v"v...j- . nt.:i. . . . . I I I I- three in New York, two in f hiiaueipina, i and fourteen in other places toiai oi , 44 lor tne weea. Thesa two lines thlt look m olemn, Are just put hereto fill out this coluuiu. PRINCIPLES, not CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY, SKIT. 4, 1861. points out the danger nnd almost absolute impracticability of holding ihe rebellious States in subjugation by military power and finally idviscs the restoration of the I'nion by the exercii-o of the tamo spirit of foi bearance, conciliation und compro- misethut inspired our lathers when it was oi iginally formed. SureN these sug- gestions are both rational und patriotic ; and the more they are considered, tho more will all reflecting men seo their torce and propriety. We le!ieve the tune is not tar distant when the people w ill take the very ground here prisented, I In the light of Liesc principles, we ,'nd demand a conclusion of the war up- think the Union is to be restored by the OH jut such terms. Jn this belief, wo ame spitil of forbeiranee, conciliation, copy t lit article, and give it our hearty I ond compromise, w h eti Inspired our fath -endorsement; jers in its original foi nation, and that "a There mnylfl four different modes of ( vigorous prosecutior of the war should treating the present war, each of which be accompanied by the mom liberal prof, probably finds more or loss favor in the' fers of pence." If .e are tauntingly ask minds of the people ut ths present time. I ?d what terms of conpromise we propose, Let us dwell briefly upon them severally.' we answer such as Holt, Crittenden, till- 1. Xparalinn : -The Administration. thrie, Johnson, and other tried and de pressed with tho terrible responsibility of voted Union men in the Border States, conducting such a w;r as this, is likely to t I"H ny "ch as are nceessary to build up be tempted lo tind relkf from it in let- n Union party ami restore loyally at the ting the seceding States go in assenting South. first, perhaps, lo a truce, but finally to a1 We believe we have fairly presented separation. Whatever denials may be in-, tb views upon which the Democrats and terposetl by the friends of the l'resident and conservative mui of this State intend indeed, whatever may be his own feel-' to stand- those whi-li have just been put ings on this point at this time it is easy forth l y the State 'Jominittee tlinse wo to see that, as ditliculties multiply, as the anticipate the State Convention of the ful! magnitude of this war reveals itself, 4th proximo will approve, and that upon tho tendency of events w ill bo to incline bese views coupled with a stern con liiin to escape from the horrors w hich demnution of the coiruplion and jobbery cluster around him through the pathway which hnve thus far Jisgraeed tho prose of separation. cution of this war the Democrats of tho To this mode of relief a portion of the -stale. und all w ho synipathi.e with them Republican partv-the extreme Anti-Shi- d t'ndenin the imbecility of tho pres. vei v nortion. und The Intuue sc hoo . wi midilv assent, and. indeed will demand ibis course, unless their wish to convert the war into an abolition crusade can bo giutified. We need hardly saj w hat we have o often reiterated that to this mode of ending the war, we are emphat ically oppostd, us full of calamities for the future. If such result becomes necessity, the nation must submit to it, as to any other unavoidable nltlicliun, but w e are in favor of resisting it to the ex- tent ol the anility ot me oovernmeni.aiid .. . .... .... .i until further uier resume ... uiu.u ..... Kmanriitat'um : It cannot be denied that, there is a largo class of zealous sup porters of the war, wnose principal inter est in it is the hone that it will assume est m u is me none unit it win assume the character of a wur of emancipation or the slaves and become a grand t-rusado or freedom. It is mule upi'iuent thut this can never occur without an utter dis-o-gard of the Constitution, and practical subversion of our present form ol (Iovern ment but this matters little with the .iJ'.'ounles of this plan, they are men of "on, idea" abolition of slavery is, in their view ti.O only i;ood to be accom plished and every thing elo should be saciitieed to that end. Jf tbe ivur cannot assume this mission, they are lor separa tion, Ihe men ol tuts class arc more nu mcrous than may bo generally supposed Th.