"-Vis IW 111 t II I'M ,B- GOODLANDER, J Ed-tors- ,01-. XXXtl. WIlOLK, NO ICfiB. PRINCIPLES, not MEN. TERMS-$1 25 per Annum, if paid in vdvpi NKWSF.UIKS VOL. II. NO fi. CLKAUFIKLl), l'A. NYKDNKHMY, AUGUST Sill, IBGI. elect ocfrj!, him; ok ri:vti;. ; OT W, L. SHoKMAKKU. Oil, when will thou I . n i 1 1 a n t Ponce ! Smilo m our hopeless hind ai;uin ? When will tho drum and trumpet oon.o To call to arms each pntriot rwniu ? When will Hio sword be laid aside? The cannon ce ne black Heath to pour? This bitter tours of j-riof lie dried, Ami hopes ln ours to faint no moro ? (b, rnme wcer pence' nnd breathe agniu Thy blosninjr o'er our brood doinuiu ! , O'er cvory lienrt resume thy sway, And chiiso tlio clouds of war uwuy ! The Uoniuii of Cnluiuliin sichs To tvt the Inn! with ilniiKers rife, , And nnnod host with Inutile crioii, Hindi to a fratricidal strife. Fair Freedom vails her ttarry head, Angry to see her homo profaned, Her fields willi blood of brethern red, Jlcr streams with blond of bretbem etjiu'd. D, tome, sweet Peace! dc. Witt wonder nud with pain tlio world Looks on the strife, and asks us why There tire two banners now unfurled, When oi'Iy one idiould wuto on high. Alas ! when our forefathers built Our tfliriuuK Union up for us, They scarce imagined then the guilt That would our nation sever thud. Oh, come, sweet l'cncc! ilu. All! md the niRlit.nnJ ud the day, When first outburst the fires of hate, " Ami hilse inubilioii led the way To break the bunds of State to Ptate, 0, North, South, Kust, and West, resume E The ties that made ye one before, , Or Free 1 nil's Unworn no more will bloom, No time your glory will restore 1 Oh, conic, sweet I'mcc ! d c. Depth of Mines. Till! WORKING Of THE ENOLISU MINTS. An l"iiylt!lj jourrml, says the Baltimore Sum, a ft ft- valuing the total roluct of tlio mines of Grout Britain at JC H,-l.l,I')l! jior annum, and computing tliat Finland's (npnly of toul will last at least seven hun dwil j t ars liiHger, ut resciit rates of con -gamidion, jives tlio tollcwin uocounl oi thctlciitk to nliifli the bo'vcU of tlio earth bnve bi'i'ii jiioircd in Knjjlaiul: The dpjitli to which we mine for coal U&hvaily j:ieat. The pit, at Ouekenlielil, in C'hfshire, ii '2,Wl feet below the stir lace to the j oint where it intersects the 'ilhiclv Mine Co.il.' a seam ti hich is four feet six inehos thick, and ol the ben final ity for domestic and manufacturing pur liohes ; from tfcis puint a further depth of SbO teel hns been nttuined by tneutis of an engine plane in the. bed of eoul, so that a javai portion of the coal is now raised from ibe enormous depth of 2,50-1 feet. At Pond.eton, near Manchester, coal is da:y wotked from n depth of 2,135 feet; and tle Cannal coal of Wian is brought fro n 177o feet below tho surlaco. M.itiy of the l)uiham colleries uro eip;ally deep, and far inorv; extended in their subteri anean lufeyiinths. .Suinu of those, and others in Cuinberhind, urewoikedout far under the bed of the tea; and on both sides of tho island we are rapidly extending our ub oceanie burrowing. . . "J'he Dolcoath lin mine, in Cornwall, is fcow work i t.g ut. l.HMJ feet frimi tho sur hec, and is rapidly sinking deeper. Tho depth of Tresaveun, u ci'iiper niino, is 2,ltU feet. Many oilier lin and copper mines are approaching these depths ; and under the Atlantic wavee, in 15olalhick, Levant and other mines, man is pursuing tiis labors daily til half a utile Irom bhore. To aid the miner in these severe tasks, gigantic steam engines, with cylinder one hundrHl inches in diameter, are employed in tho lumping of water from thoso vast depths. Winding engines, which are mas terpieees of mechanical skill, lire ever .it work raising the minerals from each dark abyss, and 'man engines,' of considerable ingenuity so called because they bring tb wearied miner to thn light of day, sa ving hini from tho toil of climbing up per J.endieulai' ladders are introduced in ma ny of c-ur ino:,t crfectly conducted mines. Our coals cost us annually one thousand lives, and more limn double that number of our metaliferous miners perish from accidents in the mines, or at an unusually early ngo, thirty-two, from diseases con tracted by the condition of their toil. By the industry of our mining population there is annually added to out national wealth considerably