o'i..v,f..;b it.i ai;nh.i n. WKlnMiUj- Morninff Arpt 4. ISO! DFMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. ton AOxfMIU.V, ( . ..AltliY, of Klk county. K J. NlCKOlsoN,ofJi-lftnioiico. ton AKPoriATi: jnor, J. I). THOMI'SON, ol'CurwenHville. JAMW It LOOM, ofUloomTp. FOR K1IF.KIFF, K I) WARD PKItKS, of Morris tp FOR COt'.NTV COMMISSIONER, JACOB KUNTZ, of Brady Tp. FOR TRFA8VRFR, JOSEl'll yilAW, of Lawrence FOR AVMTUK, ('HAS. S. WORRKLL, of Chest tP. tp. FOR MPTRICT ATTORNEY, ISHAEL TEST, of Clcnrtind tor. FOR COHONOIt, J. W. FOTTEH, of Girard tp. Tho Meeting at Carwensville. A meeting called by gome ninety ignpr8 representing themselves nf Democrat, v. as to be hold at Curwensvillo lust evrnin p, !br tho purposo of "spitting upon and re f.udiating" the St. Mary's platform. Among tho signers to thit call, vre rrc ognizo the names of several who have heretofore been recognized as entirely consistent in their adherence to the usa ges of the Democratic party, and, w ith out knowing the facts, we venture to say that their names were obtained through misrepresentation of some sort or other. The instigators of this movement may probably be incere in their motive. 1 1 tuny bo that it was not intended as a means of securing the defeat of certain Demo cratic candidates. If so, they can easily eatisfy the public of this fact by at once ac quiescing in the action the Assembled Democ racy of the county in this place last evening. The professed object of the meeting at Curwensville, is to repudiate certain of the resolutions adopted at the recent leg islate conference at St. Mary's. That they are susceptible to objection, wo have heretofore admitted. But we submit to those at the head of this movement whether it would not have been wiser to have waited until it wu ascertained whetLer those entiaients were assented to by the Dornocracy of this or any other of the counties composing the district ? or whether, it they would prjaerve the harmony of the Democratic party, they should not have applied to the Chairman of the County Committee and madea formal call of the Democratic, party of the county? Their fuilure to do either of uxw tniugs, ana m;. .n;-e - meet ing in the manner they did, is entirely irregular and disorganizing. As to the St. Mary's resolutions, we care but little about them. The delegates were sent there to nominate candidates not to make platforms. State and Nation til Conventions do this. And nobody is bound, in any degrco, to the expressed will of ten or a dozen gentlemen attending a district convention. If the people enter tain any doubts as to the sentiments or opinions of the candidates, it is to them that application should ba made ; or to i the countios presenting them. And how is itwitk Dr. Early and Maj. Nicholson ? Does any one doubt the loyalty or patri otism of either ? They cannot that of the latter, as he is now in the service him self and has also a eon a mere lad in Capt. Brady's company of Brookville, now quarterod in tho same encampment with tho brave volunteers from this coun ty. This should place him boyond the reach of suspicion. As ti Dr. Early, he ' waB present at the greut out-pouring of tho Democracy of Clearfield in this place lust night and unqualifiedly endorsed the proceedings therein exploited. We deeply regret this movement this lime-not that we apprehend any te rioiw consoquonccs in a political point of ffl)( view ; but bocause this is a time, above all 1 ists in any Slate to secede from the Union, Other., when Democrats should set i ' or to nullify the laws thereof. . , . , ., , . . , licsolved, 1 hat thik is no time fcr d:ssen harmony, ihey know that the lustory of j,ionB criminationSi or U8eleM discussions th country is the history of the Demo- M to the origin of the war, or where the emtio party. Thoy know their party i responsibility rents ; that a rebellion ex wuhout power in tho General Govern- J H,,fl R'' ,llt,u,cI lrive to bring about nit nt, or in any of the States. They know that it is. their parly that hasslways resi-u. ed the country from all its previous perils. They also know that if the power bad re mained vith them, peace and prosperity would have remained to bleisour land. These and other reflections, to which they lead, should admonish every Democrat to lay aside'allpersonal andindividual prefer e nces and prejudices all minor, local and side issues and unite together as a band of brothers to place that good old Union making and Unionpresorviug party of Jederson and Jackson again in power. .5iy We would merely say. in reply to tho Titteburgh Dispatch, that inasmuch as j the Republicans in Congress last winter I rejected