-y include not merely vour Cheevers ami Iieecheri anddreely s but a vast An- tolcrant n.llUiiemenl as ihe party in pow-ti-Slavery army which swelled lho tri- cr 1V0Ud yoke upon the country. They unipli of Republicanism a. the last elec- w wUfc u1.m tia lawless stridos which lion. The Adinimstral ion has already a.e jj,.;,,,, miu! beyond the spirit and ob disastrously felt the presure of this rath- :prU 0r0'ur institutions, and fuel it their cal wing of Its party find given way be- Jd tQ mwi(tt Wltll ren0wed enerpy, all tore it in its "on to Ificlnnond move- tiu-iit. It will continue to feel it. nd amid the difficulties and trials which this w;-r will involve, w ill be sorely tempted l.n'.ut i Im 1m nu nt fif unrrn nmnnrmnti in. IK u uuiat tin. ui O I and, it is quite witlrn the limits ofpossi lilitv. may do it. We need hardly sny that sdeh a movement such a usurpation of power and subversion of Constitution will be opposed by Democrats and cons i ... servative citizens to the bitter end, and can hardly fail to produce a counter revo- lution in the North. S'lbjugatim: There Is a plausibility ( In insisting thut this rebellion should be crushed out and rebel Slates brought back simply to their o nlty to the federal laws no in vocate ine nroseeuuoii ui uc - , , M-lmv hi-p ai-linir with- solely for that end. I hey aie acting wiiu in the limits oi me v,onsu.u.,. ii-r"p. im u i hiuiui n u mv blood v strmrele of vears' dura- . w , , tinn? Admit that we can neat mem in the field and dUperse their armies and inarch our victorious legions over every teliellious State, will that restore them to loyalty ? Will it not become necessary w " ' SJn lhewholo South, and hold it in bjoction with an immense army and ftt n nxnnnsa ulterlv ruinous to usr In a . . r . . w think not -Dem word, win more uojugiiiiou m mc-uun. . ... :i -r i. f..ii. . n,ervat:v0 metl Ht the North. '..r......tnnntUr views, think no i -and this brings us lo a consideration of wtat u ncessury MEN. 4. IiUtoratwn t- Eight millions of peo ple cannot be conquered. They may be beaton in battle ut every point, but the war which seems to be ended to-day will break out at soma new point next week or next year. Mere defeat will not res tore their loyalty and make them faithful citistens nnd willing members of the U nion. Hebe lion may thus be smothered, but its fires till burn in the bones of sue cessivo generations, und flash out anew at every opportunity. Loyalty cannot be restored in a -ebellious people except by concessions o tte part of the Govern- nicut. It (.ever was restored since the woi Id mmmenoed.lii any way. No great j revolution was ever rtfrctually ciushed out by the iron heel or military power. An iirunesty, a libtrnl consideration of causes of complaint, jenerous concessions, i have often triumphed where ball nnd I bayonet failed triumphed, too, without weakening the Goveriment. without in viting the repetition f rebellion, but nd- ding strength to tie (iovernment by bringing willing hearts nnu strong arms lo ill support. ...". .- ....... . l? tho l"tl' nnd abide their verdict. On ll'Cte principles alono can the w ded with honor nnd ll.o tnioi war be en- nion preser- ved. Position of Democrats. Our friends, in their tleterinntion tore sist i lie liiyli-liundi'd designs of the l!e publicau leudeis,by u continued m.U more zealous support of the time-honored Dem ocratic organisation, must not permit iniiiion . c.i iiiiuui.ii . . themselves. throui.'li the heat and rar.cor ,ii.ll.i,1 . l..s sii.ht of tho lose sigli .ecui,lir s4Ues M.:,cl, tho i before us. 1 1 is ouri'rjf duty to render a cordial allegiance to the Government, and to obey the laws which have been enacted lor our obedi- elK.e i)Ut ,i,is obligation is lar from requi-' us tjJ M nll out.s,)0ken opinion' ..g,, t l ose acts w e deem improper, or j prevent s from striving to eieci oineers who, we Relieve, will rule with more lion-' esty and efliciency thuu thoso now in place. Tho republicans have set up an unti-Democratic test, which virtually is an attempt to overthrow entire freedom' ot Speech, opinion