Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 28, 1861, Image 3

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    Giro Hope Camp Meeting.
fr;::p u. i CMtit- Pi (leu Hope Circuit H eld winter in favor of the right of Msohir.eln use, and they take thopreniium over olootion' "'?' where to be bo'.d, and theof
o i. .cerro ot. Fiiiny the 30th iibt., t-ecession. and the injutico of coercion. nd one. hundred dollar machine.. The f,c".s b"J!?? ' Thercfor8 r u- MILLKK,
ii, U tT.'iK' ncioiigiiig io .nr. J as. .
fr, nrm Mi. I'aviil Wise's.
The CIrai field J Curwensville,
. --i ii,;i;i,.,.. t,....
nnd riiilinxburff chnippn nrn
' ..f".!.. :-..l.,.J ..f t.l. ... I. :
.i,.iltul anil central location tor a
nioctinp, ,m,,e l..d and plenty
of ffOOd vfticr. ah i ruAiuruig, tinu bei-
6 yvT 4nOw. l .i.' il
S .1 i ,1 ta.l.u.a nnum ! I r I... I, .t
r. .1 ..,1 .,!.,. ,-,o..n;Mrl l. ll... ...
llioriliwof Ihomeolinp.
J. 8. LEE, TMv.
C.,mp IIkktinij. A Carup Meeting of
'. Cluicli Las Loan holdine for
tbe last tho old ground noma
cr. milts cnt of tliin dace.
I-Tlio proceedings of the Represcn
U'.ive Convention tieiu at fit. iiarys on
iLe 15tb injt., will bo found on our first
The wording of somo of the resolution!
ire not exactly to our liking; but this may
not be entirely the fault of the Commit teo.
is published in the Elk Advocate, scventl
jmlpable errors occurred which we have
corrected d they boro every appear
8nc of having been sent to tho printer in
ibntliy nrrnngod and disjointed condition,
lutliiu often happens in the confusion of
i late adjournment; and for this rjason
they may notnppear in precisely the shape
hi uliich tliey were adebted. Their gn
ersl rontiment, we doubt not, is such as
;;i meet tho approbation of a large niaj-
only 01 iiie pcopio oi wio msiricc.
The P. M- of Horrisdale. Letter from
8- C. Thompson, Esq.
Morris ti, Aug. 20, '61.
Mkssks. Editors: The so-called cxpla
nilion of J. C. Brenner, in your number
ol the 21st instant, or rather in what ap
pears to le editorial, there is mention
mule of a previous personal difficulty be
teeu Brenner and myself. Of such tlilli
ruliy I never know of anything, except
llmt we hold diil'oxent views on politics.
Mr.'s ha been my place of buy.
ingchixfly all my good, ever ince he kept
nore licre, up to this present date, and
fail books must show if any existed fco
Hoen us. Ifn,it must have been on
Ins part and entirely unknown to me.
Our neighbors must certainly say that we
hsve shvuys been sociable when together,
tnd I think that my neighbors in general
nil not , that 1 sm .mvcm tocirculalin J
nil not ray that 1 am given tocirculaiing
falsehoods for i rrsonalrevence. :'
reuon which induced me to make the
previous statement in the Jlepublican, wns
this, that 1 believed that the Constitution
il rights of tLo Union-loving Democri'.s
lore about to bo assuilcd under pretended
wthorify ; yJUl fts i0 the statement or pub
ptlo-B. in the llrpublican of the 14th mst.,
tirNi by mc concerning the Post Master
il Unrrixdiile is correct and true. Any
ji)r-:i doubting it, msr otiijuiro of An
drew ll'-ssick, Robert Thompson, or J. C
Allport and seo vlicthcr Mr. 1 ostmaster thincs. Anv publication
'.ri'nl'tor,e.illicr in the Republic or Unfit
isyii Jturnul, on the ubove subject, by kaid
.v)liinter, will t9 considered ty rnn not
mirtliy of any notico. S. C. Thompson.
IIi rpir is Centkh County. This com
munity was, hut Monthly morning.slartled
ly tho report that a inujder had been
committed, on tbe pievious evening at the
ri.'iilence ol blias Horner, on the Lewis-
luwn turnpike, nei r the summit of Xit
titiy mruntain, and about six miles east
ofihis place. It needed but a short time
lofuliy corroburalo this fearful intulli
f?ncc,as the murdered man hail, at an
early hour in the day, been conveyed to
the residence of his lather, Michael Poor-
tin", wiio lives neir Humes' mill, about
io miles east of this place- The reports
is reii'ronce to the cause as well as the
oiturmiiaiioii of Iho nltair, are so con
Hicling thai wo lind it impossible to gather
c intelligiblo hcoou nt of it, but leave its
i'"e history to bo developed at (he trial,
h;di will be disposed of next week.
Two are a few facts, however, which are
everywhere admitted, and may bo consid
rwl reliable. The parties had been at
Wip meetlrg on Sunday, nml having
inb.Wd lo tome extent of the murder in-
lUvtor, wcte on their way home, when
tLi'f ninl ni n,. .lna.Kn..o .,o.i ;,l
L l f, i. IJ,a.c9"V e me, ,
1 11 ., t'!it0CCUrd Wh,'ch leBulei,t
uiearati) of Poorman. Liptou and Hays
'ear:eslt!d at un early hour or. Alonaay j
""'mug, at the residence of lion. James '
T. Hale, ti whnm tli h,l n.,r,i;.d fnr !
wnsol, andconvevod to jail to await theii
lr .,1 TI ' . .