more than thirty mil lions sterling. This, when elaborated by the process of manufacture, is increased in value ten fold. While wo lire drawing upon that 'hoarded treasure, guarded by dragons white and red,' which tho en chanter Merlin is said to have concealed In tho caves of tho ea'-th, we should not cease to remember how much of mental labor and muscular power is expended, and how largo a percentage of human life i annually sacrificed in the contest with those hydra-headed evils which are very truly personified by tho dragons of tho legend." "Knjoyixii Liie." 1 must pity that woung man', who, with a little finery of areas and recklckiaess of mauner, with his coarse passions all daguerreotypod upon bis face, goes whooping through tlio Btreet, driving an animal much nobler in its con duct than himsolf, or swaggers into somo iaunt of shame, and calls it "enjoying life!" Uo thinks hois astonishing tho world; and la is astonishing the thinking part of it, who are astonishod that Iw is ot astonishnd at himseir. For looking at thst compound of ilesh and impudence, Md say iron all this earth there is any thing more pitiable. Does he know any thing of tlu true jov of life f Wo might M well say thai tho beauty and immensity Of Ike uni verso wore inclosed in the field Whore the prodigal son liy ntnong the cs)t and the swine. No man Iim a right o do as ho pleasoa, xcept when he please, to do right. Why did not President Buchanan Re inforce tho Ports at Charleston and other Southern Cities ? Because he had no means of doing to Gon. Scott's letter to tho War Depart ment, dated L".Uh ol October last, (about a week before tho Presidents election, con tains tho following paragraph : "From a knowlodgo ol our Southern population, it is my solemn conviction that (hero is some d.ingor of un early act of rashness preliminary to secession, viz: tho seizure of soma or nil of tho following posts: Fort Jackson and St. l'hilip in tho Mississippi, below New Orleans, both with-( out garrisons; Fort Morgan, below Mobile, without garrison ; Fort I'ickens and Mo lten, l'ciisacola harbor, with tin insulli cient garrison for one ; Fort Pulaski, bu low Savannah, without a garrison ; Forts Moultrio and Sumter, Charleston harbor, tho former with an insullieieiit garrison, the latter without any ; and Fort Monroe, Hampton ltoads, without a sullicient gat risoii. In my opinion nil the.su works should be immediately so garrisoned as to make any attempt to take any one of them by surprise or coup de main, ridicu : Ions." ! Gen. Scott he.o enumerates nine forts in six dillerent States, all of which Forls, ho siivs, "should bo immediately garrison ed ;" but he submits no plan for the pur pose, ami designates no troops available tot that object. In . a supplementary let ter written on the following day, Oct. L10, ho says, "Thvrc is one regular company at Poslon, one hera at the Narrows, ono at , Portsmouth, one. at Augusta, Geo., and one at lVilou Kongo ; in all, jicc comjmntcs i - i i . - . i ... . e - uiilu tratiH roich, I) uallisoii anu reniioico tho Forts mentioned." Fivo companies, containing less than 4011 men, to garrison oi' reinforce nine fortifications, scattered over six of the Southern ! Nearly all of our small army was at that time stationed o:i the remote frontiers of our extensive country, to protect thu in habitants and emigrants against the lo.n i hawk and scalping knifo of the savage, and at the approach of winter could not have been brought within reach, for sev ?r.il months. They wc:e employed ai they had been for years. At tho period when our fortifications were ercuted, it was not contemplated that they should bo garrisoned except in the event of a for- ei'Mi war. and this to avoid tlio necessity of maintaining a large standing army. No person then dreamed ol danger Irom tlio States. It is a remarKaoie tact mat auer several months had olapsed.aiid the Pres ident, at tho nistaoce ol ben. Scott, hail scoured tho whole country for forces to protect the inajguiatim of the President Fleet, all tho troops that could be assem bled at Wiishing'ou.rank and lile.amount ed to but six hundred and thirty. This is stated in a message of President Much iinaii to the llouso of Kepresentatives. To have sent 4'Kf men to Charleston af ter the Presidential election, (Nov. ti ) to rarrison and defend three Forls, an arsen al, A custom bouse, navy yard and po.