and el the Tress, und, with uniaiallelled bigotry and hatred,1 they endeavor to lix the severest sligmas on idl alio do not bow down to this new ' I fangled doctrine of theirs. Tho Democ- ,racy, in vhose hands the Constitutional, ..l.rlitu ft t liti. neoiiln have always iiecu , -, neyer MUbmit to such an in.' .... i ....;.;..,. I ,.i..,t,.n, ...a nml niL'cnioiH i l e in iiuwiin.". i'i- .." - , i. r.;,. which Republican leaders aim to blind tho people to their own base dishonesty and mismanagement. In do ing Ihis, so far from committing any act of injury to our present form of govern ment, we are pursuing tho only lino which can maintain it. It becomes plain- hut the present managers UCIUS.UIID .'J fr f i,,.' I1(i N,.tional atl'airs ure une- . o nnJ l)l6 people will M (he -l0(l givc(l tlonl ,m op portunitv to fill Ihe high posts of te (in,j wj,, occupants who possess nioro oi the public confluence. t.ne vwerur. Testixc. Coin iiy Smell. Connected with the New Y'ork custom-house is a clerk who-e business it is to receive ami test all money. Ho is a Spaniard by birth, but has boon a long while in tho country. Into a scale he empties a bag of gold or ilvcr coin, and from the weight in a mo ment announces the amount in dollars and cent. He then runs his fingers thro' the coin severnl times, and applies them lo his nose, after which he will immedi ately take out eveiy counterfeit coin. Hi infallible (acuity of detecting spurious metal is located in his olftctory organs. Extract irc a Debate in the Senste Last Winter. Seward 'The day ol com promise is past.' Toombs I am glad ol ft.' Seward 'And so am I.' Crittenden 'I would compromise to the last mo ment of time, provided we could preserve the original principles on wniciiiuo gov ernment is erected.' The 'glad of it' and the 'o am 1' have got their machinery pretty weR woik, and w suppose Ihe managers are glad yet. Minister on Trial tor Mi-rdeb The trial of Rev. Henry bridge, for the alleged murder of his wife Priscilla.is now in pro r t ITtica. New York. The indict- m.nL contains nine counts, charging strangulation and cutting the throat of deceased, also, smothering auu uuttiug her throat, on the llthof December, 185 J. The accused is a Congregational minister, TERMS NEW Krom ilio l.ur.crno Union. The Democratic Party and the Country. The old issues that divided the Whig and the Democratic parties, as national organizations, have pretty much become obsolete, and the rvhole tendency of par ties for years past has been towards radi calism, or jerhapswo should s iy, vltruism, upon sectional questions every day nar rowing down the differences tliat former-, ly divided conservatism, till of late, those who formcily differed moat earnestly have found themselves nelim. In,.tlu.r upon an entirely new political basis. Four months aeo found us in a new ios ition, because it found the country launch ed out upon the untried und untrodden pathway of civil war. The Democratic party hud long predicted that such would be tht result ot u persistence in slavery ng. 1 itation by the two sections of the country J t. ery avenuo by which it could reach thel public conscience, but its ndmor.itions! wete unheeded and tho shock came at SiiSt 11 Lh,""derteU:,. la:'0' !!!?! t0.! Democratic party of the north rallied to the support of the government a gov- ernment that uas then and it now pro- 8c.io..gi,emocrais to opinions sake- ftt a rremiuin. In defeating me I believe not thai they loved the administration, I ,., ,. , . , , ,'. , . but because they loved their co'in try and n,y 'noctatic friends only d:d so that the Constitution. 'bey might yet a stronger ticket. I think flushed wilh political success nnd in they have done this in the selection which fatuated with the idea of sectional ubju ; ihey have made ; and ono which will bo gation, the party ol the administration . r , .. , , , would tolerate no ditl'e.ence of political Ui vcM ifdetnccrats are proporly arous senliment oi action. They inaugurated a e lo l'ie interests of their cause. I would reign of terror and promulgated the su not wish to crowd myself forward as ucan preniacy of mob law wherever the actions didate. to tho injury of our cause : but ol the administration were questioned by ,i,0 . , , the