, "ey evince sincere penitence lor !
I..... . . l
l"?aci. tiiitfiunv i.pAtii.iilttntiitii rIii!'mr
'ir Dlisfort
-fJf lmtl drank pietty freely duriug the
toh-r-dkjontc Watchman.
The War in Missouri.
Jifrmsnw fin- a.,., oi n..
"IBlb.e DOS ai.noi-ltail a rtivwimi iiwr.on
llllirifie I
I . .
"in five of the ltAiPn mi)ilHtv fli-jt rift I
l tbe Su
into service. Tha On. rail imon
J'Uens to conio forward promptly to bus..
"to peace, by the nupression Bnd disper
J""0' I'-asrined bands now committing
"lainerent parts ol the Siato.
I00" " the troops are enrolled thoy
M,0 hold lllHmcoluoa In I. ... Il,
"a Of tho Kxecutive. Anv regular or.
citation will bo permitted" to volunteer
. service ol tho United States, if the
r.i.. lay,
slil "i"'"., aug. aonuvi.ouu reo-
"nve Hhsoiubled in Valine county, nnd
organizing eiLber to join Oon. Piioe's!
y in the South, or for local oiwutions 1
"tASt-MO 1 1..
Ule surrnm. r i . .
lattar , 8 ,V ' 111 . .
Inn t.1 T"'t,uoo mo union Citizens at
irs,. hftveent to Gen. Fremont for
Some il..,,. ... i . . .
ho en -"iiu or moro reoeis ot Llian
h7.a cried the Missouri river at
Km thw. ! " Saturc'l). marched
7luard to mi,, fieri Prio'
USlr....l. ..v ,
. -"..vune.i.
Thoy look a ureat nuru
oorse, and wagons with them. I
., ' ""e- -Atio com miuees oi
., "Ppoiiited by Gen. Pope in Gallow-
.("In and Pike countios, reported
'-IW V
account of nfl'iim in tliuir
Many lawless characters had
; uriven out of that region, and the
'rt Tn of lo river, being depri-
NieliC l'rii0'lCil'6tceoiiDg quiet; a
90 '
Hie JJi Wgport, Lonil., farmer, collects
thH fullowinv highly treasonnhln flxiri.
from the of a uu.-lm 1. . ..
per, calM the New York 'niU.. Latter.
- i ii.ii til IIUUI I I 1 tl
IV, the irtuune lias ubululaned tho .'round
"t II hM not attempted to confute it
own doctrine, which it maintained was
NO 1.- If the Cotton Slates consid nr Ilia
'v.lnnnf ,l. n: 11.,1.!
iia-ir pcricoi riirlll to UiNCUKS it. Nav.
; hoUUith J?tR,r.o to the inalienable rigbi
v wiuiiiuiiuics) w miur or uuoiibU lonns ol
iniioi.ihidnl I
' nr inillMAim Otl.l if I ). l C. ... I II
1 nr ininrimia . and if 1 1m I V, ..
1 become iftiinlied that they can do better
out of the Union than in it wt iiuUt tn Uu
tiny them go in peace. Tho right to secede
may be a revolutionary one, but it exult nev
ertheless ; and we do not sue how one par
ly has a right to do what another parly has
a tight to prevent. We mut ever resist
the asserted right of any State to remain
in the Union and nullify or defy the laws
thereof; and to permit them to withdraw
from the Union is quite another matter.
And whenever a considerable section of
our Union shall deliberately resolve to go
out, we ihuK rcsiel all coeiciie measure design-
Republic whereof one section is pinned to
tiie idue by bayoe,s.-.Y. ,? 'ne.
Jov. last,
no. 2 if tbe rottnn r.;n.
,, ... r """,'
and earnestly wish to withdraw peacefully
n jinii.o uiiiuii, wo ininn iney snouia ana
IVnnlil ha nllnmjil tn rln A
. - , v- v. , , .,,,jr DIICIII k lu
compel them by force to remain would be
contrary to the principles enunciated in
the iiumortAl Declaration uf Indepen
dence contrary to all the fundamental
ideas on which human liberty is based.
J t ibune, Aoc. 0.
No. 3. What we lmve affirmed, and
etill maintain, is the right nf a pkopi.e to
frame and modify their political institu
tions in accordance with their own convic
tions of duty and policy, as allirmod in Hie
immortal Deelaration ol Independence.
If our correspondent has anything to say
in confutation of this doctrine, we shall
bo happy to hear him. Tribune. Dec. 10.
No. 4. If the people of seven or eiirlit
contiguous States shall pretty nearly un-
. ... . . . . "
animously resolve to secede und set up for
wiemseivcs, we tintiK tnoy would do so,
and that it would be most umcise to under
take to rMMf such scecision iu federal force.
Why is it that ihose who wunt to confute
tins doctrine always make their attack on
fomelhing else. Tribune, Dec. last.
NeiiKOES MouiiEP. D'i.e 'linn fittint and a
Citizen Shot. There was a mob at Circle
ville, Ohio, on Monday, all over the Town.
1 lie Dwelling oi Mr. liute, in tl.e out
skirl s.wus on Sunday night previous sur
rounded oy a gang oi negroes, oneolhom
'""'V 'r' .67eS0n7 ';m
?n.l"ed 11 throu ' .ft ''"dOW. nnd made a
bole) atleuipt to violate tbe person of Mr.