oahe plans ol compromise and ...... . . . . . .ipreacnea witn impunity, ir truth reconcillialion onored-at loast two oifree j0 COmbat it. which plans, according ta the evidence of Resolved, That so much of the Senator Tugh and the late benstor Doug" las, would have been satisfactory lo the Cotton States it is hardly fair, honest or logical to say that "to all overtures by peace conventions,' the Secessionists- were contomptuouslv deaf." Zither those Senators or tba Dispatch is in error, udidatesin8tLe eountv and the District of wa ure perfectly eatisbed that the public are to judge which MONSTKH MKLTINU 1 ..i.v)' orrrofinsti or ! rrir r.vo.v - mu voxstitftios T u k t. a r .v . (ne of lli largest, moil imposing nd most enthusiastic political demonstrations ever made in Ilia county came off in thi place Inst night. Hut tnree ) "ullluiand ,lt was given, yet every purl 01 m couniy j was represented, nnd that too, hy ti e (rue and genuine representative men of the people. Hut one feelitig pervaded tho I . 1 I 1. . I . n n aliirllnif IaVA fllf ninBBUB, llllll Hlfc nnr ' " g .-. tne I'nion and the Constitution, an J a firm determination to sustain the orgnni 'zation of the Democratic party, au i so jcuro tltf election of ii candidates, as tho ;only mean through which our country can be restored to its formor condition of ; prosperity and happine'. j Tho meiling r.'M called to ord'r by 1. J. (Vans. Chairman of the County ;m- 'tnittee, by rending thecall nnH moving 'that John M. Cumir.inga, of New Wash ington, net as President; when, On motion cf W. A. Wallace, lowing gentlemen were selected tho fol- as Vice Presidents ird Secretaries. Orier H.-l! of Ferguson tp. Amos Hile of Lumber city. Jno. Flegnl of I'enn tp. Cyrenus Howe of Decatur. II. J. Uite of Girard. Francis Coudriet of Covington. James Duiigherty of Law renco. Geo. lleckendoi n of Karthaus. David Tyler of Huston. Andrew Ter.tz, Jr., of IiraJy. Jacob Wilhebii of Graham .mac Kline ot Bradford. J. II. Jones ot Morris. Dr. G. V. Stewart of New Washington. W. W. Worrall of Chest. Andrew Tauzer of Pike. Kobt. C. Shaw of Goshen. Philip Miller of Boggs. David Wlcty of Union. Fatrick Kerns of Curwensville. A. K. Wright of Cleat field. Conrad Baker of Knox. C. M. Cadwalladcr of Woodward. Secretaries?. T. Hegarty of Ccvington, S. Floral of Tenn, A. C. Tate of Lawrence, and D. F. Etzweilcr of Clearfield. On motion, L. J. Crans, Hon. J. F. Hoyt. Jr J. W. Fotter, Hiram Woodward, Eli Bloom and D. W. Moore were ap. oin trd a committee to draft molutions ex presiive of therensc of the meeting. After the Committee had retired Fx Gor. Bigler was loudly called for, who ap peared and addressed the meeting during the absence of the Committee. At the conclusion of his remarks, the iitiee tnrough their Chairman, Mr. Crans, reported the following Resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. Whereas. A wide s pread rebellion exists which has for its object the dismember, men l of our glorious Union; and the Dem ocratic party of Clearfield county, having assembled in Mass Convention to express their vie rs touching the present condi tion of the country Be it litsotved. That the history of the country is the history of the Imocratic party ; that as in the psst, the Democrat ic party has ever zealously and actively supported the powers that be in main i i.minir th nntionitl honor, and defend- in tlie .ymbol of our nationality, so in the present and in the future when stout hearts and willing hands are needed, the Democracy will cordially give to any ad ministration all the moral, nnterial and physical force necessary to crush rebellion, to relist invasion, or to wipe out any in dignity which may be offered to the Na tion. Jicsolvcd, That we will stand by the present Administration and aid it in all legitimate measuies whilst its objects may be the preservation of the Union, tho en forcement of the laws, and the maintain ance of the Constitutional rights of the people, but will not countenance any et for t. to destroy the institutions of any sec- jtion of our common country. I Resolved, That the Democratic party allhave evor held that the Constitution, with lhereofi ron(ltl,ule tll HupttZB Uw of the land ; and we deny that the r ight ex-1 sucn a soeeuy ana nonoraoie aamsirneni orouraimcuit.ejas wm mane us again a happy, great and united people. . j,. i.. i juaovm, mat rnasmuctias sucn a statei. ftf .IV.:.. ...1 . ofallairs as the present was never antici - . patea, and no provision exists which en- able the Fresidcnt or anv other nower w,iiniui.ni,or any oiner power in our povprnmonl In ,..,. adjust difficulties, and as this may cause .. 