-t-oflice, would have only been to provoko cullisinu. Undoubtedly tlio public prop ... iv was safer without than ii would have been with a force so totally inadequate ; and it is fair to presume that such was the Prcsident's opinion. Besides there was a strong expression on the part of tho South ern Slates against any attack by South Carolina upon the public piopcrty. For this reason, it was not politic for them to make mi attack. Accordingly President Buchanan remarked :n his Message to Cormress 3rd December last, "it is not believed that any attempt will be made to expel the United S'fites from this proper ty by force." In this belief he was justi fied by the event ; as there was no troub le until after Major Ar.derso i retired from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, as ho had a right to do, first having spiked his own cannon and burned his gun carriages. And suppnso it should appear, as we are inclined io think it will eventually that Col. Anderson himsell after his retire ment to Fort Sumter, deemed a reinforce ment unadvisable, and so expressed him self to the government ? Would this, in addition to the lack of troops before men tioned, justify tho President (Buchanan) in not sending them forward ? We have said that Gen. Scott's loiter was dated Oct. 2'.Hh. Congress met about five weeks afterwards, say on tho 3rd of December, and tho Piesident in his mes sage at the opening of the session, called the attention of Co'ngress to the subject at much length. Had the light w hich he then shod upon it been turned to practi cal account, and his advico been heeded, we should have avoided tho dreadful fra tricidal war that is r.ow upon us-a war which according to present aptearancos, niw.tr And eilherin final separation, or in J the subjugation of eleven States to the pow er or tweniy-inree. our umoi cir-ts would have been healed and our Union preserved on its original basis, lie how ever committed tho whole subject to Cons gross, declaring his readiness to execute the laws, to thf extont of the power con . ferred upon him ; at the samo time docho. ring the existing laws wholly inadequate to meet the exigencies growing out of tho secession of a State or States : "It is therefore my duty to submit to Congress the whole question in all its bearings. The course ol events is so rap ioly hastening forward.that the emergen cy may soon arise when you may be culled upon to decide tho momentous question whether you possess tho power, by force of arms, to compel a State to remain in the Union." But Congress did nothing. Week after week and month after month passed away, ' but they did nothing. They refused to j adopt any measures of conciliation wor thy of tho name they also refused to pass a Oeroion law. Congress continued I in sossion until the expiration of Presi dent Buchanan's term of service and the ; inauguration of his successor. As they did not see fit to excruso their powers, so neither did he seo lit to usurp them. I Thus thewliolo matter remained in abey ance; for the bitter feeling towards tlio ' South so persictenlly manifested by the dominant party, in congress ana mroiiLm tho pulpit and press, discouraged the U nion men of the South, while it encoura ged and exasperated the Secessionists When that cession of Congress opened, and for seventeen days afterwards, the I' nion was unbroken, no State having yet seceded. When closed, (:',d of March hist,) seven largo States had declared themselves out of tho Union, 'u : South Carolina, Georgia. Florida, Alabama, Mis sissippi, I.ouisianna, and Texas. All this was done while Congress was in session, and while President liuehanan was await ing its action, whether for conciliation or coercion. In the meantime he more than once, if wo recollect right, pressed the subject upon their attention, but without Cllcct certainly w ithout any good effect. With what justice, then, can he be held responsible lor tho non exercise of pow ers which ho diil not possess, and which Congress did not bee lit to confur upon him! Much less is ho 'respor.sib'o for their haughty bearing toward; the South, and their determination apparently, to have nothing tll'ectt:al done, either by way ol conciliation or coercion, until the President elect