t' )f O'ltiufitlUtlMiMiinn. n.r.AKi ln.n, r.. Wednesday Morning Aug- 28, 1861. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. lull : AHSV.MIILV, C. . KAUIiY, of Klk county. H. .. MCKOLSOX.ofJcflcnon to. riiR ASMiClATK JIIKH.S, J. 1. T1I011P80N, on 'ui wcnMvillo. JAMKS lILOOXf, oI lUoomTp. von simmf, F.DWARD l'KUKS, of Morri ICR COVNTV CttMMISSlONKR, JACOB Kl'NTZ, of Brady Tp. I'OK TRKAfiUKEK, JOSEPH SHAW, of Lawronco FOK AIM TOR, cwas. s. woi:iu:iiL,of('hoBt tp. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, ISRAEL TEST, of Cleurtied bor. FOR CORONOR, J. W. TOTTEK, of (Jirard tp. Wasting More "Powder." "A sheet filled with tho spijit of treaaon nnd tiibiin." 'A dOi-esBion chei t." X ho "organ of eecossion and trowon ." Such aro a few of the lying epithets ap plied loathe llpublican by the junta that controls tho JounmJ -and this, too, after having, away back in May last, solemnly doohired to its readers that we were not Trcrtli the "powder" it cost to notice us. Wo know that this newspaper war of words is as piofitless as it is distasteful to our readers ; but they must excuse us if we, like themselves, feel it a duty to de lend ourselves when attacked, and to re tarn tho blow of him who would play the lrt of tho assassin. We notice this sheet for r.o other purpose If these charges were true if it was re ally a fact that the EejntlUean is or ever bad been an hdvoca'.e of secession if we favored that doctrine if wo sympathized with tho secessionists or if wo bad any desire to aid them iu thought, word or tJecdit mould bo a vry easy matter for ou.rene'nits, villifiers and tlanderers, to show the fact. But this they cannot do. Nor do they attempt it for the very good reason that they know that it is impossible to do so, and that all these charges are ns false as sin ; but if tbey can dupe the peo ple 60 far as to make tbtra believe they are true, tho nafcrf assertion of them will iinswer the purpose ns well as the proof. Wo have said something on tho suhject iour present deplorable condition every week for tho last four months, and we ap peal to our readers- Ueinocrais una lie puUlieans-to say w .ieii.eror not we naeiinJ (be Rr0l,kt3A Rt3U, after hnv.ng been uttered a binglo word, lino or sentence in favor of secf-sion much less of disloyalty to the Government, the Union, or the Cor. btitulion ; and we defy these bamvl.es.rtod illiliers to put their f.ngen upon a single (sentence ever uttered by either of the ed itors of tho Htpub'.iean that can possibly lie construed into disloyalty. As we said on a former occaijon, unless they do this, tbey must stand impaled bifore tlio com munity as tho authors of the most delib erate and unmitigated falsehoods. Put perhaps theie scribblers are so s,ip ;yhcaded that they cannot discriminate between tho Goiirnmcnt and the Admtnis' t;atio. If so, it is their fault not ours. Tho pnople, liOAtvcr, kr.ow tho distinc tion and that is all wo care about. Suahf Practicf. In list we.ok't Journal, .' efaccd by some editorial remarks, we observo an article'copied fron Forney's i V-jj, A portion of it, as published in tin Journal, reads thus: Tbey labor to brmg tho country into di-'-iodit and to cmbarras tho operations ol the army, ou tho plea that the Deino cr lis havo no sy mpathy in that cauc; wli-n thoy know that many of tho soldiers uu ier our flag are Democratic citizens." I'.y reforence to tho 7VofAlig. 17th from which the above extract purports to b.- i been, taken, wo find the paragraph to be in the following word: "When they kn ow that a large majority of the 6'ildiers under our flag is composed of Democratic citizens." '1 his effort of "Samivel" and his honor-ubleowit-iiei'ou and high-minded ass't editor, to palm oir upon his readers a garbled ex trart from the 'opinions of a brother editor, is cir'jiinly regarded by the profosx bene, diKlionoiable trick; but and bis right ..nd lell-hnnd assistunUbuve': a n.otlvo for so doing. They, in w ith a few more of the same cli.iuc located in our village, have for some1 t:.n used their utmost endeavors to ere-! . .i. i,!,i thai Lr. r.n.,Btiint - atothe impression, that to const lute aj s.esciouUt it was only necessary to be a , Devuiociat : (their endeavors not being prompted however by patriotism or love of . i ,i i . , uf.ifiiiii rlAira m nLt:n oountry. but by a selfish . dosire to obta.n octroi of the county offices ;) and there- joro, if they informocl tho peopto tnrougn paiticipaats in tho anti-slavry crusade, ; to ms peisor., wlncli hid LoaquicKsurron the column of the Journal, that even For-, who have done the most to bring our na- der, and he was conducted down Main am-admitted thai a Uro maiorilv" of t ion to its present peril, are the last to of. street in front of tho Eagle House, and . 