Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 04, 1861, Image 4

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Vim .wit) y.itid;.
Iltw ft Iikrjr Clol lo Ilwifon. '
A iitiim rn H ilntii.j'i'lnr ltd n
, rfciiilcm 'nr "I' '. h1-1'"1 "'
.,,ln.t.r. Mr. , " I' t him -i'l'' J"
t nit, I'll t In' refused to il.i ml A
'. tiniiMMH til out stinting, "lie "I'
!.f Ii.ituls liilil'iyrd on it told Sit till
i.. jump on, whit h h? did. AU v tin'
nun had been mmim' time on its way,
: l,o conductor, in passing round torol
Vct the fare, came to wlu-rr S:iml( hat.
v. livn tliO followintliiiliirno ensued ;
Condiietor Wliei e'n your ticket.
Nainhu Cut none, ina-sa.
C Who told you In get on
S. Do gentleman on tho iiijinc.
C.Wiil, 1 want yon l get otl'al
Un next htatioti.
S Yen, biih.
At the next Million, sure eimiigh.
and o gut oiX, but when the conduct,
rr failed out 'all aboard,' lie yimps on
r:in. .'rcsently Mr. Conductor is
..oirg his rounds again, cumo to where
:-amho sal, when the dialogue was re-
ived :
('. Didn.t 1 tell you to tct oir at
'ip luM station ?
KYpm. Rah. so I did ; hut den you
... i. .,11 a l-i.i.i rrl den I liopn Oil 11 ITU III
' V Well now, I tell you to get cir
ft. Ye, sail,
T Ml
i win. i
A, the next station, as ho lb re, Sani
i 'igot oft'und at the words" all ahoard"
jumps on again. The train had
. nod some distaneo on its way, when
:!io conductor was not a little mrpris
- I imd chagrined to find hN colored
f aseionger still on hoard.
C. 1 told yoiiHhould gel olTat the
next Mation. " Why didn't you do mj t
S. I did mih : but you si'd agin, "all
;;bord," den I jumped on agin
- t'll yOU V0 roue SO Illi , I guess
j. "hi may
riUC llic ri"i oi lite ny.
ir jf T i in Vtoonrf
1IIK UKMlTIOATEli Kl All. .v inou0
-.'IinV anecdotes of BoUlia ISta OIIC
'it 3.11 Othel'8 -AU ArKaiiHllUl SOI-
. .A.:.t in Iho l.vr imkoil nil Ir-!"' to heln him off the field. J he
.tter did so by f'tiahleing him to a
tount and Strapping him to his horse,
ding himself before. Pttring the
I'le the ioor Arktinsian had his head
'ot off unknown to his companion,
'.rriving at tho Doctor's quarters, tho
nsh-man was asked what he wanted.
have brought this man to have Ins
,, .. . . i
. g (lrosseu. nj'""1
i ir, "his head is oti'." L pon looking :
Lack and discovering tho fact, Mike
. Kclaimod, "the bloody liar he told
i '.c ht war only shot in the leg. .
A SMALL SllO) keeper 111 t Illt agO
l-roft'ers his serviscs to the public as 11
letter writer. He guarranteeshis let-,
vers to "etart a parent s tear, ostab-;
Ush tho durability of a friend's nftVct-j Over three weektnndleithnn three inotthi25
, and awaken the full cstacy Z m in
lover's heart." Can any letter-writer lrtP(, for 2 a yttT.
' irbltlisC more ? I AJvcrtimnt net mrzi withtbe nutnlier of
1 - . nttrtioniidofircd, will l r-:-ntiriui until forbid
SoME writers Wljtt :"I never knew a charged necordir.g to them terms.
sK-oIding person that was able to gov-i iriD DDIKITIMr
khu family. What makes people' JUB rKIIM I llIL.
,.ol,1 ? IWmiso thevennnot govern !
,1 l-- lf... ,'l.n.w.n.. 1..... .. :
1 neinBci vs. iiun, iiHiiiiin uni t'o-
,. , r,,, , 11 s.M,st,a 7 'I l,-a. lvtil iriinil'n M'i'll
vw, umv.o . ..vov ... v, h;.
:ie generally culm ; they are prompt
::nd resolute, but steady ami mild. i
-"- - 1
-in rrussia 11
is naid that every child is "due to the
i chool." Here it may be laid down
as one of our social principles, that, as
line best servises of all her children
;vre due to the State to bring out to
their fullest extent, all the talents and
powers for the good of her children.
"Wlkks previous to the battle of ,
Hull T?uu' we were daily treated by j
ihe Washington correspondents to
narratives from "a reliable gentle
man," just from Manassas or Rich
mond, to whom Beauregard and Davis
had confided most of their secrets
The reliable gentleman has not been
heard offer tho last few days. But
his place is filled by the "escaped pris
oner" just from the hospital at Cen
trevillc or Manassas Kvery day he
tunwup. '
TihM'K. In the late battle .it Hull's
Run, a soldier around whom the can
non shot were fly-ing particularly thick,
on -.eeing one strike, ami bu ry itself
in a bank near him, t-prangto the hole
it had scooped out, romarking,"Shoot
away you can.t hit twice in the same
plm c." At the instant another, shot
stru- k a low feet distance, almost cov
ering tho fellow with sand and gravel.
Emerging from what had so nearly
become his grave, he coi. tinned the
yet unfinished sentence' "but you
can come so pesky near it that the
first hole is uncomfortable."
HUKAKAIU.E. "Ain't you afraid you
will break while you arc tailing so :
said a chap in the pit of a circus to
the clown.
Whv so ?" asked the clown.
'Because you arc a tumbler, "bawl -
ed tho wag,
The house in a roar. Exit clown
behind tho scenes.
T. 1 tf.-.l .,..,.0
JOII11 it wie v na a.
,'S, i UCIl l WHS
vounir. I wiw sure of everything. J n
a few years, having been mistaken a
thousand times, I was not half so sure;
of most thjue's as I was beloro. At j
present I am hardly sure of anything,
nut what God has revealed to man."
ts. Tha disaster at Bull's Kun will
hav e one good effect: Conceited fools,
' who know as much about military
tactics as a donkey knows aboutmath
ematioa , will stop-lecturing our expo
ritnctvi Generals. 12very calamity
ha cmpttnsations.
I'OllMHIIt.V I'liv'ican mill Surgeon lo lh Prompt. n 1."nir tln-pital, of P-mlnn. Piiglntid. now
n I'll T.-II I ll i II. I'h., bees Ii iivo In niiiiiiiitii'i' I" nil Imi li n i"',' in tlir , ii v solic
itations ill his ft lend,, 'he lias tiinolinli"! In pnj prolcsslohul ilsits lo tin- follow 1114 iniiiifl lte
mi'l by air'ning nt Hi' dv 'ft birth, u'' cm Jiilf-l by the uuli. led. both .M.ilf and I'cinnle, mi
Di-oascs "f iho ll-irt, Liver nnd Lung: Cancer, Fits, Scrofula, ntnl nil Discn.s (,f ilia Plood.