should come into power, which Mr. Douglas bore tho testimony Thus the revolution was left to drift on which you published in the Enquirer a unobstructed for several months ; and not ; few days since, in reference to tho wil only unobstructed, but aggravated by the lmgiitss of the South to take the Critten neglect of Congress to do anything by i dvii Compromise ? . DEMOCRAT, way of removing or relieving tho grievan-1 We have before JS the Vviojrenwoud ces complained of. The rest is too fresh I Ol'ie and Aopendix for the Session of IStiO in tho remembrance of our re iders to ru- and i0l. it our correspondent will turn quire repetition. President Lincoln sue- to the Cuiiyrcssumal til be of March 11, ceeded ton legacy which he might well ; l.stjl, he will find in it u debate in tho have desired to shun, and for a few weeks pursue ! very nearly the same course which had been marked out by his prede cessor. But his party would not stand it. There came doivn from the North and Northwest an avalar.che of public senti ment in favor of active incisures for 'en forc'.ng the laws,' (i. e. for making war upon the South.) that ho was at length constrained to yield. The first step, was, to send ui expedition to Charleston har- bor, for the relief, and probably for the reinforcement of Fort Sumter. That was gress. i believe in my heart, to-day, that the inauguration of a war policy on the it would carry an overwhelming majority pari of tho Government, and was so un- j of tho pecple of my State ; ay, sir, nnd of der-tood on all sides. Nobody imagined nearly every other Stato in the Union. that South Carolina, after what had nceur- 1 li.joix the Senators J'eciu the State vf Mismsijipi red, would allow Sumter to be reinforced, ' hjt this Chamber J heard one, of them, who, hi,ni or even provisioned, if she could prevent ' usjunwsat least to be. l'rcsitlcid uj the Southern it. When thoGovernilient sent tkat expo- j Conjcderacy. projwsc to accept it and to dilion.they must have fully expected that maintain ttc L'nvm if that jiropoMtiun could re it would precipitate an attempt to cap-, cuec the cote it t.ujht to reecieej'rom the other ture tho Fort, on tho part of South Car- side, if this chamber, fherefore, of all your olina. And they were not disappointed. 1 propositions, of all your amendments, The attempt was made and suceeded. - knowing as I do, aud knowing that the Fort Sumter wps captured, to prevent its : histoi ian will write it down at any time leforc bein" reinforced. The American flag was ' the 1st of Janun, a la-o-thirds cole Joe the Lrit-, lowered, and tho garrison surrendered as tenden resolution in this Chamber would hace prisoners of war. This wus enough. The saved eccry State in the Union but South Caro llamo ol patriotism, mingled With some Una. other flames, was kindled throughout the' Mr. Pogh said this in tho hearing of land. President Lincoln issued "his pine- 1 Seward, of Wade, of Fessenden, of Trum lamation calling for 75,lilJ 'voluntooi s to Lull, ol all the Republican Senators, and defend the capital, Ae. This alarmed the not one denied Cm truth of his assertion, border States, and soon Virginia, North , Mr. Douglas heard it, and confirmed its Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas, dccla- ; truth thus. We quote from tho iilobe re red themselves out of the Union, and uni- port of tho discussion, of March 2. Mr. ted the. r fortunes with the Southern Con" Douglas said : lederaev. Preparations for war rvere j 'The Senator has said, that il' the Crittenden prosecuted with vigor on both sides; and propositi!, n could have passed early in the session, to day two great .rmiiis confront each it icould hace s teed all th: Stales except South other, with every prospect of a speedy and Carolina. J jinny believe it would. While terrible conflict, which, however it may ihe C. ittend'en Proposition was not in no result, will be but tho beginning of a cordanee with my cherished views, 1 struggl" of which no loan can iorsee the avowed my readiness to accept it, in order end. Jonrnal (f Commerce. , to save the Union, if we could unite up., or. it. No man has labored harder than 1 rnoTt.