Bute, who was alee-ping by the side of
her husband, she was not slow in waking
her husband, who struggle, but did not
secure him. In the morning the circum
stance became generally known, and all
day the indignation of th people incre.i"
ed. Some dozen negroes Here lodged in
jail, and when night came fouroi live bun-
drod men frenmed with passion, repaired
to the houso of a collored barber named
Randolph. While about his house a shot
was fired into tho crowd, severely wound
ing Mr. Hauera, which brought the afl'air
to a climax. The house was gutted and
fired, and with nil its contents, so n re
duced to ashes, which ended the night's
B&,Vovi.d ot Exdokse His Acts. Tn
the rinsing np of Con cress on ibeDtli inst..
wo find that the Senat'e refused lo endorse
the action of President Lincoln in his vio
lations of the Constitution. The proceed
ings nre worded as follows :
Washington, Aro. 0. Tho debate in
the Senate this afternoon, upon the reso
lution endorsing all the nets of the Pres
ident in the present war, was very anima
ted and spiey.
, A number of the Republican Senators
were willing to endorse the acts verbally,
but they did not wish to appear on the re
cords as endorsing them ; the resolution
wins finally rejected.
And yet Democrats called upon, not on
ly to sanction what Rhick Republican
Senators refused to do, but to throw aside
pat riotism, principles and self respect, and
go it blintl for an administration that set
tho Constitution aside whenever it suits
its convenience.
REGISTER'S MfTICE. Notice, is hero
by given that the following accounts have
oean examn. i anil pasietl by me,' and remain
filed or record in this office for the Inspection of
heir., legatee., creditors.and all other, in anv
other way interested, and will be presented to
bcon exnmi;.. i and passed by we,' and remain
the next Orphan'i Court of Clearfield county, lo
ne neia at the uourt House, in the borough of
Clearfield, commencing on the 4lh Mondny of
l8' 1861' fur nfi"ti allowance:
TI,. ..annul F M.lll... T.. ...I tl'lll:.. !. .
--; ............ ,. .. ........ . .
ll Ailllitlllatrl.rM ..f .11 .n.l aln.l.. flu
vll, Administrators or all nnd singular the
goods und chattels, rights und credits, which
were or Samuel Tate, luto of Lawrence Tp.,
Clearfield county, deceased.
The final account or Win. Feath, Esq., one or
the Executors or the Inst will am) Testament or
Thomas Wilson late of Chest township Clearfield
eounty, deceased.
The Final Account of Arthur Bell, Administrator
. . . , :: , , : - ........ w unn , v ..ii., unco IW n imisi. uui ii or,
,f " "nd ",Julr the f00'1 and cbattols of, thence south 6.1 west "U perches to a post comer,
11. .1.... I... .r ..n . .. l.: .(.. I., ......' '
William Haslett, late of -Veil township, Clear
field eounty, deceased.
The final account or Wui. Rex, surviving Aminis-
tiator of the Lstute ol Hirbard Curry, senior,
late or Pike township. Clearfield county Pa.,
August 12, 1H61.
is hereby given that letters or Administra
tion have been granted to the undersigned on
tho estato or Mason Garrison, lato or Pike
ft. ..!.!. rl ..l All ....nn. l.,l..l,,.J . . .. ; .1
estate are requested to make payment without do-
lay, and those having claim, against the .ame
r.: . ? . . -
. .. ' t .....
ana moso naving claim, againsi iub same
will pro.eut thorn uuiy autnenucaieil lor seme-
Aug. It. Adiniuistrator.
"T- 7.. . i.m, , , T.
.'. . . . T .. .. ... ...
A f-'i" n iim st fin iiu ioiieri
ati. f Administration having been this day
granted to the undersigned o
on the estate ol
UNION town.
hip, Clearfield county, decoased, all persons in-1
dohted to said estate are requested to make im-1
mediate payment, and those hevingclaima against
the same will present them duly authenticated for I
Alil.imont. KI.T7.AIIKTII DOXKY.
Aug. 15. 1861 At. pd Adm'rx.
4 UMTOH'H NOTICE, The under.igned,
. an Auditor appointed to distribute money
iu the band, of the Administrator, of the e.tate
of A. B. Dale; late of Pike township, deceated,
g ve. not oe that be will attend to tbe same at
nis omoe in the borough or uiearne.a, on eaiur-i
day the 17th day nf Auiust next.
IVM. .11. MotU-LUUUIl,
31, 18C1. Auditor
PBIME LOT of Freih Drags just reeeir. wi
, ed ind opened si HAIBWIOKS. to
and ;
"penses per month will be ,aid by tbe Krie
buin Machine Company to their Aeents. tor
In tne Sewing Machine.
This ii a Dew
. . . i . -
Z .m".'' T A ,n,!)U"n " ?ovru.Uon that a
in-irit.nn. ft . .
but Fifteen Dollar.. . The Company wish
""nP:oy "t ij ever, count, in the United
. P",0 n .
uidpili .
' K, Mr. MngtonLZ Mi.. E.U
Jiouuon. ait of Hew Wuhinfft
1 6
llcfo Sbbtrftsrnttnfs.
T)Y virtu, of .undr, writ, nf v-ji.i.-. ....