7" . l'"!'"" ' the war to be prolonged and the bitter ne..sand horrors thereof incrprl . mnA ier since a . . . . . canons.! wravrnilpn u hn on v competent au .1 . -- - ' J UIUCI riietn nnr iv in nn lai r,,4..M.Hn...i between the btates. we are in favor of ear ly provision being made for the call of such a Convention that thereby a prompt and lasting peace may be made. Resolved, That whilst we think the con dition of the country may demand ex. treme and unaccustomed measures, vet we regard any attempt to control freedom of speech and freedom of the press, as a 1 .1 ........ - aanro"8 "l'.enmcni. trror rosy be IS lea resolu tions passod at the St. Mary's conference ce as conflict with the above expressions opinion, do not reflect the views of the Democracy of Clearfield county, and we disavow and refuse to be bold responsible therefor. Resolved, That the Chairman of the v : ' Cl.nfltnil rVmmUiAA ! T Pi"! t Ka HBnili. ihe action cf this meeting and request .response. , Afli r Iho l tl"n l th irhuilii, the tnfi'linf a l.lnTi , lyV. A. , Walln. i itnl Wrml Tr., Pi( , nnd v. l , If. tally and Dr. T. .1 D"t, h illo J ihnir hisrty npprowil 1 1 lln t solution lad opted. I At the rotx buion nf W, Itom's re- marks Mr. CrniiH i.Iii'mm tho mrr-ling, ktntinft Unit I n had consulted ith nil the candidates in the county mi. I district cx - rrptingMr. Nli hoUon, that be was advis ed I hat Mr. Nicholson hint since hi nom ination rnteiTil and left with a company, son in the aimv and that each ciiiiduliite had drcliired the senti ments of this meeting to be their senti n cnts, as each candidates name was men tioned, three hearty cheers were given. Wm. F. Johnson, T. J. McCullough, F., and Maj. Jas. Blocm, severally ad dressed the meeting. Hon. J. P. Hoyt moved that this meel'g pledg' the support of the Democracy to all the county and district nominees, and that the proceeding bo published in all tlie Democratic papers of tho district. (in i.-inMnn ihfl inoi'iii.i niinuriioil with V., - 0 .i i f. .1.. it..:.... i . i. 1 1 three encers ior m union anu mc icm- J M 1? ' f inv-vs sin niu ""-'l'" ocratio ticket. 'sibly be spared from other Suites, until Three cheers ivero then given for our ' tho fortifications thrown up around these valiant boys who now are Uofending the ples shall have been rendered aullioient rapitalof Lc nation-nnd tho assembly 'y strong to nuke it possib 0 for a small ciijmni ui ui. j ,llimher ot ti-onns to seciiro the r defence. then quietly Jifpeued. THE WAR NEWS ! Another Battl? inthc Kanawha ValUy. ,,,,,,, , , vi T . Cul. 1 vlcr'S til OlWO KeiJiniCnt Surrounded by 3000 Confederates, ciousiy erected batteries have added nu Kmiv. j trial strenaih. A position at Cape Girar- ii'Pit? 'IT rif'TfT A Dh-hl VAlXliU 1'lUltl. CiNCtNSATi, Aug. 27. e leuin from the Kanawha that Col. Tyler s forces t Sumiuersville, Va., were surrour.ded and badly defeuted by the rebels under l loyd i.nettl naulair HIT lllnrri t II IF .X 11 IllLlLIt.lllHI B i .1 v : .. . . have vet been received. l tj T50Wi wrtj smv ft - - 1 ClSCI.NKATTI, Aug. 1U O CiOC 1. M. The next boat is due at GnlLpohs to- morrow morning, ana nouunj; ;urinei from Kanawha Valley can be obtained till then. iSECOND DISPATCH. Cincinnati, Aug. 28. The following are all th j particular we csn learn of the bat tle at Cross hanes, near ummersviiie, on the 2Gtb, (Monday,) which appears to have been a bloody affair : The Seventh Ohio Kegimeut, Col. iyler, was surrounded while at breakfast, and attacked on both flanks and in front, sim ultaneously ; our men immediately form ed for battle, and fought most desperate ly and bravsly, while they saw but little chanco ol success I he enemy proving too powerful tor Colonil Iyler s lorce lie sent forward to his baggage train which was coming up three mile distant and turned it back towards Gauley bridge, which place it reached in satety. Companies B, C and I, suffered most severely. They particulai ty were in the lllMl.nll" Kh I1I1B11J I'JUgUl their way through fearful odds, making dreadful havoc in the enemy's ranks. The rebel force consistod of 3.UUU mtan- try and 400 cavalry and ten guns. The Federal torccs. aner cutting tneir woy through the enemy s ranks, were much scattored, but soon formed again and reneaed their lire, but received no reply or further pursuit fron the ene- mv. . Our loss is not yet definitely ascertain ed, but not over v:00 are missing ot the 900 men engaged. The rebels los was fearful. Lieutenant Colonel Crcighton captured the enemies colors and two prisoner. The following is a list of the officers known to be killed: Capt. Dyer, Co. D, ofPainosville: Caul. ShurthO, Co. C, of Oberlin ; Capt. Sterling, of Co. I ; Adju tant L. Do Forest, of Cleveland ; Lieut. Charles Warrant ; Sergeant King, of War rn. The other field officers are all safe. Summersvi!le i the county-teat of Nicholas county, the next east of Kana wh county, and is about fifty miles from Charleston, the central position of the Kanaw ha Valley. It is about twenty-five miles from Gauley Bridge, and Up the Gauley river. On the 17lh instant the Richmond Enquirer staled that General Floyd's command was ten miles west of Lewisburg, in Greenbrier county.only a- 1 1 va " to ivii ajio ii v v v t bout filty miles distant from Summers- villn . llmt Gn. Flovd's bricada had been lately "reinforced and supplied with un-ad-tew proved arms," and that he would ' vanco against Colonel Tyler in a day."J Advance of the Federal rickets to Bai. . J ku's Cross Roads- The Confederates inrowingup Antrenenmcnts. Wamunoton, Aug. 19. A messenger from the Virginia side this morning stat..' that our picket forces advanced to ! tlai'la,.'. Pkim. n.il. .....u.... n A 1 . ... a I'aiivi wu'D) luuui iroiiiuin tho,eofthe ,ecessionists half a mile be-! d wh ., u .j t, , . t,.' 'oj ivj i ii'dj i uiiui rniiHiiij, siiti uiuio f .. :, never antlCI!.ntfi ' ,u...: , . 1 th iiiwichiwii vi i.v.ii ujnim inic t'llllliriiuo - j ' .L . . 6 . tl ei c j m. There was much 6ring durrng the day, l , lh , ftl , I - " - 'fr i ' vinn iiv.iMi.viH.-'. , anil am 1 111 im iiiu un siiiiraiirnMinnii 1 ". . . Th. nk.k i.nt. ......11. -r ... jtion have removed eUewkere, some of . 1 . .1 k'is cuy. I A rth nl SunMCinn e.v. r t 1 .finnr. I . .,, .. lea ov tne messt-neer. was mndn t wnat lliAlf .iir.linDn1 I - J......J w r: . - they supposed to be a deserted cannon. After about twelvo rounds had been fired at it from their howitzers, on making a near approach, they discovered it to be a sham, some of the Michign boya having for sport deceived the enemy by mounting a itovt pipe on an old pair of wheels. uaniet h.nirnlo. or the !ecoiid Michi - ( gan Regiment, was killed by the aociden- iai discharge of a gun m the hands of """"""J SHOCIlNO. The Cornine. Jo irnal aavs that one dsy last week, a young man na- L j r.i. , . - u,ed Sherwood was killed at Bath, by be - ins acc uenia f inrnwn 11 r.r,n - ;-t, 1 a,. . " . .. : , vi.v.. .aw av wmcn ne was at work. It cut cross cis nip ana into his back to the 1 1 . 1 . , . to the ZLTi a 1 ' K,n8 Tew steps, JSFetor Ritner, a brother of ex-Gov.! Riter, of Pa., and formerly a resident of Clearfield county, died in Cass county,1 j Ind., on the 10th Aug , at the sge cf 67. ,1-fi'.n.v. ,.f tV r f ,'...! 77.r.. i ni'.f IiVii, 'mnnif irfif iiri' f Af ( Sf n-. iii n ,Vii ,i I'umiti.f n, 1 1 Tlu'Kl. ,(inU rot Itspoii'lriit tf the N. Yiik 7'imn, willing under 'Imp nf August VI. vt I'I.a ..,! I in iw.il u it I lntlilAI-t- linA aixillK '0f t,. Mimomi livrr snd wri of .N lU'i nn pity, in now in tlio hand of the pinvuy. A 'f1"'1"" l ' "!nl'i'l Miomi iiill i onoo show that lhi line- isd-awn by the 0Btf river, and thnt its tnilitarv cccii'Plnn is ofthn hiiihest iiniioriiin.T. This liilP is almost completely in the hands of tho en nmy. Bodies of troops belonging to Jsek - sons southwestern Army, nave ihkch possession of Warsaw, TuHcunibiu and On ccoln. And what makes it worse, tho most important strategical points on the Missouri liver, north of this line, viz: Kannaa city, Lexington nnd Boonevillo, are unoccupied, and the lust two plaros are now virtually in the hands of the ene my. Should Kansas city bo added to the list, and Oon. lUrdeo'a or lien. Price's forces at the same time mako nn advance from tho south, tho western half of the Stato will be entirely lost to our forces. It muy bo impossible to prevent thin, since the first and most necessary duty ol the Wtstem Department is to sncure St. Louis and Jefferson City, ror this pur- . .., ,, inn. 1I1..1 e,.r. im 'whilo the great body of tho army can bo 'pushed forward in offensive movements against the enemy. The most important strategical points for the dofe-.ico of the city of St. Louis and hflerton City from an attack from the South are Rolla. I ron ton , ai:d Ciipe Girardeau, lronton ' v.. -j 1 .r c :i. 1 mJ l coiliiueriiu nnie uuin in iu nu n n.,llr.i -dvantAje.. to which a few iud tleaii could bo much easier secured by the (:oniedcrate troops ; and in that case they J would have complete control of the naviz- ti . r ., Misfis.,ir.ii. Boats niiuht be so red to convv ti, iroons within a vorv hort di,Innce 0f St.. Louis, if thnt should ;be ,no a,... . Bl,d tle lato af.emnt to ' erect a battery at Commerce seems to warrant this conclusion. Unfortunately, Cape Girardeau ii not very strongly