ADn. nil Pi.-.-n-o- appurt.iinitig I" Hh KVK nml K A It. PAIl I IAL I H A F N F. S. KiiiXln Xuinc lit
ill 1. ili'inl, unit Iim liiirjffii limn tin" l-r, i na In' r'iiliy euro I ly lr. limit' SiMi-nlill,- 'I'rrnlim'Hl :
uii'l iiiany iithi-r difi'iniii llml Inn r I'lillloil I lie fKIII "I'tlic fO riilli'il it i j I injjn I h-l (iliynii ianc.
f t. A II ION, nt ( l,ii k' II'.U'I, fiuiii lli l.illi uf M.iy In tli t-t "f .Tune.
( OlISH'A, nt Wliilini'i'i" llutrl, .luni I.M. Apuiil, S-it. I ! Mil l L'.l.
HHOiJK VI I.I.l;, nt tin- Auioricoi ll"ii"i', Iron .; m '.' I Ii June-. A-nin. Sept. Illi mm .ilH
1.1 Til MIS Ml" Ui, nl Hefil'n Until, Juno 1 HI U 11ml 1 Illi. Anin, Si-.l. Iiltli nml llth.
CI,i;V KIKI.Il. .IoIikfoii k t..iul. June Uth l Mt'i. Anin, Si'jit T.'tli ntnl l.Mli.
Pi:i.I.i:Ko.M'H. M.iniitiV Mi. tel. (nun .lime ITtli '0 I'.UIi. Aifiiin, Sept. lllli ntnl l.'illi.
TYII0M-: C'TV. lit Mr. Tli'im:i.' Hut. I, Juuu L'lMuinl L'2J. AriiIii, S-pjit. Kill nnj I llth.
Al hif 1 X Kilt M AH V. from Juuu t Julv Ktli.
Listen to ths Voice of Trutk and R3i3on ani Profit by it.
I'lie time lnm come lien nil whn will, en 11 eirup,' the iron pni.-ji nf .Mere 11 ry, liy eii'linc. wilhmit
ilelny. In .e the well known nml jui-tlv ei Iclirnte.l Keleelie Kiil'oioiin l'liyiieinn, lr. Hour. hIio'
,!l ...l...i..;i..r tlt.w.. ..t.lw l,i, .. n...l ...I. iin,liftti.. v troi.tml fr..!,! litn miil fllliiin Itlior llllll II K II II 4. !
Hhieh nr i.reivireil iimler hi.nwn i-uier-ii.loP, ami
nvii, ivhi.h were ne,(r .leaned for iho i-v.-lo.ii, lo
"J s-e "
U iiri .-.llll'-JII IllOW, -prnvrn.
,, ... ..... . 1 '
things to ijk
l ..J. . (I. .. t lir Ih.rl lui i,..hniil nil
; : " . - -
i;itrli ni llitf services nl a reguinr itiorouit uren
n rczulnr tlioroti
It,. ...... I. .r II,. 11,, i-i1. r, i, nii.l IrrMtmpiil
rtpitreil from life H,eiit in I io sreat tii.iit:il.x of Kurinii.l the lirt in tho couiilry.
,'. ii-.m'irr, thai Dr. Dull hue a more extendeil practice titan nny other plivuieiun in Wcleni
, ,,,.,
r I Til II lil.
' Kr.iir lr, thai cilizciif uf eilucntion,.iinl our no,ul,ir mm, nrc nil well I ciitmitiled with, nnd take
emit ..lem-iire in Dr. liort to the
, llrn mIi.i: that Dr. Iiml makcuno fn'no reprcfenlntioiii to gull the unfortunate, but nil ho ayn nil
he fuithfiilly carried out.
'( uiIh r. that llr. Koit i'ii v every attention to dipomen of chronic nature.
7--l..rlir,...,l... ,.r I'ur.N t...iv 1,., ,,l 1,1 M r,
Dr. ISort i.i lurni..lied with over fix thmiml lelters of reeotnmeniltition from imne of fhe ni"-t
1i.-tiiij;uii'l'eil men livins. AI?o hnii nwiinled lo him diplomiia from nonio of the nio.-t celebrated
llnxtnltiU jiwl lnl'iriui,i'in4 in l'!nrmi,. liirt iilioiirii lllli.l ,ilirirviiliniiM in DintMlilMP. anl oli.'ervil-
i,(,i m Mwove-mj; rcmcdtcii lor the euro ot dm-uncn
t .... , ,
An early call Irom Unite wifhin;; to commit the Doelor, t rirneftly reiiueiteu, io n to reeetve
bettelit of treatment, nnd Ihuii do jiiftiep to Iniiifcll. J ime liti Iteil.
1'leafc ,c,ir in mind when lr, Itort will be in your place. IVrmim deiiiroui of eonsultins him
w;ii rn,tr..r n L'leat favor bv cnllitiL' on the lirnl Unv ol hij. arrival, un bin room nre .ni ol'len crowd- tuncri.i nupon.-ioie to uiieiiu io nio iiiiaioii.'
' "ov0 eoaeli on ll.e il.iy
rieaso extern! the invitation to nil invalid ueitiaintan jeA, nnd oblige your?, lo.
May 2'J. '(il. 2
Terms ul JMiDscription.
If pnid in ndvanee, or within three months, $1 26
Cf pnid nny time within the yenr, ... I AO
II paid after the expiration of the ynr, - 2 nu
Terms of Adicrllsliip.
i , : ...a .1.- i....l.i:
AiiveniMiiiruip uru i nsvi tuu iui.uoiv.-jiuuui.iiii
at Hie following ratcn :
1 inncrtion.
On .im,re, (14 linen,) $ o
ti., Z
3 immtha
2 do.
t H
I bQ
j li
ft inn n.
14 00
fi 00
8 00
10 00
n 00
20 00
3 do.
$1 (10
2 0(1
2 50
1 2 1110
$7 00
10 00
12 00
14 00
15 00
35 00
One Soiinre,
12 JO
4 (10
: i 00
1 8 00
14 00
Three r.unrei,
f,;, :
One column, :
An extensive stock 01 joi.binj: niatcna
i ,.....!.!..- ii.o v.,i.i;i,f... ii.n '.... ..;,-.,'
, . ,. '..v':
to iiunoui re t.itJ.erv.ti:
. - -
that lie is prepa
Idl tO .13 li .Xill.lS Ot
ttt9i hi.H:.m,
Hi.amxs, Ykri Eooi,
t. Kau T'.ci?,:.
I an nut i. i s,
usually tlone
i.r.1 tvciy iunicf piint;
in n counliyi ob o::;:r.
Ail oidi is iviil lie execute 1 with neit
iipss ami ilesnn'ch.
li. 11. GOODLANDKU .( CO.
Time of Holding Court.
Second Monday of January,
Third Monday of March,
Tli ir J Monday of June.
Fourth .Monday or September,
In each year, and continue two weeks if ne
County OlhVem.