. . i-MuuiiiHi expo
IMeai or Cloa of cmmon
tl,r. i . . -." io me directed, ' fleariioia county.
diriM PMprtTT.b', 1S6'' th f0"t",i" r"on for the office of Auditor of Clear
u I "I'cnjr, vn . j field codnty.
r!. ,ZJ "V,mt . , ,alld ,i,u,a in Mor- For One person for the office of Coronor ot Clear
ni town.hip ClearBtld eounty, Pa,, containln)r field eounty.
IlnV.AV"' , k nrth by 1"d' ofS J- The elector, of tho county of Clearfield will
... ' V J. u , 1 Wrifnt- IOI"h y Joieph ke notice thnt the .aid General Election will be
Potter, and wet by lard, of Wright A Thomp.on. held at tbe following plare. :
l!nMi ! sere, cleared land th.reon, and At the hou.e of Suuiu l M. Smith for Bee-
... l'n,M, ;nc,13r;unorcbr,,.hi'neprein.
pj l
nrcDortv of Jm t r...... i 1
a. tho
ii.n .:,:-" : ,
I, hfi. 01 prounu si'uatrt in
" -""" corner oi iut or II. E. Carlile".
eitlltC. On the Erie IlirnniL'A thin. K I .1.. .
I ,. ,. ' ........ hm nrj;. Weill
n"ofi t h p fet ,R l,,nd" of (,""-Be II.
UooUlandor, thence north 3a beir. 19 r.... . '
pot, thence sjiith 71 deg. cant 120 foot to a
post on lot of Carlile'. cvtale, thenco 10 degree.
wen along said estate 19S feet to tho place orbe-
trinninir. with lar. ... .
ginning, with large two tory frnmo house and
loe house erected therern. 8aizel nn,l i-l,.- i
10 h' M " " property of Ben
ton B. htebbln. and ltoxana Stchbin..
Also, o certain tract of Inn. I sitinte in
Decatur town.hip, Clearfield CM.nty, bounded on
he.onth by lands of Oeo. D. Morgan Co., eat
by land, of John Crane and other.. uth by
land, of I). I. Pruner .( Co., nnd other, and
west by land, of Solomon Haniniershiugli, con
taining about 200
cleared, a two .lory log house, a log barn, and
other out biiildinir. erected lhr.. :,i. ...
f i t
I be .'old a. The o VfT i IZlTZrt
eiion ana taken In oxecution and to
htm Uuss.
ANn, n. certain tract of land situat- in ,Go'1,c-
Morri. township. Clearfield eounty, bounded 01 ' Uouse of Jacob Hubler for the town.hip
the east by land, ol Beat. f Co , on the south of prbam.
by John Miller, on the west by J. B Griilimu on' A"ho "'l'"0! house iu Junes villo fur the town
the north by Jle.te. rf- Co., containing 8? acre., 'P f uli.-h.
with a two .tory log hoare and log barn and about " ot Jt" W 'i,oa fur township
twelve .ere. cleared Ihereon. eci.ed and tukon ' n""ton-, , t
in execution nnd to be told ns the nronortv of l Hie school house in Ansonville for tho town
Michael Miller. lr .hip of Jordan.
Also, a certain tract of land .iiunln in ' . .At ''?. b""" of It. D.Hall k Co., for thetown-
Burn.idetownship.Clenrficldeountv, containing
100 acre., about tn acr cleared, with a two
storv log hou.e and log harn therena erected
and'bounded cn the ea.t I.t land, of John Brown
and Adnm Johnson, souib by WiHUu, Lamer
we.t by John M-h.lTv, and on thonorth bv.Nie'i-
.Is. seek. .ued and taken in execution and
to be .old a. the prop.rrv of Jacob ..l, a
Mr n.ri,
Also, a certain irrl of land .U,,, n. '
ZZ'., . . j aires cleared and under
h. i' :::.r:"', . ' iw'" lo
laken in execution and to be .old as Z ZIX
of David Kephart.
ILn M AAflnlM. 1.. P .
AnVonWll. r. V. , f V u ",m,e 10 At,h0 ho,"e of JuI'n Whiteside for the town
Ansnnrlllo, Clearfield county, with Iwn .inr. .i.:fu-..j i
framo home thereon erected. Seized unri I n Iran
b " rrlerty of
James Smith.
IU, hy sundry writs of F,rn Fr,n;UiUeA ment of trust, under the government of the U.11
out of the same court, and to nu dimrin.l .i c... r.ui. C....7 . r .
:n 1 . , , . '
wil be oxposcd to public .ale at the .amo time
anil place the following described property, vis:
A certain tract or laud situate in beoa-
lur town.hip Clearflold county, Pa., and Hush
township. Center county Pa . bounded by lands
late or tirecn, uow or John Crane, hinds late of
David 0ph11rt. n nw or D. I. Pruner A Co.. lnmls
lute of n.wn.r. ..!.. ..i f I. r .... ,.
f1 . . iiuuci, a.
Co., thence rroin spruce, a corner of this mrvoy,
south 21 degree, west, IfO perches, crossinir Mo.
hannon creek, to Black-oak, thence .outh, 22 do- east, 181 perches, to Sorviee-berry, thence
north, 5 or 85 degree, enst, 70 porches to Span,
ish ok, thence north, or oUh,J 85 degrees east,
138 perches to While.onk, thence north 10 den-i
east, ( or north deg. west,) 50 perches to a ma-
pie, thence north, 20 degrees west, 6 porches to
.. mik-vo, iiioutu uunu, w uegrec. wesi. oi por- r n miy next niter tne said second ruosdny or uc
ches, to maple, thence north 25 degrees west, 31 tobrr, then nnd there to do those thing, required
perche. to a Cucumber, thence north 6.1 deg. oast, ' of them by law.