'ytlc tbfct a 1ir8 mniy ox fef their nl Ke, while they are placed within a circle, when he wa. asked thp soldiors were Democrats, they could earnest in urging tbeir more conscr. if te regretted what ho had published, to otso radily make political capital by native fellow nitizons to march to the de-' which be made no reply, .(riving to str up civil Btrifein ourm'rdst ; fence of the flag. rottsrilk Standard. He as then asked to lay offhis oloth.s, a ll.fit evict MiU 0ri 0i . iii mlii- tatl l ti M ll r bunl t tt r Vlil'in Slid thr- (VtlMillltinrl l nnl that il Italian! ! nil t t mo upon llio Initio lb l'l to tlMll tllP i ll'"il til Joll. 1ini nml ( fion new In their at- li nu t lo divide I'"' ''ni- i Samivi'l wlnn you and your fliM'i friends ngnin attempt In gu.bU extinct from otln r ptipers, try nivl i'umt up your miscreants, who i luo the daikni'i-n ofllio trdi'Kn i irfiV Li'ltrr. .nilil Tor U.m work. Mull IN V i r.lt N I'KNNxVI.VAMA. ' Anew Chapter in American Hintory. j ,(,,,,,,, oflh, SfW Ynrk K.pr. ll.o Wn-l.iivtoti rono-i-pn'ntor t !. , KTns )t A H.. ,.)r lown rhil,.,,r,u .....Wrilatoofl,,,;,,,., ;rl .. r i nt her jii.l.t.- Ih. inbuilt, infoimsiM tl.nt tl.c AU.inn.Mru- .i., l .l..t.n.iino.l lonuiMUTM "lhoe, , i il,o No. tl. hid. lo .Hit yield . ,, . .upporl to t, Oovernnun,, to o Ihf nasurco the AJ,n ,ra - .... ii.oir- nvtnniii iv w t . pnp. 'a lienrty "an.l ' tii, nnd 'vliich, by their nyniputhy with " the South, nouiisii nt the North a feel " ing cf Inutility nuinet the Governinorit." Thin in the Announcement, word !or iword ; and niont-troun as it ii in view of tp.what has nlrcudy been dono wo don't know that any body ought to bo aurprised 'nt it. Whntotlier net would have u more I cot twin tendency to m ouse "at the North !ti hostile feeling against the Government" as thus udminist. red ? The AdminisWa tion tnunt know that nothing could bo more injurious; and lienco o;;r doubts ubout the correct lies of the n-port. WosuKHKit. ArK.iK.Tho public were informed by t he lust Journal, that II. Huchcr Swoope, Y..--I!'i'roul Il.I'ueh er Swoope II. Hncher Swoope, Esii., At Ujmoy and Counsellor at Iaiw II. lynch er Swoope, Kri , founder of tho Itnf tomans Journal II. liucher Swoojie, Ksq., former ly Chairman of the American State Cen trnl Committee II. liuchcr Swoope, V... Ac! ic!'. do!!!-addressed a Harvest Homo Celebration in Bradford weck-b.!-fore last, nnd that he then nnd there deliv ered n very stirrii addre so annimakJ that it actunlly moiv. our excellent friend, Major V. Ii. Holt, (whofo -fi';i is not a pound less than two hundred !) entirely oft" his seat as one of tho Vice Presidents, besi les setting in motion c vein! of the nu dienco. When will wonders caa'e? Hut joking aside--Major Holt inforuw us (and whose veracity iI quits equal to that of II. Huuher Swoope, Esq.) that the understanding among tho rannnpers of this celebration was, that political distinc tions and questions were to be entirely ij nvrcd for tho purpose of guarding against the possibility of thereby disturbing the harmony of a soda', gathering of the farm ors of that industrious neighborhood ; nnd when II r. Swoope closed his uddross, with his ut,uil stereotyped spread eagle perora tion, Majnr Holt nn that it had given of fence, and he "left his scat" for tho pur pose of rest-rcing the ycate, and for which purpose his traducer, perhaps more than any other person, ought to bo thankful. Free Speech and Free Press. Within ti e last two weeks some six or seven newspapers have been suppressed by order of tho Administration, and about the same number by King Mob. -The New York Journal of Ccmmcree. Daily ynrtDay Jlok-twd Frennans (.) Journal, presented" by the U. S. Grand Jury, have since been declared contraband, nnd tho P. M. General has ordered the P. M. of Now Voi k not to permit them to go into llui mails. Tho Christian Olsmcr, a New School Presbyterian pnper in Philadelphia, was suppressed, and the office, Ac, takeu in charge by the U. S. Marshal. The JrjFcrsonian, the Democratic organ ul West Chester, nfter having been as faulted by a mob, was uppres?d by the Marshal on Friday last. This much