I'iCh't Jii'L-clliin. SHiuuel Linn. P.ellefonie.
As'u.1 fudis, Hun Wm L .Moore, Clearfield.
Hon Henj lionsall, Iiithersbttrg
Slier. fT, Frcd'k ll. Miller Clcnrlield
l'roiln.notary,.Iohn L. Cuttle, "
Hog. A llee. .lames Wiigley, "
Di.-triet Alt'y Hubert J. Wallace,
Trensurer, (!. H. Onodlandcr, "
U-i. Surveyor, II. II, Wright, lilen Hope
Coiiiiniss'n'rs.Wm, M'Craoken, Lumber City
Win. .Merrcll, Clenrlield
S. C. Thompson, Morri.-dalo
Auditors, 11. C, llnviiinii, l'hilipsburg
Inane W. ( Clearfield
J. II. Shnw.
Coroner, George Itiehanls, "
List of Post Ollircs.
7'., nisAiyi. .Viiiiirs nf '. O. .V,i. '',
I) :c ria, (ilen Hope, (i
Z. l'.l, Power, t,
W. Cnlwel
- i", 1..
' Chest, T. A.
" Cush, J. V.
a...... ft.
' Ostcnd,
Ko-gs, ClearAolil Hriift,
Hriullor.l, Woodland,
tlrnily, Luthershurg,
" .lotTcrsoti Lin,
lllouin. Forest,
Er.:n.-idc, New Wshingtoaf
" Hurnside,
CUailield, Clunrfiubl,
Covington, French ville,
Curwens ville, l urwensville,
Lewis f ioiih
P. It. Miller
EJ. VT.Iuau
It. II. Moore' ;
C' r- Sloppy, j
Joha Hcberling
Jus- Hloom
T. M, Cummingi
.las Me Murray
M. . Frank.
P. A. (inulln.
J F W 'ehnarr
Samuel Way
Centre county
Kdin. Williams
Elk county, Pa.
C Mignot
William Cnrr
A. P. Slmw
T. H. F'orcoe.
J. A. Ilea arty
C. J. Pusey.
David Tyler
II. Woodward
Klir.a Chase
(i. Heekadora
D. K. Mukel
.1. W. Thomps'n
Jns. Thompson
Jo McClelland
II. W. Spencer,
A. C. Moore,
Samuel Way
Michael Wise.
W. P. Johnaou
T. Henderson
l'hilipi burg,
1 Uirarl,
Helen Post Office,
Lecountc's Mills,
Paid Hills,
(ra hatnton,
niitlis Millr.
alt Lick,
Xew Millport,
Lumber City.f
Grampian Hills,
Rock ton,
, Ooshen,
1)111 hnin,
, Huston,
! """"""
I This Post Office will do fur Cbest township
f AY ill answer lor Ferguion towoahip.
Clearflfld, Pa., Office io 6haw' Bow, op.
oilte theJcutsal office.
dec. 1, 158. -If.
llicrelore nv.ii.l ng the ime ..full .Minkrai. I'oih-
t.iko ivhuli iiliii, llnmsuml have InlLu vl.ilimn
tif tltk I it 1 1 V Cllltltliln lit A.1nrPtM II II H nnl (II "Ml-
. - , ..,..
piiyMeinn, irom n aiiry, uiiienroun mi'i iiiuni
nre iulii-..v u nk now n In 1,11 nllirrH in thin ClllllltrV
that hnve hcreloloro ballleil tue nKlll ol many
hoiiciiauoni oi an. it. nun niiimnn; m i'.t.ii
ATTOIIXKY AT LAW, will intend promptly
and faithfully to nil lenal biiMiieia entruited to
hit euic, in the revernl Couthi of Clourlield mid
djo'nyi p countien.
Ollin t'..e one formtrly occupied by (J. II.
o. t. ;r:h, l?joiy.
Ml.ltt II IMS, and dealers In Itonnls nnd
?hin.'lef; lirnin nnd I'rot'uee. 1'KOXT Street,
nbove the Aeademv Clearlirld Ph..
June 1 2ih, 01.
I. tkkt
ias. n. i.a toiiMF.n.
a it i i i i :it
TlvST, Attorlieyi at Law
ClenrBcld, pa., will nttulia promp'tly to Col
is, Lnlid Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clenrfiuld
I Alnll
Centre and
01k counties.
.Inly nil y
DK. M. HOODS, hnvlrj cianKe.l his loca
tion from CurwonsTilis o Clearfield, res-
pectfully otTers his profcsfionnl scrviccj to the
cittiins of the latter place ami vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite I. ! of
). Crnns, Esq. uiy I '158.
OF 'i II K
To he In Ulut tin- hormiifi of Cli arrit lif
on Turxiliti,, Wfliirttliii. Tlntixliti
a in! Friiliti, thr 1 ;"(, li'i'i, 17'i "ei
ls, Jiys of ), tol,ir, A. ., 1SU1.
'EMMS 1RWIX, iVesident.
D. V. Erzwf ii.Kit, Secretary.
IjKVI K. litvix, Cor. Secretary
.Iamf.s Winiii.KV, Treasurer.
.loiix F. Wk.avkh, Librarian.
Cen. A. M. Hn.i.s, Marhal.
Wm. Tf.x Evck, Chief of I'olice.
I 'h ,i for Ailmi.ts.oH, Kiilnj l 'm, (V.
Single admission, ... lfid.
Children tinder 12 years, - 10
Tickets for a single day, - "i.'i "
Single ticket during Fair - .')() "
Tickets for a family, to admit
lady and gentleman and :
children under years, ?! 00
For trotting premiums, each
For pleasure,
iCl.AnS No. I Siro nttalifx, vnni t-i all coini.i t-
Pest Dull, 1 0 00 I 2d Pest Hull, J.i 01)
All breeds come together in this dns, and
c.tnpote with each other. To he judged by their
good points, lymnutry of frame, ability (0 fnttcn,
nnd the stock thry w ill produce.
Class No. (irmle Cattle.
Kest Cow, $10 (II)
Hest HeiH'er, 5 00
2d lle.t cnlf under
8 montha old.
2d Pest cow, $ 50(1
Hest Cnlf under
S montha old, It 00
'iW fntttr Itmtir.
3. Uscn.
- $10 00
Class No,
Pest Yoke of Oxen,
2d llest
7Aiir CnttU l),,et, and 3 00
Clash No. 4.
Pest fat llullock, Cow or Hcidcr over 2
years old, - - - - $5 00
2d best do do 'mir't Ciitttr Ih.rti.r, t 1 00
Class No. 5. Tli'ircmih brcl If,,,,. -onrn
to all.
Pest Stallion, $1 (10 I Host Mare A Colt 10 Oil
2d best do i 00 2d best do 5 00
The premiums in this c'.n-i nre intended only
for horses whose pedigren render tliini worthy.
The society wishes to encourage tho raising of
high-blooded horses.
C lass o. o. miii', l.iirruiic, Jlrotl ana
Sarin Iinmc
fie.. R..1.11..11 ' nn
... - ........ .v, - - - X " '
Pest matched carriage horses, Ynnntt nn
tht Jlnrnr, o,nd
Pest single family horse, in harness, Toh-
nll on tht Hunt, and -Best
Spun of Draft horses or snares, r"oii-
ntt on thr tliirme, and
Pest Span of Farm horses, or marcs, I'oii-
ofl on the llortr, and
Best Gelding, or Mare, for work, over 4
years old, Yemnlt on (Ae f.,r.s. and
Best Colt under 2 years old, Pontiff on tht
norm, nnd .
The torse that moves the heaviest loud
. 3 00
on a btone Pont, without a whij
Fniiotl oa the Horn, and
4 00
Glass No. 7. Trotting Hort--ppen to all.
Bert time 3 in 6, trotting in sinele har
ness, 1 oknli on tht Hurte, and 30 06
fNo premium will be paid unless Five eutriol
are made. Bark hers to trot against time.
i i in r
l' Vl r
Ml ,1, I
i f,
'i-. It.
, I f (MM
mil m I It",
( ill I . iKi
I l,"HI 'i t -t , nt timf'.ln liijrl dir
ttp i. I "i "
priMl-llli't: iti'l t"f , it t::fili in
Laloi -t. J "ill on Mi It
!"I I I' III I'l'lll-, I'f tint'
il ii
li l unlM-n hm-i , m iniiti-, il l
t'Wn No. (I. -iV,i on7 H i"'.
Ilent tlink, iili J hrieil, llint I'nrm '..(, if
lrl line. H"V lueiol, iln tin tin
llrfl .1 Mii i'p fniti in il lor iiiniioii,
Ito.t ? Lnlnl"",
11 Ml
J i II
t ml
2 it"
. I nn
1 liploma.
h a'.
Ilert I ll i'. e ol wn..,
llr-l "I'l i'iineii nf wiinl,
iVm No. lo. v.;
lot llimr, iiii.V l.reoil,
I oil 117 A ill'no I
Viuii'i i, n ii t fi!
llel !'reiliiiK i1"". nny brei il,
fin-mi l' nml UiutUnrr, nml
Heiil II"g, 'iiiMrc nml lioi iiurr, mi l
licit Vfi tinilor fi ltnitith ohl, No. II J'oitliiy.
Ile.-t rmip Sitiii Chic ken.', not lei tlmn Ii,
llenvierl Turkey, ....
lkvt ili0nv of, No. 12.,,.
On iter nf tcnii mul inw ho
I'Iiihii green tiW'inl tlio lnvf,
)'iniii7 fiti-inn'M Mitmiil. mill
5 1)0
Owner of lentil nml lnw w ho ilnw n Hiihlilo
the best, ,i'ii' ii em Iln.. I:, ntnl .'I IM1
ss No. I '.. IlM-rt a, i.t ,;.,
IttriijH nml ('iiln iil ii .,
I Jle't plott for flubble or ewiinl. -
"t ':,n,-";,'l,";r' " '"' '''": A
11 ni iiiuv:iinr,
liert t'loil-C'ru-her ntnl I'nlli
llrft llriiin Drill, Ml.
r eniiiliiueil,
f.ii-m n,i, ,1
l Ki'iiier ntnl
M iner.
n,.-i ii,,. nk... -i
Oil I Hi
- - -
..V . .
I'1'"1 hlTfllillS lull
M f e t (ini itniittr 1
i lu""' - . " :' I. i'liiiiin Mill nil
j ""t Dn.v 1 itchttij; Mnchiiie, - - 1 111)
. De-t Ox oke nml liown, 1 mi
I 1 1 . k! 1 1
;, ?t "'" "r s,r'o t, - - - 2 nil
' r ",r "r...,
I He,
I Ho.-t Orininal Invention of Agricultural
I Iintiletuent . -
All nriiclo t tin tne ra 1,-1 in tlii- i la-.- not inadu
'n thu county, but iirodm oil uiinii'
'"iij hi ii, win oeawanitu a iHpioiua.
(.',.,?,s No. 1-1. .1 .tn Jtoiroos 'irmitiy
..I. ........ I..
( .
lle.-t S'tinnp Puller -i
llj.-l (iruiu Cradle, 1
HeM 1'otnlo Dinner .Ml
lli.-t fi Hand r.ikcx I Oil
Lot lot ot l.,Hrdentu tool.
llcut net l'anni 11 uleti.-il.-, ow ned by 1
I nn
ini-r no
Cl.iss Nn. 11. 117.. :it, Hull;). I ..n,,,,
Hot Ai re f winterwheat, I'.nut. .1- ti.u.l if i
i Aero of Spring wheat,
Aim rii'.iu'iiltitrttt I ifnr nini .1
Hi'.-t Field of wheat, 4 In In acres.
' Ann i'i nt A'J irit'l itrlnl 1 y'li', and o nn
Hot Acre of Corn, .Im'ii A.j. 1 jmr, and 2 nn
llest l iebl of Harle-', m. I tlmn .! tiereH.
J .1 iiifrifitn A'ji irnltio iMi I i.'ur. ntnl 2 I'll
I Y.rfi Acre nl 0,t, ,l(,i' A,,. I and 2 (Hi
. iieiii A.-re oi, .1n u
j lSpnt btifhel ol Corn earn, '
Hest .'I ucreii of Huekw heat, "
Hei-t hit-ocl r inter whcnl, "
I. 1 fm-, and 2 (Ml
nnd 1
" I
! K tLt
J I afrf "f I!l'1"". "
W'"''1 l."r(" "f Hover need, "
'"'', "rre '" Br"" 1 """
Heft acre of Sorghum,
' llcut 1 nere of Pens.
! l'ot j acre of Ituiah i?n-,
, "est bithhcl of Timothy .-ccl.
1 Peel j uere of Carrots,
1'e't J acre of Turnips,
Crops l,t-in ? enunl, prefrronec will be given to
inose mm yieni ino lurKem net prom. Miue-
linent- to l e liirni-hed bv lae exhibitor. They
must bj tnenstired, or weighed, nnd a sample
; lurnisliej nl Ihe rair.
Appltcnnts for pieiniiiius mui-l furnish the com
ini'lce with a Mittcmciit ,ignd bv tkcim-clves
under a bledge of veracity. of the 'iiiilily of grain
rai.e.l on (lie urotind entered for a iireiniuin.
must slate, ns correctly ns llievean. ihe kind and
. . .i .. -. , . . ,
condition of the previous crops; the kind and
iunntity ol'm-il used, ami the time and mule of
pulling it in the ground.
Peroiis ento ing Field Crops for exhibition, or
inteniliag to do so. may j.jvt. notice to the Kxec
u ive Committee al any time, nml have (he field
meiifiircd ami examined by a coiu.ii'.IU- e, while
grow injj. No. I.", lWc Venal Foo l.
He.-t II Loaves of wheat Hrcn 1,
Host Loot of Corn Hrend,
Hcst Loaf of 11; o Hrend,
Uc.-t Pound. Sponge, Fiuit, Jolly. Cnflee,
I.adv and Plaia Cake,
caeli n do
He.-t Pie, any kind, Dip
llest Jolly. ' Dip lee Cronm, Dip.
Host ri.virvei,
lies', display ol
1'iDtervoi il' Jolly Di.
Class No. 17. Hitter ami t.'licene
' ISt in puitinls of Hotter,
' Host Firken nf 25 lbs., or more, of Iluttcr
1 made in May or Juno, 1
' Ilert Cheese, 1
Class No. 18. 'u :r.
j Pest Parrel of FI mr. !
' Pert lun lbs. of Flour, Spring wheat, I
I llest .Ml lbs. of Kyc Fh.ur. 1
Hot AH lbs. Hiiekwhent Flour, I
j Pert iO lbs. Corn Aicai, 1
j Clash No. l'.l. J mifttif A nicies,
! Pest Pox, nr Jar, of Honey, 1
, llcsl In pniimls ol .Maple Sugar,
Hc.-t Peaches, put up Air tight.
,,,1 Hot Tomatoes, put up Air-tight,
Y'' Host Pliickbcrrics, put tip Air -ti
0 llcsl ( urratits, put up Air-tight,
Hist Fancy Jar of Pi klos,
He.-t (lallon .yrup, Maple or Soigliuin, ench.
lle.-t Cured Hum, conked. 1
He.-t Dried Hecf. with mode of curing, 1
'.'lass No. 'JO. Jkijiicftif Manufacture
Hot 10 yards of l'lannel, 1
His, 1(1 yards of Sattinct, 1
He.-t DI ynrds of Cloth, 1
llsst pair of woolen Pbinkets, 1
, Pest 15 yards of woolen Carpet, 1
llest 15 ynrds of Hag Carpet, w ool chain, 1
Hcst 15 ynrds of Hag ( in pet, cotton chain, I
Hcst Woolen Coverlet. 1
, licit Woolen fringed Mitts,
Hest Hearth Hug,
Pest pair of woolen knit Stockings,
Pest pound of linen Sewing Thread,
I Hcst specimen of Knotting. Knitting or Xee-
1 ule work, by .Misses uinler 1LF yrs. ol nge
1 "est Jimr ofentton knit Stockings.
. "tfl !,oun, ' r MuH'S V''.
I Pest Foot Mat,
He.-t Tidv,
1 Hest Straw lionnct.
llest Straw Hat,
Class No. 21
A'i r,.', Shell, Va.r vnrl; it'r
Pest specimen of Xecdle work.
Pest specimen ol Needle work, on Machine,
Hesl group ol Flowers in worsted.
Pert specimen of Kmlirnidery in wor.-lod,
Hcst specimen ol hinbronlery m I.aee,
nrn iiiwiuirii iii i-.i, ioi vinci j in i'mriiiii
' 11('" filirl mJ l- .Miss under 12 yrs. of age,
Pest Pntchiug anil Mending,
Pest specimen of Leather work,
Pest sbeciinen of Wax F'lowers,
Pest specimen of Fenthor work,
Pest specimen of Ornamental work,
x- n.i T. ir I- ; !
Class No. 22. Drati Makivg ami Millinery.
Pest Dross inakincJl 00 I Pest Millinery, 100
Pest Painting in water colors,
f"" " i :
Pent Portrait Painting,
llest Landscape Painting,
Pest Cattle Painting,
llest Ornamental Painting of any kind,
Pest Daguerreotype tnkon on the ground,
Best Anibrotype taken oa the ground,
Hest Photograph taken on the ground,
, Jicst ! riling,
Pest Ornamental Penmanship,
'Deit Architectural Drawing,
t i i Ni '.i '
U l ill ! (f M I Imin tlmi, thtn
t f ..ii, mi'l,
'. .1 lr.( tl f f l'li II o.e,
I'l .1 III . 1 II II t' t I'l t III 'l,
iil itiin l"i I'li'li'", ith
t k t I. 1 1, mi 1 " I' ' I,
I'l No. ':'. -V. 'i.''
I'IkIii in
,1 ,
III ! I'i ok I Ii 2 Hole, W
'M I'n-I I iii.MiiK HI..IP
',. Ill'- I I'linkill St"l'
iiml it ronl,
w oml nt onl,
H mi'l nr ri
Hi"l r.nli.r St"M',
I'l ln"l I'dtli.t Stole,
ll f.t I'ii'I Iron t'eiiee,
?. ln',1 Cilut Iron I'eliee,
lU it rpri'lmi'ii lot ol 'I tunare,
, ?, ht't do do do
ti fl rpciineti nl lllni kiiiiiilhiii,
Hi ft rpii'iiiien of llnli-inilliili;,
Hi st rpeeiiui'ii of linn 'I'm oili
I' Shower Until,
llent I'lntM enitinj;',
llivt Original liiveiili'iti in the rountv
i The iibnu" I r- in i ii hi tire ulleri'd f
1! 00
I Illi
1 Hit
.'i till
liiuliulneliired in the county. A Diploma tuny be
iiw arili"! for nny i f tlio iilmve nriicjeti on exliibi
lion, without reij.n I In when, il wa. iiiatiubirlnr
e.l. lio.-t ili-phiy of Table ntnl I'.if-Ui-t Cutlery,
I of Ann-ii nti Mantilaetme,
1 licsl di-plny of i:,l- -l Tool-,
lli'.-l ilif "luv of Fanning tin I l'iol '. I'l-l.-',
I'l. is No. !''' I'i "' '' nfu't .'''.
i r.nni.y tnmh: 1 ""1 i'nsst
I l.,r, w-,n -1 i "t Sli-l-h. 2
t l.iitnbe- Sb d 2 I lio.-t il:1''" lr,i 1
llr. I H'hcalhnrrnu', I
A Diplouiii tuny bo nwr.idod for nrtiulci hi T i ,
eU-f not iii,iin,l'.iL'liircil in the counly.
Cl. s No, '11. Ciih'-iiff.r.m' in :in.t.
Ilent llmttaltiir liurenn $( I Host Sofa. 2 (l
Host Sofa,
Iteft J.ialltn,
lit'.-t n't of Chnir.-, i
11. i-t variety ol Chnir", 2
Host fvl I'jilor l uin'e, .':
Ib -t I,iiokiii i;las fm VI
D.'M Dmcii. t.lbb'2 (In
lle-t Wind) l unl, I (IU
Ik'M Centre tabled tilt
Hot l.oi-.t, ail, 2 Oil
Hot (llli o Chair.l (II.
ll, l di-pliiy of i.' ibiii 't-n.iro
ip. ami o II'
JS. i ,
;i i-.i.j. Ciirjn'iit:Yiii;, i(r
1'ivt fpecimeu of l'inu ware.
Hot w itnlow mi.-h,
lle.-t Lot of lla.-ket.-, 1
llo-t Lot of Hiu-kcK I
lle.-t Hand Door. I
)te.-l n imlow-i Iiml, 1
Uoti"t'l Arain iiieii.-ure.-.l
Cl.A.s 'No
'.'h limits nml d'mi. ii Vfiftnlilt-s
He.-I I utalkii celery, Dip.
Ilt'.e ti hi.'ii'l.- cabbage .'iMe
V A 2 do eol!alliiw'r,.:.()e
Hot J bit. carrot.-, 5Hi
llest j bu. rutabn;f,.'ill,
Ue.-t bu. In. bci (.-j(lr
Hcsl hall In, -hi' I taole pnCilo-
I.o-t ijutirt ol wimln r bean-, ,'n,
lle.-t variety nl S.ii.i.-1,, ju.
He.t variety of incluii-, .Ml,
lle.-t Sweet I'olilo.-, .Ml,
Ili'f t hall' bii-hel ol Tomalo-, Ml,
All voxel bli.- inn -1 h.ivj been rai.-ed l.y Iln
Class No. .",0. (',',, Knl.Hni
Ho.-t (ienllemeiis' Hoots ami Shoes,
lle-t Linlys' Hoots ami Shoes.
lle.-t dis.ilay nf Hootri ami Slmo,
Host Travelling Truuli.
Hevl Tu; Harm'-,
Best 'nn i.ijre llnriies-,
He.-t Single llartH'-.,
Hi st I.iding lHidlu nml M i lingale,
licit tionl icinims' Killing S.i 1 1 . 1 1 ,
Host' lliilin-: Sail. lie,
Host ili.-p'hiy o! .'adillery.
H'-.-t Sole Leather.
llest Fini.-hed Harne.-.-i.
Host ili.-phiy nf any kind nf Leather,
Host Hobc in n il i' bv exhibitor.
iim! SI,
2 nn
2 nn
;i nr
2 in.
2 0 0
.: nn
2 nn
1 nn
2 nn
2' 00
;t in
1 nn
1 nn
1 nt.
1 00
Class Nj l. 7!i.'.,-. um( "- A . -
He.-t Puil of Clnthes made by haml,
11. ' Cmit ininlo l.v a Lad v. I
Uli I!,,,, ,k .Malrn-s. 'J
l!e-l Hair .Matra-s. 2
llcsl Straw .Matrass, I
Class No. IV2. I'linti... In o..tti'y.
Hot Handbill, Dip. I Hot Hlatik
- '-est I aril. Oip. I llest .Newspaper,
I lest ortiniiieiilai 1 nnliiif,
Cl.As No. Y'i. Stmit
nnd 1 ,, . -,
, i lies, ,'rn
ii i ii Ti!e,
llest Fire Hi iek,
llest Prick,
llest Hrnekets,
Hoi Potiery,
Cl.A-s No. .'! I.-- t 'I.
fii'iils anil Ch
ifu .1.
llllll ill ill' fml lit ij,
est uvailalile Manure at ui idorati' cocl
Hot mailable Manure lor Farm P oduct-, 1
Ho.-I aviiilablo material for Oliie, I
Hi st Linseed Oil. 1
llest Tallo v Candles, 1
Ite-t Specimen ofSnp, i
L'est Vinegar, I
Host Wriiing Ink, J
Class Nil. .'
Host Dies.-ed Stone
Host (Juu.l -fjtvlie.
,-..-H'.o '
,., 'St. nf.
He.-t M'l! Sli ne,
Hist Floor bonrds.
Uc.-t Iv.iWt I
He, olio
! Hesl Pii'ler liotrl, i1''; ! Pc-t weatherboards,
. I'..-, ..l:. ci. ... I n i t .... , ,
fdlliims Mic I llest Thorn 'in.
T'o! s;, 1 ' T, ,. ', , .. , I
best Munj.les, M Hcst Iiirned Article. si
I Discretionary premiums will be tetoiiimetnlcd
. .,, ,-o..- , i, est ttl .- 1 IT 1 l.tellllie
for all articles ol merit exhibit,.. I bv -,1m,
1 1 ii nil the various braiichet, and it is h"'e,! a
'I'ciieinl iixhihition will be niinle.
For all,t- useful In the Farmer, nml
i hat ing tnluiible properties, ilisereiioiinty iremi-
uins limy be t eoniiinicm-e.l nt the,
nnd nttardod by the Hoard.
Class No I'.t'i Kati nil M'.uerah.
The best suit of useful Minerals ol Clearfield
county, iin-liniing cot.1,
Tiici...-t Cabinet ol Minernlsof Clearfield
.unl adjoining comities, to be the prop
erty nl tho Soviet a-,
00 ;
;i0 '
it) i
1 1 he best Limestone,
The best Fire Clay.
The lust Potter's Vl'iy.
The best Collection t, Foss Is,
The best suit of Ciystali.ed Minerals,
j Clash No. .'!". ',",'.
The 'est ilifplay and greatest vaiiety of
llrnftcil Apples, .iini,ncr ami winter
I Frui., named nnd nrraligml,
1 he best tlispluy and greatest variety i f
I Pears, natiied and arranged,
The Lot display nnd greatest variety of
Ptiithc-, named nml arranged.
i litu-1'ifn Fruit (iiiriitn.
The hcst specimen of Apples, 1 puk, do do
The hest collodion of Pnuiis, do do
The best collection of Chen i :s, do do
The best collection 0 yuinees, do do
Host specimen of Foreign drapes, do do
Hcst i-pi- inu-n of Amei ienn ti rapes, du do
Hesl spei iimn of Currants, 50c
Pest specimen ol tiooseben ie, 50e
Hcst spceinicn of Hlackberries, 50c
Hesl rpceilticn nl Seedling (irnpes raised in
county, nnd worthy of culture, 50c
Hcst specimen of Domestic Wine, $1
Class No. "if. Horsemanship, ifr.
To Iho Lndy that manages her horse hcst,
and sets most gracefully.
To the lientleinun who manages his horse
best, nnd sets uio t gr.ici fully ,
The hest diiplay of horsemanship, not less
thnn five couple,
Tho best driving on the Course, by a Ludy,
The best Company of Cavalry,
The best Company of Infantry,
Tho hest Pand, with Prnss instruments,
T l. - t . t,.' , T,..-J
nn nest innrtiui mum,
The 1)esl , pingef
.... .
The best Xurseryvcn,aininff the greatest
variety OI t ruits and Shroha.
I in the most approved manner, (the ex
! hibitor to furnish written description,
stating variety and mode of culture, $3
The Sooond boat do llarry'i Fruit Garden,
Class No. 40. General List.
The best display A greatcstjvariety Fliwersr, Pip;
The hest display It greatest variety Pluote, Dip.
i ne nest Uisploy ol Moral Ornaments, Dip
Jhe hest ooriuet, with handle,
The beat baud boiiuet,
1 . ' I .i i-i.'ii,,.,',.,, i f
ft iS"'"'t.'r tn, piJ
1 till r. r, Z 1, l .ll 'J- S,M,"
,'i''' h 'S. ' ' '1 ' ,l"' "'iWt nVlN
,n- ." .'111. U i ,. '-
lll.'"is. A filil "H.. aninewl, i, t, i-i, .."
Hill' Il IH ll,ltlllll 'IIH'l.i.i. 'ill..,,.. If ,J "."7, 1
riM.-l ti H . ii tlinnii.'lrsi anil Hie siirl'iiiiiJi,iK,-ifc H
I'l-'iiitt u'-n.-r-il si'irinvRllon, Mifl.'i itnr. mi. i . s
Vl tills ill this .'ini'lili'iil. Iil'l'ii-SBO'I lil Ui'i llriitiJ
.nko A ver s I'llls. ami sen how iln" Hy Ha t tat
Intnl. il ii.'tl ni ir tin, si-i"iii. sii'l with It id, ,l
f'-i'liiii; of luiiltli sk-iIii. Wlml Is linn nn.t iiil'!
litis nnd roiiiiiioii coiii.liiitt, u a,i, rui. 1t
of tlis deep Heiiti. I nii.l iluiiun.iis iliitmpri. Tltly
j .1 1 iil i v .! , it, "-i txiR'H innni. A'aiiaci i,j ilm,i,u
li iiiH mi l il"i siiK,'iii"iits of t li- li il in nl 1
ImhIi'. tli.'V niA rmiiilW. nml umnv of llu.n, ...... "si
l.v tlio s:iiin nieuii-. Noli" who know tlis Tiring
Pills. ill iieiiliTt lo employ tliem wki-a sufterinr '
Hi.. .Ilnii'l.'is iliev i iiiv. 1 Ul
Slnli'iiii'iiM from li-n llmr pliyslcluim in h,,
prhirl ellii s, and from otli" will kiiuwit p,,
fin. "''
fiiftn n p.rwiir.liiig Merchant . SI. l.ouit, f,,, 4 jiy.
Iln. Arur : Your Tills am lbs paragon nf ,11
grual la nii-ill'-hi.'. They liaro runi'l my llttk- (
of nice ron sorei ujKn h"r liatuls nml fe. l llial Iim
lne.;-bl for J . ars. Her iimMi'ir bus Wi, , ,, J
oiisW nTli. led with blolrh.' au'l piinpUnii hrt ,!;,
In Imr h.ilr. Allor onr child wiw turt'4, alii tit, i,w
i.mi' Pill,, and lh"y bavo cur(t Ivr.
' A.-u .nw.aniisit
Al av 1'niiiuy I'liyaic. 4,
frnm Dr. l ir. tMuriyU, .tm OrUnm, .'
t.iiir pr1 Pre the prln-e of purges. Tlicirm,
ipi'ilill-S surpi-" nY mtliartic W" rsvii. Thr
mil. I. Inn vrryuirlaid elT.'i in iMr attkini!,
l-ivv.-ls. will. It insli.i HiL-?'Ul'aliiMlo Miiilk.,
traliai'iit of dl-case.
IIenilnclie,SI UIIfnilncIie.r.'ulMoiMik,
from Dr. hdm u i ll.j.t. tinimnn. $
Dnalliio. Amu: Irannot answer vou 11'jr,j,u
I havo cii s.1 with your Pills butter limn P, My tl H,
rtr trt 'I leiVi a ;ijv(1i'm uinliciur. I y?rv p,oni
il.'ino on no eiri'. liial inthartin In lay ilallv contMi alii,
diswin', mi'l L.-Iicuiij; .'n 1 it 1 that yniu I illi nfluid lau.
li.'rt wo barn, I of courso value tlieia highly.
rirrsnrnn, Ta., Mav 1, lms
Pn. .1. C. Ann. Pir: I Imvo !.' repsalMlly'
the W',r..t i.'tttlitrt any bojy mil have hr a il'.' or ti,
uf vonr I'ilh. It si'enis to urle from a t j I il.itu.
whieh th.-y clean-i) at one.i.
Vouii with great lesjiect, EP. W. I'llllt,
(ler!; nf Slnrmtr ('.ni
IllllniM Dlioriliri I.Iver C oi-iplalad,
Frt.M lh: Tlirnttuf. Hi !!,'. y. w l'url; Cg.
N"t mil v n ro vr.iir Pills a.lmlralilv a.liipln! Ilfr IM.
Iiii as nil 11 1 -1 1 . -ii t . l.nt I llml I h'-li I 'Miillcn.l r7.'7i,fi,wa
the Livr ery marki-il iiolis'il. Tln-y 1 r, h mr fIIM
tin. inov. 'l n'lnr'i t-IToi t mil for tlio curs o( rnlll
iihmiit tlntii auv uiin r.'iin-ily I enn meiiikin. 1 un.l
rejoiiv tlist .' have nl LUM"' n l-mnne i,i, l. u,
Uiy ihe ciihuJciice ol Iln- pu kiM n nml Iim j
HiriKTvr iT ur 1111. 1-ntr ki, 1
Wa-l.inoi 1'. C. Tib lVli.15 '.
Fm 1 1 hav inert onr rills in uiy enwal .s Ik,iiJ
prni'lii e eier sinefl uiii'l" Ili'-ni.iihW .':iu:i.,i li.ij -
.ny lh".v ni the lieaf enlliaitlc mipl . Tlirl, r,.
laiiiij: a (i"ii en tho liter is ijiti. k an, I ,ls,ilttl. .mn
f it-ti1 ly they am tin ithliin,Mu lulnrity l-.r d-iaiMji,
,1 I'l-ali. Iti'l.etl, 1 Intto ' I'l'.ru f.uii'l ucw.rf
hVt'.if i,,'hi nl.-lii.iy'j thai it ilel not in, 'ily Vhulu
thrill. l ial. lliall) J 'liis, AbiiV'i 1IAI.U,
i'i.yi.Citut .'fit Mun.t thrill,
Dysentery, Diarlrn, lt.lnx, 'XVoriai,
J-'ri.nt llr. J. 11. (j'rriii, nt Cmii Pills bntB bud a Ion? Iiisl in my pri Ik-AuJ'l Ihelil ill -sti--lil as one ..f tho list .i'j,rnt, 1
v rr iMiud. Th -ir alteraiiva ellerl ii ,.n tie. liter i,,.
Hi, in an ex. . II. nt remedy. tvhn in n in s.n.ll ,
'nti.tii$ ihj.ieirl.rj unit tli'irrhirit. 'ili'-i;' nijitr.cti'i
Hikes Ihein v.-ry no.-.. ptaale uinl euiitfiuuut Wi
jl wi-iinen and chiMren.
I)y iirpsi, Impiirlly of the IllonJ.
'(-in r. J. V. llniKS, ','.. i- i.J A li en! CI: 11) ti, yM
Iln. Avlr: I ba'' n-'l year Pills villi .,tn".rliiw
snee.isM to in) family an.) i.iu.M. IIi-.m- 1 ,1111 ,-iltM tona
in iliKtish". To r.vnlate the chhiis ot i'.. -stlon aai
puiify Iho Iliy nre the wry Is-it n-uiily 1 l.u,
rvr kiiotrn, nml 1 call cuiilit.-iilly reei'in'iirti'l i.iu
nit hi.-ii'li-. Yours, J. V.lllifo.
Wtnstw, Wyoming Co.. N. Y.. Vf. ii, MS.
Pstn Sin: I sin iivini! ymr I'nlliarlii- I'ill'Mi, mt r
lie... mi'l find tliciii 1111 rxei-lt'-nt iir;at ie to st.iiiK M
I -1 trill mi'l 'ioit'ij Vie. ffliiihiim i'l' lltrUr-.
t'niivl Ipnllnn.Coatlvriieaa, Siipiireiilaa,
It lir 11 inn I isin, t.oiit, Kruralla, Drop,
sy, l'nrnlyaU, Kits, etc.
J'i-m llr. J. J'. r.riMj'.ii. .V.i.It.'I. Ctnritt.
1' "i 1n11. l1 i Hiiii. t I n said of y, ur Pills f T tlnninii
',....-. iim. If others of our fraternity have (.n. lam
,11 etli'-tn inii ,m I hatV. th.-y ehonl.l j. .In nir In wHniaa
iim il lor the Is le lit of the uiultitU'li-s nils sulkr lew
thai -oiiipl.iiut. wlii.-h. nlth. iiih had en.'ii;h In llll.
tliu progenitor of nl hers tli'tt are tr.. '. I tlrw m
lirnirsi Innriiiiustc in the liter,lnit your 1'ilU atlt-ct llol
or:.'au and tine the tli.easo.
mi 1
nn 1
I'.'.m Mn. I'.. Stu n t, Vlnisiiimi tint .Ve'irr. '
I fuel ons f,r 1 a,, p. fire il.,fc-s of yon r Pins, tsleii t
j.l. p-- lime, :tre e, -client jir.-lll'iti tes .1 III Mitt'li'i"'
i..., win -n tih .llyor piii'lially Mippr.-s-M'-l. aisl '' ''-'7
e(T''' tifil t" cl"imr iln, mi l tryri irvn. Tly
me " Jilll 1 1 IIji. Lett pliy-P: tic have wuni""-'""
uu Hha to i",v pali..uts, ' a
1 '
Ft am the r-.r. Pr.'.s, . .i (,.,; V,! i!i.Qivb
riiti TT'ir:r. ?.1T.wnrin......i,iui.ii.
I Il'V-'-n Sis: I .-I,,.,,! I 1. ,,s,-t,.f f-. lUwM
your skill has l,n,.-ht m. if I ,ll ., -..t mjr- A s..ile. ii, nn limh-au I l,,,-""lil hi'
1 I'intilli; li'lira'.ii.: iwo.s. Li, h ei!,l J in r".r.n -l'"
(..on. Xotttilhstmi Hot.- 1 h i.t the W-t ol iilifi'-iiin"-
,11-i-ase ,rrciv wore, an, I woisc. until hy ths trt, ufpoT
ox. -ell, -nt aeni in Ciliiuior.,. In. Mai ki-iuie. I tihsl )ur
I'll!. 'J heir el, , Is weir shot-, I, nt nre llv -em-ttllnl
lu tlio use nt in, in. I am now eiitin 1 f ell.
SrNtTi- fn itinrn ll-.t 1. .....a l .'. 1w. I.s.
pp. An: p. : I hate I twit eiiiir.-li ror-.l. l.v tMVVt.t,.- I,',. ill a pnililul ilii . Hint liii.1' atllirt'A
f TV-ais. l.ChM' SLU'tl.
.T-M,I fT ll.o Pill. In market Contain er
iiln. li. nlth' tilt a, rnii-ly In skill il hnvh
nancfmus in n public lull, rr.mi III ilr. .winl nnos
yneiires that fi,s,iieiiily follow its in'-autinii- ins. Tina
i -titnln no utcreuty or mineral B' what-vt.
Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes far tt.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A.YEE &. CO., Lowell, Kia
jr-Or-Ssld by C. D. Watson, ClonrJrll Ei
Irwin. CiirweiKvillc : F. Arnold, Lnthrrsosn;,
Montgomery A- Co., New Salem: .. C. JJrtnw,
M : .1..!.. - T X'..,,. Il.;ii. ,. ri V.'iflJ
1 J
1 ;
i !
?:i i
t'l'jii nu.iii-. j. is. i , .ii..,,.-.,,,,!.,-.-
Cluifc, Ansonvillc j and by dtulcrs etrj:i.
" fLEThrilLDTlFNE VAEE rtlTTtft-
Thankful f'T Mist favors and nilintitit"'-
lure patroiuigc. I would ri-spertluliy ant,tU
thai I have on hand ngmn, nnd v :1 ein-us.)
keep at Ihe Pottery in this b .rough, en tbt ta
ller n short distance east of the Metl.odi-t Cnrt
a large stock ol Crockery, m-h as Croao, ft"fU'
milk pans, Chums, Jugs, Jars, Stove j'i " "
f c. ifc: nnd also an cxlensivo iisjuttai's' t
different kiies and patttrns of brai ktti
rosettes for c mice uu houses, and oilit:1"'"'
Any mouldings not on hand will 1' "
ot.l.r on short notice. Abo fire 1 ri H
and kept for sale.
TtlA liberal reduction on price- m'l'
wholesale ilenlcrs. P. LKITZiXl'-"-
Clearfield, may 2.1, ISfiL ly.
Cabinet, Chair MckicsV
JOHN (iCLlCH, of the hon.ugh '. f'"
Pn., will be prepared nl nllC.incs t niters'
to anv hinunrt in
anv biminrrt in tha nboVO IlIlO on 1
.. , it,.. flit .f
nonce, ana in a wnriiioHniiKw uii'iiu. i. .
of business is at the old ship on tho nerth r.i'
Mnrket street, .Id door east of Third St., tew
opposite the old Jew store ; where he will W
cotislanlly on hand n large assortniet t "
hogony nnd Cano Pottom Chairs, and i
Ware of every description, which he wri Ji'l'
of on ns reasonitblo terms ns the same ar'i'
can be bad elsewhere in the county.
ii:. -,i. ,,r r.l, vr n n-i hs-d.
sists in part of Dressing and Common I u"'j
Sofas, tew ing ana jsliing Mjimts, v ,'. French and Field P-st Hen"1'
Dining, Prcnkfast, Centro, Card and j'"'4
tiles, AC. tomns uianuiaciurcti a:iu --
any pluce di-sired.
February P, 1S59. no. 4, vol. i
" ' "J, Urau'Jj'
i . .. . .... . WLiil'TW
w Illi IIKSt lor .Aleilieinal purlins'-.-
-. I- tlny. t Ir Ilia
Dip. Jt l ort ana .-&jery tue, ''r':"",'",,t1J t
.Dii. Ilolnd (nn-nt HAKTS I0tt,S