50 percheito linwoud, thence north 35 deg. west G1VEX under my hand and seal, at Clearfield,
37 perche. to pin i, thence north 53 deg. we.t 72 this 21st d.y of August, in the year of our Lord
perches crossing Mushnnnon creek to hemlock on one thousand eight hundred and sixiy-one, nnd
line of land now or John Crane, and being .up. of the Independence of the United States tin
posed to eontuin 4110 acre, more or less, and be- eighty-fifth. f. O. MILLER, Sheriff,
ing surveyed in the name of Tbcma. Winter.,1
which by .undry conveyance, became legally in-
vested in Thomas Mays, who eonxeyvd the tame
to David I. Pruner, having thereon erected nino House on Saturday the 21th lust , at 10 o'clock,
dwelling-houses, two store-rooms, saw-mill, in summer unifirm, aud six round, blank cart
blacksitiithshop, brick-yard, and other out build- ridge. By order, J. F. ROTE, O. S.
ngs, and .10 or 40 acre, oloared thereon. Also,
all dnTAndnnl's lnlrf ..T in ami In .11 IU. . ...
- - " . .. u . . ii i i i
lant'a interest or, in and to all (bat cer. '
leph" Z'r X refad
. ..j i . . ' . , " ,. , ' , , I
ted to Jo.e
allowance, and being unseated, or timber land
Seized and taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of David I. Pruner.
Also, a certain tract of land sittiato in
T-.t... . u :-. r.t . .
'-"" . ycnriiem eouniy. oou-iaea ny ,
l.inrla ni John ltfiili-lrt unit hv r '
k Fox, being part, of two Inrcer tract.. No.. 20U6,
and 3598, containing 78 acres, more or less, about
A3 acre, of w hich i. cleared, with a log bouse and
i"A Vl" R- i ?.e0l,n "i'"1 ,0"."B '"T
... j..u, .u.
be sold a. the property of John Laborde, jr.
Also, a cerlatn tract ol land situate in
Bell township, Cleapfield county, toundod as fol-
lows, to wit: beginning at a post corner, thence I
south 30 5-10 east 70 porches to a post corner, I
lu.nce ontu ..a s-ni west to a post corner,
nor... SU casi IV percne. lo post cor-
ner and place or beginning, coutuluing 35 acres,
mora or less, halnir .. of a lor .nrr.t in
name of E. L. Miller. Seised and taken in exe-'
cution, and to be sold as tho property or E. L.
mle.T- . . . . j
Also defendant s interest in n certain
tract of land situate In Brady township, Clearfield i
county, bounded by lands or Dubois d Lowe and
lands of Yosng, and the Jefferson eounty
iline, eontniningfiO acres, more or less, with about
J0"' eleared, ,nd two small house, and log
"r. T ia .L T 7w ,r
nnhf.n and In h anld a v ofwi liai.
F. G. MILLER, Sheriff.
Sheriff', office, Clearfield, Aug. 28, 1861.
" cyrlnius howe.
Justice of the Peace.
For Dkcati Township,
wul Pmptiy attend to all business enl rusted to
ni' corr Addre.s, Philipsburg Pa.
Aug. 21st 1861
1TRAY COW, Came to tha nremlse. or
tub.criber in PIKE Tp. about Ibe 28th of
J"' last, a large Red t- While Cow. 12 or 13
Je "" lu" ' reque.i.a io come ror-
' Py property, pay the neceasary chargos
nd ber ""Jr' '"herwise she will be Jiipo.-
""':"; - "".; x,IAO , i
' v "-o".
TUSTICEofthe peace
tf Lutbersburg, Clearfield Co. Pa.'
ui auena rrampuy io an easiness entrusted
hi ere. Marco 29, l'Ofl ly. fi. i
Hanaral Plan.'.- 1) 1 i.
Where., b, an aotof the General Assembly
the Commowealth of Pennsylvania. entirlAii "An
act to regulate (be General Election within this
iommonwcaiiD, it li enjoined on the Sheriffs of,
the icvoral eountiea tn riv ..u
,. ' 'tttrl'eld eo., " nerefty girt pub
'Z7 Z ) V.vnvTa7 ",r.L'oa.r:
:;7. -r ftlVlr" " ' TTJ?
' thA KIQHTH OflT tit ihtt nt.mtU I -
nu piace iuo uuaiiuea otera wl 11 vote.
- ' , 17.'' IV, l,!,",0!
l lonrllol'l, Klk. ami .MeKann in
Hour of Koprescnlutive. of tbi. Common
wealth i
Ftii Two perion for the officoi of APociuto
; Judge, of Clearflold county,
For One pcron for the ofliceof Shorlffof Clear
i field eounty.
i ui tvicaruoiu OQuniT.
For On. per.nn for the olCe. of Commi.kion.r of
na lnwnsliip.
At the hou.e of Aieph Elli, for Bell townnlin.