press, by public meetings or by in.li- nhw SMr,iv '"X own wwhes, and pecu vidual opinion. A determination was , nmr' interests, for the good of tho only evinced to accomplish by violence, if political party now worth preserving. Hut necessary, what political action never had I think it is due to myself here to say that, accomplished, the destruction of the Dem- ceneidcring tho nomination or Mr. Test a ocrutii: puny of this country, l or u tune , . fcr , ,. , the timid faltered, but those whoso con- hxo1 'ltct' I ad little or no exertion lo science told them that the Democratic be nominated, and if 1 had been allowed party was light, und who had the boldness to consult my own feelings, I would have to stand by their ny.ctions still stood wil,ulrawn fl.oln lho cont(Wl long boforo hrm, appealing with all the cloquones ol . b patriotism and of national history to the l" election, lho reason I thought tho traditions and doctrines of their ialhers nomination of my opponont so certain foi therectitudo of their purposes and the u as, that ho had been a candidato before, correctness of their doctrines. 1 ,ir,..t i i.. ii., ,t .. ., , it i it and tleleated. Jn tint contosl ho canvas-. four months have rolled away and Im- , , , ..... hold what a change! Democrats now ; feJ tho county tliorouhly, and since ihen know thut they were right, as their history bus spared no pains to make his election has been right heretofore. Every step sure ; thus he becamo acquainted, whilst i!'4'nJ':!lSil,e""V!nf,1 by tl' ?tate or Nft" 1 1 -o.nrnrntivo strani-er to most of tional Adininisiraiiuii utneo tins war com- ' . -.- ., . T . . menced has but revealed the 1ncompetcn. t,, clUie"H of the couuly- In talklu cy or criminal corruption of those who witl1 n,iuy members of our party, I found have the destinies if the country in it to be their opinion, that for tho abovo eiiarge. wi lions ot doi ars voted uy a geneioiisand loyal people for the support ol the govcinmeut have been squandered cn speculators und political robbers, while the soldiers of the Union, for whoso comfort and efliciency this money w as vo ted, have been forced to subsist on b;nl food and fight in rags. The merest polit cal hacks, who never saw a militia nius and had no idea of service on tho field, have been made commanders of tens of thousands of gidlaul men, over the head of Ihe tried generals of the Republic, on ly to march them into Ihe jaws of des truction and leave them there, while they saved their worthless carcasses by timely retreats and the superiority of fust horses over human locomotion. Hundreds of millions squandered, thousands of gallant live lost widows and orphans multipli ed commerce destroyed, industry para lyzed, laboring men by the thousands turned out ol employment and their families starving.every in't of tho country prostrated and lho Union dismembered such are the fruits of tho last fourinonths of the present lion compromising civil war administration of this covei ntnent. And then how dark and gloomy the future ! Who can prophecy or tell with certainty where these things shall end ? Such being the case, wo ask in all pat riotic cundor, ii not the country satisfied that there is .. necessity for the Demo cratic party ? With all this accumulation of disasters, is there not need for the con servative counsels and administrative ex perience of that party that carried Ihe country triumphantly through tho hist wur with England the war with Mexico and in fact through all the great tribu lations or lho government sinae its organ ization until this present lime ? The heart of eveiy honest man tells him, yes. Tfca great conscience ol the country has responded to this sentiment like ono great throe of distress for the last three t,e nominees of the party ? 1 answer, weeks lhat after all we have forsikenl . ,. .m i ti . tho gods of our rather, and plunged head , n,ost unequivocally, yev fliongU I have foiemost from the rock of our nafely into, hecn defciled, my hulli in Denxicraey ha the billows of discontent and disaster. not in tiio least degree been impaired. How shall we rocover? Is row tho qucs - lion llie ati.ious tp;jt-siiuii ti evut yr pan i- j olio citizen in tho land. We answer only by unceasing effort, and by the strictest pro ervation of our Democratic organiza tion and discipline; and now is the time to eoni nence. The administration party must be arresled in its blind and reckless career this very fall. So far as Slate ad ministrations can bo controlled it must bo done legislatures must bo elected with a view for instance in Pennsylvania of exposing the robbery and corruption and of bringing the guilty to punishment. Every department of government that can be reached must be filled wilh honest un swerving Democrats, and thus gradually we may acquire power to take ihe difli oulties of the country into safer hands and bring about an honorable and lasting Peace a peace that shall perpetuate the Union and re establish the government. It may be too late, but it is worth the trial the people are with us. Democrats, on ward to duty, 4sSNcarlv the whole amount, $10,000,- 000, of the new loan, assigned to Boston, has beeu already lakon. $1 25 per Annum, ifpaidinndv ance SERIES VOL. II. NO 7. Tor the Republican. DEFEAT. Messrs. EJilom : Since tho 10th of this month, a great many persons in this county have been sailing under the above caption. Eying one of those common personages myself, and not hiving an opportunity before, of giving my endorsement of the result of ihe late Primary Election, by your permis sion, I will do so now, through the col- umns of your paper, In locking over the returns, as eiven last week, I notice Hint only one hundred undthirty-thm, free and independent tit- I'7'6"8 0,t,lis county, wish me to continue us a candidate, while fourteen hundred and thlrty.-sU; (whoso voice I intend to heed.) T- I- view ofthis 'uct' fc'enl'emen, you may dncoctinue the announcement of my name, for I hare eon- eluded, alter comparing figurct with him, not to I " candidate ,,,ge, It is true, I have oeen defeated gloriously, too but inise- i 'Tt m niy case, has plenty of company j for, defeated candidates just now, are not reason, hij claims were stroim"r than thosn of any other mm, and his success certain ; theiefore I never cutcriuinoil tho most remote idea of success, but hopoil, by fol lowing in his wake, tho precedent upon which lie was nominated would not bo disregarded throe years hence. Upon thoso persons who promised mo their support in townships whore there-, turns show that I did not receive a vote I have no refloclions to cast, lut would merely suy to them, "honesty is tho best policy." I will not condemn thein, but cun only excuse them upon the samo ground that a certain man named Jones, did his friend Smith. Jones was a candi date for office, and went to Smith to know if he could depend on his support ? "Oh, j 's" iJ -Smith, "I will vote for you, and ; do all cau for you." "Well, do," said Jones, "and here is five dollars lo pay your expeuses. I ho election passed oil, nnd the returns showed that Jones hadn't n tingle vote in .Smith's district, lie went to his friend and si.l, "Smith, how does il come that jn your district, where you i promised to vote for me, and do nll you I tiiii1,l Cult inn T Viiutl umifkiirAil n t rt t 9' "Oh, w ell," said Smith, "1 will toll you all about it. 1 tried to get every body I saw to vote lur you ; I did all I could, and on the day of the election I roluinod home, went into my closet, got down on my knees, and tried to persuado myself that 1 ought to voto for you, ar.d I'll bo d d if I could doit!" It muv be asked bv some, will I support ' j though rny party slay me, twill serve it. I will not support a man, who is not a strot-g Union man, at a timo liko the present; when our country is in dan gor ; but as I believe all our candidate are such, 1 can snfoly say I will sopport them. I am not of that peculiar cIium of men, who, because they cannot rulo, they would ruin. 1 won't secodo and run against the tickot, for I am a Union man, and opposed to secession. Tho only ob jects 1 have in view, therefore, in this con test, are tho success of the Democrat io nominees, and the preservation of this government. Trusting that both may bu equally successful, I remain. Respectfully yours, WM. M. McCULLUUGH. Jr. General Lvon. Tho belli of tho varioiu churchos at Webster, Mass., wore tolled at noon, on Thursday, in respetit lo the niouioiy of Gen. Lyon. :'t ' si