under the eobr of law The Standard at Concord. N. H.: Dono ernr Banor. Me.; Denwrat, Haverhill, ball, the editor ot the t.ssex Louiny iiem ' t- . v ; v .i nml ocrat, published in that town, had ren- Mn...; Eaaton Ajarwrf, , fusion Argus and d j j ,f Oi.oxiou9 by hi, alleged Jefersonuv,. at Wes Chester, Pa. and t ho , ' intiiscreet editorial ccmmeVs hnnoerat, CanUn, Ohio, were eucl, as.a ,1- e t . rP,ml,licns. cd by a mob and more or less injury done. . nrtPrfcpU,ig that Mr. K. had 8-iy-ALOR oi-Agitatohs. The Hon. . I. Hickman lus been the frequent subject of , ..;., r..,. H..n..Llir..n i,ui,..r for! Irs alleged boldness and vigor. He has latclv "iven full evidence ol the latt.r . " T . ,i t . .. .i tl.a.t.thOUg.ias pt. o,f,er we saysomucu. tnr.y . c u...o remarkable unexpected start from Wash- incton for home and does not appear to (ill Imi in ii. rntm n n i i vn rmifin have thought it safe to return yet. Hick man was one or tho class w no laughed the fears of disunion to scorn last fall ami was IVBIBUI UlSUlllUII I.'' "v"i . very valiant in telling what he would do, ' . . if such an event occurred. Can onv of our friends point out afingle Mr. Jiodhsh and oiners, wno ioor w.m. instance w here any ol those w ho w ere carriages in Main street and drove rap loudest in contempt for the South, in the idiy to the residence of Mr. Kimball. I late political campaign, have given any ev-1 On entering tho carnages the cry of idciico of their valor r Where is Chandler, the 'blood-lettinu' senator from Michigan? W iemsrsl' i nrr snn. Sin th and Ueecher.the pioneers of Abolitionism.who be without the South ? Where, oh, where are they T tven our own Lampneu, wno, in a fit of desperation, threatened to ro - (Jq follow tl)e fortunes of the flag. They are snugly fix - ed in tl eir comfortable home parlors, or are patriotically serving their country, to 1 the tune of largo salaries, and plenty of ( .rkin wh2reveV you moV( ou j will fiud lliat the most ranting, furious i uivfl -nrnvoii' inr i ni vppv i una niifi nrrn- ucu-u iiiuu ... iir.j ... Hv...u. , . . . inn .! ....;.'. ii.i. -e i ..ii ii i.. ' ...,i t.i'nMfoit In n.oot o form dab O a The society wisliei to encourage tne railing oi lies group ol flowers in worstoa. --IBIOII! n llru Uie liuir, liuiliuuu, uiccij, . ... ,, .jl.. l..( .n!mn .,f Kmlimiilur in wnr.l.il "Samuel" i. Seward, Wilmot, Giddings, Wade and force, and were therelore unable ,'. C,Sa.(i.-Ridina. Carriage. Draft and Best specimen of F.mbroidery in Lace, Chase, who gave the rebel Chieftains food ,trol it., ueorge donnsoii, i-.sq., ! Farm Horses I Host spocimen of Embroidery in Muslin, wim WHICH U) lire VUW ouuliivi 11 urnri, v wv . ... f v. . - ft dchi iuiri ninuo vy ubb uiiuvr J jri. 01 nge, . ..i . i t i. i it ii.. . . . i, i. . - ui nmi i a n.i nnu ni i na kiiiiiisii-i mis iji iuoi - i t . i l- i. . i . i i- .. 1 in r : r I and told us in lengthy arguments, how raper, and Dr. J . C. now, appeared, arm-, . - . - - - f t rut(.ling ,,, Wcnding, . kidney, a ;,.,,, b ,1,n ar.U w.011l(l ed with revolvers: but tbey wee summa- Hest matched carriage hone., JounKon I Rest speciineu of Leather work, th May nf th. tor.b lt..l. I.M tl to mil. I h.,ti. I. l.ukil,i tut! I I .til.!-, in ll mm I'i nm nirihn . ...... a n v.i I nr in nil,,., ...iinTiMii. ni ' i'iiim ''I I " " ' " - mmii'ii-m , oil in Mni hiin'tt", nn. I t ha other In .tin, I n , h Intnoliid I v a r.nnpon di nt of thr Nf Ym I. ;.,. . Th law Im inls in tin fiin'-i l tln V.l t lirMrr .l.ji'.i ,.,...i,pi-Hiintlii r IVtn.Htnlli' pnpi-r were, mso in nii nvm. iiciroyni -' tiliiht hist r i-i k, l.y n Lund nf cowardly fo-no oi n mon (irnwiui n.ou orip" V"" ""n.i'ce- iH.iwi.rn to. ! ",S: ii.o ,U " n Co V Means. 1 no I 'i'. noc. in iit-ld a coiiiny c- , li011 , ,y ftllornoo,,t which CcA J,, hn.on o,,k o, o .ul icoumo in llio Into extra sesMon of Lon- , ua gress, nnu ,o n i ne some jiom.eu ..-. 1 . . I III ll-U'it.lli-ll IIIU UdllllllinUIUKIIl. ' ir the meeting wan declared ndjourned, the tie meeting wan cleeJnrca ndjourneu, uie Kev. Mr. Mitchell, of n.illipiburgh, N. J. .l , lL.r.i .W.l..,t l.ut i i i 'i-i- J! v!r!iited prohibited 1 Ins naturally cren te d e.nent, and u sort ol personal war- fare was kept up among the crowd U evening when a large "kVl "? """"'".V. "'M V" . . " (;. in ctligy. 