' At the houie of J.uie. Iiloom. Sr., for the town
"'.p. . wm- .
ai ine nouio oi r.Uward Albert for tho town-
IM of Boggi.
ai lie nou. or in. Hoover fur lira township
if II mil fur, I
At 1.h. Pub,ic hol" uf 11 W. Mooro, for Br.dy
At the houe of John Young fur the townjhin
of Hurn.lde.
At the school hou.e near Simon rUrabaush'.
a.. v. .1. .. . 0
for tho township of Chest.
At tho Court House for tho Borough of Clear
field. At the house of Jacob Mau er for the township
of Conriagton.
At the house of Isano Bloom, Jr. for the Bor
ough of CurKou.ville.
At Centre school house for the towuship ofDo
cnlur. At tl.e house of Thomas B. Paris fur the town
ship of Ferguson.
At the bouse of John I. Bundy for tho town
.hip uf Fox.
At Congrcii II ill school bouse fur the towuship
At the public school bouse for the towmhin of
a.iTt li,-,i , ,u , L
i ? ff ,he l0,rn
U C""rt IIuU'e ln ,he uor""i;h f Clearfield
U YZ' '""'i'?- , , t
r u ubH ,chuo' hm"e for ,,ie horoaS "f
hT.b!r ?"y- .
. nouse lormeriy occuplert by Iho.. hy.
ier, lor Morris townslun.
.. Al '.,,e ruk,io ,cboul h(""e 'h borou3h
Al the house of Samuel Smith for the town
,ilipof pinn.
At the h0U.e uf i.M. ium jr.. n the
" I "( ll uuuiv ui i. ii. diuuro lur ino i
of I'nion.
'lTII'l,' ly m.VTi'a'ti iifne-s
G.VKN, That all por. ns, except Justice, of
,. , .1..111...1.1 ..' ...'
it iiihicii ti ,11 niir oiniu, or ui onv incornura-
ted district, whether a commissioned officer or
; otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who i.
orshnllha pmnloved tinilnr thA I.prrinlfitiii TT.
ecutive or Judiciiil Ilepartmeut. of tin. Stitto or
of the I'nited States, or any city or incorporated
district, and also that every member of Congress I
and nf the Kmlg I
' ' 7 . , " " . 7 ""L -. , ,1 T "'
niiiuvt iMiiuivu ti uny ciiy. or cumin issioncr oi any
incorporated district.iire by law inciipiibleof hob
dine or exorcising, at th annm tim. Un, oir.
or appointment or Judge, Inspelor, or clerk or
any election of thia commonwealth ; and that no
inspector, judge, or other officer or any such e-
lection, shall be eligible to any office voted Tor.
And Iho Hnturn Judges nf lh rcnn-livn di.
trict. aforsaid aro requested to meet at the Court
house, iu tho florough or Clearfield, on the Fir.t )
x. You are ordered to meet at ML Joy School
Aug. 21.
n --
r.-. .ii.-tnr.-i.-sn a it u -
' -- V l Wl
Termt per session or eleven Weeks
Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primnry
Arithmotio and tocography, $2.50
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Oeog.
raphy and History. $3.00
Al(relri. Heometry,
. . ' r
Lntin nnd lirtek InncuopfH.
To Kudonti deniroui of aruuirliiir thorutiL'h
I'liuurii jva-tiuuiisfii. ii V4 uu nivu iu iniiiinj
themsnlve. for teachers, this In.titution offer.
I'li.ia.iiM, ..k- .-.A ...i:r..
desirnblo advantages.
No nftWtA for ,eM ,han hlf a.e.sion.
nnd no d.duelion made except for protracted
Tuition to be paid at the close or the term,
Aug 7, 1801.- Jy.
- AIJTION ALL ner.on. .re her.l.v c.u-
. I , - : . i iL s.. .'.!...
"""J":?." .
Zt " ' !,C7.?''
tbis diitc. "v u" " "
Decatur township, July 2, 1801.
Dissolution of Partno ship.
NOTICE is hereby given, thnt the partnership
lately existing between Summerfield Flegnl
nnd Edward Flegal, of Pennvillc, in the Black
smithing business, was dissolved on the 31st dsy
or July last, by mutual roninrt. All debts ow
ing to said partnjrship are to be rccoivrdby si. id
Summerfield Flegal, and all I'emsmls against the
.aid firm are to be presented to him for payment.
The business will be continued by Summerfield
Flegal, at the old stand.
Penn township, Aug. 1, 1861. 4 1.
Justice of the cace
Lutborsburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will
attend promptly to all business entrusted to hi.
eare. April 4, I86I.
fUSTICH or the peaoe
D 1. .
tj Rockton, Union tp., will attend
Promptly to all bu.inei. entrusted to hi. eare.
Sept., 12, 1860. ly.
r W. HAYS, Justice of the Peace, will atteu
1 .
I . nro-nplly to eolleellona and other matter
eft In Ml chare. Addrass Keri.T. Elk eo: Pa
Oet. 3d I860. ly.
- ,'VJ 1 ' i-lifTGl I
x 1 ' JJAJ& ; ;
Indticctnents to Purchasers
H. W. SMITH &C0'S.
Smith' Corner, below Judge Lconard'i.
A.plendid anortment 'of good., selling to roit
the times, oonsistiag of
Prints, Lawm, Orgaudie.,
Poplin., Barogoi, Crepo de Parii,
Gingbnmi, Muslim, Checks.
Hoop Skirt., Hoop gkirts, Hoop Skirt.,
French Silk Ma-ilillus, F. S. M.
Trnvelliu; Dusters, Baluiond.,
Ilo.iery, Drc.s, Oirde, Black Baltoriue,
Trimmings, Triiuiningi, Trimming..
Fine Black Broad Cloth, Cassimorcs,
Zephyr., Zephyr., Ztphyrs,
Shaker., Shaker., Shaken.
Sugars, Coffee, Tea.,
Spices, Salts, Sudns,
Mackevel, Mackerel, Mackerel,
Ki.'C, Brooms,
Quecnsivare, Quecnsware,
Boot. .1- Shoe., Hoots I Shoes,
Wall Paper, Wall Paper,
Carpeting, Carpoting, Carpeting,
Flog., Flags,
Stationary, Stationary,
and all ar!icloi u.ually kept in a country .tore,
will be kept here, a. also many not usually kept,
bnt much needed, at grrntly reduced price..
And we feel confident that all who will make
trial purchase, will find it to their advautage to
continue a. customer..
Also, a limited amount of County Orders want
ed in exchange for goods,
July 10, I8CI. tf.
The Cheapest Weekly Paper Prlnled.
Ut ftStfchln gan-$ooh.
The Proprielonof the NEW-YOUK WEEKLY
DAY-BOOK havo resolved, during tlio preeent
financial a dbusines. pro.tmtiun. to offer thoir
papor n the most liberal terms, and tn order to
place it within the reach of every person who
dc.ire. it, will send it for ONE DOLLAR per
aunum to lng!e Subscribers. The DAY-BOOK
stands whore it hns iilnnvs ttood, upon the Con.
stittition of tho Unitid States, as interpreted by
it. authorised exponent, the Supremo Court, not
only becauso it i: law, but also became it i.
right ind just. The of the Kepuhlican
party to abide by that decision has been the pa
rent of all our troiblej : but with unbounded
confidence iu the honesty of the People, however
much they may be temporarily misled, we shall
continue in the future, as in the past, to contend
that thi. is a government of WHITE .MEN'
that inferiority or legal and social position for
the negro is his proper one, an t that all CITI
ZEN'S aro entitled to i:cal iiibiits and to r j:ial
protrcliou uf Ihrir pruptrtg uf whatever l iml. As
Iho adoption of these principles will PRESERVE
TUB UNION, and as CIVIL WAR will necossa
'ily destroy it, wo shall labor to commend them
to the minds and consciences of the people with
whatever ability we may possess.
We will send the Evesiso Dat-Book during
the war on the following terms : .
00 1
Three Mni'h. r.
two Mouths, for
1 50
Dlx mni, lor
3 00
One Year, for . . . . fl 00
It will contnin the latest news up to the hour
oi going io presi every aliernoon.
has all the latest Telegraphic News, nnd as good
a report of Cnttlc, Grain nnd other Markots as
any paper aunt out of Now York. Farmers, Mo-
ebonies and Business Mon who 'desire
a unncr
wneincr lur Aiarsoi reports or Aews, will hud
none .upcrior to tho WEEKLY DAY-BOOK.
One copy per annum - - - $1 00
ivi copies - . - 6 00
Iweuty-one copio. . . - 21 00
To every Postmaster, or any other person who
will starts clubat a Potloftire wheie there Is
none new, nnd send ui five dollars for five new
subscribers, wo will send a sixth copy gratis.
This offer, however, i. only applied to one clubef
Dve at eacn office, ami hence, the first who send
will be entitled to tho gratis copy. After a club
i. formed, or where a club 1. already formed, ad
dition, can always be made at one dollar each
subscriber, be they ouo or many.
Specimen copies will always be sent free, and
all friends of tho cause will do much to advance
'true principles, iy tending the name of all
l 00. 9""" I'emncrait, as wen ns tnose ol liberal niind
(A oo ed Republicans who may be willing to see both
sines oi ine question.
Money sent is at our rink, if the exact date of
sending the lettor ii kept, so that it can be fur
niihed u. in case it does not reach us. Address
163 Nassau stroet, New York.
President Judge or the Court or Common
Pleas or the tsenty -firth Judicial District, com
posed or tho counties or Clearfield, Centre nnd
Clinton nnd the Hon. Win. L. Moore and Hon.
Benjiimin Bmisal, Associnte Judges ol Clearfield
county j have issued their prpcept, to uio direct
ed, Tor the holding or a Court or Common Pleas,
Orphan'. Court, Court or Quarter Sessions. Comt
of Oyer aud Terminer, and Court of General Jnil
Delivery, at Clearfield, in nnd for tho county or
Clearfield, on tho
4th Monday 23d day) of September next,
ard continue two weeks.
NOTICE 18, thererore, hereby given, to tbe
Coroner, Justices or the Pence, ind Constables,
In and for said eouhty of Clearfield, to appear in
their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records,
Inquisitions, Examinations, and other ltemeni
branees, to do those things which to their officers,!
and in their behalf, pertain tn be done.
GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 1 lib
day or Aug., in the year or our Lord, one thous
and eight hundred and sixty -one.
F. G. MILLER, Sheriff.
Great Pisco very.
I HAVE made a discovery or the utmost im
perlsnce to every married person or either
ex, and will lend the full particular. concerning
it to any one on receipt of a .lamp to pay fur re
turn postage. Address
spl 24 ly. Alfred, Maine.