defended, nor is it at pres ent possible to send down more men We must simply ri.sk it, and if we lose the position, try to get our troops in time back to St. Iouis. The most expoi-ed point at present is Holla; and ail the movements of the en emy seem to bo directed towards thai place. The greatest portion of Gen. Sie gel'a army consisting of the Third and Fifth Missouri, Fir t and Second Kansas, snd First Iowa, all three months volun teers, whose let m of fei vice had expired long before tl.B battle of Springfield have returned to St. Louis, to L'j muster ed out of set vice, and reorganized for three years. This leaves little more than six thousand men at Holla for the present emergoncy. Gen. Siegel is still here, arranging plnr.s for future operations with Major General Fremont. His chief want is artillery and cavalry, which the Department is at pre ent unatle to supply. The only cmalry mc havo t present is Col. Marshall's Firs' Regiment Illinois Cavalry, now at Jeffer son City. Jefferson City itsell is garrisoned at present with liv thousand tion s under the chief command of Gen. Grar.t. Forti fications will be erected, mid Homo! Guards organized in a similar manner as has been done in St I oui-, with a view to -rt.s - . p,-. A, fH .U f,A a. the least pi.Kib! expense of men, who will all bo needod when the proper time arrives for offensive deiuonstr.itions. The forces of McCullocli and Price arc for somo times dvancing towards the north. Both Price and MrCnllmM, have issued aprnclauiations to the Peo ple of Missouri, inviting them to return to the gove:nmont of thoir lejal Governo, Jackson, and prorniung pardon j to ait union men who win so aeknoui edge allegiance to his F.xcellency. Mo Culloch is especially profuse in his protes tations of mild treatment, and to give the devil his due, he has been nol only mild hut even kind to our prisoners, who all unite in praises of his gallantry and cour tesy. Most of the prisoners have been unconditionally released, and are now on their wnv home. This mildness has a significant meaning. Jackson inlendj projably to stake all on theeleclion, nnw so ntar at hautl, ana so kicdl arranged . . 'IU tl It C 7r "'"F "' '"Y ,T ul,v ' ."V" , " , l'""1""' UUU! lu . . . .i . . . .. i. .i day conies and unlei-s the mol vigorrus nieBsures are resolved upon to clca.- :he State of the traitoas before the 1st of November, lie will be re-elected, and the whole action jof the Convention declaired null and void. ",M9 ibe.Mo-r Icr Miasou- 1 r l ul fn Iiia uhn a l.pinn I h Uiit u iif h . muil fi0 our ntmot to avert. n Southeast Missouri matters have been quiet since the skirmish at Com-j j merce. Get:. Hardee is atGrec nville with i about sventy-five hundred men ; and . .1 1 fF Tbrm i itnn ittiri l Ke i-iriiiit v rf Silf ! - ton, with a simdar ft.rce. Our advance - Uard in that direction is Col Hecker's I ro0ii,.rt T-.niv.fnrih Ti'i t,r. wliiMi . f trcan ,...r.-J .t , b - - -J ...... ..o . . u . . i i.:t. ;. j - -- I - - 1 11 1. . n iii,ii lasau 1 'i ( irii l v 111 uui 1 !. 11 ai. . . , ' Marble creek ... , . Troocs are sti 1 nounnir in from Ohio . . '.. anil nUlinni I inra in a . mnunl . bout twenty thousand troops iu tho city. i B&SrWe are verv much obliged to the , ui:: - t xi .fi.. "tcnrui uuu ouheihe . i u- , thersburg for attending to our business at .... hit office. We hope he vill not neglect his own while he is attending to ours. A r DEnL OrrlCtK CAPTURED IS West- FRy ViHGiNl a. -Un Wednesday last. Cap' tain 3riracue, of the Ohio Seventh, was) i ,i,.j -.m, i r hi. v,ii. i bis way to Weston. Va. Another of his ! cuards was killed by the rebel cavalrv. ?d the fourth escaped to bring the sad "leu'Sen- jh or A ftIK1,t Centsn aiuak. -Mrs AfrAJ Cl ur lfllAUUt.iik.ianuiii wia ! Mary Parmenter. of Rochester, died ro eentiy at me ace 01 io- years, ror a ... .m etury she had never known but Rontnrv ah a liaii ncvpr known but fine jRy gickness, except that incidental to ,.hirtcen additions to the Aaierican pobu- ilation. "The price of ptseage from New York to Albanv bv the steamers lsasn Newton and New World ha been reduc d to fifty cents. To Hip tVmpft alt n( l lrai firM ("nnnty n lh mi .n!in, lVm'Tints, I In i irj' th it tlii' mU wnv I i"'" n hin oi ililn 1 1 s' o and to t i i'M r t In-1 'nil in, i I lllt' llv rtush this rtli ki'd t 1 1 i'Mi I y bi iii)(iii(t to bnar np'Mi it nil tlm inilttaty Plul lili'tnl j i w pis of (lie jfovpi mni'lit, that it is the duty tl nil "od litrilis, wiihi'iii ii'sp"'t to putty in this cur hour ol liotiMo to Lilly t i tho auppott of tho p.ivri nini'f.t ai'iiiti'-t tlio neiiuln of trui i.ui nliiulirr ouch niults t li.ri r.l from rebels in nuns, or thorn; in our midst wbo . . . ..i . a i ..... ; i i .,.,1 i,,,i,.vinf (m I liov llintnnv Imlf. ; j,iirv 0r pretended scheme of compromise , wj(, (..1k in nnns, is only cnlculaled to eneouinue rebellion, divide the Union and disgrace us ns a nation ; and that the patriotic ciuro of such Democrats as Hon. Joseph Holt, of Kentucky; Hon.. Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee; Gon, Itutler, of Massachdsetts ; (len. Dix, and Daniel S. Dickinson, of New Yoik ; and the lato Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois, in giving their powerful uid t the admin jiatralion in suppressing treason nnd re bellion, merits tlm approval and imitation of a 1 1 true Democrats. Wo therefore ulU'rfi r-putlite and sp'.t up on, a great portion of tho platform l.iid down by tho lato representative conven tion held in the ltoi'Diih of St. Mary's Klk county, by a few would he leaders in our party who in their zeal to destroy tho Republican party, would rnk the de struction of this glorious government. and cull upon tho Democrats of Clearfield co., who would not have fastened upon them and their party tho odium ot disloyalty and treason, and w'.io njiroe in sentiment with us to unite in hiking measures to havo persons bl represent us in our legis lature, who tiro in f.nor of maintaining thoir government arid 'he Union, (no matter what party or prrc0n for 'he time being administers thnt government; at n.'i hz.trd.i nnd at every sacrifice; and who nro opposed to treating with trtr.ej rebels and traitors on any- terma. To cllec! this object wo invite all good Dcmocrit. to meet at Curwensville on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3, 1801, to tnle such action as may be deemed test under the cii cur.sta:ici s. John McNaul Thos. Bloom H. P. Thompson R. W. McXaul Henry Hih Gainer P. I'.Inom (h'o. A. I'.l ;oni Samuel Ii win Samuel leort'O. Adam Su her I.t-wis M. I.n nite Jno. Guilm Fd. (locdwin Solomon .1. Gates B. F. Sterling (!co. Ivott'.obcrpcr W'ni. J. Hemphill Hugh W. Mullen Daniel Sloppy Wm. M. Henry .'ereiniiih Klino Wm, G. Joliusoii M'illiaai Weight t'osej'b A. Setter Jes;o G.isis Edward M. Peters John Kline John Livingston 1'enjntnin Hloom Thomas A. Hoover Joseph R. Miller James Arthurs Hiram Passmoro John J. Miller Mostii It. Donning . P. Wil l-i-JuniPs F. Shoop Geo. H. Hail Jas. Hilo Ros P.loom JhcoIj Koulo Win. L. Horn Juo. W. lluvs David Hor.i Jno, BiirjH Win. H, do Jno. W. Cleaver Henry Kern Daniel Faust A. T. Mason K. J. .lohiison .las. II. Fleming Jarob Hoover Jno. H. Hoover G. B Dulo Jacob Iligler, Jr. Wm. K. llarriger Ino. (. Shtiberts Jno. Y Dinger U. C. Taylor Jr.o. Smith Win. Henry Jackson Bnn?a!l Reuben I!. Horsall Jamc P.loom, Sr. S. W. Horn J. A. Murphy Jno. W, Derrick Jrcob S. Colo Jet ll'l S: i;ol James Richards B. I!. M Pherson Frederick Haney John Hull' W. W. Kelly Joteph A. Passmore Joseph Dale T. D. Dvutiing James Thompson Joseph Potter Andrew Baughmnn Vm. B. Peters A. J. Mode!! Joseph II. Hearing J. B. Caldwell, aon. Stephen Graff othc-rs. r lece Win. A. Dido Wm. P. Heck CiWllUfl M C 1 t I , , j, ,vfr j '''I"; ' 1,rf?v. r I Abraham 'a'.cs :V V 7'ifipsn ; lirl!'llan SmiWi "ivnt n . t i,i,koii Samuel Arnold George WiNon Levi Draw Iter John J. Iteanis nnd Dissolution of Partno ship. N- OTICF. is hereby piron, that the partDirfhip li!y exijtirR bct"ren Stmmf rtiold Flegnl snd Kctward K'.CRal, of l'ennviilc, in tho Llack imithiBR bnsinrf, wss dissolved un the Sid day of July lat, ty mutual roniert. Ail debts ow ing to mid pnrtn?r.l:ip nro to be rocoivpjby cid ! Suinmerfipld Flegat, and all i'enumds gsir.kt tlio i said f.nn are to be nn spr,!.- tr, him f r nnvm,.i The businesi will ts onntinued by Summerfield .riegni, at ths oiisiana. M .M.MhlU ILI.il FLEOAL. EDWARD fli:oai,. Tenu townfl.ip, Aug. 1. 1861. 4t. COURT PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, ITon. SAMUEb LINN', Esq. yy President Jndpe of the Court of Common Pleas of the teuty -fifth Judicial Iiistrirt, coro- I posed of the counties of Clearfield, Ccntro nnd Clinton and the Hon. Wm. L. Moore and Hon. Itenj.imin Knnssl, Aftoc ate JndRi-s of Clearfield county ; have isfued their precept, to me direct ed, for tho holdinjr of a Court of Common I'leus, Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter FeFriooi. Court of O.vit and Terminer, and Court cf General Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in an.l for tho county of Clearfield, on the 4;h Monday t'23J day) qt iptrmber next, ard ccniinut two wctks. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to the Coroner, Justices of the I , j 1-. . l 1 Vace, and Constables, ,,, , ., . . t leai Tie d, to appear in .1 t, . 