1 Ins j a.V. '.!.V'"?:-T." gone through with, the; his residence and dem Zncnt in e wu luiuiin.iui'ii. The Col. having satisfied then, of bis pntriotisin. ami tho spirit oi niouoonu y democratic paper, and thence tho ciowd rushed, and breaking open tho door and w.mJows. they soon laul tno eso.o.is..- meiit in rums, or, ns tlio pi.raso goes, 'cleaned il out." The work ot clestrue- tion being complete, on they marched for ' the Argus ollieo the properly ot Col. Hutter. ex.Pot.n-Btcr-wl.jch wn soon broken into, mid the kIo.ious woiK ot "convincing a man against his will" com.! menced-but it was linally voted io sua- t.end operations here for twsnty-four hours to give one, of more luval stripe oc- cupyina thestorv nbove.a chance to move .... .Tf. f..i ii,. t,r i.i r..ruim The UUl U. .Ul ll. . . - ... . reiOllll. llie next in order was ex-Senator JtioudheaiJ. I iha mob. iiell mcll. to tlie residence of that gentleman nut no um mil. tn ln rilllL' it nnninnL' IH1Q ll.O .- 1 I . ..... . 1. ...i.i.. . rowdies lounu mm, not ui.iy ih.iik uuun 1,1 mvn "vine nnd fii! tree." but under the folds of the Stars Stripes, which grace- f.illv floated from the window above him thus litterally proclaiming "his house his castle,' where "nono shouiu moiwt or make him afraid." A few words from tho lloh. ex-Senator, and -?iun the mass moved on to the rcKiden-'e of Colonel Huiter and demanded ll.o Stars and Sir lies. The Colonel being absent, on his amia bl'j and excell elU ni wife devolved the dn'y, I,. ,f '-n.tr,,. TirnrN Lefuff ly of casting pcnris oei.n .J ..'i ..i.u ,. or necessity swine, and II 11 Ull I UV1 1 Wtut nuu nwwiw . - bleui was made to Boat upon the breeze by the presence of. mob. The ho Programme was Wstiict At - polluted by orr " J ...... -i 'i - r,.... i,.f.ni l,t .e. was u.siiia eu iii.u a it" . i"i.m. - "...i ..i i... xt. n. Cllkiiu reiiiiimi mi ii'"''!; ler. The order again wi.8 given, "tin to Porter's." A halt was soon made in iront one of the oldest and mozt exalted citi - .. ,.lthHn.l iiotwith - t.U no J 4 VUI VV ll i mvt '"'-- - - - standing th fact that he was ill and con- fined to his room, a harrcnguo ironi mm . erlheless demnndetl. In obedi ence thereto, one of the accomplished daughters of the judge made her appear- anceat the window, and in language moBt chaste and bei'titilul, assured tho tl... niinrect folds of that tbltf unfuiled by her or her family at the be hest of a mob. The firm and eloquent little speech wa( too much ever for the mob spu it and quietly, and almost silently, uie demon-, st ration bioke up at-d the uisiuiuoih oi the pence toon alter repaired to their homes, to reflect upon, und 1 doubt not to regret, the work they had been enga ged in. THK MOB AT HAVERHILL, MASS. We find in the Ros'.on Traveller (re iiubliennl a letter detailing tho proceed! ings of the mob at Haverhill, Mass., on j - Monday night. Il appears that Mr. Kim-j been frequently ol lute inrcuenea wiin violence, proceeds with his narrative: For fcverni days there had been inti- mation given ol a "lorward movement, , f which the edHor w.is fully aware, mid i..A.,-.:ai,lltAat t-att a U'lirn tlinPft Inttrt t .i., I.... .,.li.n,,a U'hlsli Ilia. ... mo. oi uie -J " i Tobc hddtlt the barouvh of Cleartuld Rawing. entire household bore tur the u-nioii and, ' , ., v , , -, . r , for iu bright and glo.iou. e.nllem, but! on Turfiliy, U . Jncsday 1 hurshu, Uv No. lo.-Jm ami UrealFuod wished them to understand thnt though; ! Friday, the .th, Ut h, 1 , th td Hest 3 Loaves, of wheat Hread, .Dipln the house should be rczeed about them.1 Sth days nf Octnhrr, A. 1)., lSOl. Heft Loaf of Corn Hread, - lo pointi, syiuinstry of frame, ubility to fatten, . - - -, "-,.;, h. uu tfc um iiuhvonvm points. Mr. Kimball was evidently aware that "something was brewing, and nt a- - ; bout hall past eigin, ociock, paeu o..i , Merrimnc ureti iuo ., panied by several of bis Imnos, among , : whom were George Johnson, Ksq., of i .1 r 1 .. T f IIahi M f Tin tit An ijuuuiitu, ui. . ..... .....w.. mo v-ua ruisru, m.u .........j ..v........ point a crowd oi peopio centereu m Street. lOIIOWinil 111 swi-k uursun,. ' riving at bis residence the authorities or rily deprived of them, and Dr. II -w quite severely umu eu, eo ns, ,; ,1U,IP , anco homo, while Mr. Johnson made a 1 reUe.t to his residence in Prad- ' ford. Mr. Kimball was loudly called for, but not appearing, the crowd entered tho house and seized him. He drew a revoN f ver, which waa tho signal for presentation , of a half a dozen by his captors, pointing lu-t1 lie t.lv1l n ,riif.l o Mr Ptiwn 1 Ibr r"r(iln il..ii.. Mr. I't"n