1 AUTIO.V All persons are hereby caution-
yta against
tin m Yt !. i In ti v w .,! '
dling with. One ROAN M ARE and COLT, two
3 year old STEERS and one two-horso WAGON
in the possession of John Olivier, of Br.dy
tp., a. the same belong te- me, and are Iu bis poe-
session on loan only. ,
July Mih--p-'ei. JACOB Kl'.NTZ. '
J.tlhOffelbmirff El 3 ft 3 fl
ajai 1 ii Ii U S 1 I ti Ii,
WILLIAM HEED, Proprietor.
Jn'y 10, lf(
I -
M. M CL'LI.oi'ClI.
oincy ul Stau;
Clearfield, Pa.
Office In Graham's Hrlck riulldluc.
July 3d. 18C1 tf.
Physician and Surgeon, has permanently
located at Lecontoi Mills, liirard township, of.
fers hi. professional service, to the surrounding
community. May S. 1S61.
Qw"n. .' v n
during the pustyoor wo have introducid lo
he notice of the medical profcion of this coun
ty the rure L'ryttuliud Chloride of Priyhmittc,
ai a
ri;mi:i)y for imrx.MATmi;
and having received from many source., both
from phyeici.n. of the highest itnnding nnd
from patients, the
Must dattcrlug Tcstluioiila Is of Us real valuer
iu tho trcatmiiut of thi. pniulul and oUu-
nate disease, we are induced to present it to thj
publioina form READY Flit JMMEDIATK
USE, which we hope will cuimiiend iiself to those
who are .uttering with this a3iicting cini Uiii.,
and to the medical practitioner who tuaj fee I
disposed to toit the power, of this VuUia'olo rem
ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in tho form abov.
spoken of, has recently been extensively experi
mented with in th.
and wita MARKED SUCCESS (j will nppoar
froin tVe published accounts In Iho medical Jour
nal..) jJ-S-It is carefully put up ready fr immedi
ate use, with full directions, and can bo obtained
from all the druggist at 75 cent, per b- t'le, turt
at wbolciale of BULLOCK 1 CRENSHAW,
Druggists aud Manufacturing Chcnmts,
Juno2r6lir. Philudelphii.
The subscriber! nave opened a full and com
plete assortment of DRUOS In iho new brick
building or Dr. Moods, on tho corner or Lecnst
an! Cherry streets, in tho borough i.f CUurllcld,
where they will 1 happy to accoini.iu.laio nny
person who run j- desire articles in their liue. This
business will be eonlincd strictly lo a
Jimp and J'rcsn-ij.tim Murines,
And no pains wili be spared to render tatisfretluD.
Dr. M Wootis. the junior partner, may
be foun,d nnd consulted in the " Di Store,',
when not absent on profossinnul buai,i.s. A
separate room tur cousultation is attached tc lli r
store, where patients tuny be exniuined privately.
Ercry article usually found in such an estab
lishment will be kept on hand, and .old nt greatly
reiliccd prices.
Tunus nuiu strictly Caiii, will cnuhlo them
to offer inducements in the way of prices
Physicians will be supplied ut a small rer
centuge over cost and earrings, and their order
are lolicitod. Evcrv article sold will ba nursiml
of the best quality. WOODS A BARR2TT.
They have just recoived a general assortmonto
Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, consisting of
Pit I NTS,
All of which will be .old on the most rea.orab1
terms for CASH, or approved Country Produce.
Clearfield Juno 11, 1861.
Itotice T0"scH00fRrcfnq;
JA AND TEACHERS of cloarfield
Public exaniinntion of Teachers will be hold
this year a. follows :
Bloom, Ferugson, Luinlier City A Polo: 3intitrT-
ber4th A 5th, at Dumber City.
turwensville, Knox it- Pike. Kept.. 6th t- 7th
at Curwensville.
Cluarfield and Lawrence Sept. tilt A 10th. t
Girnrd nnd Goshon Sut. tlthand 12tb. nt an.
men ncunoi-uoiise.
Covington and Kartbaits Sept. l.Jth A I4tl
near Mr. Rider's.
Bradford, Graham and Morris, Sept- lflth A 17
si Grahamton.
Boggs, Docatur and Woodward, Sept. 18th ami
19th al Centre i:i Decutur.
Bell. Burnside, Chest au l New Washington,
Sept. 23d nnd 24th ai New Washington.
Beccaria, Guelich and Jordan, Sept. 26:h an J
27th at X roads In Beccaria.
Huston and Fox, October 1st, at No. I. Houso-
ln Huston
Brady and Union, Oct. 3d and 4:h at Luther,
burg. ALL AT 9 o'clook A.M.
Curwensville, 7th moath, I Jeseb BiioOmai l.
th JMLpd. J to.Sup't.
Col. A. P. OWENS, pROPRfrTort,
Respectrully announces lo tho travelline' nablfr
IlK.I hm hfli tin InlfAn rlinran rt l.lB In.... ...S
I-. "u .- w n. v., .nt. i.uia
well known house, and will conduct it in such a
manner as will render excellent eomrnrt and for,
satisfaction to all who may favor htm with
HTboleaale and Retail Merchants!.
A 1..,
Tf extensive dealer, in ItnihAr. .u .,1 It.m.l
ber and shingles. Also, dealers in flour an
grnia, whrcb will I. sold cheap fur cash.