-T AnuxsT tut War. The Lora have to get it passed. J can confirm the Sei, Stale Journal (Republican) says: ator's declaration, tiiat Senior J)teis himself, "The blows dealt by the Administration whenonthc Committee of Thirteen, was ready to punish disloyalty are most fearful in at all times to compromise oi the Crittenden their recoil. The loyal North west is be- proposition. I will go further and say that irg ruined by tho measures taken to liar- Mr. Toombs was also." rass and disturb the country of the South-' This makes the matter beyond dispute, em Mississippi. Whether the udminis- that the South would have taken the Cnt tration knows it or r.ot is a question some- tendon Compromise as a final setieinent of Wheat in this all our diflicultii . We will go further, , of a gocd merchantable quality, will briiv twenty cents per bushel; corn been "sold nnd delivered one hundred s east of us lir seven cents per bushel, s.ill down, down, is the fearful len-j r' l m,nini,,U ,in!iiv. will not has miles east of ...i ;n .1.,, till, in. ill ii, v. v.. - -. i ..i n.,.1 ii.. (lenoy. it aiwavs no neioeu io un umi, uio - - ' l ! better policy was to drain tho South of understand tho Senator from Kentucky ' specie and concentrate il hero. I now proposes-that the line ol .,0 ;. shall "The loyal Northwesl and the disloyal be extended, acknowleding and protecting 'South feel alike the effects of the blow. our properly on the south side ol tho line, I Tho Lust, stimulated to greater endeavors, ' for the sake of peace, 1 said to the Com Wvs broad acres, ami lives while wo lan- mittec of Thirteen, and I say here with puish. We can tell the "blood invoking' ; other satisi.icvoiy provision.-, i ou... uc advocates of this war that the "plain men' . tept it." of Mr Lincoln's administration are becora- These declarations forever set tle t he in- aroused. They see ruin and dcsola- 'question, as a point of history, that the lion staring them in the face. They seo 1 adoption ol tho Cr.ttenden Compromise that every avenue which has hitherto br't would have saved the I nion and prcserv them wealth choked up-more, thev seo ed the public peace. What a terrible evidences of the animus of this war, and all mistake was its rejection ! of them Republicans as well as Democrats, i .1. L" i.:n ' . nm beoinniOL' to think. From everv hill- 11111 ll 1111111,1 liiiiii,, v.ia v . ui , .i.i. ton of Iowa the cry will soon come "Peace, take off restrictions , unlock the channels of trade know it give us lile nnd peace we stato nothing from 1 or conjecture it is the monotone r.rmh which will become gtronccr with i . .... .. ' . i . i meneen. . i.u ensi 1 1 -1 ihi mui, uu ij' - , . , , opened and the Northwest saved." I whoso assent nothing cat. be done. 1 he openu .... j IK)!iiU0l 0f jr Crittenden was, as we Ss?Tho contractors who h ive furnished I all know, rejected Ly this party. Then blankets to the Government for our sol- j Mr. I-itheridgj, one of the most resolute diers, says the Philadelphia Impnrer, have of the Utiou men of the South, and who realized the handsome little profit of two is now Clerk of tho House of Represenl.i liiNiciF.n Tiiot SANi) dollars. A correspoo-1 tives, chosen by the Republicans, drafted dent of tho Cincinnati Commercial slates ! Sl,me resolutions of compromise, which one of tho sons of Secretary Cameron is ' Was known as tho Border Slate Com prom - : - -.1 Tl. M ... ... .. ...... ... l. said to have made about $20,000 on a sin gle horso contract. iy.V husband or s wife cannot witAie.-s forcr against each other, though a wife sometimes invcs eiwnoi .'. mv; vn n.v, ( r .i i i.i : i...:.... I...- i I . ' .: :.1 t . tnilo OI me UUsounu in seieeii.. nui. It is dull and hurtful pleasure to have to adjustment win woU ., nave sausueu v r do with people who approve of all we do cima and all the Border Mates 1 his the or 11 Jl j llcpubhcaus would uot accept. 1 hey would From the Cincinnati Lnquiror. WHERE THE RESPONSIBILITY RESTS. MW7 the Smith have Arrrjitfit llu'i'rit trmhn (limtjiromisr An Jinjuirtitnt of Vvlitkal History. Indianoi'oi.is, July 30, 101. To the Kdlhir of the Enquirer: 1 have seen a statement in the Fmjuis rer, copied into the Sentinel, of this cit, thai the Southern Secessionists, as repre sented by their leaders- Jellerson Davis and Kohert ThcuIm - were willing to take the Crittenden Compiomise last winter, and savo the Union, hut tho Republican Senators refused to adopt that measure, and hence our present troubles and disas ter. This statement is- vehemently de nied by my Republican friends. They say that the cotton States headed by Da vis nnd Toombs would not take that compromise, and that no proof can be given that thev would. Several of them admit that i the; would have taken it, a ter rible responsibility rests upon the Kepub- licans for refusing it, and they declare they will never support thut party hereaf ter if it can be shown by documentary ev idence. Can you give me any additional particulars of the circumstances under Senate, of March '1, upon the Corwin Res olution to amend the Coiis.itution of the United States. J n the course of thu de bale, Senator George ii. Pugh said : "The Crittenden proposition has been endorsed by the iilmosi. unanimous vote of the Legislature ol Kentucky. It has been endorsed by the Legislature of the nob'e old Con monwealth of Virginia. It has been petitioned for by a linger num ber of electors of tho United States, than any proposition that was ever before Con- however, and adduco the testimony of however, and adduco tne testimony oi Si nator Toombs, ol Georgia, himself. In his speech in the United Stales Senate, on the 17th January, ISol, he said: "But, although 1 niMst upon the perfect , . , , .,i;i,i vet w hen it was iiionosed as 1 WO are now eiiioroneu in un ejieiisne ' nnd dreauiui civil war, w.uioui "y ' ... . . . ,. I attempt being n.a o by the majority oi Congress to settle the d.thctilty peaceably " We and annrai ly. iuauy vioiiunin-ino nem ieariiy I made in the last Congress, but they gener of the ally came either from the Southern men or from .wine i.emocra.s, uu ... ' r. ieeLCll ov ii.u in- lueui mi". without jsy, MliJ , i.i lu i.viii,vj wiu iveiuuui.niis reiected. It was not satistactory to the i - i.n .i.i;... Cotton States, but it would have kept all ; l);)I.(ler s; ' , . Mates in tho Union, and In the Cotton States could not ...mil ir.oil Inn ,f nil, nf if Wr llnllfT. lasB introduced a very excellent scheme of not uccept tho proposition of tho Peaco Conference Congress. No votes wero giv en for it except Northern Democrats and Southern Border Stato men. Mr. Bigler's proposition, to submit the Crittenden proposition directly to a vote of tho peo jile, was rejected when offered by him, and subsequently when ollercd by Mr. Critten den. Mr. Adams, a Republican member from Massachusetts, now Minister to ling land, had a plan of compromise, but his own party voted that down, liven the constitutional amendment of Mr. Corwin, which provided only what is now in the Constitution, that Congress should not in terfere w ith slaery in tho Stales, wp.s voted against by more than half tho Republicans in the House. Our correspondent will sop, therefore, that no attempt was mado last I winter tii settio things peaceally, nor has there been any effort made since. Presi I dent Lincoln, it is true, recommended in 'his Inaugural Address., a General Conven ' lion of the States to propose amendments 'to tlio Constitution. This scheme, wss vo- ted for recently in the llouso of Repre sentatives, by all the Democratic nnd Un I ion members, with Crittenden at their head, but thu Republican majority voted - it down. Thus we are in a bloody and expensive : war, because the Republican politicians would not allow the question in dispute . to be settled by a fair compromise. They have evinced wretched statesmanship, and we fear their patriotism is but little ! letter. There is not one of the comprom ises we have mentioned, that the people j would not have sanctioned by an immense 'majority, for the sake of national unity and peace. Tho people understand very well, that in this extensive country, with its viuyiag interests and local prejudices, there must necessaiily bo compromises, in order to keep every thing smooth and in order! It is extremely unfortunate that a party opposed to any coniprome, opposed lo even having a conference with the South in a General Convention to see what can be done, is in power. Shrewd I i .1, ;., I... i 1 111,1,,. i i ,i.i t 1 1 . i;,illl llil'iv li.u J'ei. than by the swoid. From tho Klk County Advocate, Democratic Legislative Convention. In pursuance of a lesolution passed at the convention hel l at Ridgway, August lKtiO, the representative Conferees ot the counties of Clearfield, Jctlersoii, Elk and McKe.m, met at St. Marys on Thursday, August b, for the purpose of nominating suitable persons to represent the district in the legislature. The convention was organized by select ing Gi:oi:;e Wkis, Ksq., President, and J. 15, Oviatt and Lever Flegal, Secretaries. Tho following poisons presented their credent u Is and weio admittlcd as dele gates : Clearfield Li ver r legal, Matthew Og den and Dr. T. J. Boyer. Jellerson John Conrad, H. Krc-tz and Lorenzo lla.skill. Flk Gearge Weis, Charles Luhr and J it 1 i vi s Jones. McKean Seth A. Backus and J. B. Oviatt. On motion, the delegates from McKean were allowed to cast three votes in the convention. The convention was addressed by Mes srs. Jiiickus, lioyer nndlonrad. On motion, the convention proceeded to make nominations. Mr. Conrad nominated R. ). Nicholson. Mr. Luhr nominated Dr. C. R. liarly. Dr. Boyer nominated Jas. II. Lnrriinor. J he convention then proceeded to ballot Dr. liarly had 0 votes. Jas. II. Laii'imcr had 3 voles. R. J. Nicholson had 3 votes. There being no choice, on motion, Dr. C. R. liarly n as nominated by acclamation. the convention then procecucd lo bnl lot for the other candidate, nud on the 12th ballot, R. J. Nicholson of Jellerson county, having received 7 votes, was de clared dulv humiliated. On motion, tho nomir.atiou was made unanimous. Dr. liarly, bping called on, nddicssod the meeting in a siuiited and pati lot io man nor. He was followed Ly Mnj. Nicholson ; both speakers pledged themselves to use their best elloi ts to bring about an honor able peace. On motion of Dr. Boyer, a committee of one from each county was appointed hy the President to draft resolutions: Dr. T. J. Boyer, Seth A. Backus, John Conrad and Julius Joi es were appointed said committee. ( In motion, it was resolved that the next representative convention be held at the borough of St. Marys, on the third Thurs day o) August lNj'2. The committee on resolutions, through their chairman, Dr. Boyer, reported the following, vi Inch were unanimously adop ted: llesolced. That it is the imperative duty of every lover of the country of Washing ton, of every age, sex and condition, to stand dicidedly lor peace, to stay tho fan atieism of the hour, which must crush the hoiies and extinguish the brightest sun in the constellation of governments ; tocoun- cil moderation, arbitration, compromise showing l v unequivocal ets that the in terests of the South shall be equally safe in ull tli' ir extensions m the future while wo have the supremacy of power, as ours were in the past when they had the as cendancy , uud in tho parting worths ol the Father of his country, ' Frown indig nantly upein the fust dawning of cvory attempt to alienate one portion of the country from the other, or to dissolve the politic-al bonds which unite us as one peo ple," knowing no North, no South, no Last, no W est, bnl uniting in one comnnn brotherhood, in the spirit of compromise, theentiro combined interests of men. Ilesolerd. That tho courage and patriot ism manifested by our bravo ami loyal cit izens in responding to tho call for 7.VSMI men lo deifcii I tho Capitol ii worthy of our most profound approbation and re flects lasting credit to those brnve spi .' But that we most solemnly, and in tl name of humanity, justice nnd e-hristii i ity, protest against the late acts of the i". mitnstratioa which have for their ohjei t the subjugation ed' the South, and tho be trayal of our brave soldiers into acts i lawlessness .ind opposition to the princi ples and feel in,: which actuated them ii their march for the defence of tho nation al cupilol. Jlesoved, That with all good citizons wt dei ply deplore tho recent slaughter ol Americans in Virginia. We pity the Northern widow rtmt the Northern orph an ; we pity the Southern widow and the Southern orphan ; and we swear ugain, that wo will stand together, and strive by tho use of all honorable means to bring about peace, and resloro to their friends our young men now sickening frou the effects of a Southern summer. Jicsnlcul, That the thro.it of Abolition ists pass us like thu idle wiuds, which wo regard not. We are freemen American citizens, and wo will protect ourselves, and each other, in the exercise of the rights of American citi-;eiis to tho last extremity, and with our lives, if need be. .tVWiW'Tliat, in the language of Sena tor Douglas, in his late speech in the Sen ate, we "don't understand how u man can claim to be a friend of tho Union, and yet bo in favor of war upon ten millions of people in Ihe Unicn. It cannot be cover ed up much longer under tho pretext of love lor the Union. "Waii is Disl.vio.v, Certain, Inevitable, Fisai, and 1 i;i;u'.ii u:i.b." JlesotreJ. That we are in favor of a spee dy settlement of the present difficulty by cuinpioiiii.-e. iiV.'c'iv., Thai when one section of our country shall have been sulj'if. Uei'i by tho other, ire have already bc-como tho slaves of a military despotism. Ji'is-'ccJ, That wo at e ready to ilil'eii l freedom of speech and of the pie", g oust, those who have tried hard to suppress these constitutional rights. Hcxolccd, That wherein the Chief Ma gistrate of tho nation has failed to admin ister the government agreeable to tl " Con stitution of the I'nited Slates be is deser ving the rebuke of every good citien. Jtesolced, That the small pati iot b and of Senators and representatives in thelato extra session of Congress, who d i red to maintain. the nilegiily of the Constitution, under the menaces of expulsion and im . prisonmcnt, are entitled to the gratitude of every Amoiican citizen; and impartial history w ill award them rn enviable dis tinction llfsiJinl, That the persistent determin ation of tlio majority of the incmlers of tho late extra session of Congress lo frown down every lrnisuie that hail for its ob ject the peaceful adjustment of our natf"ii- I al difficulties, indicates a fanatical mania that would have much better became tho J crusaders of centuries gone by, than Him reprrsciit ilives of a free, intelligent and j christian people ol the nineteenth ceiilu- ' ry. " Jl.yn'.-ed, That the candidates nomina ted this evening, Dr. 0. R. liarly and Maj. I R. J. Nicholson, are worthy of the support ol every democrat, and thi-.t we pledge them our determined support p.t the Oc tober election. On motion, Hesnhed, That there pro ceeding be pullished in the Democratic papers of the district. The Convention then adjourned. (iKO. WlilS, Piesident. J. B. Oviatt, matt, ) Fi.eual, j Secretaries, Lever Fi. Oi'R Classic Battle Fields. In the his tory of this country we have had threo wars and one rebellion the present still existing conflict. Many and glorious havo been the battles, and chivalrous the deeds that marked the wir of tho revolution, the war oflSl2, and the conquest of Mex ico, and it may bo curious to contrast tho names by which the battles of these threo epoch are known, with the names of tho principle cjntlict." in the present war. The euphony of ihe former contrasts strongly ill the unpleasant sound of tho hitler. In the revolution we had such bailies as thosoof Lexington, Yorklown, aud Saratoga- In 112 wo rer.d ef tho contests at Chippewa, Qiiocnstown, New Orleans, and Bladonsbuig. In I'm Mex ican war the liquid Spanish tonguo fur nished such names as Molina h 1 Roy. i'luena Vista, Chapultopoc, I'herubiisco, and Reseca do la Palmu, as the scenes of great battles. But in the present war wo cannot soar any higher in the realms of euphonv than Bull Hun, Big Hethel, Scary Creek, Dog Spring, Hoke Run, Bull Town and Pig Point. Alas, for our present clas sic battle- fields. A'. V. 1 1, -raid, Oi t at Niuiir. Look out for your boys, fathers Hiid mothers, w hen night comes, There is nothing more ruinous to their mo r;ds than running abroad atthattinio- Un der the cover of darkness they acquire the education ol crime ; they learn to bo rowdyish, if not absolutely vicious ; they catch up loose talk, they hear sinful thougts, they oe absents things, they be came reckless and rio ous. If on would save them from dissipation, save them from prison, see to it that night finds them home. Jessie Fremont. Private letter.- from General Fremont, says tho Tr'Jnnr-, speak of tho great assistance w hich his wife, "Jes-ie," well remembered of the cam paign of IXW, is rendering him in this most serious r.oulc-t. She acts as bis pri vate secretary, wriiing in. my of his most important business letters, and taking notes of his conversation wi.h eflicers on tnatteis of moment. The lays of a nightengaie may bo very delightful to ft well fed mini, but (he 'lay l a hen uro liked uiueli lictlea by a hun gry mm.