inip.l Mul In tin Inlnlir-W "nii"l . ( i,,,,,r ,, tin ,,.,, it.,.i.a -. . a . I ...... thM Im wt ni l bt Ii Iiim I v tusking dn m k iinw lilr in el f Imp otl'i and ptoniiltn iiotM birth" tniltngo " f''1. litnenl ill tin- i-ntntnutiity, Tin lie dei'lu In il to do, ntitl being ipqiiealnl to rrinovn ,H t'tollit lio . t'lm-injr them, Willi vinteh, In rha.go of Mr. I'.tmvn. j()l ,nvvol!,) Jlf ,Vi oomjilflcly cuvrrs P, r. itl. n c.mt of t.ir nm l(tlii'i, nlirr w liicli, Itfiiijf tno.intoil on a rail, or "ili', ni ronvn.;,l n Mornmnfl mmm in l.om of llio ollioo r ll.o Domocmt, nml cliu'ct- .'irJri 3 tttho nrt.wl,lcl, ,h0 mmtl IIIOVP, , '' ll0 w" llowc, l .i,i.,,,.i, t u-lirn lie nenin - k I , 8I. I ncl, of ieoro J..I,.,.o.., Kkc,.. who ' i ..,,!..., r.rtUom. was called out, but the nature ol tno cxer. VQ WB,.e to Ienrn. A 1, ... ... inniini to town, n halt wan inntie in , ... c,. i n .u ,ni,. tront of the hngle House w hen t he que tion ,vns again mibmitted, if lio legtel i-conduJu to which he replied m the fi . w) liy t 0CU, ho knelt ft" rml" . ... ' ,? .,. MW1,i i g "-n and nflir. "lio.. S -l n. sorry that I have ,.i.iiai,n,l wl.nt I have, and 1 ln-omise I nil will never a.ain writo or publish n.tic.esng,i,Vt thi. North..,.! in tavorof - secession, no uelp me Goil. Alte. tliisie ., ,- ,, was conducied tn hw home h conducied tr Ins home. I'hus ended-one of the most unfoi tu- 1"I. jtsI(1NA0N 0K Kk'v." Jno. Pois.u.. The f,m!,iv IVesidi.,!; SI- - Uer ol the uiiiumore v on.e'ci.ur, .t. terly in charge of a congregation in the Ic- Qf -uw York.hns lesigned his charge. resignation he says : , , ,i In the bitter feeling of nl.e.mt.on and almost incurable bate now existing in the public mind, I have found it require.! far more courage to preach peace than .vir. at.u you win ueur me anw. ...... stcadfasllv adhered to mv ;iUf iose, whilt , ,. ., ,, , . ... .1.. .1. , - ' V- sieauiasny ,i....-i -u iu ...y ,.u,,,.., aliiio.1 every otner pu.pu in wes fulininating the most terrible ana- inemas ngitnisi. uie nouui. eving. as I dl, that the condition of ll .1 j i ,,, l. irld cannot be made better l.y con- I the Christian pulpit into a polui - lit lie! ' f Im u-ni- , w '. verting , cnl arena, I have never, in this city or elsewhere, introduced politics or war into the snored desk. I acknowledge no ulle- giance u -ew j.nginu.i i ui n..nir..., ... church or state. Hut in maintaining my consistency and the rectituue oi my pun- ciples, 1 iiave been assailed ny nn aoon- tion press ; tho wors-j than midnight ass&s., I""'! who HUM nut inn uuu.Bjii; w ii.i-v.-i .uu : fce to face, has clandestinely pursued me, and even the question of personal safety "'Hi of the "parsonage and church," i " . ,.,.. has been a subject of aniiua lversioiig a- ( . . penman aim exe leu mu,. I r inding therefore that I can no longer , T'" "'y rrofitable to you I have concluded togiveplace to any other pas- .tor who. in your judgement, may be bet , . . .-. . . - .- .. . i Mer adnptea to the pecuiinruy oi ineumes. i v .11... .... .1,1 .7 i. i - " il" -... pie. I slial. tlndly re'tirn to the comer ot my borne, and link my .Utii.y lW Ull her fortunes, for w eal or n oe, 111 ( ; peace or war, OF T1IK CLEARFIELD COUNTY . A (; j. j (, v Tr tj X A h SOCIKTY. ELLIS IUWI.V, President. ). F. ETZWF.ll.K.it, Secretary. Levi F. Irvin, C!or. Secrctai-y. Ja.mks Vriulky, Trcnsiucr. John F. Wkavkr, Librarian, (ien. A. M. Hii.i.s, Marshal. W.M. Tkn Eyck, Chief of Police. Fees for Admission, Entry Fes,i-c. Single nd mission, - - - 15 cts Children under 12 years, - 10 " TiokotH for u single day, - 25 Single ticket lurin Fair - 50 Tickets for it family, to admit lady and gentleman and .5 children under 15 years, For trotting premiums, each liorsc, For pleasure, 81 00 2 00 50 , , , ,n , Class No. l-Sa-eepstakes, open to all compel aors. Dt Hull, An brcedi sAfii rol wil It 910 oo . .l l.est iiii.i, no come together in this class, and ..,.t. ,. litst l.oai oi n;e urea.., - "'- compete with each other. To be judged by their' Rest 10 yards of Flannel, I . ......! l : ..... i. . . .. . n . 1 ... f C. Jl in proii .d the .toek they will produce. v f. .op .-r 9 . tirade Cattle. Most Cow, $10 00 Ilest Heiffer, & 00 2d He.t calf under 2d Hest cow, $ Hest Cnlf under 8 months old, 3 8 months old, Dadd'i CaUte Doctor. Class No. 3. Oxen. Bt ok.ofOxD, 9, lt.l " litis $10 " Dndd' Cattle Dodo", and 3 00 Class No. 4. Heat fat Bullock, Cow or Heifer over 2 years old, - - - - - $5 00 24 best do do liadd' Cattle Dnrtor, i. 1 00 CASS No. 5. Thorough bred Horses open to alt. nest Bullion, $15 00 Rest Mars A Colt 10 2d best do & 2d best do The nremium. in this class are Intended Best single family horse, la harness, Fou att on the Hort, and - Best Span of Draft horses or mares, Fou nd on the Hurte, and Best Span of Farm hones, or mares, )ou att oh the llortr, and - Best Gelding, or Mare, for work, over 4 year, old, Youatt nn the frr, and Best Colt under 2 year, otd, Youatton the wt .1 A rn, hnn.i whnsA tifti tirr e. ronnor mem worinv. Ine Jlornr. snu - - - - s vu 3 00 3 3 00 3 00 i iiortr., null - - - - The bono that moves tne neaviesi loaa on a Stone Boat, without a whif, Found on the Horn, and Class No. 7. Trotting Horses open to all. j Beit Ambrotype ukon on the grouad, Best time Sin I, trotting in single bar- Hest Photograph taken on the ground, ness, FotMiii on th Hone, and 30 00 Best Writing, So premium will be paid unlet. Five entries, Beit Ornamental penmanship, ore mad. Bach bore to Hit against time, i Uft Architotural Drawing, No I' V "I . .i '1 Ll ,V I ! tl- ! I'm! tr"MIi Imro n.ti, i n ti-t mMt, ) ..,,..'1 i t f W It- tr, flr.l tti'lll'iR nt Mint", In HnU tiit- f,rit, ' mill i n f r ff.i'l-. ImI tmlllm nlr nf kotm, it in nt i.. In ' l.in.., ..MMfi an A -.ii. Jli- -m In k li"t". r tiinif, 'In i.) Ilnl nlkl'H ti'tp, ntliinrr, .In itt, 1'i.Hn No. 9. Slitrp i""' Hi".', tlp.t Hii(k,iitiytiriiil, '..rw :-.....( J2 ' lli'M Ki, miy liri.pil. ! 'In il" 2 I" IIM 3 Hirrp' fnlli nnl f.it inHllmi, 2 l' !p-t 2 l.ninli', 2 (l Hint Klffi-f f W'hiI, . I 00 licit hpcrlnii-n nf wol, - Dll-lonni. j Ci.s No. 10. Swine, oj'fn to aV. licet Hour, nnv l.rceJ, Viu t'nrmtr'$ Atanvtl, nil t 00 licit Jir'cmnit row, nny lircod lYnrrfc-iirr, nnd 2 UU !; , W";;r "'I' Hcpt 1' i? Hndr 8 montht nlit. Cum No ni7()u Illsl CnP Pprin,, Clilcko,.., rot 1 I.V..i... (riipr. and 2 00 1 00 Itry, ei than 6, 1 00 ,.,ivirt Turkey, 1 CO , Mt liKPly of Cl.iok.n, . 1 00 C lass No. 12. I'lnwvta. - . ... ,0w (lf , nnd ,,, , Hi ,,Wp Brenn swnrd the Lest. ) oiiiiy farmer Manurl, Bnu 3 00 Owner of loam nud plow who plows stuliMo tho best, Atlrn' farm llimk, and 3 00 Ci.ahs No. 1.1. 1'lou.s, Jlollcrt aiul Drills, Jlarron'S and Cultivator. ltect plow fur stiilihle or sward, - 2 00 llrnt P.ih-soil plow, liany'i Fruit Warden, X I 00 lifHt Side Hill plow, - 1 on lKut Cullivntor. 1 00 licit Cloil Cruslior end ItolliT comliinoj, 1 00 IlfBt drain Drill, Allen Farm Hm,l;, A 1 00 ilrnt llorno Knke, $1 00 I Host Hcaperand Itont Corn ril.clli-r. 1 00 Mower, . 00 lii'st Threshing mu- I liert Corn planter I 00 chinp, - .1 00 Uost Fanning Mill 2 00 lii'st llav-l'itcliinir Mntl.i.io. 1 00 Hcut Ox Yoke unit Hows, - - - 1 licit Stulk or Straw Cuttir. - - . 2 Ii... ll 1 r... n l l, o litest Orij;iiiiil Invention of Agricultural ait-nii j"ioc i unn ivi it:iiL-ii un'orvi. Implement. - - - - . 5 5 00 nthe county, hul produced upon exhibition, uiui iiuuii.iiiii-'i in till iiuni" Hill mailt' worthy of it, will be awarded a Iiipluinn, (.'lass No. 14. Miseel'.iineous Farming Im penicuU. Ilest l!ee Hivo, $1 00 Jiett I'olnlo Hi(.r iO Hi-h't 0 lliiii'l rnken 1 U0 Uest Stump Puller .1 00 Ilert Oruiu Cradle, 1 00 i.eFfc ,ui ui unnii-iiiii ion.. I... ..r f. i... .- ... ,. ; ul-t.il.. ..n-no.l I.w r.-n.r 3 Class No. 1-3. Wheat, liarlaj, ( orn, d c, rieft Acre of winterwlient, Farm, if- Ward. d. $3 00 Acre of PPrin? wheat, .-Imirir,,;. Ailrtrultiiriit I Viranit 3 00 nM () , A,Hrri, A;ridtri,t 1 year, mid 3 00 Uest Aero of Corn, .t'u Aj. 1 ye'ir, nnd 2 00 Heft Field of Hurler, n.,t than 3 ucres, 4i'n't,iii Ayrirnlturitt 1 year, and 2 00 Heel Acre of O.itf, Am'n A'i. 1 yur, and 2 00 Hi-st Aero of ltyc, An'ti A'j. 1 yc.r, audi 00 Hert hnthol ot Com ear, ' ' " Heat 3 ncresof Huckwhent," " " and t 00 Ilest bu-'uel winter wheiit, ' ' " " 1 00 Rett lusLel fprinjf di) " " " lirsi 1 U'tB oi l'oisioe 1 00 1 00 2 oo 2 oj 2 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 j Het i acre of Ucan., cre of Clover .c-l, " i ;t J acre of Hro.m. Lorn, IWt acre of siri;liiiin. . J , ... j i"ai ( mil- "1 I I'll, Heft i ncre of Kttiab pa. litest i hushel of Timothy leed, IJet J acre of Carrot.., Het i aore of Turnips, . 