1 i , 1 their Hulls, Kucords, , 1 ns and other l.emem- ,T 1 wh.ch to their officers, ' , 1 , '1 in and for raid coui.tr of ( , their proper persons, with their proper perioni . . -. Inquisitions, HiammaUons ana otlicr Mmem- ! b.ances.to do those thing, which to their officers, .1..;. k.k.ir. n.r.;n i. 1.. .t,.n. r... i: VVV jl VEX under mv hand at ClearBcld, this 14ih The account of Mntthew Tate and William PoJ r of Aug., in the year of our Lord, one thous- Administrators of all and singula 0 I eight bnndred and sixty-one. Roods and chattels, rights and credits, o dav and 1 y. G. MILLER, Sheriff. T MIE Cl.I'.ARFII'I.I) ACADEMY, wil be opened for the reception of pupils I I'"1" nd '""') n Monday Sept. 2nd, l61 Term per ees.'ion of eleven Weeks ' Orthography, Reading, Writing, Trim-try j Arithmetic and 67eogrnphv. $2.50 Higher Arithmetic. Enir'lish Grammar. Oena-. raphy and History! fH.OOf Algebra. Geometry, Natural Philosophy ana iiook Keeping 1.00 Latin and Greek languages. $6 00 To students desirons of acquiring a thorough ZTKUI 3 hnriish education, and wbo ih to qualify desirable advantages. No pupil received for less than half a seiai.m land no deduction made except for protracted sicaness. Tuition to be paid at the close of the term. C. B. SANPFOUD, Pumcir-Ai. Aug 7, 1861.- ly. CAL'TIOX. ALL persons are heroby cau tioned against harboring, hiring or trusting my son JOHX, on my sooount, as I am deter mined to pay no debts ef his contracting after this date. SOLOMON HAMMERSLAt'GIT. Peratur township, July 19, 1SC1. MtinUF hm.vs 1 1 V lllH" "( !!.. h ,! , I I t "Ml f IV. t I mi ni i h ni l 1.1 i- m.it, , ll'ill-i'. in I III- Ii..nKl I I II , I Ii . .1 .1 . . inn hi nil J I ri. lr.,i f, 1. f ( llf'til nd li'M.tr. lit 1 H,. A reitiuti tm, l of hoiil m.,ms Int limihl I'll nr.lclil furmv, p, ( Hi tl 1 n t a ii f (ilKfll. una nl jlihn I'..... i . J I. i w r. ii p.. i ,., i. . kuiih I . ii. .tii. A. I . 'Jf hunnsr's ssitu, now nt t. . - ' imii ij-m ill v. t, l inntt ( s.w. nmooo i rum flirur. m nontitt r sl:. Tl" " W.V,,V !. M ! ri..i ta.i, mi perrhs, to Hsr!o.7"lV,l ! north, 54 r s duiresi tui, t pst'oi , ' ith ok, theiics mirth, or sotth.j Std,.", f" -- ...., tuvut' Bdrth l , i out, ( nr north 69 dug. wsst.) 5 ptnfo r ' plu, thenos north, 20 degran noil, ,,, Whits oak.tlienu norUi, 6 dorm ,,. T4" ( nnrenaa in n a - - cues, to disjiIp, tlieucn nurtti 2i itfnt,, pprciirs tu it l ucumbor, tliuuce noru jgj J il) pon:lio to linwood, thunco north 31.. 7 pi-rchi-s to pin , llionco north M dec " i n . . j Hlg una of Un t now of John C'rnna, dJ butt puaea 10 coniuiu u acres ruoro or leu T inir surveyuj iu tlio uunm of 'flitniu'u-:.. which by fundry confcjuucm tu.'.nm.,ii" rosted in Thrnnas Mays, wliooouMiyddu,,"1' In llaviil I. I'riiiinr. havinv Lliurann . jTt'lliiiK-hou8"s, two itore roomi, ... - - - - - - a virgin Ilk bliickruiilhahop, brick-yard, and othar oat ba 11 in2", und 3U or 40 acres cloared tbeteon i w-sa, nil iktVnJunt's Interest of, in and to ill nljj tain tract of land aituut in llecatur towoitT Cli urlii lJ county, Pa., surveyod oannutnu U-d to Juioph Harrison, eontiining iiti,, allowuuce, and boing uneeated, ot tiubit U Suiiod and Uken in executiuu, aud to b Kldu the property of David 1. Pruncr, A certain tract of laud situate in. jj ria township Clearfield county, Pa., oonii,. 160 acre, bounded north by lanJi of j Hoover, east by A. K. Wright, ou,h bj L,i Potior, and went by lufde of Wright aliomg, having ttbi'iit 00 a'cros cleared Und tlnrulUj honre, barn und young orchard, boiugnatp,,, iaos bou-'ht by dufendant of UiaU aLdotktu, I s;;tcd, Uikcu in execution, and tob loldm, it.A . ce.-'iia lot of groucd situiteii t.wn of LlbotMu. at tho southwest corar oflu-. u,1"""1 citaK on the Erio turnpikt, w"01 bH" along aaid turnpike l'J3 feot to lands uJPl Goodlimdijr, tiieiica north 35 big- est l?e ."M i pout, them-e BJiith 71 deg. eait 120 fut (j, post ou bt of I'arlilo's estate, tbenct 10 dwrM west ulong mid citate 198 feot to th plactatai. cinninr, with largo two story frsuiu dusm ui I ice huaiiv erected therecn. Keiied anduku 'execution, and to be sold the property offi,,. ton It. tebbius and Koxana Mebbiui. Also, a certain iractof land litunttn Decatur townehip, Clearfield oU!if,r, iiwadmj n the eouth by lands' of Ueo. V. ilri4a Cg.,M by lanils of Jubu Crane and othnri. liUth J; lands of D. I. 1'iuner it Co , nd othui u, west by lands of t-folomou Hauituerilanja, cot. taining about 200 aoros, bavins about Uu cleared, a two utory lug house, 'ug bata, m other out buildings erected thereon, will u orchard, toiled and talieu in cxecutios ul, lc noM us