1 00 Crop, being cijunl, preference will he given to thofo that yield tho largest not profit. State ments to bo furnished by tno exhibitor. Thev "c..if n - must hs measured, or weighed, and a sample ( uirnisiien at tno tair. - , Applicants for tireiniuins must furnish the coin t t mi-tee with a statement tinned by tkem-elve, under a bledge of veracity, of the quality of gram rained on tho ground onteicd for a premium, mutt state, as correctly ns theycan. the kind condition of the previous rrop; the kind nnd quantity of jed used, nnd the time and nude of pulling it in the ground. Her-ions cote Ing field C'ropi for exhibition, or intending to do so, may givo notice to the Kxec uiive Committee nt nnv time, nnd have the tield measured and examined by a committee, while Rest Pound. Siu.iue, Fruit, Jelly. Collee Ladv and Plain Cake, each a do I Rest Pie, any kind, Dip. j Heit Jelly, Dip. I Rust Ice Cream, Dip. Host Pressrvos, .lost display nf Preserves & Jelly Class No. 17. Hatter and Cheese. INs( 10 pounds of Hutter, Hest Firken of S lbs., or more, of Hutter made in May or June, Hest Cheese, Class No. IS.Flaur. Hest Harrcl of Fl uir, Rest DMl lbs. of Flour, Spring wheat, Hest 50 lbs. of Rye Flour, Rest 60 lbs. lluekwheut Flour, Rest 60 lbs. Corn Meal, Class No. 10. Jhmestie Articles. Rest Hox, or Jar, of Honey, Rest 10 pounds of Maple Sugar, Ilest Peaches, put up Air-tight, Rest Tomatoes, put up Air-tight, Rest Hlnckberries, put up Air-tight, Ilest Currants, put up Mr-tight, ' Rest Fancy Jar of Pi -kles, I Hest (Jallon ,vrup, Mrtple r Sorghum, each, - . (,jt VunA n'am'cookl,tt . j 1 Rust Dried Heef, with mode of curing, 1 Class No. 20. Domestic Manufactures . !! . 1 0 yards of Sattinet, Rest 10 yard, of Cloth. Kent pair of woolen Blankets, 500 Hest 15 yards of woolen Carpet, ! Hest 15 yards of Kag Carpet, wool chain, 00 . lies. 15 yards of Hag Carpet, cotton chain, Rest Woolen Coverlet, Rett Woolen fringed Mitts, 00 . Ho"' Hearth Hug, Hest pair of woolen knit Stockings, Rest pound of linen Sewing Thread, Hest specimen of Knotting, Knitting or Nee dle work, by Misses under 12 yti. of age 60 Rest pair of cetton knit Stockings, 50 Best pound if Stocking Yarn, 50 Hest Foot Mat, 60 I Ilest Tidy, 50 Rest Straw Honnot, 50 Host Straw Hat, 50 Class No. 21. Xeedle, ShcQ, Wax work, d'-e. 00 00 only. Best specimen of Needle work, lies specimen oi iseeaie work, on .Hue lime, Best sbecimcr. of Wax Flowers, Best specimen of Feather work, Hest specimen of Ornamental work, OS ! Class No. 22. Dress Making and Millinery. Host Dress making, $1 00 Best Millinery, 1 00 Class No 22. Artistic work. Hest Painting in oil, Diploma. nest Painting in water colors, do do do de do do 3 00 licit Portrait Painting, I Hest Landscape Painting, ' Beet Cattle Painting, 1 Hest Ornamental Painting of any kind, I llnul Tlu .wn. I.l'.n ... tU. nmiK. .t i 00 St '.'I i. i l t t I "l It Hi IIkr ..ai. M.- H'nl 1. t vl Di-.ii-n t I' In . .o, Il.-M ii-.icn f. t li j tl' in.., lr ii- n l-t l!l.-, ., .)t nl IfM limn i " I. ,, t.'i No. I f tt y. 1 1 " t ( i nkln Fn r, r. ..'kI i i r-.i !l l-. ('inking Mtinc, n.i. iri '., .". I Im-.i t ' r.i.k i ti j; H'.vr, I i.r t(,,.' I'.H 1'iirli.t Kl", Id l'"l 1'iitlur Hi.ivt, llt'lt I'll"! Il'll. I 1'M'f, 7J I . ui1 l.'.ift lr m I'tnf. , 1U'1 i oi-inii n Jul nt Tunmro, I c's I y ui. i, ?l l'i ."t dn d'i ,1 l!l il ..?ir.rn of Blnckimitliins. It to 1 1'1"1 fn iK-n niocimi-n oi wunrniltbmir, Itest bpocimtn cjf Inm Turning, Host HhuHcr Iluth, ltusl l'lntn ontinc , I """"Il k Unit Orifiiunl lni ntin in tin counlr Tl.. ....... ... . . muiuitiirtiiri.il in tbn county. A llii.loit, " V, tl"" nwanlml lor nny tt tho aUv. ttil-l,.tCd tion, without rigird U wh.r it u BbN,i fit. 'n!mit7' IIt diiplay of Table nnd Puckct Catltrt Vy 'i I oi Aincr.cnn iuunu.fiolure, " I . ,UM1; Most dmpliiy l lidifi'J Tool.., X Jli-st iliiiplsy of Karinini; nml Fii-U vli l"k mil.... Class No. 20.- Iti'Kt Fantiiy currUge 'j Hit fnrin Wilson 4 !i't bmi.lier ili'd 2 ltuct Vhielbnrrow, I r.Mt 1! I!it.MMk .1 I,.. . ., "" 2 i. iiorio Chi 1 T-omi, fl! 1 m. i liwn or m A Diplomu mnv lx nivnrd-J for lrtjc( elms not iniuiufni'turuil iu ll.o ouuiitv. t LASS No. I Cabinct,nart I'.i'ft DruiNliig ll.ireiiil $ llriit l.tunh'i'. I Host set of Chairs, 2 licet variety of Chain, 2 IlcHt pet l'lirlorTurn'e, it.,t iw:1" ' llcst J.ookinc -elii.1." fiu'el Rent nir,.r.i . J llrl rllNl.IiiV i.f (-uliltii.t.wp. 1.-. "'' IMM. - VHKD1U.I, J .r - urn. ay i ,J,I.;.... 00 Class No. 28. t'("ii rim. Carpnttcr;.. J 00 u r n: ft i. 'l' . ' ure, vu n.l.,.F ftnirri I Ilest window-Mind 1 test Lot of nil- Uest Ut ufBmii 00 it.,,,c. .,; m..-..uro,. if '-'i- -o. J. Imols una tuirtlrn Vq - . . i!et 4 t..lks celery, Dip He'l J ba, cnrrt.1. Heat G head cnblmjro .'iSc lloft 2 do I'ollullow'r.jOo "est bii.rat,h.'1 IgWj. liesl half bushel table potato.. Ilest rpiart of wiinlsrr bean, Kent variity of Squash, : Rent variety of inelou., 1 00 i Jtent Sweet 1'oUtos. (10 Host half bushel of Tomato.i, All veget hies muit havo been raiiei ii J Class No. 30. Curricn, SaJJkrt j,,, Ci makers. Ilest tientlemcns' Hoots and S'koes, Heat l.ndys' Hoots and Shoes, Kent display of Hoots and thn., Ilest Travelling Trunk, He'.t Tug Harness, Best Curringn Harness, Rest Single Harness, Rest Killing Hridle und Ma-tingnle, Rent Ocntlemnne' Hilling SnddUi, Rest Ladys' Hiding Suddle, Best display of .'nddli ry, U''St Sole liCither, Deft I'iu!:-"! "Thess. Best display of any ktud of Leuilier,' Rest Kobe uindo by exhibtlur, Class Na. 21. 7b."W u:l V.f, u-rk. Hest Suit of Clothes mud by hnnj, Rest Coat mado by a l.udy, Heft Iluek .Malra.-'s, Ilest Hair Mntrns, Kosl Straw Matrass, i in tn Hi !M 1 ii i : in li it iti i Class No. 22. 7'n'nfii.; .;i w.. Best Handbill, Dip. I Re,i Hi:,k, ; Host Curd. D p. He.-". N , Host Ornamental Printing, 1 Class No. 2.'!. St e-v-ire. and and flest Urnin Tile, Itest Hrnckets, Hest Pottery, Class No. 34. Jl 1 1 Hen Fire llrirl, Hest BricB, Chemicals ar.d VhenmU- (ion in the cjnr,y. Rest available Manure at m i U'ratn cost, Rest available Manure for Farm l'.u'lucti, l Rest avuilablo mutenulfor tilue, H Rett Linseed Oil, lr Rest Tallow Candles. irl Hest .Specimen of Soap, I L'est Vinegar, ! Rett Writing Ink, Ii Class No. 35. U'ooJ cud &.'Ht. Dip. Dip. Hest Dressed Stone, $1 Host Grind-Stone, I Rest Hutter Ladle, 50c Rest Hutter bowl, 50c Hot Split or Shav ed llojps, 50c Dest Shingles, $1 Hct M'lISue, i Hi St Fluor binds, t .t'ki-1, Hest w. il)crl"ii, 1 Host iu-!,ianehs! Rest rl'iirn, Jl' 1 00 Hest TnniKilAttitU Discretionary preuimm will be rorcir.iKik' for all article! of merit exhibited Iv ihkIitj in nil the various branchei, and it ii ty1 general nxliibition will be made. Vnr nil t mfir.ivntii.iri I . m, f',,1 tn I ! Vnrin.ML 2 001 J JJJ I having valuable properties, discre.icnary put 1 00 riln. ,nv ,...1lnlnuhl;nl L . ,1.. .'..mmilij. 1 W ' and awarded by the Hoard. I Class No. 20 Natural MirtrraL I The best suit of useful Minerals of Clnrldl 1 ys county, including coal, l0 The best Cabinet of Minora! of DcarleM il) I nnd adjoining counties, to l I'18 rroP- I erty of the Society, '0 : The best Limestone, 60 ! The hest Fire Clay, I The hest Potter's Clay, M The best Collection of Fobs Is, 00 i The best suit of t'rystaliied Mineralj, Claps No. 37. rm(. The hest display nud greatest variety m Grafted Apples, summer and Frui,, naiiH'd nnd arranged, " 1 ho best display und greatest varir ( Pears, named and arranged, ( ' The best display and greatest vari'tj , Pcnches, named and arranged, i Harry' 'mil 0 The best specimen of Annies. 1 rerk, do 1 00 i 1 fiOj 1 Ot) 00 00 00 00 00 50 Tin he. I culliirtion nf Plnnis. in do do do k do " The host collection of Cher.i.., The best collection of Ouinees. iiu Host specimeu of Foreign Grapes, Best specimen of American Grape Rest spccimt n of Currants, Hest specimen of Oooseberrie., J Hest specimen ofHlackberries, Hest specimen of Seedling Grapos raised i. county, and worthy of culture, . Best specimen of Domestic Wine, Class No. 38 Horsemanship, ' To the Lady thnt manages her horse belt and oti most gracefully, To the Gentleman who msnnges hil horn best, and sets uio-t graci fully, The best display of horsemanship, not lef than live courlo. . , 50 ou 58 50 50 50 60 60 50 The best drivine? on the Course, ly LsdJi. 50 5S 50 The best Company of Cavalry, The best Company of Infantry, The best Hand, with Brass instrumer.U, Tho best Martial Hand, The best 10 Singers, Class No. 39. Xurscnei. The best Nursery, containing the frrattj variety of Fruits and Shrubs, cuihva te. In tho most approved manner. (tn i hiWtor lo furnish wriiten dccrlr"' , stilting variety and mode of "'i'"; - Tho Second best do Harry F Class No. 40. General List. The best display A preatcstn.iety nlo"i do do de do de The best display t grentest variety i w The best display of Floral 0rnamvi v The best bonnet, with Laolle, j. The best hand birj iet, In Kk, .... njy innnu,. TU,, WUL 10 UI. Sti 'timan. a tony i ilTp, WW cni I'lllmli o lit 4 fclk W. P fSlttm C-om Tort ( rti I, tin , I.RVC I 0(1 irt l uVj J.1TK 14,1 ! ' I dir l.irli .I f.ui lax, liOlj it . 'II 1! Ill i.tr IK