tho propir'y of J. J. Ltngls sudAm. hr.m Gjfi. Also, a certain tract of land eituat ia Morris township, Clearfield county, bo'Jndid n tbt euft by lands ol lieates it Co , on thMli by Joba Miller, on the nest by J. 1). lirU,ti the north by lieu tea d- Co., contaioiug 87 urn, rith a two atory lug home aud log bum andiUl twelve acres cli-urod thereon, feiwd tsdutn in execution and to be sold as the pronrt;: Michuul Miller. Also, a ccrtp.ln tract of lurid situste ii lluruside township, ClenrBeld ounty, C0Dtiiili 100 Hcrvs, about i0 sens e'.iiired, tithim story log house and log barn tuereoa irmt, and bounded ou the cast hy land? of Juho irtn and Adam Johnson, souih by William Limn, west by John Mehaffy, and on th o north by Kith o!ai seek. 5eiicd und taken in executiw ui to bo sold as tho proporry of Jacob suck nt Mary mck. Also, a certain tract of laud siiuatftiniV catur township, Cleariold county, contaiDinlt( acres 130 perches, 70 ucres cleared sad unk cultivation, two good log hocif, to Jjud !( bams, and unall orchard therein. Se ltd HI taken in execution and to be sold as the jmijrtj of David Kephart. Also, a certain lot of ground sitmitsit Anconville, Clearfield county, wilh a two 1W7 fiauio house thereon erectod, Seited and Uka in execution and to b sold as the propertj i James Mnitli. VLSO, by sundry writs of fieri Facia, u'A out of the same court, aud to me directed, iil be oxposo.l to fullic sale ot Uie nmt li and place the fallowing described property, rut: Also, a certain tract of land silimein I'nion township, Clearfield couuty. booiiid kl lans of John Brubaker nd by lauds f RokurU a tex. neinj parlsol two larger tracts, c.wu and 3588, containing 78 acres, more or led, kot 35 acres of which is cleared, with slog hoonui4 log barn erected thoroon, and a young Bsno orobord. Suited and taken in execution, sad S he sold as the property of John Laborde, jr. Also, a certain tr.aet of landsitustita Cell township, Clea'Ocld csinity. bounded fol lows, to wit: beginning at a post cormr, thm uta S9 5-10 east 70 perches to s poit corott, tlienco s' uth 63 west 70 perches to opoitconw, thenco south 39 6-10 west to a nort cornsr, (hence north 60 6-19 east 70 perches to wU'- nor and place of beginning, containing 35 Mta more or less, leiug part of larger aurven name of E. I,. Miller. Seized and taken in lo cution, and to be sold u the property of , L Miller. Also, defendar.t's interest in a eortsii tract of land situate in Urady townrhip. CU-arSeld eountv, bounded bv lands of Dubois it itl j lands of Young, and the Jeffersi'n eeai.tr ; line, containirgCO acres, moro orleai.with! 50aerus cleared, aud two small housesard barn erectod thereon. Seizi A snd taken in w cutiuu and to Is sold as the pn serty cf Wi Dixon. F, 0. MILLER, Pbnl Fh riff's rffce, Clearfield, Aug.2s. 11. RIUaSTI'.K'm NOTIC IV-Notice. iil bv given that the following acconatf ' ben oxumincd anil pusied by me, and ra filed of record in this offico fur the inspect!'. ueii., niaiw p, vi uui vni n.auu an unu .1 , , , j ,, . other way interested, and will be pn ., ,n . ,-. . r ,-i r u thu next Orphan Court of Clearfield . . , , .', . ,, . , bo held nt the Court House, in the t . c ,, ., . ., . Clearfield, cimmencing on the 4th J o . ,cm e e . 1 ,1 !M'pu, lbol, for oniiDrmation and allow heirs, legatees, croditurH.and all ostieri is ) spnted m countT, bo held nt the Court House, in the boroufH Clearfield, cimmencing on the 4th Mob 4 PenL. ISfil. fnr nrilifirmntinn nnd nlbiWanCS: wore of Samuel Tate, lato of Lwrcnc IN Clearfield county, deceased. . The final account of Wm. Feath, Esq., os the Executors of tho last will and Testamftt Thomas Wilson late of Chost township ClerH eountv. deceased. The Final Account of Arthur Dell, Adminitnt ef all and lingular the goods snd chuttel William llaslett, late of icll township, Cl field county, deceased. , The final account of Win. Rex, sumving Amio" trator of the Estate of Richard Curry, in late of Pike township. Clearfield connty T deceased. JAMES WKIGLEi. August 12, 18B1. fl!- VI ) M I N I ST K A TOR S N OTI C is hereby given that lotters of AdminiiW tion have been granted to the undcrsigpo" tli MiatA nf Mason Garrison, lute f 1 , township deceased. All porsons indebted .....initnil In mfeV. rmnn t W i thoOt fl Cl l ft I II .IU IVIJHWriva " H.nmv , . lav, and thoso having claims against tae will present them dulv authenticated for s'tu " ment. JOHN 11. GARRISON. Aog.14. Administrator " DANIEL GOODLANDF.R, TUSTICHof the pee -Luiheribnrr. Clearfield Co. I lll .ll.nil nrnmnllv In all hnsineSI eDtrfl'" ' I to bis csre. Nrrk 2, lS60. 1y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers